
000271 Bulletin ofMalacol~ 紋\ Taiw酬, ROC, 貝黨員學嗨, 24: 27品 (2000) 27 Small Shells of the Classic from Taiwan 11 1.

Chen-Kwoh Chang 1373, Phelphs A缸 ,#8, SanJose, CA 95117, USA

Ch妞 -Kwoh Cha發章 (2000) Srnall 必 ells of the classic Turridae frorn .Taiwa弘 III.

姐姐 geliidae. Bulletin 0/ Ma/ac% 鯽, , Taiwan, ROC, 24:27輛30 0 After spli杭 ing the classic

Turridae ìnto four familìes, Mangeliìdae is still one of the largest families ìn , In my

estlm滋 ion , there are about 2000 living species , My estimatìon is based ∞ the following figures. In my collection ìnventory of 1,205 species, 52.3 % are members ofMan惡 eliìdae. In my register of líving turrí 釘, the number of names reaches 4 , 220.τhen , 4220 x 52.3% = 2,207 names of mangelìds. 1 estimate that 10 % of these are synonyms. It ìs difficult to count the exact number of synonyms as even the most famous authors make errors in deciding on synonyms.

Key words: Tu rridae,誰直設草 eliida 缸, Taiw揖n 0

History of Subfamiliar Classifsication Thiele (1929-1935) was the first author to separate of toxoglossate from turrids of rachiglossate radula. 有lere were only 出ree subfamilìes at 岱at time. They could be separated distinctly usin忍 the following key.

1. Radula with membrane (R主chiglossate)...... Radula without membrane (Toxoglossate)...... …....貨 ...... 2 2. wìth ...... ﹒黨....建... : • • • •.Brachytominae Animal without operculum...... ‘﹒ ...... Cyth αrinae

ln the following reclassifications, some look more scientifically based, but no one separated theìr subfamilies using a key. Th敘述 to say, none described the rel 甜。nship between subfamilies. For some subfamil蚣, the au銜。 rs even simply grouped 孟 few species by selected features givin皂 the group a subfamily name without mentioning the relationship wìth other subfamiHes lìke Thatcheriin齡 Powell , 1942, Conorbiinae Powell, 1942 and Oenopotinae Bo訴訟。弋 1987 etc. 1 believe that subfami1ies named in this way are not worth using in c1assification. Powell (1966) classified the followin忍 subfamilies by shell characters: Daphnellinae, Thatcheriinae Conorbiìn肘, Borsoniinae and Mangeliinae. McLean (1971) c1assified turrids by morphology of radula and shell characters into the following sìx subfamili的 Daphnellinae , Borsoniin齡, Mitroluminae (台詞ìtromorphinae), 奴制geliinae , Clathurellinae and Zonulispìrin紹, Nordsieck (1977) used the followin皂 six subfamilìes to group the European turrids of toxoglossate radula:Daphnellinae, Raphìtominae, Conorbiina缸, Borsoni您說, Cytharìinae and Brachytominae. Kilburn (1986) worked on only subfamily Borsoniinae but he included 說itromorphíd genera ìn subfamily Borsoniinae. Taylor et al. (199鈴 cl轟ssified using foregut anatomy and morphology of radula into the followíng subfamilíes as Daphne l1 ina巷 Conorbiinae, Mangelìína巴 Oenopotiinae , Clathurel1inae and Zonulispirinae.

Key to Subfamilies of Family Mangeliidae 1. Sinu丸 sutural...... ‘學﹒點 ...... 2 Sìnus, on shoulder...... …~ ...... …3 2. Outer lìp, thìn...... ‘. .. ~ ...... ‘...... 鏈...... 一﹒噩 ...... Daph設ellinae Outer , reinforced...... …...... …...... Philbertinae 28 C.K.Ch紡1島

3. ofaxials dominant...... 咱...... 明.....費...... 4 Sculpture ofaxials and spirals or spirals domin在n1...... 5 4.0uterl中,也in...... ……. . . ~ ". ~ ...... '……...... -...... … ...... Oenopotinae Outer 1 中, reinforced...... , ...... 喪盡angeliinae 5. Outer lip, reinforced‘...... Clathurellinae Outer lip, thin...... 6 6. Shel1, thin 暫時 118.... ‘...... BorsonÎÎnae Shell, thickened internally...... ‘...... "...... 績 .7 7. Sinus, U-shaped with parietal callus pad; operculu訟, present...... Brachytominae Sinus, shallow without parietal cal1us pad; no operculum...... …...... Mitromorphinae

In this article, 1 will illustrate the largest and srnallest species of each of the subfami泣的 above inmy collection.

Brachytominae : 9 泌的 mm length in my Collection (主 igs. 1-咖 2勾). The sinu肘1泌S 路1 s on the shoulder and 必i s 晶sh聶叩pe吋d wit血hap伊a如泣如e呦翎叫1 callus pad. Sculpture is both axial and ψiral. The ou敏 :中 is 吐1in , and the shell wall is thick internally. There is an operculum. All the members of Subfamily Brachytominae are medium to moderately large in sìze. There is no specimen which is small enough to be a member of this topìc 伊mall tu訂ids) in my collection. Brachytominae, therefore, wi11 not be discussed again, but in this 紅ticle , 1 wi1I illustrate the largest and smallest species of each Subfamily above in my collection. Daphnellinae : 3 to 96 mm length in my Col1ectìon (Figs. 3-4). Sinus is just below the su如re and wìth the outer lip thin. Philbertinae : 3 to 18.5 mm length in my Coll疇的ion (Figs. 5-6). Sinus ìs at the suture, and the outer lip is reinforced. Sculpture includes axìal ribs 如dφiral cords. Bor帥 niinae : 6 to 67 mm leng心 in my Collection (Figs. 7-8). Sìnus on shoulder, sculpture ofaxial ribs and spìral cords or with domin認t 叩irals , outer lip 血泊, shell wall thìn. Mitromorphinae: 3.5 to 20 mm length in my Collection (Figs. 弘 10). Shel1 thick intemal勻" outer lip thin, sinus on shoulder, shallow without parietal callus, sculptu況, axìals 在nd spirals or with spìrals dominant. Oenopotinae : 4.7 to 2 丘 5 mm length in my C冶 llection (Figs. 11-12). Sinus on shou1der, axial sculpture dominant, outer lip thin. Clathurellinae : 4.7 to 25.5 mm leng也泌的 Collection (Fìgs. 13-14). Sinus on shou1der, sculpture axials and spirals, outer lip, reinforced. Mangeliinae : 4.7 to 25.5 mm length in my Collection (Figs. 15 帽 16). Sinus on shoulder, axial sculpture predominate丸 outer lip reinforced.

LlTERATURE CITES Kilbum RN 1986 Turridae (Mollusca:Gastroppda) ofSouthen Afric在 and Mozambique, Part 3 Subfami1y Borsoniinae. Annals ofthe Natal M的指m , 27(2):633 輛 720. McLean JH 1971 A Revised Classification of the Family Turrid紹 • The 均liger , 1: 114-130. and Figures 1-142. Nordsieck F 1977 The Turridae of the European Seas Ediz La Piramide per La Conchiglia.125 悍, Powell AWB 1966. The Molluscan FamiIíes and Turrid純 Bulletin of Auckland lnstitute and Museum , 55: 183, and 23 pls. Thiele J 1929-1935 Handbook of Systematic Malacology. Part 1 (Lorìcata; :Prosobranchia). Translated by Smithsonian Institution, 1992, pp.555 輔 573. Taylor JD, Kantor YI and Sysoev AV 1993 Foregut Anatomy, feeding mechanisms relatìonships and Classification of (Gastropoda)~ Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. London (Zool.), 59(2): 125-170. Small shcll ofTunidae 仆。 m Taiwan. 111 29

1. Pilsbryspira arsinoe, 9mm, 8rasil. 2. ToxicJionella tllmit的, 60mm, S. ^frica. 3. 在 re /l a amoel帥 , 3mm, Norway. 4. Thatcheria mirabilis, 96mm, Taiwan. 5. Microdaphne trichodes , 3mm, Taiwan. 6. Raphitoma neopolitana, 18.5mm, Mediterramean Sca. 7. Acrobela loprestim帥, 6mm, Meditcnamean Sea. 8. atractoid凹, 67mm, Australia. 9. Anarithma iki, 3.5mm, Hawaii. 10. Anarithma dorcas , 20mm, the Philippines. 11. allomala, 4.7mm, Lutao. 12. lac/IIlOsa, 25.5mm, Japan. 13. Li凹叮叮lia inllocells, 3.2mm, Rcunion. 14. Stl'Ombillotllrris crockeri, 40mm, Gulf 0 1' California. 15. lthycythara parkeri, 3mm, Gulf ofMexico. 16. E Il CÎth α ra gllentheri, 23mm, the Philippin 凶, 30 C. K. Chang

台灣產小型持管螺科頁類 111. 芒泉螺科


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