Subject Index

A amaurosis 24 – V1 (see [primary] visual – fugax 198, 218 cortex) 27 abdominal reflex 282 5, 8, 12, 13, 16, 33, 97, Argyll-Robertson 67 abducens 98, 205, 208, 254 Arnold-Chiari malforma- – nerve paralysis 146 – strabismic 16 tion 167 – palsy 147 amenorrhea 176, 178 arteritis 119 abetalipoproteinemia 234 ametropia 103, 251 – temporal 119 absolute 39 – refractive 8 artifacts, differential acetazolamide 113, 124, 221 Ammann test 16 diagnosis 43 acetylcholine 65 Amsler grid test 32 ascending atrophy 102 Achilles tendon reflex 282 3, 153 aspirin 118, 201 15, 16, 76, 79–81, angiography, invasive 269 assessment/measurement 89, 93, 241 angle closure 66 of vision 247 acquired 129 angular astrocyte 225 acromegaly 179 – gyrus 304 astrocytoma 172, 180 acuity VEP 98 – subtense 35 – pilocytic 172, 177 acute zonal occult outer – velocity 35 asynergy 283 (AZOOR) 16 256 281, 283 adductor reflex 282 10, 12, 58–61, 142, atherosclerosis 120 adenoma 8 248 atrial fibrillation 201 ADH, see antidiuretic hormone – physiologic 60 atrophy 104 Adie-Holmes’ syndrome 64 annulus of Zinn 128 – ascending 102 Adie’s anomaloscopy 15, 76 – segmental 101 – pupil 62, 64 anomaly quotient (AQ) 76 atypical 116, 117 – syndrome 62 anomia 192 Aulhorn classification 41 ADOA, see autosomal dominant anterior ischemic symptoms 220 ­optic neuropathy (AION) 97, 118 auscultation 131 adrenocorticotrophic hormone anterior junction syndrome 23, 49 autosomal dominant optic neuro­ (ACTH) anterior skull base tumor 288 pathy (ADOA) 123 – deficiency 255 antidiuretic hormone (ADH) 176 AZOOR, acute zonal occult outer Aicardi’s syndrome 242, 255, 256 antiphospholipid syndrome 200 retinopathy 16 AION, see anterior ischemic optic Anton’s syndrome 191, 208 neuropathy 192, 218, 273 Åland Island disease 81 aplasia 242 B albinism 84, 90, 98, 256 apparent 62 – oculocutaneous 81 applanation tonometry 131 B-scan echography 199 alcohol syndrome 225 apraxia 159, 273 Babinski sign 280 Alexander’s law 167 arcuate scotoma 21, 108 bacterial sinusitis 134 alleged hemianopia 212 Arden quotient 89, 98 Balint’s syndrome 189 allesthesia 190 area Bárány’s pointing test 283 Alport’s syndrome 234 – 17 (see also [primary] visual Bardet-Biedl syndrome 90, 239 altitudinal hemihypoplasia 108 cortex) 27 Bartonella henselae 115 altitudinal defect/loss 53 – striata (see also [primary] visual Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome 234 amacrine cells 225 cortex) 27, 96 Behçet’s disease 94, 200

