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HAECKEL'S Protista and Current Concepts in Systematic Protistology


Abstract treatment of all . Current options, one of which may be considered particular- , one of the biological ly neoHaeckelian in nature, are presented giants of the second half of the 19th cen- in order to show that protistan megasyste- tury, boldly created a novel third kingdom matics will remain in a state of flux until of , the Protista, to contain the more data of relevance are available for largely microscopic and unicellular orga- detailed analyses. One of the major chal- nisms that he believed should no longer be lenges facing workers in the field today is assigned to the long-dominating pair of how to determine ways of including infor- kingdoms containing the macroscopic and mation from phylogenetic cladograms into multicellular and . This evo- ranked hierarchical schemes of classificati- lutionarily-based systematic concept, pro- on (if retention of the latter into the futu- posed in 1866 and refined in 1878 (and re seems desirable), keeping in mind the subsequent years), was controversial from varying uses or purposes to which such its inception and, indeed, is still so today. megasystems may ultimately be put. In a Yet the idea was - and is - of much value, table, the author briefly presents his own if only for focusing attention on the phylo- skeletal arrangement of high-level proti- genetic component of and on the stan taxa that may be an improvement over otherwise often ignored highly diverse those in the recent literature, with empha- groups of mostly microscopic eukaryotic sis on the idea that the diversity of the pro- organisms now widely known as "the pro- tists is too great to be confined to a single tists" (consisting of the conventional , kingdom and, thus, that their species , and "lower" fungi). Discussed in require dispersal throughout all of the this paper, beyond giving a historical back- several kingdoms of the eukaryotic biotic ground, are the attempts in the 20th cen- world that are becoming widely recognized tury to improve the high-level systematic today.

Stapfia 56. zugleich Kataloge des OÖ. Landes- museums, Neue Folge Nr. 131 (1998), 85-104

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1 categories. Nevertheless, although certain Introductory Remarks protists (but not so-called) were described with a degree of accuracy by scientists of the Ernst [Heinrich] HAECKEL (1834-1919) 16th and 17th (and perhaps even earlier) cen- was one of the most prolific and influential turies, it remained for astute microscopists of producers of publications in broad areas of the the late 1700s (e. g., O. F. MÜLLER 1786) and biological sciences, including and early 1800s (e. g., J. B. P. A. LAMARCK 1815; systematics, during the latter half of the 19th C. A. ACARDH 1824; C. G. EHRENBERG 1838; century. This fact is attested to by the many F. DUJARDIN 1841; F. T. KÜTZING 1844; L. diverse papers comprising the present special RABENHORST 1844-1847; C. T. von SIEBOLD issue of the journal "Stapfia", by numerous 1845, 1848; C. W. von NÄGEL! 1847) to offer entries in the recently published 4862-page accounts clearly noting major (mostly mor- "Dictionnaire du Darwinisme et de l'Evoluti- phological) differences between micro- and on" (edited by TORT 1996), and by the conti- macroorganisms. [These workers (and their nued use and frequent citation still today of major followers in subsequent generations various of his works, controversial or otherwi- through mid-20th century) have been deser- se, a full century after their initial appearance. vedly, although all too briefly, saluted in A man of great enthusiasm, conviction, and several historical works by the author: see self-confidence, his missionary zeal was well especially CORLISS (1978-1979) and CORLISS known. For example, as the "T. H. HUXLEY of (1992).] the European continent," HAECKEL displayed Despite the precise observations of such such a vehemence in his uncompromising titans of old as those mentioned above, the support and defense of Darwinism that it was widely followed downward system of taxono- said that some of his outbursts astounded - mic classification of the times typically left even worried - DARWIN himself! the protists (comprised principally of algae and protozoa) assigned to either one or the The present paper is limited primarily to other of the two dominant/dominating king- consideration of HAECKEL's novel concept of doms, the Plantae and the Animalia, until the Protista as a third major kingdom of orga- arrival of the second half of the 19th century. nisms and to brief discussion of subsequent, including current, ideas about the evolution During the very busy period 1858 to 1866 and systematics of the diverse "lower" (as ROTHSCHILD 1989, has chronicled in a eukaryotic assemblages now widely embraced most thorough way; see also RAGAN'S 1997, under the broad and very general term of "the 1998, analyses), half a dozen papers were protists". A few words of background informa- published that essentially set up formal king- tion must be given first. doms, using four to six separate labels, for organisms many of which - but certainly not all! - are generally subsumed today under the "" umbrella. The names of these speci- Brief Historical fied "third kingdoms" and their creators were Background Protozoa/Acrita (OWEN 1858, 1860, 1861), Primigenum/Protoctista (HOGG 1860), Prima- With respect to the classification lia (WILSON &. CASSIN 1864), and Protista lato of living organisms, the notion that the (HAECKEL 1866). But remember that various biotic (including sometimes the abiotic as algal and protozoan groups had been recogni- well!) world contains more groups than just zed for scores of preceding years as quite the easily reccgnired rsacniscopic p^anr and distinct from most other organisms; most species extends far back into time. We often, however, such groups were rather are indebted to RAGAN (1997) for his recent arbitrarily placed within one and/or the other scholarly discourse on this often largely philo- of the long existing pair of established king- sophical subject of a more or less elusive third doms, as indicated above. kingdom for objects or organisms not fitting ROTHSCHILD (1989) and RAGAN (1997) comfortably into the established animal/ have offered admirable discussions of the

86 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at values and fates of the contributions by OWEN, Taf.L HOGG, and WILSON &. CASSIN, to which the reader is thus referred. These two workers are also in agreement over the principal reasons for the (relative) superiority of HAECKEL'S pro- positions, rife though the latter were with weaknesses and with subsequent revisions (e.g.,seeHAECKEL 1868,1874a,b, 1878,1892, 1894)- Therefore, here 1 shall concentrate solely on the views of HAECKEL, among those five late 19th-century third-kingdom creators, primarily because his proposals were clearly the first to truly embrace an evolutionary (phylogenetic/genealogical) outlook and because their author was a bonafide "working protistologist" himself. It is also essentially only HAECKEL'S ideas that ultimately resurfa- ced, albeit in modified form, in subsequent 20th-century taxonomic treatments of the protists.

