
Entidad Solicitante

Acción Cultural, Arturo Cisneros, C/Pozoblanco 6 – 5º, Pamplona 31001 [email protected] 00 34 606408758 K-deleite 2016 S.L. is the company directed by Iñaki Andradas (Pamplona, 1989) and his team. Iñaki is a young creative chef and entrepreneur who despite his youth, treasures an important national and international career in creative cuisine. He has developed his career in innovative and renowned restaurants such as Arzak or Zuberoa in Basque Country / , Gaggan (Bangkok), Aziamendi (Thailandia, by Eneko Atxa) or 27 (Lima, by Carlos Testino).

His clear commitment to innovation and creativity in the kitchen, have led him to develop R + D work in the kitchens of his creative gastronomic laboratory and restaurant "Baserriberri" in Pamplona, from where he develops teaching tasks for unemployed young people, the participation and co-creation of multidisciplinary cultural events (music, fashion, circus, etc.), attendance at international gastronomic events (Pop Ups) in Switzerland, Holland and . He also actively collaborates with the Basque Culinary Center of San Sebastián, Institution Pioneering academic worldwide that aims to higher education, research, innovation and promotion of gastronomy and food. He just has implemented "Cocuus, Creative Kitchen Engineering System", a technological prototype that fuses engineering and architecture and allows Iñaki Andradas to multiply his creative cooking possibilities.

Profile of potential partners

Partner 1. Entity specialized in circus and/or street Art. It is expected to provide specific knowledge and professionals who could, on the one hand, give workshops and, on the other hand, integrate artists into the shows that arise from the repertoires created within the framework of the project.

Partner 2. Entity with previous experience in the field of communication, brand creation, digital tools and promotion. It will provide teachers in this field.

Both partners will participate in the whole process. From its territories, circus artists and gastronomy professionals will be integrated (both chefs and room managers). The entities will help to locate these profiles.

Acción Cultural, Arturo Cisneros, C/Pozoblanco 6 – 5º, Pamplona 31001 [email protected] 00 34 606408758 General Purpose

GastroZirkus is a project that proposes the cross-cooperation and capacity building of contemporary circus artists (art directors, stage directors, acrobats, clowns, magicians, etc.) with young creative chefs and their teams to acquire new skills and repertoires. Artists from both disciplines (circus and creative cuisine) will share work sessions and creative processes based on the values of the Mediterranean diet (hhealthy nutrition and lifestyle, seasonal products consumption, sociability, interculturality, etc.) to represent them in Food markets - elements of tangible and intangible European heritage - of peripheral cities and rural environments. The markets will be selected taking into account its misuse versus big commercial malls and its loss of Mediterranean diet patterns.

We will work audience development in peripheral cities and rural areas

Gastro-circus shows that include circus and creative gastronomy with the participation of the local population. The project will also work the capacitance of street and contemporary circus artists, outfitting them new interpretation tools


The main focus of the project is the implementation of GastroZirkus spaces in local food markets or public squares where artists and creative cookers work together the values of the Mediterranean diet and the circus arts through participatory work sessions and creative laboratories between suppliers, neighbors and shopkeepers.

The implementation of GastroZirkus is proposed in two phases

Phase 1 Selection of circus artists from various disciplines and young local creative chefs to participate in multidisciplinary laboratories, workshops and cross-cooperation sessions. In each territory, some circus artists will be selected, belonging to companies, associations or networks, that can share what they have learned, guaranteeing a multiplying effect of the action. In addition, a chef and a his ward chief will be selected by territory.

Residences in each one of the territories, in which gastronomy professionals and circus artists will participate. Each residence will have workshops that will revolve around a theme:

Acción Cultural, Arturo Cisneros, C/Pozoblanco 6 – 5º, Pamplona 31001 [email protected] 00 34 606408758 Territory 1. Spain. The creation process in the gastronomic field. Values of the Mediterranean diet and the creative process from the culinary point of view. Cookers and circus artists will work together. Circus artist will incorporate creative techniques based in Mediterranean creative gastronomy into their creative process.

Territory 2. Creation in the field of circus and new street arts. Processes of creation of new repertoires in the circus. From the common work of artists and creative chefs come new culinary creations, especially in the way the food is served, the plated, the service or the approach to the public, etc.

Territory 3. Brand generation and digital communication. Directed to all participants and to the promotion and dissemination of the repertoires that have arisen within the framework of the project.

In addition to the workshops, in each residence work sessions will be established to design new repertoires that will be represented in the second phase. These sessions will be coordinated by a Stage Director who will direct the GastroZirkus shows in phase 2.

In this first phase, and after each residency, both, circus artists and creative chefs will transfer the knoledge acquired to their team/partners, as well as the circus performances set in the work sessions, since in the second phase they will be integrated in the activities in its territory

Phase 2

In each territory a GastroZirkus week will be celebrated, culminating in The GastroZircus Show, a show that will integrate circus and gastronomy.

The activities included in this second phase are:

Day 1. Participatory processes for common work and co-creation of initiatives among suppliers, shopkeepers and neighbors/customers of the local market together with creative chefs and contemporary circus artists from other cities/countries.

Day 2. Holding workshops aimed at the general public, users and market workers in particular on the application of circus aesthetics and decoration to the stalls themselves. Artistic interventions for redecoration of the markets. New and innovative product presentations at market stalls.

