Woody Allen | 224 pages | 13 Jan 2004 | Random House USA Inc | 9780812972443 | English | New York, United States : : Books

The characters, archetypal New Yorkers all, start out talking innocently enough, but soon the most unexpected things arise—and the reader enjoys every minute of it though not all the characters do. Chapter 1 Curtain rises on a gray day in New York. There might even be some hint of fog. The setting suggests a secluded spot by the embankment of the Hudson River where one can lean over the rail, watch the boats and see the New Jersey shoreline. Probably the West Seventies or Eighties. Jim Swain, a writer, somewhere between forty and fifty, is waiting nervously, checking his watch, pacing, trying a number on his cellular phone to no response. He rubs his hands together, checks for some drizzle and perhaps pulls his jacket up a bit as he feels at least a damp mist. His name is Fred. Fred eventually drifts closer to Jim, who has become increasingly aware of his presence and, while not exactly afraid, is wary of being in a desolate area with a large, unsavory type. Add to this that Jim wants his rendezvous with whomever he is waiting for to be very private. Finally, Fred engages him. Jim nods, agreeing but not wanting to encourage conversation. A drizzle. Jim nods with a wan smile. Or should I say mizzle—mist and drizzle. Are you going to hit me up for a touch? I have a lot on my mind. Christ, it seems that all they talk about is the goddamn weather. You really care on Riverside Drive if there are gusty winds in the Appalachian Valley? I mean, Jesus, gimme a break. Looks at watch. Please leave me alone. I can stay here and stare at New Jersey if I want. Do I mean Poughkeepsie or Tarrytown? I used to live there. Is that Three One-Act Plays: Riverside Drive Old Saybrook Central Park West with you? Rip Van Winkle. Sartre said a man assumes the traits of his occupation—a waiter Three One-Act Plays: Riverside Drive Old Saybrook Central Park West gradually walk like a waiter—a bank clerk gestures like one—because they want to become things. We had talked about Ichabod Crane. He was a German soldier killed in the war. Although it was a pretty sleazy thing to do. What are you talking about? Is it—postmodern? Not fifty percent but something fair. Why should I give you anything? Written by James L. Swain—but everyone calls you Jim. At least I was years ago. Till my visions overtook me. It was autobiographical. So in a way you stole my life. Some people are litigation-prone. I heard he got his throat cut in a shelter. I could probably snap your neck in half with one hand. Fred Savage. Savage and James L. Swain for The Journey. And it was my idea. Poor John. He was walking on York Avenue and they were hoisting a piano and Three One-Act Plays: Riverside Drive Old Saybrook Central Park West rope came undone—, it was awful. I wrote commercials. Like that idea for the Extra Strength Excedrin one. Too Cartesian. Who cares that they reject my idea? Those gray flannel philistines. No, my problem arose from other sources. A network so vast and complex that to this day it employs undercover agents in organizations as Three One-Act Plays: Riverside Drive Old Saybrook Central Park West as the CIA and the Cuban underground. Forces so malevolent that they cost me my job, my marriage, and what little bank account I had left. I want to do the right thing by you fred Then do it. Convert currency. Add to Basket. Condition: new. Seller Inventory More information about this seller Contact this seller. Condition: New. Three One-Act Plays: Riverside Drive Old Saybrook Central Park West English. Brand new Book. Three delightful one-act plays set in and around New York, in which sophisticated characters confound one another in ways only Woody Allen could imagine Woody Allen's first dramatic writing published in years, "Riverside Drive," "Old Saybrook," and "Central Park West" are humorous, insightful, and unusually readable plays about infidelity. The characters, archetypal New Yorkers all, start out talking innocently enough, but soon the most unexpected things arise--and the reader enjoys every minute of it though not all the characters do. These plays successfully produced on the New York stage and in regional theaters on the East Coast dramatize Allen's continuing preoccupation with people who rationalize their actions, hide what they're doing, and inevitably slip into sexual deception--all of it revealed in Allen's quintessentially pell-mell dialogue. Seller Inventory BZV Seller Inventory M Book Description Random House Inc. Dust Jacket Condition: new. Book Description Random House Inc, Condition: Brand New. In Stock. Seller Inventory zk Book Description Condition: New. Seller Inventory S Allen, Woody. Publisher: Random House Trade Paperbacks This specific ISBN edition is currently not available. View all copies of this ISBN edition:. About the Author : Woody Allen writes and directs. He lives in New York. 