Erection of Seven Wind Turbines of up to 125

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Erection of Seven Wind Turbines of up to 125 THIS REPORT RELATES STIRLING COUNCIL TO ITEM 6 ON THE AGENDA PLANNING & REGULATION PANEL CORPORATE OPERATIONS 24 MARCH 2015 NOT EXEMPT ERECTION OF SEVEN WIND TURBINES OF UP TO 125 METRES IN HEIGHT (TO BLADE TIP), EACH WITH AN EXTERNAL TRANSFORMER AND ASSOCIATED HARDSTANDINGS; A METEOROLOGICAL MAST; A CONTROL BUILDING; A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION COMPOUND; FORMATION OF NEW ACCESS TRACKS AND TWO BORROW PITS FOR THE WINNING AND WORKING OF AGGREGATES; AND OTHER ANCILLARY DEVELOPMENT. AT LAND 2 KILOMETRES NORTH WEST OF WESTER CRINGATE, POLMAISE ROAD TO CARRON RESERVOIR, STIRLING - FORCE 9 ENERGY LLP AND EDF ENERGY ER - 13/00728/FUL - HEARING 1 SUMMARY 1.1 This Application was presented at Planning & Regulation Panel on 24 February 2015 and was deferred for a Site Visit and Hearing. The Site Visit took place on Tuesday 10 March 2015 and the note is attached as Appendix 1. 1.2 The planning application is a major development. Previously the application was recommended for refusal through the Council’s weekly Planning Schedule on 26 March 2014. At this time the agent requested that a decision on the application not be issued and additional time be given to allow a response to the recommendation. This request was accepted. The agent submitted a case in relation to planning policy, the landscape and visual impact and proposals for mitigation to resolve the objection from the National Air Traffic Service which has been taken into account. The previous objection from the National Air Traffic Service has now been withdrawn. 1.3 Since the previous meeting of the Planning and Regulation Panel, Kippen Community Council has submitted a letter of objection and Fintry Community Council has submitted a letter of support. Kippen and Carron Valley community councils object. Fintry and Gargunnock Community Councils support the application. 2 OFFICER RECOMMENDATION(S) 2.1 The Panel agrees to Refuse the application for the following Reasons: 1. The proposal is contrary to the Stirling Local Development Plan Policies – Primary Policy 12 (Renewable Energy), Policy 12.1 Wind Turbines and Policy 9.1 Local landscape Areas in that: (a) The scale of the turbines proposed, particularly turbines 1, 2, 5 and 6 (a height of 125 metres), would be located in close proximity to the hill edges and would therefore have visually dominant impact on the overall scale of the hills. The effect of the proposed development would be to diminish the scale of the Touch-Gargunnock and Fintry hills range. (b) The proposed turbines have been arranged in two clusters and would appear incohesive with overlapping and stacked up turbines and overlapping blades. This is demonstrated by Viewpoints 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7. (c) The landscape sensitivity study for wind energy indicates that the scope for large scale turbines is typically limited by small scale landform features at the local level and the overall extent of the Touch- Gargunnock and Fintry hills range. It is considered that the impact on the landscape of the proposed scale of the development in terms of height and numbers of turbines is not appropriate and the visual harm is significant and unacceptable. (d) In combination with Earlsburn (built), Earlsburn North (consented) and Craigengelt (built), the proposed Craigton and Spittal Hill wind farms will extend development across the skyline of the Touch-Gargunnock- Fintry Hills which will be visible from the carseland to the north and will detract from the important landscape quality and setting of the Touch- Gargunnock and Fintry hills range. (e) The addition of the proposed wind farm at Craigton and Spittal Hill to the above, would result in an unacceptable overall cumulative visual and landscape impact and have an adverse effect on amenity because it would be situated within the same hill range as the following built and consented wind farms - Earlsburn, Earlsburn North (consented), and Craigengelt wind farm. Furthermore, the Braes of Doune (36 turbines) lies about 22.5 kilometres to the north east. If Craigton and Spittal Hill were to be developed then 31 turbines in total (varying in height from 110 to 125 metres) would be sited in the hills north of the Carron Valley, approaching the scale of the 36No. 100 metres turbines at Braes of Doune. The proposal falls within areas where there is considered to be no capacity for large wind turbines in relation to landscape scale, distinctive hill edges (turbines 5 and 6 only) and iconic landscape features (1,2,3,5 and 6 only). 