309 Subject Index

Behr’s – 167 – sinus 128 – recessive optic atrophy 123 – 62 – – syndrome 151 – syndrome 147 – syndromes cecocentral scotoma Bell’s phenomenon 274 – – with fascicular abducens – differential diagnosis 45 Benedikt’s syndrome 143 paresis 147 central benign – – with fascicular oculomotor – areolar choroidal dystrophy – concentric annular macular paresis 143 (CACD) 241 ­dystrophy 90 brightness 13 – areolar pigment epithelial (CAPE) – pediatric sixth nerve – 72 dystrophy 90 palsy 148 Brodmann area 17, see primary – disturbance of vision 185 Bergmeister’s papilla 107 ­ – – diagnostic procedures 187 Best’s vitelliform macular bromocriptine 121, 178 – retinal artery occlusion 91 dystrophy 89, 91, 98 Brown’s syndrome 139, 151 – scotoma 22, 35, 82, 228, 306 beta-blocker 218 Brückner test 17 – – differential diagnosis 44 biceps tendon reflex 282 – vestibular 167 Bielschowsky head-tilt test 151 cerebellar Bietti’s crystalline C – degeneration 167 ­dystrophy 90 – disease 283 bilateral c-ANCA 134 – dysarthria 283 – homonymous 53 calcarine cortex, see visual cortex cerebral – optic neuropathy 12 calcium channel blocker 224 – disturbances of vision 49 campimetry 29 in children 257 binocular cancer-associated retinopathy – dyschromatopsia 82 – blindness 112 (CAR) 90 – infarct 3 – 138, 139 capillary ectasia 103, 111 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 220, 267 – hemianopsia 48 carbamazepine 225 Cestan Raymond syndrome 147 – perimetry 212 CAR, see cancer-associated CHAMPS (Controlled High Risk – test 208 retinopathy Subjects Avonex bipolar cells 20 carcinoma 16 Prevention Study) 117 birdshot chorioretinopathy 91 – of the nasopharynx 152 Charcot’s triad 283 birth trauma 64 – of the paranasal sinus 62 Charles Bonnet syndrome 190 8, 48 carcinomatous optic neuro­ checkerboard Bjerrum region 83 pathy 122 – pattern 53 blepharospasm 230 cardiac – visual field 27 blindness 207 – arrhythmia 197 chemosis 130, 132 – postfixational 8 – glycosides 224 Cheyne-Stokes breathing 68 blink reflex 207 Cardiff Cards 247, 248 chiasm (see also chiasmal) 23, 175 blistering 181 cardiovascular testing 200 chiasmal blob 72 carmustine 181 – compression 8 blond fundus 104 carotid – disease 12, 39, 48 cone – artery dissection 3, 64 – disorder 13 – defect 80 – Doppler ultrasonography 199 – syndrome 123, 179, 289 – 79, 80, 89 – occlusion 91 chloramphenicol 226, 227 borreliosis 116 – plexus 127 chloropsia 82 botulism 4, 61 – stenosis 200 chloroquine 90, 228 brachioradialis reflex 282 carotid-cavernous fistula 152, – phosphate 224 269 – – retinopathy 83, 224 – trauma 263 cat-scratch disease 115 cholesterol embolus 198, 199 – tumor 172 9 94 – – metastases 173 catch trial 40 choroidal cavernous – atrophy 89 – disease 62 – hemangioma 267, 286 – detachment 91

310 Subject Index

– infarction 16 – oculomotor apraxia, 91 – melanoma 268 see also Cogan’s syndrome 160 diadochokinesis 279, 283 89, 238 – optic atrophy 243 diaphragma sellae 175 plexus papilloma 172 – anomaly 254 76, 77, 80 CHP, see compensatory head posture – ptosis 129 DIDMOAD 123 chromatopsia 82 – 148 differential light/luminance clinoid wing 182 – stationary night blindness ­sensitivity (DLS) 20, 34, 36 clopidogrel 201 (CSNB) 238 differential diagnosis 44 clouding of the optic media 94 – – Riggs type 90 diffuse choroidal sclerosis 89 cluster headache 62 – – Schubert-Bornschein dilation test 58 – definition 219 type 90 diphtheria 61 cluster syndrome 215 coordination tests 283 diplopia 129, 132, 133, 139 CN, see congenital nystagmus corkscrew vessel 103 – binocular 138, 139 cocaine test 60 corneal – monocular 9 Cogan’s syndrome 160 – 304 – painful 152 Cogan lid-twitch pheno- – reflex 282 direct carotid-cavernous menon 141 corpus callosum 27, 28 fistula 153 Collier’s sign 130 corrective head posture 251 direct ophthalmoscopy 12, 101 coloboma 105, 255 207 disc atrophy 111 – of the optic disc 106 corticosteroid 113, 122, 132 dissecting carotid aneurysm 62 – of the 242 cranial dissociated sensory loss 281 – arteritis, see also temporal disturbances of coordination 281 – comparison test 13 arteritis 119 divergence paresis 146 – confusion line 72, 75 – nerve 139 – mixture scale 78 – – clinical testing 274, 275 DLS, see differential light/ – model 72 – neuropathy 142 luminance sensitivity – perception 72 23, 176, 179, doll’s eye phenomenon 140, 249 – plate 289 dopamine D2 antagonist 225 – – isochromatic 74 – treatment 180 dorsal syndrome, see also – – pseudoisochromatic 74, 79 craniosynostosis 253 Parinaud’s syndrome 149, 158 – saturation test 33 craniotomy 292, 296 double-Maddox rod test 141 – sorting test 74 CSF, see cerebrospinal fluid downbeat nystagmus 167 – vision 228 Cushing’s syndrome 179 drop metastasis 181 – – deficiency 80 cyanocobolamine 122 drug-induced – – drug-induced disturbances 229 9, 251 – chronic headache 221 – – impairment 122 cyclosporine 120 – hypersympathotonia 230 – – test 72, 84, 249 cystic metastasis 292 drusen 253 compensatory head posture – hereditary 89 (CHP) 139 – of the optic disc 242 compression syndrome 173, 174 D DTR, see deep tendon reflex compressive optic neuropathy 114 Duane’s syndrome 139, 148 computed tomography (CT) 261 dark , abnormal 230 dural carotid-cavernous concentric constriction 42 dark trough 87 fistula 153 cone decibel 36 dysarthria 218, 273, 277, 278, 283 – dystrophy 16, 89, 256 deep tendon reflex (DTR) 282 dyschromatopsia 15, 79, 224, 227, – ERG 92, 93 degenerative 89 228 cone-rod dystrophy 240 delayed visual maturation 258 – acquired 80 congenital DeMorsier’s syndrome 242 – cerebral 82 – dyschromatopsia 71 deuteranomaly 80 – congenital 71 – juvenile 238 deuteranope 76 – congenital X-linked 80 – 68 deuteranopia 77, 80 – drug-induced 81 – nystagmus (CN) 93, 98, 168 developmental dyslexia 304 – tritan-like 83

