Ambassador National Italian American Foundation Vol . 26, No.1 n Fall 2014 n

But is itReal?

Walking the Amalfi Coast

Spoofing Broadway

Like No Other Balsamic Vinegar

Roman Aqueducts Today

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 1 9/16/14 9:25 PM Ambassador


a trusteÑ ñami ±ranÑ

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a trusteÑ ñami ±ranÑ


E A k L ee of the w Ambassador The Publication of the National Italian American Foundation Vol . 26, No.1 n CONTENTS

24 Features

24 Knocking Off Made-in- What We’re Losing When Counterfeiters Imitate Italy’s 37 Most Traditional Foods By Amy Riolo and Luigi Diotaiuti Caveat emptor! Italy is world– LThe Amalfi Coast renowned for its 30 traditional and Joseph V. Del Raso, Esq. Walking Through History authentic foods, Chairman One Step at a Time but an increasing John M. Viola Story and Photography by President & Chief number of foreign Laura Thayer Operating Officer producers who Don Oldenburg want a piece of the Editor & NIAF Director pie are making of Publications Spoofing Broadway 37 ersatz and knock- Alex Benedetto Gerard Alessandrini’s Social Media Manager off “Italian” & Assistant Editor “” has products. Poked Fun at The Great White Elissa Ruffino Bottega NIAF Editor Way over Three Decades Cover By Douglas Gladstone AMBASSADOR Magazine photograph is published by the National 43 Italian American Foundation courtesy of (NIAF) Consorzio 1860 19th Street NW Sections 43 Finding Paradise Farming Olives del Formaggio Washington DC 20009 Lettere 4 The Sabina Hills Near Parmigiano- POSTMASTER: By Gail Spilsbury Send change of address to Foundation Focus 7 Reggiano NIAF, 1860 19th Street NW, Washington DC 20009. Grants 11 THINK OUTSIDE NIAF On Location 13 46 Who Left the Water Running? © 2014 The National Italian Ancient Roman Aqueducts In American Foundation (NIAF). Bottega NIAF 14 No portion of this magazine Italy’s Modern Landscape may be reproduced without THE BOTTLE Paesani 16 Story and Photos by Franc Palaia written permission from NIAF. FIND THIS AND OTHER INNOVATIVE RECIPES Ciao Italia 21 Single issue price: $5.00 ISSN 1000-9999 USING OUR EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL ON COLAVITA.COM Between The Pages 56 Chianti Classico NIAF Cinema 61 53 Still Stylish and Never Classier 1860 19th Street NW On Sports 65 Washington, DC 20009 By Dick Rosano Tel. 202-387-0600 Pensieri 67 ruste ami ran NIAF Insider 68 Design: Barbieri & Green, Inc. a t Ñ ñ  ± Ñ Printing: Mosaic Crossword 80

24332_Ambassador_Fall14_X.indd 1 9/19/14 9:31 AM a trusteÑ ñami ±ranÑ


E A k L ee of the w 43_masdrFl1.nd2 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 2 WWW.NIAF.ORG FROM THE CHAIRMAN Ambassador “The ItalianAmericans.” preview oftheupcomingPBSdocumentary ular annualwinetastingandaspecialsneak got afullplateofevents,includingthepop- up totheAwards GalaDinneritself, we’ve no Night.OnSaturday, October25,leading ComestoWashington”NIAF “Wildest Casi- swing soundtotheHiltonballroom forthe bringtheirbigband, jazzand Witnesses October 24,whenLouisPrimaJr. full-throttle onFridaynight, end kicksoff this issue’s NIAF Insiderpages.Theweek- our tiestothefamilies’homeland,Italy. ees, embraceourheritage,andstrengthen cially tocelebrateourdistinguishedhonor- friendships andmakenewones,espe- ensure bettertimesahead,torenew old to remember goodtimesandtakestepsto us October24-25attheWashington Hilton andournewestmembers,tojoin supporters, allofyou,ourloyalandlongtime to urge capital thatwe’llannouncesoon. to anexcitingnewvenueinthenation’s Gala since.Nextyear, in2015,we’re moving community 39yearsagoandhasheldevery these celebrationsoftheItalianAmerican where theFoundation,initsinfancy, began hold itsGalaatTheWashington Hilton, ThisisfinalyearNIAFwill one difference: understatement. intensify. To GalaWeekend, event, theNIAFAnniversary and preparations forourannualsignature refer toasour“GalaSeason,”whenplanning inWashington,quarters D.C.It’s whatwe heating upmore thaneveratNIAFHead- temperatures ofanotherfall,thingsstart Please takealookattheGalaPreview in But firstthingsfirst.Fornow, Iwant Well…thereThis yearisnodifferent. is yearasweheadintothecooler Every callitabusytimewouldbean NIAF Chairman From The andthe NIAF Chairman Joseph V. Italian Americanheritageandculture. the stone ofNIAF’s mission—preserving heritage andculture. Andthat’s thecorner- usaboutour inform can onlyhelptofurther umns aboutItalianAmericansandItalythat which you’llfindengagingstoriesandcol- this latestissueofAmbassadormagazine,in Expo Milano2015willbeguestsattheGala. Milano oftheUSAPavilionatExpo tional partner through October. NIAFisaproud educa- in Milan,capitalofLombardia, from May Milano 2015,theWorld’s Fairtobeheld And we’llhighlighttheupcomingExpo andmostpopulatedregions. northernmost Region ofHonor, Lombardia, oneofItaly’s features duringtheGalaweekend. portant Meanwhile, makesure topagethrough We’ll officiallyannounceNIAF’s 2015 We’ll alsobecelebratingtwootherim- 2015.Officialsfrom Lombardia and DelRaso, Vincent Viola Vincent Mark Valente III Louis E.Tosi John F. Dr. Julian Rizzuto General PeterPace, Francesco Nicotra Joseph H.Moglia Joanne M.Minieri Hon. AnitaBevacqua Joseph D.Lonardo, Esq. Gerard S.LaRocca Frank Giordano Dr. Enrico Gaglioti C.Freda William Hon. MikeFerguson Daniel M.DiLella Joseph DePinto Giuliana DePandi-Rancic Joseph M.DellaRatta Certosimo Arthur Paolo Catalfamo Linda R.Carlozzi,Esq. M.Capaccio Jeffrey Maria Bartiromo Peter J.Arduini V. Robert Board ofDirectors Salvatore J.Zizza Richard A.Grasso Mario J.Gabelli Matthew J. Board Emeriti Frank D.Stella Hon. FrankJ.Guarini Colangelo Jerry Dr. Emeriti Chairmen Jeno F. Founding Chairman Ex-officio Hon. DominicR.Massaro Historian J.Furia Arthur General Counsel Hon. CapriS.Cafaro Secretary E.Carlucci Robert Treasurer Hon. MarieL.Garibaldi John F. Kenneth J.Aspromonte Presidents ExecutiveVice John M.Viola Chief OperatingOfficer President and Salvatore M.Salibello Hon. PatriciadeStacy Hon. LouisJ.Freeh Gabriel A.Battista Chairs Vice Joseph V. Chairman NIAF Board USMC (Ret.) McBride DiDomenico, Sr. Harrison JohnP. AntonioGiordano A.KennethCiongoli Paulucci Scarpa Calvelli DelRaso,Esq. Allegrini Rosa /61 9:32 PM 9/16/14 Ambassador JOIN Membership includes asubscription to Give NIAF o ers to e visit accommodate all NIAF TODAY! magazine plus or email, ll Gi Join levels several out and friends [email protected], Of NIAF today, and Call Membership! send 202-387-0600, other contributors. family join. of support of this benets. or form. help

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JOIN NIAF TODAY! I would like to join NIAF $25 Student (under age 24) $250 Patron $2,500 e Italian Give e Gi Of Membership! $50 Associate $500 Council American Leadership NIAF oers several levels of support $125 Sustaining $1,000 BusinessCouncil Council to accommodate all contributors. Membership includes a subscription to ______Name Spouse’s Name Ambassador magazine plus other benets. ______Address Join NIAF today, or help ______friends and family join. City State Zip ______Call 202-387-0600, Email Home Phone Business Phone email [email protected], Mastercard Visa American Express visit, ______or ll out and send this form. Credit Card Number Expiration Date ______Name (as it appears on card) ______Signature Make checks payable to “ e NIAF” and mail to e National Italian American Foundation 1860 19th Street NW Washington, D.C. 20009-5501 202-387-0600

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 3 9/16/14 9:32 PM 43_masdrFl1.nd4 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 4 WWW.NIAF.ORG LETTERE Ambassador hesitate tocontactme. help touniteourpeople,pleasedon’t IfI American affairs. inwhichwediscussItalian with FrankieD a started aboutthemasses.I worry toinstillinmyownkids,butI trying nicity ismylife.Thefuture ofthis,I Chicago andI with thenewgeneration. future ofareal ethnicidentitylies feel thesamewayandIentire Pride. Ibelievetoday’s youthdoesnot feltItalianPowerand young wetruly America. Iremember whenwewere type figure toreunite allofItalian group andidentity. to uniteanddomore tosaveourethnic spired thatsomeoneelsefeelsweneed things were whenI inspired. Happyremembering theways Spring 2014)andI “Italian PowerButtons”(Pensieri, intheAmbassadormagazine, article Italian PowerButtons Reader Feedback Past IssuesareavailabletoNIAFmembers onlineatNIAF’s website: To Letters maybepublishedand editedforlengthandclarity. Magazine, 186019thStreetNW, Letters [email protected] ormailedtoLetterstheEditor, Ambassador Tell UsWhatYou [email protected] orcall202-939-3108. Chicago,Ill. —FrankDiPiero I We I havetotellyouthatI amanItalianAmericanfrom needaGiuseppeGaribaldi radioshow(KeepinItReal canhonestlysaymyeth- onwww.windycityhome- wasa washappyand

caneverbeofany Think! kidandin- haverecently read your Washington, DC20009.Includeyourfullnameand address.


to checkitout! Mahalo foryourarticle’s inspiration toHonolulu. people whenitreturns ing itagainandsharingwithmore tosee- have everseen,Ilookforward beautiful. Truly oneofthebestfilmsI people, thatcometogethertomakeit oflifeandhistory, roots and rytelling ofthemovie–acinematicsto- marrow picturesque Italy, togetthevery and accountedfor)orabeautiful waves (whichwere definitelystillthere It wentbeyondthefootageofamazing monly seen,especiallyhere inHawaii. filmthatissocom- surf the everyday bitasremarkable asyouwrote. every FilmFestivalanditwas International oftheHonolulu came toHawaiiaspart the privilegetoseefilmwhenit want toseethemoviemyself.I it wassowelldonethatmademe and film“BellaVita,” covered thesurf the SpringissueofAmbassadorthat Surfing inItalia Honolulu,Hawaii Freelance travelwriter — AndyBethMiller For me,itwassomuchmore than Aloha! I had read your article in hadread yourarticle had

some I described beaten pathandthearticle aboutplacesthatare like tolearn ofmylivingroom. I comfort (ormaybe country” sador magazine,I It’s neverenough. major citiesandmuseumsmanytimes. Umbria andPuglia,havevisitedthe all pleasure. I’vebicycledinTuscany, both businessandpleasure…but itwas often inItaly, for I’ve traveled (Spring 2014). your lastissue in Rome” “A Novelist orcher’s article Alan Champ- And StillMore Bethesda,Md. —Amy E.Veroff likethisoneinAmbas- articles With I enjoyed haven’t visited before.


il belpaese) especially from the off the off /61 9:32 PM 9/16/14

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24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 5 9/16/14 9:32 PM Every family has a story...

...let us help you tell yours

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 6 9/16/14 9:32 PM Every a familyhas us help youtellyours ushelp ...let story... 43_masdrFl1_.nd7 24332_Ambassador_Fall14_X.indd and NatalieEichner Photos byGabriellaMileti,CarloPiccolo By ElissaStagliano Voyage Program ofDiscovery Peter F. The 2014NIAFAmbassador An Italian we met,wasourintroduction tothe the hotelownerandfirstperson bay, ofNaples.Agostino, justnorthwest rived inPozzuoli,a about thelandofourancestors. we boarded theplane eagertolearn . We trip totheNIAFRegionofHonor, share anamazingadventure onthe excitement knowingwewere aboutto There was gate ofNewarkAirport. my 20newestfriendsatthedeparture cially whenIsawthefamiliarfacesof oftravelingalone—espe- the nerves helpedease leaving forItalycertainly sharing videointroductions before person, connectingonFacebookand selected forthetripofalifetime. and traveltoItaly–oneof20students to theVoyage program, ofDiscovery apply would findthehiddenarticle, Little didIknowthatsixyearslater cle, Ituckeditawayforsafekeeping. and paidlittleattentiontothearti- her ownItalianadventure planned Whilemysisterhad good tobetrue. ican studentstoItaly. Itsoundedtoo cultural tripthatsendsItalianAmer- all-expense paid,educationaland nity withmyoldersister. perked upassheshared theopportu- 13 atthetime,butmyearsimmediately NIAF’s Voyage I ofDiscovery. about She wasexcitedaboutanarticle a with hercopyoftheItalianTribune, ber mygrandmothercomingover going toItaly?I NewJersey-basedItaliannewspaper. After a Though wehadnevermetin The Voyage isan ofDiscovery How manyyoungpeopledream of Secchia longflight,wefinallyar- bondedimmediatelyas knowI smalltownonthe did.I

remem- wasonly

our visionsofridinga to guideandevenmanagedmake watch thegames.Hewasourlocalgo- Super Bowl,hefoundusa ing itwasasbiga World know- started, Cuptournament incredible Italianhospitality. Whenthe Star showcasing customsandtraditions. a experience forus.Eachday, wevisited coordinator, planneda the Italianstreets a world’s bestNeapolitanpizzaandtried American GirlinItaly newtownintheCampaniaregion blue watersoftheMediterraneanSea In Capri,takingadipinthecrystal-clear ting inNaples,wesampledthe Gabriella Mileti,ourNIAFtrip dealastheAmerican reality. Vespa through customized hotspotto

We were brought toAmericafrom Italy. wasbuiltoncustomswhich country their culture mademerealize howour ness leaders. honored bylocalpoliticiansandbusi- NIAF’s president andCOO,being of PadulaintimetoseeJohnM.Viola, natural resources oftheirregion. anddependentonthe was familyrun life ofthesefactorieswasclear. Each significance oflafamigliainthedaily the manufacturingprocesses. The about inPaestum,learning falo farm in Torre inSanLeucio,acoralfactory factory andwayoflife. their country honored theywere toteachusabout at eachstopwefelthowexcitedand our purposetotourguides,and was evident.Gabriellaalwaysexplained and prideItalianshadfortheircountry gelato. Wherever wevisited,thelove flavorof to tasteandpronounce every traditional dancemoves. someofthe even joinedinandlearned display offolkdancingandsinging.We Greek Temple ofPoseidon(450B.C.)inPaestum The VoyageofDiscoverystudentsinfront ofthe shared a for us we arrived inthetown Lucky foruswearrived We toured whatwasonceasilk delGreco andawaterbuf- feastandwere treated toa Immersingourselvesin


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7 WWW.NIAF.ORG FOUNDATION FOCUS 43_masdrFl1.nd8 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 8 WWW.NIAF.ORG FOUNDATION FOCUS Ambassador bluewatersandsa- swam inthecrystal andcaves, by boat,explored cliffs beach. We of sunontheumbrella-dotted Amalfi Continuing south,weoptedforaday homeinourhearts. country derful were takinga we continuedourjourney, weknew piece ofourselvesbehindbecause,as children. Itfeltgreat toleave a lunch, and,ofcourse,playedwiththe the walls,washedwindows,prepared We en andminorsindifficultsituations. Points ofLightFoundation,forwom- ofthe teering atCasaNicodemi,part was spentinthecityofAvellino volun- contributions totheworld. two civilizationsandappreciate their betweenthe architectural differences the todifferentiate welearned ruins, was incredible aswell.From these Roman andGreek ruins technology. Discoveringtheancient have,justlacking amenity wecurrently were onceanentire citythathadevery ite. I painted colorful animalmuralson paintedcolorful One ofourmostrewarding days Our dayinPompeiiwasmyfavor- couldn’t believe the ruins there couldn’t believetheruins Y I P toured theislandofCapri A New World Awaits with Preparing documents foryour Italian consulateappointment? Collecting your family’s vitalrecords? A Need helpdetermining your eligibilityforItalian Citizenship? NIAF membersrecieve specialdiscounts! larger pieceofthiswon- larger Comprehensive ItalianDual-Citizenship Services I small

And that’s exactlywhatI Italian notjustanAmerican. tion, I incredible experiencesoftheday. famousselfies),andreliving the very patio, joking,sharingphotos(some the endofeacheveningonourhotel group continuedtogrow aswespent . dimare frutti fer theItalianpastadish— meals wewere sharing.I home didnotresemble thedelicious realized theItalianfoodweknewback delicaciesand Italianculinary true ner. AsyoungAmericans,wediscovered night wegathered fora the sweetlemondrink. many ofusitwasourfirsttimetasting Amalfi coast’s famousliquor. For used tomanufacture limoncello,the y, r lemon groves. AtthePiemmefacto- oldest hometoSorrento’s Sorrento, Caprese panino. vored anotherregional delight–the wewatchedhowthelemonswere So As I in true Italianstyle,each And, intrue Our finalstoponthecoastwas wantedtoexperiencelifeasan thankyouGrandmaforfinding wrote inmyoriginalapplica- Friendshipsamongour bigfamilydin- definitelypre- did.

paccheri con Contact ustoday!Contact

at theGrandHotelExcelsiorVittoriainSorrento,Italy. Stagliano duringthedinnerwithNIAFBoardmembers Conti, GioiaSpatafora,ChristopherMcKinneyandElissa Aspromonte withVoyageofDiscoverystudentsDaniella NIAF BoardmemberKenAspromonteandhiswifeLori of visiting21countriesinyears. herclosertodream trip toItalybrought Herrecent the beachesofJerseyshore. on her home,butspendsmanyafternoons young ItalianAmericanshouldtake. — er appreciation fortheItalianculture journey, 20lifelongfriendsanda and thankyouNIAFforanincredible ontheVoyagethat article ofDiscovery, a myheritage.It’s truly business. ShecallsColtsNeck,N.J., Collegestudying at Providence Elissa Staglianoisa Your Italian Passport H H H H H tripevery sophomore


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24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 9 9/16/14 9:32 PM 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 10 9/16/14 9:32 PM 43_masdrFl1_.nd11 24332_Ambassador_Fall14_X.indd a thorough strategyandprogram. applied forthegranthadto provide and redaction. Eachuniversitythat by outsidesources intotalanonymity prehensive blind-bidprocess reviewed anditwentthrough acom- history grant we’vegivenintheFoundation’s for NIAF’s relationship withacademia. tocreate a opportunity he provided ourteamwiththefirst universities. InMr. with ship programs andpartnerships larger, more comprehensive scholar- years hasbeenthedevelopmentof One ofourcore focusesinrecent knowingly gaveanothergifttoNIAF. byhisgenerosity,affected butheun- gift tothestudentsthatwillforever be related toancientRomancivilization. scholarships inLatinorothersubjects and thebequestwaswrittentosupport ofstudyingourrichculture portance estate. Mr. L.Pellegri’s gift from thelateErnest tion received a our communityandtheFoundation. are you are tional ItalianAmericanFoundation, likethe Na- non-profit organization honored? To and hard workberemembered and their legacy?Howwillyourdedication carbon footprint,butwhatabout people talkingaboutleavingtheir ofPrograms NIAF Director By GabriellaMileti L.Pellegri The LastingLegacyofErnest in America Influence Roman Antiquity’s Studying alsoguaranteeingthefuture of This is the largest singleacademic This isthelargest Not onlydidMr. In October2012,theFounda- In today’s world,oftenwehear notonlygivingback,butyou Pellegriunderstoodtheim- leaveyourlegacywitha generous $1million Pellegri’s largesse, Pellegrileavea newdynamic

the including buildingbridgesbetween program iscomprisedofseveralparts, Antiquity andItsLegacyinAmerica.” The NIAFPellegriProgram onRoman tween Washington andAncientRome: foritsproject entitled,“Be- Maryland grant wasawarded totheUniversityof across theUnitedStatesandItaly, the process ofproposals from universities the tiesbetweenourtwocountries. culture intheUnitedStatesbutalso mission ofNIAF, topromote Italian alyzed thebid’s compatibilitywiththe marketing. And,ofcourse,wealsoan- solid strategytoraiseawareness of a well-documentedbudget,and students whowouldhavebeenserved, into considerationwasthenumberof Some basiccriteriathatwastaken initial giftof$500,000todevelop the National Capitalregion. ashighschooleducatorsin the serve graduatestudentswho and supports of LatinandClassicalunderstanding program willalsoshowcasethestudies research ontheRomanpast.The inadditional students toparticipate for well ascreate newopportunities uate andgraduatestudentsinItaly, as forbothundergrad- abroad offerings existingstudy- University ofMaryland’s five-year program willenhancethe the ideasofourfoundingfathers.The of Americanidentityasconstitutedby found inItalytodayandtheformation ancientremains oftheRomanpast The UniversityofMaryland After a The partnership isnotonlyan The partnership comprehensive review

