Leading Arctic Scientist Calls Continued Lack of National Polar Policy

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Leading Arctic Scientist Calls Continued Lack of National Polar Policy Leading Arctic scientist calls continued lack of national polar policy 'an embarrassment and frustrating' Standing on the unsympathetic shoreline of Mercy Bay, a bulbous fjord on the northern edge of Banks Island in the Canadian Arctic archipelago, John England was “stupefied.” By Juris Graney | Published on: January 8, 2017 What the world-renowned University of Alberta Arctic “I was looking out at the open polar sea, waves were scientist saw close to a decade ago on one of his more lapping against the shore line like the Bahamas,” he said. than 40 excursions to the farthest northern reaches of Canada will never leave him. “There was not a fragment of sea ice to be seen and it was just staggering. I thought to myself, what if the explorers England, an expert in environmental change who has been came back? What would they think?” studying the Arctic for 50 years, was standing in the same area in which Capt. Robert McClure and the HMS England distinctly remembers his thoughts and his feelings Investigator sought protection from terrifying sea ice from that trip because of the gravity of the consequences. conditions in the winters of 1851-52. In his own lifetime and scientific career stretching back to McClure was part of a rescue mission to try and locate the his first visit to the Arctic in 1965, he too has witnessed ill-fated lost expedition of Capt. John Franklin and was, first hand the ever-quickening retreat of polar ice due to himself, trapped within two days of sailing through the global warming and man-made climate change. Northwest Passage, confronted by 40-foot thick pack ice. “When I first went to the Arctic … I was still seeing the sea Unable to escape, with impenetrable ice to the horizon ice conditions that were very much like McClure and beyond, McClure and his scurvy-riddled crew spent described,” he said. two winters surviving on dwindling food rations and “I saw the Arctic when it was still largely like what the late conditions that sent some men mad. 19th Century explorers saw in temperatures and sea ice In the end, the HMS Investigator was abandoned. Most of severity. the crew survived long enough to be rescued. “I saw the ice shelves and now I’m standing in their stead, Fast forward to 2008 and England was standing in the in the very same places and recognizing something they same area looking out at what was a graveyard of multi- never would have dreamt of.” year sea ice that almost broke McClure. Page 1 of 2 The Great White “embarrassment” Early in 2010, facing a lack of government funding under the Harper government and a void where a national polar policy should have been, England penned an opinion essay for revered scientific journal Nature. In it, England said an Arctic policy and increased government funding were crucial to help support researchers in remote field sites “to continue crucial monitoring of the fast-changing Arctic environment.” “The lack of such a policy leaves many Canadian scientists feeling voiceless and chronically insecure about research support,” he wrote. Asked if much or anything has changed in the past six years, England sighed. “There have been a few glimmers of resurgence in Canada,” he said. “But the fundamental answer is there really has been no significant progress in finally establishing a national polar policy. “If this country wants to be recognized as a really engaged Northern nation, not only in science but economic, strategic and cultural, environmental concerns, we need to get our act together and stand on the international stage and identify a polar policy that ensures that we have a long-term vision and a co-ordinated and strategic plan to implement that.” England said it was “disheartening,” “an embarrassment and frustrating,” and “contemptible”. “It’s really maddening to watch us turn our back on something that ought to be enlightened self-interest,” he said. Honours and awards Last month, England was celebrated with the Weston Family Prize for Lifetime Achievement in Northern Research, a $50,000 award that honoured his advocacy and research of the Canadian Arctic landscape. England said he wants to take his three grandchildren to the Northern reaches to inspire them just as he was inspired. “It was fundamentally transformative in my life was going to the Arctic,” he said. “There’s something remarkably special about the Canadian Arctic … there’s a silence and a stillness there that I really don’t think you can experience anywhere else. “I think just bringing young ones into that environment, they would drink in the magic and the serenity.” But there is also the inescapable fact that what he once saw, as the explorers before also had witnessed, will never be the same again. The clock is ticking. Thinking back to that moment in Mercy Bay, England takes a moment. “McClure was stuck where you are standing, with his ship tied to the shore, with his men starving, looking out after two years of being stuck, thinking I have to take all of my men in their weakened state and I’ve got to march across sea ice that is out in that channel to another island hoping that we find someone to rescue us, and I’m standing in the very same spot looking at nothing but open water. “The change is that dramatic.” Source: Edmonton Journal URL: http://edmontonjournal.com/technology/science/leading-arctic-scientist-calls-continued-lack-of-national-polar-policy-an-embarrassment- and-frustrating Page 2 of 2 .
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