Carbon Observing Club Mark Croom, Lifetime AL Member-At-Large The List of Observation Notes

100 (of 10=best; D.Peach) mag/sq" ° C (used to make the sketch) No. Name Date Time EDT Seeing Trans SQM Temp Scope Mount Site Eyepiece Mag f.o.v. (') Comments Orange color. There are two stars (labeled with an "o" on the sketch) with similar color, but WZ is the one to the east (brighter one) surrounded by the straight hack 1 WZ Cassiopeiae 3/10/2012 18:59 8 7 n/a 3 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 marks drawn near the edge of the sketch. 2 SU Andromedae 3/10/2012 19:05 8 7 n/a 3 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Dull orange at low (41x) and moderate (156x) powers. SAO 109003 (HD 26) was located by its position among the bent-line asterism, as its 3 SAO 109003 7/26/2012 1:55 7 7 19.26 24 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 color is nearly white. Red-orange, VX And is an isolated, moderately bright star (although brighter stars 4 VX Andromedae 3/10/2012 19:10 8 7 n/a 3 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 are near the edge of the fov). Easy hop from SU And (C#2). 5 AQ Andromedae 3/10/2012 19:19 8 7 n/a 2 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Orange color. Brightest star in the 156x fov. Looking through a thin haze layer (contrail?) and low to the horizon. Target star is 6 NSV 15196 3/10/2012 19:25 5 6 19.22 2 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 faint and in a weak field. Color is a pale yellow-orange. Only 1 fov away from U Cas in the 13mm Ethos, color gives W Cas away even though 7 W Cassiopeiae 3/10/2012 19:30 7 8 19.22 2 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 the star is faint. Burnt orange-red. Brightest star in the 41x fov. Pale red-orange color. Color is a little more 8 Z Piscium 3/10/2012 19:38 7 8 19.22 2 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 pronounced at 156x. Location nearly makes an equilateral triangle with Jupiter and Venus (although V Ari is too faint to see unaided). V Ari is a pale orange and is one of the fainter stars in 9 V Arietis 3/10/2012 19:45 7 8 19.22 2 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 the 38' fov. 2nd brightest star in fov at low power (50mm, 41x) and as drawn in the sketch at 10 SAO 129989 2/20/2012 19:20 8 7 19.15 3 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 156x. Slightly orange in color, but not strongly so.

Near NGC 1023, faint UY And shows some coloration (slight orange), and is 11 UY Andromedae 2/20/2012 19:50 8 7 19.2 3 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 identified by its relative position wrt brighter stars in the fov more than by its color. 12 V623 Cassiopeiae 2/20/2012 20:00 8 7 19.2 3 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Red-orange color identifies V623 Cas among a field of similarly bright stars. Stands out by its orange-red color with the 50mm (61x), but the color becomes 13 Y Persei 2/17/2012 19:31 7 6 20.8 8 12" ACF AP1200 MW 13 Ethos 234 25 slightly more muted at 234x with the 13mm Ethos. Orange-red color betrays V466 Per. At 13mm Ethos 38' fov, stars are near the "4 14 V466 Persei 2/20/2012 20:10 8 7 19.2 1 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 corners" of the fov. Obvious orange-red shows obvious contrast to other stars in the fov. Near Kemble's 15 U Camelopardalis 2/20/2012 20:25 8 7 19.27 -1 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Cascade. 16 UV Camelopardalis 2/20/2012 20:30 8 7 19.27 -1 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 One field away from NGC 1502. Orange hue of UV Cam is easily discerned. 17 XX Camelopardalis 3/10/2012 19:52 7 8 19.2 2 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Middle of a scalene triangle tells XX Cam, because color is nearly white! 18 ST Camelopardalis 3/10/2012 19:58 8 7 19.2 2 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Orange and brightest (or maybe tied) star in the 13mm Ethos 38' fov. 19 TT Tauri 2/17/2012 21:15 7 6 20.6 3 12" ACF AP1200 MW 50 OPT 61 45 Coloration makes this star standout in the wide field. Orangish shade. Hind's Crimson Star. Obvious garnet color - striking in wide fov. Coloration is not as 20 R Leporis 2/17/2012 20:15 7 6 20.8 8 12" ACF AP1200 MW 50 OPT 61 45 jewel-like at 234x with 13mm, but still obviously red. Distinctive orange-red color and proximity to loose cluster-like asterism makes EL 21 EL Aurigae 3/10/2012 20:05 8 7 19.2 1 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Aur easy to confirm. Near 5th magnitude 9 Aur.

