1 ...... - ...... ■ - ~ y~ he Courier-Gazette. ROCKLAlND, M AINE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1895. V olume 5 0 . I'n te rn l mm Second Olnaa 9faJI Matter. N o i 3 6 .

Tlie Courier-G azette d-oesi It eg-nlarly Into 5Iore FamiHes in Knox County Thun Any Other Paper Ir*iil>l iMlied CONSIDERABLE SICKNESS Maj.-GenAHiram G. Berry SUMMER SOUNDS- Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U . S. Gov't Report T h e In town say the doctors. I’he Board of Health Echoes From Ihe Spots Where Busy Man Re­ has recorded on its books 8 cases of scarlet treated! for Rest and Recreation. In d u c e m e n t fever, 4 cases of measles, 4 of typhoid fever A [BIOGRAPHY and a few cases of whooping cough. i ______The Philopadlan Club met with Miss Grace Baking The inducement to put adulterated Written f o r the Coificr-Gazettc by E dw ard K. Gould Chadwick, Tuesday evening. DOB AND GUN. preparations on the market lies in [B .fn n In I^'o. 8. Misses Lottie and Katherine La wry receive the fact that a large part of the Back number* can be had. | this Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 6, at their purchasing public is always ready The shooting season has now fairly begun, home, 21 Fulton street. Powder to accept the cheapest that can and reports are that woodcock are quite plenty x x ix . \ Delegates to the Lincoln AYptist Associa A. B. Butler, W. J. Perry and E. W. Palmer just before I went down into Maine and for be had, without thinking that the that reason I have not yet answered. I saw tion, which held its sessbn in Belfast last Ab s o lu te ly p u r e went out Monday of last week and shot From Lieut. Geo. W. Freeman, A^ide-de- week, missed the boa/, "and were obliged to quality of the article must be twelve. Campf \ your Rockland people at Ellsworth, the Far- wells, Colonel Williams, etc., and wherever take buck boards a? Camden. OUTLOOK cheapened in proportion to the H eadquarters Be r r y ' s B rigaiy^ , else it may be otherwise, if anywhere, I can Mrs. H. f’. C. Wright entertained about reduction in the price demanded. OESTROYEO BY FIRE. Camp N ear IIa r r is o n ’h L a n d in o , V a My Dear Sir:—I conclude a suffilffifcient assure you your brilliant military successes are twenty fiends at her cottage, Pleasant Beach, Housewives can better afford to fully appreciated at home. I told the conven­ S E W NICE WEDDINGS Madrid has developed the startling and un­ time has elapsed since you left us for memo- to Tuesday. The party partook of a fish chow­ expected in a duel where both participants b u y A fire started at Black Island about 7 report myself to you, and feeling quite sure tion I reckoned you our hero, and this reminds der anihpent a most delightful day. o’clock Friday evening, destroying a house me of a little incident. In the Senate the were wounded. It is probably another case that you will be gratified to hear of the w«l A ptfty of young ladies and gentlemen of “didn’t know they were loaded.” owned by Mr. Gilman. The loss is esti­ fare of the Brigade I will dictate to you V other day while they were in secret session, a chapar^ned by James R. Small enjoyed a corn mated at $500, no insurance. The houses short letter, not vouching for a great degree case of confirming an officer came up, and roastjf^oopet’s beach, Thursday evening. Popular Young People Married Chandler of Michigan got up and ^objected near by were saved from the flames by the of interest. You will doubtless feel glad td Tic journey R”.as made in a hay rack. New York had an earthquake Sunday of vigorous efforts of the men of the community. know that we are all enjoying an unusual de­ because he wanted to puj his«marahead/!hlTT’ Under Favorable Auspices. last week, so severe that even the city police gave as rf rarson tha? he had served under Mrs. John Y.SihVJvan entertained friends at G ott’* Inland, Sept. 5, 1895. gree of good health, and peace and quiet Owl’s Head, Wednesday. A picnic dinner noticed it. It was probably caused by the en­ Flavoring V anilla predominate. Colonel Dyckman still com­ Berry of Maine and was as brave as Berry forcement of the Sunday excise law. L em on and that was brave enough! There was con­ and all the delights and pleasures of a perfect VALUABLE MEMENTOES- mands, evidently giving satisfaction to all day with picnic accompaniments enjoyed. O ran g e concerned, which I trust will continue unin­ siderable more of the same sort but this part Charlotte May Smith Hecomes Mrs. E x tr a c ts R ose, etc, of it struck me with force and I thought you The Free Baptist Sunday School’ enjoyed its Chicago has a new and startling sensation. terrupted. Colonel O. M. Poe has returned W alter II. Speur Amid I’rofniion of A systematic stealing of water from the city J. VV. Lothrop and wife have returned from would like to know it. annual picnic at Crescent Beach, Thursday. For they are pure and reliable to duty. He reported the afternoon of the system has been discovered. This will tend Bristol, R. I., Mrs. Lothrop’s old home, and day you left. He is quite well again. Lieut. The President has got back and it is gener­ The boys and girls made the trip in fray - Flowers—Happy Matrimonial Erent flavors. ally understood that he finds the Army in racks and in going, and returning and whita to convince people in an indirect way that where Mr. Lothrop formerly worked for the Colonel Williams has secured the Colonelcy In Thomaston — Vlnalliaren Has a they use water in Chicago. Herreshoff Co., builders of the . He of the Mich. 17th, and Major Dillman ap­ better care than he supposed he should. It is there had a delightful time. brought with him a fragment of the duck from pointed to fill his vacancy. Captain Bying- quite evident that your great fights lately are Mrs. S. A. Burpee, Mrs. J. M. Blackington Phetly Wedding. France needn’t ge: huffy, even if Germany which the ’s sails were made, and a ton has received the appointment of Major, to have a decided efiect about the manner of and Mrs. Arthur W. Gay entertain lady friends does celebrate the anniversary of the battle of couple of buttons made from fragments of and several inferior appointments are reported carrying on the war. The plan of taking such Wednesday afternoon at cards and lunch at Sedan. There’s nothing to prevent Johnny manganese bronze, used in her construction. in the same regiment. excessive care of Rebel property will undoubt­ Mrs. Burpee’s handsome new residence, Beach Crapaud from celebrating the anniversaries of One of these latter he gave Geo. E. Torrey. General Kearny has been appointed edly be abandoned hereafter. It seems so street. Austerlitz and the taking of Berlin. absurd to detail a force of a captain and nine A happy parly^^frelatives and intimate Major General, also General Hooker, Slocum The annual picnic of the First Baptist Sun­ friends gathered a ^ ftic resi'aVzice of Mrs. and others. General Hooker made a recon­ men to watch Fitzhugh Lee’s “ White House” day school was held Thursday at the Simpson Secretary of the Navy Herbert is putting RIPENING PEARS. and keep it from use even for hospital pur­ Martha A. Spear, Rankin street, Tuesday naissance in force last night as far as Malvern House. Some went in carriages and some by evening, to witness the wedding of Waller the brad to ship contractors who are building Hill, finding no enemy and returning in poses when Lee was leading a force to fire the steamer Gov. Bodwell. The children had U’ttl(ted States vessels. This has given rise to George W. Bachelder of Union was in the into our railroad trains. McDowell, I un II. Spear and Charlotte May Smith. safety. Our picket lines remain unmolested a fine time. The pleasant home was beautifully decora­ rumors\pf threatened international complica­ city Wednesday with some of the finest and everything is in a state of peace derstand, has been acting in an equally fool­ The ladies will be pleased to know that tions, but Herbert says that there is no ish manner, saying he would detail a man to ted. The parlor was embellished with sprays specimens of pears, Clapp’s Favorite, that and quiet. The morning after you left, about Mrs. M. P. Simonton opened her fine stock foundation for\ such rumors. He merely ever tickled the palate of a connoiseur. Mr. protect every line of fence rail rather than of green asparagus and ivy with bouquets of one o’clock, the Rebels opened fire from the of art goods yesterday in Syndicate Building. asters and sweet pease, the wedding bell wishes to put an (end to unnecessary delay in Bachelder picks his pears when they are opposite shore with about twenty pieces of have them destroyed. I have no idea of She will show some pretty designs and has a navy work. \ green and ripens them in a dark room, and being ruthless or barbarian in this warfare,but being an artistic triumph of sweet peas and artillery. Their design was evidently to de­ full assortment of materials for art needlework. asters trimmed with ivy and asparagus. The they are luscious. stroy the shipping and shell the camps along there is a just medium about the matter, and The dates for the opening are Monday, Tues­ Another iconoclast has appeared with his He has a young orchard of several hundred hereafter I don’t believe we shall make fools adjacent rooms were also bright with flowers. the shore, but our batteries and gunboats re­ day and Wednesday. She is located in the I ’he decorations were all in excellent taste. destructive hammerA This time it is Col. John Ben Davis apple trees, about 100 of which plied promptly which had the cfiect to drive of ourselves. And the blacks are discussed southeast corner room of the third story, but F. Porter, a veteran \ f the Union Army, who again in full force. Lew Wallace of Indiana The bridal couple entered the parlor to the was Provost Marshal \o f the district that in­ come into bearing this year. They are look­ them away very soon. with the aid of the elevator customers will strains of a wedding march, most admirably ing finely. was serenaded here the other evening (when I understand Porter’s Corps has moved find it as easy shopping on the third as on the rendered by Luther Smith, a brother of the cluded Fredericktown,atfjd knew Barbara Freit- you come up we will do the same thing) and ground floor. chie well. She was iiWensely Joyal to the across within the past two days, and will Wallace made a sensible talk about the negro bride. The bride was very attractive in white THE STEAMBOATS. doubtless prevent another demonstration of Union cause. The honie stood on Patrick question. He is an old Democrat jand spoke silk embellished with lace and satin ribbon. the kind. The damage done was small, personalToints- street, and according to Cidonel Portor, Jack­ W e G ive of the employment of the negro as a mili­ Rev. Mr. Stratton performed the ceremony, son’s army did not enter Patrick street, the Ernest Hill, son of President W. H. Hill, several mules and horses killed and several the ring service being used. tary measure, using him just so much as he march being northward on M a?^ t street. two of the Boston & Bangor Steamship Co., who wagons badly smashed and the contrabands would be found valuable. You have the Casual Reference Io People More or Less Well After congratulations, which were hearty along shore badly scattered. Some fears blocks away. The only Confedtf A C o u p o n has been purser for the steamer Lewiston dur­ Tribune,I presume.and have noticed it. In the Known In This Immediate Vicinity. and in which a host of friends join, a nice ing the summer, made his last trip in that are entertained that they will not all return, lunch of ices and cake was served. The Freitchie saw that day were a few which will prove a sad loss and cause Gree­ Senate, such Democrats as Wright of Indiana who gathered on her porch and tried to To our customers—that is, every pur- capacity Tuesday, as he will resume his and Rice of Minnesota have been speaking in bjide and groom left Wednesday for Boston, "hoser at our store n celvcs a coupon studies at Harvard. Albert Bridges has been ley’s sympathetic heart severe pangs. Prof. R. C. Rankin went to Bangor last accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Spear. with her two pretty granddaughters. T h es^ favor of using the negro. So we go. There the Dame drove away. quul to the amount of puichase made. promoted to the position of purser on the Our usual Sunday morning brigade in­ has been a good deal of talk about changing week, where he has been urged to present The presents were many and well chosen, the “ March of Time.” When coupons are secured to the Lewiston and Daniel W. Nason, who has spection passed of with due satisfaction to all the commander of your army, and I don’t including a fine piano from the mother of the umount or nve dollars the holder re. been purser on the steamer Rockland, be­ concerned. General Kearny hovered around know what the President’s notions are since Roger E. Sherman of Quindaro, Kansas, a groom, and an oak combination secretary and Mrs. Ballington Booth, in a discourse be­ eelves a 50 cent bottle of Laxell’s I’er- comes freight clerk on the Lewiston. George like a spirit and expressed himself much he got back. I have not supposed it would member of Ivanhoe Commandery of Kansas book-case from Burpee & Lamb, in whose fore the New York Salvation Army, advances fume. O ur Hue of.Perfum es and Toilet Wheeler, who has been steward on the pleased. The regiments have received camp be done. We have not yet been able to get City, Mo., was in the city last week, visiting employ Mr. Spear has been for a number of some original ideas on the subject of the Articles is very cxiensive and embraces Rockland, takes the position of purser on kettles, three to a company, which is a great at any details regarding our Maine troops relatives. Mr. Sherman, who is a western years. New Woman.” She says: “If I took the best imported and domestic makes. the same steamer. improvement, I assure you. except what we get in our New York papers. born man, stands 6 feet 6 and is a fine speci­ The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. charge of her I would first of all take her I have no news to communicate to you, Elliot of Brunswick, who is on the Governor’s men of western brawn and brain. George Smith of Rockland Highlands, and dress and change it. I would make of her General, more than I have already recorded. staff, was down there but came back at once has been one of the Fuller & Cobb force for dress useful garments for tbe children of the FISH AND FISHING- But I assure you that you are sadly missed Mrs. Thomas Rose of Brooklyn, N. Y., is and did not seem to know much about our the guest of Mrs. N. A. Burpee, this city. several years. She is a young lady of at­ slums. Her big sleeves would make dresses by all, though all are glad you have regiments. Of course we have all been anx­ tractive personality, vivacious and extremely for little children, and her other garments— Donahoe’s Pharmacy gone, knowing it was necessary. Many in­ Mrs. Rose is a daughter of the late George The lobster fishermen are putting their ious to know. Fales of Thomaston and is one of a family of popular. The groom is the son of Mrs.* which I shall not mention here—I would give Cor. Main & Limerock Sts., traps back into the water------The Deer Isle quiries are made daily as to whether we have We adjourn next Wednesday, and shall Martha A. Spear and brother of E. B. Spear’ them to the sex they belong to. The books heard from you. Everyone seems anxious to eleven children. A sister, Mrs David Everett, lobster fishermen have all got their traps have to go home to aid in getting up recruits. who has been visiting the family of S. G. Ev­ of Farrand Spear & Co. and is one of the’ she writes and reads, reeking with that which ROCKLAND, ME. feel assured you have arrived at home in safety. down and are doing a fairly good business I have a notion of going into it, and if I do, erett, at the Ilead-of-the-Bay, returned to most highly esteemed young men about town. makes any respectable woman blush for shamc^ Telephone 63-2 for this time of the year----- The Deer Isle I report favorably concerning the matter we shall go into the ranks. There will be plenty New York Wednesday. Mrs. Burpee will re­ with their disgusting realism—I would Uke Gazette reports the weirs around that island have in view which you are familiar with, of officers to be had but soldiers may be turn to Brooklyn with Mrs. Rose for a visit. them and burn them in the flames with her full of herring, but there seems to be no mar­ though it will require some time to complete cigarettes and chewing gum.” scanty. There is talk of drafting and that II. J. Burns of California Commandery, No. One of the prettiest weddings ever wit­ ket for them on account of the prices being it. would he well enough, only it might he com Tell Lieut. Greenhalgh I shall expect an 1, a resident of San Francisco, was in the city nessed in Thomaston took place Wednesday so low----- The Bath Independent says that plained that rich people could buy substitutes Catarrh Cannot Be CuredJ the Monhegan fishermen, by making and immediate report from him according to pre­ Thursday. Last week’s C.-G. had an interest­ morning at 10 o’clock at the home of Mrs. but the poor would have to go anyway. We ing article concerning Mr. Burns, who is a Katie Crawford, corner of Dunn and Hyler FRED R. SPEAR observing a lobster law of their own not to vious agreement, also Maine papers. Col. must raise the troops anyhow. There are no with local applications, as they cannot reach native of Waldoboro. At one time he did streets, when the youngest daughter, Martha, catch any during certain months in the year, Dyckman sends kind regards. I trust you two ways about that. There was a good deal the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or Has Reduced the Price of always have a good stock of good-sized lob­ will derive permanent benefit from the change business in this city. The building corner of was united to Prof. George B. Mathews of constitutional disease, and in order to cure it of despondency for a while after the late Main and Lindsey streets, occupied by IL N. Lewiston. The ceremony was performed by sters around their island. and soon become well again. Let me urge lights, but it is pretty much got over now and you must take internal remedies. Hall’s you not to feel the least concern relative to Keene and T. J. StClair, was built by him. Rev. W. A. Newcombe, in the presence of Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts di­ the usual stale of feeling prevails. With a Mr. Burns found many old friends in town aboutfifty friends and relatives. your command. Feel assured nothing will be good smart reinforcement at once we ought rectly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces. THE BASE BALLISTS. neglected that pertains to duty or that will Mrs. Julia Rose of Islesboro is visiting her The bride, who is one of Thomaston's Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. to have Richmond early in the fall. Write most charming young ladies, looked very promote the well being of the Brigade. Hop me. Yours truly, sons, Charles A. and Eugene H. Rose, in this It was prescribed by one of the best physicians ing to hear from you soon and of your rapidly city------Miss Liller Small is home from a trip sweet in a dainty dress of white muslin, in this country for years, and is a regular pre Whereabouts of Some of the Players Who F. A. Pike, (Congressman from Maine.) Egg and Broken, $5.00 improving health, I remain, sir, your humble to Bar Harbor------Mrs. Daniel McLoud and trimmed with lace and satin ribbon. The scription. It is composed of the best tonics Hare Furnished Ihe Summer's Sport. friend and servant. daughter Edna have returned from a visit to groom, formerly a resident of this place, now known, combined with the best blood purifi­ Stove and Nut, 5.50 Geo. W. Freeman. From Senator Morrill; Boston----- Miss Lucie F. Winslow leaves to­ holds a responsible position as instructor of ers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces The baseball season is over and the players P. S. Captain Wilson has written you and W a sh in g t o n , Ju ly 8. day for Worcester, Mass., where she has a po­ music in the public schools of Lewiston and The perfect combination of the two ingredi-i The only deuler In the city who has at the has won great popularity there. present time the . . . . . who made up the Knox County clubs have is doing so again, consequently will not speak My Dear General: Your favor is rec’d. sition with a leading millinery firm-----Mrs. ents is what produces such wonderful resulti scattered to various destinations. Gerrish of for him. I presume he will inform you of I am thankful to hear from you in person Charles Burbank and daughter Blanche, who The decoratioui were pretty and effective. in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, fr<| Genuine: franklin : Red :. Ash the Rocklands went from here to his home some items that I may have omitted, not feel­ after the terrible ordeal through which you have been visiting Mrs. Burbank’s mother, The parlor was in white and green, trailing F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. in Lisbon Falls, but is now at Bates College, ing authorized to mention them, but think it have passed. I had heard of your safety and Mrs. Kelley, South-end, have returned to their evergreen overhanging the windows, and .Sold by druggests, 75c. where Slattery, Burrill and Nate Pulsifer of proper for him to do so. I send you a De­ also of the peril in which you had been dur­ home in Milford, Mass. ferns, asters and sweet peas in rich profusion. MY STOCK INCLUDES troit paper, the only one I am able to pro­ ing the engagements of the Army. 1 want to One especially pretty feature was the mantel, All slierf Free Burning White the Camdens and Douglass, who played Sereno T. Spear of Lynn, Mass., was in Ash, i^high Kyg and Broken second for Camden early in the season, can cure. All join in sending kind regards to say to you- to assure you, that although you town, Friday------Mrs. George Copeland and which was banked with cool green moss and > White Anil, Franklin Stove Red also be found. yourself and Lieut. G. Freeman. may not get what so rightly belongs to you, daughters have been visiting in Belfast----- white sweet pess. The dining room looked CANNED GOODS. Ash (the only genuine), Oeorgu* Nevers of Rockland has gone to his home what your heroic conduct in many fields merits Dr. A. M. Austin and wife were in Hallowell very pretty with bouquets »of bright flowers, $ Creek Cumberland Coal, un­ and the hall with golden rod. equalled for sm ithing and sUtam in Norway, Me., and will play ball in that H eadquarters 20th Ueuiaient Me . V olh., from those who are in a position over you last week------Mrs. A. J. F. Ingraham has TO THE TRADE, purposes. county during the Fail. Folsom of the Camp near the- mouth of the Aatletum Creek, —your countrymen will not fail to award it. been visiting friends on Vinalhaven------Harry The presents received were many and Rocklands will coach the Maine State Foot­ U d., Oct, 9, 1882. Be assured your friends and fellow citizens of Ingraham is sojourning in Belfast----- L. W. beautiful, including a white marble clock, There are several reasons w| we JLLBO A FULL STOCK OF . . • ball team this Fall, after which he will enter My Dear General: I was disappointed your own state appreciate your services aud Benner was in Aroostook Co. last week on onyx table, silver water service, cut glass, can sell yon your supply of Canned Wood, Hay, Htraw, Limo, Hui sacrifices, and will honor you and render you linen, silver and china. Btick, Maud. Drain Pipe, Itosi n Harvard Law School. Wakefield of the while in Maine in not seeing you and thank­ insurance business----- Victor V. Thompson Goods this Fall aud also why it will be dale and Portlund Cement. Rocklands will enter Medical Col­ ing you for what you did for me. I now the thanks of grateful hearts. God only knows was in town last week. It is understood that Both bride and groom are popular young lege. thank you with all my heart, and 1 assure you what is in store for our beloved country. I he will take a post graduate course in Har­ people, with a large circle of friends who to your advantage to buy of u b: wish the greatest happiness. The happy Fire Clay chimney Pipe and Tops Harry Smith of the Rocklands goes to his (hat what 1 can do in my position to repay hope and trust that it will triumph over all its vard the coming year----- Mrs. R. A. Palmer 1st. All G OLD COIN goodB a re j home in Westfield, Mass. He is a silver- you for your confidence and kindness I will foes, and am sure if all had served it as faith­ and mother, Mrs. Sophie Ingraham, who have pair started on the afternoon train for Lewis­ T his pipe is muiuude from Pure Fire Clay ex ton amid showers of rice and old shoes. “picked from the vines one day am] press's for chimneys, chlm and Is the safest and plater by trade. Ashe has gone to bis home most readily do. You know where we are. fully and heroically, its day of triumph would been in this city several weeks, guests of John most durablele of any Chimney Pipe lu the in Thompsonville, Conn., and will play until It is not necessary to tel, you how I like. We not have been so long ^postponed. The Adams and family, Limerock street, returned The coach in which they departed, and canned the next.” murkei. It Is easily pui up by any Intelli­ the end of the season. McManus of the Rock- have discussed this point before. We are in people, 1 am confident, will fill up your ranks to Boston, Thursday. their baggage, were lavishly decorated, by gent person- 2nd. All our 1894 pack has bee| lands will probably be found at the Holy Gen. Morrell’s Division. Of course you know without delay and put you in position to Will Crockett and Will Sansoin left Mon­ their fun-loving friends, with white ribbon Cross College, Worcester, Mass., with Ma­ his value. I should like to be in your com­ aveng your country’s wrongs and vindicate day of last week on their wheels for Moose- and hearts. sold aud every case we put out froq her cause. We are sad at the discomfiture of Extra Good Tr.ule In W oodi roney of the Rocklands and Powers, Curley mand. Situated as we are that idea bat, to head Lake, with a side trip to the Lewiston now ou will be fresh packed. and Sockalexis of the Warrens. H. C. Cor­ be abandoned. I can form no idea of what our Army—its retreat when we were hoping fair------Miss Mary Woodside has entered the 3rd. We have added Io our macbitl rldon of the Rocklands is now at his home we are to do. With many wishes for your for a victorious advance upon the Rebels. I New England Conservatory of Music at Boston Miss Mary A. Green and William Y. Fos­ in Weymouth, Mass. He will be at Tuft’s success, I am your friend and servant, do not stop to criticise. I do not know ------J. S Handley of Alameda, Cala., will sett of Vinalhaven were married at Vinal- cry, enlarged our capacity, bought o u r that I am possessed of facts to authorize a Family Safeguard Kerosene Oil College in a week. Patterson is at his home A. Ames, Col. 20th Me. arrive in this city shortly. Mrs. Haudley has haven Tuesday morning at 6.30 o'clock, Rev. materials at very bottom, and cau 1 in Freeport. He aud Burton of the Warrens Brig. Gen. H. G. Berry, criticism. I ooly hope that we are to he been here several weeks----- Miss Emily Har­ W. E. Gaskin officiating. The ceremony was therefore give you very bottom prices. will be found at Colby University next week. H eintzelinan’a Corps, more successful in the future. I have great ris, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. solemnized at the home of Mrs. Sarah Barter, faith in the Army and through it I have faith Hull is at his home in Ipswich, Mass., and Washington, D. C. E. il. Tfioinas, has returued to her home in grandmother of tbe bride. The parlor was 4th. Our lust year’s goods were Woods is at the Durant House, Portland. that we are to prevail. I want to go down FRED R. SPEAR,, New York ---- Miss Nellie Staples ol Monroe ma le beautiful with flowers, vines and potted praised by all, locally and away. Our N u 5 PA UK F T ., R O C K LA N D . MK. and see our troops but am told there is no has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe E d w a r d 's F er r y , Oct. 21, 1802. plants, deftly arranged the principal feature way to get down. Can’t get permission, I Staples----- Miss Emma Cooper of Lynn, Apple, Corn, Squash, Tomato and I'he best way to avoid scalp diseases, hair My Dear General: Everything here is in being a snowy wedding bell beneath which hope to be able to get Mr. Abbott appointed, Mass., is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. R. Ulmer the happy couple were made man and wife. Pumpkin, brought high prices ou Bos* j falling out, and premature baldness, is to use very good condition. We have eight miles of but such has been the rush of business that it the best preventive known for that purpose— ------Mrs. ILA Rueter and son have returned The impressive effect of the ceremony was ton Market aud are wanted this yeaU picket, which requires two regiments, but the has been difficult to get a hearing. I wish to Hyde Park, Mass.----- Z.O. Bragg and wife Hall’s Hair Renewcr. ground is such that a small force answers heightened by Mendelssohn’s wedding march, you would write me as often as you have took a carriage drive to Kennebec County last artistically rendered by Miss Linda Jones. So we say “ write us” just about as well as a large one. The es­ lime, and freely, feeling assured that I am week------Mrs. Charles I. Marston and daugh­ cape of Stuart was a most disgraceful affair. 1 Miss Flora Vinal was bride-maid aud Fred canned goods for wjj in deepest sympathy witli you in your great ter have returued tu their home in Cambridge, E. Littlefield best man. The bride and maid am not prepared to say who is to blame, but peril, ami will always be glad to serve you. Mass.------Mrs. John R. Hudgins and daugh­ object for you to d«^ JONA. CROCKETT, certainly some one is. aud 1 don’t believe it wore white muslin. ] I have a nephew in the Mass. 1 ith, named ter, guests of Walter E. Mayo aud wife, have A sumptuous wedding breakfast followed Yours respec| was General Stoneman. 1 have a theory o f Blackwell. Can you tell me if he is safe? returued to their home iu Baltimore------A. H. Orders Solicited my own concerning the matter, and when I tbe ceremony. The bridal party then took 1 am, Dear Gen’l, Very Seriously Your Benner of the Bangor headquarters of the tin boat for Rockland, going thence to Bos­ fo r . . see you, will talk with you about ii. One Frie/id. American Express Co., has returned up river THOI Rockland thing is certain, if ibis Brigade had come ton, Portland and Round Poud, the last Lui. M. Morrill. after a short visit to his home, Limerock named being Mr. Fossett’s native place. Commercial Coileo. within reach of Stuart, there would have been street, this city. PLUMBING some lighting, and somebudy would have Mr. l-'ossett and his bride are highly esteemed by many friends, and the congratulations rilin g, TISM, . . . been burl. The list of killed aud wounded Experience the Best Teacher. 'll the UltU thj would not have been a perfect blank. Free­ that follow them are many aud sincere. half the u-xpeUM" of ulicudlug airui ur in i The great value of Dr. David Kennedy's laigecitU *. Hooum luigi- .»u. C-, Ju ly 12, 1882. mothers before them kept the same good old women who suffered similaiiy and have been e>tceu> d by all who h a ^ « atlu « Co. ( Ltd?). PL Ha., Pa., O pp . F u lle r St C o b b 's . 18 Solo Ultra.e My Dear General:— Yours was received Remedy—Redding’s Russia Salve. cured by its use.” acquaintance. I



Having Especial Reference to People Many Ladies Enjoy Opening Day at Art Rooms Annual ConrenJ Ion of Maine Unions—Elaborate Well Known Hereabouts. in Syndicate Block. Prepara lions for Their Reception.

