2015-08-06 Stargate Roundtable Call



A BBS RADIO Go To www.bbsradio.com; click on Talk Radio Station #2; click on “64K Listen”

Thursday: 9 pm – 12:00 pm EST Stargate Round Table Host: Marietta Robert

Friday: 9 pm – 2 am EST Friday Night Hard News Hosts: T & R

Saturday: 4:30 pm – 2 am EST of our Galactic World & NESARA Hosts: T & R

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A , Mondays: 9 – 10:30 EST Cheryl Croci's Activation Calls By telephone only: 1 – 605-475-5950 PIN 9467441#

B Tuesdays, 2Nd & 4th of each : Ashtar on the Road 9:30 – 11:00 pm EST Host is Fran; Susan Leland channels Ashtar, Sekhmet & others www.Ashtarontheroad.com ▪ Phone Number: 1 – 695-562-3140; PIN 163731# ▪ Call is free [except for long distance charges] ▪ Can also listen to the call via Skype

C Wednesdays: 7:00 – 9:00 EST The Friends of The Aboriginal Moabite Nation Call By telephone only: 1–712-432-0900 PIN 666238# Replay # [good for 1 ] 1-712-432-0990 PIN 666238# Host: MariettaRobert

Meditation: Angelsu

Mayan : Rainbird Go to Spacestationplaza.com – to locate specific days & lots more information: just keep scrolling down! Can find a link to www.lawoftime.org – more info on the calendar and how the 28 day / moon cycles work.

Rainbird was not present due to another engagement.

6th Thurs – 8 CHICCHAN – the serpent, we re-visit the wave of the Serpent that we just left – 8 is tuning into galactic harmony

7th Friday – 9 CIMI

8th Sat – 10 MANIK

9th Sun – 11 LAMAT

10th Mon – 12 MULUC

11th Tues – 13 OC

12th Wed – 1 CHEUN

13th Thurs - 2 EB

Introductory Items

1. To listen to the entire program: Please use the following audio link


2. TOLL FREE CALL IN #: 1 – 888 – 429 – 5471 – toll free for Canada and the US

3. BBS Phone Line: 1-716-748-0144 [no pin required] – can listen to this 24/7

Astrology: Annie Rose [was not present tonight]

Contact: 219–980-0010 – her number for consultations; in the central zone HARD NEWS T: Ben Fulford put a wild one out there: that the wing of the plane was put there so Netanyahu could nuke – this is what it says!!!! The sudden appearance of that piece of the plane conflagrating the idea that Malaysian Airlines 370 and Flight 17 are the same flight and that is not true. Netanyahu OWNS the malasian Airlines plane which creates the psychology that they want to get in a war somewhere, sometime, somehow! • Tonight is Jon Stewart's last night; Rachel is making people laugh by playing lots of past shows – she said he is the best we've ever had. • Last night, Rachel covered the case of Rand Paul's super pac – 3 members of his extended family and some from his staff are involved. Ron Paul is involved because Rand Paul's campaign manager is Jesse Benton who quit working for Michelle Bachmann's campaign; Michelle revealed he had committed campaign bribery with Ron Paul and took $70,000 to jump ship • Jesse Benton is married to Ron Paul's granddaughter and they have 3 children • Kent was the head of the Super Pac What is unfolding: never finished this thought

Caller: a huge meditation world wide for Guiness World Record - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar • www.Planetmeditates.org – log in and sign up; then there is a web cast and Sri Sri will guide the meditation - a huge number of people. • Aug 8th at 2 pm GMT: also go to the world clock site to get the right time • To send a couple of shakti mats: it's like lying on a bed of nails: go from discomfort to comfort to samadi! The body goes from discomfort and sends out endorphins - makes you feel really alive! Also helps lower blood pressure. T: he's feeling the uplifting of the energies & the abundance is coming in so many ways C: Tumeric: one of the most powerful anti oxidents going - a recipe of basmati rice and dall with tumeric: [kitcherie is how it sounds]

