How to Read the Chart

The tables in this publication outline each legislator’s votes on key business issues and how each vote aligned with the United’s position on the bill. Those votes that correctly aligned with NDU’s position received a Right (R) in the tables. Votes opposed to NDU’s position received a Wrong (W). The votes in which a legislator was absent (A) are not included in the computation of the legislator’s overall percentage of support.

Legislator whose vote positively aligned with NDU’s position on the bill highlighted in green.

Legislators who were absent highlighted in blue.

Legislator whose vote opposed NDU’s position on the bill are highlighted in red.


Overall House of Representatives Score

Member Party Dist 2015 2017 Average Member Party Dist 2015 2017 Average Anderson, Bert R 2 26% 53% 40% Lefor, Mike R 37 54% 39% 47% Anderson, Dick R 6 40% 59% 50% Longmuir, Donald W. R 2 n/a 76% 76% Anderson, Pamela D 41 100% 98% 99% Louser, Scott R 5 20% 29% 25% Beadle, Thomas R 27 69% 91% 80% Magrum, Jeffery J. R 28 n/a 24% 24% Becker, Rich S. R 43 31% 63% 47% Maragos, Andrew R 3 86% 67% 77% Becker, Rick C. R 7 23% 2% 13% Marschall, Andrew R 16 n/a 29% 29% Bellew, Larry R 38 23% 31% 27% Martinson, Bob R 35 83% 71% 77% Blum, Jake G. R 42 n/a 60% 60% McWilliams, Aaron R 20 39% 31% 35% Boe, Tracy D 9 80% 98% 89% Meier, Lisa R 32 40% 60% 50% Boehning, Randy R 27 17% 39% 28% Mitskog, Alisa D 25 91% 88% 90% Bosch, Glen R 30 n/a 60% 60% Mock, Corey D 18 100% 91% 96% Boschee, Josh D 44 100% 100% 100% Monson, David R 10 17% 67% 42% Brabandt, Roger R 5 14% 17% 16% Nathe, Mike R 30 40% 59% 50% Brandenburg, Mike R 28 26% 38% 32% Nelson, Jon O. R 14 40% 76% 58% Carlson, Al R 41 23% 48% 36% Nelson, Marvin E. D 9 91% 90% 91% Damschen, Chuck R 10 20% 50% 35% O’Brien, Emily R 42 n/a 73% 73% Delmore, Lois D 43 100% 97% 99% Oliver, Bill R 4 n/a 57% 57% Delzer, Jeff R 8 20% 19% 20% Olson, Christopher D. R 13 23% 26% 25% Devlin, Bill R 23 23% 34% 29% Owens, Mark S. R 17 31% 62% 47% Dobervich, Gretchen D 11 n/a 98% 98% Paur, Gary R 19 17% 49% 33% Dockter, Jason R 7 40% 60% 50% Pollert, Chet R 29 26% 48% 37% Ertelt, Sebastian R 26 n/a 18% 18% Porter, Todd R 34 37% 60% 49% Grueneich, Jim R 12 n/a 60% 60% Pyle, Brandy R 22 n/a 78% 78% Guggisberg, Ron D 11 91% 97% 94% Roers Jones, Shannon R 46 n/a 71% 71% Hanson, Karla Rose D 44 n/a 100% 100% Rohr, Karen M. R 31 20% 27% 24% Hatlestad, Patrick R 1 49% 69% 59% Ruby, Dan R 38 9% 37% 23% Headland, Craig R 29 17% 43% 30% Ruby, Matthew R 40 n/a 49% 49% Heinert, Pat. D. R 32 n/a 62% 62% Sanford, Mark R 17 60% 71% 66% Hogan, Kathy D 21 100% 100% 100% Satrom, Bernie R 12 n/a 60% 60% Holman, Richard G. D 20 97% 97% 97% Schatz, Mike R 36 31% 2% 17% Howe, Michael R 22 n/a 60% 60% Schmidt, Jim R 31 23% 59% 41% Johnson, Craig A. R 6 n/a 50% 50% Schneider, Mary D 21 91% 100% 96% Johnson, Dennis R 15 57% 62% 60% Schobinger, Randy A. R 40 n/a 57% 57% Johnson, Mary R 45 71% 74% 73% Schreiber-Beck, R 25 43% 71% 57% Cynthia Johnston, Daniel R 24 n/a 5% 5% Seibel, Jay R 33 34% 51% 43% Jones, Terry B. R 4 n/a 48% 48% Simons, Luke R 36 n/a 5% 5% Kading, Tom R 45 26% 41% 34% Skroch, Kathy R 26 n/a 26% 26% Karls, Karen R 35 26% 48% 37% Steiner, Vicky R 37 23% 29% 26% Kasper, Jim R 46 29% 18% 24% Streyle, Roscoe R 3 26% 38% 32% Keiser, George J. R 47 49% 71% 60% Sukut, Gary R. R 1 26% 60% 43% Kempenich, Keith R 39 20% 43% 32% Toman, Nathan R 34 20% 29% 25% Kiefert, Dwight R 24 20% 49% 35% Trottier, Wayne A. R 19 23% 57% 40% Klemin, Lawrence R. R 47 40% 60% 50% Vetter, Steve R 18 n/a 45% 45% Koppelman, Ben R 16 14% 0% 7% Vigesaa, Don R 23 20% 57% 39% Koppelman, Kim R 13 20% 33% 27% Weisz, Robin R 14 29% 48% 39% Kreidt, Gary R 33 17% 22% 20% Westlind, Greg R 15 n/a 71% 71% Laning, Vernon R 8 17% 20% 19% Zubke, Denton R 39 54% 71% 63%


Overall Senate Score

Member Party Dist. 2015 2017 Average Anderson, Jr., Howard R 8 58% 78% 68% Armstrong, Kelly M. R 36 55% 74% 65% Bekkedahl, Brad R 1 67% 69% 68% Bowman, Bill R 39 39% 57% 48% Burckhard, Randall A. R 5 58% 65% 62% Campbell, Tom R 19 58% 71% 65% Overall Caucus Score Casper, Jonathan R 27 48% 69% 59% 48% House R Clemens, David A. R 16 n/a 56% 56% 69% Senate R Cook, Dwight R 34 21% 58% 40% 97% House D Davison, Kyle R 41 58% 79% 69% 97% Senate D Dever, Dick R 32 45% 64% 55% Dotzenrod, Jim D 26 100% 100% 100% Erbele, Robert R 28 58% 77% 68% Grabinger, John D 12 100% 100% 100% Heckaman, Joan D 23 100% 97% 99% Hogue, David R 38 42% 69% 56% Holmberg, Ray R 17 82% 77% 80% Kannianen, Jordan R 4 n/a 64% 64% Kilzer, Ralph R 47 55% 69% 62% Klein, Jerry R 14 30% 61% 46% Krebsbach, Karen R 40 67% 81% 74% Kreun, Curt R 42 n/a 72% 72% Laffen, Lonnie J. R 43 39% 69% 54% Larsen, Oley R 3 27% 53% 40% Larson, Diane R 30 60% (H) 58% 59% Lee, Gary A. R 22 24% 80% 52% Lee, Judy R 13 73% 83% 78% Luick, Larry R 25 39% 58% 49% Marcellais, Richard D 9 94% 89% 92% Mathern, Tim D 11 100% 100% 100% Meyer, Scott R 18 n/a 81% 81% Myrdal, Janne R 10 n/a 58% 58% Nelson, Carolyn C. D 21 100% 100% 100% Oban, Erin D 35 100% 100% 100% Oehlke, Dave R 15 61% 81% 71% Osland, Arne R 20 n/a 69% 69% Piepkorn, Merrill D 44 n/a 89% 89% Poolman, Nicole R 7 61% 81% 71% Robinson, Larry J. D 24 100% 100% 100% Roers, Jim P. R 46 n/a 83% 83% Rust, David S. R 2 67% 69% 68% Schaible, Donald R 31 45% 77% 61% Sorvaag, Ronald R 45 61% 81% 71% Unruh, Jessica R 33 36% 81% 59% Vedaa, Shawn R 6 n/a 81% 81% Wanzek, Terry M. R 29 39% 69% 54% Wardner, Rich R 37 73% 81% 77%



House Bill 1324 Determination of State Aid Payable to School Districts and Regional Education Associations; Transportation Grants Position: Supported Outcome: Passed House 80-10, Passed Senate 45-0 - Win

HB 1324 is the K-12 policy bill for schools in North Dakota. Thanks to the passage of Measure 2 in the fall of 2016, lawmakers repeatedly said they were able to hold K-12 harmless ($2.3 billion budget) during the upcoming biennium. The per pupil payment remains the same at $9646. It also includes yearly audits for REA’s, keeps in lieu of tax payment the same (there is a study) and provides millions for transportation.

