April 13, 2015 7:00 P.M.

AGENDA I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Procedural Matters A. Action Items: 1. Approval of Agenda (Additions and Deletions)

IV. Unscheduled Delegations (Audience to Address the Board)

V. Consent Calendar A. Approval of Minutes from the March 9, 18, and 20th 2015 Meetings B. Approval of Financial Report C. Approval of Accounts Payable D. Approval of Administrator Retirement E. Approval of Administrators for Hire F. Approval of Certified Retirements G. Approval of New Certified Employees H. Approval of Certified Notice of Intent I. Approval of Certified Resignations J. Approval of New Classified Employees K. Approval of Classified Personnel Resignations L. Approval of Classified Personnel Retirements M. Approval of Extra-Curricular Employees N. Approval of Extra-Curricular Resignations O. Approval of Student Teachers P. Approval of Extended Out of State Travel Request

VI. Superintendent’s Report A. Certified Employee of the Month - O’Leary Middle School B. Classified Employee of the Month- O’Leary Middle School C. National Service Learning Conference

VII. Instruction A. Information Items: 1. 2015-2016 IDLA District Memorandum of Understanding 2. Approval of Use of Football Gear for TFHS & CRHS Summer Camps

B. Action Items: 1. 2015-2016 IDLA District Memorandum of Understanding 2. Approval of Use of Football Gear for TFHS & CRHS Summer Camps

VIII. Budget and Finance A. Information Items: 1. 2015-16 Enrollment and Staffing Projections 2. District Financial Report 3. Facilities Update Report 4. Harrison Elementary Asphalt Project Bids 5. Sackett Farm Appraisal Update

B. Action Items: 1. Harrison Elementary Asphalt Project Bid Approval 2. Sackett Farm Appraisal Update 3. Approve Certificate of Election for Trustee Zone(s) #2, #4 & #5

IX. Personnel A. Information Items: (None)

B. Action Items: 1. Updated Special Education Manual Approval

X. Board Goals A. Information Items: (None) B. Action Items: (None)

XI. Future Agenda Items A. April 22, 2015 Meeting @ Sawtooth Elementary School - Building Goals 1. Teresa Jones, Sawtooth Elementary 2. Kelli Schroeder, Bickel Elementary School 3. Kasey Teske, Canyon Ridge High School 4. Dan Vogt,

B. Retirement Reception date May 27, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. at District Extension Office

XII. Executive Session as per ID Code 67-2345(1) sub-sections (b) & (c): (b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student; (c) to conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations.


WELCOME to another Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees Meeting. You are encouraged to attend all regular board meetings.

We are proud of our school system and the board members are dedicated to the continued improvement of the Twin Falls Schools.

We understand that from time to time patrons of school districts have concerns and feel a need to bring those concerns to the attention of the school or teachers. In order to maintain continuity and best resolve these concerns, we recommend to our patrons the following procedures:

1. The first and most effective step is to take the concern to the staff member who is closest to the problem. (In many cases this will be the teacher, coach, etc.) We have found that most problems are resolved at this level.

2. Ifthere is still a concern on the matter, we then recommend that the concern be brought to the attention of the Principal. We have found that unresolved concerns from item #1 are usually resolved satisfactorily by the building administrator.

3. If the concern is not satisfactorily resolved at that level, then the concern should be taken to the Director of Elementary Programs or Director of Secondary Programs.

4. If the concern is not satisfactorily resolved at that level, then the concern should be taken to the Superintendent of Schools. Difficult concerns can usually be resolved.

5. However, ifthe patron still feels the concern has not been properly resolved he/she may use the right of appeal to the Board of Trustees. This is done by calling or writing to the Superintendent and asking for the item to be placed on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled board meeting.

6. If you desire to address the board, we would like you to be as comfortable as possible. As a board we hold public meetings which are not publfo forums and therefore have rules which are necessary for the benefit of all. The following guidelines will assist you as you present your information to the board.

A. Prepare your thoughts ahead of time. Usually a briefwritten outline handed to each board member helps the board follow your presentation. This outline would also give them something upon which to make notes as you speak.

B. If a group is involved, select one individual to be your spokesperson. He/she can then guide the presentation with the board and help the board chairman in directing questions to the group.

C. Plan your presentation to be as brief as possible. This should include a question/answer period. If more time is needed it is best to give a complete written presentation to the board for their future study. If you give more than five to six minutes of testimony, time restraints will make it difficult for the board to respond that same evening.

D. Usually the board will direct the administration to help resolve the concerns and ask for a report back to the board at a later date. However, please remember a solution may take time to be resolved.

We are eager to have our patrons and school staff working together for the improvement of education in the Twin Falls Schools.

Thank you for coming. Please come again.

Your Board of Trustees 7459

TWIN FALLS PUBLIC SCHOOLS School District No. 411 201 MAIN AVENUE WEST TWIN FALLS, IDAHO 83301 (208) 733-6900

March 9, 2015 7:00 p.m.

I. Call to Order - The Board of Trustees of School District No. 411, Twin Falls County, State of Idaho, met in its regular monthly meeting at Canyon Ridge High School boardroom #301 located at 300 North College Road, Twin Falls, Idaho, at the hour of7:00 p.m., on Monday, March 9, 2015. The following trustees were present: Chairman Bernie Jansen, Vice­ Chairman Bryan Matsuoka, and Trustees Mary Barron, Paul McClintock, and Liyah Babayan. There were also present Superintendent Wiley Dobbs; Clerk, Michelle Lucas; Director of Human Resources Shannon Swafford; Director of Elementary Programs Ted Popplewell; Director of Secondary Programs L. T. Erickson; and Director of Educational Technology/Operations Brady Dickinson; Director of Federal Programs, Policy and Grants, Bill Brulotte as well as interested patrons, employees, and the news media.

II. Pledge of Allegiance - The Board of Trustees stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Ill. Procedural Matters Action Items

1. Approval of Agenda (Additions and Deletions)-Chairman Jansen asked ifthere were any additions or deletions to the agenda. Superintendent Dobbs asked to remove the monthly financial report from the agenda. Trustee Barron moved to approve the agenda as amended. Trustee McClintock seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

IV. Unscheduled Delegations (Audience to Address the Board)-Chairman Jansen asked ifthere was anyone wishing to address the Board. There was no one.

V. Consent Calendar - Trustee McClintock moved to approve the consent calendar which included: Minutes from the February 9, and 25, 2015 meetings; financial reports; accounts payable; certified retirements from Jacque Salisbury, Marjie Atkins, Marie Groberg, Terral Thompson, and Vicki Larsen; new classified employee Daniela Mendez; classified retirement for the 2014-15 school year from Terry Salisburry; classified resignations from: Debra Hedrick and Jeff Yancey; extra-curricular employee Emily Parker; extra-curricular resignation from Dan Creek; current active casual employee list; and current active guest teacher list. The motion was seconded by Trustee Barron. Motion passed unanimously.

VI. Superintendent's Report

A. Superintendent Dobbs announced the certified employee of the month from Robert Stuart Middle School for the month of March as Christopher Ahlm, 7th grade social studies teacher. 7460

B. Superintendent Dobbs announced the classified employee of the month from Robert Stuart Middle School as Shannon Wasko, behavioral para. Superintendent Dobbs read a brief resume' and presented Ms. Wasko and Mr. Ahlm each with a gift, plaque, and dinner for two at Rock Creek. Ms. Wasko and Mr. Ahlm thanked the board for the honor.

C. Principal of Lincoln Elementary School, Beth Olmstead presented her building report to the board. Ms. Olmstead shared that one of Lincoln's WISE Smart Goals was that 1st through 5th grade will grow in the area of math from 46% proficient in the fall of 2014 to 70% proficient in the spring 2015; they surpassed that goal for a total of79% proficient. She commented that she is very proud of the commitment her staff has made to utilize the data warehousing system Milepost. Lincoln Elementary received over $50,000 in grants for school improvements. Ms. Olmstead also shared a few challenging areas such as high rate of student turnover, homelessness and poverty. The board asked what they can do for Lincoln Elementary school. Ms. Olmstead said Lincoln could really use increased safety features for entryways and increased camera coverage. Ms. Olmstead thanked the board for the opportunity to share her report with the board.

D. Superintendent Dobbs shared that Bob Seaman has been recognized as one of this year's Idaho Business Review's Money Makers honorees. The Idaho Business Review is recognizing outstanding financial professionals across the state whose fiscal work has set the pace for their companies and our region. Congratulations Bob Seaman!

E. Liyah Babayan received one of the Idaho Business Review Women of the Year Awards presented to only 50 women throughout Idaho at a ceremony in Boise. Congratulations, Twin Falls School District #411 Trustee Liyah Babayan!

F. The Optimist Club Essay Contest results were shared: first place for $150 was Canyon Ridge High School student Kendra Berry and third place for $100 was O'Leary Middle School student Ava Eckles. Kendra Berry's essay will move forward to the district contest where the prize is $2,500. Good Luck Kendra!

G. Superintendent Dobbs reminded everyone that tomorrow is the day to vote in the supplemental levy election if they haven't voted already.

VII. Instruction A: Information Items: None

VII. Instruction B. Action Items: None

VIII. Budget & Finance A. Information Items:

1. Director of Educational Technology & Operations Brady Dickinson updated the board with his monthly facilities update.

2. Superintendent Dobbs gave a brief legislative update and board members discussed what they've heard on the different bills up for consideration. Dr. Dobbs commented that the teacher pay bill isn't the same as it was when first presented and may be in jeopardy. Fiscal numbers for the proposed bill for alternative 6th grade students to be counted for alternative 7461

funding units were provided and now the bill needs printed. He is hopeful the bill will move forward.

VIII. Budget & Finance B. Action Items:

1/2/3. Superintendent Dobbs recommended for board approval the janitorial supply bids to WCP Solutions $28,893.91, Gem State Paper $31,603.01, Hanson Janitorial $2,155.92, Pyramid School Products $969 .17, Unipak Corp. $8,290.50 and W axie Sanitary Supply $1,562.90 for a total of $73,475.41. General/office supply bids to Quill Corporation $1,228.61, Caxton Printers $98.70, Pyramid School Products $783.14, Standard Stationary Supply $1,429.75, 5, LD Products $64.00; AFP Industries $581.74, and Liberty Flags $582.75 for a total of $4,768.69. Paper supply bids to Contract Paper Group $101,522.63, Caxton Printers $6,518.20, and Pyramid School Products $8,851.58 for a total of $116,892.41. Vice Chairman Matsuoka moved to approve the janitorial, general/office, and paper supply bids as proposed by Purchasing Agent Sheila Rinehart. Trustee Barron seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

IX. Personnel A: Information Items:

1. Director of Support Services Clara Allred presented state mandated changes to the Special Education manual. Board action is required on these changes set by the state. This will return for action next month.