Don Oldenburg the NIAFNewYork GalainAprilwheretheNIAFErnestPellegriGrantwashighlighted. dean forresearchattheUniversityofMaryland’s CollegeofArtsandHumanities,at and ScholarshipCommitteeAnitaBevacquaMcBride;SherryParks,associate NIAF ChairmanJosephV. Lillian Dougherty, chairoftheDepartmentClassicsatUniversityMaryland;

NIAF NewYork Gala. NIAF BoardMemberJosephM.DellaRattaatthe University ofMarylandPresidentWallaceLohand at [email protected]. Tomorrow Society, contact Gabriella aboutNIAF’sGiftfor information For more community andourculture aswell. legacy fornotonlyourdonorbut and it’s more about leavingalasting program inperpetuity. scholarsofthat committed tosupport thinking,has osity andourforward NIAF, through Mr. nered inbuildingtheprogram, but for newstudents.We $10,000 ayearforthenextfiveyears from NIAFtoprovide anadditional program, butalongtimecommitment Courtesy of the University of Maryland DelRaso;NIAFBoardMemberandChairoftheEducation It’s dynamic awhole different Pellegri’s gener- notonlypart- Ambassador Mileti

/91 10:30 AM 9/19/14

11 WWW.NIAF.ORG GRANTS FraNoiforNIAF2014b_Layout 1 9/5/14 10:55 AM Page 1 Congratulations NIAF on your 39th Anniversary Gala

Embrace your inner Italian® Only at... Fra Noi® Bostoniano® Chicagoland’s ’s Italian American Voice® Italian American Voice®

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 12 9/16/14 9:35 PM FraNoiforNIAF2014b_Layout 19/5/1410:55AMPage 39th AnniversaryGala Voice American Italian Chicagoland’s Noi Fra Congratulations orinner your NIAF Embrace Italian ® Onlyat... on your ® Bostoniano Italian American Voice American Italian ® Boston’s ® ® 43_masdrFl1.nd13 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd Gala every yearand haveaball! Gala every Mossini, attendNIAF’s Anniversary They andDaniele’s father, Giuliano (from Brazil)makeyoufeelathome. Milan) andhisbeautifulwife Monik ture. OwnerDanieleMossini(from pean street withOldWorld architec- there’s feelofaEuro- thenurturing and bustleofLincolnRoad,where just twoblockssouthofthehustle pedestrian-onlywalkway,wonderful is PepeNero. It’s onEspanolaWay, Furia: OnSouthBeach,myfavorite What isyourfavoriteItalianrestaurant? collectively celebrated. cultures becominginterlacedand their ownbrandof“home”here, our American Dream, eachbringing Central America,allseekingthe from , SouthAmericaand immigrant population a wonderful Biscayne Bay. ButMiamicombines condosonpicturesque rise luxury ami-Brickell Avenue area withhigh- European feel,orthedowntownMi- prefer CoralGableswhichhasavery Beach, closetotheocean.Others stay athotelsorcondosonMiami ing Italianslovethebeachsomany Visit- Italian Americanseverywhere! Furia: SouthFloridahasItaliansand Miami area? What arethemostItalianpartsof highlights intheMiamiarea. J. member andGeneralCounselArthur coming soon, weaskedNIAFBoard be especiallyappealingwithwinter towns. more Italianintheirownhome- places thatmakethemfeela markets andmuseums—thespecial through therestaurants, festivals, NIAF membersandfriendsleadyou in searchofItaly!Ineachissue, visits Americancitiesandtowns NIAF ONLOCATION Finding FuriaforhisinsightsontheItalian FiguringSouthFloridamight ItalyinMiami



by 1885-1945, allacquired over40years anddesignobjects,circa 120,000 art housing acollectionofapproximately South Beach,isajewelofmuseum County. TheWolfsonian Museum,on its, etc.)throughout MiamiandDade andphotographicexhib- studies, art unique programs (Italianlanguage by ClaudioPastorforyears,sponsors led Institute, inCoralGables,expertly Furia: TheDanteAlighieriCultural do yousneakoffto? When youneedsomeItalianculture,where the “gravy”islikeSundayatMom’s. the family’s basementinChicago,so come from hisNonna’s “kitchen”in ancestors camefrom Sicily. Hisrecipes convivial ownerMarkRandazzowhose favorite Randazzo’s LittleItaly, by run also CoralGables’ItalianAmerican day there isa Ninomakesyoufeellikeevery Pernetti. Nino Abbracci, ownedbythelegendary acclaimed Italianrestaurant, Caffé ofCoralGables’most anniversary Furia: Thisyearcelebratesthe25th Italian-neighborhood restaurants? Are thereanyback-in-time, authentic screens someItalianfilms. national FilmFestivalwhich usually hosts theacclaimedMiami Inter- Miami-DadeCollege each February, itsfounderMickyWolfson. And Mayor Tomas Regaladoatthecommemoration Patricia deStacyHarrisonandCityofMiami Arthur J.Furia(right)withNIAFViceChair Italian RepublicatMiami-DadeCollege’s specialoccasion.There’s of the150thAnniversary

Freedom Tower.

l’originale onLincolnRoad. an espresso withaperitivo,Segafredo office. But,forpeoplewatchingand no formeandmyclientsatlaw whomakescaféCuba- Furia: Norma, Who hasthebestmorningespresso? and toasts! closest Italianfriendsgatherforhugs event. It’s where 800-plusofyour Hotel inCoralGables,isasignature each JuneatthehistoricBiltmore Furia: ItalianNationalDay, celebrated themostItaliandayofyearthere? What’s andhomeaccessories. furnishings stores, isalsogoodforItalianartisan soming withnewfashionandluxury Miami DesignDistrict,nowblos- fashion designersinresidence. The ami Beach,withallofthetopItalian Harbor Shoppes,inBalHarbor, Mi- Furia: Thehigh-fashionmeccaisBal How aboutItalianfashion? Italian-produced groceries. Beach, hasbeentheone-stopshopfor Italian Center, Miami located inNorth Furia: Foralmost60years,Laurenzo’s authentic Italiancuisine? ingredientstomakeWhere forhard-to-find


/61 9:35 PM 9/16/14

13 WWW.NIAF.ORG NIAF ON LOCATION 43_masdrFl1.nd14 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 4Ambassador 14 WWW.NIAF.ORG BOTTEGA NIAF By ElissaAbatemarco Ruffino BOTTEGA resistant. Price: $ stainless steeland100percentrecyclable andtarnish The DesignhypeMetroCuffis way tonavigate! chic anddiscreet maps. There’sa foldout subway to ditchthelarge Rome? Well, time Traveling toMilan? On theCuff Italian-style! Great Products! Great Finds, Great Designs, Price: startsat$100, includingthisonewhichincludes18-karat-gold stripswoventogetherformaximumopulence. Tomas Maierupdateditwithadistinctiveknotclosure.TheKnotclutchcomesinmanydifferentversions, signaturesistheboxminaudièreclutch,whichgotafreshlookin2001whendesigner Oneofthecompany’s FoundedinVicenza1966,BottegaVeneta hasrecentlyemergedasoneoftheworld’spremierluxurybrands. GoldenClutch chased is $265andcanbepur- Salerno AutomaticWatch Monti Men’s CM106-205 competitors. TheCarlo at alowercostthanhis watches areavailable Italian Monti’s high-quality special watchmodels. been fascinatedwith family, hehasalways grown upinadesigner but ordinary. Having watches tolookanything Carlo Montidesigns Creative Chronology N F I long strap.Cost:$49to$99. with anIDtag, andanadjustable,removable ice pack,areusable,removabledrawstring bag includes areusablealuminumbottle, large with Temptrol, aninsulatingfabric, and in manycolorsandtextures.Eachislined with exoticfauxvinyl,fabricandrealleather from disposables.Pranzo Bagsaremade bags toencouragepeopleeliminatewaste lunch 2011 toprovideunique,high-quality Mary LouPalazzolo launchedPranzo Bagsin trendsetters! Calling alleco-friendly Next-Gen Lunch Bag Lunch Next-Gen “geo” (earth)and“x,”alettersymbolizingtechnology. Price: $ by MarioPolegato. Thebrandname,Geox,wascreated fromtheGreekword a trademarkofallshoesmadebytheItaliancompanyfounded sole madeofaspecialmicroporousmembraneis The ultralight,waterproofandbreathablerubber striping.suede sneaker withathletic-style The UAndreabyGeoxisaretro-inspired Retro Kicks Price: $780. Runway CapsuleCollection. mere sweaterispartofthe wool and30-percentcash- logo. The70-percentvirgin Moschino’s ownM-heart the iconicgoldenarchesinto served,” thestylistsskewed the words“over20billion Week. Emblazonedwith sweater atMilan’s Fashion McDonald’s redandyellow the ‘80swiththisvibrant director paidhomageto Moschino’s newcreative Golden ArchesRevisited /61 9:36 PM 9/16/14 The Art of Shaving For almost a century, Proraso has Do you know of a BOTTEGA wonderful new product in transformed the art of shaving into Italy made or of interest to a pleasurable daily ritual. Founded in Italian Americans? by Piero Martelli in 1948, Contact Elissa Ruffino at Proraso produces a variety of shaving NIAF [email protected]. products that remain faithful to the brand’s original values: the use of natural ingredients, excellence in research, NIAF BOTTEGA and respect for tradition. Price: $10 for shaving creams; $14 for after shave lotion. Driven to Write Tibaldi, Italy’s oldest pen maker, partnered with the Flower Power British car manufacturer to Fashion was an early passion for Massimo Giorgetti, produce eight Bentley-themed the Italian designer who started his own MSGM collections since 2006. The latest is brand in 2008. MSGM mixes and matches the Tibaldi for Bentley GT with its brass tradition with the creative expressions of barrel made of vibrant-colored, lacquered, the new millennium. The brand’s colorful rhodium trim. The top of the pen’s cap is marked prints are now available in shoes, like with the familiar Bentley “B” and available in ballpoint ($600), this floral pump. Price: $435. roller ball ($750), or fountain pen ($1,250).

World’s Cheesiest Lamp The Dutch company Qucina has created a light fixture in the shape of a Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese wheel. Its creators were inspired to design these lamps after a culinary tour in Italy. The lamp has the same details, size and color as an original cheese wheel. Price: $272 for the classic model with a plastic interior; $374 for the DLX model Lightweight Innovation with a stainless steel interior (pictured). This year, the northern Italian company CAMP (Concezione Articoli Montagna Premana) celebrates 125 years of manufacturing the lightest and most innovative gear in the climbing Iconic Italian Coffee industry. The family-owned Designed in 1933 by Alfonso Bialetti, company is situated in the Moka Express percolator is an the tiny mountain village Italian coffee icon that can be found in of Premana where practically every Italian kitchen. Known history, experience and for its classic elegance and technological imagination combine simplicity, the aluminum Moka pot to form a strong comes in several sizes and features a mountain culture and distinctive eight-sided shape that allows technical innovation. it to diffuse heat perfectly to enhance CAMP produces the aroma of the coffee. The caricature the essentials for created by Bialetti’s son, known as mountain climbing, “L’Omino,” is the company’s trademark such as this jacket. Price: figure that distinguishes this Italian $349.95 brand. Price: $24.99 - $59.99. WWW.NIAF.ORG

Ambassador 15

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 15 9/16/14 9:36 PM 43_masdrFl1.nd16 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd LivingItalian LivingItalian 16 WWW.NIAF.ORG PAESANI Ambassador that? [email protected]. thingsofinteresttoItalianAmericans. Knowsomeonelike ians andothersdoingextraordinary Paesani departmentchroniclesinshortformthelives ofItalianAmericans,Ital- Ambassador’s —Michelle Fabio LivingItalian ( and nowenjoyhelpingothersauthenticItalythrough tours andcookingclassesinLazio,UmbriaTuscany, another linktoourItalianheritageandregional culture.” “Each stepalongthestreets ofourancestors’villagesis around ourgrandparents’ Sundaydinnertables,”saysBill. life andmeaningtothestoriesweheard growing up lifestyle. andsoakinginthelocal familyhistory Calabria, learning summers inCarol’s grandmother’s houseinCiròMarina, in 1999,thecoupleandtheirson,Alex,beganspending families remained inItaly. discover whattheirlivesmighthavebeenlikehad share theiracquired knowledgewithothers. to experienceasmuchofauthenticItalypossibleand Living LikeItalians Carol andBillhavealsoconductedweek-longcultural “Ourindependenttravelthroughout Italyhasgiven In search ofanexperiencelivinglikereal Italians, begantheirlifelongexplorationto That sojourn Together custom theyoperateLivingItalian,offering Carol andBillSansonehavemadeittheirlife’s work Carol workedfortheU.S.Navy. while intheU.S.Army when Billserved their ownstayinPozzuolithe1970s Italianregions, andfrom eral southern own families,whooriginatedfrom sev- Sansones’ inspirationcomesfrom their life asanItalianduringtheirstay. The travelers whowouldliketoexperience itineraries andadviceforindependent

mid-1980s, thecastin alongside Cantamessasincetheyreformed 1970s. He’s beenplaying on Broadway inthelate- member ofBeatlemania cino wasanoriginalcast tribute bandsever. Cola- most popularBeatles original andoneofthe Cast ofBeatlemania,the Templeton, theyare and musicaldirector Mark Delgado (RingoStarr) formore than30years. been performing —roles they’ve pool —JohnLennonandPaulMcCartney themselves intotwo20-somethingEnglishladsfrom Liver- radio-commercial jinglessingerinNewJersey. Connecticut. Colacinoisavoiceoveractor, andaTV- Cantamessa isthepresident ofNewEnglandStoragein liveswithwivesandfamilies. nie Colacinoleadnormal FieldsForever Strawberry —Jack Smiles” Visit wanted todothatandIguessI’mluckydidget lost theirmindsthatnightandIwasoneofthem…. Beatles were onEdSullivan,”Colacinosays,“alotofkids music, sayCantamessa,53,andColacino,61.“Whenthe three setseachshow. Together John Harrison), withJamesFilgate(George For theother40to60daysayear, theytransform About 300daysayear, CarloCantamessaandLe- What keepstheirBeatlesmaniagoing?Loveofthe recreating theBeatleslookandsoundupto The NIAF’s The CastofBeatlemania and /61 9:36 PM 9/16/14

Photo by Jack Smiles

Persons ofInterest NIAF’s

Photo by Jack Smiles Persons ofInterest 43_masdrFl1.nd17 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd —Michelle Fabio to Italy, tyinghertwohomelands together. further Made-in-USAproducts another companythatwillexport in thecomune,Icriedtearsofjoy,” saysMaria. self andmydaughter;thedayourrecords were recorded andalsoreconnected withherItalianself. ForzaBella two years,andthatiswhere Marialaidthegroundwork for experience lifeinItaly, for thefamilymovedtoLivorno (IVF). Herdaughter, in2002. LuccaBella,wasborn invitro fertilization 500 companyinorder toundergo wanted tobeamom,sosheleftherpositionatFortune Inspired byherfamigliainLucca,Tuscany, Mariaalways role throughout herlife. heritage hasplayedanimportant Elle Italia,andelsewhere. Fair Italia,Vogue Accessory, ready beenfeatured inVanity the UnitedStatesandhasal- to brings Italy’s finestjewelry companythat fornia-based Cali- herCarmel, Imports, closer connection. uncle intheBelPaese,Mariaknewshewantedaneven After shetookherfather, Amerigo,tomeethisnamesake States, shehasalwaysfeltthathersoulbelongedinItaly. Importing ItalianGlitter Visit ForzaBella’sVisit workingon And sheisn’t doneyet.Sheiscurrently “While inItaly, “Iobtainedmydualcitizenshipformy- Seven yearslater, whenMariawantedherdaughterto Indeed, Maria’s Italian Italian ForzaBella And so,lastyearMariastarted intheUnited Although MariaGiovannoniwasborn

Photos by Sydney Spurgeon —Douglas Gladstone pale bycomparison. barriers that counts.” “But theatergoesbeyondthat.It’s thewholeexperience ly understoodbyanon-Romanaudience,”headmitted. can audiences.“Some(Italian)punscannotbethorough- Lardera thattheshow couldpresent problems forAmeri- with “Rugantino,” concededinhisMay2014interview Rome’s most prominent citizens. duces thewifeofone19th-century the titlerole ofawomanizerwhose- English entirely inItalianbutfeatured formed ment. Themusical,whichwasper- York CityCenterforalimitedengage- when “Rugantino”playedtheNew actly whatBrignanodidthispastJune Broadway befarbehind?That’s ex- Fault), wasseenbymore than200,000people. mano, MaNonèColpaMia”(I’mRoman,ButIt’s NotMy in i-ItalythatBrignano’s 2010one-manshow, “SonoRo- known forhisstagework.NatashaLardera recently wrote feature film“Frozen,” thenativeofDragona,Italy, isbest Olaf” eintheItalianversionofDisney’s megahitanimated snow sculpture. modity—even whengivingvoicetoananthropomorphic One ManShow Besides, onceyou’vevoicedasnowman,language Brignano, whoalsodirected With suchimpressive credentials, couldconquering With Though the48-year-old Brignanodubbedthevoiceof Italian comedianEnricoBrignanoisonehotcom- subtitles, starred Brignanoin subtitles,starred Ambassador /61 9:36 PM 9/16/14 17 WWW.NIAF.ORG Photos by Pino Le Pera PAESANI Benedetto Guitars 43_masdrFl1.nd18 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 18 WWW.NIAF.ORG PAESANI Ambassador Jr. Bartus —Robert whose websiteis donated byjazzguitarlegendJohn“Bucky”Pizzarelli. The SmithsonianInstitutionhousesaBenedettoguitar Italy,Festival inPerugia, Benedettoguitars are be nome,”saysBenedetto. career withphotography. “AndwithoutCindy, there would through hishands,whilewifeCindycaptured his his sister’s bed thathedismantled(sawedapart). from anoldkitchentable,cellowoodsthatheordered, and 21, Benedettomadehisfirstgenuineguitarusingmaple of hisremarkable successandtalents. Italian lineage(Province ofPotenzaandSicily)formuch intheBronx, N.Y.,Born credits his in1946,theartisan craftsman ofhandmadearchtop guitarsforjazzmusicians. Setting theTone “I enjoylivingtheAmericandream,” saysBenedetto, From theMonterey JazzFestivaltotheUmbria Since thatfirstguitar, 850archtops havepassed “In myearlyyearsasaguitarmaker, doorsopened Benedettoisoneoftheworld’sRobert premier on bothsidesofthefamily. In1968,at sical background camefrom hisuncles proficiency asa ing camefrom hisfatherSalvatore’s Fratello andPregio. guitars: Bambino,Bravo,Cremona, even apparent inthenamingofhis is Hisancestry stringed instruments. turies-old Italiantraditionofmaking onthecen- Benedetto, aboutcarrying because ofmyItalianheritage,”says Benedetto’s prowess inwoodwork- cabinetmaker. Hismu- renowned.

NIAF’s Persons of Interest

Benedetto Guitars father said,“We of thesport. supporter three-time goldmedalist,historianandfervid the gameofbocce:U.S.nationalsingleschampionand intendstokeeptheballrolling. Ferrari version.AndPhil eventually leadingtothemodern-day to Greece, andthenspread through theRomanEmpire, Keep theBallRolling Jr. Bartus —Robert orcallhimat1-855-652-6223. ambassador forthegame,”saysFerrari. spreading theword about hisloveforbocce.“Ifeellikean money) andhastraveledtheworldasacompetitor, while (with prize sponsorsU.S.tournaments (WBL), Ferrari anything forthesport.” the popularityofgameandtradition. wasambitioustoadvance ning thechampionship,Ferrari singleschampioninbocce.Afterwin- first American-born Tenn., hebecamethe petition his life. of game becamepart memorable day, the bocce. And,from that family membersin chance tochallenge Rich Hein From thedaywhenhewasaboutage16,his Known as“America’s Mr. ofboccebeganinEgypt,traveled The earliestforms To As president oftheIllinois-basedWorld BocceLeague “I haveapassionforthegame,”hesays,“andwilldo In 1991,atacom- learn more aboutbocce,youcanvisithiswebsiteat learn inMemphis, are


Bocce,” Ferrari embodies Bocce,”Ferrari

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24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 19 9/16/14 9:36 PM 43_masdrFl1.nd20 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd /61 9:36 PM 9/16/14

Photo by Andrea Levers (licensed under CC BY 2.0) 43_masdrFl1.nd21 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd Photo by Andrea Levers (licensed under CC BY 2.0) T alcoholic fermentation, thenoxidation,andaginginthe alcoholic fermentation, typesofwoodmustbe used. of three different Aminimum ash,juniperandmulberry. nut, oak,cherry, madeofvariouswoods,includingchest- series ofbarrels intoa enheit forabout36hours.Thejuiceistransferred cooked instainlesssteelvatstoaround 190degrees Fahr- grapejuice,or“must,”is can beused.Theunfermented co grapesfrom thearea ofModenaandReggioEmilia must befollowed.OnlyTrebbianorules andLambrus- and itsfamespread farandwideinItaly. To duringthe17thcentury. matic,” started old vinegar. Theuseoftheword balsamico,meaning“aro- their tables.Backthen,itwascalledacetovecchio,meaning andwasoftenfoundon vinegar tohavehealingproperties had heard of.Itseemsthatroyalty considered balsamic ofTuscany,Marquis heaskedaboutthespecialvinegar made astopinPiacenza.UponmeetingBoniface,the II,travelingtoRomeforhiscoronation, Emperor Henry whentheGerman duction showsupinthe11thcentury grape juiceandaddinghoney. Theycalledit believe thattheRomanswere thefirsttomakeitbycooking The transformation tobalsamicvinegarbeginswith The transformation thisvinegar’s history, Many oraltraditionssurround The firstdocumentedproof ofthefamedelixir’s pro- produced in those areas. Some culinary scholars be produced inthoseareas. Someculinary ucts ofModenaandReggioEmilia,canonly raditional balsamicvinegarisoneoftheoldestprod- Worth Vinegar makeit,strict saba.

