E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2018 No. 160 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was munity in Wilson, North Carolina, has cellence among the youth in her com- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- lost a giant and a friend. munity. pore (Mr. HARPER). Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Sallie Baldwin Along with many other projects, Mrs. f Howard was born on March 23, 1916, Howard founded the youth enrichment right in the midst of World War I, in program with my good friend, Dr. Jo- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Wilson, North Carolina, to Narcissus Anne Woodard, in 1989, focusing the TEMPORE and Marcellus Sims. Even though I did program on lasting scholarship, a com- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- not know Mr. Sims, I certainly knew mitment to the cultural heritage of Af- fore the House the following commu- Ms. Narcissus Sims Townsend, who rican Americans, and promoting the nication from the Speaker: lived directly across the street from arts. WASHINGTON, DC, me as a child. Mrs. Howard’s tireless work to enrich September 27, 2018. Though she was raised in the Jim her community inspired Dr. JoAnne I hereby appoint the Honorable GREGG Crow South as the daughter of share- Woodard to create the Sallie B. Howard HARPER to act as Speaker pro tempore on croppers, Mrs. Howard graduated as School for the Arts and Education in this day. valedictorian from Wilson Colored Wilson, naming the school in Mrs. PAUL D. RYAN, High School, later renamed Charles H. Howard’s honor. Speaker of the House of Representatives. Darden High School, in 1938, the same Established in 1997, the Sallie B. f school that I graduated from in 1965. Howard School for the Arts and Edu- She attended Kittrell Junior College cation is one of the first public charter MORNING-HOUR DEBATE in Kittrell, North Carolina, before schools in the State of North Carolina, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- earning both a bachelor’s and a mas- and the only charter school to open in ant to the order of the House of Janu- ter’s degree in education from Hunter Wilson County after legislation passed ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- College in New York City. She also did in 1997 to approve charter schools in nize Members from lists submitted by extensive study at the New School of our State. The school, along with the the majority and minority leaders for Social Research, as well as Columbia youth enrichment program, has been morning-hour debate. University. an invaluable asset to our community. The Chair will alternate recognition Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Howard taught for Mr. Speaker, the school’s mission is between the parties. All time shall be nearly 30 years as a first-grade teacher to provide every child, privileged or equally allocated between the parties, in New York City. While there, she underprivileged, the kind of education and in no event shall debate continue worked in the New York City American that nutures students’ gifts, talents, beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other Negro Theater, which helped launch and potential to become more than than the majority and minority leaders the careers of the likes of Sidney they ever thought they could be. At and the minority whip, shall be limited Poitier, Harry Belafonte, Ossie Davis, Sallie B. Howard School, they prepare to 5 minutes. Ruby Dee, and Esther Rolle. students for careers in the performing f There, she honed her acting and di- arts, science, and humanities. They are recting and writing talents, finding her a school to behold. HONORING THE LIFE OF SALLIE voice through her art. Mrs. Howard’s Established as an academic and as a BALDWIN HOWARD off-Broadway play, ‘‘The Passing of a writer, Mr. Speaker, and as a play- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Dinosaur,’’ is still performed today in wright, avid traveler, and educator, Chair recognizes the gentleman from local schools. Mrs. Howard used her vast array of tal- North Carolina (Mr. BUTTERFIELD) for 5 Upon her retirement, Mrs. Howard ents and expertise to leave a lasting minutes. returned to her beloved Wilson, North impact on thousands in our commu- Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I Carolina, where she became an active nities. rise today to honor the life and work of member of St. John African Methodist Two years ago, we had the awesome Mrs. Sallie Baldwin Howard, a great Episcopal Zion Church, which is a opportunity to celebrate Mrs. Sallie B. North Carolinian, a nationally recog- church that just celebrated its 150th Howard’s 100th birthday, and this pic- nized academic, and a dear family anniversary this past weekend, and I ture that I have with me today depicts friend. had an opportunity to speak for that that moment as I escorted her into the At 102 years old, Mrs. Howard program. She led the Christian edu- auditorium of the school. We will have transitioned to her heavenly home on cation department and the church very fond memories of that day when Tuesday, September 25, 2018. Our com- honor roll to encourage academic ex- she reached 100 years old.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:21 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.000 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9094 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 Finally, beyond her academic con- Through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, This experience started a decades-long tributions, what is more illuminating we have doubled the standard deduc- career fighting for the rights guaran- of Mrs. Howard’s character was the tion and lowered tax rates, which teed to all Americans under the United way she connected with her students means that 90 percent of Americans are States Constitution. and her friends. She took a personal in- seeing more money in their paychecks In his time as executive director at terest in the scholarship and this year. Plus, more than 4 million the ACLU of Florida, Mr. Simon mentorship of the youth that went far Americans at 642 companies see better oversaw landmark work defending the beyond success in the classroom. wages, bonuses, and expanded retire- rights of LGBTQ Floridians, protecting This is, indeed, a solemn occasion, ment options. immigrants, reforming our criminal but it is also an occasion to celebrate. In fact, more than half of small busi- justice system, protecting free speech, At 102 years old, Mrs. Sallie B. Howard nesses have plans to expand and boost preserving women’s health, and fought the good fight, served her com- hiring or increase employee benefits. strengthening the right to vote. The munity, and was a friend and mentor This is tremendous news for American rights that Floridians enjoy would not to many. families. Too many Americans have be the same without the tireless work I am thankful to God that she was been living paycheck to paycheck and of this champion of liberty. able to touch so many lives. May she have been doing so for way too long. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to call How- rest in peace. She now belongs to the Stagnant wages, growing debt, and the ard Simon my dear friend, and I join ages. inability to save have plagued so many. my fellow Floridians in thanking him Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to Tax reform 2.0 will create and expand for his thoughtful and compassionate join me in celebrating the extraor- additional programs to help Americans work to safeguard our civil liberties dinary life, work, and legacy of Sallie save. For example, it creates a new and for helping to make the United Baldwin Howard. savings account to offer a fully flexible States a more perfect union for us all. f savings tool that families can use at f SUPPORT TAX REFORM 2.0 any time. It expands the 529 education savings accounts. It creates a new baby RECOGNIZING PAUL AND SWANEE The SPEAKER pro tempore. The DIMARE Chair recognizes the gentleman from savings program to help with the birth The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 of a child or an adoption. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from minutes. Mr. Speaker, I fundamentally believe Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. that Americans should keep more of Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 min- Mr. Speaker, last week, as I traveled their hard-earned money. They deserve utes. the communities of my congressional that. Thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, district, I witnessed and saw firsthand Act, Congress paved the way to create on October 2, the Dade County Farm the evidence of the great American a tax system that is fairer, simpler, Bureau is proud to honor Paul and comeback: the amount of jobs, the job and one that establishes an environ- Swanee DiMare, an agriculture power- growth that was available, the increase ment where our country can thrive. house couple hailing from our south in wages, individuals who have left one We worked hard to do that. On Fri- Florida community. job for what we call a new job, a better day, we will vote to make those tax For more than 90 years, the DiMare job, higher wages. The economic cuts permanent. family has graced south Florida by pro- growth was absolutely incredible and If you support higher wages, if you viding some of the best quality produce inspiring, the great American come- support lower unemployment, if you our Nation has to offer, so much, in back. support more jobs, if you support big- fact, that they have earned the title of Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was ger paychecks, if you support the Mr. and Mrs. Tomato. passed last December, the results in American people, then you will support But where some may know them for our economy have been historic. The tax reform 2.0. their tasty and nutritious products unemployment rate is at 3.9 percent, f alone, others know them for their the lowest it has been in decades. Job world-class philanthropy and public RECOGNIZING HOWARD SIMON openings are at a record high. 213,000 service. From protecting our beautiful jobs were added in June alone in this The SPEAKER pro tempore. The botanical gardens, to advocating for or- great Nation. In June, there were 6.7 Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from ganizations like the Red Cross, Paul million job openings—most recently re- Florida (Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ) for 5 and Swanee continue to serve as an in- ported, we are at 6.9 million job open- minutes. spiration to all those who call our slice ings—marking the first time since 2000 Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. of paradise home. that there have been more job openings Speaker, it is my privilege to recognize Mr. Speaker, I am honored to recog- than those who are unemployed. the tremendous and meaningful work nize this extraordinary couple, and I Over the past 12 months, the Com- of Howard Simon, executive director of thank Paul and Swanee for their tire- monwealth of Pennsylvania has added the ACLU of Florida. less work in our community. more than 65,000 new jobs. I witnessed Mr. Simon is retiring this year fol- ANNUAL MIAMI WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S a lot of those in my visits to manufac- lowing a distinguished career defending Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I turers, refineries, and small businesses. civil rights and civil liberties that rise to support the Alzheimer’s Asso- It is just incredible, this great Amer- lasted longer than that of any other ciation 2018 Walk to End Alzheimer’s in ican comeback. ACLU leader in the country. Prior to Miami-Dade, being held in my congres- Mr. Speaker, after years of strug- his appointment as executive director sional district on November 3. gling to get ahead, the American peo- of the Florida affiliate in 1997, Mr. According to the Alzheimer’s Asso- ple are seeing more jobs, opportunity, Simon led the fight to defend civil ciation, more than 5.7 million Ameri- and optimism come back. Small-busi- rights and civil liberties in Michigan, cans are battling this brutal condition, ness owners are reporting increased where he served as ACLU director for 200,000 of whom are under the age of 65. employment and higher wages at 23 years. record levels. Main Streets across His 21 years at the ACLU of Florida b 1015 America are thriving. People have make him the longest serving ACLU di- Moreover, this disease is the sixth more money in their paychecks, and rector in the country, and his cumu- leading cause of death in our Nation. the tax cuts are working for the middle lative 44-year career as a State director Sadly, Alzheimer’s, currently, cannot class. is the longest in the ACLU’s 98-year be cured, cannot be prevented, and can- Today and Friday, this House will history. not be slowed. That is why advocacy vote on three bills and make the tax As a student at City College of New and awareness are paramount. cuts permanent, make the great Amer- York in 1965, Mr. Simon joined fellow Although scientific and medical ad- ican comeback permanent. We need to student leaders to travel to Selma, vancements to fight the effects of de- double down on the success and pass Alabama, to march for voting rights mentia have made significant progress, tax reform 2.0. alongside Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. we must not, and we cannot, rest. That

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:11 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.002 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9095 is why this walk is being held to re- is where I am needed most to best serve people lost their lives and hundreds of mind us all that the struggle con- the people of West Virginia. This Sun- homes were destroyed. Thousands of tinues. Day after day, we must con- day, I will be stepping down from the residents were left with nothing but tinue to raise the benchmark and en- people’s House to serve as a justice be- the clothes on their backs, due to dev- sure that progress toward effective ginning Monday on our State Supreme astating floods. We worked hard to treatment and a cure continue. Court. help our residents recover and rebuild Mr. Speaker, I encourage my south We are proud West Virginians, al- to get their lives headed back in the Florida community to soak up some ways working to make sure the State right direction. Sun—safely—on November 3 for a good we love is the very best it can be, and Let me reassure the people of the cause, and participate in the Alz- taking care of one another when times Third Congressional District, my dedi- heimer’s Association Miami-Dade are tough. In Congress, I have tried to cated staff will continue to serve the Walk. Together, we can take the first use that Mountain State can-do spirit people of West Virginia, and our con- step in a world without Alzheimer’s. to help West Virginia grow and pros- stituent service won’t skip a beat. RAISING AWARENESS OF ALOPECIA AREATA per. Here are just a few examples. Mr. Speaker, I thank West Virginia Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I Helping newborn babies. We have House Members, my fellow colleagues, rise to recognize September as Alope- worked to help the most innocent vic- DAVID MCKINLEY and ALEX MOONEY, cia Areata Awareness Month. tims of the drug crisis: newborn babies and Senator CAPITO and Senator Alopecia areata is an autoimmune exposed to drugs during pregnancy. MANCHIN for the opportunity to serve disease, resulting in the loss of hair on The cry of a precious, tiny baby suf- and work with them. They are dedi- the body, affecting about 7 million fering through withdrawal is heart- cated public servants. Americans. Additionally, of the 7 mil- breaking. We were able to cut through I will miss hosting middle school stu- lion Americans battling alopecia, al- Federal red tape and pass legislation, dents late at night, right here on the most 15 percent—or just over 1 mil- signed by the President, so facilities House floor, talking about the great- lion—are under 12 years of age. This is like Lily’s Place can help children get ness of our country, and sharing a because alopecia often presents itself a healthy start in life. quiet moment with our heroes on an at an early stage in life, with no warn- Protecting miner’s healthcare. Our honor flight from back home at our ing and no prevention to be had. It ap- government made a promise to our war memorials here in Washington. pears on the skin, most often as one or miners: You go into the bowels of the I will not miss sleeping on a $99 cot more small, round, smooth patches of Earth, mine the coal that fuels our Na- each night these past 4 years in my of- hair loss on the scalp, and can progress tion, forge the steel that won world fice here in Washington, but I was to total hair loss. wars, and we will guarantee you a se- never here in Washington to get settled My constituent, Deirdre Nero, first cure healthcare benefit. We kept that in. informed me of the effects and serious- promise, passing legislation protecting Finally, I would like to thank my ness of alopecia. Deirdre, who has alo- healthcare for our retirees and their wife, E.B., and our children, Hollin, pecia, is a legislative liaison and sec- widows. Charles, and Olivia, for supporting me retary of the board for the National Al- As go the roads, so go the jobs. As a each and every step of the way. They opecia Areata Foundation. Earlier this member of the House Appropriations have been incredibly patient and un- month, Deirdre and her fellow NAAF Committee, I helped fund the FAST derstanding about the time public serv- participants were on Capitol Hill advo- Act, bringing $2.5 billion of funding ice has taken from our family time. I cating on behalf of a bill, H.R. 2925, just to West Virginia. Now, we are fix- love them very much. that is called Legislation to Provide ing our roads and bridges, and invest- Again, I thank the citizens of the Coverage for Wigs As Durable Medical ing in water and sewer infrastructure, Third Congressional District for the Equipment under the Medicare Pro- transitioning the West Virginia econ- opportunity to serve them in the gram. That bill title says it all. omy. We are bringing broadband to our United States House of Representa- It is a commonsense reform bill that State in rural parts. tives. will make a simple change to the defi- Growing more jobs. My motto is a God bless America and God bless nition of durable medical equipment good job solves a lot of problems. You West Virginia. under the Social Security Act to in- can feel hope and opportunity return- f ing to the hills of West Virginia. In clude cranial prosthetics, alleviating RECOGNIZING KIDS’ ORCHESTRA large out-of-pocket expenses for pa- fact, our 2017 economic growth rate tients. was one of the highest in the country. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. Speaker, I am proud to have I will never forget standing in the Chair recognizes the gentleman from championed this cause during my time Oval Office with President Trump, sur- Louisiana (Mr. ABRAHAM) for 5 min- in Congress, and I am thankful for the rounded by our hardworking coal min- utes. work that the National Alopecia ers, as he signed the legislation I Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise Areata Foundation continues to do on helped pass that saved one-third of all today to recognize the nonprofit orga- behalf of all patients. coal mining jobs in America. Coal nization Kids’ Orchestra for the posi- Furthermore, I humbly ask my col- trains are full again and paychecks are tive impact it has had on the children leagues on both sides of the aisle to back in workers’ pockets. throughout East Baton Rouge Parish. join me in recognizing Alopecia Areata This has truly been a team effort. I Kids’ Orchestra is located in Baton Awareness Month and support this im- want to thank the incredible staff for Rouge, Louisiana, and is one of the portant legislation. their hard work and dedication to our largest after school programs for ele- mentary schools in the entire United f constituents. We have handled over 5,000 constituent service requests these States. The program began in 2011 with COUNTRY ROADS ARE CALLING last 4 years. 30 students from a few local schools. ME HOME We were able to help people like Now, 800 students from 21 schools par- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Wetzel Sanders, a true American hero. ticipate each year, learning a musical Chair recognizes the gentleman from Wetzel was a corporal in the Army and instrument, performing in an ensem- West Virginia (Mr. JENKINS) for 5 min- was injured in the attack on Pearl Har- ble, and/or singing in the choir. utes. bor. He took shrapnel to the knee, was Kids’ Orchestra uses music as a way Mr. JENKINS of West Virginia. Mr. bandaged, and went back into the to teach students valuable lessons, Speaker, I have been blessed these last fight. He is now 95 years old, and I was both in and out of the classroom. Ulti- 4 years to represent the people of West able to present him with a much-de- mately, they are successful, as 82 per- Virginia’s Third Congressional Dis- served Purple Heart he should not have cent of their students say they feel trict, but now country roads are call- had to wait 76 years to receive. more confident, part of the team, and ing me home. We have also helped people through like they are good at something after My State is facing a crisis in our ju- some of their most difficult times. In a completing the program. Teachers and dicial system, and I believe back home matter of hours in late June 2016, 23 parents also see improvements in peer

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:11 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.005 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9096 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 interaction, self-confidence, school at- had six fatalities. Nationally, there Using these aircraft as valuable firefighting tendance, and classroom behavior from were 16 fatalities. California property assets would not involve any alteration of the participating students. losses were 2,356 houses—those are peo- the aircraft. This option however has been These benefits translate academi- ple’s homes—and 1,239 nonresidential available and ignored. I call your attention to the Precision Con- cally also, as, on average, Kids’ Orches- buildings. tainer Aerial Delivery System (PCADS). I tra students receive 15 percent higher On that note, today, I would like to helped win Congressional approval in the grades than students who do not par- draw the attention of my colleagues 2008 appropriations bill wherein $2.3 million ticipate in the program. and the American people to what I con- was provided for the research and testing of The organization also aims to create sider to be an inexcusable roadblock this system. It is ten years later, and I am a strong sense of community between that is stopping the implementation of frustrated that it has not been used to pro- the children from all different back- new, innovative, and tested effective tect our citizens, our homes, our businesses, grounds, different neighborhoods, and firefighting technology. and our wildlands. different schools. Each class contains The Air National Guard determined that In 2008, I helped secure funding for re- PCADS is operationally effective and is ap- 25 students of varying ages, schools, search and testing of the technology propriate for C–130 firefighting. The final re- and skill levels, all brought together that ultimately became Precision Con- port on PCADS that found it to be a reliable for weekly lessons and regular perform- tainerized Aerial Delivery System, or option was released in January 2018, yet ances. PCADS. seven months later there has been no action By forming a community based on taken to deploy the system. During those musical training and enrichment, Kids’ b 1030 seven months, we have suffered 109 large Orchestra is making a positive impact It was designed specifically for mili- fires which have burned 1.9 million acres, on neighborhood schools and individual tary aircraft, including the C–17s and caused 16 fire fatalities, and destroyed 2,356 houses. During this time, our C–130’s and C– students. the C–130s and others as well. It has 17’s equipped with this system could have I am proud to have had this program been tested over the years and proven had a major impact on these fires. This is ut- in Louisiana, and I look forward to see- to deliver massive amounts of water or terly unacceptable when we have a proven ing the positive impacts from the orga- fire retardant onto fires using GPS and technology that responds faster and delivers nization for many, many years to other expertise. It is safer, more accu- massive quantities of water and fire retard- come. rate, and much more effective than tra- ant with GPS directed drops in contrast to CELEBRATING NATIONAL RICE MONTH ditional aerial firefighting. the status quo. Furthermore, military trans- Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise Yet a decade later, this technology port aircraft can be rapidly and easily re- loaded with water or fire retardant as com- today to celebrate September as Na- has not been put to use despite the Air pared to any other system. When the Amer- tional Rice Month. National Guard’s report determining ican people discover how bureaucratic in- Very few places in the world take that the PCADs are operationally ef- transigence has caused such preventable their rice as seriously as Louisiana, fective and appropriate for the use of wildfire damage they will be justifiably out- where we produced 2.7 billion pounds of C–130 firefighting aircraft or military raged. rice just last year. aircraft that can be made for fire- Today, I am demanding that actions be Rice is also a huge economic driver fighting. This has been deemed oper- taken upon receipt of this letter to facilitate for the United States, as rice milling ational, yet for the last 8 months, the use of this simple and inexpensive tech- operations generate about $6 billion in nology which will easily turn our inventory while we have lost all of these homes of C–130’s and C–17’s into firefighting water wages and business profits, according and all of these lives, hundreds of these and fire-retardant bombers. to the LSU AgCenter. aircraft, C–130s and C–17s, have sat on I hope you will take this letter seriously U.S. rice not only puts food on our the tarmac. enough in order to prevent even more dam- tables, but also on tables across the This aircraft was designed for mili- age in the state of California and elsewhere. world. We contribute 5 percent of the tary use, but without modification, can Yours sincerely, total rice exports in food aid to devel- save the lives and homes of American DANA ROHRABACHER (CA 48), oping nations. This is the kind of inter- citizens throughout this country who Member of Congress. national contribution our rice pro- are victimized by wildfires and other CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, ducers can be proud of. types of fires. The primary responsi- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, In turn, I am proud to represent the bility of our government is to protect August 30, 2018. hardworking rice farmers across Lou- the lives of our people with the best Hon. JAMES N. MATTIS, isiana. They produce high-quality rice available tools, and it is certainly not Secretary of Defense, that feeds the world, gives jobs to their doing so. Washington, DC. neighbors, and helps the community. I include in the RECORD, Mr. Speaker, DEAR SECRETARY MATTIS: I draw your at- These facts alone make rice worth letters that I have written to the Di- tention to our military’s bureaucratic iner- celebrating all month long. rector of our Air National Guard; to tia that has led to a needless loss of life and a tremendous loss of property. I am referring f Secretary Mattis, the Secretary of De- to the vast damage caused in the Western BATTLING THE WILDFIRES THAT fense; and to Heather Wilson, the Sec- United States, specifically California, by PLAGUE CALIFORNIA retary of the Air Force. out-of-control wildfires which have plagued CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, the region for the last few months. This loss The SPEAKER pro tempore. The HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, of life and property could have been dramati- Chair recognizes the gentleman from August 30, 2018. cally curtailed had our military acted upon California (Mr. ROHRABACHER) for 5 Lt. Gen. L. SCOTT RICE, an option that was, and is, readily available. minutes. Director, Air National Guard, Our inventory of C–130 and C–17 aircraft, Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Speaker, Washington, DC. with inexpensive and slight interior modi- let me start by thanking the thousands DEAR GENERAL RICE: I draw your attention fications, could be used as a major fire- of firefighters who, each year, put their to our military’s bureaucratic inertia that fighting asset that could make a major dif- ference. Instead, these potential incredible lives at risk to battle wildfires like has led to a needless loss of life and a tre- mendous loss of property. I am referring to firefighting assets sat as California burned. those that have plagued California and the vast damage caused in the Western Using these aircraft as valuable firefighting other western States. We owe it to United States, specifically California, by assets would not involve any alteration of them, as well as to the American peo- out-of-control wildfires which have plagued the aircraft. This option however has been ple, to use every measure available to the region for the last few months. This loss available and ignored. fight fires in ways that reduce the risk of life and property could have been dramati- I call your attention to the Precision Con- to those firefighters and the risk of los- cally curtailed had our military acted upon tainer Aerial Delivery System (PCADS). I ing lives and property among our popu- an option that was, and is, readily available. helped win Congressional approval in the lation. Our inventory of C–130 and C–17 aircraft, 2008 appropriations bill wherein $2.3 million with inexpensive and slight interior modi- was provided for the research and testing of Just in the last year, and that is in fications, could be used as a major fire- this system. It is ten years later, and I am 2018, wildfires in California burned fighting asset that could make a major dif- frustrated that it has not been used to pro- 1,117,000 acres. Nationally, there was 6.5 ference. Instead, these potential incredible tect our citizens, our homes, our businesses, million acres burned. In California, we firefighting assets sat as California burned. and our wildlands.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:21 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.006 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9097 The Air National Guard determined that massive quantities of water and fire retard- named Lansdale’s Business of the PCADS is operationally effective and is ap- ant with GPS directed drops in contrast to Month. propriate for C–130 firefighting. The final re- the status quo. Furthermore, military trans- RECOGNIZING MARY, MOTHER OF THE REDEEMER port on PCADS that found it to be a reliable port aircraft can be rapidly and easily re- SCHOOL option was released in January 2018, yet loaded with water or fire retardant as com- seven months later there has been no action pared to any other system. When the Amer- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I taken to deploy the system. During those ican people discover how bureaucratic in- rise today to recognize a school in seven months, we have suffered 109 large transigence has caused such preventable Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, fires which have burned 1.9 million acres, wildfire damage they will be justifiably out- that plays a tremendous role in the de- caused 16 fire fatalities, and destroyed 2,356 raged. velopment of our youngest citizens. houses. During this time, our C–130’s and C– Today, I am demanding that actions be Mary, Mother of the Redeemer 17’s equipped with this system could have taken upon receipt of this letter to facilitate School in North Wales has provided had a major impact on these fires. This is ut- the use of this simple and inexpensive tech- educational growth and spiritual guid- terly unacceptable when we have a proven nology which will easily turn our inventory technology that responds faster and delivers of C–130’s and C–17’s into firefighting water ance since 2003. While the parish com- massive quantities of water and fire retard- and fire-retardant bombers. munity has existed since the church ant with GPS directed drops in contrast to I hope you will take this letter seriously was established in 1987, it is a testa- the status quo. Furthermore, military trans- enough in order to prevent even more dam- ment to MMR’s parishioners’ devotion port aircraft can be rapidly and easily re- age in the state of California and elsewhere. to their faith and community that a loaded with water or fire retardant as com- Yours sincerely, school was ultimately established. It pared to any other system. When the Amer- DANA ROHRABACHER (CA 48), also comes as no surprise that this ican people discover how bureaucratic in- Member of Congress. school has some remarkable achieve- transigence has caused such preventable Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Speaker, I wildfire damage they will be justifiably out- ments. raged. would hope that we would get some MMR is a nationally ranked Blue Today, I am demanding that actions be support from these leaders who have Ribbon, School of Excellence, a rec- taken upon receipt of this letter to facilitate been appointed by President Trump to ognition of exceptional academic the use of this simple and inexpensive tech- protect the American people in any achievement bestowed by the U.S. De- nology which will easily turn our inventory way they can. partment of Education. Earning this of C–130’s and C–17’s into firefighting water Having these airplanes sit on the award despite its mere 15 years in ex- and fire-retardant bombers. tarmac in California and elsewhere I hope you will take this letter seriously istence demonstrates the future is tre- enough in order to prevent even more dam- throughout this country when they mendously bright for this amazing age in the state of California and elsewhere. could drop fire retardant and massive school. Yours sincerely, amounts of fire retardant water saving Mr. Speaker, I commend Mary, Moth- DANA ROHRABACHER (CA 48), homes—little cul de sacs that would er of the Redeemer School Principal Member of Congress. catch on fire and be destroyed, one Denise Judge and all faculty, staff, and flight over those cul de sacs could have parents for facilitating such a wonder- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, saved them. ful community school. We are grateful Washington, DC, August 30, 2018. Thousands of people have lost their Hon. HEATHER WILSON, for your presence in our community, Secretary of the Air Force, lives needlessly because of bureau- and we wish you all the best. Washington, DC. cratic intransigence in our military, so RECOGNIZING MONTGOMERYVILLE ELEMENTARY DEAR SECRETARY WILSON: I draw your at- we are calling on the Air National SCHOOL tention to our military’s bureaucratic iner- Guard, the Air Force, and, of course, Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I tia that has led to a needless loss of life and our Secretary of Defense to unblock rise today to recognize a school in a tremendous loss of property. I am referring this impediment to protecting the lives Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, to the vast damage caused in the Western of our people with U.S. military equip- United States, specifically California, by that plays a pivotal role in the develop- out-of-control wildfires which have plagued ment that can do the job. ment of our community’s youth. the region for the last few months. This loss f Montgomeryville Elementary, lo- of life and property could have been dramati- RECOGNIZING OTHERWISE GIFTS cated in North Wales, is known for in- cally curtailed had our military acted upon stilling in its students the value of aca- an option that was, and is, readily available. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The demic success and the virtues of ac- Our inventory of C–130 and C–17 aircraft, Chair recognizes the gentleman from ceptance and appreciation. These ideas with inexpensive and slight interior modi- Pennsylvania (Mr. FITZPATRICK) for 5 are ultimately culminated into the fications, could be used as a major fire- minutes. fighting asset that could make a major dif- school’s motto: ‘‘Dream big. Achieve ference. Instead, these potential incredible Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I greatness.’’ firefighting assets sat as California burned. rise today to recognize a small business Last year, Montgomery Elementary Using these aircraft as valuable firefighting in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, was ranked the 48th best elementary assets would not involve any alteration of that was recently recognized by the school in the State of Pennsylvania. the aircraft. This option however has been Lansdale Economic Development Com- This is no small feat, especially given available and ignored. mittee as Business of the Month. I call your attention to the Precision Con- that Pennsylvania contains over 4,000 Otherwise Gifts, located on Green elementary schools. tainer Aerial Delivery System (PCADS). I Street, has been a fixture in Lansdale helped win Congressional approval in the These noteworthy milestones would 2008 appropriations bill wherein $2.3 million since its opening in 1979. Owner John not be made possible without the as- was provided for the research and testing of Otherwise describes his shop as con- sistance of a dedicated staff and school this system. It is ten years later, and I am taining unique gifts for everyone. In- community. I am especially grateful frustrated that it has not been used to pro- deed, Otherwise Gifts sells everything for the leadership of principal TJ tect our citizens, our homes, our businesses, from antiques, woodworking items, Seidenberger, who has given Mont- and our wildlands. lamps, furniture, and nearly every- gomery Elementary the tools they The Air National Guard determined that thing else John believes would help PCADS is operationally effective and is ap- need to thrive and succeed since he propriate for C–130 firefighting. The final re- beautify Lansdale community homes. took the helm at the school. port on PCADS that found it to be a reliable A Philadelphia native, John pre- We thank Montgomery Elementary option was released in January 2018, yet viously worked in construction and in for all they do for our community, and seven months later there has been no action the nuclear industry before deciding to we wish them continued success in the taken to deploy the system. During those follow his passion and open his own future. seven months, we have suffered 109 large store. At age 77, John continues to f fires which have burned 1.9 million acres, offer unique experiences and gifts to caused 16 fire fatalities, and destroyed 2,356 citizens of Montgomery County and RECOGNIZING THE SALVATION houses. During this time, our C–130’s and C– throughout the region. ARMY OF GREATER CHAT- 17’s equipped with this system could have TANOOGA had a major impact on these fires. This is ut- I wish John and his wife, Cynthia, all terly unacceptable when we have a proven of the best, and I send my congratula- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The technology that responds faster and delivers tions to Otherwise Gifts on being Chair recognizes the gentleman from

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:11 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.003 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9098 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 Tennessee (Mr. FLEISCHMANN) for 5 found the experience of war to be rites JUSTICE FOR BOTHAM JEAN minutes. of passage to manhood. He was never The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. FLEISCHMANN. Mr. Speaker, I much for war stories, but he surely en- Chair recognizes the gentleman from rise today to recognize the Salvation joyed a constancy of fellowship with Texas (Mr. VEASEY) for 5 minutes. Army of Greater Chattanooga as they his fellow travelers in organizations Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise celebrate their 125th anniversary. This such as the Fleet Review Association today to bring attention to Botham exceptional organization has been an and The American Legion. Jean. integral part of the Hamilton County Mr. Fewox served in the Navy for 16 Botham Jean was from the island of community, helping those in need with years after the war ended, and when he St. Lucia. He moved to Dallas, went to compassion and uplifting them during retired in 1962, he moved to Charleston college, and got a good job. As soon as the most trying of times. to work at the naval weapons station. he moved to Dallas, he joined a church The Salvation Army of Chattanooga He had begun a second career of public because he was a Christian and very opened its doors on March 16, 1893. service, and he and his wife, Neta, much into the Word of Jesus Christ. Never pausing in their service to the On a Friday night a few weeks ago, would raise three daughters in Hana- community, the Salvation Army con- he was in his apartment doing the han, South Carolina. tinued operations through World War I, right thing at 10 o’clock at night, prob- the Great Depression, and World War Mr. Fewox and Neta committed to ably trying to relax and unwind from II. For 125 years, members of the Salva- their marriage in the early days of the the workday, and a Dallas police offi- tion Army have worked to feed, clothe, war. He mailed her an engagement ring cer mistakenly came into his house and empower the great people of Ten- from a West Coast duty station. As the and shot and killed him. nessee’s Third District. years passed, they had a date every My prayers are with Botham’s family On a number of occasions, I can re- day. It was a standing happy hour, of and friends. flect on many fond memories with the pause for undistractible table talk over Officer Amber Guyger, who killed Salvation Army. During the holiday refreshments of drinks and some Botham, has been charged with man- season, I have had the honor of being snacks. It was a discipline that nur- slaughter, even though she aimed, kettle co-chairman with my wonderful tures bonds; it was the practice of that pulled, and fired the trigger. The last wife of 32 years, Brenda—today we are love story that grew stronger after 72 five people in Dallas County who have celebrating our 32nd wedding anniver- years. been charged with manslaughter have been charged with that charge because sary—to serve this outstanding organi- Upon his retirement, he received a zation and its wonderful people. As a of drunk driving. She was charged with letter of appreciation from the com- manslaughter even though she aimed, matter of fact, my wonderful wife, manding officer of the naval weapons Brenda, serves on the board of direc- again, and pulled the trigger. station in Charleston, South Carolina. The Dallas Police Department fired tors with several outstanding Among other things, the letter said: Guyger on Monday amid overwhelming Chattanoogans. outrage in the community. I think it Regardless of the time of year, when- Your performance as an electronic me- was the right decision, but it was long ever I spend time at the Salvation chanic was very professional, as evidenced by a Sustained Superior Performance Award overdue. Army on McCallie Avenue, I witness and cash award for the period of June 5, 1967, I want to be clear. I respect law en- Tennesseans coming together to pro- through June 5, 1968, and again May 4, 1977, forcement in this country and their vide help, hope, and healing to one an- through May 4, 1978. In addition, you have sacrifices. But also, if we look at the other. That is the embodiment of the received numerous letters of appreciation for facts of this case, the facts show us great Volunteer spirit. superior performance and are a member of that Officer Guyger shot an unarmed the 1,000 Hours Sick Leave Club. Mr. Speaker, I would like to con- Black man in his own apartment, and gratulate the Salvation Army of Great- Your attention to duty, cheerful coopera- she was able to go back to her apart- er Chattanooga on 125 years of service. tion, adaptability, knowledge, and general ment that night. She had days before attitude toward your work within the Ord- I am sure they will continue to do the police finally arrested her, and she was most good for residents of Hamilton nance Department have been most praise- worthy. Your contributions to the team ef- given the benefit of the doubt, some- and surrounding counties for many thing that was not given to Botham years to come. fort of ‘‘Service to the Fleet’’ and the result- ant high quality of accomplishments are Jean. f greatly appreciated. Your dedicated service I firmly believe that if Officer RECOGNIZING GROVER C. FEWOX reflects great credit not only to yourself but Guyger had walked into that apart- to the naval weapons station as well. ment and seen a White man or a White The SPEAKER pro tempore. The As you complete your civil service career, woman, she would not have pulled that Chair recognizes the gentleman from allow me to add my personal ‘‘Thank you trigger. I firmly believe that. That is South Carolina (Mr. NORMAN) for 5 and well done.’’ You can reminisce with the root of the problem. What I can say minutes. pride that you have given your best to the with certainty is that I am tired of Mr. NORMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise naval weapons station in Charleston. I know waiting for a time when it is safe to be today to celebrate the life of Grover C. that your fellow workers and your many a Black man in America. Fewox, who died September 13, 2018. friends join me in wishing you and Mrs. Mr. Fewox went to war at the age of Fewox the blessings of a long, healthy, and b 1045 17. He was one of 16 million Americans happy retirement. I have a 12-year-old son. Other Con- who served in World War II. His war- It was signed D.M. Agnew, Com- gressional Black Caucus members have time service was concentrated in the manding Officer of the naval weapons kids and grandkids, sons and bloody ocean battlegrounds of the Pa- station. grandsons. Other people around the cific aboard the Sperry, a submarine country have sons, grandsons, and There are 7,200 World War II veterans tender and the first United States nephews whom they love and want to still with us in South Carolina. Be- Navy ship to be launched after Japan’s be safe every day. cause of Mr. Fewox and others who attack on Pearl Harbor. America is at the brink of a pro- made up the Greatest Generation, His career began on April 29, 1942, as longed watershed moment between the America won that horrible war and a seaman apprentice in the United African-American community and po- then led the rebuilding and reknitting States Navy. He was honorably dis- lice officers in this country. We need of the world, kindling global trade pat- charged on December 13, 1963, as a sen- action. We need to collectively break terns and commercial alliances. It was ior chief torpedoman, after 21 years of the dam. As a Nation, we need to fix a postwar world order anchored by dedicated service. While serving in the the culture of police brutality and gun America’s strength and determination United States Navy, Mr. Fewox was violence against communities of color to nurture freedom and human dignity. awarded the National Defense Service that have lined the fabric of this coun- Medal and seven Good Conduct Medals. Undoubtedly, America is a better try for over a century. Like so many others answering place because Mr. Fewox answered the Our criminal justice system is rooted America’s anxious calls to service, he call. in a systemic failure to prosecute the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:33 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.010 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9099 unjustified shooting of Black men and Indian Affairs since 1995, where she fo- family at a time when most women boys. cuses on creating partnerships and coa- were not working outside the home. As I am deeply troubled that the Texas litions with elected representatives, other Ponca followed them off the res- Rangers took so long to issue an arrest Tribal leaders, nonprofit organizations, ervation, Judi’s mother continued to warrant for Amber Guyger. I am angry and educational institutions. She has serve as a leader to many of them, that people are actually calling been the principal liaison to the Ne- helping them get settled and find op- Botham’s character into account be- braska legislature in developing policy portunities. Her mother was a liaison cause he had a very small amount of for the State’s four federally recog- between the two worlds, much like marijuana in his apartment: 0.3 ounces. nized Tribes and all its native citizens. Judi is today. We will never know what was in In 2006, she was elected as the president Eager to share the history of the Amber Guyger’s apartment because, of the Governor’s Interstate Indian Ponca, Judi will eagerly tell you about again, it was 36 hours before a warrant Council. In fact, Nebraska Governor two key historic moments. The first is was issued for her arrest. Police didn’t Pete Ricketts praised Judi as ‘‘an ad- the trial of Chief Standing Bear. After go and search her apartment. She had vocate for Nebraska’s first people and a the forced removal of Ponca to Okla- days to clear out her apartment, if loyal spokeswoman for their prior- homa and the ‘‘warm lands,’’ Standing there was anything in there, but we ities.’’ Bear began the return journey home to will never know because it took them Judi earned a bachelor of arts degree bury his 16-year-old son, keeping a so long to issue an arrest warrant after in Human Relations and completed her deathbed promise he made. The Ponca she walked into someone’s apartment master’s in Management, both from were arrested in Nebraska by General that was not her own and, again, Doane College in Nebraska. In 2009, George Crook’s soldiers. aimed, fired, and pulled the trigger. Judy was a lecturer and advisor for the On May 12, 1879, Standing Bear won I am heartbroken that this man was first Native Daughters Project at the an important victory for himself and killed in his own apartment, a place University of Nebraska-Lincoln College for all Native Americans, stating that where all of us should feel safe. But of Journalism and Mass Communica- he was a person under United States what gets me most upset is that noth- tions, and is currently an adjunct pro- law. The second significant event in ing has changed. This is a story that fessor for the second Native Daughters Ponca history was their Tribal termi- we have heard on repeat, and the dial project, focusing on the Indian women nation in 1966, and the Ponca Tribe of will keep spinning until we put an end of Oklahoma. Nebraska’s historic restoration on Oc- to it. In her long and distinguished career, tober 31, 1990. We all know the names, and there Judi has served on many advisory Judi believes we are all ambassadors have been too many to share, but I just councils across the State, including the for our people, and it is important that wanted to remind you of a few. In South Carolina, Levar Jones was Nebraska Minority Justice Committee, we show up each and every day for duty stopped at a gas station. He was in- the P–16 Leadership Council, and the and live by our traditional principles. structed by police officers to get his li- Nebraska Partners in Prevention Coali- She is motivated each day by a famous cense. He had his hands up. As he was tion. In 2008, she was appointed to the quote by Wilma Mankiller from the reaching for his license, the police shot University of Nebraska President’s Ad- Native Daughters publication and the him, after being instructed to get his visory Council. women of Oklahoma that states, ‘‘The Additionally, Judi is a member of the license and insurance out of the car. secret of our success is that we never, In Florida, Charles Kinsey was shot Racial Profiling Advisory Committee, never give up.’’ while taking care of an autistic pa- the U.S. Census Advisory Board, the We are inspired by the life and exam- tient. Go back and look at the Interchurch Ministries’ Grants to ple of Judi Gaiashkibos. I can think of YouTube videos of these. You don’t American Indians in Nebraska, the Ne- no one more fitting to honor for Native have to take my word. He is sitting on braska Rural Development Commis- American Heritage Month. the curb, taking care of this autistic sion, and recently completed a 3-year f term on the Board of the United Way. patient, hands up in the air, and police RECESS shoot him. She is a member of the Sheldon Mu- Antwon Rose from east Pittsburgh seum of Art’s Advisory Council and, in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- was 17 years old. He was unarmed, with 2012, was appointed to the Doane Uni- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair his hands up, and shot by a policeman. versity Board of Trustees. declares the House in recess until noon Go and look at the videos. Their lives Judi is a leader. Because of her cou- today. have all been cut short. Males in the rageous leadership, she has garnered Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 52 Black community have been unjustly many prestigious awards, including the minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- killed in our country at a staggering Douglas County Historical Society 2009 cess. rate. We need law enforcement to be Door Keeper Award for opening new f doorways in the spirit of unity, equal- transparent in the line of duty and we b 1200 need to work diligently to remove bi- ity, and understanding. She was the ases for those ranks. I hope that is 2012 recipient of the prestigious Ne- AFTER RECESS something we can do together. Don’t braska Humanities Sower Award. She The recess having expired, the House think it can’t be your rights next. received the distinguished was called to order by the Speaker at Don’t think they won’t tread on you. NEBRASKAlander Award at the 2017 noon. annual Statehood Dinner. f f An enrolled member of the Ponca NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE Tribe of Nebraska, Judi descends from PRAYER MONTH: HONORING THE LIFE OF a family of great leaders and role mod- The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick JUDI GAIASHKIBOS els, and credits much of her success to J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The their love and support. Her mother was Merciful God, we give You thanks for Chair recognizes the gentleman from born in 1913, and as a young girl at- giving us another day. Nebraska (Mr. BACON) for 5 minutes. tended the Genoa Indian School. Fol- You alone can trace the deepest fault Mr. BACON. Mr. Speaker, I rise lowing this, her mother returned to the lines of history and read the highest today to recognize one of Nebraska’s Ponca homelands and served on the aspirations of the human heart. Be daughters for Native American Herit- Ponca Tribal Council in her thirties, at with the Members of the people’s House age Month, Judi Gaiashkibos, a de- a time when non-Indian women were this day. Give them sound judgment scendant of Chief Smoke Maker of the not serving in these elected positions. and make them as practical and street- Ponca Nation, who was a signatory to Later, Judi’s mother and grand- wise as the American people who sent an early treaty between the United parents moved with her and her 10 them here as their representatives. States and the Ponca people in 1825. brothers and sisters to Norfolk, Ne- Help them to withstand open criti- Judi has served as the Executive Di- braska. Her mother and grandmother cism when they know what is right be- rector for the Nebraska Commission on took turns working and caring for the fore You and conscience. Often they