311 Subject Index dysdiadochokinesis 283 exodeviation 161 functional dysesthesia 115, 281 161, 169 – magnetic resonance (fMRI) 299 dyslexia 304 129 – visual loss 205 283 extinction phenomenon 189 fundus dysthyroid ophthalmopathy 268 disorders 156 – flavimaculatus 89, 238, 241 dystrophy – photography 163 – benign concentric annular furosemide 113 macular 90 F – Bietti’s crystalline fundus 90 – central areolar pigment epithelial facial palsy 274 G (CAPE) 90 Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue – fenestrated sheen macular 90 test 74, 83, 224 GABA, see gamma-aminobutyric – myotonic 90 Farnsworth panel D-15 test 74, 83, ­acid 224, 228 gadolinium-DTPA 266 fascicular gait test 283 E – abducens palsy 146 galactorrhea 176, 178 – paresis 150 gamma-aminobutyric acid edema 110 fast eye movement (GABA) 68 Edinger-Westphal nucleus 55, 58, (see also saccade) 157 – metabolism, alteration 225 66, 68 fat-saturated (“fat-sat”) image 268 gangliocytoma 172 edrophonium test 141, 162 fatigue testing 141 ganglion Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 64 feigned binocular blindness 207 – cell axon 22, 105 electrooculography (EOG) 15, 87 fenestrated sheen macular – cell fibers 82 – abnormal 230 ­dystrophy 90 Ganzfeld electrophysiology 87 fenestration 113 – electroretinogram (ERG) 15 (ERG) 15, 119, fiber electrodes 95 – sphere 87, 91 205 fibrous dysplasia 289 Gasperini’s syndrome 147 – abnormal 230 field of view 29 gaze – multifocal (mfERG) 94 finger-to-finger test 283 – palsy 157, 276, 277 elevated intracranial finger-to-nose test 283 – position tonometry 141 pressure 3 finger perimetry 31 gaze-evoked nystagmus 160, 165, endocarditis 201 fixation 283 endocrine orbitopathy 287 – nystagmus 169 genetic defect 233 endpoint nystagmus 160 – reflex 208 germinal cell tumor 181 enophthalmos 135, 144 flash electroretinogram (ERG) 91, 92 germinoma 176 EOG, see electrooculography – cone ERG 92, 93 giant cell ependymoma 172, 291 – rod-cone ERG 92, 93 – arteritic syndrome 198 epilepsy 225 – rod ERG 92 – arteritis (see also temporal epileptic attack 173 flicker test of Aulhorn 116 arteritis) 3, 119 ERG, see electroretinography fluorescent treponemal antibody glaucoma 83, 96, 97, 107, 124, 198, ergotamine 218, 226 ­absorption test (FTA-abs) 67 258 erythrocyte sedimentation rate foil electrodes 95 – topical drugs 130 (ESR) 119 foramina of Monro 176 GLIADEL 181 erythroprosopalgia, see also cluster forced duction testing 141 glioblastoma 172, 180 headache 219 fortification scotoma 217 glioma 291 erythropsia 82 foveal macula 12 – of the hypothalamus 176 ESR, see erythrocyte sedimentation Foville syndrome 147 Goître 62 rate fractionated irradiation 302 Goldmann Favre disease 90 esthesiometry 281 Freiburg acuity test 208 Goldmann perimetry 35, 37, 140, ethambutol 122, 225, 226 Frenzel glasses 166, 167 211 excyclotorsion 150 Friedreich’s ataxia 123 Gorlin’s syndrome 107 excyclotropic 140 fronto-orbital craniotomy 286 Gradenigo syndrome 147