House Bill 1361 Limitation on Levies without Voter Approval Position: Opposed Outcome: Passed House 58-32, Failed Senate 0-46 - Win

HB 1361 was introduced by House Majority Leader (R-41) and attempted to cap property tax assessments at 3% each year unless it goes to a public vote. At its initial hearing, school superintendents lined up to testify against it along with NDU President Nick Archuleta. Schools were removed from the bill and it was amended multiple times before ultimately being killed in the Senate.

House Bill 1382 Establishment of Education Savings Accounts/Vouchers Position: Opposed Outcome: Passed House 72-17, Failed Senate 14-32 - Win

HB 1382 would have used public tax dollars for non-public education. NDU President Nick Archuleta testified vehemently against this cookie-cutter bill crafted outside of North Dakota. Ultimately, the House Education Committee turned this bill into a study before ultimately being defeated in the Senate.

Senate Bill 2194 Payment for Early Childhood Education Programs Position: Supported Outcome: Failed Senate 9-35 - Loss

SB 2194 would have provided state payments for schools that offered ECE (Pre-K) programs at $94 million over the upcoming biennium from the general fund and $94 million from school districts. The formula provided payment at 0.5 per student. The bill did not require Pre-K programs be implemented in districts that do not offer them. The state has never funded ECE programs and the bill was quickly killed in the Senate.


Senate Bill 2250 Early Childhood Education Programs Position: Supported Outcome: Division A Failed House 44-47 - Loss Passed Senate 47-0, Passed House 81-8 - Win

SB 2250 provides early childhood education to children throughout the state. NDU testified in support of this bill, with President Archuleta saying, “research overwhelmingly indicates that young learners who experience early childhood education are far more likely to experience long-lasting success throughout their academic careers. That success leads to the likelihood that the student will graduate college, work, or military ready.” And while NDU continues to support universal Pre-K, and recognize there was another bill out there, we believe 2250 is the vehicle to move this vital service. Division A in the House lowered the age a child could begin early childhood education from four years of age to three years, and was defeated in the House.


FUNDING HOUSE VOTES Member Party Dist HB 1324 HB 1361 HB 1382 SB 2250 SB 2250 % RIGHT A Anderson, Bert R 2 R R W W R 60% Anderson, Dick R 6 R A A R R 100% Anderson, Pamela D 41 R R R R R 100% Beadle, Thomas R 27 R W R R R 80% Becker, Rich S. R 43 R W W A R 50% Becker, Rick C. R 7 W W W W W 0% Bellew, Larry R 38 W W W W R 20% Blum, Jake G. R 42 R W W W R 40% Boe, Tracy D 9 R R R R R 100% Boehning, Randy R 27 R W W W A 25% Bosch, Glen R 30 R W W R R 60% Boschee, Josh D 44 R R R R R 100% Brabandt, Roger R 5 R W W W R 40% Brandenburg, Mike R 28 R W W W R 40% Carlson, Al R 41 R W W W R 40% Damschen, Chuck R 10 R R W W R 60% Delmore, Lois D 43 R R R R R 100% Delzer, Jeff R 8 R W W W R 40% Devlin, Bill R 23 R R W W R 60% Dobervich, Gretchen D 11 R R R R R 100% Dockter, Jason R 7 R W W R R 60% Ertelt, Sebastian R 26 W W W W R 20% Grueneich, Jim R 12 R W W R R 60% Guggisberg, Ron D 11 R R R R R 100% Hanson, Karla Rose D 44 R R R R R 100% Hatlestad, Patrick R 1 R R R W R 80% Headland, Craig R 29 R W W R R 60% Heinert, Pat. D. R 32 R R W R R 80% Hogan, Kathy D 21 R R R R R 100% Holman, Richard G. D 20 R R R R R 100% Howe, Michael R 22 R W W R R 60% Johnson, Craig A. R 6 R W W R R 60% Johnson, Dennis R 15 R R W R R 80% Johnson, Mary R 45 R R W R R 80% Johnston, Daniel R 24 W W W W W 0% Jones, Terry B. R 4 R W W W R 40% Kading, Tom R 45 R A W W R 50% Karls, Karen R 35 R W R W R 60% Kasper, Jim R 46 R W W W A 25% Keiser, George J. R 47 R R W R R 80% Kempenich, Keith R 39 R W W A R 50% Kiefert, Dwight R 24 R W W W R 40% Klemin, Lawrence R. R 47 R W W R R 60% Koppelman, Ben R 16 W W W W W 0% Koppelman, Kim R 13 W W W W W 0% Kreidt, Gary R 33 A W A W R 33.3% Laning, Vernon R 8 R R W W W 40%


FUNDING HOUSE VOTES, CONT. Member Party Dist HB 1324 HB 1361 HB 1382 SB 2250 SB 2250 % RIGHT A Lefor, Mike R 37 R A W W R 50% Longmuir, Donald W. R 2 R R R R R 100% Louser, Scott R 5 R W W W R 40% Magrum, Jeffery J. R 28 R R W W R 60% Maragos, Andrew R 3 R R W R R 80% Marschall, Andrew R 16 R W W R A 50% Martinson, Bob R 35 R W W R R 60% McWilliams, Aaron R 20 R R W W R 60% Meier, Lisa R 32 R W W W R 40% Mitskog, Alisa D 25 R R R R R 100% Mock, Corey D 18 R R R R R 100% Monson, David R 10 R A A R R 100% Nathe, Mike R 30 A W W R R 50% Nelson, Jon O. R 14 R W A R R 75% Nelson, Marvin E. D 9 R R R R R 100% O’Brien, Emily R 42 A R W R R 75% Oliver, Bill R 4 R W W W R 40% Olson, Christopher D. R 13 W W W W W 0% Owens, Mark S. R 17 R R W R R 80% Paur, Gary R 19 R W W W R 40% Pollert, Chet R 29 R W W W R 40% Porter, Todd R 34 R W W R R 60% Pyle, Brandy R 22 R R A R R 100% Roers Jones, Shannon R 46 A W W R R 50% M. Rohr, Karen M. R 31 R W W W R 40% Ruby, Dan R 38 R W W A R 50% Ruby, Matthew R 40 W W W W R 20$ Sanford, Mark R 17 R W W R R 60% Satrom, Bernie R 12 R W W R R 60% Schatz, Mike R 36 W W W W A 0% Schmidt, Jim R 31 R W W W R 40% Schneider, Mary D 21 R R R R R 100% Schobinger, Randy A. R 40 R W W W R 40% Schreiber-Beck, R 25 A R W R R 75% Cynthia Seibel, Jay R 33 R W W W R 40% Simons, Luke R 36 W W W W W 0% Skroch, Kathy R 26 R W W W W 20% Steiner, Vicky R 37 R W W W R 40% Streyle, Roscoe R 3 R W W W R 40% Sukut, Gary R. R 1 R R W W R 60% Toman, Nathan R 34 R W W W R 40% Trottier, Wayne A. R 19 R W W W R 40% Vetter, Steve R 18 R W W R R 60% Vigesaa, Don R 23 R W W W R 40% Weisz, Robin R 14 R W W W R 40% Westlind, Greg R 15 R R W R A 75% R Zubke, Denton R 39 R W R R 80%