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:33 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.012 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9100 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 are characterized by half-truths and at- GREAT LAKES RESTORATION God bless our veterans, and God bless tributed motives that are far beneath INITIATIVE the United States of America. them. Uphold them at such times, with (Mr. HIGGINS of New York asked and f personal integrity and compassion for was given permission to address the HONORING LIFE OF LORETTA those most in need. House for 1 minute.) MCKINNEY HARPER Having called them to serve others to Mr. HIGGINS of New York. Mr. the best of their ability, lift them even Speaker, since 2010, Congress has in- (Mr. KIHUEN asked and was given higher by Your grace and power to live vested $2.5 billion to fund the Great permission to address the House for 1 and work for Your greater honor and Lakes Restoration Initiative, a pro- minute and to revise and extend his re- glory, both now and forever. gram that has protected and restored marks.) Amen. the largest source of fresh water in the Mr. KIHUEN. Mr. Speaker, today, I rise to recognize the life of my friend, f world. A new study coordinated by the Loretta McKinney Harper. Ms. Harper was a high school coun- THE JOURNAL Great Lakes Commission and con- ducted by the University of Michigan selor at Desert Pines High School, The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- has shown restoring our waterways is where she counseled thousands of stu- ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- also restoring economic opportunity in dents over her 17 years there. But Ms. ceedings and announces to the House the once struggling Great Lakes re- Harper was more than just a counselor. his approval thereof. gion. Every Federal dollar invested is She was a friend, a mentor to her stu- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- producing three to four times that dents, and an inspirational community nal stands approved. amount in regional economic growth leader. Ms. Harper cared deeply for her stu- f and activity. Thirty years ago, the Buffalo River dents and auctioned off personal PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was declared biologically dead and eco- memorabilia to assist her undocu- logically destroyed because of indus- mented students with their DACA fil- The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman ing fees. from Nevada (Mr. KIHUEN) come for- trial dumping of toxic waste directly into the river. In Buffalo and western Ms. Harper attended Know Your ward and lead the House in the Pledge Rights training sessions so she could of Allegiance. New York, Great Lakes Restoration Initiative investments in and around stand up for them when they were un- Mr. KIHUEN led the Pledge of Alle- able to do so for themselves. giance as follows: the Great Lakes and the Buffalo River have led to more than $100 million in Ms. Harper instilled in her students a I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the private sector investments along the sense of civic duty and bragged about United States of America, and to the Repub- her students who registered to vote as lic for which it stands, one nation under God, water’s edge, new residential demand, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. increased tourism, and a waterfront re- soon as they became eligible to do so. birth. Ms. Harper was a true patriot who f Time and again, I have stood on this loved our democratic process. During floor and fought to maintain the Great elections, Loretta devoted countless ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Lakes restoration funding, and this is hours to voting registration, volun- The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- why: the investments made are bring- teering on campaigns, and getting out tain up to 15 requests for 1-minute ing our waterways and our cities back the vote. Her energy inspired others. speeches on each side of the aisle. to life. Sadly, on September 18, 2018, Ms. Lo- retta Harper passed away. f f Today, I stand here to honor Loretta HAYS COUNTY HONOR FLIGHT as a shining star of community service. ACKNOWLEDGE JERUSALEM AS Ms. Harper was driven by her love of TRUE CAPITAL OF ISRAEL (Mr. WILLIAMS asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 her community and a burning desire to (Mr. ROKITA asked and was given minute.) make it better. permission to address the House for 1 Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, today, Mr. Speaker, as I reflect on her con- minute and to revise and extend his re- I would like to take a moment to rec- tributions to our community over so marks.) ognize a special group of veterans from many years, I can attest that she left Mr. ROKITA. Mr. Speaker, recently, Hays County in the 25th District of her community in a better place. I will our friends in the Jewish community Texas that will all board an Honor miss my friend. celebrated their holiest days. During Flight to our Nation’s Capital today. f these times, I know they have taken For those who don’t know, the pur- HONORING EVAN HANSEN note of America’s strong support for pose of an Honor Flight is to transport Israel. American veterans to Washington, (Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana asked and Our two countries are tied by com- D.C., to visit the memorials dedicated was given permission to address the mon values and joint interests as we to honor their service and their sac- House for 1 minute.) share commitments to freedom and de- rifices. Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. Speak- mocracy, societal pillars in short sup- On this particular flight, we will er, I rise today to honor the life of ply in Israel’s immediate neighbor- have 6 World War II veterans, 18 Ko- Evan Hansen, a senior at Wabash Col- hood. The history of the Jewish people rean war veterans, and 17 Vietnam war lege who ended his life on September is one of faith, one of honor, but, most veterans from central Texas. The flight 10. importantly, survival. is named in honor of Bill Kolbe, who Evan epitomized compassion, char- This week, President Trump reiter- was a World War II veteran who served ity, and loving his neighbor. He was ated our Nation’s strong support for in the Army Air Corps. the kind of young man who made cus- Israel in his address to the United Na- As the representative of the veterans tomers feel special when he greeted tions General Assembly. He told the on this Honor Flight, I would like to them personally while working at Joe’s world that the United States will not take this opportunity to simply say we Butcher store in Carmel. stay silent against threats to Israel thank them, and we love them. We His parents, Chuck and Mary, have and made it clear that moving the thank them for so selflessly serving been overwhelmed by the outpouring of American Embassy was a sign of peace. this great Nation and for being the he- love they have received from friends at I am calling on the rest of the world roes we so desperately need today. home and from overseas. He had stud- leaders to acknowledge Jerusalem as Being able to serve these warfighters ied abroad, making lasting friendships the true capital of Israel and to protect in Congress is one of my greatest hon- from people all around the world. God’s chosen people at their time of ors, and I will continue to do every- Evan was admired by his teammates peril. It is time we all stand in soli- thing I can to support our veterans in as the captain of the Wabash football darity for the Israeli nation. Hays County and around the Nation. team. While he was tough as nails on

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:33 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.014 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9101 the football field, he was truly as car- investigative reporter, news gatherer, congressional district, which would ing as Mother Teresa off the field. He copy editor, and broadcaster. otherwise lack commercial air service. organized the summer lunch program Mr. Speaker, many voices have been Reliable transportation plays a key for children in need at his church, Our raised in recognition of Bill’s remark- role in growing jobs all over the coun- Lady of Mount Carmel. He was always able career, and I am pleased to be able try, and rural America should be no ex- ready to lend a hand to someone in to add my own to the chorus. I wish ception. need or offer his smile to friends and Bill and Neuhoff Media all the best in Additionally, this bill includes im- strangers. He planned on attending the future as we celebrate Mr. Bill portant reforms to the Federal Con- Marian University’s nursing program Pickett’s 50 years in radio. tract Tower Program, which has a next year. f proven record of enhancing aviation September is National Suicide Pre- safety and provides significant cost RECOGNIZING LES JOHNSON vention Month. It is my hope we can savings to the taxpayers. remove the stigma of mental health (Mr. BACON asked and was given per- Mr. Speaker, I am pleased the House issues so that all of us can help people mission to address the House for 1 approved this bill to keep all Ameri- like Evan who believe their only way minute.) cans connected to reliable and safe air to finding peace is by making a deci- Mr. BACON. Mr. Speaker, I rise transportation. sion that can never be undone. today to recognize Les Johnson, who f served as the police chief of the town of f COMMUNICATION FROM THE Bennington in my district from 2004 CLERK OF THE HOUSE LARGE AGRIBUSINESS MERGERS until his untimely death this past Au- (Mr. KHANNA asked and was given gust at the age of 51. He died from head The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. permission to address the House for 1 injuries related to an off-duty incident. BOST) laid before the House the fol- minute.) People who knew Chief Les Johnson lowing communication from the Clerk Mr. KHANNA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to said he had a steady hand and was a big of the House of Representatives: urge support for the Food and Agri- man with a big heart, and that he was OFFICE OF THE CLERK, business Merger Moratorium and Anti- an extremely kind and thoughtful per- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, trust Review Act of 2018. I am proud to son. Former Mayor Gordon Mueller re- Washington, DC, September 27, 2018. Hon. PAUL D. RYAN, be an original cosponsor of this bill in- called how Johnson worked to bring The Speaker, House of Representatives, troduced by Representative POCAN and upgrades to the police department, in- Washington, DC. an original founder of the Congres- cluding finding a good deal on a car, as DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- sional Antitrust Caucus. the two squad cars were continuously mission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of This bill is good for our farmers. It breaking down. The superintendent of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- would place a short-term moratorium Bennington schools said Johnson would tives, the Clerk received the following mes- on the large agribusiness mergers that help with traffic at the beginning of sage from the Secretary of the Senate on September 27, 2018, at 11:54 a.m.: we are seeing across our Nation. Fewer the school year. That the Senate passed without amend- farmers mean fewer choices for con- These are just a couple of stories rep- ment H.R. 4854. sumers and higher prices. resenting his faithful service and work That the Senate passed S. 3508. Agricultural consolidation is a huge ethic. That the Senate passed S. 3509. problem. Today, the top four beef pack- Johnson joined the Bennington Po- Appointment: Board of Trustees of the Harry S. Truman ers control 82 percent of the market. lice Department as a part-time officer Scholarship Foundation. Missouri had 23,000 hog farms in 1985, in 1992. While it is a small department, With best wishes, I am but only 2,200 in 2012. Four companies a big man with a big heart led it. Sincerely, control 85 percent of soybean proc- Chief Johnson is survived by his wife, KAREN L. HAAS. essing. I could go on and on. Alice Ann of Waterloo, and daughters, f We need to temporarily stop these Paxton and Hannah. We send them our b 1215 big mergers, and we need to start look- prayers and thoughts. We will miss ing out for our farmers again. When Chief Johnson. PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION the farm bill expires this week, small f OF H.R. 6756, AMERICAN INNOVA- family farmers should be first. TION ACT OF 2018; PROVIDING REAUTHORIZATION OF THE FED- f FOR CONSIDERATION OF H.R. ERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRA- 6757, FAMILY SAVINGS ACT OF RECOGNIZING BILL PICKETT TION PROGRAMS 2018; PROVIDING FOR CONSIDER- (Mr. SHIMKUS asked and was given (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania ATION OF H.R. 6760, PROTECTING permission to address the House for 1 asked and was given permission to ad- FAMILY AND SMALL BUSINESS minute.) dress the House for 1 minute and to re- TAX CUTS ACT OF 2018; AND Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise vise and extend his remarks.) PROVIDING FOR PROCEEDINGS today to recognize Mr. Bill Pickett of Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. DURING THE PERIOD FROM OC- Danville, Illinois, who is celebrating 50 Mr. Speaker, I rise today to applaud TOBER 1, 2018, THROUGH NOVEM- years of reporting the news for Neuhoff the passage of H.R. 302, the Federal BER 12, 2018 Media. Aviation Administration Reauthoriza- Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, by di- Having recently graduated from tion Act of 2018. rection of the Committee on Rules, I Danville High School in 1968, Bill be- This bipartisan legislation includes a call up House Resolution 1084 and ask came one of the youngest newsmen in 5-year reauthorization of FAA pro- for its immediate consideration. the business at 17 years of age. It grams that promote safety and Amer- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- wasn’t very long after he started that ican leadership in aviation. It also lows: Bill went live with his first story: an strengthens consumer voices and in- H. RES. 1084 explosion at the grain elevator in vests in our airport infrastructure. Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- Danville. Bill witnessed the fireball Importantly, the Essential Air Serv- lution it shall be in order to consider in the erupting and the walls of the elevator ice program was reauthorized for an House the bill (H.R. 6756) to amend the Inter- slowly crumble into a heap of debris. additional 5 years through fiscal year nal Revenue Code of 1986 to promote new All that night, Bill provided live up- 2023. business innovation, and for other purposes. dates on the disaster. As the fire sub- This program is vital for rural Amer- All points of order against consideration of sided, it became apparent to Bill that ica. It ensures taxpayers in small, rural the bill are waived. The amendment in the he had found his calling. communities are connected to the na- nature of a substitute recommended by the Committee on Ways and Means now printed Over the past half century, Bill has tional transportation system. This pro- in the bill, modified by the amendment gone from answering phones to being gram provides links to hub airports at printed in part A of the report of the Com- the news director for several news out- more than 170 locations in 36 States mittee on Rules accompanying this resolu- lets. His duties require him to act as and territories, including three in my tion, shall be considered as adopted. The bill,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:21 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.016 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9102 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 as amended, shall be considered as read. All not constitute a legislative day for purposes ing, early risers. I used to be one of points of order against provisions in the bill, of clause 7 of rule XIII. those because I threw a paper route. I as amended, are waived. The previous ques- SEC. 8. Each day during the period ad- would have to get up in the morning, tion shall be considered as ordered on the dressed by section 4 of this resolution shall bill, as amended, and on any further amend- not constitute a calendar or legislative day and it gave me a lot of time to think ment thereto, to final passage without inter- for purposes of clause 7(c)(1) of rule XXII. about my future as I served what was vening motion except: (1) one hour of debate The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- my paper route, my small business, and equally divided and controlled by the chair tleman from Texas is recognized for 1 my opportunity in second, third, and ranking minority member of the Com- fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth mittee on Ways and Means; and (2) one mo- hour. Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, for the grade, as I developed myself as a young tion to recommit with or without instruc- man—not just as a Scout, to become an tions. purpose of debate only, I yield the cus- SEC. 2. Upon adoption of this resolution it tomary 30 minutes to the distinguished Eagle Scout—but as a person who saw shall be in order to consider in the House the gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. himself growing up in a great country, bill (H.R. 6757) to amend the Internal Rev- MCGOVERN), who is my friend and the America. enue Code of 1986 to encourage retirement That is how I developed my American and family savings, and for other purposes. ranking member of the Rules Com- mittee, pending which I yield myself Dream. I developed my American All points of order against consideration of Dream by sitting down with my family the bill are waived. The amendment in the such time as I may consume. During nature of a substitute recommended by the consideration of this resolution, all at a table and understanding Ameri- Committee on Ways and Means now printed time yielded is for the purpose of de- canism and opportunity. It was about in the bill, modified by the amendment bate only. the free enterprise system. It was printed in part B of the report of the Com- about a dream that I would have. GENERAL LEAVE mittee on Rules accompanying this resolu- For too long, Mr. Speaker, we have Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I ask tion, shall be considered as adopted. The bill, had those in government who con- unanimous consent that all Members as amended, shall be considered as read. All trolled our lives. They controlled our have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- points of order against provisions in the bill, lives with high taxes, more rules and as amended, are waived. The previous ques- tend their remarks. tion shall be considered as ordered on the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there regulations, and a demand that Wash- bill, as amended, and on any further amend- objection to the request of the gen- ington knew more about our dream ment thereto, to final passage without inter- tleman from Texas? than we did. vening motion except: (1) one hour of debate There was no objection. No more, Mr. Speaker, because last equally divided and controlled by the chair Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I rise December there was an opportunity—a and ranking minority member of the Com- historic opportunity—that was seen as mittee on Ways and Means; and (2) one mo- today in support of this rule and the underlying legislation. This rule pro- political because our friends on the tion to recommit with or without instruc- other side did not vote for the bill. tions. vides for consideration of H.R. 6760, the SEC. 3. Upon adoption of this resolution it Protecting Family and Small Business Even today they take advantage and shall be in order to consider in the House the Tax Cuts Act of 2018; H.R. 6757, the talk about what are supposedly its bill (H.R. 6760) to amend the Internal Rev- Family Savings Act of 2018; and H.R. frailties. But the American people enue Code of 1986 to make permanent certain 6756, the American Innovation Act of know differently, Mr. Speaker. provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act af- Mr. Speaker, we have today in Amer- fecting individuals, families, and small busi- 2018. Mr. Speaker, just yesterday we had ica a higher GDP rate than we do un- nesses. All points of order against consider- employment rate. Today we have the ation of the bill are waived. The amendment members of the Ways and Means Com- in the nature of a substitute recommended mittee and other Members who came to opportunity to see that we are going to by the Committee on Ways and Means now the Rules Committee. They came to grow that GDP by asking this Congress printed in the bill, modified by the amend- the Rules Committee to discuss before to make permanent that which today ment printed in part C of the report of the the committee the important aspects is in law for only a short 10 years. We Committee on Rules accompanying this res- of continuing the economic growth believe that what we have done is to olution, shall be considered as adopted. The that we have currently right now in give the American people—even people bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. at the lowest end—the opportunity to All points of order against provisions in the our lifetime in the United States of bill, as amended, are waived. The previous America. take part in making America great question shall be considered as ordered on What a great time to be an Amer- again. At that same time, we will make the bill, as amended, and on any further ican. Perhaps more importantly, what their lives so much better. amendment thereto, to final passage without a great time to look forward to a great So, Mr. Speaker, what we are going intervening motion except: (1) one hour of future, a future not only where the to do is we are going to talk about this debate equally divided and controlled by the American Dream becomes available to today, and you will see that there are chair and ranking minority member of the each and every person, but even if you two different visions. One vision wants Committee on Ways and Means; and (2) one to go back to higher taxation, rules motion to recommit with or without instruc- happen to be on the lowest end of the tions. The yeas and nays shall be considered totem pole, perhaps beginning work and regulations, and government con- as ordered on the question of passage. Clause today, those are the people who have trol—government control not just in 5(b) of rule XXI shall not apply to the bill or benefited from not only the tax cut taxation, but also in healthcare—and amendments thereto. that President Trump, this House, and we are, as a Republican Party and as SEC. 4. On any legislative day during the the Republican Senate made sure that the free enterprise party, going to period from October 1, 2018, through Novem- stand up and say that we will be there ber 12, 2018 — we pass, but, more importantly, giving (a) the Journal of the proceedings of the to the American worker the oppor- on behalf of all workers and that we be- previous day shall be considered as approved; tunity to have, not just a sense of ac- lieve that the free enterprise system in and complishment, not just a job, but po- this country has produced much that (b) the Chair may at any time declare the tentially a career that moves forward. has helped so many people. House adjourned to meet at a date and time, What has happened as a result of that That is how we pay for Social Secu- within the limits of clause 4, section 5, arti- is what brings us to where we are here rity. That is how we pay for Medicare. cle I of the Constitution, to be announced by today. That is how we pay for Medicaid. It is the Chair in declaring the adjournment. done through more people working, not SEC. 5. The Speaker may appoint Members They say that success has many fa- to perform the duties of the Chair for the du- thers and mothers. In this case, it is through higher taxes, higher unem- ration of the period addressed by section 4 of aunts, uncles, and all sorts of people, ployment, and more misery. this resolution as though under clause 8(a) of Mr. Speaker, who can proudly look up So, Mr. Speaker, you are going to rule I. and say: I am a part of what is prob- hear today the argument that is taking SEC. 6. Each day during the period ad- ably the greatest economy that so place all across this country on the dressed by section 4 of this resolution shall many people can now enjoy. floor of the House of Representatives, not constitute a calendar day for purposes of and you are going to see that you, Mr. section 7 of the War Powers Resolution (50 Instead of being isolated to one sec- U.S.C. 1546). tion of this economy, it will abound. Speaker, and every single Member, will SEC. 7. Each day during the period ad- You will hear me talk about even have an opportunity to say that we be- dressed by section 4 of this resolution shall people who get up early in the morn- lieve that the economic opportunity

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:21 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.006 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9103 for all Americans is equity. It is oppor- have an amendment that says this Mr. Speaker, there is a word for tunity, and it is available at not just a massive giveaway to the wealthy magi- doing the same thing other and over theater near you but in your home- cally doesn’t count. and over again and expecting a dif- town. And here is the other thing. We won’t ferent result. I think the majority So we are proud of who we are. even get to vote on it. It is in the rule. would be hard-pressed to find anyone Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of It will be self-executed once the rule watching today who thinks doubling my time. passes. So no one has to take any re- down on such an unpaid for and dam- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield sponsibility for adding all this to our aging policy is anything other than in- myself such time as I may consume. debt. sanity. (Mr. MCGOVERN asked and was This is at a time when the U.S. The policies in these proposals are given permission to revise and extend Treasury is borrowing money at a rate very similar, but there is one key dif- his remarks.) of $5.4 billion a day. The Congressional ference worth noting, and that is the Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I want Budget Office recently found that the process. to thank the gentleman from Texas, majority and the Trump administra- The first time around, the majority tion have blown a $900 billion hole in my good friend, Mr. SESSIONS, for used special fast-track procedures to the Federal budget. The deficit will in- yielding me the customary 30 minutes. provide tax cuts for the wealthy and crease by nearly 32 percent this year Mr. Speaker, 9 months ago, as the al- large corporations. They pulled out all alone, with one of the main causes ready unpopular Republican tax scam the stops to assure that it became law being the first GOP tax law. was making its way through Congress, as quickly as possible. They couldn’t Speaker RYAN stood in this Capitol and Mr. Speaker, what happened to the Republican Party that claimed to care even find time to hold a hearing before made a bet. He wagered that ‘‘results voting on it. But now, on a proposal are going to be what makes this pop- about fiscal discipline? This majority is drowning in red ink. they are claiming is for the middle ular.’’ And the list goes on. class, there are no fast-track proce- Today the results are clear, and they Second, the original Republican tax dures. There is not even a guarantee are not what the majority and Presi- scam reduced the Medicare trust fund that this proposal will even be consid- dent Trump promised. Big corporations by 3 years. 2.0 could trigger an auto- ered in the Senate. have gotten a windfall. Workers have matic 4 percent cut in Medicare. That Every middle-class American watch- gotten laid off. Jobs are being shipped means hundreds of billions of dollars ing should realize this: with this ma- overseas, and the richest 1 percent is for this program would be lost. jority, the wealthy and the well-con- getting 83 percent of the law’s benefits. My colleagues on the other side may nected get a windfall under a special, Despite those realities, my col- stand here today and claim that they quick process. Their tax cuts were vir- leagues seemed to be surprised recently want to protect Medicare and Social tually guaranteed under a rigged sys- when a survey commissioned by the Security. But don’t believe them. Don’t tem. Your tax cuts aren’t getting that Republican National Committee was be fooled. Right after their tax law ex- same urgency. There is no special proc- released in the media. It found that the ploded the deficit, what did the Presi- ess for you. This plan will be left in public believes their tax scam benefits dent’s chief economic adviser do? He limbo on the other side of the Capitol. the wealthy and large corporations called for new cuts to Medicare and So- And we all know that. over average Americans by a two-to- cial Security. The fact is, their procedures give one margin—61 percent to 30 percent. It is no wonder that in the Repub- away the whole game. This isn’t about Let me repeat that before the Presi- lican poll I referenced earlier, many policy. This is about politics. The first dent tries to tweet that it is fake news. Americans worry that the tax law tax scam isn’t paying the kind of divi- It was a poll conducted for Republicans would lead to cuts to these vital pro- dends that the majority anticipated. It by a Republican polling firm. That is grams. Make no mistake: under the is unpopular. So they are trying to pass why we are here today with tax 2.1, Mr. majority, these earned benefits are on this to have another talking point on Speaker, because the majority’s bet is the chopping block so Republicans can the campaign trail. The public didn’t turning out to be a losing one. give tax breaks to the wealthy. fall for the majority’s spin with their b 1230 Third, the original Republican tax last tax scam, and I think they will see scam temporarily limited the State through this one again. Nine months ago, the Republicans and local tax deduction, undermining They will see what this is all about. were assuring themselves their tax funding for priorities like schools, fire- They will see this for what it is: a pro- scam was good politics. Back then, fighters, and police officers. Under 2.0, posal that continues the same, old Re- Senate Majority Leader MITCH MCCON- that deduction would be made perma- publican policies at a time when the NELL said, ‘‘If we can’t sell this to the nent. More than 45 million Americans American people, we ought to go into claim the SALT deduction, including public is demanding a new direction. another line of work.’’ With polling those in Massachusetts, by the way. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of like this, some Washington Repub- They will have a harder time doing my time. licans may have to. But first, they are things like buying a home if this pack- Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I yield here today with a package of bills that age becomes law, all while State and myself such time as I may consume. represents their last-ditch attempt at local governments have a harder time As my colleague was talking about trying to turn the tide before Novem- investing in their communities. the dismal results, I turned to my ber. And the sequel is as bad as the Even while making these harmful phone here and it is all green up and original in three key ways. changes to the Tax Code, the majority down on the stock market, because the First, the original Republican tax apparently couldn’t be bothered to stock market knows that today we are scam added $2.3 trillion to the national make changes that could actually help talking about making permanent the debt to give the wealthy more tax cuts. Americans who have become victims to things that work for the American peo- 2.0 would add another $3 trillion to the natural disasters. In the wake of Hurri- ple; things that work well for employ- debt. You won’t see its cost on the cane Florence and the largest wildfires ers; things that work well for bringing budget scorecard. Republicans think in California history, Democrats asked stock market prices, not only back, they can waive a magic wand and hide the majority to include an amendment but understanding that many, many the costs. But I have news for them: that would provide to all eligible Americans and our seniors across this this is Congress, this isn’t Hogwartz. Americans the same type of relief that country have invested in the stock The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center the chairman of the Ways and Means market. It is up 40 percent since we says that this is going to cost $3.2 tril- Committee provided his constituents have had an opportunity to pass the lion. last year after Hurricane Harvey. That tax cut. It is important that people pay at- request was denied. It is outrageous The success of the free enterprise tention to this. I have got to give the that, under the majority, the tax relief system is what my colleagues hate. Republicans credit for their sneaky Americans get after a tragedy appar- They want to sell government, they ways to try to avoid the realities. They ently depends on their ZIP Code. want to sell defeat, they want to sell

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:33 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.021 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9104 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 the things that are the fear about mak- ment’s broadest measure of unemployment, higher commodity items, shortages of labor, ing progress. The facts of the case are which includes workers forced to take part- so there’s always something that counterbal- real simple, Mr. Speaker. time jobs because full-time positions are un- ances something else,’’ he said. available, fell to 7.5 percent in July, the low- Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD That pressure, however, has not resulted in est since 2001. an article from, of all places, The New All this has translated into better eco- much fatter paychecks for most workers. York Times, that was dated August 3 of nomic opportunities for workers without a The Labor Department said average hourly this year. On August 3, The New York college degree, who account for a majority of earnings ticked modestly higher in July, Times, who does some inciteful report- the work force. It is a contingent that was putting the annual rise at 2.7 percent. That’s ing, said, ‘‘Workers Hardest Hit by Re- championed by Mr. Trump during his presi- below the pace of inflation in recent months. cession Are Joining in Recovery.’’ dential campaign, and one that both parties One reason for the lack of big raises is that want to appeal to in the midterm elections [From , Aug. 2, 2018] a substantial number of workers remain on in November. the sidelines, including the less-skilled ones WORKERS HARDEST HIT BY RECESSION ARE The White House was quick to note that who are now gradually coming back, said JOINING IN RECOVERY the economy is in the midst of the longest Simona Mocuta, senior economist with State (By Nelson D. Schwartz and Ben Casselman) monthly streak of job growth in history. Street Global Advisors. The least educated American workers, who And after 94 consecutive months of job cre- took the hardest hit in the Great Recession, ation, bosses and human resource depart- ‘‘We are bringing unemployment way were also among the slowest to harvest the ments are recalibrating their requirements. below 4.5 percent, which the Fed considers gains of the recovery. Now they are a strik- ‘‘You definitely get the sense that employ- full employment,’’ Ms. Mocuta said. ‘‘But we ing symbol of a strong economy. ers are willing to look at workers they are getting very modest wage inflation. This The unemployment rate for those without haven’t looked at in the past,’’ said Martha is an issue not just for the U.S., but in every a high school diploma fell to 5.1 percent in Gimbel, director of economic research at In- other developed market.’’ July, the Labor Department reported Friday, deed.com, the employment website. Unemployed Americans who might not ‘‘Because the labor market is tight, less- the lowest since the government began col- educated workers have more of a chance of lecting data on such workers in 1992. At the have put feelers out in the past are also ven- turing back into the hunt for a job, she said. getting hired,’’ she added. ‘‘For people with economy’s nadir in the summer of 2009, the the highest level of education, it’s easier to unemployment rate for high school dropouts On Indeed’s search engine, much of the growth in queries lately has been for posi- find jobs even when the economy isn’t doing hit 15.6 percent, more than three times the well.’’ peak unemployment rate for college grad- tions like full-time cashier, mobile home uates. park manager, maintenance person and ful- A version of this article appears in print on Buffeted by technological change and fillment associate. Aug. 4, 2018, on Page A1 of the New York edi- seemingly out of place in an economy where ‘‘This is an indicator that low-skilled tion with the headline: Robust Recovery skills and credentials are in ever more de- workers are seeing opportunities for them- Lifting Laborers Hit the Hardest. mand, this cohort struggled while more edu- selves in the labor market,’’ Ms. Gimbel said. Until recently at Steel Ceilings in Johns- Mr. SESSIONS. All across this great cated workers scored jobs and promotions town, Ohio, the company’s president, Rick and rose on the economic ladder. Nation there are people who were tired High school dropouts make up 7.2 percent Sandor, insisted on a couple of years’ experi- of the loss of jobs in this country, the of the labor force, and some experts doubted ence in metal fabrication before considering movement of jobs overseas, the con- applicants. But he’s had a harder time lately they and other low-skilled workers would tinuation of a tax policy that did not ever fully recover from the effects of the re- finding workers for his company, where shifts run from 5 a.m. to 2 p.m. and tem- allow jobs and money that was earned cession, said Betsey Stevenson, a professor of by American companies to come back economics at the University of Michigan. porary positions start at $14 per hour. He now settles for candidates who show ‘‘As economists, we worried these workers here. This is what we have created a mechanical skills, like carpentry or heating would be shut out forever,’’ she said. ‘‘But change in, and this is the essence of the and cooling repair. Mr. Sandor is willing to the long duration of the recovery has pulled argument: whether we, the free enter- waive the requirement for a high school di- them back in. As the economy adds more ploma as well and has even hired applicants prise system, are going to win or jobs, employers have had to dig a little deep- with what he terms ‘‘minor’’ prison sen- whether it will be the government. er.’’ tences. REACHING FULLER EMPLOYMENT I think today it is obvious to the ‘‘If a person was truly trying to get their American people that the Republican Unemployment among the least educated, life back together, we thought it would be the group hit hardest in the recession, has helpful to offer them a job,’’ he said. Party is on the side of the free enter- been cut by two-thirds since its peak of al- Unemployment for less-skilled workers has prise system, small business, entrepre- most 16 percent in 2010. been dropping for several years, with a pick- neurship, and people who want to be The improvement in the fortunes of less- up in hiring in sectors like manufacturing, left alone, but make their lives work educated workers was a highlight in a jobs construction and parts of health care. And to and make their communities work. report that showed continuing gains across a be sure, the month-to-month figures for un- broad variety of sectors. employment among high school dropouts are Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Over all in July, employers increased pay- volatile. my time. rolls by 157,000, while the unemployment But the long-term trend is clear, as is hir- rate edged downward to 3.9 percent, near the ing among the sectors responsible for it. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 18-year low achieved in May. Last month, the leisure and hospitality field myself such time as I may consume. The data echoed other positive economic recorded a 40,000 gain in positions, with half Mr. Speaker, it is nonsense to sug- news recently, including a report last week of that coming from restaurants. gest that somehow Democrats don’t showing the economy grew by 4.1 percent in For example, Buffalo Wings & Rings, a res- the second quarter. taurant chain with 60 locations in 13 states, want the economy to work well. The And the headlines about President Trump’s has been stepping up hiring and opening new difference here is we want the economy tariffs on steel and aluminum and a widening restaurants. to work well for everyone, not just trade war with China seem to have done lit- Many outlets have seen double-digit sales those at the top. Eighty-three percent tle to put a damper on hiring. The manufac- growth over the past year, and some are up of the benefits in their tax scam go to turing sector, which is particularly sensitive as much as 40 percent, said Nader Masadeh, the top 1 percent of this country. The to exports, was robust, adding 37,000 jobs. the company’s chief executive. The tax cuts people who are struggling are those in Although the payroll increase in July was that took effect in January are playing a slightly below what Wall Street was expect- role, Mr. Masadeh said—most families may the middle and those struggling to get ing, upward revisions for May and June alle- have gotten a relatively small tax cut, but it in the middle. viated fears of a slowdown. is enough to fuel a few more nights out. Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD Several economists linked the shortfall to ‘‘People feel good. They’re going out and the shutdown of Toys ‘‘R’’ Us, and the loss of spending more money,’’ he said. ‘‘In our seg- a letter to the Speaker and to the mi- 32,000 jobs at sporting goods, book and hobby ment, $50 feeds you and your family.’’ nority leader from Feeding America, stores last month. Still, the hot economy brings challenges of which basically says very clearly that On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve up- its own. At an annual gathering of the com- the Republican tax bill ‘‘ . . . did not graded its view of the economy’s underlying pany’s franchisees in June, Mr. Masadeh prioritize assisting those taxpayers condition from ‘‘solid’’ to ‘‘strong.’’ The cen- said, he was bombarded with questions about who are most at risk of being food inse- tral bank remains on course to raise interest how to retain talent when workers can read- cure, and as a result the new law pro- rates twice more this year, in September and ily walk out the door and find another job. December, to avert overheating. And costs are rising throughout his business. vides little direct, tangible benefit to Other indicators suggest the recovery is fi- ‘‘Right now the economy is great, but the individuals and families served by nally extending its reach. The Labor Depart- we’re also seeing higher construction costs, Feeding America.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:06 Dec 08, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD18\SEPTEMBER\H27SE8.REC H27SE8 abonner on DSKBCJ7HB2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9105

