ST-27-OF Effectiveness Public Transport Monorail System on User Satisfaction in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Amsori Muhammad Das1,2 1Department of Civil & Environments Engineering, Universitas Batanghari Jambi Indonesia 2Sustainable Urban Transport Reasearh Center (SUTRA) Department of Civil & Structural Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
[email protected] Abstract- Urban planners and city authorities to days took area of 243.65 km2, and has a population of 1,674,621 as of great attention to public transportation and green 2010 with a population density of 6,891 people per km2 [1]. transportation, due to the increasingly severe congestion, Progress of Kuala Lumpur one of them depends on the parking is limited, fuel saving, air pollution and environmental development and effectiveness of public transport services. friendly. This research seeks to analyse the effectiveness of the Public transport services are part of the basic infrastructure service, the development of K uala Lumpur monorail and user and essential in the development of a country [2]. expectations, to provide input in the improvement of current performance and future. This study shows that the K L monorail public transport system has good potential and In an effort to reduce congestion, limited parking, air growing. F rom the observation of the average number of pollution, energy saving and developing the aesthetics of a passengers in 2011 are 66,121 people each day. 3,673 passengers modern city. As one solution is to build a monorail public per hour and the percentage increase in the average number of transport system.! This study aims to analyze the passengers per year 12.48%.