En En Amendments 1

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En En Amendments 1 European Parliament 2019-2024 Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety 2020/2042(INI) 27.5.2020 AMENDMENTS 1 - 116 Draft opinion Mick Wallace (PE650.533v01-00) The impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations in developing countries (2020/2042(INI)) AM\1205867EN.docx PE652.443v01-00 EN United in diversityEN AM_Com_NonLegOpinion PE652.443v01-00 2/55 AM\1205867EN.docx EN Amendment 1 Jadwiga Wiśniewska Draft opinion Recital A Draft opinion Amendment A. whereas equity is a guiding (Does not affect the English version.) principle of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement; Or. pl Amendment 2 Alessandra Moretti Draft opinion Recital A a (new) Draft opinion Amendment Aa. whereas there is a direct link between climate change and its impact on environmental degradation, food and water security, access to natural resources, human health, and migration; whereas these phenomena directly or indirectly also threaten the full enjoyment of human rights, including the rights to life, water and sanitation, food, health and housing; Or. en Amendment 3 Mick Wallace, Clare Daly Draft opinion Recital A a (new) Draft opinion Amendment Aa. whereas climate change exacerbates existing social inequalities, AM\1205867EN.docx 3/55 PE652.443v01-00 EN and at the same time, social inequalities cause vulnerable groups to suffer disproportionately from the adverse effects of climate change, resulting in vicious circle of greater subsequent inequalities; Or. en Amendment 4 Sara Cerdas Draft opinion Recital A a (new) Draft opinion Amendment Aa. having regard to European Union commitments, especially with regard to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, focusing in particular on Objective 13 ‘Climate Action’, which can only be achieved through global effort and coordination; Or. pt Amendment 5 Jadwiga Wiśniewska Draft opinion Recital A a (new) Draft opinion Amendment Aa. whereas inequalities in wealth and the potential to tackle and adapt to climate change exist not only between the EU and other parties to the Paris Agreement, but also within the EU; Or. pl PE652.443v01-00 4/55 AM\1205867EN.docx EN Amendment 6 Milan Brglez, Tudor Ciuhodaru, Rovana Plumb, Manuel Pizarro, Monika Beňová, Sylwia Spurek, César Luena Draft opinion Recital A a (new) Draft opinion Amendment Aa. whereas according to the IPCC, climate change poses disproportionate and asymmetric risks to human and natural systems due to differences in vulnerability and exposure; Or. en Amendment 7 María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Martin Hojsík, Susana Solís Pérez, Nils Torvalds, Catherine Chabaud, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou Draft opinion Recital A a (new) Draft opinion Amendment Aa. whereas ecosystem-based adaptation increases the resilience and reduces the vulnerability of people and the environment to climate change; Or. en Amendment 8 Milan Brglez, Tudor Ciuhodaru, Rovana Plumb, Manuel Pizarro, Monika Beňová, Sylwia Spurek, César Luena Draft opinion Recital A b (new) Draft opinion Amendment Ab. whereas according to OECD, LDCs socio-economic progress is heavily dependent on climate-sensitive sectors, AM\1205867EN.docx 5/55 PE652.443v01-00 EN and considering their high levels of poverty, low levels of education and limited human, institutional, economic, technical and financial capacity, these countries experience a significant constraint in their fight against climate change; Or. en Amendment 9 Jadwiga Wiśniewska Draft opinion Recital A b (new) Draft opinion Amendment Ab. whereas the EU must find a balance in providing support both to the third countries most vulnerable to the effects of climate change and to the Member States that are unable to address the challenges of climate neutrality without financial assistance; Or. pl Amendment 10 María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Martin Hojsík, Susana Solís Pérez, Nils Torvalds, Catherine