‘Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, the God who is, who was, and who is to come’ Apoc.1:8.

Fr Michael Kirkham Mobile: 0790 1595 474 E: [email protected] Parish Website -

Nottingham Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees, Reg Charity No 1134449 / Company No 7151646

Mass Intentions: TRINITY SUNDAY: 7th June People of the Parish Monday 8th June: Feria Victor Drew, RIP (SVP) Tuesday 9th June: Saint Columba, abbot November Dead List (RIP) Wednesday 10th: Feria Fr J. Keogh’s Intentions (TM) Thursday 11th: SAINT BARNABAS, APOSTLE Fr John Seabrook, RIP Friday 12th: Feria Victor Drew, RIP (Belper Franciscans) Saturday 13th: Saint Anthony of Padua, doctor November Dead List The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ -14th June People of the Parish

Public celebration of the Mass remains suspended until further notice Mass requests: [email protected]

WEBCAST SUNDAY MASSES FROM THE PARISH BEGIN TODAY The first webcast Mass from the Parish can be viewed on YouTube from 11am this Sunday morning, Trinity Sunday. Full details of how to find it online are now available on the Parish website. Go to – click on the banner showing the icon of Christ and follow the link.

FR MICHAEL WRITES: I am very grateful to Niels and Jannice Richthof and Joss and Marylyn Abbott-Howes for all their enthusiasm and hard work in making this project possible. I also thank very sincerely all those other parishioners who are giving generously of their time and talents as they offer us music-making, readings, prayers and reflections to create these virtual Masses. My hope is that they will help tide us over as a community until the time comes when it is safe for us to meet once more for public worship.

A MESSAGE FROM ALAN AND HEATHER WARD – A warm thank you to all parishioners who sent cards, and emails and made phone call on the occasion of our recent Golden Wedding anniversary. They were very much appreciated!

CORPUS CHRISTI MESSAGE TO ALL EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION A letter has recently been received from Canon Don Bowdren ahead of the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, next Sunday. It will be forwarded to all ministers in the coming week. If a Minister, please let Fr Michael know if you have not received a copy by Thursday.

LIVESTREAM MASSES FOR THE SICK, THEIR FAMILIES, CAREWORKERS AND NHS STAFF Recognising that the COVD-19 pandemic is affecting everyone, special Masses are being celebrated for the sick, their families and all who care for them by one of the of and Wales at 7pm from their . This week, on Thursday 11th June – the feast of St Barnabas, Patron of Cathedral – it will be Patrick’s turn to offer Mass. It will be live streamed on the Bishop’s YouTube account: You are warmly invited to join Bishop Patrick at Mass on Thursday evening through the medium of live streaming.

NEW EMAIL ADDRESSES – A while ago the email addresses for Fr Michael and the Parish Office changed. The new addresses are absolutely valid ([email protected] and [email protected]) but it is clear that on occasion emails sent out from them have been overlooked as they have gone into the Quarantine or Junk files of some parishioners. Keeping in touch is more important than ever in these times. So to ensure that emails from the parish arrive safely in your inbox, please add these new addresses to the contact list/address books of your devices.

PRAYERS PLEASE - For all parishioners who are sick, for those recovering from illness, and those working in situations such as care homes or hospitals which put them at risk. Their names cannot be published for reasons of data protection, but your prayers would be valued. Pray for all around us who have special or increased difficulties, sorrows or anxieties to bear at this time.

DIOCESAN YEARBOOKS 2020 Some copies have been reserved already though several remain. To secure a copy for yourself (priced £4), email Fr Michael at: [email protected]

REPAIRS AND RENOVATIONS AT ST JOSEPH’S – As construction work is getting underway again the interrupted repairs and maintenance works required by the Quinquenniel Inspection have resumed. Many thanks to Susan King and all others who have helped with the choice of colours etc. of new items in the hall and with looking after the garden outside. It is all coming along very promisingly!

CARITAS IN THE NOTTINGHAM DIOCESE – Caritas is the worldwide Catholic network for charitable service. It will be launched in the diocese next year and in Catholic parishes across the East Midlands. It will have a specific focus on Poverty and Dignity.

GRAPEVINE, THE DIOCESAN NEWSLETTER OF CARITAS The third edition of Grapevine, the newsletter of Caritas in the Nottingham Diocese is now available online. Grapevine has been described as “The essential bulletin for missionary disciples.” To read the latest edition, and previous newsletters, search for: ‘grapevine diocese of Nottingham’