Published monthly from September-June by Congregation Agudath Israel of West Essex; Affiliated with United of Conservative Judaism 20 Academy Road, Caldwell, New Jersey 07006; 973.226.3600; www.agudath.org CONGREGATION AGUDATH ISRAEL OF WEST ESSEX


IN CONCERT LIVE! Celebrate Israel Independence Day at CAI with a festive evening culminating in a FREE concert by the a cappella phenomena, The Maccabeats!

Wednesday, April 18 5:45 pm: The celebration begins for the CAI community with: ♦ Food & Dance - Israeli themed dinner & Israeli dancing for all CAI members—all ages & stages! (Free event/registration is required) ♦ Songs to Israel with Children & Adult Choirs ♦ Honoring families of Olim, the Glaser family and Paula Spack & Michael Nelson ♦ Mincha & Maariv/Hatikvah and 7:45-9:00 pm: The Maccabeats for CAI members and non-members This FREE event is made possible by the generosity of Karen and Jeremy Glaser in memory of Karen’s mother, Roslyn Hoffer Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ Global Connections Israel@70 Grant Program The CAI Israel Committee The Rabbi’s Fund and the Cantor’s Fund honoring: Paula Spack & Michael Nelson, who plan to make aliya to Israel this summer; And the following families, whose children have made aliya: Aronoff, Chelnitsky, Drill, Gutierrez/Kaplan, Idan, Kessler/Spack, Klein, Lipsy/Schlesinger, Mandell, Niv, Posner, Rabner, Schlesinger, Silverstein and Weinberger REGISTER ONLINE TODAY ON THE EVENTS PAGE OF AGUDATH.ORG


Maccabests Concert �������������������������������������� 2 Meditation ������������������������������������� 24 Schedule of Services �������������������������������������� 4 Adult Scholarly Learning ��������������������������� 25 A Message From The Rabbi ������������������������� 5 Erlichman Film Series ��������������������������������� 26 Notes From The Cantor �������������������������������� 6 Caldwell Haddassah ����������������������������������� 27 What’s In The Werks ������������������������������������ 8 B’nai Mitzvah...... 28 CAI Development Director ������������������������ 11 Tributes and Donations ������������������������������ 30 Maven Chef...... 12 Yahrzeits...... 34 Early Childhood Center ����������������������������� 13 Personals...... 34

INSIDE Cemetery Association ��������������������������������� 14 Yom Hashoah, Survival ����������������������������� 35 CAI Social Worker �������������������������������������� 15 Men's Club Softball Team �������������������������� 35 Adult Education...... 16 Fund...... 36 Interfaith Weekend ������������������������������������� 20 Event - Michael Levin Story ���������������������� 37 Men's Club...... 22 Tot Tunes Music Class �������������������������������� 38 NJ Jewish Singles 45+ ��������������������������������� 22 Environmental Committee ������������������������ 23



For daily minyan and Shabbat morning times, see APRIL below, right-hand side. Thursday, April 5, Eve of 7th day Pesach...... 7:08 pm Friday, April 6, eve of 8th day Pesach...... 7:09 pm Thursday, April 5 Shabbat/Pesach end, Saturday, April 7...... 8:15 pm Eve of 7th Day of Pesach...... 6:00 pm Friday, April 13 ...... 7:17 pm Shabbat end, Saturday, April 14...... 8:27 pm Friday, April 6 Shacharit...... 9:15 am Friday, April 20...... 7:24 pm Mincha/Maariv...... 7:00 pm Shabbat end, Saturday, April 21 ...... 8:34 pm

Saturday, April 7, Last day Pesach Friday, April 27...... 7:31 pm Shacharit...... 9:00 am Shabbat end, Saturday, April 28...... 8:41 pm Yizkor...... 10:45 am Bar Mitzvah - Josh Talkow...... pm Minchah/Talmud Study/Maariv...... 7:00 pm DAILY SERVICES

SERVICES Friday, April 13 Mornings Shabbat In PJs...... 5:30 pm Monday & Thursday...... 6:45 am Erev Shabbat...... 6:00 pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday...... 7:00 am Sunday Talmud Study...... 8:15 am Saturday, April 14 Sunday Shacharit...... 9:00 am Shacharit...... 9:15 am Evenings Sunday - Thursday...... 7:30 pm Shabbat Meditation...... 9:30 am Friday...... (see schedule) Torah Chug...... 10:15 am Saturday...... (see schedule) Camp Shabbat...... 11:00 am Minchah/Talmud Study/Maariv...... 7:10 pm SATURDAY

Sunday, April 15 Services Begin...... 9:15 am (9:00 am Bar Mitzvah - Noah Kaplan...... am when a Bar/Bat Mitzvah is scheduled) Torah Study Group...... 9:00 am Wednesday, April 18 Torah Reading Chug...... 10:15 - 11:00 am Yom Ha’atzmaut Service and Ceremony...... 7:15 pm (twice a month, ages 9-12) Teen Service/Schmooze...... 10:45 am Friday, April 20 The following are at...... 11:00 am Erev Shabbat...... 6:00 pm • Torah for Tots (ages 0-4) • Mini-Minyan (grades K-2) Saturday, April 21 • Mini-Congo (grades 3-4) Shacharit...... 9:15 am • Jr Congo (grades 5-6) B'nei Mitzvah - Ilana and Jack Rubenstein...... pm • Kadima (grades 7-8) Minchah/Talmud Study/Maariv...... 7:15 pm • Shabbat Meditation 9:30 am, second Saturday of every month Friday, April 27 Erev Shabbat...... 6:00 pm

Saturday, April 28 Shacharit...... 9:15 am Guest Speaker Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg...... 11:00 am DEBORAH RABNER, M.D., F.A.A.D. Bat Mitzvah -Lindsey Leitner...... pm Diplomate, American Board of Dermatology Minchah/Talmud Study/Maariv...... 7:25 pm

1129 Bloomfield Avenue Suite 205 Tel. (973) 575-6880 West Caldwell, NJ 07006 Fax. (973) 575-1616


Jewish Pride in Israel Reaching Age 70

The land of Israel is the historic, spiritual, and inspirational focal point of millennia of Jewish tradition. The liturgy of Jewish birth, marriage and death ceremonies reflect the idealized days of old when all Jewish lifecycle ceremonies occurred inside our Holy Land. and calendar are rooted in the agricultural cycle of Eretz Yisrael. Israel's new crops are Rabbi Silverstein annually celebrated (Shavuot), as is its final harvest (Sukkot). At the conclusion of Yom Kippur and of the Passover Seder, we utter "(May we all be) Next Year in ." Our religious/spiritual link to Israel remains unbroken. Israel is a North Pole by which we orient ourselves and set the compass for our spiritual existence in this world.

Jews view the State of Israel and its 6.8 million Jews as the fundamental pillar in the survival of Judaism. Israel embodies THE Jewish future. The majority of the world’s Jewish children reside in Medinat Yisrael. For this reason, our rejection of anti-Israel U.N. rhetoric is more than a political reaction. It is a statement of determination to ensure the continuity of THE ONE Jewish State. In the aftermath of the Holocaust, when all doors were shut to our beleaguered people facing genocide, we cherish a country whose doors are always open to Jews in peril. “We can never let it happen again."

American Jews are also aware of the geo-political realities facing vulnerable Israel. Whereas non-Jewish Americans tend to know very little about the Middle East, most American Jewish households include family members who have visited Israel. We have come to understand that an Israeli border skirmish with Palestinians is not equivalent to an American-Canadian dispute between friends. For New Jersey residents, the Canadian border is remote. However, for the Jews in pre-1967 Israel, the "West Bank" of the Jordan River is as close to Tel Aviv and Haifa. It is equivalent to Livingston or West Orange in their proximity to the Caldwells. Moreover, Canadians share Western values. They abhor unnecessary bloodshed. Regrettably this is not true in certain Arab countries, which demonstrate a propensity

A MESSAGE FROM RABBI ALAN SILVERSTEIN FROM A MESSAGE for violence (the Ayatollahs of Iran, Hizbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, etc). From first-hand knowledge, American Jews are acutely aware of the grave risks Israelis face every day.

As we celebrate Israel@70, let us appreciate the miracle of being alive at a time when the ancient Jewish State has been reborn. Let us take pride in Israel’s burgeoning Torah Scholarship, thriving Jewish Culture, hi-tech innovations, unparalleled assistance to third world nations, emergency rescue of victims of terror and/or natural disasters, plus integrating Jews of all ethnicities and races into a remarkably cohesive society.

Please come to CAI to celebrate Israel at 70 on Wednesday evening, April 18 – with song and dance, with honoring CAI Olim, and with a joyous concert by THE MACCABEATS!!!