3 CONSIDERATIONS The Site 3.1 The application site is hill land used for open moorland and rough grazing in the Fintry Hills. The Proposal 3.2 The proposed wind farm site is described as 'Craigton and Spittal Hill' in the Environmental Statement. The application site is located within the Fintry Hills, located to the west of Hart Hill where the Earlsburn wind farm is built and to the west of Ling Hill where Earlsburn North wind farm is approved. The application is for planning permission for: (a) Seven wind turbines ( including external transformers) of up to 125 metres to tip and a blade diameter of 45 metres; combined output of 21 megawatts; (b) Crane hard standings; (c) A control building; (d) A permanent meteorological mast; (e) A temporary site construction compound/laydown area; (f) Two areas from which rock for the wind farm construction will be won (borrow pits); (g) Approximately 5 kilometres of on-site access tracks. It is proposed that the development area will be accessed via the existing Earlsburn Wind Farm access which connects with the B818 road adjacent to the house at Todholes to the south. The period of consent sought is 25 years. Previous History 3.3 Detailed Planning Permission was approved for the erection of 14 wind turbines (115 metres to rotor tip), sub-station and access road at Hart Hill, Fintry ref: 03/00936/DET. Detailed Planning Permission for erection of wind turbine at Hart Hill, Fintry ref: 05/00474/DET. These two planning permissions were for the total of 15 turbines currently developed at Hart Hill – known as Earlsburn Wind farm. 3.4 Full planning permission for erection of 9 wind turbines, permanent 70 metre wind monitoring mast, crane hardstandings, new internal access tracks, control building, borrow pits and car parking area Land At Ling Hill North West Of Earlsburn Wind Farm, Fintry ref: 08/00104/FUL – approved as an extension to Earlsburn Wind farm. 3.5 Full planning permission for the formation of wind farm comprising 8 turbines (125 metres to blade tip), access track, bridge crossing over the Buckie Burn, sub station, borrow pits, temporary met mast, cabling and temporary construction compound Land At Craigengelt Hill Stirling - ref: 06/01052/FUL. 3.6 Refusal of planning Permission for development of 11 wind turbines and associated infrastructures including a temporary construction compound, sub station and control building, underground power cables, 2 permanent anemometer masts, site access tracks, 5 water crossings and up to 2 borrow pitsLand Some 1.5 Kilometres North West Of Muirpark Farm, Stirling – reference: 09/00170/FUL. 3.7 Refusal of Planning Permission (Appeal Decision) for erection of 6 wind turbines (around 12-18MW total installed capacity) together with a control building, ancillary infrastructure and temporary ground works on Land Some 885 Metres North West of Craigannet Farm Fintry - 12/00056/FUL. 3.8 Refusal of Planning Permission (Appeal Decision) for erection of 25 year operation and subsequent decommissioning of a wind energy development comprising fifteen wind turbines, each with a maximum overall height (to vertical blade tip) of up to 126 metres, and ancillary development including new access tracks, modification to existing tracks and improved site access, temporary construction compound, hard standing areas, substation building and cabling, anemometry mast and temporary borrow pits Land Some 1100 Metres North Of Cairnoch Polmaise Road To Carron Reservoir Stirling - ref; 12/00515/FUL. Development Plan Policy and Material Considerations Development Plan: Stirling Local Development Plan (adopted September 2014): 3.9 Primary Policy 12: Renewable Energy The Scottish Government’s target is to meet an equivalent of 100% demand for electricity from renewable energy by 2020, as well as the target of 11% renewable heat. The Plan area has the potential to contribute to energy generation through most of the renewable and low-carbon technologies currently being developed. Wind turbines may have specific implications for landscape character and visual intrusion, particularly with regard to larger scale developments, in terms of both overall height and numbers of turbines. Other renewables and low carbon energy developments will be considered where they are to be sensitively introduced. Renewable energy generation projects will therefore require to accord with Policies 12.1 (where appropriate) and 12.2. 3.10 Policy 12.1: Wind Turbines (a) Proposals for the installation of wind turbines will be assessed against: (i) National planning policy and guidance current at the time of determination of applications. (ii) Current locational and design guidance of Scottish Natural Heritage. (iii) Stirling Council’s ‘Areas of Significant Protection’ and ‘Areas of Search’, as detailed in SG33. (iv) The findings of the Stirling Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Study for Wind Energy Development’ (March 2008). (b) Developments will be permitted if they are of a scale, layout and nature such that adverse environmental impacts, including cumulative impacts, are avoided or minimised to the satisfaction of the planning authority. Proposals will be assessed against the following criteria: - - landscape and visual impact, - effects on the natural heritage and historic environment, - contribution of the development to renewable energy generation targets, - effect on the local and national economy and tourism and recreation interests, - benefits and disbenefits for communities, - noise and shadow flicker, and - cumulative effect.
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