On the red carpet Expats in Rotterdam and The Hague Marianne van Bochove Katja Rusinovic Godfried Engbersen On the red carpet Expats in Rotterdam and The Hague Text: Marianne van Bochove, Katja Rusinovic and Godfried Engbersen Publisher: Erasmus University Rotterdam Layout: www.sevenwords.nl Photography: www.lorelindeverhees.nl For more information about this project, please contact: Marianne van Bochove, MSc T: +31 10 4089818 E:
[email protected] W: www.mariannevanbochove.nl February 2011 2 l ON THE RED CARPET EXPATS IN ROTTERDAM AND THE HAGUE ON THE RED CARPET EXPATS IN ROTTERDAM AND THE HAGUE l 3 Contents 1. Introduction pag. 6 1.1 Research questions pag. 6 1.2 Research design pag. 7 1.3 Respondent characteristics pag. 8 1.4 Structure of this report pag. 11 2. Expats as cosmopolitans pag. 13 2.1 Unrooted globetrotters? pag. 14 2.2 Living in an expat bubble? pag. 18 2.3 Conclusion pag. 21 3. Expats as urban citizens pag. 23 3.1 Spending leisure time in the city pag. 23 3.2 Inclusion and exclusion in Rotterdam and the Netherlands pag. 26 3.3 Conclusion pag. 30 4. Expats about urban policy pag. 32 4.1 Knowledge and use of municipal services pag. 32 4.2 Rotterdam and The Hague: attractive expat cities? pag. 34 4.3 Conclusion pag. 38 5. Conclusions and recommendations pag. 40 5.1 The city matters pag. 40 5.2 Contact with public officers pag. 40 5.3 Contact with ‘the Dutch’ pag. 41 5.4 Final remarks pag. 42 Literature pag.