Happy Israeli Independence Day,

Rabbi Alan Silverstein


Spring Concerts

Cantor Caplan

Wednesday, April 18 - Israel Independence Day CAI Celebrates Israel at 70! The Maccabeats have entertained and inspired hundreds of audiences worldwide, from Alabama to (New) Zealand and everywhere in between – including here at Agudath Israel. Using nothing more than the unadulterated human voice, a clean-cut presentation, and a little Jewish humor, they’ll give us a great way to celebrate Israel’s 70th year! NOTES FROM CANTOR JOEL CAPLAN CANTOR FROM NOTES 5:45 - 6:50 pm: Food and Celebration For CAI Members - all ages and stages! This is a free event but RSVP is required on the events page of Agudath.org Songs to Israel – Children and Adult Choirs Mincha and Maariv / Hatikvah, Honoring Families 8:00 - 9:00 pm: The Maccabeats For CAI Members and Non-Members - RSVP - FREE ADMISSION

This FREE event is made possible by the generosity of Karen and Jeremy Glaser in memory of Karen’s mother, Roslyn Hoffer Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ Global Connections Israel@70 Grant Program; The CAI Israel Committee; The Rabbi’s Fund and the Cantor’s Fund honoring: Paula Spack & Michael Nelson, who plan to make aliya to Israel this summer; And the following families, whose children have made aliya: Aronoff, Chelnitsky, Drill, Gutierrez/Kaplan, Idan, Kessler/Spack, Klein, Lipsy/Schlesinger, Mandell, Niv, Posner, Rabner, Schlesinger, Silverstein and Weinberger


Sunday, May 13 - Yom Yerushalayim / Jerusalem Day 4:00 pm - Mira Davis in Recital

This is a free event but RSVP is required on the events page of Agudath.org. After growing up in our congregation, celebrating Bat Mitzvah in our Sanctuary, and attending Golda Och Academy and Columbia University, soprano Mira Davis is now studying in the Cantorial program at the Jewish Theological Seminary. Her beautiful singing has graced our services, and she has also sung solo at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. Come celebrate the Reunification of Jerusalem with this free one-hour recital!

Sunday, June 3 - Shuly Nathan in Concert 4:00 pm, Admission TBD

Shuly Nathan's name is known in every household in Israel. Her fame came overnight, in 1967, when she was serving in the Israeli Army, singing for the troops. Famed songwriter and composer Naomi Shemer heard her on a radio program and knew that Shuly's voice was the one to premiere Shemer’s new song about Jerusalem, “Yerushalayim Shel Zahav/ Jerusalem of Gold." Two weeks later, the Six Day War broke out, and the song became the hymn and prayer of that war, especially the yearning for Jerusalem to be freed and reunited. Since then, Shuly has performed all over the world, recorded and released many records and CD's, and raised five children. We are honored that she will be performing here, as we continue to celebrate Israel’s 70th year!

PAGE 7 CONGREGATION AGUDATH ISRAEL OF WEST ESSEX T o r a h P i l l a r EVERY AGE & EVERY STAGE OF JEWISH LEARNING Celebrating Israel srael is approaching its 70th birthday — Yom Ha’atzmaut, quests, one can truly feel IIsraeli Independence Day, is on 4 Iyar, this year, April 19 — God’s presence in the so in the Religious School we are discussing what this mile- streets of Israel. Seeing stone year means. the high-tech advance- One of our nine-year-old students, when hearing about the ments that enhance life in upcoming event, said in a very indignant tone of voice: Israel makes one “kvell” Really? Only 70? So is Abraham still alive? at the country’s achieve- The truth is that Yom Ha’atzmaut celebrates the anniversary ments. Eating the deli- of the establishment of the modern nation-state of Israel in cious fresh vegetables and fruits brings true appreciation of the 1948, but it’s also true we celebrate the fulfillment of the vibrant farm-to-table cuisine that has put Israel on the culinary promise of the Land made to the patriarch Abraham in the map. People-watching in Tel Aviv and seeing the diversity of Torah and to future generations of the Jewish people. faces that make up the Jewish community reinforces a strong The families who participated in the CAI summer 2017 trip understanding of the prayer: “Trusting in your awesome holi- WHAT’S IN THE WERKS WHAT’S to Israel learned a song about the successive rulers in the Land ness, we will delight in Your deliverance. Bring us safely from of Israel, starting in biblical times. We learned that the rulers the ends of the earth and lead us in dignity to our holy land.” were: the Canaanites, Israelites, Babylonians, Jews, Greeks, I feel so fortunate to have the reality of the land in my life, Maccabees, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Crusaders, Muslims, unlike my ancestors, who had to embrace their unfulfilled Turks, British — and now the modern State of Israel. yearning. So on this 70th Yom Ha’atzmaut, let us celebrate the In fact, no matter the governing power throughout history, modern State of Israel and our good fortune to be alive during there have always been Jews living in Eretz Yisrael. But to be this sacred time in Jewish history. Let us share pride in the cre- sovereign in the land is the gift that our modern era has pre- ativity and ingenuity of Israel’s citizens, who have brought sented to us. What a blessing to be able to live, visit, breathe medical miracles to the world and innovative inventions to the Holy Land as the Jewish state. ease daily life (I love WAZE!) and so much more. I love to talk to first-time visitors to Israel when they come Our Agudath Israel community will celebrate Yom Ha’atz- back and report on what they saw, felt, and learned. I always maut on Wednesday, April 18, at 5:45 p.m. Cantor Caplan has say, “Doesn’t everything make more sense now, in regard to been teaching the children of the CAI Religious School the your Judaism?” The answer is usually yes. Learning about the music of the Maccabeats — the immensely popular a cappella sacred texts, the holidays, the timeless rituals, the Jewish calen- group — who will provide amazing entertainment. Happy 70 dar makes so much more sense once a visit to the physical land to our beloved State of Israel! takes place. By walking and traveling through Israel, a visitor also more keenly appreciates its natural beauty, from the stark desert vistas, to the majestic hills and valleys of the Galilee, to the glory of the Mediterranean coastline. We rejoice in its spiri- B’Shalom, tuality as well; watching Jews, Christians, and Muslims engag- Susan Werk ing in their religious rituals and pursuing their own divine Educational Director

Agudath Israel Yom Ha’atzmaut Celebration Calling all sixth, seventh, & eighth graders! Wednesday, April 18, Mitzvah Madness and Kadima 5:45 p.m. will prepare food for Toni’s Kitchen The Maccabeats, Sunday, April 29, 1-2:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m. Information: Contact Education Department Food, fun, fantastic music!


SPECIAL DATES Friday, March 2, 5:30 p.m.: Shabbat in PJs Holocaust Remembrance Sunday-Friday, April 1-6: ECC closed, Passover Sunday, April 11, 7:30 p.m. Sunday-Sunday, April 1-8: RS closed, Passover Friday, April 6: Main office closed Wednesday, April 18: CAI Celebrates Israel at 70, 5:45 p.m., Maccabeats performance, 7:45 p.m. Wednesday, April 25: Erlichman Film Series: “Monkey Business: The Adventures of Curious George's Creators,” 7:45 p.m. In memory of Fela Urman Torah Pillar: Every Age and Every Stage of Jewish Learning Programs for all Agudath Israel day school and religious school students and adults

Early Childhood Center Wednesday, April 18: No Religious School Sunday-Friday, April 1-6: ECC closed, Passover Wednesday, April 18: CAI celebrates Israel at 70, 5:45 p.m., Friday, April 13: Shabbat in PJs, 5:30 p.m. Maccabeats performance, 7:45 p.m. Sunday, April 15: Al Galgalim, 10 a.m. Sunday, April 22: Better Together, 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 18: CAI celebrates Israel at 70, 5:45 p.m., CAI Girls in Action Program, 5:30 p.m. Maccabeats, 7:45 p.m. Sunday, April 29: Kadima and Mitzvah Madness volunteer Sunday, April 22: Fours visit kindergarten program, 9:15 a.m. at Toni’s Kitchen, 1-2:30 p.m. Primary (Kindergarten-Second Grade) Teens (Ninth-Twelfth Grade) Sunday-Sunday, April 1-8: Religious School closed, Passover Wednesdays are Teen Nights at CAI: Pizza & Shmooze, Sunday, April 15: RS kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade Current Issues, Modern Hebrew, and more monthly program, 9:15 a.m. Sunday-Sunday, April 1-8: Religious School closed, Passover Wednesday, April 18: CAI celebrates Israel at 70, 5:45 p.m., Wednesday, April 11: Teen Night Maccabeats performance, 7:45 p.m. Yom HaShoah commemoration, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, April 29: RS kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade Wednesday, April 18: No Religious School monthly program, 9:15 a.m. Wednesday, April 18: CAI celebrates Israel at 70, 5:45 p.m., Chaverim event, 11:30 a.m. (off-premises) Maccabeats performance, 7:45 p.m. Elementary School (Third-Fifth Grade) Wednesday, April 18: USY celebrates Yom Ha’atzmaut with Sunday-Sunday, April 1-8: Religious School closed, Passover congregation Saturday, April 14: Torah Chug, 10:15 a.m. Sunday, April 22: CAI Girls in Action program, 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 18: No Religious School Wednesday, April 25: RS teen programs closing dinner, 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 18: CAI celebrates Israel at 70, 5:45 p.m., Adults Maccabeats, 7:45 p.m. Wednesday, April 11: Yom HaShoah commemoration, Saturday, April 21: Tov M’od sings, 11:20 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 28: Torah Chug, 10:15 a.m. Middle School (Sixth-Eighth Grade) Sunday, April 15: Film: “A Hero in Heaven,” about Michael Sunday-Sunday, April 1-8: Religious School closed, Passover Levin, the only American-Israeli Wednesday, April 11: Teen Night Yom HaShoah commemoration, 7:30 p.m. soldier killed during the 2006 Israeli-Hezbollah war, 7:45 p.m. Adult Education Classes Monday, April 16 Women’s Rosh Mondays, April 9, 16, 23, 30; 10 a.m. Rabbi Michael Jay Chodesh Group (location to be announced), 8 p.m. Tuesdays, April 10, 17, 24; 9:30 a.m. Nancy Caplan Wednesday, April 18: CAI celebrates Israel at 70, 5:45 p.m., Maccabeats performance, 7:45 p.m. Wednesdays, April 11, 18, 25; 10 a.m. Rabbi Silverstein Wednesday, April 25: Barbara and Michael Erlichman Film Thursdays, April 12, 19, 26; 9:30 a.m. Rabbi Silverstein & Susan Werk Series, “Monkey Business: The Adventures of Curious George’s Creators,” 7:45 p.m. Fridays, April 13, 20, 27; 10:30 a.m. Prof. James Flynn, department chair & associate professor, theology and Saturday, April 28: Guest speaker: Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg philosophy, Caldwell University