IX. Personnel B: Action Items: None

X. Board Goals A. Information Items: None

X. Board Goals B. Action Items:

1. After a few brief questions Vice Chairman Matsuoka moved to approve the 2015-2020 strategic plan as proposed. Trustee Babayan seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

XI. Future Agenda Items:

A. Building reports will be presented on March 18, 2015 by Principal of Alternative High School Roger Keller; Principal of Bridge Academy Jim Brown, Principal of O'Leary Middle School Jess Johnson, and Principal of Robert Stuart Middle School Amy McBride. This meeting will be held at the Bridge Academy.

XII. Executive Session

Since there was no other business to come before the board Vice Chairman Matsuoka moved that the Board retire into executive session in accordance with Idaho Code 67-2345(1) subsection (b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student; and (c) to conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations or to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. Trustee McClintock seconded the motion. Chairman Jansen asked the 7462

Clerk of the Board Michelle Lucas to poll the board. She reported all members voted "yes" and the motion carried. The Board convened into executive session at 8:22 p.m.

Vice Chairman Matsuoka moved to return to open session. Trustee Barron seconded the Motion. Motion passed unanimously. The time was 8:59 p.m.

Vice Chairman Matsuoka moved to place Employee "A" on probation as recommended by administration. Trustee Barron seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Vice Chairman Matsuoka moved to uphold the hearing officer's recommendation to expel three (3) students from school for an indefinite period of time and that these students be expelled from school as defined in Idaho Code 33-205 and that these students be placed under the purview of the Juvenile Correction Act, Idaho Code 20-510 and 20-511. Trustee Barron seconded the motion and was passed unanimously.

Trustee McClintock moved to adjourn. Trustee Babayan seconded the motion. Motion carried. The time was 9:01 p.m.

Chairman Bernie Jansen ATTEST:

Clerk Michelle Lucas 747

TWIN FALLS PUBLIC SCHOOLS School District No. 411 201 MAIN AVENUE WEST TWIN FALLS, IDAHO 83301 (208) 733-6900

Executive Session March 9, 2015 8:22 p.m.

The Board of Trustees of Twin Falls School District #411 met in executive session on Monday, March 9, 2015, at 8:22 p.m., at Canyon Ridge High School boardroom #301 located at 300 North College Road, Twin Falls, Idaho. Chairman Bernie Jansen conducted the meeting. Trustees Bryan Matsuoka, Paul McClintock, Mary Barron, and Liyah Babayan along with Superintendent Wiley Dobbs; Clerk Michelle Lucas, Director of Secondary Programs L.T. Erickson, Director of Federal Programs, Policy and Grants Bill Brulotte, and Director of Human Resource Shannon Swafford were in attendance.

Since there was no other business to come before the board Vice Chairman Matsuoka moved that the Board retire into executive session in accordance with Idaho Code 67-2345(1) subsection (b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student; and (c) to conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations or to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. Trustee McClintock seconded the motion. Chairman Jansen asked the Clerk of the Board Michelle Lucas to poll the board. She reported all members voted "yes" and the motion carried. The Board convened into executive session at 8:22 p.m.

Vice Chairman Matsuoka moved to return to open session. Trustee Barron seconded the Motion. Motion passed unanimously. The time was 8:59 p.m.

Vice Chairman Matsuoka moved to place Employee "A" on probation as recommended by administration. Trustee Barron seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Vice Chairman Matsuoka moved to uphold the hearing officer's recommendation to expel three (3) students from school for an indefinite period of time and that these students be expelled from school as defined in Idaho Code 33-205 and that these students be placed under the purview of the Juvenile Correction Act, Idaho Code 20-510 and 20-511. Trustee Barron seconded the motion and was passed unanimously.

Trustee McClintock moved to adjourn. Trustee Babayan seconded the motion. Motion carried. The time was 9:01 p.m.

Chairman Bernie Jansen ATTEST:

Clerk Michelle Lucas 7463

TWIN FALLS PUBLIC SCHOOLS School District No. 411 201 MAIN AVENUE WEST TWIN FALLS, IDAHO 83301 (208) 733-6900

March 18, 2015 7:00 p.m.

I. Call to Order - The Board of Trustees of School District No. 411, Twin Falls County, State of Idaho, met in its regular monthly meeting at Bridge Academy located at 616 Eastland Drive, Twin Falls, Idaho, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., on Wednesday, March 18, 2015. The following trustees were present: Chairman Bernie Jansen, Vice Chairman Bryan Matsuoka, Trustees Paul McClintock, Mary Barron, and Liyah Babayan. There were also present Superintendent Wiley Dobbs; Board Clerk Michelle Lucas; Director of Fiscal Affairs Bob Seaman; Director of Federal Programs, Policy & Grants Bill Brulotte; Director of Human Resources Shannon Swafford; as well as interested patrons, and employees.

II. Pledge of Allegiance - The Board of Trustees stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

III. Procedural Matters Action Items:

1. Approval of Agenda (Additions and Deletions)- Chairman Jansen asked ifthere were any additions or deletions to the agenda. Superintendent Dobbs asked to remove the certification of the supplemental levy election results. The county has not canvassed the results yet. Trustee McClintock moved to approve the agenda as amended. Trustee Barron seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The board agreed to meet Friday March 20, 2015 at 8:15 a.m. at the district office board room to certify the Twin Falls County's canvassed election results.

IV. Building Reports

1. Principal of Bridge Academy Jim Brown presented his building goals report and shared some Bridge Academy highlights. Dr. Brown began with some challenges which included having to recruit teachers that are willing to teach in an alternative environment. They would like to add two more teachers to improve the student to teacher ratio. He also shared some successes which included having one to one devices for all students, and improved parent involvement with the "I Care" program. Dr. Brown said he appreciates the boards support, enjoys it when they come visit his school and thanked the board for the opportunity to present his building report.

2. Robert Stuart Middle School Principal Amy McBride, Vice Principal's Ace Marcellus and Becca Wills shared achievements and challenges for the 2014-2015 school year. Ms. 7464

McBride shared that their biggest challenge is space for the student population. Robert Stuart has a capacity of 900 and they currently have 944 students attending. They are projecting 32 students per 6th grade classroom next year. Ms. McBride shared achievements and successes that include great parent involvement during two successful family nights; literacy plan that expends writing every week with writing with a purpose; after school help; credit recovery during the day; and implementation of PBIS. Ms. McBride, Ms. Wills and Mr. Marcellus appreciate the boards support and the support from Dr. Dobbs, and Mr. Erickson.

3. O'Leary Middle School Principal Jess Johnson, Vice Principal's Danielle Barzee, and Becca Wills presented their building achievements and challenges. He began by describing his theory for a happy and safe student environment. Mr. Johnson also shared that they have created a staff wall and hung a large banner showing school pride. He noted that O'Leary and Robert Stuart's administration teams collaborate together often. Ms. Barzee explained what PBIS is and how O'Leary has implemented the program. One challenge is dealing with large student population and the increased disciplinary issues that come with the full classrooms, halls and lunchroom. Mr. Johnson, Ms. Barzee and Ms. Wills thanked the board for the opportunity to share their report.

4. Principal of Magic Valley High School Roger Keller began by expressing his appreciation for the district staff for all their support during the year. Mr. Keller shared one of Magic Valley's successes is that they have students graduate all year long as they finish their required credits. Another success includes the wonderful work Job Coordinator Dave Brown is doing with the work program. One challenge is having fifth year students being included in their dropout rate, even though they go on to graduate. Another challenge is preparing student for the new SBAC tests; however they are seeing positive things with the Achieve 3000 and the All School Writes implemented. Mr. Keller thanked the board for the opportunity to share his building report and stated he appreciates the Board's attention to the safety and security of the schools.

VII. Executive Session

Since there was no other business to come before the Board, Trustee McClintock moved that the Board retire into executive session after a five minute break as per Idaho Code 67-2345(1) subsection (b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student; and (c) to conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations. Trustee Barron seconded the motion. Chairman Jansen asked the Clerk Michelle Lucas to poll the board. She reported all members voted "yes" and the motion carried. The time was 8:40 p.m.

Trustee McClintock moved to go out of executive session. Trustee Barron seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The Board opened to the public at 9:07 p.m.

Trustee McClintock moved to uphold the hearing officer's recommendation to expel one (1) student from the Twin Falls School District #411 for an indefinite period of time and that this student be expelled from school as defined in Idaho Code 33-205 and that this student be placed under the 7465 purview of the Juvenile Correction Act, Idaho Code 20-510 and 20-511. Trustee Barron seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Trustee Barron moved to adjourn the meeting and Trustee McClintock seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.

Chairman, Bernie Jansen ATTEST:

Clerk, Michelle Lucas 748


March 18, 2015

The Board of Trustees of Twin Falls School District #411 met in executive session on Wednesday, March 18, 2015, at 8:40 p.m., at Bridge Academy located at 616 Eastland Drive, Twin Falls, Idaho. Chairman Bernie Jansen conducted the meeting. Vice Chairman Bryan Matsuoka, Trustees Paul McClintock, Mary Barron, and Liyah Babayan; Superintendent Wiley Dobbs; Clerk Michelle Lucas; Director of Human Resources Shannon Swafford; and Director of Federal Programs, Policy and Grants Bill Brulotte were also present.

Since there was no other business to come before the Board, Trustee McClintock moved that the Board retire into executive session after a five minute break as per Idaho Code 67-2345(1) subsection (b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student; and ( c) to conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations. Trustee Barron seconded the motion. Chairman Jansen asked the Clerk Michelle Lucas to poll the board. She reported all members voted "yes" and the motion carried. The time was 8:40 p.m.

Trustee McClintock moved to go out of executive session. Trustee Barron seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The Board opened to the public at 9:07 p.m.

Trustee McClintock moved to uphold the hearing officer's recommendation to expel one (1) student from the Twin Falls School District #411 for an indefinite period of time and that this student be expelled from school as defined in Idaho Code 33-205 and that this student be placed under the purview of the Juvenile Correction Act, Idaho Code 20-510 and 20-511. Trustee Barron seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Trustee Barron moved to adjourn the meeting and Trustee McClintock seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.

Chairman, Bernie Jansen ATTEST:

Clerk, Michelle Lucas 7466

TWIN FALLS PUBLIC SCHOOLS School District No. 411 201 MAIN AVENUE WEST TWIN FALLS, IDAHO 83301 (208) 733-6900

March 20, 2015 7:30 a.m.

I. Call to Order - The Board of Trustees of School District No. 411, Twin Falls County, State of Idaho, met in a special open session at the District Office Board room located at 201 Main Avenue West, Twin Falls, at the hour of 8:15 a.m., on Friday, March 20, 2015. The following trustees were present: Chairman Bernie Jansen, Vice Chairman Bryan Matsuoka, and by telephone Trustee Liyah Babayan. Superintendent Wiley Dobbs, and Clerk Michelle Lucas were also present.