Pros and Cons of HAECKEL'S Heuristic Proposals

Certainly influenced by DARWIN (1859), HAECKEL (1866) is presumed to be the first to present a " of " (reproduced here as Fig. 1). For HAECKEL, especially in his later papers, one important role of some single-celled organisms was to yAnlwplrrhm)*» animale serve as the direct evolutionary origin of the long accepted kingdoms of plants and animals, while his new (third) kingdom specifically contained many additional unicellular groups 1, Feld : p in n q (19 Stammt n,FdJ: p x y q (J Stammt considered by him not to be immediate ance- Monophyle ti s eher HI, Feld: ps t q (i Stamm. Stammbaum der Organismen stors of organisms comprising the other major stellen, jmcykjte, FälU dir vtTsaUw Gmtalogie, Jar branches of his tree. As RAGAN (1997) has cogently pointed out, nature at last no longer needed to be represented by a single linear HAECKEL'S Protista over other suggestions of Fig. 1: chain (the "scala naturae" of philosophers and the time is related to the fields of research of of HAECKEL'S phylo- theologians through past centuries); rather, a genetic tree of life (from HAECKEL 1866, the proposers. Only the man from Jena, as I Plate I). ramified tree provided a far more accurate have implied above, was a person qualified to (albeit also far more complicated!) picture of appreciate the merits of the "lower organisms" group interrelationships. HAECKEL stressed the as progenitors of and/or as separable from the evolutionary approach of his classification to visibly dominating forms of life. HAECKEL had the exclusion of any alternative explanation, studied in Berlin under Johannes MÜLLER, a despite the far from widespread acceptance of man hailed as the founder of the great dynasty Darwinism (natural selection, etc.) at the time of German zoologists and comparative anato- of his own daring speculations. mists (see GOLDSCHMIDT 1956) and establis- A second main reason for favoring her of the among the protozoa

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(MÜLLER 1858). HAECKEL, a magnificent tea- evolutionary) classification, which could be cher himself, had many followers. His most improved upon as more was learned about outstanding protozoological student was sure- (micro)organisms many of which were yet to ly who, in turn, seemed to be discovered. Two years later (HAECKEL have rivaled even the great Otto BÜTSCHLI as 1894), he wrote of four major groups of orga- an inspiring professor in those decades of Ger- nisms (beyond the and other protists man dominance in all scientific fields. of his "Protista Neutralia"): the Protophyta, HAECKEL produced tremendously detailed and Protozoa, Metaphyta, and Metazoa, with the beautifully illustrated monographs on the first two - also in his kingdom Protista - con- taxonomy of the Radiolaria (e. g., HAECKEL sidered ancestral to the latter two (plants and 1862, 1887a, b, 1888) and of allegedly related animals), respectively. In all of his schemes, groups such as the and Acantharia he did exclude from the Protista (most of) the (both of which he named), while rocking the blue- (cyanobacteria, as we know biological world with his treatises on animal them today), the macrophytic green, brown, evolution (among the many aphorisms he coi- and , and the fungi, placing all such ned, recall the celebrated one of his Recapitu- groups among the plants. While including the lation Theory, "ontogeny briefly recapitulates majority of the bacteria (his Monera, but phylogeny"). He also studied certain amoebae today the prokaryotic : vide and (e. g., HAECKEL 1870, 1873a, b), infra) as protists, HAECKEL (1866,1868,1869, as well as some diverse "lower" invertebrate 1870, 1878, 1894; and see Fig. 1) always trea- groups. He was among the first paleoprotisto- ted them as a taxon quite distinct from his logists since C. G. EHRENBERG, whose works other protistan groups. earlier in the century have generally gone On the negative side of the argument con- unnoticed (CORLISS 1996). cerning the value of HAECKEL's proposals, two HAECKEL is thus certainly deserving of the major points may be made. Probably of first title "Father of Protistology", even though our importance, from a historical view, was the modern understandings of what taxa of orga- fact that several of his early critics were very nisms should be studied today under the ban- influential figures in protozoological systema- ner of "protistology" may be quite different tics: for example, Otto BÜTSCHLI (1880-1889) from his. As samples of his magnificent illust- of Germany, and W. Saville KENT (1880- rations of diverse protists, see Figures 2-4, 1882) and E. A. MiNCHlN (1912) of England. of three plates from his popular Their lack of endorsement of the new atlas of the turn of the century (HAECKEL Haeckelian kingdom nearly spelled its doom 1904), a work passing through several editi- forever. In fact, because of HAECKEL's self- ons. I return to the matter of his art work assured bombastic style, poetic imagination, shortly (vide infra). fondness for creating authoritative-sounding HAECKEL's ideas concerning the composi- aphorisms, and rather brash extension of his tion of his kingdom Protista were not immu- revolutionary evolutionary ideas into all fields table: this may be considered as another point of human endeavor (e. g., see HAECKEL 1868, in his favor, in my opinion. In 1866, he inclu- 1892, 1899), the great man has literally alie- ded such major groups as the Bacteria (his nated both outstanding and histori- Moneres), naked and some testaceous rhizo- ans of science - not to mention theologians! - pod amoebae, slime molds, the radiolarians, well into recent times (e. g., see COLE 1926; foramintferans, gregarine sporozoa, various NORDENSKJÖLD 1928; GOLDSCHMIDT 1956; sensu lato {Dinnbrscni, Eus£a\a, SKGER 1959; IMAYR 1982). , Peridmium, Xocnluca, etc.), , A second criticism, more legitimate and and . In 1S7S, he added the ciliates one often, admittedly, used by many of his and suctoria (designated as animals in 1866) opponents (including the early three cited and excluded the sponges. Still later, HAECKEL above), stemmed from the fact that HAECKEL's (1892) acknowledged that his taxonomic kingdom, even in its later versions, did indeed kingdoms might not be monophyletic but that embrace a rather motley mixture of microor- they nevertheless represented a "natural" (i.e., ganisms concerning which phylogenetic

