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Abizadeh, Arash 115 Assange, Julian 197, 199 ABN Amro 145 assassination 90, 105, 112–13 Afghanistan 39–40, 53, 58, 63, 71–2, Association of Southeast Asian 77, 78, 78–9, 83, 93–6, 112, Nations (ASEAN) 71, 81, 206 159–60, 181, 192–3 asymmetrical conflicts 93, 111 Africa 57, 57–68, 66, 67–8 Augustine, St. 170 African Union 59, 65 Aung San Suu Kyi 206 aid 158, 176, 185, 189, 191–2, Australia 24–5, 36–7, 82–4, 159, 203, 205 162–3, 174–5 Algerian Civil War 58 Australian Agency for International Alien Torts suits 148–54, 156–7 Development (AusAID) 174 al-Qaeda 53, 58, 63, 74, 92, 143 Australian Council for International al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb Development (ACFID) 175 (AQIM) 58, 63 Al-Shabaab 65, 68 Bali terrorist bombings, 2002 83 Amnesty International (AI) Ban Ki-moon 90 172, 173–4, 175, 176, 185–6, 203 Bangladesh 140 Andreas, Peter 19 Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Andrews, Matt 217 (BTMU) 133 Anechiarico, Frank 166 banking 44–5, 137–40, 141–2, 142–8 Anonymous 45, 195, 197 Barclays Bank 142, 146–8, 148 Antarctic Treaty, 1959 31–2 Barkin, Samuel 11 anti-corruption regulations 158–9, Barnett, M. and Finnemore, M. 28 160, 183, 192, 211 Barnett, Michael 171 Anti-Money Laundering Regime Basel III accord 141–2 (AMLR) 117–18, 138–9 al-Bashir, General Omar Hassan Apple 139 61, 64 Arab League 65 Baudendistel, Rainer 188 Arab Spring 59, 65, 96, 177 Baumann, Zygmunt 42 Aral Sea, the 38–9 Beck, U. 120, 170 Arendt, Hannah 8, 11, 13, 196, 198, Belmokhtar, Mokhtar 58 199, 217, 222 Berman, Paul 198–9 Argentina 73, 204 Bhopal catastrophe 140–1 arms control 100–1, 102–3, 104 BHP-Billiton 161 arms trade 65–6, 83, 92–3, 99–102 bin Laden, Osama 63, 77, 89–90 Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) 99, 100, 103 biodiversity 37–8 Asian Financial Crisis, 1997 83, 132, Biological and Toxin Weapons 137–8, 161 Convention (BTWC) 100–1 al-Assad, Bashar Hafez 98 biological weapons 101, 101–2

Page numbers in bold refer to figures, page numbers in italic refer to tables.

279 280 Index black protocols 19 cyber war 123 Blackwater (now Xe) 107–8, 159–60 the Internet in 47–8, 88, 219 Boko Haram 66–7 oil supplies 118–19 72 opium production 70 Bougainville Copper Limited relations with America 88–9, (BCL) 149–51 162–3 Bourke, Joanna 110, 111 Three Gorges Dam 38 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros 77, 107 Tiananmen Square massacre Bowden, Mark 90 205, 206 BP 127, 128–9 Transnational Corporations Brazil 73, 117 (TNCs) 134–5, 160, 162–3 bribery 158–9, 160–1, 184–5 China National Offshore Oil British Agencies Afghanistan Group Company (CNOOC) 63–4 (BAAG) 192–3 Chiquita International 154, 155 British Banker’s Association Chomsky, Noam 93 (BBA) 146–7 civic space 203 British Ministry of Economic Warfare civil disobedience 16 (BMEW) 114 civil law 85 Budapest Convention on civil society 75, 167, 170, Cybercrime 47 194–5, 203–7 Bull, Hedley 1, 4, 10, 10–11, 93, 96, Civil Society Organizations 210, 221 (CSOs) 167–70, 203–7 Bureau of International Narcotics advocacy 185–6, 201 and Law Enforcement Affairs corporate cooperation 200–3 (INLEA) 22 corruption 183–5, 192 Burma 70–1, 153–4, 206 and criminal liability 182–7 Bush, George W. 58, 74, 78, 91–2 cyber activist groups 195–7 Buzan, Barry 54–5, 81 direct action 194, 201 and global justice 187–94 Cairo Declaration on Human Rights mass protests 177–9 in Islam 180 network power 172 Cambodia 82 neutrality 185, 188–91 