Wait The

and longer-necked one forReggioEmilia.’s bottle with a recognize thereal McCoybytheshapeof squatbottle given vinegar isputintospeciallydesignedbottles,sealed,and acidic intensity. givesitsapproval, the Iftheconsortium balance ofvisualdensity, color, flavor, clarity, smelland islookingforagood tradizionale. Whattheconsortium tobebottledandgiventhenameacetobalsamico worthy ifthevinegaris bodythatdetermines tium, agoverning toaconsor- Itissentdirectly from thefactory the barrel. are vinegar mustageaminimumof12years,althoughmany takes onadeepmahoganycolorandcomplexflavors.The acetaia (vinegarattic).Duringthelongprocess, theliquid tion andare vinegars thathavegonethrough rigorous stepsofproduc- and canonlybeusedinreference totheconsortium-issued Emilia. and bearnoresemblance tothoseinModenaandReggio was madeandthemaker’s labelisaffixed. vinegar.” Theseare has a real balsamicvinegar. sellwinevinegarthat Supermarkets agedmuchlonger. Makers donothaveaccesstothevinegaronceitleaves

the consortium approval andname, onecan Besidestheconsortium There ismuchconfusioninthestatesastowhat snitchofbalsamicvinegaraddedandcallit“balsamic anumber. where it Thenitissentbacktothefactory rectangular baseforModenaand themore bulbous Aceto balsamicotradizionaleisa deemed worthy enoughtobearthename. deemedworthy referred toas“industrial” or referred Vinegar Balsamic No Other Like Tradizionale Balsamico Aged Aceto AnnEsposito By Mary trademarkedname industriale Ambassador

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21 WWW.NIAF.ORG CIAO ITALIA label bears the words “Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena” while Reggio Emilia’s says “Consortium of Producers of Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Reggio Emilia.” Reggio Emilia makes three grades: oro (gold) which is aged over 25 years; argento (silver) which is aged from 12 to 25 years; and aragosta

ITALIA CIAO (lobster), aged a minimum of 12 years. The gold label is the most expensive, followed by silver and then red. When I visited an acetaia, I was given soft slippers to cover my shoes to avoid contaminating the attic. I felt like Farro salad I was going into a chapel. As soon as I with balsamic began the climb up the ladder, I could vinegar dressing detect that familiar sweet and sour smell of the vinegar. The attic was small, dark and airy. Over each barrel’s square opening was a small piece of cloth Farro Salad with Balsamic called a teglia, important to keep dust Vinegar Dressing out and allow evaporation to occur. Serves 4 Finally, it was time to sample this fine elixir that historically has sent Farro is a healthy grain with a long kings searching and swooning. If made history that is enjoying a comeback in right, the taste is sweet and sour at today’s kitchen. Packed with protein and the same time, the liquid has a syrupy nutrients, it is versatile in cooking and is a welcome addition to soups, stews and texture, and a rich, shiny dark-brown side dishes. It is fabulous on its own as a color. With a long, thin glass instru- salad dressed with commercially prepared Consortium Producers Traditional Balsamic Vinegar Balsamic Vinegar Consortium Producers Traditional of Modena ment that looked like a meat baster, a balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Bottle of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena few precious drops were drawn out for me to taste. It went down easy like a Ingredients Directions precious port and I savored every com- 1 cup pearled farro • Put the farro in a 1-quart saucepan. plex nuance of this amazing product. 5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil Cover it with fresh water and cook until And don’t think of using it just to ½ teaspoon salt it is tender but not mushy—about 15 dress a salad; aceto balsamico tradizionale 3 tablespoons commercial balsamic vinegar minutes. is considered a condimento (condiment), ½ cup diced celery • Drain and transfer to a salad bowl. not vinegar as we think of it. A few 1 cup diced carrot • Pour the olive oil over the farro and mix 2 tablespoons minced parsley drops over chips of Parmigiano Reggia- well to coat the grains. Stir in the salt shavings of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and vinegar and rest of ingredients. no cheese are a traditional way of enjoy- • Divide the mixture among four salad ing it at the end of a meal. A few drops plates and add the cheese. Pass more sprinkled on cooked meats bring a olive oil at the table to drizzle on top. whole new taste dimension. And adding a drop or two to fruit salads gives them a savory sweetness. Even under-ripe fruits such as strawberries get a great taste lift from a few drops. Forget hot fudge sauce over vanilla ice cream, aceto balsamico tradizionale is much better! Each year on June 24, during Mary Ann Esposito’s latest cookbook, “Ciao Italia the feast of Saint John, a contest is Family Classics,” is available in bookstores and held in Spilamberto, a town not far online at And visit Mary Ann’s online from Vignola, in the region of Emilia store on her website at Romagna, to judge the best balsamic products vintages. Prizes are given for the best WWW.NIAF.ORG ones because making aceto balsamico tradizionale is serious business where patience and time are key ingredients.

22 Ambassador

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 22 9/16/14 9:39 PM 43_masdrFl1.nd23 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd tradizionale. sweet andsmoothtasteof almonds, a oftheground with thecrunchiness of a is moist andabit“wet”whencake not overbakethecake.Itshouldremain the eggwhites;and,mostimportantly, do wellbutdonotoverbeat egg yolksvery semisweet chocolate;beatthesugarand points before youbegin:usehigh-quality dark-as-midnight cake.Someimportant same. You but donotexpectthiscaketotastethe have orwanttopurchase thereal thing, a flavoringofyourchoosingifyoudonot Modena justtomakethiscake.Substitute bottle ofAcetoBalsamicoTradizionale di I don’t expectyoutogooutandbuya it isno-where nearthesamething.And store; balsamic vinegarfrom thegrocery expensive item. is thesecret ingredient. Anditisavery famous balsamiccondimentoofModena) clude thatacetobalsamicotradizionale(the and somethingelse. andalmonds… coffee flavored withrum, this isadense,flourless,chocolatecake peanut butter. ThismuchIdoknow: sinceItaliansdonothave I begtodiffer to findoutwhatthesecret ingredient was. in mytravelstoModena.Iwasdetermined curious aboutthemwhenIencountered it a well-keptsecret alltheseyearsandIwas still inoperationVignola. named itinBarozzi’s honor. Theshopis shop)in1897and (pastry in hispasticerria Eugenio Gollinicreated theTorta Barozzi chef the laststeponstaircase. Pastry plishments. Ironically, heneverfinished spiral staircase amonghisotheraccom- Barozzi iscredited withdesigningthe son, JacopoBarozzi. cious chocolatecakenamedafternative ingredients thatgointothissinfullydeli- astothe there willenterintoanargument andtheresidents for itsMoretta cherries, justoutsideofModena,known Vignola, 8to10 Serves Torta Barozzi Cake (Unraveled) Secret Chocolate Vignola’s inserted intothecenter. inserted cake delivers every tastesensation This cakedeliversevery Here ismyinterpretation ofthis andmakethiscakeusing Do nottry After muchresearch, Ihavetocon- Some saythatitispeanutbutter, but The ingredients forthiscakehavebeen A famousRenaissancearchitect, Mention Torta Barozzi inthetownof moist,fudgytexture, punctuated havebeenwarned. meringue-liketopandthe aceto balsamico skewer

courtesy of Ciao Italia • Melt thechocolateandbutterina • Grind thealmondstoapowderin • Preheat theovento350°F • Butter thepaper. Setthepanaside. • Dust withcocoa,tappingouttheexcess • panwith Coat a9-x-2-inchspringform Directions almond-flavored confectionerssugar 2 tablespoonsconfectionerssugaror 1 tablespoonsweetground cocoa Topping ¼ cupstrong coffee or flavoringofyourchoice (aceto balsamicotradizionalediModena) 2 tablespoonsbalsamiccondimento 1 cupsugar eggs,separated 4 large cut intosmallpieces 9 ouncesofbittersweetchocolate, 7 tablespoonsunsaltedbutter 1 cupslicedalmonds,toasted Ingredients bowl setoverhotwater. food processor. Setaside excess tooverhang thesides. ened parchment paper, allowingthe Or linethepanwithasheetofdamp- the baseofpan. and fitasheetofparchment paperin butter orcookingspray. Mary AnnEsposito by Mary Recipe from CiaoItaliaFamilyClassics • Cutintothinwedgestoserve. • dish. Place thecake on aserving • abutterknifealongthe Carefully run • Remove panfrom theovenandsetona • Bake for30to 35 minutesoruntilcake • • Beat theyolksand sugaruntillemon promoting Italianfood. 2013 forhertirelessworkin gious PremioArtusiawardin Mary Annreceivedthepresti- Italia withMaryAnnEsposito,” televised PBSseries“Ciao and hostofthenationally beloved TVchefs,andcreator One ofAmerica’s most of thecake. sugar inasmallsieveanddustthetop Combine thecocoaandconfectioners spring. Removepansides. inside edgesofthepanandrelease the cooling rack.Coolcompletely. damp. inthecenterisslightly tester inserted ture. Pourmixture intoprepared pan. Foldintochocolatemix- soft peaksform. Beat thewhitesina Set aside. andcoffee. chocolate mixture, rum stirinalmonds, fluffy; colored andvery



/61 9:39 PM 9/16/14 23 WWW.NIAF.ORG CIAO ITALIA 43_masdrFl1.nd24 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 24 WWW.NIAF.ORG Ambassador MADE Traditional Foods Imitate Italy’s Most Counterfeiters Losing When What We’re Knocking O By AmyRioloandLuigiDiotaiuti in


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Consorzio del Formaggio Parmigiano-Reggiano Consorzio del Formaggio Parmigiano-Reggiano 43_masdrFl1.nd25 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd the authenticproducts word skills passed down authentic culinary Italian Americans, consuming by Italian products, cultural identity used numberof food enablesus one to our ancestors. popularwords But, preparing and “authentic”is preserve our is purchasing, of to dwindling. and while the the most describe Italian retain truly For

And there’s a the UnitedStatestastebetterthere. inItalianrestaurants in food served to Italyagree thatthesametypesof a create products are that traditional, sustainablemethods,they ensuring qualityandauthenticity. Using ment andare are the eye.Strictgeographicindicators world renowned cuisinethanmeets ments wanttohaveapieceofthepie. so covetedthatevenforeign govern- The “MadeinItaly”labelhasbecome as “Italian”canbefoundeverywhere. products misrepresenting themselves often difficulttodecipherwhere they duced undertheirItaliannames.Itis many Italian-styleproducts beingpro- added tothecommercial varieties. example, sugarandcaramelflavorsare of slowlyagedbalsamicvinegar, for them. To abroad, producers needtomanipulate products appealtoconsumers terfeit order tomakelessexpensivecoun- bettervalueandmore nutritious. enforced bytheItaliangovern- Most peoplewhohavetravelled A An increasing amountofforeign In theUnitedStates,there are lotmore goesintocreating Italy’s Reggiano Parmigiano Salting the replicate thesweet,richtaste adhered tobyproducers goodreason forthat.In higherquality,

confuses other misleadingthemescurrently alongwithmany ian” and“organic,” flags, Italianthemes,thewords “Ital- theuseofItalian them. Nevertheless, more difficulttotakeadvantageof stories behindfood,itwillbecome more interested andeducatedinthe Asconsumersbecome ling industry. more transparency inthefood-label- consumer trends are cannot becheated.Fortunately, many better foodfuture foreveryone. where, wewillbecontributingtoa promoting authenticproducts every- the future ofthatstate’s By industry. cheese, itwouldtotallyundermine to misrepresent theoriginsoftheir products. Ifthoseproducers were visionarieswhomakewonderful true makers inVermont, forexample, are products. Manyofthecheese artisan thelegitimacyoflocal undermine tricksalso sumers, theseadvertising the samenameforbusinesspurposes. products are different where very the cheese-makingindustry in Italian ornot.Thisisespeciallytrue originated orwhethertheyare artisanal cheeseproducersbasedinParma,Italy. Parmigiano-Reggiano, theconsortiumofItaly’s the ovalbrandofConsorziodelFormaggio An authenticwheelofParmigianoReggianohas Meanwhile, MotherNature In additiontomisleadingcon- manyconsumers. demanding Chris DelMoroinItaly marketedunder Ambassador truly

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Consorzio del Formaggio Parmigiano-Reggiano 25 WWW.NIAF.ORG Francesco, Emiliano and Enzo Marra Marra Forni and Oro Catering 10312 Southard Drive , Beltsville, Md. 20705 1-888-239-0575

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 26 9/16/14 9:39 PM 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 27

Courtesy of oriGIn—The Organization for an the profits…and buyersare deceived. sothesellerspocket European truffles, Their valueisonly10percent ofthe are cooked. ceive unlessthetruffles inflavorisdifficulttoper difference identified withmoleculartools.The because thevariancescanonlybe asItalian fles are gettingpassedoff - China. ManyoftheChinesetruf from truffles ers toimport are causingItaliansuppli- fle harvests - times thepriceofgold,andsmalltruf $4,009 per2.2pounds).” gofor black wintertruffles and $6,682per2.2pounds).Top typicallyretail for truffles association inAcqualagna,“white foraging the president ofthetruffle way into the marketplace as Italian: Italian protected DOP (Denominazione diorigine protetta) products that increasingly are nding their Here’s the latest on some Made-in-Italy products that counterfeiters are knocking o, including some International Geographical Indications Network AuthenticAcetoBalsamico diModena Selling trufflesinAlba,Italy’s Piedmontregion 3,000 perkilogram(about$2,004to 5,000 perkilogram(about$2,673 Truffles costpracticallythree Capanna, According toBruno Truffles Parma Prosciutto di Authentic

2,000 to 1,500 to -

Patricia Hofmeester Aceto BalsamicodiModena appear even on counterfeit products. products. appear evenoncounterfeit to balsamicobianco,”and“diModena” Beware thatwords like“autentico,” “ace- in high-quality, naturalwoodenbarrels. tuni. Itmustbeagedforatleast10years orMon- Albana, Ancellotta,Fortana Sangiovese,Trebbiano, as Lambrusco, concentrated from grapevarietiessuch andboiledand/or fermented partially (freshly pressed grapejuice)that’s Modena ismadefrom grape“must” forthetown. consumption turnover 1,000 peopleinModena,creating Aceto BalsamicodiModenainvolved 1747. In2013,theproduction chainof used alongsidetheword “vinegar”in “balsamic”wasfirst III.Theterm Henry in 1046withtheHolyRomanEmperor call AcetoBalsamicodiModenabegan 600,000,000 (almost $802 million) in 600,000,000 (almost$802million)in Authentic Aceto Balsamico di Authentic AcetoBalsamicodi The production ofwhatwenow

courtesy of Consorzio Tutela Aceto Balsamico di Modena Prosciutto diParma months old. conditions, andslaughtered at six sive grains,raisedinlessthan ideal made withpigsconsuming inexpen- at leastninemonthsold. 140 kilos(justover308pounds)and only pigswhichare aminimumof uses Authentic Prosciutto diParma no-Reggiano cheese-makingindustry. sidual wheyfrom thelocalParmigia- special blendofgrains,cereal, andre- Italy.”of central-northern locatedin10regions breeding farms andraisedbyauthorized breeds, born White,LandranceandDuroc Large pigsmustbespeciallybred “Parma ing totheprosciutto consortium, ing toconcentratetheflavor. Accord- through moisture evaporation,help- ofitsweight more thanaquarter concentrated flavor. sea saltwithoutadditivestoachievea a traditionalmethodusingonlypure Roman times.Porklegsare cured in place to produce hamsince perfect region havemadeitthe of theParma Prosciutto diParma Counterfeit prosciutto isoften Counterfeit Theirdietmustconsistofa A trimmedhamwillhavelost The idealgeographicconditions Ambassador 9/16/14 9:40 PM Evgeny Karandaev 27 WWW.NIAF.ORG 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 28 28 WWW.NIAF.ORG Ambassador Italy’s Cheeses shortchanging the traditional process. Among them: area of Italy, are nonetheless imitated using lesser ingredients or meaning they originate from and are produced within aparticular protected by DOP (Denominazione diorigine protetta) designation, called themselves“Romano” cheese. using substandard ingredients have Romano cheesesmadeoutside ofItaly must look.Somefraudulent Pecorino alsodictatestheway the logo sortium minimum ofeightmonths.Thecon- kind thatisgratedmustbeageda a minimumoffivemonths,andthe Pecorino thatiseatenslicedmustage (about 44-77pounds).Thetypeof in size,andweigh20-35kilograms tain way, range fallbetweenanarrow no, thecheesemustbeshapedacer- region) canbeusedinitsproduction. milk rennet (comingfrom thesame andsheep’s only naturalfermentation sheep comingfrom specificareas, and made withfresh sheep’s milkfrom the mostpopularisPecorinoRomano. Pecorino Crotonese. OutsideofItaly, no Romano,PecorinoSardo, and nates from –hencethenamesPecori- takes thenameofplaceitorigi- sheep’s milk,PecorinoRomanooften Pecorino Romano nutrients. flavor, different andislowerin very nontraditional techniques.Ithasa made from othercows’milkusing is higherinflavorandnutrients. smaller milkyieldthanothercows,it in thesummer. Thoughtheyhavea cess oftakingthemtocoolerpastures these cowsincludestheancientpro- which are nowatriskofextinction. tains betweenBasilicataandCalabria, found onlyintheAppenineMoun- ly from themilkofPodolicocow is atime-honored craftmadeexclusive- 2013, authenticcaciocavallopodolico est-priced cheesesintheworld” Caciocavallo Podolico To becalledPecorinoRoma- truly True PecorinoRomanomustbe A hard cheesemadewithfresh Imitation caciocavallocheeseis Traditional methodsofcaringfor Named oneofthe“fivehigh- Several of Italian’s most famous cheeses that are and “Parmesan,” are notauthentic. and “Parmesan,” names, suchas“Italian,”“Organic,” can bevisibleontherind.Other spelled outinstencileddotswhich giano-Reggiano andhaveitsname thentic, itmustbelabeledasParmi- no-Reggiano. Inorder tobeau- Parmigia- delFormaggio Consorzio consumption turnover. over 50,000people.In2012,itcreated a provides workto currently industry but istypicallyaged20-24months.This must beagedaminimumof12months, made forcenturies. in thesameplaces,asithasbeen salt, withthesametraditionalprocess, been fedonlyonfodder),rennet and only themilkfrom cows(whichhave cheese intheworld.It’s madewith is themostwidelyconsumedItalian history, Parmigiano-Reggiano tury Indicators) product withaneight-cen- Parmigiano-Reggiano and their feed are also determining and theirfeedare alsodetermining cheese ismade.Theraceof buffalos from andtheregion inwhichthe themselvescome where thebuffalo thecheesedetermine surrounding DOP. Since2008,thelegislations la isMozzarella diBufalaCampana milkmozzarel- buffalo fortrue term Protetta, orDOPseal.Theprotected with aDenominazioned’Origine bytheEuropean Union is certified and craftsmanship. with history, tradition,authenticity falo mozzarella hasbeensynonymous known asMagnaGrecia, makingbuf- antiquity, Italywas whenSouthern dibufala).Since mozzarella (mozzarella food intheItaliansouthisbuffalo Mozzarella diBufala 1,924 million ($2,555,759) revenue in 1,924 million($2,555,759)revenue in Production isregulated bythe Additives are prohibited, andit As asuccessfulGI(Geographic Buffalo mozzarella madeinItaly Buffalo The mosttypicalandwell-known production standards. cow’s milkandnotadheringtoother milkwithcheaper cutting thebuffalo ersatzcheeseproducers for arrested in theCampaniaregion, authorities appearance mustfitthestandard. Eventhelogo’s are all pre-determined. humidity levelspresent inthecheese tures, shapes,taste,fatcontent,and tives omitted.Thecookingtempera- veal rennet mustbeused,andaddi- within 60hoursofmilking;natural must befiltered intraditionalmethods of 7.2percent fatcontent.Themilk milkwithaminimum whole buffalo factors. these items,themore youare ableto er. Themore youare able tocontrol distinguish products from oneanoth- niques andthehumanfactor are what ties, characteristic,andreputations.” geographical area withspecificquali- goods produced inthecorresponding are “geographicnamesassociatedwith Geographic Indicators(GI’s), which is topayattentionandsupport our products andpurchasing power regulations. Oneofthewaystoprotect and protected underEuropean Union How toKnow? courtesy oftheConsorziodiTutela dellaMozzarelladiBufalaCampana cheeses intheworld,andisa Tiramisu Restaurant.Thedish Recently, at a factory near Recently, nearCaserta atafactory The cheesemustbemadeoffresh, Soil, climate,production tech- Many foodsfrom Italyare labeled alCaciocavalloatAl caciocavallo podolico,one of thefivemostexpensive target forcounterfeiters. is madewithauthentic Mozzarella di Bufala 9/16/14 9:40 PM

photo by Peter Stepanek; courtesy of Luigi Diotaiuti/The Al Tiramisu Restaurant Cookbook