Member Party Dist HB 1324 HB 1361 HB 1382 SB 2194 SB 2250 %RIGHT

Anderson, Jr., Howard R 8 R R R W R 80% Armstrong, Kelly M. R 36 R R R A R 100% Bekkedahl, Brad R 1 R R W W R 60% Bowman, Bill R 39 R R W W R 6-% Burckhard, Randall A. R 5 A R W W R 50% Campbell, Tom R 19 R R R A R 100% Casper, Jonathan R 27 R R W W R 60% Clemens, David A. R 16 R R W W R 60% Cook, Dwight R 34 R R W W R 60% Davison, Kyle R 41 A R R A R 100% Dever, Dick R 32 R R W W R 60% Dotzenrod, Jim D 26 R R R R R 100% Erbele, Robert R 28 R R R W R 80% Grabinger, John D 12 R R R R R 100% Heckaman, Joan D 23 R R R R R 100% Hogue, David R 38 R R W W R 60% Holmberg, Ray R 17 R R A W R 75% Kannianen, Jordan R 4 R R R W R 80% Kilzer, Ralph R 47 R R W W R 60% Klein, Jerry R 14 R R R W R 80% Krebsbach, Karen R 40 R R R W R 80% Kreun, Curt R 42 R R R W R 80% Laffen, Lonnie J. R 43 R R R W R 80% Larsen, Oley R 3 R R W W R 60% Larson, Diane R 30 R R W W R 60% Lee, Gary A. R 22 R A R W R 75% Lee, Judy R 13 R R R W R 80% Luick, Larry R 25 R R W W R 60% Marcellais, Richard D 9 R R R R R 100% Mathern, Tim D 11 R R R R R 100% Meyer, Scott R 18 R R R W R 80% Myrdal, Janne R 10 R R W W R 60% Nelson, Carolyn C. D 21 R R R R R 100% Oban, Erin D 35 R R R R R 100% Oehlke, Dave R 15 R R R W R 80% Osland, Arne R 20 R R R W R 80% Piepkorn, Merrill D 44 R R R R R 100% Poolman, Nicole R 7 R R R W R 80% Robinson, Larry J. D 24 R R R R R 100% Roers, Jim P. R 46 R R R W R 80% Rust, David S. R 2 R R R W R 80% Schaible, Donald R 31 R R R W R 80% Sorvaag, Ronald R 45 R R R W R 80% Unruh, Jessica R 33 R R R W R 80% Vedaa, Shawn R 6 R R R W R 80% Wanzek, Terry M. R 29 R R W W R 60% Wardner, Rich R 37 R R R W R 80%



House Bill 1436 PERS Governance Changes Position: Opposed Outcome: Passed House 71-19, Failed Senate 0-47 - Win

HB 1436 was a delayed bill introduced right before Crossover that attempted to move PERS to a self- insured program from a self-funded program. The bill also mandated for the health insurance contract to be rebid every two years.

Senate Bill 2030 NDU Statutory References Position: Supported Outcome: Passed House 76-14, Passed Senate 46-0 - Win

SB 2030 began as a clean-up bill to update language in Century Code from “North Dakota Education Association” to “North Dakota United.” President Nick Archuleta testified in support of the majority of this bill, but against a section that would have removed an NDU member from the Board of Directors of the Teacher Fund for Retirement (TFFR). We are happy to report the language has been updated and we have maintained our membership on the TFFR board.



Member Party Dist HB 1436 SB 2030 % RIGHT Member Party Dist HB 1436 SB 2030 % RIGHT

Anderson, Bert R 2 W R 50% Lefor, Mike R 37 W R 50%

Anderson, Dick R 6 W R 50% Longmuir, Donald W. R 2 W R 50% Anderson, Pamela D 41 R R 100% Louser, Scott R 5 W R 50%

Beadle, Thomas R 27 R R 100% Magrum, Jeffery J. R 28 W R 50% Becker, Rich S. R 43 W R 50% Maragos, Andrew R 3 W R 50%

Becker, Rick C. R 7 W W 0% Marschall, Andrew R 16 W R 50% Bellew, Larry R 38 W W 0% Martinson, Bob R 35 W R 50%

Blum, Jake G. R 42 W R 50% McWilliams, Aaron R 20 W R 50% Boe, Tracy D 9 R R 100% Meier, Lisa R 32 W R 50%

Boehning, Randy R 27 W W 0% Mitskog, Alisa D 25 R R 100% Bosch, Glen R 30 W R 50% Mock, Corey D 18 R R 100%

Boschee, Josh D 44 R R 100% Monson, David R 10 W R 50%

Brabandt, Roger R 5 W R 50% Nathe, Mike R 30 W R 50% Brandenburg, Mike R 28 W R 50% Nelson, Jon O. R 14 W R 50%

Carlson, Al R 41 W W 0% Nelson, Marvin E. D 9 R R 100% Damschen, Chuck R 10 W R 50% O’Brien, Emily R 42 R R 100%

Delmore, Lois D 43 R A 100% Oliver, Bill R 4 W R 50% Delzer, Jeff R 8 W W 0% Olson, Christopher D. R 13 A R 100%

Devlin, Bill R 23 W R 50% Owens, Mark S. R 17 W R 50% Dobervich, Gretchen D 11 R R 100% Paur, Gary R 19 W R 50%

Dockter, Jason R 7 W R 50% Pollert, Chet R 29 W R 50%

Ertelt, Sebastian R 26 A W 0% Porter, Todd R 34 W R 50% Grueneich, Jim R 12 W R 50% Pyle, Brandy R 22 R R 100%

Guggisberg, Ron D 11 R R 100% Roers Jones, Shannon R 46 R R 100% M. Hanson, Karla Rose D 44 R R 100% Rohr, Karen M. R 31 W R 50%

Hatlestad, Patrick R 1 W R 50% Ruby, Dan R 38 W R 50% Headland, Craig R 29 W R 50% Ruby, Matthew R 40 W R 50%

Heinert, Pat. D. R 32 W R 50% Sanford, Mark R 17 W R 50% Hogan, Kathy D 21 R R 100% Satrom, Bernie R 12 W R 50%

Holman, Richard G. D 20 R A 100% Schatz, Mike R 36 W W 0% Howe, Michael R 22 W R 50% Schmidt, Jim R 31 W R 50%

Johnson, Craig A. R 6 W R 50% Schneider, Mary D 21 R R 100% Johnson, Dennis R 15 W R 50% Schobinger, Randy A. R 40 W R 50%

Johnson, Mary R 45 R R 100% Schreiber-Beck, R 25 R R 100% Cynthia Johnston, Daniel R 24 W W 0% Seibel, Jay R 33 W R 50%

Jones, Terry B. R 4 W R 50% Simons, Luke R 36 W W 0% Kading, Tom R 45 W R 50% Skroch, Kathy R 26 W R 50%

Karls, Karen R 35 W R 50% Steiner, Vicky R 37 W W 0% Kasper, Jim R 46 A W 0% Streyle, Roscoe R 3 W R 50%

Keiser, George J. R 47 W A 0% Sukut, Gary R. R 1 W R 50% Kempenich, Keith R 39 A R 100% Toman, Nathan R 34 W W 0%

Kiefert, Dwight R 24 W R 50% Trottier, Wayne A. R 19 W R 50% Klemin, Lawrence R. R 47 W R 50% Vetter, Steve R 18 W R 50%

Koppelman, Ben R 16 W W 0% Vigesaa, Don R 23 W R 50% Koppelman, Kim R 13 W R 50% Weisz, Robin R 14 W R 50%

Kreidt, Gary R 33 W A 0% Westlind, Greg R 15 W R 50% Laning, Vernon R 8 W W 0% Zubke, Denton R 39 W R 50% 11