88 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at interrelationships were poorly known and her" plants, have embraced the "protist per- taxonomic boundaries were vague. If the cate- spective" (CORLISS 1986) when treating the gories of Vegetabilia/Plantae and Animalia overall systematics of their organisms (COR- were already rather arbitrary, his contempora- LISS 1998b), preferring a "phycological per- ries (and later systematists as well) asked, spective" (RAGAN 1998). But R. A. ANDERSEN what was the advantage of adding a third (1992), a phycologist with an admirable proti- arbitrary assemblage to our view of the biotic stological outlook, has pointed out that the world? If most of the protistan groups could be algae overall represent at least seven major assigned without too much difficulty to the lineages phylogenetically and that to place existing duo of kingdoms, why create a special them together taxonomically (whether as place for organisms unitable solely, it seemed, plants or otherwise) would result in a highly on the basis of their (sometimes assumed) uni- polyphyletic assemblage. cellularity and their (generally) microscopic Regarding HAECKEL'S remarkable drawings size? These are points well made, and such cri- (not limited to protists), a number of which he ticisms plague protistologists still today (see brought together in the 100 plates of his well subsequent sections of this paper, below). known volume „Kunstformen der Natur" Interestingly enough, however, despite (HAECKEL 1904; and see "HAECKEL 1974", a widespread anti-HAECKEL and anti-Protista conveniently available reproduction of those feelings, SCHAUDINN and HARTMANN unhesi- very plates, without text and with abbreviated tatingly used the Haeckelian-derived name in English legends, released by Dover Publicati- the title of their influential new journal (the ons), some biologists have noted that their „Archiv für Protistenkunde"), established in accuracy often may have been altered by their Germany in 1902. And the ever-critical creator's keen desire to demonstrate symmetry English parasitologist/protozoologist DOBELL and/or artistic beauty in general in them. In (1911) published in that journal a landmark this connection, GOLDSCHMIDT (1956: 33) paper entitled, "On the Principles of Protisto- stated critically, "HAECKEL'S radiolaria were logy". Turning to more recent times, French too perfect all over. One had the impression biologists, in 1965, named a new journal „Pro- that he first made a sketch from nature and tistologica" (replaced, in 1987, by the „Euro- then drew an ideal picture as he saw it in his pean Journal of Protistology"); and the old mind". But I believe that most biologists today German „Archiv" has now, in 1998, been would conclude that no harm has been done, rejuvenated under the new title „Protist" (see no deliberate falsification of actual structures details in CORLISS 1998a). has been perpetrated in order to fit a precon- ceived notion of the of the organisms Textbook writers of the first three-quarters portrayed. [See Figs. 2-4, reproductions of of the 20th century, with exceedingly rare three of HAECKEL'S (1904) plates, showing exception (e. g., JAHN & JAHN 1949: vide aesthetically pleasing radiolarians, dinoflagel- infra), shunned use of HAECKEL'S concept and lates, and ciliates, protozoan groups perhaps name with respect to the protozoa (e. g., DOF- more appropriately referred to here as radio- LEIN 1901, and later editions; CALKINS 1901, protists, dinoprotists, and cilioprotists, using and later; MlNCHIN 1912; WENYON 1926; suffixes originally suggested in, or derivable HARTMANN 1928, and earlier; KUDO 1931, from, proposals independently published by and see 1966; HYMAN 1940; HALL 1953; and MARGULIS (in MARGULIS & SAGAN 1985) and later authors and followers), largely influenced ROTHSCHILD (in HEYWOOD & ROTHSCHILD by the men and criticisms given above. Endor- 1987; and ROTHSCHILD & HEYWOOD 1987, sement by apparently did not even 1988).] HAECKEL apparently loved beauty sim- occur to phycologists, most of whom persi- ply for beauty's sake, and he found it abun- stently classified groups of microscopic algal dantly in the morphology of all creatures, lar- species as "(mini-)plants" along with the ge and small. Bravo! macrophytic greens, reds, and browns (which HAECKEL himself had also excluded from his Finally, a brief note might be inserted here new kingdom). Even today, not many algolo- concerning HAECKEL'S tremendous outpouring gists, while separating the algae from the "hig- of papers, monographs, and books. Reference

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is made to only 17 of these in the present Protista, as "lower protists" (e. g., see JEN- essay, ones most pertinent from the point of NINGS & ACKER 1970; POINDEXTER 1971; view of the subject being treated. But RAGAN & CHAPMAN 1978; WEINMAN & HAECKEL produced many more during his full RISTIC 1968). lifetime. Yet it should also be kept in mind Later, COPELAND (1947, and see especial- that lists of works often cited in Haeckelian ly his compact compendium of 1956) insisted biographies and bibliographies include revised on renaming his two kingdoms of "lower orga- editions (sometimes numerous) of his earlier nisms" as the Mychota and the Protoctista. productions and even other-language transla- Neither of the two replacement names was tions. Still, a mighty impressive publication necessary (his interpretation of the rules of record! proper nomenclature were too rigid; the Subsequent (mid-20th century and to Codes in force certainly did not oblige him to date) praises and criticisms of the Haeckelian take such stringent actions). It is especially kingdom are treated in following sections of unfortunate that he dropped the highly accep- this review. table, sensible, and euphonious name Protista, a decision with long-reaching effects (vide infra). "Mychota" was taken from a little-

Influence of H. F. COPELAND known work of about 25 years earlier (ENDER- LEIN 1925). "Protoctista" was taken from HOGG (1860), chosen principally because A man who heroically resurrected COPELAND (mistakenly) felt that on grounds HAECKEL's concept of a kingdom Protista (but of priority Protista HAECKEL 1866, had to be who also, in his two later works, rejected abandoned. In any case, he should then have HAECKEL's taxonomic name in favor of HOG- selected OWEN'S Protozoa or HOGG'S Primige- G's curious Protoctista) was the botanist Her- num, as ROTHSCHILD (1989) has pointed out. bert F. COPELAND (1938, 1947, 1956). Along Rather similarly, a number of his strange/unfa- with introduction of his own several improve- miliar phyletic and class names need not be - ments, COPELAND, vindicating most of and, in general, have not been - followed by HAECKEL's taxonomic motives and methods, subsequent authors on the systematics of bac- firmly disagreed with the objections of nume- teria, algae, protozoa, and fungi. rous past writers (vide supra). He strongly believed that the (his own) resulting four- Incidentally, while COPELAND was wor- kingdom treatment of all organisms could king on his taxonomic treatise, JAHN & JAHN easily be justified, and that the non-plant and (1949; see also the second edition of this han- non-animal groups could be characterized dy little textbook: JAHN et al. 1979) had a without difficulty and thus deserved high- brief word on the problem of kingdoms with level separation from the long-entrenched respect to unicellular organisms. To my know- major two kingdoms. In 1938, COPELAND ledge (and as noted by LlPSCOMB 1991), the recognized as kingdoms Monera HAEOCEL, JAHNS became the first modern biologists to Protista HAECKEL, Plantae LINNAEUS, and suggest a separate kingdom level for the Fun- Animalia LiNNAEUS. He assigned the Fungi to gi. They also created a kingdom for the viru- a place among the protists. The macrophytic ses. And they placed all green, red, and were also transferred to the Protista, algal taxa plus the protozoa in their kingdom except for the green algae (all of which remai- Protista. In their books, supposedly limited to ned in his plant kingdom). Elevation of the treatment of solely protozoan taxa, they inclu- bacteria to a kingdom of their own was a par- ded keys to various chrysophytic sensu lato, ticularly overdue taxonomic decision (ii had cryptophytic, and chlorophytic aigai prcnsis; first been suggested by E. B. COPELAND, his but many species of the latter groups had, and father, as early as the year 1927), and he have long been, claimed taxonomically by unhesitantly included the "blue-green algae" both zoologists/protozoologists and bota- there. Yet we find that, as late as the 1960s nists/phycologists. and even 1970s, some authors were (still) COPELAND's detailed work set the stage for treating the prokaryotes as members of the subsequent special treatment of the protists

90 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at and their close relatives. It might have had sooner and greater effect were it not for the realization of a truly major split of all orga- nisms, evolutionarily as well as taxonomically, which occurred some five years after appea- rance of CoPELANP's (1956) seminal culmina- ting publication (vide infra).