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Timber! A Tree Falls and a Community Rises The aftermath of a snowstorm reveals CAI’s helping nature.

During last month’s freak snowfall, a mid-size At CAI, supporting our members’ needs – evergreen tree came crashing down on my house. religiously and otherwise – is in our DNA. The It lurched forward during the storm, almost in slow George and Molly Kaplan Caring Committee, a motion, as inch upon inch of snow piled up on its group of compassionate congregants, prepares limbs. Eventually, it buckled under the added meals, provides transportation, and makes other weight and tumbled from the sky, coming to rest accommodations for their counterparts in need of right above the dining room. a helping hand. Rabbi Silverstein, Cantor Caplan, Susan Werk, and others uplift spiritually in times of Before the night was over, two other trees of the hardship. And our Congregational Nurse, Karen same species would fall, one in the driveway and Frank, and Zeller Family Social Worker, Andrea another right on top of my favorite Cherry Malmud, help others by connecting Judaism to Blossom. Even though we didn’t have significant physical and emotional wellbeing. These are just a

CAI DEVELOPMENT property damage, the condition of the front yard few examples of how CAI is set up to serve as the seemed to tell a different story. light in otherwise dark times.

That’s what caught the eye of passerby Toni Yates, While I was initially surprised to hear from so many an on-air reporter for Eyewitness News, who asked CAI members about my tree (and about my three- if she could interview me about the experience of having a tree fall on the roof.

“It was loud,” I said on camera, making the proverbial statement of the obvious.

The interview aired later that day during ABC’s 5:00 p.m. broadcast. Our cable was out, so we didn’t see it live, but the rest of the New York Media Market did. And that’s when the calls, texts, and emails started rolling in, many of which were “It was loud," I told Eyewitness News when asked what it was like to have a tree fall on the roof. from my friends and colleagues at CAI.

“How can I help?” one asked. second-long TV debut), I came to realize that their willingness to help was very much in character for “I hope there wasn’t any major damage,” said our community. Thinking about this as only a another. Director of Development could, it highlighted the parallels between our members’ concern for each “Do you need an agent?” joked a third. other and what motivates them to give charitably to the synagogue. The theme inextricably linking In my moment of need – albeit one that was the two was community. somewhat exaggerated for television – the CAI community rallied around me, offering assistance, If I learned one thing from having a tree fall on my sympathies, prayers, and even professional roof, it was this: At CAI, the community is defined representation for a TV career that was over by members like you; its character is a reflection of before it started. The situation offered a very your values; and it’s always there to lend a helping poignant reminder of a sometimes-peripheral role hand, should you ever need one. that the synagogue can play: support system. —Michael E. Bressman

PAGE 11 CONGREGATION AGUDATH ISRAEL OF WEST ESSEX MavenChef Agudath presents Battle of the Babaga-NOSH NEW DATE TBD Come experience MavenChef, a multigenerational cooking competition at CAI! We have 5 teams which represent “all ages and stages” and 3 judges. Find out on Sunday, March 11, who the ONE winning team will be!

Meet Some of the Teams “You’ve been Schooled” religious school students led by Aden Lewin “CUSY Cooks” led by Alana Wernick and David Wingens “Sababa Ganoush” led by Alexis Gruber and Michelle Shandler

Meet our Judges:

Risa Magid Boyer Ariane Duarte Doris Schechter

Chef and owner of Chef and owner of Ariane Cookbook author, chef Vanillamore in Montclair Kitchen and Bar in Verona and owner of My Most Favorite Food in NYC

Our MC: Our very own Adam Shandler will host the festivities.

Thank you to our sponsors:


Early Bird $5 individual/$18 family

Any questions, please contact Cindy Goldstein at (201) 320-0017 or [email protected].


Geula Zamist

The child has a hundred languages a hundred hands a hundred thoughts a hundred ways of thinking of playing, of speaking. This quote from the famous poem by Loris Malaguzzi has become part of the anthem of the Reggio Emilia educational movement. It speaks of all the many ways children express themselves. We know that many of our EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER CHILDHOOD CENTER EARLY young children do not yet express themselves verbally. It then becomes our responsibility to offer them many different opportunities for them to show us how they are feeling, show us what they are thinking, and show us what they are interested in. In the classroom, we honor this by offering many different learning centers. Some children are very creative and expressive when painting at the easel while others show their abilities and acumen building structures in the block area. In addition to our fully integrated and enriched curriculum during the school day, we have recently been adding many more options for after school activities as well. Mastering new skills in gymnastics, creating intricate buildings with Lego, acquiring new steps and moves in dance class, learning to cook with a recipe.….. are all ways that our students can now use their “hundred languages.” Families have the opportunity to sign up for after school classes for 8 or 10 week sessions. This way a child can try the activity without committing to the full school year. Rather than pick children up at school and take them someplace else for these enrichment activities, parents can offer these options right in our school building. The after school classes have been a very popular addition to our program. They have also provided us with a chance to see our children’s “hundred thoughts and hundred ways of thinking.”


INTERFAITH BURIAL OPTIONS With the approval of Rabbi Silverstein, at the request of members of our congregation interested in appropriate burial locations for non-Jewish family members next to their Jewish family members, our Cemetery Association has spent almost two years researching this matter. We have visited various cemeteries, discussed options with neighboring and presented proposals to cemeteries where we currently have sections devoted to our member families. We are pleased to inform our members that we have found a location, which we can now recommend that families consider for Jewish and non-Jewish burial, together. Our neighboring Conservative synagogue in South Orange, Oheb Shalom, is in the process of creating an Interfaith Burial section of 300 graves (which can be expanded in the future) in the Oheb Shalom Cemetery in Hillside, NJ. The cemetery is approximately 30-minutes from Caldwell, off Route 22 near Newark Airport. Agudath Cemetery Committee representatives visited the cemetery and found it to be lovely, very well maintained, beautifully landscaped, well secured and cared for by both an impressive community-minded Board of Directors as well as a professional cemetery firm. See http://ohebshalomcemetery.org. The Interfaith section is set apart from the remainder of the cemetery by an internal driveway. It is at the entrance to the cemetery close to a house and Chapel maintained by the Cemetery. Adequate security is provided. At present, they will most likely prohibit non-Jewish symbols from being used in this section. Other details are currently being worked on.

CEMETERY ASSOCIATION CEMETERY As a courtesy to Agudath Israel and its Cemetery Association, for those interested in purchasing plots as a result of our recommendation, we expect that Oheb Shalom Cemetery will offer our members their own synagogue family rate. If there is sufficient interest, the Agudath Israel Cemetery Association will be pleased to organize a joint visit to the cemetery to assist interfaith families interested in pursuing this matter. If you would care to pursue this matter on your own, please contact us for further information. Please be in touch with us at [email protected] or through the synagogue office. Contact any one of your “friends” at the Agudath Israel Cemetery Association Members of our Cemetery Association: Arthur Franklin 973-228-2033 Steve Eisen 973-618-0530 Susan Turitz 973-865-0203 Mel Berkowitz 973-226-8623 Keith Marlowe 973-533-9114 Rabbi Richard Hammerman 973-287-3455 Additional contact information, pricing and directions to find our properties can be found on the synagogue website: www.Agudath.org We are listed under Synagogue Life, Support, Cemetery Association.

