DIRECTORY. J . • 25 • Alington Julius esq. house, St. N eots MAYOR'S AUDITOR. Allen William Henry esq. Bromham house, Bedford Charles D. Shelton, 43 High street .Barnard Thomas esq. D.L. house, Bedford Er.ECTIVE AUDITORs. Barnard Thomas Henry esq. Pemberley, Bedford James Hull, Midland road Beaumont Capt. Lindesay Beaumont, Crossland Fosse, William Wilkinson, Rutland road OFFICER"! OF THE CoRPORATION. Browning Capt. Hugh Edmond D.L. Clapham park, Bedford Chalk Rev. Richard Gregory B.A. Rectory, Wilden, Bedford Clerk, Thomas Simpson Porter, Town hall Duberly Major Arthur Grey, The Barnes, Fenlake, Bedford Treasurer, John Sergeant, 52 street FitzPatrick William Long esq. Woodlands,Clapham,Bedford Clerk of the Peace, Mark Whyley, Dame Alice street Barter Waiter George Hatfeild esq. The Bury, Kempston, Chaplain, Rev. Lambert Woodard M.A. St. Paul's square Bedford Coroner & Medical Officer of Health, Charles Edward Prior Haughton William H. esq. The Highlands, , M. D. 4 road St. Neots · Analyst, James Kear Colwell, Clerkenwell Town hall, Higgins Lawrence Read Colburne esq. Castle close, Bedford London E c Howard James Harold esq. The Grange, Kempston, Bedford Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority, Thomas Simpson Layard Maj.-Gen. Charles Edrn.und, Valentia lodge, Bedford Porter, Town hall, St. Paul's square Newland Capt. William Pritzler, Kempston house, Bedford Borough Surveyor, John Lund, Town hall, St. Paul's square Sunderland Lieut. -Col. Thos. J sph. grange, Bedford A~istant Surveyor, Arthur Lund, Town hall, St. Paul's sq Verey Capt. Charles, The Crescent, Bedford Ch1ef Constable, Harry Thody, Commercial road Wyatt Rev. Paul Williams M.A. Austin Canons, Kempston, Veterinary Inspectors, Henry Crofts, Harpur street; Edwfn Bedford Rogerson, St. John's street & Percival Charles Woolston, Wythes Francis Aspinall esq. Ravensden house, Bedford St. John's street The Chairman & Vice-Chairman of the Urban & Rural Inspector of Common Lodging Houses & Inspector under District CoWicils in the division are ex-officio Magistrates Contagious D1seases (Animals) Act, I878, & Inspector Clerk to the Magistrates, W. G.Carter Mitchell,7St.Paul's sq under Explosives Act, I a, 5· Thomas Phelps, f'.JDmmercial rd Petty Se..'lsions are held at the Shire hall every alternate Sanitary Inspector, William Barnard Davis, Town hall, St. saturday at II a.m Paul's square The places in the division are :-Barford (Little), Barford Inspector of Weights & Measures, Alfred Wa.llace Merrie, (Great), , Bromham, Cardington, Clapham, Cattle market, Commercial road Cop!e, Eastcotts, Eaton Socon, , Goldington, Kemp­ WaterWorks Managing Engineer,Chas.Edwards,Clapham rd ston, Oakley, Ravensden, , Roxton, . Electrical Engineer, William J. Hope Johnstone, Electricity , Turvey, Wilden, Wilshamstead, Willington, works, Commercial road Wootton Collector of Rates, Alfred Cookson, Town hall, St. Paul's sq Borough Magistrates. Town Crier, Market Superintendent & Collector of Tolls The Mayor John Stock, 3 Prebend place, Commercial toad " Sergeant-at-Mace, John Millward, 8 River street The Recorder, John Thomas Abdy LL.D Bagshawe His Honor Judge William Henry Gunning Q.C. RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. 249 Cromwell road, London Meets at Workhouse Monthly, at II.30A.M. Bull Thomas, Hughenden, The Embankment Burch Augustus Edgar Clerk, Mark Sharman, 6 St. Paul's square Carter Jabez, 9 St. Peter's street Treasurer, Thomas Barnard, Bedford Bank · Coombs James M.D. 28 Mill street Medical Officer of Health, Charles Edward Prior M.D. 4 Coombs Surg.-Lieut.-Col. Rowland Hill M.D. R.edburn, Goldington street Rothsay place Sanitary Inspector, William Turnbull, 52 Chaucer road Cutcliffc John Elworthy, 4 Kimbolton road Road Surveyor, John F. Sanders, Chillington Green Lieut. -Col. Edmond Rcbert, Kempston Public Establishments. Hill James Woodward Howard Sir Frederick. The Abbey close, Cafdington road Bedford Charity Office, Harpur street, Albert Harry Allen ·Burst George, Kings brook house, Cauldwell street clerk to the trustees Kilpin Samuel Leach, 48 Cardington road Bedford Park, De Pary's avenue, James Buckle, keeper Page John Elliott, 5 St. Mary's street Borough Police Office, Commercml road, Harry Thody, chi11f Prior Charles Ed ward 111. D. 4 Goldington road constable ; the force consists of I chief constable, x inspec­ Ransom Edwin, 24 Ashburnham road tor, I clerk sergeant & 4 section sergeants & 24 constables Robinson George, 5 Harpur place Cattle Market, Commercial road, John Stock, supt Rose Edward Paine, 45 De Pary's avenue Cemetery, Foster's hill, Alfred Clare, clerk to the burial Stafford Robert Harry, Cauldwell house, Kempston road board; Thomas Dann, registrar & cemetery keeper Verey Capt. Charles, IO The Crescent Corn Exchange, St. Paul's square, Charles James Henman, Clerk, Henry Tebbs, 2 Tavistock street hallkeeper Borough Petty Sellsions are held at the Shire ball every Corporation Swimming Baths, Commercial road, George monday at IO a.m. & daily when necessary Setchell, manager · County Court, office, Mill street. His Honor William Henry Corporation (1897-98). Gunning Bagshawe Q.C. judge, 249 Cromwell road, MAYOR-Councillor George Wells London ; Alfred Clare, registrar; Thomas Phipps Spicer, DEPUTY-MAYOR-Councillor Hedley Baxter high bailiff. The court is held monthly (except RECORDER- His Honor John Thomas Abdy LL.D. Great August), at the Shire Hall, St. Paul's square. The Baddow house, Chelmsford, Essex following places are within its jurisdiction : - Bed­ ALDERMEN. ford, Barford (Great), Biddenham, , , §Charles Astell tRobert Page Jarvis · Bromham, Chawson, , Cardington, Carlton §John E. Cutcliffe tRobert Richards , Clapham, Cople, , Elstow: §Leverton Jessopp tCharles Verey Fenlake, , Goldington, Harrold, Harrowden, • Kempston, , Knotting, ,,. CouNCILLORS. Oakley, Odell, , Rudwell, Ravensden Renhold Eastern ·ward. ~isely, Roxton_, , Soul drop, Stagsden, Stev: Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, Robert Richards mgton, , Turvey, ·wilden, WiLo;;hamstead Wil- lington, Wootton & Yelden ' §Hedley Baxter I tGeorge Wells This court has also bankruptcy jurisdiction, & for §Edward Colby Sharpin J *Jabez Carter bankruptcy purposes includes the Bedford, Ampthill, §Charles Daniel Shelton 1 *John Wilson Harrison Bigg~eswade & St.. Neots courts; Alfred Ewen, IA, St. tHenry Burridge I Drinkwater Paul s square, official receiver tEdmond Robert Green *Tom Henry Coleman Certified Bailiffs under the "Law of Distress Amendment Western Ward. Act" :-Robert Barry Stafford, 83 High street; John Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, Charles Astell Rogers, 83 High street; William Kingston, 83 High st. ; Alfred Long Field, Howard chambers, lloward st. ; John §Edward Lavender Moulton tJames Warton Usher, 9 St. Paul's square ; Harry Ball, Duke stree'o; §James Potter *Duncan Cromartie Frederick Winser, 2 Costin street; Geo. Croyton Walker, §William Edwin Taylor *William Roff St. Paul's square ; Herbert Trustram Eve, St. Paul's sq.. ; tHeory Thomas Barnes *George Royle John R. Eve, St. Paul's square -tJohn Howard Howard County Police Office, Shire hall, Lieut.-Col. Frederick John Marked thus§ retire in November, 1898. Josselyn, chief constable. Divisional station, Gadsby st. l'lbrked thus t retire in November, 11<8!l. Marked thus o retire in November, 1900. Henry Quenby, superintendent, two sergeants & :u: Marked thus l retire in .November, 190L com;tables