R: in the last few days, the gestapo in Santa Fe getting a little intense: with Wave X, the frequencies are uplifting and the rabid dogs of the old order who don't protect the people anymore are all over Santa Fe: • took a ride to Taos Mtn, talked to Dodi and Di who called him. • R has to be 20 miles away anyway but Santa Fe is crawling with cops and the Jade Helm people • he went downtown to take a picture of the bus, could not see it so took pictures of the trees by the post office; a guy jumped out of a vehicle dressed like US soldiers in Iraq with an M16 in his hand - “let me see some ID” – Rama asked twice about what law he broke – no answers, just more shouting! R gave him some ID and the phone since he asked for the phone! • So the guy looked at the ID and the phone and then answered Rama's question of “what's up sir?” - he said they were just very aware of people taking pictures of buildings and such – reeled off all he'd learned in his training! Be afraid, be very afraid of the terrorists coming through the border.

• On Monday, Rama was downtown and saw a big bus with signs on it: “Demand justice for Sandra Bland”; “Black Lives Matter”; “Get the Reformation enacted NOW!” When R asked a bus driver who paid for it; he said it was done anonymously; didn't know • From Tom the Cat: It was Anonymous 7½, a State Trooper & a White Knight!

Dodi and Di called; still in Wesak Valley until 8-8 Lions Gate – there are refugees from Nepal, India, Tibet, about 100 – they said pay no attention to the bloviating blowhard with the hair; he's trying to get back on TV after he got kicked off NBC for insulting the Mexican American people. Even though he is running for president, running down a people brings has karma involved here • D & D shared that Michael Scalia put a story on the exopolitics site: R has put it on twitter/ our website

2015-08-05 Sleeping giants in stasis chambers ready to awaken whistleblower claims [SEE BELOW] • Michael Salla's article: Sleeping giants in Stasis Chambers – this article is the true headline news • some of these giants are from Andromeda – part of the ground crew with LM Athena and the Ashtar Command, the paschats and the blue Avian people • they are awaking from stasis which began just before the rise of Atlantis – as they awaken in their time/space continuum, it will be like a cat nap – they are being monitored by doctors who are like Dr Crusher of Star Trek • They said there are very high sheiks in mystical Islam and the Sufi order in Iran and priest scientists • the statis chambers have been found by the Iranian scientists – this is why they want to go to war with Iran as they do not want the news to get out that the good guys are coming – are here! • the beings are not just in Iran: they have been assigned to power portals and in the mounds like Poverty point – many, many sacred spaces like Mt Ida, Mt Magazine as Wave X and the energies of the super moon at the end of august and the blood moon at the end of Sept have been part of the dive plan for Earth, part of the fail safe mechanisms to provide the rainbow bridge to Freedom's holy flame • Please do not get caught up in the gladiator hunger games of the 13th families – walk in beauty, be love, teach love • They just said the energies are getting more and more intense daily – the matching energies are helping us to walk through the changover – a hard fought changeover by those who are in resistance to love. • Imperative that we meditate every day – and thanks for telling us about the meditation on Aug 8 • Sri Sri got a million children together at one point in – all singing “Om”

• this is another piece of the story about why the republicrats want to go to war with Iran – don't want us to know the good guys are already here [ref to the giants in stasis] • As Ben Fulford was saying the miliatry in Israel were put on notice to keep Netanyahu contained • Faction 3 and all of Ashtar command and the Sovereign militia forces have this under control

R: global financial situation continues to deteriorate • A bankster was jailed for 14 – major fraud: too little too late! • Heard it on the Sam Seder Show today

Rachel and The Rand Paul story: The Rachel Maddow Show Aug 5, 2015

Bombshell indictment of Rand Paul aide on bribery charges Sam Youngman, political reporter for the Lexington Herald-Leader, talks with Rachel Maddow about the federal indictment on bribery charges of two administrators of Rand Paul's super PAC, including long-time Paul family political lieutenant Jesse Benton. Duration: 15:19

• Rachel's question is: are they still bribing people in Iowa? Jesse is a big honcho in Iowa and he took $70,000 from Ron Paul to switch from Michelle B to Ron Paul • Interesting that Michelle Bachmann was right from the beginning: everyone is on the take in Iowa – can this be part of the investigation? YES: IT CAN!