Impact of Prokaryotic-Eukaryotic Division of Biotic World

The revolutionary realization that all forms of life must be viewed evolutionarily as falling into two great assemblages, clearly distinct one from the other, has been widely acknowledged as one of the greatest biological concepts of the 20th century [although now - e. g., see WOESE (1994) and WOESE et al. (1990) - this is disputed by some modern microbiologists, who claim that recognition of three great divisions or domains, the "Archa- ea" (archaebacteria), the "Bacteria" (euhacte- ria), and the "Eucarya" (), first rea- lized two full decades ago (WOESE &. Fox 1977), was/is the most significant advance of all]. The prokaryotes (the bacteria sensu lato) and the eukaryotes (all other organisms, micro- and macroscopic in size), represent separate assemblages named for their well known nuclear differences (i.e., no discrete nucleus in the former, and a true nucleus, membrane-bound, etc., in the latter); but the groups also possess many other differentiating characteristics (beyond discussion in this paper). This discovery of such a great dicho- tomy among all known organisms was desti- was well publicized and formalized by Roger Fig. 2: ned, understandably, to overshadow and post- STANIER and colleagues (e. g., see STAN1ER & Reproduction of HAECKEL'S drawings of several species of radiolarian proto- pone serious consideration of the protists as a VAN NlEL 1962; STANIER et al. 1963; STANIER zoa (radioprotists) (from HAECKEL 1904, separate kingdom. Two grand superkingdoms 1970). But it is worthy of special note that the Plate I). were enough to stimulate and rejuvenate rese- brilliant French marine protistologist Edouard arch at the cellular level around the world, CHATTON (1925), in a long-overlooked work and for a period of time protozoa and algae concerned principally with a curious parasitic became (mere) representatives of the eukaryo- , was the first biologist to use the terms tic half of life on Earth. "procaryote" and "eucaryote" and to realize Details of the recognition of the instantly that such a division existed in the biotic popular prokaryotic/eukaryotic split have been world. chronicled elsewhere, by others and in papers In due time, the value of using unicellular by the author (e. g., see CORLISS 1986, 1987). algae and protozoa in research on (eukaryotic) Very briefly, we may recall that the discovery cells, so different from the prokaryotic cells of

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bacteria, became appreciated. And these pro- the plant kingdom, a retrograde step with res- tists were somewhat like bacteria in not being pect to the brown algal line, as 1 view it, sin- parts of tissues, being mostly microscopic in ce the browns have proven to be closely rela- size, and often being culturable under refined ted to (other) heterokontic algal protists, laboratory conditions. The emerging field of including numerous unicellular (and micros- eukaryogenesis came to recognize protists as copic) groups (see CORLISS 1984, 1994, and serving as the "missing link" between bacteri- many pertinent references therein, especially al origins of life and the rise of multicellular, CAVALIER-SMITH 1986, 1989, and PATTERSON multitissued organisms of both plant and ani- 1989). mal nature (CORLISS 1989). WHITTAKER'S (1969) well publicized paper had tremendous influence on practicing bio- logists and textbook writers of the time, and the concept of a five-kingdom system of clas- Contributions of R. H. WHITTAKER sification for all organisms acceptably satisfied - indeed fired - the imagination of even the The ecologist Robert H. WHITTAKER, non-scientifically trained public. It brought noted for his work in analysis, was species of protists back into the limelight, as the first major worker to refocus evolutionary pointed out above, and heralded the emergen- and taxonomic attention on unicellular ce of a bonafide interdisciplinary research eukaryotes (but see ROTHSCHILD 1989, and field distinctly identifiable as "protistology" LlPSCOMB 1991, for discussion of the fine con- (CORLISS 1986). tributions of some other biologists, not men- tioned in the present brief account, who published in the period roughly between COPELAND and WHITTAKER and into the early NeoHaeckelian Kingdom Protista 1970s). Disagreeing with COPELAND's king- dom set-up, WHITTAKER (1957, 1959, 1969, The time was thus right for reacceptance 1977; WHITTAKER & MARGULIS 1978) sugge- of Ernst HAECKEL'S "tree of life" concept and sted that overall nutritional modes, as well as of his proposed third major kingdom, the Pro- level of structural organization, should play a tista, with refinements necessitated by the significant role in recognition of separate greatly increased knowledge amassed during kingdoms of organisms. His own papers over the decades following his insightful promulga- time presented slight alternative rearrange- tions. But, in fact, some of the same uncer- ments, but his most cited one (WHITTAKER tainties that had bothered early critics (vide 1969) deserves our special attention because supra) remained in force in the case of WHIT- there he clearly recognized and defended five TAKER'S five-kingdom idea: how (or whether!) major assemblages, named Monera, Protista, to keep all algal groups together in one king- Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia. Nomenclatu- dom; and what to do, in general, about the rally, this decision of his was an improvement probable polyphyletic nature of the Protista, over COPELAND (1956) in restoring the label convenient though it was to treat the assemb- "Monera" for the bacteria and the name "Pro- lage as if it were monophyletic. tista" for the combined group of protozoa and A new champion was needed at this cru- essentially unicellular algae (although exclu- cial historical point, and sive of the "lower chlorophytes"). enthusiastically rose to meet the challenge. Taxonomically, WHITTAKER'S separation HAECKEL'S kingdom (unfortunately with its of the Fungi from COPELAND's diverse Protoc- name once again reverting - ä la COPELAND rista represented another welcome refinement 1956, and mostly for the same mistaken rea- (but recall that JAHN &. J.AHN 1949, had alrea- son - to Protoctista) survived well for nearly dy promoted this idea, although on a different two decades (although not without its critics) basis: see LlPSCOMB 1991). The macrophytic and, indeed, is still an acceptable concept algal groups, taking with them the microsco- today in some circles (vide infra). pic greens, were all assigned by WHITTAKER to Numerous, stimulating, and rapidly forth-

92 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at coming were papers, chapters, and books by MARGULIS and colleagues during the exciting period from 1970 until (and including) the present. For our purposes here (mainly discus- sing protistan systematics), the following refe- rences may specifically be cited: MARGULIS (1974), MARGLLIS & SCHWARTZ (1982, 1988, 1998), MARGULIS et al. (1990); more can be found in the bibliographies of those works (also see listings in CORLISS 1984, 1986, 1994, 1998b). But further, at least brief mention should be made of MARGULIS's highly heuristic influence, through her writings and oral pre- sentations, in popularizing research into the significance of symbiosis in the evolution of all present-day forms of life (e. g., see MARGU- LIS 1970, 1976, 1981, 1993, 1996).