Chabaud, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou Draft opinion Recital A b (new) Draft opinion Amendment Ab. whereas the ability of people to adapt to climate change is inextricably linked to their access to basic human rights and to the health of the ecosystems they depend on for their livelihoods and wellbeing; Or. en PE652.443v01-00 6/55 AM\1205867EN.docx EN Amendment 11 Milan Brglez, Tudor Ciuhodaru, Rovana Plumb, Manuel Pizarro, Monika Beňová, Sylwia Spurek, César Luena Draft opinion Recital A c (new) Draft opinion Amendment Ac. whereas according to the World Health Organization, as of the year 2030, climate change is expected to contribute to approximately 250 000 additional deaths per year, from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea and heat stress; Or. en Amendment 12 María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Martin Hojsík, Susana Solís Pérez, Nils Torvalds, Catherine Chabaud, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou Draft opinion Recital A c (new) Draft opinion Amendment Ac. whereas nearly 160 million children live in high drought-severity zones and more than 500 million live in extremely high flood occurrence zones, according to UNICEF; Or. en Amendment 13 Jadwiga Wiśniewska Draft opinion Recital A c (new) Draft opinion Amendment AM\1205867EN.docx 7/55 PE652.443v01-00 EN Ac. whereas today developing countries emit more than developed countries; Or. pl Amendment 14 Milan Brglez, Tudor Ciuhodaru, Rovana Plumb, Manuel Pizarro, Monika Beňová, Sylwia Spurek, César Luena Draft opinion Recital A d (new) Draft opinion Amendment Ad. whereas according to the OECD, development co-operation has a critical role to play in supporting developing countries as they shift to low-emissions and climate-resilient development pathways; Or. en Amendment 15 Milan Brglez, Tudor Ciuhodaru, Rovana Plumb, Manuel Pizarro, Monika Beňová, Sylwia Spurek, César Luena Draft opinion Recital A e (new) Draft opinion Amendment Ae. whereas the European Parliament in its resolution of 16 January 2018 on women, gender equality and climate justice (2017/2086(INI)) acknowledges that women are particularly vulnerable to climate change and experience its effects disproportionately because of their social roles; Or. en PE652.443v01-00 8/55 AM\1205867EN.docx EN Amendment 16 Jadwiga Wiśniewska Draft opinion Paragraph 1 Draft opinion Amendment 1. Believes that the EU has a historic 1. Believes that the EU has a historic responsibility to be the most ambitious responsibility to strive to deliver on the signatory of the Paris Agreement and Paris Agreement, both through its own should acknowledge and act on its climate commitments and through its assistance and environmental debt; to others; points out that the EU is responsible for only around 9% of global emissions, and that the EU unilaterally reducing emissions will not therefore have a major impact on a global scale; Or. pl Amendment 17 Catherine Griset, Joëlle Mélin, Aurelia Beigneux Draft opinion Paragraph 1 Draft opinion Amendment 1. Believes that the EU has a historic 1. Believes that the EU has a historic responsibility to be the most ambitious opportunity to be the most responsible signatory of the Paris Agreement and signatory of the Paris Agreement and should acknowledge and act on its climate should contribute to settling the global and environmental debt; climate and environmental debt, including by serving third parties as a model for action; Or. fr Amendment 18 Marlene Mortler Draft opinion Paragraph 1 AM\1205867EN.docx 9/55 PE652.443v01-00 EN Draft opinion Amendment 1. Believes that the EU has a historic 1. Believes that the EU should be the responsibility to be the most ambitious most ambitious signatory of the Paris signatory of the Paris Agreement and Agreement and should acknowledge and should acknowledge and act on its climate act on its environmental responsibility; and environmental debt; Or. de Amendment 19 María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Martin Hojsík, Susana Solís Pérez, Nils Torvalds, Catherine