Member Party Dist. HB 1436 SB 2030 % RIGHT Anderson, Jr., Howard R 8 R R 100% Armstrong, Kelly M. R 36 R R 100% Bekkedahl, Brad R 1 R R 100% Bowman, Bill R 39 R R 100% Burckhard, Randall A. R 5 R R 100% Campbell, Tom R 19 R R 100% Casper, Jonathan R 27 R R 100% Clemens, David A. R 16 R R 100% Cook, Dwight R 34 R R 100% Davison, Kyle R 41 R A 100% Dever, Dick R 32 R R 100% Dotzenrod, Jim D 26 R R 100% Erbele, Robert R 28 R R 100% Grabinger, John D 12 R R 100% Heckaman, Joan D 23 R R 100% Hogue, David R 38 R R 100% Holmberg, Ray R 17 R R 100% Kannianen, Jordan R 4 R R 100% Kilzer, Ralph R 47 R R 100% Klein, Jerry R 14 R R 100% Krebsbach, Karen R 40 R R 100% Kreun, Curt R 42 R R 100% Laffen, Lonnie J. R 43 R R 100% Larsen, Oley R 3 R R 100% Larson, Diane R 30 R R 100% Lee, Gary A. R 22 R R 100% Lee, Judy R 13 R R 100% Luick, Larry R 25 R R 100% Marcellais, Richard D 9 R R 100% Mathern, Tim D 11 R R 100% Meyer, Scott R 18 R R 100% Myrdal, Janne R 10 R R 100% Nelson, Carolyn C. D 21 R R 100% Oban, Erin D 35 R R 100% Oehlke, Dave R 15 R R 100% Osland, Arne R 20 R R 100% Piepkorn, Merrill D 44 R R 100% Poolman, Nicole R 7 R R 100% Robinson, Larry J. D 24 R R 100% Roers, Jim P. R 46 R R 100% Rust, David S. R 2 R R 100% Schaible, Donald R 31 R R 100% Sorvaag, Ronald R 45 R R 100% Unruh, Jessica R 33 R R 100% Vedaa, Shawn R 6 R R 100% Wanzek, Terry M. R 29 R R 100% Wardner, Rich R 37 R R 100%



House Bill 1264 Non-Resident Tuition Rates Position: Opposed Outcome: Failed House 38-53 - Win

HB 1264 would have set tuition rates for non-resident students at a higher, fixed rate. For instance, the bill called for at least 115 percent of the resident tuition rate for nonresident students from the state of Minnesota. We believe with tight budgets across the University System, passing this bill would make it more difficult to enroll.

House Bill 1265 Number of Non-Resident Students Admitted to SIHE under Reciprocity Position: Opposed Outcome: Failed House 26-65 - Win

HB 1265 would have set limits on the number of non-resident students admitted to the North Dakota University System by percentage through the year 2025-26, based on the number or resident students admitted. Again, we believe this bill would have limited out-of-state student enrollment in the North Dakota University System, and with tight budgets we believe that is a mistake.



Member Party Dist HB 1264 HB 1265 % RIGHT Member Party Dist HB 1264 HB 1265 % RIGHT

Anderson, Bert R 2 R R 100% Lefor, Mike R 37 W R 50%

Anderson, Dick R 6 R R 100% Longmuir, Donald W. R 2 R R 100% Anderson, Pamela D 41 R R 100% Louser, Scott R 5 W R 50%

Beadle, Thomas R 27 R R 100% Magrum, Jeffery J. R 28 W W 0% Becker, Rich S. R 43 R R 100% Maragos, Andrew R 3 R R 100%

Becker, Rick C. R 7 W W 0% Marschall, Andrew R 16 R R 100% Bellew, Larry R 38 W W 0% Martinson, Bob R 35 R R 100%

Blum, Jake G. R 42 R R 100% McWilliams, Aaron R 20 A A 0% Boe, Tracy D 9 R R 100% Meier, Lisa R 32 W R 50%

Boehning, Randy R 27 W R 50% Mitskog, Alisa D 25 R R 100% Bosch, Glen R 30 W W 0% Mock, Corey D 18 R R 100%

Boschee, Josh D 44 R R 100% Monson, David R 10 R R 100%

Brabandt, Roger R 5 R W 50% Nathe, Mike R 30 R R 100% Brandenburg, Mike R 28 W W 0% Nelson, Jon O. R 14 R R 100%

Carlson, Al R 41 R R 100% Nelson, Marvin E. D 9 W W 0% Damschen, Chuck R 10 R R 100% O’Brien, Emily R 42 R R 100%

Delmore, Lois D 43 R R 100% Oliver, Bill R 4 R R 100% Delzer, Jeff R 8 W R 50% Olson, Christopher D. R 13 W W 0%

Devlin, Bill R 23 W W 0% Owens, Mark S. R 17 R R 100% Dobervich, Gretchen D 11 R R 100% Paur, Gary R 19 R R 100%

Dockter, Jason R 7 W W 0% Pollert, Chet R 29 R R 100%

Ertelt, Sebastian R 26 W W 0% Porter, Todd R 34 W R 50% Grueneich, Jim R 12 R R 100% Pyle, Brandy R 22 A A 0%

Guggisberg, Ron D 11 R R 100% Roers Jones, Shannon R 46 R R 100% M. Hanson, Karla Rose D 44 R R 100% Rohr, Karen M. R 31 W W 0%

Hatlestad, Patrick R 1 R R 100% Ruby, Dan R 38 W W 0% Headland, Craig R 29 W R 50% Ruby, Matthew R 40 W R 50%

Heinert, Pat. D. R 32 R R 100% Sanford, Mark R 17 R R 100% Hogan, Kathy D 21 R R 100% Satrom, Bernie R 12 R R 100%

Holman, Richard G. D 20 R R 100% Schatz, Mike R 36 W W 0% Howe, Michael R 22 R R 100% Schmidt, Jim R 31 W W 0%

Johnson, Craig A. R 6 W R 50% Schneider, Mary D 21 R R 100% Johnson, Dennis R 15 R R 100% Schobinger, Randy A. R 40 R R 100%

Johnson, Mary R 45 R R 100% Schreiber-Beck, R 25 R R 100% Cynthia Johnston, Daniel R 24 W W 0% Seibel, Jay R 33 W W 0%

Jones, Terry B. R 4 W R 50% Simons, Luke R 36 W W 0% Kading, Tom R 45 R R 100% Skroch, Kathy R 26 R R 100%

Karls, Karen R 35 W R 50% Steiner, Vicky R 37 W R 50% Kasper, Jim R 46 W W 0% Streyle, Roscoe R 3 W R 50%

Keiser, George J. R 47 R R 100% Sukut, Gary R. R 1 R R 100% Kempenich, Keith R 39 W W 0% Toman, Nathan R 34 W W 0%

Kiefert, Dwight R 24 W W 0% Trottier, Wayne A. R 19 W W 0% Klemin, Lawrence R. R 47 R R 100% Vetter, Steve R 18 R R 100%

Koppelman, Ben R 16 W W 0% Vigesaa, Don R 23 W R 50% Koppelman, Kim R 13 R R 100% Weisz, Robin R 14 R W 50%

Kreidt, Gary R 33 A A 0% Westlind, Greg R 15 R R 100% Laning, Vernon R 8 W W 0% Zubke, Denton R 39 R R 100% 14


House Bill 1246 State Employee Claims of Discrimination Position: Supported Outcome: Passed House 65-25, Failed Senate 8-39 - Loss

HB 1246, introduced by Rep. (R-47), called for a streamlining the grievance process by allowing an employee to bypass his or her supervisor and go to the Department of Labor and Human Rights or the Federal Equal Opportunity Employment Commission. The employee also would have had the right to waive the employer's and division's grievance processes, and take the case to district court.

House Bill 1386 Anti-Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation Position: Supported Outcome: Failed House 22-69 - Loss

HB 1386 sought to add sexual orientation to the reasons for which people cannot be discriminated against, in employment and in housing. NDU always sides with equality and fairness, and against discrimination of any kind, especially in employment.

House Bill 1401 Collective Bargaining for Law Enforcement Officers and Paid Full-time Firefighters Position: Supported Outcome: Failed House 19-75 - Loss

HB 1401 would have provided collective-bargaining rights for law-enforcement officers and full-time firefighters. The parties would negotiate in good faith regarding the terms and conditions of employment and employer-employee relations. Law enforcement and full-time firefighters would not have been able to strike under the agreement.