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Woody Allen born Allan Stewart Konigsberg; December 1, is an American screenwriter, director, actor, comedian, author, playwright, and musician whose career spans over 50 years. He worked as a comedy writer in the s, writing jokes and scripts Three One-Act Plays: Riverside Drive Old Saybrook Central Park West television and publishing several books of short humor pieces. In the early s, Allen began performing as a stand-up comic, emphasizing monologues rather than traditional jokes. As a comic, he developed the persona of an insecure, intellectual, fretful nebbish, which he insists is quite different from his real-life personality. InComedy Centralranked Allen in fourth place on a list of the greatest stand-up comics, while a UK survey ranked Allen as the third greatest comedian. By the mids Allen was writing and directing films, first specializing in slapstick comedies before moving into dramatic material influenced by European art cinema during the s. He is often identified as part of the New Hollywood wave of filmmakers of the mids to late '70s. Allen often stars in his films, typically in the persona he developed as a standup. Critic Roger Ebert Three One-Act Plays: Riverside Drive Old Saybrook Central Park West Allen as "a treasure of the cinema". He has more screenwriting Academy Award nominations than any other writer. Allen performs regularly as a jazz clarinetist at small venues in Manhattan. InPBS televised the film biography, Woody Allen: A Documentary, on the American Masters TV series, covering biographies of actors and writers who have had a profound impact on the nation's popular culture. Allen was born Allan Stewart Konigsberg in The Bronx and raised in , NY, the son of Nettie born Cherrie; November 8, — January 27,a bookkeeper at her family's delicatessen, and Martin Konigsberg December 25, — January 13,a jewelry engraver and waiter. Both parents were born and raised on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Allen has a sister, Letty, who was born inand was raised in Midwood, Brooklyn. His childhood was not particularly happy: his parents did not get along, and he had a rocky relationship with his stern, temperamental mother. Allen spoke German quite a bit in his early years. At that time, he lived in an apartment at East 14th Street. Unlike his comic persona, he was more interested in baseball than school and his strong arms ensured he was first to be picked for a team. He impressed students with his extraordinary talent at card and magic tricks. To raise money he wrote jokes or "gags" for agent David O. Alber, who sold them to newspaper columnists. According to Allen, his first published joke read: "Woody Allen says he ate at a restaurant that had O. He began to call himself Woody Allen. He would later joke that when he was young he was often sent to inter-faith summer camps, where he "was savagely beaten by children of all races and creeds. He was then earning more than both parents combined. After high school, he attended New York University, studying Three One-Act Plays: Riverside Drive Old Saybrook Central Park West and film. He later briefly attended City College of New York and soon flunked out. Later, he learned via self-study rather than in the classroom. He eventually taught at The New School. He also studied with writing teacher Lajos Egri. Inhe began working as a stand-up comedian, debuting in a club, the Duplex. Together with his managers, Allen developed a neurotic, nervous, and intellectual persona for his stand-up routine, a successful move that secured regular gigs for him in nightclubs and on television. Allen brought innovation to the comedy monologue genre and his stand-up comedy is considered influential. Allen started writing short stories and cartoon captions for magazines such as The New Yorker; he was inspired by the tradition of four prominent New Yorker humorists, S. Perelman, George S. Kaufman, Robert Benchley and Max Shulman, whose material he modernized. Allen is an accomplished author, having published four collections of his short pieces and plays. His early comic fiction was heavily influenced by the zany, pun-ridden humour of S. InAllen released digital spoken word versions of his four books on Audible. He became a successful Broadway playwright and wrote Don't Drink the Water in A film adaptation of the play, directed by Howard Morris, was released instarring Jackie Gleason. Because he was not particularly happy with the film version of his play, inAllen directed and starred in a third version for television, with Michael J. Fox and Mayim Bialik. The play opened on February 12, Three One-Act Plays: Riverside Drive Old Saybrook Central Park West, and ran for performances. It featured and Tony Roberts. Allen, Keaton and Roberts would reprise their roles in the film version of the play, directed by Herbert Ross. For its March 21 issue, Life featured Allen on its cover. While receiving mixed reviews, it was notable for giving an autobiographical insight into Allen's childhood, specifically his fascination with magic tricks. He has written several one-act plays, including 'Riverside Drive' and 'Old Saybrook' exploring well-known Allen themes. His first movie was the Charles K. Feldman production What's New Pussycat? He was disappointed with the final product, which inspired him to direct every film that he would later write. Allen's first directorial effort was What's Up, Tiger Lily? Allen directed, starred in, and co-wrote with Mickey Rose inwhich received positive reviews. He later signed a deal with United Artists to produce several films. Sleeper was the first of four films where the screenplay was co-written by Allen and Marshall Brickman. Inhe starred in The Three One-Act Plays: Riverside Drive Old Saybrook Central Park West directed by Martin Ritta humorous and poignant account of Hollywood blacklisting during the s. Then came two of Allen's most popular films. set the standard for modern romantic comedy and ignited a fashion trend with the clothes worn by Diane Keaton in the film the masculine clothing, such as ties with cardigans, were Keaton's own. While in production, the working title was "Anhedonia", a term that means the inability to feel pleasure and the plot revolved around a murder mystery. Allen re-cut the movie after production ended to focus on the romantic comedy between Allen's character, Alvy Singer, and Keaton's character, Annie Hall. The new version, retitled Annie Hall named after Keaton, Hall being her original last name and Annie a nicknamedeals with the inability to feel pleasure. The film is ranked at No. Manhattan, released inis a black-and-white film often