Chabaud, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou Draft opinion Paragraph 1 Draft opinion Amendment 1. Believes that the EU has a historic 1. Believes that the EU has a historic responsibility to be the most ambitious responsibility to be the most ambitious signatory of the Paris Agreement and signatory of the Paris Agreement and should acknowledge and act on its climate should acknowledge and act by setting a and environmental debt; credible example and increasing its ambition; Or. en Amendment 20 Cindy Franssen, Radan Kanev Draft opinion Paragraph 1 Draft opinion Amendment 1. Believes that the EU has a historic 1. Believes that the EU has a historic responsibility to be the most ambitious responsibility to be the most ambitious signatory of the Paris Agreement and signatory of the Paris Agreement and should acknowledge and act on its climate should acknowledge and act on its climate and environmental debt; and environmental commitments; Or. en PE652.443v01-00 10/55 AM\1205867EN.docx EN Amendment 21 Marie Toussaint Draft opinion Paragraph 1 Draft opinion Amendment 1. Believes that the EU has a historic 1. Believes that the EU has a historic responsibility to be the most ambitious responsibility to be the most ambitious signatory of the Paris Agreement and signatory of the Paris Agreement and should acknowledge and act on its climate should acknowledge and act on its climate and environmental debt; and environmental debt; believes also that, in this context and in order to fulfil its commitments under the Paris Agreement, the Union should raise its objective of reducing its domestic economy-wide GHG emissions to at least -65% by 2030 compared to 1990; Or. en Amendment 22 Mick Wallace, Clare Daly Draft opinion Paragraph 1 Draft opinion Amendment 1. Believes that the EU has a historic 1. Believes that the EU has a historic responsibility to be the most ambitious responsibility to be the most ambitious signatory of the Paris Agreement and signatory of the Paris Agreement and should acknowledge and act on its climate should acknowledge and act on its climate and environmental debt; and environmental debt; stresses that the best form of climate diplomacy is by showing global leadership, as committed to in the European Green Deal, with true commitment to the Paris Agreement goals and Paris-compliant policies and targets within the EU; Or.
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    List of MEPs Germany: CDU/CSU (EPP): Ingeborg Grässle (sort.), Monika Hohlmeier, Elisabeth Jeggle (sort.), Christa Klass (sort.), Angelika Niebler (sort.), Doris Pack (sort.), Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl (sort.), Brigit Schnieber-Jastram, Renate Sommer (sort.), Sabine Verheyen, Anja Weisgerber (sort.), SPD (PASD) : Evelyne Gebhardt (sort.), Jutta Haug (sort.), Petra Kammerevert, Constanze Krehl (sort.), Dagmar Reichenbach (sort.), Ulrike Rodust (sort.), Birgit Sippel, Jutta Steinruck, Barbara Weiler (sort.), Kerstin Westphal, FDP (ALDE) : Nadja Hirsch, Silvana Koch-Mehrin (sort.), Gesine Meissner, Britta Reimers, Alexandra Thein Grünen (greens): Franziska Katharina Brantner, Rebecca Harms (sort.), Franziska Maria Keller, Barbara Elisabeth Lochbihler, Heidemarie-Rose Rühle (sort.), Elisabeth Schroedter (sort.), Helga Trüpel (sort.) Die Linke (GUE) : Cornelia Ernst, Sabine Lösing, Sabine Wils, Gabriele Zimmer (sort.) Austria: ÖVP (EEP): Elisabeth Köstinger, Hella Ranner, SPÖ (PASD): Karin Kadenbach, Evelyn Regner Grüne (Greens): Evelin Lichtenberger (sort.), Ulrike Lunacek, Liste Hans-Peter Martin (NI) : Angelika Werthmann Belgium: CDH (EPP) : Anne Delvaux CD&V (EPP) : Marianne Thyssen (sort.) PS (PASD) : Véronique de Keyser (sort.) SP.A (PASD) : Kathleen Van Brempt MR (ALDE): Frédérique Ries (sort.) ECOLO -greens : Isabelle Durant VLD (ALDE) : Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck (sort.) N-VA (Greens) : Frieda Brepoels Bulgaria: GERB (EPP) : Iliana Ivanova, Rumyana Jeleva (sort.), Maria Nedeltcheva, Blue coalition (EPP) : Nadejda Mihaïlova BSP (PASD)
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