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Bee Gee News November 14, 1945

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News November 14, 1945" (1945). BG News (Student Newspaper). 752. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/752

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VOL. XXX BOWLING GREEN, OHIO WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1946 NO. 4 Bette Throne Heads SCF Last of Navy Alpha Gamma Delta Pledges Will L*ave Initiated Saturday Officers and members of the To Be ship's company will report to Navy separation centers all Former Local Sorority Will Become over the country when they We Got The Time leave Bowling Green at the Alpha Kappa Chapter of National end of this week, before re- You Get The Bus turning to civilian life. The initiation ceremonies for Phratra will be Saturday, Cheer up, you turkey-mind- Nov. 17, when the group will be installed as the Alpha Kappa Lt. Commander Harold ed, homesick people. In one Bold will return to his duties as an week, tevea deyt, 168 minute*, chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta. Alpha Gamma Delta will be associate professor of botany at 604 second, from today you the tenth national social group to install a chapter at the Uni- Nashville University, after being will be homeward bound. versity in the past three years. separated in New York City. The Cincinnati end Lake Erie Collegiate representatives are expected from Omega bus company will have extra chapter at Akron University, Al- Following his discharge from undercraduntc delegates will be the Philadelphia separation center; bu.eea on Wednesday, Nov. 21, pha Beta chapter at the University after 4 In the afternoon when of Michigan, and ("hi chnpter at guests at the sorority residences Lt. E. H. Martin expects to return on the campus. to magaiine editorial work in the holiday recess begins. Here Michigan State University, Dele- New York or Washington. D. C. Is the schedule: gates will be present from the Approximately 1HI> national of- four national provinces: Alpha, ficers, chapter and alumni repre- With plsns to resume his coach- NORTH SOUTH A.M. 5:30 A.M. 7:15 Beta. Gamma, and Delta. The sentatives, and Alpha Kappa chap- ing and teaching position in Som- ter members will be guests at the merset, Mass., Chief Clement 6:56 9:07 8:51 11:57 installation banquet at Kohl Hall Mackey will report to the Boston on Saturday evening. Other ac- Reparation center. 10:15 11:54 White Names tivities for the weekend include Vally Dirodis and Rod Mapes P.M. 1:25 P.M. 3:05 an executive council meeting on both report to Toledo for dis- 3:00 . 5:36 Friday evening, breakfasts at the charge. Dirodis is returning to 3:11 6:54 Nest on Saturday and Sunday Ravenna to his job as city recrea- 1:41 10:04 mornings, u luncheon at the Wo- tional director. Mapes plans to Staff Members 7:29 men's Club on Saturday, installa- enter a university. 10:54 Alice White, editor of the tion and initiation ceremonies in Jim Haywsrd who received his If you are going home by Studio B of th< Practical Arts discharge last week from the Tole- 1945-46 Key, has announced train, y su'll find that tha New ltiiil.ii ML- Saturday afternoon, a do separation center, has purchas- the permanent members of the York C •ntral R ailroa d'l tchad- formal reception in the Reserva- ed a restaurant in Springfield, staff. They are as follows: uU 1. lik. th • : tion Hall Saturday evening, nnd Ohio. advertising—Marcia Hachtel, a 1'anhellenic Tea Sunday after- Dr. R. O. Burry left Bowling SOUTH—5:29 a.m.. 3:43 p.m. manager; Shirley Walker, as- noon. NORTH—2:09 a.m., 12:47 p.m. Green Oct. 22 to report for duty sistant; Miriam Balliet, Janet Chairmen for the Saturday Bette THrone, newly elected pr«>id«nt of the Student Christian with the NROTC Unit at the Uni- The Baltimore and Ohio train Fellowship, receives cong r»tuUtioni from Mr. Jinni Ston.r, SCF south leaves at 7:42 p.m. Baron, Betty Eberhardt, Bob luncheon are Cnllajean Ollendorf versity of Nebraska. There he re- Wills, Mury Diedrick, Jeanne Ken- and Mrs. M. M. Mercer; and for director. Both railroads announce that ceived orders to Great Lakes, nnrd, Mary Louise Schmidt, Alice the banquet, Marjory Mooney and where he is now at work in the they will not put on extra cars and that they will not take Burkhnrt. Helen Dermndy, Doris Mrs. F. G. Skibliy. hospital. Smart, Janet Neweomb. Mary Members of the Alpha Knppa Lt. Emory Harmon who was on reservations. Martha Buchanan, Anita Colussi, chapter executive council include SCF Cabinet Elects Four campus this summer is teaching Marilyn Virtue, Ruth Piel, Mnry colleginte president Ella Ann seamanship to Niton's at Van- ACE Meets Tonight Elizabeth Wannemachcr, Luis Vaughn, first vice president Wini- derbuilt University, but will be Panec, Pat Kroft, Monn O'Shnuglf- fred Shelles, second vice president eligible for discharge tomorrow. Officers and advisors of the As- nessey, Pat Edwards, Beverly Magdalene Batcha, treasurer Ethyl Officers For 1945-46 Year Lt. Kenneth Webb received his sociation for Childhood Education Davis, Dorothy Irvin, Betty Po- Sickmiller, recording secretary discharge last week. will be introduced at a codec hour land, Gloria Stocker, Gloria Dorothy Rloomingdnle, house Storekeeper Harry Fernwalt is Bette Throne, Wesley Vesey, Dotty Raines, and Mary tonight at 8:16 in the Rec Hall. Rpeers, Meredith Davis, anil Shir- chairman Madelyn Bahnsen, Hocial sweating out his points, which at ley Gorncrt. chairman Jean McKelvey. alumnae Tomlinson were elected officers of SCF at a cabinet meeting present values make him eligible All students enrolled in elementary Sunday night, Nov. 11. education arc invited to attend this Circulation—Dotty Kerr, Joy house advisor Mrs. Don Alspaeh, for discharge sometime in 1947. finance advisor Mrs. Fred Groscup, Bette Throne, sophomore, was elected president. Bette is meeting, as they arc eigible for Fuller, Lee Cooper, Betty Ann He will go to Great Lakes for re- fraternity education advisor Miss head photographer for the Key staff, and takes pictures for assignment. membership in ACE. Parker, Carolyn Barr, Marilyn Holley, Eloise Monroe, Ernestine Nellie Randell, scholarship and ac- the Bee Gee News. Wintringham, and Leila Shepurd. tivities advisor Mrs. M. M. Mercer, Wesley Vesey, freshman, son of the YWCA, in addition to the SCF Business Secretarial—Sue Ton- social advisor Mrs. II. R. Troyer, Rev. Leslie Vesey, was elected to members. rushing advisor Mrs. F. G. Skibby, the vice-presidency. University Will Offer New kin, head; Olga Mnzur, Olive Pol- Recognition service for all new car. Martha Connolley, and Doris and alumnae chairman Mrs. ('ceil Dotty Raines, junior, former members and installation of new Lewis. Rew. president of the campus YWCA, is cabinet members will be held at secretary for the