Brightest star in the low power (61x) fov of the 50mm eyepiece. Red tint is fairly visible, overwhelmed by its brightness. Coloration is more obvious when defocused 22 W Orionis 2/17/2012 20:30 7 6 20.8 4 12" ACF AP1200 MW 50 OPT 61 45 or at 234x with the 13mm, especially in contrast to the other stars in the fov. Not the brightest star (maybe 5th) in the 25' 234x fov. Red-orange color gives it 23 TX Aurigae 2/17/2012 21:25 7 6 20.8 3 12" ACF AP1200 MW 13 Ethos 234 25 away. Brightest, or tied with one other, in the 25' fov at 234x. Color is obvious at 61x, still 24 SY Eridani 2/17/2012 20:40 7 6 20.8 4 12" ACF AP1200 MW 13 Ethos 234 25 readily apparent at 234x. Orange-red. Orange color is prevalent; it identifies the star in a field of several brighter stars. 25 UV Aurigae 2/17/2012 21:35 7 7 20.8 3 12" ACF AP1200 MW 13 Ethos 234 25 Orange primary with blue secondary 11th mag at 3" sep. Faint star, red color highlight in among several brighter stars. (Near the previous 26 S Aurigae 2/17/2012 21:45 7 7 20.8 3 12" ACF AP1200 MW 13 Ethos 234 25 star C#25, and the NGC 1931 complex sketched for RASC). Reddest star in wide 61x fov with 50mm OPT eyepiece. Orange-red color gets 27 RT Orionis 2/17/2012 20:50 7 6 20.8 4 12" ACF AP1200 MW 13 Ethos 234 25 slightly muted at higher power, but still obviously orange-red. Observing Club Mark Croom, Lifetime AL Member-At-Large The List of Stars Observation Notes

100 (of 10=best; D.Peach) mag/sq" ° C (used to make the sketch) No. Name Date Time EDT Seeing Trans SQM Temp Scope Mount Site Eyepiece Mag f.o.v. (') Comments Very faint, color is impossible to discern. Offset field to get pentagram of brighter 28 S Camelopardalis 3/10/2012 20:22 8 7 19.2 0 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 stars in the sketch to aid in confirmation. 29 TU Tauri 3/10/2012 20:32 8 8 19.24 0 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Orange-red, one of the brightest members of an asterism just N. Red-orange color and brightest object in narrow (25') fov. Low power (61x with 30 Y Tauri 2/17/2012 21:55 7 7 20.88 2 12" ACF AP1200 MW 13 Ethos 234 25 50mm) shows Y Tau as a shimmering jewel - it stands out nicely. 31 FU Aurigae 2/17/2012 22:10 7 7 20.88 2 12" ACF AP1200 MW 13 Ethos 234 25 Obvious red-orange star among some brighter stars at 61x and 234x. Color makes TU Gem standout in the 61x and 234x fov. Gem-like glitter at lower power: orange (burnt). Within 2 deg N of M35. REPEAT OBSERVATION on 3/10/2012 at HexPad with AT10RC at 156x: strong red-orange color. Color makes TU 32 TU Geminorum 2/17/2012 22:10 7 7 20.88 2 12" ACF AP1200 MW 50 OPT 61 45 Gem standout among brighter stars in the fov. 33 FU Monocerotis 2/17/2012 22:15 7 7 20.88 1 12" ACF AP1200 MW 50 OPT 61 45 Orange color makes FU Mon a standout in the fov. V Aur is fairly faint (similar to star labeled "1" north of V Aur on sketch). Red-orange 34 V Aurigae 3/10/2012 20:48 8 8 19.24 0 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 coloration is apparent, but not strongly so. 35 BL Orionis 2/17/2012 21:00 7 6 20.6 3 12" ACF AP1200 MW 13 Ethos 234 25 Brightest star in 25' fov - obvious from magnitude and orange-red color. 36 UU Aurigae 3/10/2012 20:54 8 8 19.24 0 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Bright and prominently orange - easy target! Faint secondary was not seen. 37 VW Geminorum 3/10/2012 21:00 8 8 19.24 -1 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Slight faded red-orange tint.

