The Thinker puts Questions to

© South African History Archives on the Role, Function and Achievements of

MK High Command , and

Every MK combatant was required to have a clear understanding of ANC policy in respect of what we were fighting for and who the real enemy was. They were clear they invoked a people’s cause; not a personal agenda of some war-lord or individual leader.


: Can you recall where you and occupation; in struggles against leadership explained how the regime were and your situation dictatorships; where a government had left the liberation movement Qat the time of the raid on becomes increasingly oppressive; or with no choice but to resort to armed Liliesleaf Farm? for reasons of people’s self-defence. activity to counter brutality Well, on that fateful day fifty years It was the imposition of a repressive and bring about the necessary change. ago I was in hiding outside racist regime in our own country using They reasoned that it would be wrong with Ebrahim Ismail, Abolani Duma unbridled violence that led to the and immoral to allow our people to and Bruno Mtolo (who proved to be a establishment of MK. This decision be subject to state violence, without traitor and was a star state witness at the did not derive from a lust to kill, to providing them with an alternative. Rivonia and Pietermaritzburg MK trials) see blood on the floor, out of reckless They argued that people’s justified at what later came to be called “Little adventurism or the glorification of the violence would inevitably occur, as Rivonia” – a safe house organised by gun, but rather because our people was already happening in certain areas, my late wife Eleanor – at that time my were prepared to lay down their lives where communities were beginning girlfriend. The four of us had retreated when they saw that there was no to defend themselves in the face of there to continue our activities after other choice available if we were to increased state repression such as in evading an SB round-up of Durban MK overthrow apartheid. the killing of police in Cato Manor at operatives in May that had netted Billy It was only by 1960, with state the end of 1959. A century earlier Karl Nair, Curnick Ndlovu, Sunny Singh Marx had analysed how the violence and scores of others. of an oppressive state gave rise to the Eleanor, an MK member herself, Hopes of our increasing resistance of the masses, was our key contact with above-ground entire movement and how this interaction created higher comrades in Durban, and the national were very high and levels of revolutionary organisation and leadership in . Usually sacrifice as the spiral of repression cheerful, she arrived at our hide-out the masses had and resistance intensified, ripening looking grim. enormous faith in revolutionary options. She had the morning newspaper It was in such a context that MK was with her which told the sensational their leadership. Their launched on 16 December 1961, with story of the arrests at Rivonia – arrest was a massive a series of attacks against government eighteen in number. Those who would installations. Whilst conditions in South eventually be put on trial, Walter setback to the struggle Africa did not favour the development Sisulu, and company, and our highest hopes of a fully-fledged guerrilla struggle, had all been under house arrest and its operations were inspirational in had disappeared months before to lead were deflated. reinforcing the political mass struggles the struggle from underground. Hopes of our people. The psychological of our entire movement were very high repression reaching an all time high - factor, firing-up our people and and the masses had enormous faith following Sharpeville and the banning undermining the confidence of racial in their leadership. Their arrest was a of the ANC and other organisations supremacists, was highly significant massive setback to the struggle and our - that the necessity for armed action and grew in importance over the next highest hopes were deflated. We were became clear. In this context the three decades. all devastated but after the impact had legal space for non-violent, extra- MK’s founding Manifesto (16 sunk in it was decided that Eleanor parliamentary protest, that had been December 1961) declared: would go to Jo’burg to meet with progressively narrowed over the years, It is…well known that the main her contact so that we effectively closed. State violence and national liberation organisations… could fully assess the situation, obtain repression had become increasingly have conducted themselves directives and plan for the next phase. brutal in crushing resistance: Zeerust peaceably at all times… they have There was absolutely no question of (1957), Sekhukhuniland (1958), Cato done so because the people prefer giving up - A luta continua! Manor (1959), Pondoland (1960), peaceful methods of change to Warmbaths (1961). The crushing of achieve their aspirations without Q: Can you recount the challenges the three-day stay-at-home led by the suffering and bitterness of civil that led to the decision to undertake Mandela (by then underground and war. But the people’s patience is not armed struggle and to the formation dubbed the “black pimpernel”) in May endless. The time comes in the life of of MK? 1961 in addition to Sharpeville the any nation where there remain only This has been written about so previous year, gave the final impulse to two choices: submit or fight. That many times that let us begin, for the those pressing for a change in tactics. time has now come to . sake of originality, by examining the Non-violent methods having been We shall not submit and we have no question within a broad international virtually exhausted, the conditions for choice but to hit back…in defence context. Historically, revolutionary armed struggle had emerged. of our people, our future and our armed struggle has been undertaken in In arguing for the need to review freedom…We hope - even at this civil war; resistance to foreign invasion our position on non-violence, the late hour - that our first actions will

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awaken everyone to a realisation of in Pretoria was demolished and the forward to the next stage of armed the disastrous situation to which the City of Durban plunged into darkness struggle. Nationalist Party is leading…before when three strategic pylons were Of course the enemy was not matters reach a desperate state of simultaneous destroyed. That the sleeping. They were gearing up to civil war… . struggle had reached a new higher track us down by all means. They were The MK Manifesto had explained phase was illustrated by Water Sisulu learning from Western intelligence that the organisation was formed by addressing the country through a agencies, notably British and American. Africans, but included in its ranks radio broadcast from a secret location. Some SB men had been to Algeria to South Africans of all races. MK made South Africa was abuzz with all study the French methods of counter- its political allegiance quite clear these sensational developments. The insurgency and the use of torture. The by stating that it “fully supports the government and its supporters were in arrest of Mandela, in August 1962, national liberation movement, and our a state of anxiety; the masses getting a who had returned home the previous members jointly and individually, place sense that our day would soon arrive; month, was a huge blow and pointed themselves under the overall political the media chasing every rumour. to the work of an informer and security guidance of the movement.” Volunteers were being secretly weaknesses on our part. There was a Who were those members? Many recruited and sent across the spate of defiant MK operations after were from the ranks of the ANC, border (then the British Protectorate of his arrest and we vowed to free him. but a large number were from the Bechuanaland) on the long trail to Dar Instead an even more severe blow was underground SACP from the Coloured es Salaam and further afield to undergo dealt to us within eleven months. July and Indian Congresses, trade unionists military training. Mandela himself 11th 1963 saw the axe fall with the from SACTU and the small but raid on the Liliesleaf property where energetic COD (white democrats). This was a tense the leadership had decided to meet for In fact units of the Party had already one last time sensing that the SB were started functioning earlier in that year. and dramatic hot on their heels. Too many people The Party was jointly responsible for period. The Minister had visited the establishment and its the creation of MK with Joe Slovo security had been undermined. The and Govan Mbeki playing a leading of Agriculture’s intention was to shift to other quarters role with Mandela in its policy office in Pretoria but it is history that their luck had run formulation, strategy and tactics, out. planning and operations. Laloo Chiba, was demolished one of MK’s trail-blazers, recounts and the City of Q: How did the Rivonia arrests and in the book Men of Dynamite that in Durban plunged into imprisonment of the leadership early 1961 his underground Party cell affect our capacity to prosecute the “was changed into an SACP sabotage darkness when three struggle? unit under the leadership of Wolfie strategic pylons The SB officer leading the Rivonia Kodesh” and during the latter half of Raid, Captain Dirker, bragged to the year “became part of MK” (Ahmed were simultaneous on arresting him: “We Kathrada Foundation: Pen Portraits of destroyed. have set you back twenty years.” MK Pioneers). He was quite right. It was only by MK was not a terrorist organisation. 