East . at the scene Jerusalem shed tears as they watched the physical rendition of Israeli plans to separate the city from its environs, and divide once-unified Chronology neighborhoods (Reuters). (October - January 2004)

Using $8 million donated by a wealthy January 19 American, Israeli developers plan to continue excavations under the Al Aqsa The barrier Israel is constructing in Mosque compound. Work in the area will be Jerusalem will divide from the city some implemented in three stages, and conclude 25,000 Palestinians who live in the northern with the construction of a tunnel underneath regions of Jerusalem, found a report by the what Jews refer to as the Western Wall, and Jerusalem Center for Israel Studies. The Palestinians the Buraq Wall. A previous report also predicts that the difficulties in tunnel next to Al Aqsa excavated in secrecy travel and maintaining contacts in the city, and then opened in 1999 was the cause of a as well as fear of having ones’ identity card deadly outbreak of violence between Israelis revoked, will force many of the estimated and Palestinians (Yedioth Ahronot). 40,000 Palestinians who carry Jerusalem IDs but live outside the city’s borders to return to the city (Al Ayyam). January 7 Israeli interior minister Abraham Poraz said January 18 the separation barrier in Jerusalem would not affect the legal status of Jerusalem residents Israel announced that, after two years on either side. The minister was responding of refusing to recognize the selection of to questions put by Dina Shibli, attorney a Greek Orthodox patriarch in Jerusalem, for the Jerusalem Center for Social and it would acknowledge the choice of Irineos Economic Rights. Poraz avoided answering I. Israel had claimed that Irineos was the Shibli’s questions about the rights of “candidate of the Palestinians”; in response, Jerusalemites living on the West Bank side the Greek Orthodox Church had accused of the barrier and if they would be able to Israel of violating religious freedom. Israel move freely to and from Jerusalem, saying took exception to the selection under a 1875 that these matters were outside the interior Ottoman law and later Jordanian legislation ministry’s jurisdiction (Al Quds). that allows political authorities in the Holy Land to oversee candidates for the position of patriarch (AFP). ’s top swimmer, Raed Awisat, 16, is set for the Olympic Games in January 13 Athens this summer. The Jerusalem teenager, who placed 67th of 137 swimmers in last Palestinians in Abu Dis got their first look August’s World Championships in Barcelona, at the concrete barrier Israel is constructing was crowned one-hundred-meter butterfly through Jerusalem when, in a matter of champion two months ago. Raed is one of minutes, towering cranes lowered massive three athletes who will represent Palestine concrete slabs into place on the edge of at the Athens Olympics and the only athlete 78

JGF-20.indd 78 2/7/04, 9:07:12 AM from . All of the athletes will December 13 be traveling at their own expense (Palestine Palestinians, Israelis, Palestinians from inside Report). Israel and internationals tore down a mock wall at a demonstration against Israel’s new January 2 barrier at the Dahiet Al Barid checkpoint along the Jerusalem-Ramallah road. “We Palestinian, Israeli and international women stand here today, 40 years after the building reiterated that the only way to peace between of the disgraceful Berlin wall, to stand up Palestinians and Israelis is through dialogue, against a new wall, not in Berlin but in the not violence or building walls. Women occupied Palestinian territories,” said Ziad for Peace met at the Notre Dame Hotel Salem, as he held high a sign reading: “No to in Jerusalem in support of the Palestinian the racist separation wall.” Salem then joined people under Israeli occupation. “Enough others in destroying a cardboard wall, which violence, occupation and enough of the had been placed in the middle of the street separation wall,” said Israeli peace activist (Palestine Report). Yohana Lerman, “This only deepens the differences between the [two] peoples” (Al Quds). November 29 Israeli bulldozers, accompanied by Israeli January 5 police, uprooted approximately 200 olive trees in the Jabal Mukabbar area The Israeli High Court ordered that the in East Jerusalem. The land is to be used for course of the barrier Israel is constructing the construction of a settlement quarter to in Jerusalem be altered in the town of Sur be called Nov Zahav (Jerusalem Media and Baher in response to a case filed by attorney Communications Centre). Gheith Nasser. The original route was to cut the town in half, with one region inside Jerusalem and the other “outside” the barrier. November 16 The plan would also have resulted in the uprooting of 134 dunams of olive groves Israeli officials announced 16 that a belonging to the town residents. The court settlement project on Jabal Mukkaber in East decision means Sur Baher will remain united Jerusalem is to include 550 housing units. on the Jerusalem side of the barrier (Al The project, dubbed the “Golden View”, will Quds). overlook the Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock. The first phase of the project is to be completed by 2005 with the construction of Israeli settlers have removed four ancient 110 housing units (Al Hayat Al Jadida). mosaics from the site of a Gaza Strip settlement and carted them off to Jerusalem for display. The mosaics, pictured in the November 1 December 14 edition of Al Quds newspaper, The Jerusalem Youth Society in depict scenes of a man stabbing a tiger, a lion cooperation with the Palestinian devouring a bull, a man fighting a bear and a man riding a camel. Archeologists believe National Theater held its first Ramadan the mosaics date to the early Christian period Evening in the Qataneen Market marking (Al Quds). the first days of the Muslim holy month. 79