Serving the Congregation for Eight Decades

Arthur Franklin 973-228-2033 Mel Berkowitz 973-226-8623 Steven Eisen 973-602-9091 Susan Turitz 973-403-1875 Keith Marlowe 973-533-9114 Rabbi Hammerman 973-287-3455

Cemetery Association Plots Available for Members


Resilience and Refuah The Blessing of a Teenager: Entering The Teen Zone

“Study your Hebrew.” “No.” “You have a lesson tomorrow.” “So.” “So study your Hebrew.” “No.” Adolescence doesn’t slowly creep up on the Jewish parent. It comes face to face with us when we prepare for that holy ritual: the Bar/Bat Mitzvah. The above conversation could be heard in my house on a very regular basis, pretty much daily. But hey, I’m a mental health professional, I can be objective. Cool, calm and collected. Andrea Malmud OK, not so much. We read the books. We read the articles. Then we enter the Teen Zone and nothing seems to fit. “Do. Not. Roll. Your. Eyes. At. Me.” The first time they roll their eyes at us, we feel our temperatures rise as if by magic and we hear those words we never wanted to say, “Do Not Roll Your Eyes At Me!” It has been said that ages 12-13-14 are a replication of ages 2-3-4. A blessing on our heads, here we go again. So if we know all of this about child development, why do we feel so angry/hurt/disrespected/abandoned when our children engage in textbook behaviors that signal their wish for autonomy? After all, we want them to become healthy, independent adults, and the discord that accompanies adolescence prepares them to be able leave the nest, to experiment with ways of managing the world.

ZELLER FAMILY SOCIAL WORKER ZELLER FAMILY “Stop Acting Like a Baby! On Second Thought…” I’ll tell you why we become so upset. As often happens, our brains and our hearts are now at odds with each other. Our pre-frontal cortex, which is responsible for logic and reason, is overwhelmed by our amygdala, that part of the brain which controls our feeling centers. Yes, we want them to be independent. And at the same time, we do NOT want them to be independent. We want to kvell over their college graduations, their first jobs that do not involve smearing a bagel, tears of love under the chuppah. But we DON’T want them to stop cuddling when we watch a movie. We don’t want Mommy and Daddy to switch to Mom and Dad. We don’t want to drive away from the college dorm, seeing them in the rearview mirror. And dating…’nuff said. “A Quiet and Steady Presence” We don’t want to stop feeling needed. Now for the good news: we are needed more than ever during this time of turbulence. In a wonderful New York Times article, December 14, 2016 titled “What Do Teenagers Want? Potted Plant Parents," Lisa Damour, psychologist, states that “sheer proximity confers a benefit over and above feelings of closeness or connectedness between parent and child…a balance of active engagement with detached availablility…a quiet and steady presence.” Ok, what does this translate into? Giving our teens, as we do with our toddlers, the security of knowing that we are around (as our busy schedules permit). Reminding them of the Bar Mitzvah lesson, then loading the dishwasher. Being clear about our rules and expectations, but not feeling hurt and angry when they are not followed. Problem solving instead of fighting. “Andrea, are you saying they can do anything they want?” No, no, no. Did I say no enough times? There must be rules, clear and concise. But am I saying that their actions are not to be taken personally? Yes, I am. If we don’t take their behavior personally, we will know what to do, without getting pulled into dramatic


arguments and fighting and the like. Knowing that in spite of what appears to be mounting evidence to the contrary, they need and love us now more than ever. Even if they say they hate us. Letting them be angry so that they don’t have to resort to feelings of fear and shame. We are not synchronized emotionally much of the time, and that’s OK. My son learned Torah and Haftarah, led the service, and like most moms up there, I couldn’t decide between crying and kvelling. And I look forward to one day being planted, in my rightful place off to the side, under the chuppah. Oy, here we go again! Andrea Malmud, LCSW CAI Zeller Family Social Worker ZELLER FAMILY SOCIAL WORKER CONT. SOCIAL WORKER ZELLER FAMILY

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Zeller Family Jewish Family Service of MetroWest Social Worker at CAI Questions about aging loved ones, financial pressures, concerns about children? Contact Andrea Malmud for guidance, information, referrals and support. There is no fee, and all conversations are strictly confidential. Andrea Malmud can be reached at 973-226-3600 x143 or [email protected]. This is a partnership of the Zeller Family Jewish Family Services of MetroWest and the Federation of Greater MetroWest.



"Eastern Philosophy and everyday life" Instructor: Professor James Flynn Department Chair and Associate Professor Theology/Philosophy – Caldwell University A discussion of the similarities and differences between Western and Eastern philosophy. We focus on Eastern philosophies in terms of their claims to be a guide for life and goodness. Specifically, we will examine the philosophy of Confucius and the major thinkers within his tradition. We will examine the philosophy of Lao Tse and Taoism. We will investigate the philosophical connections and challenges in engagement with Buddhist and Hindu thought. Fridays, April 13, April 20, and April 27 at 10:30 am

Jewish Tradition in the Modern Age; Instructor: Rabbi Michael Jay A look at contemporary decisions that have shaped the way that we observe Jewish tradition. Through text and discussion this class will survey the issues and implications that have confronted Modern Conservative Judaism. Mondays, April 9, 16, 23, 30 May 7, 14, 21 from 10:00 - 11:30 am

Continuation of Adult Classes: Tuesdays, April 10, 17, 24 May 1 - with Nancy Caplan Wednesdays, April 11,18, 25; May 2, 9, 16, 30 with Rabbi Silverstein Thursdays, April 12, 19, 26; May 3 ,10 ,17 ,24 ,31 with Rabbi Silverstein and Susan Werk


“Our Ancestors Would Be Incredulous: Jews and Christians in our Time”

An Extraordinary Weekend of Interfaith Learning with International Guestsl And World-Famous Leaders

How does hatred become respect, especially if it’s deeply rooted in religious belief? Searching for the answers to that question is the life work of two Christian professors, who will be our teachers and guests May 17-19, 2018. That weekend, we will welcome 17 German Protestant guests, with whom we will learn and share Shabbat and Shavuot. They will be led by Dr. Ursula Rudnick.

Dr. Ursula Rudnick is Head of the Desk for Jewish-Christian Relations in Lower Saxony, Germany. Professor Rudnick, who is an ordained Lutheran minister, earned one of her MAs and her PhD at the Jewish Theological Seminary Dr. Rudnick, who has visited CAI before, is the recipient of the of the Buber-Rosenzweig medal, the most important distinction in the field of dialogue between Jews and Christians in Germany.

She has published 13 books, as well as many articles. Two of her books are: On the Long Journey to the Neighbour’s House: Positions of the Evangelical [Protestant] Church in the Christian-Jewish Dialogue and Their Location in Theology; and The Scent of Paradise: Encounters with the Jewish Tradition.

We are honored, as well, to have as a scholar-in-residence Dr. Mary Boys, Dean of Academic Affairs and the Skinner and McAlpin Professor of Practical Theology at Union Theological Seminary, . Dr. Boys is also an adjunct professor at the Jewish Theological Seminary. She is the recipient of the Shevet Achim Award of The Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations.

Dr. Boys is the author of six books, all in the CAI library.

Two of them are: Has God Only One Blessing?: Judaism as a Source of Christian Self- Understanding; and Redeeming Our Sacred Story: The Death of Jesus and Relations between Jews and Christians.

Our interfaith learning will include talks by community leaders, text learning, hallah- baking, shared Shabbat experiences, the Tikun Lel Shavuot, home hospitality for our guests, and major presentations by our visiting scholars.

Drs. Boys and Rudnick will speak on Shabbat morning about Christian-Jewish relations in the past. Following Kiddush, they will speak at a Lunch and Learn talk about where Catholic and Protestant relations with Jews are now, and where they are going.

We are happy to share sponsorship of Dr. Boys’ visit with the First Presbyterian Church, where Dr. Boys and Dr. Rudnick will speak on Sunday morning. This weekend is coordinated by the CAI Interfaith Committee, headed by Glenn Sacks.


Interfaith Learning Weekend May 17-19

“Our Ancestors Would Be Incredulous: Jews and Christians in our Time”

On this amazing weekend CAI will host 17 German Lutheran guests, the very esteemed Dr. Ursula Rudnick, a world expert on and advocate for Protestant- Jewish relations (she just participated in a conference on Christian-Jewish relations in Israel), and an extraordinary scholar-in-residence, Dr. Mary Boys, an expert on and advocate for Catholic-Jewish relations.

Dr. Mary Boys Dr. Ursula Rudnick

Saturday, May 19

Services Dr. Boys and Dr. Rudnick will speak on Shabbat morning about Christian-Jewish relations in the past.

12:30 pm - Lunch and Learn Following Kiddush, Dr. Mary Boys and Dr. Ursula Rudnick will speak about where Catholic and Protestant relations with Jews are now, and where they are going.

7:45 pm Mincha/Maariv Services followed by Evening Tikkun Leil Shavuot First segment: Rabbi Silverstein and Dr. Rudnick: “How Our Traditions Approach the Ten Commandments”; Second segment: Assortment of various classes.