Jason Baffa Films photo by Peter Stepanek; courtesy of Luigi Diotaiuti/The Al Tiramisu Restaurant Cookbook

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 29 Jason Baffa Films pologist and Mediterranean diet expert. dietexpert. pologist andMediterranean author,award-winning - historian,anthro Amyisan authentic Italianrestaurant. owns AlTiramisu, Washington D.C.’smost ning restaurateur, chefandsommelierwho - andtravel.Luigiisanaward-win culture ed overtheirinsatiableappetiteforcuisine, Amy andLuigibond- the brinkofextinction. traditionson culinary Italian and topreserve behind thefoodweeat to tellthewholestory and LuigiDiotaiutiis duoAmyRiolo nary The missionofculi- buying authenticproducts. and helptoguaranteeconsumersare developmentanywhere— boost rural type ofcommitmenttoagriculture can Atlantic, anddemonstratehowthis modelonthissideofthe an effective exampleofhowGI’s canbe wonderful landscape aswell.Idahopotatoesare a intheU.S.economic important ans. Theyare becomingincreasingly control quality, tasteandvalue. And, GI’s aren’t justforEurope- originated in or is famous for coming from originated inorisfamousforcomingfrom geografica protetta)meanstheproduct a particularareaofItaly. IGP(Indicazione originated fromandwasproducedwithin di origineprotetta)meanstheproduct DOP andIGPLabels:(Denominazione tic productsfromfakes: labels thatcanhelpdistinguishauthen- sumer, youshouldknowthefollowing And, tofurtherprotectyourselfasacon- website company orproductontheMadeinItaly You canlookuptheauthenticityofa retails foraquarterthecost. Lifan 300,animitationFiat330that pottery. Take alookattheChinese-made handbags andstemwaretofootwear food productstoincludeeverythingfrom products, thecounterfeitinggoesbeyond other foodindustries.And,forItalian tion valuestypicallyunmatchedinmost tion, thefinestingredients,andproduc- ucts oftenrepresentcenturiesofperfec- industries whoseartisan-craftedprod- not onlyripoffbuyers,theyundermine fakes andfalselylabelledfoodproducts the sincerestformofflattery. Infact, In theworldoffoodfraud,imitationisn’t What You ShouldKnow within adefinedgeographicalregion. produced fromapprovedgrapevarieties geografica tipica)meansthewinewas production controls.IGT(Indicazione the strictestvarietal,processing,and quality label,giventowinessubject controllata egarantita)isthefinest DOCG (Denominazionediorigine adhering tostrictproductioncontrols. area, usingprecisegrapevarieties,and the winewasproducedwithinalimited inazione dioriginecontrollata)means Italian WineQualityLabels:DOC(Denom- looser originationrequirements. the treeratherthanground,buthas as usingonlyolivespickeddirectlyfrom product meetsthebasicstandards,such ing. TheIGPOliveOillabelmeansthe storage timeofolivesbeforeprocess- such aslimitsonaciditylevelsand the oliveoilmeetstoughstandards, oils havetheDOPlabel,whichmeans Olive OilLabels:About30Italianolive production tookplaceinthatarea. a specificareainItaly, butonlypartofits Ambassador 9/16/14 9:40 PM 29 WWW.NIAF.ORG 43_masdrFl1.nd30 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 0Ambassador 30 WWW.NIAF.ORG Ambassador amal amal the coast

/61 9:40 PM 9/16/14

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 31 one stepat atime walking through history by LauraThayer andPhotography Story ways to get around the Amalfi Coast, all of them startlingly ways togetaround theAmalfiCoast,allofthem startlingly memorable. Butthere isonewaythattakesyou at aslower out of the curves of the Amalfi Coast road, buses squeeze oftheAmalfiCoastroad, busessqueeze out ofthecurves through impossibly narrow spaces,theirpassengers gasp- through impossiblynarrow ing at sheer cliffs and panoramic views. There are many andpanoramicviews.There are many ing atsheercliffs Vespas through traffic,carswindinand ziperratically pace deep into the history and natural beauty of the andnaturalbeautyofthe pacedeepintothehistory Amalfi Coast – walking along its ancient stone steps. Amalfi Coast–walkingalongitsancientstonesteps. Torello andMinori below View fromRavelloof

steps. Lotsofthem. the AmalfiCoast,thatmeans nature of Given thevertical cate networkofpathways. connected onlybyanintri- dotting thelandscapewere mid-19th century, thevillages inthe outofthecliffs carved Italy.ern Before theroad was stretch ofcoastlineinsouth- addition tolifeonthisscenic crazy trafficisarelatively new The AmalfiCoastroad andits

Ambassador 9/16/14 9:40 PM 31 WWW.NIAF.ORG NIAF members benefit from a 10% discount on all our services (since 2007!)

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 32 9/16/14 9:43 PM 43_masdrFl1.nd33 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd in Pontone Colorful staircase available inEnglish. stands andtouristshops.Also which youcanpurchase innews- hiking mapsoftheAmalfiCoast, excellent andhighlydetailed ( produces mer. ThecompanyCart&guide cool, evenintheheatofsum- not onlydrinkablebutrefreshingly ter atthefountainsyou’llfindis Bring arefillable bottleasthewa- hiking around AmalfiandRavello. walking shoesare adequatefor without handrails.Comfortable lot ofthem.Expectunevensteps comfortable withsteps–anda moderate paceaslongyou’re The three walksdescribed are What toExpect Pontone Storico in Centro ly beachmomentsandday trips. are near thevillagesofAmalfiand Ravello Coast. Thesemoderate-paced hikes ence theauthenticsideofAmalfi walking shoesandtaketimetoexperi- and seasidevillages. standing, inthesemountainvalleys began andendedrightwhere you’re indailylife when everything arrived, of whatlifewaslikebefore theroads ofit. Coast –andyou’re apart oftheAmalfi nature andthehistory are sounds when youdo.Soon,modern staircases. Somethingmagicalhappens and explore thelabyrinthofwinding camera, leaveyourguidebookbehind, tainly more difficulttosee.Grabyour hidden inthepopularspots,iscer- sideoflifethat,whilenot different roads andbusypiazzas,there’s a the perfect complementtoleisure- theperfect by distantandyou’re surrounded So pack a pair of comfortable So packapairofcomfortable Look around tocatchaglimpse themain When youwanderoff sure asafeandenjoyablewalk. passionate abouthikingwillen- ,hiringalocalguide mountain pathwaysalongthe exploring themore challenging indications. Ifyou’re interested in more remote settingandfewer narrow footpaths,steepdrops, it’s amore challenginghikewith the viewsare worththeeffort, of PraianoandPositano.While mountains abovethevillages to itsdramaticsettinghighinthe walks ontheAmalfiCoastthanks Gods) isoneofthemostnoted Sentiero degliDei(Pathwayofthe For more serioushiking,the Hiking onthe AmalfiCoast

Ambassador Minori Almost in /61 9:43 PM 9/16/14 33 WWW.NIAF.ORG 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 34 34 WWW.NIAF.ORG Ambassador between RavelloandMinori. spot Torello, apeacefulvillagehalfway Justbeyond,you’ll as the13thcentury. ofchurches datingasfarback porticos leading through gardens andvaulted pathway thatquicklybeginsasteepdrop Rufolo,followashady trance totheVilla the medievaltowermarkingen- views straighttothesea. ofthepathway twistsandturns certain mountain are stunningasyou’llfindin Ravello, theviewswhiledescending inMinoriandclimbingupto starting two-hour walkcanbedoneinreverse, village ofMinori.Whilethisone-to- valley about1,000feetbelowisthelittle views. Nestleddownatthebaseof withspectacular mountain promontory larity withtravelers,Ravellositsona hotelsandpopu- justifies theluxury Ravello toMinori From the center of Ravello, near From thecenterofRavello,near asettingsolovelyiteasily With Approaching Torello invented. gelato andbeachfront bencheswere that’s life.But,don’t why worry, ern moment torejoin thepaceofmod- wobbly from allthesteps,ittakesa in Minori,withkneesperhaps abit you couldtouchit.Whenarrive is brilliantblueandsocloseitseems Sea than thelast.TheMediterranean alittlemore mesmerizing turn every withtheviewaroundback andforth century. Niemeyer. Yes, you’re stillinthe21st AuditoriumOscar of themodern you’ll spotthestarkwhitecurves far away. Yet, lookinguptoRavello, the scentofhomecookingisnever has stopped.Lifeispeacefuland chele Arcangelo. Itfeelsliketime in front oftheChurch ofSanMi- center ofTorello tothetinypiazza church porticoinRavello Below Torello, thestepszigzag The pathwayleadsthrough the Steps leadingthrougha Old andnewinTorello Steps toRavello 9/16/14 9:43 PM 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 35 a dramatic cliff, each step bringing eachstepbringing a dramaticcliff, through lemongroves andclingsto how ithasmissedthetouristcrowds. it’s hard toimagine utterly charming below isPontone,withapiazzaso overlookingthecoastline.Just tory dramatically setonasmallpromon- church ofSant’Eustachio, century ofthe12th- winds belowtheruins hike downthevalleytoAmalfi. spectacular viewswaitingyouonthe the AmalfiCoastandcatchsightof admire oneoftheoldestchurches on the picturesque PiazzaMinuta.Stopto behind andfollowstonestepsdownto Minuta. There, you’llleavetheroad to thetinyandappropriately named road withpanoramicviewsofRavello you from thecenterofScalaalonga a scenicone-to-two-hourwalktakes quiet andauthentic. tourist hustleandbustleremained Ravello, ithassomehowescapedthe it’s locatedrightbetweenAmalfiand the Scalavisitorsfindtoday. Although seemsworldsawayfrom what otherwise calls backtoawealthandgrandeurthat church, dedicatedtoSanLorenzo, large RepublicofAmalfi.Thetown’s erful ofthepow- Middle Agesitwasapart village oftheAmalfiCoast,during village ofScala.Notedastheoldest famous neighbor, Ravello,liesthesleepy side across avalleyfrom itsmuchmore Scala toAmalfi Below Pontone, the staircase leads Below Pontone,thestaircase leads andthestaircase A gentlecurve Comprised ofsixsmallvillages, Stretching outalongthemountain- down the mountain terrace thatis down themountainterrace flock ofsheepmeanderupand tinkling soundofbellstravelsfarasa from thenext.The a littledifferent time from nearbyvillages,eachone the valley. Church bellsringoutthe their chirpsmagnifiedintheechoof been replaced bythecallsofbirds, Mulini –theValley oftheMills. onahiketotheValle rich history dei but youcanwanderbackthrough this duced insomeoftheremaining mills, Handmadepaperisstillpro- ruins. although todaythosemillsare mostly places paperwasmadeinEurope, of paper. Amalfiwasoneoftheearliest in thevalley, mostlyfortheproduction sea. There were oncenumerous mills downtothe mountain riverrunning because ofafreshwater source and we soappreciate todaybutoriginally valley notjustfortheaestheticappeal The Valley oftheMills ty from themountainsdeepinside. Sant’Andrea, there’s stillthattranquili- ity andlookingupattheCathedralof byactiv- piazza ofAmalfi,surrounded and restaurants. Standinginthemain mainstreet linedwithshops colorful other, appear. Thestepsendatthe houses, stackedoneontopofthe was sofaraway, before longthefirst beyond. EventhoughitseemedAmalfi at thebaseofaravinewithsea comes intoview, framed perfectly you closertoAmalfi.Soon,thevillage The sound of mills churning has The soundofmillschurning Amalfi issettledintothebaseofa hopefully neverbelosttotime. life andcreating traditionsthatwill growing here forages,sustaining the steps.Thesetrees havebeen out tocollectthemtumbledown olives thatescapedthenetsstretched rated withpricklychestnutsandripe winter andthestaircases are deco- groves are carefully covered forthe steps tochurch. Inautumn,lemon and elderlycouplesslowlyclimbthe tinyspaceavailable, around inevery gather, children kickthesoccerball in amazeofstaircases, families been forgenerations.Hiddenaway opens widethewayoflifeasithas on theAmalfiCoastiswayit paper wasmadeoverthecenturies. paper mill,tofollowthetracesofhow Paper MillMuseum,setinahistoric Amalfi’sin attheMuseodellaCarta, OnthewaybacktoAmalfi,stop ery. andlushgreen- setting withwaterfalls leads deepintoanenchantingforest stream —icecoldeveninAugust inside andamblingalongabubbling peeringdeep tions. Hikingpastruins, tradi- traces ofAmalfi’s papermaking forests thatare slowlyerasingthe their home. Coast on her website: Coast oftheAmalfiwitness guidebooks.Enjoymore inItalia!magazineandDKEye- appeared the AmalfiCoastsince2007.Herworkhas who hasbeenliving,writingandhikingon historian Laura Thayerisawriterandart The unexpectedsideofhiking wallsstillstandamidst Crumbling From MinutatoPontone Ambassador 9/16/14 9:43 PM 35 WWW.NIAF.ORG THE WORLD IN 2050 Join the DIPLOMATIC COURIER magazine and its partners in a series of innovative Global Summits examining the nexus of innovation in diplomacy, technology, media, and social good. Visit to get on the invitation list.

A Global Affairs Magazine

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 36 9/16/14 9:43 PM THE WORLD IN 2050 Spoofing Join the DIPLOMATIC COURIER magazine and its partners in a series of innovative Global Summits examining the nexus of innovation in diplomacy, technology, media, and social good. Visit to get on the invitation list. Broadway Gerard Alessandrini’s “Forbidden Broadway” has Poked Fun at Th e Great White Way over Three Decades

For a man whose birthday falls on a day this year—Thursday, November

27—when most people are Photo by Carol Rosegg eating traditional feasts, Gerard Alessandrini says he is a surprisingly bad cook. A Global Affairs Magazine “I can really only cook well,” says Alessan- drini, who will turn 61 on Thanksgiving Day. His favorite Italian dishes in- clude eggplant parmagiana, pasta, and ricotta pie. “No wonder I need to go on a diet,” he says. Gerard Alessandrini on stage at the Davenport Theatre

By Douglas Gladstone WWW.NIAF.ORG

Ambassador 37

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 37 9/16/14 9:43 PM 43_masdrFl1.nd38 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 38 WWW.NIAF.ORG Ambassador “Forbidden Broadway: Liza Minnelliin2008’s plays analcoholic, spoofed “PhantomoftheOpera,”“Hairspray”and Rude Awakening.” just-out-of-rehab Cast of“ForbiddenBroadway:1988,”Alessandrini Gerard Alessandrinidonnedabaldcaptospoof drug-addicted, “Les Misérables,”amongotherBroadwayhits. Gina Kreizmar Yul Brynnerin“TheKingandI”theoriginal 1982 versionof“ForbiddenBroadway.”

Photo by Carol Rosegg Photo by Carol Rosegg Photo by Henry Grossman a er, “Do youhearthepeoplesing, the His castthensingsthefollowing lyric: More,” andtitledit“OneRunMore.” lyrics totheclassicsong,“One Day Broadway, Alessandrini retooled the of“LesMisérables”to the return ment Weekly. Thom Geier, thereviewer for none ofhisrapieredge,”remarked new version.“Alessandrinihaslost were unanimousintheirpraiseofthe County” and,yes,even“Rocky,” critics “TheBridgesofMadison Mormon,” Broadway hitsas“TheBookof porary Filled withsendupsofsuchcontem- Theatre onMay4,2014. Davenport opened attheoff-Broadway, 143-seat way ComesOutSwinging!”--officially the show—called“ForbiddenBroad- sure manyhavefelt a rise aboveit.Ofcourse,inprivateI’m skinned, show-bizpeopleknowhowto dy,” saysAlessandrini.“Ithinkhard- ever complainedabouthisorherparo- inkin, ChitaRiveraandEthelMerman. stars asPattiLupone,MandyPant- “Cats,” whilealsomockingsuchiconic “My FairLady,” “Gypsy,” “Annie”and ridiculed suchBroadway classicsas drini hasspoofedit.Theshow few monthssoit’s ripeforsatire.” sands ofpeoplewillhaveseenitaftera of view. Butoncea audience won’t understandthepoint people, soifyouspoofa except forcriticsandothertheatre says. “Notmanypeopleseetheflops nearly impossibletoparody flops,”he hits.“It’spractical reasons fortargeting while theyare somebody whiletheyare tion ofmusicaltheatre.” Broadway” three decades.Herefers to“Forbidden of theGreat WhiteWay the stars,lyricists,composersandshows musical revue thathasbeenroasting editions of“ForbiddenBroadway,” creator, writeranddirector ofallthe penandpaper. Heistheingenious Alessandrinidoeshisskeweringwith While somecooksgrillwitha For instance,tocommemorate of The mostrecent incarnation “To If it’s a Alessandrini explainsthere’s alsoa And, headds,“I’dratherkick myface,incredibly, noonehas hit,chancesare as “aback-handedcelebra- “It’s wickedly causticfun.” down.” showisa littleputout.” formore than flopa up,not Alessan- hit,thou- Entertain- general skew-


drini a Alessan- awards. Italsoearned Lortel ceived Obie,DramaDeskandLucille 25 editionsand12castalbums,re- Broadway institutionthathasspawned selves hasevolvedintoa gling-actor vehicle forAlessandriniandhisstrug- “What couldberiperforparody?” French Revolution,”saysAlessandrini. operatic showaboutthesecond‘little’ Swinging” States andonfourcontinents. in20citiestheUnited performances successaswell,with and international bidden Broadway” conquering theGreat WhiteWay, shows inBroadway Besides history. andbest-loved of thelongest-running and “PhantomoftheOpera”asone Line” has joinedtheranksof“AChorus Hoty (“CityofAngels”),amongothers, Jason Alexander(“Seinfeld”)andDee launched thecareers ofsuchstarsas “Forbidden Broadway,” whichhas for decades.” it hope andexpectthatwecouldrun and keepitgoing,Ididafterawhile shows. Itwassomuchfuntoupdateit as longthere were newBroadway realized Icouldkeeptheshowgoing we didourfirst‘newedition,’thatI it wasn’t ‘tillseveralyearslater, after good year-or-two aheadofus.But run he sayshumbly. “Ididknowwehada atrical andfilmcelebritiesvisitedus,” show firsthitin1982andsomanythe- a longshelflife. New York’s UpperWest Side,tohave son’s SupperClub(nowStage72)on the show, whichwasunveiledatPals- never expectedtheoriginalversionof cappuccinos. paper placematsbetweendelivering dies hehadscribbledonthebacksof assembled aneveningofshowparo- actor andfull-timewaiterwhohad about theBroadway theatre world.” years ofinsuringoursensehumor Excellence intheTheatre—for “25 same started backin1981asa What started “Les Mizisa “Forbidden Broadway ComesOut Alessandrini hasgottenhiswish. excitingwhenthe “It wasvery According toAlessandrini,he frustrated Not badforaformer oldsongsgoonandon.” specialTony Award in2006for mostrecently played friendstoshowcasethem- very dramatic,almost very has enjoyednational cherished “For-

/61 9:43 PM 9/16/14

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24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 39 9/16/14 9:43 PM 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 40 9/16/14 9:43 PM 43_masdrFl1.nd41 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd and “LittleShopofHorrors.” Victims Unit,”targeted“TheLionKing,”“Avenue Q” Alessandrini’s 2005“ForbiddenBroadway:Special Photo by Carol Rosegg Alessandrini’s latestversion,“Forbidden Broadway Comes OutSwinging,”mocksthe2013live TV performanceof“TheSoundMusic.”

Photo by Carol Rosegg a beautifulandexpressive language.” time, Iwouldstudyit.[Italian] issuch write lyricsorlibretto. IfIhadmore well or but Ican’t really speakitvery says. “Icanunderstandalittle Italian, (but) Icouldn’t writeitinItalian,”he knows littleactualItalian. operas inItalian,heconcedesthat the Renaissancemasterswrote their are Though agreat manymusicalterms eratic libretto inhisfuture, however. ofmusicandtheatre.” earlier forms musicals allcamefrom operaand not uptopar. Andafterall,Broadway before youcancomplainaboutwhat’s to knowalotoftheatricalbackground my dubiousskill,”hesays.“You have and operetta, addedimmeasurablyto and before Broadway, namelyopera around and themusicaltheatre arts for hisfuture career asa musical educationandprepared him Both places,hesays,helpedfosterhis ing attheLightOperaofManhattan. ofMusicbefore study- Conservatory out.” Hegraduatedfrom theBoston ton where alltheBroadway showstried town only20minutesoutsideofBos- he describesasa and reared inNeedham,Mass.,which released inlateJuly. 2014 “unoriginal”castalbumwhich recorded the ofperformers quartet thissummer.Factory Thetalented in LondonattheMenierChocolate inItalian,becausesomanyof “I probably wouldenjoythat... Alessandrini saysthere isnoop- “I believeunderstandingmusic Alessandrini isanonlychildborn “very sweetsuburban “very satirist.