The five kingdoms of MARGULIS have changed but little, either in name or with res- pect to included lower taxa, over the years. In fact, in her popular and widely dispersed book (written with Karlene V. SCHWARTZ), four of the kingdoms have always been called the Protoctista, the Fungi, the Plantae, and the Animalia. The fifth (actually, the first) has been labeled the Monera in the first edition of the volume (MARGULIS &. SCHWARTZ 1982), the Prokaryotae (Monera) in the second (MARGULIS & SCHWARTZ 1988), and the Bac- teria (Prokaryotae, Procaryotae, Monera) in the third (MARGULIS & SCHWARTZ 1998). Such consistency has been valuable from the pedagogical point of view and has lent a wel- come stability. Whether or not it is fully sup- ported by recent studies is a topic to which we return below.

Whereas one of WHITTAKER'S (see especi- ally 1969) central aims, with rare exception, and all the slime molds (and other "lower" Fig. 3: was to accept only groups of unicellular and fungal taxa). But MARGULIS agreed with Reproduction of HAECKEL'S drawings of microscopic organisms in his protistan/protoc- WHITTAKER in his several improvements over several species of tistan kingdom, MARGULIS (e. g., 1974, 1976, (dinoprotists) (from HAECKEL 1904, COPELAND'S (1956) scheme; for example, in Plate XIV). and later works) placed her emphasis in the ridding the protistan melange of the earlier wor- other direction, on requirements for members- ker's "higher" fungal groups and the sponges. hip in the "higher" kingdoms. That is, she strove to make certain that solely multicellu- Perhaps a further word needs to be said lar and multitissued macroscopic organisms concerning the controversy, not entirely a appeared in her kingdoms of plants, animals, semantic one, over the choice of a kingdom and fungi. As a result, her protoctistan name, that is, between "Protista" and "Protoc- assemblage became much larger (in numbers tista." For MARGULIS and her most faithful fol- of contained phyla) embracing, as it did, the lowers, the protists are the unicellular mem- red, the brown sensu lato, and all the green bers of the kingdom; the protoctists overall, algae (including charophytes), the chytrids, on the other hand, are said to embrace also

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the major multicellular macrophytic algal share the Margulisian or neoHaeckelian view lineages included there. It is true that that protists displayed integrity as a taxono- HAECKEL placed the latter groups outside his mic group. LEEDALE (1974) was an early dis- more restricted third kingdom (his Protista senter, stressing the possibilities that the algae sensu stricto). But, for the majority of wor- and protozoa might well be considered to king protistologists today, body size and even represent (merely) a structural level or grade simple multicellularity (which surely has ari- of (cellular) organization, on the one hand, or sen more than once in protistan evolution) a multitude of separate kingdoms, too diverse are not held to be significant bases for separa- to be amalgamated into one taxon, Protista, tion. Indeed, COPELAND (1956) himself, who- on the other hand. The overall classification se taxonomic work was/is much admired by scheme of MÖHN (1984) represented a fairly MARGULIS, included most of the macrophytic extreme example of the latter view: some 11 algal groups (and the multicellular fungi as separately named kingdoms were deemed well!) within his Protoctista (but recall that necessary to contain protistan groups. CAVA- he used this name merely as a preferred syno- LIER-SMITH (e. g., 1981,1983) also distributed nym of Protista: vide supra). protists through several eukaryotic kingdoms (five or six in later papers: vide infra). COR- During the years in which numerous wor- LISS (1986; Table 1) may be consulted for kers (the writer among them: e. g., see COR- detailed information on the varying numbers LISS 1984, 1986, 1987, 1989) wholeheartedly of eukaryotic kingdoms found in the literatu- supported the five-kingdom hypothesis, many re of the years 1969 through 1985; and see the of us preferred simply to use the Haeckelian comprehensive treatment by LlPSCOMB name Protista for what could be construed to (1991). Nevertheless, a "protistological per- be the practically identical kingdom persi- spective" (CORLISS 1986, 1998b) did - and stently called Protoctista by MARGUUS. TAY- does - hold sway in a significant number of LOR (1978) cautiously used only the vernacu- research papers, often interdisciplinary in lar term "lower eukaryotes" to describe his nature, that are concerned with the evolution protistan assemblage (plus the fungi and all and phylogeny of major groups of algae, pro- algal lines). tozoa, and "lower" fungi. The unique effort by No matter slight nomenclatural differen- ROTHSCHILD & HEYWOOD (1987; and see dis- ces/changes, independence of the fungi and cussion in ROTHSCHILD 1989) to reconcile the prokaryotes, some algal lines in and/or taxonomy and phylogeny, using a "from the out, and the like: the consideration of the pro- bottom up" rather than a "top down" tists as comprising a single distinct high-level approach and identifying monophyletic grou- taxonomic group, relatively primitive, and pings (which were then assigned vernacular serving as the evolutionary proving ground for names, all with "-protista" as suffix), deserves the "higher" eukaryotes, was first clearly special mention but is beyond further consi- postulated by Ernst HAECKEL well over a cen- deration here. tury ago. The Margulisian concept and sche- me, while considerably expanded and much Currently, the high-level classification of more refined, may still appropriately be the protists is "in a state of flux" (CORLISS thought of today - and not disparagingly - as 1994, 1998b), although some workers in the basically Haeckelian in nature. recent past have rather pessimistically consi- dered the situation to be closer to chaotic (leading one to wonder if "Regnum Chaoti- 8 cum LINNAEUS 1767" - see RAGAN 1998 - Current Ideas Concerning High- might yet aptly be called back into service?! I). level Systematics of Protists Because of our growing knowledge of proti- stan diversity (through increasingly refined Even during the peak of research excite- studies and realization of the complexities of ment over the protists and their possible roles symbiotic origin of many contemporary in the phylogeny and evolution of other forms), I believe that we are obliged to ackno- eukaryotic organisms, some biologists did not wledge the inevitability of inflated taxonomic