I wanted to thank all members of the Men’s club who helped with the sale of food at this year’s Agudath Israel Purim Carnival. Following is the list of all those who have helped: - Mike Chiaet, Len Rudin, Steve Jacobs, Rich Chassen, Stu Markon, David “the Puck” , Harvey Hershkowitz, Paulie Ben-Avi, Paul Aronoff, Adam Shandler, Aidan Shandler, Edward Finkel, Walt Baumgardt, Larry Dodyk, David Lurie, David Reidenberg, Marty Schenker, and myself. I would like to give a special thank you to Josh Henry, who coordinated and ran the kitchen for the event. I expect nothing less from our man of the year!! I have been asked to let everyone know that the Agudath Israel Men’s Club Softball Team is forming as we speak. If you are interested, contact Paul Aronoff at [email protected]. The season opener is April 8 and the season runs through July. I am sorry that this missive is short, but I am in the middle of tax season as I write this.

MEN’S CLUB Everyone, be considerate to your accountant. To paraphrase former Mayor Daily of Chicago, “File early, file often!!” We hope everyone had a great Purim. Alfie Mahler, President

New Jersey Jewish Singles 45+

Our Seventh Anniversary Celebration

Food, Fun, & Mingle

Dessert Buffet

Sunday, April 29, 2:30 PM at CAI

-– RSVP Required- Admission: $10.00

For information and to RSVP: contact Sue Grossbard at [email protected] or 973-226-3600, extension 145



In 1979, I was a senior majoring in geology at Albany State University in Albany, NY. I was fortunate to have landed in one of the most renowned Earth science departments in the world. Because of its reputation and its proximity to numerous academic and research institutions, it attracted top scholars, who would give talks at our weekly Thursday seminars. This particular seminar was presented by Professor Wallace “Wally” Broecker of Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York. Prof. Broecker was an oceanographer, who has since received more titles and awards than I can fit into this article. It was unusual to learn about oceanography at Albany State, since it had no oceanographers or ongoing oceanographic research. The topic of Wally’s seminar dealt with the complex interactions between the oceans, which cover most of the earth, and the atmosphere. Primarily, he presented to us evidence of a disturbing trend he had identified in the course of his research, which, in an article published in Science magazine in 1975, he dubbed “global warming.” Using an overhead projector and acetate slides, he first walked us through the science by which carbon dioxide and other gases allow heat to enter the Earth’s atmosphere but then prevent it from leaving; the so-called “greenhouse effect.” He then used existing fuel consumption data to calculate the quantity of man-made CO 2 that had entered the atmosphere since 1900, which he compared to the rise in CO 2 concentrations recorded by the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. The correlation was unmistakable. It was Prof. Broecker’s last slide that has stuck in my mind all of these years. What will society do about this

ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE ENVIRONMENTAL problem? The choices were: 1) use political and technological means to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being emitted into the atmosphere, or 2) do nothing and let the chips fall where they may. Thirty-nine years have passed, and we still haven’t decided. Ben is a principal at GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc., a Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) in the State of New Jersey, and a Professional Geologist. He was an adjunct professor of environmental sciences for ten years, and authored "Environmental Consulting Fundamentals - Investigation and Remediation," which is used as a textbook at several universities. He also is a proud member of CAI's Environmental Committee.

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Shabbat Meditation Begin Shabbat in stillness. Shabbat is the time for quieting, stepping back from the hectic workday world, and entering a time of peacefulness and communion with nature and spirit. Begin your Shabbat with meditation on ten Saturday mornings this year. You will feel a sense of peace, tranquility, and awareness that will enhance your Shabbat experience. Instructor: Karen Frank, RN, Congregational Nurse Time: Saturdays at 9:30 am Dates: April 14, May 5, and June 2 Location: Conference Room in the Toby Shapiro Library, Learning and Conference Center


Congregation Agudath Israel’s Adult Scholarly Learning Group has a very busy spring semester planned for all students of Torah. Please mark your calendars. If you have any questions, please contact Phil Kruger 973 299-0309 or [email protected]. All lectures are free and open to the public.

Tuesday, May 8 at 7:00 pm Lecture: “The Sacrifice of Abraham’s Son: How Three Religions Read a Founding Narrative” presented by Professor Burton L. Visotsky of the Jewish Theological Seminary Genesis 22 is at the heart of Jewish and Christian self-definition. Jews call it the Akedah (The Binding of Isaac). Christians call it the Sacrifice of the Beloved Son. Muslims tell the story too, but in a somewhat different form in their Holy Quran (chapter 37). For contemporary Muslims, it is the sacrifice of Ishmael. We will study the interpretations of all of these Religions of the Book, and discuss the implications that reverberate even to this day.

Thursday, May 24 at 7:00 pm Lecture: “Priesthood in the Era of Torah,” presented by Professor Martha Himmelsfarb of Princeton University Jews in the Second Temple period lived under foreign rule. The central institutions uniting them were the Temple and the Torah, each associated with a particular class of experts: for the Temple, priests, a hereditary class that claimed descent from Aaron; for the Torah, scribes, a professional group open at least in theory to any suitably talented Jewish man. Tension between priests and scribes was perhaps inevitable given that the Torah contains laws for the running of the Temple, yet both groups were deeply committed to the Temple and the practices associated with it. In my lecture, I will discuss some of the ways these tensions manifested themselves and some of the approaches ancient Jews took to rethinking the significance of priesthood. Among the texts I will discuss are passages from the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, the Book of Watchers (a section of I Enoch), the Wisdom of ben Sira, and the book of Jubilees.

Wednesday, June 6 at 7:00 pm Lecture: “Rewritten Bible: What It Is and How It Works,” presented by Professor Gary Rendsburg of Rutgers University The term “rewritten Bible” refers to the artful, creative and theological rewriting of the narratives and legal portions of the Torah during the late Second Temple period. Once the Torah was canonized, c. 450 B.C.E., everyone knew that the text no longer could be touched. And yet Jews continued to reimagine the stories in the Torah and to conceptualize anew the laws of the Torah. Thus, an entire body of literature, termed “rewritten Bible” by modern scholars, emerged. The main texts are the Book of Enoch, Jubilees, The Temple Scroll and some fragmentary documents from among the Dead Sea Scrolls .We will examine all of these texts, as we marvel at the creativity and ingenuity of Jewish authors more than 2000 years ago.

PAGE 25 CONGREGATION AGUDATH ISRAEL OF WEST ESSEX Michael and Barbara Erlichman Film Series

Monkey Business - NEW DATE! Wednesday, April 25 at 7:45 pm HOW DID CURIOUS GEORGE ESCAPE THE NAZIS? A documentary film exploring the extraordinary lives of Hans and Margaret Rey, who are the authors of Curious George children’s books. Margaret described Curious George as a “monkey who, through his curiosity, gets himself into trouble, and through his own ingenuity gets himself out of trouble.” She could have been describing the Reys themselves. Time and time again they encountered difficult situations only to turn moments of despair into hope. Who the Reys were is why we have George; this film shares that story. The Curious George books have sold over 75 million copies in 19 languages. Few people know much about the Reys’ personal life stories. The Reys had a treacherous escape and long journey on June 12, 1940; H.A. and Margaret made their getaway on the rainy Paris roads by bicycle (with the Curious George book hidden in their basket). Their dangerous journey and narrow escape is nothing short of miraculous. The Reys traveled roughly 493 miles to Bayonne, France; unfortunately, facing closed borders when they arrived at Spain. Their lives rested in the hands of one man, Aristides de Sousa Mendes, the Portuguese consul-general in Bayonne during WWII. He issued them visas to Lisbon, then they traveled to Brazil, with a final destination New York City, in 1942. At that moment the beloved character of Curious George was born, and, entered the hearts of American children. Who knew, that behind such a warm and fuzzy character of innocent mischief and endless silliness rested a bold and historic journey, by his creators, Margaret and Hans Rey?

Rosenwald Wednesday, May 23 at 7:45 pm Rosenwald is the incredible story of Julius Rosenwald, who never finished high school, but rose to become the President of Sears. Influenced by the writings of the educator Booker T. Washington, this Jewish philanthropist joined forces with African American communities during the Jim Crow South to establish challenge grants, seeded for the creation of more than 5,500 schools for poor, rural African-American children in southern states at a time when few received any public education. Inspired by Jewish ideals of Tzedakah (charity) and Tikun Olam (repairing the world), and a deep concern over racial inequality in America, Rosenwald gave away $62 million in his lifetime. Included in his list of scholarship recipients are: Marian Anderson, James Baldwin, Julian Bond, Ralph Ellison, Langston Hughes, Jacob Lawrence, Loretta Lynch, Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey’s ancestor, Amanda Bullock, and many more. This film will shed light on a remarkable man, and his extraordinary story. PAGE 26 WWW.AGUDATH.ORG APRIL 2018

Caldwell Chapter of Hadassah presents a Fun Family Brunch You Know More YIDDISH Than You Think with Bennett Muraskin

CALDWELL HADASSAH Date: Sunday, April 29 Time: 1:00 - 3:00 pm Location: CAI An interactive program revealing the hundreds of Yiddish words and expressions that have entered our English vocabulary.

Come a Yiddish novice, leave a Yiddish Maven with a list you can share with friends and Mishpokhe (family).