Acción Cultural, Arturo Cisneros, C/Pozoblanco 6 – 5º, Pamplona 31001 [email protected] 00 34 606408758 Day 3. Demonstrations and tastings of new creative and healthy gastronomic proposals based on circus arts and arising from the common work of artists. The chefs and maîtres (head of halls)) will work together with the merchants to study the potentiality of certain products, their integration in the Mediterranean diet, new recipes, etc.

Day 4. Focused on the presentation and service of meals in a creative way. We will work with the circus artists and will be addressed to the participants in the GastroZirkus Show, but also to all those groups that want to acquire new knowledge in the art of serving meals

Day 5. Preparation of the GastroZirkus Show. Decoration of the space, musical and theatrical setting, product presentation in the stalls,

The last day will set the GastroZirkus Show up, in which the new artistic repertoires developed in the first phase will be staged and based on the cross-cooperation between circus artists and creative chefs. You will taste healthy dishes based on the Mediterranean diet. Creative menus that integrate circus techniques in their preparation, presentation and service.

Specific objectives

1.- Audience development GastroZirkus focuses on the involvement and active participation of our publics, and in the search for new spaces (markets of peripheral cities and / or rural environments) to give them a new cultural use. We identified three large groups of differentiated public:

- Market customers (references of recent studies) - Shopkeepers / Merchants - Neighbors / local population - Non-customer

2.- Training of professionals

Training sessions, artistic residences, workshops and round tables between circus artists of various disciplines (magic, acrobatics, humor, music, art direction, staging, etc), young creative chefs and public of the populations we are addressing , for the creation of new contents and innovative shows for both circus artists and creative chefs.

- Creative chefs and room staff (waiters) training aimed to "scene and choreographic movements", body language, clown, juggling, magic tricks, etc.

Acción Cultural, Arturo Cisneros, C/Pozoblanco 6 – 5º, Pamplona 31001 [email protected] 00 34 606408758 - Presentations of dishes and new recipes with the intervention of art directors and circus performers.

- Circus artists. Provide them with knowledge in healthy eating and nutrition. Train them in "room staff" that could be incorporated into restaurant templates

- New specific circus formats for food markets, restaurants, school canteens, dining halls of nursing homes.

- New circus works based on the values of the Mediterranean diet

3.- Mobility of artists, professionals and cultural contents. We propose a series of creative joint sessions between chefs and circus artists from different European and/or Mediterranean countries for the launching of new ideas to implement in the GastroZirkus shows, and to expand the professional training of each and every one in order to face new business ideas and/or market niches

Approach to common creative processes

The creative cuisine and the contemporary circus share a series of characteristics and values we set as a starting point from which to kick off a joint work to share creative processes.

Passion, emotion, creativity, technique, discipline, risk, teamwork, innovation and technology are just some of the common elements of both disciplines.

We understand creative cooking as a type of art that, in combination with other creative actions, can multiply its potential and increase the feelings it produces in guests. A creative chef seeks to excite the diner, make him feel emotions, touch his heart with each bite and for that he has to develop a long process to bring the plate to the table.

Under the shared premise of "surprising the guest both technically and aesthetically", we will work on the common aspects of both artistic disciplines to address joint creative processes

Artistic creativity - Aesthetic experience

1.- Creative sessions between cooks/waiters and art directors/circus set designers

Acción Cultural, Arturo Cisneros, C/Pozoblanco 6 – 5º, Pamplona 31001 [email protected] 00 34 606408758 The Culinary Arts are an expression of art through food, and the presentations of the dishes place it in the field of an aesthetic experience. The art of preparing a good meal with taste, delicately, is part of what is considered gastronomic art. When we see a spectacular dish, it seems like a true work of art and, many times, we are not aware of the process prior to that creation in which a chef expresses even his own personality in every detail: in the way of combining the ingredients, in the choice of the tableware or, even, in the colors. On many occasions, the chef starts with a drawing or design of what he wants to offer. And the fact is that art has crept into culinary arts, as part of the artistic expression of each creative chef.

2.- Creative sessions between cooks/waiters and magicians/clowns The kitchen is the home of flavors, substances, colors, and also of sighs, secrets, surprises, alchemy... Imagine the staff of the room (waiters) with knowledge of clown techniques, magic, scene movements, etc. We imagine magicians and illusionists integrating culinary techniques in their tricks (osmotizacion in colors, effects with dry hydrogen, express fermentation, gasification, edible magic objects: wafers, mannitol (simulates glass), etc.

We want to generate stimuli that provoke emotions beyond the gastronomic or circus experience. What makes a gastronomic experience memorable is not the food itself, but everything that surrounds it. Food matters, of course, but the multi-sensory experience that surrounds it is as important as the food itself. The color of the dishes, the texture of the glass, the company, the room, the environment, the temperature, even the name of the dish that can activate memories …

And the Circus, that magical and transgressive word of reality that brings us back to childhood, brings us closer to smiling, to fantasy, to dreaming, to miracle, to flight ... it incites the senses and evokes intense emotions .... a privileged tool to complete the multi-sensory gastronomic experience

3.- Creative sessions to design immerse artistic environments where GastroZirkus will be developed

- Design of the spaces within the markets to enable kitchen, dining room, air show area, etc.

- Decoration of the markets: exteriors, interiors, stalls, etc.

Acción Cultural, Arturo Cisneros, C/Pozoblanco 6 – 5º, Pamplona 31001 [email protected] 00 34 606408758