312 Subject Index

Graves’ disease 121, 130, 131, 141, Hounsfield units (HF) 262 infranuclear disorder of ocular 148, 151 human motility 137 cone defect 80 – genome 233 infrared gyrate atrophy 89, 234 – visual pathway 19 – pupillography 69 Humphrey Field Analyzer 252 – video system 60 Hutchinson’s pupil 144 inherited retinal dystrophy 93 H 112, 113, 180, 181 INO, see internuclear ophthal­ hydroxyamphetamine 61, 62 moplegia 189, 190 – test 60, 64 283 halogen bulb flashlight 10 hydroxychloroquine 224 intermittent 67 haloperidol 225 hydroxycobalamine 122 internuclear ophthalmoplegia Hashimoto’s thyroiditis 132 hypercholesterolemia 118 (INO) 161, 277 headache 215 hypercoagulopathy 197 intra-axial glioma 287 – 217 hyperemia 111, 132 intracavernous carotid heel-to-knee test 283 hyperhomocystinemia 200 ­aneurysm 153 Heijl-Krakau method 40 hyperkinesia 279 intracranial 227, 228 hypermetric saccades 230 – hemorrhage 264 hemianopia (see also hyperopia 304 – hypertension 130 hemianopsia) 8, 212, 307 hyperostosis 289 intracranial pressure (ICP) 103 – homonymous 27, 28 hyperpathia 281 intraoperative monitoring 296 hemianopsia (see also hyperprolactinemia 178 intraorbital tumor 285 hemianopia) 31, 48 hypersympathotonia 130 intraosseous meningioma 289 – binasal 49 – drug-induced 230 invasive angiography 269 – binocular 48 hypertelorism 105 inverse pigmentosa 240 – bitemporal 48 hypertension 118 ischemia 66, 94 – homonymous 50 – intracranial 130 ischemic – – bilateral 53 – malignant 3 – optic neuropathy 114 – – incomplete 51 hyperviscosity syndrome 197 – 185 – monocular 48 hypervitaminosis A 113 Ishihara plates 15, 74 hemifield hypesthesia 129 isolated – slide phenomenon 48, 175, 212 hypoplasia 242 – grayscale plot 40 – stimulation 212 – of the corpus callosum 256 – macular hypoplasia 256 hemineglect syndrome 188 hypothyroidism 255 isoniazid 226 218, 280 isopter 35, 42, 211 hemiretina 21 – testing 211 hemispheric tumor 291 I heparin 221 Hertel exophthalmometry 131 ICP, see intracranial pressure J heterochromia iridis 64, 248 idiopathic hill of vision 34, 35 – intracranial hypertension Jendrassik’s maneuver 280 hippus 68 (IIH) 112, 147, 221 juvenile history taking 1 – orbital myositis 148 – 241 Holmes- 64 IIH, see idiopathic intracranial – retinoschisis 16, 84 homonymous ­hypertension – hemianopia 27, 28, 50, 165, 306 190 – – incomplete 51 illusory movement 166 K – scotoma 26 incomitance 137 Horner’s syndrome 60–62, 64, 67, incremental luminance sensi­ Kearns-Sayre syndrome 90, 239 69, 135, 151, 198, 219, 248 tivity 34 8 – in early childhood 249 indirect ophthalmoscope 10 Kestenbaum Horton’s cephalgia, see temporal inferior nucleus – glasses 131 arteritis syndrome 143 – procedure 169