Argentina's former president Carlo Menan – accused of derailing an investigation into a 1994 bombing of a Jewish community centre in Buenos Aries [these ones being rounded up everywhere!]

Advice from Lady Di and Dodi: Go and see a light, spiritual uplifting movie!

R: Everything that is happening: we are in such a narrow moment as the frequencies are streaming in from Galactic Centre and all points: it is uplifting our planet, neighbouring planets and just over all • talking to people who are having lighter moments of joy and at the same time seeing the disparity which is so blatant • the 10 rabid dogs on the debate tonight do not hold a candle to Bernie Sanders who observed that they have no interest in the people of the country – it's all about greed!

Egypt: an $18.5Billion project from the US to widen the Suez Canal: an 35 km long new expansion lane has been added, and everything has also been widened

Libya: 370 migrants made it to safety from 's capsized boat

• Obama had a live town hall meeting with John Lewis about the Voting Rights Act • so imperative that people have the right to vote • Reading: John Lewis' writing from White House.gov [SEE BELOW]

T: an interview with Michael Brown's mother and how more and more people are being killed just like her son was.

KOS: there is only one penalty for this out and out impunity and it is death. And we will start over again

Caller: the Ben Fulford report – would like to hear more about it •the largest pyramid has been found in the Atlantic Ocean; a possibility when the earth changes happen, that this pyramid will rise. Yes, it's the one in the Caribbean T & R talked about it years ago: part of a grid of the Atlantean Grid – 14 powerspots of the the overall Atlantis grid – the 14th one is the Indian head on the border of Alberta and Saskatchewan in the form of a mountain. • this is the grid Dr Keshe can use to take the whole world off all energy bills – another part of the piece about getting people to wake up

C: when these ones in Congress now on summer vacation: what will happen to them when they return? R: at this moment, as we watch the increased frequencies and magnitudes of the energies pouring in – their pants are around their ankles and it is blantant – FOCUS ON BERNIE SANDERS; EVERYTHING ELSE IS A DISTRACTION T: the people need an education

9/11: still front and centre and an issue today – thinks this Sept we might see justice Greg Palast was on Sam Seder show The Majority Report on Monday: telling about people being rounded up after 9/11 and tortured in prisons across Europe. • One of the people who had been kept in the Ukraine prison – an Afghani man who was well off, very influential with gov't and warlords – as he was so well known, he could bargain for his life. He had learned TM and was able to live for 3 days in a box of water! Everyone else died with the same treatment • This man wanted to talk to a barrister and then Greg Palast: the upshot is charges against Bush Jr, Rumsfeld, Cheney and many others – a major criminal lawsuit – this barrister had entered the case in the London High Court and the 9th circuit court in DC – will soon see the Bush-Clinton Crime Family tried – this case is one of 100s of thousands of cases that are as bad or worse than this story. • All of the stories dove-tail into getting NESARA announced MR: guest is an author who has written a book Awakenings from the Light

Guest Nancy Rynes • the experience happened in Jan 2014; previously considered herself an athiest / agnostic • She lives outside of Boulder, CO and got hit by an SUV while on her bike – was in ER ½ hr later – at least 24 broken bones; severe inflammation in her brain; most broken bones were in her back and neck – came close to becoming a quadropalegic; one lady kept her calm and saved her from that. Had surgery on the Monday – and for previous surguries, she drifted off into a gray space and would wake up in the recovery room and be ready to go • This time she was transported to a beautiful place on a hill, and saw the scintillating energy all around her; the sky was vibrating with the energy; felt love and peace flowing through the landscape and her – she was welcomed back home; made her weep! • Seemed like she was there for days; then she noticed a female figure approach – glowing with pearlescent energy; welcomed Nancy back home into such love • She told Nancy she was there for a specific purpose; she was forthcoming with what she needed to do to make her life more meaningful - being asked to love others as the Divine loves her – now she tries to reach out in love to everyone. This is the core teaching.

The other teachings included the following: • The earth itself is a miracle that we have for our use, but it is not ours – it's a temporary home.