Yesterday was opening day at the art nual convention of the Maine rooms of Mrs. M. P. Simonton, Syndicate ill be held at Houlton, Sept. 26, Block, and that the occasion was highly ap­ The executive committee and preciated by the ladies of our city ami adjoin­ ndents will meet Thursday, at ing towns was shown by the number who chairman of the entertainment filled the rooms throughout the day. The 4rs. Edmund Merritt, Mrs. An- rooms in themselves give evidence of artistic if Houlton being secretary, What better way of saving touch in the harmonious furnishings, dainty ming of the convention will be than to buy your writing paper drapings and decorations of palms, cut flowers, •Icome, and address in response, etc., and as the various pieces of exquisite inute speeches from the st.ite by the pound ? We offer until needlework were shown many were the ex­ s. The second evening Miss it is sold out pressions of admiration and delight. Among Illinois, a young woman of re- these it is hard to particularize, so fine were ty and eloquence, will speak, they all, but we might mention an elegant ling some speaker of promi- Z6j . Grant Mills Linen, fu ll 120 lunch cloth with decorations of hydrangea icard. blossoms in natural shades, the double border , sheets, at 10c per pound. finished in white Tyrian art silk, a center- i piece bearing luscious looking cherries with lbs. of Linen and Cream papers, cut border of green leaves, a baby’s toilet ruled and unruled, at 19c per lb. basket with pure white furnishings and pufl of pink silk lined with white silk and edged with lbs. of our osn Cream Wove, delicate lace, exquisite doilies, toilet cushions, If we advertised till sofa pillows, etc., and a novelty in the shape of ruled or plain, 25c per pound. fac-stmiles of fruit and vegetables in silk, looking so like the real as to be tempting. A doomsday some people Tuesday, September, io, line of beautiful hand-painted china in newest designs is also to be found there. The rooms will be open daily from 8 a. m. until 5:30 p. wouldn't believe that m. and the ladies will find Mrs. Simonton al­ W e beg to inform the trade that our Dress ways ready to assist customers in their selec­ 386 Main Street. tions and give any advice desired. Her stock Guyer Hats were any Goods buyers have just returned from the Boston of goods will be kept constantly replenished with all the latest ideas in art work from Bos- and N ew Y ork M arkets, consequently we shall «n1 an.'hYos- York and a full supply of linen, better than other hats. silks, art novelties and mrferials constarK.y un rs of the Houlton W. C. T. U. hand. She will also receipt. quniils in art display this week an entire new line of Latest very effort to entertain their W e say they are. No work after Sept. 14. Miss Mabel llaines will rally, and their plans have been be her assistant and all may rest assured of a elaborated. courteous reception. The exhibition will con Mrs. Sweets' » nee Miss Ada Abbott, of ain w ith o u r quality or style. vacation of several weeks and has resumed nouncements of which will be made later. he citizens. Mrs. George S. her position in T he Courier Gazette office. ind will give the response for James Walsh has returned to 3t. Mary's THE SOCIAL SIDE. C.T. U. Mrs. Mary A. Liver- bard timeB. CASH $2.50, $3.00 $3.50. College, Van Buren, Me. His brother John s. Emily McLaughlin will be accompanied him to Bangor where he will Pleasant Parlies, Pionics and Other Like Popu ikers. prices lower than ever spend a few days. lar Summer Dissipations.: ip fareWARREN. from Bangor to Houl* Novelties, including numerous Pattern D i^j^es id one fare is allowed by the Postmaster Fuller and Dr. F. E. Hitchcock jor Steamboat Co. to and from and Pattern S ilks for W aists >«’ufch cannot be attended the banquet of the Falmouth Club Members of the Capt. Hiram Pillsbury fam­ Plllubury'a Beat Flour, in Portland, last week, and had a fine time. ily and friends picnicked at the Wentworth South Warren.—Mrs. George Spear of W aahburn’a, “ «• They were among the post prandial orators. place, I Iead-of-the Bay, Wednesday. Castleton, Kan.,neeting visited of relativesthe Rockland and friends W. C. Norman R , duplicated or found elsewhere. 'i on are cor­ here last week----- Job Spear, whose buildings Luther Smith is in the employ of Fuller & ThejOuscus Situs Club has returned from a 1. u. was nciu at the Y^M. C. A. rooms Fri­ Stocks Beat, week’s sojourn at Osceola Cottage, Owl’s dayin Thomaston afternoon and were was destroyed well attended. by fire, Officers has 8 t. Louin, d ia l ly i n v i t e d tr-» i n s p e c t t h e s e D r e 8 8 G o o d s a n d Cobb------Miss Annie Conant is home from a moved his family and household goods into three weeks sojourn at Calderwood’s Neck, Head, where they had a perfectly huge time. were elected as follows: President, Miss 10 Iba. Cottolene, This club, which is a late addition to our Clarahis father’s Farwell; house ------Secretary,A. F. Counce, Mrs. Abbie who has R. 10 Iba. ’ jre L ard, Vinalhaven------F. A. Robinson visited Old­ been in Lynn, Mass, during the summer, S i l k s . town last week. city’s social organizations, is composed of the Hall; Treasurer, Mrs. G. M. Brainerd. Miss 10 lbs. Fairbank Lard, following members: Misses S. Edna Perry, returnedClara Farwell, home Mrs.Tuesday R. -----C. Hall,Mrs. Mrs.Ella Cope­ S. K. Edbert Kelley and IL L . Kelly and party land and daughter spent a few days with 1 lb. Spear Head Tobacco, Jennie Pillsburv, Theresa Cushman, Helene Taylor, Mrs. M. F. Ilanly, Miss Alzira Crie, Fancy Ponce MoluHsea per gal., lowest price have returned to their home in Fairfield----- Mrs. A. Mary M. Counce H. Hicks last were week. appointed dele­ Robert A. Webb and bride from Chicago, also Emery, /Mice Perry, Clarice Andersun, Grace ever mode, OpenfnS Day, Emery, Grace Bass, Eva Wooster and Ada,, gates A. to M. the Wetherbee state convention is recovering at Houlton from and a Good Porto Rico Molasses, Mr Squarnes and bride, left Mrs. R. Y. Crie’s, Perry. Mrs. S. S. Johnson, Mrs. A. B. Butler, Mrs.G Sept. 3, on their return trip to Chicago. severe sickness. Good New Orleans Molasses, T ueFd a y» S e p te m b e r 10, i895 Mrs. E. B. MacAlister entertained the M. Brainerd and Mrs. Aaron Howe, alternates 6 lbs. California Raisins, Miss G. Louise Ayers has returned to New We notice Cyrus Eaton of Marlboro in Shakespeare Inter Nos Club at Oakland town visiting friends. 20 lbs. Rice, not broken, j York------Marcus II.Carroll and Charles C. Wednesday. A delicious supper was served. 2 cans Fine Peaches, Schenck left yesterday for their homes in New After supper the party proceeded to the shore W. F. Wight is having a reservoir built in Same old price on Cream Tartar, per lb., York and Baltimore. They stop en route at where a corn-roast was the attraction----- The his pasture, and will have a pipe laid to carry Witch Hazel, pint size, Boston------W. S. White of this city was an Rockland Stenographic Club will meet with water to his dwelling house and stable. This Hops, per lb., interested eye witness of Saturday’s race. Miss Knowlton, Limerock street, Thursday plan no doubt will prove a success as the Borax, •• John S Heald, manager of Rigby Park, evening. This will be the first meeting for water is abundant and of superior quality. Sulphur, “ \vas in this city Tuesday------Miss Annie An­ some months and a full attendance is desired Saltpetre, " ------Mr. and Mrs. E. B. MacAlister, Mr. Miss Grace Payson has gone to Castine to derson of Boston is the guest of her cousin, attend Normal School----- Will Teague has Mrs. W. T. Prescott------Mrs. E. P. Kaler of and Mrs. E. L. Brown, Misses Nellie Cochr&n, Jennie Young, Carrie Jameson, Lizzie Jameson, gone to Hebron to attend school----*-Mrs. Brunswick, nee Sarah Hall, is a guest at S. M. Joseph Eastman will go to Boston to reside Bird’s----- Mrs. G. F. Hix and daughters have Mabel Spear and Mary Doherty are spend­ ing the week at Oakland. with her daughter this winter and George returned from an extended visit to Deer Isle. Ilanly will occupy her residence. C. EL TUTTLE, E. E. Rankin, who has been dangerously Many tickets have been sold in advance for 306 Main Street, sick, is reported much better----- Chas. Sturte­ the lecture this Tuesday evening by Rev. F. S. SHEAR BLOCK, NEAR PARK HTREE1 vant and wife of Augusta are visiting Mrs. The Upham reunion was held at Ballard Hunnewell. Sturtevant’s mother, Mrs. Campbell, Chestnut Park last week. There were about 75 pres­ street------J. Walker Goodrich of New ent. Ezekiel Upham was chosen President; A new co«t of paint is beiug given to sev­ Orleans, who has been a guest at Mrs. N. A. George Upham, Vice President; L. M. Paul, eral houses about the village and vicinity add­ The purchase of the Park street factory by Farwell’s, returned home last nigh?. Mr. Secretary; Win. Morton, Chaplain and Treas­ ing greatly to their appearance. Mowry & Payson is a good thing for the city. Goodrich is a clerk in the office of Milliken urer; Orators, Estabrook Upham, Clarence Rev. J. L. De Mott being absent there was They are energetic, level-headed business & Farwell, New Orleans------Miss Mary Fog- Paul and David Upham; Committee of Ar­ no preaching at his church last Sunday. B o w li n g men, and their ownership of the plant means ler has returned from her visit up river. rangements, Orrison Upham, Mrs. O. B. Up­ its busy and intelligent operation. ham, Mrs. Flora Barker, Mrs. John Clough, Lewis Burgess has returned to Boston to Mrs. Charles Jones and daughter Helen of resume his musical studies. . . AND . . Bangor are guests of Mrs. L. E. Metcalf,Cam­ Estabrook Upham and I. Upham. It was Saturday last the American Defender heat den street,------Miss Imogene Parker is the voted to make Jacob Achorn an honorary The excitement of baseball has ended and the English Valkyrie in the first heat of the guest of her brother, M. E. Parker, Haverhill, life member. Remarks were made by Esta­ the boys are all busy trying to fatten their B illia r d s ! race for the ’s cup. The English Mass.------Mrs. A. II. Jones is visiting in brook Upham, Win. Morton and Jacob lean pocket-books, while the maidens go yacht was out-maneuvered and out-sailed in Bostonfand IMarshfield, Mass. Master Allie Achorn. Dinner was served and a good about our streets with sad and forlorn faces a breeze that was claimed as her strongest Jones is at the home of his aunt. Mrs. G. C. time enjoyed. on account of the absence of Sockalexis. point. The Defender can heat her three Chamberlain, Green’s Landing—Mrs. Alberta The second annual reunion of the Sidelin- HAVENER’S o ™ 0 ' ' straight and not Haff try. Mrs. K. F. Wight is visiting friends in Harmon and Miss Annie Piston are home ger family will he held at the Jameson home­ Friendship. from a visit in Portland. stead, near little Medomak Pond, North THE ONLY REGULATION ALLEY Waldoboro, Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 10 a. in. The Order of Eastern Star resumed its East of Portland. The papers claim that the Defender’s suit Mrs. Geo. Lancaster, nee Estelle Snowdale, of sails were not well made and didn’t fit. If stormy, the next fair day, Sunday excepted. meetings on Friday evening last, after resting tfe-Flneet Appointments and the Boat Service. and daughter Grace of Boston,who have been All descendants of the original Sidelinger fam­ during the warm weather. No minors allowed to bowl. They had better come down this way and get in this city, guests of Mrs. G. T. Higgins and their sails as well as crew. The sails of ily, and all connected by marriage, are invited . OUR AIM, “THE TOP.” daughter Mrs. Rosa Smith and other friends, to be present. Delegates expected from near­ North Warren.—Angie Jameson is Rockland’s vessels are known for their supe­ return to Massachusetts Thursday. This is teaching school over on fhe eastern road in Havener’s Block, 462 1-2 Main St. rior excellence and perfect fit. ly every state. The gathering will he in the Mrs. Lancaster’s first visit to Rockland, her nature of a basket party, but roast corn, the Miles Boggs District------Inez Merry’s A KOOKLANII, ME. former home, in 20 years and she has greatly baked potatoes, apples, etc., will he furnished school began Monday, in the Payson Dis­ trict------Fred Mink has gone to Thomaston S. H. ARNOLD, Chef. According to the reports of delegates the enjoyed meeting old friends and acquaintances by the committee. The program for th . day A again and re-visiting the places once so fami­ t-> work for Capt. Young------Mrs. Geo. Lincoln Baptist Association was royally will be as follows: 10 a. m., calling to order liar to her, many of which remain unchanged, Pendleton has been entertaining Mrs. Thomas treated in Belfast. This is the first time that by the president; address of welcome; 11 a. II. McLain of Rockland------Mrs. Susan the association has met with the Belfast and her old friends are glad to welcome her m., annual business meeting, election of again to our city. Yesterday a delightful officers, etc.; 12:30 p. m., dinner; 2:30 p. Ilyler of Thomaston and her grandson, Choice Astortm ent church, but if the delegates from this section Frank Whitney, are visiting Mrs. W. II. picnic party was given in her honor to a few m., service of song, instrumental and vocal consult their inclinations it will not be the 1-idler------Mrs. Sadie E. Downing of last. friends at the Farwell cottage, Cooper’s Beach. Somerville, Mass., is visiting at W. IL Boggs’ ------Mrs. Emily Rackliff and her little son ART EXHIBITION C. C. Cross and wife have been cottaging at Northport------William Butler and family Archie are spending a few days with Mrs. have occupied the new Flint cottage at Owl’s I )avid Post------Wilbur Young has gone to Head for a week------Mrs. Rufus Curtis and Hyde Park, Mass., on a visit. Miss Mamie Curtis, who have been visiting H ighland.—Mis® Edie Coombs, who has the family of C. B. Morey, have returned to been vi-iting her aunt, Mrs. Leslie Packard, their home in Sharon, Mass.------Mrs. G. M. has returned to her home at Deer Isle------Crieimven.—Sloop yacht Edna of Belfast Hicks and daughters are home from a visit in Win. Hall, engineer <>( steamer Sedgwick, is New Fall Garments arrived Aug. 30, bringing Frank Woodcock Bristol------Harlow Hewett has returned to and Alfred Johnson. They are enjoying a at home------Mrs. II. J. Dow is home from his home in Nebraska----- Miss Caroline Stan­ STRUCK BY TRAIN- a visit to her sons, Fred ami Edw , in Rock­ few days outing with H. L. Woodcock at ley, who has been visiting her home in this land------The young folks and older ones Sea Breeze cottage------A party of six went city for a month, has returned to Schenectady, Alvin O. Keene, the Thomaston milkman, to Matinicus Rock Light Station, Sept. 1, had a corn roast at Randall Simmons one N. Y.----- Rev. J. S. Moody and family have had a narrow escape yesteiday. lie wa. evening last week. A grand time is re­ in yacht Edna. They were delightfully en­ returned from their summer outing at Sorrento driving across the railroad ttack where it tertained by the keeper, William Grant, and ported but rather tough for the girl who KRIS’ GOOD ----- W. G. Singhi was in attendance on the in­ crosses the Old Thomaston Road when the greased the corn, especially when one young had a pleasant sail home, calling at Matinicus ternational yacht race----- Mr.and Mrs. Harry train uppryached unseen and unheard, strik­ before dropping anchor here for the night man wanted the corn on his »<>c greased SENSE Carleton are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John ing the wdg- n.tairly throwing turnout, smash------John Cates visited the Hub last week ------There was an art exhibition here Aug. Mallet, Masonic street. Mrs. Carleton is the the team and injuring the horse. ------Hanson Fiorest is again 011 the sick \ Corset Waists 31. The artists, who have been at work here well known actress, Effie Crockett Carleton— Mr. Keene says tnat he had no idea the for a number of weeks, kindly loaned their list------The Keating reunion was held at Mrs. George Lancaster (nee Estelle Snow- train was near although he had just stopped the home of Edw. Keating, Thursday. pictures for the benefit of Good Will Circle. deal; and little daughter Grace of Boston, are at a house near by. E. B. HASTINGS T here was a good attendance notwithstanding in the city, guests of Mrs. S. T. Higgins ami the rain and quite a sum was netted for the daughter, Mrs. Rosa Smith, Fulton street------We are now opening our New Garments for Fall circle------Naphtha launch Novelty went to ----- Mr.and Mrs Harry Palmer, who have Rockland Thursday, with 11. I). Crie, Albert been guests at Frank Sprague’s, have returned and are showing everything new in C loth and Fur Capes, Hall and Mrs. Fred Rhodes on board. to Hudson, Mass. They were accompanied There was a strong breeze from the S. W. by Miss Lottie McAlister. Jackets, etc. and a dense fog, but as wind and tide were favorable they arrived at their destination in W e open this m orning a new lot of those handsome three hours from the time they left the island INSTANTLY KILLED. ------Mrs. Rhodes was called to Rockland Pattern Dresses. O nly one of a kind. See them today by the illness of her sister, Mrs. Madge Crie Green s Landing Quarrrman Comes Io an Untimely — ---- Last Wednesday there were too vessels of Bees, Wasps, Hornets, Centipedes or as they sell as fast as they come in. at anchor in the harbor and coves around End— Reunion of Latter Bar Sainis 'Shape* the island, all the crews trying to catch her­ Scorpions— bites of animals, reptiles or ring in nets and seines. The catch has been | insects, are instantly soothed and quickly small so far. Thursday afternoon Hollis B. Neville was E. B. HASTINGS. killed by a blast at Goss A Small’s quarry. 1 L & F cured with l’ain-Killer. It counteracts M.tim ic b s, Sept. 7, 1S8S. The rock had been twice blasted, and was hot when be emptied a large charge more, which the effect of the poison, allays the irrita- THE - instantly exploded and in one minute he had breathed his last. The funeral services were tion, reduces the swelling and stops the held in the M. E. church Friday morning. The Penobscot Yacht Club has set apart The floral offerings from all points were beau­ pain. When you go fishing, on a picnic next Saturday for ladies' day aud the closing tiful. 'I'he casket was covered as well as the or on any outing trip, be sure and take a bottle of race of the season. The club will keep open altar with wreaths. A motto,“At Rest,’’with all bouse at their headquarters all day. The of the bouquets and nicest flowers were car­ race will be started at 12. There will be ried to the steamer Jane McRea on which the four classes in the race,over the inside course, casket was borne to Blue Hill,where deceased ao at to afford a full view of the boats from was buried. He leaves a wife and child of ktart to trnisb. Pain-Killer three weeks. Deceased was a member of the here ^vrll be a reception and bop at the Cong’l church and Christian ,Endeavor. He For all pain— internal or external— it has no equal, and house tn the evening. was 23 years old. Many of the workmen with for Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea and Dysentery, it is almost the foreman, B. S. TbuiAow and Messrs Goss L IF O R N 1 A , aud Small, followed theibody in procession. a specific. Sold everywhere at 25c. a bottle. (Quantity ^■Rng Book descriptive of The flatter Day Saints have just begun has. been doubled.) Accept no im itation or substitute. V- -1 addle.,. >cn 1 their reunion. A nuvher have already ar­ E- “ rived from out of tow/. The genuine bears the name— Perry Davis & Son. Gjuuw’s LandingISept. 9, 1895.