II. Procedural Matters Action Items:

1. Chairman Jansen asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Vice Chairman Matsuoka moved to approve the agenda as submitted. Trustee Babayan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

III. Consent Calendar

Vice Chairman Matsuoka moved to approve the consent calendar which included the certificate of supplemental levy election results as canvassed by Twin Falls County Commissioners. Trustee Babayan seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Trustee Babayan moved to adjourn the meeting. Vice Chairman Matsuoka seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:19 a.m.

Chairman, Bernie Jansen ATTEST:

Clerk, Michelle Lucas Twin Falls School District #411 p 208.733.6900 201 Main Ave. W F 208. 733.2895 Twin Falls, ID 83301 WWW. tfsd.k 12. id. US


OUR MISSION is to maintain a balanced approach while providing leadership. guidance and quality. customer-driven human resource services to support Twin Falls School District employees.

April 8, 2015

To: Dr. Wiley J. Dobbs, Superintendent Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees

From: Sonia DeLeon, Human Resource Manager

Re: Retirement - Administrator

Attached please find a letter from the following administrator resigning his position to retire for the 2015-16 school year.

• Ted Popplewell, Director of Elementary Programs at District Office

The Human Resource Department recommends to the Superintendent and the Board of Trustees that we accept this resignation and wish him well in his new endeavors.


Wiley J. Dobbs, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools Twin Falls School District #411 p 208.733.6900 201 Main Ave. W F 208. 733.2895 Twin Falls, ID 83301


OUR MISSION is to maintain a balanced approach while providing leadership, guidance and quality, customer-driven human resource services to support Twin Falls School District employees.

April 7, 2015

To: Wiley J. Dobbs, Superintendent Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees

From: Sonia DeLeon, Human Resource Manager

Recommendation -2015-16 Administrators for Hire


Recommendation- Additional Year Rolling


Wiley J. Dobbs, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools Twin Falls School District #411 p 208.733.6900 201 Main Ave. W F 208. 733.2895 Twin Falls, ID 83301


OUR MISSION is to maintain a balanced approach while providing leadership, guidance and quality, customer-driven human resource services to support Twin Falls School District employees.

Date: April 7, 2015

To: Dr. Wiley Dobbs, Superintendent of Schools Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees

From: Sonia DeLeon, Human Resource Manager

Re: Certified Retirements

The following certified employees have submitted their resignation letter resigning their position for the 2015-2016 school year:

• Mary Harshman, Health Occupations at Canyon Ridge High School • Diane Baldwin, Resource Teacher at Sawtooth Elementary • Susan Whitney, Second Grade Teacher at Sawtooth Elementary • Jo Dodds, Science Teacher at Twin Falls High School • Kris Roy, Kindergarten Teacher at Perrine Elementary • Debra Kemper, English Teacher at Twin Falls High School

The Human Resource Department recommends to the Superintendent and the Board of Trustees that we accept these resignations.

Wiley J. Dobbs, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools NEW TEACHERS- 2015-2016 ~arsof I I - -- 'I I ·Area of Teacher·~Name Gradu~~ ~ation ___ 1 Experience ~ I Position Hired F~chool -----r--1 I B_S . Math ~-a-g-ic_V_a-11-ey_H_ig_h_S_c_ho_o_I_ Sean Spag~oloBoise Stat~Universityl209i:Jhl. and Math 10 __ __

Mary !'~s!_Lltz-~BoiseStatE!University _ i201s 'Art ____ _ 4 'MA ,Art ~CanyonRidge High School

1 2 1 BA I English____ - Canyon Ridge Hig-h School Gordon Sorensen Metropolitan State University 2005 1 English __ Twin Falls School District #411 p 208.733.6900 201 Main Ave. W F 208. 733.2895 Twin Falls, ID 83301


OUR MISSION is to maintain a balanced approach while providing leadership, guidance and quality. customer-driven human resource services to support Twin Falls School District employees.

Date: April 10, 2015

To: Dr. Wiley Dobbs, Superintendent of Schools Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees

From: Sonia DeLeon, Human Resource Manager

Re: Certified Notices of Intent

Attached please find notification of intent to return for the 2015-2016 school year from the following individual. This individual has been on a leave of absence during this current school year. She's requesting a contract for the upcoming school year 2015-16:

• Lindsay Collier, preschool teacher at Harrison Elementary

Attached please find resignation letter for the 2015-2016 school year from the following individual. This individual has been on a leave of absence during this current school year. She's has elected not to request a contract for the upcoming school year 2015-16:

• Bobbi Parrott, 4th grade teacher at Lincoln Elementary

It is the recommendation of the Human Resources Department to the Superintendent and the Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees that these letters of intent be approved.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Wiley J. Dobbs, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools Twin Falls School District #411 p 208. 733.6900 201 Main Ave. W F 208. 733.2895 Twin Falls, ID 83301


OUR MISSION is to maintain a balanced approach while providing leadership, guidance and quality, customer-driven human resource services to support Twin Falls School District employees.

Date: April 7, 2015

To: Dr. Wiley Dobbs, Superintendent of Schools Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees

From: Sonia DeLeon, Human Resource Manager

Re: Certified Resignations

The following certified employees have submitted their resignation letter resigning their position for the 2015-2016 school year:

• Brenda Rupp, Math Teacher at Robert Stuart Middle School • Chelsea Egan, First Grade at Lincoln Elementary • Niki Anderson, Resource Teacher at Oregon Trail Elementary • Katie Bulcher, Second Grade at Lincoln Elementary • Michele Noah, Fifth Grade at Sawtooth Elementary

The Human Resource Department recommends to the Superintendent and the Board of Trustees that we accept this resignation.

Wiley J. Dobbs, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools Twin Falls School District #411 p 208. 733.6900 201 Main Ave. W F 208. 733.2895 Twin Falls, ID 83301


OUR MISSION is to maintain a balanced approach while providing leadership, guidance and quality, customer-driven human resource services to support Twin Falls School District employees.

Date: April 8, 2015

To: Dr. Wiley J. Dobbs, Superintendent of Schools Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees

From: Sonia DeLeon, Human Resource Manager

Re: New Classified Employees - 2014-2015

It's the recommendation of the Human Resource Department to the Superintendent and the Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees that these individuals listed below are approved for hiring for the following:

NAME POSITION Brooksie Bartlett Cook at Lincoln Elementary School Madison Moorefield Playground Aide at Oregon Trail Elementary School Randy Price Head Custodian at Harrison Elementary School Cynthia Lincoln Behavior Paraeducator at Canyon Ridge High School Brent Knopp Maintenance II at Twin Falls High School Faith Shoulders Paraeducator (Title) at Lincoln Elementary School Tracey Quinn Playground Aide at Morningside Elementary School

The individuals listed below are current employees that have been accepted for a transfer within the district for the 2014-2015 school year.

NAME POSITION Cassandra Rosa Food Service Manager at Canyon Ridge High School Staci Spearing Paraeducator at O'Leary Middle School Tom Vela Head Custodian at Magic Valley High School

All have filled out the necessary consent, I-9's, drug free work place form etc., and have met the criteria to become employees of the Twin Falls School District.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Wiley J. Dobbs, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools Twin Falls School District #411 p 208. 733.6900 201 Main Ave. W F 208. 733.2895 Twin Falls, ID 83301


OUR MISSION is to maintain a balanced approach while providing leadership, guidance and quality, customer-driven human resource services to support Twin Falls School District employees.

Date: April 10, 2015

To: Dr. Wiley Dobbs, Superintendent of Schools Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees

From: Sonia DeLeon, Human Resource Manager

Re: Classified Resignations - 2014-15 and 2015-16

The following classified employees have submitted their resignation letter resigning their position for the 2014-2015 school year:

• Jaclyn Rogers, Playground Aide at Sawtooth Elementary • Jimmy Sickinger, Head Custodian at Oregon Trail Elementary • Jaime Dane, Cashier at Harrison Elementary • Bobbi Parrott, Paraeducator at Lincoln Elementary

The following classified employee has submitted her resignation letter resigning her position for the 2015-2016 school year:

• Nicole Swafford, Gear-Up Coordinator at Canyon Ridge High School

The Human Resource Department recommends to the Superintendent and the Board of Trustees that we accept these resignations.

Wiley J. Dobbs, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools Twin Falls School District #411 p 208. 733.6900 201 Main Ave. W F 208. 733.2895 Twin Falls, ID 83301


OUR MISSION is to maintain a balanced approach while providing leadership, guidance and quality, customer-driven human resource services to support Twin Falls School District employees. s

Date: April 7, 2015

To: Dr. Wiley Dobbs, Superintendent of Schools Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees

From: Sonia DeLeon, Human Resource Manager

Re: Retirements - Classified for 2015-2016

Attached please find a letter from the following classified employees resigning their position to retire for the 2015-2016 school year.

• Jolene Whitaker, Bookkeeper at Twin Falls High School • Therese Roemer, HR Administrative Specialist at District Office • Carol McKasson, Administrative Assistant at District Office • Janet Vermilyea, Paraeducator at Harrison

The Human Resource Department recommends to the Superintendent and the Board of Trustees that we accept these resignations and wish them well in their new endeavors.


Wiley J. Dobbs, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools Twin Falls School District #411 P 208. 733.6900 201 Main Ave. W F 208. 733.2895 Twin Falls, ID 83301


OUR MISSION is to maintain a balanced approach while providing leadership, guidance and quality, customer-driven human resource services to support Twin Falls School District employees.

Date: April 7, 2015

To: Dr. Wiley J. Dobbs, Superintendent of Schools Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees

From: Sonia DeLeon, Human Resource Manager

Re: Extra -Curricular Employees

It is the recommendation of the Human Resource Department to the Superintendent and the Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees that these individuals listed below be approved for hiring and a supplementary contract or employment letter be issued for the 2014-2015 school year.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Ken Petersen Varsity Assistant Softball Coach Twin Falls High School Clint Moerer Assistant Track Coach O'Leary Middle School

Wiley J. Dobbs, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools Twin Falls School District #411 p 208. 733.6900 201 Main Ave. W F 208. 733.2895 Twin Falls, ID 83301


OUR MISSION is to maintain a balanced approach while providing leadership, guidance and quality, customer-driven human resource services to support Twin Falls School District employees.

Date: April 7, 2015

To: Dr. Wiley J. Dobbs, Superintendent of Schools Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees

From: Sonia DeLeon, Human Resource Manager

Re: Extra-Curricular Resignations

The following employees have submitted their resignation letter resigning their position for the 2015-2016 school year:

•Sarah LaMarche -Assistant Soccer Coach (Girls) at Canyon Ridge High School •Rayna Stimpson- Head Basketball Coach (Girls) at Canyon Ridge High School

The Human Resource Department recommends to the Superintendent and the Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees that we accept these resignations.