organisation. Printing Courses Next Semester Editorial Secretarial —Lois the • meeting Sunday ngiht, Nov. Gnult, Hazel Copp, Shirley Pol- Mid-Year Graduate! Mutt Mary Tomlinson, junior, a mem- 18, at 6 p.m. in the Auditorium. Advanced printing techniques will key-note three new kosek, Nancy Riee, and Sarajano ber of Treble Clef and the Home laboratory courses in printing skills which will be offered next Conway. File Applicationt Now Ec Club was elected treasurer Editorial Staff -Rosemary Cris- for the group. semester for industrial art* and business students. Besides Students who expect to com- Dorothy Maynor training in standard printing methods, including work with pino, Marjorie Fordycc, Rosemary plete their requirements for gradu- These students were elected to the present job and hand presses, instruction will be given in a Goldman. Judith McGchee, Norms ation at the end of the present the cabinet at the general election Will Appear In Parker, Lois Rubel, Bnrhara Rus- icmeiter and graduate in June, held on Friday, Nov. 9. Cabinet new off-set printing process. sell, Catherine Russo, Ann Seu- This new process first came out 1946, should make application for members arc representatives from Key Covert Go On Sale herl, Polly SimkilM, (Henna Sleele, Campus Concert in the early '30's, Prof. Dsniel graduation in the Registrar's Of- the sponsoring bodies, the down- Rosemnric Tomkn, Pat Klory, Lil- J. Crowley, head of the industrial Padded covers for the 1946 Key fice on or before Saturday, No- town churches, and the YMCA and Dorothy Maynor. Negro soprano, will go on sale in the Well today lian Buenzli, Susnn Kilmer, Nor- vember 17, according to Dean will appear in concert in the Men's arts department, explained. In December, 1939, the Daily World through Tuesday, Nov. 19. Stu- man Klee, and Shirley Figgcns. Ralph G. Harshman. Gym, Tuesday, Nov. 27, at 8:15 Copy—Martha Zeis, Mary Helen of Opelonsas, La., issued the first dents are asked to stop in the Well This does NOT apply to students p.m. This will be the first concert Altstetter, Jeanne Hersley, and daily paper produced by off-set. and place their orders as soon as who will finish their work the sec- Kappa Delta of the year brought to the campus possible, because the order must Connie Lehman. ond semester—they will be called by the University Assembly Com- Many house organs and trade Typing—Jean Mains, Jean Mur- journals are using this process be- be sent to the manufacturer im- in later—during the second semes- mittee. mediately. phy, Agnes Brown, Marilyn Hack- ter. Miss Maynor spent seven years cause it is often cheaper than or- Pledges AE studying home economics and sing- dinary printing. Regis t r a t i o n ing in her spare time at liampton blanks, class cards, and other forms used here this year were Alpha Epsilon, the seventh local Institute. As a member of the Conklin Announces Names of 282 Students choir at Hampton, she was one of printed on the University's new women's group to nationalize, was Multilith off-set press by John pledged to the Kappa Dena soror- the members chosen to tour the Barber, graphic arts assistant. ity last weekend. United States and Europe with the group. Shortly after her return Most Multilith work is done with Who Will Have Dean's List Privileges Organized in 1942 by eight wom- to school she was awarded a scho- paper or zinc plates. A photo- en, Alpha Epailon has for the past graph of the copy to be printed is The Dean's List for the last semester of last year and for 1946 summer school stu- two years occupied Shatxel Annex larship to the Westminister Choir dents was released this week by Arch B. Conklin, Dean of Students. Two hundred eighty- School at Princeton. taken from a proof sheet, while and a wing of Williams Hall. This prints of pictures are photograph- two students are listed, as compared with the 143 given for the same period last year. year the sorority moved to its new In 1939 friends secured an audi- tion for her with Serge Kousscvit- ed cither separately or on the Students whose names appear on the list have attained an average grade of 3.00 (B) and University-owned home across from same film. Then the developed are excused from compulsory class attendance. the Practical Arts Building. iky, conductor of the Boston Sym- phony. The audition was a suc- negative is placed over the zinc The list is as follows: Dorothy Anderson, Amy Auman, Mildred Baden, Miriam Balliet, Miss Minnie Mae Preacott, Na- cess and Miss Maynor began her plate and the letters and pictures Clarice Banks, Doris Barr, Cather- Bery, FoUettp Phyilig Foltgi Reynolds, Mildred Richey, Vida tional chairman of Kappa Delta, concert career almost immediate- are burned into the metal with arrived in Bowling Green Thurs- arc lamps so that ink will adhere ine Bsrtley, Esther Basner, Mag- Yvonne Ford, Virginia Forney, Ridcnour, Marjorie Ross, Beulah ly. day, Nov. 8, to participate in Students will be admitted upon to the flat surface for printing. dalene Batcha, Jeanne Beagle, Catherine Friend, Mary Lou Gabel, Royal, Betty Royer, Lois Rubel, pledge activities. presentation of their Ac cards, The inked image is transferred Phyllis Becken, Ruth Berger, Ruby Louis Gasper, Lois Gault, Janice Kathleen Rupp, Eva Marie Saint. Friday evening .after a banquet George, Sue Gesling, Beatrice Gil- Amelia Samaha, Rachel Saul, and tickets for townspeople will go from the plate to a rubber cylinder Berndt, Dorothy BeVier, Dora at the aorority house, pledge ser- which, in turn, prints directly on mer, Leola Gorby, Betty Gray, Bonney Sawyer, Joyce Schneider, on sale soon. Biery, Vernelle Bidlack, Dorothy Dorotha Grim, Thelma Grover, Grace Scholt, Betty Scovill, Beulah vices were held. The following the paper. Boomingdale, Phyllis B 1 o s s e r , people were pledged: Lois Hines Expensive engraving of cuts can ReJean Hahn, Margaret Hamann, Setzler, Jean Sherrard, Jeanne Mitt Ziegler Retignt Betty Boehk, Eileen Boepple, Car- Lila Mae Hansman, Margaret Shiveley, Ethyl Sickmiller, Ruth Jewett, June Bruce Pattison, Verly be avoided by using the off-set men Bond, Katherine Bonflglio, Collins, Dorothy .ieigley, Marjorie Harms, Jean Harshman, Lois Siegel, Bobbie Simpson, Fritzie Miss Donelda Zeigler, bookkeep- process, and when done on quality Dorothy Boozer, Marian Bowen. Yoder, Ann McGraw, Katherine er in the business office, is resign- paper stock the results can hardly Hartell, Janet Hartsel, Naomi Sipher, Betty Smith, Betty Joan Helen Bradley, Mary Brech- Smith, Florence Smith, Glenna Schaller, Dora Tarbizan, Dorothy ing Dec. 1. Her position will be be told from half-tone prints. Healey, Mary Heck, Dallas Henry, mscher, Robert Bredbeck, Ruth Smith, Janice Smith, Joann Smith, Fox, Alice Cadwell, June Cater, filled by Mrs. Robert Mason, of However, with offset printing a Virginia Hillard, Lois Hibes, B r I c k m s n, Ruby