| Peaches arc very scarce in the market. LIST OF LETTERS FOLKS AND THINGS ! The Frank Jones brought up 500 people last evening. Remaining in Rockland P. O. for the week OPENING. » ••Great Cotton King,” Thursday evening, endnig September 7. 1895. BRGKINS TheCourier-Gazette has arranged September 12. with The Boston Daily Traveler so H. C. Day & Co. have a crew of seven men nti,’ L h t. Mian Lucy that we can send to all who pay in busily at work. \m e», II O an. Mi-a Leonora ‘ 'Selat'* Gives Us the News in Barnes, E L Bern: , Minn Lou ROCKLAND Monday, advanoe, tfiat bright evening news­ The police got a big haul of liquors at the Bod well. J C Bartt Mrn Frank Central House last evening. His Interesting Manner. Cunningham, II E Crock] , Mrn Gun Tuesday, paper with The Weekly Courier- Filch, A inert Crow •y, Minn L Gazette for only $2 per year for There was a big demaad for the Sunday Gallegher, Wm J O r iheeldn, Mrn R A K ART papers. The yacht race did it. Hendernon, Capt. A II ly, Mrs Fannie Wednesday, both papers— Batch, Charlie Sarah H. II. Crie & Son make a very handsome Native of Thia County Dies in Quincy, Mender, Copt. Frank II Luce Inn Izzle A Sept. 9,10,11 The Weekly C.-G., 1 year, 92.00 exhibit of guns in their south window. Moxey, Lnwrl Mrn Amelia ROOM, Mass., Full of Years and Honors— N' wcomh, Geolec W Fraud Mrn L H Hosten Bally Traveler, 1 year, 8.00 Janitor Shuman keeps things looking nice Ricker, Elmer E SaniuJ n, Mrn Alonzo Full line of Materials for and tidy about Uncle Sam’s granite fort. lie Was SnecesBfnl Teacher—Where-, ^mllh, John Robert Heart, Mrn Del a rah NSW G20B? Wi giilur price, 95.00 Hinlth, Mr fe Mm II W Hayr [rd.M m A T Fred S. Swectland and crew moved two abouts of Well Known People— a Stanley, Freeman Hlcotfl Annie Art Needlework on exhi­ heavy safes at Syndicate Block, yesterday. Schwartz, O K iB d d er Our Prica far Gath Papin. Only hrooke In Comedy Field. Tolm an, A W B tapfl". Mrn M yra bition and for sale, AT All the jurymen for the September term of Weeks, .1 R T horl»«on, Mrn O A court have been returned but the Thomaston Lndlen' Lint orth, Mn Lizzie 92 a Year if you w ill pay for the Andernon, Ktnlly delegation. ■ Embracing Linens, Silks, Francis Tighe has one of the prettiest Deacon Howard Bills died at Quincy C.-G One tn a rin Advance. celery beds that ever delighted the eye. It’s J, F. Welt of Revere, former Rock- etc. All the newest and Point, Thursday. Deceased was 79 years of land bov, b in this city pusling the sale of a c h o ic e s t d e s ig n s ( here is no b rig h te r or newsier worth a visit. age. He had been a resident of Quincy for stove polish which it, considered by house- Cn o 'C eSt U C SIgnS. FULLER S COBB’S. paper in New England than The Thieves broke into the tailor shop of A many years, and was one of the best known wives the finest thing ol thi sort on the mar Singer & Co, Limerock street, Sunday night, and most highly esteemed citizens of that ket. Traveler, and The C.-G. believes and stole a small quantity of goods. city. Dea. Bills was born in Hope, M e, in ART EMBROIDERIES TAUGHT. this isan unprecedented offer to its 1817 and received his early education there. The First Baptist Choral Association will What use is there in eating when food Elevator to third floor. readers. If you have not renewed take the noon boat tomorrow for Belfast At the age of 21 he began to teach school, at does you no good—in fact when it does you your subscription do so and get a where they will give a concert tomorrow even­ the same time also fitting himself for college, more harm than good for such is the case 50 doz. Syrian Bleached Towels that w ill he sold at 13c which he did not enter on account of poor daily paper evory day the coming ing. if it is not digested. MRS. M. P. SIMONTON, or 2 for 25c. They make a splendid bath towel. health. Ilis abilities as a teacher were duly If you have a loathing for food there is no year without spending a cent more. Work has begun, corner of Park and Brick recognized, however, and in 1841 he was use forcing it down, for it will not be digested. Syndicate Building, Rockland streets, on a greenery, which will be con­ elected to the School Board of his native And if you are not a reader of The ducted by Albert W. Cunningham. He will You must restere the digestive ofgans to C -G . hero is an inducem ent for you pls»ce. In 1854 he went to Quincy and en their natural strength and cause the food to One case New Ginghams at 5c; worth 7c. have two houses. gaged in the coal business which he after­ to become one. The Simpson House which has had a very be digested when an appetite will come and wards gave up and entered the grocery busi­ with it a relish for food. FARW ELL OPERA HOUSE All orders to be addressed to 7 he successful season, will close next Tuesday. ness. In 1857 he was elected one of the The tired, languid feeling will give place O. AjU-ACK, Manager. , J^ew^Seal Cloaking Plush for Capes and Sleeves. Courier Gazette. If you haven’t had one of “ Billee’s” elegant School Board of Quincy upon which he faith fish dinners you’ll have to get a move on. to vigor and energy, then you will put flesh fully served. He was also a justice of the on your bones and become strong. The The Miller Safety Shackle Co. has recent Mrs. I). E. Hoyt has sold her millinery busi­ peace and a trustee and director of the Shaker Digestive Cordial as made by the A full stock, of the latest novelties in French, Gsrman ly put its shackles on three large three-masted ness in this city and has gone to New York. Quincy Savings Bank for many years. He Mount Lebanon Shakers contains food al­ Thursday; Sept. 12th, schooners. The Miller device is a winner. Miss Carrie Barnard is in charge of the busi­ was married in 1850 to Mary Thomas of and English Dre^SvGoods. .Many of them only one pattern. ready digested and is a digester of food as JUST ONE NIGHT. Bryant & Cobb have just completed and set ness here. Quincy, who died 31 years ago. His only well. Its action is prompt and its effects a handsome marble monument at the grate child died in infancy. A. J. Erskine has at his home a crab-apple permanent. A large stock of W ool Dress Goods at 25c a yard. of the late Capt. Joseph Metcalf at Tenant’s tree that attracts great attention, so heavily Personals.— F . E. Drew spent Labor Day Doctors prescribe Laxol because it has all Harbor. laden is it with fruit. It bears once in two in Rockland---- Mrs. Mayo P. Simonton, who the virtues of Castor Oil and is palatable. has been visiting here, returned to Rockland The Board of Aldermen held a meeting years, but Mr. Erskine says it keeps up a 5 pieces of A ll W ool 47, inch Dress Plaids at $1 00. Friday afternoon and passed upon the mat­ good average. Tuesday------Mrs. D. E. Hoyt was in town, The Mountain View Hotel, Camden, Me., Friday----- Mrs. Edward Graffam, who has ters o f business transacted by the Common Fred Meservey, who was wanted lor com­ F. O. Martin, proprietor, is now open for the These goods were im ported to he retailed at $1.50. Council. been visiting in Vinalhaven, has rcturneJ to season. 26 plicity with bis brother Reuben in an assault on her home in this city------Alonzo Newbert \ Miss K. Josephine Bromley’s Kindergarten Morris Gregory, gave himself up to the officers was in town last week------Miss Lizzie Dona­ A new lot of long and short ^Feather Boas will reopen Monday next, at 17 Maple street. yesterday, and is now in the county jail. He hue is visiting friends in this city------Miss PHOTOGRAPHS. This Kindergarten is an established Rockland says he has been in Boston. Addie Ilanly of this city ii visiting in Rock­ institution, and is well patronized. Great improvements are being made at the land------Mrs. Lucy A. Snow is visiting here. Crockett the photographer sells tickets 2 cases 11.4 Blankets at 49c; wcfctlh 69c. The Baptist Woman’s Missionary Society gas-house----- The two pretty Cobb cottages Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Butler, who spent good for one doxen Cabinet photographs for will have its session in the First Baptist on Oak street greatly improve the appear­ several weeks in Rockland this summer, and $2 per dozen. Chapel this afternoon at 2:30. A special ance of that rapidly improving street----- A who has been visiting friends in Charlestown The largest stock of Black Dress Goffds ever program of interest has been prepared. large party from this city attend the Monr.oe the past two weeks, returned to their home OTTAWA BEER. this city. Special bargains at 50 and 75c. Orris Mossman is suftering from injuries re­ races this week. in Chicago last week. ceived by fall from his wagon-----Capt. Paul At the monthly meeting of the Rockland Mrs. D. W. Hopkins returned to Charles­ The finest Root beer in the world. Drawn H. Locke is having a cottage house erected Loan & Building Association, last evening, town last week after having spent the sum fresh and cool from our Siberian Arctic soda A ll the latest in Buttons that are to be at Bay View, west of Capt. R. K. Snow’s a small sum of money was loaned. H. O. mer in Rockland and Newcastle. fountain. Refreshing, Delicious. Try it. house. C. M. T ibbetts. sively this season. Gurdy, who has removed to Boston, resigned Mr.and Mrs.A.M. Hunt and L. A. Karcher No traces have been found of the power his position as director, and Capt. E. A. ----- KveryRotiy Is Going tq See ——- of Dorchester were in Rockland last week for Beecham ’s pills for consti­ house burglars excepting a kit of rusty tools Butler was elected to fill the vacancy. a short visit, Mr. Karcher returning Wednes­ W. A. Brady's Prodigious Production, New Silks in t h e Fall Patterns for W aists am supposed to have been in their possession. day, while Mr. and Mrs. Hunt arrived here They were stolen from Roland Follett’s black­ L. S. Robinson, Mrs. C. W. Bradlee and pation 10* and 25*. Get the Saturday. j smith shop some three weeks ago. Mrs. Rebecca Ingraham leave tomorrow morning for Westbrook, where as delegates book at your druggist’s and Everybody wears rubbers and everybody for the local Epworth League Chapter they For the opening of the regular sea­ THE knows how handy a nice polish to make them attend the State Convention of that body son at the Park theater this evening, look as good as new will be—such an article go b y i t . Wednesday and Thursday. the play to be produced is a novelty not COTTON is on the market,—a reliable and cheap arti­ hitherto seen on our stage, and in it Mr. cle. Shoe dealers have it. S. II. Locke, who has been in this county A n n u al sales moro than 6,000,000 boxes- for the summer in the interest of the Brittan- Thomas Q. Seabrooke, whose name has of BY SUTTON VANE, The W. O. Hewett force were delightfully ica, has entered the employ of Bird & Barney, late has been associated altogether with KING, entertained by Mrs. W. W. Smith, last even­ insurance men. Mr. Locke is an able and comic opera, returns to the field of comedy, Prices 5Oc and 75c, I ’5'c a l l e r «& C o b t i . ing----- The Fuller & Cobb force journeyed to energetic young man and many friends will in which his earlier successes were gained. Crescent Beach last evening and had their Young playgoers may not remember that the be pleased to learn that he is to permanently t i i d i i s . usual good time. locate here. star of “The Isle of Champange,” “Tabasco,” and other similar recent works was the origi­ A runaway at the corner of Main and Park BOSS Engine and Boiler for Sale The Georges Valley and M. C. R. R. will H atch- Rockland, September 4, to Mr. and Mrs street drew a crowd, Sunday morning. There nal Vilas Canby in Hoyt’s “A Tin Soldier” run an excursion train from Rockland to and the creator of the role of Deacon Tidd in F. it. Hateb, a ton. A good Engine and Boiler of about twenty-five was little damage----- “I found the cloak” Uuion and return the last two days of the Kbnniston—Rockland, September 3, to Mr and horse power, In good condition. Enquire of said a young lady, who advertised for the lost the same author’s “A Midnight Bell,’* anil Mm. W. 8 Kenulston, a daughter. II. A. MILLS, fair, Sep. 25, 26. Leave Rockland 7:40 W eed —Rockland, Septem ber 5, to Capt. and M rs. article in last week’s C.-G----- People in this previous to that had achieved no little dis­ 4’J 33 Lincolnville, Me. a. m., and reach Union in one hour; return tinction in legitimate comedy. Successful David A. Weed, a son. city saw the light of the burning Lake City after the races. Fare, including admission I'INKHAM—Damariscotta Mills, A ugust 22, to S5.99 Inn, Saturday evening. comic operas are not plentiful, and so Mr. Mr and Mrn. Clarence Pinkham, a son. FOR S A LE , to the show, 85 cents. Seabrooke has determined to return to his WiNCHBNHACn—W aldoboro, A ugust 29, to Mr. By F. W. SMITH, un excellent second-hund gro­ Charles A. Wentworth occupies his new BISCUIT and Mrs. Cheater A- Wlnchenbach, a son. cery wagon. 85-30 former line of work. The play he has chosen house, Middle street hill------A. S. Rice has The Saturday yacht race excited great in­ McKlNNQN—Peer Isle, August 27, to Mr. aud terest here and the bulletins were eagerly for his rentree is entitled “A World of Mrs. William IL McKinnon, a daughter. NOTICE. had new walks laid about his residence----- Trouble,” and was written by Harry and Ed BASTER—Deer Isle, A ugust 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Capt. L. B. Keene’s new house, Admontcm scanned. One well known businessman who William L. Barter, a daughter. Whereas, my wife, Lettie V. McAlister, hua left OneWeekOnl ward I’aulton, the authors of “ Errainie,” my bed and hoard without cause, ull persons are Avenue, is closed in------The Elm street was unable to leave his office hired a boy to W K utteu—Deer Isle, August 25, to Mr. and Mrs. “Niobe” and other successful pieces. “A forbidden harboring or trusting her ou my account, sidewalk has received the attention of the bring him copies of the bulletins as fast as Frederick Nutter, a son as 1 shall pay no bills contracted by her after this Forehand Arma Co. fi World of Trouble” was given a trial produc T hom pson—Deer Isle, August 25, to Mr. aud sidewalk crew. they were posted. This same business man, date. No. 12 who is an enthusiast in yachting matters, has tion of a week in England last winter, and Mrs. Marshall Thompson, a son. Rockport, Me,, August 29, A. D. 1896. \V. J. Wood’s residence, corner Masonic V a n n a h —Nobluboro, August 22,to Mr.aud Mrs. You want one of these— claimed all along that the Defender would win, was so well received that a syndicate has Isaac F. Vunuah, a son. 35-37 BAMUBL F- M( AIJSTBR, ••and High streets, is receiving a fresh coat of hands down. He based his belief on the fact been formed for the purpose of giving it at r farming lauds, G kohs—Deer Isle, August 21, to Mr. and Mrs. paint------Samuel Bryant has the finest bed that the genius of Herreshoff had sent across the Strand theater in London with Harry ii get them on Edmund 11. Gross, a sou. COTTAGE HOU ?E FOR SALE •of onions ever seen in this county------Karl the water the Dacotah and Niagara which had Paulton in the title roll. if oil ter laiug Lot Slid buildings at South End, magnificent Get It Nov K Packard has bought the fruit and con FOI view excellent facilities for small family. For sale beaten all boats of foreign make in foreign This evening will signalize the beginning Lynchburg, Virginia. fiflarriagfS. at a bargain. EDWARD K. GOULD, Probate fectionery stand of J. C. Buw corner of waters, and that even if other things were Office, Court House. 22 Pleasant and Main streets, and took posses­ of the second week of Mr. Eugene equal the metal composition of th? Amer­ Tompkins’ splendid production of “ Burmalt” Hp k a h —S m ith —Rockland, 8«ptei sion yesterday. Ii Hpour and Charlotte M. timitn, both of Rock Roller Skates For Sale. ican boat made her minutes faster. at the Boston theatre. This English melo­ Guns. Pistols, Ammuni­ A well known city cigar-maker, quite a drama has already passed the gauntlet of NOTICE. land. A fine lot of Roller Skates for sale at a bargain, The Epworth League, connected with MlSri K. JOSEPHINE BROMLEY, Kfoduate of M ATUBWrt—Cba w fo u d - Thom aatou, Septem ber part of bankrupt stock. EDWARD K. GOULD, tion all kinds. Powder, heavily built man, went up to the bog Friday criticism, and Boston’s verdict has been 4, George Matheivn and Marlhu C raw ford, both of Pratt Memorial Church of this city, nearly Prof Felix Adler’s training class, New York, will Register of insolvency. 32 in a team with a friend. Leaving his coat of extreme favor and appreciation. Now f root ei K indergarten Monday, Sept. 10th. For Thomaston. Shot, Loaded Shells, and vest in the wagon he started across the three years ago took upon itself the care and .1 particulars apply at 17 MAPLE HT. Kohbktt — O hkkn — Vinalhaven, September 3, that the summer vacations are drawing to a J b rni William Y. Fossett, formerly of Round Pond, Bris­ TENEMENT FOR RENT. Wads, Caps, Primera, brown expanse of heather for a jaunt, and education of Leroy Williams, a little blind 30 37 boy of this city. Leroy, who then seven close, and people arc once more settling 1 tol, and Mamie A. Green, both of Vinalhaven. it for small fa C lea n in g T o o ls, Gi then got lost. And then he found his way down to the ordinary routine of city life. I Cx I.KtlAM—G hkbnlaw —Rockport, August 31, i the premises. out, and late at night in his shirt sleeves years of age, was sent to the Kindergarten many will take advantage of the first oppor- ( G«-orge L. Caleharn and Bertiiu I., daughtei Cor. Broadway and Chestnut Street, Cases, etc. wandered home, weary and disgusted. for the Blind at Jamaica Plain, Mass., where tunity to make the big Boston playhouse | BUSINESS LOCALS. he has attended the three terms, passing his their Mecca for an evening’s entertainment. The Universalist Sunday school will hold vacations in pleasant homes in this vicinity FOR S A LE . SELAF. A water motor, largest make, In good condition, its annual picnic at Oakland, Thursday, Sept. provided through the efforts of the League. L Ya tes—Davis — Union, August 28, Daniel It. 12. All those connected with the school in with piping, belt, etc., can be bought cheap. Apply The League during this time has clothed and Bouton, Sep. 9, 1895. Ya'.es and Minnie E. Davis, both of Warren. to J. A. CLARK, West Rockport. 39tr Ma h t sl —Br a o KKTT— Waldoboro, August 27, any way are cordially invited to g o . If supported the lad, who is a bright little lad parents cannot go let the children attend. John H, Martel of Worcester, Masn., and Sadie H. H. CR and is profiting by the opportunities thus fur “If you want to ‘.moke a clean Havana filled Belin Brackett of Waldoboro. H o m e s t e a d for S a le . They will be looked after. Let all meet at ni’hed him. To do all this has necessitated AN INN OUT, cigar, ask lor the E. W. Mild to ct. Sold PitlKHT — D k inxw ateh — Camden, A ugust 21, the church vestry at 9:30 a. m., that the 10 Jesse Priest and Mrs. Libia A. Drink water, both of Th« SUbJCrlbet offers for sale- the homustuud of an outlay of money that the League has to everswheie. H. M. B. 5 cents. Northport. the laU ilLm as T*. Burgess, pleusuntly situated Iu a. m. car may he taken. Ample car accom­ labor hard to earn. Two years ago the pub­ Warrell Village, aud consisting ot a house, barn modations will be provided. Camdon Mourns the Oastructlon by Fire of HAiiHtn—PixitsoN—Tenant’s Harbor, unu seven acres of land In good condition, with u lic liberally patronized an entertainment given her 1, by Rev. He wall Browne, Fred A. Harris of productive orchard of excellent fruit, and an oak A complaint has been made to the Board under the auspices of the League for the Lake City Inn— Fire Caught In Kitchen. Worcester, Mass., and Agnes K. Piotson of St George, grove in tile pasture of some 2Q trees or moro: u of Health of the condition of Carroll Lane, purpose of raising this money, and they are few moments walk from stores, post office, fac­ Donivs.ic .iu‘J Vienna fltcAd iresh and «wee2 WHbii—IIalohman—Mount Carroll, Illinois, Au tories aud schools. To be disposed of soon In and a hearing was held Saturday. 'I'he abut­ now about to give the people another op­ Lake City Inn, situated a little more than gust 21, Hubert A. Webb, formerly of Waldoboro, M ting owners agree to build a sewer through r:vo»T day. Ho* rollutcudefrom best materials order to close up un estate. portunity. Thursday evening, Sept. 19, an two miles front Camden, at Lake City, was fur te«. C a k : mid pastry of best quality. and Hallie K. Haldeman, both of Mount Carroll. I. I*. STARRRTT, from Carroll Lane into the Crescent street entertainment of an interesting character L ea ch —W ai»k—W arren, August 24, by Rev, burned flat Saturday evening. Fire was dis Brown Broad and Bcuns Saturday and Sunday. Herbert E. Thayer, Sumner A. Loach and Jennie 49 W urreu, Maine sewer, if the city will let them enter the will be given in the M. E. Church for this covered in the kitchen about eight o’clock by Kllut Bros., Bakova. 276 Main Rt. It. Wad. •ewer free of expense. They in return will noble purpose. It goes without saying that one of the guests. The alarm was given, but Mok»b — K ennedy — Mlllbridgu, Septem ber 5, allow the city authorities the use of their the people of the city, irrespective ol religious JUNK—Jacob Segal and Abraham Brad­ Rev. C. B. Morse of Tremont uud .trie Kennedy S T E A M M I L L it was impossible to check the llamei, ami in a of Mill bridge, sewer to drain the stagnant pond in the or political affiliations, will purchase tickets short time the house was in ashes. All the bury have opened a new junk store, the FOR S A LE . school-house neighborhood, the fumes of which are now being offered for salt. The contests were destroyed. I'he total loss is highest casn price paid for old rubbery, rags, Will be sold at s bargain, the Building, Lot and which infest the air and endanger the lives ron, metals, etc. Send us a line and we wi II shore front, Engine and Boiler, and fittings—main church should he packed full. estimated at $6,ooo, with an insurance of shaft, pulleys, belt, grindstone, etc, of the Metcalf of pupils.______54500. J. II . Gould of Camden has con­ icall for it. 13 Pearl street, Rockland. Mill In Thom astou. The building is about 30x50, ducted the bouse the past suininet. 'I'he SaUNDkii.i Rockland, September 3, Joseph iu good order, and the plant is excellent ly adapted Polish for Rubbers is in the Wanted.— People of Rockland,Thomaston, Haundeis, a native of Biuehill, aged 73 yours, " fur any wood-worklng business or auy other that building contained an office, dining room, ontbs, 11 days. requires steam power. For iuformution enquire of AMUSEMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. kitchen and 19 sleeping rooms. Rockport and Camden to know that Max J. 11. II. HEWETT, Thomaston, Me. 18 Antin of 90 Sea street, loans money on one IloKACkUit -Rockland, Septem ber 2, Calvin, s niurket, ruuking worn oueb aa Lake City Inn was erected in 1891 for the of Fi.-d and Mary Ilofacker, uged 9 yours, Lake City Hotel Co., Spencer Mero being hours notice on household furniture, .organs mouths, I day. HOU8E FOR SALE. The Summer People The comedy characters in “The Cotton and pianos, watches, jewelry and men’s C'ahtbu Rockland lllgblards, August 31. R01 contractor. The stockholders o f the company daughter of Augustus 8. uud Mary Curler,ter, age. To be sold at a bxrgalu, the two-story frame bright as new Ask your King,” which will be seen at the Opera second hand clothing. Aho new and second building with ell and baru, known as the Elliot House next Thursday evening, are excruciat­ numbered 40 of the principal business men years, months The remains were lukei of Camden, but this number has dwindled hand clothing, furniture, watches, etc., bought Hop.; for burial house, on the corner of Knox aud Elliot streets in Have Left ingly funny and always put the audience in Huai y—Rockland, August 31, Charles IL, son of Thomaston; the frontage of the lot ou Knox street shoe dealer or grocer for it. down until the stock at the present time is and sold All transactions are strictU being 195 feet. These buildings are iu excellent a happy frame of mind, constantly provok­ private. Come and see me or write me a line Frank II aud Lizzio Brucy, aged 14 days. held by not more than half a dozen. Bi’aUljunu — Rockland, September 8, Cutherlne repair, both iuslde aud out, with slslsd roofs, aud ing hearty laughter. The comruediene plays and I will call to see you, MAX ANTIN’, Hpauldiug, *gad 7tt years, 1 m onth, 23 duys. Fun well calculated if so wished for two families. Gut »8 are ttill floe of MRS. R C HEDGES, in a given time. They are finished with every at partners in the ‘defunct Rockland Lime Co. 7 Grove MUecL Uocklaifi leutiou to details in manipulation o insure perma­ J U S T O U T , There are five or six aiinilar cases. nency. For proof examine large case at my door. The case of the city of Rockland vs Lucy U»» ‘Hsoud Samarium’1 LtuUaastt. They hate been out to the weather over a year. A oew, beautiful “ Aria” for Tenor or Actus) buoJuers by mall aud common canler at The least affected are on paper in present u»e My Soprano voice. Word* and Music by STABLE ROOM. Farnsworth will be tried. This is the case BUSINESS! uaotto is NOT that pcgJe expect to bet humbugged F. H. Thomas, aulhor of the “Gates I where the city sues defendant for an 1894 Furnished Rooms, Furtka who would like a good place to winter F. K. Shaw I but expect whut they pay for. \ that Never Close.” b'peuial j rice Bin T h e S h a w : ^College horses should put themselves hi communication Bed at . . . ae-37 1 tax on personal property, which defendant SHOFTt HANI Pleasantly situated for lodgers, At 19 North Main with W. W. Light, I*. O. address South . T1CK.KTS WILL BOLD FOB refutes to pay, alleging a residence in Cam­ PurtlanU and Augu.ta, Ha. Bi., with board If desired. Wflhiu five minutes’ Light has the bust of accommodations for Opera House Block, ONE FULL 1MAH. 32 den. walk of the sourt house. EleStrie curs pass the horses, will give them the best ol care and feed, MAINE MUSIC STORE L. SHAW, Pa.nc.a.L • - PORTLAND. door Prices teaaouable. uud ou easy turms. CAMDEN, ME. r THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1895