1981 or thereabouts that the struggle All units were instructed to avoid slipped out of the country as did Slovo, had re-established itself somewhere injuries or loss of life of civilians. Kotane, J.B.Marks and Duma Nokwe approaching the mass defiance of the Twenty-seven acts of sabotage were to assist Tambo and Dr. 1950s. Rivonia, as already mentioned, carried out on the night of December organise training facilities, weapons had become an inspirational symbol of 16th in Johannesburg, Durban and Port and international support. Tambo resistance. Elizabeth. MK suffered its first casualty had been hard at work in arranging The arrest of Mandela in 1962 when Petrus Molefe on an operation in reception facilities in Tanzania. Joe and then the Rivonia leadership died when his explosive device Modise, who had been key to creating the following years certainly ranks malfunctioned. the underground routes out of the as the biggest set-back we faced in The Sabotage Campaign increased country, was involved in establishing the entire period of struggle. Arrests in intensity. We started with the means of transport back. The first and round-ups of other leaders and home-made explosives and graduated batch of trained comrades, amongst activists, including Wilton Mkwai and to using dynamite. Operations spread them , Wilton Mkwai Bram Fischer, whose brave attempts throughout the country in both and Joe Gqabi were infiltrated back to keep things going after Rivonia, saw urban and rural areas. A huge haul of home from a military course in China. the organised presence of the entire dynamite was stolen near Durban and We were gaining in experience and liberation movement almost wiped distributed throughout the country. confidence, taking on more dramatic out. Although there were immediate This was a tense and dramatic period. operations, reading and discussing bomb blasts after the Rivonia sentences The Minister of Agriculture’s office books on guerrilla warfare, and looking and defiant slogans painted on walls

18 THE THINKER HISTORY such activity soon petered out. The Whilst it was possible to slip back weakness of guerrillas acting without a underground ceased to exist and there through Botswana there was no longer secure support base inside the combat was no capacity to even issue statements an underground re-infiltration network area. The regime, however, by now or leaflets. Those who survived arrest to assist in getting our people safely was experiencing grave doubts about were under strict banning orders and home. At home there was no longer Vorster’s boast of having vanquished struggled to provide support to the the underground network to safely us. Police Minister Muller reported political prisoners. Many had to flee receive and accommodate returnees. to the racist parliament that he had the country into exile. The struggle was As a result MK operations came to a deployed one thousand policemen at its lowest ebb. halt as did mass political activity. We along Rhodesia’s border with Zambia. Fortunately the prescience of the had no friendly borders, nor extensive There were enormous increases in the movement in deploying leaders such forests and mountain ranges which defence budget and conscription of as , Yusuf Dadoo, Moses might provide the establishment of white youth into the SADF escalated. Kotane, Joe Slovo, JB Marks, Moses internal bases or liberated territory. Home was still a long dangerous Mabhida and others abroad was a life- The country’s modern road and journey away from our bases. Life saver. Not only were they tasked with communication system, large social could be arduous and boring once international political and solidarity support base amongst the white training courses were over. There were work but notably the establishment population including the network inevitable tensions in our camps and abroad of training and support facilities pressure on the leadership. for MK. Already from 1961 hundreds Of course the of seasoned MK volunteers had been Q: What was the importance of the sent abroad for military training. enemy was not Morogoro conference? Vanguard elements such as Wilton sleeping. They The ANCs previous consultative Mkwai, Raymond Mhlaba and Joe meeting was in Gaberones in 1962. The Gqabi had already returned home from were gearing up to time was ripe to re-assess the situation, training in China. The plan was that as track us down by all review developments at home and comrades returned home they would internationally, learn lessons from the be absorbed into the underground means. They were Zimbabwe campaign, consider how network and reinforce the operations learning from Western to overcome shortcomings, ventilate already underway. the concerns of the cadres and meet Post-Rivonia no infrastructure intelligence agencies, the challenges. There was clearly