Wiley J. Dobbs, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools Twin Falls School District #411 p 208. 733.6900 201 Main Ave. W F 208. 733.2895 Twin Falls, ID 83301 www.tfsd.k1,


OUR MISSION is to maintain a balanced approach while providing leadership, guidance and quality, customer-driven human resource services to support Twin Falls School District employees.

Date: March 9, 2015

To: Wiley J. Dobbs, Superintendent Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees

From: Sonia DeLeon, Human Resource Manager

Re: Student Teacher Request

The Human Resource Department recommends to the Superintendent and the Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees that the following college/university students be allowed to participate as Intern/Teacher within the Twin Falls School District. The proposed assignments are listed below.

Name of Cooperating Student Sub.iect Teacher School Dates Universitv Jennifer Math Sue Nelson Canyon Ridge Fall2015 University of Idaho Drysdale Hil!h School Shaun Clark Career Tech Jim Siggaard Canyon Ridge/ Fall 2015 University of Idaho Robert Stuart Emily 1st Grade Carol Olson Morningside Fall 2015 Western Governor's Martin Elementary University Shannon English O'Leary Middle Fall2015 Idaho State University Cameron School Holly Fuger 4th Grade Noelle Wagner Sawtooth Fall 2015 Idaho State University Elementary Kristen 2nd Grade Jennifer Perrine Fall 2015 Idaho State University Tahiri Stokes berry Elementary Jennifer 1st Grade Kimberly Harrison Fall 2015 Idaho State University Votroubek Coleman Elementary

Wiley J. Dobbs, Ph.D. Patti O'Dell, Ed.S. Superintendent of Schools Associate Superintendent TRAVEL- EXTENDED & OUT -OF-STATE

REQUEST FOR EXTENDED & OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL .1 . / , . ii.. i' Name ofOrganization Making Request £/a h'' :Sp' {)) yd!f>( 'c.. )' -li? I I et:(__ Pro~wdTravclDAf~From~A~p~~~;~/--2~-~'~~~~)+·~2~·-l_J_/__ ~~·------­

Brief Explanation of Proposed Trip (including destination )_ __,)\'--+-'JCl._., ...... f_· ~'O,,.... +-]1 ...... : __-. \>-it=.dL..-"-e..,,.. _.,,G,.._t ej""+-f~e.f'.-t--.,-,51-'·h'"";"'-1,~~-l~*, (1""""/1 :k1Yn~ f I

./ ~. Sponsor Signature(s) --···-::z<:,,z_tVVt...e._. Date £/ ·/ -~ /, <;·~_.... _ Number of Students Atte~d;~~ __"'_ _,f'-· ______Number of Supervising Adults-~/~------Amount of School Time to be MiSsed --~:_S~d~1~c_.i-..y,__.s~·------The Following Requests are Made Relative to this Proposed Trip: (Waivers required/or overnight out ofstate trip~ witkthe exception of IHSAA activities)

1.. Bus: Yes --- No x Bus Capacity Needed _____ 2. Finances: Yes No >( If Yes, Total Amount ---- __..___ ----- \.,. 3. Transportation Expenses: Yes No (

4. Bus Request Submitted: Yes No /'\"'

5. ____Organization$ ____ School $ ____

6. Organization: -~""+--"-'-'--"''--='""'-'r'--',_.__,__"-'-..___ __O_· ·...... /_J+l+t.L..2'l.....,-,.....0'""'r_c ___ ···-~------I r I

By signi tl ·s for you are acknowledging all necessary waivers have be~n receive

Superintendent's Recommendatio ~ Superintendent's Signature w~ Date: 4, l ·I) Board Action: Approved as Proposed Approved with Modifications Not Approved ____

Total Student Cost: $ --=-W._.'._··_,,.,_._.. __

School Costs:

1. Transportation (To & From) .... $ ___.'-_,.(2...,'>=::'.~ .....'2_ .... _·.. _. A. Bus or SUV's $ 41 ~ B. Plane$ ii/:;--,,.·· ~0 ...... 2. Lodging ...... $ -----"-"~~~-=-_.;__

Total School Cost: Less Commitment: GRAND TOTAL: Vocational Programs (and others, as determined by the principal) will cover all advisor costs from vocational appropriations and/or l"hth/mo"ni7Mion fnrnk 1n_1_11 TRAVEL-EXTENDED & OUT-OF-STATE


Name of Organiz.ation Making Request Business Professionals of America (BPA)

Proposed Travel Dates From =M=a""'"y-'5'----=-1-=-0,'""""'2=0'""""1'"""5______

Brief Explanation of Proposed Trip (including destination) Students will travel with advisors to Anaheim, CA to attend/compete in the National Leadership Conference

SponsorSignature(s~~-""-2:.l\\~~( J ~~lc/11,fun Date_. v&J/~ Number of Students Attending three(3) Numbero Supervising Adults three(3)- 2 female attending training as well and I male district employee for the male student chaperone.

Amount of School Time to be Missed _ _.;;F,_,o::.:u=r--=d=a:.i..v:::..s ______

The Following Requests are Made Relative to this Proposed Trip: (Waivers required/or overnight out ofstate trips with the exception ofIHSAA activities) 1. Bus: Yes No x Bus Capacity Needed 2. Finances: Yes No ~ If Yes, Total Amount 3. Transportation Expenses: Yes No '/ 4. Bus Request Submitted: Yes No x 5. Financial Breakout: Student/Parent $ 700.00 aprox Club $_0_0rganiz.ation $ 200.00 School $ ----0 6. Organiz.ation: Business Professionals of America (BPA)

7. Destination: Anaheim CA -'-'=====~-=--=.._------~

By sig11in th~ form you are acknowledging all necessary waivers have been received ~pm~~~~'sRocomm~d~~J--~~~~~·~~~------Superintendent's Signature w~ Date: 1· 1 ·Lr' Board Action: Approved as Proposed Approved with Modifications Not Approved ____

Total Student Cost: $ ------School Costs: - None

I. Transportation (To & From) .... $ _____ A. Bus or SUV's $____ _ B. Plane$----- 2. Lodging ...... $ _____

Total School Cost: $ __0~~-$ _____ Less Commitment: $ $ ____ GRAND TOTAL: $ $ _____ ~o~~tional. Pr~gra~s ~and others, as determined by the principal) will cover all advisor costs from vocational appropriations and/or TRAVEL-EXTENDED & OUT-OF-STATE

REQUEST FOR OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL ~~~~M~tiooMiling~~t-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sponsor Signature(s) ~ - e~p Date B -'~l -1 s-- Number of Students Attending J 3 Number of Supervising Adults ___,,_/ ______Amoo~ofS~oolTime~~MiY~--~----~~-~-~~------~ The Following Requests are Made Relative to this Proposed Trip: (Wai~~r~• fequfr~4/l;~.• oyerHii:bi oi{t.oJst~e. trip~_Ji,,ifJf th¢ l!Xce.Ptil,fi··.of I.1fSAA.iacti,vitie$J 1. Bus: Yes / No--- Bus Capacity Needed -~/--=5"'__ 2. Finances: Yes / No ---- If Yes, Total Amount ----- ~'' 3. Transportation Expenses: Yes --'---/ No ----- 4. Bus Request Submitted: Yes _ __,_/__ No _____ uJ'-0~- 5. Financial Breakout: Student/Parent $ 80~ Club $ J2 Organization $ ,J2/ School $ -fe.-- 6. Organization: B--;~ ?~m.b ~~ 7. Destination: .Jh>~µ I , CA-

Principal 's Signature

X Superintendent's Recommendation ---~---1------­ >( Superintendent's Signature w9 t)/)"k Date: 4. 5 ·/ :;,- Board Action: Approved as Proposed ___ Approved with Modifications ___ Not Approved _____ c:;

School Costs:

1. Transportation (To & From) .... $ _____ A. Bus or SUV's $____ _ B. Plane$___ _ 2. Lodging ...... $ _____

Total School Cost: $ _____ $ _____ Less Commitment: $ $ _____ GRAND TOTAL: $ $ _____ Vocational Programs (and others, as determined by the principal) will cover all advisor costs from vocnti"""' g~--M.-..;n.;~-- -·· '' club/oruanizlltion EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH QUESTIONS





Pet Peeve: You Have a 10 Minute Speech to give at a High School. What is the Title? What Word Describes you Best? One Thing People Don't Know About You: If you Could be any Character in Fiction, Who Would ou be? Favorite Movie or Book: Which Sitcom, Past or Present, is most Reflective of our Life? How do you want to be Remembered? The Favorite Part of My Day Is:

c,~td1 fh+s rettff; s-k~ v/J --Jtl.J \fJkrvV Vt!D· IAc/k;V\s ~o-f- s1Gk wd{/IJ( 1. fa -r~t~ h-e( ~ +~f'vt\ CftfY/ OiV C1 ~ StMt90+~------.jMM/.J/d//\._) - EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH QUESTIONS

Name: Rme, Ral'Vlbv

Position: 0 ' Le. ax-'-\ ~e4*~

Hometown: Tr0 j Ohio

Inspiration: M~ thsb~ B-rad Pet Peeve: You Have a 10 Minute Speech to give at a High 1he. va\<.,UL. o\ .Intca~~+, School. What is the Title? What Word Describes you Best? Pers~sturt One Thing People Don't Know About You: :Lo\/c. h\s\-c:x--j 1 espec'1all~ Ar+huv--; ~ Lore_, If you Could be any Character in Fiction, Who Mrn&XJ Would you be?

Favorite Movie or Book: Dan+e.. 1s Inferno Which Sitcom, Past or Present, is most Reflective - .Ils A\t.....>~S Su..nn~ tr}.. Ph I la..dd µh\a.... of your Life? How do you want to be Remembered? A. Srna..r-{: , t-knes\- ~ \-0.x-d \J.-::61 li ~ \>e.r50 n The Favorite Part of My l.<.)\\Xl ~ hu..s bano\.. Day Is: f'\ornl~ Cm~ Lucas, Michelle

Subject: FW: press release info

From: Hall, Laurie Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 1:31 PM To: Dobbs, Wiley Subject: press release info

Is this the type of info you want for the release?

National Service Learning Conference Special Olympics Idaho has chooses three representatives to attend the National Service Learning Conference April 8-11 th in Washington, D.C. They are: Youth Partner Olivia Johnson from Shelley, ID, Youth Athlete Alexcia Fuger from Twin Falls, ID and Project UNIFY Liaison and Special Education Teacher Laurie Hall from Twin Falls, ID.

