HeatNet NWE pilot and regional vision Welcome - Bienvenue Welkom - Herzlich Wilkommen

HeatNet NWE 4 December 2019 Agenda

• Welcome • Intro to HeatNet NWE • Pilot – City of Kortrijk • Regional vision – Leiedal • Site visit • Q&A HeatNet NWE project

The overall objective of HEATNET NWE is to introduce and demonstrate the 4th generation DHC (4DHC) in NWE. The concept requires the development of new institutional and organizational frameworks. The project will result in

15,000 t CO2e saved per annum at its end. Project partners District heating?

• A network of buried insulated pipes that transports heat to customers and provides heating, hot water and potentially cooling to several buildings • Proven technology • The trick is to provide low carbon heat (waste heat or renewable heat)! • District heating can decarbonise the heat supply of a lot of buildings in one step • Low adoption (<1%) in Belgium, so huge potential in urban areas. District heating in

• District heating networks in , Gent, Brugge since the eighties (waste incineration) • Recent modest revival: , , Port of (Ecluse) (waste incineration) • Projects under development: Eeklo, , Mol, Mortsel, mostly heat from waste incineration District heating in Flanders

• Mainly based on waste heat from waste incineration (13 facilities in Flanders, decline in amount of municipal waste, rise in amount of industrial waste • Other heat sources needed for further rollout • Huge potential: 40 – 60% of building environment can be supplied with district heating! Current share of heating market is <1%. • Both existing building stock (3 million buildings!) + renovation (~1%) and new construction (~1%) Pilot – City of Kortrijk

• Kortrijk Weide: district heating 4th gen. low temperature • Operational since 2 years • Actual heat source: 2 gas fired boilers (+/- 700 kW each) at swimming pool • Additional CPH foreseen • 3 buildings connected, extension planned as from 2020 Pilot – City of Kortrijk

Opportunities • Kortrijk Weide: district heating pilot – nucleus for further extensions • Opportunities of reconversions along the river Leie, waste incinerator at 2,5 km distance, at riverside

Main goals HeatNet NWE for Kortrijk • Feasibility and technical studies • Installation of DH Kortrijk Weide + extensions • Research on business model – energy company Kortrijk Weide

CAMPUS KORTRIJK WEIDE Kortrijk Weide Kortrijk Weide Kortrijk Weide

DAE Public park

Event square / parking Event hall Swimming pool CVO

Railway tunnel

Howest Tranzit UGent Incubator Kortrijk Weide

CVO Kortrijk Weide


SWIMMING POOL Kortrijk Weide


EVENT HALL Kortrijk Weide



INCUBATOR Kortrijk Weide


RAILWAY PARK Kortrijk Weide


HEAT ISLAND Kortrijk Weide Kortrijk Weide Current status and lessons learned

State of affairs • District heating on Campus Weide operational • Pipes through tunnel completed • Pipes for extension Campus West: feb – march 2020

Lessons learned • You pay your dues • Costs in general • Timeframe • The more parties… • Long term  politics and elections • Continuous monitoring needed Reconversions along the river Leie DH backbone from waste incinerator to city center

Feasibility study ➔ negative

Lessons learned • Technical feasibility is not an issue • Financial feasibility should not be the key issue Business logics ➔ sustainability logics • Break in in the proces at very early development stage, windows of opportunity are small • Structured approach needed ➔ presentation Leiedal Future challenges

• Management – concession or energy company • Towards sustainable energy sources • Long term commitment: political, funding, legislation… • Giant leap Added value HeatNet NWE

• Subsidies – dues • High ambitions towards 4th generation DHC – future proof • Expertise & network of HeatNet partners • WP transformation roadmaps ➔ Long term spatial energy planning Regional vision – Leiedal Leiedal

Leiedal Leiedal & climate change

• The covenant of mayors: 40% CO₂ reduction by 2030 + climate adaptation

• ZEROregio: Climate neutrality by 2050

• HeatNet NWE: roll out of 4DHC in South-West-Flanders Evolution of CO₂ emissions 2005-2017: -11% CO₂ emissions South-West-Flanders

Focus on 1) renewable energy, 2) green heat, and 3) sustainable transport South-West-Flanders climate neutral by 2050?

First step: saving energy South-West-Flanders climate neutral by 2050?

First step: saving energy South-West-Flanders climate neutral by 2050?

Second step: renewable energy Solar energy Solar energy

• Retail parks • Industrial sites • Parking lots • Along roads & railways • Housing Wind energy Wind energy Green Heat 7 capacity building workshops

Kortrijk: 18-22 Feb Harelbeke and : 26-28 March Spiere-Helkijn and : 24-26 April and : 6-8 May and : 14-16 May Place image in this and : 11-13 June area. and : 24-26 June DH possible in 10 out of 13 municipalities

Avelgem Harelbeke Place image in this Kuurne area. Kortrijk Lendelede Menen Waregem Wervik Wevelgem Zwevegem District Heating in South- West-Flanders Waregem Place image in this area. Water purification plant as low temperature heat source. Lendelede Place image in this area. Interesting mix of opportunities: 1) renewal of town hall and municipal grounds 2) Brewery 3) Ventilus: strengthening the electricity grid and construction of transformer station in Lendelede to convert voltages Wevelgem Place image in this area. Masterplan - focusing on climate adaptation - as an opportunity to kick-start the district heating system. 40% CO₂ reduction in South-West-Flanders?

• Industry invests in renewable energy (wind and solar energy) for its own electricity demand

• 35% of the housing stock, which cannot be connected to a district heating system, produces green heat (“all electric” scenario)

• 40% of households drives with electric cars

• Public facilities and public lighting are energy neutral

• District Heating in 10 out of 13 municipalities

• Wind energy in 9 out of 13 municipalities Site visit

• 3 locations – 3 groups • Swimming pool – heat source • Youth centre Tranzit – heat exchanger • Tunnel / Campus West – future extension

• Each group visits all locations

• Networking drink + Q&A after site visit

• Bus back to Tourcoing leaves at 17:00 Site visit Thank you!