• Nancy was referred to as a miracle: you are a miracle, start believing it. God loves you, why don't you love you? This was quite a revelation – reach out and love other people. The Divine really does love us more than we can begin to imagine. • We are all connected, not just in the eco system, but spiritually in love to the Divine and to everyone else. We may distance ourselves from god, but we are still connected – the Divine is waiting for us to take the first step to come home. • We have the power to choose our path, in every moment of every day, every step – Nancy is choosing the light from here on out.

• She stressed the idea of gratitude – real gratitude is based in love - feeling the gratitude inside helps the love to flow

• a very profound experience: the main part she related to Nancy was loving others and self as much as god loves us! Nancy now sees love around us in a very visceral way when she looks outside or goes outside. • Was told and shown that love creates the structure of this world and the spiritual world. Reaching out in love and compassion to everyone we meet: the teller in the bank, the store clerks – may seem like just a drop in the bucket, but it spreads from person to person as we help raise the vibration in others around us.

MR: what did the medical people say to what happened? • At first, she was afraid to tell them; most doctors are very scientific and very factual and that this story would get her committed. Eventually she told her primary care physician who said “How cool is that!” - said he totally believes her and he's seen it often than he talks about. He was supportive and helpful when she said the Divine had given her another opportunity to turn to the Divine – then go do it, was his response!

MR: when she birthed her daughter, she was out for 45 minutes and they used the paddles to bring her back [1959] – she'd never heard anyone talk of such things before: made the nurses take her back to the delivery room because she wanted to see the bright lights there – and there were none! • She's lucky: so many people have gone before here and paved the way so she can tell her story – now accepted as a valid experience and what death is like. She was surprised about how easy and painless the death experience was. MR: a question by e-mail: did she have any sense about people talking about hell or a darker place? •There have been a few NDE experiencers who have had hellish experiences, but she hasn't pursued this too much. She got the sense that maybe her choices were not totally approved of, but she knew the Divine loved her! It was made clear that this was another chance so, from this point forward, she will not knowingly do anything that would take her back to where she used to be. She's changed her life a lot in response to what happened.

T: she too had an NDE – in 1977, she was DOA & had alternative experiences: went through the windshield of the car and hit the pavement; she was in the OR and could see what they were doing – she got sucked through a pin hole of light so fast – and met a being she called Sananda who had a small child with him who wanted her to birth him. • She had a broken neck and remembers feeling like she was bleeding inside her brain. • Asks Nancy if all her bones are healed? • Pretty much: have put some titanium rods – she was in a blissed out state afterwards – the only thing she took after the operation was Tylenol. The doctors called her Iron Lady and thought she should be in pain. T: the experience is so stunning, it's not relatable to the routine of the doctors • She was just exuding joy and love, so connected to God all the time

MR: have you ever met the driver? • The driver was prosecuted for 4 different felonies; the judge put restraining orders on both of the drive and Nancy. Her lawyer said she was sorry – she wanted the lawyer to tell the driver she was not angry with her & hopes she drives more responsibly & has made good changes in her life. T: T met a couple when going over the Kennedy Expressway in Chicago – T was driving a Dodge Dart which was very light; the others had a heavy duty car, and there were barriers up on the off ramp so he could not see; the barriers actually saved T's life. The ambulance was there in 3 minutes as the driver had a short wave phone. T was at her friend's house & the couple came to see her – they must have had an experience too as they were so happy to be there N: It's a growth experience for everyone T: asks N what she's doing now!

• She's taken a long look about going into a spiritual practice and restoring her faith • has learned contemplative prayer from the Franciscans – goes to a Unity Church weekly • Daily practice with gratitude & compassion in it – tries to be mindful of this all the time • Beginning to teach what she has learned; taking more about contemplative prayer • Working on a 2nd book; she gained more than she realized from the experience – it will be like a workbook; Also doing speaking engagements • Taking in-person workshops at a retreat centre - Father Richard Rohr is the leader; he has a website • Father Thomas Keating also hosts similar workshops

Nancy Rynes –Book is called Awakenings from the Light – can get it via Amazon

Hard News: R heard a rumour that Jon Stewart might run for a place in Congress

Reading: [SEE BELOW] Mahala's : 2015-07-29 Planet Alert August 2015 LATEST INFORMATION FROM NASSIM HARAMEIN

Audio: Nassim Haramein - 'The Connected Universe: A fundamental transformation of human awareness' - 2015


Published on 5 Jun 2015 Left off at 50 minute mark.