313 Subject Index kinetic perimetry 34, 35, 163 macular – headache 215 Köllner’s rule 82 – disease 5, 12 – ophthalmoplegic 218 – edema 13, 14, 16, 83 – visual aura 197 – hypoplasia 169 – with aura 67, 217 L Maddox rod 141 Millard Gubler syndrome 147 magnetic resonance imaging mitral 274 (MRI) 265 – stenosis 201 lamina cribrosa 21, 101, 107 malabsorption syndrome 81 – valve prolapse 201 Landolt ring 209 malignant hypertension 3 Möbius’ syndrome 148 Lang stereotest 16 malingering 203, 205 monocular Lasègue’s sign 274 – testing 206, 212 – diplopia 9 laser interferometry 209 MAR, see melanoma-associated – hemianopsia 48 latent nystagmus 169 retinopathy – loss of acuity 71 lateral geniculate body (LGB) 24, masseter reflex 282 mononeuropathy 274 25, 96 media opacity 91 Morbus Best 240 Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl mediastinal tumor 62 morning glory disc 105, 242 ­syndrome 239 medulloblastoma 172, 181 motor function Lea test 248 megaloblastic anemia 227 – clinical testing 277 Leber’s megalopapilla 105 – examination 279 – congenital amaurosis 89, 93, 248, melanocytoma 107 MRI, see magnetic resonance 258 melanoma-associated retinopathy ­imaging – hereditary amaurosis 237 (MAR) 16, 90 MS, see multiple sclerosis – hereditary optic neuropathy meningioma 23, 121, 181 mucocele 135 (LHON) 82, 97, 123, 234 – intraosseous 289 mucormycosis 134 LGB, see lateral geniculate body – of the sphenoidal wing 288 Müller’s LHON, see Leber’s hereditary optic meningismus 273 – cells 92, 225 neuropathy meningitis 144 – muscle 62, 142 lidocaine 219 mesoptometer 14 multifocal ERG (mfERG) 94, 95 lid retraction 130 metamorphopsia 5, 13, 30, 32, multiple lie detector 209 190 – evanescent white dot syndrome light-near dissociation 61 metastasis 291 (MEWDS) 91 light peak 89 – of a 173 – sclerosis (MS) 97, 114, 139, Lisch nodules 177, 253 methadone 227 275 loss of the monocular temporal methazolamide 221 – vascular occlusions 3 ­crescent, differential diagnosis 43 methotrexate 120 muscle LP, see lumbar puncture methoxyflurane 227 – flaccidity 283 luetic methyl prednisone 117 – tone 279 – chorioretinitis 91 metoclopramide 218 muscular strength 279 – disease 116 MEWDS (see multiple evanescent myalgia 120 lumbar puncture (LP) 221 white dot syndrome) myambutol 225 luminance 36 Meyer’s loop 26, 27 myasthenia 141, 151 – intensity 35 mfERG, see multifocal ERG myasthenic 141 lymphangiosarcoma 268 microadenoma 177 mydriasis lymphoma 134 micropapilla 107 – drug-induced 62 microprocessor 38 – intermittent 67 micropsia 5, 13, 14, 16, 190 – persistent 68 M microstrabismus 16, 247 – pupillary 65 microvascular myelinated nerve fiber 107 macroadenoma 177 – oculomotor paresis 144 myopia 124 macrocytic anemia 122 – sixth nerve palsy 148 90 macropapilla 105 145, 259 macropsia 190 – definition 217

314 Subject Index

N nucleus Oguchi’s disease 90 – of Cajal 158 OKN, see optokinetic nystagmus N95 95 – prepositus hypoglossi oligodendrocyte 225 Nagel anomaloscope 224 (NPH) 158 oligodendroglioma 172 NAION, see nonarteritic anterior (see also night blind- one-and-a-half syndrome 161, 162, ischemic optic neuropathy ness) 14, 93, 98, 227 277 nasal nyctometer 14 ONTT, see optic neuritis treatment – hemiretina 22 nystagmus 62, 71, 81, 159 trial – step 21 – central vestibular 167 ophthalmic history 1, 2 nasopharyngeal carcinoma 152 – congenital 93, 98 ophthalmoplegia 142 neglect 188 – endpoint 160 ophthalmoplegic migraine 145, nerve fiber – gaze-evoked 160, 165, 283 218 – bundle 104, 109 – in childhood 256 ophthalmoscope 131 – – defect 47 – latent 169 – direct 12 – – loss 83 – ocular 169 – indirect 10 – layer 20, 21 – optokinetic 207, 209 opsoclonus 170 neurinoma 172 – positional (end gaze) 276 optic neuritis, retrobulbar 116 – types 276 – atrophy 33, 101, 109, 112, 115, neuro-ophthalmic – vestibular 276 251 – emergency 3 – – after damage to the optic – evaluation of children 245 tract 124 – examination 192 O – – after 124 neuroblastoma 64, 170 – – Behr-type 243 neurodegenerative disorder 272 objective acuity testing 98 – – juvenile 243 neurofibromatosis 121, 129 occipital cortex 27 – – Kjer type 243 neurogenic oculomotor occipitotemporal area 186 – – Leber’s hereditary 243 paralysis 142 occult diabetes 118 – – neonatal 243 neuronavigation 296 OCT, see optical coherence – – X-linked 243 neuropeptides 217 tomography – chiasm (see also chiasm neuroretinal rim 102 ocular and chiasmal) 22 neuroretinitis 115 – albinism 15, 16, 237 – disc, see also optic nerve neurosurgery – motility head 101, 228 – operative technique 293 – – infranuclear disorders 137 – – coloboma 106, 255 – trans-sphenoidal approach 295 – – supranuclear disorders 156 – – cupping 102 – transconjunctival approach 293 – motor system 158 – – drusen 108, 253 – transorbital approach 293 – myasthenia 149, 162 – – edema 116 67 – myositis 134 – – elevation 102, 253 night blindness, see also – nystagmus 169, 256 – – hypoplasia 108, 255 nyctalopia 98 – resting potential 87 – – pit 106 nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic – tilt reaction (OTR) 162 – – size 103 neuropathy (NAION) 118 oculocutaneous albinism 81 – nerve 21 nonconcomitance 137 oculomasticatory movements 4 – – compression 97, 98 – strabismus 65 oculomotor – – disease 82 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug – apraxia 159 – – glioma 177, 253, 286 (NSAID) 218 – field 29 – – head 101 noradrenalin 60 – nerve 66 – – pit 242 Nothnagel-Claude’s syndrome 143 – –  aberrant regeneration 145 – – sheath meningioma 103, 173, NPH, see nucleus prepositus – –  paralysis 66, 142 174, 182, 253, 285 hypoglossi – paralysis 65 – neuritis 9, 97, 114 NSAID, see nonsteroidal anti- – paresis 66, 144 – – atypical 116, 117 inflammatory drug – – in children 145 – – treatment trial (ONTT) 115 – testing 61, 249 – – typical 117

