A Timeline of Key Events in the History of Nestlé in the United States | 1866–1976
1903 1938 European aristocrat The Toll House 1939 Sir St. John Chocolate Crunch Harmsworth purchases Cookie makes its first Gerber introduces its property in France on appearance in print in first baby cereal. which the Les Bouillens the 1938 edition of Ruth mineral spring resides. Wakefield’s Toll House 1898 He renames the spring Tried and True Recipes. after the physician Danforth creates who introduced him to a line of breakfast the magical sparkling 1951 1957 cereals, including waters, Dr. Perrier. Ralston Barley Food 1900 Dr. Lewis J. Minor, a Ralson Purina becomes and Hominy Grits. food scientist, founds the first company to 1866 Health guru Nestlé opens its 1947 the L. J. Minor use a manufacturing 1974 “Dr. Ralston,” with first factory in the 1907 1927 Company in Cleveland, process called The Anglo-Swiss 800,000 followers, United States in Ruth Wakefield sells Cetaphil® Cleansing Ohio, with $6,000 and extrusion to make OPTIFAST®, a Condensed Milk 1868 endorses the products. Fulton, New York. Buitoni® continues Young mother Dorothy Nestlé the right to use Lotion is invented a borrowed mixer. dry dog food pieces pioneering product Company is founded Danforth’s animal feed The plant produces to expand in Gerber stands in her her cookie recipe and by a pharmacist and Dr. Minor hires chefs that are uniform in in medical weight by Americans Charles With $3,000 and a is named “Purina” to baby food, condensed Italy, establishing Fremont, Michigan the Toll House name … launched by Texas to sell his product, size and appearance. management, Page and his brothers vision, Libby, McNeill match the company’s milk, and cheese the Perugina® kitchen struggling to Researchers in Nestlé’s for $1.
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