# CITY COUNCIL. HOME HAPPENINGS. WALKER & PAYSON, S te a m The city fathers observed Labor Day with Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. the rest of mankind and the monthly meeting FINDIOATE BUILDING, ROUKIMND. F. E. Robbins and F. L. Potter have pur­ U. M . WAI.RtR R. O. P . .. o n of the city government had to be postponed chased Charles W. Lee’s tonsorial business. cent; B o ile rs on account of a quorum not being present. Knox Lodge and Rockland Encampment, W. V. HANSCOM, M. D? The meeting was called for Thursday evening I. O. O. F., have bought a large York safe,of A R ep aired but Mayor Lovejoy and Aldermen Austin and Ephraim Perry. C.-G. Correspondent Visits a Physician and Surgeon, Snow were all of the upper board to show up. The glass blower, who has been amusing BTNDICATB BUILIJINO, . ROCKLAND Thirteen councilmen were present and trans­ Stock Farm in Kennebec Co. X*Hi,st of referen Pauper department, account support of Ladies’ Medical Parlors. 60 00 run on salted peanuts, a home-made article A Stallion of Aristocratic Pedigree — ean be given. that is extra nice. B loctrldty, M**Rage, Med tented BAth*. A ny orders left with Meaar* Day and Mo School fund per J. R. Dunton balance, 11 80 Other Horse News of hit* rest. OFFICX IIouhr.—9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m IT Machinists, will have prompt attention. 26 Redemption of property sold for taxes, 6 46 Bf b c ia l t t : I hbeahf* o r ’Vomkn 8fc CHii.nnxw. Certificates of deposit* at 3 per cent per Ayers & Black have put up about 250,000 Syndlcnte Bntldlng,Third Floor, Rockland. annum , pickles thus far, this season------Sleeper Bros. Maine Central Railroad Municipal bond* ut per cent, per put the new boiler into the Mather Greenery. annum . 12,800 00 DR. E. H WH-ELER, 29 68 — Franklin street is having a sewer put in. Your correspondent had the pleasure of Accrued Interest on ditto, visiting Pine Tree Stock Form in Farmingdale, In Effect June 23, 1895. Penobscot Shore Line railroad bonds, 9,000 IMJ The Grange street sidewalk has been in the Physician and Surgeon. Accrued Interest on ditto, Kennebec Co., and was very courteously re­ Tartar and Sloping Ckirt lutwrn Rockland and hands of the patebers------Our readers may WITH DU. IIITcnCOCK, Potion. Collector E. S. Farwell on account of ceived by A. J. Libby, the proprietor of the 1894 taxes, not generally know that the Cedar Street Bap­ farm. We made a tour of the large and com­ Telephone M I . 414 Main Btreel Passenger Trains leave Rockland as follows Collector K. 8. Farwell on account ac tist Church was built by Hiram G. Berry, he 7:40 a. m. for Kalb, Brunswick, LsWistan crued interest on same, modious stables, where he has stalls for sta­ KK.inri.i R m o*ce. 14 Angnsta, Waterville, Bangor, Portland and Boston City Solicitor Freacott on account side being the contractor. bling 60 horses. Mr. Libby has built this sea­ arriving in Boston at 4:14 p. m. Parlor < walk tax of 1894, “The Cotton King,” Manager William A. Boston. Collector T. E. Simonton on account of son a fine new barn, I2ox 40 feet. The farm F. B. ADAMS, M D , 130 p m. for Bath, Brunswick, Lewiston, 1898 tnxe*, 10,436 97 Brady’s great production of Sutton Vane’s consists of 200 acres in field and pasture, cuts Waterville, Portland and Boston, arriving In Boston most successful melodrama, which comes to about 75 tons of hay, all upland, has about 10 Physician <*nd Surgeon, at 0:30 p. m. $97,437 22 the Opera House next Thursday evening, acres of barley and other crops for home con­ 400 M AIN 8TRK K T, Ksnidkivcb Ht a t k St 9 a o p .r u for Ht.John and Provinces, Portland and CASH DISBURSEMENTS. Sept. 12, has an admirable cast of characters. Boston, arriving In Boston nt 5 XX) a m. Sleeping sumption. T here is also a half mile track, DR. WOODSIDE. ear to Boston. Per Mayor’s orders, If 4199 42 It will be superbly staged and with its deeply principally for training. Mr. Libby has some 8 32 T raiws A r r iv e . Asacnsors' abatement, interesting story full of thrilling and humor ^ fine horses, one pair of finely matched horses, Residence and Office 49 Middle St. 10:60 a. m. morning train front Portland, Ix’Wls Temporary loan note, 12,000 (MJ ton and Waterville. State pension*, 72 'MJ ous incidents is certain to give great sajiifac- Stanley and Lilia B , holding the state record 6.*20 p. m. from Bolton, Portland, Lewiston snd Municipal bond*, 22,100 00 tion here as elsewhere it has been giv^n. at Bangor State Fair, 2:29 1-2. lie wintered Bangor. Parlor enr from Boston. Certificate* of deposit*, 8,996 00 65 horses end has at the present time about 45 4 :46 a. m. from Boston and Portlnnd. Bleeping Interest on certificate* of deposits and James Watts, a conductor on Ijoeelectrics, ear from Boston general Interest account, - 3 1 ''BWSSlf a lucky On the 9 in training and breeding. J . c HILL. PAYSON TUCKER,Gen’l Mannger Knox & Lincoln railroad coupo o’clock trip out J CamfJjfB; he put a roll Mr. Libby has lately bought the fine thor­ F . K. BOOTH BY, (>. I’, he T . A. Municipal coupon*, oughbred Gip /Anderson, a beautiful and sym­ Physician and Surgeon. W. L. WHITE, Dlv. Bnpt. of bills amounting to '»46 in what he sup­ Nlrhi call, from the i.fflie Telephone Com $50,632 61 posed was the small pocket in his pants but metrically built, dark chestnut horse, 151-2 hands high, weight 1100 pounds. Gip has elNDIi.ATH BUILDING. Cash balun^ff really was his pant leg. z\n hour afterwards $46,904 67 he missed the money and there was great good knee action and comes of a stock that BOSTON & B ANGORS.S,CO The overseenf of the poor reported as hav­ sorrowing thereat. On the last trip into has shown great powers of endurance and ing receive^, #6,434.67 from all sources and Rockland at about one o’clock Motorman made excellent records. The sire of Gip Summer Service, 1895. expende

All the fish caught were natives of Megunti- Mrs. Mary Robbins; Com. on Music, Miss cook Lake and counted as follows: Eel roo, Fannie Payson, Miss Minnie Gould, Miss CAMDEN CURRENT COMMENT pickerel 60, black bass 50, horn pout 40, Lena Gould. A collection was taken for ex­ white perch .40, sun fish 20, yellow perch 20. penses. ROCKPORT’S NEWS BUDGET disfiguring F. K. Allen was captain of one side and he Much credit Is due Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield had for supporters such fishermen as F. J. for their generous hospitality. HUMOURS iim nf.r Visi ors Fast Leaving Us Wiley, John Mason, W. IL Bartletty G. IL Preranted by Talbot, F. P. Schmidt, W. IL Faunc# G. G. Old Acquaintanceship Renewed The Robbins family held its annual reun­ Matters Served Up In Approved Craft®, C. O. Montgomery, E. G. Wiley, J. R. ion Tuesday‘with Mr and Mrs. George Pease to Bur t wn H&flections. Glover, W. M. Glover, R. J. Porter, J. W. and New Friendship Formed. Is the R esult of of Union. There was a large gathering from Style for Home Consumpion. Ingraham, M. C. Whitmore, S. G. Ritter- every part of the county, in all abont 250 ( U t t c i li n hush, F. S. Farnsworth, Col. C. IL Lewis, representatives of the various branches of the DISORDERED I The G rntl D minl Fish Hunt On " lilch Josiah Hobbs, John Morris, E. E. Boynton; I family. No more delightful place could have S. L. Arau, J. D. Knowlton, G. W. Achorn, The ShiblfH Clan Hold* Its Annnnl been selected and Mr. and Mrs. Pease did Personal Points Pertaining to Popu­ ^SOAP* STOMACH, i ‘ Many Biir Shirks Are Told— IL E. Capen, W. F. Dyer, E. D. Crockett, Gathering in Thomaston—The Hillsi everything in their power to promote the lar People—Very Noceessfnl Lawn Schools an ’ ‘ • iioliors III riling Poflts J. W. Pearson, L. A. Page, Johnson Knight, comfort and pleasure of their guests. w hen a ll BLUR BEFORE E. F. Rokcs.F. G. Lorraine,\V. P. Weymouth, Iteinkzvons nt North Warren—The After the picnic dinner a short time was Festival—HeIrgflteR lo Belford M ef- Wanb il 1 Iii iifli and Society News— W. G. Alden, J. IL Gould, Isaac Coombs, HolTses P reopened her ors the amount justly due to them in pensions, J. S. Foster, F. A. Anderson, S. J. Treat and had spent hundreds! Small is home from Boston----- Miss Grace tendance and all had an enjoyable time. The and demand the speedy adjudication of all just ria! and epideninf influences, I °f dollars I EYING various remedies5 dressmaking establishment in the Bisbee Ingalls, after a summer visit with Florence following officers were chosen for the next Florent Whitmore. The flag was purchased Block----- Mr. and Mrs. George F. Mans­ and meritorious claims, and heartily endorses through the efforts of Mrs. A. G. aakness, nervousnoL’. an‘l l° ss 1 and physicians, non?of which did me J Towle, has returned to her home in Ware, year: President, J. L. Hilt, East Union; the action of the national pension committee 1 any good. My finge, nails came off,! field and son F. E. Mansfield who spent the Mass.------Miss Laura Sax Smith has returned Vice Presidents, E. II. Mero of Union, J. T. Wentworth, to whom great credit should ’ sleep, that beset travel- summer in Europe are here for a lew days of the G. A. R. he given. Miss Carrie Fuller of Rock­ and my hair came out, leaving m eg to her home in Cambridgeport------Miss Elsie Creighton of Warren, F. J. Creighton of Resolved, That we recall with gratitude the j perfectly bald. I then went to as they could not wind up the season w ith ­ Walsh i; visiting in Boston-----Mr. and Mrs. Union; Secretary, F. W. Hilt, Warren; port is much liked as teacher and has contin­ r at this season, afAnothing out a visit to Camden. untiring efforts of the senators and representa­ ued the fall term. Miss Katie Lamb with her Robert L.Bean left Thursday for Boulder, Col., Treasurer, E. G. Hilt, Warren; Committee tives of Maine in behalf of the soldiers and those protected bjzKS AN- HOT SPRINGS | W. IL Eells and family < ccupie.l the Hill where they will make their permanent home of Arrangements, J. F. Creighton and wile, banjo gave some fine selections. j Hoping to be cured by this celebrated? sailors of the Republic and fur thair faithful ORD’S GINGER. \ cottage, Lake City, last week------Capt. Dud­ ------Miss Edna Armstrong has returned to E. IL Mero and wife, Dexter A. Leach and and able service we tender to eacn of them E. O. Havener has returned home to Gau- {treatment, but verv soon becameS ley S. Martin s line residence on High s’reet Waltham------Ralph Adams has returned to wife of Uniop, B. B. Payson and wife, J. T. t ie hearty thanks of this Association. ley Bridge. Mrs.IIavener will remain in town looks refreshed in a new coat of paint-----A his home iu Evanstown, 111.------Mrs. Clemen­ Creighton anti wife of Warren. A Historical {disgusted, and decided to TRYffi Resolved, That the thanks of this Associa­ fora longer period------Mrs. IE F. Parsons ontalnlniz among fi'fl Ingredient® rfil purest 1 The effect w a s? new concrete wa k from Union street i»» Elm tine Philbroolc ol Haverhill, Mass., is the Committee was also chosen, lo trace the gen­ tion are due and are hereby extended to Dea­ have been visiting in Searsport------Miss Liz­ medtclnul French brandy and iial truly wonderful. 1 “ street was laid last week. guest of her sister Mrs. T. B. Thorndike. ealogy of the different I lilt families. By in­ con Cutting for the use of his beautiful grounds, zie Dunn of Medfield, Mass, accompanied orted ginger, it i* vastly xupeiM vitation of J. T. Creighton, the reunion will 11 dungciotiH ginger® urged uh commenced to re- With a good attendance nt the “ Cotton The bright work on the hunt of the Opera and for the cordial manner in which he has Mrs. L. A. Barrett on her visit home----- Miss ; for BA N FO R D ’d O IN O K R a n d K 5 , , . 1 cover after taking; King” tomorrow evening Manager Brady llosse is being toned up with a new coat of be held at his residence, at North Warren, entertained the veterans of Knox and Lincoln C. 11. Towles of Baltimore, who has been trnd>- m ark on th e W rainier. Sold 2 the first hottie, and by the time 1 had promises t«» put on “Trilby” in November varnish. next year, the date being tixed for the third counties. stopping at the Carleton House, has returned 2 taken twelve hotties I was entirely cured—! Wednesday in August. home-----A large delegation of the Upham f f,ur*“ gV 0. S. S. when the world-renowned; Mr-. L B. Bisbee ever thoughtful < I her Resolved, That we appreciate the efforts of 2 Hot Springs had failed Sunday school gave tnem a delightful sail in ’I'he sale of oriental needle-work,jewelry, the officers of this Association and especially family held a reunion at Ballard Park, Wed­ WM. S. LOOMIS, Shreveport, La. the Whip-o-Wpl to Islesboro, W tdnts- bracelets and bric-a-brac in the Congrega­ 'The Ifolfses family held its annual reunion the President and secretary, who have been nesday----- The Rockport Banjo Club, con­ ! Our Book on the Irlscns,, and Its T reatm ent tional chapel by Mrs. Khair Allah ot Damas­ untiring in their efforts to make this meeting sisting of Misses Carrie Robinson, Kittie day. cus, Syria, was attended by a goodly number Aug. 30 on the farm of Capt. Z. Storer, West mailed froo to any uddreie. Waldoboro, it being the place that Mathias a success, and we also pledge the incoming Richards and Maude Sylvester, played in [ SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,. Atluntn.Ga. F. S. and C. F. Ordway have purchased of ladies aud there was a lair amount of sales. Thomaston at a meeting ol the Cooking Club the Glea • 11 tniddii g ti«-w occupi.-c I v E. II. IIoffscs settled I 50 years ago this summer. board of officers our cordial support. a:#.************* Mrs. Allah is a very interesting and intelligent recenily------The Wentworth reunion was (ioodale and wiil occupy it in inc ne.ir l it ure His grandson now lives on the place and was Col. Elijah Walker, of Somerville, Mass., CHAS. T. SPEAR. lady and her visit to this country is for the 85 years old last April. About 3^0 people was present and made interesting remarks, held at Simonton, at the residence of A. G. The fourth annual li-di hunt and banquet j purpose of raising money for missionaiy work Wentworth, lost week. of the business nun of Camd n c a t observed were present. The following officers were Col. Walker was colonel of the Fourth Maine in her native country.;: / .u .b and was and is much beloved by every man J. F. Wood, wife and son, who have been with appr uriote • « h inonie- M<.» <-ay night. chosen: O. E. HofTses, President; S. J. Miss Agnes Tobin has resigned her posi­ 11 ofTses, Secretary; I). A. Hoflses, Treasurer; in the regiment. Lieut. Col. L. D. Carver of visiting at Rev. C. W. Fisher’s, have returned tion in the telephone office and Miss Emily L. W. HofTses, A. J. HofTses, G. A. Wallace, the same regiment of Rockland was present h >rne to Hudson, Mass------The Methodist A Ba r r e l Burd is now in charge. G. II. Pitcher, Alden Bornheimcr, A. II. and made a stirring address. It was voted to Sunday School held its annual picnic at Beau­ I loffses, Chas. Walker, Thomas Mank, Win. hold the next reunion on the campground at champ Point, Wednesday------Miss Minnie Miss Alice Knowlton rides a new bike----- Achorn and F. L. Miller, Vice Presidents; Noblehoro. Shepherd has been visiting in Lewiston and of F lo u r... T. II. Hum’s building on Chestnut street is Committee of Arrangements, G. W. Cushman Auburn------J. S. Foster made a business trip Y o u r being reshingled------1 his town was.well rep­ up th< Kennebec last week. 4 Vo ami wife, Harrison HofTses and wife, Alden OUR VICINITY. branded like this one resented at the Mate hair, Lewiston. Bornheimer and wife, W. IL Stahl and wife, and T. IL Mank and wife. S h i r t A pair of horses attached to a hay rack and Pertaining To Interesting Events in This County The Girls’ Home. belonging to Frank Morse of Searsmont waj flEW'lQoODs! ■ seized with a frightened streak Wednesday The Barrows familv reunion, which occurred and on its Borders- B o s o m afternoon for apparently no cause whatever, The Children’s Aid Society of Maine has at Glen Cove In A. C. Young’s grove, Tuesday purchased a building and forty acres of land J is soiled and rum pled w ith | l'he result of their fright was a smashed win­ last, was iu every way successful. About { Miss A. A. Ilicks, county president, organ­ dow in F. L. & C. E. Ordway ’s millinery store, at Belfast, and is fitting up a home for poor fifty partook o f the good things served at the ized at Liberty Aug. 22 a W. C. T. U. Its and homeless girls. This is the first estab­ w one days’ wear. That is a badly damaged carriage and damages of a picnic dinner. Swings and hammocks were members, numbering about twenty, are from minor description, 'lhe hay rack wasn’t lishment of the kind in the state. There are ft proof positive it was not provided at the grove and iq the afternoon Liberty and Montville. All seemed much in­ several destitute girls in different parts of Maine Music Do. damaged. football furnished amusement to the party. In terested in the work and it is hoped others ft “ done up ” w ith Maine who will he adopted by the society as Aru back hi their old locution but Inju A piece of iron fell on Peter Bowler’s foot the way of entertainment there was singing will join. The meetings are held in the ves­ soon as the home is ready for occupancy. It tln>! new store with u nice new line of while he was at work in the anchor factory, by the older ones presen’, instrumental music try ot the Liberty church every other Thurs­ is hoped to dedicate the building by Sept. 20. Wednesday and the footj was quite badly in­ by Miss Alma Lincoln, songs with banjo ac­ day at half past two p. m. The next meeting The home contains 7 sleeping rooms each 14 jured. companiment by Master Bert Shaw, recita­ is Sept. 12. by 14, a parlor 13 by 14, a reception room 14 Pianos, tions by little Emmie Clough and Myra Tnl- E. E. ifosmer of Camden has been canvass­ by 14, a dining room, etc. The house must Extensive repairs are being made to the man, a song by Laura F. Young, vocal and ing liclfast, with a view to the organization DRAGOON Boston A Bangor steamboat wharf. he furnished at once and wie need immediate Organs, instrumental music by Miss Sadie Robinson. there of a branch of the Granite State Provi­ assistance, hence this appeal. We need car­ Easy Polishing The presentation of the great play, “The Also, Grade Lincoln favored the company dent Association. He sold 300 shares. pets, bedding, furniture, wood, coal, provisions Cotton King,” tomorrow evening, is being with a cute little imitative song. Among the 1 ______, ______and money. In fact anything will he accept Musical Merchandise, oldest present were Mrs. Fidelia Barrows, | awaited with considerable interest. Manager SEPTEMBER MAGAZINES. able for the little ones. Remember it is the IS THE BEST l ane gives nothing but first-class attractions aged 79, from Rockland, and Mr. Jackson ; destitute little girls who are appealing to your — A rt Goods to hig patrons. Barrows, of Rockport, who is 8u years old. ' charity, and in the language of the Savior that money can buy. STARCH Guests present from Massachusetts were Mrs 1 , Fiction und travel are the strong points of “wh" shall receive one such little child in my And Stationery. There should be a liberal supply of hitching Sylvester Parshley of Dorchester, Mrs. L. S. j. the September Cosmopolitan, and it may name, receiveth me.” Send all donations to It will make whiter bread a n d >ro which, owing to our new ;■ posts about town. The number of runaways Keene of Haverhill, Mrs. G. II. Lincoln and ' Mrs. M. J. Gam mans, Secretary, of it thou any other k is something awful. Some serious accident ! be .said that no more )>eautifully illustrated W e idiall he pleuaed to aeu ull of our old 'p atro n s process of m anufacture, is S' family of Boston Highlands, Mrs. C. Shaw 1 Belfast, Me. will yet occur and then somebody will he and son, Somerville. Other relatives attended ’- number of the CoHinopolituu has ever been und IoIm of iiuw onoa. the strongest, purest, and, soiry. Hitching posts are quite inexpensive from the neighboring towns of St. George, 1 given to the public. huvn plenty room and time lo mIiow and are useful if not ornamental.^ Who will Union, Warren and Thomaston, the majority, ' CHAS. T. SPEAR, w hitest in the world. goods. take the initiative ? ( however, coming from Rockville and Rock- j Among the ehort articles published in the 2 9 5 i t ,297 Main S* W ith ordinary home iron- ft land. Every one reported a first class time |i North American Review for September are: in every respect and expressed themselves in “St. Anthony’s Bread,” by Charles Robin- Maine Music Co., ing it makes shirts, collars,; WASHINGTON favor of another reunion next year. 1 son; “Then aud Now,” by Edward P. Jack- Cor Maia and Limerock Sts ; and cuffs equal in appear- j son, aud “Country Roads und Trolleys,” by ROCKLAND. ■ ance to the finest laundry On Wednesday, Sept. 4, the 13th annual ' Juo. Gilmer Spued. N o . Washington.