capitalism 49, 128, 133–4, 137 registration and regulation 168–75 Cassese, Antonio 4, 5, 211–12 religious 179–82 Castells, Manuel 11, 42, 89, 93, and terrorism 186–7 170, 177 and violence 198–200 Central Intelligence Agency’s women’s rights 180–1 (CIA) 21, 26, 46, 92, 94 See also International NGOs Chang, Ha-Joon 9–10 (INGOs); non-governmental Cheeravanont, Dhanin 134 organizations (NGOs) chemical weapons 98–9, 100–1, civilians 9, 90, 104–6 101–2, 104, 190–1 Clark, Janine 213 Chemical Weapons Clarke, Richard 119 Convention 100–1 climate change 36, 62, 221 73, 204 Coady, Tony 107 China 80, 98, 116, 117, 134–5, 186, cocaine 24, 26, 57, 69, 72 203, 204–5 Cold War, the 39, 75–6, 122, 123 Africa policy 63–4 Coleman, G. and Golub, A. 195 arms trade 66, 100 collateral damage 9, 90, 105–6 Index 281 collective responsibility 127–8 regulation avoidance 139–42 Colombia 42, 57, 72–5, 79, 154–5, responsibility 127–8, 128–30, 141, 155–6, 213 145–6, 149 colonialism 60 rogue employees 143 Commission on Intervention sanctions avoidance 143–4, and State Sovereignty 77 157–8, 160 Companies Act, 2006 (UK) 130 scapegoating 138 compelling human need 98 scope 128–36 complexity theory 12 tax avoidance 139–40 complexity thinking 89 corporate criminal liability 127–8 complicity 8–11, 149–51 corporate decision-making 130–1 computer viruses 123 corporate law 131, 148–57 Contras, the 92–3 corporate security 151–2 Convention against the Bribery of Corporate Social Responsibility Foreign Officials (OECD) 158–9 (CSR) 200–3, 216 Convention against Transnational corporate wickedness 131 Organized Crime (CTOC) correspondent banking services 144 6, 143, 185 corruption 6, 158–62, 166, 192 Convention on Biological cosmopolitan code 221–3 Diversity 37, 38 cosmopolitanism 164 Convention on the Elimination covert operations 89–96 of Discrimination against Women credible allegations 155–6 (CEDAW) 180–1 crime 2, 4–7, 8, 19, 52–3, 55 convergence thinking 15 crimes against humanity 4–5, 8, corporate crime 5, 15–16, 127–66 85, 150 Alien Torts suits 148–9, 148–54, crime-security analysis, four- 156–7 dimensional approach 55–7, 56 and business culture 145 crime–security complexes 65–8, collusion 157–63 68–75, 69 complicity 149–51 crime–terror nexus, the 14–15 corruption 158–62, 166 criminal liability 127–8, 182–7 credible allegations 155–6 criminal network theory 42 criminalization 148 criminogenic trajectories 68–75, 69 environmental 140–1 cyber crime 3, 15, 42–8, 195, financial 136, 137–40, 141–2, 219–20 142–8 cyber defence 124 human rights violations 155–6 cyber espionage 121–2 and indigenous peoples 152–3 cyber security 119–21, 123 influence 131–2 cyber war 89, 119–24, 125 interest rate manipulation 146–8 cyberspace 3, 16, 43, 119, 218–20 killings 155–6 regulation 46–8, 124–5 law enforcement 148–57 liability 127, 141–2 Daddis, Gregory A. 13 malpractice 154–5 Daly, M. W. 62 money laundering 142–6 Darfur 59, 60, 61–2 and national security 159–60 Dauvergne, Peter 36 protectionism 131 De Soto, Hernando 137 regulation 135, 149, 150–1, 158–9, de Waal Alex 189, 193 164–6 decolonization 55, 65, 171 282 Index

