Thomas Smith, Medieval Missions. Duff Missionary Lectures
DUFF MISSIONARY LECTURES. Jtut !tries. PRINTRD BY MORRISON AND GIBB, FOR T. & T. CLARK, EDINBURGH. LONDON, HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND CO. DUBLIN, ROBERTSON AND CO. NEW YORK,. SCRIBNER AND \VELFORD. MEDIJEVAL MISSIONS. BY THOMAS SMITH, D.D., EDINBURGH. EDINBURGH: T. & T. CLARK, 38 GEORGE STREET. 188 o. TO The Right Honourable LORD PoLWARTH, The Rev. Wn,LIAM LINDSAY ALEXANDER, D.D., WILLIAM PIRIE DUFF, Esq., The Rev. ROBERT GORDON, The Rev. JOHN MARSHALL LANG, D.D., HUGH M'LEOD MATHESON, Esq., DUNCAN MACNEILL, Esq., The Rev. ANDREW THOMSOK, D.D.,- Trustees of the ' Duff Mis8ionary Lectureship ; ' AND TO HENRY Ton, Esq., W.S., Agent/or the Trust,- THESE LECTURES ARE RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED. PREFACE. HE DUFF MrssIONARY LECTURESHIP has been T instituted under the provisions of the will of the late Dr. Alexander Duff. In arranging for its founda tion, his son has complied with the dying instructions of his father, deviating from these instructions only to the extent of designating the lectureship by his father's name,-a deviation which, I venture to think, will be universally approved. In terms of a trust-deed executed by Mr. Duff, a course of lectures, not fewer than six in number, 'On some department of Foreign Missions or cognate subjects,' is to be delivered once in every four years, each lecturer to give only one course. They are to be delivered in Edinburgh and repeated in Glasgow, or delivered in Glasgow and repeated in Edinburgh, or delivered and repeated in such other places as the trustees may direct. The lectures are then to be published, and copies are to be presented to certain libraries in this country, continental Europe, America, India, Africa, and Australia.
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