94 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at schemes for proper reflection of group relati- onships, lamentable though this conclusion is from a didactic point of view. We continue to have options with respect to systematic arrangements of "lower" (indeed, of all) eukaryotes (and prokaryotes as well, but this great assemblage - or two great assemblages ä la WoESE - is beyond the scope of the present review), and four of these are considered below. In addition to applying modern evolutionary/phylogenetic concepts and methodologies, we still would do well to reflect on the ultimate uses or purposes to which classification systems are put and on the universally agreed general dictum that one should choose simplicity over complexity whenever appropriately possible (OcCHAM's Razor, in effect): see relevant comments and advice in BARDELE (1997), CORLISS (1972, 1976, 1983, 1990, 1994, 1998b), LIPSCOMB (1991), MAYR & ASHLOCK (1991), RAGAN (1998), ROTHSCHILD (1989), SILVA (1984, 1993), and VlCKERMAN (1992). Here, we shall leave aside a possible fifth option, one that might be said to be based on a separation/clas- sification of all microorganisms into functio- nal groups (e. g., see PRATT & CAIRNS 1985; SlEBURTH & ESTEP 1985; and comments in CORLISS 1998b).

8.1 Protists as Evolutionary Grade

The protists can be thought of as repre- senting simply an evolutionary grade or a level of cellular organization, with perhaps some of them serving a role as phylogenetic way-stati- ons enroute to emergence of so-called "hig- in an evolutionary line leading to any "suc- Fig. 4: her" eukaryotic forms. Very likely, they (i.e., ceeding" groups (beyond themselves), as Reproduction of HAECKEL'S drawings of several species of ciliates (ciliopro- ancestors of present-day forms) served as a HAECKEL (1866, 1878) appreciated long ago. tists) (from HAECKEL 1904, Plate III). bridge between the kingdom(s) of prokaryotes Identification of subgroupings is still required, and the presently dominating (although and our curiosities still need to be satisfied perhaps only body size-wise!) groups of "hig- regarding their possible phylogenetic relati- her" eukaryotes. And many of them might be onships, one to another (and also to the other considered evolutionary experiments in "real?ir groups of organisms). eukaryogenesis (CORLISS 1987). Nevertheless, from a pedagogical point of This option sidesteps a number of taxono- view, biologists may find it helpful to present mic problems, all the way up to whether or not representative unicellular protists as examples all protistan groups can be considered, of an abiding type of biological (cellular) orga- together, to represent a unified single king- nization, irrespective of their place in the dom. It essentially ignores the probable fact taxonomic hierarchy of life forms (BARDELE that numerous assemblages of protists are not 1997).

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8.2 Protists as Phylogenetic modern literature is replete with excellent examples of this (for two quite recent ones, From another point of view, groups of pro- with emphasis on results of rRN A studies, see tistan species may be considered to represent SOGIN 1994; SOGIN et al. 1996). For a treat- (remnants of) evolutionary lines or lineages ment of protists alone, LlPSCOMB (1991), in a often without yet-known clear-cut taxonomic comprehensive cladistic study using the "con- relationships to each other. All such clades, in stellation of characters" approach (CORLISS theory, can be recognized by strict application 1976), has postulated that there are a dozen of the rule of monophyly (HENN1G 1950, separate, presumably monophyletic lines, 1966; WILEY 1981; LIPSCOMB 1984; and today there are many additional books and papers of involved; but no taxonomic ranks or names relevance available on this popular subject), a are assigned to them by her nor are attempts methodology greatly aided by the advent of made to show the possible taxonomic relati- precise ways to sequence ribosomal RNAs, for onships of these clades to each other. example. CAVALIER-SMITH (1995a) discussed I am indebted to Mark RAGAN (personal the impact of such overall molecular resear- communication; and now see RAGAN 1998) ches on the development of protistology in its for bringing to my attention the fact that BAT- second decade as a rejuvenated field of biolo- HER (1927), more than 70 years ago, percepti- gical inquiry. And PHILIPPE & ADOUTTE vely foresaw the difficulties of using phyloge- (1995) have reminded us of difficulties and netic trees as a highly suitable basis for a hier- pitfalls inherent in studies of the molecular archical arrangement of any groups of orga- phylogeny of eukaryotes in general. nisms. For the protozoa, incidentally, later The impressive phylogenetic trees or cla- RAABE (1964) voiced the same view, indepen- dograms resulting from many molecular (as dently but not as eloquently. BATHER, alt- well as morphological/ultrastructural) approa- hough of course knowing nothing of the ches often present nearly insurmountable (to molecularly derivable trees/cladograms possi- date) challenges to erection of (traditional) ble today, suggested three reasons for drawing hierarchies of ranked taxonomic groups. If the the conclusion of his stated above: (1) The reasoning on this subject by PATTERSON "more complete the phylogenetic tree, the (1994; and see PATTERSON & SOGIN 1993) further it must depart from a classification and others can be sustained as a valid argu- based originally on different principles." (2) ment - viz., that high-level ranks and hierar- The "more refined our analysis becomes, the chies will be of diminished significance in the greater is the difficulty of representing its future - then cladistic/phylogenetic conclusi- results in any classificatory scheme." And (3) ons could come to replace traditional "mega- A "classification which obscures the qualities systematics" (apt term coined by CAVALIER- of the goods as delivered loses thereby in prac- SMITH) for protists and all other organisms as tical value." well. From didactic and other pragmatic points of view, such an outcome seems diffi- cult to accept for many (but a decreasing 8.3 Protists as Single Discrete number?) of us biologists who are perhaps Kingdom addicted to classical taxonomic arrangements. Maybe some sort of compromise can be rea- As indicated on a preceding page, the ched: is a call for an arbitrator in order? In any neoHaeckelian concept, which retains a case, 1 am inclined to (have to) agree with single kingdom for protists (now plus three RAGAN's (1998) very recent assessment, thai other eukaryotic kingdoms: the popular five- "monophyly (holophyly) is our strongest line kingdom arrangement if all prokaryores are of defense against rampant arbitrariness." assigned to a single additional kingdom), remains a valid choice or option for treatment Furthermore, there is no question of the of the implicated algal, protozoan, and immense value of robust phylogenetic trees in "lower" fungal assemblages. This MARGULIS- understanding the evolutionary relationships favored solution is highly satisfactory from the within given groups of organisms. The points of view of convenience and relative