FEEDING AMERICA, lower-income working families, continues to Bank (MN/WI); Shared Harvest Foodbank September 25, 2018. encourage Americans to give generously to (OH); Southeast Missouri Food Bank (MO); Hon. PAUL RYAN, charity, and ensures the government has the Southeast Ohio Foodbank (OH); Southeast Speaker of the House, resources necessary to meet our collective Texas Food Bank (TX); St Louis Area Washington, DC. obligations to provide for the health and Foodbank (MO/IL); The Food Bank of West- Hon. NANCY PELOSI, well-being of our neighbors and our commu- ern Massachusetts (MA); The Foodbank, Inc. House Democratic Leader, nities. (OH); The Greater Boston Food Bank (MA); Washington, DC. We hope to serve as a resource to you as The Idaho Foodbank (ID); Three Square Food DEAR SPEAKER RYAN AND LEADER PELOSI: this process unfolds, and we look forward to Bank (NV); Treasure Coast Food Bank (FL); We write to share Feeding America’s views the opportunity to share with you proposed Tri-State Food Bank, Inc (IN/IL/KY); Utah about ‘‘Tax Reform 2.0’’ and the legislation tax code changes that we believe will have a Food Bank (UT); Vermont Foodbank (VT); recently approved by the House Ways and positive impact on the people we serve. Virginia Peninsula Foodbank (VA); Weld Means Committee. We previously expressed Sincerely, Food Bank (CO); West Ohio Food Bank (OH); our concerns about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Alabama Food Bank Association (AL); All Westmoreland County Food Bank, Inc. (PA); Act (H.R. 1) and its impact on the millions of Faiths Food Bank; Arkansas Foodbank (AR); Worcester County Food Bank (MA). Atlanta Community Food Bank (GA); Blue Americans facing hunger in every commu- Mr. MCGOVERN. Feeding America is Ridge Area Food Bank, Inc. (VA); California nity across our country, and do not believe the preeminent organization that feeds making its provisions permanent would ease Association of Food Banks (CA); Capital the burden on those individuals and families Area Food Bank (DC/MD/VA); Central Cali- hungry families in this country. We As the nation’s largest private response to fornia Food Bank (CA); Central Pennsyl- have a hunger problem in this country. domestic hunger, and the country’s third vania Food Bank (PA); Central Texas Food Nothing in this bill today or the bill largest charitable organization, Feeding Bank (TX); City Harvest (NY); Community that the Republicans passed previously America works to advance public policies Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma (OK); Com- does anything to help those people. that support food insecure individuals and munity Food Warehouse of Mercer County So yes, we want the economy to work families and that expand the resources nec- (PA); Connecticut Food Bank (CT); Eastern well, but for everybody. Not just the essary for them to access nutritious food. Illinois Foodbank (IL); Facing Hunger rich, but we want it to work well for Given that the aggregate annual food budget Foodbank (WV/KY/OH); Feeding America; shortfall for the more than 41 million food Feeding America Southwest Virginia (VA); those in the middle and those strug- insecure individuals in the United States Feeding Indiana’s Hungry (IN). gling to get in the middle. We don’t now stands at more than $21 billion, our Feeding San Diego (CA); Feeding South want to embrace a tax scam package highest priority is protecting the federal nu- Dakota (SD); Feeding the Gulf Coast (AL/FL/ where 83 percent of the benefits go to trition programs that help these families ac- MS); Feeding Wisconsin (WI); FeedMore the top 1 percent. They may be good cess the resources and nutrition needed to (VA); Food Bank Association of New York contributors, but that doesn’t rep- succeed. State (NY); Food Bank Council of Michigan resent the majority of America. At the same time, a large percentage of in- (MI); Food Bank for Larimer County (CO); Mr. Speaker, if we defeat the pre- dividuals, including children, who struggle Food Bank for the Heartland (NE/IA); Food with hunger fall outside the public safety Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina vious question, I will offer an amend- net, underscoring the profound need for pri- (NC); Food Bank of Central New York (NY); ment to the rule to bring up Ranking vate food assistance. In 2016, more than a Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano (CA); Member NADLER’s bill, the Special quarter of food insecure individuals nation- Food Bank of East Texas (TX); Food Bank of Counsel Independence Act. This vital wide lived in households that earned too Iowa (IA); Food Bank of Lincoln, Inc. (NE); legislation will allow the people’s much to qualify for most federal nutrition Food Bank of Northern Indiana (IN); Food House to demonstrate that we as a assistance programs. For these working fam- Bank of Northern Nevada (NV/CA); Food body are capable of putting America’s ilies, the generosity of individuals and cor- Bank of the Golden Crescent (TX); Food interests over partisan politics. Bank of the Rio Grande Valley (TX). porations makes possible vital food assist- Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- ance that might not otherwise be available. Food Bank of the Rockies (CO/WY); Food Regrettably, H.R. 1 did not prioritize as- Bank of the Southern Tier (NY); Food Bank sent to insert the text of my amend- sisting those taxpayers who are most at risk of West Central Texas (TX); Food Finders ment in the RECORD, along with extra- of being food insecure, and as a result the Food Bank, Inc. (IN); Food Lifeline (WA); neous material, immediately prior to new law proves little direct, tangible benefit FOOD Share of Ventura County (CA); the vote on the previous question. to the individuals and families served by Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Feeding America. According to the Joint Eastern Shore (VA); Foodlink, Inc. (NY); objection to the request of the gen- Committee on Taxation (JCT) beginning in Forgotten Harvest (MI); Fulfill (NJ); Georgia tleman from Massachusetts? 2021 taxpayers earning between $10,000 and Food Bank Association (GA); Gleaners Food There was no objection. Bank of Indiana (IN); God’s Pantry Food $30,000 per year will see an increase in their Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Bank, Inc. (KY); Good Shepherd Food Bank average tax rate, a circumstance that will 3 minutes to the gentleman from New apply to all taxpayers earning less than (ME); Greater Chicago Food Depository (IL); $75,000 by 2027. Greater Cleveland Food Bank, Inc. (OH); York (Mr. NADLER), the ranking mem- Additionally, changes to the standard de- Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank ber of the Judiciary Committee, to dis- duction and the availability of itemized de- (PA); Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest cuss his proposal. ductions have effectively eliminated the Florida (FL); Harvesters—The Community Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I stand charitable deduction for 28.5 million tax- Food Network (MO/KS); Island Harvest (NY); here because, earlier this week, we payers, according to JCT. The result will be Kentucky Association of Food Banks (KY). were confronted with the threat of a decline in charitable giving of more than Long Island Cares (NY); Los Angeles Re- Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosen- $17 billion per year, according to a recent gional Food Bank (CA); Mid-Ohio Foodbank (OH); Mid-South Food Bank (TN/AR/MS); stein’s firing. American Enterprise Institute study, with On Monday, Mr. Rosenstein was sum- human service charities likely to be espe- Montana Food Bank Network (MT); Moun- cially hard hit. Of the 28.5 million taxpayers taineer Food Bank (WV); New Hampshire moned to the White House, with ru- expected to no longer file itemized returns, Food Bank (NH); North Texas Food Bank mors swirling that he had resigned or 24.6 million earn less than $200,000 per year. (TX); Northern Illinois Food Bank (IL); Ohio was about to be fired. Today, he was Donors with incomes below $200,000 are re- Association of Foodbanks (OH); Oregon Food scheduled to meet with the President. sponsible for 62% of annual charitable giving Bank (OR/WA); Ozarks Food Harvest (MO); But yesterday, the President said he to all human needs charities. Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New may not fire him. He prefers not to, Simply put, the loss of this century-old York (NY); Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma but he may. And he may meet with Mr. giving incentive will have a devastating ef- (OK); Rhode Island Community Food Bank fect on a wide range of charitable programs (RI); Roadrunner Food Bank (NM); San An- Rosenstein or not. and services delivered in communities across tonio Food Bank (TX); Second Harvest Com- Mr. Rosenstein is directly responsible the country, including those that provide munity Food Bank (MO/KS); Second Harvest for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s much-needed food assistance to hungry indi- Food Bank of Central Florida (FL); Second investigation into alleged links be- viduals and families who are not otherwise Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Tennessee tween the Russian Government and the benefitting from the new tax law. (TN); Second Harvest Food Bank of North- Trump campaign, as well as other re- H R. 1 represented a missed opportunity to west North Carolina (NC). lated work, now in the Southern Dis- provide relief for the millions of Americans Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange trict of New York in the National Se- who struggle to put food on the table, and we County (CA); Second Harvest Food Bank of do not support making its provisions perma- Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties (CA); curity Division of the Department of nent. We do, however, encourage you to un- Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern Wis- Justice, that could have a profound ef- dertake Tax Reform 2.0 with the aim of en- consin (WI); Second Harvest Heartland (MN/ fect on the integrity of elections to acting legislation that eases the burdens on WI); Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food come.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:42 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.016 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9106 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 The fear is that, if the President fires ary Committee to bring this important panies after companies after companies Mr. Rosenstein, a new Acting Attorney legislation before the committee for a that have reinvested in their busi- General will take steps to end the in- vote, but he has refused to act. nesses to make sure that not just vestigation by Mr. Mueller in order to Democrats have taken the unusual ergonomics or new ways to mechanize protect President Trump and his asso- step of invoking House rule XI, clause are employed in their businesses, but, ciates. It is unacceptable for a law en- 2(c)(2) to force a markup. But other Re- actually, many companies paid, dou- forcement project of this magnitude to publicans on the committee have sat bling down the amount that they had turn on the employment status of one on their hands and refused to join in contributed to a retirement fund or to official. this demand. But for three Repub- a 401(k) or to giving company stock or, As we have all seen, President Trump licans, the Judiciary Committee would as in the case of many companies in has spent his Presidency undermining be forced to consider this legislation. Dallas, gave a $1,000 bonus and then every effort to understand what hap- We cannot wait any longer. The said to the employee: For the $1,000 pened during the 2016 elections. He has stakes are too great. That is why I bonus I give each of the employees, I shown no interest in safeguarding the offer this proposal. want you to know we are going to rein- 2018 elections from ongoing attacks by Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I yield vest in making our business up to date foreign adversaries. Instead, he attacks myself such time as I may consume. and better, too. the intelligence community; attacks Mr. Speaker, it is not without notice So, Mr. Speaker, no wonder—no won- the Department of Justice; attacks ca- to the American people that the discus- der—the other side, as they come to reer civil servants; and attacks Special sion may be on great economic policy the table today with an equal oppor- tunity for time, changes the discussion Counsel Mueller, complaining about that is working for people, we are at- point to something that is extraneous what he calls a ‘‘total witch hunt’’ and tacked here in Washington on the from how successful this tax bill has calling for the Attorney General to end floor, and then the subject changes to been. So we will stand here until the the investigation. something else, rather than the over- end of our time and say: We need to This is not a witch hunt. In a rel- whelming evidence of how we are make it permanent because it works. atively short period of time, investiga- doing. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of tors have secured multiple convictions b 1245 my time. and guilty pleas from key Trump cam- Mr. Speaker, there was a discussion I Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, the paign personnel, including the Presi- reason why we are offering this proce- put in the RECORD, that New York dent’s campaign manager, his deputy dural motion is because the Repub- Times article about those at the very campaign manager, his national secu- licans run this House like Putin. We bottom who had been left behind be- rity adviser, and others. are shut out of everything. So this is fore, under the previous administra- But President Trump and his allies in our only opportunity to try to get this Chamber are engaged in a broader tion’s tax increase, to where they lost some important business done. strategy to undermine the legitimacy jobs because we lost jobs in America The Republicans can spend every day of any finding, guilty plea, or any con- with the massive spending spree that trying to pass more tax cuts for their viction that may come out of the in- took place by President Obama and the wealthy friends and big corporations, vestigation. President Trump will take Democratic Party. but maybe—just maybe—we can do any opportunity to reign in, suppress, I am pleased to report not just what something useful like protecting our or end the Special Counsel’s investiga- was said on August the 18th by The democracy. tion. New York Times, but even today. Afri- Mr. Speaker, I yield 21⁄2 minutes to We know this because President can American and Hispanic unemploy- the gentleman from California (Mr. Trump has told us so. He told us that ment rates are at some of the lowest SCHIFF), the distinguished ranking he fired the FBI Director because of rates that they have ever been. member of the Committee on Intel- the ‘‘Russia thing.’’ He is reported to The Bureau of Labor Standards even ligence. have ordered the firing of Robert passed out a report about the weekly Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, the 115th Mueller at least twice. He attacks his unemployment claims. Those are the Congress will soon come to an end. own Attorney General for quite prop- claims where people who were seeking There is much work that we will leave erly recusing himself from the inves- jobs, we count those up across the undone, but none so consequential to tigation. His surrogates compare the country. They are at the lowest rates our democracy as the failure to pass FBI to the Gestapo, and call for the po- since 1969. That means, even though we legislation to protect Special Counsel lice to raid the Justice Department. have a larger amount of people in the Mueller’s investigation from further Fortunately, as a coequal branch of country, a fewer numberwise—not per- interference by the President. Today government, we have a way to protect centage, numberwise—are seeking un- may be our last chance to avoid the our law enforcement officers from employment compensation. constitutional crisis that will come these threats and to protect the coun- Mr. Speaker, it is working. There is should this President fire Mueller or try from this barrage of misinforma- success in the marketplace. What Re- Rosenstein or otherwise act to obstruct justice while we are in recess. tion from the White House. publicans did is so good that we want it This is our opportunity, our responsi- H.R. 5476, the Special Counsel Inde- to continue, because people who have bility, to uphold the rule of law and to pendence and Integrity Act, would pro- their jobs tend to want to protect those jobs. But the protection of the jobs is make clear that no one, even this tect the Special Counsel from being un- President—or any President—is above justly fired and would allow for the being done by this administration to make sure that we can sell more of our the law. courts to review any political inter- My colleagues, the fig leaf is gone. If products overseas. ference. This is bipartisan legislation we leave this work undone, after all that has 126 cosponsors and is identical About 40 percent of everything made this President has said and done, if he to Republican legislation that has a in this country is made for export. We fires individuals responsible for an in- number of Republican cosponsors. are for a larger export market. We are vestigation into which the President The Senate counterpart to H.R. 5476 for jobs in this country. Over $50 bil- himself may be implicated, no Member was introduced by Senators GRAHAM, lion has flowed back into the United of this Chamber can say they did not BOOKER, COONS, and TILLIS, and passed States from overseas as a result of see it coming. the Senate Judiciary Committee on what we did last December 18 with the For months, this President and his April 26, 2018, by a vote of 14–7. tax bill. allies in Congress have sought to inter- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The overwhelming success of people fere with, obstruct, and manipulate time of the gentleman has expired. back at home, wherever we are from, is this investigation: Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield apparent. They are working. They have They have selectively leaked or de- the gentleman from New York an addi- got an opportunity. Their savings are classified documents; tional 30 seconds. increasing. They have sought to impeach the Mr. NADLER. We have been calling All over my hometown of Dallas, Deputy Attorney General to give the on the chairman of the House Judici- Texas, there are companies after com- President cover to fire him;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.025 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9107 They have watched in silence as this February 2, 2018: indictment against doesn’t work, and that is why they President has demanded loyalty and Richard Gates, adviser to the Presi- have abdicated this fight today on the public pronouncements of devotion dent; floor. The fight that they thought they from the Justice Department and law February 23, 2018: guilty plea from were bringing is not about the success enforcement officials while he has Richard Gates; or failure of this; it is about another denigrated judges based on their eth- February 12, 2018: guilty plea from issue. nicity, while he has told us that we Richard Pinedo; Mr. Speaker, the bottom line is that cannot believe our free press, that we February 16, 2018: guilty plea from America is economically stronger. We cannot believe what we see and what Alex van der Zwaan; have more people working today than we hear, but that we can only believe Indictment, February 16, 2018, in the history of the country. There are him. against 16 Russians for weaponizing so- companies that are making money, and All of this is an affront to the rule of cial media to help the Trump cam- there are employees who are making law, and all of it has been met with al- paign, including the Internet Research money, and there are employees who most absolute silence from my col- Association, directly tied to Vladimir are successful. leagues in the GOP, with the exception Putin; When that happens, Mr. Speaker, you of a few brave people like John February 22, 2018: superseding indict- get an increase in take-home pay, and McCain. ment against Paul Manafort, campaign that is also what Republicans under- This is an administration that says chairman for and Rich- stand about what we have done: an in- the truth is not truth, that they are ard Gates; crease in the amount of take-home pay entitled to their own alternate facts. February 23, 2018: guilty plea from to where the American people gain ben- There is nothing more corrosive to a Richard Gates; efit not just for their hard work, but democracy than the idea that there is June 6, 2018: superseding indictment for their families; to pay for their fam- no such thing as truth, that the Presi- against Paul Manafort, chairman to ilies to be able to go to a Boy Scout dent is the law, that he is entitled to Donald Trump, and Konstantin outing; to make sure they are prepared an Attorney General who will protect Kilimnik, associated with the Russian to send their children to school, so that him and not the country or our system intelligence services; they can pay themselves, not looking of justice. September 14, 2018: guilty plea, cam- to the government to make the pay- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The paign chairman Paul Manafort, just ment for them; not looking for a hand- time of the gentleman has expired. about 1 month after he was found out, but, rather, making sure that peo- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield guilty on a number of counts by a jury ple have the dignity of work, the dig- the gentleman from California an addi- of his peers; nity of opportunity, an honest day’s tional 30 seconds. And, finally, July 13, 2018: 12 Rus- work, an honest day’s pay, an oppor- Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, by defeat- sians indicted for the hacking and tunity for the free enterprise system, ing this previous question, we can stealing of Donald Trump’s opponent’s the American Dream, to work. bring to the floor a bipartisan bill to emails. That is what we are talking about protect the special counsel’s investiga- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The today. We are talking about the suc- tion. time of the gentleman has expired. cess and the limiting success. And the Wake up, my colleagues. Our democ- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield limiting success is, if we make these racy, our rule of law, is under assault. the gentleman an additional 30 sec- tax policies permanent, it creates an Stand up to this President. Do your onds. opportunity for wiser choices, wiser de- duty. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- cisions, wiser long-term attributes of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- bers are reminded to refrain from en- success, not for the government, but bers are reminded to refrain from en- gaging in personalities toward the for the American people. gaging in personalities toward the President. President. Mr. SWALWELL of California. Mr. b 1300 Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I re- Speaker, the special counsel is making And that is what the debate is on this serve the balance of my time. progress. The best thing we can do to side: helping the middle class of this Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield uphold the rule of law in this country, country to achieve a strong footing to 3 minutes to the gentleman from Cali- to allow him to continue to investigate where they can make their American fornia (Mr. SWALWELL). who attacked us, who worked with the Dream work not only for them, but for Mr. SWALWELL of California. Mr. Russians, and to make sure we know their children and grandchildren. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to defeat all we can do to protect this great de- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of this previous question so that we can mocracy is to protect that investiga- my time. immediately take up Mr. NADLER’s leg- tion, to not allow the President to Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield islation that would protect Bob threaten it, and to do our job: protect myself such time as I may consume. Mueller’s special counsel investigation. our great democracy. Mr. Speaker, with all due respect to The rule of law right now is under at- Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I appre- my colleague from Texas, tax cuts for tack by a wrecking-ball President who ciate the opportunity for all the law- the rich and big corporations aren’t does not respect it, who has fired his yers in the House on the Democratic going to protect this country from an- investigator and, as we speak, seeks to side to come down and argue their other attack by the Russians on our hire a judge who would protect him. case, but I would politely disagree with elections and on democracy. But Bob Mueller, despite the attacks them. But here is the deal: You can do both. that I hear in this Chamber, is making The way you save this great democ- You can debate your tax scam 2.0 for progress. His investigation started in racy is by making it economically the rich, and if you vote to defeat the May 2017. Since May 2017, he has ob- sound and powerful and prepared so previous question, we can also vote to tained a lot of guilty pleas and indict- that we can pay for this government, protect the Mueller investigation. ments. so that we can understand that Amer- So we can do both, and I hope my col- October 5, 2017: a guilty plea against ica’s greatest days lie in our future, so leagues will vote to defeat the previous General Michael Flynn, campaign ad- that we can understand it is the Amer- question. viser and national security adviser to ican people who want and need to make Mr. Speaker, I yield 11⁄2 minutes to Donald Trump; success, that they want their dream to the gentlewoman from California (Mrs. December 1, 2017: the statement of of- succeed, not just the government. TORRES), a distinguished member of fense from Michael Flynn detailing What we are hearing today is they the House Rules Committee. what he had done; have abdicated this debate today from Mrs. TORRES. Mr. Speaker, the GOP October 5, 2017: statement of offense what was an economic debate all the tax scam has been nothing but a give- and guilty plea from George way to a political debate. Economics, away to millionaires and corporations. Papadopoulos, senior adviser to can- you see, has that side of it where peo- This Republican majority is adding didate Trump; ple can see what works and what trillions—trillions—of dollars to our

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.026 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9108 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 national debt, debt that our children In Dallas, Texas, where I am from, assistance. It was called, unfortu- and grandchildren will have to pay for last week, 2 weeks ago, we had a sem- nately, demise. for years to come, trillions in debt that inar whereby people talked about and Mr. Speaker, what we have done by will put Medicare and Social Security demonstrated what this economy is passing the tax cut is to make sure at risk. doing. I had several employers who that employers had an opportunity to Already, we can’t provide the min- stood up and said to the media, that hire employees. All across this coun- imum funding to the ACA, making it was never reported: try, there is a marketplace available to harder for our constituents to get We have 10 jobs that are available at a people who were ready and willing to health insurance and access to care. starting salary of $60,000, but you have to be come to work, and they have. The fig- Now, how are the Republicans trying able to pass a drug test and you have to ures are, to us, as Republican, normal to pay for this debt? By attacking—by come to work every day. We will train you. and regular. attacking—the hardworking taxpayers We will do the training. We don’t need the We were told by President Obama government or someone else to do that, but like those that I represent in the great and Ms. PELOSI: ‘‘We can’t get the 4.2 you have to do two things: You have to be State of California. That is right, so able to pass the drug test, and you have got percent GDP rate.’’ That is right. You millionaires and corporations can have to come to work every day, and you have got can’t get to 4.2 because your policies a tax break. I call that welfare for the to be able to go be willing to be a part of a and procedures won’t let the country most affluent people and corporations team that is about your success and theirs do that. We are going to be stuck in in America at the cost of the hard- also. the ones. working taxpayers in California. What a great deal the free enterprise But, Mr. Speaker, what happened is And let me say that again. Millions offers today. Instead of us begging for that a new energy abounded in this of Californians will see their taxes in- jobs and wishing they were here, they country, and it is called optimism and crease with this GOP tax scam. abound, Mr. Speaker. It is called great opportunity and success and redevelop- Now, today, as if we haven’t already economics. It is called making America ment of ideas to bring the American done enough, the Republican majority great again. That is why we want to spirit back to the top. And that was, is voting to make this tax increase per- make it permanent. instead of Uncle Sam telling us what to manent, a permanent tax increase to Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of do, we are getting that opportunity to our hardworking taxpayers. my time. have the success back home. California is the fifth largest global Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, if I That is why the largest number of economy. can inquire of the gentleman from African Americans ever in the market- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Texas how many more speakers he has place or, thereto, the largest number of time of the gentlewoman has expired. on his side? women, the largest number of His- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I have panics in the marketplace today. This an additional 30 seconds to the gentle- one. is yet another reason, Mr. Speaker, woman from California. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I kind why Republicans are on the floor talk- Mrs. TORRES. Mr. Speaker, Cali- of figured, if this was so popular, that ing about the economy and my friends fornia is the fifth largest global econ- there would be tons of Republicans are talking about another issue. omy and a donor State. We should be down here. Mr. Speaker, we need to be very clear trying to make every other State more Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the about this. I will be asking all 435 like the great State of California. gentlewoman from Wisconsin (Ms. Members of Congress, for them to see Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I yield MOORE). the reality and the truth of what is myself such time as I may consume. Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, hallelujah. available back home, and that is oppor- Mr. Speaker, the frailty of the argu- Let the Republican majority tell it. tunity can abound for a longer period ments from my opponents is stag- The American people are just going to of time with more success and more op- gering. The newest report out, ‘‘the be so thrilled with tax scam 2.0 where portunity. ACA healthcare market stabilized na- we permanently lock in obscene tax ad- The next chance to make sure that tionwide for most customers,’’ and yet vantages for corporations and the the contract that is won by their com- we are told we are not even funding it. wealthy, where we lock in inequality, pany or the next successful quarter or It is funded by the government. It is where we directly threaten Social Se- the next opportunity that they get to mandatory spending. But the good part curity, Medicare, and Medicaid. get a pay raise can come because we is is that they now have an idea of who Now, Mr. Speaker, the American peo- are making sure that the free enter- is in the marketplace and what those ple are just going to be bereft of this prise system is sound and secure for correct rates are, and it is stabilizing. economic security and retirement se- the future. It is stabilizing because what we have curity, but they are going to spontane- And that is how you save Social Se- done is made the opportunity available ously break out in a Depression-era curity, Medicare, and Medicaid: by for people to have a job to pay for their George Gershwin opera, like I did on working today and protecting Amer- healthcare. And the ability to have a the stage of North Division High ican jobs. It is an effort that the Re- job means that you not only have a School: publican Party has had, will have, has chance to pay for your car, your home I got plenty o’ nuttin’, today, and we can’t wait to see the or apartment, your daughter or your And nuttin’s plenty for me. vote to see who is for the free enter- son’s college, but you also have an op- I got no car, got no misery. prise system of seeing that success. portunity to pay for your own insur- Meanwhile, the folks with plenty of Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of ance, your own healthcare, your own plenty are getting 80 percent of this my time. needs to take care of your own family. tax cut, increasing the debt by another Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield This is where we see America, right $3 trillion in just 3 years’ time. 2 minutes to the gentleman from Ken- now, has the largest number of people Mr. Speaker, no singing, no dancing, tucky (Mr. YARMUTH), the distin- who are employed in America. Every no tax scam. My constituents want our guished ranking member of the Com- single economic and social indicator country’s wealth back. mittee on the Budget. indicates that more people at the high- Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Speaker, I thank est level are employed. More people at myself such time as I may consume. the gentleman for yielding. the highest level are having an oppor- Mr. Speaker, there is a lot of song Mr. Speaker, just 8 months ago, the tunity to get up and go to work, a and dance on the floor, but it is revi- Republicans jammed through their chance to make their lives and their sionist history. What some of our col- massive, unpaid-for tax cut. Not a sin- family better. leagues have forgotten is that the Afri- gle Democrat voted for that bill, and This is the essence of what we are can American unemployment during for good reason. Nonpartisan experts talking about today: making life better President Obama’s Presidency was 15.5 told us that the tax cut would over- for people, giving them a better oppor- percent. It was called misery. It was whelmingly benefit the wealthy and tunity back home to have a job that is called no job. It was called unemploy- big corporations while threatening our available. ment. It was called more government fiscal and economic health. It would

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.028 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9109 add more than $1 trillion to the Na- abound. That is what we are here about They can drown out the detractors. tion’s debt. And the newest reports on also. They can drown out people who the impact of the tax law further con- We are here about the youngest of brought a different idea to the table, firm those dire warnings: Corporate people who we have in our midst who because that brought us 15 percent un- profits have soared, along with stock are second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth employment for African Americans buybacks, while working-class wages grade. We are about those people who when we had a President who claims he remain stagnant and income and are in college, who are studying hard was there for equality also. Equality is wealth inequality continue to grow. because they want to be a part of a a job and an opportunity. Yet today, Republicans want to go workforce. They want to be part of Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of even further, pushing their tax cut 2.0 making their dream better. my time. legislation. It is not a surprise that But if there are no jobs, that is an in- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield they are extending the provisions of dictment on this body. That is an in- 1 minute to the gentleman from Ten- their tax bill. The expirations were al- dictment of elected officials and of an nessee (Mr. COHEN). ways gimmicks to hide the true cost of administration, many of them Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I am here the tax cut and evade the constraints unelected, but who have a policy that to urge this House to defeat the pre- on reconciliation bills. fits their political ideology, rather vious question so that we can hear H.R. This new legislation, once again, ben- than what is intended for success of 5476, a bipartisan bill to protect the efits the wealthiest Americans and people back home. Special Counsel, Mr. Mueller. adds trillions of dollars more to the Today, I am going to ask every Mem- It is important for democracy and for Nation’s debt in decades to come, fur- ber of this body, and I will do it right the rule of law for which we are re- ther jeopardizing the Nation’s already now, to please understand that you will spected around the globe that Mr. rocky long-term fiscal outlook. have an opportunity to vote to make Mueller’s investigation goes on and not This new tax cut 2.0 package, just what we have today even more success- be impeded by the firing of Mr. Rosen- like the one before it, is being rushed ful for a longer period of time; and to stein and the imposition of somebody through the House with no hearings grow the amount of GDP; to grow the who is inimical to Mr. Mueller’s inves- and no input from the American peo- amount of investment; to believe in the tigation. ple. The Republican tax cut 2.0 legisla- American worker; to expect the oppor- I want to quote Bill Frist, former Re- tion is another irresponsible tax cut for tunity for there to be an equal market- publican majority leader in the Senate. the wealthy that threatens our long- place share, where the employer and ‘‘Congress must never abandon its role term fiscal and economic health, and the employee can both gain, not only as an equal branch of government. In we know how that story ends. in the ability to pay their own bills, this moment, that means protecting As Republicans have often dem- but the ability to sustain what we do. Mueller’s investigation. We’re at our onstrated, they are committed to cut- Mr. Speaker, let’s not show the short best as Senators and Republicans when ting more taxes for the rich, fretting side of this and talk about the nega- we defend our institutions. But more when deficits rise, and then attacking tives or the frailties or the things that than that, it’s our best face as Ameri- crucial programs American families really, I don’t think, will come to bear, cans. rely on, such as Medicare and Social but let’s talk about the success. The ‘‘People around the world admire not Security, to pay for the debt increase. success is that we are going to move just the material well-being of the Let’s not add more to this three-step our stock market, as it is doing today, United States but our values, too. The process. This is not the time to rush with the evidence that they have that rule of law is something many die try- through another round of tax cuts. The we can, as a body, move our business. ing to secure for their countries. We rule before us would allow for passage Just this week, we had an oppor- can’t afford to squander it at home.’’ of this irresponsible legislation, and I tunity to do what hadn’t been done for Defeat the previous question. Protect urge my colleagues to oppose the rule. 21 years. Those pesky Republicans in Robert Mueller. Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I yield the House and the Senate and our Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I re- myself such time as I may consume. President are going to sign a bill fund- serve the balance of my time. Mr. Speaker, the American Dream ing 80 percent of the government to Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, if I should be available to everybody: avoid not just a continuing resolution, could just inquire of the gentleman young, old, African American, His- but to get it done on time, expecting from Texas one more time, just to panic, Native American, even those this government, in their balance, to make sure there is nobody else who people who have come to our shores. To do their job that we have entrusted wants to speak. make America work, American busi- them with. Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, as a ness has to work. Today, we are taking part on the matter of fact, the gentleman is cor- Making American business work— other part of that equation, to the free rect. I will be closing for us, so any- which is why we have business schools, enterprise system saying: Keep pro- time the gentleman chooses to do that, why we have college-educated people, ducing jobs. Keep doing the things that he may expend his time. why we have entrepreneurship, why we small business does; whether you are in Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield have small business owners, why we Weatherford, Texas, and own a car myself such time as I may consume. have people who dedicate themselves dealership, and you sell your product Mr. Speaker, the Republicans have so to that free enterprise system—comes and make it available to customers diminished this House of Representa- about as a result of their opportunity back home, and you expect them to tives. We are being told that tomorrow to work within a series of rules, regula- pay and your product to sell and win, may be our last day in session before tions, and tax policy that is balanced. or whether we expect to produce prod- the election, that the Republicans will A balanced tax policy would tell you ucts that we sell overseas. adjourn 2 weeks early so they can go that, if you have the highest taxes in Mr. Speaker, it is the other half of home to try to convince voters that the marketplace, your opportunity lev- the equation. This same week that we they deserve to be reelected. els diminish. Likewise, it would say gave 80 percent of the government, in- What we are doing today, this tax and tell you that, if you do not pay an cluding the military and Health and scam 2.0, is a joke, because they know honest day’s work for an honest day’s Human Services, the things that they it is going nowhere in the Senate. They pay, you would not have employees and have asked for and need to produce, are frightened by the fact that their would be searching to try and make up today, we are asking the other side of original tax bill is so terribly unpopu- that deficit another way. the equation, the American people, to lar, and rightfully so, because the continue fighting, continue working, American people object to a tax bill b 1315 continue believing, not only in your where 83 percent of the benefits go to Today, American business and Amer- American Dream, but continue to be- the top 1 percent. That is just not fair. ican workers have more work than we lieve that the future of this country is People understand things like fairness. can get done in 1 day, and numbers of bright and going to be successful for Mr. Speaker, we are asking people to orders and opportunities for our future you and your family. defeat the previous question to protect

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.029 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9110 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 the Mueller investigation. Since we are will they ever be able to back up their the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, H.R. 6760 con- adjourning most likely tomorrow, this talk with their vote? tinues to favor high-income individuals over may be our only time to do it. You can So I ask the majority, as we stand on middle- and working-class Americans. vote to defeat the previous question. the doorstep of this dubious distinc- To make matters worse, H.R. 6760 adds to You can still vote for this tax scam tion, join us in voting against this the large debt we have as a nation. According bill, but you also can vote on whether record-shattering closed rule. to the Congressional Budget Office, H.R. 6760 or not to protect the Mueller investiga- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance alone would increase the deficit by $631 billion tion. We ought to do that. of my time. over the next ten years. At a time when the But there is another thing I want Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, before I deficit is already too high, we need to start fig- Members of both sides to appreciate, as start, could you please advise me on uring out ways to stop the deficit from grow- this may be the last rule we bring to how much time remains for me. ing, not adding to it. A growing deficit only the floor. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. WIL- means that critical benefits that Americans use What we are considering today is LIAMS). The gentleman from Texas has every day, like Social Security, Medicare, and record-shattering. The majority broke 21⁄2 minutes remaining. Medicaid will be diminished or demolished as the record for the number of closed Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I yield a way to pay for this unfair and flawed tax leg- rules in Congress earlier this year. The myself the balance of my time. islation. Ending crucial benefits that Americans record they broke, by the way, was Mr. Speaker, the opportunity that we rely on every day is another attack on the very their own. have to be on the floor today is about people who sent us here. This restrictive process has often one thing. They want to make it about Instead of continuing to hurt Americans, shut out debates here on the House something else, and that is within Congress must come together to create a tax floor that the American people des- their purview and their decision. code that is fair for all American workers and perately want this Congress to have, on What it is about is whether we are the middle class. I urge my colleagues to cre- issues like gun safety, protecting the going to continue to have the highest ate a tax code that evens out the playing field Dreamers, and lowering the cost of pre- rates of employment in this country; for American workers, strengthens working scription drugs. the highest and best opportunity for families, and helps our economy benefit all Now, today, the majority is taking is people to continue take-home pay in- Americans. the most closed Congress in American creases; the opportunity for American Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in history to a whole new level because, jobs, workers, and business to have strong opposition to H. Res. 1084, the rule tucked inside this measure, is the ma- more work than we have employees for; governing debate for H.R. 6756, the American jority’s 99th, 100th, and 101st first the opportunity to take and have, all Innovation Act of 2018,’’ H.R. 6757 ‘‘Family closed rules of this Congress. There has across this country, the opportunity Savings Act of 2018,’’ and H.R. 6760 ‘‘Pro- never ever been a moment like this in for reinvestment; the opportunity for tecting Family and Small Business Tax Cuts American history, more than 100 closed people to be successful; the oppor- Act of 2018’’. rules in a single Congress. tunity for people who are in school I must oppose this rule and urge the defeat This isn’t some arcane legislative today to look up and know they see a the previous question, not because we do not matter. Consider what the majority bright future. support innovation for our small businesses has brought under closed rules, things That is the way the world sees it, at and entrepreneurs, but because defeating the like their first tax scam and their dis- least I think we do here in America, previous question will enable this House to astrous healthcare repeal bill. not in Washington. We might be a consider and pass H.R. 5476, the ‘‘Special There are still months to go before drug-free work zone up here, but what Counsel Independence and Integrity Act’’. the 116th Congress begins. Who knows we have is the ability for this majority This is an opportunity we do not want to what other disasters the majority of to keep pushing its opportunity for misuse. President Trump will dream up next. success for the American people. For the last sixteen months, our nation has Now, Mr. Speaker, I am not sug- So this week, we took care of making watched as the Special Counsel investigating gesting that everything that the House sure we fund, on time, perhaps a little the attack on our democracy during the 2016 considers should be under an open rule. bit early, the government for next election has returned dozens of indictments There are times when a closed rule year. But we are also going to fund the against foreign actors suspected of interfering might be necessary. But more than 100 American people and the free enter- in our democracy. closed rules? There is no justification prise system. Tellingly, the investigation has also returned for that. So, Mr. Speaker, what a fun day, a series of guilty pleas, including: Now, I don’t know who will run this what a great opportunity for people all allocutions from the President’s former per- place in January, but if Democrats are across schools, and in schools, and peo- sonal lawyer; trusted with the majority, we will have ple who work to say, one party is going his campaign chairman; his deputy campaign chairman; a more accommodating process. This to vote for me and one party is going his first national security advisor; to vote against me. place will be run like professionals. a top foreign policy advisor, and many I am asking every Member to do it, Ideas will be allowed to come forward, more. and the House of Representatives will so that we get together on economic Americans have come to the conclusion that actually debate again. outlook and view. I urge my colleagues the 2016 election was a crime scene. But we don’t have to wait until next to support the rule. The 2018 election could be one too. year to force a more open process. We Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, While the Special Counsel—appointed by can start right here today. My Repub- I rise today to speak out against H.R. 6760, officials from the Trump Administration—has lican colleagues have voiced frustra- the Protecting Family and Small Business Tax been diligently returning pleas and indict- tion with their majority’s closed proc- Cuts Acts of 2018, along with the two other ments, and unearthing the extraordinary ef- ess. Well, we have the chance here to bills packaged into what is being called Tax forts that a hostile foreign power had on our do more than just talk. We can vote. Reform 2.0. H.R. 6760 is a continuation of the election, the President has been busy berating So when a closed rule goes down, GOP’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that was the effort, and those whom he believes are as- Speaker RYAN will actually have to pushed into law in December 2017. This 2017 sisting in attempts to get at the truth of what start upholding his promise of a more tax law is a scam on the American public, and transpired in the 2016 election. open, more inclusive, more delibera- the legislation before us today is more of the Yet, beyond guilty pleas and indictments, tive, and more participatory process. same. The fundamental problem with the Tax the Special Counsel has also been performing It would be better late than never. Cuts and Jobs Act is that its goal was never an essential service for the American people: While calling for a more open process, to help the average American. Instead, it helps he has been telling the American people a virtually every Republican voted for out large corporations and wealthy individuals story of how our democracy is susceptible to every closed rule we have considered. by dramatically decreasing their tax rates. outside influence. The rank and file Republicans are part H.R. 6760 doubles down on these regressive He has done this by sharing certain, critical of the problem. policies, doing nothing to even the playing facts such as: Mr. Speaker, if they are not going to field for millions of working Americans strug- the President’s son, son-in-law and cam- take a stand on the 101st closed rule, gling to enter or stay in the middle class. Like paign manager attended a meeting with

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.030 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9111 agents of the Russian government promising provide oversight on a president sorely in plications whatsoever.’’ But that is not what to have ‘‘dirt’’ on the President’s 2016 oppo- need of it. they have always said. Listen to the Repub- nent, Secretary Hillary Clinton; The material previously referred to lican Leadership Manual on the Legislative Process in the United States House of Rep- we also learned how Russians funneled by Mr. MCGOVERN is as follows: resentatives, (6th edition, page 135). Here’s money through stalwart Republican-leaning or- AN AMENDMENT TO H. RES. 1084 OFFERED BY how the Republicans describe the previous ganizations to influence our campaign; and MR. MCGOVERN question vote in their own manual: ‘‘Al- we learned that Russians selectively leaked At the end of the resolution, add the fol- though it is generally not possible to amend and indeed weaponized stolen emails in order lowing new sections: the rule because the majority Member con- to influence our electorate. SEC. 9. Immediately upon adoption of this trolling the time will not yield for the pur- Alongside this parade of developments, the resolution the Speaker shall, pursuant to pose of offering an amendment, the same re- American people have watched as this presi- clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House sult may be achieved by voting down the pre- dent has tried to wrestle control—either func- resolved into the Committee of the Whole vious question on the rule . . . When the House on the state of the Union for consider- motion for the previous question is defeated, tionally or formally—of the investigation into ation of the bill (H.R. 5476) to ensure inde- control of the time passes to the Member the Russian interference in the 2016 cam- pendent investigations and judicial review of who led the opposition to ordering the pre- paign, and whether and to what extent the ef- the removal of a special counsel, and for vious question. That Member, because he fort was aided and abetted associates of the other purposes. The first reading of the bill then controls the time, may offer an amend- Trump Campaign. shall be dispensed with. All points of order ment to the rule, or yield for the purpose of For good reason, Americans are suspicious against consideration of the bill are waived. amendment.’’ of this president’s ability to abide by long- General debate shall be confined to the bill In Deschler’s Procedure in the U.S. House standing norms to which all prior American and shall not exceed one hour equally di- of Representatives, the subchapter titled vided and controlled by the chair and rank- ‘‘Amending Special Rules’’ states: ‘‘a refusal presidents have adhered: the need to abstain ing minority member of the Committee on to order the previous question on such a rule from interfering in law enforcement investiga- the Judiciary. After general debate the bill [a special rule reported from the Committee tions. shall be considered for amendment under the on Rules] opens the resolution to amend- Most infamously, the President breached five-minute rule. All points of order against ment and further debate.’’ (Chapter 21, sec- this norm when he fired the former director of provisions in the bill are waived. At the con- tion 21.2) Section 21.3 continues: ‘‘Upon re- the Federal Bureau of Investigation, James clusion of consideration of the bill for jection of the motion for the previous ques- Comey in May 2017. amendment the Committee shall rise and re- tion on a resolution reported from the Com- Between that date and now, the President port the bill to the House with such amend- mittee on Rules, control shifts to the Mem- ments as may have been adopted. The pre- has: ber leading the opposition to the previous vious question shall be considered as ordered question, who may offer a proper amendment ridiculed the Attorney General, who recused on the bill and amendments thereto to final or motion and who controls the time for de- himself from overseeing the Russia investiga- passage without intervening motion except bate thereon.’’ tion and, in the process, drew the ire of the one motion to recommit with or without in- Clearly, the vote on the previous question president; structions. If the Committee of the Whole on a rule does have substantive policy impli- terminated or forced the retirements of sev- rises and reports that it has come to no reso- cations. It is one of the only available tools eral senior law enforcement officials; and lution on the bill, then on the next legisla- for those who oppose the Republican major- has threatened or attempted to take extraor- tive day the House shall, immediately after ity’s agenda and allows those with alter- dinary steps—like the selective dissemination the third daily order of business under clause native views the opportunity to offer an al- 1 of rule XIV, resolve into the Committee of ternative plan. of classified information—for the purposes of the Whole for further consideration of the Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I yield tainting the investigation into his possible bill. back the balance of my time, and I criminal activity. SEC. 10. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not Along the way, House Republicans have re- apply to the consideration of H.R. 5476. move the previous question on the res- fused to exercise even the slightest amount of olution. oversight on this president or this president. THE VOTE ON THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: WHAT The SPEAKER pro tempore. The One significant way the Congress can do IT REALLY MEANS question is on ordering the previous this is by protecting the Special Counsel and This vote, the vote on whether to order the question. his investigation. previous question on a special rule, is not The question was taken; and the This has long been a concern of mine. merely a procedural vote. A vote against or- Speaker pro tempore announced that dering the previous question is a vote This is why, alongside the JERRY NADLER, the ayes appeared to have it. against the Republican majority agenda and Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, on the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary a vote to allow the Democratic minority to Committee, I introduced H.R. 5476, the Spe- offer an alternative plan. It is a vote about that I demand the yeas and nays. cial Counsel Independence and Integrity Act. what the House should be debating. The yeas and nays were ordered. If enacted into law, H.R. 5476 permits a ter- Mr. Clarence Cannon’s Precedents of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- minated Special Counsel to challenge his ter- House of Representatives (VI, 308–311), de- ant to clause 9 of rule XX, the Chair mination in court and would stay the investiga- scribes the vote on the previous question on will reduce to 5 minutes the minimum tion pending the challenge. the rule as ‘‘a motion to direct or control the time for any electronic vote on the The Special Counsel would be given a no- consideration of the subject before the House question of adoption. being made by the Member in charge.’’ To The vote was taken by electronic de- tice stating the reasons for the removal. defeat the previous question is to give the The matter would be heard by a three judge opposition a chance to decide the subject be- vice, and there were—yeas 227, nays panel who would determine whether the re- fore the House. Cannon cites the Speaker’s 189, not voting 12, as follows: moval was for misconduct, dereliction of duty, ruling of January 13, 1920, to the effect that [Roll No. 409] incapacity, conflict of interest, or other good ‘‘the refusal of the House to sustain the de- YEAS—227 mand for the previous question passes the cause. Abraham Brat Conaway If it is, the removal is affirmed. control of the resolution to the opposition’’ Aderholt Brooks (AL) Cook If it is not, the Special Counsel is reinstated. in order to offer an amendment. On March Allen Brooks (IN) Costello (PA) In the face of this president’s bellicosity to- 15, 1909, a member of the majority party of- Amash Buchanan Cramer fered a rule resolution. The House defeated Amodei Buck Crawford wards the law enforcement institutions inves- the previous question and a member of the Arrington Bucshon Culberson tigating him, the Special Counsel Independ- opposition rose to a parliamentary inquiry, Babin Budd Curbelo (FL) ence and Integrity Act is a measure of over- asking who was entitled to recognition. Bacon Burgess Curtis sight we can place on this president, who in- Balderson Byrne Davidson Speaker Joseph G. Cannon (R–Illinois) said: Banks (IN) Calvert Davis, Rodney creasingly feels emboldened to flout long- ‘‘The previous question having been refused, Barr Carter (GA) Denham standing norms in the name of covering up his the gentleman from New York, Mr. Fitz- Barton Carter (TX) Diaz-Balart past conduct. gerald, who had asked the gentleman to Bergman Chabot Donovan This is an Article I moment—it is time for all yield to him for an amendment, is entitled to Biggs Cheney Duffy the first recognition.’’ Bilirakis Cloud Duncan (SC) in this chamber and across the Capitol in the The Republican majority may say ‘‘the Bishop (MI) Coffman Duncan (TN) Bishop (UT) Cole Dunn Senate to seize it. vote on the previous question is simply a Through their elected representatives, the Black Collins (GA) Emmer vote on whether to proceed to an immediate Blum Collins (NY) Estes (KS) American people must harness the constitu- vote on adopting the resolution . . . [and] Bost Comer Faso tional apparatus created by the Framers and has no substantive legislative or policy im- Brady (TX) Comstock Ferguson