Deepwater Horizon oil spill 127, Ethipoia, Italian invasion of, 128–9, 166 1935–1936 188 defensive realism 219 ethnic cleansing 85 Deibert, Ronald 121 Euro Interbank Offered Rate Del Monte 135–6 (EURIBOR) 146–8 DeMars, W. E. 204, 206 Europeaid 81 democratization 14, 39, 55, 98, European Agency for Network 204–5, 206 and Information Security deterrence 15, 89, 122 (ENISA) 124 development 59–60, 76, 83, 137, European Network of NGOs in 171–2, 203, 205–6 Afghanistan (ENNA) 192–3 Dinar, Shlomi 115 European Union 34–5, 81–2, 100, disaster intervention 175, 184 107, 115, 124, 135–6, 164 Distributed- Denial-of-Service Eurozone Crisis 9, 81, 138 (DDoS) 119, 122–3, 195 Evans, Gareth 98 Doe v. Unocal 153–4 Dole 135–6 Facebook 43, 196 Drainville, Albert 167 failed states 13–14, 85, 215 Dresden 112 Falk, R. 170 drones 112–13 FARC (Fuerzas Armadas drug trafficking 24–7, 58, 69, 83 Revolucionarias de Colombia) Afghanistan 39–40, 94 73–4, 79, 154, 155, 213 criminalization 26, 70, 171 Feinstein, A. 100 drug wars 41–2, 57, 72–5 Fergusson, Niall 137 money laundering 143 Financial Action Task Force impacts 25, 26–7 (FATF) 117, 138 Southeast Asia 70–2 financial crime 22–3, 137–40, Drummond Coal 155–6 141–2, 142–8 Dubro, Alec 40–1 financial risk 141–2 Dunant, Henri 170–1 financialization 117 Dyncorp 107–8 fishing, illegal 33–5 dysfunctional states 39–42 Ford Foundation 169 Ford Motor Company 131 East Timor 83 Foreign Direct Investment Eastern Europe 55–7 (FDI) 132–3, 157–8, 184 economic cooperation 82 Freedom Flotilla, the 194 economic warfare 15, 87, 88, Fukuyama, Francis 204, 206 113–19 Economist 57 al-Gaddafi, Colonel Mu’ammar 96–7 Edwards, Michael 166 Gandhi, Mahatma 198 Egypt 60, 62, 65 Garfinkel, Simon, Database Nation 46 Eisenhower, Dwight D. 20 Gaza 187, 194 environmental crime 9, 31–9, 127, General Agreement on Tariffs and 128–9, 140–1 Trade (GATT) 135–6 environmental law 31–2, 34 Geneva Conventions 4–5, 91, 103–8, espionage. See spying 112, 116–17, 125, 171, 185, 187–8 ethical realism 20 genocide 4–5, 59, 77, 82, 85, Ethiopian famine, 1983–1985 193 150, 182 Index 283

Ghani, Ashraf 13 Haiti , 2010 192 Giddens, Anthony 93, 120 Hamas 187 Glasser, Charles 219 Hardt, Michael 177 global complexity 215–17 harm, tolerances for 9 Global Financial Crisis (GFC), Harvey, David 129 2008 10, 30, 81, 137–8, 169 Hashim, Ahmed S., When global imaginary, the 221 Counterinsurgency Wins 79 global justice 187–94, 202–3 Hassan-al-Banna 63 global overworld, operating Hayden, Patrick 8, 89 protocols 212 Held, David 7, 223 Global Peace Index 21–2 heroin 24, 26, 39–40, 69, 70–2, 94 global society 17 Hiroshima 111 global tolerances 6–7 HIV/AIDS 202 Global War on Terror 2–3, 75, 79, Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking 91–2, 139, 211 Corporation (HSBC) 118, 142, globalization 2–3, 15–16, 17, 117, 142–6, 148, 186–7 130, 164, 172, 180, 206–7, 218, Huawei Technologies 162–3 221–2 human displacement 8 and corporate crime 127–8 human nature 10–11, 52, 216, creation of new frontiers 211 218–19 of crime 19, 84 human rights 20, 180, 206–7 and drug trafficking 72 human rights abuses 5, 80, 155–6, Finance Driven 132–3, 142 185, 204 messiness 210 Human Rights Watch (HRW) and security 51–2, 54, 55 75, 155, 172 and state criminality 86–9 human security 20–1, 51, 77 globalized insurgency 53 Human Security Now (UNCHS) 20 Godement, Francois 137–8 human trafficking 27–30, 28, 58 Goodin, Robert E. 179 humanitarian activism 170–1 Google 139 humanitarian aid 158, 176, governance 2, 7, 72 185, 189 indicators 214–15, 216 humanitarian disasters 184–5 resistance to 210–14 humanitarian intervention 77, 80, security 75–84 95, 98 governments, complicity 8 humanitarianism 170 Great Britain 114–15, 151, 162–3 Huntington, Samuel 39, 55, 62 emissions 32 Greenpeace 182–3, 201 imperialism 26 Grossman, David 109 India 117, 198 Guinea-Bissau 40 Indian Tsunami, 2004 191–2 Gulf of Mexico, Deepwater Horizon