96 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at simplicity for information retrieval systems kingdoms involved can be as low as five or six and for the education/edification of high- (see Table 1); and all of them (and much of school and college students, the general their taxonomic content) have already been public, non-scientific professional people, and named and described or redescribed in the non-biological scientists. It could serve - and recent literature (primarily in works by CAVA- already is admirably serving - the purposes of LIER-SMITH: see appropriate references in the such clientele. papers cited above). This multikingdom opti- on solves several long-standing problems and Unfortunately, from both evolutionary criticisms of both earlier and some contem- (including cladistic) and megasystematic porary protistan classification schemes, going stands, the notion of a single Protista/Protoc- back as far as HAECKEL'S (1866, 1878) original tista kingdom for inclusion of the many diver- worb up through COPELAND (1956), WHITTA- se taxa of the "lower" eukaryotes is now wide- KER & MARGULIS (1978), LIPSCOMB (1991), ly recognizable by most if not all research-ori- PATTERSON (1994), MARGULIS &. SCHWARTZ ented protistologists (see comments in COR- (1998), and others not given here. L1SS 1994, 1998b; and vide infra) as an unsa- tisfactory choice. Nevertheless, this particular Put succinctly, the matters involved con- option, for the utilitarian reasons just noted, cern placements/locations of the main algal could be said to remain equally as viable as the lines, the phylogenetically very primitive ami- two preceding ones described above. tochondriate protistan groups, the "typical" autotrophic algae contrasted with the "typi- cal" phagotrophic protozoa, and the "true" unicellular fungi and their pseudofungal look- 8.4 Protists throughout Multiple alikes. To this short list one may add the pro- Eukaryotic Kingdoms blems caused by the curious phyla Microspora Finally, an option which I believe is easily and Myxozoa, taxonomically baffling groups supportable and perhaps the soundest among of parasitic microorganisms until very recently the choices being discussed briefly in this always placed, if with reluctance, somewhere paper is to assign various of the high-level pro- among the protozoan protists. Recent careful tistan groups, now known to be widely diverse sequencing work suggests that they should evolutionary and taxonomically, to separate now be assigned to quite different kingdoms: eukaryotic kingdoms, at least several and pro- the microsporidians to the kingdom Fungi and bably ideally many in number (the latter view the myxosporidians of old to the Animalia, should find favor with the cladistic/phyloge- placements which may be said to have been netic systematists). This is not a new idea, of foreseen years ago by the keen protozoolo- course, as I have already pointed out on prece- gists/parasitologists Elizabeth CANNING (e. g., ding pages. In very recent years, analyses of 1977, and later) and Jiff LOM (1964, and information accumulated from molecular as later). Recent researches - with some still in well as ultrastructural, biochemical, ecologi- progress - on all such problems are cited and cal, and other studies are revealing more than discussed in concurrent papers by CAVALIER- ever before the many clear-cut evolutionary SMITH (1997a, b, 1998a, b) and CORLISS gaps between and among classical algal, fun- (1998b). gal, and protozoan phyla. Taxonomic inflation Probably the most striking change or at the top, or at least near-top (phyletic), level improvement embodied in the recent five or seems inevitable, distasteful though it may be six-kingdom hypothesis is related to the defi- (as mentioned above) from the several utilita- nitive placement of the green algal line in toto rian points of view supporting the single neo- - and only this algal - in the kingdom Haeckelian kingdom for all protists. Plantae. But not to be overlooked is the fact Reaching such a megasystematic conclusi- that COPELAND (1956) and a few other wor- on, controversial though it may be, need not kers (see ROTHSCHILD 1989; LIPSCOMB 1991; be too complicated (see discussions in CAVA- and references therein) had already made this LIER-SMITH 1993, 1997a, 1998a; CORLISS shift, so highly unacceptable to MARGULIS. 1994, 1995, 1998b). In fact, the number of COPELAND had separated the greens from the

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browns and reds, with only the green algae LISS (1994, 1998b) and, for many details, to (uni- and multicellular) remaining with the CAVALIER-SMITH (1993, 1998a, b, and refe- "higher" plants (although the reds may, albeit rences therein). The taxonomic disagree- controversially, belong in the Plantae as well, ments that 1 may have with the conclusions as CAVALIER-SMITH 1981, 1987, quite long reached by CAVALIER-SMITH, although not to ago, postulated: and see RAGAN & GUTELL be disregarded, are for the most part neither 1995). But few workers (botanists, zoologists, major nor extensive: for example, I am now or protistologists) have accepted this phyloge- following him in the reduction of the former netically supported taxonomic decision open- "kingdom Archezoa" to a subkingdom, or less, ly - the splitting up of algal lines and ranking within the Protozoa. (re)assigning them to different kingdoms - in My classification may still fall short of the 40-odd years since COPELAND's mono- some colleagues' expectations, in several res- graph (except principally CAVALIER-SMITH pects (e. g., seemingly endorsing polyphyly in 1981, 1983, and later papers). However, using several instances). And I am well aware of the molecular techniques, workers (e. g., see revisory impact that startling new data may ANDERSEN 1992; SOGIN 1989, 1991; DAUGB- cause. Incidentally, only phyla that I consider JERG &. ANDERSEN 1997; and references cited to be composed solely of protists, be they uni- in such papers) have - for some time - clearly or multicellular in nature (although all inclu- recognized that greens, browns, and reds are ded species are essentially without multiple not sibling taxa (and see discussion in CAVA- tissues), are listed in Table 1. That is, I am LIER-SMITH 1995b). concerned here with the kingdom-level taxo- nomic location of only the "lower" eukaryotic assemblages of organisms, groups that I have uniformly identified and treated as protistan Author's Tentatively phyla. Names of the other phyla belonging to Proposed Revision the three so-called "higher" kingdoms (i.e., Plantae, Fungi, Animalia) are purposely omit- Using standard ranks and hierarchies, we ted from Table 1. have progressed from HAECKEL's three-king- I may have too many separate phyla, espe- dom tree, viz., Protista, Plantae, and Anima- cially from a pedagogical viewpoint. But the lia, with its mixed bag of phyla/classes (Figure major significance of the arrangement offered 1), to my here tentatively proposed revised here (a slight revision over those found in five-kingdom arrangement (Table 1, with all CORLISS 1994, 1995, 1998b: e. g., Microspora prokaryotic groups purposely excluded), with is placed within the Fungi; Choanozoa and its kingdoms Protozoa, Chromista, Plantae, Myxozoa are moved from Protozoa to Anima- Fungi, and Animalia, novel to the extent that lia; Opalozoa is moved from Protozoa to Chro- every one of them now includes unicellular mista, essentially as Opalinata; and one or two protistan representatives. Some 35 more or additional phyla are recognized within Proto- less discrete phyla are required to contain all zoa and Chromista) is my discarding of the known species of my protists, the bulk of notion that the Protista have to be - or even which are assigned to either the Protozoa or can be - confined to or maintained as a single the Chromista, but with also half a dozen to kingdom. Surely, as others (most insistently the Plantae; and, in a further attempt to redu- and persistently, CAVALIER-SMITH) have also ce polyphyly and/or in general in pointed out in past years, a more natural and my groupings, the chytrids and the microspo- evolutionarily and phylogenetically more pro- rirlrans are placed in the Ftnrtgi and choaxurffa- peT arrangement requires wider dispersal or gellates and myxo~oa in the Animalia. For separation of high-level groups showing such overall descriptions and characterizations diversity in their genetic and phenotypic cha- (and included subgroups) of the kingdoms and racteristics. In my opinion, we must also aban- phyla that I am now recognizing, information don the long-attractive idea (since dates of well beyond the limited scope of the present dropping of the still earlier conventional essay, the reader is referred especially to COR- Plantae/Animalia dichotomy: see especially