About the Conference... The 26th Annual National Service-Learning Conference®, will gather more than 1,500 youth and adults from across the country and around the world for three days of learning, inspiration, and connection. This intergenerational event creates a unique atmosphere, where youth bring incredible energy and passion to discussions on education and social policy. Both youth and adults gain the tools, resources, ideas, and support to return home to improve their practice, their schools, and their communities. It is the opportunity to become More Powerful Together.

Laurie Hall CRHS IERC Teacher Room 309 732-7555 ext. 4381

1 2015-2016 District Memorandum of Understanding Idaho ~ Digital Learning

In conjunction with Idaho school districts and the Idaho Digital Learning Academy (IDLA), ------(School District) agrees to the following conditions as an IDLA participant:

I. AUTHORITY Idaho Code§§ 67-2332 and 67-2333 authorize Idaho agencies to enter into agreements to perform any governmental service, activity or undertaking that each agency is authorized by law to perform.

II. OBJECTIVES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OBJECTIVE: The objective of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to allow IDLA to provide the School District with online courses as long as the School District serves as the Public School Program of Record, provides an individual to act as Site Coordinator, and meets the terms of this MOU.


IDLA WILL PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Courses taught by highly-qualified, Idaho-certified instructors utilizing best practices in online distance education. Courses will be aligned to state content standards and meet curriculum requirements as outlined by the Idaho State Department of Education.

2. Learning management system, registration system, student information system and technical support for district personnel to access, manage, and support student learning.

3. Secure access and management of student data based on stringent data retention and privacy policies, including but not limited to FERPA, COPPA, and Idaho Student Privacy Laws.

4. An online principal to supervise each IDLA instructor to assure accountability and consistency.

5. A grade report to the School District, within two weeks of course completion, for each student enrolled at the completion of an IDLA course.

6. Report to the School District any disciplinary matters of which IDLA becomes aware, including violations of the acceptable use policy and plagiarism.

7. Online textbooks in the majority of content areas.

SCHOOL DISTRICT WILL PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. The School District will serve as the Public School Program of Record which includes transcribing IDLA credits and issuing diplomas.

2. SITE COORDINATOR The School District will identify, for each student enrolled in an IDLA course, an employee of the School District, to counsel and enroll the student and act as the School District's Site Coordinator. 2015-2016 District Memorandum of Understanding - 1 a. The responsibility of the Site Coordinator is to advise the student on appropriate courses for registration, ensure that the student is completing work on a timely basis, including checking grades online regularly and proctoring exams. b. The Site Coordinator is responsible for facilitating communications with the student's parents/guardians, regarding course progress, and the IDLA online instructor. The Site Coordinator is not expected to be a subject area expert. Rather the role of the Site Coordinator is to regularly motivate and monitor student progress. It is highly recommended that a Site Coordinator also be accessible during the summer session, when local students are enrolled. c. The Site Coordinator is a school contact point for the IDLA instructor and IDLA staff. Frequent email or phone communication between the IDLA instructor and Site Coordinator is required. The Site Coordinator is expected to make regular contact with the student and assess the student's progress. d. The Site Coordinator will be provided access to the free Site Coordinator Course provided by IDLA. It is highly recommended that a trained site coordinator be located at each building site where there are IDLA enrolled students. In the event a school district fails to provide adequate local support, in the opinion of IDLA, the IDLA Board of Directors reserves the right to deny future enrollments.

3. SPECIAL EDUCATION/504/LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENT By law, any services identified on a student's IEP, Section 504 plan or ELP plan (either under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 2004 or under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and/or Education Learning Plan for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students authorized under Idaho Law: IDAPA 08.02.03 -111.04.t) must be met by the student's home campus.

The Site Coordinator/District Representative is responsible to email to [email protected] or fax to IDLA at 1-866-534-2220 the student's entire IEP/504/ELP. Upon receipt of the individual plan, the IDLA instructor will provide accommodations, according to the student's plan, in the online classroom environment. Any additional resources of the IEP/504/LEP plan are the responsibility of the home district.

4. STUDENT WORK AND ETHICAL CONDUCT Acceptable use and behavior in a distance-learning environment is determined by the School District's policies and is covered by the District's Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) signed by the student and the student's parent. The student must also agree to abide by IDLA's AUP specifically governing behavior in an on line environment. In a case of violation of the acceptable use policy, plagiarism, or other disciplinary issues, IDLA will notify the School District. The School District is responsible for the appropriate disciplinary action. IDLA must be notified by the School District of any disciplinary action resulting from a student's participation in an IDLA course. IDLA reserves the right to deny disruptive students from future IDLA courses and/ or to remove them from an existing course. Appeals to the denial or removal from a course may be made in writing to the IDLA Board of Directors discussing the circumstances for removal. The IDLA Board of Directors will review the appeal and hold a telephone conference to allow the student an opportunity to speak to the issue. The IDLA Board of Directors will issue a final decision within ten (10) days of the telephone conference.

5. TEXTBOOKS, LIBRARY ACCESS, AND COURSE CONTENT RIGHTS In cases where an on line textbook is unavailable, the School District is responsible for ensuring that all required textbooks are available to the student prior to the start of the class. For example, advanced placement, dual credit, and English courses may require additional textbooks or required readings not available online. The School District is also responsible to provide access and assistance to library media centers if necessary.

6. SCHOOL DISTRICT FEES The School District agrees to the 2015-2016 IDLA Fee Policy as posted on IDLA's website. School District

2015-2016 District Memorandum of Understanding - 2 fees are set by the IDLA Board of Directors and may be revised at any time at the discretion of the Board of Directors. IDLA will communicate to the District any changes to the Fee Policy. It is the responsibility of the School District to abide by the Fee Policy as posted on IDLA's website. The 2015-2016 Fee Policy as posted on IDLA's website is the definitive source for IDLA's district fees.

Per Idaho Code, IDLA course fees are paid by the district. Local district policy dictates the collection of fees from students/parents. District policy will determine if fees will be paid by the student/parent to the District. IDLA may support the district's collection of IDLA tuition fees based upon the district's approval provided during student registration.

Invoicing: School districts will make payment in full upon receipt of IDLA's invoice. Failure to pay within 30 days of invoice date may result in discontinued enrollments in IDLA. Interest may also be assessed to unpaid invoices exceeding 30 days of invoice date.

Scholarships: Scholarships are awarded through an application process, which is available through the District Site Coordinator. Scholarships are allocated based on the financial need of the parent/student. Scholarships are only available for IDLA courses, which are taken in excess of the student's full course load at the local school. Limited, partial scholarships are available for 2015-2016 at $50 per enrollment.

7. FEE INCREASE PUBLICATION REQUIREMENTS IDLA reserves the right to increase or decrease fees to school districts following approval from the IDLA Board of Directors and/or appropriate legislation. Should it be determined that IDLA will increase fees in excess of 5%, the School District will be responsible for holding a public hearing {Idaho Code 63-1311A) should the following apply: 1. The District is a taxing district. 2. The District policy states the IDLA fee is to be paid by the student or parent.

8. TECHNOLOGY & TIME The School District agrees to place students in IDLA courses who have access to a computer and Internet connection either through district/school access or via a home Internet connection. The School District is also aware that students need sufficient time to complete assignments. For example, a 16-week course requires approximately 5 to 7 hours of student work per week. Flex courses are open entry and mastery based and a student may progress through each course at an accelerated pace, but must finish by the deadline set forth by IDLA.


Any educational materials provided or developed in relation to this MOU shall remain the property of the IDLA and may not be duplicated or used for purposes not approved by the IDLA Board.

IV. SUFFICIENT FUNDING The Parties understand and agree that because the IDLA is a governmental entity, this MOU shall in no way bind or obligate the IDLA or the State of Idaho beyond the term of any particular appropriation of funds by the State Legislature. The IDLA reserves the right to terminate the MOU, in whole or in part, if the legislature of the State of Idaho does not appropriate sufficient funds as may be required for the IDLA, or if the legislature requires the IDLA to return funds to the legislature. The IDLA may also terminate this MOU if the executive branch of the State of Idaho mandates any cuts in or hold backs of funding. Should the IDLA decide to terminate this MOU under this provision, such termination shall become effective upon the 30th day following written notice to School District.

2015-2016 District Memorandum of Understanding - 3 V. NO AUTHORITY TO BIND OTHER PARTY

One party under this MOU shall have no authority to enter into contracts or agreements on behalf of the other party. All contracts or agreements shall be entered on behalf of the executing party or executed jointly by both parties. The procedures set forth in this MOU are intended for the sole use and benefit of IDLA and School District. No third party or other State entity may rely on these procedures. Any failure of the IDLA or the School District to follow any or all of these procedures, or any future amendment or modification of these procedures, shall not establish any liability of IDLA or School District to any third party or other entity of the State of Idaho.

VI. LIMITATIONS This MOU does not create or give the IDLA or the School District any powers that they would otherwise not have. Rather, this MOU is only to provide for the exercise of existing powers so as to achieve a more efficient operation of government. For this reason, this MOU sets forth the understanding of the parties in achieving a common purpose, and is not intended to provide a basis for legal action upon breach of any of its provisions.


The term of this MOU shall be in force for all courses offered during academic year 2015-2016. This includes courses which begin in June 2015.


Except for the right of either party to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction to preserve the status quo or to prevent irreparable harm, the parties agree to attempt, in good faith, to resolve through informal dispute resolution methods any dispute arising under this MOU.


This Memorandum of Understanding is effective upon signature of the parties. Either party may terminate this MOU at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) calendar days' written notice to the other party specifying the date of termination. Upon termination, the parties shall: (i) promptly discontinue all work, unless the termination notice directs otherwise; (ii) promptly return to the other party any property provided by the other party pursuant to this MOU; and, (iii) make available to the other party all data, reports, estimates, summaries and such other information and materials as may have been accumulated in performing this MOU, whether completed or in process. Notwithstanding termination, the parties shall remain obligated as otherwise set forth in this MOU to the extent of costs or obligations to third parties incurred pursuant to the Agreement prior to the termination.


The Parties hereby agree that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin or gender, be excluded from or denied participation in or otherwise subjected to discrimination in relation to any activity associated with this MOU.


The Parties respective obligations and duties as set forth herein are to be performed by the Parties and may

2015-2016 District Memorandum of Understanding - 4 not be assigned or subcontracted by either party without the written consent of the other party.

XII. AMENDMENTS This MOU may be extended or modified upon written agreement of the Parties. However, no amendment or modification of this MOU shall be effective unless in writing.

XIII. AUTHORIZATION The signatories must be the executive officer of the School District and agree to strive to reach, to the best of his/her ability, the terms and provisions as stated in this MOU. By signing this MOU, the executive officer indicates the desire to participate in the Idaho Digital Learning Academy.