Senate Bill 2135 Initiated & Referred Measure Study Commission Position: Opposed Outcome: Passed Senate 31-14, Passed House 71-19 – Loss

SB 2135 created an initiated and referred measure commission to study the current measure laws of North Dakota. NDU worked diligently to get ourselves added to this committee to allow us to ensure that the people’s voice continued to be heard through future initiated and referred measure processes. While NDU was not listed directly in the legislation, NDU President Nick Archuleta was appointed to the committee by Governor Burgum.

Senate Bill 2336 Contributions to and Expenditures of Campaigns for Initiated or Referred Measures Position: Opposed Outcome: Failed Senate 5-38 – Win

SB 2336 relates to contributions to and expenditures of campaigns for initiated or referred measures. It would have limited the ability to spend NDU resources on initiated and referred measures in the future.


RIGHTS HOUSE VOTES Member Party Dist HB 1246 HB 1386 HB 1401 SB 2135 % RIGHT Anderson, Bert R 2 A W W W 0% Anderson, Dick R 6 R W W R 50% Anderson, Pamela D 41 R R R R 100% Beadle, Thomas R 27 R R W W 50% Becker, Rich S. R 43 R W R R 75% Becker, Rick C. R 7 W W W W 0% Bellew, Larry R 38 W W W R 25% Blum, Jake G. R 42 R R W W 50% Boe, Tracy D 9 R R R R 100% Boehning, Randy R 27 R R W W 50% Bosch, Glen R 30 R W W W 25% Boschee, Josh D 44 R R R R 100% Brabandt, Roger R 5 W W W W 0% Brandenburg, Mike R 28 W W W W 0% Carlson, Al R 41 R W W W 25% Damschen, Chuck R 10 W W W W 0% Delmore, Lois D 43 R R R R 100% Delzer, Jeff R 8 R W W W 25% Devlin, Bill R 23 A W W W 0% Dobervich, Gretchen D 11 R R R R 100% Dockter, Jason R 7 R W W W 25% Ertelt, Sebastian R 26 W W R R 50% Grueneich, Jim R 12 R W W W 25% Guggisberg, Ron D 11 A R R R 100% Hanson, Karla Rose D 44 R R R R 100% Hatlestad, Patrick R 1 R W W W 25% Headland, Craig R 29 W W W W 0% Heinert, Pat. D. R 32 R W W W 25% Hogan, Kathy D 21 R R R R 100% Holman, Richard G. D 20 R R R R 100% Howe, Michael R 22 R W W W 25% Johnson, Craig A. R 6 W W W W 0% Johnson, Dennis R 15 R W W W 25% Johnson, Mary R 45 R R W W 50% Johnston, Daniel R 24 W W W R 25% Jones, Terry B. R 4 R W W W 25% Kading, Tom R 45 R W W W 25% Karls, Karen R 35 R W W W 25% Kasper, Jim R 46 R W W W 25% Keiser, George J. R 47 R R W W 50% Kempenich, Keith R 39 R W W W 25% Kiefert, Dwight R 24 R W W A 33.3% Klemin, Lawrence R. R 47 R W W W 25% Koppelman, Ben R 16 W W W W 0% Koppelman, Kim R 13 R W W W 25% Kreidt, Gary R 33 A A W W 0% Laning, Vernon R 8 W W W W 0%


RIGHTS HOUSE VOTES, CONT. Member Party Dist HB 1246 HB 1386 HB 1401 SB 2135 % RIGHT Lefor, Mike R 37 W W W W 0% Longmuir, Donald W. R 2 R W W W 25% Louser, Scott R 5 W W W W 0% Magrum, Jeffery J. R 28 W W W W 0% Maragos, Andrew R 3 R R R W 75% Marschall, Andrew R 16 W W W W 0% Martinson, Bob R 35 R R W W 50% McWilliams, Aaron R 20 W W W W 0% Meier, Lisa R 32 R W W R 50% Mitskog, Alisa D 25 R R R R 100% Mock, Corey D 18 R R R R 100% Monson, David R 10 R W W W 25% Nathe, Mike R 30 R W W W 25% Nelson, Jon O. R 14 R W W W 25% Nelson, Marvin E. D 9 R A R R 100% O’Brien, Emily R 42 R R W W 50% Oliver, Bill R 4 R W W W 25% Olson, Christopher D. R 13 W W R W 25% Owens, Mark S. R 17 R W W W 25% Paur, Gary R 19 R W W A 33.3% Pollert, Chet R 29 W W W W 0% Porter, Todd R 34 R W W W 25% Pyle, Brandy R 22 R A W W 33.3% Roers Jones, Shannon R 46 R R W W 50% M. Rohr, Karen M. R 31 W W W W 0% Ruby, Dan R 38 R W W W 25% Ruby, Matthew R 40 R W W W 25% Sanford, Mark R 17 R R W W 50% Satrom, Bernie R 12 R W W W 25% Schatz, Mike R 36 W W W W 0% Schmidt, Jim R 31 R W W A 33.3% Schneider, Mary D 21 R R R R 100% Schobinger, Randy A. R 40 R W W W 25% Schreiber-Beck, R 25 R W W W 25% Cynthia Seibel, Jay R 33 R W W W 25% Simons, Luke R 36 W W W W 0% Skroch, Kathy R 26 W W R W 25% Steiner, Vicky R 37 W W W W 0% Streyle, Roscoe R 3 W W W W 0% Sukut, Gary R. R 1 R W W W 25% Toman, Nathan R 34 R W W W 25% Trottier, Wayne A. R 19 R W W W 25% Vetter, Steve R 18 W W R A 33.3% Vigesaa, Don R 23 R W W W 25% Weisz, Robin R 14 R W W W 25% Westlind, Greg R 15 R W W W 25% Zubke, Denton R 39 R W W W 25%



Member Party Dist. HB 1246 SB 2135 SB 2336 % RIGHT Anderson, Jr., Howard R 8 R W W 33.3% Armstrong, Kelly M. R 36 W W R 33.3% Bekkedahl, Brad R 1 W W R 33.3% Bowman, Bill R 39 W A A 0% Burckhard, Randall A. R 5 W W R 33.3% Campbell, Tom R 19 W W R 33.3% Casper, Jonathan R 27 W W R 33.3% Clemens, David A. R 16 W W R 33.3% Cook, Dwight R 34 W W R 33.3% Davison, Kyle R 41 W R A 50% Dever, Dick R 32 W R R 66.6% Dotzenrod, Jim D 26 R R R 100% Erbele, Robert R 28 W A R 50% Grabinger, John D 12 R R R 100% Heckaman, Joan D 23 R R W 66.6% Hogue, David R 38 W W R 33.3% Holmberg, Ray R 17 W W A 0% Kannianen, Jordan R 4 W W W 0% Kilzer, Ralph R 47 W W R 33.3% Klein, Jerry R 14 W W R 33.3% Krebsbach, Karen R 40 W W R 33.3% Kreun, Curt R 42 W W R 33.3% Laffen, Lonnie J. R 43 W W R 33.3% Larsen, Oley R 3 W R W 33.3% Larson, Diane R 30 W W R 33.3% Lee, Gary A. R 22 W W R 33.3% Lee, Judy R 13 W W R 33.3% Luick, Larry R 25 W W R 33.3% Marcellais, Richard D 9 W R R 66.6% Mathern, Tim D 11 R R R 100% Meyer, Scott R 18 W W R 33.3% Myrdal, Janne R 10 W W R 33.3% Nelson, Carolyn C. D 21 R R R 100% Oban, Erin D 35 R R R 100% Oehlke, Dave R 15 W W R 33.3% Osland, Arne R 20 W W R 33.3% Piepkorn, Merrill D 44 W R R 66.6% Poolman, Nicole R 7 W W R 33.3% Robinson, Larry J. D 24 R R R 100% Roers, Jim P. R 46 W W R 33.3% Rust, David S. R 2 W W R 33.3% Schaible, Donald R 31 W W A 0% Sorvaag, Ronald R 45 W W R 33.3% Unruh, Jessica R 33 W R R 66.6% Vedaa, Shawn R 6 W R W 33.3% Wanzek, Terry M. R 29 W W R 33.3% Wardner, Rich R 37 W W R 33.3%



House Bill 1310 Guns in Schools Position: Opposed Outcome: Passed House 73-19, Failed Senate 18-27 - Win

HB 1310 would have provided a pilot program for first armed responders at up to 10 schools in North Dakota. NDU opposed the bill on a variety of fronts including the fact that no schools testified in support of the bill in either House or Senate committee. Several schools testified against the bill during its initial hearing in the House. Secondly, our polling showed the majority of our members opposed the idea. Thirdly, while NDU does support highly trained School Resource Officers (SRO’s) or retired law enforcement in schools, we do not support anyone else with limited training carrying concealed in our schools.