Yiddish Brunch will be served including but not limited to Egg Creams made with U-BET syrup and Vintage seltzer bottles Challah French Toast and Lox & Eggs

$36 per person - checks payable to Hadassah and mail to Donna Franklin, 7 Liddy Place, West Caldwell, NJ. Contact Carole at [email protected] or 973-865-5183 with any questions.



JOSHUA TALKOW NOAH KAPLAN ILANA RUBENSTEIN Saturday, April 7, 2018 – PM Sunday, April 15, 2018 – AM Saturday, April 21, 2018 – PM Son of Andy and Ami Talkow Son of Ira and Alyson Kaplan Daughter of David and Laura Rubenstein

Josh Talkow is a 7th grade honor student Noah is a 7th grader at Memorial Junior Ilana is a straight A 7th grader at at Montclair Kimberley Academy. His School where his favorite subjects West Essex Middle School. She is an favorite activities include listening to are science and math. Noah enjoys amazing all around young lady who music, attending Broadway shows, playing goalie on his travel soccer team, enjoys playing soccer, field hockey and playing tennis, skiing, hiking in the snowboarding, and playing saxophone basketball, running track and most of mountains and spending time with in his school band. He loves hanging all, spending time with her friends. Caribou and Sneaky, the family dogs. His out with his friends, whether playing She also loves hanging at the beach all-time favorite past time is perfecting outside or with them on an X-Box game. and skiing. his acrobatic skills on lyra and split silks. Noah is caring and compassionate and Josh loves spending his summers at a loving son, brother, grandson, cousin, Ilana has spent the past 5 summers at Island Lake Camp in Pennsylvania. He is a and nephew. Camp Blue Ridge, her home away from terrific son, younger brother and friend. home, where she has made lasting Noah’s mitzvah project is volunteering friendships. Ilana also spent time For Josh’s mitzvah project, he participates at the Friendship Circle, an organization this year participating in CAI’s Better in Friendship Circle’s friends at home where children with special needs and Together program where she spent time program. Since January Josh has truly their siblings can go have fun, feel with senior citizens learning about their enjoyed his weekly visits with a new included, and form friendships. He is childhood. friend who has special needs. We hope looking forward to working in the Pet this friendship will continue for many Store at Friendship Circle’s LifeTown For her mitzvah project, she spent many years to come. Additionally, Josh has when it opens. In addition, Noah Fridays at the Valley Settlement House volunteered with his family at Toni’s volunteers at the Mount Pleasant along with her brother Jack, where they Kitchen in Montclair. This summer, Animal Shelter. Noah loves animals of organized and executed an after-school Josh will be traveling with his family all shapes and sizes and wants to be a basketball program for the children. to the Geirangerfjords in Norway, a veterinarian. She worked very hard to prepare for her lifelong dream of his, to celebrate his special day and we are extremely proud Bar Mitzvah. We are so proud of all of Noah’s of her. She can’t wait to celebrate with accomplishments and the young man her family and friends. We are incredibly proud of the he has become. compassionate, kind hearted and thoughtful young man Josh has become. We are thrilled to share this special milestone with family and friends.



NOTICE TO PARENTS OF UPCOMING B’NAI MITZVAH Please submit writeups (no more than 150 words) and photos elec- tronically to [email protected]. JACK RUBENSTEIN LINDSEY LEITNER Saturday, April 21, 2018 – PM Saturday, April 28, 2018 – PM Son of David and Laura Rubenstein Daughter of Joshua and Jodie Leitner

Jack is a 7th grader at West Essex Middle Lindsey is a 7th grader at West Essex School. He enjoys playing soccer and Middle School, where she is an Honor basketball, keyboards and acting. He is Roll student. She is an avid tennis player happiest when is he is outdoors hanging while playing soccer on her school and with his friends, riding his bike, playing travel teams. Lindsey is a mature, loving at the beach or skiing. daughter, an amazing big sister to Zoe, and a committed friend, both at home DO YOU NEED HELP WITH Jack will be back at Camp Equinunk this and her home-away-from-home, Camp Wayne for Girls. YOUR MITZVAH PROJECT? year for his 6th summer where he has If you are working on a project and made lasting memories. As the great-granddaughter of Holocaust would like to publicize it to gain support survivors, Lindsey has carefully listened from the congregation, send a 50-75 He has a great sense of humor and an word description of your project and incredible ability to make people laugh. to her family’s stories of hardship and determination. For her mitzvah what sort of support you would like to Jack participated in the CAI Better [email protected]. Together program where he had a project, Lindsey has applied a respect chance to interact and en-gage with and passion for this part of her history, local senior citizens. For his mitzvah and is volunteering at the Museum of project, he planned and ran an after- Jewish Heritage in . Lindsey school basketball program at the Valley is leading a trip for a group of students/ Settlement House with his sister Ilana. families to visit the museum, helping Jack was very dedicated to being to educate and raise awareness of this well prepared for this day and we are important part of our religion’s past, incredibly proud of him. He is looking while also supporting the Auschwitz forward to celebrating with his friends Jewish Center in Poland. and family. We are unbelievably proud of Lindsey, CHECK IN AND and continue to be amazed at the intelligent, caring, hard-working young CHECK US OUT ON lady she has become. We are so excited FACEBOOK! for her Bat Mitzvah, and to celebrate WERB TORAH CLUB with family and friends. HONOR SOCIETY news, updates and events....LIVE!

PAGE 29 CONGREGATION AGUDATH ISRAEL OF WEST ESSEX Through February 28. We gratefully acknowledge all who generously support Congregation Agudath Israel’s many programs by remembering and honoring friends and loved ones. Donations can be made on our website, www.agudath.org, or by sending a check to the synagogue office. Please call or email Allison Robinson, Member Services Assistant, at 973-226-3600 x110or [email protected], if you have any questions.

Memorial Plaques In memory of Mark Gittelman’s father, In memory of Donna Zlotnik’s mother, IN MEMORY OF: and Zachary and Amanda Gittelman’s Bernice Herskovits grandfather, Jerry Gittelman • Elaine and Stuart Berger • Seymour Reich, from his daughter, • The Huff Family • Sharon and Aaron Glauberg Robin Antoshkiw The CAI Library Fund In memory of Judi Fabricant’s mother, • Stanley Kagan Rhoda Gold In honor of CAI’s library • Rhoda Kagan • Sandy and Jim Weintraub • Edward and Davey Rosenbaum • Marc Rudoltz and Lisa Hochman • Brenda Abrams, from her son, Ian In memory of Mark Gittelman’s father, Bernstein In memory of Mark Gittelman’s father, and Zachary and Amanda Gittelman’s and Zachary and Amanda Gittelman’s • Fredelle Ben-Avi, from her daughter, grandfather, Jerry Gittelman grandfather, Jerry Gittelman Dana Ben-Avi • Nina and Arnold Wasserman • Eric Edelstein In memory of Leonard Wood Tree of Life (Apple) • Murray and Barbara Dobro The Cantor’s Discretionary Fund • Susan and Elliot Stupak in honor of In honor of Jacob Projansky’s their children and grandchildren The CAI Religious School Bar Mitzvah Scholarship Fund • Robyn and Robert Projansky Tree of Life (Leaves) In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s • Shari and Jeffrey Bricker in honor of husband, and Philip Labendz’s brother, In honor of Justin Eisenberg’s Genna’s Bat Mitzvah 2/9/13 and Jamie’s Ralph Labendz Bar Mitzvah Bat Mitzvah 3/17/18 • Maida and David Richlin • The Eisenberg Family In honor of the birth of Cantor Joel and TRIBUTES AND DONATIONS TRIBUTES Adult Education The CAI Scholarly Adult Nancy Caplan’s granddaughter, Tal Sarit In memory of her father, Max. E. Jewish Learning Fund Savitt Steinhardt • Bonnie and Sheldon Cytron • Sue Goldberg • Linda and Israel Majzner In memory of Judi Fabricant’s mother, In honor of Rabbi Cliff and Debby Miller The Annual Fund Rhoda Gold • Jacob Labendz • Lee and Joyce Gladstein In memory of Judi Fabricant’s mother, • Philip Kruger and Judy Levenstein In honor of Purim Rhoda Gold • Judy and John Craig • Esther and Harry Kartus In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s husband, and Philip Labendz’s brother, In honor of Cantor Caplan In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s Ralph Labendz • Judy and John Craig husband, and Philip Labendz’s brother, • Lee and Joyce Gladstein In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s Ralph Labendz • Ira and Greta Cohen • Esther and Harry Kartus husband, and Philip Labendz’s brother, • Philip Kruger and Judy Levenstein Ralph Labendz The Barry Rozman Technology Fund In memory of Rena Jiji • Elaine and Arnold Litt • Beth and Robert Daniel In honor of Jeanie Gold’s birthday and • Iris Bashi the engagement of Josh and Leah In memory of Marcia Packer’s son, • Margie Rozman The CAI - Susan Werk’s Mitchell Packer Special Fund • Marcia Packer In memory of Dollsey Rappaport, In honor of Justin Eisenberg’s mother of Margie Rozman and Nanette Bar Mitzvah The Chevra Kadisha Fund Rosenberg, and grandmother of Aliza, • Deborah and Scott Eisenberg Avi and Dani, Michael and Robert In memory of Judi Fabricant’s mother, • Margie Rozman Rhoda Gold The CAI Tribute Fund • Dana Ben-Avi In memory of Jess Orlando and Tom In honor of Len Rudin’s birthday Nigra’s mother, Linda Nigra • Naomi Shapiro and Stan Cohen In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s husband, and Philip Labendz’s brother, • Margie Rozman and Family In memory of Dana Ben-Avi’s mother, Ralph Labendz and Paul Ben-Avi’s grandmother, • Marian Rothenberg In memory of Mark Gittelman’s father, Fredelle Moyer Ben-Avi • Risa and Charlie Kessler • Barbara and Lester Wolff and Zachary and Amanda Gittelman’s • Burt and Marsha Henry grandfather, Jerry Gittelman In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s • Merisa and Asher Fink • Renee and Lenny Solondz husband, and Philip Labendz’s brother, • Ronald and Lillie Brandt Ralph Labendz • Margo Perl The CAI Cares Fund • Hilary and Howard Rabner • Judy and Harvey Zeller • Bonnie and Jay Roston In memory of Judi Fabricant’s mother, • Carol Cathey Rhoda Gold • Carola Berman, Karen and Jeff, Leslie The David Taubenfeld Ramah • Bonnie and Richard Fertel and Harry Scholarship Fund • Arlene and Alan Blocher In honor of Mikayla Nathan’s In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s • Stuart and Debbie Rabner husband, and Philip Labendz’s brother, • Susan and Elliot Stupak Bat Mitzvah Ralph Labendz • Helen and Norm Greenberg • Samantha and Gabe Migdal • Jean and Ben Alter