Superintendent's Name Superintendent's Signature

School District Name & Number Date

After hours emergency school contact (in the event that an on line student confides information that is directly related to student safety, IDLA will need to contact an authorized school official):

2015-2016 District Memorandum of Understanding - 5 Idaho Digital Learning

2015-2016 IDLA Fee Policy

Fees for Idaho Digital Learning Academy: The fee schedule for 2015-2016 is determined upon a per-enrollment basis. An "enrollment" is defined as one (1) student enrolled into one (1) IDLA course. IDLA enrollment fees outlined in this Fee Policy apply to all courses offered through IDLA unless noted otherwise below.

IDLA Per-Enrollment Cost: The cost for one (1) enrollment is $75 for Idaho students.

Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC): Courses designated as SBAC preparatory courses will not incur a per-enrollment cost to the district. See IDLA Course Catalog for list of courses.

Advanced Placement/Dual Credit Courses: Courses designated as "Advanced Placement or Dual Credit" will not incur a per-enrollment cost, unless courses are delivered in a custom session (see Custom Session Courses below).

Students are responsible for any fees that may be charged by universities to receive college credit for Dual Credit Courses. Additionally, students are responsible for any fees that may be charged by the College Board to take the Advanced Placement Exam. Advanced Placement and Dual Credit courses may require additional textbooks (see below).

Custom Session Courses: Any courses requested and implemented through IDLA's Custom Course program will incur costs based on the Custom Session Policy (see IDLA website for MOU Addendum and request form). This includes district requests for Hybrid Custom Sessions. Requirements for custom sessions include a minimum enrollment threshold and cost.

Middle School Keyboarding and Pathways to Success: Beginning in Fall 2015, IDLA will offer middle school Pathways to Success and Keyboarding at $30 per enrollment when taken in a custom session format (all students located in the same building). Any middle school Pathways to Success and Keyboarding courses in which half the content is delivered (4 units) the IDLA fee is further reduced to $15 per enrollment.

Scholarships: Scholarships are awarded through an application submitted by the District Site Coordinator. Scholarship submissions should be based on the financial need of the parent/guardian/student and are only available for IDLA courses which are taken in addition to the student's full course load at the local school. Limited, partial scholarships are available for 2015-2016 at $50 per enrollment.

Textbooks: IDLA provides online textbooks in the majority of content areas and provides access to Libraries Linking Idaho (Lill-0). In cases where an on line textbook is unavailable, the local school district may be responsible to provide the required text(s) according to school district policy. For example, advanced placement, dual cr~dit, and English courses may require additional textbooks or required readings not available online. The local school district is also responsible to provide access and assistance to library media centers if necessary. Please refer to the IDLA Course Catalog posted at for a list of required textbooks.

/DLA reserves the right to modify the fee policy. Districts will be notified of any changes.

2015-2016 Fee Policy - 1 IDLA Refund Policy

IDLA requires that all drops are requested or confirmed by the Site Coordinator during the school year. Drop requests initiated by a parent or guardian will be accepted for summer courses only. For a course fee to be eligible for refund and for a student to be exempt from a grade report, a drop must be initiated during the following times~ • All cohort sessions: o Orientation: If the student does not complete orientation, they will not be enrolled in classes and a full refund of fees will be granted. o 12 week or Custom Sessions: The IDLA Office must be notified by Friday of the 2nd week of class to receive a full refund and remove the student from the course. o 16 week session: The IDLA Office must be notified by Friday of the 3rd week of class to receive a full refund and remove the student from the course. • Flex sessions: o The drop deadline for all flex classes is 14 days after the student begins the course. o If a student is inactive in class for a period of 14 consecutive days, the instructor may initiate a drop process. The Site Coordinator can confirm the drop or request additional time for the student to become active in the course. • After the drop deadline: Grades will be reported for all students remaining in courses regardless of completion and the full fee will be invoiced to the district. • Exceptions to the drop-deadline may be requested by the district for extenuating circumstances.

2015-2016 Fee Policy - 2 Idaho Digital Learning 1303 E. Central Drive, Suite 200 Meridian, Idaho 83642 Idaho 208.342.0207 Digital Learning

Addendum for Hybrid Custom Course Sections


Hybrid custom course sections, approved by IDLA, will be charged $75 per enrollment and must have a minimum of 12 total enrollments from all participating school districts. School District agrees to the requirements and guidelines listed herein as well as outlined in the IDLA Hybrid Course Guide.


It is the intent of IDLA to customize current, asynchronous course offerings to adjust to local needs by supplementing with synchronously delivered instruction. During this hybrid custom section, IDLA agrees to provide: • Highly qualified teacher in each class • 24/7 internet access to course content via learning management system • Level 2 tech support • Synchronous instruction of course material (limited to no more than 40% of scheduled class periods) • Customized course schedule for enrolling district • Modified course content to satisfy an asynchronous and synchronous delivery of content

During this hybrid custom section, the district agrees to provide: • Dedicated receiving site, and time, for student access to synchronous instruction • Adequate internet access for all students • District proctor, serving as a primary contact for students and IDLA staff • Required course material • Dates requests for course delivery, as well as date/time scheduling requests for synchronous instruction


Course(s) requested: 1) 2) Course start date: 1) 2) Course end date: 1) 2)

Synchronous instruction dates request: 1) 2)

Additional hybrid custom section request(s):

School District Name and Number Superintendent's Signature Date

School District Name and Number Superintendent's Signature Date

School District Name and Number Superintendent's Signature Date

Email or fax completed form to: [email protected] or 208-441-5851

Office Use Only

Course Name: Session Name: Authorizing Regional Rep: Idaho Digital Learning 1303 E. Central Drive, Suite 200 Meridian, Idaho 83642 Idaho 208.342.0207 Digital Learning

Addendum for Custom Course Section Fees

Section 11.6.A. - CUSTOM COURSE SECTION FEES Custom course sections which are approved by IDLA, will be charged based on the following schedule for all enrollments contained in the same course that is entirely comprised of students from a single school within the School District. A flat fee will be charged for any custom course which includes up to 12 students. A per enrollment fee will be charged for any custom course which exceeds 12 students. No scholarships are available for custom course enrollments. The School District will adhere to the custom course guidelines as posted on the IDLA website.

Custom course sections created for any IDLA course that has been designated as a "zero fee course," will incur fees based on the fee schedule below. This includes, but not limited to, all dual credit and advanced placement course offerings.

For any IDLA course that has been designated and delivered with reduced content, the tuition for districts will be reduced proportionately based on the number of course units being reduced. For example, a course delivered with only four out of eight units, the tuition per enrollment will be $45.00 prior to the below discount being applied.

This amendment is in force for the length of the 2015-2016 District Memorandum of Understanding.

Total Enrollments per Section 2015-2016 1-12 $900 Flat Fee 13-25 $0 Discount $15 per enrollment 26+ discount

School District Name and Number Superintendent's Signature Date

Email or fax completed form to: [email protected] or 208-441-5851

Office Use Only

Course Name: ______. Session Name: ______Authorizing Regional Rep: ______Twin Falls High School 1615 Filer Avenue East Twin Falls, Idaho 83301

March 29th 2015

Dr. Wiley Dobbs Superintendent of School District #411 201 Main Avenue West Twin Falls, Idaho 83301

Dear Dr. Dobbs,

In accordance with IHSAA rule 3 17-2-4, Twin Falls High School is requesting that School District #411 seek permission from the Idaho High School Activities Association to use Twin Falls High School football protective equipment in summer camp at TFHS. It is understood that the IHSAA sponsored catastrophic insurance provides no coverage for the activity and any liabilities rest solely with the campers/clinic and school.

Our high school coaches are sponsoring the camp.

Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated

Mike Federico Athletic Director Twin Falls High School 300 NORTH COLLEGE RD. W. • TwIN FALLS, IDAHO 83301 OFFICE: (208) 732-7555 Exr. 4313 •FAX: (208) 732-7556 HIGH SCHOOL

April 1, 2015

Dr. Wiley Dobbs

Superintendent of School District #411

201 Main Avenue West

Twin Falls, Idaho 83301

Dear Dr. Dobbs,

In accordance with IHSAA rule 3.17-2-4, Canyon Ridge High School is requesting that School District #411 seek permission from the Idaho High School Activities Association to use Canyon Ridge High School football protective equipment in summer camp at Canyon Ridge. It is understood that the IHSAA sponsored catastrophic insurance provides no coverage for the activity and any liabilities rest solely with the campers/clinic and school.

Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated


Kim Wray

Athletic Director

Canyon Ridge High School TWIN FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT #411 FINANCIAL REPORT STATE APPORTIONMENT 31 MARCH 2015 Salary Benefit Total ARROrtionment Units Entitlement ARROrtionment ARROrtionment ARROrtionment Per Unit 15-Feb 2008 356.50 $ 9,070,073.00 $ 19,923,353.16 $ 3,594,172.91 $ 32,587,599 .07 $ 91,409.82 2009 362.70 $ 9,319,939.20 $ 20, 775,698.91 $ 3,747,936.08 $ 33,843,574.19 $ 93,310.10 2010 367.20 $ 9,348,544.80 $ 20,314,434.17 $ 3,654,851.04 $ 33,317,830.01 $ 90,734.83 2011 378.00 $ 8,238,510.00 $ 19, 786,582.37 $ 3,511,257.29 $ 31,536,349.66 $ 83,429.50 2012 384.60 $ 7,548,159.60 $ 19,630,836.48 $ 3,541,402.90 $ 30, 720,398.98 $ 79,876.23 2013 403.04 $ 7,942,306.24 $ 20,648,501.45 $ 3,632,002.80 $ 32,222,810.49 $ 79,949.41 2014 416.13 $ 8,322,600.00 $ 21,803,055.43 $ 4,136,039.62 $ 34,261,695.05 $ 82,334.11 2015 423.56 $ 9,488,231.09 $ 22,239,089.75 $ 4,218,755.32 $ 35,946,076.16 $ 84,866.55








320.00 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Total Apportionment










$28,000,000.00 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Apportionment Per Unit






$70,000.00 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

:\Users\lucas-michelle\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\ Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\Z4ALMV61\Financial eport.xlsx Page 1 of 2 TWIN FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT #411 FINANCIAL REPORT STATE APPORTIONMENT 31 MARCH 2015 QUICK BUDGET REVIEW

General Fund Budget Actual Original Current Probable Estimate Beginning Carryover $ 1,779,200 $ 2,394,559 $ 2,394,559 Revenue $ 45,060,080 $ 46,174,000 $ 46,177,000 Expenditure $ 45,037,013 $ 47,788,330 $ 47,521,559 Net Transfers $ 159,872 $ 165,381 $ 150,000

Ending Carryover $ 1,962,139 $ 945,610 $ 1,200,000

Child Nutrition Budget Actual Original Current Probable Estimate Beginning Carryover $ 90,000.00 $ $ Revenue $ 5,010,700.00 $ 5,114,710.00 $ 5,114,710.00 Expenditure $ 4,685,631.00 $ 4,682,085.00 $ 4,682,085.00 Net Transfers $ $ $

Ending Carryover $ 415,069 $ 432,625 $ 432,625 Twin Falls School District #411 p 208.733.6900 201 Main Ave. W F 208.733.6987 Twin Falls, ID 83301

Bill Brulotte, M. Ed. Director Federal Programs, Policies and Grants

Food Service completes the National School Lunch Participation Data form each March 151 • The Twin Falls School District uses this information to apply for federal funds as well as many grants and reports. In 2014-15, the Twin Falls School District was given the option to join in the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) for eligible high percentage based, low socioeconomic schools. Free percentages for CEP accepted schools are based upon QUEST, Temporary Assistance for Families in Idaho, foster homes, and homeless children in the eligible school attendance zone. Below is a comparison, by building, of free and reduced lunch participation over the last ten years.