Bridenbaugh, Marilyn Holley, Sally House, Josephine Smith, June Smith, Vir- Betty Rhoades, Geneva Bennett, Oberlin. Her husband, Robert slight difference in the quality of Coral Britt, Helen Bromelmeier, Phyllis Immekus, Dorothy Irvin, ginia Smith. Frances Stuckman, Dorothy Mason, a veteran, is a senior at pictures is noticeable, Professor S.. KAPPA DELTA p. 2 Crowley pointed out. Some ma- Hope Brown, Marilyn Brown, Ida Vivian Johansen, Ruth Johnsen, Hattie Mae Stair, June Stemen, the University. Buhrow, Luetta Bunke, Marilyn Laska Stilin, Doreen Stouffer, Miss Zeigler received her B.S. terial in the 1946 "Key," as in Alice Johnson, Marilyn Johnson, Burriss, Richard Cain, Eileen Carr Herschel Johnston, Clara Keller, Frances Stuckman, Dora Terbizan, degree in business administration past issues, has been done by off- Nellie Chandler, Evelyn Christian, Jean Limblrd, Blanche Line, Mary Phyllis Tilton, Mary Tomlinson, fromBowiing Green State Univer- set. Class Meetings A larger machine, 14 by 20 Justine Christy, Elesnor Cirs, Little, Elsie Lodge, Doris Lorenz, Martha Transue, Ellen Treece, sity in June, 1940. She has been Winifred Cole, Evelyn Christisn, Rose Tschantz, Dorothy Tucker, employed at the Business Office inches, has been purchased, and Jean Lull. Set For Monday Martha Connolly, Virginia Cook, Leonore Lust, Virginia McDarr, Dorothy Turk, Patricia Undcrhill, since January, 1941. will arrive the first of the year to supplement the smaller one Opal Corder, Joyce Cotner, Clar- Clayton McDole, Harold McGee, Glendene VanLandingham. Jose- Nominations for class officers ence Courtney, Opal Courtney, Onnalee McGilvary, Ann McGraw, phine VanWegner, Evelyn Vesey, will be made at class meetings Nov. now in use. An electric typewrit- New Instructor Joint er, with an automatic adjustment Jane Coutney, Mary Conturne. Jean McKelvy, Mary MacEwen, Alice Vietmeier, Shirley Walder, 19. Lucille Pope, chairman of elec- Mary Craigmile, Claire Crith- Jean Mains, Lorene Mathias, Doris Margaret Wallace. tions announced today. Psychology Department to make the right margin even, Miss Doris Dimick, new psychol- has also been ordered. A new field, Dorothy Cronenewett, Ellen Meek, Richard Merrill, Audrey Mary Wannemacker, Zola Weav- Freshmen will meet at 8 p.m in Crowley, Virginia Cryer, Ann Cut- Meyers, Clara Jean Miller, Beryl er, Doris Welling, Kathleen Wendt, the Auditorium. Sophomores will ogy instructor from Ohio State "Multigraph," a small press print- University, arrived here last ing from type held in a semi-cir- ler, Anna Darr, Mary Daugherty, MillHoane, Beverly Millns, Lucile Helen Wetzel, Lois White, Martha ' meet in the Auditorium at 7 p.m.; Regina Davies, Mary Jo Davis, Mitchell, Betty Mote, Evelyn Moy- Whitman, June Widner, Florence juniors in the Rec Hall at 7 p.m.; Thursday to teach in the psycholo- cular drum, has also been added gy department to the equipment. Marilyn Desenberg, Marjorie er, Nora Mueller, Bernice Nece, Wilhelm, Herbert Williams, Nelson and seniors, in 303 Administration Deuscble, Eileen Dewhurst, Verda Bette Nelson, Kathleen Niemeyer, Williams, Catherine Willyard, Building at 7 p.m. Miss Dimick, whose home is in Other facilities include a 10 by Aurora, 0., received her B.S. de- 15 inches job press, several stands Dexter, Eloise Dibert, Edith Doerr, Richard Norton, Oldenburg. Elaine Wise, Mary Wohlgamuth, Nominations will be made from Bernice Wolf, Mary Wollam, Ruth gree in education from Ohio State containing almost a dozen differ- Helen Dombrady, Louise Duffy, Virginia Pasnow, Marvel Patton, the floor, and the students making Margaret Eger, Dora Eggers, Joan Frances Pearson, Janet Percy, Wollam, Ruth Wonnell, Mary the nominations will be given pe- University and is now working on ent type-faces in sizes from 6 to a Master of Arts decree in psy- 48 point, two hand presses, a Eichenauer, Iva Esham, Lois Fer- Shirley Petkosek, Lucille Pope, Wood, Robert Wyandt, Ruth titions after the meetings for the Wyandt, Mary Wylie, Chella chology. She has also worked at paper punch and paper cutters, ris, Kathleen Fischer, Frederick Vivian Posey, Annabelle Ramaker, candidates they named. Fisher, Maroe Fletcher, Elsie Martha Rataiczak, Eugene Rayle, Young, Roberta Younkman, Donald Class elections will be Friday, the psychological clinic at Ohio and photographic equipment for Fleming. Mae Reece, Nellie Reed, Margaret Zahn. Nov. 80. State University. the Multilith work. PAGE 2 BEE GEE NEWS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1945 BEE GEE NEWS Shoes is News Gold Braid To Old Lace' Coke-Tales By BLANCHE SPANGLES by JoAnn Simmons That little rumbling noise in Associated Cb0e8iate Pre*$ your ears last Thursday morning as yon peered sleepily down from MMIflNTio WO!! NATIONAL -OVB-tlsHNO •* Good morning, little friends. Once again the little your upper bunk wasn't just after- old typewriter receives its regular weekly exercises, National Advertising Service, Inc. effects from Wednesday night's Co/Ugt I'mblitben KtprtunUtn* building up a confusing jumble of alphabetic symbol* heavy date, and those people you 410 MAOISOM Avt NBW VORM N. Y. which the gracious printer somehow usually manages C-tC*4>0 • •MfOB • Loi •■•■ill ■ '«■ P««JKIMO saw knocking themselves over as to arrange into a few paragraphs of incoherent Official Student Publication they raced past your window weren't eager beavers on their way words. Here goes . . . Publithed Each Wednesday of the Year by to eight o'clocks. They were op- the student of timists, on their way to the down- BUGLE BOY Bowling Green State University town shoe stores and, in case you went back to sleep, the rumor they Never let it be said that director EUea T. Office—816 Administration Building—Phone 2631 were spreading was strictly the Smith doesn't have a nose for taleat. At the tret straight dope. rehearsal of "Arsenic," Mr. Smith asked Teddy Staff Shoes were taken off the ration Roosevelt (Gil Foa) if be thought he could get any- Edltor-in-Chi«f . Georq.anna Kaull list at midnight, the hour the thing like a bugle call oat ef said instrument, far D«lta Gamma HOUM. T»l«phone 394) Builnau Manaqw John Borb-r witches howled, October 31. the part calls for jest such talent. "Well, I thi.k so," 302 Ea.l Wow. Jan* Carlton, you can now buy a pair of shoes Marilyn Connor*, Marlon* Connors. Frank Coei, Evadna CulUr. whenever the urge strikes, instead You all know Frank Coas, of course, that versatile Pat Davli, Anita Dsno. LOUIM Duffey, Marqar*! Fmnoy, Joy Full*r, Norman Garrett, Dorothy Glllum, Rowtnaiy Goldman, of having to wait until the stitch- freshman from Toledo who debates, writes, and loves Kim Grlgq*. Jackl* Haffey, Charlott* Hanson, Jean Hirehmnn, ing comes out of your old pair or women . . . Well, eighteen years ago, when Frank Joan Hlld*brand. Marty Huivar, Carolyn Key, Norm KIM, Connl* Lehman, lim