A Liturgical Plan for Coventry Cathedral Appendices
A LITURGICAL PLAN FOR COVENTRY CATHEDRAL APPENDICES Approved by Chapter, February 27th 2018 1 APPENDIX 1: Canon Law B 10 Of Morning and Evening Prayer in cathedral churches: In every cathedral church the Common Prayer shall be said or sung, distinctly, reverently, and in an audible voice, every morning and evening, and the Litany on the appointed days, the officiating ministers and others of the clergy present in choir being duly habited. B 13 Of Holy Communion in cathedral churches: 1. In every cathedral church the Holy Communion shall be celebrated at least on all Sundays and other Feast Days, on Ash Wednesday, and on other days as often as may be convenient, according to the statutes and customs of each church. It shall be celebrated distinctly, reverently, and in an audible voice. 2. In every cathedral church the dean or provost, the canons residentiary, and the other ministers of the church, being in holy orders, shall all receive the Holy Communion every Sunday at the least, except they have a reasonable cause to the contrary. Canon law also has a perspective on how worship is to be conducted in cathedrals: C 21 Of deans or provosts, and canons residentiary of cathedral or collegiate churches: 4. The dean, or provost, and the canons residentiary of every cathedral or collegiate church, together with the minor canons, vicars choral, and other ministers of the same, shall provide, as far as in them lies, that during the time of divine service in the said church all things be done with such reverence, care, and solemnity as shall set forth the honour and glory of Almighty God.
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