X43 bus time schedule & line map

X43 Stockton Heath - Cronton Lane Via Sandymoor, View In Website Mode Windmill Hill, Castleelds

The X43 bus line Stockton Heath - Cronton Lane Via Sandymoor, Windmill Hill, Castleelds has one route. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Upton Rocks: 7:42 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest X43 bus station near you and nd out when is the next X43 bus arriving.

Direction: Upton Rocks X43 bus Time Schedule 49 stops Upton Rocks Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:42 AM Mullberry Tree Pub, Stockton Heath Tuesday 7:42 AM Methodist Church, Stockton Heath The Village Terrace, Wednesday 7:42 AM

Belvoir Road, Walton Thursday 7:42 AM Friday 7:42 AM Walton Arms, Higher Walton Saturday Not Operational Cockght Cottages, Acton Grange

Moore Lane, Moore 29 Road, Warrington X43 bus Info Canalside, Moore Direction: Upton Rocks 66 Runcorn Road, Warrington Stops: 49 Trip Duration: 68 min Red Lion, Moore Line Summary: Mullberry Tree Pub, Stockton Heath, 119 Runcorn Road, Warrington Methodist Church, Stockton Heath, Belvoir Road, Walton, Walton Arms, Higher Walton, Cockght Runcorn Road, Moore Cottages, Acton Grange, Moore Lane, Moore, 208 Runcorn Road, Warrington Canalside, Moore, Red Lion, Moore, Runcorn Road, Moore, Keckwick Lane, Halton Moss, Calmington Keckwick Lane, Halton Moss Lane, Keckwick, Selby Close, Norton, Wharford Lane, Norton, Steventon, Norton, Pitts Heath, Norton, Calmington Lane, Keckwick Sandymoor Lane, Norton, Windmill Hill East, Windmill 39 Newmoore Lane, Sandymoor Hill, Adlington, Windmill Hill, Gooseberry Lane, Windmill Hill, Windmill Hill, Norton Priory, Norton, The Selby Close, Norton Park, Halton Village, Castleelds Ctr., Halton Village, Glastonbury Close, Sandymoor Civil Parish Rolands Walk, Halton Village, The Brow, Halton Village, Halton Lea North, Palace Fields, Halton Lea Wharford Lane, Norton South, Palace Fields, Hill Lodge Avenue, Grange, 8 Buckfast Court, Sandymoor Civil Parish Brackendale, Halton Brook, The Tithings, Halton Brook, Penfolds, Halton Brook, Castle Rise, Castle Steventon, Norton Rise, Sea Lane, Castle Rise, Halfway House, Castle 1 Steventon, Sandymoor Civil Parish Rise, Iron Bridge, Castle Rise, Picton Avenue, Halton Brook, Irwell Street/The Bridge, West Bank, Waterloo Pitts Heath, Norton Centre, Waterloo, Ashley Way, , Doctors Pub, Dorchester Park, Sandymoor Civil Parish Widnes, Kingsway, Widnes, Horse & Jockey, Widnes, Wade Deacon, Widnes, Bircheld Road, Widnes, Sandymoor Lane, Norton Widnes Station, Upton Rocks, Pit Lane, Upton Rocks, 24 Holford Moss, Sandymoor Civil Parish Buckingham Avenue, Upton Rocks, The Globe, Upton Rocks, Hillcrest, Upton Rocks Windmill Hill East, Windmill Hill 17 Haywood Crescent, Runcorn

Adlington, Windmill Hill 2 Adlington Road, Runcorn

Gooseberry Lane, Windmill Hill Busway, Runcorn

Windmill Hill U Norton Hill, Runcorn

Norton Priory, Norton

The Park, Halton Village 36-37 Merlin Close, Runcorn

Castleelds Ctr., Halton Village 50 Chester Close, Runcorn

Rolands Walk, Halton Village 39 Princes Close, Runcorn

The Brow, Halton Village 63 Calvers, Runcorn

Halton Lea North, Palace Fields Second Avenue, Runcorn

Halton Lea South, Palace Fields The Link, Runcorn

Hill Lodge Avenue, Grange 89 Cotton Lane, Runcorn

Brackendale, Halton Brook 86 Halton Brook Avenue, Runcorn

The Tithings, Halton Brook 68 Halton Brook Avenue, Runcorn

Penfolds, Halton Brook 1 Penfolds, Runcorn

Castle Rise, Castle Rise 169 Boston Avenue, Runcorn

Sea Lane, Castle Rise 123 Halton Road, Runcorn

Halfway House, Castle Rise 1 Halton Court, Runcorn

Iron Bridge, Castle Rise Taylors Row, Runcorn

Picton Avenue, Halton Brook 5 Bridgewater Court, Runcorn

Irwell Street/The Bridge, West Bank

Waterloo Centre, Waterloo

Ashley Way, Widnes Thomas Street, Widnes

Doctors Pub, Widnes Witt Road, Widnes

Kingsway, Widnes

Horse & Jockey, Widnes

Wade Deacon, Widnes 104 Bircheld Road, Widnes

Bircheld Road, Widnes

Widnes Station, Upton Rocks 140 Bircheld Road,

Pit Lane, Upton Rocks

Buckingham Avenue, Upton Rocks

The Globe, Upton Rocks 217 Bircheld Road, Widnes

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