Sharing: items received for her birthday INFORMATION RELATED TO THE NOTES

Every , I head back to the birthplace of a new America -- Selma, Alabama -- where a determined struggle for voting rights transformed our democracy 50 years ago.

On March 7, 1965, Hosea Williams and I led a band of silent witnesses, 600 nonviolent crusaders, intending to march 50 miles to Montgomery -- Alabama's capital -- to demonstrate the need for voting rights in America.

At the foot of the bridge, we were met by Alabama state troopers who trampled peaceful protestors with horses and shot tear gas into the crowd. I was hit on the head with a nightstick and suffered a concussion on the bridge.

I thought that was going to be my last demonstration. I thought I might die that day.

John Lewis and other peaceful protestors clash with state troopers at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, March 7, 1965.

We knew the dangers that lay ahead, but we marched anyway hoping to usher in a more fair society -- a place where every American would be able to freely exercise their constitutional right to vote, and each of us would have an equal voice in the democratic process.

We knew that standing up for our rights could be a death warrant. But we felt it would be better to die than to live with injustice.

When President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law, it was a great day. The Act made the ballot box immediately more accessible to millions of Americans of every race, gender, region, economic status, and national origin. It has been called the most effective legislation of the last 50 years.

But just two years ago, the Supreme Court struck a blow at the heart of the Voting Rights Act, nullifying a key provision that had curbed discriminatory voting rules and statutes from becoming law. As soon as the Court's decision was announced, states began implementing restrictive voting laws.

While some states are changing laws to increase the number of Americans who are able to participate in our democracy, by increasing early voting days and making it easier for people to cast a ballot, far too many states are passing new laws that make it harder and more difficult to vote.

Early voting and voter registration drives have been restricted. Same-day voting has been eliminated in some cases. Strict photo identification laws have been adopted, and improper purges of the voting rolls are negating access to thousands, perhaps millions, who have voted for decades.

That's why people are still marching for this cause today. Even as we speak, the NAACP is leading a 40-day, 40-night march from Selma to Washington, D.C. in support of a number of issues, including the issue of voting rights.

As citizens, it is our duty to make sure that our political process remains open to every eligible voter, and that every citizen can freely participate in the democratic process.

And when it comes time to get out and vote -- we have to do so. The right to vote is the most powerful nonviolent, transformative tool we have in a democracy, and the least we can do is take full advantage of the opportunity to make our voices heard.

Today at 2 p.m. ET, I'm joining President Obama for an important conversation on protecting voting rights -- and I hope you'll join us. Tune in here.

Despite the challenges, I am still hopeful -- but we must remain determined. Democracy is not a state. It is an act, and each and every one of us, each generation, must do our part to help create a more perfect union.

Keep marching on.

John Lewis Member of Congress 2015-08-05 Sleeping giants in stasis chambers ready to awaken whistleblower claims Written by Dr Michael Salla on August 5, 2015. Posted in Featured http://exopolitics.org/author/dr-michael-salla/

In the latest Cosmic Disclosure episode on Gaiam TV, Corey Goode makes some startling claims about sleeping giants located in stasis chambers hidden all around the world. He says that during his down-time in secret space program assignments (1987-2007) he would review information on “smart glass pads.” The pads were a Wikipedia-like repository of information that personnel in the Solar Warden and other secret space programs could access about various aspects of ancient Earth history, extraterrestrial life, advanced technologies, etc. Goode described seeing information about giants that once lived on Earth, now sleeping in stasis chambers.

Goode described stasis chambers as being originally built by an “Ancient Builder Race” who used crystal technologies to create time bubbles in which the flow of time on the inside is much slower than the outside. Thirty minutes can elapse inside the time bubble, while 30,000 years speed by on the outside according to Goode. He said that these stasis chambers with perfectly preserved giants inside them had been found all over the world.

According to Goode, the smart glass pads revealed that Abraham Lincoln had seen one of the stasis chamber giants in one of the ancient mounds found across the United States. This is supported by Lincoln himself who said: The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara, as ours do now.

