Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health (CRPPH)

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Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health (CRPPH) Call for Participation OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health (CRPPH) Seventh Asian Regional Conference on the Evolution of the System of Radiological Protection 8-9 January 2015 University of Tokyo (Sanjo Conference Hall at Hongo Campus) Tokyo, Japan Organised by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Co-sponsored by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan, The Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) of Japan and the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) of Japan The conference provides an international forum for exchange of information and experience for regulators, scientists, and governmental and non-governmental organisations in radiological protection and public health Background The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Committee on Radiation Protection and Public health (CRPPH) is made up of regulators and radiation protection experts, with the broad mission to provide timely identification of new and emerging issues, to analyse their possible implications and to recommend or take action to address these issues to further enhance radiation protection regulation and implementation. Based on these objectives of this committee, the CRPPH has actively supported the open process initiated by International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) to revise its recommendations. In this process, the NEA member countries in the Asia and Pacific area have played an important role thorough the Asian Regional Conference on the Evolution of the System of Radiological Protection. The first four Asian Regional Conferences were held in Tokyo in October 2002, July 2004, July 2006 and December 2007, respectively. The specific views of members were addressed through these conferences, in which those results were provided directly to the ICRP for consideration. The 5th Asian Regional Conference, held in Chiba, Japan in September 2009, discussed useful and practical approaches and experience for implementing the 2007 ICRP recommendations by NEA member countries in the Asia and Pacific area. 1 The 6th Asian Regional Conference, held in Tokyo, Japan in November 2012, addressed the experience gained following the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. This meeting focused on developing a better understanding of the scientific and value-related elements that could assist radiological protection to move forward in an acceptable and sustainable direction. Now, more than three years after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, many radiological protection issues have been identified through the activities of various stakeholders (government, local government, specialists, experts, non-governmental organisations, non-profit organisations and local groups). Even though protective actions have been implemented by stakeholders to deal with these issues, there has not been any detailed analysis of actions in an Asian context until more recently. In order to provide input for the appropriate evolution of the radiological protection system, it is important to share these issues and analysis in the Asian-context with stakeholders in the broader NEA community. Based on the results of previous Asian Regional Conferences, the 7th Asian Regional Conference will focus on extracting various radiological protection issues based on experience from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident in order to support further evolution of the radiological protection system, as such. Conference Objectives The objectives of this conference are: • sharing knowledge and experience of various stakeholders who have implemented protective actions following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident in order to highlight current radiological protection issues; • analysing identified issues in order to review their possible impacts on the system; • discussing how and where the system of radiological protection could evolve to better address the issues that have been identified. Format of the Conference The conference will review how various stakeholders have experienced the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, including special issues they have faced, and their activities and future challenges for overcoming these issues. Young professionals and Asian experts will feature prominently. The conference will also include discussions based on the conference objectives. Working languages The working languages of the conference will be in English and Japanese, with simultaneous Japanese to English and English to Japanese translation. 2 Webcast The conference presentation and discussions will be broadcast via webcast, available through the conference page. The webcast language will only be English. Registration Participation will be limited to approximately 130 people. There is no registration fee, but pre-registration is required via the following website: Registration deadline is Monday, 22 December 2014. For participants who need a visa for entry into Japan, it would be best if you register as soon as possible. The organisers reserve the right to limit attendance if registration exceeds the capacity of the meeting halls. All those interested in attending are encouraged to register. Please feel free to contact the Secretariat, as noted below, if you have further questions. Transportation For access to conference venue (University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus) from Narita Airport or Haneda Airport, please see the detailed information below. Accommodation Special arrangements have been made with the Hotel Forest for participants. The hotel is near the University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus (about a five minute walk). The rate for a standard single room (Singe Room B - 18m2) per night is 10 560 JPY (which includes breakfast). 3 Hotel Forest Hongo (English) (日本語) Address : 6-16-4 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 113-0033 Tel.: 81-3-3813-4408 Fax 81-3-3813-4409 Check-in: 15:00 Check-out: 11:00 * From Narita International Airport: 44 minutes by Keisei Skyliner from Narita International Airport to Ueno Station. 15 minutes by taxi from Ueno Station to the hotel. *From Haneda International Airport: 30 minutes by monorail and JR lines to Tokyo Station. Ten minutes by Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line to the hotel, or 20 minutes by taxi from Tokyo Station to the hotel. Conference Organisation Conference Secretariat Organizing Committee Dr Ted Lazo OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Dr Kazuo Sakai(Chair)(NIRS) Le Seine St-Germain Dr Ann. McGarry (Co-Chair) 12, boulevard des Îles Dr Ted Lazo(Conference Secretariat, NEA) 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux Mr Daichi SAITO(NEA) FRANCE Tel.: +33 1 45 24 10 42 Fax: +33 1 44 30 61 11 E-mail: 4 The 7th Asian Regional Conference on the Evolution of the System of Radiological Protection AGENDA Day 1 8 January 2015 Large conference room (second floor) 09:00 Opening of Sanjo Conference Hall for participants Conference Opening: Welcome remarks from conference host organisations 09:30 • Dr Ann McGarry, CRPPH Chair, Director of the Office of Radiological Protection in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 09:35 • Dr Kayoko Nakamura, Commissioner, Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) 09:40 • Mr Masaaki Tanaka, Deputy Director General, Research and Development Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) 09:45 • Prof. Yoshiharu Yonekura, President, National Institute of Radiological Science (NIRS) 09:50 Session 1: Overview of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident and its consequences The session will provide an overview of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident and its consequences, including the current situation of the area, the residents affected by the nuclear accident and a review of the various activities related to the nuclear accident. Chairperson: Dr Kazuo Sakai (NIRS) 09:55 1.1 Overview of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident from the Japanese governmental point of view This paper will provide an overview of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident and its consequences, including the current situation of the area and the residents affected by the nuclear accident, focusing on current Japanese government activities and future challenges related to the nuclear accident. Speaker: Mr Shintaro Matsumoto (Reconstruction agency, Japan) 10:20 1.2 Overview of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident from the Asian point of view This paper will address the Asian point of view and response to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident in terms of radiological protection. Speaker: Dr Kun-Woo CHO [Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS), Korea] 10:45 1.3 What are the new challenges for the radiological protection system based on experiences from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident? This paper will address ICRP’s view on the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident in terms of the radiological protection system. Speaker: Dr Michiaki Kai (ICRP, Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Japan) 11:10 Break 11:20 Discussion and questions The chairperson will summarise the presentations and explain key points of the 5 session, focusing on radiological protection issues. Participants will then be able to discuss and ask questions based on the presentations. 11:50 Lunch 13:00 Session 2 : Life in an existing exposure situation (special related issues) This session will address the special issues on “life in an existing
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