Member Party Dist HB 1310 % RIGHT Member Party Dist HB 1310 % RIGHT

Anderson, Bert R 2 W 0% Lefor, Mike R 37 W 0%

Anderson, Dick R 6 W 0% Longmuir, Donald W. R 2 W 0% Anderson, Pamela D 41 R 100% Louser, Scott R 5 W 0%

Beadle, Thomas R 27 R 100% Magrum, Jeffery J. R 28 W 0% Becker, Rich S. R 43 W 0% Maragos, Andrew R 3 W 0%

Becker, Rick C. R 7 W 0% Marschall, Andrew R 16 W 0% Bellew, Larry R 38 R 100% Martinson, Bob R 35 R 100%

Blum, Jake G. R 42 W 0% McWilliams, Aaron R 20 W 0% Boe, Tracy D 9 R 100% Meier, Lisa R 32 W 0%

Boehning, Randy R 27 W 0% Mitskog, Alisa D 25 W 0% Bosch, Glen R 30 W 0% Mock, Corey D 18 W 0%

Boschee, Josh D 44 R 100% Monson, David R 10 W 0%

Brabandt, Roger R 5 W 0% Nathe, Mike R 30 W 0% Brandenburg, Mike R 28 W 0% Nelson, Jon O. R 14 R 100%

Carlson, Al R 41 W 0% Nelson, Marvin E. D 9 W 0% Damschen, Chuck R 10 W 0% O’Brien, Emily R 42 W 0%

Delmore, Lois D 43 R 100% Oliver, Bill R 4 W 0% Delzer, Jeff R 8 W 0% Olson, Christopher D. R 13 W 0%

Devlin, Bill R 23 W 0% Owens, Mark S. R 17 W 0% Dobervich, Gretchen D 11 R 100% Paur, Gary R 19 W 0%

Dockter, Jason R 7 W 0% Pollert, Chet R 29 W 0%

Ertelt, Sebastian R 26 W 0% Porter, Todd R 34 W 0% Grueneich, Jim R 12 W 0% Pyle, Brandy R 22 W 0%

Guggisberg, Ron D 11 R 100% Roers Jones, Shannon R 46 W 0% M. Hanson, Karla Rose D 44 R 100% Rohr, Karen M. R 31 W 0%

Hatlestad, Patrick R 1 W 0% Ruby, Dan R 38 W 0% Headland, Craig R 29 W 0% Ruby, Matthew R 40 A 0%

Heinert, Pat. D. R 32 W 0% Sanford, Mark R 17 R 100% Hogan, Kathy D 21 R 100% Satrom, Bernie R 12 W 0%

Holman, Richard G. D 20 R 100% Schatz, Mike R 36 W 0% Howe, Michael R 22 W 0% Schmidt, Jim R 31 W 0%

Johnson, Craig A. R 6 W 0% Schneider, Mary D 21 R 100% Johnson, Dennis R 15 W 0% Schobinger, Randy A. R 40 W 0%

Johnson, Mary R 45 W 0% Schreiber-Beck, R 25 W 0% Cynthia Johnston, Daniel R 24 W 0% Seibel, Jay R 33 R 100%

Jones, Terry B. R 4 W 0% Simons, Luke R 36 W 0% Kading, Tom R 45 W 0% Skroch, Kathy R 26 W 0%

Karls, Karen R 35 W 0% Steiner, Vicky R 37 W 0% Kasper, Jim R 46 W 0% Streyle, Roscoe R 3 W 0%

Keiser, George J. R 47 R 100% Sukut, Gary R. R 1 W 0% Kempenich, Keith R 39 W 0% Toman, Nathan R 34 W 0%

Kiefert, Dwight R 24 W 0% Trottier, Wayne A. R 19 W 0% Klemin, Lawrence R. R 47 W 0% Vetter, Steve R 18 W 0%

Koppelman, Ben R 16 W 0% Vigesaa, Don R 23 W 0% Koppelman, Kim R 13 W 0% Weisz, Robin R 14 W 0%

Kreidt, Gary R 33 A 0% Westlind, Greg R 15 R 100% Laning, Vernon R 8 W 0% Zubke, Denton R 39 R 100%



Member Party Dist. HB 1310 % RIGHT Anderson, Jr., Howard R 8 W 0% Armstrong, Kelly M. R 36 W 0% Bekkedahl, Brad R 1 R 100% Bowman, Bill R 39 W 0% Burckhard, Randall A. R 5 A 0% Campbell, Tom R 19 W 0% Casper, Jonathan R 27 R 100% Clemens, David A. R 16 W 0% Cook, Dwight R 34 W 0% Davison, Kyle R 41 R 100% Dever, Dick R 32 W 0% Dotzenrod, Jim D 26 R 100% Erbele, Robert R 28 W 0% Grabinger, John D 12 R 100% Heckaman, Joan D 23 R 100% Hogue, David R 38 R 100% Holmberg, Ray R 17 R 100% Kannianen, Jordan R 4 W 0% Kilzer, Ralph R 47 R 100% Klein, Jerry R 14 W 0% Krebsbach, Karen R 40 R 100% Kreun, Curt R 42 W 0% Laffen, Lonnie J. R 43 W 0% Larsen, Oley R 3 W 0% Larson, Diane R 30 W 0% Lee, Gary A. R 22 R 100% Lee, Judy R 13 R 100% Luick, Larry R 25 W 0% Marcellais, Richard D 9 R 100% Mathern, Tim D 11 R 100% Meyer, Scott R 18 R 100% Myrdal, Janne R 10 W 0% Nelson, Carolyn C. D 21 R 100% Oban, Erin D 35 R 100% Oehlke, Dave R 15 R 100% Osland, Arne R 20 W 0% Piepkorn, Merrill D 44 R 100% Poolman, Nicole R 7 R 100% Robinson, Larry J. D 24 R 100% Roers, Jim P. R 46 R 100% Rust, David S. R 2 W 0% Schaible, Donald R 31 A 0% Sorvaag, Ronald R 45 R 100% Unruh, Jessica R 33 R 100% Vedaa, Shawn R 6 R 100% Wanzek, Terry M. R 29 R 100% Wardner, Rich R 37 R 100%



House Bill 1023 PERS Budget Position: Opposed amendments Outcome: Passed House 80-8, Passed Senate 30-15 - Loss

This is the budget bill for PERS. However, throughout the session a number of policy amendments were added to it by House Majority Leader Al Carlson (R-41). The most significant amendment was a proposed mandatory rebid on health insurance in two years. Carlson also proposed a new legislative committee dealing with health care coverage. The House and Senate came to a last minute agreement on the bill which appeared to be a big win for Carlson. However, Governor vetoed the sections dealing with the rebid and health care committee. The bottom line for public employees is that your health insurance won’t change in the next two years outside of increases in co-pays and deductibles.

House Bill 1168 Restricting Compensation & Travel for Public Employee’s Attendance at Legislative Meetings Position: Opposed Outcome: Failed House 5-86 - Win

HB 1168 was a bill introduced by Representative Rick Becker (R-7) to restrict compensation and travel reimbursement for public employees to attend legislative hearings and meetings. The bill never gained any traction and drew the ire of public employees and overwhelmingly failed in the House.