In support of his remarkable claims, Goode discussed two youtube videos which he had earlier shared with the host, David Wilcock. Goode said he believed they were examples of sleeping giants that had distinctive red hair and white skin. The videos were released on Youtube and are in the Russian language. In the first video (below) Goode believes the stasis giant has died due to human interference.


In the next video, Goode believes the stasis giant is still alive.


The above videos show what appear to be perfectly preserved bodies lying in sarcophagi of some kind. There is no sign of advanced technology other than jewelry placed around the sarcophagi and on the bodies. How credible are Goode’s claims?

The two videos cited by Goode have been subjected to much internet discussion. One of the videos dates to a discovery in 2008 following excavations for a building in the Kurdistan region of Iran. A google translation of a Russian article about the discovery follows:

According to data obtained from the presumptive enough reliable data source photos show found the sarcophagus and find in it the body of an ancient magician. All information supposedly obtained verbally, I have not been tested. Detection time — Spring 2008. As a result of the displacement of ground tomb came to light and the cultural layer of the remnants of the ancient city.

A poster on a discussion forum was able to find a Russian article that discussed the discovery of the bodies in the videos released by Goode. The article gave a revised estimate for the age of the sarcophagus:

On the territory of Iran (formerly Persia, even earlier Perunova Rus) … The above-mentioned artifacts discovered by accident, when building a house. The builders found an underground mausoleum built 10-12 thousand years ago, with three sarcophagi. (later corrected to be about 850 years old)

The name of the ancient magician or magi was “Jaromir” who was said to be “biologically active” – i.e., in some kind of dormant/stasis state. Ancient manuscripts and an ancient map of Russia were also found in the sarcophagus.

The first of the preserved and/or sleeping bodies does not, however, appear to be a giant in comparison to the human hand in the video. It is hard to estimate size of the being in the second video. The data used for the videos is said to be reliable, if so, then they are stunning evidence that ancient stasis chamber technology exists, that can and does preserve bodies for extremely long periods of time, just as Goode claimed. There is extensive evidence for the skeletal remains of giants being found around the world, as well as references in the Old Testament. So it’s possible that some giants did make it to secret stasis chambers hidden around the world as Goode claims.

As to the question of why giants or other humans would allow themselves to be put into stasis, centuries or millennia ago, to awaken in our age, Goode claims the answer may lie in cosmic energies that our solar system is increasingly encountering. This is – something he claims secret space programs have been closely monitoring. Goode’s latest Gaiam TV interview reveals much fascinating information about ancient giants and stasis chamber technologies, along with more secret space program revelations, which is well worth viewing.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading • Secret Space Programs monitor Galactic Superwaves & study Law of One • Cosmic Disclosure: Inside the Secret Space Program launches on Gaiam TV • Cosmic energies predicted to trigger DNA changes & disclosure events in September • Whistleblower reveals multiple secret space programs concerned about new alien visitors • Resource page featuring reports, interviews and articles on Corey Goode’s testimony

[Note: The first two episodes of Cosmic Disclosure are available for free on the Gaiam TV website. The first episode is on Youtube. To watch the whole season of Cosmic Disclosure, you need to subscribe to Gaiam TV. If you subscribe using this link, then a portion of your monthly subscription will go towards supporting Corey Goode as he continues his disclosures. His website is here.] 2015-07-29 Planet Alert August 2015 By Mahala Gayle

Today is July 28th and I wanted to write about the earlier but life got in my way, so I am writing about it now. The first day of the New Year was on July 26, 2015 and it was on the glyph of the White Planetary Wizard. I think everyone knows what a Wizard is; it is someone who can create magic. This means that we are in the year when magic and miracles will start to happen in abundance. Doesn’t that sound like a lot of fun? Of course you have to be out of the energy of fear before you can create magic.

The White Wizard is ruled by Lilith, the dark moon that orbits around our Sun. She can only be seen or photographed when she is in front of our Sun. She then appears as a Red Ball of Light. Maybe we will start to see her soon. She has been on a vibration that we have not been able to see because we were manifesting a lower consciousness like 3D, 4D, or 5D. Lilith rules magic and miracles. Maybe we will be able to see her when we start manifesting 6D energy. It’s my understanding that we were on a 6D Earth when we fell into a 3D Earth. We need to get back into 6D and experience the energy of magic and miracles.

