The Role of Hosting Providers in Fighting Command and Control Infrastructure of Financial Malware Samaneh Tajalizadehkhoob, Carlos Gañán, Arman Noroozian, and Michel van Eeten Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology Delft, the Netherlands
[email protected] ABSTRACT command and control (C&C) infrastructure and the cleanup A variety of botnets are used in attacks on financial ser- process of the infected end user machines (bots) [12,32,43]. vices. Banks and security firms invest a lot of effort in The first strategy has the promise of being the most effec- detecting and combating malware-assisted takeover of cus- tive, taking away control of the botnet from the botmasters. tomer accounts. A critical resource of these botnets is their In reality, however, this is often not possible. The second command-and-control (C&C) infrastructure. Attackers rent strategy is not about striking a fatal blow, but about the or compromise servers to operate their C&C infrastructure. war of attrition to remove malware, one machine at a time. Hosting providers routinely take down C&C servers, but the It has not been without success, however. Infection levels effectiveness of this mitigation strategy depends on under- have been stable in many countries [5]. standing how attackers select the hosting providers to host In practice, a third strategy is also being pursued. Similar their servers. Do they prefer, for example, providers who to access providers cleaning up end user machines, there is are slow or unwilling in taking down C&Cs? In this paper, a persistent effort by hosting providers to take down C&C we analyze 7 years of data on the C&C servers of botnets servers, one at a time.