indigenous peoples 152–3 oil spill 127, 128–9, 166 Indonesia 35–6, 37, 134, 191–2 Gulf War, First 115, 116–17 informationalization 1, 11, 45, 84, 86, 125, 128, 218 hacking and hacktivism 3, 121, insecurity 17, 51, 58–9, 125 195–7 Institute for Economics and Hague Convention, 1907 Peace 21–2 91, 103–8, 110 insurgencies 53–4, 55, 57, 73, 79 284 Index intelligence-sharing 163 International Security Assistance interdependence, regional 82–4 Force (ISAF) 78, 95 international affairs, responsibility international society, principle 96–9 tolerances 212 International Atomic Energy International Telecommunications Agency (IAEA) 100 Union (ITU) 47 International Code for the Marketing International Whaling Commission of Breast-Milk Substitutes 202 (IWC) 34 International Commission internecine conflict 16 of Jurists 8 Internet, the 3, 16, 22, 42–7, 72, 88, International Committee of the 195–7, 204, 218–20 Red Cross (ICRC) 106, 107, 169, Internet Corporation for Assigned 170–1, 188 Names and Numbers international community, the 6–7 (ICANN) 47 International Convention against the Iran 74, 118 Recruitment, Use, Financing and Iraq 77, 78, 78–9, 83, 101–2, 108, Training of Mercenaries 106–7 115, 116–17, 158 International Convention for the Islam 55, 63, 180–1 Regulation of Whaling, Islamic Relief Organization 144 1948 31–2 Islamist extremism 52–3, 61, 64–5, International Convention for the 65, 179–80 Suppression of the Financing 123 of Terrorism 186 188 International Court of Justice (ICJ) 5, 34 Jacobs, James B. 166 International Criminal Court Jane Doe et al. v. Drummond (ICC) 85 Company 155–6 International Criminal Tribunal Japan 34, 36, 40–1, 110–11, for the former Yugoslavia 190 114–15, 116 International Crisis Group Ministry of International Trade (ICG) 67–8, 95 and Industry (MITI) 133 International Labour Organization sogo shosha 36, 133–4 (ILO) 27 Transnational Corporations international law 4–7, 15, 85, 93, (TNCs) 133 102–8, 221 the Yakuza 39, 40–1 International Maritime Organization Jervis, Robert 52 (IMO) 66 Joint Committee on Human Rights International Monetary Fund (UK) 151 (IMF) 22, 205 Jonathan, Goodluck 67 International Narcotics Control Strategy Juan Aquas Romero v. Drummond Report (INLEA) 22 Company 155–6 International NGOs (INGOs) 167, judicialization 16 168, 170, 172–4, 181, 183. See also Juergensmeyer, Mark 53 Civil Society Organizations juridification 213 (CSOs); non-governmental jurisdictions of concern 212 organizations (NGOs) Just War 109 International Opium Convention, Justice and Equality Movement 1912 26 (JEM) 59 international order 10–11 justice globalism 179 Index 285

Kaldor, Mark, New and Old Wars 53–4 low-intensity conflicts 59, 62 Kaplan, David 40–1 Luhmann, Niklas 12, 42, 43 Karzai, Hamid 94 Kashmir 189 al-Mabouh, Mahmoud 90 Kaufmann, Daniel 165 Malaysia 37–8, 73 Kavalski, Emilian 223 Mali, Tuareg Rebellion, 2012 57–9 Kazakhstan 38–9 Manning, Bradley 196–7 Keay, Andrew 130 manufactured uncertainty 120 Keegan, John 88 maritime crime 30–1, 31, 32–5, Kennedy, David 6, 108, 182 66, 67–8 Keohane, R. O. and Nye, J. S. 12 market forces 9–10, 55, 214 Keohane, Robert 76 market globalism 125, 164, 166, 179, Khan, Irene 176 214, 216, 221 Kilcullen, David 53 Marshall, Samuel L. A. 109 killing Marx, Karl 113 acceptable 182 mass protests 177–9 corporate crime 155–6 Massoud, Ahmad Shah 94 distance 109–13 Mearsheimer, John 218–19 and state criminality 109–13 Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) targeted 90, 105, 112–13 188, 189–91 Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum mercenaries 106–8 148, 156–7 Mexico 41–2, 57, 72, 73 Knake, Robert 119 Midlarsky, M. I. 55, 69, 110 Kony, Joseph 65 militarization 75 Kranser, S. 4, 10, 93, 129 military law 108 Kuperman, Alan 97 militias 108 Kurlansky, Mark 198 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 76–7, 137, 165 Lambert, Nicholas 87 mobility crime. See human Latin America 72–5 trafficking lawfare 150, 183, 201 money laundering 22, 23, 25, laws 4, 210, 210–14 117–18, 138 Le Pape, Marc 189–90 Montreal Protocol, the 32 Lee, Maggy 27–8 morality 8, 11, 16, 110, 137–8, 190 Leonardsen, Dag 40–1 moralization gap 15, 91–2 Lessig, Lawrence 46–7 Movement for the Emancipation of liberal capitalism 14 the Niger Delta (MEND) 67 liberalism 9–10, 16, 217 Muslim Brotherhood 61, 63 Liberia 66 Mutually Assured Destruction Libya 65, 66, 96–8, 99, 100, 198 (MAD) 122 Liem Sioe Liong 134 Myanmar 70–1, 189–90, 206 Lind, William 93 liquid crimes 42 Nadelmann, Ethan 19 Loader, Brian 43 Nagasaki 111 Lockhardt, Clare 13 Nairobi Comprehensive Peace logging, illegal 35–7 Agreement, 2005 59 Lomé Convention, 1973 135–6 National Endowment for London Interbank Offered Rate Democracy 169 (LIBOR) 146–8 National Islamic Front (NIF) 61, 63 286 Index national security 2–3, 6 Organization of the Islamic NATO v. Gaddafi 96–7 Conference 180 Nazi 111, 116 Overseas Development Assistance Negri, Antonio 177 (ODA) 200 neo-conservatism 21 Netherlands, the 115, 156 Pacific states 83–4 network power 172 Pakistan 53, 94–5, 112–13, 181 networked state, the 86–8, 120, Palestinian Territory 186–7 124–5, 136 Papua New Guinea 149–51 neutrality 185, 188, 188–91 paramilitaries 75, 108 Nicaragua 92–3 Penal Reform International (PRI) 172 Niebuhr, R. 210, 221 people power 75 Nigeria 64, 66–7, 152–3, 156–7 perfidy 104–5 Nimayri, Colonel Muhhama 61 Peru 72 Nisoor Square Incident, 2007 108 Pinker, Steve 11 Nokia 165 Pinochet, General Augusto 204 non-governmental organizations piracy 30–1, 66, 67–8 (NGOs) 167–72, 174, 175–6 Polanyi, Karl 10 corporate cooperation 202 political evil 89–90 and global justice 187–94 Political Instability Task Force 21 independence 172–4, 193 political protest 198–200 security role 192–4 Polman, Linda 191 See also Civil Society Organizations poverty 8, 20, 137 (CSOs); International NGOs Prebisch, Raul 205 (INGOs) predestination 216 non-violence 198 predeterminism 216 North American Free Trade prediction 214–17 Agreement 42 Presenti, Christina 29 Norway 34 Prince, Erik 159–60 Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty Prisoners of War (POWs) 103, 110 (NPT) 100 Private Military and Security nuclear weapons 100, 101, 111–12 Contractors (PMSCs) 107–8, Nuremberg Principles 4–5 159–60, 187 Probo Koala (ship) 141 Obama, Barack 79–80, 120 protectionism 131 Occupy movement 177, 177–9, 195 Protocol on Environmental OECD Guidelines for Multinational Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, Companies 150–1 1998 32 offensive realism 218–19 proxy wars 104 oil 62–3, 63–4, 66–7, 95, 118–19, public health 25, 26–7 136, 152–3, 154, 156, 158 public interest 165 opium 26, 70–2, 171 Organisation for Economic Rao, Smriti 29 Co-operation and Development rationality 216 (OECD) 141–2, 158–9 Realism 13 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Refugee Convention, 1951 28 Countries (OPEC) 136 refugees 28, 28, 59 Index 287