Senate Bill 2037 Teacher Shortage Loan Forgiveness Programs Position: Supported Outcome: Passed Senate 46-0, Passed House 67-25 - Win

This is a significant teacher loan forgiveness bill that merged SB 2243 into SB 2037 to come out with a product that will incentivize new teachers to work in rural school districts, fill critical need positions in both rural and non-rural districts and help to make sure our students have a teacher in their classroom. The program will help erase student loan debt for new teachers. In fact, an educator filling a critical need area in a remote school district for a maximum of four years could earn $24,000 of loan forgiveness. On the other end of the spectrum, filling a critical need position in a non-rural school district over the same four- year period could equate to a maximum of $12,000 in loan forgiveness.



Member Party Dist HB 1023 HB 1168 SB 2037 % RIGHT Member Party Dist HB 1023 HB 1168 SB 2037 % RIGHT

Anderson, Bert R 2 W R R 66.6% Lefor, Mike R 37 W R W 33.3%

Anderson, Dick R 6 W R A 50% Longmuir, Donald W. R 2 A R R 100% Anderson, Pamela D 41 W A R 50% Louser, Scott R 5 W R W 33.3%

Beadle, Thomas R 27 W R R 66.6% Magrum, Jeffery J. R 28 R R W 66.6% Becker, Rich S. R 43 W R R 66.6% Maragos, Andrew R 3 W R R 66.6%

Becker, Rick C. R 7 A W W 0% Marschall, Andrew R 16 W R R 66.6% Bellew, Larry R 38 R R W 66.6% Martinson, Bob R 35 W R R 66.6%

Blum, Jake G. R 42 W R R 66.6% McWilliams, Aaron R 20 W R W 33.3% Boe, Tracy D 9 W R R 66.6% Meier, Lisa R 32 W R R 66.6%

Boehning, Randy R 27 W R R 66.6% Mitskog, Alisa D 25 W R R 66.6% Bosch, Glen R 30 W R R 66.6% Mock, Corey D 18 R R R 100%

Boschee, Josh D 44 R R R 100% Monson, David R 10 W R R 66.6%

Brabandt, Roger R 5 W R W 33.3% Nathe, Mike R 30 W R R 66.6% Brandenburg, Mike R 28 W R R 66.6% Nelson, Jon O. R 14 W R R 66.6%

Carlson, Al R 41 W R R 66.6% Nelson, Marvin E. D 9 A R R 100% Damschen, Chuck R 10 W R R 66.6% O’Brien, Emily R 42 W R R 66.6%

Delmore, Lois D 43 W R R 66.6% Oliver, Bill R 4 W R R 66.6% Delzer, Jeff R 8 W R W 33.3% Olson, Christopher D. R 13 W R R 66.6%

Devlin, Bill R 23 W R W 33.3% Owens, Mark S. R 17 W R R 66.6% Dobervich, Gretchen D 11 W R R 66.6% Paur, Gary R 19 W R W 33.3%

Dockter, Jason R 7 W R R 66.6% Pollert, Chet R 29 W R R 66.6%

Ertelt, Sebastian R 26 W W R 33.3% Porter, Todd R 34 W R R 66.6% Grueneich, Jim R 12 W R R 66.6% Pyle, Brandy R 22 W R R 66.6%

Guggisberg, Ron D 11 W R R 66.6% Roers Jones, Shannon R 46 W R R 66.6% M. Hanson, Karla Rose D 44 R R R 100% Rohr, Karen M. R 31 A R R 100%

Hatlestad, Patrick R 1 W R R 66.6% Ruby, Dan R 38 W R W 33.3% Headland, Craig R 29 W R R 66.6% Ruby, Matthew R 40 W A R 50%

Heinert, Pat. D. R 32 W R R 66.6% Sanford, Mark R 17 W R R 66.6% Hogan, Kathy D 21 R R R 100% Satrom, Bernie R 12 W R R 66.6%

Holman, Richard G. D 20 W R R 66.6% Schatz, Mike R 36 W R W 33.3% Howe, Michael R 22 W R R 66.6% Schmidt, Jim R 31 W R R 66.6%

Johnson, Craig A. R 6 W R R 66.6% Schneider, Mary D 21 R R R 100% Johnson, Dennis R 15 W R R 66.6% Schobinger, Randy A. R 40 W R R 66.6%

Johnson, Mary R 45 W R R 66.6% Schreiber-Beck, R 25 W R R 66.6% Cynthia Johnston, Daniel R 24 W R W 33.3% Seibel, Jay R 33 W R W 33.3%

Jones, Terry B. R 4 W R W 33.3% Simons, Luke R 36 R R W 66.6% Kading, Tom R 45 W W A 0% Skroch, Kathy R 26 W W W 0%

Karls, Karen R 35 W R R 66.6% Steiner, Vicky R 37 W R W 33.3% Kasper, Jim R 46 W R W 33.3% Streyle, Roscoe R 3 W R W 33.3%

Keiser, George J. R 47 W R R 66.6% Sukut, Gary R. R 1 W R R 66.6% Kempenich, Keith R 39 W R W 33.3% Toman, Nathan R 34 W R W 33.3%

Kiefert, Dwight R 24 W R R 66.6% Trottier, Wayne A. R 19 W R R 66.6% Klemin, Lawrence R. R 47 W R R 66.6% Vetter, Steve R 18 A R W 50%

Koppelman, Ben R 16 W W W 0% Vigesaa, Don R 23 W R R 66.6% Koppelman, Kim R 13 W R R 66.6% Weisz, Robin R 14 W R R 66.6%

Kreidt, Gary R 33 W A R 50% Westlind, Greg R 15 W R R 66.6% Laning, Vernon R 8 A R W 50% Zubke, Denton R 39 W R R 66.6%



Member Party Dist. HB 1023 SB 2037 % RIGHT Anderson, Jr., Howard R 8 W R 50% Armstrong, Kelly M. R 36 A R 100% Bekkedahl, Brad R 1 W R 50% Bowman, Bill R 39 W R 50% Burckhard, Randall A. R 5 W R 50% Campbell, Tom R 19 W R 50% Casper, Jonathan R 27 W R 50% Clemens, David A. R 16 W R 50% Cook, Dwight R 34 W R 50% Davison, Kyle R 41 W A 0% Dever, Dick R 32 R R 100% Dotzenrod, Jim D 26 R R 100% Erbele, Robert R 28 R R 100% Grabinger, John D 12 R R 100% Heckaman, Joan D 23 R R 100% Hogue, David R 38 W R 50% Holmberg, Ray R 17 W R 50% Kannianen, Jordan R 4 W R 50% Kilzer, Ralph R 47 W R 50% Klein, Jerry R 14 R R 100% Krebsbach, Karen R 40 W R 50% Kreun, Curt R 42 R R 100% Laffen, Lonnie J. R 43 R R 100% Larsen, Oley R 3 W R 50% Larson, Diane R 30 W R 50% Lee, Gary A. R 22 W R 50% Lee, Judy R 13 R R 100% Luick, Larry R 25 W R 50% Marcellais, Richard D 9 A R 100% Mathern, Tim D 11 R R 100% Meyer, Scott R 18 W R 50% Myrdal, Janne R 10 W R 50% Nelson, Carolyn C. D 21 R R 100% Oban, Erin D 35 R R 100% Oehlke, Dave R 15 W R 50% Osland, Arne R 20 W R 50% Piepkorn, Merrill D 44 R R 100% Poolman, Nicole R 7 W R 50% Robinson, Larry J. D 24 R R 100% Roers, Jim P. R 46 R R 100% Rust, David S. R 2 W R 50% Schaible, Donald R 31 W R 50% Sorvaag, Ronald R 45 W R 50% Unruh, Jessica R 33 W R 50% Vedaa, Shawn R 6 W R 50% Wanzek, Terry M. R 29 W R 50% Wardner, Rich R 37 W R 50%



House Bill 1432 Duties of the Superintendent of the Department of Public Instruction Position: Opposed Outcome: Division A Failed House 27-62, Division B Failed House 10-78 - Win

HB 1432 was introduced as an anti-Common Core bill that would limit the power of the Supt. of Public Instruction, erase new standards written for North Dakota students by more than 70 North Dakota educators over the last two years, and replace those with over a decade old standard from Massachusetts. In an attempt to get part of the bill passed, the sponsor split it in two on the House floor. Both sections failed.