38 GY Monocerotis 2/17/2012 22:25 7 7 20.88 1 12" ACF AP1200 MW 50 OPT 61 45 Orange coloration makes GY Mon a standout, although brighter stars are in the fov. 39 RV Monocerotis 3/10/2012 21:17 8 7 19.17 -2 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Strong orange color. 40 V614 Monocerotis 3/11/2012 20:30 7 6 19.14 8 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Yellow-orange, but pale coloration. 41 RY Monocerotis 3/11/2012 20:24 7 6 19.14 9 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Orange-red, burnt, prominent color. Near M50. 42 W Canis Majoris 3/11/2012 20:13 7 6 19.14 9 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Orange-red; a bright standout in a Y-D asterism. 43 R Canis Minoris 3/11/2012 20:44 7 6 19.14 8 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Faint, but still noticeable red-orange tinge. 44 BM Geminorum 3/11/2012 20:55 7 7 19.26 6 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Orange hue, but BM Gem's position in a triangle asterism locates it. Orange color is pale. Located by star pattern. Sketch is shifted off-center to catch 45 RU Camelopardalis 3/11/2012 20:02 7 6 19.14 9 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 other stars. Orange color, and brightest star in a gentle arc of 5 or 6 stars. Just west of BM Gem 46 NQ Geminorum 3/11/2012 21:01 7 7 19.26 6 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 (C#44). 47 RU Puppis 3/10/2012 21:11 8 7 19.17 -2 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Pale red-orange color. Isolated (not enough reference stars at higher power), but pretty in the wide fov at 48 X Cancri 3/11/2012 21:10 7 8 19.19 5 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 55 TV Pl 37 81 37x. Distinctive orange color. M44 nearby.

Faint, but deep red color is a giveaway. Sparce fov. T Cnc appears brighter at 156x, 49 T Cancri 3/11/2012 21:17 7 8 19.19 5 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 55 TV Pl 37 81 but the shade of the color is about the same at either magnification (37x or 156x). 50 Y Hydrae 3/11/2012 22:08 7 7 19.24 5 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 55 TV Pl 37 81 Brightest star in low power fov (37x). Red-orange coloration is obvious. Strong color - mostly orange. Very bright (dominates the field). Color is just as 51 U Hydrae 3/11/2012 22:35 7 7 19.24 5 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 55 TV Pl 37 81 strong at 156x as at 37x.

Bright and orange-red. When centered in the 37x fov, it is by far the brightest star. 52 VY Ursae Majoris 3/11/2012 21:53 7 8 19.19 5 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 55 TV Pl 37 81 Offset sketch to get more similarly bright stars. M81/NGC 3077 nearby. Sketched 3 times at different magnifications (42x, 68x, 90x). 42x: No color, as the star is too dim. Sketch is only a portion of the 144' fov. 68x: Still, the dim star does not excite a color response. Its position among the stars is the only way to determine which is V Hydrae (it must be down in its cycle, near minimum brightness). 90x: Used 6mm to sketch, but pushed to 3mm with the TV 3-6mm zoom eyepiece (giving 180x) on occasion to clarify small star just below V Hyd and to better scrutinize V itself. Still no color. V is a little brighter than star labeled #1 (TYC6082-1656-1 with mv=10.46), but fainter than #2 (10.18 mag TYC6082-1764-1), and way brighter than the star to its south (11.5 mag TYC6082-404-1). So, V Hydrae 53 V Hydrae 4/12/2012 22:10 7 7 19.1 20 TV101 APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 42 144 is about mag 10.3 Red-orange color is pronounced, although SS Vir is relatively bright (tied or maybe 54 SS Virginis 3/11/2012 22:44 7 7 19.02 5 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 55 TV Pl 37 81 #2 in the low power fov). Carbon Star Observing Club Mark Croom, Lifetime AL Member-At-Large The List of Stars Observation Notes