98 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at the Margulisian system discussed on preceding Table 1 pages) that the "higher" kingdoms cannot, Protistan phyla assigned to eukaryotic kingdoms (phyletic names simply by arbitrary declaration, contain any arranged alphabetically). unicellular members.

As mentioned on preceding pages, clado- Kingdoms Included Protistan Phyla grams derived from molecular and/or morpho- logical (usually ultrastructural) data support PROTOZOA , Archamoebae, Ciliophora, Dinozoa, the general concept of assignment of protistan Euglenozoa, Foraminifera, Heliozoa, Metamonada, forms to multiple kingdoms (or, at least, to Mycetozoa, Neomonada, Parabasala, Percolozoa, separate high-level taxonomic or cladistic Radiozoa, Rhizopoda groupings). However, many modern phyloge- CHROMISTA Bicosoecae, Chrysophyta, Cryptomonada, Diatomae, neticists highly eschew speculation and "edu- Dictyochae, Haptomonada, Labyrinthomorpha, cated guesses", strategies sometimes apparent Opalinata, Phaeophyta, Pseudofungi, Raphidophyta in the classification schemes of workers such as CAVALIER-SMITH and the present writer. To PLANTAE Charophyta, , Glaucophyta, Prasinophyta, what extent can such arbitrariness or liberty Rhodophyta, Ulvophyta be taken (and forgiven) in the name of conti- FUNGI , Microspora nuity, convenience, utility, and/or stimulation to further research? With respect to predic- ANIMALIA Choanozoa, Myxozoa tions based on scanty proof, perhaps today's systematic protistologists could be said to be in good company... with HAECKEL himself!?! E. arch work in protistology sensu lato needs to C. DOUGHERTY (in DOUGHERTY & ALLEN be carried out before such a goal can be fully 1960) once made an observation that may be realized. of relevance and thus worthy of repetition Through it all, our debt to the initial visi- here. He wrote, that it is "better to have a on and courage of the great German biologist working hypothesis, even if based on fragile Ernst HAECKEL, Father of Protistology, will evidence, than to shrug aside a question of remain a tremendous one. phylogeny as prematurely posed."

11 10 Acknowledgments Concluding Thoughts It is a pleasure to acknowledge counsel One hopes that the future will bring an requested and received (although not always abundance of new data and fresh interpretati- followed) during preparation of this essay from ons, and improved concepts, all of which may protistological colleagues Tom CAVALIER- result in some widely satisfying way of appre- SMITH, Mark RAGAN, and Lynn ROTHSCHILD. ciating the diversity of the protists, on the one I am also grateful to Dr. Erna AESCHT for hand, and their expanded overall taxonomy, translating the abstract into German and on the other hand. kindly providing the materials used in my As I have recently stated elsewhere (COR- Figures 1-4. LISS 1998b), the interdisciplinary protist per- spective is a healthy one, despite the multiple problems briefly exposed in this essay. It would be ideal to have the megasystematics of these numerous (some 120,000 described species: CORLISS 1984; but perhaps 200,000 is a more accurate estimate: CORLISS 1990, 1994) and fascinating organisms resolved by the begin- ning (or early years) of the 21st century. As everyone agrees, however, much more rese-

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12 einen Fortschritt gegenüber jenen in der Zusammenfassung rezenten Literatur bringen möchte, indem sie folgenden Gedanken besonders betonen: Die HAECKELS Reich Protista und moder- Vielfalt der Protisten ist zu groß, um auf ein ne Konzepte in der systematischen einziges Reich beschränkt zu bleiben, und Protistologie. daher müssen die Species auf alle verschiede- Ernst HAECKEL, einer der ganz Großen nen Reiche der eukaryotischen Lebewelt, die unter den Biologen der zweiten Hälfte des 19. heute zunehmend anerkannt sind, verteilt Jahrhunderts, errichtete kühn ein neues drit- werden. tes Organismenreich Protista für weitgehend mikroskopisch kleine und einzellige Lebewe- sen, die seiner Ansicht nach nicht länger zu 13 den beiden traditionellen Reichen der makro- References skopischen und vielzelligen Pflanzen und Tie- re gestellt werden sollten. Dieses systemati- AGARDH CA. (1824): Systema Algarum. Vol. 1. — Ber- sche Konzept auf evolutionärer Grundlage, lingianis, Lund. vorgeschlagen 1866, verfeinert 1878 (und in ANDERSEN R.A. (1992): Diversity of eukaryotic algae. den folgenden Jahren), war von Anfang an — Biodiversity and Conservation 1: 267-292. umstritten und ist es heute noch. Wie auch BARDELE C.F. (1997): On the symbiotic origin of pro- immer, die Idee war - und ist - von großem tists, their diversity, and their pivotal role in tea- ching systematic biology. — Ital. J. Zool. 64: Wert, wenn auch nur, um die Aufmerksam- 107-113. keit auf die phylogenetischen Komponenten BATHER F.A. (1927): Biological classification: Past and der Taxonomie zu lenken und auf die sonst future. — Q. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 83: Ixii-civ.

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