March 1 rJJ ("") 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 ("") t"l 2015 Count 0= -e 0 t""' rJJ

Bickel 60.6% 63.3% 70.5% 69.8% 69.0% 74.1% 76.3% 75.9% 77.25% ® 87.2% Harrison 61.7% 66.2% 65.6% 71.5% 81.3% 85.8% 79.0% 78.5% 72.63% ® 84.3% Perrine 48.2% 50.8% 49.1% 52.2% 63.0% 60.2% 59.1% 57.9% 55.28% 54.08% Lincoln 73.9% 70.9% 71.3% 76.1% 78.1% 84.7% 81.5% 75.5% 77.08% ® 90.7% Morningside 45.8% 46.5% 49.6% 51.2% 57.7% 64.6% 62.0% 61.8% 59.09% 56.22% Oregon 69.4% 72.0% 76.8% 75.1% 81.0% 75.6% 75.7% 77.8% 71.45% ® 85.6% Trail Sawtooth 31.9% 31.9% 32.7% 43.5% 49.3% 48.1% 45.3% 42.9% 38.45% 40.63%

RSMS 54.5% 57.4% 58.5% 64.5% 66.2% 70.4% 70.3% 69.4% 63.25% 66.35%

OMS 42.9% 36.7% 42.0% 44.6% 53.6% 56.4% 51.4% 52.5% 51.88% 49.94% Bridge 60.8% 87.5% 83.5% 82.1% 69.4% 90.2% 82.1% 73.96% ® 77.2% CRHS 61.1% 59.4 58.0% 59.3% 57.30% 53.18% MVHS 61.5% 63.0% 61.8% 59.2% 59.8% 63.4% 70.9% 78.9% 74.33% ® 84.8% TFHS 30.2% 31.9% 36.1% 36.8% 36.1% 36.2% 40.0% 41.8% 40.15% 39.11%

TFSD #411 47.8% 48.8% 51.5% 54.9% 59.7% 61.7% 60.6% 60.6% 58.43% 64.83% Total

Wiley J. Dobbs, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools To: Twin Falls School District Board of Trustees

From: Bill Brulotte, Director

Federal Programs, Policies, and Grants

Date: April 8, 2015

Re: Food Service

After reviewing the amount of carry over in the food service accounts, and knowing that food service works to be financially self-sufficient, I believe the carryover amount is sufficient but needs to continue to grow for the following:

1) Reimbursements have to match or exceed the amount the federal government is reimbursing the local district for lunch service.

2) School fiscal year ends June 30. Funding from previous fiscal year needs to be available to pay year-round workers through July and August, including taxes and benefits.

3) Kitchen equipment is aging and needs to be replaced on a rotating schedule. a. $8,000-$15,000 for in-school refrigerators b. $3,000 warming tables c. $8,000 for dishwashers d. $2,000 for booster heater e. $3,000 garbage disposal f. $5,000 steamer kettle

4) Large walk in freezer needs to be replaced at an estimated cost of $100,000-$200,000. We cannot accept all the government commodities that are available for purchase as we do not have enough freezer space.

5) Carryover is equivalent to one month's operating expenses. The goal is to have three months surplus in the event of an emergency (equipment breaking).

6) Purchase supplies without having to go into the negative until reimbursed back from the federal government. This will also help us bid for foods that have a long-term shelf life. Building Budget Report


Bond (after fees): $73,696,270 Bond Interest (projected): $487,000 Land sales $3,326,500 Total funds available $77,509, 770


Land Rock Creek: $805,000 South Hills: $833,055

TFHS Bid price: $7,100,900 (includes $198,420 contingency) Rock Creek Bid Price: $15,927,367

Pillar Falls Projected: $16,254,830 (requires more site work than RC such as the stop light) South Hills Projected: $30,757,337 CRHS Projected: $4,257,370 Safety Projected: $1,291,646 Total Expenses: $77,227,505

Funds remaining: $282,265


1. Land sale estimates are fairly conservative and we hope to generate additional income from the sale of the land. 2. We have not been through the process of value engineering on the middle school or CRHS addition. There are savings to be had on each of these projects. 3. We will not bid CRHS or South Hills Middle School until after the land sales so we will know exactly the budget we have to work with. Twin Falls School District #411 p 208. 733.6900 201 Main Ave. W F 208. 733.6987 Twin Falls, ID 83301

Brady D. Dickinson, Director of Operations and Educational Technology

April 13, 2015

TFSD Board of Trustees:

Two bids were received for the Harrison Elementary asphalt project. This project is to replace the asphalt in the staff parking area and play area behind the school. It is recommended that we accept the bid of $106,241.00 submitted by Idaho Sand and Gravel. A second bid was received; however, the bid documents were incomplete. Although this bid was lower we could not consider it. In addition, the missing components would likely have increased the bid amount.

Sincerely, 8AN!j. [) [)~

Brady D. Dickinson, Director Educational Technology & Operations

Wiley J. Dobbs, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools Certificate of Election STATE OF IDAHO TWIN FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT #411

I , Michelle Lucas, Clerk in and for Twin Falls School District #411, State of Idaho, do hereby certify that PAUL McCLINTOCK was duly elected to the office of Trustee Zone #2 in and for said District, as appears on the official record for the 13th, day of April, A.D 2015 election now on file and of record in this office and that he is duly elected as aforesaid.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand

And official seal, this 13th day of April, A.O. 2015


I , Michelle Lucas, Clerk in and for Twin Falls School District #411, State of Idaho, do hereby certify that MARY BARRON was duly elected to the office of Trustee Zone #4 in and for said District, as appears on the official record for the 13th, day of April, A.D 2015 election now on file and of record in this office and that she is duly elected as aforesaid.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand

And official seal, this 13th day of April, A.O. 2015

------~~~----····· CLERK OF THE DISTRICT Certificate of Election STATE OF IDAHO TWIN FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT #411

I , Michelle Lucas, Clerk in and for Twin Falls School District #411, State of Idaho, do hereby certify that BERNIE JANSE·N was duly elected to the office of Trustee Zone #5 in and for said District, as appears on the official record for the 13th, day of April, A.D 2015 election now on file and of record in this office and that he is duly elected as aforesaid.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand

And official seal, this 13th day of April, A.D. 2015

______7#'~4------CLERK OF THE DISTRICT What's New in the 2015 Idaho Special Education Manual January 30, 2015

The revisions to the 2015 version of the Manual were comprehensive in that the Manual was reviewed in total with an eye toward recent IDEA changes and clarifying state policies of practice. Updates and changes identified in this document are not all-inclusive, but do represent the major revisions in this version over the 2009 edition. Generally speaking, this "What's New" document identifies changes marking a significant departure or important change from the 2009 Manual.

We have divided this document into sections, describing changes by chapter and page number. We recommend that Districts maintain a copy of the 2009 Manual for reference for two years (the statute of limitations for a due process hearing to be filed). Additionally, the SDE has made no changes to the Appendices in the 2009 manual. Those Appendices can be transferred directly from the 2009 Manual to the 2015 Manual.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING DISTRICT BOARD ADOPTIONS Each district is required to adopt the new manual, and submit evidence that their board did adopt the new manual as part of the IDEA Part B application. As part of the IDEA Part B application, districts should be able to provide evidence of their board's decision in the form of minutes of the meeting in which the manual was adopted.

Key Changes from 2009 to 2015 Manual

GENERAL FORMAT • In the entire manual version on the SOE website, both the Contents section (page i) and each chapter's introduction have hyperlinked page numbers. (This is not true for each PDF of individual chapters online). This allows for easy navigation of the entire document. • Chapter 14 has been removed. No IEP forms are part of the Manual allowing for changes to forms without going through the State Board of Education for approval.

GLOSSARY • New definitions and new terminology include: adverse impact (pg. xv); change of placement (pg. xviii); educational performance (pg. xxi); educational record (pg. xxii); homebound student (pg. xxv); and homeschool and homeschooled students (pg. xxv). • "Cognitive Impairment" has been changed to "Intellectual Disability," "Learning Disability" has been replaced with "Specific Learning Disability," "Autism" has been replaced with "Autism Spectrum Disorder," and "Health Impairment" has been replaced with "Other Health Impairment" throughout the manual.

CHAPTER 1: Overview • Clarified that a district may not use general education interventions (RTI) to delay or deny a request for referral based on needing to complete the RTI process first (pg. 6). • For evaluation and eligibility determination, line was added to indicate that an evaluation must be sufficiently comprehensive to identify all of the c~ild's special education and related service needs(pg. 7)

What's New in 2015 1 • Explained that students transitioning from Part C (Infant Toddler Program) to Part B (LEA) must have eligibility and IEP developed, for students who qualify for early intervention, prior to the students 3rd birthday, even when school is not in session (pg. 8). • Added language to explain that written notice should be provided if the IEP team refuses to make a change based on the parent's request. (pg. 9) • Language was added that "The IDEA does not require consent for a reevaluation if the district has made documented attempts to get consent and the parent has not responded." (pg. 10)

CHAPTER 2: Free Appropriate Public Education • Added: "Students aged three (3) to five (5) must have their special education services identified on an IEP since Idaho does not have state-funded preschool programs." (pg.18) • Clarified that student with a disability who has been placed in a private school or facility by the parent does not have an individual right to receive all or part of the special education and related services that the child would receive if enrolled in a public school. However the district would have Child Find responsibilities (pg. 18). • Added clarification that students who are dually enrolled in a school district's general education program may be considered for a Section 504 plan if needed to provide supports and/or accommodations for those general education courses for which they are enrolled (pg. 18). • Added clarification that a student who is enrolled in a virtual public school is not considered a homeschooled student for the duration that they attend that virtual public school (pg. 18). • Clarified that homeschool students may not dually enroll in a public school solely for special education and/or related services (pg. 19). • Clarified that a district's obligation to provide FAPE ends when consent is revoked (pg. 19). • Explained differences in consent requirements for accessing a parent's private insurance as opposed to public insurance (e.g., Medicaid) (pg. 21).