100 (of 10=best; D.Peach) mag/sq" ° C (used to make the sketch) No. Name Date Time EDT Seeing Trans SQM Temp Scope Mount Site Eyepiece Mag f.o.v. (') Comments La Superba. Red-orange beacon in the wide field at 37x. Color seems a little less 55 Y Canum Venaticorum 3/11/2012 22:27 7 7 19.24 5 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 55 TV Pl 37 81 pronounced at 156x, but it is still strong. 56 RY Draconis 3/11/2012 22:21 7 7 19.24 5 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 55 TV Pl 37 81 Between 8 and 9 Dra, RY is fainter but its orange color makes it a standout. Slight orange tinge, but color is weak. Identified by position among the field of 57 SAO 157721 4/12/2012 22:50 7 5 18.9 12 TV101 APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 42 144 stars. 58 V Coronae Borealis 6/8/2012 22:40 8 6 19.25 22 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Deep orange-red color. 59 RR Herculis 6/8/2012 22:55 8 6 19.25 22 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Slight orange tinge. Located by position more than color. 60 V Ophiuchi 6/8/2012 23:25 8 6 19.25 22 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Strong orange color. Brightest star in the fov. South of M92 (star hopped with 50mm eyepiece, 131' fov). Used UA#34 to locate 61 SAO 46574 8/23/2011 21:10 5 7 19.25 23 AT6RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 106 57 (view is flipped mirror). At 106x, slight red tint - nothing strong. Very strong orange-red color makes TW Oph easy to pick out. Although in the plane of our , the murky southern sky required a wider fov to encompass to 62 TW Ophiuchi 6/9/2012 23:54 6 5 18.7 21 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 55 TV Pl 37 81 minimum required five stars! SZ Sgr is the brightest star in the fov, but its red-orange hue betrays it. Faint double 63 SZ Sagittarii 6/10/2012 0:07 6 5 18.8 21 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 was not seen. Star hopped from Grumium in Draco's head with 50mm & 13mm. Field contains numerous faint stars that required averted vision and no red flashlight, making sketching difficult. T Dra is the northernmost of the center pair. The two are nearly the same brightness, with T slightly brighter. T Dra color is neutral with a very slight 64 T Draconis 8/23/2011 22:40 5 7 19.23 20 AT6RC APMach1 HexPad 8 Ethos 170 35 red tinge (imagination?). Pale orange color. Position near bright HR6858 helps as much as the color to locate 65 FO Serpentis 6/9/2012 0:25 6 5 18.8 21 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 FO Ser. 66 AC Herculis 6/9/2012 22:46 7 7 19.25 22 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Very nearly white! Slight yellow tint.

67 T Lyrae 6/9/2012 23:11 7 7 19.25 22 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Orange-red, strong color. 2nd brightest star in the fov (after mag 9.06 HD171300) Strong orange color, its crisp gem-like appearance separates HK Lyr from the rich 68 HK Lyrae 6/9/2012 23:39 7 7 19.29 21 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 fov. Vega and z Lyr are nearby. Strong orange hue. Bright, but not as gem-like as others (S Sct is kind of a flat 69 S Scuti 6/10/2012 0:17 6 5 18.8 21 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 orange). 70 UV Aquilae 6/10/2012 0:37 7 7 19.25 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Deep orange with some red makes UV Aql a standout. V Aql is yellow-orange, and its color and brightness (nearly as bright as the star 71 V Aquilae 6/10/2012 0:47 7 7 19.25 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 labeled #1 in the sketch) makes it easy to pick up. Near 12 Aql. Orange tint is moderately strong, making it obvious which is the carbon star among 72 V1942 Sagittarii 6/10/2012 1:26 7 6 19.1 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 the brighter members of this fov. Faint, easternmost star of a triangle with similarly faint stars; the color identifies the 73 U Lyrae (not HIP95024) 6/10/2012 0:59 7 7 19.29 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 carbon star. Brightest star near the center of the sketch, the position wrt other stars confirms UX 74 UX Draconis 7/26/2012 0:10 5 7 19.45 22 TV101 iEQ45 Porch 17 Nagler 32 155 Dra, as its color is a muted orange-white. Yellow color, and not very strong. Identified by location in field. Close double was 75 NSV 11960 6/10/2012 1:38 7 6 19.15 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 not seen. Moderately strong orange-yellow makes AW Cyg easy to locate in its relatively rich 76 AW Cygni 6/10/2012 1:16 7 7 19.3 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 fov. 77 AQ Sagittarii 6/10/2012 1:44 7 6 19.15 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Orange-red hue helps to identify AQ Sgr among other similarly bright stars. 78 TT Cygni 6/10/2012 1:57 7 7 19.16 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Brightest star in the field, and its orange color gives it away. Orange with a hint of red, the color is not so obvious to make it easy to pick out. 79 AX Cygni 6/10/2012 2:10 7 6 19.23 21 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Instead, charts were used to identify AX Cyg.