Photo by Carol Rosegg

production of“Aladdin.” take onDisney’s Broadway includes Alessandrini’s Comes OutSwinging!” “Forbidden Broadway November. in for whenhecelebrateshisbirthday successful, hehasalottobethankful Pulitzer Prizeornot.” how muchjoyitbringstopeople— drini sayshismeasure ofsuccessis“by Line”in1975,Alessan- for “AChorus aPulitzerPrize Hamlisch, whoearned Alluding tohisfriend,thelateMarvin enjoyed, Alessandriniismodest. a much So ‘ForbiddenBroadway’ isvery character, andthetwoingénueactors. League Baseballplayers. Major get financialcompensationforretired forhelping whichiswidelycredited Coffee,” 2014), aswell2010’s“ABitterCup of Press, (Bordighera Mount Rushmore” ofLuigiDelBiancoand The UntoldStory A 2014 book“Carving Douglas Gladstoneistheauthorof leading commedia wehavethevoluptuousdiva ‘masked’ types,butwithwigs.Justlike tableaus andthefouractorsare show,” hesays.“Numbersbeginwith Broadway’ isa ber, ifyouthinkaboutit,‘Forbidden mances andsketchcomedy. “Remem- characterized byimprovised perfor- ofItaliantheater its roots intheform says that“ForbiddenBroadway” andfood.” my loveofmusic,opera,art “quite Italianinmanyways!Including heritage anddescribeshimselfas mixofItalian[and]American.” By thatyardstick, not onlyishe allthesuccesshehas With But Alessandriniisproud ofhis All kiddingaside,Alessandrini lady, thetrouble-making male kindof NicheforHimself;

commedia dell’arte Ambassador


/61 9:43 PM 9/16/14

41 WWW.NIAF.ORG 43_masdrFl1.nd42 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd /61 9:59 PM 9/16/14

Empson & Co. © Alfio Fisicaro 43_masdrFl1.nd43 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd Empson & Co. © Alfio Fisicaro Rieti’s mountainsinthebackground Monte S.GiovanniinSabina, By GailSpilsbury The SabinaHillsNearRome A learning theancientartofmakingolive oil. learning not onlyreading andwriting,butalso,unexpectedly, And thatiswhere Iendedupforthree unforgettableyears, to settleinthescenicSabinaHillsjustnorth ofRome. earlier asaforeign servicespouse.Friendsadvisedme I already loveddearly, havinglivedinTrieste andRome a coupleyearsofreading andwritinginItaly—acountry I sawmychancetoquitjobandindulge myselffor few yearsago,withmychildren grown, lives Finding Paradise Farming

Ambassador /61 10:00 PM 9/16/14 43 WWW.NIAF.ORG 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 44 44 WWW.NIAF.ORG Ambassador much todiscover. find thetimetowritewhen Ihadso archeology. Iwondered whenIwould and less towns,architecture, artwork itself,thecount- course, thecountry bella vita—food,wine,touring,and,of had cometotheSabinabaskinla traditions; theex-patcommunitythat neighbors whotaughtmefarming Italianfarming and wonderful—my new iarizing myselfwitheverything Icouldn’t resist famil- farmhouse, settled inmy300-year-old, renovated D.C. IntheSabina,assoonIgot on culturallandscapesinWashington, community. Myfirsttwobookswere a writerisplace,history, andlocal revenge astoday. then were justasrifewithvendettasand around 1300.LocalItalianpoliticsback Caprignano, destroyed byCasperians ofacompetinghilltown, ied ruins trees, wasonlyyards from thehalf-bur bybushy,on, surrounded crooked olive sideIdwelled knight’s helmet.Thecliff Savellis. Mytown,Casperia,resembles a lies from Rome,suchastheOrsinisand ofnoblefami- fortress-fiefdom former scape are crowned insolidstone—the taking naturalbeauty. work toadmire theSabina’s breath- thousands ofyears,stopintheirday’s Even natives,whoseroots traceback soothing auraoverthelandscape. patchworks ofolivegroves senda ing. Atthesametime,undulating Sabina andare idealforolivegrow- Casperia Gail Spilsbury’s houseonCaprignano’s hillside What hasalwaysinspired meas Many hilltopsdottingtheland- Craggy, stonyhillsidesmarkthe - sharp clippers.Twig pyres are gath- ishandledby Annual tree pruning but overallworkisstilldone byhand. isslowing enteringthescene, chinery ma- millions.Modern land isworth the area wasrelatively poor. Nowthe until theeuro becameItaly’s currency rainwater toripenproperly. rocky soil,theystillneedsipsof in dry ing overrainfall.Althougholivesthrive the long,baking-hotsummer, agoniz- themthrough winter andnurturing thetrees throughout the pruning months forthisculminatingmoment, rent year’s prospects. They’vewaited and exchangestatisticsonthecur beamateachother where thefarmers and yet,itisalsoaeuphoricseason the backbreaking workoftheharvest, and chores are seasonal.Fallisfor drivesdailylifeintheSabina farming stories settothefourseasons,forolive writing mybook“SabinaQuartet,” oil according toancientmethods. activities suchasmakingwineorolive day aboutmylocalcommunityand landscape andwrote afewhoursevery where Icared foritstrees and tle farm, More personaltimewenttomylit- art. studying Italy, itshistory, culture and my ex-pats Icametoknowandconsider and experience related tothefarmers a deeplyfulfillinglife.Someofmy olive-oilproducer,as apart-time Iled ,andinmythree years from thefrantictempoin different . Other joys came from famiglia. Otherjoyscamefrom The Sabina’s farms are smalland The Sabina’s farms All oftheseexperiencesledto Luckily, thepaceoflifeinItalyis -

© Alfio Fisicaro Vesuvius doesinNapoli. Monte SorattedominatestheSabina,muchas ance and endurance. Reaching from a ance andendurance.Reaching from a from steephillsides,challenging bal- manding? Well, thetrees oftenjutout humans becomeone. Olives and of thearduous harvest. the sensesnonstopforalldays clothes, skin,andhair, itallstimulates aroma whichclingstothe their earthy net likecaptured goldcoins,smelling twigs, hearingthemplopdowninthe the blackorgreen jewelsfrom the uses, suchasoilforlighting.Raking produced more end past, thefruit liciousness, lifesustenance.Intimes and whattheyproduce—golden de- family andcherishedfortheirbeauty ofthe they’re animate,they’re part what’s goingon.Thetrees are real, I believeit’s qualityof theorganic excitement andinnersatisfaction. gravity onsteepslopes—brought such such hard physicallabor—defying trees. Icouldn’t helpbutwonderwhy wait foreachnewdaytotacklemore nity, andcouldn’t Ilovedtheharvest branch. sound tochooseadifferent and ifitmadeahollowknocking against theintendedbranchofascent neighbors taughtmetotapmyladder against abadbranchanddies.My aladderpropped someone fallsoff year gnarlyandfragile.Every short, arch shoutingorders. Thetrees are wielding smallplasticrakes,thepatri- is stillhandledbyfamilymembers late Octoberuntiltheendofyear from pristine landscape.Harvesting smokingupthe ered andburned, Why is the harvest sophysically de- Why istheharvest elseinthecommu- Like everyone 9/16/14 10:00 PM 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 45 into large, stainless steel containers. stainlesssteelcontainers. into large, mashing andstraining“Sabina gold” cassetti downtoroad thelocalmillfor to getthefinalgoal—driving the twigs, leavesandotherdebris. by case,forpickingovertoremove where theolivesare poured out,case jagged slopestoaflatprocessing area the cassettioff thosehard-earned carry lost. Plentyofheftisthenneededto focus, precision. Notoneolivecanbe into casescalledcassettitakesstrength, and thenawkwardly pouringtheriches a rolling pitchtothebottomofnet juries. Bendingtoshaketheolivesinto branch causesneckpainandotherin- from ahighorevasive lastberry every precariously positionedladdertosnag Olive grovessurroundingCasperia. Processing theolivesatCasperia’s frantoio(mill). All of this is done with eagerness All ofthisisdonewitheagerness Neighbors helpwithGailSpilsbury’s oliveharvest. modities—oil—is all about the human modities—oil—is allaboutthe human and oneofearth’s mostprecious com- one’s handsandbodytomakefood dimension ofthehumansoul. Using year developsa seasons ofevery and splendorsofnature forthefour as family, thatlaboringinthemoods taught memyskillsandtreated me workingwithneighborswho harvests, symphony oftheoliveharvest. the crescendoing momentofthegreat come across asmusic,forthisplaceis ing, chugging,cacophonoussounds Yetthe tumblingfruit. alloftheclang- rinsingandmashing loud machinery interior room steepsinoilvaporswith sphere fortheoliveproducer. The heady atmo- The millisacharged, I learned from my three Sabina from mythree Sabina I learned The finalproduct:Sabinagold Olives incassetti community tuckedawayinolivehills. ofanancient Iwastobepart fortunate How feel aspecialgriponmyheart. ofaperson’s spiritual part life. erode thebody, butitalsorewards the intheSabinamay of asmallfarmer greater, inexplicableuniverse.Thelife connection toland,nature, andthe Essex MuseuminMassachusetts. worksasaneditor atthePeabody currently Park.”She Sketchbook,” and“RockCreek Year inBoston,”anovel“AWashington isalsotheauthor of“That line. Spilsbury (2013). AnEnglishebookisavailableon- Sabino” lation inRomeas“Quartetto Italy”waspublished inItaliantrans- from Stories “SabinaQuartet, Gail Spilsbury’s I look back on my time there and I lookbackonmytimethere and before beingcleanedoftwigsandleaves Ambassador 9/16/14 10:00 PM 45 WWW.NIAF.ORG Aqua Felice who left the Water Story and Photography by Franc Palaia Running? Ancient Roman Aqueducts In Italy’s Modern Landscape

When someone mentions ancient Rome,

Aqua Felice, what comes to mind? The Colosseum? first new aqueduct of early modern Rome, completed in 1586 The Roman Forum? The Pantheon?

For me, it’s the aqueducts. In terms of shear beauty, unequaled scale and engineering

brilliance, aqueducts are the most magnificent structures the Romans ever created. WWW.NIAF.ORG

46 Ambassador

24332_Ambassador_Fall14_X.indd 46 9/19/14 9:42 AM 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 47 Aqua Claudiafragments the Latinaqua(water)andduct The word “aqueduct” on fresco paintingandphotography. Academy inRomewhere Ifocused Rome PrizefellowshipattheAmerican in1985-86,duringmyyearlong started followsfunction.” principle “form symbols ofthearchitectural design Their aqueductsare thequintessential of milesthroughout theirempire. hundred feetinlengthtohundreds than 50aqueductsrangingfrom afew gineering advantages,theybuiltmore these twoen- the arch. With perfected sons: Theyinventedconcrete andthey My introduction to aqueducts My introduction toaqueducts They achievedthisfortworea - derives from derivesfrom (way) (way) ly sophisticatedandcompletewater The Romanshadtheanswer—ahigh- their population’s thirstandhygiene. ing toIndia.Citiesneededwaterfor oftheMiddleEastreach- ca andparts Afri- dominated allofEurope, North A.D., at itspeakinthesecondcentury ducts throughout theirempire which, cities, andbuildingbridgesaque- buildingentire mental construction, that haslastedtothepresent. project photographicart documentary and Romanresidents, Idevelopeda withscholars,historians interviews Rome, through extensiveresearch and While in to indicate“awaterway.” Aqua NeroneinRome The Romansexcelledinmonu- Rome. On foot, I passed a modern Rome. Onfoot,Ipassedamodern 20-minute Metro ridefrom downtown by venturingouttoAqueductPark, bright,Aprilday onawarm, sojourn has 11aqueducts,Ibeganmyfirst Italy andTurkey. thatRome Learning trating primarilyonSpain,, inthemid1990s,concen- in earnest any othercity. Rome has11aqueducts,more than needed themostwater, whichiswhy cityintheempire being thelargest sewagedrains. Rome by underground andcleansed houses fedbycisterns water inpublicfountainsandbath- system thatdistributedanddisplayed I started photographing aqueducts photographingaqueducts I started Aqua Marcia Ambassador a 9/16/14 10:00 PM

47 WWW.NIAF.ORG The Taste of “Made in Italy” Sophistication The Most Exclusive Collection of Vacation Villas in Italy Amal Coast, Tuscany & Umbria, Sicily, Apulia & Basilicata, Italian Lake District, & Florence

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24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 48 9/16/14 10:00 PM Tel. +39 055412058 The Tasteof“Made in Italy”Sophistication The MostExclusiveCollectionof Vacation Villas in Amal Coast, TuscanyAmal Coast, &Umbria, Sicily, Apulia &Basilicata, The Villa Rental Specialistforyour Vacation inItaly Italian Venice District, Lake &Florence [email protected] Italy 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 49 where it merges withthe60-mile-long where itmerges todowntownRome on itsjourney and hopacross theRomancampagna arches skip France. Itsmassiverugged aqueduct afterthePontDu Gard in probably theworld’s mostrecognized and majesticoftheaqueducts,is longest, highest,mostcharacteristic ground. AquaClaudiaisoneofthe andnineabove them underground 43miles—34of high arches andruns and builtin52A.D.,itboasts100-foot- dia. NamedforEmperor Claudius, duct inAqueductPark,isAquaClau- and otheranomalies. aging,damage patterns, construction work, stonesizes,colorvariations, detailsofRomanbrick- on particular gree broadside profiles. Ialsofocus are captured inacomplete180-de- graphs. Someofthelongeraqueducts a dozenormore individualphoto- with someaqueductimagesmadeof done insequentialpanoramicstyle that capture theirgrandscale,mostly includes hundreds ofcolorphotos them. surrounding oblivious tothefiveancientaqueducts with children playinginthesun—all filled withjoggers,cyclistsandfamilies ical site,withitsmanicured grounds park resembled amassivearchaeolog- skeletal dinosaur. Theexpansivegreen loomed liketheremains ofagigantic ment roofs, a100-foot-tallaqueduct - overthesuburban apart Emerging toancientRome. soon transported shopping mallnearCinecittáandwas A particularly picturesque aque- A particularly My aqueductphotographyseries shelters andtrashdumps.During age facilities,playgrounds, homeless graffiti murals,parkingspots, stor- The piersoftheaqueducts alsoframe on theSelcukaqueductin Turkey. habitats suchasstorknests,Isaw house religious shrinesandanimal painted plasterwalls.Theyalsocan completewith make-shift apartments, For example,thearches become functionshaveemerged. alternative ducts. Overthecenturies,many phenomena isthere-use ofaque- holds themtogether. cut stones,andmassiveweightiswhat no concrete atall.Gravity, precisely with in heightandare constructed via aqueductinSpain,reach 220feet ed. Someaqueducts,suchastheSego- valleys where allaqueductsare locat- tothe many milesfrom thequarries the sizeofacar, andwere hauled stone blocksisdaunting.Manyare major Romangatewayintothecity. Maggiore, a 16 mileslong)atPorta long) andAquaTepula (125B.C., with AquaMarcia (144B.C.,56miles of Rome,thesetwoaqueductsmerge as cleanspringwater. Inthecenter droppings andrainwater, whichisnot clean andfree ofdebris,animal channels (specus)tokeepthewater fresh cleanwater. private homeswithcontinuous,cold, to supplypublicfountains,bathsand piggybacking ontopofAquaNovus Aqua AnioNovus,builtinA.D.52, An interesting contemporary An interesting contemporary The sheersizeoftheaqueducts’ All theaqueductshadcovered Aqua Claudia deepest part ofthevalley.deepest part heights of100feetormore atthe from theground andreachemerge When theyapproach avalley, they lead pipestoprevent leadpoisoning. the watercoatsinnerliningof ceramic pipes.Thenaturalcalciumin leador water passesthrough large to reach theirdestinations.Their andusingonlygravity higher terrain from cities,collectingthewaterfrom springsfar natural underground directions. different downtown Rometheysplitandgoin in Julia (33B.C.).Whentheyarrive Aqua Tupela (125B.C.)andAqua channels, eachwiththeirownnames, where itpicksuptwomore aqueduct span, asinthecaseofAquaMarcia, and three aqueductsononearched the Romanscleverlypiggybackedtwo locomotive. To savelaborandspace, neighborhood likeagiantpetrified which snakesthrough asuburban Alessandrina (225A.D.,15miles) (19B.C.,14miles) andAqua Virgo Aqua Nerone (ca.60A.D.),Aqua la deiQuintili(150A.D.)include barracks. army massive arches oftheAquaClaudiaas World War II,Italiansoldiersusedthe All aqueducts start from Allaqueductsstart AqueductsnearbyintheVil- Ambassador and itscovered Aqua Claudia channel 9/16/14 10:00 PM 49 WWW.NIAF.ORG 43_masdrFl1.nd50 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 50 WWW.NIAF.ORG Ambassador Aqua NeroneinRome arches allowforeasytravelunderneath burden thespacetheyoccupy. The or locales,tonotinterrupt and rural the aqueducts’massivescaleinurban to provide extrastrength and,despite nates. Thearches’ twofunctionsare channel; ifit’s tooflat,thewaterstag- is toosteep,thewateroverflowsits one meterperkilometer. Ifthedecline steady waterflowmeasured atexactly continue theirincremental declinefor The arches are engineered to

blood ofRomancivilization.Without intricate beauty, thelife- carried ducts, withtheir aspect oftheRomanEmpire. Aque- preciated andunder-documented and, more so,tostudythisunderap- me witha tographing aqueductshasprovided they were solidstonewalls. biles, whichwouldn’t bepossibleif for pedestrians,animalsandautomo- My 20yearsofseekingandpho- fantasticexcusetotravel colossalscaleand Aqua Alessandrinawhereahousewasbuiltinsideanarch NIAF’s New Take a look today! To access the new members-only area, click on the “First time login or forgot password” link...

Explored exhibited nationallyandinternationally. of over35Romanaqueducts.:andhas sive bodyofpanoramiccolorphotographs mid-1980s, hehascompiledacomprehen- onhim.Sincethe an indelibleimpression photograph Romanaqueductshasmade N.Y., basedphotographerwhosequestto Franc PalaiaisaPoughkeepsie, have lastedsomanycenturies. them, theRomanEmpire wouldnot Website Yet?

/61 10:00 PM 9/16/14

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24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 51 9/16/14 10:00 PM Celebrate Life Lived Wel l Ingredients are like people. Yo u need them to come together to create something memorable. Surround yourself with quality and celebrate a life lived well.