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.013 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9112 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 Fitzpatrick Lamborn Rooney, Francis Nadler Roybal-Allard Swalwell (CA) Kinzinger Nunes Simpson Fleischmann Lance Ros-Lehtinen Napolitano Ruiz Takano Knight Olson Smith (MO) Flores Latta Roskam Neal Ruppersberger Thompson (CA) Kustoff (TN) Palazzo Smith (NE) Fortenberry Lesko Ross Norcross Rush Thompson (MS) Labrador Palmer Smith (NJ) Foxx Lewis (MN) Rothfus O’Halleran Ryan (OH) Titus LaHood Paulsen Smith (TX) Frelinghuysen LoBiondo Rouzer O’Rourke Sa´ nchez Tonko LaMalfa Pearce Smucker Gaetz Long Royce (CA) Pallone Sarbanes Torres Lamborn Perry Stefanik Gallagher Loudermilk Russell Panetta Schakowsky Tsongas Lance Pittenger Stewart Pascrell Schiff Garrett Love Rutherford Vargas Latta Poe (TX) Stivers Gianforte Lucas Sanford Payne Schneider Lesko Poliquin Veasey Taylor Gibbs Luetkemeyer Scalise Pelosi Schrader Lewis (MN) Posey Vela Tenney Gohmert MacArthur Schweikert Perlmutter Scott (VA) LoBiondo Ratcliffe Vela´ zquez Thompson (PA) Goodlatte Marchant Scott, Austin Peters Scott, David Long Reed Thornberry Gosar Marino Sensenbrenner Peterson Serrano Visclosky Loudermilk Reichert Walz Tipton Gowdy Marshall Sessions Pingree Sewell (AL) Love Renacci Trott Pocan Shea-Porter Wasserman Granger Massie Shimkus Lucas Rice (SC) Turner Polis Sherman Schultz Graves (GA) Mast Shuster Luetkemeyer Roby Upton Graves (LA) McCarthy Simpson Price (NC) Sinema Waters, Maxine MacArthur Roe (TN) Valadao Graves (MO) McCaul Smith (MO) Quigley Sires Watson Coleman Marchant Rogers (AL) Wagner Griffith McClintock Smith (NE) Raskin Smith (WA) Welch Marino Rogers (KY) Walberg Grothman McHenry Smith (NJ) Rice (NY) Soto Wilson (FL) Marshall Rohrabacher Walden Guthrie McKinley Smith (TX) Richmond Speier Yarmuth Massie Rokita Walker Handel McMorris Smucker Rosen Suozzi Mast Rooney, Francis Harris Rodgers Stefanik McCarthy Ros-Lehtinen Walorski Hartzler McSally Stewart NOT VOTING—12 McCaul Roskam Walters, Mimi Weber (TX) Hensarling Meadows Stivers Barletta Harper Newhouse McClintock Ross Webster (FL) Herrera Beutler Messer Taylor Blackburn Jenkins (WV) Nolan McHenry Rothfus Wenstrup Hice, Jody B. Mitchell Tenney DesJarlais Jones Rooney, Thomas McKinley Rouzer Westerman Higgins (LA) Moolenaar Thompson (PA) Ellison Lujan Grisham, J. McMorris Royce (CA) Hill Mooney (WV) Thornberry Eshoo M. Rodgers Russell Williams Holding Mullin Tipton McSally Rutherford Wilson (SC) Hollingsworth Noem Trott Meadows Sanford Wittman Hudson Norman Turner b 1352 Messer Scalise Womack Huizenga Nunes Upton Mitchell Schweikert Woodall Hultgren Olson Valadao Messrs. SUOZZI, KIHUEN, and Ms. Moolenaar Scott, Austin Yoder Hunter Palazzo Wagner KUSTER of New Hampshire changed Mooney (WV) Sensenbrenner Yoho Hurd Palmer Walberg their vote from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Mullin Sessions Young (AK) Issa Paulsen Walden So the previous question was ordered. Noem Shimkus Young (IA) Jenkins (KS) Pearce Walker Norman Shuster Zeldin Johnson (LA) Perry Walorski The result of the vote was announced Johnson (OH) Pittenger Walters, Mimi as above recorded. NOES—189 Johnson, Sam Poe (TX) Weber (TX) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Jordan Poliquin Webster (FL) Adams Espaillat Maloney, Sean Joyce (OH) Posey Wenstrup question is on the resolution. Aguilar Esty (CT) Matsui Katko Ratcliffe Westerman The question was taken; and the Amash Evans McCollum ´ Kelly (MS) Reed Williams Barragan Foster McEachin Speaker pro tempore announced that Bass Frankel (FL) McGovern Kelly (PA) Reichert Wilson (SC) the ayes appeared to have it. King (IA) Renacci Wittman Beatty Fudge McNerney King (NY) Rice (SC) Womack RECORDED VOTE Bera Gabbard Meeks Beyer Gallego Meng Kinzinger Roby Woodall Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I de- Knight Roe (TN) Yoder Bishop (GA) Garamendi Moore Kustoff (TN) Rogers (AL) Yoho mand a recorded vote. Blumenauer Gomez Moulton Labrador Rogers (KY) Young (AK) A recorded vote was ordered. Blunt Rochester Gonzalez (TX) Murphy (FL) LaHood Rohrabacher Young (IA) The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Bonamici Gottheimer Nadler LaMalfa Rokita Zeldin Boyle, Brendan Green, Al Napolitano 5-minute vote. F. Green, Gene Neal NAYS—189 The vote was taken by electronic de- Brady (PA) Grijalva Norcross vice, and there were—ayes 226, noes 189, Brown (MD) Gutie´rrez O’Halleran Adams Davis (CA) Johnson, E. B. Brownley (CA) Hanabusa O’Rourke Aguilar Davis, Danny Kaptur not voting 13, as follows: Bustos Hastings Pallone Barraga´ n DeFazio Keating [Roll No. 410] Butterfield Heck Panetta Bass DeGette Kelly (IL) Capuano Higgins (NY) Pascrell Beatty Delaney Kennedy AYES—226 Carbajal Himes Payne Bera DeLauro Khanna Abraham Collins (GA) Goodlatte Ca´ rdenas Hoyer Pelosi Beyer DelBene Kihuen Aderholt Collins (NY) Gosar Carson (IN) Huffman Perlmutter Bishop (GA) Demings Kildee Allen Comer Gowdy Cartwright Jackson Lee Peters Blumenauer DeSaulnier Kilmer Amodei Comstock Granger Castor (FL) Jayapal Peterson Blunt Rochester Deutch Kind Arrington Conaway Graves (GA) Castro (TX) Jeffries Pingree Bonamici Dingell Krishnamoorthi Babin Cook Graves (LA) Chu, Judy Johnson (GA) Pocan Boyle, Brendan Doggett Kuster (NH) Bacon Costello (PA) Graves (MO) Cicilline Johnson, E. B. Polis F. Doyle, Michael Lamb Balderson Cramer Griffith Clark (MA) Kaptur Price (NC) Brady (PA) F. Langevin Banks (IN) Crawford Grothman Clarke (NY) Keating Quigley Brown (MD) Engel Larsen (WA) Barr Culberson Guthrie Clay Kelly (IL) Raskin Brownley (CA) Espaillat Larson (CT) Barton Curbelo (FL) Handel Cleaver Kennedy Rice (NY) Bustos Esty (CT) Lawrence Bergman Curtis Harris Clyburn Khanna Richmond Butterfield Evans Lawson (FL) Biggs Davidson Hartzler Cohen Kihuen Rosen Capuano Foster Lee Bilirakis Davis, Rodney Hensarling Connolly Kildee Roybal-Allard Carbajal Frankel (FL) Levin Bishop (MI) Denham Herrera Beutler Cooper Kilmer Ruiz Ca´ rdenas Fudge Lewis (GA) Bishop (UT) Diaz-Balart Hice, Jody B. Correa Kind Ruppersberger Carson (IN) Gabbard Lieu, Ted Black Donovan Higgins (LA) Costa Krishnamoorthi Rush Cartwright Gallego Lipinski Blum Duffy Hill Courtney Kuster (NH) Ryan (OH) Castor (FL) Garamendi Loebsack Bost Duncan (SC) Holding Crist Lamb Sa´ nchez Castro (TX) Gomez Lofgren Brady (TX) Duncan (TN) Hollingsworth Crowley Langevin Sarbanes Chu, Judy Gonzalez (TX) Lowenthal Brat Dunn Hudson Cuellar Larsen (WA) Schakowsky Cicilline Gottheimer Lowey Brooks (AL) Emmer Huizenga Cummings Larson (CT) Schiff Clark (MA) Green, Al Luja´ n, Ben Ray Brooks (IN) Estes (KS) Hultgren Davis (CA) Lawrence Schneider Clarke (NY) Green, Gene Lynch Buchanan Faso Hunter Davis, Danny Lawson (FL) Schrader Clay Grijalva Maloney, Buck Ferguson Hurd DeFazio Lee Scott (VA) Cleaver Gutie´rrez Carolyn B. Bucshon Fitzpatrick Issa DeGette Levin Scott, David Clyburn Hanabusa Maloney, Sean Budd Fleischmann Jenkins (KS) Delaney Lewis (GA) Serrano Cohen Hastings Matsui Burgess Flores Johnson (LA) DeLauro Lieu, Ted Sewell (AL) Connolly Heck McCollum Byrne Fortenberry Johnson (OH) DelBene Lipinski Shea-Porter Cooper Higgins (NY) McEachin Calvert Foxx Johnson, Sam Demings Loebsack Sherman Correa Himes McGovern Carter (GA) Frelinghuysen Jordan DeSaulnier Lofgren Sinema Costa Hoyer McNerney Carter (TX) Gaetz Joyce (OH) Deutch Lowenthal Sires Courtney Huffman Meeks Chabot Gallagher Katko Dingell Lowey Smith (WA) Crist Jackson Lee Meng Cheney Garrett Kelly (MS) Doggett Luja´ n, Ben Ray Soto Crowley Jayapal Moore Cloud Gianforte Kelly (PA) Doyle, Michael Lynch Speier Cuellar Jeffries Moulton Coffman Gibbs King (IA) F. Maloney, Suozzi Cummings Johnson (GA) Murphy (FL) Cole Gohmert King (NY) Engel Carolyn B. Swalwell (CA)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.011 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9113 Takano Vargas Waters, Maxine ital account and allowed as an amortization de- (and by striking the item relating to such sec- Thompson (CA) Veasey Watson Coleman duction determined by amortizing such expendi- tion in the table of sections of such part). Thompson (MS) Vela Welch tures ratably over the 180-month period begin- (B) Section 170(b)(2)(D)(ii) of such Code is Titus Vela´ zquez Wilson (FL) ning with the month in which the active trade amended by striking ‘‘(except section 248)’’. Tonko Visclosky Yarmuth Torres Wasserman or business begins. (C) Section 312(n)(3) of such Code is amended Tsongas Schultz ‘‘(2) APPLICATION TO ORGANIZATIONAL EX- by striking ‘‘Sections 173 and 248’’ and inserting PENDITURES.—In the case of organizational ex- ‘‘Sections 173 and 195’’. NOT VOTING—13 penditures with respect to any corporation or (D) Section 535(b)(3) of such Code is amended Barletta Harper Newhouse partnership, the active trade or business re- by striking ‘‘(except section 248)’’. Blackburn Jenkins (WV) Nolan ferred to in paragraph (1) means the first active (E) Section 545(b)(3) of such Code is amended DesJarlais Jones Rooney, Thomas trade or business carried on by such corporation by striking ‘‘(except section 248)’’. Ellison Lujan Grisham, J. Eshoo M. Walz or partnership. (F) Section 545(b)(4) of such Code is amended ‘‘(3) INFLATION ADJUSTMENT.—In the case of by striking ‘‘(except section 248)’’. b 1401 any taxable year beginning after December 31, (G) Section 834(c)(7) of such Code is amended Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia changed his 2019, the $20,000 and $120,000 amounts in para- by striking ‘‘(except section 248)’’. vote from ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ graph (1)(A)(ii) shall each be increased by an (H) Section 852(b)(2)(C) of such Code is amount equal to— amended by striking ‘‘(except section 248)’’. So the resolution was agreed to. ‘‘(A) such dollar amount, multiplied by (I) Section 857(b)(2)(A) of such Code is amend- The result of the vote was announced ‘‘(B) the cost-of-living adjustment determined ed by striking ‘‘(except section 248)’’. as above recorded. under section 1(f)(3) for the calendar year in (J) Section 1363(b) of such Code is amended by A motion to reconsider was laid on which the taxable year begins, determined by adding ‘‘and’’ at the end of paragraph (2), by the table. substituting ‘calendar year 2018’ for ‘calendar striking paragraph (3), and by redesignating f year 2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii) thereof. paragraph (4) as paragraph (3). If any amount as increased under the preceding (K) Section 1375(b)(1)(B)(i) of such Code is AMERICAN INNOVATION ACT OF sentence is not a multiple of $1,000, such amount amended by striking ‘‘(other than the deduction 2018 shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of allowed by section 248, relating to organization Mr. BUCHANAN. Mr. Speaker, pursu- $1,000. expenditures)’’. ‘‘(c) ALLOWANCE OF DEDUCTION UPON LIQ- (2)(A) Section 709 of such Code is amended to ant to House Resolution 1084, I call up read as follows: the bill (H.R. 6756) to amend the Inter- UIDATION OR DISPOSITION.— ‘‘(1) LIQUIDATION OF PARTNERSHIP OR COR- ‘‘SEC. 709. TREATMENT OF SYNDICATION FEES. nal Revenue Code of 1986 to promote PORATION.—If any partnership or corporation is ‘‘No deduction shall be allowed under this new business innovation, and for other completely liquidated by the taxpayer, any chapter to a partnership or to any partner of purposes, and ask for its immediate start-up or organizational expenditures paid or the partnership for any amounts paid or in- consideration. incurred in connection with such partnership or curred to promote the sale of (or to sell) an in- The Clerk read the title of the bill. corporation which were not allowed as a deduc- terest in the partnership.’’. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. POE tion by reason of this section may be deducted (B) The item relating to section 709 in the of Texas). Pursuant to House Resolu- to the extent allowable under section 165. table of sections for part I of subchapter K of tion 1084, the amendment rec- ‘‘(2) DISPOSITION OF TRADE OR BUSINESS.—If chapter 1 of such Code is amended to read as any trade or business is completely disposed of follows: ommended by the Committee on Ways or discontinued by the taxpayer, any start-up ‘‘Sec. 709. Treatment of syndication fees.’’. and Means, printed in the bill, modified expenditures paid or incurred in connection (3) Section 1202(e)(2)(A) of such Code is by the amendment printed in part A of with such trade or business which were not al- amended by striking ‘‘section 195(c)(1)(A)’’ and House Report 115–985, is adopted, and lowed as a deduction by reason of this section inserting ‘‘section 195(d)(1)(A)’’. (and not taken into account in connection with the bill, as amended, is considered (4) The item relating to section 195 in the table a liquidation to which paragraph (1) applies) read. of contents of part VI of subchapter B of chap- may be deducted to the extent allowable under The text of the bill, as amended, is as ter 1 of such Code is amended to read as follows: follows: section 165. For purposes of this paragraph, in the case of any deduction allowed under sub- ‘‘Sec. 195. Start-up and organizational expendi- H.R. 6756 section (b)(1) with respect to both start-up and tures.’’. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- organizational expenditures, the amount treated (e) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made resentatives of the United States of America in as so allowed with respect to start-up expendi- by this section shall apply to expenditures paid Congress assembled, tures shall bear the same ratio to such deduc- or incurred in connection with active trades or SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. tion as the start-up expenditures taken into ac- businesses which begin in taxable years begin- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘American Inno- count in determining such deduction bears to ning after December 31, 2018. vation Act of 2018’’. the aggregate of the start-up and organizational SEC. 3. PRESERVATION OF START-UP NET OPER- SEC. 2. SIMPLIFICATION AND EXPANSION OF DE- expenditures so taken into account.’’. ATING LOSSES AND TAX CREDITS DUCTION FOR START-UP AND ORGA- (b) ORGANIZATIONAL EXPENDITURES.—Section AFTER OWNERSHIP CHANGE. NIZATIONAL EXPENDITURES. 195(d) of such Code, as redesignated by sub- (a) APPLICATION TO NET OPERATING LOSSES.— (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 195 of the Internal section (a), is amended by adding at the end the Section 382(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by redesig- following new paragraphs: 1986 is amended by adding at the end the fol- nating subsections (c) and (d) as subsections (d) ‘‘(3) ORGANIZATIONAL EXPENDITURES.—The lowing new paragraph: and (e), respectively, and by striking all that term ‘organizational expenditures’ means any ‘‘(4) EXCEPTION FOR START-UP LOSSES.— precedes subsection (d) (as so redesignated) and expenditure which— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—In the case of any net op- inserting the following: ‘‘(A) is incident to the creation of a corpora- erating loss carryforward described in para- ‘‘SEC. 195. START-UP AND ORGANIZATIONAL EX- tion or a partnership, graph (1)(A) which arose in a start-up period PENDITURES. ‘‘(B) is chargeable to capital account, and taxable year, the amount of such net operating ‘‘(a) CAPITALIZATION OF EXPENDITURES.—Ex- ‘‘(C) is of a character which, if expended inci- loss carryforward otherwise taken into account cept as otherwise provided in this section, no de- dent to the creation of a corporation or a part- under such paragraph shall be reduced by the duction shall be allowed for start-up or organi- nership having an ascertainable life, would be net start-up loss determined with respect to the zational expenditures. amortizable over such life. trade or business referred to in subparagraph ‘‘(b) ELECTION TO DEDUCT.— ‘‘(4) APPLICATION TO CERTAIN DISREGARDED (B)(i) for such start-up period taxable year. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—If a taxpayer elects the ap- ENTITIES.—In the case of any entity with a sin- ‘‘(B) START-UP PERIOD TAXABLE YEAR.—The plication of this subsection with respect to any gle owner that is disregarded as an entity sepa- term ‘start-up period taxable year’ means any active trade or business— rate from its owner, this section shall be applied taxable year of the old loss corporation which— ‘‘(A) the taxpayer shall be allowed a deduc- in the same manner as if such entity were a cor- ‘‘(i) begins before the close of the 3-year pe- tion for the taxable year in which such active poration.’’. riod beginning on the date on which any trade trade or business begins in an amount equal to (c) ELECTION.—Section 195(e)(2) of such Code, or business of such corporation begins as an ac- the lesser of— as redesignated by subsection (a), is amended to tive trade or business (as determined under sec- ‘‘(i) the aggregate amount of start-up and or- read as follows: tion 195(d)(2) without regard to subparagraph ganizational expenditures paid or incurred in ‘‘(2) PARTNERSHIPS AND S CORPORATIONS.—In (B) thereof), and connection with such active trade or business, the case of any partnership or S corporation, ‘‘(ii) ends after September 10, 2018. or the election under subsection (b) shall be made ‘‘(C) NET START-UP LOSS.— ‘‘(ii) $20,000, reduced (but not below zero) by (and this section shall be applied) at the entity ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘net start-up loss’ the amount by which such aggregate amount level.’’. means, with respect to any trade or business re- exceeds $120,000, and (d) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— ferred to in subparagraph (B)(i) for any start- ‘‘(B) the remainder of such start-up and orga- (1)(A) Part VIII of subchapter B of chapter 1 up period taxable year, the amount which bears nizational expenditures shall be charged to cap- is amended by striking section 248 of such Code the same ratio (but not greater than 1) to the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.012 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9114 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 net operating loss carryforward which arose in section 39 which arose in a start-up period tax- ports and encourages entrepreneurs to such start-up period taxable year as— able year, the amount of such unused general start new businesses. ‘‘(I) the net operating loss (if any) which business credit otherwise taken into account The United States recently dropped would have been determined for such start-up under subsection (a)(2)(A) shall be reduced by out of Bloomberg’s list of the top 10 period taxable year if only items of income, the start-up excess credit determined with re- most innovative countries in the world. gain, deduction, and loss properly allocable to spect to any trade or business referred to in sec- such trade or business were taken into account, tion 382(d)(4)(B)(i) for such start-up period tax- New business formations in the United bears to able year. States have taken a dramatic down- ‘‘(II) the amount of the net operating loss de- ‘‘(2) START-UP PERIOD TAXABLE YEAR.—For turn since the 2008 recession. termined for such start-up period taxable year. purposes of this subsection, the term ‘start-up Between 1977 and 2007, those 30 years, ‘‘(ii) SPECIAL RULE FOR LAST TAXABLE YEAR IN period taxable year’ has the meaning given such the economy added 120,000, net, new START-UP PERIOD.—In the case of any start-up term in section 382(d)(4)(B). businesses each year. Since 2008, how- period taxable year which ends after the close of ‘‘(3) START-UP EXCESS CREDIT.—For purposes the 3-year period described in subparagraph ever, the economy has added only of this subsection, the term ‘start-up excess cred- about 2,000, net, new businesses each (B)(i) with respect to any trade or business, the it’ means, with respect to any trade or business net start-up loss with respect to such trade or year since. referred to in section 382(d)(4)(B)(i) for any We should all be committed to mak- business for such start-up period taxable year start-up period taxable year, the amount which shall be the same proportion of such loss (deter- bears the same ratio to the unused general busi- ing the United States the innovation mined without regard to this clause) as the pro- ness credit which arose in such start-up period leader of the world. The American In- portion of such start-up period taxable year taxable year as— novation Act is a down payment to- which is on or before the last day of such pe- ‘‘(A) the amount of the general business credit wards reaching that goal. riod. which would have been determined for such The American Innovation Act en- ‘‘(D) APPLICATION TO NET OPERATING LOSS start-up period taxable year if only credits prop- courages entrepreneurs in two ways: ARISING IN YEAR OF OWNERSHIP CHANGE.—Sub- erly allocable to such trade or business were paragraph (A) shall apply to any net operating First, H.R. 6756 allows new businesses taken into account, bears to loss described in paragraph (1)(B) in the same to immediately deduct more of their ‘‘(B) the amount of the general business credit manner as such subparagraph applies to net op- startup organizational expenses. It determined for such start-up period taxable erating loss carryforwards described in para- simplifies the Code and allows busi- year. graph (1)(A), but by only taking into account nesses to deduct up to $20,000 of startup ‘‘(4) APPLICATION OF CERTAIN RULES.—Rules the amount of such net operating loss (and the similar to the rules of subparagraphs (C)(ii), and organizational expenses when their amount of the net start-up loss) which is allo- (D), (E), and (F) of section 382(d)(4) shall apply new business begins. This doubles the cable under paragraph (1)(B) to the period de- for purposes of this subsection. amount of the expenses that a business scribed in such paragraph. Proper adjustment in ‘‘(5) TRANSITION RULE.—This subsection shall may write off in its first year. the allocation of the net start-up loss under the not apply with respect to any trade or business Second, the American Innovation Act preceding sentence shall be made in the case of if the date on which such trade or business be- a taxable year to which subparagraph (C)(ii) helps new businesses innovate by pre- gins as an active trade or business (as deter- applies. serving valuable tax benefits, like the mined under section 195(d)(2) without regard to ‘‘(E) APPLICATION TO TAXABLE YEARS WHICH R&D credit, that are generated from subparagraph (B) thereof) is on or before Sep- ARE START-UP PERIOD TAXABLE YEARS WITH RE- activities conducted in the business’ tember 10, 2018.’’. SPECT TO MORE THAN 1 TRADE OR BUSINESS.—In FFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made early years. the case of any net operating loss carryforward (c) E by this section shall apply to taxable years end- As any entrepreneur knows, starting which arose in a taxable year which is a start- ing after September 10, 2018. a new business requires hard work and up period taxable year with respect to more a lot of capital. During its early years, than 1 trade or business— SEC. 4. BUDGETARY EFFECTS. ‘‘(i) this paragraph shall be applied separately (a) STATUTORY PAYGO SCORECARDS.—The many businesses operate at a loss, and with respect to each such trade or business, and budgetary effects of this Act shall not be entered these losses are used in later years ‘‘(ii) the aggregate reductions under subpara- on either PAYGO scorecard maintained pursu- when the business matures and be- graph (A) shall not exceed such net operating ant to section 4(d) of the Statutory Pay-As-You- comes more profitable. To fund their loss carryforward. Go Act of 2010. innovation and growth, entrepreneurs ‘‘(F) CONTINUITY OF BUSINESS REQUIREMENT.— (b) SENATE PAYGO SCORECARDS.—The budg- and business owners may seek equity If the new loss corporation does not continue etary effects of this Act shall not be entered on the trade or business referred to in subpara- any PAYGO scorecard maintained for purposes capital from other investors. graph (B)(i) at all times during the 2-year pe- of section 4106 of H. Con. Res. 71 (115th Con- Today, the infusion of this new in- riod beginning on the change date, this para- gress). vestment may trigger limits on the use graph shall not apply with respect to such trade The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill, of a corporation’s valuable losses and or business. credits from the business’ earlier years. ‘‘(G) CERTAIN TITLE 11 OR SIMILAR CASES.— as amended, shall be debatable for 1 hour, equally divided and controlled by Under the American Innovation Act, ‘‘(i) MULTIPLE OWNERSHIP CHANGES.—In the our country’s businesses may fund case of a 2nd ownership change to which sub- the chair and ranking minority mem- section (l)(5)(D) applies, this paragraph shall ber of the Committee on Ways and their growth and innovation with eq- not apply for purposes of determining the pre- Means. uity investments from new share- change loss with respect to such 2nd ownership The gentleman from Florida (Mr. holders without limiting the use of change. these valuable losses and credits. BUCHANAN) and the gentlewoman from ‘‘(ii) CERTAIN INSOLVENCY TRANSACTIONS.—If Mr. Speaker, the American Innova- California (Ms. JUDY CHU) each will subsection (l)(6) applies for purposes of deter- tion Act supports our entrepreneurs control 30 minutes. mining the value of the old loss corporation and innovators and facilitates the cre- The Chair recognizes the gentleman under subsection (e), this paragraph shall not ation of new businesses. I urge support apply. from Florida. ‘‘(H) NOT APPLICABLE TO DISALLOWED INTER- for this important bill, and I reserve GENERAL LEAVE EST.—This paragraph shall not apply for pur- the balance of my time. poses of applying the rules of paragraph (1) to Mr. BUCHANAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Mr. the carryover of disallowed interest under para- unanimous consent that all Members Speaker, I yield myself such time as I graph (3). have 5 legislative days within which to may consume. ‘‘(I) TRANSITION RULE.—This paragraph shall revise and extend their remarks and in- Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to not apply with respect to any trade or business clude extraneous materials on H.R. the American Innovation Act. if the date on which such trade or business be- 6756, currently under consideration. But before I talk about the under- gins as an active trade or business (as deter- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there mined under section 195(d)(2) without regard to lying bill, I want to make clear that subparagraph (B) thereof) is on or before Sep- objection to the request of the gen- this bill is part of the Republicans’ tember 10, 2018.’’. tleman from Florida? larger tax scam 2.0. Instead of increas- (b) APPLICATION TO EXCESS CREDITS.—Section There was no objection. ing opportunity or addressing the in- 383 of such Code is amended by redesignating Mr. BUCHANAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield come inequality for Americans, the Re- subsection (e) as subsection (f) and by inserting myself such time as I may consume. publicans are doubling down on their after subsection (d) the following new sub- Mr. Speaker, I am grateful this bill failed policies that benefit the wealthi- section: has been brought to the floor for con- ‘‘(e) EXCEPTION FOR START-UP EXCESS CRED- est Americans and are ultimately paid ITS.— sideration. for by the middle class. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In the case of any unused I rise in support of H.R. 6756, the As a result of the Republicans’ tax general business credit of the corporation under American Innovation Act, which sup- law, health insurance companies in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.017 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9115 State after State are announcing high- and the Ways and Means Committee, I trepreneurs move a business from their er premiums for next year, while know just how critical small businesses kitchen table to their first office by al- health coverage for those living with are to the growth of our economy. lowing them to write off more startup preexisting conditions is on the chop- They create two out of every three new costs in their early years—years where ping block. To make matters worse, jobs and allow people to be their own every dollar matters. the Medicare trustees cut 3 years off bosses. This bill will also allow startups to the life of the Medicare trust fund be- I know that my Democratic col- expand and go to the next level here in cause of the Republican tax bill. leagues and I would have enthusiasti- America by bringing in new investors But instead of backing away from cally and actively participated in the without triggering tax limits on their their mistake, the Republicans are construction of bipartisan legislation access to tax benefits like the R&D tax doubling down. Their second round of to help small businesses deduct more of credit for activities conducted in their tax cuts for the wealthy will further their startup costs. This is something I early years. compromise the future of Medicare and care deeply about because access to With a renewed focus on innovation Social Security, depriving seniors is one of the biggest challenges and entrepreneurship, the American In- benefits they have earned. facing our entrepreneurs today. How- novation Act will help America’s risk- Not to mention, Republicans are cut- ever, Democrats were shut out of the takers create jobs, invest in their com- ting taxes for the rich for the second process once again as the bill was munities, and continue strengthening time in less than a year. By simply rushed to the floor. America’s economy. making permanent the cut to the top With only a few days left for Con- Mr. Speaker, this is a very simple individual tax rate, Republicans are gress to be in session, the Republicans bill. It can be read in just a couple of providing a huge tax cut for just a frac- have yet to address rising healthcare minutes. It focuses on America’s entre- tion of the top 5 percent of taxpayers. costs and how to pay for innovation preneurs and startup costs. At the same time, the Republicans and value in our healthcare system. A ‘‘yes’’ vote is in support of startup have doubled down on their attack on b 1415 businesses here in America. the middle class by making permanent They have done nothing to stop the A ‘‘yes’’ vote is for innovation expan- the limits to the State and local tax haphazard and reckless trade policy sion here in the United States, not deduction. In fact, in my home district coming out of the White House. somewhere else. in California, 37 percent of tax filers And this week, the Republicans are A ‘‘yes’’ vote is for economic growth. claimed the SALT deduction in 2016, driving these so-called tax reform 2.0 Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Mr. and the average SALT deduction was bills down a road to nowhere. If they Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- $18,517 according to IRS data. This is were serious about helping small busi- tleman from Vermont (Mr. WELCH). nearly double the cap that Republicans nesses and innovative startups, they Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, it is with have put in place, and that means that surely would have not treated these some sadness that I have to say I be- middle class families in my district are provisions like an afterthought to their lieve this is an absolutely terrible tax footing the bill for the wealthy’s per- 2017 tax bill. bill. manent tax cuts. Therefore, I oppose H.R. 6756 and en- The economy is growing. That has In addition, Republicans are also per- courage my colleagues to do the same. been a claim that has been made by manently limiting the mortgage inter- We should work together to ensure proponents of this tax policy. But it is est deduction and casualty loss deduc- that small businesses and innovative growing for the few. It is not growing tion. startups have the tools to not just sur- for the many. Furthermore, the so-called party of vive, but actually thrive in the econ- We have the lowest unemployment fiscal conservatism will be passing over omy. We can do better in a fiscally re- rate we have had in years. We have had $3 trillion in tax breaks in less than a sponsible manner that does not reck- the highest profits in corporations that year. Because of the Republican tax lessly add to the deficit. we have had since before the Great De- law and President Trump’s irrespon- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of pression. Yet, right now, in this coun- sible policies, the U.S. Treasury is now my time. try, childhood poverty is increasing re- borrowing money at a rate of $5.4 bil- Mr. BUCHANAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield lentlessly. Relentlessly. lion per day. 2 minutes to the distinguished gen- How does that happen when we have This package, like the one before it, tleman from Texas (Mr. BRADY), chair- such a great so-called economy? is being rushed through with no hear- man of the Ways and Means Com- It happens because we have created ings and no input from stakeholders. A mittee. the hydraulic system that is transfer- rushed and lopsided process resulted in Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I ring money from the low income and tax bill 1.0, and, in fact, Democrats rise in support of H.R. 6756, the Amer- middle class to the very wealthy. That have identified over 100 problems with ican Innovation Act of 2018, and thank is what this Congress has done. And the Republicans’ tax law. Chairman BUCHANAN and others for his there are consequences to the children Republicans are doubling down on leadership for America’s startup busi- who are now in poverty and will be in their flawed policies with this exercise, nesses and innovation. poverty, but also to those everyday with bills guaranteed to be dead on ar- The truth is, startup businesses are families who aren’t on the right side of rival in the Senate. Tax scam 2.0 is an- huge contributors to innovation and the digital divide and whose wages for other reckless tax cut for the wealthy productivity as well as job creation the past 20 years have been stagnant or that leaves behind average, hard- here in America. But the business envi- declining, even as the things they working families. ronment since the great financial crisis need—college education for their kids, Now I would like to discuss H.R. 6756, has been tough for those looking to prescription medication for their fami- the American Innovation Act. take a risk and start a business. lies—those prices are exploding. This bill has never received consider- In fact, new business formation here And by the way, Pharma gets a huge ation in a public committee hearing. in America took a dramatic downturn giveaway. They have got the highest Last year, the Republicans’ rushed during the recession, with startups profits they have ever had, and we are process created the end result of a dis- only accounting for 8 percent of all passing a tax bill that gives them astrous tax law that is riddled with businesses in 2015. That is cut in half more. We are shoveling money to them problems. Yet rather than learn from from 1977. The United States also when they are sticking price increases their mistake, the Republicans are, dropped out of Bloomberg’s list of the to all of us. once again, moving forward with legis- top 10 most innovative countries in the This doesn’t happen by accident. This lation without the appropriate over- world. We know that the nation that has nothing to do with the so-called en- sight. wins the innovation race wins the fu- trepreneurial economy. This has to do Mr. Speaker, I strongly believe in ture. This is a problem and, more im- with a Congress that has no con- American innovation and entrepre- portantly, it is a call to action. science, that doesn’t stand up for ev- neurship. As the only member of both The American Innovation Act, led by eryday people and say: We want poli- the House Small Business Committee Chairman BUCHANAN, will help our en- cies that let you have a chance.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.038 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9116 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 Mr. Speaker, defeat this bill. tax benefits that were denied in the State agencies, when it comes to help- Mr. BUCHANAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Senate because it was determined they ing small businesses get back on their myself such time as I may consume. needed 60 votes. feet. There just isn’t. There are small, Let me say to the gentleman that I I will tell you where the 60 votes did low-interest SBA loans and maybe am not sure how the economy works in not come in. It did not come in from some no-interest loans that the State Vermont, but I can tell you that in our colleagues on the other side of the can offer that all have to be repaid. terms of the tax package—the original aisle. So when we were criticized that Other than that, there is really noth- one and this one, 2.0—Florida is on fire, they are not permanent at this time, it ing. in terms of growth. There is more en- is because our colleagues on the other Representative THOMPSON offered an ergy and more excitement about the side of the aisle decided they would use amendment that said: Let’s have the tax thing. it as a political talking point rather Federal Tax Code work with these Ninety percent of people are getting than make permanent the benefits that small businesses rather than against a tax break. For families of four in my would have helped my family, my par- them. Instead of that being thought- area, it is $2,400. We have seen little or ents, when they worked. fully considered, it was rejected out of no growth for the last 10 years. Now we Mr. Speaker, I am a cosponsor of all hand because of the rush to get this are at 2 to 3 percent. We have got real three bills, and I ask my colleagues to bill on the floor. Again, another missed growth. It is tough to get the amount support them. opportunity of how we should be con- of workers that we now need in Flor- Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Mr. ducting business around here and rec- ida, in general. That is pushing pay- Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the gen- ognizing the needs of small businesses checks. tleman from Wisconsin (Mr. KIND). throughout the country. So I don’t know what is going on in Mr. KIND. Mr. Speaker, I thank the Let’s slow down. Let’s reject what is Vermont or different parts of the coun- gentlewoman from California for yield- before us today. We still have time. try, but I can tell you that in Florida ing. The Senate is not planning on taking it is making a huge difference in terms Mr. Speaker, I rise reluctantly in op- up these bills. Let’s go back to doing it of the confidence with a lot of startups position to this legislation. I say reluc- the right way. Let’s talk to one an- and entrepreneurs. tantly because there are some good, de- other and find some common ground. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the cent provisions that are contained in And let’s do it in a fiscally responsible gentleman from Michigan (Mr. MITCH- this legislation. manner so we are not saddling future ELL). The first year expensing for new busi- generations with huge debt, especially Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, I am nesses, the net operating loss and tax given the aging population in our coun- changing my comments because I was credit carry over to new ownership and try. offended by the last speaker. small businesses. What we have before us today is the I grew up in a family where dad built There is a lot of bipartisan support result of a bad process. We can do bet- trucks on the line and mom worked at for doing more to support entre- ter. I encourage my colleagues to re- the Salvation Army. In my district preneurs and the startup of businesses ject it. Let’s do it the right way. alone, people get to keep $2,700 of the in that early stage capital that this Mr. BUCHANAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield money they earn in their pocket rather bill, in part, is meant to address. Un- myself such time as I may consume. than being sent to the Federal Govern- fortunately the process is all wrong. I just want to mention to the gen- ment so our colleagues on the other Instead of holding hearings, instead of tleman from Wisconsin that there were side of the aisle can find a way to spend getting feedback, instead of soliciting no amendments offered on this bill, if it. bipartisan support—and I am confident he wants to check that. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was the that if time were in order to build sup- I also have a list of groups who are first major reforms and major tax cuts port for this bill, there would be wide supportive of this bill, such as Associ- in 31 years. I was young the last time bipartisan support—this legislation is ated Builders and Contractors, the Congress was actually able to do some- being driven for one reason and one Chamber of Commerce, Biotechnology thing about taxing people, taxing reason only: the political calendar. Innovation Organization, and Angel money that they earned so we could That is a missed opportunity. Capital Association. figure out how to spend it here—and, We ought to get back to doing our Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD frankly, some days, I am convinced not business on the Ways and Means Com- this document listing organizations in well. mittee and start holding hearings, support of the bill. Since that tax cut jobs have grown. start getting feedback, and doing it in H.R. 6756 THE AMERICAN INNOVATION ACT OF As is noted, unemployment is down a fiscally responsible manner. 2018 record levels across all demographics. This bill, because of no effort to find AdvaMed The class warfare kind of amazes me, an offset, will increase our debt by over American Dental Association frankly. $5 billion. Again, it is for some press Americans for Tax Reform, 60 Plus Asso- This week, we are building on those releases leading to the midterm elec- ciation, American Commitment, American achievements by advancing three crit- tions. Who cares what the impact is Conservative Union, American Consumer In- stitute, ALEC Action, Americans for a ical pieces legislation. First, the bill going to be for our children and grand- Strong Economy, Association of Mature now, the American Innovation Act, children or on future financial obliga- American Citizens, Campaign For Liberty, will allow startup businesses to double tions that our Nation shares. Appar- Ryan Ellis, Center for a Free Economy, Cen- the write-off amount of startup costs ently, that fiscal responsibility is out ter for Freedom and Prosperity, Center for to encourage new business, exactly the the window right now, based on the tax Individual Freedom, Center for Worker Free- type of people we want to grow busi- cut that passed last year and the next dom, Citizen Outreach (Nevada), Consumer nesses and create jobs in this country. two bills coming up out of the Ways Action for a Strong Economy, Council for It will bring in new investors and and Means Committee this week. Citizens Against Government Waste, Com- But what else is also unfortunate is petitive Enterprise Institute, Digital Lib- doesn’t trigger limits on their tax ben- erty, Family Business Coalition, Florida efits. that during the markup of this bill, our Center Right Coalition, FreedomWorks, Today, we will also consider the good friend, the gentleman from Cali- Frontiers of Freedom, Goldwater Institute Family Savings Act, which gives fornia (Mr. THOMPSON), offered a very (Arizona), Granite State Taxpayers (New broader options for retirement savings important and I thought thoughtful Hampshire), Heritage Action for America, for people that go to work and want to amendment that would allow tax credit Hispanic American Center for Economic Re- know what happens when they get deductibility for small businesses that search, Hispanic Leadership Fund, Inde- older. were impacted by natural disasters. pendent Women’s Forum, Independent Wom- Tomorrow, we will be debating the My district in western Wisconsin just en’s Voice, Institute for Liberty, The James Madison Institute (Florida), Jesse Helms Protecting Families and Small Busi- got slammed with major flooding this Center (North Carolina), Kansas Policy Insti- ness Tax Cuts, which makes permanent past month. Unfortunately, there is tute, Less Government, Maine Center-right the individual and small business tax not a lot of help at the Federal and Coalition Meeting, Mississippi Center for cuts from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, State level, whether it is FEMA or Public Policy, National Taxpayers Union,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.040 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9117 New Hampshire Center-Right Meeting, Ohio- Jump Trading Simulation Center in economy. But we should do it the right ans for Tax Reform, The Ohio Diversity Coa- Peoria, or the Memorial Center for way, with hearings and input from lition, Oregon Capitol Watch, Pegasus Insti- Learning and Innovation in Spring- stakeholders, and in a fiscally respon- tute (Kentucky), Pegasus Institute (Ken- field, serve as catalysts for reforming sible manner, not by saddling future tucky), Pelican Institute for Public Policy (Louisiana), Property Rights Alliance, how healthcare is delivered by making Americans with more debt. Reaching America, Rhode Island Center for healthcare safer, more accessible, and Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Freedom and Prosperity, Rio Grande Foun- affordable. oppose this legislation, and I yield dation (New Mexico), Small Business & En- b 1430 back the balance of my time. trepreneurship Council, Ohio House of Rep- Mr. BUCHANAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield resentatives Chair, Ohio Center-right Meet- The American Innovation Act, which myself such time as I may consume. ing, Taxpayers Protection Alliance, Tea we are presenting today after a lot of Mr. Speaker, as someone who has Party Nation, We the People Convention, thoughtful work by the committee, been in business 30 years, I can just tell Women for Trump builds upon the economic successes you that, in the last couple of years, Angel Capital Association small businesses have seen over the Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. our economy in Florida and I think all (Key Vote) last 9 months, unleashing entre- over America has exploded. People are Biotechnology Innovation Organization preneurs’ innovative spirit, so they can excited. They are enthusiastic. Chamber of Commerce continue to grow, prosper, and succeed. In fact, I did a roundtable of all Club for Growth Since the recession, creation of new women in my district. Why did I do Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, businesses has taken a significant that? Because 57 percent of startups in and Refrigeration Industry: Air Conditioning downturn, and it is time we reform our the next 10 years will be women led. So Contractors of America, Heating Air Condi- Tax Code so entrepreneurs have the why would we want to not support giv- tioning and Refrigeration Distributors Inter- ability to achieve their goals. national. Plumbing Heating Cooling Con- ing them additional deductions? In- tractors Association, AMCA International, Mr. Speaker, I commend Chairman stead of just writing off $5,000, they can Air-Conditioning Heating and Refrigeration BUCHANAN and Chairman BRADY for write off $20,000. Institute their hard work and urge my col- In terms of opening businesses, it is Heritage Foundation leagues to support this bill. as little as 2,000 a year. It used to be National Venture Capital Association Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Mr. 100,000-plus new startups a year. That The National Electrical Contractors Asso- Speaker, I yield myself the balance of is where the jobs are created. ciation my time. I chaired the local chamber in Sara- Mr. BUCHANAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. Speaker, first, I would like to sota, Florida. I can tell you, out of the 2 minutes to the gentleman from Illi- clarify something. I appreciate the 2,400 businesses, most of them were 15 nois (Mr. LAHOOD). comment from Chairman BUCHANAN re- employees or less, 90 percent. Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, I want to garding Mr. THOMPSON’s amendment, I also chaired the Florida chamber. thank Chairman BUCHANAN for all his but that does not change the fact that, There were 126,000 businesses in that hard work on this legislation. during tax bill 2.0 and its markup, federation, and most of them were 15 Mr. Speaker, today, I rise in support every Republican present voted against employees or less, many times 1, 2, 3 of H.R. 6756, the American Innovation permanent natural disaster relief on employees. Act. H.R. 6760. It is tough when you open a business. Over the last 9 months since we Mr. Speaker, Democrats are strong Usually, you have losses for a couple of passed once-in-a-lifetime tax reform, believers in the power of American in- years. This bill helps to address that, small businesses have been empowered novation and entrepreneurship. Demo- especially as they try to attract cap- by those positive changes to expand op- crats support small businesses, which ital. They could use some of those erations, hire new workers, reward em- are the backbone of our economy and losses to attract capital. ployees with bonuses or increased pay, create two out of every three new jobs. This is all about pro-business and and keep jobs here at home. My Democratic colleagues and I would growth. We have had little or no In central and west central Illinois, have loved to participate in the draft- growth for the last 10 years. Now we in my district, we have seen firsthand ing of bipartisan legislation to help are starting to take off and be much how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has al- small businesses and innovative more competitive in the world. That is leviated businesses of the burdensome startups succeed, but that is not the what this bill is all about. Tax Code we were under before, giving process that the majority adopted. Mr. Speaker, let me just close with companies all across different sectors This bill, just like tax scam 1.0, has this thought. For too many years, the and sizes the ability to innovate and never received the scrutiny it deserves United States has been lagging in the grow into businesses. in a public committee hearing. A creation of new businesses. Startup They are companies such as Rivian rushed and lopsided process resulted in businesses are vital to the American Automotive in Bloomington-Normal, the disastrous tax law. Yet, rather economy, because they are significant Illinois, who is creating state-of-the- than learn from their mistakes, Repub- contributors to innovation, produc- art full electric-powered pickups and licans are once again rushing through tivity, and job creation. SUVs. They announced in May they legislation without the appropriate Together, we should all support the will be manufacturing their trucks in oversight. legislation. This makes it easier and Bloomington-Normal, bringing jobs This process should tell you how seri- less costly for hardworking Americans and economic opportunity to our com- ous the majority is about helping small to realize their American Dream of munity. businesses, which is not very. If the Re- starting businesses. AutonomouStuff in Morton, Illinois, publicans were serious about helping The American Innovation Act does has evolved into a worldwide leader in small businesses last year, they surely just that. It supports innovators, entre- the development of innovative software would not have enacted their so-called preneurs, workers, and the economy and engineering technologies that en- small business tax benefit to disguise a with commonsense policy solutions. able robotics and autonomy. massive tax cut for millionaires. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Precision Planting in Tremont, Illi- If Republicans were serious about of my time. nois, is testing agriculture practices so helping small businesses and innova- The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time that farmers all across the heartland tive startups today, they surely would for debate has expired. can find innovative ways to increase not have treated these provisions like Pursuant to House Resolution 1084, production and sustain equipment, an afterthought, guaranteed to be dead the previous question is ordered on the making central Illinois the Silicon on arrival in the Senate. bill, as amended. Valley of the Midwest. Mr. Speaker, I believe we should The question is on the engrossment With the largest medical community work together to ensure that small and third reading of the bill. in downstate Illinois, the innovative businesses, ranging from mom-and-pop The bill was ordered to be engrossed breakthroughs at our local healthcare shops to cutting-edge startups, have and read a third time, and was read the systems, such as OSF HealthCare’s the tools they need to thrive in this third time.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.014 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9118 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Sec. 202. Modification of nondiscrimination come Security Act of 1974), as the plan adminis- question is on passage of the bill. rules to protect older, longer serv- trator, and as the person responsible to perform The question was taken; and the ice participants. all administrative duties (including conducting Speaker pro tempore announced that Sec. 203. Study of appropriate PBGC premiums. proper testing with respect to the plan and the TITLE III—OTHER SAVINGS PROVISIONS employees of each employer in the plan) which the ayes appeared to have it. are reasonably necessary to ensure that— Sec. 301. Universal Savings Accounts. Mr. BUCHANAN. Mr. Speaker, on ‘‘(I) the plan meets any requirement applica- Sec. 302. Expansion of section 529 plans. that I demand the yeas and nays. ble under the Employee Retirement Income Se- Sec. 303. Penalty-free withdrawals from retire- The yeas and nays were ordered. curity Act of 1974 or this title to a plan de- ment plans for individuals in case The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- scribed in section 401(a) or to a plan that con- of birth of child or adoption. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- sists of individual retirement accounts described ceedings on this question will be post- TITLE I—EXPANDING AND PRESERVING in section 408 (including by reason of subsection poned. RETIREMENT SAVINGS (c) thereof), whichever is applicable, and ‘‘(II) each employer in the plan takes such ac- f SEC. 101. MULTIPLE EMPLOYER PLANS; POOLED EMPLOYER PLANS. tions as the Secretary or such person determines FAMILY SAVINGS ACT OF 2018 (a) QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS.— are necessary for the plan to meet the require- Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 413 of the Internal ments described in subclause (I), including pro- Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at viding to such person any disclosures or other Speaker, pursuant to House Resolution the end the following new subsection: information which the Secretary may require or 1084, I call up the bill (H.R. 6757) to ‘‘(e) APPLICATION OF QUALIFICATION REQUIRE- which such person otherwise determines are amend the Internal Revenue Code of MENTS FOR CERTAIN MULTIPLE EMPLOYER PLANS necessary to administer the plan or to allow the 1986 to encourage retirement and fam- WITH POOLED PLAN PROVIDERS.— plan to meet such requirements, ily savings, and for other purposes, and ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in para- ‘‘(ii) registers as a pooled plan provider with ask for its immediate consideration. graph (2), if a defined contribution plan to the Secretary, and provides such other informa- The Clerk read the title of the bill. which subsection (c) applies— tion to the Secretary as the Secretary may re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ‘‘(A) is maintained by employers which have a quire, before beginning operations as a pooled ant to House Resolution 1084, the common interest other than having adopted the plan provider, plan, or ‘‘(iii) acknowledges in writing that such per- amendment in the nature of a sub- ‘‘(B) in the case of a plan not described in son is a named fiduciary (within the meaning of stitute recommended by the Com- subparagraph (A), has a pooled plan provider, section 402(a)(2) of the Employee Retirement In- mittee on Ways and Means, printed in then the plan shall not be treated as failing to come Security Act of 1974), and the plan admin- the bill, modified by the amendment meet the requirements under this title applicable istrator, with respect to the plan, and printed in part B of House Report 115– to a plan described in section 401(a) or to a plan ‘‘(iv) is responsible for ensuring that all per- 985, is adopted, and the bill, as amend- that consists of individual retirement accounts sons who handle assets of, or who are fidu- ed, is considered read. described in section 408 (including by reason of ciaries of, the plan are bonded in accordance The text of the bill, as amended, is as subsection (c) thereof), whichever is applicable, with section 412 of the Employee Retirement In- follows: merely because one or more employers of em- come Security Act of 1974. ‘‘(B) AUDITS, EXAMINATIONS AND INVESTIGA- H.R. 6757 ployees covered by the plan fail to take such ac- tions as are required of such employers for the TIONS.—The Secretary may perform audits, ex- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- plan to meet such requirements. aminations, and investigations of pooled plan resentatives of the United States of America in ‘‘(2) LIMITATIONS.— providers as may be necessary to enforce and Congress assembled, ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Paragraph (1) shall not carry out the purposes of this subsection. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; ETC. apply to any plan unless the terms of the plan ‘‘(C) AGGREGATION RULES.—For purposes of (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as provide that in the case of any employer in the this paragraph, in determining whether a per- the ‘‘Family Savings Act of 2018’’. plan failing to take the actions described in son meets the requirements of this paragraph to (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- paragraph (1)— be a pooled plan provider with respect to any tents for this Act is as follows: ‘‘(i) the assets of the plan attributable to em- plan, all persons who perform services for the Sec. 1. Short title; etc. ployees of such employer (or beneficiaries of plan and who are treated as a single employer TITLE I—EXPANDING AND PRESERVING such employees) will be transferred to a plan under subsection (b), (c), (m), or (o) of section RETIREMENT SAVINGS maintained only by such employer (or its suc- 414 shall be treated as one person. ‘‘(D) TREATMENT OF EMPLOYERS AS PLAN Sec. 101. Multiple employer plans; pooled em- cessor), to an eligible retirement plan as defined SPONSORS.—Except with respect to the adminis- ployer plans. in section 402(c)(8)(B) for each individual whose trative duties of the pooled plan provider de- Sec. 102. Rules relating to election of safe har- account is transferred, or to any other arrange- scribed in subparagraph (A)(i), each employer in bor 401(k) status. ment that the Secretary determines is appro- Sec. 103. Certain taxable non-tuition fellowship priate, unless the Secretary determines it is in a plan which has a pooled plan provider shall and stipend payments treated as the best interests of the employees of such em- be treated as the plan sponsor with respect to compensation for IRA purposes. ployer (and the beneficiaries of such employees) the portion of the plan attributable to employees Sec. 104. Repeal of maximum age for traditional to retain the assets in the plan, and of such employer (or beneficiaries of such em- IRA contributions. ‘‘(ii) such employer (and not the plan with re- ployees). Sec. 105. Qualified employer plans prohibited spect to which the failure occurred or any other ‘‘(4) GUIDANCE.—The Secretary shall issue from making loans through credit employer in such plan) shall, except to the ex- such guidance as the Secretary determines ap- cards and other similar arrange- tent provided by the Secretary, be liable for any propriate to carry out this subsection, including ments. liabilities with respect to such plan attributable guidance— Sec. 106. Portability of lifetime income invest- to employees of such employer (or beneficiaries ‘‘(A) to identify the administrative duties and ments. of such employees). other actions required to be performed by a Sec. 107. Treatment of custodial accounts on ‘‘(B) FAILURES BY POOLED PLAN PROVIDERS.— pooled plan provider under this subsection, termination of section 403(b) If the pooled plan provider of a plan described ‘‘(B) which describes the procedures to be plans. in paragraph (1)(B) does not perform substan- taken to terminate a plan which fails to meet Sec. 108. Clarification of retirement income ac- tially all of the administrative duties which are the requirements to be a plan described in para- count rules relating to church- required of the provider under paragraph graph (1), including the proper treatment of, controlled organizations. (3)(A)(i) for any plan year, the Secretary may and actions needed to be taken by, any em- Sec. 109. Exemption from required minimum dis- provide that the determination as to whether ployer in the plan and the assets and liabilities tribution rules for individuals the plan meets the requirements under this title of the plan attributable to employees of such with certain account balances. applicable to a plan described in section 401(a) employer (or beneficiaries of such employees), Sec. 110. Clarification of treatment of certain or to a plan that consists of individual retire- and retirement plan contributions ment accounts described in section 408 (includ- ‘‘(C) identifying appropriate cases to which picked up by governmental em- ing by reason of subsection (c) thereof), which- the rules of paragraph (2)(A) will apply to em- ployers for new or existing em- ever is applicable, shall be made in the same ployers in the plan failing to take the actions ployees. manner as would be made without regard to described in paragraph (1). Sec. 111. Elective deferrals by members of the paragraph (1). The Secretary shall take into account under Ready Reserve of a reserve compo- ‘‘(3) POOLED PLAN PROVIDER.— subparagraph (C) whether the failure of an em- nent of the Armed Forces. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of this sub- ployer or pooled plan provider to provide any TITLE II—ADMINISTRATIVE section, the term ‘pooled plan provider’ means, disclosures or other information, or to take any IMPROVEMENTS with respect to any plan, a person who— other action, necessary to administer a plan or Sec. 201. Plan adopted by filing due date for ‘‘(i) is designated by the terms of the plan as to allow a plan to meet requirements applicable year may be treated as in effect as a named fiduciary (within the meaning of sec- to the plan under section 401(a) or 408, which- of close of year. tion 402(a)(2) of the Employee Retirement In- ever is applicable, has continued over a period