315 Subject Index

– neuropathy 5, 10, 33, 72 – of the facial nerve 274 pituitary – – bilateral 12 – of the oculomotor nerve 62 – adenoma 8, 23, 289 – – carcinomatous 122 – of the trochlear nerve 149 – apoplexy 3, 121, 178 – – malnutrition 122 paresthesia 281 – tumor 177 – – radiation 121 paretic mydriasis 142 Placido disc 9 – – toxic 122 Parinaud’s syndrome 61, 66, 158, platyopsia 190 – – traumatic 124 159 PMR, see polymyalgia rheumatica – – unilateral 12 paroxysmal hemicrania 215 polycythemia 197 – radiation 25 parvocellular system 22 polymyalgia rheumatica – tract 24 patellar tendon reflex 282 (PMR) 119, 120 – – disease 12 Paton’s lines 104, 110 polyopsia 190 optical coherence tomography pattern positional (end gaze) nystagmus 276 (OCT) 14, 259 – dystrophy 90 positive scotoma 30 optociliary shunt 103 – ERG (PERG) 95 postchiasmal disease 48 optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) 164, PAX2 gene 106 posterior ischemic optic neuropathy 192, 207, 209, 276 PDE, see phosphodiesterase (PION) 119 orbital pediatric retinoblastoma 173 postfixational blindness 8 – cellulitis 3, 134 pegvisomant 179 PPRF, see paramedian pontine – disease 127 pelopsia 190 reticular formation – 133 PERG, see pattern ERG prednisone 120, 132 – pseudotumor 134 perifoveal depression 84 65 – varix 135 perimetry 13, 20, 22, 29 pretectal midbrain 55 oscillatory potential 93 – Goldmann 35, 37 primary visual cortex 96 166, 167 – kinetic 34, 35 prolactinoma 176, 178 osteosarcoma 181 – normal findings 42 prolapsed intervertebral disc 62 otolith 162 – static 34, 35 prominent capillary hyperemia 103 OTR, see ocular tilt reaction – – automated 38 82 – – supraliminal 39 protanomaly 80 – – threshold 38 protanope 76 P perinatal cerebral asphyxia 258 protanopia 75, 77, 80 periventricular leukomalacia 258 pseudo-abducens palsy 149 190 pernicious anemia 81 pseudo-lid retraction 130 papillary aplasia 108 persistent mydriasis 68 pseudo-von Graefe sign 66, 145 papilledema 97, 103, 104, 108–110, phagocytosis 224 pseudoabduction deficit 149 124, 176, 180, 226 pharmacologic pupil 66 pseudoconcentric constriction 53 – atrophic 111 phenothiazine 225 pseudoenophthalmos 135 – chronic 110 phenylephrine 61 pseudoexophthalmos 129 – early stage 110 phenytoin 225 pseudohallucination 190 – fully developed 110 phonophobia 217 pseudotumor cerebri (see also papillitis 116 phosphodiesterase (PDE) 224 idiopathic intracranial hyper­ papillomacular bundle 22, 104 8, 14, 132, 217, 224, tension, IIH) 112, 113, 217, 221 papillorenal syndrome 106 228 psychogenic unilateral visual loss 12 paracentral scotoma 35, 83 photoreceptor 20, 72, 93 pterygoid fossa 129 – differential diagnosis 44 phototoxicity 84 pterygopalatine fossa 129 paradoxical pupil 67 physiologic 40, 42, 46 ptosis 139, 230 paramedian pontine reticular forma- – displacement 46 – acquired 129 tion (PPRF) 157 62, 65, 66 – congenital 129 paratrigeminal syndrome 219 pilocytic astrocytoma 172, 177, pupil paresis 137 286 – abnormal 230 – of a lateral rectus muscle 138 pinealoma 66, 172 – Adie’s pupil 62 – of an oblique muscle 138 PION, see posterior ischemic optic – Argyll-Robertson 67 – of Müller’s smooth muscle 62 neuropathy – diameter 68