Limbrach»r, Dorothy Luodtk*. Louise the plastic melts. was born, he spent three months in the hospital Noblli. Shirley Petkosek, Elaine Potter, Mariannic* Richwin*. So, if your rope soles fray and Charlotte Roqers, Florence Russell. Catherine Russo. Joann under the care of a very attractive nurse. When Schuster, Vera Schwartz, Polly Simklns, Blanche Spongier, your canvas leaks, put in an he had his physical the other day, he recognized Mrs. loan Spetz. Glenna Steele, Carl Szubekl, Rosemary Tomka, extra pair of cardboards, trot Jay Vastorlinq, Gordon Ward, Gloria Wernlz. Mildred Hopper as that very same nurse or was it down and purchase, ration-free, Mr. Fred Walsh, technical director of the University Theatre, shows COLUMNISTS—JoAnn Simmons, Bob Smith that she recognized him? Anyway, the records SPORTS STAFF—Cal Batton, Doris Brlckner, Dick Howell Dorothea a new pair of shoes. Mrs. Walsh set designs for "Arsenic and Old Lace." Kuntzman, Joann Powers, Leonard Roqala, Blackie Swinelord. verified it I I PROOFREADERS-Miriam Balllet, Belly F.iqcin, Elizabeth Duni- You say you don't have any paoe, Alice Vletmeler. money. That's your own little By KIM CRIGCS ADVERTISING STAFF—Doris Ackerman. Gloria Boveridqe, Eileen THROW ANOTHER LOG ON THE FIRE Boepple, Patricia Clark, Geiry Cross, John Ercoy, Opal Ford, problem. Kenneth Keaqle, Marilyn Lippincott, Barbara Meyers, Mary "No, no, girlie! I've got a wife around here somewhere," How 'boat following through on Lois Ferris' big Sexton. CIRCULATION STAFF Betty Acker, Carol Adams, .Helen Bro- protested a short, sandy haired young man, as a young woman idea and making it a tradition te keep the fire going melmeler, Ann Debel)ak, Lois Ann Gaull, lean Grunenbauqli. attempted to kiss him. But on a second glance he recognized Doris Harshman, Alice Healy, Dorothy Kanouse, Juno Klnk«r, la the Nest at all times? Just any time you see it Kathleen Lavelle, Jeannette Lohr, Molly Lasko Alice McClel Kappa Delta her as the wife who was "around there somewhere." His getting low, toss another Ifuak ef wood en . . . and if land, Elizabeth McCulouah, Mary McRllchlo. Virginia Marlon, (Continued from page 1) Maryane Mercer, Janlco Mller, Janet Moll, Phyllis Roelz, Mary failure to recognize her was because it was the first time he you know of any one who would like te get up at six Ridenour, Belty Lon Rlodmlller, Lois Schaub, Marytane Sekerak, had seen her out of uniform. In fact, it was the first time Gerry Snydor, Edith Slaplelon. Ruth Wales, Annntto Wondt. Anderson, Jean Curtis, and Beulah every morning and start it, just get ia touch with Mrs. Catherine Wlllyard. Miller. either of them had seen the other Wright and put the big proposition up te her, rajahT OFFICE ASSISTANTS Patricia Decker, Charlotte Hanson, Betty Alpha Epsion was allowed to in civilian clothes. Sandera The man who didn't recognise his rush this fall by a Pan-Hellenic Belgian Captain JUST A LITTLE KATTY ruling, and the following upper- wife ia Fred Walsh, formerly a class Alpha Epsilon pledges were Addresses SCF Lieutenant in the U. S. Navy and Have you heard about Kappy, the K.D. kitten? Anchors Away. .. pledged directly to Kappa Delta: now a member of the University He's the small ball of fuzz with the wonderful buz Dorothy Cronenwett, Betty Mund- At the regular meeting of faculty. Mr. Walsh is an instruc- zing mechanism which the newly pledged members of Within the next few days the officers of the ing, Joyce Schneider, Margaret the Student Christian Fellow- tor in speech and technical director Kappa Delta recently acquired. Kappy arrived on Naval unit will leave the campus, the last of Richards, Martha Wasson, Phyllis ship, Sunday night in the Rec of the University Theatre. the scene to take care of a particularly obnoxious Ilechen, Doris Scisinger, Connie Mrs. Walsh was a Lieutenant mouse who insists upon getting into those cookies the men who have added so much to the Uni- Flynn, and Mary Ella DeWeesc. Hall, Mr. James Stoner, di- (j-g.) in the Waves, stationed at from home. Kappy stands just five inches high! I versity during their stay here. With their The present Kappa Delta of- rector for SCF gave a talk Sampson Naval Training Base. It ficers arc: Lois Hines Jewett, presi- on "Making Mistakes." was there that Mr. Walsh met her departure also go pleasant memories that shortly after his return from a BEDTIME STORIES dent; June Bruce Pattison, vice- Capt. Gaston Vandermeers- reach back beyond the scope of most of the president; Verly Collins, secretary; tour of duty as a Lieutenant in the Some people think of the middle of the night as students on campus. But there will always be Dorothy Heigley, corresponding che of the Belgium Under- U. S. Navy Assault Signal Corps, the lovliest time In the world, as the time when tke attached to the third and fourth secretary; and Marjorie Yoder, ground was introduced as guest moon comes out and shines over all as though It were memories of the fine men representing the infantry. They were married at treasurer. speaker by Aurelia Christea. guarding its proteges from above. But those people Navy, and the knowledge that many new her parents' home in St. Paul, Min- Jean Kohls, a Kappa Delta trans- Capt. Vandermeersche, who is are poets who never spent a night around BGSU. friends have left their stamp upon the school fer from Bethany College, is act- nesota, on June 7, 1945. Mr. traveling for the World Student Around here, it's nothing short of a midwinter night's and its students. ing as coordinator for the chapter Walsh's home is in Waverly, New here. Service Fund, chose "Students York. dream, only worse tkan Will himself ever dreamed Dr. Prout expressed the feeling of the facul- Two Kappa Delta alumnae in Working Under Wartime Difficul- Before entering the Navy, Mr. "P- Walsh was visiting lecturer in ty and the student body when he said, "Our Bowling Green arc Miss Katherine ties" as his subject. For instance, just in case anyone has the idea that drama at Ohio University at Registration Day isn't a haunting experience even to experiences with the Navy have been among Huh, physical education instructor Giving a short account of his Athens. While there he produced upperclassmen, let's recall the night of that memor- at Bowling Green High School and own experience, Capt. Vander- several plays, as well as design- the happiest the University has known. The able day when Annalee Gustafson of Williams Hall Mrs. James Stoner. meersche said that he spent three ing and building the seta. Mr. men who were here, were, at all times, gentle- Walsh also did Little Theatre work sat up in her bed and said in her finest sound-asleep The patronesses pledged into months in France in training men, and the officers have been the finest fel- in the South. "Arsenic and Old voice, "Oh, I didn't pay my fees! 1" Kappa Delta are Mrs. Robert