
PROBLEMS IN THE (Adapted from Discovery Education: Science Textbook) RESUMEN: La atmósfera de la tierra tiene varias capas: tropósfera, estratósfera, mesósfera, y termósfera. Los seres humanos están creando problemas a la atmósfera contaminándola, produciendo lluvia ácida, además de dañar la capa de ozono que nos protege de la radiación ultravioleta.

1. ’s atmosphere protects the planet in many ways. It holds in the gases necessary for and keeps moisture from escaping into . It also protects the planet from the strong rays of the Sun and destroys meteorites coming to our planet. The atmosphere is made up of several layers. The is the layer closest to Earth’s surface. This is followed by the , the , and the . Each layer has a different range and contains different mixtures of gases and moisture. Human activities on Earth’s surface can create changes in the atmosphere. Pollution, , and holes in the ozone disrupt how the atmosphere normally functions.

Pollution 1. Air in the atmosphere is made up1 of several gases. It is 78% (N) and 21% (O2). The last 1% includes dioxide and small amounts of other gases. Pollution from cars, industry, and other sources2 add different chemicals to the gases in the atmosphere. These chemicals can get trapped near the surface of the planet in the troposphere. The troposphere contains the many of Earth’s living species. These species depend on the gases in the troposphere to stay alive. Pollutants in this layer sometimes react with atmospheric gases to create a molecule called ozone.

2. Ozone is made of three atoms of oxygen (O3). Ozone naturally occurs in the stratosphere, where it protects the planet from the Sun’s dangerous . When ozone is present in the troposphere, however3, it can cause respiratory problems. Children are more sensitive to ozone and may develop asthma from being exposed to it. Ozone can also damage . Pollution in the causes big problems. This is a picture of Los Angeles covered by pollution. Acid Rain Acid rain causes forests to disappear and fish to die due to the contamination of .

1 Made up: compuesta 2 Sources: Fuentes,origenes. 3 However: sin embargo

3. Pollutants from human activities can also cause acid rain. Acid rain is rain that has a low pH. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. Substances with a pH under 7 are acidic, and substances with a pH over 7 are alkaline. For example, lemon juice is acidic because it has a pH of 3. Pure water has a pH of 7, in the middle of the scale. Chemicals can alter the pH in water. When the pH of rain falls below 5.6, it is considered acid rain. Diagram showing how acid rain is produced.

4. Many need water with a pH close to seven in order to survive4. When absorb acidic water from the , it can destroy them. Acid rain can lower5 the pH of lakes and rivers and can cause problems for fish and other aquatic .

Ozone Holes 5. At the top of the stratosphere, there is a layer of natural ozone (O3). This plays an important part in protecting the planet from the ultraviolet (UV) radiation of the Sun. Chemicals named CFCs cause problems in the ozone layer. CFCs are produced by chemicals that humans use as coolants (for example, in air conditioners). CFCs form “holes6” in the ozone layer. These “holes” let UV radiation come to the surface. Too much UV radiation can cause damage7 to humans.

6. Human activities release8 chemicals into the air that can change how the atmosphere functions. As the protective layers of the atmosphere change, it will cause increasing health problems in humans and other species.

Ozone holes can cause damage to animals, plants, and people. Some dangers include skin cancer and malnutrition.

4 Survive: sobrevivir 5 Lower: reducir 6 Holes: agujeros 7 Damage: daño 8 Release: sueltan, emiten