BRAND: Colavita Vineyards HEADLINE: Celebrate Life Lived Well PUBLICATION: NAIF print version INSERTION DATE: MATERIALS DUE: Sept 13, /2013 AD SIZE: Full Page/Bleed / Trim 8.5” X 11” 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 52 9/16/14 10:12 PM CONTACT: Mike Roberts [email protected] 847.444.5611 SUBMITTED BY: Terlato Wines International, 900 Armour Drive, Lake Bluff, IL 60044

C 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 53 C chianticlassico By DickRosano never classier still stylishand tle more was offered by way of critique. pasta” wasthecommonrefrain, andlit- but unremarkable. “Itgoesgreat with the juice inside theglasswas good Bruce Springsteensingsabout, Back inthe“glorydays”that rant tablesasacandleholder. its biggestrole onrestau - generation, FortheBabyBoom Chianti played

Ambassador C

9/16/14 11:24 PM

53 WWW.NIAF.ORG 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 54 54 WWW.NIAF.ORG Ambassador expressions. Untiltheearly19 toavarietyof “Chianti” hasreferred to theirwines.Overtime,thename that thesoilandmicroclimate impart where winemakerscherishthethings Chianti isnamedaftertheregion some historicalcontextwouldhelp. it’s become,andwhere it’s going, ucts. To knowwhere it’s been,what asoneofItaly’semerged finestprod- stages,andhasre- evolutionary through somepainful times, suffered A starwasborn. was growing onhisestate.And voilà: likely thathe“fieldblended” whatever when blending,butit’s more fruit carefully weighedthemeritsofeach mightsayhe apologist fortheeffort grapes Trebbiano andMalvasia.An ofthewhite with smallerportions both red grapes,andblendedthem ofSangioveseandCanaiolo, portions once andforall.Heusedvarying recipe forChiantitosettlethematter of thenewlyunitedItaly, deviseda asthefirstprimeminister also served who ownedCastellodiBrolio and Ricasoli, anenterprisingnobleman the tableasawhitewine. varieties thatitwasoftendelivered to tury, there were somanywhitegrape and makerofChiantiClassicoBrancaia Brancaia, oneofTuscany’s leadingwineries, Like manyEuropean wines, innoble But thewinewasborn Over the decades, differences Over thedecades,differences In the1860s,Baron Bettino th cen- cast ofwinesbeinglumped together also resulted inthisheterogeneous being calledSuperTuscans, but it ing, withtheiconicreleases often continued experimentationinblend- tweak theblend. the useofnon-indigenousvarietiesto others, whilealsoopeningthedoorto grapetotheexclusionof this primary laws toallowhigherpercentages of winemakers andadjustedtheDOC slowly caughtuptothemindsof personality. TheItaliangovernment ing recognized withthedominant grapes, whenSangiovesewasbe- towards theflavorsofindividual that theemphasisonceagainturned be calledChiantiClassico. and agingregimens forthewinesto strict viticulturalpractices,blendrates them all,withtheDOCimposing again wasrecognized assuperiorto ing levelsofquality. ChiantiClassico sub-regions were stampedwithvary- for controlled origin),eachofthese (orDOC,rules di OrigineControllata oftheDenominazione ing totherules steppedinand,accord- government the greatest ofthemall.Intime,the Chianti Classicobeingrecognized as divided intosevensub-regions, with the Chiantiproduction region was becameevident,and in territory The ensuingdecadeswitnessed It wasinthe1970sand1980s “classic” –withpanache. of ChiantiClassicowearsitsmantle– doubt agree thatthenewgeneration ticular category, winelovers willno But evenwithoutattentiontothispar- label andwillguidetheconsumer. number onevariety. want toremain focusedonTuscany’s Merlot), theseacolytesofSangiovese Sauvignonand example, Cabernet the product withFrench grapes(for Sangiovese. Ratherthantweaking higher percentages ofitscore grape, the winetoitsroots byfeaturing highlight thebestofclass,yetreturn Zingarelli. Sergio president cellence,” saysconsortium has becomeareal trademarkofex- abroad, thefameandprestige ofwhat consolidate,inItalyand further Gran Selezione. ofthewine:ChiantiClassico category ed inthecreation ofanewofficial result- accomplish –andtheirefforts –neveraneasythingto government ning specialattentionfrom theItalian wassuccessfulinwin- co consortium in asingleclass. Gran Selezionewillappearonthe isto The goaloftheconsortium ofthisproduct will “The worth Most recently, theChiantiClassi- 9/16/14 10:12 PM

Courtesy of E & J Gallo 43_masdrFl1.nd55 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd publication, takesplaceinPiedmont. Hisnextnovel,scheduledfor setinItalianwinecountry. mystery book, “Tuscanother nationalmagazines.His recent Blood,” isa inTheWashingtonhave appeared Enthusiast,and Post,Wine Dick Rosanoisawine,foodand travelwriterwhosecolumns • ($24) 2007ChiantiClassicoRiserva Vignole • V • Rocca delleMacie2011ChiantiClassico • Rocca delleMacie2011Tenuta Sant’Alfonso • • 2011ChiantiClassico ($32) Mazzei Fonterturoli • Il MolinodiGrace2009ChiantiClassico($22) • Castello diVolpaia 2010ChiantiClassico($21) • Castello diGabbiano2009ChiantiClassico($22) • Castello d’Albola2009LeEllere ChiantiClassico($22) • Castello d’Albola2010ChiantiClassico($12) • ($40) Brancaia 2009ChiantiClassicoRiserva • SOME CHIANTICLASSICOTASTING NOTES ignole 2008ChiantiClassico($n/a) Score: 90 Score: evident tanninactivity, flavors, elegantfinish. blackfruit aromas; softyet anddriedcranberries earth, Coffee, 86 tantalizing andlongfinish.Score: impression ofripered tonesonnose,softpalate, andearth Coffee 88 and woodtones.Score: berries andelegant;asubtlepalateofdarkfruit, earthy approach, onnose,warm anddarkfruit earth Coffee from FamigliaZingarelli ($16) 90 Score: tinglyacidity,cherry, broad shouldersandamplebody. andblack Subtle yetevidenttonesofbramblyberry Chianti Classico($26) 93 with jammyflavors.Score: vanilla bean;darkred red Ripe ruby 2010ChiantiClassico($66) Mazzei CastellodiFonterutoli red floor nose;imageofsmokedmeatonpalate;withripe withherbalaccentsandforest Bright fresh cherries flavors. andblackberry raspberry and truffles, cedar,Floral nose,rich,smooth,powerpackedwithearth, 87 onpalate.Score: blueberries refreshing, mediumbody,Bright fruit, and cherries 90 long andluscious.Score: onpalate, raspberry onnose,blackcherry, and truffles hintsofchocolate Elegant, refined, yetpowerful, 86 Score: andblueberries. flavorsofcherries fruity Soft andforward, 87 Score: and cranberries. palate approach issoftandwellbalanced,driedcherries andforest floor; andherbal,aromas ofdarkfruit Earthy 93 A beautifullybalancedwine.Score: andintensityinbalance. keep thebrightfruit (new stylevs.old),denseandchewy;tinglytannins openthearomas Deep red, chocolateandcherry 87 notesonpalate.Score: andblackcherry raspberry aromas offorest floor,Earthy slighthintoftruffles, Badia aColtibuono2010ChiantiClassico($21) fruit andfullbody. fruit 91 Score: fruits onnose,slighthintof fruits fruit isacome-on,saturated fruit fruit with spicy overtones; with spicyovertones; fruit 88 Score:

Vignole Chianti Fattoria di Bottle of Courtesy ofQuintessentialWines Courtesy ofQuintessentialWines

Courtesy of Quintessential Wines a premium oilproducer. maintains Tuscany’s reputation as as gooditsexcellentwines,and produces anextravirginoliveoil the sub-region ofChiantiRufina, nationwide. Selvapiana,from is astapleofgourmetstores and theoilfrom BadiaaColtibuono stands outasaparticularprize, The oilfrom CastellodiGabbiano acreage withthewinegrapes. common forthegroves toshare comes from thisregion, andit’s that laceacross thehillsides. comes from therows ofolivetrees the grapevines,butgraytint green isthecanopyofleaveson of green andshimmeringgray. The hillsides appeartobetapestries Oil andWine The bestoliveoilinItaly From a distance,Tuscany’s Vignole Grapes at Ambassador Vignole winery Entrance to

/61 10:12 PM 9/16/14

55 WWW.NIAF.ORG 43_masdrFl1.nd56 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 56 WWW.NIAF.ORG BETWEEN THE PAGES Ambassador h Italian The Fall Buona lettura! your attention.Howlonguntilspring? meant tobeteasers,justenoughget Our briefreviews andsummariesare or maybeamore tellingpassage. provide abeginningsentenceortwo, or both. interest toItalianAmericanreaders, American orItalianauthors,are books are we’ve gotagoodmix.Andallofthese their owngrandfinales.Asalways, American reading listthisissuehave and otheryoung-adultbooks. says thebestsellingauthorof“Wither” saving upallyearforthegrandfinale,” with itslastbeauty, asifnature hadbeen bursts ently. “Thetimewheneverything Lauren DeStefanoseesita ier air. Callingfallherfavoriteseason, bit, whenseasonalsadnessfillstheearth- ence, whenthepassageoftimeslowsa season requiring reflection andrever- tumn, maybebecauseit’s a Fall Besides eachbook’s cover, we A fewofthebooksonourItalian Seems likea eitherwrittenbyItalian lotofauthorsloveau- littlediffer- more pensive Reader American of

/61 10:12 PM 9/16/14

Photos courtesy of © How To Eataly: A Guide to Buying, Cooking and Eating Italian Food, by Eataly, Rizzoli New York, 2014

Photos courtesy of © How To Eataly: A Guide to Buying, Cooking and Eating Italian Food, by Eataly, Rizzoli New York, 2014 Photos courtesy of © How To Eataly: A Guide to Buying, Cooking and Eating Italian Food, by Eataly, Rizzoli New York, 2014

43_masdrFl1.nd57 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd Photos courtesy of © How To Eataly: A Guide to Buying, Cooking and Eating Italian Food, by Eataly, Rizzoli New York, 2014 that wasfoundedinTorino, Italy, in slow-food-inspired emporium,Eataly, tofinish. from start and understand,theItalian kitchen, who wanttonotonlymake,butknow ual forcooksandpassionatefoodies It’s anall-encompassing owner’s man- ally somuchmore thanacookbook. cookbooks, “HowTo an experience. places locatedaround theworld—but ply a small producers. AndEatalyisnotsim- one compriseshundreds ofstories life. Eatalystores are about foodand,through food,about and toeat,butalsoa be a … Available inOctober2014 photographs; $60 304 pages;300colorandb/w Publications; Rizzoli International Cooking andEatingItalianFood How To muchmore thana school,a A One ofthisfall’s mostanticipated place—orthesedays,a byproduct ofthepopularItalian, Eataly:AGuidetoBuying, market,a

… large placetolearn store—it would Eataly”isactu- placetogather seriesof buteach

want toknowaboutpasta.Everything. you’dever and, ofcourse,everything cheeses (agedandfresh), breads, Tomatoes,” regional salumi,regional salt, vinegars,“TheItalianWay onsea quality-and-use guidesinstruct Other cluding thetastingvocabulary. page on“HowtoTaste OliveOil,”in- olive oilbythebottles,there’s alsoa rial onhowtorecognize high-quality ly, foods anddishes.Almostimmediate- tions tothebeautifulphotographyof fundamental butessentialinstruc- will enjoy,” isevident,from themost “The more youknow, themore you high-style pages,Eataly’s philosophy, Adam SaperandAlexSaper. as Eataly(N.Y. andChicago)partners tianich andJosephBastianich,aswell words bychefsMarioBatali,LidiaBas- Eataly founderOscarFarinetti,fore- today, includingtheintroduction by associated withItalianfoodinAmerica and respected chefsandpersonalities ofseveralthemostrecognizable fort planned), thebookisa and NewYork, withmore U.S.stores tions worldwide(includingChicago 2007 andhassincespread to27loca- readers notonlygetasimpletuto- But that only scratches the floury But thatonlyscratchesthe floury And throughout theseglossy, combinedef- with

—DonOldenburg cooking. Warning: You deeply intothesecrets ofbasic Italian procedural foranyonewanting todig things therightway. It’s aculinary is onqualityingredients anddoing Allemphasis ing andinformative. To ofItaly, arts “How and theculinary primavera, andsomanymore. fiori dizucchinaripieniandlasagne nese andsaltimboccaallaromana to ranging from tagliatelleallaBolog- tomakegreat disheshere, can learn ty ofgreat Italianfood.So,yes,you a testamenttothebrilliantsimplici- contains 100recipes, mostofthem and anchovies,thisinvaluablebook sauces, orboostingflavorswithcapers or ter, oreating breakfast likeanItalian, skills asassemblinganantipastoplat- such Notonly canyoulearn surface. matchingtherightpastaswith Eataly”ispage-after-page fascinat- A compendiumofItaliancuisine willsalivate. Ambassador /61 10:12 PM 9/16/14

57 WWW.NIAF.ORG 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 58 58 WWW.NIAF.ORG father Pasquale,motherYolanda, and with theincredible sacrificesofhis details hisfamily’s lostItalianworld ar ofItalianliterature, JosephLuzzi children. –Calabrianproverb know thesecrets ofafamily, askthe dumanna icriaturri. Si vulissisappiriIsecreti eracasa, 199 pages;$23 Farrar, StrausandGiroux; By JosephLuzzi My Two Italies Ambassador Author andaward-winning schol- If you want to Ifyouwantto heartfelt. It’sheartfelt. amustread! own experiencesare enchantingand poignant conclusionswrappedinhis studied orlivedinFlorence, Luzzi’s coni. Moro’s murder andthefallofBerlus- Leopardi andLampedusaAldo parallels betweentheworksofDante, Italy.ern-day Hedrawsilluminating view ofItalianhistory, includingmod- forefront forreflection. experiences, andbringthemtothe about one’s and family’s struggles cences conjure upsimilarexperiences out thebook,author’s reminis- gulfed mostofhisadultlife. Italy’s celebratedhighculture thaten- world ofhischildhoodandnorthern Italianimmigrant inside: thesouthern ents andbrothers hadneverknown. his adultlifepursuinganItalypar childinhisfamilywhospent can-born of deeply personalandmovingaccount Acri, Calabria.“MyTwo Italies”isa four brothers whoemigratedfrom Luzzi’s story asthefirstAmeri- Luzzi’s story The authorgivesanexcellentre- hisowntwoItalies Luzzi carries For anyone who has traveled, For anyonewhohastraveled, — ElissaRuffino Through- - author’s immigrantgrandparents. Set stories aboutTony andDesolina,the laugh inrecognition atJimVescovi’s ofafriend’s will ents orthememory mount, evensacred… To mygrandparents, eatingwaspara- a mealwastold,“Eatnow;talklater.” Anyone whoattemptedtospeakduring Itwasforbidden. a church sermon. during amealwaslikeshouting To Desolina,makingconversation Anyone withItaliangrandpar- $14.95 158 pages; AuthorHouse; Vescovi By James Dream the American Feasting, and of Family, 52 True Tales Talk Later: Eat Now 9/16/14 10:12 PM 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 59 photo scrapbookandablog. versions ofselectstories,recipes, a, features audio thirst forsharingfrom memory. a seatatfamiliartableandslakeour and shakesatage90,thestoriesoffer McDonald’s Pounders,fries Quarter na’s open-mindednessforsampling his puzzledgrandparents, toDesoli- degree inEnglishas“extracollege”to covi’s choicetodescribehismaster’s culture thatisn’t tell-all.From Ves- humorously yetrespectfully, from a model ofhowtotellfamilystories years. strategies inTony andDesolina’s final unveilsclevercaretaking perfinire Stare from Vescovi’s ownvisitstoItaly;and revealsSi ricordiamo understandings medieval mindsetonlifeinAmerica; culture anda influence offarming of America;Semplicitàbespeaksthe ciation forandmisunderstanding recounts Tony andDesolina’s appre- foodstories;StatiUniti Sagra offers in Queens,thestoriesfitfivethemes: The author’s website,www. “Eat NowTalk a Later”offers — KirstenKeppel is a Brooklyn-born and-raised,Italian is aBrooklyn-born blind. You’re onlypretending nottobe. polite smile,whichsaiditall.You are see herpress herlipstogetherina was standingcloseenoughthatIcould seem more blind.” this more authentic,right?Makesme toEsperanza.“Itmakes I observed that Ican’t seemuchwiththeseon,” again…. “Maybeit’s agoodthing Journalist andauthorNicoleKear Journalist Esperanza saidnothing,butshe I lowered myglassesdown pages; $16.79 Press; 288 St. Martin’s Caccavo Kear By Nicole A Memoir See You: Now I mately her vision of what matters most. mately hervisionofwhatmattersmost. a losinghereyesightbutneverulti- about tear-jerking, funnyandsadstory she findsherself. for her, grew blurrier as tomorrows world likethere’s notomorrow. And pursues boyfriends,andtravelsthe awaytojoinacircus, recklessly runs she ragesagainstthediseaseand indenial, diagnosis asecret, partly children inBrooklyn. Keepingher her ownmotherhood raisingherown mother’s hometownofRome,Italy; her family thathelpedhersurvive; lights—her lovingItalianAmerican the off into focuswhenlifeturns thing elsethat’s cancome important onset ofblindness. cope, sometimesnotsowell,withthe to ofayoungwomantrying story ken, spunky, upliftingmemoiristhe vision withinadecade.Thisplain-spo- eye diseaseandtoldshe’dloseher diagnosed withadegenerativeretinal ironically, At19,shewas vividstory. American tellinganunusualand, Kear tells a heart-warming, Kear tellsaheart-warming, But, Kearalsowriteshowevery- —DonOldenburg Ambassador 9/16/14 10:12 PM 59 WWW.NIAF.ORG THE NATIONAL ITALIAN AMERICAN FOUNDATION 2014 NIAF PHOTO CONTEST Enter Today! Deadline for submission: October 6

First Place Prize includes two tickets to NIAF’s Anniversary Gala, October 24-25, at the Washington Hilton Hotel, in Washington, D.C., plus tickets to all Gala weekend events, hotel room, and airfare (if needed). Please read contest rules at before entering. Samuel Goldwyn Films

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 60 9/16/14 10:12 PM First Place Prize includestwo ticketsto NIAF PHOTOCONTEST in Washington, D.C., plusticketsto THE NATIONAL ITALIAN AMERICANFOUNDATION Please read contestat rules Deadline forsubmission:October6 NIAF’s Anniversary October Gala, 24-25,at all Gala weekend allGala events, hotel room, andairfare (ifneeded). Enter Today! 2014 before entering. theWashington Hilton Hotel,

43_masdrFl1.nd61 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd Samuel Goldwyn Films I Ivory TowerIvory Arizona StateUniversitygraduationfrom“IvoryTower” eration ofmoralvalues.Likehissub- leads,inevitably,mentary toaconsid- with allmoneymatters,Rossi’s docu- in theUnitedStates.Asiscase unprecedented levelsofstudentdebt especially universitybudgets,andthe many aspectsofhighereducation,but Tower” (2014),aninvestigationinto York Times,” 2011).Hislatestis“Ivory Times (“PageOne:InsidetheNew attheNewYorkand journalism neurs (“ATable inHeaven,”2007), travails ofItalianrestaurant entrepre- (“The SkyDidNotFall,”2005),the subjects asdiversegaymarriage directed fivedocumentarieson Andrew Rossihasproduced and talian-American filmmaker By MariaGarcia Higher EducationinAmerica Takes aHard Lookat Andrew Rossi’sNewDocumentary InourJune2014phone deferred.” words ofLangstonHughes, a higher educationmaybecome,inthe intelligent youngpeopleforwhom balance betweenpunditsandearnest, umentary, Rossistrikesanexcellent In hisfast-paced,skillfullyediteddoc- millennials andforhisownchildren. wonders howrelevant thatwillbefor the benefitsofa Whilehebelievesin Yale andHarvard. and ofItaly, andholdsdegrees from Rossi isa education forthepublicgood? we livinguptoourAmericanidealof and students,thefilmmakerasks:Are jects, universitypresidents, professors The sonofimmigrantparents, citizenoftheUnitedStates liberaleducation,he “dream

if our children are receiving it. receiving are and ifourchildren perhaps advocatesfor, thekindprofessor asking whatconstitutesa ucation issustainable,I questions whetherornotthecostofhighered- Whileyourdocumentary college curricula. in notoftenreflected higher educationare ofthehumanitiesin on thesignificantrole the filmsuggeststhathisenlightenedviews Tower,”in “Ivory in yetsomeofthereporting University, appearstobeyourgoldstandard atColumbia American Studiesprofessor MG: college-age studentsandtheirparents. will serve asa DVD) willserve Tower”“Ivory (availablethisfallon heexpresses thehopethat interview, Andrew Delbanco,the Andrew Professor caveatemptorfor feel that you are also feelthatyouare goodeducation, Ambassador

/61 10:13 PM 9/16/14

61 WWW.NIAF.ORG CINEMA and GalateaRanzi Toni Servillo 43_masdrFl1.nd62 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 62 CINEMA WWW.NIAF.ORG Samuel Goldwyn Films bridge from adolescencetoadulthood. whobenefitfrom a citizenry we holddeartheideaofaneducated In a to getatoursociety’s culturalneeds. functions onthatlevel,too,butalso problem, althoughI peopletothis It isnotjusttoalert education hasbecomeunsustainable. how thefinancialmodelforhigher experience. Themovietriestoexplain aspirations thatare focus onacademics,orthespiritual istheattemptto what getscorrupted many caseswhenitistooexpensive, is relevant tothatidealbecauseinso their livesto.I like orenjoydoingandcandevote they are and discoveringthemselveswhat pursuing a young peoplehaveatcollege,thatis, thatwehopeour the idealtrajectory out, AndyDelbancogivesvoiceto Rossi: Yes, that’s right.Asyoupoint Ambassador Samuel Goldwyn Films democracyliketheUnitedStates, goodat,butalsowhatthey “Ivory Tower” Stanford Universityin transformative education transformative thinkthecostofcollege part ofthecollege part thinkthefilm four-year

there are administrative positions,although made manystrides,andholdsenior recently,women have,particularly of highereducationisoneinwhich Theworld in financeorgovernment. higher educationorinthemedia males are are ant forsocietytoevolvesothatwe import- Rossi: Ithinkit’s crucially a or notthepersonattopisa students atAmerica’suniversitieswhether institutions. Doesitmakea of minoritiestosucceedinIvyLeague illustratesthestruggle dent atHarvard “testimony” oftheAfrican-Americanstu- (Riverhead Trade, 2006).Also,the Kamenetz, authorof“GenerationDebt” suchasAnya andexperts presidents, Tower,” femaleuniversity interviewing white, malevoiceofauthorityin“Ivory MG: personofcolor? notaworldinwhichonlywhite You purposefully break withthe purposefullybreak notenoughofthem. running ourinstitutions,in running difference to difference womanor

any kindofnegativeeffect. couldhave dismiss theideathatpartying to otheruniversitypresidents whomight be monitored. I related problems, andthatbothneedto cohol andsexualassaultoncampusare She saidbingedrinkingorabuseofal- school in2013,shedidnotlaughitoff. by Playboyasthenumberoneparty wasranked [the UniversityofVirginia] Teresa SullivanaboutthefactthatUVA Whenwespoketo is beingscrutinized. programs andinstitutions],enforcement antees equalaccesstofederallyfunded because Title IX[legislationthatguar- pant problem onmanycampuses,and in lightofsexualassaultbeinga leadership who washerpredecessor. Women’s Summers leadership andthatofLarry ence betweenDrew Faust’s approach to there isgreat differ- Rossi: AtHarvard, students. affected onesthat in thestylesofwomenpresidents, MG: seem to be observable differences seemtobeobservable There is especially important now, isespeciallyimportant thinkthatisincontrast “Ivory Tower” Student debtprotest, ram-