—Simon Daggett, wife reunion of the Payson family was held at the 1 Are You a Bailtte’? i work, and makes them last ft and daughter of Iowa are visiting at Geo. beautiful residence of F. L. Mansfield in 1 Lenfest’s, and also in Palermo, after an ab­ The leading urticle of the September Ec- . OR . four tim es as long. Hope. It was one of September’s loveliest sence of 19 years — William Dart and Chas. days. Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield had made all I lectic is: “Toe Origin of Muu and the Re- Are You Going to Build ? Follow directions on the Cunningham went to Augusta on business' the necessary preparations for the comfort '1 ligious .Sentiment," and comes from the last week----- Dea. S. Cunningham attended and convenience of the members of the nu­ liberal thinker aud poet, Professor F'ogaz- p a c k a g e . the state fair in Lewiston last week---- 11. F. merous Payson family and invited guests. J; zaro. There are three stories of merit in I' ...... win. . 111 i'll iiinL Evans is repairing his home. W. Tibbetts is We are Selling Some of the relatives live many miles away, ' this number, which contains twenty-one I t 0 1 unit wishing in »uv<; middlemen'* O n ly 1 0 (JenttK a h te k a o e , cutting granite for the underpinning----- F.W. and they regard this annual festival as a most piolllx should till) ilirevi froin die Cunningham was at Union Tuesday on busi­ ui tides iu all. Sold at the Bookstores. Worth a dollar. gratifying opportunity to meet and mingle iiiuiiiir'ui-tm-vi -. tVe are Mihinfnc- ness-----Mrs. Mary Howard is on the sick list. with many old time and dearly beloved ones tin',-r. nx well in-Dealers mill can -----L. P. Jones found a swarm of bees last whom they would not otherwise meet. An interesting aud wull-considere io . i iiiin ] Curlyle und Green. None other B aud P ink an d II akd WoJ OOK Mr. (J Caillouette, [Druggist, Beaversville, casion, opening with music by F. L. Mans- I' l i i o IIIM.'. M'U I.DIM.' .uni Hul )M HL, says: “To Dr. King's New Discovery I field, K. i*. Fish, J. IL and J. P. Hobbs and l owe my life. Was taken with l.a Grippe others. Then followed an invocation of The September uumber of St. Nicholas ElKlM lof ull kind-. Screen Ihiom ' HMDER, and tried all the physicians for miles about, thanksgiving aud praise by Mrs. F. W. Smith opeus with u poem, “A Battle on Wheels," equals it. mid Window SneeiD. Fine Siuir but of no avail ami was given up and told I of Rockland. Mrs. M. A. Vogler read a se­ by Edwin Asa Dix. This is appropriate to Work 1, Speemli v. Wood Manlel* BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, could not live. Having Dr. King’s New lection entitled “The Door of Heaven,*' Mrs. the present widespread iuteresl iu bicycling mid Sideboard, in- .lock or made A. F. CROCKETT CO., Smith gave au original poem, a letter from Discovery in my store I sent lor a bottle and for the hero, au inventive geuius, oontrivea from arebilecis’ deigns. Currea- Front St., Bath, MainS. began its use and from the first dose began to Mrs. D. A. Payson of Hope was listeued to C o n s u m e r s pondeuce invited mid iiiforu.alien N O R T H E N D get better, and after using three hotties was with much interest, Geo. W. Payson read a a wonderful unicycle which hud ouly one cheerfully given. Telephone cou- Every bencrlpllou of Work pertaining to th* humorous selection from Burdette, Mrs. Ma­ fault. It mude remarkable speed but the Book nluJIng Huvlooxs Executed Promptly. up aud about again. It is worth it's weight uectiou. iu gold. We won’t keep store or house with­ bel Allen Taylor gave a fine recitation. F brake failed to work at the critical moment, >♦( Estimates given ou Large or Small Jobs out it.” Get a free trial at W. H. Kittredge’s W. Smith and wife recited an original dia­ so the wheel may still be spiuuiug along s a y , it s « - lie fern by perrulMlou to the I ubllal.- of Drug Store. logue on the origin of the Payson family to somewhere iu the world. la punoi K. ST.CLAIR CO. Oraers by Tetopbonu the great merriment of all assembled. The M dialogue was full of the longest and most Onice and raetury buy View bt., jaw-hr'.aking words found iu the latest and iieleu H. Gardener's summing up of the t h e o n ly given prompt attention Cure for Headache. most comprehensive dictionaries. Remarks campaign of legislation ou the protection of L'umdeii, Muiue. Y O R K S A F E As a remedy for all forms of Headache were made by Viram Paul aud E. A. Payson young girls—the so-called "age ut consent” Electric Bitters has proved to he the very of Morrill, Abner Dunton and F. L. Mans­ question—is one feature of the September k i n d w o r t h Ixrst. It ellects a permanent cure and the field of Hope aud Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Arena that will be sure to attract the widest Hat e you a bouse of your own The Best in the World. most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to Rockland. Excellent music was iuteispersed. attention in the three states dealt with iu . IV S O T Dll r e ITCHING PILES its influence. We urge all who are afflicted Officers were elected as follows: I'res., this Issue. Shu treats of the legislation se­ Always Reliable to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a B. B. Payton of Warren, with whom the as­ W ecao sell an Outfit for ou pILLoawjmirt fair trial, fn cases of habitual constipation sociation will meet uext year; Vice Presi­ cured, laisiug the age of protection iu Col­ u s in g 1 OIHTMEMT Sure Protection from Fire. Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed dents, Eugene Payton, G. W. Payson and orado, Nebraska and Missouri, und the full tone to the bowels, aud few cases long resist G. E. Payson; See. and Trcas., F. W. Smith; reftorts of the proceedings w 11 afford both EPH. PERRY, Agt., the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large Com. on Literary Program, A. P. Starrett, those iu favor of the movement and those bottles only Fifty cents at W. IL Kittredge’s Mrs. M. C. Smith, Mrs. F. L. Mansfield; opposed to it an opportunity to weigh the Children Cryfot Rockland, Maine. Drug Store. Com. on Obituary, Mrs. M. N. Vogler and arguments pro and con. Pitcnsr’a CastoMa. THE ROCKLAND COURIKK-OAZETThi: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 1895 6

The vessel has a return freight of lumber at No. Union.—Farmers are digging their j $7 per M------About 25 from this place at­ potatoes. The yield will not be as large as tended the Lincoln Baptist Association at T OF NEWS FROM UNI last year------Mrs. M. A. Upham is visiting in INFERESFING ISLAND I M S Belfast last week. They report interesting Friendship----- Airs. Dr. Rowe of Oakland | W orn Shoes meetings and pleasant entertainment. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Henry Simmons------Dr. D. N. Merrill and wife, formerly of this J. N. Lord and wife and Mrs. Turner have Indicate Exercise. Fire Department Called Out to place, were in town calling upon friends Preparations Being Made for the " • « • * His Pencil Again Thursday and Ftiday-----Dr. J. E. Walker The school boj can’t get tlie exercise he returned from Philadelphia Friday morning. cord, N. IL, last week------The Good Will Scour the Busy Town. Quell a Conflagration. Mrs. Walker remained at Philadelphia^ on the Annual Fair and Races. Society meets with Mrs. Mary Messer this needs without wearing his shoes out. It’s week------Miss Lizzie Vose is teaching in account of the illness of her father, Capt. expensive at the best, but extravagant if you Percy------George Jacobs died very suddenly, the Nye District—— There is no school at Friday afternoon------The net proceeds of the Stone District the school being so smalt Snndftj School Convention and Ils Pro­ buy wrong. We make a special effort on They Perform Their Usual Good Work the supper and entertainment at the Counce Work Progressing on New Water System the pupils are carried to the Gleason school by J. F. Upham------R. Stone and wife are gram—Exciting Runaway With No­ our school shoes. We honestly believe that —Well Known Farmer Attacked by Engine Hall, Wednesday night, for the bene­ —James Mitchell Gets Another Con­ fit of the Mill River church, were £20------The visiting in Roxbury------Thelbert Day made body Killed — Rockland Business we give you more wear for the money than nn Angry Hull—Saved by Hie Bravery members of the Hook & Ladder Company tract-N ew Depnrtnre In Cream Bnsl- a flying visit ’o his home last week— ---- Many from here attended the State Fair at Men Visit the Town — Minor News anyhoriyjji Ices. Such shoes are from $1.00 to $2.50. The higher of His Wife and Daughter—Promi­ who went Tuesday to attend the State Fair ness—Getting Ready for Fourth Maine at Lewiston returned home Thursday night Lewiston. It« ms in Large Assortment, p riced on'e- ur. very dressy. If they’re unsatisfactory—your money back. nent Citizen Married. ------Harris Williams and family, who have and Second Battery. Miss Lizzie Cobb of Rockland is the guest be£n in town two weeks, returned to their of her aunt, Mrs. Lizzie Martin------Harry W ENTW ORTH & CO., Rockland, Me. home in Somerville, Mass., Wednesday------Thompson and lady friend of Lowell are F. A. and Wm. Washburn, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Hills----- Mr. The Knox County Sunday School z\ssocia- The one and one half story hoase, ell and to Port Royal, S. C., to arrange for repairing Mrs. Newton Lord .and Mrs. Paul Turner and Mrs. Frank Sherman were in town last tion will hold its annual convention in Union barn of Job Spear on Thatcher street, were schooner Carrie T. Balano, recently damaged returned to Waltham, Mass, Saturday night, week, and their daughter Geneva, who has Church next Wednesday. There will be a destroyed by fire Tuesday night about eleven by fire, came back Wednesday. after ’pending the summer with their parents, passed her vacation with her grandparents, devotional service at eleven o’clock, followed o'clock. A young daughter of Mr. Spear was A very pleasant wedding was that of Capt. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fossett. returned home with them----- Miss Izzie by an address of welcome and response. Rev. awakened by the crackling of the fire which Work is progressing rapidly on the water Robbins is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. H. II. B. Woods of Rockport will give an ad­ had apparently been burning for some time, Harris Stackpole of this place and Miss Olive Trefetben of Cushing, which took place at the works. A big crew is ditching and laying Pillsbury------Mrs. A. P. Robbins is in Rock dress on “ The Home Department,What, Why FAIRFIELD LAWN SWING as the entire upper par' of the ell was in pipe and all are sighing for the water now, as land, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. M. P. anJ How?„ bl ,he afternoo„ the Jeport of the flames when discovered. An alarm was im­ residence of the bridegroom, Wednesday eve­ ning, in the presence of a few relatives of the the wells and cisterns around the Common Judkins------Mrs. Harrington and daughter County Secretary will be discussed. A paper mediately given, but some time elapsed be­ are nearly all dry, and most people have to Caroline of Boston arc visiting Mrs. E. L. will be given on the Primary Department by fore a stream was put on. The Bremen bridal couple. Rev. W. A. Newcombe per­ formed the ceremony. bring their water. This would be a bad time Thompson------Mrs. Dr Thompson of Lowell, Miss Clar.. Hosmer of Warren, also addresses ■ worked with a will and in less than an hour for a fire. Mass., is visiting r^’anves in town----- Miss “Every Teacher an Evangelist” by Rev. F. M. the fire was extinguished. The value of the J. T. Beverage has been making necessary Dora Barnard, v.Lu has been at Old Orchard, repairs on the residence <»f Capt. Samuel Miss Etta Mitchell returned home to For­ Preble of Camden,and “My Country and Peo­ property was about SiSoo, insured for S1400. is visiting her aunt Mrs. S. Goodale, Waltham, ple” by Mrs. Kair Allah of Damascus, Syria. The household goods were mostly saved. Watts------Capt. Wilbur Wilson «-f schooner estdale, Canada, last week. Miss Mitchell Mass.----- Mrs. Chas. Morton and son have R. Bowers is at his home on H ykr street has been spending the season here and made In the evening the convention will be ad­ Though somewhat damaged they were not returned to So. Boston after an extended visit dressed by Rev. F.S. Hunnewell of Whitman, ruined. The origin of the fire is not known* ------The Rick-Rack Club had an outing at many friends who regretted much to have her with Mrs. Morton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kelleran’s, Friday afternoon. The club bas leave Union. Mass., subject “The Heart of Sunday School W. W. Barlow has removed to Port Clyde A. P. Robbins------Capt. E. Hart is with his Work.” where he will engage in fishing------J. A. become noted for its teas and picnics. James Mitchell has secured the contract for family at ’he home of G. W. Bachelder. They are considering an outing at Union Is­ The greatest runaway in town ! Charles Creighton & Co. are laying the foundation building the Shore Line railroad, 125 miles Mrs. Chas. Bartlett has returned to her land before the hurricane season sets in------long, which will probably cause the removal Robinson, the lumber dealer, left his horse on for new scales for weighing hay and coal------home in Lowell, Mass., after visiting relatives Main street with top carriage attached. The Capt. Timothy Murphy made a business trip Mrs. John Ruggles happily entertained the of some of our people here to aid in the con- Friday Club at her home, Main Street, Friday and friends here------Mr. and Mrs. A. D. horse started on his own ho >k, ran through a to Boston last week----- Misses Mollie and stru:tion of the same. We shall be sorry to Ward are spending a few weeks in Bar H ar­ ------Mrs. L>avid Starrett has been visiting in have them leave. small alleyway on Mr. Robinson’s wharf and Tiny Jameson are visiting in Damariscotta bor. Mrs. Ward will be plessantly remem­ stripped the carriage clear. ------The closing game of base ball was Boston—------One of our leading market men A cargo of lime from the Bachclder quarry contemplates a change in business------bered by her many friends as Miss Cora E. played here Wednesday. The Haverhill will he shipped to Warren to be burned in Mc- Luce. Mr. Ward is a member of the Win­ O. C. Lane and wite arrived from Boston, players have returned home. Preparations are being made at the Chase Loon Stover’s kiln for a test at once. We Saturday----- Cnas. Littlefield visited friends fi-fh market to handle large quantities of throp Street Male Quartet, Augusta------Miss look for the development of a big lime busi­ z\ddie Bartlett returned to Cambridge, Friday. in Rockland, Saturday----- The business men Mrs. W. J. Adamas of San Francisco, clams and oysters during the fall and winter. who has been making an extended visit ness here. Miss Bartlett is a very popular teacher in a of Rockland visited our town last week. They among relatives in town, left for home Tues­ Mrs. F. A. Washburn and son Warren C. C. Counce received a boiler, separator primary school in that place. were all good looking men.------Both hotels day. She will visit in Portland and New have returned to Waterville------The family and all appliances for separating cream from are doing a flourishing business in town. The of Capt. Fountain have returned to this Central House continues to make improve­ York for a few’ weeks----- II. A. Wood and milk, last week. He will start this new in­ ROCKPORT. family, who have been at the Knox House, place from Waterville and will reside at the dustry at a big outlay, and we wish him suc­ ments on their rooms. have returned to their hom^ in Dorchester, G. I. Robinson home, Gleason street. cess in his undertaking, which will demand A special meeting will be called by the Mass. C. A. Creighton has returned from New more cows and save much labor in care of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gonia of Oaklandville, W14S on Thursday to make arrangements for Mass., visited at Mrs. Nettie Robinson’s last As Geo. Hall was chaining a bull Saturday, York w’here he went to witness the yacht the milk. He will send the cream to Boston a grand ball which will be held in the new race. Mr. Creighton reports it one of the and other western markets The cream will week----- Mrs. Annie Norton of Roxbury, opera house. the animal became encig«ed and savagely a t­ Mass., who has been spending the summer in tacked him. Mr. Ha)l was thrown to the most beautiful and interesting sights he ever keep several days and is better than that we L. M. Crockett was in Rockport Sunday witnessed------Mrs. Anna Blodgett and get from the natural process. It is separated Maine, returned to her home Thursday. She ------Thursday week was the hottest day of the •floor and severely injured. His outcries was accompanied by her daughter and son It’s Yours if you w ant it drew his wife and / young daughter to the family returned to their home in Brookline, as soon as it is milked and all impurities are season----- P. S. Lane has the Wm. Turner Mass., yesterday------The sch. Henry J. at once removed. ------Miss Callie McCobb returned to her Knou<.di to pay the low prices we sell them for. They an: tastily spot who bravely .-held the animal at bay school in Mass., Saturday----- The Advents residence to build. until an em, loye? rescued him. Mr. Hall Smith arrived at Philadelphia Saturday------E. W. Cobb is visiting in Bangor------Rich­ ami strongly iiuilt and an ornament to any lawn ’,/e have had a Washburn Bros.’ new schooner Henry Lippitt held their anuual picnic at McIntyre’s grove, No records of Fox Island can be produced >hai since been confined to bis bed as a re­ ard Thompson is home from Boston on a Thursday.------The Bon Ton National Banjo over 140 years old------Capt. Hiram Lane large sale oil iheui this season, but have a few left that we would s u lt of his accident. towed to the Kennebec River today------visit------Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Davis and Mrs Rev. J. R. Baker of Rockland preached in Club assisted at an entertainment, given in has somewhat improved in health the past rather -ell at about cost, price than carry them over anotner year. Miss Jessie Crawford came home Monday O. C. Welt of Rockland have been visiting in Thomaston last week, for the benefit of the week, having been confined to the house the Watt’s Hall, Sunday, to the M. E. people town the past week. Come and see them at the from Portland to attend the wedding of her ------Burgess, O’Brien A Co. have made M. E. Church. The club was received with past four months with rheumatism. sister. Shtf returned Wednesday----- Capt. extensive repairs upon their kiln sheds------Preparations are being made for a big fair applause, and at the close each member was Geo. Blethen received a telegram from his NEW HARDWARE STORE. Caleb Levensaler has made repairs upon his A picked nine went to Port Clyde Saturday this year. The dates are Sept. 25, 26 and presented an elegant bouquet. The members home in Frankfort, Friday, stating that his house------The family of Cant. Howes, who and played ball with the regular nine at that 27. The M. C. R. R. and G. V. R. R. will are Misses Carrie Robinson, Maude Sylves­ mother was just alive. Mr. Blethen ieft MBA. S T Ill.l’T. have been guests at JSe Knox House place. The score was 21 to 4 in favor of the sell round trip tickets with admission to the ter and Katie Richards. Saturday morning for bis home. awaiting the comply* >n of the new Thomastons------Edwin S. Levensaler, a fair on Sept. 26 and 27, from Rockland and William Paul is painting his house on Com­ A pair of gold-bowed glasses was lost in .went home Tuesday----- Dr. J. E. graduate of the High School, has been en­ Thomaston. mercial street------Ernest Sidelinger is having town last week by a lady who prizes them wife -.vent to Philadelphia Tues- rolled as a student at Maine State College Mrs. Lizzie Hadfield, who has been stop­ his buildings painted. very highly. The finder will receive a suitable WASHINGTON GLEN COVE. Mrs. Walker’s parents, Capt. and ------An infant daughter of Oliver Pillsbury ping at II. Ilemen way’s, joined her husband West Rockport.—The Cooperage Com­ reward by leaving them at Mrs. L. M. Lrs. Per , who have just arrived from a died Monday of cholera infantum------in Pepperell Saturday. They will play in J. pany has stopped work at coopering for two Crockett’s residence, Main street. A. E. Poland has moved his artesian well Miss Georgie Smith has lately been on the foreign voyage------Edw’in Smith and wife Misses Rita Smith and Eliza Levensaler left C. Rockwell’s Theatrical Co. the coming win­ weeks. 'They have just received a cargo of Harry McIntosh and wife will occupy the have returned from the White Mountains machine to Isaac Robinson’s where he is to sick list----- A number from this place went last night for Smith’s College—the former to ter. Mrs. Hadfield made hosts of friends the staves----- The West Rockport boys played Sutton cottage next week. drill a well------S. zUfrcd Johnston of the to Crescent Beach on a buckboard ride with ------E. J. Jameson of Boston is in town------enter, the latter returning for the Junior year. past summer, all of whom regret her depart­ with the Warren boys, Saturday. It stood 40 and horse trotting have gone West called on relatives here last week. He a party from Rockport, Labor Day----- Ansel Charles Copeland made a business trip to The superintending school committee has ure------Elliot Mitchell, wife and son of Port­ to 20 in favor of West Rockport----- Charles Boston Tuesday------Atwood Levensaler is by on Fox Island for the present------is on his way to South Africa------Schools W. Fisher of Charlotte, Maine, was the guest elected and assigned the following teachers land, with Mrs. Mitchell’s sister, Miss Grace Collaraore and wife and Elwood Andrews and in town began Monday------Pearl Danforth of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Preston Sunday of last having a room finished in the attic of his Giant, are stopping at Mr. Wagner’s for a Freeman will be ready any time in the week for the school year, which will commence wife went to Togus Saturday on a pleasure to take your autograph for T he C.-G.------sold a nice four-year-old-colt to Fred Millay, week----- L. II. Rhodes of Boston was in residence----- Wallace Edgerton is in town 1 J?Sept. 16: High school, Percy Bartlett, prin­ short time------Who got James Fossett’s guinea trip------Henry Lampson, z\rthur Clark and for a few days------W. B. Foster came pigs? The Vinalhaven Band is playing some fine Friday------Miss Grace Ludwig is teaching town Tuesday------School at Glen Cove began cipal, Miss Emma A. Fountain, assistant; Daniel Keller took in the State Fair last week selections under the lead of O. P.