Whit- camps there. Upon his return to Lace" will be his first production And then there was Beverly Heilman who wee lows we could ask for. The Navy's presence Belgium, he became a member of taker, Mrs. E. E. Dickerman, Mrs. since 1941. dreaming that she was in a parachute and drifted here added greatly to the social, athletic, and the Underground, doing intelli- E. E. Richard, Mrs. C. R. Cookc, When asked if he did any theater not-too-gracefully down from her upper in Kehl. academic program of the school, and helped us gence work. He was picked up Mrs. E. H. Priess, and Mrs. Glen work while in the Navy, he replied, She woke up, said a word which you know and I "When you are attached to the over the many problems that arise in a uni- Sherar. Two Alpha Epsilon in southern France by the Gestapo know and therefore needs no repetition in print, and while on a mission there, and was infantry you don't have time for versity during a war period." alumnae who pledged are Virginia climbed back up the ladder. sent to Germany as a prisoner. anything else." Bowling Green has been noted for its friend- Keller, dietician at the Kappa Capt. Vandermeersche told of Mr. and Mrs. Walsh are living Don't be insulted if you're in the same room liness, and in no way forgot the duties of a Delta house, and Pauline Ulrey. university life in Belgium. He ex- temporarily in a tourist home until with Nancy Mosher over at the Alpha Xi Delta student body in making the Navy feel wel- Plans for initiation are being plained that the reason there were a permanent residence can be House come night and she starts calling "Chubby." come. made for January 4, 5 and 6. so few students in the universities found. That's her dog, and in her sleep, she often walks him was because of the high number up and down the ladder of her bed and carries on Lt. Edward Martin emphasized this when of Belgian casualties. He report- very intelligent conversations with him. ed that 70 per cent of the youth Directories Due Soon he said that the officers and ship's company Speech Bureau Loses Janey Schnieder, when found on her bands and Keller To KD Kitchen that returned from Germany had had complete co-operation from the Adminis- to be sent to hospitals for tubercu- Student Directories, containing knees on the floor one night, explained the whole tration in all matters. "In no instance have Virginia Keller, student head of losis treatment, and that 20 per names, home addresses, Bowling thing by telling her bewildered roommates that ebe Green addresses, and telephone we made a reasonable request and been refus- the Speech Bureau, has resigned cent were too weak from mal- was knitting and was looking for tke four stitches she this post to accept the position of nutrition to take part in university numbers of all students, will be had just dropped . . . ed. We hope our administration of the V-12 dietitian at Kappa Delta and to life. ready for distribution in the near future, Jean Harshman, editor of And Diddy Ash, of Gamma Phi Beta fame, spent Unit has reciprocated this attitude." do graduate work in home eco- "We must work for the ex- the publication, said today. one whole night looking for "Happy Birthday." nomics. change of students," Capt. Van- Anyhoo it really doesn't matter how much you In saying good-bye to the Navy we say Prof. Elden T. Smith, acting dermeersche continued, as he The copy is now at the printers exercise during the night, at least you're rested if yon Good Luck! They will not be forgotten soon head of the speech department, spoke of improving the education- and will be published as soon as al system in Belgium. "You can't think you've been comparatively still for several said today that no definite plans possible. at Bowling Green, and we hope they will re- imagine how splendid it is for stu- hours. But if you have Director Betty Paxton on member that our welcome mat is always ex- for selecting a new student head dents to see foreign countries. I your neck, hounding yon for 6:30 a.m. play rehears- LOST: A pair of rimless glasses tended for them when they return.—B.A.S. have been made. can—I'm doing it," he concluded. als, it's not so good, huh? Say, Betty, maybe you in a black case with the lettering wouldn't mind stopping in at the Neat . . . Seniors should sign for 1946 Key pictures today and tomorrow In "Kluepfel" on it. Finder please the Well. Appointments will be made for the pictures to be taken at return to Ruth Siegel, 114 North "PUT-UP GALS College Cuffnotes Walker's Studio downtown. Enterprise, or call her at 6692. Klever's, get the chains out, you've get te bang The number of World War II veterans attending some fraternity pins together. Dotty Main's Gamma Ohio State University already in greater than the Phi pin needs to be hooked te Kim Griggs' P1KA one. largest number who enrolled with fee exemptions And what's this? Kappa Delta Mary Ella D.W.ese in any other year since World War I. sporting a Beta Gamma pin right beside that shiaing • • * new pledge pin of her own. Wonder how long Johnny Seven thousand five hundred mnd forty foreign Barber will get to wear bis Sigma N. pin when be students are enrolled in United State, colleges ac- gets it? ? ? ? ? ? ? She's engaged . . . she's lovely . . . she's got • cording to a lurvey conducted by the Committee on diamond! And what's more, she's got the man that Friendly Relation, among Foreign Student,. Of the goes with it, and he's a BG V-12, and his name is total, men atudent, account for nearly two-third,, Gene Isaly, and that's the story of Edie Dorr. Oh, with 4,928. There are ,tudent, from 94 different happy day! I I countrie, diatributed in 603 different institution,. But sorority sister (Tri-Lambda) Ginny McClure x * * • went on* better and married Robert Kick September At the University of Kentucky, five days each 1 in Dayton. Ah, the one. institution that beats November are set aside for Sadie Haw-kin's Day. BGSU . . . that of marriage . . . During these live days the women do all the asking OH. OH for dates; they hold open the doors; they walk on It's here again . . . that urge for rhyme without the outside of the sidewalks; they observe all the reason. Just can't resist . . . niceties which the men are burdened with during the Ifs the little things that make life lovely; year. (Note to freshmen: Bowling Green has a Things like when he asks you for a dance. Sadie Hawkins Day, too, but not until May.) Like having the prof wind up the class • * * With, "No assignment in advance." A professor at Ottorbein College while explain- It's tke little thing, that make life lovely, ' ing the principles of geometry to a freshman class Like having a I animate who loves te clean. was heard to say, "Now watch the blackboard care- Like having an air-tight alibi fully while 1 run through it sgein." When' you're called to see the Deis. • * * The