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.044 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9119 of time that demonstrates a lack of commitment tributions, or otherwise transferring assets of aminations, and investigations of pooled plan to compliance. the plan in accordance with section 208 or para- providers as may be necessary to enforce and ‘‘(5) MODEL PLAN.—The Secretary shall pub- graph (44)(C)(i)(II); carry out the purposes of this paragraph and lish model plan language which meets the re- ‘‘(v) require— paragraph (43). quirements of this subsection and of paragraphs ‘‘(I) the pooled plan provider to provide to em- ‘‘(C) GUIDANCE.—The Secretary shall issue (43) and (44) of section 3 of the Employee Retire- ployers in the plan any disclosures or other in- such guidance as the Secretary determines ap- ment Income Security Act of 1974 and which formation which the Secretary may require, in- propriate to carry out this paragraph and para- may be adopted in order for a plan to be treated cluding any disclosures or other information to graph (43), including guidance— as a plan described in paragraph (1)(B).’’. facilitate the selection or any monitoring of the ‘‘(i) to identify the administrative duties and (2) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Section pooled plan provider by employers in the plan; other actions required to be performed by a 413(c)(2) of such Code is amended by striking and pooled plan provider under either such para- ‘‘(II) each employer in the plan to take such ‘‘section 401(a)’’ and inserting ‘‘sections 401(a) graph; and actions as the Secretary or the pooled plan pro- and 408(c)’’. ‘‘(ii) which requires in appropriate cases that vider determines are necessary to administer the (3) TECHNICAL AMENDMENT.—Section 408(c) of if an employer in the plan fails to take the ac- plan or for the plan to meet any requirement ap- such Code is amended by inserting after para- tions required under subparagraph (A)(i)(II)— graph (2) the following new paragraph: plicable under this Act or the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to a plan described in section 401(a) ‘‘(I) the assets of the plan attributable to em- ‘‘(3) There is a separate accounting for any ployees of such employer (or beneficiaries of interest of an employee or member (or spouse of of such Code or to a plan that consists of indi- vidual retirement accounts described in section such employees) are transferred to a plan main- an employee or member) in a Roth IRA.’’. tained only by such employer (or its successor), (b) NO COMMON INTEREST REQUIRED FOR 408 of such Code (including by reason of sub- section (c) thereof), whichever is applicable, in- to an eligible retirement plan as defined in sec- POOLED EMPLOYER PLANS.—Section 3(2) of the tion 402(c)(8)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code Employee Retirement Income Security Act of cluding providing any disclosures or other infor- mation which the Secretary may require or of 1986 for each individual whose account is 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002(2)) is amended by adding at transferred, or to any other arrangement that the end the following: which the pooled plan provider otherwise deter- mines are necessary to administer the plan or to the Secretary determines is appropriate in such ‘‘(C) A pooled employer plan shall be treated guidance; and as— allow the plan to meet such requirements; and ‘‘(vi) provide that any disclosure or other in- ‘‘(II) such employer (and not the plan with re- ‘‘(i) a single employee pension benefit plan or formation required to be provided under clause spect to which the failure occurred or any other single pension plan; and (v) may be provided in electronic form and will employer in such plan) shall, except to the ex- ‘‘(ii) a plan to which section 210(a) applies.’’. be designed to ensure only reasonable costs are tent provided in such guidance, be liable for any (c) POOLED EMPLOYER PLAN AND PROVIDER imposed on pooled plan providers and employers liabilities with respect to such plan attributable DEFINED.— in the plan. to employees of such employer (or beneficiaries (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 3 of the Employee ‘‘(C) EXCEPTIONS.—The term ‘pooled employer of such employees). Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 plan’ does not include— The Secretary shall take into account under U.S.C. 1002) is amended by adding at the end ‘‘(i) a multiemployer plan; or the following: clause (ii) whether the failure of an employer or ‘‘(ii) a plan established before the date of the pooled plan provider to provide any disclosures ‘‘(43) POOLED EMPLOYER PLAN.— enactment of the Family Savings Act of 2018 un- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘pooled employer or other information, or to take any other ac- less the plan administrator elects that the plan tion, necessary to administer a plan or to allow plan’ means a plan— will be treated as a pooled employer plan and ‘‘(i) which is an individual account plan es- a plan to meet requirements described in sub- the plan meets the requirements of this title ap- paragraph (A)(i)(II) has continued over a period tablished or maintained for the purpose of pro- plicable to a pooled employer plan established viding benefits to the employees of 2 or more em- of time that demonstrates a lack of commitment on or after such date. to compliance. The Secretary may waive the re- ployers; ‘‘(D) TREATMENT OF EMPLOYERS AS PLAN quirements of subclause (ii)(I) in appropriate ‘‘(ii) which is a plan described in section SPONSORS.—Except with respect to the adminis- circumstances if the Secretary determines it is in 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 trative duties of the pooled plan provider de- the best interests of the employees of the em- which includes a trust exempt from tax under scribed in paragraph (44)(A)(i), each employer ployer referred to in such clause (and the bene- section 501(a) of such Code or a plan that con- in a pooled employer plan shall be treated as the ficiaries of such employees) to retain the assets sists of individual retirement accounts described plan sponsor with respect to the portion of the in the plan with respect to which the employer’s in section 408 of such Code (including by reason plan attributable to employees of such employer failure occurred. of subsection (c) thereof); and (or beneficiaries of such employees). ‘‘(iii) the terms of which meet the requirements ‘‘(44) POOLED PLAN PROVIDER.— ‘‘(D) AGGREGATION RULES.—For purposes of of subparagraph (B). ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘pooled plan pro- this paragraph, in determining whether a per- son meets the requirements of this paragraph to Such term shall not include a plan maintained vider’ means a person who— ‘‘(i) is designated by the terms of a pooled em- be a pooled plan provider with respect to any by employers which have a common interest plan, all persons who perform services for the other than having adopted the plan. ployer plan as a named fiduciary, as the plan administrator, and as the person responsible for plan and who are treated as a single employer EQUIREMENTS FOR PLAN TERMS.—The ‘‘(B) R under subsection (b), (c), (m), or (o) of section requirements of this subparagraph are met with the performance of all administrative duties (in- 414 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall respect to any plan if the terms of the plan— cluding conducting proper testing with respect be treated as one person.’’. ‘‘(i) designate a pooled plan provider and pro- to the plan and the employees of each employer (2) BONDING REQUIREMENTS FOR POOLED EM- vide that the pooled plan provider is a named fi- in the plan) which are reasonably necessary to PLOYER PLANS.—The last sentence of section duciary of the plan; ensure that— ‘‘(I) the plan meets any requirement applica- 412(a) of the Employee Retirement Income Secu- ‘‘(ii) designate one or more trustees meeting ble under this Act or the Internal Revenue Code rity Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1112(a)) is amended the requirements of section 408(a)(2) of the In- of 1986 to a plan described in section 401(a) of by inserting ‘‘or in the case of a pooled employer ternal Revenue Code of 1986 (other than an em- such Code or to a plan that consists of indi- plan (as defined in section 3(43))’’ after ‘‘section ployer in the plan) to be responsible for col- vidual retirement accounts described in section 407(d)(1))’’. lecting contributions to, and holding the assets 408 of such Code (including by reason of sub- (3) CONFORMING AND TECHNICAL AMEND- of, the plan and require such trustees to imple- section (c) thereof), whichever is applicable; and MENTS.—Section 3 of the Employee Retirement ment written contribution collection procedures ‘‘(II) each employer in the plan takes such ac- Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002) is that are reasonable, diligent, and systematic; tions as the Secretary or pooled plan provider amended— ‘‘(iii) provide that each employer in the plan determines are necessary for the plan to meet retains fiduciary responsibility for— (A) in paragraph (16)(B)— the requirements described in subclause (I), in- (i) by striking ‘‘or’’ at the end of clause (ii); ‘‘(I) the selection and monitoring in accord- cluding providing the disclosures and informa- ance with section 404(a) of the person des- and tion described in paragraph (43)(B)(v)(II); (ii) by striking the period at the end and in- ignated as the pooled plan provider and any ‘‘(ii) registers as a pooled plan provider with serting ‘‘, or (iv) in the case of a pooled em- other person who, in addition to the pooled plan the Secretary, and provides to the Secretary ployer plan, the pooled plan provider.’’; and provider, is designated as a named fiduciary of such other information as the Secretary may re- (B) by striking the second paragraph (41). the plan; and quire, before beginning operations as a pooled (d) POOLED EMPLOYER AND MULTIPLE EM- ‘‘(II) to the extent not otherwise delegated to plan provider; another fiduciary by the pooled plan provider ‘‘(iii) acknowledges in writing that such per- PLOYER PLAN REPORTING.— and subject to the provisions of section 404(c), son is a named fiduciary, and the plan adminis- (1) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.—Section 103 of the investment and management of the portion trator, with respect to the pooled employer plan; the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of of the plan’s assets attributable to the employees and 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1023) is amended— of the employer (or beneficiaries of such employ- ‘‘(iv) is responsible for ensuring that all per- (A) in subsection (a)(1)(B), by striking ‘‘appli- ees); sons who handle assets of, or who are fidu- cable subsections (d), (e), and (f)’’ and inserting ‘‘(iv) provide that employers in the plan, and ciaries of, the pooled employer plan are bonded ‘‘applicable subsections (d), (e), (f), and (g)’’; participants and beneficiaries, are not subject to in accordance with section 412. and unreasonable restrictions, fees, or penalties with ‘‘(B) AUDITS, EXAMINATIONS AND INVESTIGA- (B) by amending subsection (g) to read as fol- regard to ceasing participation, receipt of dis- TIONS.—The Secretary may perform audits, ex- lows:

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‘‘(g) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WITH RESPECT ‘‘(ii) EXCEPTION WHERE PLAN PROVIDED FOR through the use of any credit card or any other TO POOLED EMPLOYER AND MULTIPLE EM- MATCHING CONTRIBUTIONS.—Clause (i) shall not similar arrangement.’’. PLOYER PLANS.—An annual report under this apply to any plan year if the plan provided at (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made section for a plan year shall include— any time during the plan year that the require- by subsection (a) shall apply to loans made after ‘‘(1) with respect to any plan to which section ments of subparagraph (B) or paragraph the date of the enactment of this Act. 210(a) applies (including a pooled employer (13)(D)(i)(I) applied to the plan year. SEC. 106. PORTABILITY OF LIFETIME INCOME IN- plan), a list of employers in the plan, a good ‘‘(iii) 4-PERCENT CONTRIBUTION REQUIRE- VESTMENTS. faith estimate of the percentage of total con- MENT.—Clause (i)(II) shall not apply to an ar- (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 401(a) of the Inter- tributions made by such employers during the rangement unless the amount of the contribu- nal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by insert- plan year, and the aggregate account balances tions described in subparagraph (C) which the ing after paragraph (37) the following new attributable to each employer in the plan (deter- employer is required to make under the arrange- paragraph: mined as the sum of the account balances of the ment for the plan year with respect to any em- ‘‘(38) PORTABILITY OF LIFETIME INCOME IN- employees of such employer (and the bene- ployee is an amount equal to at least 4 percent VESTMENTS.— ficiaries of such employees)); and of the employee’s compensation.’’. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Except as may be other- ‘‘(2) with respect to a pooled employer plan, (c) AUTOMATIC CONTRIBUTION ARRANGE- wise provided by regulations, a trust forming the identifying information for the person des- MENTS.—Section 401(k)(13) of such Code is part of a defined contribution plan shall not be ignated under the terms of the plan as the amended by adding at the end the following: treated as failing to constitute a qualified trust pooled plan provider.’’. ‘‘(F) TIMING OF PLAN AMENDMENT FOR EM- under this section solely by reason of allowing— (2) SIMPLIFIED ANNUAL REPORTS.—Section PLOYER MAKING NONELECTIVE CONTRIBUTIONS.— ‘‘(i) qualified distributions of a lifetime income 104(a) of the Employee Retirement Income Secu- ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in investment, or rity Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1024(a)) is amended clause (ii), a plan may be amended after the be- ‘‘(ii) distributions of a lifetime income invest- by striking paragraph (2)(A) and inserting the ginning of a plan year to provide that the re- ment in the form of a qualified plan distribution following: quirements of subparagraph (D)(i)(II) shall annuity contract, ‘‘(2)(A) With respect to annual reports re- apply to the arrangement for the plan year, but quired to be filed with the Secretary under this on or after the date that is 90 days prior to the only if the amendment is adopted— date on which such lifetime income investment part, the Secretary may by regulation prescribe ‘‘(I) at any time before the 30th day before the is no longer authorized to be held as an invest- simplified annual reports for any pension plan close of the plan year, or ment option under the plan. that— ‘‘(II) at any time before the last day under ‘‘(B) DEFINITIONS.—For purposes of this sub- ‘‘(i) covers fewer than 100 participants; or paragraph (8)(A) for distributing excess con- section— ‘‘(ii) is a plan described in section 210(a) that tributions for the plan year. ‘‘(i) the term ‘qualified distribution’ means a covers fewer than 1,000 participants, but only if ‘‘(ii) EXCEPTION WHERE PLAN PROVIDED FOR direct trustee-to-trustee transfer described in no single employer in the plan has 100 or more MATCHING CONTRIBUTIONS.—Clause (i) shall not paragraph (31)(A) to an eligible retirement plan participants covered by the plan.’’. apply to any plan year if the plan provided at (as defined in section 402(c)(8)(B)), (e) EFFECTIVE DATE.— any time during the plan year that the require- (1) IN GENERAL.—The amendments made by ‘‘(ii) the term ‘lifetime income investment’ ments of subparagraph (D)(i)(I) or paragraph this section shall apply to plan years beginning means an investment option which is designed (12)(B) applied to the plan year. after December 31, 2019. to provide an employee with election rights— ‘‘(iii) 4-PERCENT CONTRIBUTION REQUIRE- (2) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in the ‘‘(I) which are not uniformly available with MENT.—Clause (i)(II) shall not apply to an ar- amendments made by subsection (a) shall be respect to other investment options under the rangement unless the amount of the contribu- construed as limiting the authority of the Sec- plan, and tions described in subparagraph (D)(i)(II) which retary of the Treasury or the Secretary’s dele- ‘‘(II) which are to a lifetime income feature the employer is required to make under the ar- gate (determined without regard to such amend- available through a contract or other arrange- rangement for the plan year with respect to any ments) to provide for the proper treatment of a ment offered under the plan (or under another employee is an amount equal to at least 4 per- failure to meet any requirement applicable eligible retirement plan (as so defined), if paid cent of the employee’s compensation.’’. under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 with by means of a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer (d) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made respect to one employer (and its employees) in a by this section shall apply to plan years begin- described in paragraph (31)(A) to such other eli- multiple employer plan. ning after December 31, 2018. gible retirement plan), SEC. 102. RULES RELATING TO ELECTION OF ‘‘(iii) the term ‘lifetime income feature’ SEC. 103. CERTAIN TAXABLE NON-TUITION FEL- SAFE HARBOR 401(k) STATUS. means— LOWSHIP AND STIPEND PAYMENTS (a) LIMITATION OF ANNUAL SAFE HARBOR NO- TREATED AS COMPENSATION FOR ‘‘(I) a feature which guarantees a minimum TICE TO MATCHING CONTRIBUTION PLANS.— IRA PURPOSES. level of income annually (or more frequently) (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 401(k)(12)(A) of the (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 219(f)(1) of the In- for at least the remainder of the life of the em- Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by ternal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by add- ployee or the joint lives of the employee and the striking ‘‘if such arrangement’’ and all that fol- ing at the end the following: ‘‘The term ‘com- employee’s designated beneficiary, or lows and inserting ‘‘if such arrangement— pensation’ shall include any amount included in ‘‘(II) an annuity payable on behalf of the em- ‘‘(i) meets the contribution requirements of gross income and paid to an individual to aid ployee under which payments are made in sub- subparagraph (B) and the notice requirements the individual in the pursuit of graduate or stantially equal periodic payments (not less fre- of subparagraph (D), or postdoctoral study.’’. quently than annually) over the life of the em- ‘‘(ii) meets the contribution requirements of (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment made ployee or the joint lives of the employee and the subparagraph (C).’’. by this section shall apply to taxable years be- employee’s designated beneficiary, and (2) AUTOMATIC CONTRIBUTION ARRANGE- ginning after December 31, 2018. ‘‘(iv) the term ‘qualified plan distribution an- MENTS.—Section 401(k)(13)(B) of such Code is nuity contract’ means an annuity contract pur- amended by striking ‘‘means’’ and all that fol- SEC. 104. REPEAL OF MAXIMUM AGE FOR TRADI- chased for a participant and distributed to the lows and inserting ‘‘means a cash or deferred TIONAL IRA CONTRIBUTIONS. participant by a plan or contract described in arrangement— (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 219(d) of the Inter- subparagraph (B) of section 402(c)(8) (without ‘‘(i) which is described in subparagraph nal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking regard to clauses (i) and (ii) thereof).’’. (D)(i)(I) and meets the applicable requirements paragraph (1). (b) CASH OR DEFERRED ARRANGEMENT.— of subparagraphs (C) through (E), or (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Section ‘‘(ii) which is described in subparagraph 408A(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 401(k)(2)(B)(i) of (D)(i)(II) and meets the applicable requirements amended by striking paragraph (4) and by re- such Code is amended by striking ‘‘or’’ at the of subparagraphs (C) and (D).’’. designating paragraphs (5), (6), and (7) as para- end of subclause (IV), by striking ‘‘and’’ at the (b) NONELECTIVE CONTRIBUTIONS.—Section graphs (4), (5), and (6), respectively. end of subclause (V) and inserting ‘‘or’’, and by 401(k)(12) of such Code is amended by redesig- (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made adding at the end the following new subclause: nating subparagraph (F) as subparagraph (G), by this section shall apply to contributions made ‘‘(VI) except as may be otherwise provided by and by inserting after subparagraph (E) the fol- for taxable years beginning after December 31, regulations, with respect to amounts invested in lowing new subparagraph: 2018. a lifetime income investment (as defined in sub- ‘‘(F) TIMING OF PLAN AMENDMENT FOR EM- SEC. 105. QUALIFIED EMPLOYER PLANS PROHIB- section (a)(38)(B)(ii)), the date that is 90 days PLOYER MAKING NONELECTIVE CONTRIBUTIONS.— ITED FROM MAKING LOANS prior to the date that such lifetime income in- ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in THROUGH CREDIT CARDS AND vestment may no longer be held as an invest- clause (ii), a plan may be amended after the be- OTHER SIMILAR ARRANGEMENTS. ment option under the arrangement, and’’. ginning of a plan year to provide that the re- (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 72(p)(2) of the Inter- (2) DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENT.—Section quirements of subparagraph (C) shall apply to nal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by redesig- 401(k)(2)(B) of such Code, as amended by para- the arrangement for the plan year, but only if nating subparagraph (D) as subparagraph (E) graph (1), is amended by striking ‘‘and’’ at the the amendment is adopted— and by inserting after subparagraph (C) the fol- end of clause (i), by striking the semicolon at ‘‘(I) at any time before the 30th day before the lowing new subparagraph: the end of clause (ii) and inserting ‘‘, and’’, and close of the plan year, or ‘‘(D) PROHIBITION OF LOANS THROUGH CREDIT by adding at the end the following new clause: ‘‘(II) at any time before the last day under CARDS AND OTHER SIMILAR ARRANGEMENTS.— ‘‘(iii) except as may be otherwise provided by paragraph (8)(A) for distributing excess con- Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), paragraph regulations, in the case of amounts described in tributions for the plan year. (1) shall apply to any loan which is made clause (i)(VI), will be distributed only in the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.015 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9121 form of a qualified distribution (as defined in SEC. 107. TREATMENT OF CUSTODIAL ACCOUNTS Any increase determined under this clause shall subsection (a)(38)(B)(i)) or a qualified plan dis- ON TERMINATION OF SECTION 403(b) be rounded to the next lowest multiple of $5,000. tribution annuity contract (as defined in sub- PLANS. ‘‘(v) PLAN ADMINISTRATOR RELIANCE ON EM- section (a)(38)(B)(iv)),’’. (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 403(b)(7) of the In- PLOYEE CERTIFICATION.—An applicable eligible (c) SECTION 403(b) PLANS.— ternal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by add- retirement plan described in clause (iii), (iv), (v), (1) ANNUITY CONTRACTS.—Section 403(b)(11) of ing at the end the following: or (vi) of section 402(c)(8)(B) shall not be treated such Code is amended by striking ‘‘or’’ at the ‘‘(D) TREATMENT OF CUSTODIAL ACCOUNT as failing to meet the requirements of this para- end of subparagraph (B), by striking the period UPON PLAN TERMINATION.— graph in the case of any failure to make a re- at the end of subparagraph (C) and inserting ‘‘, ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—If— quired minimum distribution for a calendar year or’’, and by inserting after subparagraph (C) ‘‘(I) an employer terminates the plan under if— the following new subparagraph: which amounts are contributed to a custodial ‘‘(I) the aggregate value of an employee’s en- ‘‘(D) except as may be otherwise provided by account under subparagraph (A), and tire interest under all applicable eligible retire- regulations, with respect to amounts invested in ‘‘(II) the person holding the assets of the ac- ment plans of the employer on the last day of a lifetime income investment (as defined in sec- count has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the calendar year to which such distribution re- tion 401(a)(38)(B)(ii))— the Secretary under section 408(a)(2) that the lates does not exceed the dollar amount in effect ‘‘(i) on or after the date that is 90 days prior person is qualified to be a trustee of an indi- for such year under clause (i), and to the date that such lifetime income investment vidual retirement plan, ‘‘(II) the employee certifies that the aggregate may no longer be held as an investment option then, as of the date of the termination, the cus- value of the employee’s entire interest under all under the contract, and todial account shall be deemed to be an indi- applicable eligible retirement plans on the last ‘‘(ii) in the form of a qualified distribution (as vidual retirement plan for purposes of this title. day of the calendar year to which such distribu- defined in section 401(a)(38)(B)(i)) or a qualified ‘‘(ii) TREATMENT AS ROTH IRA.—Any custodial tion relates did not exceed the dollar amount in plan distribution annuity contract (as defined account treated as an individual retirement effect for such year under clause (i). in section 401(a)(38)(B)(iv)).’’. plan under clause (i) shall be treated as a Roth ‘‘(vi) AGGREGATION RULE.—All employers (2) CUSTODIAL ACCOUNTS.—Section IRA only if the custodial account was a des- treated as a single employer under subsection 403(b)(7)(A) of such Code is amended by striking ignated Roth account.’’. (b), (c), (m), or (o) of section 414 shall be treated ‘‘if—’’ and all that follows and inserting ‘‘if the (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment made as a single employer for purposes of clause (v).’’. amounts are to be invested in regulated invest- by this section shall apply to plan terminations (b) PLAN ADMINISTRATOR REPORTING.—Sec- ment company stock to be held in that custodial occurring after December 31, 2018. tion 6047 of such Code is amended by redesig- account, and under the custodial account— SEC. 108. CLARIFICATION OF RETIREMENT IN- nating subsection (h) as subsection (i) and by ‘‘(i) no such amounts may be paid or made COME ACCOUNT RULES RELATING inserting after subsection (g) the following new available to any distributee (unless such amount TO CHURCH-CONTROLLED ORGANI- subsection: is a distribution to which section 72(t)(2)(G) ap- ZATIONS. ‘‘(h) ACCOUNT BALANCE FOR PARTICIPANTS plies) before— (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 403(b)(9)(B) of the WHO HAVE ATTAINED AGE 69.— ‘‘(I) the employee dies, Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by in- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than January 31 ‘‘(II) the employee attains age 591⁄2, serting ‘‘(including an employee described in of each year, the plan administrator (as defined ‘‘(III) the employee has a severance from em- section 414(e)(3)(B))’’ after ‘‘employee described in section 414(g)) of each applicable eligible re- ployment, in paragraph (1)’’. tirement plan (as defined in section 401(a)(9)(H)) ‘‘(IV) the employee becomes disabled (within (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment made shall make a return to the Secretary with re- the meaning of section 72(m)(7)), by this section shall apply to plan years begin- spect to each participant of such plan who has ‘‘(V) in the case of contributions made pursu- ning after December 31, 2008. attained age 69 as of the end of the preceding ant to a salary reduction agreement (within the calendar year which states— meaning of section 3121(a)(5)(D)), the employee SEC. 109. EXEMPTION FROM REQUIRED MINIMUM DISTRIBUTION RULES FOR INDIVID- ‘‘(A) the name and plan number of the plan, encounters financial hardship, or UALS WITH CERTAIN ACCOUNT BAL- ‘‘(B) the name and address of the plan admin- ‘‘(VI) except as may be otherwise provided by ANCES. istrator, regulations, with respect to amounts invested in (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 401(a)(9) of the In- ‘‘(C) the name, address, and taxpayer identi- a lifetime income investment (as defined in sec- ternal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by add- fication number of the participant, and tion 401(a)(38)(B)(ii)), the date that is 90 days ing at the end the following new subparagraph: ‘‘(D) the account balance of such participant prior to the date that such lifetime income in- ‘‘(H) EXCEPTION FROM REQUIRED MINIMUM as of the end of the preceding calendar year. vestment may no longer be held as an invest- DISTRIBUTIONS DURING LIFE OF EMPLOYEE WHERE ‘‘(2) STATEMENT FURNISHED TO PARTICIPANT.— ment option under the contract, and ASSETS DO NOT EXCEED $50,000.— Every person required to make a return under ‘‘(ii) in the case of amounts described in ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—If on the last day of any paragraph (1) with respect to a participant shall clause (i)(VI), such amounts will be distributed calendar year the aggregate value of an employ- furnish a copy of such return to such partici- only in the form of a qualified distribution (as ee’s entire interest under all applicable eligible pant. defined in section 401(a)(38)(B)(i)) or a qualified retirement plans does not exceed $50,000, then ‘‘(3) APPLICATION TO INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT plan distribution annuity contract (as defined the requirements of subparagraph (A) with re- PLANS AND ANNUITIES.—In the case of an appli- in section 401(a)(38)(B)(iv)).’’. spect to any distribution relating to such year cable eligible retirement plan described in clause (d) ELIGIBLE DEFERRED COMPENSATION shall not apply with respect to such employee. (i) or (ii) of section 402(c)(8)(B)— PLANS.— ‘‘(ii) APPLICABLE ELIGIBLE RETIREMENT ‘‘(A) any reference in this subsection to the (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 457(d)(1)(A) of such PLAN.—For purposes of this subparagraph, the plan administrator shall be treated as a ref- Code is amended by striking ‘‘or’’ at the end of erence to the trustee or issuer, as the case may clause (ii), by inserting ‘‘or’’ at the end of term ‘applicable eligible retirement plan’ means an eligible retirement plan (as defined in section be, and clause (iii), and by adding after clause (iii) the ‘‘(B) any reference in this subsection to the following: 402(c)(8)(B)) other than a defined benefit plan. ‘‘(iii) LIMIT ON REQUIRED MINIMUM DISTRIBU- participant shall be treated as a reference to the ‘‘(iv) except as may be otherwise provided by individual for whom such account or annuity is regulations, in the case of a plan maintained by TION.—The required minimum distribution deter- mined under subparagraph (A) for an employee maintained.’’. an employer described in subsection (e)(1)(A), (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made with respect to amounts invested in a lifetime under all applicable eligible retirement plans shall not exceed an amount equal to the excess by this section shall apply to distributions re- income investment (as defined in section quired to be made in calendar years beginning 401(a)(38)(B)(ii)), the date that is 90 days prior of— ‘‘(I) the aggregate value of an employee’s en- more than 120 days after the date of the enact- to the date that such lifetime income investment ment of this Act. may no longer be held as an investment option tire interest under such plans on the last day of the calendar year to which such distribution re- SEC. 110. CLARIFICATION OF TREATMENT OF under the plan,’’. CERTAIN RETIREMENT PLAN CON- (2) DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENT.—Section lates, over ‘‘(II) the dollar amount in effect under clause TRIBUTIONS PICKED UP BY GOVERN- 457(d)(1) of such Code is amended by striking MENTAL EMPLOYERS FOR NEW OR ‘‘and’’ at the end of subparagraph (B), by strik- (i) for such calendar year. EXISTING EMPLOYEES. ing the period at the end of subparagraph (C) The Secretary in regulations or other guidance (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 414(h)(2) of the In- and inserting ‘‘, and’’, and by inserting after may provide how such amount shall be distrib- ternal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended— subparagraph (C) the following new subpara- uted in the case of an individual with more than (1) by striking ‘‘For purposes of paragraph graph: one applicable eligible retirement plan. (1)’’ and inserting the following: ‘‘(D) except as may be otherwise provided by ‘‘(iv) INFLATION ADJUSTMENT.—In the case of ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of paragraph regulations, in the case of amounts described in any calendar year beginning after 2019, the (1)’’, and subparagraph (A)(iv), such amounts will be dis- $50,000 amount in clause (i) shall be increased (2) by adding at the end the following new tributed only in the form of a qualified distribu- by an amount equal to— subparagraph: tion (as defined in section 401(a)(38)(B)(i)) or a ‘‘(I) such dollar amount, multiplied by ‘‘(B) TREATMENT OF ELECTIONS BETWEEN AL- qualified plan distribution annuity contract (as ‘‘(II) the cost of living adjustment determined TERNATIVE BENEFIT FORMULAS.—For purposes of defined in section 401(a)(38)(B)(iv)).’’. under section 1(f)(3) for the calendar year, de- subparagraph (A), a contribution shall not fail (e) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made termined by substituting ‘calendar year 2018’ for to be treated as picked up by an employing unit by this section shall apply to plan years begin- ‘calendar year 2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii) merely because the employee may make an irrev- ning after December 31, 2018. thereof. ocable election between the application of two