JGF-20.indd 79 2/7/04, 9:07:13 AM The evening began with a parade from the of East Jerusalem would be under Palestinian Jerusalem Crescent Club throughout East sovereignty, as would the Aqsa Mosque Jerusalem and ending at Damascus Gate, compound, with equal access to all. As such, where the scouts sang the Palestinian national some are touting the plan as an exchange: anthem. The evening included religious sovereignty over Jerusalem for concessions songs and choirs from Haifa and Shafa Amr on the Palestinian right of return (Wire inside Israel. reports).

October 28 “...lest we forget”, a documentary film produced by the Shuruq Israeli chief of police Micki Levy gave the first detailed description to the press of the Productions and Media Corporation, won path of the separation barrier in Jerusalem. third prize in the 11th Arab Festival for According to Levy’s account, the barrier will Radio and Television. Over 172 television be constructed three meters high, exactly in and radio productions competed, including the center of the Jerusalem-Ramallah road, documentaries on the Palestinian situation. until joining with the Qalandiya checkpoint. The film, which took five years to complete, Those regions close to Jerusalem, such as Al documents the history of Ein Karem, Ram and Dahyiet Al Barid will be effectively a Palestinian village six kilometers west of isolated from Jerusalem, and any , from which residents fled in 1948 Banker living in these areas will only be able in fear of Jewish terror attacks during the to reach Jerusalem via Qalandiya, taking a war. Most of its original inhabitants now live long circuitous road that skims the outskirts in . The documentary film captures of Jericho (Al Quds). each individual house still remaining and tracks the names of their original owners, using the original names for locations October 15 that are now part of Israel (Palestine Report). Former Palestinian negotiator Yasser Abed Rabbo and former Israeli minister Yossi October 1 Beilin announced the signing of an unofficial peace accord, a “virtual” peace agreement Al Quds University officials set out on a that has become known as the “Geneva major campaign protesting the planned route Accords”. The details of the deal, drawn up of Israel’s barrier, which was to cut directly at a resort hotel in Jordan, were vague at through the university campus. Students the time of announcement. The agreement and staff held lectures and meetings on the is backed by 50 other Palestinians and campus grounds, and university president Israelis and is aimed at renewing hopes for Sari Nusseibeh took his case directly to an official accord within the Palestinian and Washington officials. The wall was to Israeli publics. The agreement engages the cut across 65 dunams of university land, conflict’s final status issues -Jerusalem, the one-third of the campus grounds. It would refugees, settlements and land. According have destroyed two fields, the garden and to the agreement, Palestinians will be able parking lot, and closed the university’s main to establish their state on 97.5 percent of the entrance. Eventually, Israel changed the route West Bank, with a two percent land swap in of the barrier after pressure from the United place of Jewish settlement blocs that would States administration and meetings with the be annexed to Israel. “Arab neighborhoods” university’s lawyers (Palestine Report). 80

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