existed; recruitment came momentarily notably British and a need for renewal. Tensions had to an end as did infiltration of trained developed in the camps. A petition cadres into the country. The masses American. Some SB had been received from Chris Hani were intimidated and the regime cock- men had been to and a group of disaffected cadres, a-hoop. Justice Minister , Algeria to study the complaining about the behaviour of boasted that he had “destroyed” the certain leaders who it was alleged were freedom movement. The Sabotage French methods of more interested in international travel Campaign ended with its chief counter-insurgency than focussing on the armed struggle. actors either locked-up for long Complaints mounted that not enough years in prison or in exile. Those in and the use of was being done on the home front. our Tanzanian camps were virtually torture. Also on the agenda was the need for cut-off from home. This was a dire new structures to integrate and involve situation – the nadir of the struggle. the non-African comrades and bring In these circumstances leadership and of farmers, was an advantage to a the SACP more into the picture. These organisation passed to those in exile. regime boasting a large, well-resourced demands came from the camps. military and police force. The Morogoro Conference took Q: What were the main obstacles we The 1967-68 MK incursions into place from April 25 to May 1st 1969. It faced in seeking to accelerate armed Rhodesia (the Wankie and Sipolile was attended by seventy delegates from actions in the country? campaigns), in alliance with ZAPU’s many parts of the world; some involved Well, MK’s organised presence was military wing ZIPRA, was a gallant in international political and solidarity now located outside South Africa and attempt to deploy MK combatants work but the overwhelming majority a far cry from our country’s borders. back inside South Africa through were MK cadres from the camps. It There was a cordon sanitaire around that territory. Whilst this was a was chaired by Uncle JB Marks and South Africa, and although Zambia historic baptism of fire for our trained characterised by open and democratic became independent in 1964 allowing combatants, who together with their discussion with a frank critique of the ANC to be established there, it was Zimbabwean counterparts, exhibited leadership. It was felt that the behaviour still a long and dangerous route home outstanding bravery on the battlefield and commitment of some leaders was through Ian Smith’s Rhodesia, Botswana and punished Smith’s forces, it failed not up to standard; that they were or Portuguese controlled Mozambique. in its objectives and demonstrated the neglecting their duties and not doing

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nearly enough for the armed struggle; central task – development of the In undertaking armed struggle, MK that authoritarianism was creeping in; armed struggle, the organisation of soldiers were subject to very strict that change was necessary. But the the revolution to free our country. principles, discipline and training changes called for were not just about (Third Quarter 1969) in the conduct of war. One of our leaders. The movement’s shortcomings The Morogoro Conference marked Soviet instructors back in 1964 used were viewed as emanating from yet another watershed in the struggle. to quip that revolution was not rock strategic errors. Its immediate results demonstrated its and roll in order to stress how serious Underground work was needed to seriousness and underlined the fact the business of armed struggle was. build structures at home so that the that it was not a talk-shop but that From its very inception, MK stressed guerrillas could find sanctuary as fish its resolutions were being applied. A the supremacy of politics over the in the sea. The armed struggle was spate of leaflet bombs took place in military, where MK placed itself under viewed as the leading factor to change all major cities of South Africa within the direct guidance of the ANC, which the situation. Structural changes were a year spreading the message of meant that “the political leadership required for this. Whilst the African struggle. Infiltration home was on the [had] primacy over the military… [and] people, and the working class, were increase including leaders and not only our military line [derived] from our seen as the motive force of the struggle rank-and-file. One such was the new political line”. It is important to point for national liberation, the necessity to commissar of MK, a stalwart member out that an armed struggle conducted integrate all oppressed national groups of the SACP and ANC, Flag Boshielo. without clear political leadership, goals and revolutionary forces under the Tragically he and his group were and discipline invariably