R. K. Jain Lawyer’s Welfare Society Sports Law & Welfare Association of All India Council of Physical Education In Recognition of the TMC ASSER International Sports Law Centre at the TMC ASSER Institute of International Laws, the Hague, the Netherlands & the Asian Council of Arbitration for Sports, Seoul, South Korea

R. K. Jain Sports Law Knowledge Lecture & Seminar


“The New Developments In International Sports Law & CAS Jurisprudence With Perspective of Sports Law in India”

Saturday, 26 February, 2011 Plenary Hall, Indian Law Institute, (In front of the Supreme Court of India), Bhagawan Das Road, New - 110001


Target audience:

Sports Law in India, should be to provide, educational opportunities and disseminate data and information regarding specific area of Sports Law and create a forum for Lawyers, Arbitrators, Attorneys representing Athletes, Teams, Leagues, Sports Organisations, Civic Recreation Programmes, Education Institutions and other organisations involved in Professional, Collegiate, Universities, Olympics, Physical Education and Armature Sports, CAS Arbitrators, Staff and officials of Legal Departments of Ministries of Law and Youth Affairs & Sports, in-house counsel with Companies, National Spots Organisations active in the field of sport whose contracts or articles of association provide for CAS jurisdiction under section – 59 of the Olympic Charter.

1 Objectives of the seminar:

From a mere source of entertainment and personal recreation, Sports has grown into a highly competitive industry with global pervasiveness. It is one of the largest revenue generating industries in the World comprising 3% of the World Trade. It has also metamorphosed into an important and inevitable political and social activity. Beijing Olympics did more for Chinese soft Power in three months, what diplomacy could not do in three decades.

India with hosting the XIX Commonwealth Games, Delhi – 2010, in October, 2010 a mega Sporting Fiesta with 5000 competitors from 86 countries, more than 1.2 million spectators and an estimated 76,000 crore rupees invested to make Delhi the cynosure of the Sporting World.

But, the Sporting World has plagued by scandals and controversies in the past few decades. The Olympic Games bidding scandals, the recent Indian Premier League scam, allegation of sexual harassment by Indian Women’s Hockey Team, and scam in the Organisation of the XIX Commonwealth Games, Delhi – 2010 have rocked the nation. All these incidents expose the dark side of a highly competitive world.

It is an appropriate and high time to analyze the need for lucid provisions pertaining to Sports in India in the true spirit of “ International Sports Law & CAS ”. The magnitude of the problem and its nuances makes it clear that a Sports Law in India will no longer be an applied law or amalgamation of Laws under some jurisdiction of Indian Law but law of its own right as per “International Sports Law & CAS ”.

Sports Law in India:

Entry 33 in the Seventh Schedule of our Constitution has provided a provision for the State as well as Centre to make and enact laws on regulation, registration and recognition of Associations involved in Sports. In India, the provincial Sports Bodies work under non profit making organisations either under the Societies Registration Act or the Company law jurisdiction, Rule and Regulation like statutory orders and act only as secondary legislations supplementing Laws.

The Competition Law (2002) and Intellectual Property Rights Laws promotes Competition Advocacy, forbids abuse of dominance and anti – competitive agreements.

Aims of the Seminar :

A comprehensive law on Sport must aim at broader ideals and vision of this Seminar. The area of Sports Law in India is new and at the nascent stage of conception in our country. Nevertheless, it is an area of study that is worthy of definition and in-depth inquiry and practice. A fresh perspective and an independent authority and a comprehensive law is the need of the hour.

The law makers should, thus provide and disseminate the ideas and informations on various issues related to Sports and encourage the exchange of a variety of perspective through this conference before embarking on the mission. These are some pressing issues that need awareness and discussion in this Seminar:

* Indian Sports Policies vis-à-vis to the Olympic Laws;

* Organisational Matter of Indian Sports Organisation with reference to the Olympic Laws;

2 * Research in Sports Law in India and

* Sports Arbitration and Mediation need for constitution of a, “Sports Dispute Redressal Arbitration mechanism” independent of Indian Olympic Association, National Sports Organisation and Bureaucratic influence as per Rule – 59 of the Olympic Charter and Court of Arbitration for Sports, Lausanne, Switzerland.. * Doping a menace for Athlete and application of WADA in Indian Sports

* Players Agents World Wide and Legal Aspects in Indian Sports

* Harassments in Sports

* Broadcasting and TV rights

* Scope of International Arbitration Award (CAS) on Indian Sports

Expectation from the Government of India:

Government of India, Ministry of Law & Legislation and Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports must encourage discussions of legal problems affecting Sports and promote exchange of a variety of perspectives and positions of Sports Law


The seminar will take place in the Plenary Hall of the Indian Law Institute, Bhawan Das Road, . This is just in front of the Supreme Court of India.


The presentations will be held in Hindi and English.


Interested delegates may register until 15 February 2011 by filling in the attached form along with the abstract and full paper for presentation in this Seminar and returning it by e- mail to the [email protected] , alternatively, one can also register online at http://www.sportslawindia.info or http://www.aicpe.ac.in . The last date of submitting abstract and full text of the paper for presentation is 20 February 2011.