engineering students of Miami University It's the little things that make life lovely; Like having a crib-note laden cuff. now have available for study purposes a cyclone 14 ■onuB UMMI Aumoorr or TH» COCA-COU courAHr IY Things like people's curiosities cylinder engine donated by the Wright Aeronautical COCA-COLA BOTTUNa COMPANY OF TOLEDO: That make them read this stuff I I 1 ! Corporation of Paterson, N. J. BOWLING GREEN. O. An revoir, mes amis . . . WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1945 BEE GEE NEWS PAGE 8 Varsity Club Below See Level Tough Schedule Announced Reorganized Washington, Oregon, Long Island Cage The first meeting of the Varsity TU-BGHockey Teams Are Outstanding Opponents Club was held Thursday, Nov. 8, One of the toughest cage schedules in the history of the in the athletic office for the pur- University has just been released by Coach Harold Anderson. pose of organizing the men who Game Ties 2-2 Included in the list of opponents are some of the nation's top- are eligible for membership. flight basketball teams. Daily workouts are being conducted Toledo University and Bowling To be eligible a man must have in the Men's gym as Anderson and assistant coach George Green's all star Field Hockey earned a BG letter, either in vars- Muellich are hastily making preparations for the season open- ity competition or as a manager or teams tied 2-2, last Friday at 4 er on Nov. 29, when the Falcons p.m., when they met on the playing will play host to the Romulus Air sixth team to be announced soon. cheerleader. The second tournament is a field behind the Women's Buiding. Base quintet. There are now 22 men in the At least 26 games are on the round robin affair, with four teams club. They are Jim Knierim, Dick Clara Jean Miller was captain of slate, with the possibility of more competing. DePaul, Oklahoma Van Atta, Dick Franks, Cal Bat- the Bee Gee team; Dorothy Luedt- being added. In addition, the Fal- A A M, Hamline, and Bowling; Green will be matched, with the ton, Kent Dan, Vern Dunham, ke, right wing; Dorothy Uatt, cons have accepted invitations to two winners playing for the cham- Clete Swelgard, Doug Myers, Irv right inner; Janet Sauer, center compete in two tournaments, both forward; Dorothy Neander, left played in the Chicago Stadium. pionship and the two losefs playing Minehart, Leo Kubiak, Don Otten. the consolation game. inner; Anita Delaney, left wing; Also, for the first time, Bee Gee Norm Robertson, Larry Cramer, Pricilla Power, right half; Louise will hold doubleheaders on the Complete Schedule Tom Inman, Cled Jones, J im Lewis, Hulling, left half; Bonnie Sawyer, home court, with the Falcons plny- The complete schedule to date Cosmo Plotta, Irv Potts, Dick Her- right back; Virginia Dawe, left ing two opponents on the same is as follows: ring, John Burden, and Nick Ver- Nancy Kinne, Swan Club president, jots down reading! as Dale back; Ruth Lenert, goalkeeper. evening. ling, who is an honorary member. (Home games are in capital*) Sautter, Natatorium custodian, explain! the various gaagos and valve* Francis Pevice, captain of Tole- On Home Floor NOV. The organisation, which has do's team, made the first goal just been inactive for several years, that keep the pool in operation. Some of the feature games on 29—ROMULUS AIK BASK before the end of the first half. the home schedule include the Uni- will soon announce the plans for After the half, the BG team came DEC. the varied program it hopes to of- versity of Oregon, Valparaiso Uni- 4—B I. UK FT ON — OHIO back ready for action. Dorothy versity, Valparaiso, lml.. Komulus fer. Luedtke and Janet Sauer scored, NORTHERN Modern, Well-Equipped Pool Air Base, and the Toledo Naval (Doublchcader) making it 2-1. T.U.'s center for- Center. ward, Nancy Butler, scored tieing 7—HILl.SDAI.E- Toledo NA- Students Asiitting the game at 2-2. Road Trips VAL CENTER (Doubleheiuli'i) In Phy» Ed Department Located on Bee Gee Campus Bee Gee's left wing, Anita De- Two eastern road trips have been planned, with the Falcons 8—Eastern Kentucky at Cin- Several women students are as- One of the newest and best equipped indoor swimming lany, played on Toledo's team last cinnati year. meeting Long Island University in sisting in the classes of the pools in the country is located here on the Bee Gee campus. Madison Square Garden, New 10—CRILE GENERAL HOSI'. women's physical education pro- That statement is not news to our students. Most people on The two teams had dinner and —DEFIANCE danced at the Nest after the game, York, on Dec. 29. On the same gram this semester because of the our campus take advantage of this fact without stopping to trip Western Ontario will be the (Dnublt'header) and swam in the Natatorium. large enrollment and the absence think how or why our pool is constantly kept in such excellent Falcon opponent in the BulTalo 12—Invitational Tournament— of Miss Strata, who formerly did condition. How about stopping for a few minutes to learn Auditorium, Buffalo N. Y. A 14—Chicago. DePaul, Hamline, Oregon part-time teaching on the staff. some interesting facts and figures Men's Swim Meeting week later, the Falcons will again the pool. Filling the pool is merely IB—Washington, Bowline Green Dorothy Luedtke and Marjorie about the pool? Will Be Tomorrow travel Fast, meeting Holy Cross in Hamann, junior majors, both of The Natatorium Building was the first step. the Boston Garden, where last 17—VALPARAISO Toledo; Clara Jean Miller, senior completed in 1989. The dimensions Dale Sautter is in charge of this Any man who ar« interested year the Falcons broke almost all , 19—At Romulus Air Bwe work. Dale is responsible for the major, Bowling Green; and Betty of the tank are 36 feet by 76 feet, in « man's •wimminii team for of the Garden basketball records 22—UNIVERSITY OF ORE. Long, senior major, Cleveland, are while the depth ranges from 3 feet purity and temperature of the thU season have boon naked to when thev defeated Long Island GON the assistants. Dorothy and Mar- to 9 feet. The surface and under- water. He checks the water and attend a mooting of candidate! U. 72-61. 