Regional Assistance Mission for the secularism and Solomon Islands (RAMSI) 83 secularization 179–80 regulatory arbitrage 132 securitization 19, 20–2, 46, 138, 143 Reid, Michael 72–3 security 2–3, 4, 10, 12–14, 20, 51–84, religiosity 179–82 125, 209 religious development African situation 57–68 organizations 181–2 American policy 77–80 resilience 223 Australian policy 82–4 resource competition 115–16 corporate 151–2 responsibility 8, 85 cyber 119–21, 123 collective 127–8 EU policy 80–2 corporate crime 127–8, 128–30, four-dimensional approach 145–6, 149 55–7, 56 individuated 141 and globalization 51–2, 54, 55 responsibility principle 96–9 governance 75–84 Responsibility to Protect (R2P) 6–7, human 20–1, 51, 77 77, 82, 85, 98 and inogenic trajectories restorative justice 199, 213 68–75, 69 Rice, Condoleezza 91–2 insurgency threat 53–4, 55, 57 Rieff, David 191 Internet 44 Rihani, Samir 12 militarization 75 Rio Tinto 149–51, 161 military 77–8 risk analysis 54–5 NGO role 192–4 risk and risk management 13, 15, private 107–8 21–2, 120, 141–2, 151, 220, 222 regional fissures 65–8 risk imaginary, the 119, 125 risk analysis 54–5 risk matrix 84 risk management 15, 21–2 risk theory 52 risk matrix 84 risk-talk 89 state-centric 20–1 Rivera-Santos, Miguel 202 terrorism threat 52–3 Rome Statute, the 4–5, 85, 106 threat disablement 21 Roosevelt, Franklin D. 20 security assemblages 151–2 Rostow, W. W. 204 security complex, the 54 rubber 114 security doctrines 20 Rufin, Carlos 202 Sen, Amartya 206–7 Ruggie, John Gerard 165 shadow states 40–2 Rushkoff, David 178 Shell 152–3 Russia 56, 80, 98, 100, 122–3, 182–3 Sierra Leone 66 Rwanda, genocide 77, 82 Simpson, Gerry 213 Sklair, Leslie 164, 200–1, 203 Saddam Hussein 101–2, 116–17, 158 Slovik, Patrick 141–2 sanctions 116–17, 118, 142, 143–4, Smith, Adam 136, 214, 216 157–8, 160 Snowden, Edward 1, 197 Sandholtz, Wayne 172 social activism 75 Sarai v. Rio Tinto PLC 149–51, 157 social imaginary, the 221 Saro-Wiwa, Ken 152–3 soft power 76–7, 80–2 Schumpeter, Joseph 128 Somalia 59, 67–8 288 Index

South Africa 116 terrorism 21, 84, 111, 212 South Sudan 59, 60–1, 66 CSOs and 186–7 Southeast Asia 70–2, 82–4 cyber crime 45 sovereignty 4, 16, 85 financing 22, 143 Soviet Union 56, 76, 93–4, 116 security threat 52–3 spying 6, 44, 90–1, 121–2, 124, 212 Terry, Fiona 190 Sri Lanka 79 Thailand 48, 73, 74, 114–15, 132, state, the 7, 86, 93, 212–13, 218–19 134, 160–1, 200, 204, 213–14 state criminality 5, 10–11, 15, Thomas, Douglas 43 91–2, 100 Tibbets, Colonel Paul 112 arms trade 92–3, 99–102 total war 113–14 covert operations 89–96 Trafigura Berheer 141, 158 cyber war 89, 119–24 Transnational Corporations economic warfare 87, 113–19 (TNCs) 130–6, 150–1, 167 and globalization 86–9 transnational crime 5–6, 14, and killing 90, 109–13 22–31, 49 legal authorization 96–7 securitization 19, 20–2 liability 105–6 threat 24–5, 39–42 plausible denial 93 value 19 regulation 102–8 transnational social responsibility 85 movements 177–9 responsibility principle 96–9 Transocean 127, 128–9 tolerances 99 Transparency International 158, 183 State Failure Task Force 21 Truman, Harry S. 20 State Peace and Development Council Tunisia 65 (SPDC) 71 Twitter 179 Steger, Manfred 179, 221 Stern, Jessica 63 Uganda 65 Stiglitz, Joseph 9–10 Ulbricht, Ross William 45 Stockton, Nicholas 184 Union Carbide Company strategic competition 122–3 (UCC) 140–1 strategic trade 115 Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) 68 Stuxnet 123 United Nations 78–9, 205, 217 Sudan 59, 59–64 Convention against Sunstein, Cass R. 120 Corruption 159 surveillance 1–2, 3–4, 45–6, 86, 124 Counter-Terrorism Committee Syrian