viewed as an homage to New York City. As in many Allen films, the protagonists are upper-middle class academics. The love-hate opinion of cerebral persons found in Manhattan is characteristic of many of Allen's movies, including and Annie Hall. Manhattan focuses on the complicated relationship between middle-aged Isaac Davis Allen and a year-old Tracy Mariel Hemingway. Between Annie Hall and Manhattan, Allen wrote and directed the dark drama Interiorsin the style of the late Swedish director Ingmar Bergman, one of Allen's chief influences. represented a departure from Allen's "early, funny" comedies a line from 's . Allen's s films, even the comedies, have somber and philosophical undertones, with their influences being the works of European directors, specifically Ingmar Bergman and Federico Fellini. In , part of the film's structure and background is borrowed from Fanny and Alexander. Amarcord inspired . September resembles Autumn Sonata. Allen uses many elements from Wild Strawberries. Stardust Memories features Sandy Bates, a successful filmmaker played by Allen, who expresses resentment and scorn for his fans. Overcome by the recent of a friend from illness, the character states, "I don't want to make funny movies any more" and a running gag has various people including visiting space aliens telling Bates that they appreciate his films, "especially the early, funny ones. Allen combined tragic and comic elements in such films as Hannah and Her Sisters and Crimes and Misdemeanors, in which he tells two stories that connect at the end. He produced a Three One-Act Plays: Riverside Drive Old Saybrook Central Park West idiosyncratic tragi-comical parody of documentary, . He made three films about show business: , in which he plays a New York show business agent, , a movie that shows the importance of the cinema during the Depression through the character of the naive Cecilia, and Radio Days, a film about his childhood in Brooklyn and the importance of the radio. The Purple Rose of Cairo was named by Time as one of the best films of all time and Allen described it as one of his three best films, along with Stardust Memories and . Allen defines them as "best" not in terms of quality but because they came closest to his vision. Allen's short, Oedipus Wrecks, is about a neurotic lawyer and his critical mother. His short pleased critics, but New Three One-Act Plays: Riverside Drive Old Saybrook Central Park West Stories bombed at the box office. His film is a black-and-white homage to the German expressionists and features the music of Kurt Weill. In contrast to these lighter movies, Allen veered into darker satire towards the end of the decade with and Celebrity Allen made one sitcom "appearance" to date via telephone on the show Just Shoot Me! Allen provided the lead Three One-Act Plays: Riverside Drive Old Saybrook Central Park West in the animated film Antz, which featured many actors he had worked with and Allen's character was similar to his earlier neurotic roles. is similar to the film Larceny, Inc. Allen never commented on whether this was deliberate or if his film was in any way inspired by it. Small Time Crooks was Allen's first film with the DreamWorks studio and represented a change in direction: Allen began giving more interviews and made an attempt to return to his slapstick roots. Some critics claimed that Allen's films since 's were subpar and expressed concern that Allen's best years were now behind him. Others have been less harsh; reviewing the little-liked , Roger Ebert wrote, "I cannot escape the suspicion that if Woody had never made a previous film, if each new one was Woody's Sundance debut, it would get a better reception. His reputation is not a dead shark but an albatross, which with admirable economy Allen has arranged for the critics to carry around their own necks. Match Point was one of Allen's most successful films of the decade, garnering positive reviews. In Match Point, Allen shifts focus from the intellectual upper class of New York to the moneyed upper class of London. Match Point earned Allen his first Academy Award nomination sincefor Best Writing — Original Screenplay with directing and writing nominations at the Golden Globes, his first Globe nominations since In an interview with Premiere Magazine, Allen stated this was the best film he has ever made. The film was released on July 28,and received mixed reviews. Three One-act Plays: Riverside Drive/Old Saybrook/Central Park West by Woody Allen

Skip to main content of 87 results for Books : Woody Allen. Skip to main search results. Amazon Prime. Customer Review. New Arrivals. Pay On Delivery. Foreign Languages. Item Condition. Three One-Act Plays: Riverside Drive Old Saybrook Central Park West Prose by Woody Allen 6 November Get it by Tomorrow, October Only 2 left in stock more on the way. Get it Monday, November 23 - Monday, November Get it by Saturday, October Only 2 left in stock. Kindle Edition. Available instantly. Apropos of Nothing by Woody Allen 23 March Audible Audiobook. Free with Audible trial. Without Feathers by Woody Allen 12 February Three One-Act Plays: Riverside Drive Old Saybrook Central Park West Mass Market Paperback. Get it Thursday, November 12 - Friday, November Side Effects by Woody Allen 12 September Only 1 left in stock. Get it Thursday, November 19 - Thursday, November by Woody Allen 5 June Currently unavailable. Seine neuen Stories. Der Stadtneurotiker. Drehbuch von Woody Allen und Marshall Brickman. New Nonfiction by Franklin Miller 27 October Need help? Visit the help section or contact us. Go back to filtering menu. Back to top. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. Audible Download Audio Books. DPReview Digital Photography. Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands. Amazon Prime Music 60 million songs.