The White Wizard is known as the healer, or a magician. The Wizard is a tool of light, a conduit for the work of Spirit. A wise Wizard allows magic to come in rather than trying to control it or make it happen. In the past people who were born under this sign were chosen to be priests or priestesses. The tone of the White Wizard is planetary, and is one of manifestation. The power of manifestation is love. With love you can access the freedom and power to experience whatever you desire.

The first day of the Dreamspell calendar is based on the star Sirius rising over Egypt on July 26th every year. This is when Sirius rises at the same time as our Sun and we can see two Suns in our heaven if we live in Egypt, or the surrounding area. Sirius is a Blue Star Sun. Some people consider Sirius the mother of our Sun. [this is true because we are part of that constellaion – T] There is also a black hole on 3 degrees Leo which opens to a different dimension, and I think that is why it is called the Lion’s Gate. This may be the gate to ascension. In ancient people used to go into the pyramids and go through a ceremony to ascend to a higher frequency. Some made it and others did not.

Many people think that the Mayan calendar was complete on December 21, 2012. That cycle did complete and one calendar was over, although other Mayan go on for eternity. The Dreamspell Calendar was brought to our attention by Jose Arguelles when he created the first mass consciousness called the Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987.

This gathering of people from all over the world jumped us into a 4th dimension time-line, and that is when a lot of people woke up and started their journey toward the light. The 4th dimension is also where the controllers live, and they control the world, both 3 & 4 D from the 4th dimension. That dimension includes everything; the good, the bad, and the ugly. If you are manifesting 5D energy, they cannot control you. [Remembering to spend in that mystic place of joy as nancy said keeps us there.] Their time is now up because we have moved into a higher dimensional consciousness where freedom will soon manifest.

We are manifesting the part in Revelation where the controllers go down and they are thrown into the pit of fire. After their fall we will start to manifest a New Heaven and a New Earth. Isn’t that exciting? A lot of people are in a lot of fear right now because they have not released all of the fear that is in them. It’s time to finish releasing that fear and move into the love vibration. Love is all there is. I look at this upcoming time as one of magic and miracles. I am working on feeling only love and to not judge anyone for anything they do or think. We are all children of the One.

We have been in the energy of Saturn Square Jupiter for several now. This is the energy of financial ups and downs, which has been very apparent on Earth. Right after this of July 31st the square between these two planets will be complete on August 3 at 3:37 AM PDT. I’m not saying that the financial challenge will be over at this time but, as we look back at this day, we will see that it was the turning point.

Saturn moves into direct motion on August 1st and I wonder if this will be the end of a karmic cycle, and the beginning of something new. Saturn will still be opposing Alcyone and busy raising the frequency on Earth until mid- September, but Saturn is now in forward motion moving toward Sagittarius. When Saturn moves into Sagittarius, this is the time period when we will start to manifest freedom, and a new financial system.

The Lions Gate is complete on August 8, 2015 (8-8-8). What a powerful day that will be. People are calling this the Magdalene (Goddess) Gateway. The number eight is one of the numbers of the Goddess, along with the numbers 5 and 13. Venus is the planet of the Goddess and that planet is associated with the numbers 5 and 8 because of its orbit through our solar system which ends up forming a 5 pointed star.

The number 13 is associated with our Sun and has always been considered one of the Goddess numbers. The Dreamspell calendar is based on the numbers 13 and 20. There are 13 cycles and 20 glyphs. The Mayans look to the Pleiadean Star System as their home. Alcyone [the Great Central Sun] is the central sun of that system and Earth is also part of that system. We are the 8th planet in the Pleiadean Star System.

What exciting times we have to look forward to as soon as we wake up to the great Beings we are and to start living only in love. Love can move mountains, and love is the glue that holds the Universe together. With love we move into Unity Consciousness. United we stand, divided we fall. It is our choice. In the presence of love, all is well. So Be It!

I send you all love, light and blessings of abundance.

***** Mahala Gayle *****