descends banner of the ANC was stressed. Our killed in an ambush whilst crossing the into anarchy and itself can become a international alliances, characterisation border near Livingstone. The attempt parasitic monster pitted against the of the socialist block as our firm masses. Lenin particularly stressed that allies, and the advances being made without high moral principles - socialist by the world anti-imperialist forces Fortunately the principles - guerrilla warfare would - and particularly the Vietnamese prescience of the descend into banditry. struggle against US imperialism - were Every MK combatant was required reiterated. This included our support in movement in deploying to have a clear understanding of ANC Africa; the decisive material assistance leaders such as Oliver policy in respect of what we were and military training being received fighting for and who the real enemy from the and other Tambo, Yusuf Dadoo, was. They were clear they invoked a socialist countries; and the contribution Moses Kotane, Joe people’s cause; not a personal agenda from states such as Sweden and the Slovo, JB Marks, of some war-lord or individual leader. global anti-apartheid movement. It was Our military activities did not exist in resolved to further develop the alliance Moses Mabhida and isolation but rather were specifically with ZAPU and increase co-operation others abroad was a directed to reinforce the mass and co-ordination with Frelimo, MPLA, resistance of our people in pursuit of PAIGC and SWAPO. life-saver. our political objectives. A smaller NEC was elected with Throughout our existence we Oliver Tambo as Acting President. to land guerrillas on the Transkei coast invariably sought to avoid civilian A Revolutionary Council (RC) was from Somalia had to be aborted when casualties, despite the difficult created with comrades from all racial the ship’s engines failed off Mombasa. conditions in which we operated. Our backgrounds. Tambo was Chair of In the spirit of never say die those struggle was against an oppressive the RC and Dr. Dadoo Vice-Chair. cadres crossed into South Africa from system and not against whites as such. The RC was charged with the task of Swaziland and Botswana with the We directed our fire at the institutions intensifying the armed struggle and assistance of an internationalist Alex of apartheid, its security forces and the full mobilisation of the masses in Moumbaris and his wife Marie-Jose in those reactionary functionaries that support of the revolution. Changes 1971. Several others were smuggled served it and not at a community were made in the organisation of into South Africa on board cargo ships or ethnic group or to settle personal external solidarity work. calling at our ports or on foot. scores. As the African Communist observed: Clearly the best intentions of the Notwithstanding the difficulties ...those who had perhaps Rivonia and Morogoro leadership were confronting us, this principled approach speculated on divisions or confusion being implemented. to armed struggle was consistently arising and spreading were bitterly asserted by the leadership, as reflected disappointed. The overwhelming Q: Please elucidate on the critical in a statement by Oliver Tambo in unanimous will of the conference at importance of political leadership 1987. In commenting on those few Morogoro was for Unity within the over the armed wing as well as the instances where our operations had Ranks; for rededication to Congress interconnection and interaction of run counter to this policy, where and its capable leader...O.R.Tambo; the political and armed aspects of bombs were placed in restaurants, for determined concentration on the the struggle. Tambo stated that MK: “must continue

20 THE THINKER HISTORY to distinguish itself from the apartheid score of loyalists and mutineers dying year they had to virtually write them off death forces by the bravery of its in the process. as effective combatants. combatants, its dedication to the cause The ANC moved quickly to address of liberation and peace, and its refusal the problem. Chris Hani played a Q: Was the decision for a negotiated to act against civilians, both black and key role in regaining the trust of the settlement anathema to MK’s role white” (8 January Statement). disaffected elements. One of the and existence? How would you most vexing complaints was the over- explain the decision to lay down our Q: What were the issues, zealousness of the security organs arms? challenges, problems that we intent on uncovering enemy agents. The MK Manifesto of 1961 confronted in our camps in Tanzania This was necessary work but prone contained the following words: and later Angola? to get out of hand. Investigation We hope - even at this late hour In the first place in both those revealed the extent to which enemy - that our first