The Registration fee for Advocates, members of the AICPE, Sports Law India and Asian Council of Arbitration for sports is free as the same will be sponsored by R. K. Jain Lawyer’s Welfare Society, AICPE, Sports Law India and ACAS.

For other category of Participants as Registration fee is 1,000.00. Which shall be deposited in the bank account number of the, “All India Council of Physical Education” is 309200210021639 in the Punjab National Bank, New Delhi. For RTGS/NEFT IFS Code is PUNB0309200. Please quote the reference “Seminar Sports Law India” in your payment order. The participation fee includes the conference Registration and Participation volume.

Please note that the number of participants is limited. Therefore, we kindly request you to transfer your registration fee upon registering for the seminar, in any event be made by 15 February 2011. An admission card for the seminar will be sent to you with in 7 days after realization of the registration form along with the Registration fee in the account of

3 the All India Council of Physical Education, on the basis of the first come first serve basis.

Hotel reservations for out Station Delegates:

Participants are responsible for the booking of their hotel accommodation. A significant number of rooms have been reserved in the Guest House of the Indian Law Institute and some Hotels in New Delhi for 26 February, 2011 on reduced rates. You may book your accommodation along with your Registration by paying an additional charge of 500.00 along with Registration fee.


We recommend that you use public transports either the or DTC Buses upto Pragati Maidan from all major Railway Stations, Bus Terminals and Domestic Air Port. The venue of the Seminar is ten minutes walking distance from the Pragati Maidan Metro Station and DTC busses stops at Bhagwan Das Road. The programme of the seminar is scheduled to accommodate public transport users.


Eminent authorities of International Sports Law, members of the International Council of Arbitration for Sports, International Olympic Committee, Olympic Council of Asia, International Association for Sports Law, Asian Council of Arbitration for Sport and Indian Olympic Association will be the speakers at the key Note session, this will be followed by the Scientific Sessions and paper presentation by the delegates.

Chairman Organising Committee Organising Secretary

(Shri .R. K. JAIN) (Prof. Dr. AMARESH KUMAR) President, R.K.Jain Lawyer’s Welfare Society Advocate, Vice President, Supreme Court Bar Association Supreme Court of India, 418, Shetalwad Lawyers’ Chambers Secretary General, Asian Council of Arbitration for Sport Supreme Court of India Bhagwan Das Road, Hony. Visiting Professor & Research Fellow New Delhi – 110001 of ASSER International Sports Law Centre, e-mail : [email protected] The TMC ASSER Institute of International Laws, the Hague, Mobile : +919811022537 The Netherlands, Mobile: +919717001551 web : http://www.sportslawindia.info http://www.aicpe.ac.in e-mails: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

4 R.K..Jain Sports Law Knowledge Lecture & Seminar

“The New Developments in International Sports Law & CAS Jurisprudence with Perspective of Sports Law in India”

Registration Form Last Name: Name First Name:

Title: Title

Position: Paste a Position passport size Workplace: colour Photo Workplace

Home: Address Workplace:

Office Cell Tel. Home Phone


Title of


Mode and Registration fee: ------Hotel Reservation: ------detail of Total: ------Receipt of Bank / Draft date Name of the Bank Payment


Note : In case of Registration fee exemption please attaché a self attested photo copy of the valid Identity card of Bar Association OR membership of AICPE, Sports Law India or ACAS.

5 R.K..Jain Sports Law Knowledge Lecture & Seminar “The New Developments In International Sports Law & CAS Jurisprudence With Perspective of Sports Law in India ” Homepage; http://www.sportslawindia.info or http://www.aicpe.ac.in E-mail :

[email protected] or [email protected] (Abstract Form) Category Name 14pt, Arial font, Italic Title of the Abstract 14pt, Arial font, bold

Authors Name 12pt, Arial font Herry Kim (Republic of Korea)

Participation in the SportzPower R.K..Jain Sports Law Knowledge Lecture & Seminar “The New Developments In International Sports Law & CAS jurisprudence with perspective of Sports Law in India” is open to all individuals interested in the field of the Sports Law. All Abstract(s) should be written and presented in Hindi or English On-line Abstract(s) Submission through the e-mail ([email protected]) is strongly preferred, latest by 15 February 2011.

All abstracts should be composed of Category Name(Session, preferably in 14 point Arial font,), Topic(preferably in 14 point Arial font,), Title (preferably in 14 point Arial font, cap/lower case, single-spaced and bold), Author Name, Country Name (preferably in 12 point Arial font), 10-20 lines of your abstract (preferably in 12 point Arial font, double-spaced) and Keywords, Contact information (e-mail address, preferably in 12 point Arial font, single-spaced, bold) with A4 size(210X297mm) and with 1.5cm margin on all sides.

You can find a detailed instruction on how to send your file on the website. You may send us by email [email protected]

The deadline for paper submission is 20 February, 2011. Late paper(s) and abstract(s) will not be considered when space permits. 10-20 lines, 12pt, Arial font, double-spaced

REFERENC : IASL2010, Abstract, Sample 12pt, Arial font, single-spaced, bold

Contact information: [email protected] 12pt, Arial font single-spaced