Senate Bill 2180 Intent to Refuse Federal Education Funding Tied to Federal Mandates Position: Opposed Outcome: Failed Senate 3-43 - Win

SB 2180 was a misguided attempt to refuse federal funding for local school districts. What the bill sponsor didn’t know was that school districts can already refuse federal funding but still must follow federal mandates. We testified against this bill citing the loss of revenue to school districts that would have to be made up by taxpayers.

Senate Bill 2186 Education Innovation Position: Supported Outcome: Passed Senate 43-1, Passed House 75-17 - Win

SB 2186 allows local school districts to submit plans, approved by local school boards, to the Department of Public Instruction for waivers to allow for innovation in the classroom. It’s worth noting the plan would also need support from parents, community members, teachers and staff. The bill, which is a pilot program, has unanimous support from education associations, the Department of Public Instruction and multiple school districts who are waiting to submit plans for approval. SB 2186 will allow locals to customize learning, and then measure and report successes.



Member Party Dist HB 1432 HB 1432 SB 2186 % RIGHT A B Anderson, Bert R 2 R R R 100% Anderson, Dick R 6 A A R 100% Anderson, Pamela D 41 R R R 100% Beadle, Thomas R 27 R R R 100% Becker, Rich S. R 43 R R R 100% Becker, Rick C. R 7 W R W 33.3% Bellew, Larry R 38 W R R 66.6% Blum, Jake G. R 42 R R R 100% Boe, Tracy D 9 R R R 100% Boehning, Randy R 27 W R R 66.6% Bosch, Glen R 30 R R R 100% Boschee, Josh D 44 R R R 100% Brabandt, Roger R 5 W W W 0% Brandenburg, Mike R 28 W R R 66.6% Carlson, Al R 41 R R R 100% Damschen, Chuck R 10 R R R 100% Delmore, Lois D 43 R R R 100% Delzer, Jeff R 8 W R W 33.3% Devlin, Bill R 23 R R W 66.6% Dobervich, Gretchen D 11 R R R 100% Dockter, Jason R 7 R R R 100% Ertelt, Sebastian R 26 W W W 0% Grueneich, Jim R 12 R R R 100% Guggisberg, Ron D 11 R R R 100% Hanson, Karla Rose D 44 R R R 100% Hatlestad, Patrick R 1 R R R 100% Headland, Craig R 29 A A R 100% Heinert, Pat. D. R 32 R R R 100% Hogan, Kathy D 21 R R R 100% Holman, Richard G. D 20 R R R 100% Howe, Michael R 22 R R R 100% Johnson, Craig A. R 6 R R R 100% Johnson, Dennis R 15 R R R 100% Johnson, Mary R 45 R R R 100% Johnston, Daniel R 24 W W W 0% Jones, Terry B. R 4 R R R 100% Kading, Tom R 45 W R R 66.6% Karls, Karen R 35 W R W 33.3% Kasper, Jim R 46 W W A 0% Keiser, George J. R 47 R R R 100% Kempenich, Keith R 39 W R R 66.6% Kiefert, Dwight R 24 R R W 66.6% Klemin, Lawrence R. R 47 R R R 100% Koppelman, Ben R 16 W W W 0% Koppelman, Kim R 13 W R W 33.3% Kreidt, Gary R 33 A A A 0% Laning, Vernon R 8 W R R 66.6%



Member Party Dist HB 1432 HB 1432 SB 2186 % RIGHT A B Lefor, Mike R 37 R R R 100% Longmuir, Donald W. R 2 R R R 100% Louser, Scott R 5 W R R 66.6% Magrum, Jeffery J. R 28 W R W 33.3% Maragos, Andrew R 3 R R R 100% Marschall, Andrew R 16 W R W 33.3% Martinson, Bob R 35 R R R 100% McWilliams, Aaron R 20 W R R 66.6% Meier, Lisa R 32 R R R 100% Mitskog, Alisa D 25 R R R 100% Mock, Corey D 18 R R R 100% Monson, David R 10 R A R 100% Nathe, Mike R 30 R R R 100% Nelson, Jon O. R 14 R R R 100% Nelson, Marvin E. D 9 R R R 100% O’Brien, Emily R 42 R R R 100% Oliver, Bill R 4 R R R 100% Olson, Christopher D. R 13 W W W 0% Owens, Mark S. R 17 R R R 100% Paur, Gary R 19 R R R 100% Pollert, Chet R 29 R R R 100% Porter, Todd R 34 R R R 100% Pyle, Brandy R 22 A A R 100% Roers Jones, Shannon R 46 R R R 100% M. Rohr, Karen M. R 31 W W W 0% Ruby, Dan R 38 W W R 33.3% Ruby, Matthew R 40 W R R 66.6% Sanford, Mark R 17 R R R 100% Satrom, Bernie R 12 R R R 100% Schatz, Mike R 36 W W W 0% Schmidt, Jim R 31 R R R 100% Schneider, Mary D 21 R R R 100% Schobinger, Randy A. R 40 R R R 100% Schreiber-Beck, R 25 R R R 100% Cynthia Seibel, Jay R 33 A A R 100% Simons, Luke R 36 W W W 0% Skroch, Kathy R 26 R R W 66.6% Steiner, Vicky R 37 R R R 100% Streyle, Roscoe R 3 R R R 100% Sukut, Gary R. R 1 R R R 100% Toman, Nathan R 34 W R R 66.6% Trottier, Wayne A. R 19 R R R 100% Vetter, Steve R 18 R R R 100% Vigesaa, Don R 23 R R R 100% Weisz, Robin R 14 W R R 66.6% Westlind, Greg R 15 R R R 100% Zubke, Denton R 39 R R R 100%



Member Party Dist SB 2180 SB 2186 % RIGHT

Anderson, Jr., Howard R 8 R R 100% Armstrong, Kelly M. R 36 R R 100% Bekkedahl, Brad R 1 R R 100% Bowman, Bill R 39 R R 100% Burckhard, Randall A. R 5 R R 100% Campbell, Tom R 19 R R 100% Casper, Jonathan R 27 R R 100% Clemens, David A. R 16 W R 50% Cook, Dwight R 34 R R 100% Davison, Kyle R 41 A R 100% Dever, Dick R 32 R R 100% Dotzenrod, Jim D 26 R R 100% Erbele, Robert R 28 R R 100% Grabinger, John D 12 R R 100% Heckaman, Joan D 23 R R 100% Hogue, David R 38 R R 100% Holmberg, Ray R 17 R R 100% Kannianen, Jordan R 4 W R 50% Kilzer, Ralph R 47 R R 100% Klein, Jerry R 14 R W 50% Krebsbach, Karen R 40 R R 100% Kreun, Curt R 42 R R 100% Laffen, Lonnie J. R 43 R A 100% Larsen, Oley R 3 W R 50% Larson, Diane R 30 R R 100% Lee, Gary A. R 22 R R 100% Lee, Judy R 13 R R 100% Luick, Larry R 25 R R 100% Marcellais, Richard D 9 R R 100% Mathern, Tim D 11 R R 100% Meyer, Scott R 18 R R 100% Myrdal, Janne R 10 R R 100% Nelson, Carolyn C. D 21 R A 100% Oban, Erin D 35 R R 100% Oehlke, Dave R 15 R R 100% Osland, Arne R 20 R R 100% Piepkorn, Merrill D 44 R R 100% Poolman, Nicole R 7 R R 100% Robinson, Larry J. D 24 R R 100% Roers, Jim P. R 46 R R 100% Rust, David S. R 2 R R 100% Schaible, Donald R 31 R R 100% Sorvaag, Ronald R 45 R R 100% Unruh, Jessica R 33 R A 100% Vedaa, Shawn R 6 R R 100% Wanzek, Terry M. R 29 R R 100% Wardner, Rich R 37 R R 100%