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.015 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9122 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 alternative benefit formulas involving the same this subparagraph but taking into account the such a way that, as of the date the class is or different levels of employee contributions.’’. rules of subparagraph (I)), closed, the value of such benefits, rights, and (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment made ‘‘(ii) after the date as of which the class was features to the closed class as a whole is sub- by this section shall apply to plan years begin- closed, any plan amendment which modifies the stantially greater than the value as of the first ning after the date of the enactment of this Act. closed class or the benefits, rights, and features day of such 5-year period, solely as a result of SEC. 111. ELECTIVE DEFERRALS BY MEMBERS OF provided to such closed class does not discrimi- such amendments. THE READY RESERVE OF A RESERVE nate significantly in favor of highly com- ‘‘(E) DETERMINATION OF SUBSTANTIAL IN- COMPONENT OF THE ARMED pensated employees, and CREASE FOR AGGREGATE TESTING ON BENEFITS FORCES. ‘‘(iii) the class was closed before April 5, 2017, BASIS.—In applying subparagraph (C)(ii) for (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 402(g) of the Inter- or the plan is described in subparagraph (C). purposes of subparagraph (B)(iii)(IV), a plan nal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding ‘‘(B) AGGREGATE TESTING WITH DEFINED CON- shall be treated as having had a substantial in- at the end the following new paragraph: TRIBUTION PLANS PERMITTED ON A BENEFITS crease in coverage or benefits during the appli- ‘‘(9) ELECTIVE DEFERRALS BY MEMBERS OF BASIS.— cable 5-year period only if, during such period— READY RESERVE.— ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of determining ‘‘(i) the number of participants benefitting ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—In the case of a qualified compliance with subsection (a)(4) and section under the plan on the date such period ends is ready reservist for any taxable year, the limita- 410(b), a defined benefit plan described in clause more than 50 percent greater than the number of tions of subparagraphs (A) and (C) of para- (iii) may be aggregated and tested on a benefits such participants on the first day of the plan graph (1) shall be applied separately with re- basis with 1 or more defined contribution plans, year in which such period began, or spect to— including with the portion of 1 or more defined ‘‘(ii) the average benefit provided to such par- ‘‘(i) elective deferrals of such qualified ready contribution plans which— ticipants on the date such period ends is more reservist with respect to compensation described ‘‘(I) provides matching contributions (as de- than 50 percent greater than the average benefit in subparagraph (B), and fined in subsection (m)(4)(A)), provided on the first day of the plan year in ‘‘(II) provides annuity contracts described in ‘‘(ii) all other elective deferrals of such quali- which such period began. section 403(b) which are purchased with match- fied ready reservist. ‘‘(F) CERTAIN EMPLOYEES DISREGARDED.—For ing contributions or nonelective contributions, ‘‘(B) QUALIFIED READY RESERVIST.—For pur- purposes of subparagraphs (D) and (E), any in- poses of this paragraph, the term ‘qualified or crease in coverage or value or in coverage or ‘‘(III) consists of an employee stock ownership ready reservist’ means any individual for any benefits, whichever is applicable, which is at- plan (within the meaning of section 4975(e)(7)) taxable year if such individual received com- tributable to such coverage and value or cov- or a tax credit employee stock ownership plan pensation for service as a member of the Ready erage and benefits provided to employees— (within the meaning of section 409(a)). Reserve of a reserve component (as defined in ‘‘(i) who became participants as a result of a ‘‘(ii) SPECIAL RULES FOR MATCHING CONTRIBU- section 101 of title 37, United States Code) dur- merger, acquisition, or similar event which oc- TIONS.—For purposes of clause (i), if a defined ing such taxable year.’’. benefit plan is aggregated with a portion of a curred during the 7-year period preceding the (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment made defined contribution plan providing matching date the class is closed, or by this section shall apply to plan years begin- contributions— ‘‘(ii) who became participants by reason of a ning after December 31, 2018. ‘‘(I) such defined benefit plan must also be ag- merger of the plan with another plan which had TITLE II—ADMINISTRATIVE gregated with any portion of such defined con- been in effect for at least 5 years as of the date IMPROVEMENTS tribution plan which provides elective deferrals of the merger, SEC. 201. PLAN ADOPTED BY FILING DUE DATE described in subparagraph (A) or (C) of section shall be disregarded, except that clause (ii) shall FOR YEAR MAY BE TREATED AS IN 402(g)(3), and apply for purposes of subparagraph (D) only if, EFFECT AS OF CLOSE OF YEAR. ‘‘(II) such matching contributions shall be under the merger, the benefits, rights, or fea- (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 401(b) of the Inter- treated in the same manner as nonelective con- tures under 1 plan are conformed to the bene- nal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended— tributions, including for purposes of applying fits, rights, or features of the other plan pro- (1) by striking ‘‘RETROACTIVE CHANGES IN the rules of subsection (l). spectively. PLAN.—A stock bonus’’ and inserting ‘‘PLAN ‘‘(iii) PLANS DESCRIBED.—A defined benefit ‘‘(G) RULES RELATING TO AVERAGE BENEFIT.— AMENDMENTS.— plan is described in this clause if— For purposes of subparagraph (E)— ‘‘(1) CERTAIN RETROACTIVE CHANGES IN ‘‘(I) the plan provides benefits to a closed ‘‘(i) the average benefit provided to partici- PLAN.—A stock bonus’’, and class of participants, pants under the plan will be treated as having (2) by adding at the end the following new ‘‘(II) for the plan year as of which the class remained the same between the 2 dates described paragraph: closes and the 2 succeeding plan years, the plan in subparagraph (E)(ii) if the benefit formula satisfies the requirements of section 410(b) and ‘‘(2) ADOPTION OF PLAN.—If an employer applicable to such participants has not changed adopts a stock bonus, pension, profit-sharing, or subsection (a)(4) (without regard to this sub- between such dates, and annuity plan after the close of a taxable year paragraph but taking into account the rules of ‘‘(ii) if the benefit formula applicable to 1 or but before the time prescribed by law for filing subparagraph (I)), more participants under the plan has changed ‘‘(III) after the date as of which the class was the employer’s return of tax for the taxable year between such 2 dates, then the average benefit closed, any plan amendment which modifies the (including extensions thereof), the employer under the plan shall be considered to have in- closed class or the benefits provided to such may elect to treat the plan as having been creased by more than 50 percent only if— closed class does not discriminate significantly adopted as of the last day of the taxable year.’’. ‘‘(I) the total amount determined under sec- in favor of highly compensated employees, and (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made tion 430(b)(1)(A)(i) for all participants benefit- ‘‘(IV) the class was closed before April 5, 2017, by this section shall apply to plans adopted for ting under the plan for the plan year in which or the plan is described in subparagraph (C). the 5-year period described in subparagraph (E) taxable years beginning after December 31, 2018. ‘‘(C) PLANS DESCRIBED.—A plan is described ends, exceeds SEC. 202. MODIFICATION OF NONDISCRIMINA- in this subparagraph if, taking into account ‘‘(II) the total amount determined under sec- TION RULES TO PROTECT OLDER, any predecessor plan— tion 430(b)(1)(A)(i) for all such participants for LONGER SERVICE PARTICIPANTS. ‘‘(i) such plan has been in effect for at least such plan year, by using the benefit formula in (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 401 of the Internal 5 years as of the date the class is closed, and Revenue Code of 1986 is amended— ‘‘(ii) during the 5-year period preceding the effect for each such participant for the first (1) by redesignating subsection (o) as sub- date the class is closed, there has not been a plan year in such 5-year period, by more than 50 section (p), and substantial increase in the coverage or value of percent. (2) by inserting after subsection (n) the fol- the benefits, rights, or features described in sub- In the case of a CSEC plan (as defined in sec- lowing new subsection: paragraph (A) or in the coverage or benefits tion 414(y)), the normal cost of the plan (as de- ‘‘(o) SPECIAL RULES FOR APPLYING NON- under the plan described in subparagraph termined under section 433(j)(1)(B)) shall be DISCRIMINATION RULES TO PROTECT OLDER, (B)(iii) (whichever is applicable). used in lieu of the amount determined under LONGER SERVICE AND GRANDFATHERED PARTICI- ‘‘(D) DETERMINATION OF SUBSTANTIAL IN- section 430(b)(1)(A)(i). PANTS.— CREASE FOR BENEFITS, RIGHTS, AND FEATURES.— ‘‘(H) TREATMENT AS SINGLE PLAN.—For pur- ‘‘(1) TESTING OF DEFINED BENEFIT PLANS WITH In applying subparagraph (C)(ii) for purposes of poses of subparagraphs (E) and (G), a plan de- CLOSED CLASSES OF PARTICIPANTS.— subparagraph (A)(iii), a plan shall be treated as scribed in section 413(c) shall be treated as a ‘‘(A) BENEFITS, RIGHTS, OR FEATURES PRO- having had a substantial increase in coverage or single plan rather than as separate plans main- VIDED TO CLOSED CLASSES.—A defined benefit value of the benefits, rights, or features de- tained by each employer in the plan. plan which provides benefits, rights, or features scribed in subparagraph (A) during the applica- ‘‘(I) SPECIAL RULES.—For purposes of sub- to a closed class of participants shall not fail to ble 5-year period only if, during such period— paragraphs (A)(i) and (B)(iii)(II), the following satisfy the requirements of subsection (a)(4) by ‘‘(i) the number of participants covered by rules shall apply: reason of the composition of such closed class or such benefits, rights, or features on the date ‘‘(i) In applying section 410(b)(6)(C), the clos- the benefits, rights, or features provided to such such period ends is more than 50 percent greater ing of the class of participants shall not be closed class, if— than the number of such participants on the treated as a significant change in coverage ‘‘(i) for the plan year as of which the class first day of the plan year in which such period under section 410(b)(6)(C)(i)(II). closes and the 2 succeeding plan years, such began, or ‘‘(ii) 2 or more plans shall not fail to be eligi- benefits, rights, and features satisfy the require- ‘‘(ii) such benefits, rights, and features have ble to be aggregated and treated as a single plan ments of subsection (a)(4) (without regard to been modified by 1 or more plan amendments in solely by reason of having different plan years.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.015 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9123 ‘‘(iii) Changes in the employee population ticipants whose accruals under a defined benefit shall continue with respect to the other em- shall be disregarded to the extent attributable to plan have been reduced or eliminated, the plan ployer.’’. individuals who become employees or cease to be shall not fail to satisfy the requirements of sub- (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.— employees, after the date the class is closed, by section (a)(4) solely by reason of the composition (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in para- reason of a merger, acquisition, divestiture, or of the closed class or the benefits, rights, or fea- graph (2), the amendments made by this section similar event. tures provided to such closed class if the defined shall take effect on the date of the enactment of ‘‘(iv) Aggregation and all other testing meth- contribution plan and defined benefit plan oth- this Act, without regard to whether any plan odologies otherwise applicable under subsection erwise meet the requirements of subparagraph modifications referred to in such amendments (a)(4) and section 410(b) may be taken into ac- (A) but for the fact that the make-whole con- are adopted or effective before, on, or after such count. tributions under the defined contribution plan date of enactment. The rule of clause (ii) shall also apply for pur- are made in whole or in part through matching (2) SPECIAL RULES.— poses of determining whether plans to which contributions. (A) ELECTION OF EARLIER APPLICATION.—At subparagraph (B)(i) applies may be aggregated ‘‘(D) SPUN-OFF PLANS.—For purposes of this the election of the plan sponsor, the amend- and treated as 1 plan for purposes of deter- paragraph, if a portion of a defined contribu- ments made by this section shall apply to plan mining whether such plans meet the require- tion plan described in subparagraph (A) or (C) years beginning after December 31, 2013. (B) CLOSED CLASSES OF PARTICIPANTS.—For ments of subsection (a)(4) and section 410(b). is spun off to another employer, the treatment purposes of paragraphs (1)(A)(iii), ‘‘(J) SPUN-OFF PLANS.—For purposes of this under subparagraph (A) or (C) of the spun-off paragraph, if a portion of a defined benefit plan plan shall continue with respect to the other em- (1)(B)(iii)(IV), and (2)(A)(iv) of section 401(o) of described in subparagraph (A) or (B)(iii) is spun ployer if such plan continues to comply with the the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as added by off to another employer and the spun-off plan requirements of clauses (ii) (if the original plan this section), a closed class of participants shall continues to satisfy the requirements of— was still within the 3-year period described in be treated as being closed before April 5, 2017, if ‘‘(i) subparagraph (A)(i) or (B)(iii)(II), which- such clause at the time of the spin off) and (iii) the plan sponsor’s intention to create such ever is applicable, if the original plan was still of subparagraph (A), as determined for purposes closed class is reflected in formal written docu- within the 3-year period described in such sub- of subparagraph (A) or (C), whichever is appli- ments and communicated to participants before paragraph at the time of the spin off, and cable. such date. (C) CERTAIN POST-ENACTMENT PLAN AMEND- ‘‘(ii) subparagraph (A)(ii) or (B)(iii)(III), ‘‘(3) DEFINITIONS.—For purposes of this sub- MENTS.—A plan shall not be treated as failing to whichever is applicable, section— be eligible for the application of section the treatment under subparagraph (A) or (B) of ‘‘(A) MAKE-WHOLE CONTRIBUTIONS.—Except as 401(o)(1)(A), 401(o)(1)(B)(iii), or 401(a)(26) of the spun-off plan shall continue with respect to otherwise provided in paragraph (2)(C), the term such Code (as added by this section) to such such other employer. ‘make-whole contributions’ means nonelective allocations for each employee in the class which plan solely because in the case of— ‘‘(2) TESTING OF DEFINED CONTRIBUTION are reasonably calculated, in a consistent man- (i) such section 401(o)(1)(A), the plan was PLANS.— ner, to replace some or all of the retirement ben- amended before the date of the enactment of ‘‘(A) TESTING ON A BENEFITS BASIS.—A defined this Act to eliminate 1 or more benefits, rights, contribution plan shall be permitted to be tested efits which the employee would have received or features, and is further amended after such on a benefits basis if— under the defined benefit plan and any other date of enactment to provide such previously ‘‘(i) such defined contribution plan provides plan or qualified cash or deferred arrangement eliminated benefits, rights, or features to a make-whole contributions to a closed class of under subsection (k)(2) if no change had been closed class of participants, or participants whose accruals under a defined made to such defined benefit plan and such (ii) such section 401(o)(1)(B)(iii) or section benefit plan have been reduced or eliminated, other plan or arrangement. For purposes of the 401(a)(26), the plan was amended before the ‘‘(ii) for the plan year of the defined contribu- preceding sentence, consistency shall not be re- date of the enactment of this Act to cease all tion plan as of which the class eligible to receive quired with respect to employees who were sub- benefit accruals, and is further amended after such make-whole contributions closes and the 2 ject to different benefit formulas under the de- such date of enactment to provide benefit accru- succeeding plan years, such closed class of par- fined benefit plan. ‘‘(B) REFERENCES TO CLOSED CLASS OF PAR- als to a closed class of participants. Any such ticipants satisfies the requirements of section TICIPANTS.—References to a closed class of par- section shall only apply if the plan otherwise 410(b)(2)(A)(i) (determined by applying the rules ticipants and similar references to a closed class meets the requirements of such section and in of paragraph (1)(I)), shall include arrangements under which 1 or applying such section, the date the class of par- ‘‘(iii) after the date as of which the class was more classes of participants are closed, except ticipants is closed shall be the effective date of closed, any plan amendment to the defined con- that 1 or more classes of participants closed on the later amendment. tribution plan which modifies the closed class or different dates shall not be aggregated for pur- the allocations, benefits, rights, and features SEC. 203. FIDUCIARY SAFE HARBOR FOR SELEC- poses of determining the date any such class TION OF LIFETIME INCOME PRO- provided to such closed class does not discrimi- was closed. VIDER. nate significantly in favor of highly com- ‘‘(C) HIGHLY COMPENSATED EMPLOYEE.—The Section 404 of the Employee Retirement In- pensated employees, and term ‘highly compensated employee’ has the come Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1104) is ‘‘(iv) the class was closed before April 5, 2017, meaning given such term in section 414(q).’’. amended by adding at the end the following: or the defined benefit plan under clause (i) is (b) PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS.—Section ‘‘(e) SAFE HARBOR FOR ANNUITY SELECTION.— described in paragraph (1)(C) (as applied for 401(a)(26) of such Code is amended by adding at ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—With respect to the selec- purposes of paragraph (1)(B)(iii)(IV)). the end the following new subparagraph: tion of an insurer for a guaranteed retirement ‘‘(B) AGGREGATION WITH PLANS INCLUDING ‘‘(I) PROTECTED PARTICIPANTS.— income contract, the requirements of subsection MATCHING CONTRIBUTIONS.— ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—A plan shall be deemed to (a)(1)(B) will be deemed to be satisfied if a fidu- ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—With respect to 1 or more satisfy the requirements of subparagraph (A) ciary— defined contribution plans described in subpara- if— ‘‘(A) engages in an objective, thorough, and graph (A), for purposes of determining compli- ‘‘(I) the plan is amended— analytical search for the purpose of identifying ance with subsection (a)(4) and section 410(b), ‘‘(aa) to cease all benefit accruals, or insurers from which to purchase such contracts; the portion of such plans which provides make- ‘‘(bb) to provide future benefit accruals only ‘‘(B) with respect to each insurer identified whole contributions or other nonelective con- to a closed class of participants, under subparagraph (A)— tributions may be aggregated and tested on a ‘‘(II) the plan satisfies subparagraph (A) ‘‘(i) considers the financial capability of such benefits basis with the portion of 1 or more other (without regard to this subparagraph) as of the insurer to satisfy its obligations under the guar- defined contribution plans which— effective date of the amendment, and anteed retirement income contract; and ‘‘(I) provides matching contributions (as de- ‘‘(III) the amendment was adopted before ‘‘(ii) considers the cost (including fees and fined in subsection (m)(4)(A)), April 5, 2017, or the plan is described in clause commissions) of the guaranteed retirement in- ‘‘(II) provides annuity contracts described in (ii). come contract offered by the insurer in relation section 403(b) which are purchased with match- ‘‘(ii) PLANS DESCRIBED.—A plan is described in to the benefits and product features of the con- ing contributions or nonelective contributions, this clause if the plan would be described in tract and administrative services to be provided or subsection (o)(1)(C), as applied for purposes of under such contract; and ‘‘(III) consists of an employee stock ownership subsection (o)(1)(B)(iii)(IV) and by treating the ‘‘(C) on the basis of such consideration, con- plan (within the meaning of section 4975(e)(7)) effective date of the amendment as the date the cludes that— or a tax credit employee stock ownership plan class was closed for purposes of subsection ‘‘(i) at the time of the selection, the insurer is (within the meaning of section 409(a)). (o)(1)(C). financially capable of satisfying its obligations ‘‘(ii) SPECIAL RULES FOR MATCHING CONTRIBU- ‘‘(iii) SPECIAL RULES.—For purposes of clause under the guaranteed retirement income con- TIONS.—Rules similar to the rules of paragraph (i)(II), in applying section 410(b)(6)(C), the tract; and (1)(B)(ii) shall apply for purposes of clause (i). amendments described in clause (i) shall not be ‘‘(ii) the relative cost of the selected guaran- ‘‘(C) SPECIAL RULES FOR TESTING DEFINED treated as a significant change in coverage teed retirement income contract as described in CONTRIBUTION PLAN FEATURES PROVIDING under section 410(b)(6)(C)(i)(II). subparagraph (B)(ii) is reasonable. MATCHING CONTRIBUTIONS TO CERTAIN OLDER, ‘‘(iv) SPUN-OFF PLANS.—For purposes of this ‘‘(2) FINANCIAL CAPABILITY OF THE INSURER.— LONGER SERVICE PARTICIPANTS.—In the case of a subparagraph, if a portion of a plan described A fiduciary will be deemed to satisfy the re- defined contribution plan which provides bene- in clause (i) is spun off to another employer, the quirements of paragraphs (1)(B)(i) and (1)(C)(i) fits, rights, or features to a closed class of par- treatment under clause (i) of the spun-off plan if—

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‘‘(A) the fiduciary obtains written representa- ‘‘(6) DEFINITIONS.—For purposes of this sub- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The aggregate amount of tions from the insurer that— section— contributions (other than qualified rollover con- ‘‘(i) the insurer is licensed to offer guaranteed ‘‘(A) INSURER.—The term ‘insurer’ means an tributions described in subsection (d)) for any retirement income contracts; insurance company, insurance service, or insur- taxable year to all Universal Savings Accounts ‘‘(ii) the insurer, at the time of selection and ance organization, including affiliates of such maintained for the benefit of an individual shall for each of the immediately preceding 7 plan companies. not exceed the lesser of— years— ‘‘(B) GUARANTEED RETIREMENT INCOME CON- ‘‘(i) $2,500, or ‘‘(I) operates under a certificate of authority TRACT.—The term ‘guaranteed retirement in- ‘‘(ii) an amount equal to the compensation from the insurance commissioner of its domi- come contract’ means an annuity contract for a (within the meaning of section 219) includible in ciliary State which has not been revoked or sus- fixed term or a contract (or provision or feature such individual’s gross income for such taxable pended; thereof) which provides guaranteed benefits an- year. ‘‘(II) has filed audited financial statements in nually (or more frequently) for at least the re- ‘‘(B) NO CONTRIBUTIONS FOR DEPENDENTS.—In accordance with the laws of its domiciliary mainder of the life of the participant or the joint the case of an individual who is a dependent of State under applicable statutory accounting lives of the participant and the participant’s another taxpayer for a taxable year beginning principles; designated beneficiary as part of an individual in the calendar year in which such individual’s ‘‘(III) maintains (and has maintained) re- account plan.’’. taxable year begins, the dollar amount under subparagraph (A) for such individual’s taxable serves which satisfies all the statutory require- TITLE III—OTHER SAVINGS PROVISIONS ments of all States where the insurer does busi- year shall be zero. SEC. 301. UNIVERSAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. ness; and ‘‘(C) SPECIAL RULE IN CASE OF JOINT RE- (a) IN GENERAL.—Subchapter F of chapter 1 of ‘‘(IV) is not operating under an order of su- TURN.— the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—In the case of an individual pervision, rehabilitation, or liquidation; by adding at the end the following new part: to whom this clause applies, the amount deter- ‘‘(iii) the insurer undergoes, at least every 5 mined under subparagraph (A)(ii) with respect years, a financial examination (within the ‘‘PART IX—UNIVERSAL SAVINGS to such individual for the taxable year shall not meaning of the law of its domiciliary State) by ACCOUNTS be less than an amount equal to the sum of— the insurance commissioner of the domiciliary ‘‘Sec. 530U. Universal Savings Accounts. ‘‘(I) the compensation of such individual in- State (or representative, designee, or other party ‘‘SEC. 530U. UNIVERSAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. cludible in gross income for the taxable year, approved by such commissioner); and ‘‘(a) GENERAL RULE.—A Universal Savings plus ‘‘(iv) the insurer will notify the fiduciary of Account shall be exempt from taxation under ‘‘(II) the compensation of such individual’s any change in circumstances occurring after the this subtitle. Notwithstanding the preceding spouse includible in gross income for the taxable provision of the representations in clauses (i), sentence, such account shall be subject to the year reduced (but not below zero) by the amount (ii), and (iii) which would preclude the insurer taxes imposed by section 511 (relating to imposi- contributed for the taxable year to all Universal from making such representations at the time of tion of tax on unrelated business income of Savings Accounts maintained for the benefit of issuance of the guaranteed retirement income charitable organizations). such spouse. contract; and ‘‘(b) UNIVERSAL SAVINGS ACCOUNT.—For pur- ‘‘(ii) INDIVIDUAL TO WHOM CLAUSE (i) AP- ‘‘(B) after receiving such representations and poses of this section, the term ‘Universal Sav- PLIES.—Clause (i) shall apply to any indi- as of the time of selection, the fiduciary has not ings Account’ means a trust created or orga- vidual— received any notice described in subparagraph nized in the United States by an individual for ‘‘(I) who files a joint return for the taxable (A)(iv) and is in possession of no other informa- the exclusive benefit of such individual and year, and tion which would cause the fiduciary to ques- which is designated (in such manner as the Sec- ‘‘(II) whose compensation includible in gross tion the representations provided. retary may prescribe) at the time of the estab- income for the taxable year is less than the com- ‘‘(3) NO REQUIREMENT TO SELECT LOWEST lishment of the trust as a Universal Savings Ac- pensation of such individual’s spouse includible COST.—Nothing in this subsection shall be con- count, but only if the written governing instru- in gross income for the taxable year. strued to require a fiduciary to select the lowest ment creating the trust meets the following re- ‘‘(D) COST-OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENT.—In the cost contract. A fiduciary may consider the quirements: case of any taxable year beginning in a cal- value of a contract, including features and ben- ‘‘(1) Except in the case of a qualified rollover endar year after 2019, the $2,500 amount under efits of the contract and attributes of the insurer contribution described in subsection (d)— subparagraph (A)(i) shall be increased by an (including, without limitation, the insurer’s fi- ‘‘(A) no contribution will be accepted unless it amount equal to— nancial strength) in conjunction with the cost is in cash, and ‘‘(i) such dollar amount, multiplied by of the contract. ‘‘(B) contributions will not be accepted for the ‘‘(ii) the cost-of-living adjustment determined ‘‘(4) TIME OF SELECTION.— taxable year in excess of the contribution limit under section 1(f)(3) for the calendar year, de- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of this sub- specified in subsection (c)(2). termined by substituting ‘calendar year 2018’ for section, the time of selection is— ‘‘(2) No distribution will be made unless it is— ‘calendar year 2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii) ‘‘(i) the time that the insurer and the contract ‘‘(A) cash, or thereof. are selected for distribution of benefits to a spe- ‘‘(B) property that— If any amount after adjustment under the pre- cific participant or beneficiary; or ‘‘(i) has a readily ascertainable fair market ceding sentence is not a multiple of $100, such ‘‘(ii) if the fiduciary periodically reviews the value, and amount shall be rounded to the next lower mul- continuing appropriateness of the conclusion ‘‘(ii) is identified by the Secretary in regula- tiple of $100. described in paragraph (1)(C) with respect to a tions or other guidance as property to which ‘‘(d) QUALIFIED ROLLOVER CONTRIBUTION.— selected insurer, taking into account the consid- this subparagraph applies. For purposes of this section, the term ‘qualified erations described in such paragraph, the time ‘‘(3) The trustee is a bank (as defined in sec- rollover contribution’ means a contribution to a that the insurer and the contract are selected to tion 408(n)) or another person who demonstrates Universal Savings Account from another such provide benefits at future dates to participants to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the account of the same individual, but only if such or beneficiaries under the plan. manner in which that person will administer the amount is contributed not later than the 60th Nothing in the preceding sentence shall be con- trust will be consistent with the requirements of day after the distribution from such other ac- strued to require the fiduciary to review the ap- this section. count. propriateness of a selection after the purchase ‘‘(4) No part of the trust assets will be invested ‘‘(e) TREATMENT OF ACCOUNT UPON DEATH.— of a contract for a participant or beneficiary. in life insurance contracts or collectibles (as de- Upon death of any account holder of a Uni- versal Savings Account— ‘‘(B) PERIODIC REVIEW.—A fiduciary will be fined in section 408(m)). ‘‘(1) SPOUSE.—In the case of the account hold- deemed to have conducted the periodic review ‘‘(5) The interest of an individual in the bal- er’s surviving spouse acquiring such account described in subparagraph (A)(ii) if the fidu- ance of his account is nonforfeitable. holder’s interest in such account by reason of ciary obtains the written representations de- ‘‘(6) The assets of the trust shall not be com- the death of the account holder, such account scribed in clauses (i), (ii), and (iii) of paragraph mingled with other property except in a common shall be treated as if the spouse were the ac- (2)(A) from the insurer on an annual basis, un- trust fund or common investment fund. count holder. less the fiduciary receives any notice described ‘‘(c) TREATMENT OF DISTRIBUTIONS AND CON- ‘‘(2) OTHER CASES.—In any other case— in paragraph (2)(A)(iv) or otherwise becomes TRIBUTIONS.— ‘‘(A) all amounts in such account shall be aware of facts that would cause the fiduciary to ‘‘(1) DISTRIBUTIONS.— treated as distributed on the date of such indi- question such representations. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in sub- vidual’s death, and ‘‘(5) LIMITED LIABILITY.—A fiduciary which paragraph (B), any distribution from a Uni- ‘‘(B) such account shall cease to be treated as satisfies the requirements of this subsection versal Savings Account shall not be includible a Universal Savings Account. shall not be liable following the distribution of in gross income. ‘‘(f) OTHER SPECIAL RULES.— any benefit, or the investment by or on behalf of ‘‘(B) NET INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO EXCESS ‘‘(1) COMMUNITY PROPERTY LAWS.—This sec- a participant or beneficiary pursuant to the se- CONTRIBUTIONS.—Any distribution of net income tion shall be applied without regard to any com- lected guaranteed retirement income contract, described in section 4973(i)(2) shall be includible munity property laws. for any losses that may result to the participant in the gross income of the account holder in the ‘‘(2) LOSS OF TAXATION EXEMPTION OF AC- or beneficiary due to an insurer’s inability to taxable year in which the contribution to which COUNT WHERE INDIVIDUAL ENGAGES IN PROHIB- satisfy its financial obligations under the terms such net income relates was made. ITED TRANSACTION; EFFECT OF PLEDGING AC- of such contract. ‘‘(2) CONTRIBUTION LIMIT.— COUNT AS SECURITY.—Rules similar to the rules

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.015 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9125 of paragraphs (2) and (4) of section 408(e) shall enue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the ‘‘(A) expenses described in section apply to any Universal Savings Account. end the following new paragraph: 530(b)(3)(A)(i) in connection with enrollment or ‘‘(g) REPORTS.—The trustee of a Universal ‘‘(8) TREATMENT OF CERTAIN EXPENSES ASSOCI- attendance of a designated beneficiary at an el- Savings Account shall make such reports re- ATED WITH REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIP PRO- ementary or secondary public, private, or reli- garding such account to the Secretary and to GRAMS.—Any reference in this subsection to the gious school, and’’. the account holder with respect to contribu- term ‘qualified higher education expense’ shall (e) UNBORN CHILDREN ALLOWED AS ACCOUNT tions, distributions, and such other matters as include a reference to expenses for fees, books, BENEFICIARIES.—Section 529(e) is amended by the Secretary may require. Such reports shall supplies, and equipment required for the partici- adding at the end the following new paragraph: be— pation of a designated beneficiary in an appren- ‘‘(6) TREATMENT OF UNBORN CHILDREN.— ‘‘(1) filed at such time and in such manner as ticeship program registered and certified with ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Nothing shall prevent an the Secretary provides, and the Secretary of Labor under section 1 of the unborn child from being treated as a designated ‘‘(2) furnished to account holders— National Apprenticeship Act (29 U.S.C. 50).’’. beneficiary or an individual under this section. ‘‘(A) not later than January 31 of the cal- (b) DISTRIBUTIONS FOR CERTAIN ‘‘(B) UNBORN CHILD.—For purposes of this endar year following the calendar year to which HOMESCHOOLING EXPENSES.—Section 529(c)(7) of paragraph— such reports relate, and such Code is amended by striking ‘‘include a ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘unborn child’ ‘‘(B) in such manner as the Secretary pro- reference to’’ and all that follows and inserting means a child in utero. vides.’’. ‘‘include a reference to— ‘‘(ii) CHILD IN UTERO.—The term ‘child in (b) TAX ON EXCESS CONTRIBUTIONS.— ‘‘(A) expenses for tuition in connection with utero’ means a member of the species homo sapi- (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 4973(a) of such Code enrollment or attendance of a designated bene- ens, at any stage of development, who is carried is amended by striking ‘‘or’’ at the end of para- ficiary at an elementary or secondary public, in the womb.’’. graph (5), by inserting ‘‘or’’ at the end of para- private, or religious school, and (f) EFFECTIVE DATES.— graph (6), and by inserting after paragraph (6) ‘‘(B) expenses, with respect to a designated (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as otherwise provided the following new paragraph: beneficiary, for— in this subsection, the amendments made by this ‘‘(7) a Universal Savings Account (as defined ‘‘(i) curriculum and curricular materials, section shall apply to distributions made after in section 530U),’’. ‘‘(ii) books or other instructional materials, December 31, 2018. (2) EXCESS CONTRIBUTION.—Section 4973 of ‘‘(iii) online educational materials, (2) UNBORN CHILDREN ALLOWED AS ACCOUNT such Code is amended by adding at the end the ‘‘(iv) tuition for tutoring or educational class- BENEFICIARIES.—The amendment made by sub- following new subsection: es outside of the home (but only if the tutor or section (e) shall apply to contributions made ‘‘(i) EXCESS CONTRIBUTIONS TO UNIVERSAL class instructor is not related (within the mean- after December 31, 2018. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS.—For purposes of this sec- ing of section 152(d)(2)) to the student), SEC. 303. PENALTY-FREE WITHDRAWALS FROM tion— ‘‘(v) dual enrollment in an institution of high- RETIREMENT PLANS FOR INDIVID- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In the case of Universal er education, and UALS IN CASE OF BIRTH OF CHILD Savings Accounts (within the meaning of sec- ‘‘(vi) educational therapies for students with OR ADOPTION. tion 530U), the term ‘excess contributions’ means disabilities, (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 72(t)(2) of the Inter- the sum of— in connection with a homeschool (whether treat- nal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding ‘‘(A) the amount (if any) by which the ed as a homeschool or a private school for pur- at the end the following new subparagraph: amount contributed for the taxable year to such poses of applicable State law).’’. ‘‘(H) DISTRIBUTIONS FROM RETIREMENT PLANS accounts (other than qualified rollover contribu- (c) DISTRIBUTIONS FOR QUALIFIED EDUCATION IN CASE OF BIRTH OF CHILD OR ADOPTION.— tions (as defined in section 530U(d))) exceeds the LOAN REPAYMENTS.— ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Any qualified birth or contribution limit under section 530U(c)(2) for (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 529(c) of such Code, adoption distribution. such taxable year, and as amended by subsection (a), is amended by ‘‘(ii) LIMITATION.—The aggregate amount ‘‘(B) the amount determined under this sub- adding at the end the following new paragraph: which may be treated as qualified birth or adop- section for the preceding taxable year, reduced ‘‘(9) TREATMENT OF QUALIFIED EDUCATION tion distributions by any individual with respect by the sum of— LOAN REPAYMENTS.— to any birth or adoption shall not exceed $7,500. ‘‘(i) the distributions out of the account for ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Any reference in this sub- ‘‘(iii) QUALIFIED BIRTH OR ADOPTION DIS- the taxable year, and section to the term ‘qualified higher education TRIBUTION.—For purposes of this subpara- ‘‘(ii) the amount (if any) by which the max- expense’ shall include a reference to amounts graph— imum amount allowable as a contribution under paid as principal or interest on any qualified ‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘qualified birth or section 530U(c)(2) for the taxable year exceeds education loan (as defined in section 221(d)) of adoption distribution’ means any distribution the amount contributed to the accounts for the the designated beneficiary or a sibling of the from an applicable eligible retirement plan to an taxable year. designated beneficiary. individual if made during the 1-year period be- ‘‘(2) SPECIAL RULE.—A contribution shall not ‘‘(B) LIMITATION.—The amount of distribu- ginning on the date on which a child of the in- be taken into account under paragraph (1) if tions treated as a qualified higher education ex- dividual is born or on which the legal adoption such contribution (together with the amount of pense under this paragraph with respect to the by the individual of an eligible child is finalized. net income attributable to such contribution) is loans of any individual shall not exceed $10,000 ‘‘(II) ELIGIBLE CHILD.—The term ‘eligible distributed to the account holder on or before (reduced by the amount of distributions so treat- child’ means any individual (other than a child the due date of the account holder’s return of ed for all prior taxable years). of the taxpayer’s spouse) who has not attained tax for such taxable year.’’. ‘‘(C) SPECIAL RULES FOR SIBLINGS OF THE DES- age 18 or is physically or mentally incapable of (c) TAX ON PROHIBITED TRANSACTIONS.—Sec- IGNATED BENEFICIARY.— self-support. tion 4975(e)(1) of such Code is amended by strik- ‘‘(i) SEPARATE ACCOUNTING.—For purposes of ‘‘(iv) TREATMENT OF PLAN DISTRIBUTIONS.— ing ‘‘or’’ at the end of subparagraph (F), by subparagraph (B) and subsection (d), amounts ‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—If a distribution to an indi- striking the period at the end of subparagraph treated as a qualified higher education expense vidual would (without regard to clause (ii)) be a (G) and inserting ‘‘, or’’, and by adding at the with respect to the loans of a sibling of the des- qualified birth or adoption distribution, a plan end the following new subparagraph: ignated beneficiary shall be taken into account shall not be treated as failing to meet any re- ‘‘(H) a Universal Savings Account (as defined with respect to such sibling and not with respect quirement of this title merely because the plan in section 530U).’’. to such designated beneficiary. treats the distribution as a qualified birth or (d) FAILURE TO PROVIDE REPORTS ON UNI- ‘‘(ii) SIBLING DEFINED.—For purposes of this adoption distribution, unless the aggregate VERSAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS.—Section 6693(a)(2) paragraph, the term ‘sibling’ means an indi- amount of such distributions from all plans of such Code is amended by striking ‘‘and’’ at vidual who bears a relationship to the des- maintained by the employer (and any member of the end of subparagraph (E), by striking the pe- ignated beneficiary which is described in section any controlled group which includes the em- riod at the end of subparagraph (F) and insert- 152(d)(2)(B).’’. ployer) to such individual exceeds $7,500. ing ‘‘, and’’, and by inserting after subpara- (2) COORDINATION WITH DEDUCTION FOR STU- ‘‘(II) CONTROLLED GROUP.—For purposes of graph (F) the following new subparagraph: DENT LOAN INTEREST.—Section 221(e)(1) of such subclause (I), the term ‘controlled group’ means ‘‘(G) section 530U(g) (relating to Universal Code is amended by adding at the end the fol- any group treated as a single employer under Savings Accounts).’’. lowing: ‘‘The deduction otherwise allowable subsection (b), (c), (m), or (o) of section 414. (e) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—The table of under subsection (a) (prior to the application of ‘‘(v) AMOUNT DISTRIBUTED MAY BE REPAID.— parts for subchapter F of chapter 1 of such Code subsection (b)) to the taxpayer for any taxable ‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—Any individual who re- is amended by adding at the end the following year shall be reduced (but not below zero) by so ceives a qualified birth or adoption distribution new item: much of the distributions treated as a qualified may make one or more contributions in an ag- higher education expense under section 529(c)(9) gregate amount not to exceed the amount of ‘‘PART IX. UNIVERSAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS’’. with respect to loans of the taxpayer as would such distribution to an applicable eligible retire- (f) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made be includible in gross income under section ment plan of which such individual is a bene- by this section shall apply to taxable years be- 529(c)(3)(A) for such taxable year but for such ficiary and to which a rollover contribution of ginning after December 31, 2018. treatment.’’. such distribution could be made under section SEC. 302. EXPANSION OF SECTION 529 PLANS. (d) DISTRIBUTIONS FOR CERTAIN ELEMENTARY 402(c), 403(a)(4), 403(b)(8), 408(d)(3), or (a) DISTRIBUTIONS FOR CERTAIN EXPENSES AS- AND SECONDARY SCHOOL EXPENSES IN ADDITION 457(e)(16), as the case may be. SOCIATED WITH REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIP TO TUITION.—Section 529(c)(7)(A), as amended ‘‘(II) LIMITATION ON CONTRIBUTIONS TO APPLI- PROGRAMS.—Section 529(c) of the Internal Rev- by subsection (b), is amended to read as follows: CABLE ELIGIBLE RETIREMENT PLANS OTHER THAN