Civil War, 2011–2013 6–7, 59, (CTC) 117 98–9, 99, 190–1 Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC) 174 tactical bombing 111–12 Millennium Development Goals Tajikistan 38–9 (MDGs) 76–7, 137, 165 Taliban, the 53, 93, 94, 95 Office on Drugs and Crime 72 targeted killing 105, 112–13 Oil-for-Food Programme 158 tax avoidance 139–40 United Nations Charter 5, 20, 78, Taylor, Charles 119, 221 97, 174 technological innovation 1, 87 United Nations Commission on techno-strategic competition 89 Human Security 20 telecommunications, state United Nations Conference on Trade surveillance 1–2 and Development (UNCTAD) 205 Index 289

United Nations Convention Office of Foreign Assets Control on the Law of the Sea (OFAC) 145 (UNCLOS) 30, 32–3, 47 Patriot Act 86, 139, 143, 160, 186, United Nations Declaration on the 187, 188, 197 Rights of Indigenous Peoples 38 PMSCs 108, 159–60 United Nations Development post-Cold War 76 Programme (UNDP) 29–30, 205 relations with China 88–9, 162–3 United Nations High Commissioner relations with Sudan 62–3 for Refugees (UNHCR) 28 security policy 77–80 United Nations Office on Drugs and Select Committee on Crime (UNODC) 24, 27, 158 Intelligence 162 United Nations Security support for Contras 92–3 Council 5, 80, 96, 97, 118 Supreme Court 148, 156 United Nations Trafficking in Persons targeted killing 112–13 Protocol 29 Tea Party movement 200 United States of America terrorism strategy 53 Africa policy 63–4, 65 Trading with the Enemy Act 143–4 aid 187 Vietnam War strategy 13 Alien Torts claims 148–9, 156–7 Universal Declaration of Human arms trade 100 Rights 20, 78 Committee Encouraging Corporate unlawfulness 7, 8, 182, 209–10, Philanthropy 200 212, 213 Communications Assistance for Unocal (Chevron) 153–4 Law Enforcement Act, 1994 86 Urry, John 12 corporate law enforcement 148–9 USA v. Chiquita 154–5 counter-Islamist operations Uzbekistan 38–9 64–5, 65 counter-narcotics operations 25, 72 Velasco, Jose 39 covert operations 89–90, 92–3 Velez, Alvaro Uribe 74–5 cyber crime impacts 44, 122 Versailles, Treaty of, 1919 51 cyber war 123 Vietnam War 13, 26, 111, 122 Department of Justice (DoJ) 142 violence 10, 109, 110, 123, 195 economic warfare 114–15, 118–19 criminogenic trajectories environmental law 32 68–75, 69 Espionage Act, 1917 91, 197 CSOs and 198–200 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act virtual states 40–2 (FCPA) 160–1 Volcker, Paul 158 fruit companies 135–6 and the Geneva Waltz, Kenneth 14 Conventions 105–6 Wang Xiaoning 163 HSBC investigation 142–8 war 10, 86, 109–13, 113–14 illegal immigrants 30 war crimes 4–5, 8, 85, 99, 102, Lacey Act, 2008 36 106, 110, 150, 190–1, 213 Mali policy 58–9 war economics 113–19 military interventions 77, 78–9, war law 103–8, 109–13 93–6 Weapons of Mass Destruction moralization gap 91–2 (WMD) 98–9, 101–2, 104 National Security weapons proliferation 99–100. Agency 1, 45–6, 163 See also arms trade 290 Index

Weber, Max 10 World Social Forum (WSF) 169 Weiss, Tom 7 World Trade organization (WTO) Whitman, Jim, The Limits to 37, 135–6 Governance 12 World Vision 191–2 Whiton, C. 53, 79 World War I 88, 103 WikiLeaks 45, 197, 199 World War II 51, 87, 103–4, 109, Wilson, Woodrow 51 110–11, 111–12, 114–15, 116, Wiwa v. Shell 152–3 122, 220 Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) 171 Yakuza, the 39, 40–1 women, human trafficking 29–30 Yew, Lee Kuan 206 women’s rights 180–1 Yugoslavia 77, 81 World Bank 76, 137, 158, 205 World Health Organization (WHO) 26–7 Zhengfei, Reng 162