actions will awaken countries and at different periods of agents had infiltrated MK - some at everyone to a realisation of the time the main problem that arose camp command level. Such elements disastrous situation to which the was impatience to return home. The deliberately antagonised cadres under Nationalist Party is leading…before problems that emerged in Tanzania their command. Once the spies were matters reach a desperate state of in 1969, leading to the Morogoro exposed, MK and the ANC leadership, civil war… Conference, stemmed from this learning from these costly errors, were What this showed was that the problem but also dissatisfaction with able to normalise the situation and leadership had a hope that civil war aspects of policy, non-involvement of Angola once more became a stable could be averted and there was a way non-African revolutionaries, pressure other than the use of force. It took the for changes in the organisations The Morogoro Nationalist Party twenty-nine years to structure, loss of faith in some leaders. accept that there was a need to talk. To some degree this can be partly Conference marked Clearly the decision to embark attributed to conditions of camp life yet another watershed on armed struggle in 1961 was or authoritarianism going unchecked. appropriate, given the context of the What distinguishes the situation in the struggle. Its time. It was undertaken only as a that developed in Angola in 1983-4 immediate results last resort, when all peaceful means was the degree to which spies of the of struggle had been exhausted. We regime acted as agents provocateurs. demonstrated its agreed to lay down our arms during the They exploited the weariness of young seriousness and transition process in 1990, precisely cadres who had not bargained with the because we had reached the stage idea of a protracted struggle and wished underlined the fact where the regime finally agreed to talk, to return home as speedily as possible. that it was not a opening up the possibility for peaceful Whilst a great degree of infiltration change. back home was underway it was not talk-shop but that its possible to speed the process up for resolutions were being Q: How important was the Cuban all. It had become necessary to deploy applied. and Soviet support for MK? a large number of our cadres together The answer to that is simply with FAPLA (the Angolan armed forces) “incalculable.” Our initial support was against Unita bandits. This was not base. from African states. Mandela visited simply an act of solidarity, as important MK was not the only movement to Ethiopia in 1962, and Morocco where as that was, but also out of necessity. experience such problems. We know the Algerians were providing military Unita, with SADF support, was of similar frustrations experienced training whilst waging their war of becoming more active and threatening within SWAPO and the other Southern liberation against the French. Egypt the supply lines to our camps. These African movements but also those too provided initial courses. Without joint operations at first went very well further afield. I recall a discussion with Tanzania’s hospitality which allowed and saw huge casualties on the side commanders of the Farabundo Marti the ANC to establish its headquarters of Unita. When we began to sustain Liberation Front of Salvador (regarded and open a training base at Kongwe, casualties the agents provocateurs even by the Cubans as one of the most and allow transit in and out of the exploited the setbacks and began to outstanding guerrilla movements). They country, of both cadres and weaponry, question why our cadres were dying were astonished to learn that we had we could never have got things going. in Angola and not going home. This kept up our armed struggle from exile These African states did not have the period had seen the deployment of for so long. With all their exceptional resources, facilities and advanced our most seasoned cadres to the home achievements they confessed they training that the Soviet Union, China front leaving insufficient mature leaders experienced enormous problems when and other socialist states could provide. in Angola. This weakness was exploited they sent a large batch of guerrillas for Of the East European states the GDR by mutinous elements which led to the training abroad. Because the trainees (German Democratic Republic) first ever mutiny in MK’s history with a were unable to return home within a provided considerable training in