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.015 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9126 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 IRAS.—The aggregate amount of contributions Texas (Mr. DOGGETT) each will control H.R. 6757 would allow for every made by an individual under subclause (I) to 30 minutes. American worker, at all income levels, any applicable eligible retirement plan which is The Chair recognizes the gentleman to save money in universal savings ac- not an individual retirement plan shall not ex- from Pennsylvania. counts, in which those earnings would ceed the aggregate amount of qualified birth or adoption distributions which are made from GENERAL LEAVE be tax-free and could be taken out at such plan to such individual. Subclause (I) shall Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. any time without a penalty. How not apply to contributions to any applicable eli- Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that unique to be able to take your own gible retirement plan which is not an individual all Members may have 5 legislative money out and use it without being pe- retirement plan unless the individual is eligible days in which to revise and extend nalized by the Federal Government. to make contributions (other than those de- their remarks and include extraneous It would also allow Americans to use scribed in subclause (I)) to such applicable eligi- material on H.R. 6757, currently under their 529 plans to pay for costs associ- ble retirement plan. ated with home schooling, apprentice- ‘‘(III) TREATMENT OF REPAYMENTS OF DIS- consideration. ships, just like they now can for pri- TRIBUTIONS FROM APPLICABLE ELIGIBLE RETIRE- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there MENT PLANS OTHER THAN IRAS.—If a contribu- objection to the request of the gen- mary and secondary schools thanks to tion is made under subclause (I) with respect to tleman from Pennsylvania? the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. a qualified birth or adoption distribution from There was no objection. And if one sibling has more money in an applicable eligible retirement plan other than Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. a 529 account than he or she needs, an- an individual retirement plan, then the tax- Speaker, I yield myself such time as I other sibling can use some of that payer shall, to the extent of the amount of the may consume and thank leadership for money to help pay down their student contribution, be treated as having received such bringing this bill to the floor. loans. distribution in an eligible rollover distribution This bill would allow younger tax- (as defined in section 402(c)(4)) and as having Mr. Speaker, today, I rise in support of H.R. 6757, the Family Savings Act, payers to take out some of their own transferred the amount to the applicable eligible money in their retirement account retirement plan in a direct trustee to trustee which will make it easier for American transfer within 60 days of the distribution. families and individuals to save for without penalty when they have a new ‘‘(IV) TREATMENT OF REPAYMENTS FOR DIS- their future, whether it is retirement, baby or have an opportunity to adopt a TRIBUTIONS FROM IRAS.—If a contribution is education, or healthcare, helping them child. This way, younger Americans made under subclause (I) with respect to a to make sure that they are keeping will feel secure in starting to save for qualified birth or adoption distribution from an their retirement, knowing that the more of their hard-earned income, individual retirement plan, then, to the extent money could still be there for them at more of their own money, and planning of the amount of the contribution, such distribu- one of the most expensive times in for their future. tion shall be treated as a distribution described their lives. in section 408(d)(3) and as having been trans- This bill will also help local busi- H.R. 6757 would also make it easier ferred to the applicable eligible retirement plan nesses provide retirement plans to for small employers to pull together in a direct trustee to trustee transfer within 60 their workers and help workers partici- and offer retirement plans to their days of the distribution. pate more in all those plans. ‘‘(vi) DEFINITION AND SPECIAL RULES.—For team, to the folks they work with, Now, according to the Department of purposes of this subparagraph— their associates. This would help bridge Labor and the Federal Reserve, about ‘‘(I) APPLICABLE ELIGIBLE RETIREMENT that divide between what benefits large 69 million American workers have for- PLAN.—The term ‘applicable eligible retirement employers might be able to offer to plan’ means an eligible retirement plan (as de- mal retirement plans, which, together, their employees but smaller employers fined in section 402(c)(8)(B)) other than a de- have almost $14 trillion in savings for fined benefit plan. may only wish to be able to do but them. really can’t. ‘‘(II) EXEMPTION OF DISTRIBUTIONS FROM This bill will incentivize hard- TRUSTEE TO TRUSTEE TRANSFER AND WITH- The bill also allows for older Ameri- working American taxpayers to con- HOLDING RULES.—For purposes of sections cans to continue saving in their IRAs if 401(a)(31), 402(f), and 3405, a qualified birth or tinue to put away more of their own they choose to continue working in adoption distribution shall not be treated as an money for their future. their later years, and it allows them to eligible rollover distribution. One of the things I remember so keep their own money in their IRAs if ‘‘(III) TAXPAYER MUST INCLUDE TIN.—A dis- clearly from growing up is my parents those accounts are relatively modest. tribution shall not be treated as a qualified birth talking to us all the time and saying: or adoption distribution with respect to any For those workers who want their The one thing we never want to be for savings accounts to be in conservative child or eligible child unless the taxpayer in- you kids is a burden. We never want to cludes the name, age, and TIN of such child or investments, such as annuities, this eligible child on the taxpayer’s return of tax for be a hardship for you as we go into our bill reduces the cost of doing that. the taxable year. senior years. Finally, this bill would also help our ‘‘(IV) DISTRIBUTIONS TREATED AS MEETING I thought to myself at that time: brave men and women in the Reserves PLAN DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS.—Any quali- How could anybody look across the put away more of their retirement by fied birth or adoption distribution shall be treat- table at people who had worked so letting them contribute the maximum ed as meeting the requirements of sections hard, had come through the Great De- amount to their military retirement 401(k)(2)(B)(i), 403(b)(7)(A)(ii), 403(b)(11), and pression, had come through World War 457(d)(1)(A).’’. accounts while also contributing to a (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made II, had come through the , retirement account from the private by this section shall apply to distributions made had gone through all kinds of difficul- sector. after December 31, 2018. ties and had always provided for us and Mr. Speaker, let me tell you why we TITLE IV—BUDGETARY EFFECTS think that? How in the world could are really here today. We are really SEC. 401. BUDGETARY EFFECTS. they ever think that they would be a here today because of the over- (a) STATUTORY PAYGO SCORECARDS.—The burden to me or to my brothers and whelming success of the Tax Cuts and budgetary effects of this Act shall not be entered sisters? Jobs Act. It has worked. It is incred- on either PAYGO scorecard maintained pursu- It was unimaginable for me, but that ible, the growth in our economy. ant to section 4(d) of the Statutory Pay-As-You- is what they thought. That is what The number one priority from the be- Go Act of 2010. they worried about. They never wanted ginning of everything we did was about (b) SENATE PAYGO SCORECARDS.—The budg- etary effects of this Act shall not be entered on to be a burden to anybody. pro-growth legislation that actually any PAYGO scorecard maintained for purposes Just think about that for a minute. made it easier on hardworking Amer- of section 4106 of H. Con. Res. 71 (115th Con- That generation, often described as the ican families. You know what, despite gress). Greatest Generation, was telling us, what you may hear and the rattle from The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill, the next generation, that they never the other side, it worked, and it is as amended, shall be debatable for 1 wanted to be a burden. working every day. We can see it in hour, equally divided and controlled by What we are talking about today is every measurable event of what is hap- the chair and ranking minority mem- relieving the burden on the next gen- pening in America. ber of the Committee on Ways and eration by making it easier for people Thanks to tax reform, middle-income Means. to go into their retirement feeling that families in western Pennsylvania and The gentleman from Pennsylvania they have enough income to actually across America are seeing bigger pay- (Mr. KELLY) and the gentleman from enjoy their golden years. checks, more take-home money. How

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.015 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9127 odd that we allow them to keep more As usual, the second big problem is Mr. Speaker, to take full advantage of their own money. That is just who they haven’t got the slightest care of this bill, you need to have about we are as Americans. about how this bill is paid for. They are $100,000 in income. If you even look at Democrats have chosen to distort going to go out and borrow more this bill, as the Joint Committee on this success. Republicans are choosing money from the Saudis and the Chinese Taxation has done, you will see that to secure the success by making the and anybody else we can beg for to pay two out of three Americans are not ex- tax cuts for middle-income families for the debt in order to pay for this. pected to use it at all because it permanent. We keep hearing: Yeah, They don’t pay for a penny of it. That doesn’t help them. yeah, but you are not really taking is consistent with their approach, the And what about the one-third who care of them. proud success of this past year, adding will use it? They are the people, like The idea that we use identity politics trillions of dollars to the public debt me, like the other Members of Con- every day in every way in this House is because they don’t care about it any- gress, who earn, on average, twice the absolutely deplorable. Tax reform 2.0 is more. All their budget deficit hawks, median income in this country. all about that. The truth of the Tax they flew south for the winter, and So it does help those of us who have Cuts and Jobs Act is its success. they stayed there. been successful, those at the very top The saddest part of it all is not one of The people who can’t save at the mo- who are the wealthiest. It doesn’t help our Democratic colleagues voted for it. ment for retirement, they are the folks the rest of America. For that, they will continue to distort who rely on one of the most important For those with the resources, the the future and use identity politics. programs and set of programs that this Joint Committee on Taxation looked Mr. Speaker, I think we have other Congress ever approved, and that is, of at the huge price tag on this bill, and people who want to talk on this, but course, Social Security and Medicare— they said that what we are basically for now, I reserve the balance of my over Republican objection. looking at, and I quote it, is it ‘‘derives time. Now everybody seems to be for those from taxpayers shifting savings that Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, I yield programs, but they are jeopardized are allocated to other types of taxable myself 5 minutes. when you add trillions of additional accounts into a universal savings ac- Mr. Speaker, America does, in fact, dollars to our debt, and that is what count’’, so just moving the money face a retirement crisis. Nearly half of this bill contributes to. It adds $21 bil- around. Americans approaching retirement lion in debt. Nearly half of its cost is And we now have a study that really years have absolutely no retirement for what they call ‘‘universal savings shows what a great job these guys have savings. There is not much gold in accounts.’’ They should be better done with reference to this concept. It their golden years. known as universal tax shelters. And is a study that shows, for every dollar Four out of 10 Americans in a recent they will do little to increase retire- of additional debt you get—a little bit survey indicated that they are living ment savings. Rather, they will be uni- of a similar program that was studied— paycheck to paycheck. They are barely versally exploited by people who are al- you get 1 penny of additional savings. making ends meet. They had little or ready saving to get a little bit more That is the bargain they are offering us nothing available in reserve. tax benefit. today, really. Spend a dollar, borrow a When they were asked if they could Over the next five years, existing tax dollar from the Chinese, and you will meet a sudden, unexpected $400 medical incentives—before this bill is ever ap- generate 1 cent of additional savings. emergency, 4 out of 10 Americans said proved, those that are already in the So under this so-called universal tax they could not even do that. law—for retirement savings will cost shelter, the earning returns from their us over $1 trillion. One study found b 1445 investment portfolio allow them to that two-thirds of the benefits of this avoid some capital gains tax, cost the Those are the individuals who cer- $1 trillion of tax expenditures goes to tainly do not have the resources to Treasury, but the Republican universe the top 20 percent of Americans. just doesn’t include many ordinary save enough to set up a standard of liv- I don’t begrudge any of them. One of Americans. ing in retirement comparable to what them is me. One of them is every Mem- It is those who don’t have retirement they had before retiring. ber of this Congress. I think we need to savings in tax-advantaged accounts, So, as usual, our Republican col- encourage Members of Congress and all who rely on Medicare and Social Secu- leagues are masters at naming bills. It Americans to save more. is just what they put in the bills that I expect that those of us who are rity, we need to protect that basic is a problem. using these tax-advantaged accounts framework for retirement for, and you Now, this bill is a good example. This now don’t need a great deal of addi- don’t protect it by borrowing ourselves is the Family Savings Act, but whose tional incentive to use them to the into further debt. family gets the savings? Well, if you maximum. What we do need is to help Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of are out there listening, probably not those Americans who couldn’t afford my time. your family. For families that have lit- that $400 emergency or who have noth- Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. tle or nothing in savings, this bill does ing in retirement savings except their Speaker, I yield myself such time as I nothing. Social Security check. It is not that may consume. Much like the bloated Republican tax they don’t want to save. It is that, if Mr. Speaker, I remind my friends on scam and its sorry sequel that AARP you can’t pay $400 for a doctor bill you the other side that a rising tide lifts all condemned this very day, this Repub- didn’t expect, you are not going to boats. There happens to be 6.9 million lican bill is all about helping those at have very much saved when it comes jobs now looking for somebody to fill the top and doing little or nothing for time to retire. them. those who are struggling to have a Now, surely this Congress can do And when we talk about going into golden year in retirement. more for these families. I must say, I retirement, could we please stop trying There are, in fact, some modest don’t really mean this Congress. I to divide, divide, divide America? measures that they have got tucked in mean the one that is coming in Janu- Could we please start being the United this bill that I support and that AARP ary that cares about the retirement States of America instead of the di- supports. And I agree with AARP that crisis we have now, not the one that vided States of America? we should encourage more small em- has shown indifference to half of Amer- Every single American benefits from ployers to offer retirement plans. I am icans. the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. That is the all for the little good parts in the bill. What we get today, instead, is just fact. I am sorry you didn’t sign on for It is just the giant omissions that I op- another tax incentive for shifting re- it. We are going to give you a second pose. tirement savings around. chance today to show your true colors, The first of those omissions is the al- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The which needs to red, white, and blue, most half of Americans that they for- time of the gentleman has expired. not just blue. got about, that they left out of this Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the bill. myself an additional 2 minutes. gentleman from Ohio (Mr. RENACCI).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.045 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9128 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 Mr. RENACCI. Mr. Speaker, I rise in These commonsense proposals, along bill included coverage for childcare, support of my good friend Representa- with the other provisions within the yet childcare is not covered in this bill. tive MIKE KELLY’s H.R. 6757, the Fam- Family Savings Act, will unlock the What also is absent is the Jenkins- ily Savings Act. opportunity for more persons to save Kind provision to help middle-class Mr. KELLY and I have been cham- for their future. families save for college by allowing pions of helping more Americans gain I thank my friend, Mr. KELLY, for his employers to match up to $600 a year in access to retirement savings since leadership in bringing this legislation 529 contributions, which could help coming to Congress in 2011, and I am to the floor today. I encourage my col- families who can’t afford to put much proud of the bill before us today. In- leagues to support this legislation. aside for college or increase their sav- cluded in this legislation is the bipar- Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, I yield ings. tisan Retirement Security for Amer- myself 30 seconds. I cannot understand how, when our ican Workers Act that I introduced Mr. Speaker, before yielding to Mr. citizens are struggling under crushing along with my friends Representatives DAVIS, let me say this is not about lift- student loan debt, the Republican solu- BUCHANAN, NEAL, and KIND for the past ing all boats; It is about lifting all tion is to allow the elite, with impres- two Congresses. yachts. And the 40, 50 percent of Amer- sive 529 plans, to pay off their student Unfortunately, there are still too icans who have only a leaky rowboat debt while leaving the working class many Americans who do not have ac- going into retirement don’t get a dime out in the cold. cess to a retirement savings plan out of this bill. Absent is a true investment in help- through their employer. In fact, nearly As to the tax bill as a whole, Repub- ing working and middle-class families a third of the private-sector workforce licans came out and bragged, the Presi- pay for college. Rather than helping lacks access to an employer-sponsored dent put it in writing: You will get working families, this Republican bill plan, with even less Americans having $4,000 in additional income trickling additionally, ideologically attacks the access if they work for a small busi- down to you every year from this cor- reproductive freedom of women by un- ness. porate tax cut. Now we know that only necessarily defining unborn children as Not having access to an employer- 4.4 percent of Americans have gotten a beneficiaries of 529s. sponsored plan significantly increases dime of additional compensation as a I agree that we should help families the chances that an individual fails to result of this tax bill. If you have got cover the cost of needed health services put aside money for retirement. For anyone in Ohio, in Pennsylvania, or in to help students learn, such as speech many Americans, this means that they Texas who got their $4,000, I hope you and language services, occupational are vastly unprepared to retire com- will call us, because I am looking for therapy, or physical therapy. fortably. the first person. b 1500 From an employer’s perspective, not Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 minutes to the being able to offer a retirement plan Yet, rather than requiring that insur- gentleman from Illinois (Mr. DANNY K. makes it much more difficult to re- ance companies cover these health DAVIS), a distinguished member of our cruit and retain employees. services that help students learn, the I heard from CBIZ, a financial serv- committee. Republican solution is to allow the Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. ices and business consulting company privileged, with thousands of dollars in Speaker, I thank my colleague. headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, that savings, to pay for these costs, while Mr. Speaker, only 39 percent of too often small businesses want to pro- working and middle-class families Americans have enough savings to vide retirement plans to their employ- must forego the services for lack of cover an emergency costing $1,000. The ees but that the cost and administra- funds. median savings of workers earning the tive burden are significant roadblocks When 67 percent of Americans say median income of $54,000 in my con- when making this decision. That is that they will outlive their retirement why it is important that Congress act gressional district is only around savings, the Republican solution to to remove some of the red tape under $2,000. The median savings of women is helping families pay for expenses asso- current law that makes it difficult for $2,000. The median savings of African ciated with a new child or adoption is business owners to provide retirement Americans is $1,000, and of Latinos, it to undermine these families’ retire- savings. is $1,500. Yet this bill bestows tremen- ment security. The Republican tax ap- The Retirement Security for Amer- dous tax benefits on the wealthy who proach gives corporations and million- ican Workers Act that is included in can stockpile tens of thousands of dol- aires tens of thousands of dollars di- this bill before us today will help do lars in multiple savings accounts, leav- rectly, but working Americans must just that. This provision will allow two ing the working class out in the cold. take money from their retirement. or more companies that may be in the When hard work in one or two jobs Government should strengthen the same industry to join together in order isn’t enough for most Americans to es- economic security of working and mid- to offer either a defined contribution cape poverty because wages have stag- dle-class Americans whose wages have retirement plan or an IRA, often re- nated for decades and because recovery stagnated, not the very wealthiest. ferred to as open multiple employer from the Great Recession is con- This bill fails that charge. plans. centrated in the small percentage of Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Under current law and Department of Americans who invest in the stock Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the gen- Labor interpretation, employers who market, when we know that low- and tleman from Ohio (Mr. WENSTRUP). do not have a nexus are not able to ban moderate-income families have a hard- Mr. WENSTRUP. Mr. Speaker, I together and provide a pooled retire- er time saving for college because they stand here today in support of Mr. ment plan. By eliminating this Depart- have less extra cash available to put KELLY’s bill. ment of Labor requirement, this bill away in a savings account, the Repub- Our colleague across the aisle just will allow more companies to provide lican solution embraces the privileged gave us some very sad statistics that retirement plans by allowing busi- and fails the working families. so many of our fellow Americans have nesses—especially small businesses—to What is absent from this bill is tell- when it comes to savings in their lives, take advantage of cost and administra- ing. so I am surprised that they would want tive efficiencies that often prevent The 529 plan does not cover childcare to keep things the same. businesses from offering a 401(k). for apprentices, one of the number one You see, tax reform has brought op- Additionally, the open MEP’s lan- costs they face with training. This bill portunity and hope and a positive en- guage in the bill will provide relief throws crumbs to apprentices by allow- ergy to America. Our national econ- from the one bad apple rule that pun- ing 529 plans to cover minor training omy is booming. Wages are on the rise. ishes all employees in a pooled retire- expenses like books and supplies. Americans are taking home bigger pay- ment plan if just one employer fails to Given that employers pay for the checks, and businesses are investing meet requirements. This legislation coursework of apprentices, the remain- more in their employees. will incentivize more businesses to join ing education costs are relatively But how can we help families invest together and provide retirement plans small. That is why apprentice advo- in their future, invest for their retire- to their employees. cates asked for and why the original ment?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.046 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9129 The opportunity is now. With wages I have been proud to work with my Mr. KIND. You are taking all the fis- up, now is the time. friend from Pennsylvania, Mr. KELLY, cal tools away from us, so when there Today, 40 percent of Americans say on legislation to try to correct it. Part is another recession, and there will be, they cannot cover an unexpected ex- of the original bill, the RESA bill, it unless somehow we repeal the eco- pense of $400. Many Americans are un- has been called, was based on legisla- nomic cycle in this country, the Fed- prepared for upcoming retirements, tion that I have offered for years with eral Reserve will be the only institu- awaiting a Social Security check that my friend and colleague from Wash- tion standing that can actually take may be smaller than they ever ex- ington State, Mr. REICHERT, another corrective action, probably with ex- pected. Others may be unprepared for a Member of the committee. traordinary measures, which we all medical emergency. In fact, the original RESA bill, when hated in 2008 and 2009. Sadly, 32 years ago, when I started it was up before the Senate Finance But this bill, and the three bills this my business, almost $200,000 in debt, I Committee, passed 26–0. That is how week that are before us are here for was advised to pay off my student controversial it was. But unfortu- three reasons and three reasons only: loans, pay off my debt and, as I looked nately, again, this bill does not reflect Because of the election calendar, with down the road, don’t count on Social what was done there. the midterms coming up in early No- Security to even be there. An important provision that would vember, and vulnerable Members’ We need to use the economic success have provided PBGC premium pension names being attached to these bills, so that we are seeing today to alleviate relief from rural electric co-ops, from that they can do their ads and they can the widespread savings crisis in Amer- nonprofits, like the Boys and Girls do their press releases back home, ican communities and in American Club of America, or the Jewish Federa- knowing that it is not going to go any- families. The Family Savings Act of tion of North America, the Christian where in the Senate. 2018, on the floor today as part of Tax Schools International, was mysteri- Then finally, we are here this week Reform 2.0, is one opportunity to do ously stripped from this legislation because tax cut 1.0 went over like a wet just that. with very little explanation. That is a blanket with the American people be- Millions of Americans would gain ac- problem that we could easily fix right cause they know what that was about; cess to new savings vehicles: Universal now, as just one example. where 83 percent of that tax cut is Savings Accounts offering withdrawals Another problem we have is that the going to large corporations and the at any time, in any amount, for any pay-for that was recognized and identi- wealthiest 1 percent of our Nation. The purpose; joint small business 401(k) fied in a bipartisan manner, the so- American people get that. plans; expanded 529 education accounts called stretch IRAs that we could be And what did these corporations do to pay for apprenticeships, shutting down to help pay for this leg- with their huge tax windfall? They are homeschooling, or student loan debt. doing exactly what they said they This is an opportunity to break down islation, was also stripped. Now, I get the fact that fiscal respon- would do, share buybacks, dividend dis- the barriers that limit businesses’ abil- sibility is out the door with the major- tribution, executive compensation sal- ity to offer retirement plans and indi- ity party. They don’t believe in paying aries. They are all buying private jets viduals’ ability to save is enhanced. because of the additional money that By eliminating the maximum age for things. But when we come up with a bipartisan pay-for, after vetting it they have for their executives right limit for IRA contributions and ex- now. Very little has gone into in- empting individuals with small retire- and getting feedback from the various stakeholders, and they still can’t ac- creased wages or salary increases, and ment accounts from making manda- this is what corporate America said cept it, that tells me that, not only tory distributions, this legislation en- they would do, so no one should be sur- don’t they care about fiscal responsi- courages workers to save and enables prised by that. them to do so. bility but they are hostile to fiscal re- So I say, let’s slow down here. Let’s These reforms offer flexibility for sponsibility. think about the fiscal future of our This is one of three bills now that the families to save, when able, and spend, country, more importantly, the fiscal Ways and Means Committee is bringing when needed; and they offer options for future of our children and grand- employers—to help local businesses to the floor, with no opportunity for children because right now we have provide retirement plans for their em- amendments or other Members to con- 10,000 retiring every day. ployees. Let’s help our fellow Ameri- tribute to help form this legislation. When these three bills are fully imple- cans be on the path to financial secu- They are here before us in what is mented, all 70 million baby boomers rity, especially during our later years. called a closed rule; no amendment op- will be completely vested in the retire- Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 portunity, and none of the bills will be ment system, drawing on Social Secu- minutes to the gentleman from Wis- paid for which, according to the Joint rity and Medicare. And we have set consin (Mr. KIND), who has been a lead- Committee on Taxation, will, when those programs up for failure with er on retirement issues and was one of these three bills are implemented, cost these reckless tax cuts that aren’t paid the sponsors of the original form of our Nation over $3 trillion in new debt; for and are going to leave a legacy of this bill, which has changed a good bit, $3 trillion. And this comes on the heels debt, which will invariably lead to and on other retirement legislation. of the tax cut 1.0 that passed late last huge cuts to Social Security and Medi- Mr. KIND. Mr. Speaker, I thank my year which, again, wasn’t paid for, care, because, guess what? We don’t friend from Texas for yielding me this which will add $2.3 trillion to other na- have money anymore to support those time. tional debt. programs. I am an original sponsor of the origi- Now, I don’t know about you, but you That is what is going on around here nal bill, which became the basis of this give me the opportunity to write $5 right now. But we still have time to bill, the Retirement Enhancement Se- trillion worth of hot checks, and I will correct it because the Senate is not curity Act. give you the illusion of wealth and going to take it up. Unfortunately, today this bill is not growth in this country. Let’s vote ‘‘no’’. Let’s do this the that bill. A lot has changed, a lot was But there is a day of reckoning that right way. taken out, and a lot was removed from will come from all this because this is Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. it because the process is broken. We happening at the wrong time. When we Speaker, I share my colleague’s con- didn’t have hearings. We didn’t have have got growth, we have got virtually cerns over the debt. In fact, I started to consultation. We didn’t have the back- full employment, and you guys can’t really become alarmed with it under and-forth that is needed to build bipar- throw enough fiscal stimulus at this the Obama administration when we tisan support for an important measure economy. You are taking our fiscal went from being $10.6 trillion in debt to such as this. tools away from us. nearly $20 trillion in debt. I just won- We do have a retirement savings in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The der, where were you when this was this country. We can be doing more to time of the gentleman has expired. going on? And why was there not any make it easier for individuals and Mr. DOGGETT. I yield an additional alarm sounding then? small businesses to offer retirement 2 minutes to the gentleman from Wis- But again, it is just politics savings plans for their employees. consin. masquerading as fiscal discipline.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.048 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9130 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the fornia (Ms. JUDY CHU), a valued mem- ily Savings Act of 2018, and thank Con- gentleman from Kansas (Mr. ESTES), a ber of our committee. gressman KELLY for leading this impor- good friend of mine. Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Mr. tant bill that helps families save ear- Mr. ESTES of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, I Speaker, I rise today in strong opposi- lier and save more throughout their rise in support of H.R. 6757, the Family tion to H.R. 6757, the Family Savings life, something each party should be in Savings Act. Act. It is outrageous that, after our support of. Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was markup, a provision was snuck into the Far too many have struggled to save implemented and signed into law, our bill, behind closed doors, through a for key life events such as for retire- country has seen historic economic manager’s amendment that seeks to ment, for education, or for unexpected growth and millions of families now further an extreme anti-choice agenda emergencies. In fact, I know, back have more money in their pockets. and has no place in this tax bill. home, almost 40 percent of Americans In fact, in Kansas, a middle-class Chairman BRADY’s manager’s amend- say they wouldn’t even be able to carry family of four will get to keep $2,144 of ment, offered behind closed doors in and cover a $400 emergency expense. their hard-earned money of this year. the Rules Committee, has added lan- The Promoting Family Savings Act Thanks to the law, families from the guage that would allow parents to open will help more middle-class Americans heartland in Kansas and around the 529 college savings accounts for unborn and younger workers save for key life country are better off now. But we children. The term ‘‘unborn children’’ events by expanding access to new and know there is more to do. is defined as a child ‘‘in utero’’ at any existing savings vehicles. With historically low unemployment stage of development carried in the For example, the bill includes ex- and more and more Americans going to womb. This provision is completely un- panded education savings accounts, 529 work, now is the time to continue necessary because, under current law, accounts, as we use in our family, to growing our economy and to help fami- parents are already able to open 529 give families the flexibility to use their lies prepare for the future. savings plans for future children in education savings to pay for appren- As my colleagues have mentioned their own name, and then change the ticeship fees for those trade schools; to earlier, far too many Americans have name of the beneficiary after the birth cover the costs of homeschooling; and struggled to save for their key life of their child. to help pay off, for the first time, stu- events such as retirement, an emer- The implications of this insertion, dent debt with their own savings. gency, or education. This bill makes however, is serious. In the landmark It also includes new universal savings savings a reality for these Americans. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. accounts, called USAs, which offer fully flexible savings tools that fami- As part of the tax cuts reform 2.0, Wade, the Court declared that ‘‘the lies can use any time for what is right this Family Savings Act will help fam- word person, as used in the 14th for them. We think this is very impor- ilies save for all of these events by ex- Amendment, does not include the un- tant to millennials in entering the sav- panding access to new and existing sav- born.’’ ings culture. ings methods. So let me say, there is no ambiguity To help businesses provide retire- This bill will also help families by al- here. This is a thinly-veiled attempt to lowing them to access their own retire- ment plans for workers, the bill allows circumvent the Supreme Court’s deci- small businesses to join together to ment accounts on a penalty-free basis sion by inserting the words ‘‘unborn to use when welcoming a new child in create 401(k) plans more affordably. It child’’ in, of all places, the Tax Code, gives employers more time to put new the family, whether by birth or adop- so that codifies in law a legal concept tion, allowing them to replenish those retirement plans in place, and sim- of the unborn child, therefore, estab- plifies the rules for participation in retirement accounts in the future. lishing the fetus is protected sepa- It seems to me that we have heard employer plans. rately from the mother. It also includes reforms to help work- two complaints today. One is that this ers participate in retirement plans b 1515 small provision adds to the debt. But I ask you: Where were the Democrats such as: exempting small retirement This is the same language that anti- when they and President Obama dou- accounts from mandatory payouts; choice advocates tried to insert into bled America’s national debt? eliminating the age limits on IRA con- the GOP tax scam bill 1.0, but where They added $2 trillion to the debt in tributions; and allowing military re- the language was ultimately stripped 1 year, but that was adding debt when servists to maximize their retirement out. they were spending your money. contributions. At that time, a spokesperson for the But now under tax reform, when we In addition, the bill allows provisions anti-choice March for Life group stated allow families and small businesses to that help families start saving earlier that H.R. 1, the GOP tax scam bill, keep more of what they earn, all of a and save more throughout their lives, ‘‘. . . we hope that this is the first step sudden, they are concerned about the including creating a new Universal in expanding the child tax credit to in- national debt. Savings Account, a USA account, to clude unborn children as well.’’ They are really not worried about offer a flexible savings tool that fami- This language is, therefore, obvi- tax cuts for the wealthy. They are wor- lies can use any time that is right for ously, an attempt to lay the legal ried about tax cuts for middle-class them. groundwork to undermine a woman’s Americans, because if your earnings It expands 529 education accounts by constitutional right to an abortion, and your dreams come first, Demo- providing families with flexibility to plain and simple. Based on this lan- crats’ dreams and Washington’s dreams use their education savings to pay for guage alone, women’s groups NARAL come second. apprenticeships, homeschooling, and and Planned Parenthood are opposing So this is a small investment to help help pay off student loans. this bill. families, small businesses, and younger As the former Kansas State Treas- This is nothing more than a political workers save. But it does more than urer, I can attest to the value of help- gimmick conducted in secret in order that. ing parents save for their children’s to score political points for Repub- The gentlewoman from California is education. licans trying to placate their extreme confused. This bill is extremely family And it creates new baby savings, al- base. friendly, and one of the ways we do it lowing families to access their retire- Mr. Speaker, I strongly urge my col- is the education savings accounts, ment accounts on a penalty-free basis leagues to reject this bill and vote which we use for our two boys, is ex- when welcoming a new child into the ‘‘no’’. panded. family, whether by birth or adoption. Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. This amendment simply makes clear All together, these measures will Speaker, I yield 3 minutes the gen- that families can set up a 529 account help families in Kansas and around our tleman from Texas (Mr. BRADY), chair- and designate an unborn child as a ben- country prepare for retirement and man of the Ways and Means Com- eficiary. So the moment you know ‘‘we save for education. I urge my col- mittee, the hero of the Tax Cuts and are pregnant,’’ you can begin saving. leagues to support this bill. Jobs Act. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I BYRNE). The time of the gentleman has minutes to the gentlewoman from Cali- rise in support of the Promoting Fam- expired.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.049 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9131 Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. ganizations. Premiums, as you know, of what the universe of Americans real- Speaker, I yield an additional 1 minute that are too low threaten the ability of ly is. to the gentleman. the PBGC to provide protections for The cost of doing this is not only in Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, the workers and beneficiaries. terms of new debt, but a very ineffi- you would think it would be a bipar- At the same time, if premiums are cient approach where you pay, as indi- tisan thing to start saving early. We set too high, they really impose an in- cated by the study of a similar pro- think starting to save early is a good appropriate burden on pension plans gram, you have $1 lost, $1 cost in this thing. This amendment simplifies it for and the workers who participate in borrowing, and you get 1 penny of addi- families. them. tional real savings. Right now, when you learn those This issue will come up again as we Now, I am amused a little bit to hear magic words, ‘‘We are pregnant,’’ and negotiate a final agreement with the my colleagues come and agree with me you want to begin saving, we actually Senate on the overall retirement and about the challenge that American force families to set up an account for savings package, because many Sen- families face of not having $400 to meet someone else and then later they trans- ators, too, are also interested in find- an emergency medical expense. How in fer it to the child after birth. All this ing the right level of premiums. the world are any of those Americans does is eliminate that extra step, re- So I would say to the gentleman that going to benefit in the slightest from duces the paperwork, and makes sav- I have full confidence that Chairwoman this proposal? ings for family and that new addition, FOXX and her colleagues as the com- It advantages people who have whether it is by birth or by adoption, mittee of jurisdiction will be engaged $100,000 or more with the universal sav- in our case, it makes it easier to do. in working on the overall retirement ings account. They are not in that cat- The savings bill by Mr. KELLY for the security agreement and will work to egory. If they can’t afford a $400 med- first time allows families who welcome provide appropriate input in deter- ical expense, exactly how much savings that new child to access their retire- mining the right outcome. do you expect them to have under this Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. ment if there are extra medical costs, bill? A big zero is what we are talking Speaker, I thank the chairman, as al- or if your child has special needs and about. ways, for his insights and his clarity, needs new equipment, or if you want to It is a big zero in large measure be- and I reserve the balance of my time. cause, despite this great tax bill they simply stay home sometime with your Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, I have approved, real wages in America have family. Maybe the business you work no further speakers, so I will close at remained stagnant during the Trump for can’t afford to pay you. For the this time and initially yield myself 5 administration. first time, millions of American fami- minutes. He has not been able to raise real lies will have a Tax Code that works Mr. Speaker, the Republican tax bill for their young family, not against has given us trillions of dollars of addi- wages because he continues to engage them. tional debt, and so, tomorrow, they in supporting programs, just like the Mr. Speaker, you would think that propose to freeze in some additional one before us today, that are aimed at would be supported by both parties. I provisions that will add hundreds of those at the top and think somehow urge Members of Congress to set aside billions of additional debt to what they the benefits will trickle down to every- this silly partisanship and join to- have already incurred. one else. gether to help families save more. They would depart for the elections, It is those people who will not benefit Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. carefully timed with tomorrow’s de- from today’s legislation, who are ex- Speaker, I yield myself such time as I bate, so that the last thing the voter cluded from the great universe that Re- may consume to engage in a colloquy hears is that the Republicans have publicans see. It is those people who with the chairman. passed another tax bill. rely on Social Security and Medicare, Mr. Speaker, one topic that has been Of course, none of its provisions will which Republicans have proposed discussed in the context of the savings affect any American for 7 years. That changes in, in their budget proposals, and retirement bill is the level of pre- is what they have to offer us: freeze in have discussed a variety of ways to miums paid to the Pension Benefit some inefficient provisions that are not trim them, that we can’t afford them Guaranty Corporation, the PBGC, by really targeted to ordinary American in their current form. rural electric co-ops and by charitable families that have a special provision Well, what, precisely, have Repub- organizations. in there specifically for Donald Trump licans accomplished about Medicare in I know the Ways and Means Com- and other real estate magnates, a pro- this Congress? Well, they have a rather mittee included a study that was in- vision they hid and tucked in the con- significant accomplishment that I have tended to provide information relevant ference committee and then put in the to note. As a result of their tax bill, to the proper level of PBGC premiums. final law, one special interest provision they have reduced the solvency of the That study was removed by the man- after another. They want to freeze all Medicare trust fund by 3 years, 3 years ager’s amendment. of that in and offer the American peo- taken right off the Medicare trust Could the chairman provide some in- ple the mirage of relief in 7 years. fund’s future as a result of their tax sights about how this issue will be re- This bill that they signed into law as bill—by a variety of independent solved as we move forward? their big tax deal will cost this genera- sources that have evaluated the im- Mr. BRADY of Texas. Will the gen- tion and future generations a huge pact. tleman yield? amount of money just paying the inter- Meanwhile, they are using that tax Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. I yield est on the debt that they have bill and the debt they have accumu- to the gentleman from Texas. achieved, and having done nothing in lated with reference to the amount of Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I this Congress to advance retirement se- money that we have for Pell grants and will be glad to provide my perspective. curity, having done nothing in this other student financial assistance, for The gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Congress to encourage more savings by Medicaid and the role that it plays, and KELLY) is correct. The study was re- more Americans. for other vital services saying: We just moved. They come here on the eve of our de- can’t afford them because we borrowed The question of PBGC premium lev- parture for the elections with this big these trillions of dollars from abroad, els is not directly within the jurisdic- family savings account bill. It also pro- and we don’t have the resources to tion of the Ways and Means Com- poses to borrow more. It has a great meet our other needs. mittee. Here, in the House, the com- new universal savings account in it. With every tax policy that they pro- mittee of jurisdiction is the Education The only problem is that two-thirds of pose, Republicans seem to insist on and the Workforce Committee. Americans won’t take advantage of leaving working families behind. And I have had numerous discussions with this universal savings account because they have the gall then to turn around the excellent chairwoman of the com- it offers them no advantage whatso- and tell those same working families: mittee, Dr. FOXX of North Carolina. ever. You have to pay for it in interest, in She knows our interest in determining As usual, those Americans have been cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, and the proper premium levels for these or- excluded from the Republican version other services.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.051 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9132 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 Now, there is another really impor- from this bill are worried about the tax Notably, the Family Savings Act seeks to tant point about this, which Mr. KIND breaks that have gone to those up at encourage more employers, especially small addressed, because just like the bill we the top, how they will threaten all that employers, to provide retirement savings op- portunities for American families, a goal will take up tomorrow, just like the they have worked and paid for in their AARP shares. Small employers have lagged bill we are taking up right now, just future, and the callous indifference it in offering retirement plans to their employ- like this huge Republican tax sham, shows to their children and their ees. The U.S. private employer-based retire- there is much in common. The number grandchildren, who will be saddled with ment system, which supplements Social Se- one thing in common is that not one this Republican debt for decades. curity, has not significantly expanded cov- official in any of the departments in The late Texas Senator Ralph Yar- erage for decades. Only half of all employers, the Trump administration had the guts borough, a distinguished servant of our primarily large employers, offer retirement to come over and face our committee State, talked about putting the jam on plans to their workers, and only half of all employees are saving for retirement. In re- and answer questions about it. the lower shelf so that everybody could cent years, new industry practices and tech- They did not bring a single Trump reach it. Well, this bill puts the jam at nology have made the savings process sim- administration official to discuss, ex- the top for the one-third of Americans pler. AARP encourages Congress to adopt plain, justify, how any of this conforms up there at the top who might use tested ideas to make supplemental savings with all his ridiculous campaign prom- some portion of this bill, but it leaves easy and affordable for both employers and ises. There was none of that on any of out the two-thirds who can’t reach employees. these bills. quite that high. The Family Savings Act includes a prom- ising retirement savings initiative, known as They kept their bills in secret until This bill is not what America needs a multiple employer or pooled provider the last minute after having no public to achieve retirement savings. In so plan—a single plan operated by a group pro- hearings, inviting no businesses, no many ways, Republicans are ignoring vider who will act as a fiduciary, making it academic experts from around the the needs of working families. easier for small employers to offer a plan and country. They plopped these bills out They are ignoring prescription price providing workers with prudently selected and rushed them through just as quick- gouging, doing nothing about it, and retirement investments. AARP is hopeful ly as possible, so there will be as little they are ignoring our healthcare needs. that qualified firms will be willing to create consideration as possible. In fact, their tax bill actually weakens, pooled arrangements that enroll and assist interested employers and employees. Small Then they talk about the desire for significantly, access to healthcare and employers are not retirement experts and bipartisan comity after doing this kind jeopardizes Americans with higher pre- need an impartial advisor to take responsi- of thing. Well, there are many bipar- miums as a result of a healthcare pro- bility for automatic payroll contributions tisan ideas out there that could have vision that they snuck into their tax and negotiating with and monitoring invest- been considered. Mr. KIND’s proposal is bill. ment firms. designed to help poor people, working They show no concern for a living In addition, the bill contains several other people save for college or retirement, wage for Americans. This bill is just helpful retirement savings improvements for the military, graduate students and older in- and give them some incentive for that. part of that same narrow-mindedness vestors. We also are pleased that the bill pre- That is an idea that could have been and that same refusal to look at a uni- serves ready access to paper documentation considered. verse that applies to all Americans. of important retirement plan documents. b 1530 They are leaving families that are We appreciate your efforts to encourage struggling to make ends meet behind. improvements in our retirement system, and Mr. NEAL, the ranking member of our They are certainly not letting them look forward to working with Committee committee, has advanced some other reach the jam that they deserve to be members on further bill refinements and en- important ideas concerning savings to hancements as the bill moves forward to con- able to access, as Senator Yarborough ference. If you have any questions or need expand the savers credit that would talked about. help many of these working families additional information, please feel free to Let’s reject this bill and look forward contact me. get the savings that they need to pre- to a day, a very hopeful day, for Ameri- Sincerely, pare for their golden years. cans in which all Americans can have NANCY A. LEAMOND, Mr. LARSON, another member of our their say and we can get a Congress Executive Vice President and committee, has worked on cutting that will resist the injustices of the Chief Advocacy and Engagement Officer. taxes for many people under Social Se- Trump administration and will reach Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. curity with modest incomes and seeing out to support a better future for our Speaker, it is interesting to be here in that those who have been more suc- country. the people’s House on the floor hearing cessful pay the same rate on all their Mr. Speaker, I urge rejection of this two differing views of America. I really income that those who are not at the bill, and I yield back the balance of my appreciate about putting the jam on top of the economic ladder pay on time. the lower shelf. We have actually put it theirs. He has a plan to ensure that So- Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. on the table with the lid off so that cial Security will be solvent through Speaker, I yield myself the balance of every single American has benefited. the end of this century. my time. I know that sometimes we look at Those are the kind of creative pro- I include in the RECORD a letter from things, and people are entitled to their posals that we have advanced, but we AARP in strong support of H.R. 6757. own opinion, but what they are not en- can’t get a hearing on them. We can’t AARP®, titled to are their own facts. The fact get an opportunity under today’s bills September 27, 2018. is that, under the Tax Cuts and Jobs or any of these others to offer an Hon. PAUL D. RYAN, Act, every single American has bene- amendment to add them. The only way House of Representatives, fited. we are going to have an opportunity to Washington, DC. This is not just about Democrats and address those creative proposals and do Hon. NANCY PELOSI, Republicans; this is about Americans. I something for a universe that we define House of Representatives, am hoping that Americans are watch- Washington, DC. as including all Americans, not just ing what is going on here right now, DEAR SPEAKER RYAN AND LEADER PELOSI: those perched up comfortably on the AARP writes to support H.R. 6757, the Fam- where the game plan is always: If we top of the economic ladder, the only ily Savings Act of 2018 that will promote a can divide them, we can win. If we way we will do that is with a new Con- more secure retirement. AARP, with its don’t have any facts, let’s just come up gress of caring, concerned people who nearly 38 million members in all 50 States, with anything and throw it out there are willing to listen, regardless of the District of Columbia, and the U.S. terri- and think that maybe the way we use whether they agree to divergent views, tories, is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, nation- the Gruber effect in the healthcare and try to come up with a truly Amer- wide organization that helps empower people plan, we are going to rely on Ameri- ican answer to resolve this retirement to choose how they live as they age, strengthens communities, and fights for the cans not to really look beyond what is security problem. issues that matter most to families, such as going on. I believe that those Americans who healthcare, employment and income secu- Well, I will tell you what. In every are working out there today, trying to rity, retirement planning, affordable utili- segment of our society right now, we make ends meet, who won’t benefit ties and protection from financial abuse. are seeing the lowest unemployment in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.082 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9133 history. It doesn’t matter if these are you let it get to $20 trillion before the my own money, take less of my hard- hyphenated Americans—I don’t know bells went off? earned money and allow me to save for why we have to be this way, because I Look, there is so much in this bill my wife, for my kids, for my grand- look at people as being red, white, and that just makes sense. This bill was children, and for my great-grand- blue Americans, not White, not Black, not crafted for Democrats. It wasn’t children. not tan, not yellow. I am talking about crafted for Republicans. It was crafted That is what this is all about today, red, white, and blue Americans, the for Americans, hardworking Ameri- Mr. Speaker. It is plain and simple. same people who provide every single cans, who put all their life into a job, One group thinks that the whole idea penny to run this marvelous govern- who look forward to retirement. We are of government is to make each and ment of ours. giving them that opportunity not to every citizen rely on them and depend And now what we are proposing rely on some government program that on them for their very existence. We today is to allow these same hard- may or may not be there when they are offering a chance for every single working people the opportunity not to reach retirement. American—I don’t care where they are have to rely on a government program, We are telling them: Do you know from, I don’t care the color of their but to be able to rely on their own what? You get to keep more of your skin, the shape of their eyes, or how hard-earned savings. What an incred- own money now. You get to put it they vote. What I do care about is that ible, unusual idea to come out of this away in a lot of pretax opportunities. they can go into their retirement House. You get to know that you can draw knowing that their hard-earned money Look, we know that it is absolutely down on some of that money without over the years is going to be accessible crucial that, as more and more Ameri- being heavily taxed for needing it. to them. cans enter their golden years, they And while we decry all these inequi- That is what this is all about. I am have the security and peace of mind to ties, and when we continue to divide hoping America is watching. I will go back to what I said in the enjoy those years and not have to Americans and say, ‘‘It is always about beginning. I remember very clearly my worry about whether they have saved the rich; it is always about the elite; it mom and my dad sitting there and say- enough money. We should be doing ev- is all about those who have more than ing: The one thing we pray for is that erything we can to help them save you do,’’ that is not what it is about. It we are never a burden for you and your more of their hard-earned money—it is is about helping every American get to brothers and your sisters. their own money, by the way—for retirement. And I will repeat what I said today. I Good Lord, how did we get to this po- themselves and for their families. H.R. could not believe that the people who sition? How did we get to this point in 6757 does that by giving every single raised me, who fed me, who clothed me, American the tools that he or she America’s history that we will pick who gave me a future, thought that needs to help them save for their fu- and choose and we will decry anybody somehow they would ever be a burden ture and to save for their retirement. who has been successful and always to me, my brothers, or my sisters. The I have heard today the tax sham. I label them as the rich, the elite, these one thing I know that they were sure have heard today about growing defi- horrible, horrible people who have done of: They could save on their own, and cits. I have heard today about the rich, so much with their life. They just don’t they could get ready for their future the elite, the people who have private deserve that. and for their retirement years. boats, and the people who have jets. Well, do you know what? This is That is all we are trying to do today. But what I haven’t heard today is how America. There are more stories in this We are trying to make sure that every this incredible piece of legislation, the country and throughout our history of single hardworking American gets to Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, has increased people who started with absolutely keep more of his or her money for their and how our economy has taken off. nothing but an opportunity, an equal own retirement without the govern- Now, you can say anything you want, opportunity, not guaranteed an equal ment taking advantage of them. and I understand why you are upset. outcome, but guaranteed an equal op- Mr. Speaker, I have no further speak- Not one of you could vote for this. So portunity. ers, but I do still have the passion to if you couldn’t vote for it and you What we are doing today is guaran- bring this forward, and I have the pas- couldn’t be part of the team that won, teeing for every hardworking American sion and I have the belief that, if you what you have to be now is the team out there that they can put more of can get beyond politics and talk about that says: Do you know what? We could their own hard-earned money into a re- people, that you can come to a conclu- have done it better. tirement plan that serves them. sion that this is a solid bill that helps My question is: Where the heck were Now, every time we come on this our fellow Americans go into their re- you in the previous administration? floor, I hear this: divide, divide, divide. tirement. Where were you in all those years when We can’t possibly be the America that I know that is in your heart. I know the debt grew from $10 trillion to $20 1.4 million of our fellow citizens died to you can’t speak it sometimes because trillion? protect. No, no, no. This is not about we are so polarized. Isn’t that a shame? Now, all of a sudden, the light comes America’s future. This is about mid- But I will say this. Today we have on: Oh, my God, the debt is increasing. term elections. We are more worried the opportunity, and what you can It is these doggone Republicans. Do about getting reelected than changing show it on—there will be a big screen you know what they are trying to do? the direction of this country. up there. It will have everybody’s They want hardworking American tax- I would ask my colleagues on the name. And you can put a green ‘‘yes’’ payers to be able to keep more of their other side, look, I know you are sorry on there, which says: I am voting for own money. That is just not the way you didn’t vote for the Tax Cuts and America’s future. I am voting for Washington works. Jobs Act. That is why you throw it America’s retirees. I am voting to I thank God every day that I didn’t down all the time and say this is hor- make people have peace of mind. Or start off as a local politician, then rible. What did happen is that we are you can put a red up there and say: Do move into a county position, then giving you another chance to hop on you know what? I would have voted for move into a State position, and then this train. it, but it wasn’t our bill. And if it is wander into D.C. using that same phi- I have only been here 8 years, but I not my bill, if it is not my party’s bill, losophy that we are going to put this will tell you what. I have heard enough I can’t vote for that because there is an on the backs of our taxpayers. We in 8 years, coming from the private sec- election coming up and we have got to never tell these people that the hand tor where you have to make it on your polarize this. they feel in their back pocket is the own every single day. You have to Mr. Speaker, I know I am out of government taking their wallet out. make payroll. You have to put food on time, but I am not out of breath, and I Then we decry this fact that: Oh, my the table and a roof over the heads of will tell you what, I am sure as hell not goodness, how could we ignore the your children. out of passion. I know what this coun- debt? I don’t want a government program try means for everybody, and we are Thanks for waking up. Where were that does that for me. I want a govern- making it possible for them every day you when it was $10 trillion? Why did ment program that allows me to save in every way.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.057 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9134 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Renacci Sessions Wagner The result of the vote was announced of my time. Rice (SC) Shimkus Walberg as above recorded. Roby Shuster Walden The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time Roe (TN) Simpson Walker A motion to reconsider was laid on for debate has expired. Rogers (AL) Sinema Walorski the table. Pursuant to House Resolution 1084, Rogers (KY) Smith (MO) Walters, Mimi Rohrabacher Smith (NE) the previous question is ordered on the Weber (TX) f Rokita Smith (NJ) Webster (FL) Rooney, Francis Smith (TX) bill, as amended. Wenstrup Ros-Lehtinen Smucker AMERICAN INNOVATION ACT OF The question is on the engrossment Westerman Roskam Stefanik 2018 and third reading of the bill. Ross Stewart Williams The bill was ordered to be engrossed Rothfus Stivers Wilson (SC) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- and read a third time, and was read the Rouzer Taylor Wittman finished business is the vote on passage Womack third time. Royce (CA) Tenney of the bill (H.R. 6756) to amend the In- Russell Thompson (PA) Woodall The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Rutherford Thornberry Yoder ternal Revenue Code of 1986 to promote question is on the passage of the bill. Sanford Tipton Yoho new business innovation, and for other The question was taken; and the Scalise Trott Young (AK) purposes, on which the yeas and nays Schweikert Turner Young (IA) were ordered. Speaker pro tempore announced that Scott, Austin Upton Zeldin the ayes appeared to have it. Sensenbrenner Valadao The Clerk read the title of the bill. Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The NAYS—177 Speaker, on that I demand the yeas question is on the passage of the bill. Adams Gallego Norcross This is a 5-minute vote. and nays. Aguilar Garamendi O’Halleran The yeas and nays were ordered. Barraga´ n Gomez O’Rourke The vote was taken by electronic de- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Bass Gonzalez (TX) Pallone vice, and there were—yeas 260, nays ant to clause 8 of rule XX, this 15- Beatty Green, Al Panetta 156, not voting 12, as follows: Bera Green, Gene minute vote on passage of the bill will Pascrell [Roll No. 412] Beyer Grijalva Payne be followed by a 5-minute vote on pas- Blumenauer Gutie´rrez Pelosi YEAS—260 Blunt Rochester Hanabusa sage of H.R. 6756. Perlmutter Abraham Doyle, Michael LaMalfa Bonamici Hastings Peters Aderholt F. Lamb The vote was taken by electronic de- Boyle, Brendan Heck Pingree Aguilar Duffy Lamborn vice, and there were—yeas 240, nays F. Higgins (NY) Pocan Allen Duncan (SC) Lance Brady (PA) Himes 177, not voting 11, as follows: Price (NC) Amash Duncan (TN) Latta Brown (MD) Hoyer Quigley Amodei Dunn Lawson (FL) [Roll No. 411] Brownley (CA) Huffman Arrington Emmer Lesko Bustos Jackson Lee Raskin YEAS—240 Babin Estes (KS) Lewis (MN) Butterfield Jayapal Rice (NY) Abraham Donovan King (NY) Bacon Faso Lipinski Capuano Jeffries Richmond Aderholt Duffy Kinzinger Balderson Ferguson LoBiondo Carbajal Johnson (GA) Rosen Allen Duncan (SC) Knight Banks (IN) Fitzpatrick Loebsack Ca´ rdenas Johnson, E. B. Roybal-Allard Amash Duncan (TN) Kustoff (TN) Barletta Fleischmann Long Carson (IN) Kaptur Ruiz Amodei Dunn Labrador Barr Flores Loudermilk Cartwright Keating Ruppersberger Arrington Emmer LaHood Barton Fortenberry Love Castor (FL) Kelly (IL) Ryan (OH) Babin Estes (KS) LaMalfa Bera Foxx Lucas Castro (TX) Kennedy Sa´ nchez Bacon Faso Lamb Bergman Frelinghuysen Luetkemeyer Chu, Judy Khanna Sarbanes Balderson Ferguson Lamborn Biggs Gaetz MacArthur Cicilline Kihuen Schakowsky Banks (IN) Fitzpatrick Lance Bilirakis Gallagher Maloney, Sean Clark (MA) Kildee Schiff Barletta Fleischmann Latta Bishop (GA) Garamendi Marchant Clarke (NY) Kilmer Barr Flores Lesko Schneider Bishop (MI) Garrett Marino Clay Kind Barton Fortenberry Lewis (MN) Schrader Bishop (UT) Gianforte Marshall Cleaver Krishnamoorthi Bergman Foxx Lipinski Scott (VA) Black Gibbs Massie Clyburn Kuster (NH) Biggs Frelinghuysen LoBiondo Scott, David Blum Gohmert Mast Cohen Langevin Bilirakis Gaetz Long Serrano Bost Goodlatte McCarthy Connolly Larsen (WA) Bishop (GA) Gallagher Loudermilk Sewell (AL) Brady (TX) Gosar McCaul Cooper Larson (CT) Bishop (MI) Garrett Love Shea-Porter Brat Gottheimer McClintock Costa Lawrence Bishop (UT) Gianforte Lucas Sherman Brooks (AL) Gowdy McHenry Courtney Lawson (FL) Black Gibbs Luetkemeyer Sires Brooks (IN) Granger McKinley Crist Lee Blum Gohmert MacArthur Smith (WA) Brownley (CA) Graves (GA) McMorris Crowley Levin Bost Goodlatte Marchant Soto Buchanan Graves (LA) Rodgers Cummings Lewis (GA) Brady (TX) Gosar Marino Speier Buck Graves (MO) McSally Davis (CA) Lieu, Ted Brat Gottheimer Marshall Suozzi Bucshon Griffith Meadows Davis, Danny Loebsack Brooks (AL) Gowdy Massie Swalwell (CA) Budd Grothman Messer DeFazio Lofgren Brooks (IN) Granger Mast Takano Burgess Guthrie Mitchell DeGette Lowenthal Buchanan Graves (GA) McCarthy Thompson (CA) Byrne Handel Moolenaar Delaney Lowey Buck Graves (LA) McCaul Calvert Harris Mooney (WV) DeLauro Luja´ n, Ben Ray Thompson (MS) Bucshon Graves (MO) McClintock Carbajal Hartzler Mullin DelBene Lynch Titus Budd Griffith McHenry Carter (GA) Hensarling Murphy (FL) Demings Maloney, Tonko Burgess Grothman McKinley Carter (TX) Herrera Beutler Noem DeSaulnier Carolyn B. Torres Byrne Guthrie McMorris Cartwright Hice, Jody B. Norman Deutch Maloney, Sean Tsongas Calvert Handel Rodgers Chabot Higgins (LA) Nunes Dingell Matsui Vargas Carter (GA) Harris McSally Cheney Hill O’Halleran Doggett McCollum Veasey Carter (TX) Hartzler Meadows Cloud Holding O’Rourke Doyle, Michael McEachin Vela Chabot Hensarling Messer Coffman Hollingsworth Olson F. McGovern Vela´ zquez Cheney Herrera Beutler Mitchell Cole Hudson Palazzo Engel McNerney Visclosky Cloud Hice, Jody B. Moolenaar Collins (GA) Huizenga Palmer Espaillat Meeks Wasserman Coffman Higgins (LA) Mooney (WV) Collins (NY) Hultgren Paulsen Esty (CT) Meng Schultz Cole Hill Mullin Comer Hunter Pearce Evans Moore Waters, Maxine Collins (GA) Holding Murphy (FL) Comstock Hurd Perry Foster Moulton Watson Coleman Collins (NY) Hollingsworth Noem Conaway Issa Peterson Frankel (FL) Nadler Welch Comer Hudson Norman Cook Jenkins (KS) Pittenger Fudge Napolitano Wilson (FL) Comstock Huizenga Nunes Correa Johnson (LA) Poe (TX) Gabbard Neal Yarmuth Conaway Hultgren Olson Costello (PA) Johnson (OH) Poliquin Cook Hunter Palazzo NOT VOTING—11 Cramer Johnson, Sam Posey Correa Hurd Palmer Crawford Jordan Ratcliffe Costello (PA) Issa Paulsen Blackburn Lujan Grisham, Rooney, Thomas Crist Joyce (OH) Reed Cramer Jenkins (KS) Pearce Ellison M. J. Cuellar Katko Reichert Crawford Jenkins (WV) Perry Eshoo Newhouse Rush Culberson Kelly (MS) Renacci Cuellar Johnson (LA) Peterson Harper Nolan Walz Curbelo (FL) Kelly (PA) Rice (NY) Culberson Johnson (OH) Pittenger Jones Curtis King (IA) Rice (SC) Curbelo (FL) Johnson, Sam Poe (TX) Davidson King (NY) Roby Curtis Jordan Poliquin Davis, Rodney Kinzinger Roe (TN) Davidson Joyce (OH) Polis b 1610 Delaney Knight Rogers (AL) Davis, Rodney Katko Posey Mr. MCEACHIN changed his vote Denham Kuster (NH) Rogers (KY) Denham Kelly (MS) Ratcliffe DesJarlais Kustoff (TN) Rohrabacher DesJarlais Kelly (PA) Reed from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Diaz-Balart Labrador Rokita Diaz-Balart King (IA) Reichert So the bill was passed. Donovan LaHood Rooney, Francis