CHAPTER 3: Child Find • Added reporting requirements if IDEA Part B funds are used, that the district must annually report to the SOE the number of children receiving Comprehensive Early Intervening Services (CEIS); and the number of children who received CEIS and subsequently received special education services during the preceding two year period (pg. 27). • Clarified that IDEA Part B funds cannot be used to provide CEIS to preschoolers (pg. 28). • Added interventions in general education or an early childhood environment shall be attempted before a student is referred to an evaluation team, unless the student's performance indicates an evaluation is warranted or a parent makes a request for a referral for a special education evaluation (pg. 28). • Clarified that if a parent initiates a referral for a special education evaluation, the evaluation cannot be delayed or denied due to the child not completing the general education intervention process (pg. 29).

CHAPTER 4: Evaluation and Eligibility • Clarified that a school psychologist is a required member of an evaluation team determining whether a student is suspected of having a specific learning disability (pg. 35). • Added that if a district is using any data gathered during general education interventions for a student suspected of being a student with a disability, and that data may be used for a later eligibility determination, the district shall promptly request consent to evaluate the student (pg. 39).

What's New in 2015 2 • Clarified that consent for the initial evaluation shall not be construed as consent for the 'initial provision of special education services should the student be deemed eligible (pg. 40). • Clarified the timeline of implementation of an IEP (pg. 40). • Added that beginning with the IEP to be in effect when a student is sixteen (16) years old (or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP team), appropriate transition assessments shall be conducted (pg. 41). • Expanded requirements for Eligibility Reports (pg. 45-46). • Removed "Regressed Intelligence Quotient Scores" from Documents section.

CHAPTER 5: Individualized Education Programs • Clarified timeline to develop an IEP is 30 calendar days from the eligibility determination (pg. 80). • Added that the Invitation to the IEP Team Meeting will include notification that post-secondary goals and transitions services will be discussed, as applicable (pg. 84). • Clarified that prior to the beginning of the meeting, an excusal form, with the parent/adult student's signature of approval, shall be attached identifying any required district members not present at the IEP team meeting (pg. 86). • Added that any participant at the IEP team meeting may file a minority report if he or she disagrees with a program decision. A minority report shall not prevent the implementation of an IEP team decision (pg. 86). • Clarified that benchmarks/objectives for students who participate in Alternate Assessments based on Alternate Achievement Standards shall show a direct relationship with the content of present levels of academic and functional performance (pg. 87). • Changed the term "starting point" to "baseline data" for goal development (pg. 87). • Added that the present level of academic and functional performance statements will include a statement of the student's strengths and needs and a statement of how the disability affects involvement in the general education curriculum (p. 87). • Clarified that periodic written progress statements related to progress toward annual goals will be reported, at minimum, concurrent with the issuance of report cards (pg. 88). • Clarified that "location" does not mean the specific site of where services will be provided, but is a general location (pg. 90). • Clarified differences between "modifications," "accommodations," and "adaptations" (pg. 90- 91). • Clarified that a parent's written objection to an IEP cannot be used to prevent the district from placing a student in an Interim Alternative Educational Setting (IAES) (pg. 100). • Added that for a transition age student, the IEP shall include evidence the child was invited to the IEP team meeting and the student's preferences were considered, and representatives of any participating agency was invited to the meeting with the prior consent of the parent/adult student (pg. 101). • Clarified timelines for requesting and sending records, including that Idaho law requires a receiving district of a transferring IEP student to request a copy of the eligibility documentation and most current IEP within two school days, and within five school days of receipt, the new district determines if new assessment is required (pg. 103). • Clarified interim IEPs (with parental agreement), when IEPs must be in effect during reevaluations and additional assessments, and record retention for students transferring out of district (pg. 103).

What's New in 2015 3 • Clarified that interagency agreements and protocols must be in accordance with the current state lnteragency Agreement for Early Childhood Special Education Services and Early Intervention for Children Ages Two through Five (page. 104). • Clarified that in Part C to Part B Transition planning, a district must make contact with the family and provide procedural safeguards and other information about Part B services (pg. 105). • Clarified that a student identified as a student with a disability, who is eligible for special education, and who is convicted as an adult and incarcerated in an adult prison, is not subject to Child Find, but if already identified is entitled to FAPE until age twenty-one (21) (pg. 107).

CHAPTER 6: Least Restrictive Environment • Clarified if a student is not placed in a general education classroom, the IEP must include additional justifications (pg. 112).

CHAPTER 7: Discontinuation of Services, Graduation and Grading • Clarified that for students who have not yet met their district's high school graduation requirements, the district's obligation to provide special education ends at the completion of the semester in which the student turns 21 (pg. 117}. • Clarified need to send written notice when consent for special education is revoked, and that a parent/adult student has the right to revoke consent for IEP services in their entirety, not service by service (pg. 119). • Clarified that a Parent Approved Student Learning Plan will be reviewed annually, but may be revised at any time (pg. 119}. • Added IDAPA language "and become a contributing member of society" (pg. 119). • Clarified students' demonstration of proficiency requirements on the assessments (pg. 120). • Clarified that participation in a graduation ceremony does not equate to the receipt of a regular high school diploma (pg. 121}. • Clarified that for students who are eligible for special education services, the district will use a regular diploma at the completion of their secondary program through meeting graduation requirements or criteria established on his or her IEP; this includes students who meet the graduation requirements with accommodations and/or adaptations (pg. 121).

CHAPTER 8: Charter Schools • Clarified that an LEA charter school board of directors/trustees is required to adopt and ensure that the LEA implements this Manual (pg. 125). • Added that a charter school may be authorized by a college or university (pg. 125). • Emphasized that a charter school student is a public school student with all the same rights to FAPE as would be afforded in a public school (pg. 125-126). • Added that for a charter authorized by a district, the district is required to provide Part B funds and comparable services to the charter school on the same basis as it provides such funds to other schools within the district (pg. 126). • Added that nondiscriminatory enrollment procedures shall be publically displayed on the charter school's website and in the charter school's enrollment application form (pg. 127). • Clarified the dual enrollment in other public schools and the responsibility of the charter school to provide special education services (pg. 128-129).

What's New in 2015 4 CHAPTER 9: Private School Students • Clarified that "private school student" is the same as a "nonpublic school student," but that a "homeschooled student" is not considered a "private school student." However any student enrolled in a virtual public school is not considered a "homeschooled student" while they attend that virtual public school (pg. 135). • Clarified that The IDEA distinguishes between for profit and nonprofit private schools. If a student is placed in a for profit private school by their parents the service plan provisions do not apply (pg. 135). • Clarified the Child Find responsibilities of districts where a child resides and where the private school is located. Both districts would have Child Find responsibilities, and neither district can share information with the other without written parental consent (pg. 138). • Clarified that the district of residence would have Child Find responsibilities for students placed in for-profit schools and for children aged three (3) to five (5) (pg. 138). • Clarified that Students aged three (3) to five (5) must have their special education services identified on an IEP since Idaho does not have state-funded preschool programs (pg. 138) • Added that the cost of Child Find is not counted toward the pro-rated proportionate share that the district must spend on services (pg. 138). • Clarified that if a district finds a student eligible for services the district must develop an IEP, unless the parent expresses intent not to enroll the child in the district. The IEP will be implemented if the child enrolls in the district (pg. 139) • Clarified that service plans are developed by the same members who would be on an IEP team (pg. 140) • Clarified that when a district places a student in a private school or facility, the IEP team will include a representative from the private school, via teleconference if necessary (pg. 143). • Clarified when a unilateral placement by a parent will be deemed appropriate (pg. 145). • Incorporated the recent legal decision regarding out of state students residing in residential facilities (pg. 146-147).

CHAPTER 10: Improving Results • Added that the district is required to submit timely and accurate data based on the indicators in the Idaho's State Performance Plan, posted annually on the SDE website (pg. 155). • Clarified the competencies listed in the ESEA for paraprofessionals working in a Title I school (161). • Removed the Certification Standards for Paraprofessionals document from the end of the chapter.

CHAPTER 11: Procedural Safeguards • Clarified that if a court order specifies another person to act as parent, that would supplant the biological parent at the IEP meeting'(pg. 167). • Clarified district obligation to end services if one parent revokes consent for services (pg. 171). • Clarified that reviewing of existing information does not require consent (pg. 172). • Clarified when the excusal of an IEP team member is required (pg. 173). • Clarified what is and is not an educational record (178-179). • Added that districts must have a policy to protect personally identifiable information from security risk resulting from unsecured data transmittal or storage (pg. 180). • Clarified records destruction policy (pg. 183-184)

What's New in 2015 5 • Added that a district may initiate a due process hearing to determine if an IEE is appropriate (pg. 185). • Removed Application for Surrogate Parent from Documents section. • Changed revision date on Procedural Safeguards to December 2014 and updated IPUL and DRI contact information.

CHAPTER 12: Discipline • Clarified IDEA allowable days of suspension, and allowable suspensions by superintendents and school boards (pg. 192). • Requirement of written notice on the date when a decision is made to change a student's placement (pg. 193).

CHAPTER 13: Dispute Resolution • Clarified definitions, roles, and processes for facilitation (pg. 209-210). • Added informal conflict resolution process (pg. 210-212). • Clarified definitions, roles, and processes for mediation (pg. 212-215). • Changed "formal complaint" to "state complaint." • Clarified definitions, roles, and processes for state complaint (pg. 215-216). • Removed Early Complaint Resolution from state complaint options (pg. 216). • Clarified definitions, roles, and processes for due process hearings (pg. 218-227). • Added that due process hearings shall be conducted pursuant to the Idaho Rules of Administrative Procedure of the Attorney General (IDAPA), IDEA requirements, and this Manual. In case of any conflict between IDAPA and the IDEA, the IDEA shall supersede. IDAPA rules shall supersede this Manual (pg. 224). • Clarified definitions, roles, and processes for expedited due process hearings (pg. 228-229). • Clarified the appeal and civil action process (pg. 229). • Added Mediation Agreement (pg. 235-236) and Mediation Confidentiality Agreement (pg. 237) forms to documents section. Revised request forms for state complaint, due process hearing, and expedited due process hearing. Removed other informational documents on mediation, resolving complaints, and the resolution form. Also removed items from Ch. 13 appendix.

What's New in 2015 6 Motion to go into executive session:

I move that after a five minute break the Board retire into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2345(1) subsections (b) and (c);

(b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student;

( c) to conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations or to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency