Unit XIV: WWII- Causes, Practices, and Effects

IB Syllabus Goals: • Foreign policies of dictators • , collapse of League of Nations • Total war, air, sea, land, all fronts • Participants and alliances • Political, social, and economic developments during, and as a result of the war

Causes of WWII Study Questions: What explanations may be suggested for the support of the policy of appeasement? Describe the emergencies precipitated by Hitler from 1933 to the eve of the Munich crisis in September of 1938. Of what special significance was the Rhineland episode? Why was Italy dissatisfied with the peace arrangements of 1919? How did the League of Nations respond to a) Mussolini’s invasion of Ethiopia? B) to Japan’s invasion of China? How did the civil war in Spain affect international relations? Public opinion in the United States and elsewhere? In what sense was the Spanish civil war a rehearsal for the Second World War?

Quotes: To what extent do you agree with the following quotes? “From the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 to the outbreak of European was in 1939, force was used by those who wished to revise the international order, but never by those who wished to maintain it.” “The Spanish civil war split the world into fascist and antifascist camps.” “The Nazi-Soviet Pact of August 1939 stupefied the world; it was recognized as the signal for war.”

Identification: Know each term and its importance. Appeasement Rhineland occupation Spanish Civil war Anschluss Italian invasion of Ethiopia Munich crisis For Whom the Bell Tolls Guernica Flange Franco Maginot Line German-Poland Non-Aggression Pact Englebert Dolfuss Haille Selaisse Stress Front Sudentenland

Pre- WWII treaties Treaty of Versailles Rapallo treaty 1922 Nazi-Soviet Pact 1939 Locarno Treaty 1925 Anti-Comintern Pact 1936 Rome-Berlin Axis (Pact of Steel)

WWII- Practices and Effects Study Questions: 1. What explanations have been given for the collapse of France? What happened to the country after defeat? 2. In what sense did Hitler dominate the European continent by the summer of 1940? 3. How did Britain react to the Nazi conquests? The United State? Explain the nature and results of the battle of Britain. 4. What explanations are there for Hitler’s invasion of Russia? Describe the results for his Russian campaign by the summer of 1942. 5. Describe major military developments in North Africa from 1940 to mid 1942? 6. Explain the nature of the combination aligned against the Axis by 1942. Why were the Russians dissatisfied with the failure to open a true “second front”?

Quotes: To what extent do you agree with the following quotes? 1. “In North Africa fortunes were fickle.” 2. “For the Soviet-Western alliance, 1942 was the year of dismay.” 3. “From 1942 on, the Russians were suspicious of their Western allies.”

Identification: Know each term and its importance. Blitzkrieg Vichy France Operation Barabossa Erwin Rommel Stalingrad Battle of the Bulge Grand- Alliance Dunkirk night-bombing Battle of Britain Lend-Lease Act D-Day (Normandy Invasion) El Alamein Elbe River V-E Day Total war Year of Dismay Charles DeGaulle Caucasus Mountains Luftwaffe RAF spitfires Sea Lion Scorched earth policy Nuremberg Trials Final Solution Intentionalist Functionalist Nordhausen

WWII Treaties Atlantic Charter 1941 First Washington Conference 1941 Casablanca 1943 Second Washington Conference 1942 Tehran Conference 1943 San Francisco Conference Yalta Conference 1946 Potsdam Conference 1945