In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s husband, In memory of Marcy and Marshall Pollack’s The Kiddush Supporters and Philip Labendz’s brother, Ralph son, Adam Pollack, and in memory of Labendz Marshall Pollack’s mother, and Jared, In honor of the naming of their • Nat and Bea Taubenfeld Dana, and Adam’s grandmother, Evelyn granddaughter, Miriam Hannah Kinburn • Gina and Philip Vinick Pollack • Jeffrey and Debbie Orens • Arlene and Jeffrey Kanner • Joyce Musnikow Harris and Family In honor of the Aufruf of Elyse Goldberg • Marilyn and Arthur Okrent The Gerald Edelman Memorial Education and Justin Nagy The ECC Educational Enhancement Fund Fund • Neil and Eve Goldberg In honor of Rachel Levine’s Bat Mitzvah In honor of the marriage of Muriel The Kiddush Contributors • The Castro-Halper Family Stendig’s grandson In honor of Aaron’s birthday and in • Esta Edelman In honor of the birth of Genna and Neal recognition of Jewish Disability Awareness Koral’s daughter, Stella Koral In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s husband, and Inclusion Month • Carol Berman and Samantha Heskett and Philip Labendz’s brother, Ralph • Marvin and Anne Elmowitz Labendz In honor of Sophie Fischer’s Bat Mitzvah In honor of Taylor’s Bat Mitzvah • Marji and Barry Nydick • Eric and Marci Newnham • Michelle and Carl Schaerf • Esta Edelman In honor of Mikayla Nathan’s Bat Mitzvah In honor of the members of the Rabbi • Michelle and Carl Schaerf The Israel Committee Fund Search Committee In memory of Judi Fabricant’s mother, • Stuart and Alison Rosenthal In memory of Carol Berman’s father, and Rhoda Gold In honor of Adam’s Bar Mitzvah Josh, Lillian, Rachel, Jim, and Brittany’s • Jeanette and Harvey Hershkowitz grandfather, Harold Wolf • Jonathan and Melissa Randall • Debby and Jim Schenkel In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s husband, In honor of Jeffrey Rosenberg’s birthday and Philip Labendz’s brother, Ralph • Harriet Sepinwall In memory of Dana Ben-Avi’s mother, Labendz and Paul Ben-Avi’s grandmother, Fredelle • Loren and Mark Roth In honor of Jerry’s 80th birthday and in Moyer Ben-Avi • Jeanette and Harvey Hershkowitz celebration of Jodi and Austin Lustig’s • Debby Schenkel • Marcia and Gerry Mohl birthdays • Kelly and Jerry Lustig The Generation to Generation Fund In memory of Katya Levine’s grandmother, In honor of the birth of Debbie and Tom and Maya and Theodore Levine’s great- In honor of their son, Jonathan, who Spiesman’s granddaughter, Charlotte Sadie grandmother, Regina Abramovna Katsova just left for Paris, France, for a year’s • Stacey and Morris Lewis • Gina, Dan, Max, Sammy, and Jack Levy project with his company, and in honor of Richard’s 61st birthday In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s husband, In memory of Muriel Glickman • Richard Tancer and Margaret Karcnik • Marvin Glickman and Philip Labendz’s brother, Ralph In honor of their leaving for Neshama with Labendz The Jeremy Savitz Music the Golda Och Academy • Sue Goldberg Education Fund • The families of Corey Blum, Rachel Bonder, Shachar Kessler, Ben Moses, Aaron The George and Molly Kaplan In memory of Babette Davis’ mother, Pearlstein, Maya Robbins, and Mikayla Caring Fund Elaine Lubel Merwin Spierer In honor of the birth of David and Mady • Randi and Oron Brokman In honor of Justin’s Bar Mitzvah Koenig’s grandson, Evan Tyler Koenig In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s husband, • Scott and Debbie Eisenberg • Joyce Musnikow Harris and Family and Philip Labendz’s brother, Ralph In honor of Phil Vinick’s birthday In honor of the marriage of Beth and Labendz • The Vinick family • Lynn and George Ulaner Stuart Sackman’s son, Michael Sackman, to In memory of the 10th yahrzeit of Toby Rachel Rothman The Jerry Sepinwall Jewish Environmental Shapiro and in memory of Pauline Shapiro • Joyce Musnikow Harris and Family Fund • Roy Shapiro and the Wieseneck family In honor of the marriage of Howard Feiwus In memory of Judi Fabricant’s mother, In memory of Larry’s mother, Chana Dodyk and Michelle Zeman’s daughter, Marissa Rhoda Gold • Larry and Amy Dodyk Feiwus, to Ross Pollack • Harriet Sepinwall and Jeffrey Rosenberg In memory of Dr. Stephen LaPoff • Joyce Musnikow Harris and Family • Susan LaPoff In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s husband, In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s husband, and Philip Labendz’s brother, Ralph In memory of Herb’s mother, Fanny Wolf and Philip Labendz’s brother, Ralph Labendz • Herb and Maxine Wolf Labendz • Harriet Sepinwall and Jeffrey Rosenberg • Karen and Ted Eisenberg In memory of Randy’s brother, Mark • Randi and Oron Brokman Nathan In memory of David Koenig’s mother, and • Randy and Jessica Nathan Johanna and Scott’s grandmother, Shirley The Kiddush Sponsors In memory of Bob’s mother, Ruth Koenig Markman • Joyce Musnikow Harris and Family In honor of Mikayla’s Bat Mitzvah • Randy and Jessica Nathan, Michelle • Bob and Janet Markman In memory of Beth Sackman and Edie Rennert, Larry and Ellie Lateiner, and Larry In memory of Randi’s father and Adele’s Davidson’s mother, and Michael and Jenna Nathan husband, Murray Kleiman Sackman and Mitchell and Jason Epstein’s • Randi and Oron Brokman and Adele grandmother, Carol Davidson In honor of Sophie’s Bat Mitzvah Kleiman • Joyce Musnikow Harris and Family • Matthew Fischer and Alexis Gruber