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guerrilla warfare, intelligence and and fail to grasp what MK’s role was. categories of struggle were: Political, security. They do not even consider how MK’s Underground, Armed and International The Soviet Union was in a league operations were increasing over time Solidarity. of its own, providing basic courses in and becoming more effective. Of We considered the political mass guerrilla warfare, advanced courses course the regime and those who were organisation of the people as primary, for officers, specialist training of all in power - politicians and security to be reinforced by armed struggle kinds. In time they developed what people - seek to belittle both MK’s and clandestine underground work was called MCW (Military Combat activities and the ANC’s leading role. which would fuse the political with Work) which integrated underground After all they peddle the claim that the military. This is how the role political work with military training change came about, not as a result of of MCW which was an art form and the preparation for insurrection. the struggle, but through their good developed in struggle. Solidarity work It was the most popular course of all. intentions. would isolate the regime and build Such training was being provided for We never claimed that our armed support for our struggle. We saw liberation movements from all over the struggle could match the extraordinary armed struggle as psychological in world. Weapons training covered the heights of the Vietnamese and Cuban inspiring the people and undermining field from small arms through to field struggles. We had no forest sanctuaries the will of the apartheid regime and artillery and anti-aircraft defence. We as existed there and in Angola and its social support base - as well as its even learnt how to drive tanks and Mozambique. need to use leaders and infiltrate from the sea. There were Over time we strove to develop a other lackeys. With the maturing of a specialist courses for our security and People’s War with strong emphasis on revolutionary situation we worked for intelligence specialists. Our every the open political and underground and contemplated an insurrectionary request was met with the Russian word organisation of the mass of our people. path to power. The fact that this did “Moshna” (It’s possible). That mobilisation unbanned the not come about was not the result of Cuban training was practical and ANC. Our theory and perspectives shortcomings in MK but because the outstanding. They focussed on guerrilla needed to change with the developing regime was forced into negotiating a warfare and clandestine methods. We situation. That was very different peaceful settlement precisely because received uniforms, food and weapons when MK was created in 1961, they feared revolution. of all descriptions from the USSR, our when the Rivonia arrests occurred Let me turn to the quantity and main supplier, from Czechoslovakia in 1963, post the 1976 Uprising quality of MK operations. These grew and Cuba. Soviet and Cuban and with the escalation of above in number and sophistication over instructors assisted us in training at our ground mass political organisation in time and particularly towards the final own Angolan camps. We provided the 1980s. The development of our phase of the struggle. The number intelligence information for them on thesis of Four Pillars of Struggle and of MK operations grew dramatically the SADF as we did for the Angolans. MCW training summed up the during the 1980s as the following graph MK can claim to having assisted the richness of our experience. Those demonstrates: Angolan-Cuban forces in getting the better of the SADF invaders and our information helped make a difference at the Battle for Cuito Cuanavale - 25 years ago. Our MK Afrikaans speakers assisted them with interpreting South African radio traffic. There were no strings attached to any of this support. These countries believed it was their internationalist duty to help us and the other liberation movements overthrow colonial rule. We enjoyed outstanding relations with them, and their ruling communist parties, their diplomatic and military personnel, treated us as equals with comradely warmth and concern.

Q: How successful was MK? Certain commentators and academics scoff at MKs efficacy and claim that it was a failure? That makes me laugh. They have no idea of what they are talking about


The graph was compiled from scores walked the lonely steps to the Krish Rabilal (died in the Matola raid), independent statistics by the University gallows – amongst them them Vuyisile Phila Ndwandwe (was executed near of Maryland in the USA. Recall that in Mini, Wilson Khayingo, Zinakile Mkaba Pietermariztburg), Sello Motau (Paul one year of the Sabotage Campaign in and Washington Bongco soon after MK Dikaledi) and Job Tlabane (Cassius 1962 some 190 MK operations were was launched. Young cadres such as Make) assassinated in Swaziland, recorded. Solomon Mahlangu, Jerry Mosololis, Jacob Moliwane (Biza) abushed By no means can it be said that Marcus Motaung, Simon Mogoerane near Francistown; Charles Makoena MK failed. Armchair