316 Subject Index

– paradoxical 67 – biceps tendon 282 retrogeniculate disease 12 – pharmacologic 66 – brachioradialis 282 retroillumination 84 – systematic examination 58 – clinical testing 280 rhabdomyosarcoma 181 – tadpole-shaped 67 – corneal 282 rhodopsin spectral absorption – tonic 62, 64, 65 – masseter 282 curve 77 pupillary – patellar tendon 282 rhythmic oculomasticatory – dilation 9 – radioperiosteal 282 movements 4 – disorder – superficial 282 Richardson-Steele-Olszewski – –  diagnostic procedures 57 – triceps tendon 282 syndrome 272 – escape 10 – Trömner’s 282 ring scotoma 306 – light response 59 refraction 251 – differential diagnosis 43 – mydriasis 65 – scotoma, with characteristic RNFL, see retinal nerve fiber layer – reflex 208 fundus changes 50 rod – sphincter paralysis 142 refractive ametropia 8 – ERG 92 – testing 55 refractometer 5 – monochromacy 241 pupillomotor testing 248 Refsum’s disease 234 rod-cone pupillotonia 65 relative afferent pupillary defect – dystrophy 89 pursuit movement 164 (RAPD) 10, 12, 24, 30, 58, 59, – ERG 92, 93 – testing 164 114, 124, 176, 208 Romberg test 283 relative scotoma 39 RON, see retrobulbar optic neuritis renal hypoplasia 106 Ross syndrome 64 Q response density 94 Roth 28-hue test 74 21 Roth spot 201 quadrantanopsia 31 retinal RPE, see retinal pigment – detachment 91 epithelium – ganglion cells 20, 225 rubella retinopathy 91 R – ischemia 197 – nerve fiber layer (RNFL) 20, 21 radiation – pigment epithelium (RPE) 224 S – optic neuropathy 121 – vasculitis 91 – therapy 301 – vein occlusion 13 saccades, see also fast eye radioperiosteal reflex 282 – vessel 103 movement 157 radiosurgery 302 14, 89, 233, – dysmetria 160 RAPD, see relative afferent pupillary 234, 236 – hypermetric 230 defect – sine pigmento 16 – lateropulsion 160 Rayleigh equation 76, 77 retinoblastoma 234 – oscillation 170 RBON, see retrobulbar optic neuritis retinol deficiency 90 – refixation 160 reading 303 retinopathy 91 saccadic – ability – AZOOR 16 – lateropulsion 160 – – rehabilitation 307 – cancer-associated (CAR) 90 – oscillation 170 – – test 33 – melanoma-associated (MAR) 16 – pursuit 164 – deficits 306 – toxic 16 sagittal sinus thrombosis 111 – disturbances 304 retinoschisis, juvenile 16 sarcoidosis 116, 200 – motor disturbances 304 retinoscopy 8, 251 sarcoma 181 – sensory disturbances 304 retrobulbar 198, 218 rebound movement 283 – lymphangiosarcoma 268 scopolamine 66 red-green dyschromatopsia 15 – neuritis 116 scotoma 14, 21, 30 refixation saccades 160 – optic neuritis (RON) 82, 114, – absolute 39 reflex 117, 162 – cecocentral – abdominal 282 retrochiasmal – – differential diagnosis 45 – Achilles tendon 282 – disease 39 – central 35, 82 – adductor 282 – disorder 13 – –  differential diagnosis 44