------A school in the Hopkins District------MjBtes Tuesday Sept. 2 under the instruction of Miss home from Rockland, Mass., Wednesday Grammar school, A. L. Coleland, principal, Mrs. Annie Freeman is visiting her uncle, ------Dell Miller and wife have gone up coun­ morning, where he has been to attend tne special meeting of Marguerite Chapter, No. Nellie and Cad Bryant with their brother Luna E. Ross. “Old Glory” now floats over Addie Morse and Vinnie Dow, assistants; Royal Grinnell. Mrs. Freeman is accom­ try on a visit------Mrs. John Oxton is v isiting George spent a few days at Muscongus last the building----- Capt Albert Hall of Crie- reunion of a historical society of which he is 18, O. E. S., with Mrs. Jennie Stuart, Grand Main Street Intermediate, E. L. Crawford; panied by two children------Mrs. Paulina Cum­ her folks------There is to be a baptism here to­ Matron, as a guest. Music was furnished by week------Mrs. W. M. Staples and Miss I haven was at this place Thursday------Morris a member------Harry Shibles is home from Bailey Intermediate, Lena Hanley; Gleason mings has been quite sick. day------Mrs. Chandler Smith has been visit­ Lewiston. local talent------They say business was at a Bessie Mears drove through 10 Lewiston to I Gregory was out of d«.ors for the first time Street Primary, Effie Tucker; Mill River Great preparations are being made to enter­ ing her folks in Rockport------z\s your cor­ standstill in Rockland, Wednesday, and all the State Fair Tuesday------Elwood Andrews 1 since his injury, Friday----- B. S. Gregory William Shibles and familyj who have Primary, z\gnes P. McNamara; Green Street tain the survivors of the Fourth Maine Reg­ respondent was writing this he saw the smart­ the lawyers, doctors and business men of the and wife, C. IL Collamore and wife of West f and A. T. Carroll have been at work at the J)een the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gay, Primary, Hattie Keating; Wadsworth Street iment and Second Maine Battery next Thurs­ est old gentleman pass t>y there is in the county. city paraded our streets. We were pleased Rockport and W. W. Light and wife made a j Court House, Rockland, where a new steam nihave returned to Lynn----- Col. Milton II. Primary, Martha McPhail; Oyster River, day. Let all the friends of the soldiers strive It is our old friend Daniel Andrews, in his to see them. trip to the Soldier’s Home, Saturday and boiler has been put in------Joseph Sylvester FFrench and wife are at Theodore French’s for Maude Lermond; Beechwoods, Jennie Mc­ to make it a success! Let all remember that 77th year. He walks every Sabbath one mile return------Miss Grace Dorman entertained and zV. T. Carroll were at Lewiston to the a brief visit-----Harrison Curtis has been acting Donald; Eastern Meadow, Aubigne Lermond; and a half to church, and back. Miss Annie Shields returned from Castine the Fourth Maine Regiment was among the last week. Miss Shields has been attending a large number of playmates Saturday after­ State Fair, Wednesday. W. S. Ingraham 8Uas night watch on schooner Henry Lippitt Bailey Primary, Stonie W. Tucker. first to march for the defense of our homes. Miss Maria Wescott of Hopedale, Mass., noon, it being her birthday------Miss attended the Fair, Thursday------E. J. Low, ------Capt William Harrington, wife and son has been the guest of Mrs. Stanley Amsbury the ^Formal School, but because of sickness A youthful boarder at the Knox Hotel had to return home------D. II. Glid en ami Marcia Lermond and daughter Etta visited who has been a guest at Chas. J. Gregory’s, are home from sea. The vessel, schooner A. L. Jones and wife and Sam’l Hills and ----- Joseph Eells leaves shortly for Water­ at C. E. Overlock’s, last week------G. W. has returned home------Mrs. J. M. Smith of accidentally thrust his hand through a light of wife will visit Hartland the coming week------sun nave opened their office as brokers. Cora Dunn, is chartered to load ice on the glass Monday morning. The accident is ville where he will attend school, at Colby Overlock has his threshing machine in run­ Friendship was at Wilson Merrill’s last week Kennebec for Baltimore, thence to Galveston. The Praying Band held a meeting at Elm -----J. W. Lamb and daughter Miss z\nnie Give them a call! Mr. Glidden is thoroughly said to have been the result of early rising. posted on the most important branches of ning order------Miss Addie Pardean is very ------Capt. z\llen Merrill led the Wednesday wood Sunday afternoon. Lamb of Hartford, Conn., have been guests sick with typhoid fever------Jeremiah evening meeting here------Mr. and Mrs. The Fourth Maine Regiment and Second of C. F. Richards and wife----- Miss Lena business------D. R. Manson’s new barber Judge Starrett has certainly a double in the pole illuminates the whole of Main street. Mitchell has gone to zVugusta to visit his L. IL Sylvester and Mrs. Rebecca Newbert =: LARGE STOCK := Maine Battery Reunion will be held here Griffeth has gone to Massachusetts where she daughter, Mrs. Ida Macomber------Chester drove to St. George recently----- Quite a large person of Ellis Spear of Washington, D. C. Thursday of this week. A large number are has been engaged as teacher. Miss Amanda Wentworth of Boston is vis­ At the late Starrett reunion they were both Kingsley, who has been visiting friends here, delegation from this place a fended the expected from abroad, among them Col. The Cong’l Society is planning a “ Mystery iting her brother William, the first visit for returned to his home in zXugusta, Saturday Young reunion at Hope, Thursday----- present. A Thomaston lady said to a War­ Elijah Walker of Somerville, Mass , and other seven years------Charles Robinson left for B o y s ' ren lady : “ People say that Ellis Spear and Party” to be given Sept. 16. The aliair will ------II. S. Mitchell has gone on a trip to Sylvester Parshley of Dorchester, Mass., distinguished veterans. The Ladies Relief be held in Carleton Block and promises to Bangor Thursday to purchase lumber and the Aroostook selling jewelry. He will be joined his wife at A. C. Young’s, Friday Mr. Starrett of Thomaston look very much Corps will furnish meals in Grand Army Hall building material------All the schools in the K n e e P a n t alike, but I don’t see it. There is Mr. Star be a pleasant event. there about three weeks------Mrs. Geo. ------Valentine Chisholm spent a few days in and they respectfully solicit of the public food rural districts commenced, Tuesday, Sept. 3 Stone of Roxbury, Mass., is visiting her Boston, lately------Rev. J. T. ( oombs of rett over there and I don’t think he resembles and flowers for the occasion. The U Miss Lizzie Rich, who has been visiting -----Mrs. Sarah (dark, of Prospect, is visiting Mr. Spear very much.** The lady looked in Mrs. Eugene Dunbar, has left for her home parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Bartlett------North Haven will conduct services here Sun­ S u its , Cornet Band will furnish music. Special her son Fred and wife- ——No more lotteries Mrs. Elbridge Clark of Rockland visited Olive day next. Rev. W. O. Holman of Rockland the direction pointed out when she exclaimed, trains over the G V. R R. will connect with in Boston----- Seabury Beldin and wife have in town this year----- Owing to lack of cash gone to their home in Hartford, Conn. Light recently. presided last Sunday. M rs. Jane H opkin’s Pants, “ Why that is Mr. Spear himself.” the Maine Central at Warren Junction. the trotting park will retain the old sod this Jesse W. Peabody, who bas been suffering The Ladies’ Missionary Society will meet Mrs. Ward Richardson of Boston is visit­ year------John Laken of Boston has visited for several weeks with an ear trouble, left ing her sister, Mrs. J. If. Norwood----- J. S. the island every year for the past nine years. wiih Mrs. S. W. Jones, So. Union, Friday DAMARISCOTTA MILLS. SOUTH THOMASTON. Also Men’s Suits, Monday morning for the hospital in Port­ afternoon. Fuller has returned from a two weeks visit in This year he is building a fine float for boats, land. Boston----- Mrs. Lizzie Dunn has returned getting ready for next season. Several from this place will attend the lect Miss Maud Austin has gone to Amesbury, Just received for Fall The display of flowers at the Cong’l Church home to Medfield, Mass.------William E. ViNxLlixVHN, Hept. 9, 1895. Owl’s H ead.—The Owl’s Head and Tim­ ure to be given in Warren, Tuesday evening, Walker has returned home to Amherst, Mass.------Miss Carrie Clark has been visiting and W inter wear. Sunday, was beautiful and did great credit to ber Hill schools have been united for the to the ladies who arranged them. Mr. by Rev. F. S. Ilunuewell, former pastor of Moss., after a short stop in town------Sea­ Mrs. George Oliver the past week------Mrs. the Congregational Church of that place. NORTH HAVEN- present terra. Miss Isabelle Lattie is teacher Boothby’s sermon on the “Church” was un­ bury Beldon and wife are stopping at z\. Ephriam Jones and two children left for ----- The Owl’s Head Church sent four dele­ ■ here and Father* bring In the Dr. Bennett has sold his practice to Dr. IL Linnell's----- J. II. Norwood has been in Waltham, Saturday, where they will stay sev­ lithe them at sm all price. usually interesting. gates to the Lincoln Baptist Association at Andrews of Augusta and will locate else­ Lewiston the past week. Dr. Boynton has returned from a two weeks eral months------Miss Abbie Boyd has gone to Belfast----- John Miller has bought out L. A. where. Dr. Bennett by hia courteous presence trip to Boston------Mrs. Herbert Thomas and Deering, where she will finish her course at All the late shape Stiff Hats ST. GEORGE. Mis1; Maria Andrews has been visiting her zVrey’s entire business—store, house and and attention 1 » nis business has won many sister, Mrs. Aaa Howes, Belfast------Miss daughter of Rockland visited at IL W. Ber- St. Joseph School------Warren Tomlinson, wharf. Capt. Arey will engage in business for Fall 1895. friends who will regret to learn of his decis­ Marian Goodwin, who has been visiting Miss erage’s last week---- Miss Lucy Waterman wife and daughter Nellie went to Lewiston in Mass.------B. A. Emery is building a green Port Clyde.—The Thomaston base ball ion to leave Union----- A large flock of Rob­ z\lic.: Merriam, returned home to Boston, and niece Cora Brown have returned to their to attend the State Fair----- Mrs. Martha bouse----- The Timber Hill school-house has Trade Center. nine played the Port Clydes on the Port bins alighted at the home of G. A. Pease, Saturday----- Mrs. Fred French and son have home in Waldoboro----- Mrs. Sarah Fernald York returned Thursday from a two weeks had modern blackboards put in aud two Clyde grounds last Saturday and defeated the Tuesday, it being the annual teuniori of the returned home to Rockland after having of Portland visited her sister, Mrs. John Mul­ visit in New Hampshire—Mrs. z\nnie Betts apertures cut and windows put in on the north Port Clydes for the second time this season to Robbins family. An account of their pleas­ spent a week with Mrs. French's parents, Mr. lin, recently------Augustus Carver visited and two children of Richmond are visiting end of the house -Summer visitors are EVI SEAVEY, the tune 21 to 4----- Fred Files, who is su­ ant gathering will be found elsewhere. A. J. Morton and wife. friends in Camden last week----- Leroy Crab­ Mrs. Ed. Winslow------Mrs. John Cunning­ thinning out at Crescent Beach. Mr. Smith perintending the building of a keeper’s dwel­ tree has bought the store formerly owned by ham has gone to Worcester, Mass., accom­ Thom aston. Me The public have very generously shown has had a big crowd this summer-----Rev. ling at Marshall’s Point light station, has their interest in the band by contributing Rockville.—Dr. L. F . Bachelder will cun- the Waterman girls------Beulah Mills has gone panied by her daughter, Mrs. Gray------Mrs. J. II. Parshley preached at the chapel, Sun­ moved his family into Seafoam Cottage— funds for the erection of a very oruaniental duct a meeting at the church next Sunday at to Rocklaud. Mary Chase and Mrs. Freeman of Mass., are day afternoon, and a baptism followed. Ellis Hart has been having quite a serious band stand on the Common, which has been two p. m.------Farmers report rather a light Will Hopkins is having a two-story bouse visiting at Mrs. Joseph Winslow’s------Mrs. F. time with a carbuncle on his neck, but is do­ recently completed. The band gave a dedi­ crop of potatoes------Mrs. Eugenie Tallent, built at the Thoroughfare. A. Ilentz and daughter, who have been visit­ Georges River—Eddie Wilson >pent Wed­ you A w a re ing nicely at this time------Mrs. Stephen Mar cation concert, Monday evening. who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. ing Mrs. M. A. Rollins, returned to their nesday and Thursday at the Lewiston (air the shall and daughter are visiting relatives at Robbins returned to her home in Lowell, Charles Brown has a contract to build a home in Dorchester, Mass, Monday------Mrs. last week----- Mrs. Lewis Barter and daughter Prospect for a few weeks----- Geo. W. Colby Union was well represented at the State Mass., yesterday------The Sewing Circle met large sloop boat for Mr. Wheeler and a fish­ Brimmer of Whitefield was visiting her Gladys are visiting Mrs. John Kirkpatrick at this of Sudbury, Mass , visited his sister, Mrs. C. Fair personally, while the fruit, especially with Mrs. Jason Packard, Thursday. There ing sloop for Vinalhaven parties. daughter, Mrs. Geo. Clark, Wednesday and place----- Miss Emma Kirkpatrick visited her That if you want Footwear C. Skinner, the past week------Mrs. Franklin the plums from Lake Side Fruit Farm, was was a large attendance. They meet two Ellington Carver has built a cottage on Thursday of last week. sister-in-law, Mrs. John Kirkpatrick of Hurri­ Trussed is visiting her sister in Southbridge, among the best exhibits. weeks from next Thursday with Mrs. Nelia Dea. Carver’s point. cane, Wednesday and Thursday------Mr. Mass.------Andrew Marshall hss started »»ut The Union Water Company will lay pipe as Maxey------The Head of-The-Lake reunion Alex. Gillis has bought a bouse at Little Maynard Williams of Barre, Vt., who has after herring in his schooner the J. M. Bank. as far as the Robbins Block, this season. occurs today. W. J. Robbins, Mrs. Maxey, Thoroughfare, which he tore down and car APPLETON. been visiting the past month at his sister’s, tW e can tell you w h e re -Mrs. J. W. Balano is doing nicely and Kinsley Gould and others attend. Mrs. Herbert Newbert's, returned home Sun­ Elaborate posters are out for the North ried to Salt Works, where he will build a sum­ will soon be out again------Quite a large num­ Knox Fair, and the management have spared mer cottage. Mrs. Florence Sprowl and son Morton are day----- Mr. Martin aud wife of Appleton have ber attended the funeral of the late Stephen HOPE W. O. Waterman has started his threshing been visiting at Edwin Williams. They re­ can get the kind that w ill Hart at Tenants Harbor last Sunday. neither time nor expense to make the fair this visiting relatives in Westboro, Mass.----- U. S. year excel all previous efforts. The entries machine. Johnson of Bridgewater, Mass., is ai his turned last Sunday------Mrs. Orris Maloney Wiley’s Corner.—Joseph Jenkii and and two daughters, who have been visitiug at and the premium list wifi attest to this fact. The Paysons with invited guests met at F. father's, L. C. Johnson's. It has been ten Harvey Kinney are through their jobs at Many new and novel attractions have been A GRAIN RAISER. years bince we saw him here----- Almon Poit Clyde th e past two weeks, returned here stand w e a r. High Island----- The hewing Circle met with L. Mansfield’s Wednesday. Among the num­ Saturday and have since gone to their home in added and the Union Cornet Band will fur­ ber we were pleased to see J. B. Allen aud ' Gushee of Dorchester, Mass., is visiting at L. Portland----- School in District No. 1 com­ Mrs. Eliza Robinson, Thursday afternoon nish music throughout the fair. M. and S. J. (iushee’s------It is reported that "School in District No. 1 commenced family of Cushing, who are natives of j Fbe farmers are digging their potatoes. menced Tuesday. Miss Susie Post of < )wl’s ----- A - T — l'he following teachers have charge of the Hope. Some complain that they are rotting badly F. J. Oakes of New York intends making Tuesday with Miss Barrett teacher. muiiy and valuable improvements here on the Head is teacher. schools in town. Miss Fannie Spear of Our town has now assumed its Sabbath day ----- D. O. Stahl raised 2406 bushels of FRIENDSHIP Warren, Common school; Miss Lizzie Nor­ grain this year. lie bad 150 bushels of place of Daniel Sullivan----- Alonzo Newbert Spruce H eap.—A. F. Elwell is in Rock­ quietness as all ol our summer visitors have has been visiting bis grandparents, Mr. and land where he is under the treatment of Dr. wood, Shepherd District; Miss Hattie Burk- left with the wish that they might again re- barley----- Mrs. Elijah Huler and two chil dw. Brown’s ~*.t, Robbins District; Miss Lena Messer, turn the next seasun. If the people who are ■ ,i,e“ uf V ?'.'*? *“ itedl ttll!ive6 here last Mrs.|Daniel Sullivan. Hans coin----- Rev. Mr. Haskell exchanged The schools in town commenced Tuesday, Icasor. District; Mrs. Wm. Morton, Round seeking a beautiful spot in which to speud week ’”**’’ ----- ”Bert L. Burnheimer went to He­ U” Stephen A. Laughton of Fairmount, Minn , with Rev. D. B. Phelan of Waldoboro, Suu- day----- The town Sunday School Convention, Next door to Knox House, with the same teachers as last term, except Pond; Mias Lizzie Vose, Nye District. Sup­ their vacations could know of our beautiful bron, Monday week, to resume bis studies is visiting at G. C. Duntou’s----- Herbert A. the village Grammar, which is taught by ervisor Thompson thought best to discontinue Nelson Kaler is making improvements on Sprowl lost a valuable horse recently from was held at this place yesterday-----Mrs. scenery ami hospitable people our town would Susan Harrington is visiting her daughter, THOMASTON, - MAINE Roy Cook - Fishing schooner Jane Mary, the school in the Stone District, and the be crowded. Few finer cottage lots can be bis farm by ditching and removing rock----- pneumonia----- Miss Katie McIver of Dexter Capt. Edward Geyer, sailed Friday for Port­ scholais from that neighborhood will attend found back from the shore than around the Mrs. W. 11. Fales and two sous, who have is at Mr. Angus McIver’s for a week’s visit. Mrs. Eben Elwell. land with herring------Mrs.M. A. Upham of school in the Gleason District. shores of our beautiful sheet of water in which been guests of Mrs. Fales’ parents, returned The owners of (be dam here are rebuilding North Union is visiting Mrs. Harriet Brad­ the perch aud pickerel congregate. One can home Saturday------Della Burnheimer and a part of it. Quite an exj>eiisive job. L. M. Keene of Fremont, Neb., and his Master Joe Wright returned to Lowell, Mass., THE CHURCHES. ford------J. F. Hall and wile of Searsmont are take a rowboat and dream away the long sum­ Mr. an


what is now known as the Arey’a Harbor having at one time 100 yoke. In 1873, in The company’s general office is in Cobb- I quarry, where they continued in business for case oil tongage during the week, due it it order to keep their big force of more than Berry Block this city, and here President , said to efforts put forth by the leading ship- seven or eight years, in fact until the death of 1500 men together, the company got up a 4th Brainerd, Secretary and Treasurer Lawry and I Mr. Kittredge. The firm of Bodwell & Web- I pers .to influence easier rates. • • • Some cf July celebration in which 72 yoke of oxen Clerk E. W. Porter are found. From this | inquiry is noticed for small vessels to load , ster continued business until about 1856 when drew the band chariot, which consisted of a busy office the extensive operations of the C hoice I they took Thornton Webber into the company, barrel oil, but there is a momentary scarcity pair of wheels with a rough platform thereon. company are directed,and to the perfect system of that class of tonnage, the low rates of- and commenced opening the quarry no* It made a great display, but not a particularly and business-like methods that emanate known as the Harbor quarry. The firm t.f freight prevailing for tome time past proving , Officers of Bodwell Granite Com­ cheering one to the stockholders of the com­ therefrom a great deal of the phenomenal unattractive to owners, hence vessels have I Bodwell, Webster & Co. continued business pany as hay was $30 a ton and grain in pro­ success of the company is due. B u tter. without change until 1861 when Mr. Webster been diverted into more remunerative trades. pany Entertain Citizens. portion. West India, Windward and kindred trades ' A C u t retired and E. P. Walker who had been run­ We have made arrange­ ning a s’ore there was taken in. In 1871 the The incorporators of the Bodwell Granite GRANITE CHIPS. continue very quiet, and an improvement is Bodwell Granite Company was formed, taking Co. were J. R. Bodwell, Moses Webster, E. P. not anticipated until the season has further ments with one creamery The Wool monument, mentioned above, advanced, and the risks of weather, climate, The Vinalhaven "orks Inspected and in the quarries of Bodwell, Webster & Co., Walker, Francis Cobb, H. W. Wight and weighed 175 tons when quarried. The Kittredge, Webster & Co., and the Spruce John S. Case. Of these Mr. Case is the only etc., have materially lessened. Coastwise and four nice dairy but­ IN Many Interesting Sights Seen—Con­ Sands can furnish even larger stones if nec­ lumber frieghta continue dull, and with an Head quarries, of Francis Cobb & Co. survivor. Mr. Webster died in January. 