29—Long Island University in jorie are assisting in swimming air temperature twice a day. For Madison Square Garden water lighting system makes the Thursday, NOT. 15, at 7 p.m. in Play in DePaul Invitational classes. Betty and Clara Jean in pool suitable for precision and for- student instruction, the water is tho athletic office in the Men's JAN. kept at 80 degrees. The tempera- The first Chicago tournament to hockey and soccer. mation swimming. Gym. Whether the Falcons which the Falcons have been in- 1—Western Ontario al Buffalo ture of the air should be a few 7—WESTERN MICHIGAN The tank is completely drained will have an active swimming vited is the First Annual DePaul Paul Shelley, Bellevue; Seymour once a year. At this time it is degrees higher. team this year or not will de- 10—Holy Cross in Boston Gar- Along with temperature read- Invitational Tournament, starting Kander, Toledo Scott; and Jack washed down and painted. When pend upon the number of candi- den ings, Dale also checks the residual Dec. 12. In addition to the host Lee, Toledo DeVilbiss, are recent the time comes to replace the 116,- dates and caliber of available DePaul team, Hamline, Oregon, 12—-Gannon College at Erie, chlorine and the alkalinity of the Pa. additions to the present Falcon 000 gallons of water, the process is material. Washington, and Bowling Green a slow one indeed. In order not to water twice every day. This is to 18—DAYTON UNIVERSITY cage squad, arriving since the assure chemically pure water. have accepted invitations, with a team was listed in last week's interfere with the city water pres- 19—OHIO UNIVERSITY Although the tank is completely News. sure, 36 hours are needed to refill 23—Valparaiso at Fori Wnyne emptied only once a year, the water 26—XAVIER is constantly changing. The three When YOU Order 30—FINDLAY COLLEGE huge filters in the basement of the KESSEL'S FEB. Natatorium arc in operation 24 food 2—Camp Atterbury at Cincin- hours a day. All the water is fil- nati tered through these sand packed fil- Skirts order the finest 4—JOHN CARROLL ters three times a day. Every pre- 8—Round Robin Tournament- caution is being taken to insure »—Chicago. DePaul, Okla. healthful and pleasant water in Sweaters A & M, Hamline, Bow- which to swim. Harvey's ling Green 14—At HUladale The executive board of the Mod- Blouses Restaurant ern Dance club had a short organ- MARCH izational meeting on Monday, Nov. 2—At Western Michigan 6. At that time it was decided to start the Modern Dance club on Nov. 26. C LA-Z EL Number Please . . . Selection from the Paramount Production jxt< ZLl The telephone number of the WED-THUR Nov. 14-16 Kappa Delta !orority house is • Matinee Thin . 1.40 4091. Opportunity Pays 18597 Jack Oakie and Peggy AVOID GIFT GOING MY WAY . Van Heuscn-Burkr Ryan in WORRIES! SWINGING ON A STAR Van Heusen-Burko "That's The Your photograph will solve With Williams Brothers Quartet and John Seott the problem. Trotter and Hit Orchestra Spirit"

FOR APPOINTMENT FRI-SAT Nov. 16-17 18704 CALL 9041 Doors open Sat. 1:45 TOO-RA-LOO-RA-LOO-RAL J. R. Shannon "Abbott, Costello Walker Studio (That's An Irish Lullaby) 123 W. Wooster THE DAY AFTER FOREVER Van Heusen-Burkc In Hollywood" With and His Orchestra Victory Loan Fenturctte 18705 RAPPAPORT'S AVE MARIA Frani Schubert Victory Caravan Greeting Cards Stationery HATTERS TO THE AMERIfA.V FAMILY School Supplies Books ' HOME SWEET HOME Bishop-Payne SUN-MON Nov. 18-19 Gifts Novelties (Not from the picture) Doors open Sun. 1:45 "Come in and look around, WttA Orchestra and Choir under direction of Iledy Lamarr and Robert you are always welcome." Victor Young Walker in "Her Highness & The Lion Store Appliance The Bellboy" 127 S. Main Si.

TUE-THURS Nov. 13-14-16 Laraine Day and Lana Turner in For The "Keep Your Powder Dry" Man FRI-SAT Nov. 16-17 Matinee Sat. 2:15 In Your Life Dick Foran and Jane It's In The Bryan in News! "Cherokee Strip" Plus Chapter No. 10 "Fed- All about the eral Operator 99 good food See our fine selection of SUN-MON Nov. 18-19 at LEATHER BILLFOLDS "The Woman in DOBBS "sailor-tailor" crown and bevel Green" brim on the smartest young cloche of the season. Stoot's starring DOBBSrited to your head. H. G. STRAWSER & CO. Restaurant Optometrists For Three Generations Basil Rathbone and Nigel BON TON HAT SHOP Bruce 327 South Main Street PAGE 4 BEE OIK NEWS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1»46 AllGirl Orchestra Will Play Library Gets Flag Continues Medical Staff Uses New System ToFlyOverU For Informal Dance Saturday Fr.t.rniti.. will coilia.t th# For Freshman Physical Exams Myron Pearce and his all-girl orchestra will play for Rare Books tradition of th« University Hag - During the first week of the school year, Dr. W. H. Brown, raiting- caramonr, Don Suiter, the Gamma Phi Beta "Lavinrac" dance Saturday, Nov. 17, Rare books and new reference I BUr-Fraternity Council preai- University physician who returned to the campus this fall 8:16 to 11:30 p.m. in the Men's Gym. The dance is informal, material have supplemented the dent, .aid. While the Navy after serving in the army, was supervisor as nearly 600 and all students will be admitted by presenting Ac cards. Library'* collection recently, Dr. unit was stationed on the cam- white-robed freshmen filed through the corridors of Johnston A surprise theme taken from the title, "Lavinrac" is pus, the sailor* had charge of Paul F. Leedy, librarian, announc- Hospital for their physical examinations. planned for the dance, and decorations will carry out the ed today. the daily raising and lowering theme. Refreshments will be of the flag in front of the Ad- A new system was devised for this year's examinations. served during intermission. Probably toe oldest book in the ministration Building. A series of numbered "stations," Edie Jones is general chairman Kohl Hall Falls Hard library is John Stow's "Annalea" Sigma Nu, with John 3w.i- each with a definite purpose, was of the dance committee. Other or "General Chronicles of Eng- hart and Gerald Cedox in W.rn.nf! To mil upper set up; the students went from Men's Glee Club committee heads include Ruth Mar- land," printed in London in 1681. charge, has boon selected for shall, refreshments; Eunice John- bunkers. the duty for November. They station to station in order. Has 34 Members son, cleanup; Dotty Main, enter- Mary KahU of Kohl Hall, Leonardo da Vinci's "Science*, will raisie the colors at 7:56 a.m. The typical examination follow- jump«d out of bad Monday tainment; Janet Sauer, orchestra; Physlco Mathematique," a large set and lower them at sundown. ed this routine: For the first time in three years, and Rosemary Goedman, publicity. morning. Instead of going to in four volumes written In French; Alpha Tau Omega, who, ac- ■ Men's Glee club of 34 members classes, aha want to Johnaton Upon his arrival, the student LaPIace's "Oeuvrea," in seven cording to President Frank J. was organised last week, under the Hospital, where the verdict was Prout, war* originators of tho reported to the first station, where direction of Prof. Leon E. Fauley. A movie, "The Prisoner of volumes, and Hooke's "Micro- a badly sprained ankle. Mary plan, will official* during De- he donned the brief robe familiar The group will meet each Mon- Zenda" starring Ronald Coleman, is now back in Kohl, this time graphia Restaurata," an early im- will be shown in the University comber. Other fraternities will to upperclassmen. From there, he day and Wednesday afternoon at in a lower bunk. portant book on the microscope, bo responsible for the ceremony 4 p.m. in room 