317 Subject Index

– classification 31 sorting error 75 T – homonymous 26 spasm of the near reflex 149, 168 – paracentral 35, 83 spasmus nutans 170, 256 TAC, see Teller Acuity Cards and – – differential diagnosis 44 sphenoid wing meningioma 141, trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia – positive 30 182, 265 tadpole-shaped pupil 67 – refraction sphygmomanometer 111 Takayasu’s arteritis 200 – – with characteristic fundus squamous cell carcinoma 135 talc retinopathy 227 ­changes 50 standing test 283 Teller Acuity Cards (TAC) 247 – relative 39 Staphylococcus aureus 201 telopsia 190 – ring scotoma staphyloma 124 temozolomide (TMZ) 180 – – differential diagnosis 43 Stargardt’s disease 15, 16, 75, 89, 94, temporal – scintillating 198 95, 241, 258 – arteritis 119, 217 scotopization 15, 81 static perimetry 34 – hemiretina 30 SDN, see sensory defect nystagmus – automated 38 Tenon’s capsule 129 sector- and wedge-shaped defect – profile perimetry 35 Tensilon test 141 – differential diagnosis 45 – supraliminal 39 tension headache 220 sensory defect nystagmus – threshold 38 test (SDN) 256 stenopeic slit 8 – for false-negative responses 40 sensory function sterile meningitis 144 – for false-positive responses 40 – clinical testing 280 STH, see somatotrophic hormone tetracycline 227 septic cavernous sinus strabismic amblyopia 16 theophylline 224 thrombosis 134 strabismus 133, 137, 304 thiamine deficiency 3 serotonin agonist 218 – angular size 140 thioridazine 90 severe head trauma 144 – myasthenic 141 thoracic outlet syndrome 62 siderosis bulbi 94 – nonconcomitant 65 threshold sildenafil 224 – synaptogenic 141 – luminance 36 simple optic atrophy 102 Streptococcus viridians 201 – static perimetry 38 Simpson streptomycin 226 thymoma 141 – grading system 293 striate cortex, see also primary visual tic douloureux 219 – test 141 cortex 96 tilted disc 105, 106 sixth and third nerve paralysis 66 subarachnoid trochlear TMZ, see temozolomide sixth nerve palsy paresis 151 tobacco-alcohol amblyopia 82, 122 – congenital 148 sumatriptan 218, 219 Tolosa-Hunt syndrome 133, 134, 153 – microvascular 148 SUNCT syndrome 215 tonic pupil 62, 64, 65 – pediatric superficial reflex 282 toxic – – benign 148 superior orbital fissure 128 – disorder 94 skew deviation 151, 162 supraliminal static perimetry 39 – dyschromatopsia 228 skull base supranuclear disorders of ocular – optic neuropathy 97, 122 – chordoma 295 ­motility 156 – retinopathy 16, 228 – tumor 288 surgical tumor removal 293 toxoplasmosis 169 skull trauma 263 Sutter’s m-sequence technique 15 transient sleep apnea syndrome 69 swinging flashlight test 10, 11, 31, – ischemic attack (TIA) 195 sleepiness wave 68 55, 208 – visual loss 195 slit-lamp examination 61, 84, 131 – 58 traumatic optic neuropathy 124 small-field foveal tritanopia 83 Sylvian aqueduct 158 triceps tendon reflex 282 Snellen acuity 9, 123, 176, 228, synaptogenic strabismus 141 72, 76, 77, 80 247 syndrome of the anterolateral trichromatic vision 74 somatosensory loss 129 chiasm 23 trigeminal somatotrophic hormone synkinesis 145 – autonomic cephalalgia (TAC) 219 (STH) 179 syringomyelia 62 – neuralgia 219 somatotropin deficiency 255 systemic lupus erythema- tritanopia 80, 83, 225 Sorsby’s fundus dystrophy 89 tosus 116 trochlear palsy 149

318 Subject Index

Trömner’s reflex 282 VEP, see visually evoked potential vitamin tropicamide 112 vergence movement 168 – A palmitate 234 tuberculum sellae meningioma 182 Vernier acuity 209 – B12 deficiency 81, 97, 227 Tübingen perimeter 37, 211 vestibular nystagmus 276 vitamin-deficiency syndrome 226 tumor vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) 138, vitelliform macular degenera- – affecting the chiasmal region of the 140, 165, 249 tion 240 afferent visual pathway 174 video camcorder 60 von Hippel Lindau syndrome 234 – hemispheric 291 vigabatrin 90, 225 VOR, see vestibulo-ocular reflex – intraorbital 285 vision loss – of the cavernous sinus 62 – characteristic onsets 1 – of the 133 visual W – of the prechiasmal segment of the – acuity 303 afferent visual pathway 174 – agnosia 188 Wallenberg syndrome 160 – pituitary 177 – anosognosia 191 Wallerian degeneration 102 typical optic neuritis 117 – cortex 27 watershed zone 27, 28 tyramine 61 – field 29 Weber’s syndrome 143 – –  absolute defect 36, 39 WEBINO syndrome 161 – – alleged concentric constric- Wegener’s granulomatosis 134 U tion 210 Wernicke – – Amsler grid test 32 – encephalopathy 3 Uhthoff’s phenomenon 206 – – confrontation testing 31, 32 – region 304 unilateral optic neuropathy 12 – – defect 42 Wernicke-Mann gait 280 Unterberger’s test 278, 283 – – indices 41 Whipple’s disease 4 Usher’s syndrome 90, 239 – – loss 26, 71 Wolfram’s syndrome 123 – – periphery 39 writing deficits 306 – – relative defect 36 V – – testing 252 – illusion 190 X varicella zoster virus 117 – loss varix 135 – – of unknown cause 7 xanthopsia 82 vascular disease 94 – – psychogenic unilateral 12 X chromosome vasculopathic oculomotor cranial – testing 247 – juvenile retinoschisis 90 nerve palsy 145 visually evoked potential (VEP) 96, – RP carrier 89 Velhagen-Broschmann plates 74 116, 205 venous sinus thrombosis 113, 217, – abnormal 230 220