1887, essary. tracts Now on Hand and Work That Mr. Bodwell in December of the same year, increased tonnage supply available, going ter makers to furnish us FIRST CONTRACT. Mr. Wight in March, 1890, Mr. Cobb in De­ rates have weakeued slightly. Colliers are in Has Been Hone—something Histori­ MARINE MATTERS. with choice butter The first government contract filled on the cember of the same year, while Mr. Walker limited demand only, though the tendency of cal Regarding Company. died last March. The officers elected by the the market rather inclines to the interest of island was during Mr. Webster’s first year’s owners. business, the firm of Webster & Kittredge original incorporators were: President, J. R. The Movements of Vessels, Charters, erecting spindles on Fiddler’s Ledge. The Bodwell; Vice President, Moses Webster; Notes and the Like. F resh next government contract was received in the Treasurer, Frances Cobb; Secretary, E. H. OBITUARY- This has been a year of excursions and their spring of ’52, after Mr. Bodwell had entered Lawry. The present officers of the company -Jackets- . name has been legion, but none have been Sch. St. Elmo brought coal Wednesday Capt. Stephen G. Hart of Tenant’s Harbor the firm, an order being received from Gen. are these: Directors, Geo. M. Brainerd, John more delightful than that of Wednesday when Delafield to furnish stone for Fort Richmond, S. Case, F. S. Walls, J. F. Bodwell, John from New York for A. F. Crockett Co. died very suddenly Thursday evening of heart E v ery Day. a party of about 60 of the business men of Staten Island. The firm agreed to furnish Lowe, John Blethen, E. II. Lawry. The offi­ Schs. L. D. Remmick, with staves, and disease. Capt. Hart was one of the most Rockland, on invitation of Messrs. George M. 3000 cubic feet of stone, in the rough, at 22 cers are: President, Geo. M. Brainerd; Vice Lyon, with wood, to F. Cobb & Co., arrived prominent citizens of St. George. For many Brainerd, John S. Case and E. H. Lawry of Wednesday. years he was a successful master mariner and If you want a superior And wo Rhovcd Hie knife into the cents a foot, delivered at the fort. The first President, John S. Case; Secretary and Treas­ the Bodwell Granite Co., enjoyed a trip to cargo, about 60 tons, was shipped in the little urer, E. H. Lawry. Sch. Charley & Willie brought coal Wed­ has always been largely interested in shipping. article in butter you can prices so far that it was impossible to Vinalhaven on the Gov. Bodwell, looked schooner Oregon, Capt. Tim Hall. So anxious nesday from New York for Peter Kennedy & The funeral services were held Sunday, Rev. extract it. Those people who took over the company’s extensive works and en were the contractors to kn iw if the stone The company’s operations are by no means Co. Sewall Browne of the Baptist church officiat­ get it at our store at the joyed the hospitality and hearty welcome of confined to Vinalhaven, for it has quarries ing. The floral offerings were very beautiful. advantage of our shirt waist sale suited that they took deck passage on the Sch. Red Jacket, Mullen, with coal to lowest market prices. the people of that thriving tewn. Oregon and accompanied the cargo to Fort and works at Spruce Head, S t George and One very noticeable piece was a full-rigged know that wo told the truth and you j The boat left Tillson’s wharf at 9:30 and Fred R. Spear, from New York arrived Wed­ ship, the decks being of white carnations and Richmond to find out. Gen. Delafield was Jonesboro. nesday. have our word for it that prices this the day being especially made for the occa­ greatly pleased with the stone, and seeing that mermet roses, and the rigging of smilax and sion the trip was in ever)’ way pleasant, the The extent to which the products of this lilies of the valley, with a base of ivy. A time arc cut still more. Below you they were hard-working men encouraged them great company reach was realized by the Sch. Jordan L. Mott, Speed, with coal to thoughtful attentions of the veteran Capt. and treated them very cordially. The freight A. J. Bird & Co., arrived Thursday. quartet composed of Miss Jessie Bartlett, .Mrs. F.M.Simmons will find a list of Jackets that we shnll writer of this when he faced Cincinnati’s big Sewall Browne, W. II. Mathews and E. E. Creed and his able coadjutor, Clerk Harvey on the stone was 12 1-2 cents a foot, leaving Sch. James A. Brown, Simmons, discharged Cor. Main and W inter Stfl. Ilall, contributing not a little to the enjoy­ custom house and postoffice and remembered /\llen furnished excellent music. not carry over, the former selling price them 9 i-2 cents a foot—just about enough to that the blocks of granite that entered into coal yesterday from New York for the Boston ment of the voyage. The funeral of Mrs. Olive A. Wright, wife and the cut price. Look over the list, pay their expenses up and back. As Governor its construction came from the little island of Ac Bangor S. S. Co. OOTOSUBT—The new cooking preparation, in On the arrival at Vinalhaven the party were Bodwell himself expressed it: “Our expen­ Vinalhaven, and again when in St. Louis, of E. E. Wright, formerly of Camden, whose see the prices, and then come and see shown directly to the famous Sands quarry, AS Sch. Gen. Grant, with lumber from Bangor death occurred at Hallowell, Wednesday noon, ses would have been more than our receipts if Indianapolis and other places he saw struc­ for W. H. Glover Co., arrived Thursday. the goods and we guarantee that you noted the country over for the ease with which we hadn’t wisely taken a deck passage.’’ Gen. tures dug out of the rocky heart of Fox was held from the residence of her father, immense blocks of the finest quality of granite Delafield told them if they filled that order Sch. Ella Rose brought hard wood Thurs­ A. A. Waterman, Appleton, Friday at 10 will be satisfied. Island. The following list of the more im­ day from Steuben for Perry Bros. can be quarried. As an earnest of what the promptly he would give them all they could portant granite contracts filled by the com o’clock. Rev. C. C. Phelan, formerly of Cam­ Sands can do the party looked with interest do. His next order was for 5000 feet at 28 pany will help the reader to understand Sch. Harriet Rogers, with cooperage to S. den, officiated. Mrs. Wright was a lady of somewhat tinged with awe at the great mon cents, and that was followed by an order for the magnitude of the company’s opera­ P. Prescott, arrived Thursday from Sullivan. sterling qualities and beloved by all who knew olith gotten out for the Wool monument, another lot at 33 cents. tions: her. A large, delegation was present from the which lies at the entrance of the quarry. Sch. Lucia Porter, Farrow, is at Clark’s Epworth League of the Camden M. E. Church, They felt that they were getting along New Post Office Building, New State, War Island loading for New York. ::i::::WE'TNSURE:::: Lot N o . 1. After it was quarried a slight defect was dis­ swimmingly at this time, and were happy, in­ of which deceased was a member. She was and Navy Departments Building,Washington, Sailed Wednesday—Schs. Nellie E. Gray, covered and the massive stone was condemned. dustrious fellows. All this stone was taken D. C.; Masonic Temple, Record Building, 34 years of age. CUT PRICE SI .60 EACH. It had been regarded as incredible that a Paul, Beaver Harbor, N. B.; Wm. Rice, Vinalhaven quarry could produce so large a Maddocks, N. Y., from E. E. Rankin; Nauti­ Frank W., son of Charles E. and Aldana Wilson Bicknell, died yesterday of kidney size, 32 31 30 stone, but little was known to the outside lus, Tolman, from Almon Bird, for New York. trouble and meningitis, aged 12 years. He Former price $8.00, 1 1 world of the immeasurable resources of that Sch. Louisa Francis, Thorndike, arrived great privilege, for nothing deterred by the had been very ill fur several weeks and for the “ “ 6.00, 1 1 from Portland Friday. week preceding his death little hope was en­ flaw in the first stone, the Company proceeded Sch. Richmond, Jameson, brought coal “ •< 5.50, 1 1 2 to get out another, and did so, and the mas­ tertained of hia recovery. Tue funeral will Friday from New York for A. J. Bird & Co., occur tomorrow. Deceased was a bright and “ “ 4.00, 1 1 sive, perfect granite monolith that honors the and will loan from the same firm for New promising lad of sunny disposition and en­ memory of Gen. Wool, in Troy, N. Y., is one :::::::::::::fSEE'US:T^ Y o rk .|f deared to all his acquaintances. The bereaved of the notable memorial structures of the S.‘4i MISSES’ JACKETS. family have the sympathy of many friends. world and one of the widely-scattered testi­ Sch. Volant with casks for Perry Bros A g e , >3 '« >d 18 monials of the exhaustless resources of the from Belfast arrived Ftiday. Fortner price $7.50, 1 1 Sands. The Sands is the most important of Sch. Ira B. Elleras, Marston, was in the ROCKLAND HIGHLANDS. ::T:T:BEFdRE iNSURING:::::-: “ “ 7.00, 1 the company’s quarries. harbor Saturday, loaded with stone for New York from Vinalhaven and sailed. “ “ 6.50, 2 1 In the long sheds the most skillful granite Quite a number from the Highlands went workmen in the country were found at work. Sch. O. M. Marrett, Harris, arrived Satur­ to Lewiston, Thursday, to the State Fair. •• “ 5.00, 1 The great blocks of rough stone, picked up day with coal for Perry Bros, from New York. Among them were Frank Tolman, Aaron 17 Garments to sell for 91.SO each. by powerful derricks operated by steam, aie Sch. Helen, Batchelder, arrived Saturday Jones, Mr. Lucas, King Pierce and wife, C. A. :BIRp"& BARI.... transferred on tram-cars to the proper place from New York via Hingham. Weymouth and Fred Irish-----Sewall Rich, in the shed, and here beneath the hammer who has been at work on Vinalhaven for of the artisau they grow into creations of Scb. Romeo, with headings to A. J. Bird nearly two years, has finished work and symmetry and beauty. Here piece by piece & Co., from Bucksport, arrived Saturday. returned home with his team----- Mr. and :::::::OVER FULLER! & COBf Lot N o . 2 . gre«.t buildings for distant cities are carved Schs. Vixen aud Seth Nyman, with wood Mis. Dltson and son Ernest, who have been out, with such precision and skill tnat each from Gouldsboro, arrived Sunday. stopping a few weeks at the Highlands, have CUT PRICE S2 50 EACH part fits into its piace and from the fragments Shipping Wharf ut Bodwell Granite Co.’3 Sutids Quarry. Sch. Fred A. Emerson arrived Monday returned to their home in Quincy, Mass.------grows the completed structure with its lofty from Boothbay to load for New York from Mrs. Almeda Chandler has been having repairs Size, 3» 34 30 38 walls and columned portals. The Sands, and A. F. Crockett Co. made on the interior and exterior of her Former price $12.50, 11 1 indeed all the company’s quarries, is fur out of the East Boston quarry. Mr. Webster Western Savings Fund Building, and Pennsyl­ Schs. Revenue, with cooperage; Inez, Ex­ house----- Motorneer Wade and wife spent a « << 5.00, 2 2 2 nished with all the latest and most approved worked in the quarry and Mr. Bodwell drove vania R. R. Passenger Station, etc, Philadel­ press, Kentucky, and Industry, with wood, few days in Appleton, recentlv------Ernest appliancts, and is regarded in granite circles the oxen. Frank Jacobs tended drag. They phia; Philadelphia County Jail, Penn.; Base­ arrived Sunday. Due visited friends in Waterville last week MISSES’ JACKETS. as a model plant. These appliances include had one yoke of oxen, bought of Capt. ment of New Post Office and Court House at -----Mrs. Nathan Spaulding is very sick------powerful lathes where granite is cut and R. Carver for $85, and never yoke of cattle Erie, Pa.; Carnegie Free Library Building, Sch. Ariosto, Shaw, with lumber from L P. Collaraore has bought a fine cow of CEDAR A g e , 1< carved as the cabinet maker turns out a were worked harder than these. During the Alleghany City, Penn.; Fidelity Title and Calais for Boston, was in the harbor Sunday. parties at Owl’s Head----- Elder Hoffman of Fortner price $8.00 2 cylinder of wood. The company's lathes are summer they bought another yoke of cattle Trust Company Building, Newark, N. J.; Sch. J. Chester Wood sailed Friday for Augusta was at the Highlands looking up old II Garments Io »ell for 82.KO eacll. now at woik on a number of columns, 19 for $55 selling them in the fall for $35—hav­ Savings Bank Building, Wilmington, Del.; Machias. friends, last week. He thinks cf locating in Boat Boards ! feet long, for the Church of Ignatius, New ing worked $20 worth of flesh off them. They New Custom House and Post Office, Cincin Schs. Harriet Rogers, for Sullivan, and L. Augusta this winter. York. continued work the rest of the summer of ’52 nati.Ohio; New Court House an I Post Office, D. Remmick, for Bluehill, with general cargo 12, 14,16,18, 20, 22, 24 Ft. Long. From the quarry and the lathes the shipping a few paving blocks to the New Atlanta, Ga.; New County and City Buildings, from John Bird Co., sailed Friday. visitors turned with interest to the polishing Orleans market, and one cargo of platform New Board of Trade Building, Offices for Sch. General Grant sailed ‘ Friday for Ban­ NOTICE —ALSO— mill, w’here the surface of the granite, fined and flagging stone to Philadelphia. At the Pullman Co., Counselm^n Building, Home gor. Executor’s Sale of Real Estate. Lot N o . 3 . under the hammer, is given u miuur-like end ol the year they settled up and found Insurance Company Building, Peck Buildings, face that brings out distinct and clear the that they had cleared 8600, $300 each, and and Auditorium Building, etc., Chicago, III.; Sch. Cora C. Meader, Meader, from Jos­ Pursuant to the authority given mu by the last Oak. Ash, Maple and Hickoj CUT PRICE S 3.OO EACH eph Abbott, for New York, sailed Saturday. will and testament of Margaret G Rugglea, late of rich colors that lurk hidden beneath the that was considered by them a very satisfactory St. Louis Bridge, Missouri; North Western Thomanton, in the Couuty of Knox, deceased I Size, 32 34 30 38 rough surface. Here, ai in the quarries, season’s work and they were correspondingly Insurance Co. Building, Milwaukie, Wiscon­ Schs. Catalina, from A. F. Crockett Co.; ahall sell ut public auction on the first day of Octo­ A . D. 1896, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, on IiUMBEiR. everything modem is found in the way of jubilant. sin; Polished Granite for the State House, Pemaquid, from A. C. Gay & Co., and C. M. ber, Former price $12.00, 1 Walton, from A. J. Bird & Co., for Boston, the premises, all the right, title and interest which apparatus and appliance. SOME LOW BIDS. Indianapolis, Indiana; New Post Office and said Margaret G. Rugg.es had in and to the follow­ “ “ 6.50, 2 4 2 Thus, from one point of interest to another, Custom House, Brooklyn, X. V.; New York sailed Saturday. ing described real estate, viz.: House, barn, office The summer of ’53 the firm did considerable and land, Main street, opposite Pine street (liome- “ “ 5.00, 5 1 4 1 into the draughting room, into the company work for Philadelphia. The first stone of the and Brooklyn Bridge, Harlem River Bridge, Schs. Edward Lameyer, Beal, for Rich­ HENRY J. WINDE, store, into the company office, and so on the itead), Thomaston, Me.; lot of land west side of first cargo of the season broke the crane, and Welles Building, Mutual Life Insurance Co. mond, and Mary Langdon, Hatch, for New MISSES’ JACKETS visitors were taken by their indefatigable en­ I 02 & 104 Beverly Street, the members of the firm had to keep the ves­ Building, Manhatten Bank Building, Kelley York, sailed Saturday from F. Cobb & Co. tertainers, and then to fittingly complete the Building, Methodist Book Concern ffudding, A g e , 14 I« sel waiting while they went into the woods,cut Sch. Ada Amts, Emery, from A. J. Bird A- load of obligation under which they lay their Fifth Avenue and 20th Street, Havemeyer NEAK OADSKWAY, » Former price $5.50 1 1 a tree and put up a new derrick. How they Co., for New York, sailed Saturday. guests, the whole party was escorted to Mem­ worked ! Two men never fashioned a derrick in Residence, Fifth Avenue and 66th Street, Sun USE MISS BEECHER’S 32 Garments to well for 93.00 each. orial Hall where a most satisfying lunch of Insurance Company Building, Mechanic’s Sch. Jordan L. Mott, Speed, from Perry BOSTON, - MASS briefer time than did Mr. Webster senator, Bros, sailed for New York Sunday. steamed lobsters, clams, corn and other eat­ and his partner. That year, 1853,they did a big Bank Building, New U. S. Appraisers’ Ware­ H A IR and ables was served, the supreme excellence of business in Philadelphia platforms and curbs, house Building, New York; McCoomb Resi­ Sailed Monday—for New York—Schs. the repast, however, failing to blind the eyes nd they cleared Siooo apiece. Until the sum­ dence, Tarrytown, New York, etc.; Welling­ Clara, Hatch, from A. J. Bird & Co.; A. WHISKER DYE. of die visitors to the beauties ami t >r venien- mer of ’54 the firm’s entire business consisted ton Building, Jordan Marsh N Co., Building, Hayford, Warren, from A. F. Crockett Co.; ces of that noble public building wl lcb Vinal* etc., Boston; New Custom House and Post Race Horse, Henshaw, from E. E. Rankin. It contains no sulphur or lead. Washing is A 8 U B E . . in flagging and other work forl’hiladelphia and not required a ft e r dying as in other dyes. Lot N o . 4 . haven and energy has erected. stone for the various forts in New York, and Office, Fall River, Mass.; Peabody Town Sch. Idaho, loaded for New York, was dis­ Wholesale druggists who have handled all the ( I K E F O R After enjoying and appreciating many fa­ Buildings, Peabody, Mass.; Gen. Wool Mon­ various dyes pronounce it the best single prep­ RILES! Forts Preble and Pophaiu in Maine. In the covered to be on fire in the harbor Friday, CUT PRICE Sd OO EACH. vors from die town’s people, the party left at aration ever brought to their notice. Largest I um M int for Dr. K. M. Botot’. Sure Cure for year of 1S54 they got the contract to furnish ument, Troy, N. Y.; Pilgrim’s Monument, bet the fire has since been put out, and the bottle and beet dye in the market. Sold by rile ; nl.o fir. Rohan’, Cathartic l’lll.. The bret Size. 34 34 30 38 40 three p. ni. lor home, after a delightful and the stone for Petit Menan light, the stone be­ Plymouth, Mass.; Smith Monument, Philadel­ vessel will proceed after overhauling cargo. ull druggists. AVholesule ugetits, Geo C- preparation in the world. Easily applied and sure Former price $16.00 1 1 profitable day, and with something of a realiz­ ing taken out of the Burgess quarry. On this phia; Mausoleum and Monument for Dr. Sch. Francis M. Loring, Flanders, was Goodwin kCo., Boston, Mass.; Cook, Uverett etue. Price 11 per box free by mall. 21 Trinity ation of the surprising magnitude of the busi­ Gibson, Jamestown, I’enn.; Ladeu Mauso­ x Pennell, Port'and, Mo.; .John W. Perkins St., and at my offleo 406 Main Bt. Ofllce open “ “ 7.50, 2 2 2 contract their bid was a little less than one- loaded and in the stream yesterday for New’ & Co., Portland, Mo. Wednesday and Saturday evoulngs. ness carried on under our very noses by the half that of the next lowest bidder, their near­ leum, Woodlawn Cemetery, New York; Col­ York from J. Tolman. 23 W. U. SMITH, Rockland. » “ 6.50, 1 Bodwell Granite Company. Following are est competitor being the firm that built the umbus Pedestal, New’ York, etc. the names of the fortunate party : The company has in hand at present the Sch. Hattie A. Marsh, Whitman, is at Long Boone Island light the year before. 'They bid Cove loading for Philadelphia. MISSES’ JACKETS A. F. Crockett, D. N. M rtland, I. L. Snow, $21,000. Bodwell & Webster’s bid was $9,900. following contracts: D. II. Ingraham, C. M. Walker, Paiker T. The New Post Office Building in Washing­ Sch. Laura M. Lunt, Peck, towed over Age. 14 10 18 I'liis bid was considered si low that Lieut. Fuller, John Lovejoy, II. T. Beverage, J. T. ton, D. C.; Cathedral of St. John the Divine, from Hurricane yesterday. She is loaded Former price $7.50 12 1 Franklin, then in charge of the coast light­ with stone for New York. Berry, G. \Y. Berry, E. R. Spear, W. 1’. Cobb, houses, was advised not to give it to them, as Johnston Building, Ed son Building, New 13 Garments to sell for *4.00 each. N. F. Cobb, IL N. Bierce, Wm. Farrow, J. '.hey could not possibly do it, so that when York; polished columns for the Church of Sch. Mary Snow was loading yesterday for D. May, Nathaniel Jones, A. 11. Jones, E. 11. they went to Lieut. Franklin to sign the con­ Ignatius, mentioned above; pedestal for Gen. New York from Almon Bird and C. Doherty. Rose, James Fernald, F. J. Simonton, 11. G. tract, after procuring bonds, he asked them if Hancock statue, Washington; McCoomb Sch. Helen is loading for New York from Tibbetts, L. F. Starrett, Rev. Mr. Moore, Rev. they thought they could do it. “Yes sir,’’ was mausoleum, Tarrytown, N. Y., and other A. F. Crockett Co. and E. E. Rankin. C. W. Bradle , J. F. Gregory, IL If. Crie, the answer; “ We have made our own figures, minor jobs. Edwin Sprague, A. J. Erskine, G. 1. Kaier, Schs. E. G. Willard and Sardinian are The Latest Thing Yet i Lot N o . 5 . and relie upon our own resources, and can do bound here from New York. J. W. Newbert, II. I. llix, ’G. E I i'den, S. it.” And they did ilo it, within the specified CUT PRICES5.OO EACH. W. McLoon, Joseph Abbott, E. A. Jones, M. time, and to the satisfaction ol all concerned, Schs. S. J. Lindsey, Addie E. Snow and S. Bitd, W. IL Fogler, John Blcli.th, T. R. One secret of the success of the Bodwell A. Heaton, from Rockland, and Richard and after paying all the hills had $2500 left. Granite Co. is that it has been well served, ------I S T H E ------One lot of new style early fall pierce, G. II. Wiggin, I II. Wlggin, N. B. Mr. Bodwell went up to Boston and got the Hill, Eliza Levensaler and Telegraph, from Cobb, F. E. Hitchcock, E. C. Cotton, W. T. and it is claimed today without fear of con­ Thomaston, arrived in New York Friday. jackets, all sizes marked to sell from money, in gold, about $6000, having received tradiction that its employes in all depart­ Orbetun, L. M. Robbins, Oliver Otis, Rock­ Sch. Lavinia M. Snow, Hinckley, arrived $8.00 to $12.00, all io be sold during le installment, and in fear and trembling ments are as competent and skillful as can land. urried away to the Suffolk Bank and depos­ be found in the country. The company has in New York 6tb, 10 days from Brunswick thia sale for $5.00 each. 11. B. Williams, Bang- r; C. B. Ilight, Bal­ ited it. Soon after finishing the Petit Menan now- on its pay roll at Vinalhaven 500 men, with lumber. timore; A. M. Hunt, Boston; G. L. Burgess, job they got the New York Navy Yard con- 75 all told at Spruce Head and 25 quarrymen Sch. Wm. J. Lermond, Hupper, cleared 6th Lamson & Hubbard Rockport; J. C. Levensaler, Thomaston, Prof tract'requiring a large amount of stone, their at Jonesboro. At this las', named place the at Baltimore for Bath. Moore, Dartmouth College; George Hall, hid being much under that of the others, yet company quarries a very beautiful red Boston; A. R. Reeve, Brooklyn, N. V. Svb. J. B. Holden, Haskell, cleared 6th at if you ure going to need u garment proving a satisfactory one. All the stone was granite that is much sought after. It does no Jacksonville for New York. furnished in the rough. cutting there but freights the stone to work­ next spring it will pay you to buy one The beginning of granite op. rations at Vi­ lu ’58 a contract was secured of Joseph The Rockport ship S. D. Carleton, Ames­ ing plants in this county. John Lowe is sup­ bury, was in port at Melbourne, Aug. 5th, for of these garments and lay it uwuv for nalhaven dates from 1851, when Mo&ca Web­ Wescott to build a dock at F rt Norfolk, Va., erintendent of all the works at Vinalhaven. ster came to Vinalhaven from Methuen, Mass. London, via Sidney, N. S. W. the winter for you can’t buy the cloth 1 about the same time another contract to He has tilled that position ably for a number Mr. Webster was born in Pelham,N. II., in furnish stone for the Pensacola Navy Yard. In of years, succeeding the late George Wharff. to make any of these garments ut the 1817. He fir.