203 of the Practi- Auditorium at 7:30 Friday night. Betty Smith, Shatsel Hall, proceeded to the second station, The movie is sponsored by the printed in London 200 years ago, in later months. cal Arts Building. Social Committee. managed to hit the desk on har where his records were given him. way to the floor. Result—a are among the rare books recently Here the student had his tempera- There are no try-out qualifica- bad leg bruise plus a few secured. tions, and anyone who is interested Home Ec Club Members ture taken and the patch test for in singing may still join by seeing scratches. The Library had entered ' sub- tuberculosis applied. Sigma Tau Delta Meets Attend Toledo Meeting Prof. Fauley. An accompanist is scription* to the Labor Relations Then he reported to the rest of also needed for the group. Reporter through the Bureau of Sigma Tau Delta, national Eng- Nineteen members of the Home the stations where it took him Plans are being made for a fea- lish honorary, held its first meet- Key National Affairs; weekly desk about half an hour to get his blood sheets on business conditions, re- Economics Club went to Toledo, pressure, heart, lungs, and weight tured quartet to be selected from ing Nov. 7 at the home of Dr. Rea (Continued from page 1) the Glee club, and a spring tour. McCain, adviser. ports, and survey* with the Na- Friday, to attend the Northwestern checked. The members discussed writing linger, Gayc Houser, Alfrcda Kied- tional Industrial Conference Regional Conference of Home Eco- Dr. Brown's professional assis- a May Day program for the Uni- rowski, Phyllis Lupton, Janet Board; and Fact* On File, a cumu- nomics Clubs held on the campus of tants for the job included Dr. E. lative weekly news service on a • Served versity and having it published be- Sauer, Catherine Willyard, Joyce Toledo University. V. Boyle, Dr. S. J. Smith, Dr. A. fore it is used in May, JoAnn Sullivan, Barbara Kaiser, Cecelia wide scope of affair*. J. Extejet, and Nurse Phyllis without delay Simmons, Sigma Tau Delta presi- Homa. Two German encyclo p e d i a * : The meetings began with an Marsh. Photography and Darkroom— "Brockhaus," in four volumes, and afternoon tea held at 2:80 p.m. in • Eat dent, said. Betto Throne, Lee Baldauf, Doris Physical education majors who The next meeting will be Tues- Meyers "Lexikon" in 12 are now the Student Union. Various topics helped with the examinations were you are on your Brickncr, Jay VaBterling, Norm available in the reading room. day, Nov. 20, nt 3 p.m. in Dr. Kohortson, Dottie Zieglcr, Nora pertaining to the "Food For Magdalene Batcha, Maroe Fletch- way McCain's home. Other reference material in- Thought" theme were discussed by er, Margaret Harms, Virginia Lee Sawyer, Charlotte Rogers, cludes an Art Index Service com- Ann Kastner, Dora Terbizon. Hilliard, Jean McKelvey, Bonnie plete from 1929, IB Labor Relations Toledo speakers. An evening ban- Sawyer, June Smith, Richard Photo Scheduling—Muriel Bond, Reference Manuals, which present quet closed the conference. DandM MAX FACTOR Pat Coughlin, Mary Jane Mac- Franks, Fred Graf, Tom Inman, in book form a wide variety of Representatives from Heidelberg Cled Jones, Jim Knierim, Leo Ku- Ewen, Ann Page, Rosemary Ro- information affecting labor deci- Restaurant Make Up maker, Glenna Smith, and Marty College, Bluffton College, and Tole- biak, Don Otten, Howard Rogge, sions from 1937, and the completion and Donna Jean Tuttle. Transue. do University were present. PAN CAKES — all shades from the beginning in 1980, except Art Staff—Pat Smithe, Janet for one volume, of the Library's Percy, Grayce Scholt, Rose Cali- of the Industrial Arts Index. $1.50 plus tax ennc, Dorcen Stouffer, Lois Schaub, and Louise Duffy. Sing a song of six pence, Assisting Photographers—Vir- a pocket full of rye. Roger Bros. ginia Dawo, Eleanor Heinrich, Upperclass Dorms Wouldn't it be nice to eat Mandoline Hecklingcr, Rosemary a piece of pie I DRUG STORE Romakcr, Martha Russ, and Janet Elect Officers Hclmerdinc. BUY ONE at Mounting Staff—Edie Jones, Elections for the house-board of Marion McGinn, Mary Miller, Shatzel Hall, under the supervision Betty Jane Rvese, Lois Simpson, of Miss Golds Husted, were held FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION DON'T OFFEND! Phyllis Wendell, and Kathleen last week. The following people Randall's Winters. were chosen: Magdalene listens, Indexing—Marilyn O s b o r n c, president; Ann Hammack, vice- Bakery South Of Louise Ruoff, Pat Underhill, Kay president; Grayce Scholt, secre- Pott Office PHONE 2431 Westenburgcr, and Shirley Davis. tary; and Kay Niemeyer, treasur- er. Try outa for Girls' Vocal Trio Williams Hall, under the direc- will be held Wednesday and Thurs- tion of Mrs. Josephine James, day afternoon, Nov. 14 and 16, in elected its house-board officers at room 201 of the Practical Art* a recent meeting. Those elected Building, Mr. S. P. Durrancc an- were Lucille Pope, president; Mar- nounced today. Anyone interested jory Hummon, vice-president; Imo- is asked to attend the meeting gene Newman, secretary; and Lois Keep your clothes free from which has been set for 4:30 p.m. White, treaaurer. undesirable odors. HAVE THEM CLEANED at MEET BOY! MEET GIRL! Home Laundry at BOWLING GREEN'S SMARTEST MEN'S WEAR SHOP Leitman's PREPARE for holiday gayety. You'll feel at case when you know your clothes look well. LET US CLEAN THEM. University Cleaner* It Makes no differ- ence — Gal or Guy— all like More Cart on campus! Cain's Let our attendant help keep Potato Chips them running. Here's why—they're CRISP, FRESH, TASTY. Art Dott's lake your pick. Name any plea- FALL 2 IN TUNE sure you enjoy in a cigarette. You'll What do they think of The new CHARIS food from find them all in Chesterfield's ABC: SHOP under the super- A — ALWAYS MILDER, B —BETTER C1ARIS SUPERIORITY vision of Mrs. Martin in- Whitehouse TASTING and C— COOLER SMOKING. vites you women stu- HAMBURGER SHOP is in CHARIS DESIGN dents to look at The point is: Chesterfield's famous Special adjustable CHARIS Right Combination . . . World's Best feature* have al- KIGER'S ways bean the secret BANDEAUS * BRASSIERES 108 South Main St. Tobaccos gives you ALL the benefits of of Chans comfort. NYLON and COTTON 'Mini's why short- BIOLOGY SETS smoking pleasure. ape. have not meant While, Trarose, Black a* hasty experiments all $uet BIOLOGY PAPER ■ for Charia. That's why Charis is the $1.75 $3.95 STATIONERY "nir.l and true'* PRANG SETS corset today. For a private showing in Foundation Garments PAINT BRUSHES, No. 7 four home by the PANTY GIRDLES and FOUNTAIN PENS Iharis Coraetiere... GIRDLES write or 'phone. MONGOL COLORED $5.50 to $9.95 PENCILS DRAWING PENCILS GAGE HATS COSMETICS $1.50 to $4.98 CHAHI/ MANILA FOLDERS 144H S. MAIN ST. \>V)lVVAYS MILDER TASTING OOLER SMOKING (over Prieur Hardware) — Try Kiger's First —