M107: Combining

In this handout, we work through the ADFGVX , which combines a with a in a special way described below. ADFGVX Cipher

i. First, fill in the following 6 × 6 grid with the alphabet and 10 extra characters.


ii. The first step of comes by finding the letter of the plaintext in the grid above and replacing it by the two-letter character obtained from the row-column identifiers for its position. Use this process to obtain a temporary substitution .

iii. Choose a keyword, for example SEARCH (leave off repeated letters).

iv. The second step of the encryption comes by writing the keyword and then writing the temporary ciphertext ciphertext from Part ii. in a grid below the keyword (see below). Add characters at the end to fill up the grid if necessary.


v. Transpose the columns of the previous grid until the letters of the keyword are alpha- betical. For instance the result of previous table is


vi. Create the final ciphertext by writing out the columns left-to-right.

1. Fill in the ADFGVX-grid above in any fashion you want using the alphabet and the characters 0-9. Choose a short plaintext message to send. 2. Using your ADFGVX-grid on the previous page, perform the temporary substitution encryption on your plaintext message (remember that each plaintext letter gets re- placed by a pair of ciphertext letters).

3. Choose a keyword of your choice. Write it below, and then form the associated cipher- text grid using the temporary ciphertext obtained in the previous problem.

4. Arrange the columns of the resulting grid so that your keyword is alphabetical.

5. Finally, write out the columns successively to produce the final ciphertext. Pass the ciphertext, your keyword, and your ADFGVX-grid to your partner. Then figure out how to decrypt your partner’s ciphertext using the information they give you.

6. Why will not work too well on this cipher?

7. What are some weaknesses to this cipher?

8. Would this cipher be secure if we left off the rearranging of the columns?