-', learned the shoemaker’s trade, Rockport Ma rine—Arrived Scot. 4th, the summer ol ’t»o seveial contracts were He has been connected with the company schs. Annie L. Wilder, Greenlaw’, from Bos­ prices we ask you. Any and all of and worked at Pelham, 't hen he learned the arded the firm by the purchasing agent of for nearly a quaiter of a century. Edwaid stonecutter’s trade and went to Methuen, ton; Herald, Veazie, Belfast; May J. Eliot, them are good styles also for early fall the government, to furnish stone for the sev­ Russell is foreman of the Vinalhaven quarries, Boothbay; Evelyn, McDonough, from Quaco, Mass., and went into business where he lived eral fortifications throughout the country. The a position he has tilled for 30 years or more, The New Fall Styles have arrived and about two years coming away considerably in N. B., with wood for Carleton, Norwood w ear. tone used was for strengthening gun plat­ and there's not a man in the country can Co. 5th, schs. Ira Bliss, Norton, from New debt. It may be remarked just here that a forms, the introduction of guns of heavier teach him anything about granite quarrying. Be sure you see them even if you year or so afterwards when he had accumulated York, with coal for Carleton, Norwood & Co.; the lbit Department is full of the Latest calibre making such a step necessary. So Mr. Russell’s son, Edward F , is a competent Mary Ellen, Piper, Portland. know vou don’t want to buy. a little money he went back to Methuen aud promptly were these contracts tilled that when assistant. L. M. Crockett is general foreman paid every hill. In 1849 Mr. Webster sold a Sailed 4th, schs. H. S. Boynton, Cooper, there was any preference to be given the of the cutters, a position he tills with signal for Boston, with lime from Carleton, Nor­ and Most Fashionable blocks. Honest goods little farm that he owned in Pelham and Vinalhaven contractors were favored. The ability. Horace M. Noyes, the draughtsman, moved his family into the house of Joseph R. wood & Co.; Ella May, Greenlaw, Boston, next government contract was the State, War has few superiurtdn his very particular call­ with lime from S. E. & 11. L. Shepherd Co.; Bodwell, who lived in Methuen, just over the and Navy Department building, and after this ing. The company operates at Vinalhaven Pelham line, In 1851 Mr. Webster heard of W. C. Norcross, Robinson, Boston, with lime all of them; good for wear, good for looks, the Cincinnati postoffice, these being the a general supply business, which is under the from Carleton, Norwood & Co.; A. Gibson, the abundance of granite on Fox Island and prominent structures built by this firm for the supervision of Director F. S. Walls. I. C. came down prospecting. For $300 be bought Stevens, St. John. 5th, schs. l^iura T. Ches­ government. They had innumerable smaller I Glidden has charge of the store, while George ter, Beal, for Boston, via Camden, with lime and good for every cent we ask for them aud half of the now famous East Boston quarry, jobs, but it was all ol a private nature. W. Vinal nas charge of the dry goods branch, William 0. Hewett so called, which was owned by Joseph and from Carleton, Norwood & Co.; Lucinda, and Calvin B. Vinal conducts the wood, coal Gray, Deer Isle. William Kittredge, buying the latter gentle A CELEBRATION. and lumber department. They are all good more too. It you want a Hat come to us for man’s interest. At that time Vinalhaven’s men. It may be imagined that the position granite business consisted in getting out a few In 1871, after making contracts for work on and Company the Brooklyn bridge, the Bodwell Granite Co. J of book-keeper and paymaster for the Vinal- l FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS’ Variety, Good Quality aud the Lowest Prices. rough stone for the local trade, with perhaps a haven business ueeds a good man aud there's , few paving stones. was formed, and the work continued fur sev- . eral years. The company furnished the stone no doubt but wbat that kind of a man fills In the spring of 1852 Mr. Bodwell was in the position—Frank J. Orbeton of Rockland, ; Reported from Brown dc Company's for the Brooklyn pier aud the pier on the New j Weekly Freight Circular. 374 MAIN STREET. duced lo take an interest in the business, and an expert. he aud S. Gilman Webster, a cousin of Moses York side up to the spring of the arches. | Webster, bought Joseph Kittredge’s interest, When work first started in on the Brooklyn 1 John Blethen is in charge of the Spruce Rockland, Maine. bridge it went off with such a rush that the Head works. He also has charge at Wild­ The intervention of a holiday has served to the firm beiug Webster, Webster & Bodwell. lessen in a measure the volume of general In the spring of ’53 S. G. Webster retired, company was obliged to make an extensive ! cat, in St. George, when that quarry is in outlay and deliver stone at a great disadvan- 1 Operation. Peter Aagerson is foreman at business, though the fact that suitable ves­ Messrs. Bodwell and Webster conducting the sels for several departments are scarce has 0. E. BLACKINGTON. tagc. Not having the necessary appliances Spruce Head and Willis A. Adams has charge business, owning a half interest each. In also had a restricting influence upon the num­ this same spring of ’53 S. G. Webster on re­ for furnishing so great an amount of stone as of the store. Eph. Whitney is foreman at was called for the company was compelled to j Jonesboro. These, like the other attaches of ber of contracts completed. There has been tiring from the firm went into partnership considerable falling off in the demand for j with Joseph Kittredge. The new firm opened use more animal labor, employing many oxen, the company, arc first-class men. a I THE ROCKLAND COURIER GAZETTE a TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1895

Sargent; Rev. and Mrs. Preb’e of Camden and Dr. Dunn of Waterville by Dea. S. H. WRHRWWR»'WW * I Landscape Engineering, Mathew*; Mrs. Joseph Eel I a, Mrs. Nan Eells, Miss Melvin and Mrs. Southard of Rockport by Mrs. C. P. Carter; Rev. Mr. Thayer of A ll Surveying, R« a<1 Buildii g, Real Estate Development, Suburban and Sea­ Warren and Dr. Spaulding of Boston by Mayor shore Pn ptrhes a Specialty. 30 years’ experience. Highest references. E. F. Hanson; Mrs. E. O. Burgess, Mrs. E. CHARLES POLLEN BAXTER, The Chief Theme of Discussion Brown, Miss II. Levensaler, Mrs. W. II. A Few Base Ball Bits and Other Smith Building, Z5 Court Square. Boston, Mass. Watts of Thomaston and Kelly B. Crie of That is Best Among Knox County Delegates. Rockland at Revere House. Sporting Notes of Interest. fVt/VWWW «ZWW*ZV\ZWb iin an experience of over fifty years OBITUARY ^MENTION combined with modern invention and improvement makes the Lincoln Baptist Association Holds Its Appeal for Next Tear—Foot Ball jls |to Joseph Saunders, a worthy citizen, died at THE OLD HARDWARE STORE. Ninety-First Annual Meettrg In llcl- his home on Sea street, Monday at the age of He Heard From—Two of Camdens fasl—Session Characterised by Un- 73. He was a stone cutter by trade and Players Doing Great Work in New GOLD CLARION leaves a wife and four sons two of whom are Good bargains always to be obtained on Bar usual Interest and Hearty Hood Fel­ residents of Massachusetts. The funeral was England Lengne—Talk ‘Regarding Hie Portable Cooking Range I i o'1 and Steel, Jlorse Shoes and NaiL. low ship. solemnized Friday. Next Season, For 1 8 9 5 _ Uie best in the market. Made in ------W e can tir out - ■------j Mrs. Percy Wincapaw of Friendship died every style for wood or coal or with our Famous Memorable Dockaslt A Blacksmith, , Sunday evening of last week after a lingering Grate. If not for sale in your locality, do not pay a larger profit on in­ The ninety first annual meeting of the Lin- 1 illness of several months. She was about 18 A C a r ria g e M a k e r , Now is the time to begin raising money for ferior makes represented as "just as good," but ask us where to get the H. H- CRIE & CO., coin Baptist Association was held with the I years of age. Her sweet spirit and sunny dis- the season of 1896 for the support of the ball best. Made and warranted by A Ship Chandler, First Baptist Church of Belfast, Tuesday and j position endeared her to all her acquain- team. There is no reason why there shouldn’t A Q u a r r y m a n , Wednesday, September 3 and 4. There was tances. She leaves a husband and baby boy, be $1000 in the treasury at the opening porated 1804. WOOD & BISHOP CO., BANGOR, MAINE, j 466 Main Street, a large attendance of delegates from all parts , one year old, and many other relatives and of next season. Everybody has had good A Fisherman, f the district. The handsome audience room friends to mourn her early death. sport this season and we can enjoy ourselves A Carpenter, ROCKLAND, • MAINE. of the church was made especially attractive ever better next year. Let there he no shirk ..: .... A P a in te r , by a profusion of flowers tastefully arranged Charles R. Bowers, a respected citizen of ers but let everybody pull together and work »n and about the platform. A G la z ie r. Camden, died suddenly Tuesday evening, in harmony. t o After a social meeting the following officers aged about 55 years. He was a painter by T he C.-G. is a believer in sports and were chosen : Rev. F. M. Preble of Camden, trade and was about his work as usual the shall endeavor to keep our readers posted all Moderator; Rev. J. E. Clancy of Friendship, i Monday preceding his death, which was the time. Clerk pro tem. Rev. Sewall Browne of Pen- caused by a bowel trouble. Deceased was a ant’s Harbor was elected Association Clerk son of the late Rodolphius Bowers. His Thomaston is organizing a foot ball team F r y w i t h and Edward Brown of Thomaston, Auditor. wife, son Frank and two daughters, Mary and Rockland will follow suit. Camden and The letter of the Belfast church was read, Jennie, a brother, Joseph W. Bowers, all of Warren should do likewise. People are in­ followed by the appointment of committees, Camden, and a sister, Mrs. John Stetson of terested and there is money in it. The Right Place is the follows: Arrangements, Rev. J. F. Tilton Thomaston, survive to mourn the loss of a a Every day we hear of people who attended Place where you wont of Belfast, Dea. F. S. Kalloch of Rockland, faithful husband, a devoted father and an < Bt ball game for the first time in their life Labor Day. Were they interested? Well to trade. The right Rev. Geo. E. Tufts of Belfast; Resolutions, affectionate brother. C, Thomas Saul, Rev. Geo. E. Tufts of Belfast, Rev. II. B. just a little ! So much so that they pass an place is the place where Woods of Rockport, Rev. S. Browne of Captain William E. Dennison of the Maine uneasy winter waiting for next season to open. you can get the most Tenant’s Harbor, Dea. S. H. Mathews of Bel­ Central steamer Frank Jones died at Machias- Gorman and Meagher are doing great work fast; Officers of Lincoln Baptist Benevo­ port at 4 p. m., Tuesday, of pneumonia. on.second base for /Vugusta and Bangor re Fry everything from potato chips to doughnnts in Cottolene. for the last money. . lent Society, Rev. W. C. Wescott of West spectively. The papers are loud in praise of Captain Dennison was among the best known Put Cottolene in a cold pan— heat it slowlv until it will deli- @ Rockport, Rev. F. Purvis of North Haven, steamboat men in the country. He was a the work of these players and they are show­ N. E. Keen of Belfast; Time, place and resident of Portland for years and had com- ing the attendants at New England League cately brown a bit of bread in half a minute Then put in £ Why Should You Do Otherwise? Pr.ea.c^er’ ^ ev< J/ , V Parshley, of Rockland, , manded steamers running from that port be games wha' fast hall was played in the Knox your food. It will pay you to try Cottolene just this way— of Islesboro, J. E. Coombs of ( fore the Portland and Machias line was dis- County League the past season. see how delicious and wholesome it makes the food. Haven; Obituaries, Dea. I l.I L Crie, continued. In the merchant service, the If any one imagines for a moment that genuine, sold everywhere In r rie, three, and tier* r u h ! w iLi i . ade-roar„B /;■ H's sett Groceries, best of Rockland, Capt. II. Stack pole of 1 homas- i United States Navy and in command of a pas- there will be no base ball in Knox county ••n.i.l .vZrrr-’.v In n .ft -uh,,.! u .,tb . ->o . A Opthnlmic grades Flour, Provis­ ton, II. I*. Kalloch of tenants Harbor. j senger steamboat Captain Dennison alike has next year he should go ami take a tumble in 1 THE N. K. FA’R3ANI( COMPANY CHICAGO. '«.* •- Sta’.e Sir- a.,oi0N. PORTLAND. ME. id I he annual sermon was by Rev. T. Purvis . won renOwn. Among the numerous Federal the drink. Rockland will be in in it, of ions, Canned Goods, of North Haven. war vessels who poured the incessant stream course, with a stronger team even than she Meats, Vegetables, etc. After a nice dinner served by the Belfast of shot an(j shell into that famous stronghold had this season. Manager Patten says Cam­ ladies in the vestry, the afternoon exercises „f thc confederacy, Fort Fisher, was the All our goods are fresh den will be on deck and Manager Teague Optician. were begun with a devotional service, led by • United states gunboat, “Cherokee,” com- says there will be no games lost next year THE EAGLE SCBEA1HSI and we sell as low as Kev. Uriah Drew of Knox. mantled by Captain Dennison. When there by waiting for players. Warren had bad I he report of foreign missions was made by ' came the call for volunteers for an assault on rom United Honpltul and Dispensary, anyone in the city. . luck early in the season in securing players Boston. Rev. Geo. E. I ltus cf Belfast, and an address the works. Dennison was soon ashore at the and Camden had hard hick all through the ,'he American Missionary Union by Rev. head of his foice frun) lhe "Cherokee.” The Tee: Spear Slock, corner season. She had a splendid team, in fact a E. I . Merriam of Boston. I hen followed the transition from captain of a merchantman to winning team, but as Gorman said one day : Tain and Park Streets. We Will Save You Money. reading of the letters from the churches, j the com mar d of one of Uncle Sam’s war “ If we were forty scores ahead we could not ROCKLAND. which showed a very encouraging condition of vessc.|5 wa, f(ir Captain Denni.on the result win.” Many games were lost by one run in aliairs throughout the Association, lhe Sec- o, a |uck.. s(riUe anf) a notable ability to take the ninth inning. The Thomaston enthu­ retary has compiled the following statistics of aj vantaKe of ibe situation. To state the case siasts say that they will found on deck next H all’s membership and benevolences of the various briefly, Capt. Dennison with his vessel, the year with a team that will make the best of af/ons of the Eye Free of Charge. churches for the past year: 1 American- schooner “Adriana”...... saved ...... the U. S. them hustle. They mean business and will Tow n .----- ADDED------s S. Wyoming, which had been run ashore by he in the fight from start to finish. It is Bnpt. Letter or Died • Bencro- Churches. her rebel sympathizing crew, in the Gulf of said that Warren will be represented by the M arket, Hec’nd Ht.George, California, July 31, 1861. The Wyoming was Holy Cross team, if so all the other teams Friendship, a notable ship. She it was that taught the will have to sweat. Will there be any games 8 open day aud evening. 10 109 Park St.. Rockland. W. Rockport, here next season? W ell! w ell! ! Islesboro, Japanese to respect the valor of American W arren, sailors, when she entered the traits of Simon- A meeting of the Rockland Baseball Asso­ Hihy do you Suffer with Catarrh and Hay Fev^r when a Certain Cure is Rockport, 92 00 oseki, from whence warships of three nations THOMAS SAUL ciation will shortly be held to make arrange­ within your Grasp? M orrill, 12 04 of Europe had been driven, and singly fought ments for next season. Thomaston, 314 37 the combined Japanese forts and fleet to a ednrHl., Rockland, 5 00 All the Knox County associations should ennnt’s Ilaruor, 124 28 most audacious victory. Capt. Dennison has irst St George, 7 26 sailed in thirty-nine different ships; before get together now and organize a county league A. F. BURTON, >wl’« Head, 0 00 the mast as a boy, through the grades of with officers, etc. The mistakes cf this sum­ CALIFORNIA CATARRH CURE Jamden, 1 127 40 mer should not be repeated next. Now is Will surely do the work. It relieve* in a minute and cures when properly used North Haven, 23 30 junior seamanship and in command. He has Manufacturer of and Denier in the time to do this and not late next spring. and Inhale. Full directions on each bottle. Two week’s trenfnriit 60c; five Appleton, 4 00 been an indigo planter in Central America, Try the great remedy, ft Is monarch of all. For sale by all dniuviota Rockland, First, IS 1463 01 William Crockett and Will Sansom arrived DON’T PUSH! Paler owned and sailed a trading schooner on Lake Nicaragua until driven thence by one of the home Friday afternoon from Moosehead Lake . . HAVE YOUR . . Liberty, 61 16 N otthport, 4 60 periodical Central American revolutions. He on their hikes. They made the distance, 116 Belfast, 98 68_ : was one of the crew of a transport which car- miles, in less than 15 hours, remarkably good Total, <12414 48 ried British troops through the Black Sea to time considering the condition of the roads. Light as a Fairy, LawnMower Sharpened Total additions,129; losses, 77; net gain,52. Sebastopol at the time of the Crimean war, The Fat men and the Stout men met on W hite ns snow, The claims of Newton Theological Semi­ and in later years wipi his American gunboat, the Broadway grounds Tuesday afternoon Sweet as a kiss nary were then presented by Rev. IL E. , ,''Cherokee,” , , . he captured - with others, „ the and had great sport playing ball. The game 'Neath mistletoe. Thayer of Warren, and the Association ad- I blockade running steamers "Circasston” and was very amusing to the crowd. After play­ 'T Is n a tu r e ’s b e st Machinisis journed to 7 o’clock I “ Lmma Henley,” and carted away the largest ing seven innings the participants got tired Replenishment, AND Monumental At the close of the Association meeting prizes ever taken by the American navy. and went home. The score was as follows: S.G. Prescott & Go. The staff of life, Tuesday afternoon the annual meeting of the I ______STOUTS. "•Magnificent.” he Steam Fitters. K<1 Gray, c, 4 Have removed their »t< ck Full Line of Baptist Young People’s Union of the Lincoln H .G . Bird, p. 6 THC GENUINE IS ALWAYS BRANDED General Association was held. The meeting was called MERRY EAT CLUB. tJohn McGruih, lb 4 to th e ir M o rs e , Killings ami t > order by Rev. J. IL Parshley and Rev. II. F. C. Flint, 2I» 2 E. Thayer of Warren was chosen President; James Donohue, 3b, 4 Engineers’ Supplies, Cemetery Work. A Popular Rockland Gastronomic Organization Frank Donohue, as, capt., 3 Vice Presidents, Rev. G eo. E. Tufts of Belfast, T. Snow, rf., 3 Locksmiths A large stock of Monuments, Tablets, Headstones SEA STREET STORE T ru s s e d and Markers which will be sold at prices to suit Rev. S. E. Packard of Martinsville, Hanson ' Ushers In lhe Eolipse. Charles Young, If, 0 Ami G niisinillis. the times. J^-Flrst-class work a specialty. Crockett of North Haven; Corresponding E. W. McIntire, cf, 4 and 1844 Secretary, F. II. Piper of Thomaston; Record­ The Merry Meet Club had a picnic at Oak­ Total 20 Woere they will oiler great Office 4 W orks near K. 4 L. Depot, ing Secretary, Miss Sarah Hall of Rockland; land, Tuesday evening, in honor of the eclipse. bargains in Teas, Spiei b Experimental Treasurer, E. W. Porter of Rockland. The Supper was served at seven o’clock in the Walter Tapley, c, M c L o o n THOMASTON, ME. meeting closed with prayer by S. P. Emery of and Fljur. To reduce the Machinery a Specially dining hall, including, among other things, A. W . Benner, p. ca Owl’s Head. E . E. SlmmoiiH, lb the following: James Brack* 2b, stock will oiler M a c h in e Kiln Piping The evening session of the Association was Hot chicken patties and white plume celery, W . B Hills, 3b. For now coal process o opened with a praise service by the ehorus cold roast lamb and wine jelly, cold sliced George While, hm, burning lime. choir and congregation. Rev. S. Browne ham and cabbage salad, boiled Tuscarora and Harry French rf, Oolong Tea, per lb., - - I9o C o m ’y. Fred Dow, cf, Special attention given Now is the time read the 48th Psalatu aud offered prayer. Rev. • Crosby corn with creamery butter, bread, Levi W ade, rf. Spices, per pkg , - - 4 l-2o THE BEST FLOU^ ON EARTH. II. B. Woods presented a resolution in favor pickles and Halford sauce, cut peaches and Demand It of your Grocer. to buy of the State Convention and its labors, and Total Cream Tartar, per lb., - - I8o Marine cream, cake, hot coffee. The table was Accept no imitation or substitute. Rev. A. T. Dunn, D. I)., of Waterville, gave prettily set and embellished with flowers. The 1 2 8 4 6 6 7 Engine Repairing a report of the work now being done by the j picnic was gotten up hastily sy that nothing 1 2 2 0 6 7 12- convention, especially in the counties of 2 0 2 2 1 2 0 - The Best Flour Made at $4.50 per Cobb, W ight & Co., Agents. Agents for The Deane I’unips, 1 elaborate could be attempted in the way of a Canned Goods Aroostook, Oxford, Piscataquis and Washing­ , menu. ton. The music furnished by the choir under WON THE RUG. barrel or 3 barrels for $13.25. Just look at the following z\fter lunch, music, chat and stories on the New and Second Hand Machinery lead of Mr. Pitcher was very pleasing. 1 broad veranda whiled away an hour, when KVEKY BaUKUL WAKICAXTKI). The address by Rev. (J. IL Spaulding, D. D., Rockland Wheelmen In Natty Sailor Suits Win and Boilers Bought and Sold. Low^Prices: adjournment was made to the big pavilion, Sweet Corn, on “The Source and Centre of Power in j which was brilliantly lighted, and"had for _ Handsome Prize in Sanford- SEA STREET, - ROCKLAND. 3 lb. can Tomatoes, Missions,” was a logical and well delivered rallying point a monster bowl of iced fruit Remember the Early June Peas, discourse showing that secret prayer is the ] punch, which was set in a mass o f ferns and 5 Spring & Summer Medicine? Telephone Call No. 9-3. The Rockland Wheel Club sent a delega P la c e . Marrowfat Peas, foundation for all Christian wotk. 'The even goldemod. Dancing and whist w ee then in tion to the meet in Sanford Monday of last String Beans, P Yob will uiwuy- find full line nt W ax Beans, ing session closed with a hymn,and the bene­ order, and the harmony of the occasion was week. The delegation consisted of A. W. 8 lb. can Pum pkin, diction by Dr. Dunn. uninterrupted save by the boisterous demon­ Gregory, Geo. Nash, C. M. Robinson, James ‘‘ Squash, Wednesday’s session opened with an early strations of a mysterious ghost who occupied Smith, E. J. Burroughs, E. R. Davis and Wil­ G. //. ' Applet, S. G. Prescott -.rtaon was by Rev. II. E. Thayer of Two sloop yachts built by L A. Coombs of AYER’S fresh every day, at my branch, Brock's ‘ hi biuih.n, uonaJly engaged 69 Warren. i’eu-r Kennedy David Hall, E. M<»id Perry, EYE REMEDY. The session closed with a devotional service Carver’s Harbor arrived here Monday night— M. Frank Donohue, .Simon H all, E 8. Furwell, th Acme owned by Mr. Coombs’brother, and Theo. ituoMen, A llaskil*. Fiuuk lla-k.-ll, E B. 7/EAK MEN MADE VIGOROUS. led by Rev. K. M. Preble,beginning at 1 30 p.m. Ingruhum & Co , F M. siuuuous and A. Daly I troubles with the cyew or lids, ot to pie thc Rita, of which d escrip tio n 's been given Hair Vigor cut the night from failing, or delay the use o in these columns. The Rita was launched Prevents cj. re. xiop »lI pain in CONVENTION CHAI. last July and is not fully completed, but she is lal Pritx; 6<>e i » ■ j It was an unusually enjoyable and profitable a little beauty aud speedy. The Acme is a BALDNESS J GOAIiLW, Druggist, .Main Street, prize winner, having won many races at Vin- t kI . 1 e- a-ibekyh-I.b ag r'et. r 1 . nu {p-'ittonUev* uu, lx, p ro tb n d uf U.v i ' Treasurer, and must he •I . PLFi F.l/'H M t u . r4s• ;*-1 for i« Isaac Jackson's; Sadie Hall, Edith Kalloch Bay has moved his family to this place, on the HAIR IS THE H. H. C ltiE & CO., luft at the City_ Treasu office on or hffore the Wholesale Distributors. _ urried I_____ r _ _ plain wrr.kz- and Luclla Crockett, at Hattie E., Robbins’; farm recently purchased by him, formerly date of the ComudtUc’s monthly meeting. Bills per hex. or « for vilU A Positive B E ST not prosenu-d at the regular meeting of the Com- y r l■ l t•tcm iu u iu u k e to o ur ICcluiiC thc Elonia Hamilton, by Bertha Bird; Mr. and owned by W. B. Bean-----Levi J. (.’lark has THE --AT TOS-- iAilu-e must wait until the succeeding month beiure ’’i uxi/LU. AUUrofd by J been home from North Jay for a few days HOUSE belug put lulu the roll of accounts. m J il t .‘.Lib A.U *N, < Plct*bo> 1U. Keen; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Emery, by Fan­ ------Mrs. E. M. Clark and daughter Jessie, > M. ti. AL'b'i'IN, Children Cry for Mid lu KoekbtuJ bt Than. H. houa Best Dressing p o n t. J 91.II Hardware Store H G .W . SMITH, nie Rhoades; Miss Miller by Mrs. IL Pitcher; who have becu visiting relatives in Lowell, g. W. PGKTEtt, Pitcher’s Caetcria. hat* dk C«. Nellie Crie aud Lillian Kelley, by Florence have returned home. At the Brook - ROCKLAND fumitteo on ▲ccouots sjxd Globus.