/61 10:24 PM 9/16/14

43_masdrFl1.nd63 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd These are which hasnowexceeded$1.2trillion. inflation. Secondisstudentloandebt, healthcare, andfasterthantherateof cent, more thanthecostoffoodand 1978, whichwasatarateof1,120per- is theincrease incollegetuitionsince forme.First alarms of thisfilmsetoff Rossi: Absolutely. Two that surprisedyou? Tower,”making “Ivory anything wasthere good education,soI of collegetostudypaintinginItaly? goingtospendontheirfirstyear you were company? Oriftheyaskedforthe$60,000 astart-up co-founder ofPayPal]tocreate PeterThiel, take aThielfellowship[from education youplannedforthemand told youtheywantedtoskiptheIvyLeague ifthey what wouldyousaytoyourchildren MG: IfImayaskapersonalquestion, it. and ifitisnot,howwecanreform We about ourhighereducationsystem. ofanyconversation have tobepart MG: have to ask whether it is worth it, havetoaskwhetheritisworth I thinkit’sfairtosaythatyouhada astonishingstatisticsthat

wonder, whenyouwere ofthepillars

academic outcometheywant,ontheir about selectinga and prospective studentsbegintothink Rossi: I had a pose sucha tively, andifeitherofthemwere topro- are inal question.I Rossi: Thattakesmebacktoyourorig- Tower”? “Ivory take awayfrom MG: to protect. of socialmobilitywhichwereally need education asa of study. Thatisnottosaythathigher require a of topursueaninterest thatdoesnot that youngpeoplecanavailthemselves increasingly goingaway;there are associated withnotgoingtocollegeis ture there couldhelpthem.Thestigma I weren’t thrilledaboutgoingtocollege, sure whattheywantedtodo,and sionate desire todothat.Iftheyweren’t I wouldprobably suggestthatthestruc- wouldabsolutelyagree totheirpas- sixandfouryearsofage,respec- What doyouhopeyouraudiencewill solidplananda havea four-year residential course thing,andI hopethatparents wholeisnotanengine daughteranda do collegebasedonthe support network, support feltthatthey sonwho tools andCineaste.Herwebsiteis International inFilmJournal ticles alsoappearregularly to Ambassador. ar- andfeature Herreviews writeranda freelance Maria Garcia isa thesystem. reform to whichfueltheirefforts arguments, can findinthefilmsometoolsand and students,activistsoncampus, center. I team orthemore luxuriousstudent or whichschoolhasthebetterfootball ofrankingprestige versus somesort questions, suchascompletionrates, they willrely onmetricsrelated tothese fact beabletogeta student loans,andwhethertheywillin ability togeta Samuel Goldwyn Films Harvard Square Rossi shooting director Andrew “Ivory Tower” alsohopethatpolicymakers jobandtopaybacktheir NewYork City-based degree. Hopefully, frequent contributor frequent


/61 10:24 PM 9/16/14

63 WWW.NIAF.ORG CINEMA Set your sights high

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Set yoursightshigh 43_masdrFl1_.nd65 24332_Ambassador_Fall14_X.indd I Colangelo was asked by Randazzo to serve as chairman of aschairman Colangelo wasaskedbyRandazzo toserve Colangelo. A1994inductee andChicagoHeightsnative, andCEOJerry the helpofPhoenixSunsChairman ters inElmwoodPark,Ill.,to ArlingtonHeights,Ill. 1988, theHallofFamemovedfrom itsoriginalheadquar- hiscongratulationsandaddressed thecrowd. In offered the 1980inductionceremony asPresident JimmyCarter in and heroes. Aspecialanduninvitedguesttookpart champions tribute tooutstandingItalianAmericansports life havecometotheannualinductionceremonies topay strong.” HallofFamerunning American Sports people thatdonatetodaytokeeptheNationalItalian theground butalsotothe people thathelpedgetusoff still do,”Randazzosays.“I’llalwaysbegratefultothose Lombardi. late husband,CoachVince Lombardi alsoacceptedtheposthumousinductionofher DiMaggio and“TheYankee Clipper,” JoeDiMaggio.Marie Eddie Arcaro, CharleyTrippi, GinoMarchetti, Dom star-studded event,astheNIASHFhonored Lou Ambers, tution. Thefirstinductionceremony andbanquetwasa of Famewasfoundedasanon-profit, educationalinsti- One yearlater, Hall theNationalItalianAmericanSports aHallofFametohonorallItalianAmericanathletes. start local businessman,DonPonte,encouragedRandazzoto Randazzo says.“Thiswasmydream.” and Iwantedtodosomethinghonortheseheroes,” andTonyMarciano, PrimoCarnera Canzoneri. Pepand,posthumously,ta, SammyAngott,Willie Rocky world champions,includingRockyGraziano,JakeLaMot- Italian American boxing The dinnerhonored 23former brought togetheralistofboxinggreats andcelebrities. a fundraisingdinnerthat that inspired himtoorganize zo collectedboxingphotosandmemorabilia,ahobby By Wayne Randazzo Athletes Italian American Spotlight on Sports HallofFame Sports Inside theNationalItalianAmerican a struggling localCatholicyouthprogram. Randaz- a struggling ican BoxingHallofFameasawaytoraisemoneyfor Randazzo foundedtheItalianAmer-n 1977,George The NIASHFenjoyedanew beginningin1998with In theyearsthatfollowed,celebritiesfrom allwalksof “We thatafriend and The results were sooverwhelming “I collectedpictures ofboxersforsuchalongtime, had unbelievable support atthebeginningand hadunbelievablesupport

people that made these artifacts sospecial.” people thatmadetheseartifacts really thrivesthankstothe butourorganization artifacts, we dohere,” Randazzosays.“It’s funtoseeallofthese mer MattBiondi’s OlympicGoldMedals. ascoachoftheGreen BayPackers,andswim- coat worn Lombardi’sheavyweight championshipbelt,Vince last Mario Andretti’s Indy500racecar, RockyMarciano’s first include amassed issecondtonone.Thepricelessartifacts memorabiliatheHallhas 37 years,thecollectionofsports than $7millionforscholarshipsandcharitablecauses.In the NIASHF. To pay homagetotheseincredible people.” that peoplecancomeintothishistoricneighborhood to Randazzo says.“Thisiswhere webelonged,andI’mhappy andleadership. tribute tohisefforts ColangeloCenter, a new facilitywasdedicatedastheJerry oftheproject. In2000,the insupport across thecountry in bringingtogethercivic-mindedmenandwomenfrom gelo of Chicago’s LittleItaly. Colan- building project intheheart an ambitiousnewHallofFame (Midwest LeagueAffiliateofthe ChicagoCubs). along withbeingtheradiovoice oftheKaneCountyCougars television play-by-playannouncer forESPNandBigTen andNewsradioWBBM.He’s alsoafreelance on 670theScore forCBSRadioChicago Wayne broadcaster Randazzoisasports “The memorabiliaisreally justasmallpieceofwhat There are forustogetintoLittleItaly,”“It wassoimportant acceptedandsucceeded The NationalItalianAmericanSports Hall ofFameinChicagoandits first floormemorabiliaexhibit nowmore than230inducteesenshrinein date, the organization hasraisedmore date,theorganization Ambassador Network /91 10:30 AM 9/19/14

Photos courtesy of the NIASHF 65 WWW.NIAF.ORG ON SPORTS Internationally

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43_masdrFl1.nd67 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd tions andfoundations,like NIAF. means thelifeordeathofour institu- astutelyhow thatchange realize very tional ItalianAmericanFoundation, I ing. Andbeingatthehelm oftheNa- lives,isconsistentlychang- everyday that ouridentity, asitrelates toour Italian.” up in“marrying of ourgeneration,hewasn’t caught Like themajorityofItalianAmericans stock andaproud ItalianAmerican). grandmotherisofPiemontese ternal were allrelieved tofindoutherma- (althoughwe family” from California what wewouldcallan“American Hiswifecomesfrom cently married. schedules andlives.Mybrother isre- and keepsupwithourownhectic each ofusgoesinourowndirections my familymissesthemealtogetheras or thefamilyhouse,someSundays longer livinginmyoldneighborhood that makesmeItalianAmerican?No Italian Americanlife? I havetowonder:Whatexactlyisan ican life.But,asIsitandwritetoday, walking billboard foranItalianAmer- the side.Allinall,I’msomethingofa FIAT 500withatricolore stripedown Italian television,andIevendrivea Italian music,eatfood,watch knows thatIgohomeandlistento Italian AmericanFoundation. fortheNational life anadvertisement be fair, youcouldconsidermyentire Italian AmericanFoundation.Well, to By By John M.Viola, Ourselves Than Greater Something W NIAF President The pointthatI’mgettingtois In 2014,at31yearsold,whatisit Anyone whoknowsmewell tisement fortheNational er thefollowinganadver- You arning! shouldconsid- leaders oftomorrow. are young peopleofourcommunitywho of mentorshipandrole modelsfor the language andculture, anda programs, initiativesthatexpandour ItalianAmerican forimportant port ian Americanstudents,grantsandsup- are them out,includingscholarshipsthat tothosethatsearch services important of theFoundationtodeliverreal and job asthemanagementandleadership tion ofItalianAmericans. genera- an investmentintomorrow’s NIAF, astoday’s generationmaking dollarthatcomesinto how Iseeevery the future ofourcommunity. Thatis check, meansthatyouare to swipeyourcredit card orsendina small sacrifice. considerationanda participation, ofsomethingtowhichweowe part of culturalidentitymeansthatwe’re brates andexpandsuponoursense or Being a my view, essentialtoa thing greater thanone’s self—is,in back totheideathatculture—some- question toanswer. I stereotypes, it’s notalwaysaneasy less andoftheoldbiases dayweencounter and where every opportunity, successandsecurity, ofaccessand huge stridesinterms post-assimilation andwe’vemade In a should bea anyinstitutionthatcollects,cele- goingoutandlookingtobe the impactfultothelivesofyoungItal- worldwhere ourcommunityis And, forthatinvestment,itisour To People oftenaskmewhythey beanactualmemberofNIAF, part ofsomethinglikeNIAF part part ofthisorganization. part

consistentlygo lifewelllived. investingin network

greater every day.thing greater every Italian AmericanFoundationsome- can gooutandmakeourNational we andyourenergies, participation than yourself.Let’s hope, being amemberofsomethinggreater What issaysthatyou’re consciousof tional ItalianAmericanFoundation. Italian ifyou’re amemberoftheNa- doesn’t make youanymore orless ways, andattheendofday, it can identityinindividualandvarying Each ofusaccessourItalianAmeri-

withyour Ambassador

/61 10:24 PM 9/16/14

67 WWW.NIAF.ORG PENSIERI 43_masdrFl1.nd68 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 68 WWW.NIAF.ORG Join will holditsGalaatTheWashington Hilton past Galas,sincethisisthefinalyearNIAF opportunity torelive thegreat memoriesof friends won’t wanttomiss outonthislast suAnd, longtimeandloyalsupporters future. You canbepartoftheexcitement! to cometogetherensure apromising Italian Americancommunityisbeginning States andItaly. Today, more thanever, the andbusinessbetweentheUnited ernment and facilitatingpositiveconnectionsingov- Italian Americansinthenation’s capital, the ItalianAmericanheritage,speakingfor tion dedicatedtopreserving andprotecting evolution asthepremier national organiza- our mission,buttohelpwithcontinuing not onlytocelebrate39yearsoffulfilling history hadthere beenameeting withsuchpoliticalpowerpresent inoneroom. of Congress. PulitzerPrize-winning Washington PostcolumnistMaryMcGrory wrote thatneverbefore in Ford, presidential candidateJimmyCarter, vice-presidential candidateWalter Mondaleand150Members The Washington Hilton,attractedmore than2,000guests,includingsuchnotablesasPresident Gerald ers oftheItalianAmericancommunityjoinedtogether. TheirfirstNIAFGalaDinner, whichtookplaceat Ambassador Ambassador 39 NIAF’s Preview Gala Anniversary And, especially for longtime and loyal And, especiallyforlongtimeandloyal This year, NIAF invitesyoutojoinus The NationalItalianAmericanFoundationgotitsstart39yearsagowhenadedicatedgroup oflead- th Celebration!


friends. Thetwo-dayaffairwillbepacked and more importantly, someofyourbest guests stars,distinguishedhonorees, ises tobeaweekendfilledwithnotables, ington, D.C.,October24-25.Thisprom- 39th AnniversaryGalaweekendinWash- in thenation’s capital. before movingnextyearto anothervenue Reserve yourticketstodayforNIAF’s they bringtothecelebration. you knowtheenergy andfun you were atlastyear’s Gala, Ambassador JoePiscopo!If radio host,NIAFCelebrity and actor, entertainerand Bartiromo andcomedian Global MarketsEditorMaria dais, FoxNewsanchorand NIAF’s dynamicduoonthe the GalaAwards Dinnerwill second yearofcohosting They’re Back! Returning fortheir Returning Insider to register online, or [email protected]. Formore informationand tion, contactJerryJonesat202-387-0600 programs. Forticketsorsponsor informa- black-tie GalaDinner. and conferences, culminating withNIAF’s tastings, asneak-preview filmscreening, with receptions, entertainment, wine Proceeds benefitNIAF’s educational Kenneth RictorPhotography /61 10:24 PM 9/16/14 Kenneth RictorPhotography Celebration! Insider Kenneth RictorPhotography Kenneth RictorPhotography 43_masdrFl1.nd69 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd Gala registration pageat to thepublic.We’re expectingafullhouse,somakeyourreservations now onthe evening youwon’t wantto miss!Dress iscocktailattire. Thisticketedevent is open chance towin. at NIAF’s CasinoNightfeaturingfantasticandfunraffleitemseveryonewillhavea including newonesfrom its latestalbum“Blow”guestswilldancethenightaway! rock ‘n’roll, simmeringsoul,edgyjazzandswing.Whilethebandperformssongs, the legendaryLouisPrima)whosesoundincludesboisterous bigband,swaggering rable LouisPrimaJr. andTheWitnesses,aneight-pieceband(ledbythesonof “The WildestComestoWashington” CasinoNight!Onstagewillbetheincompa- BallroomFriday nightparty!JoinusonOctober25attheHiltonInternational for The WildestComestoWashington” of restaurantdining and aMikePiazza- a brandnewVespa Casino Nightraffle prizes rangefrom to aweek’s worth Relive theglorydays1960sVegas andpartywithusallnight!Thisisonewild Enjoy openbarandheavyhorsd’oeuvres, plusplentyofactionatthetables True totradition,NIAF39thAnniversaryGalaWeekend willkickoffwithabig and atriptoItaly signed baseball! Free andopentothepublic. refreshments availablethroughout theday. by recording yourfamilymemories.Light legacy footprintatNIAFHeadquarters headquarters renovations. Leavea Centerandother new NIAFLearning an OpenHouse!We’ll beunveilingthe Embassy intheNation’s Capital,for NIAF Headquarters Open Houseat Headquarters, your Italian American Headquarters, yourItalianAmerican Join usonFriday, October24,atNIAF CasinoNight! Kenneth RictorPhotography Insider Ambassador Kenneth RictorPhotography /61 10:25 PM 9/16/14 69 WWW.NIAF.ORG Insider NIAF Central…The All-New NIAF Expo! Enjoy the familiar tastes, sights, mingle and feel at home during the NIAF and sounds of Italian American life and Gala Weekend! Just a sampling of our mingle among the Italian and Italian NIAF Central presenters includes Mike’s American exhibitors at NIAF Central… Deli – The Original Arthur Avenue Italian the all-new NIAF Expo! Throughout Deli, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, genealogy the day on Saturday, October 24, from consultant Roots in the Boot, The Italian 9 a.m.-5 p.m., enjoy live music, food, Garden Project, Oro Catering, igourmet, drinks, coffee, Italian presentations, and Uncle Giuseppe, Lavazza, plus several opportunities to learn about Italian dual authors, stock-car racer Dina Parise; citizenship, genealogy, language, travel, and an exhibition from Lombardia, products and, of course, what’s new at NIAF’s 2015 Region of Honor! Check the National Italian American Foundation! our website at for an NIAF Central is the place to meet, up-to-date list of exhibitors. Kenneth Rictor Photography Kenneth Rictor Photography

NIAF Kenneth Rictor Photography Thank You Lunch catered by Special Screening of Mike’s Deli “The Italian Americans” of Arthur Avenue NIAF has partnered with WETA Public Television in Join us for an old-fashioned sand- Washington, D.C., to give you a sneak preview of the up- wich lunch provided by our partners at coming documentary series, “THE ITALIAN AMERICANS,” the world-famous Mike’s Deli, direct from which will air on PBS in February 2015. Join us to view Arthur Avenue in the Bronx, N.Y.! As a special film clips from this extraordinary series, narrated way of saying thank you to our support- by acclaimed actor Stanley Tucci, which tells the story of ers and friends, NIAF guests will receive how Italian immigrants challenged the notion of the Amer- a ticket for this complementary lunch on ican melting pot. The screening will be followed by a Q&A Saturday afternoon. session with the series’ filmmakers, including award-win- ning writer and producer John Maggio, the film’s compan- ion book author Maria Laurino, and on-screen talent! This event is free and open to the public.

Reserve Your Room Now at The Washington Hilton NIAF will be hosting its 39th Anniversary Gala weekend once again at the Washington Hilton, one of the premier hotels in the nation’s capital, located at 1919 Connecticut Ave. NW, in Washington, D.C. Join the rest of your friends and support our efforts by booking your room(s) within our room block at the Washington Hilton for some of the best rates in town. Book your reservation at or

WWW.NIAF.ORG call the Hilton directly at 202-483-3000 and refer to the “NIAF room block.” This year you will receive lower room rates and other benefits for booking your

Kenneth Rictor Photography room at the Washington Hilton.

70 Ambassador

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 70 9/16/14 10:25 PM Kenneth RictorPhotography 43_masdrFl1.nd71 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd • At TheNIAF—ItalianAmerican • For thefirsttime,NIAFwillhost • activities andevents: many otherspecial Activities Other GalaWeekend ing partofNIAF’s 39thAnniversaryGalaandConvention. mation onpurchasing tickets, sponsoringthegalaandbecom- guests andcelebritiesattendingtheGala,formore infor RelationsatGoogle Government and AntennaItaliaRadio-TV of RomeCivitavecchia the CarlyleGroup achievement atitsfinest!AmongNIAF’s 2014Galahonorees: NIAF CelebratingDistinguishedHonorees can community. efforts intoday’s ItalianAmeri- the meritsofanti-defamation community groups willdebate from variousItalianAmerican ence, scholarsandpanelist Studies AssociationConfer Young Professional members. Scholarship Recipientsand Voyage ofDiscoveryalumni, an Aperitivoexclusivelyfor Region ofHonor—Lombardia! representatives oftheNIAF2015 working withNIAFmembersand bynet- Start yourGalamorning Susan Molinari, Pino Cicala,FounderandEditorAMICOwebsite Pasqualino Monti,President ofthePortAuthority David Cordani, President andCEOofthe CignaCorporation Daniel A.D’Aniello,Co-FounderandChairmanof NIAF’s Galaweekendoffers Visit forupdatesonhonorees, special This year’s honorees exemplifyItalianandAmerican Vice President, PublicPolicyand - and opentothepublic. Come andmakeyourvoiceheard. Free about NIAF’s newvisionanddirection. generations. Bepartoftheconversation groups andhowtobestservefuture for furtherunityamongItalianAmerican Studies Associationwilldiscussstrategies and moderatorsfrom theItalianAmerican American communitynationwide.NIAF special guestsfrom throughout theItalian nity” discussionwithNIAFleaders this livelyannual“StateoftheCommu- Ieri, Oggi, Domani Bring your thoughts and opinions to Bring yourthoughtsandopinionsto

- menu willreflectLombardia. October. TheGalaDinner’s ambianceand host ExpoMilano2015fromMaythrough and sparklingwines.In2015,Milanwill historical sites,northernItaliancuisine Maggiore, ComoandGarda—andboasts south, itishometoItaly’s beautifullakes— to thenorthandEmilia-Romagna try. BorderedbytheAlpsandSwitzerland worldwide forfashion,businessandindus- affluent regions,Lombardiaisrenowned Italy’s northernmost,mostpopulatedand out theredcarpetforLombardia!Oneof Dinner! Thiscomingyear, we’llberolling NIAF RegionofHonorattheGalaAwards NIAF willbeofficiallyannouncingits2015 Region ofHonor—Lombardia This isanafterpartynottobe missed! featuring livemusicandspirited sing-alongs. in themostfamousItalianparty inAmerica, ty! Untieyourblacktieafterthe Galaandjoin won’t wanttomissTheNIAFAfterHoursPar Yogi Berraputit.Latenightersandpartiers And WhentheGala’s Over… Kenneth Rictor Photography the Galaregistration reservations nowtothisticketedeventat We’re expectingafullhousesomakeyour winesfromal andmodern across Italy. leads youthrough aspectrumoftradition- tasting asaknowledgeablesommelier Annual WineTasting! “Itain’t over‘tilit’s over!”asthegreat Join usforthisincredibly popular

Insider Ambassador /61 10:49 PM 9/16/14 - 71 WWW.NIAF.ORG Insider BNY Mellon colleagues: Executive Vice President Photographs by Kenneth Rictor Photography Jim McAuliffe; Senior Executive Vice President Art Certosimo, a NIAF Board member; and Executive Vice President Craig Messinger

