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Print This Article Advances in Language and Literary Studies ISSN: 2203-4714 An Investigation of the Underlying Linguistic Problems in the Translation of Surah Quraish into English: A Comparative Syntactic and Semantic Study Ali Albashir Mohammed Alhaj* King Khalid University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Corresponding Author: Ali Albashir Mohammed Alhaj, [email protected] ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Article history The current study aims at exploring some syntactic and semantic underlying problems in three Received: July 07, 2020 English translations of the meanings of Surat Quraish; that is in English translations of Abdel- Accepted: September 28, 2020 Haleem, Khan and Mohammed Taj Al-Din Al-Hilai and Pickthall. Also, the study aims at Published: October 31, 2020 probing how the three translators deal with some syntactic and semantic underlying problems Volume: 11 Issue: 5 and constrains in their renderings of the meanings of Surat Quraish into English. Four Ayahs of Advance access: October 2020 Surat Quraish were purposefully selected to address the research questions and categorized into semantic, and syntactic problems. The study shows that there are some syntactic, and semantic underlying problems in the translation of the meaning of Surat Quraish into English rendered by &RQÀLFWVRILQWHUHVW1RQH Abdel-Haleem, Khan and Mohammed Taj Al-Din Al-Hilai and Pickthall. Moreover, the types )XQGLQJ1RQH of the syntactic, and semantic underlying problems are lack of cohesion and coherence as well as the translation strategies employed by the three translators. The study also recommends that translators of the Holy Quran must adopt footnotes, paraphrase, modulation, transposition and Key words: transliteration, and other translation strategies to avoid a probable loss of the intended meaning The Investigation, of the Message. Linguistic Problems, Syntactic, Semantic Surah Quraish, Translation INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The current paper is a syntactic and semantic study which The study aims at aims at exploring the underlying linguistic problems in a. Analyzing the underlying linguistic problems, encoun- the translation of Surah Quraish into English as well as tered by translators while rendering Surah Quraish into probing the syntactic and semantic constraints and chal- English lenges that the translators of the Holy Quran encounter b. probing the syntactic and semantic constraints that the in translating the Surah into the English language. More- translators encounter in rendering Surah Quraish into over, the study intends to probe the practicability of ren- English. dering Surah Quraish from Arabic into English language c. exploring the translation strategies adopted by and has been actuated by the fact that there are Muslims Abdel-Haleem, Pickthall, Khan, and Hilali and Pick- who are English speaking and yet there is no Qur’an in the thall in translating Surah Quraish into English. (QJOLVKODQJXDJH7KLVLVIXUWKHUTXDOL¿HGE\EHOLHIVWKDW the Holy Qur’an which was revealed in the Arabic lan- guage cannot be rendered into other languages but should Questions of the Study rather be called interpretations of the Qur’an as is noted To meet the stated objectives, the following research ques- by Abdul-Raof (2005,p.162) who argues that for Muslim tions were raised: scholars, the Holy Qur’an is untranslatable since it is a 1. What are the underlying linguistic problems of the linguistic miracle with transcendental meanings that can- translation of Surah Quraish into English? not be appended fully by human capacity and potentiality 2. What are the syntactic and semantic constraints and (Abdul-Raof,2005) challenges that the three, namely, Abdel-Haleem, Published by Australian International Academic Centre PTY.LTD. Copyright (c) the author(s). This is an open access article under CC BY license ( An Investigation of the Underlying Linguistic Problems in the Translation of Surah Quraish into English: A Comparative Syntactic and Semantic Study 67 Pickthall, Khan, and Hilali and Pickthall translators face To conclude, rendering the Arabic text of the Holy Qur’an in translating Surah Quraish into English? into any other language is not an easy job. (Alhaj, 2020, 3. What are the translation strategies adopted by the three Khan, 2013)). However, a thorough study of the life of the translators in translating Surah Quraish into English? Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and the prevailing circumcen- ters of that time may prove helpful both for the reader and translator of the Holy Qur’an. Ahmed, 2004) supports the RELATED LITERATURE idea and quotes the Qur’anic scholar Jalalduddin Suyuti who Constraints and Challenges in the rendering of the Holy FRPPHQWV¶¶+HZKRLVXQDZDUHRISUH,VODPLFD൵DLUVFDQ- Quran into the English Language: Critical Background not understand the Holy Qur’an and the ‘Sunnah ‘properly’’. The translation from Arabic into English requires two (Ahmed, 2004, Khan,2013,Al-Suyuti, 2005) divergent cultural - boundaries. In the Holy Quranic rendi- tions, uttermost of syntactic, lexical and cultural problems are culture- bound. According to the Lexicon Webster Dictio- Previous Studies nary (1995, p.120), culture-bound is “limited by or valid only Very few studies addressed the underlying linguistic prob- within a particular culture’’. The translators of the Quranic lems, faced by translators in translating religious texts WH[WVKDYHWRFKDOOHQJHWZRGL൵HUHQWERXQGDULHVWKDWLVRI in general and the Holy Qur’an in particular. Abdel-Hal- the source language (Arabic language) and target language eem, the eminent and prominent scholar in translation (English language), at the same time, which is truly demand- SRLQWHGRXWWKDWQRQHRIWKHWUDQVODWLRQVRI4XUގƗQ ing and problematical. They cannot disregard the intricacy LV WKHµ4XUގƗQ¶ WKDW LV ³WKH GLUHFW ZRUG RI *RG´ .KDOLID and cultural norms and standards of any language favoring (2005) said: the other (Khan,2008, Alhaj, 2020). The Quranic expressions Comparing any translation with the original Arabic is may have not equivalents in the target language, for example, like comparing a thumbnail sketch with the natural view English language, and rephrasing or rewording in such posi- of a splendid landscape rich in color, light and shade, tions and occurrences distort the meaning of the Holy Quran. and sonorous in melody. The Arabic vocabulary as used Rendering the Holy Quran into English is a very ardu- in the Quran conveys a wealth of ideas with various ous task. It is not only demanding and posing challenges, subtle shades and colors impossible to express in full but its translators often get implicated and enmeshed in a ZLWK D ¿QLWH QXPEHU RI ZRUGV LQ DQ\ RWKHU ODQJXDJH GHPDQGLQJDQGGL൶FXOWSRVLWLRQHVSHFLDOO\LQUHQGHULQJWKH (cited in Alhaj,2020). Qur’anic tropes, idiomatic expressions which are unrender- Fauzi (2008) conducted a study aimed at investigating able into English. (Alhaj,2019) the underlying semantic problems that face the translators Observing that people in the Western countries and some in translating Surrah Al-Ra’d into the English language. (DVWHUQ FRXQWULHV DQG QRQ$UDELF VSHDNHUV ¿QG WKH +RO\ The study revealed that , there are some kinds of meaning Quran an arduous book, mostly, because of the problematic involved in Surrah Al-Ra’d, for example lexical meaning renditions of its meanings, Armstrong (1999, p.173) says which is concerned with denotative, connotative, polysemic, that: and synonymous words . Moreover, the researcher hopes the $UDELF LV SDUWLFXODUO\ GL൶FXOW WR WUDQVODWH HYHQ RUGL- study can give a great academic contribution for readers, nary literature and the mundane utterances of politi- especially the researchers and students of translation who are cians frequently sound stilted and alien when translated interested in the translation of the Holy Qur’an and semantic into English, for example, and this is doubly true of the underlying problems Koran, which is written in dense and highly allusive, $EX6D\\LGDK FRQGXFWHG D VWXG\ HQWLWOHG ދދ$Q elliptical speech. $QDO\VLVRQWKH4XDOLW\RI6XUDK<DDVLQ´$IWHUDQDO\]LQJ The renditions of the Holy Qur’an from Arabic into and comparing Mohammed Ali’s and Hilali and Khan’s English caused tensity and incompatible since some Muslim translations of Surah Yaasin, the researcher concludes that, -Scholars argued that there is no other language as spacious DOO WKH WKUHH WUDQVODWRUV KDYH GL൵HUHQW VNLOOV LQ WUDQVODWLQJ and rich in vocabulary as the Arabic language and that to 6XUDK <DDVLQ7KH UHVHDUFKHU ¿QGV D ORW RI GL൵HUHQFHV LQ render the Holy Qur’an into a foreign language in general their translations. For example. Mohammed Ali uses sim- and English language has no sense at all (Lacunza-Bal- ple sentences in translating Surah Yaasin . It means that da,1993,Alhaj,et al 2017, Mohammed et al, 2019). he uses full translation because SL is as the original text, Mere translation can never substitute the Divine Origi- while Hilali and Khan use additional strategies in trans- nal. Translations are mere crutches, to be used only till one lating Surah Yaasin to give more information, explana- learns to stand one’s feet (Khan, 2013, Al-Huda Interna- tion, and interpretation to the readers clearly to make easy tional, 2000). The point is further explained that the intended in understanding the meaning message of Surah Yaasin meaning of the Holy Qur’an cannot be communicated (cited in Alhaj, 2020). through translation as the Qur’anic lexical items are like a Alhaj et al (2019)
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