In memory of Nancy’s father, Marvin • Marcia and David Gurian The Werb Torah Club Gorodetzer • June and Gene Finkay Spiegel • Nancy and Cantor Joel Caplan • Esther and Steve Kamenetsky In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s • Lois and David Dranikoff husband, and Philip Labendz’s brother, The Kiddush Fund • Sandy and Jim Weintraub Ralph Labendz • Lea Whitney In honor of the birth of her great- • Danielle Abrahams granddaughter, Nogah Alter • Sandye and Wolf Fertman The Yahrzeit Fund • Barbara Goldstein • Shep and Leslie Weinstein • Judy and John Craig In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s In memory of Randy’s brother, Mark husband, and Philip Labendz’s brother, Nathan In memory of Judi Fabricant’s mother, Ralph Labendz • Randy and Jessica Nathan Rhoda Gold • Janice and Donald Arnstein • Maddy and Hank Heller In memory of Judi Fabricant’s mother, In memory of Katya Levine’s Rhoda Gold In memory of Marcia Packer’s son, grandmother, and Maya and Theodore • Esther and Steve Kamenetsky Mitchell Packer Levine’s great-grandmother, Regina • Marcia and Neil Packer Abramovna Katsova In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s • The Rinn Family husband, and Philip Labendz’s brother, In memory of Mark Gittelman’s father, Ralph Labendz and Zachary and Amanda Gittelman’s • Esther and Steve Kamenetsky grandfather, Jerry Gittelman • Kelly, Jerry, Jodi, and Steven Lustig • Shani and Louis Drogin In memory of Susan Levey’s father, In memory of her husband, Dr. Stephen and Marissa and Andrew Levey’s LaPoff grandfather, Louis Lapides • Susan LaPoff • Kelly and Jerry Lustig In memory of Katya Levine’s grandmother, and Maya and Theodore The Mara Godfrey Family Engagement Levine’s great-grandmother, Regina Have good news Fund Abramovna Katsova In honor of Stacey Bachenheimer’s • Katya and Daniel Levine to share? birthday • Mariya and Boris Slutsky Please let us know! • Glenn Godfrey The Rachel Hope Englander Fund Contact In memory of Alan Gunneson’s mother, Marie Gunneson In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s [email protected] • Glenn Godfrey husband, and Philip Labendz’s brother, Ralph Labendz The Norman and Julie Ripps • Susan Turitz, Josh and Danny TRIBUTES AND DONATIONS CONTINUED AND DONATIONS TRIBUTES Scholarship Fund for Summer Youth Programs The Reiser Children’s Choir Fund In honor of the birth of Danny and In honor of Trudy Gerson’s birthday Daria Ripps’ son, and the late Norman • Renee and Joel Reiser and Julia Ripps’ grandson, Jonathan In honor of Lila Rubin’s birthday Noah Penn Ripps • Renee and Joel Reiser • Joan Billig and Family In memory of Judi Fabricant’s mother, In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s Rhoda Gold husband, and Philip Labendz’s brother, • Renee and Joel Reiser Ralph Labendz • Marvin and Anne Elmowitz The Senior Lounge Fund The Prayer Book Fund In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s husband, and Philip Labendz’s brother, In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s Ralph Labendz Is Your Contribution Missing? husband, and Philip Labendz’s brother, • Roz and Joe Hertz Ralph Labendz • Leslie and Peter Rosen The Stephen LaPoff Sports Fund Sometimes tributes come in after • Mary and Frank Sheydwasser deadline. Sometimes there is a • Sheila and Stuart Farbman In honor of the LaPoff family • Jeremy Doppelt and Leslie Shaw clerical error. The Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund In memory of Dr. Stephen LaPoff Please let us know if you are look- In memory of Marilyn Labendz’s • John and Lucinda Cochrane husband, and Philip Labendz’s brother, • Sarah Doppelt ing for a listing, which is absent. Ralph Labendz We will make sure it appears the • Marji and Norman Feinstein The Toby Shapiro Fund following month. And we apolo- • Larry and Michele Raiken In memory of Mark Gittelman’s father, gize for any oversights. • Jayne Mackta and Zachary and Amanda Gittelman’s • Joanne and Elliot Bramnick grandfather, Jerry Gittelman • Maddy and Hank Heller • Shari and Mitchell Broder • Steven Cohen and Eta Gershen Cohen


Did you know that we use Facebook to post pictures, events, and updates? Don’t miss out on CAI news!

https://www.facebook.com/ CongregationAgudathIsrael.Caldwell.NJ


As of February 27, 2018 • Fira Bialik from Israel Majzner • Dollsey Rappaport from Marjorie Rozman • Ninel Bogomolny from Mikhail Bogomolny • Charles Remsen from Kenneth Remsen • Felix Freiheiter from Beatrice Freiheiter • George Rosen from Ellen and Robert Rosen • Jessie Glasser from Amy Dell • Farajollah Saeedian from Ramin Saeedian • Marvin G. Gorodetzer from Nancy and Cantor Joel Caplan • John Shabel from Anita Finkel • Henry Gerson from Renee Reiser • Martin Samuel Sherman from Arthur Sherman • Gertrude Gill from Marvin Friedman • Florence Solomon from Jerry Solomon • Esther Kanoff from Marcia Gurian • Clifford Charles Spiesman from Debbie and Tom Spiesman • Bernard Klein from Susan and Howard Bruch • Max E. Steinhardt from Linda and Israel Majzner • Selma Feit Levine from Randi Spiegel • Samuel Pinchas Taubenfeld from Isaac Taubenfeld • Ruth Fleischman from Sol Moglen • Bernice Taylor from Eric Edelstein • Joseph Fleischman from Sol Moglen • Tillie Weinberger from Marcia Mickley • Jacob P. Levine from Randi Spiegel • Erna Litwok from Stuart Rabner • Dorothy Gordon Masie from Nina Wasserman • David Mendelson from Stephani Berger • Benny Mogilensky from Sol Moglen • Claire Mueller from Howard Levine YAHRZEIT DONATIONS YAHRZEIT • Mildred Murray from Sol Moglen • Mark Nathan from Randy Nathan • Lynn Postal from Marcia Packer

TRIBUTE CARD $10 Minimum Donation Custom-printed tribute cards can be sent out from our office. Donations can be in any denomination that exceeds our $10 minimum. We also offer the option of purchasing a packet of 5 cards for $40, which you can send out yourself. Allison Robinson, Member Services Assistant in our office, can assist you with your options. Please contact her at: [email protected]; 973-226-3600 Ext. 110; 973-226-7480 (Fax)

Through February 28, 2018

MAZEL TOV TO: • Alan and Selina Davidson on the birth of their grandchild, Drew Henry • Barbara Goldstein on the birth of her great-granddaughter, Nogah Alter • Debbie and Tom Spiesman on the birth of their granddaughter, Charlotte Sadie SINCERE CONDOLENCES TO THE FAMILIES OF: • Ralph Labendz, husband of Marilyn Labendz and brother of Philip Labendz • Bernice Herskovits, mother of Donna Zlotnik and grandmother of Ian and Eric Zlotnik PERSONALS • Regina Abramovna Katsova, grandmother of Katya Levine and great-grandmother of Maya and Theodore Levine • Jerry Gittelman, father of Mark Gittelman and grandfather of Zachary and Amanda Gittelman • Frances Dome, mother of Judith Haberman • Marty Gallanter, brother of Debra Gallanter and uncle of Rebecca Gallanter



Wednesday, April 11 - 7:30 pm CAI is proud to have Dr. Michael Rothkopf present the story of his parents: Story of resistance, resilience and survival.


The men’s club softball team is ready for another fun-filled season. Come out and play in the Temple Softball League and play with Agudath Israel against other area synagogues.

Games are on Sundays at 10am. Opening day is April 8 and the season runs through July.

Please contact Paul Aronoff at [email protected] if you are interested in playing on the team.


PAGE 36 WWW.AGUDATH.ORG APRIL 2018 Yom Hazikaron a DaY of r emembrance

Sunday, April 15 7:45 - 9:45 pm

Please join us for a film screening of "A Hero In Heaven: The Michael Levin Story"

Rabbi Silverstein, close friends with the Levin family, will start the evening with some remarks. Following the film we will have refreshments and guest speakers who are Lone Soldiers. They are local young men and women who moved to Israel after high school or college and joined the IDF. They will answer questions, discuss their experiences and tell stories.

This is a free event but we ask for all who plan on attending to REGISTER ON THE EVENTS PAGE OF AGUDATH.ORG


0 - 24 Months of age by start of class 10:00 AM-10:30 AM Mondays, April 9th – May 14th Cost of the class: $90.00

Yes ____I am interested in signing up for Tot Tunes Music Class

Child’s Name______

Parent’s Name ______

Phone Number ______

Email Address ______Enclosed please find my check payable to CAI-ECC.



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TIME SENSITIVE MATERIAL If your address is incorrect, PLEASE DELIVER ASAP please notify the office Counselor...... Adam Shandler Secretary...... Helene Wingens Financial Exec ...... Jordan Shumofsky Treasurer...... David Moses Vice President ...... Alison Rosenthal Vice President ...... Anita Finkel Vice President ...... Shani Drogin Sr. Vice President...... Gayle Wieseneck President ...... Victor Nhaisi JFS Zeller Family Social Worker, Andrea Malmud Congregation Nurse, Karen Frank USY Advisor, Shai LeWitter Administrative Asst. for Religious School, Scott Bergenfeld Administrative Asst. for ECC, Jessica Pablo Administrative Coordinator of Education, Lori Weinberg Development and Admin. Asst, Tracy De Frias Assistant to the Cantor, Dorit Eli Bookkeeper, Rosalie Felberbaum Assistant,Member Services Allison Robinson Development Director, Michael E. Bressman Communications Manager, Julie Colella Operations Manager, Dana Ben-Avi Membership Coordinator, Debbie Lurie Early Childhood Center Director, Geula Zamist Director, Synagogue Administration, Natter Meryl Education Director, Susan Werk Cantor Joel Caplan Rabbi Alan Silverstein, Ph.D. Congregation Agudath Israelwww.agudath.org 973-226-3600 • Published monthly from September through June by ...... Ext. 143 Ext. 141 Ext. 127 Ext. 123 Ext. 120 Ext. 124 Ext. 126 Ext. 114 Ext. 110 Ext. 113 Ext. 112 Ext. 117 Ext. 118 Ext. 121 Ext. 115 Ext. 122 Ext. 116 Ext. 111 Ext.134