Northernmost of a diamond shape asterism of stars with various brightnesses. 80 V1469 Aquilae 6/16/2012 23:40 6 8 19.48 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 V1469 Aql is the second brightest of the 4, and has a mild orange tint. 81 BF Sagittae 6/16/2012 23:25 6 8 19.48 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 The deep orange-red color helps identify this faint star. M27 is nearby.

82 X Sagittae 6/16/2012 23:30 6 8 19.48 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Strong orange color betrays X Sge, whichis very close to the previous target (BF Sge). Carbon Star Observing Club Mark Croom, Lifetime AL Member-At-Large The List of Stars Observation Notes

100 (of 10=best; D.Peach) mag/sq" ° C (used to make the sketch) No. Name Date Time EDT Seeing Trans SQM Temp Scope Mount Site Eyepiece Mag f.o.v. (') Comments

83 SV Cygni 6/10/2012 2:17 7 6 19 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Yellow-orange color is not very apparent. Identified by using fine scaled charts. While not the brightest star in the field, RY Cyg seems to be more gem-like as it has 84 RY Cygni 6/16/2012 23:10 6 8 19.48 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 a nice red shimmering quality.

Brilliant shiny orange color give RS Cyg away - NICE! Near the Crescent (NGC 6888) which lies in the south part of the fov; however, although I'm familiar with the 85 RS Cygni 6/16/2012 23:20 6 8 19.48 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 associated star pattern, the unseen nebula requires darker skies. 86 RT Capricorni 7/26/2012 1:10 6 7 19.35 24 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Brightest star in the field of view, but the strong orange color gives it away. 87 U Cygni 6/16/2012 23:50 6 8 19.5 21 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Near a brighter star, but U Cyg's color gives it away. Orange sparkling jewel. V Cyg is a vivid orange jewel sitting fairly isolated from other similarly bright stars. 88 V Cygni 6/16/2012 23:55 6 8 19.5 21 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Not far from U Cyg (C#87). CY Cyg stands out in its field as a strong orange hue, as it is one of the brighter 89 CY Cygni 6/17/2012 0:05 6 8 19.5 21 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 points even though it is not a bright star. Star hopped from g Del - a beautiful double. Found SAO 198269 by positioning 90 SAO 106516 6/17/2012 0:20 6 8 19.5 21 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 among other stars, as its color is a weak yellow-orange. Not a bright star, but brightest in the field (but not by much). Very weak color - 91 NSV 13571 6/17/2012 0:30 6 8 19.5 21 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 yellow-white. Identified by position among the field stars. Faint, but still I can still see an orange tint. It is only slightly easier to pick out color 92 S Cephei 7/25/2012 23:40 5 7 19.29 22 TV101 iEQ45 Porch 17 Nagler 32 155 with the 13mm Ethos eyepiece at 42x. 93 V460 Cygni 6/17/2012 1:00 6 8 19.5 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Brightest, reddest star in the field. Almost purely south from RV Cyg (C#94). 94 RV Cygni 6/17/2012 0:50 6 8 19.5 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 RV Cyg stands out by its red color among a rich fov that includes 79 Cyg. 95 RX Pegasi 6/17/2012 1:05 6 8 19.5 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Red color is enough to make RX Peg stand out in its relatively sparce field. 96 RZ Pegasi 6/17/2012 1:10 6 8 19.5 20 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Orange-red color is distinctive, but not strong. Faint double (?) is WSW. Slight orange hue, but its position among the other field stars is what identifies RU 97 RU Aquarii 7/26/2012 2:25 6 7 19.2 24 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 Aqr. ST And was located by its position North of a distinctive asterism. Very slight orange 98 ST Andromedae 7/26/2012 1:25 6 7 19.35 24 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 hue. Very bright and orange with some hints of yellow. Drawn in the sketch off-center to 99 TX Piscium (19X Psc) 7/26/2012 1:35 6 7 19.25 24 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 get some field stars in this relatively poor fov. Drawn in the sketch brighter (bolder) than other sketches would show, so as to keep the relative brightness correct wrt the faint field stars. Color is not strong - a slight 100 SAO 128396 7/26/2012 1:45 7 7 19.26 24 AT10RC APMach1 HexPad 13 Ethos 156 38 hint of yellow-orange.