academics might and Andrew Zondi (the Amanzimtoti (Naledi) killed in the Gaberone raid; like to pontificate, and the die-hard bombing) were executed in the 1980s. Lulamile Dantile (Morris), Nomkhosi ideologues of apartheid might wish During the Wankie-Sipolile Mini, with Leon Meyer and Jackie Quin to pretend that MK did not count. campaigns Patrick Malao, Basil his wife were murdered in Lesotho; Baloney! The masses knew differently February, Johannes Sibanyoni, James David Rabkin died whilst training in and idolised MK. Masimini, Michael Poo and Delmas Angola; Joe Gqabi was assassinated in They were amongst the finest Sibanyonu displayed outstanding ; Coline Williams and Robbie sons and daughters of our people gallantry in the face of the enemy; Waterwitch fell whilst on a mission in and were products of the struggle. As during the 1970-80s young lions fell and so many more. They MK combatants they are the legacy in combat, amongst them Barney were the unforgettable martyrs of our of December 1961 and the Rivonia Molokwane (fell in action after leading struggle whose deeds and memory leadership. And how courageous and second attack on Sasol), Zwelakhe we cherish. devoted they proved to be. Thirty “Tell my mother and my people years is a considerable length of time The Soviet Union that my blood will nourish the tree to sustain any war. It needs a special of freedom,” declared Solomon brand of dedication and determination. was in a league of its Mahlangu - epitomising, like Vuyisili The military disparity within own, providing basic Mini 14 years before him, the courage our country meant that we had no courses in guerrilla and sacrifice of MK combatants. He alternative but to rely on external speaks for them all. preparation at great distances from warfare, advanced In our twentieth year of liberation home. Many cadres remained abroad courses for officers, the central task confronting us is to for years devotedly serving MK and ensure that we continue to mobilise our the ANC in our training bases and specialist training of people in disciplined efforts to defend, structures. Cut off from home and their all kinds. In time they consolidate and advance our hard-won families, often facing the tribulations freedom and democracy, as enshrined of hunger, malaria and loneliness, our developed what was in our country’s Constitution. It was for cadres always kept going even in the called MCW (Military this that so many sacrificed and served most difficult times. long years in prison and our martyrs Having skipped the country, the Combat Work) paid with their lives: Vuyisile Mini, typical M K cadre faced enormous which integrated Flag Boshielo, Basil February, Ahmed obstacles and privations; lived and Timol, Solomon Mahlangu, , trained in numerous countries; underground political Dulcie September, , Barney fought wars against Unita, Portuguese work with military Molokwane, Hector Petersen, Griffiths colonialists and Ian Smith’s regime; training and the and Victoria Mxenge, Joe Gqabi and shot it out with Boer hit squads in Chris Hani amongst them. neighbouring states; slipped back preparation for We need to emulate the qualities home to organise underground bases insurrection. of those martyrs. Leadership - at all and engage the enemy on home terrain sites and at all levels of our liberation in spectacular operations such as the Nyanda, David Skosana, Titus Jobo, movement - has a special responsibility missile attack on Voortrekkerhoogte, (the Silverton bank heroes) Thami in this regard. We cannot only ‘talk mortar attack on Slurry military base, Makhuba, Wilfred Madela and Fani the talk’, but more importantly we the Koeberg nuclear power station Mafoko, Khuduga Molokwane, the must lead by united action and bombing, the car bomb outside Air Dobsonville schoolteacher, Nkululo example; resolutely demonstrating our Force HQ Pretoria which killed 22, Njongwe (Bryce Motsamai) died commitment in both word and deed. the springing of Gordon Webster by in action near Fort Jackson Eastern It is these values that comrades like Robert McBride, the elimination of a Cape; Clement (killed in action on Chris Hani embodied in their character dozen collaborators on the East Rand East Rand), and Clifford Brown in an and conduct, honesty and integrity, by Clement, the Sasol bombings under attack on Durban refinery; Petrus which we are duty-bound to emulate. Barney Molokwane’s command. Many Jobane (the lion of Chiawelo) died in We owe it to his proud memory. We like Barney fell in battle, amongst them action in Soweto. There were those dare not let him and our other martyrs others like Looksmart Ngudle and who were killed during raids such as down. That is the best way to respect died during interrogation; Motso Mokgabudi, Mduduzi Guma, their ultimate sacrifice.

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