NIAF New York Gala The ballroom at the legendary Cip- riani 42nd Street in was packed for another highly successful NIAF springtime bash on April 3. More than 500 guests attending the sold-out event celebrated their heritage and cul- ture, and the Italian American community. The evening kicked off with a recep- “Food is tion featuring Italy’s own Bellini cocktail. the common From the podium, NIAF’s Chairman denominator Joseph V. Del Raso welcomed guests of our lives,” and honorees. He gave special recogni- (L to R) Anthony J. Sartor, Chairman and CEO of PS&S; said Gala honoree tion to representatives from the University John A. Sartor, President and COO of PS&S; Gala hon- Mary Ann Esposito. of Maryland which was recently award- oree Frank Libutti, CEO and President of PS&S; and ed the NIAF Ernest L. Pellegri grant of Jack Jacobs, Colonel (ret.) Army and recipient of $500,000 to advance the study of Roman Medal of Honor. antiquity and its legacy in America. As guests dined on lovely presen- Gala honoree tations of Italian cuisine (Burrata with Joseph Brancato marinated pear tomatoes and micro and NIAF President basil, Wagyu strip loin steak with herb John M. Viola melange sauce…), mistress of ceremo- nies Alexis Christoforous, a CBS news correspondent, began the award ceremo- NIAF ny by thanking Gala chairman and NIAF Chairman Board member Gerard S. LaRocca. She Joseph V. then introduced the four distinguished Del Raso honorees: Joseph Brancato of the global design firm Gensler; Carmine Di Sibio of EY (Ernst & Young LLP); Mary Ann NIAF Board member Esposito, renowned chef and television Robert Allegrini and culinary personality; and Lt. Gen. USMC Paolo Pedrazzini, (ret.) Frank Libutti of PS&S Global LLC. NIAF Board Genereal Manager While each honoree spoke of members of the Hilton family, heritage and Italy, Lt. Gen. Libutti Gerard S. Sorrento Palace, in summed up the evening for all the hon- LaRocca and Sorrento, Italy orees: “Clearly, Italian Americans have Louis E. Tosi, imprinted their values and talents on the and singer very fabric of our country!” Michael NIAF’s President John M. Viola got Barimo in the last word, speaking passionately background about the Italian American community. “If everyone goes out and shares the expe- rience you had tonight with your Italian American friends and family, it makes us a stronger community, a more prosper- ous neighborhood and a more supportive family,” he said. “That is how we will keep our culture alive.” Louis Prima Jr. and The Witnesses, an eight-piece, brass-infused, swing band, closed out the evening’s festivities WWW.NIAF.ORG Karen Tanzola, her cousin and NIAF Executive performing some of their famous songs, Vice President Marie Garibaldi, and Agatha La Malva including “Jump, Jive, and Wail” and Vorsanger “Just a Giglio.” Louis Prima Jr. and the Witnesses

72 Ambassador

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Photos by Elissa Ruffino and Katie Rictor Elissa Ruffino Riccardo Chioni LaRocca andMarkValenteIII with NIAFBoardmembersGerardS. NIAF ViceChairmanGabrielA.Battista Golf ResortinLitchfieldPark,Ariz.,the4 Teeing OffforNIAF with speciallyprepared NIAFpackets. dent JohnM.Viola andstaffersgreeted golfers the NIAF-sponsored hole,FoundationPresi- ers tookontheresort’s famedGoldCourse.At gotanearlyshotgunstartasplay- tournament ed byChairmanEmeritusJerryColangelo,the of Italianandseafoodspecialties. ers managerDanMattingly, enjoyingabuffet baseball legendTommy Lasorda andDodg- tertaining more than300guests,including Live—Frank, DinoandSammystylists—en- before withaperformancebyTheRatPack entertainment. Festivitieskickedoffthenight porters forafullweekendoflinks,foodand attracted celebrities,sponsorsandsup- Annual NIAFGolfTournament onMarch 15 Chairman SalvatoreM.Salibello Chairman Emeritus,withNIAFVice Honoree FrankJ.Guarini,NIAF Patricia deStacyHarrison. presents awardtoNIAFViceChair ASILM PresidentDr. Under thesunnyskiesatWigwam The next morning, againgenerouslyThe nextmorning, host- LucioCaputo NIAF Leaders and culturalorganizations. and charitable,educational involvement incivicaffairs Medal ofMeritforhis received theASILMGrand U.S. Congressman Guarini communications. Former work inmediaand Merit forherdistinguished with theGrandAward of Harrison waspresented for PublicBroadcasting, CEO oftheCorporation City onFebruary20. Annual GalainNewYork Frank J.Guariniatits48th NIAF ChairmanEmeritus de StacyHarrisonand and Board memberPatricia Vice International Chairman of Merithonored NIAF of theItalianLegions ASILM HonorsTwo Newscaster RickD’Amico LaCava, JerryColangelo,andFox10 Fox 10NewsSportsAnchorJude The president and The AmericanSociety th

MLB legendTommy Lasorda NIAF ChairmanEmeritusJerryColangeloand

with CameronKohn Rat Packentertainers Rosa welcomesthefirstarrivalof day. the publicforaSaintJoseph’s Table. Above, NIAFBoardmemberDr. honored withafeasteveryMarch19. This year, NIAFopenedits doorsto Saint Joseph,oneofthemostbeloved saintsamongItalian-Americans,is NIAF ChairmanIlCircoloManoftheYear NIAF ViceChairmanSalvatoreM.Salibello Raso, NIAFGeneralCounselArthurJ.Furia,PresidentJohnM.Viola,and NIAF BoardmemberJohnF. Joseph M.DellaRattaandVincentViola,NIAFTreasurer RobertE.Carlucci, ments. RepresentingNIAFattheeventwere(LtoR):Boardmembers ly toanindividualwhopromotesItalianculturethroughspecialaccomplish- The BreakersinPalmBeach,Fla.,onMarch2.awardispresentedannual- Chairman JosephV. Il Circolo,theItalianCulturalSocietyofPalmBeaches,honoredNIAF DelRaso,“ManoftheYear” atitsannualgala NIAF ChairmanJosephV. Tommy Lasorda,FeleciaRotelliniand Dr. NIAF PresidentJohnM.Viola,Boardmember Sentinel Trust Co.andCommitFoundation JohnP. Scarpa,NIAFChairmanandhonoreeJosephV. Rosa,andAnthonyDeToto ofthe Carrie Bradburn/LucienCapehartPhotographyInc.

DelRaso Insider Ambassador JohnP.


/61 10:25 PM 9/16/14

73 WWW.NIAF.ORG Insider Public Policy Luncheon on Capitol Hill At the NIAF Frank J. Guarini Public Policy Luncheon at the U. S. Capitol on April 10, former U.S. Ambassador to Italy and Senior Advisor to the U.S. Secretary of State David H. Thorne gave the keynote address reflecting on his time in Italy and the Italian-American ties. Introduced by NIAF Executive Vice President John F. Calvelli to guests that included members of Congress, government officials, and business Anna Lawton and Lorenzo Montanari, and community leaders, Thorne called Italy the Executive Director of Property Rights United States’ “most reliable ally in Europe,” Alliance adding that “Italy and America have a long history of working together…this

Photos by Don Oldenburg relationship is really important to us.” Former U.S. Ambassador to Italy David H. Thorne

NIAF Executive Vice President John F. NIAF Board member Mark Valente III and former U.S. Ambassador NIAF President John M. Viola and NIAF Area Calvelli and U.S. Representative John Mica to Italy David H. Thorne Coordinator Charles Gueli NIAF Executive Vice President John F. Calvelli, NIAF Board member Mark Valente III, former U.S. Ambassador to Italy David H. Thorne, NIAF Board member and former Congressman Mike Ferguson, and NIAF President John M. Viola Festa Italiano Milwaukee

NIAF was a proud sponsor of Milwaukee’s annual Festa Italiano, July 18-20, when the motto is “It Feels Good to be Italian!” The three-day celebration was filled with Italian entertainment, traditional Italian food, a variety of wines and spirits, Italian heritage, fun attractions and lakeside fireworks. Left: A casual replica of Michelangelo’s masterpiece “David” greets the crowds Nino! Bread and Chocolate at Festa Italiano. Below: NIAF Board member Robert Allegrini with On May 9, Hollywood honored the late great Italian actor the Italian Community Center’s President Gina Spang and Vice Nino Manfredi at a gala screening of the classic film President Giuseppe Vella, organizers of Festa Italiano. “Bread and Chocolate” at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The screening featured the restored version of the film that made the actor an international star. The week-long, NIAF-sponsored event “Nino!” was presented by the Manfredi family and organized by Dalia Events, Onni and the Italian Cultural Institute in Los Angeles in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in Los Angeles, Italian Film Commission, Cineteca Bologna, Centro Speriementale di Cinematografia and

WWW.NIAF.ORG Cineteca Nationale. Above: NIAF Regional Vice President Marcella Leonetti-Tyler (right) and NIAF Area Coordinator Doug DeLuca with Los Angeles journalist and “Nino!”

Photos by Elissa Ruffino consultant Sylvia Bizio.

74 Ambassador

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Photos by Don Oldenburg threw afewbocceballs. the IACD,snackedonhorsd’oeuvres and Claudio Bisogniero andothermembersof Italy’s AmbassadortotheUnitedStates Congressional Delegation,alongwith Pascrell, co-chairsoftheItalianAmerican Pat TiberiandU.S.Representative Bill Venable LLPwhere U.S.Representativ damper onthereception attheofficesof Washington, D.C.Butthatdidn’t puta retreated indoorsonarainyeveningin gressional BocceTournament onceagain Lido CivicClubScholarship in Nation’s Capital Bocce Tournament sentatives VirginiaFox,BillPascrellandPatTiberi NIAF BoardmemberMarkValenteIIIandU.S.repre- Francesco Isgropresentedthecheck attheEmbassyofItaly. Scholarship ReceptionandDinneron June 19.LidoClubPresident Italian Americanstudentsduringthe3rd annualLidoCivicClub NIAF, awarded$50,000 inundergraduatecollegescholarshipsto The LidoCivicClubofWashington,D.C., inconjunctionwith On May29,NIAF’s 2 nd AnnualCon- White, ManagingPartneratRoberti+White NIAF PresidentJohnM.ViolawithRichard Fucsia Nissoli with ItalianMemberofParliament Italy’s AmbassadorClaudioBisogniero

Photo by Elissa Ruffino Director ofProgramsGabriellaMileti Club ofWashington,D.C.,andNIAF Justice andPresidentoftheLidoCivic Counsel attheU.S.Departmentof Francesco Isgro,SeniorLitigation

points counting Bill Pascrell Congressmen At the28 McBride andNIAFViceChairmanLouisJ.Freeh. Below: NIAFChairmanJosephV. the successesandcontributionsofrecipients. and thelegacytheyleftbehind,whilecelebrating the contributionsmadetoAmericabyimmigrants homage totheimmigrantexperienceandhonors Bevacqua McBride(Left).TheMedalofHonorpays to NIAFBoardmembersMariaBartiromoandAnita zations presentedtheEllisIslandMedalofHonor on May10,TheNationalCoalitionofEthnicOrgani- Ceremony inthehistoricGreatHallonEllisIsland, Ellis IslandAwards th AnnualEllisIslandMedalofHonor

President JohnM.Viola and PatTiberi withNIAF Congressmen BillPascrell and AndreaBartlett Mileti, StephanieGordon NIAF staffersGabriella Insider DelRaso,Anita Ambassador

/61 10:26 PM 9/16/14

75 WWW.NIAF.ORG Insider Mission to Italy: NIAF Board Members Travel to Campania During the last week of June, NIAF to Italy.” The purpose: To build cultural leadership, including Chairman Joseph bridges by bringing together board mem- V. Del Raso, President John M. Viola, bers, business leaders and local govern- and the executive committee, traveled ment officials to discuss key issues influ- to Campania—NIAF’s 2014 Region of encing cultural, economic and diplomatic Honor—on the Board’s annual “Mission relations between our two nations. Photos by Elena Tosana

While in , the NIAF Board contingent (above) meet with the U.S. Consulate. (Left) NIAF Chairman Joseph V. Del Raso and U.S. Consul General of Naples Colombia A.

Barrosse. Photos by Gabriella Mileti During the Mission to Italy, the delegation visited the Casa Famiglia “Salvatore Rosa” in the city of Bellona, province of Caserta, to donate a three- acre parcel of olive groves gifted to the NIAF by the Salvatore Rosa family. Above: NIAF Chairman Joseph V. Del Raso, President John M. Viola, Board member John P. Rosa, and NIAF’s executive commit- tee meet with the facility’s Founder and President Antonio Randino of HelPeople Foundation ONLUS and others at Casa Famiglia, which assists abused and orphaned children. Right: NIAF President John M. Viola tours the facilities at Casa Famiglia “Salvatore Rosa.” Photos by Gabriella Mileti Photos by Gabriella Mileti The NIAF board of At the Museo di Capodimonte directors kicked off in Naples, NIAF board members their Naples visit with and guests were escorted dinner at the new throughout the museum prior “Eccellenze Campane,” to the gala evening. a multi-restaurant The Museo di and food marketplace Capodimonte is one featuring only the best of the most important products from the region of Campania. Above: Cin Cin! NIAF museums in Italy. Here, President John M. Viola, NIAF Regional Vice President for South- NIAF Board Member ern Italy Alfonso Ruffo, and NIAF Chairman Joseph V. Del Raso Joseph Della Ratta, raise their glasses to NIAF! Sheila Bechert and NIAF friend Sue Leone admire one of the precious busts at the museum.

Joseph V. Del Raso Photos by Gabriella Mileti and John M. Viola, At the Museo di Capodimonte in Naples, the with the chef of setting of the gala commemorating the Two

WWW.NIAF.ORG Ristorante Rosiello Sicilies in America Foundation: NIAF President at an evening’s John M. Viola, NIAF Chairman Joseph V. Del feast in Naples Raso, Princess Beatrice di Borbone delle Due

Photo by Gabriella Mileti Sicilie together with the local musicians.

76 Ambassador

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 76 9/16/14 10:26 PM 43_masdrFl1.nd77 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd NIAF ChairmanJoseph V. own JohnM.Viola. tour ofNaplesbynoneotherthanNIAF’s Board membersandstaffledonaprivate Voyage ofDiscovery Hon. MikeFerguson meet withthe2014 DelRasoandNIAF Mark Vallenteand Photo by Carlo Piccolo Hotel inSorrento. Board Members Grand Excelsior students atthe famous building’s lobbythatpreviewed theactuallighting. monial lightingofanEmpire StateBuildingreplica inthe lier, MLBgreat andNIAFfriendMikePiazzaledacere- and businesscommunityleadersfortheevent.Ear- red! NIAFleadershipjoineditsregional vicepresidents, which NIAFlightupinItaly’s tricolore green, whiteand City onJune3—across from theEmpire StateBuilding reception attherooftop garden of230FifthinNewYork Empire StateBuilding! Tricolore LightsUp Celebrating its mission, NIAF hosted a sundown Celebrating itsmission,NIAFhostedasundown The grandiosePiazzadelPlebiscitointhecenterofNaples. Discovery. Voyage of of the2014 and DavidDoty Elissa Stagliano Cara Costa, Jaclyn Natoli, Lonardo with Member Joe NIAF Board member Dr. Alicia Rickter, andNIAFBoard Carlozzi, MikePiazzaandwife NIAF BoardmemberLindaR. NIAF PresidentJohnM.Viola, At theceremoniallighting,

Photo by Carlo Piccolo JohnP. Photos byGabriellaMileti Rosa Photo by Carlo Piccolo history behind the Roman theaterin The localguide explaining the Posillipo. the VillaMassalimoncellofactoryinSorrento. NIAF Boardmembersandfriendsona privatetourof Aliberti andNIAFPresidentJohnM.Viola NIAF ChairmanJosephV. presents a Photo by Carlo Piccolo During a Photos by Gabriella Mileti sphere ofstandinginaRomantheaterPosillipo. NIAF BoardMembersandfriendssoakintheatmo- Photo by Carlo Piccolo Mario AttanasiooftheHiltonHotelinSorrento. Fortunata inSorrentoposebeforedinnerhostedby NIAF BoardmembersandfriendsatVillaSanta stopattheNaplesmayor’s office,a commemorativeplaqueofthecityNaplesto DelRaso,alongwithassessorMonia Insider Ambassador culturalassessor

/61 10:26 PM 9/16/14


WWW.NIAF.ORG Insider Calendar NIAF AND PERILLO TOURS MARK YOUR CALENDARS Celebrating 70 years of excellence in travel to Italy! Perillo Tours: An NIAF is offering the following NIAF Ambassador Peter F. Italian American Institution! Perillo Tours was born in 1945 when Italian special events in the coming Secchia Voyage of Discovery American immigrant Joseph Perillo opened a small storefront under months. For more information, Program Applications the Third Avenue El in the Bronx. Perillo Tours was continued by Mario visit Date: November 1, 2014— Perillo (better known as “Mr. Italy”), who perfected the art of affordable available online for 2015 at luxury travel programs to Italy and developed a strong awareness of OCTOBER 2014 the Italian American community. NIAF 39th Anniversary Contact: Gabriella Mileti at Awards Gala Weekend 202-939-3116 or Presently under the direction of third-generation CEO Steve Perillo, the at the Washington [email protected] company remains committed to creating unforgettable journeys to Italy Hilton Hotel through Perillo Tours’ fully escorted tours, Perillo Tours custom groups Date: October 24-25, 2014 Frank J. Guarini/NIAF Media and Contact: Jerry Jones at Forum in Philadelphia 202-939-3102 or Date: November 18, 2014 [email protected] NIAF and WETA will introduce the upcoming documentary NOVEMBER 2014 series “The Italian Americans,” NIAF Scholarship scheduled to air on PBS in Applications February, 2015 Date: November 1, 2014— Location: PBS Station, WHYY, 150 available online for 2015-2016 North 6th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. at Contact: Elissa Ruffino at Contact: Gabriella Mileti at 202-939-3106 or [email protected] 202-939-3116 or [email protected]

Join NIAF and Perillo Tours on a once-in-a-lifetime Italian vacation experience Join NIAF and Perillo Tours on a once in a lifetime 360º and enjoy the country’s dra- Italian vacation experience. Enjoy the country’s dramatic matic highlights including highlights including history, culture and cuisine. Packages history, culture and cuisine. are available for individual and group travel, destination Packages are available for individual and group travel, For NIAF Members Only weddings and honeymoons, and fully escorted tours. destination weddings and Book any Perillo Tours or Exclusive NIAF member deals! honeymoons, and tailored program escorted tours. We look forward to introducing you and receive $100 per person. to authentic Italy! Call or visit our website for more info! Promo Code: NIAF For additional information and bookings: [email protected] 800-431-1515 800-431-1515 For NIAF Members Only: WWW.NIAF.ORG [email protected] Book any Perillo Tours or 800-ITALY-25 800-ITALY-25 program (a $2500 value per couple) and • [email protected] receive $100 per person. Promo Code: NIAF or call at 800-431-1515

78 Ambassador

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 78 9/16/14 10:26 PM NOVEMBER

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NIAF is offering the following • x


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P g • e s

Join NIAF and Perillo Tours on a once in a lifetime 360º Italian vacation experience. Enjoy the country’s dramatic highlights including history, culture and cuisine. Packages are available for individual and group travel, destination For NIAF Members Only weddings and honeymoons, and fully escorted tours. Book any Perillo Tours or Exclusive NIAF member deals! program and receive $100 per person. Call or visit our website for more info! Promo Code: NIAF • [email protected] or call at 800-431-1515

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 79 9/16/14 10:26 PM 43_masdrFl1.nd80 24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 80 80 WWW.NIAF.ORG CROSSWORD by LeonJ.Radomile Ambassador 22 Thick softdumplings made from 21 Small spheressimilar toacinidipepe 20 Medium tubewithsquare cutends 16 Ribbon ofpastaaround6.5mlwide 13 Long, thickcorkscrewshapedpasta 10 Shoelaces 9 Ear shapedpasta 8 Smaller thanrigatoni,butlargermezzani 6 Wagon wheelshapedpasta 2 Large stuffabletubepastaservedbaked ACROSS Heaven ITALIAN-AMERICAN STYLE semolina orpotato Pasta

19 Rice shapedpasta 17 Thinnest typeoflong pasta 15 Worms 14 Flattened 12 Bow tie 11 7 Similar toravioli,usuallystuffedwith 5 Thick spaghettitypepastawithhole 4 Named afterthedevicetocutpastainAbruzzo 3 Similar topennebutwithoutridges 1 Bent tubes DOWN cheese andvegetables running throughcenter To cut PASTA HEAVEN PASTA Italian American Style By Leon J. Radomile / Solution DOWN 1 3 Mostaccioli 4 Spaghetti alla chitarra 5 7 11 12 14 15 17 19

/61 10:26 PM 9/16/14 ACROSS 2 6 8 9 10 Stringozzi 13 16 18 20 Rigatoni 21 22

24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 3 9/16/14 10:26 PM Ambassador National Italian American Foundation 1860 19th Street NW Washington, DC 20009-5501


24332_Ambassador_Fall14.indd 4 9/16/14 10:52 PM