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.058 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9135 Ros-Lehtinen Sinema Walberg vehicle I was riding in being struck by another available by a person, including the govern- Rosen Smith (MO) Walden vehicle on the way to the day’s first series of ment of a foreign country, to the Federal Roskam Smith (NE) Walker Government for the purpose of responding to Ross Smith (NJ) Walorski votes. Had I been present, I would have voted Rothfus Smith (TX) a severe marine debris event; or Walters, Mimi ‘‘yes’’ on the four rollcall votes: No. 409 Order- ‘‘(ii) 75 percent of the cost of the activity, Rouzer Smucker Weber (TX) ing the Previous Question on H. Res. 1084; Royce (CA) Stefanik for any activity other than an activity fund- Webster (FL) No. 410 Adoption of H. Res. 1084; No. 411 Ruiz Stewart Wenstrup ed as described in clause (i).’’. Russell Stivers Westerman Passage of H.R. 6757; and No. 412 Passage SEC. 102. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON INTER- Rutherford Suozzi Williams of H.R. 6756. NATIONAL ENGAGEMENT TO RE- Ryan (OH) Taylor Wilson (SC) f SPOND TO MARINE DEBRIS. Sanford Tenney It is the sense of Congress that the Presi- Scalise Thompson (PA) Wittman Schneider Thornberry Womack SAVE OUR SEAS ACT OF 2018 dent should— Schweikert Tipton Woodall Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I ask (1) support research and development on Scott, Austin Titus Yoder unanimous consent to take from the systems and materials that reduce— Sensenbrenner Trott Yoho (A) derelict fishing gear; and Sessions Turner Young (AK) Speaker’s table the bill (S. 3508) to re- (B) the amount of solid waste that is gen- Shimkus Upton Young (IA) authorize and amend the Marine Debris erated from land-based sources and the Shuster Valadao Zeldin Act to promote international action to amount of such waste that enters the marine Simpson Wagner reduce marine debris, and for other environment; NAYS—156 purposes, and ask for its immediate (2) work with representatives of foreign Adams Gomez Napolitano consideration in the House. countries that discharge the largest amounts Barraga´ n Gonzalez (TX) Neal The Clerk read the title of the bill. of solid waste from land-based sources into Bass Green, Al Norcross The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. the marine environment, to develop mecha- Beatty Green, Gene Pallone NORMAN). Is there objection to the re- nisms to reduce such discharges; Beyer Grijalva Panetta (3) carry out studies to determine— Blumenauer Gutie´rrez Pascrell quest of the gentleman from Cali- Blunt Rochester Hanabusa Payne (A) the primary means of discharges re- fornia? ferred to in paragraph (2); Bonamici Hastings Pelosi There was no objection. Boyle, Brendan Heck Perlmutter (B) the manner in which waste manage- F. Higgins (NY) Peters The text of the bill is as follows: ment infrastructure can be most effective in Brady (PA) Himes Pingree S. 3508 preventing such discharges; and Brown (MD) Hoyer Pocan Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- (C) the long-term impacts of marine debris Bustos Huffman Polis resentatives of the United States of America in on the national economies of the countries Butterfield Jackson Lee Price (NC) Congress assembled, Capuano Jayapal Quigley with which work is undertaken under para- Ca´ rdenas Jeffries Raskin SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. graph (2) and on the global economy, includ- Carson (IN) Johnson (GA) Richmond This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Save Our ing the impacts of reducing the discharge of Castor (FL) Johnson, E. B. Roybal-Allard Seas Act of 2018’’. such debris; Castro (TX) Kaptur Ruppersberger TITLE I—MARINE DEBRIS (4) work with representatives of the coun- Chu, Judy Keating Sa´ nchez SEC. 101. NOAA MARINE DEBRIS PROGRAM. tries with which work is undertaken in para- Cicilline Kelly (IL) Sarbanes graph (2) to conclude one or more new inter- Clark (MA) Kennedy Schakowsky Section 3 of the Marine Debris Act (33 Clarke (NY) Khanna Schiff U.S.C. 1952) is amended— national agreements that include provi- Clay Kihuen Schrader (1) in subsection (b)— sions— Cleaver Kildee Scott (VA) (A) in paragraph (4), by striking ‘‘; and’’ (A) to mitigate the discharge of land-based Clyburn Kilmer Scott, David and inserting a semicolon; solid waste into the marine environment; Cohen Kind Serrano and Connolly Krishnamoorthi Sewell (AL) (B) in paragraph (5)(C), by striking the pe- riod at the end and inserting a semicolon; (B) to provide technical assistance and in- Cooper Langevin Shea-Porter vestment in waste management infrastruc- Costa Larsen (WA) Sherman and Courtney Larson (CT) Sires (C) by adding at the end the following: ture to reduce such discharges, if the Presi- Crowley Lawrence Smith (WA) ‘‘(6) work to develop outreach and edu- dent determines such assistance or invest- Cummings Lee Soto cation strategies with other Federal agencies ment is appropriate; and Davis (CA) Levin Speier to address sources of marine debris; (5) encourage the United States Trade Rep- Davis, Danny Lewis (GA) Swalwell (CA) resentative to consider the impact of dis- DeFazio Lieu, Ted Takano ‘‘(7) except for discharges of marine debris from vessels, in consultation with the De- charges of land-based solid waste from the DeGette Lofgren Thompson (CA) countries with which work is conducted DeLauro Lowenthal Thompson (MS) partment of State and other Federal agen- DelBene Lowey Tonko cies, promote international action, as appro- under paragraph (2) in relevant future trade Demings Luja´ n, Ben Ray Torres priate, to reduce the incidence of marine de- agreements. DeSaulnier Lynch Tsongas bris, including providing technical assist- SEC. 103. SENSE OF CONGRESS SUPPORTING Deutch Maloney, Vargas ance to expand waste management systems GREAT LAKES LAND-BASED MARINE Dingell Carolyn B. Veasey DEBRIS ACTION PLAN. internationally; and Doggett Matsui Vela It is the sense of Congress that the Great ‘‘(8) in the case of an event determined to Engel McCollum Vela´ zquez Lakes Land-Based Marine Debris Action be a severe marine debris event under sub- Espaillat McEachin Visclosky Plan (NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS– Esty (CT) McGovern Wasserman section (c)— OR&R–49) is vital to the ongoing efforts to Evans McNerney Schultz ‘‘(A) assist in the cleanup and response re- clean up the Great Lakes Region and getting Foster Meeks Waters, Maxine quired by the severe marine debris event; or rid of harmful debris, such as microplastics, Frankel (FL) Meng Watson Coleman ‘‘(B) conduct such other activity as the Ad- Fudge Moore Welch abandoned vessels, and other forms of pollu- ministrator determines is appropriate in re- Gabbard Moulton Wilson (FL) tion that are threatening the survival of na- sponse to the severe marine debris event.’’; Gallego Nadler Yarmuth tive marine animals and damaging the Great (2) by redesignating subsection (c) as sub- Lakes’ recreation and tourism economy. NOT VOTING—12 section (d); Blackburn Jones Rooney, Thomas (3) by inserting after subsection (b) the fol- SEC. 104. MEMBERSHIP OF THE INTERAGENCY Ellison Lujan Grisham, J. lowing: MARINE DEBRIS COORDINATING COMMITTEE. Eshoo M. Rush ‘‘(c) SEVERE MARINE DEBRIS EVENTS.—At Harper Newhouse Walz the discretion of the Administrator or at the Section 5(b) of the Marine Debris Act (33 Jenkins (WV) Nolan request of the Governor of an affected State, U.S.C. 1954(b)) is amended— (1) in paragraph (4), by striking ‘‘; and’’ and b 1619 the Administrator shall determine whether there is a severe marine debris event.’’; and inserting a semicolon; Mr. RYAN of Ohio changed his vote (4) in subsection (d)(2), as redesignated— (2) by redesignating paragraph (5) as para- from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘sub- graph (7); and So the bill was passed. paragraph (B)’’ and inserting ‘‘subparagraphs (3) by inserting after paragraph (4) the fol- The result of the vote was announced (B) and (C)’’; and lowing: (B) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(5) the Department of State; as above recorded. ‘‘(6) the Department of the Interior; and’’. A motion to reconsider was laid on ‘‘(C) SEVERE MARINE DEBRIS EVENTS.—Not- SEC. 105. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. the table. withstanding subparagraph (A), the Federal share of the cost of an activity carried out Section 9 of the Marine Debris Act (33 PERSONAL EXPLANATION under a determination made under sub- U.S.C. 1958) is amended to read as follows: Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I was un- section (c) shall be— ‘‘SEC. 9. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. avoidably detained and missed the votes that ‘‘(i) 100 percent of the cost of the activity, ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—There is authorized to occurred on September 27, 2018 due to the for an activity funded wholly by funds made be appropriated to the Administrator

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.020 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9136 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 later subject to a Coast Guard-issued control form, onboard such vessels for not less than through 2022 for carrying out sections 3, 5, action attributable to a major noncon- 3 years and shoreside for the life of the ves- and 6, of which not more than 5 percent is formity that the recognized organization sel.’’. authorized for each fiscal year for adminis- failed to identify in such inspection or sur- (2) DEADLINES.—The Secretary shall— trative costs. vey. (A) begin implementing the requirement ‘‘(b) AMOUNTS AUTHORIZED FOR COAST SEC. 205. SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. under section 3306(l) of title 46, United States GUARD.—Of the amounts authorized for each (a) IN GENERAL.—The Comptroller General Code, as amended by this subsection, by not fiscal year under section 2702(1) of title 14, of the United States shall conduct an audit later than 1 year after the date of the enact- United States Code, up to $2,000,000 is au- regarding the implementation and effective- ment of this Act; and thorized for the Secretary of the department ness of the Coast Guard’s oversight and en- (B) promulgate the regulations required in which the Coast Guard is operating for use forcement of safety management plans re- under section 3306(m) of title 46, United by the Commandant of the Coast Guard to quired under chapter 32 of title 46, United States Code, as amended by this subsection, carry out section 4 of this Act, of which not States Code. by not later than 1 year after the date of the more than 5 percent is authorized for each (b) SCOPE.—The audit conducted under sub- enactment of this Act. fiscal year for administrative costs.’’. section (a) shall include an evaluation of— (b) ENGAGEMENT.—Not later than 1 year TITLE II—MARITIME SAFETY (1) the effectiveness and implementation of after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Commandant shall seek to enter into ne- SEC. 201. SHORT TITLE. safety management plans, including such plans for— gotiations through the International Mari- This title may be cited as the ‘‘Hamm time Organization to amend regulation 25 of Alert Maritime Safety Act of 2018’’. (A) a range of vessel types and sizes; and (B) vessels that operate in a cross-section chapter II–1 of the International Convention SEC. 202. FINDINGS. of regional operating areas; and for the Safety of Life at Sea to require a Congress finds the following: (2) the effectiveness and implementation of high-water alarm sensor in each cargo hold (1) On September 29, 2015, the SS El Faro safety management plans in addressing the of a freight vessel (as that term is defined in cargo vessel left Jacksonville, Florida bound impact of heavy weather. section 2101 of title 46, United States Code), for San Juan, Puerto Rico, carrying 391 ship- (c) REPORT.—Not later than 18 months that connects with audible and visual alarms ping containers, 294 trailers and cars, and a after the date of enactment of this Act, the on the navigation bridge of the vessel. crew of 33 people, including 28 Americans. Comptroller General shall submit to the SEC. 207. VOYAGE DATA RECORDER; ACCESS. (2) On the morning of October 1, the El Committee on Commerce, Science, and (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 63 of title 46, Faro sent its final communication reporting Transportation of the Senate and the Com- United States Code, is amended by adding at that the engines were disabled and the ship mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure the end the following: was listing, leaving the ship directly in the of the House of Representatives a report de- ‘‘§ 6309. Voyage data recorder access path of Hurricane Joaquin and resulting in tailing the results of the audit and providing ‘‘Notwithstanding any other provision of the sinking of the vessel and the loss of all recommendations related to such results, in- law, the Coast Guard shall have full, concur- 33 lives. cluding ways to streamline and focus such rent, and timely access to and ability to use (3) The National Transportation Safety plans on ship safety. voyage data recorder data and audio held by Board and the Coast Guard made rec- (d) MARINE SAFETY ALERT.—Not later than ommendations to address safety issues, such 60 days after the date the report is submitted any Federal agency in all marine casualty as improving weather information and train- under subsection (c), the Commandant shall investigations, regardless of which agency is ing, improving planning and response to se- publish a Marine Safety Alert providing no- the investigative lead.’’. (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis vere weather, reviewing the Coast Guard’s tification of the completion of the report and for such chapter is amended by adding at the program delegating vessel inspections to including a link to the report on a publicly end the following: third-party organizations to assess the effec- accessible website. tiveness of the program, and improving (e) ADDITIONAL ACTIONS.— ‘‘6309. Voyage data recorder access.’’. alerts and equipment on the vessels, among (1) IN GENERAL.—Upon completion of the SEC. 208. VOYAGE DATA RECORDER; REQUIRE- other recommendations. report under subsection (c), the Commandant MENTS. (4) Safety issues are not limited to the El shall consider additional guidance or a rule- (a) FLOAT-FREE AND BEACON REQUIRE- Faro. For 2017, over 21,000 deficiencies were making to address any deficiencies identi- MENTS.— issued to United States commercial vessels fied, and any additional actions rec- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after and more than 2,500 U.S. vessels were issued ommended, in the report. the date of the enactment of this Act, the ‘‘no-sail’’ requirements. (2) REPORT.—Not later than 1 year after Commandant shall seek to enter into nego- (5) The maritime industry, particularly the the date the report is submitted under sub- tiations through the International Maritime men and women of the United States mer- section (c), the Commandant shall submit to Organization to amend regulation 20 of chap- chant marine, play a vital and important the Committee on Commerce, Science, and ter V of the International Convention for the role to the national security and economy of Transportation of the Senate and the Com- Safety of Life at Sea to require that all voy- our country, and a strong safety regime is mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure age data recorders are installed in a float- necessary to ensure the vitality of the indus- of the House of Representatives a report on free arrangement and contain an integrated try and the protection of current and future the actions the Commandant has taken to emergency position indicating radio beacon. mariners, and to honor lost mariners. address any deficiencies identified, and any (2) PROGRESS UPDATE.—Not later than 3 SEC. 203. DEFINITIONS. additional actions recommended, in the re- years after the date of the enactment of this In this title: port submitted under subsection (c). Act, the Commandant shall submit to the (1) COMMANDANT.—The term ‘‘Com- SEC. 206. EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS. Committee on Commerce, Science, and mandant’’ means the Commandant of the (a) REGULATIONS.— Transportation of the Senate and the Com- Coast Guard. (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 3306 of title 46, mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure (2) RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATION.—The term United States Code, is amended by adding at of the House of Representatives an update on ‘‘recognized organization’’ has the meaning the end the following: the progress of the engagement required given that term in section 2.45–1 of title 46, ‘‘(l)(1) The Secretary shall require that a under paragraph (1). Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect on freight vessel inspected under this chapter be (b) COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS.—Not later the date of the enactment of this Act. outfitted with distress signaling and location than 2 years after the date of the enactment (3) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ technology for the higher of— of this Act, the Commandant shall submit to means the Secretary of the department in ‘‘(A) the minimum complement of officers the Committee on Commerce, Science, and which the Coast Guard is operating. and crew specified on the certificate of in- Transportation of the Senate and the Com- SEC. 204. DOMESTIC VESSEL COMPLIANCE. spection for such vessel; or mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 60 days ‘‘(B) the number of persons onboard the of the House of Representatives a cost-ben- after the date on which the President sub- vessel; and efit analysis of requiring that voyage data mits to the Congress a budget each year pur- ‘‘(2) the requirement described in para- recorders installed on commercial vessels suant to section 1105 of title 31, United graph (1) shall not apply to vessels operating documented under chapter 121 of title 46, States Code, the Commandant shall publish within the baseline from which the terri- United States Code, capture communications on a publicly accessible Website information torial sea of the United States is measured. on the internal telephone systems of such documenting domestic vessel compliance ‘‘(m)(1) The Secretary shall promulgate vessels, including requiring the capture of with the requirements of subtitle II of title regulations requiring companies to maintain both sides of all communications with the 46, United States Code. records of all incremental weight changes bridge onboard such vessels. (b) CONTENT.—The information required made to freight vessels inspected under this SEC. 209. SURVIVAL AND LOCATING EQUIPMENT. under subsection (a) shall— chapter, and to track weight changes over Not later than 2 years after the date of the (1) include flag-State detention rates for time to facilitate rapid determination of the enactment of this Act, the Commandant each type of inspected vessel; and aggregate total. shall, subject to the availability of appro- (2) identify any recognized organization ‘‘(2) Records maintained under paragraph priations, identify and procure equipment that inspected or surveyed a vessel that was (1) shall be stored, in paper or electronic that will provide search-and-rescue units the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.022 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9137

ability to attach a radio or Automated Iden- (1) REVIEW OF POLICIES AND PROCEDURES.— (2) DEADLINE DESCRIBED.—The deadline de- tification System strobe or beacon to an ob- The Commandant shall conduct a review of scribed in this paragraph is— ject that is not immediately retrievable. policies and procedures for making and docu- (A) if all obligations attached to a cohort SEC. 210. TRAINING OF COAST GUARD PER- menting major conversion determinations, of loans have been satisfied, not later than 60 SONNEL. including an examination of the deference days after the date of enactment of this Act; (a) PROSPECTIVE SECTOR COMMANDER given to precedent. and TRAINING.—Not later than 1 year after the (2) BRIEFING.—Not later than 1 year after (B) if all obligations attached to a cohort date of the enactment of this Act, the Com- the date of the enactment of this Act, the of loans have not been satisfied, not later mandant shall implement an Officer in Commandant shall provide to the Committee than 60 days after the date on which all obli- Charge, Marine Inspections segment to the on Commerce, Science, and Transportation gations attached to the cohort of loans are sector commander indoctrination course for of the Senate and the Committee on Trans- satisfied. prospective sector commanders without a portation and Infrastructure of the House of (e) OVERSIGHT PROGRAM; EFFECTIVENESS.— Coast Guard prevention ashore officer spe- Representatives a briefing on the findings of (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 2 years cialty code. the review required by paragraph (1). after the date of the enactment of this Act, (b) STEAMSHIP INSPECTIONS.—Not later (b) VENTILATORS, OPENINGS AND STABILITY the Commandant shall commission an as- than 1 year after the date of the enactment STANDARDS.— sessment of the effectiveness of the Coast of this Act, the Commandant shall imple- (1) REVIEW.—Not later than 1 year after the Guard’s oversight of recognized organiza- ment steam plant inspection training for date of the enactment of this Act, the Com- tions and its impact on compliance by and Coast Guard marine inspectors and, subject mandant shall complete a review of the ef- safety of vessels inspected by such organiza- to availability, recognized organizations to fectiveness of United States regulations, tions. which authority is delegated under section international conventions, recognized orga- (2) EXPERIENCE.—The assessment commis- 3316 of title 46, United States Code. nizations’ class rules, and Coast Guard tech- sioned under paragraph (1) shall be con- (c) ADVANCED JOURNEYMAN INSPECTOR nical policy regarding— ducted by a research organization with sig- TRAINING.— (A) ventilators and other hull openings; nificant experience in maritime operations (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 2 years (B) fire dampers and other closures pro- and marine safety. after the date of the enactment of this Act, tecting openings normally open during oper- (3) SUBMISSION TO CONGRESS.—Not later the Commandant shall establish advanced ations; than 180 days after the date that the assess- training to provide instruction on the over- (C) intact and damage stability standards ment required under paragraph (1) is com- sight of recognized organizations to which under subchapter S of chapter I of title 46, pleted, the Commandant shall submit to the authority is delegated under section 3316 of Code of Federal Regulations; and Committee on Commerce, Science, and title 46, United States Code, auditing respon- (D) lifesaving equipment for mariners, in- Transportation of the Senate and the Com- sibilities, and the inspection of unique vessel cluding survival suits and life jackets. mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure types. (2) BRIEFING.—Not later than 18 months of the House of Representatives the results (2) RECIPIENTS.—The Commandant shall— after the date of the enactment of this Act, of such assessment. (A) require that such training be com- the Commandant shall provide to the Com- SEC. 213. FLAG-STATE GUIDANCE AND SUPPLE- pleted by senior Coast Guard marine inspec- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- MENTS. tors; and tation of the Senate and the Committee on (a) FREIGHT VESSELS; DAMAGE CONTROL IN- (B) subject to availability of training ca- Transportation and Infrastructure of the FORMATION.—Within 1 year after the date of pacity, make such training available to rec- House of Representatives a briefing on the the enactment of this Act, the Secretary ognized organization surveyors authorized effectiveness of the regulations, inter- shall issue flag-State guidance for all freight by the Coast Guard to conduct inspections. national conventions, recognized organiza- vessels documented under chapter 121 of title (d) COAST GUARD INSPECTIONS STAFF; 46, United States Code, built before January tions’ class rules, and Coast Guard technical BRIEFING.—Not later than 1 year after the 1, 1992, regarding the inclusion of comprehen- policy reviewed under paragraph (1). date of the enactment of this Act, the Com- sive damage control information in safety mandant shall provide to the Committee on (c) SELF-LOCATING DATUM MARKER management plans required under chapter 32 Commerce, Science, and Transportation of BUOYS.—Not later than 6 months after the of title 46, United States Code. the Senate and the Committee on Transpor- date of the enactment of this Act, the Com- (b) RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATIONS; UNITED tation and Infrastructure of the House of mandant shall provide to the Committee on STATES SUPPLEMENT.—The Commandant Representatives a briefing detailing— Commerce, Science, and Transportation of shall— (1) the estimated time and funding nec- the Senate and the Committee on Transpor- (1) work with recognized organizations to essary to triple the current size of the Coast tation and Infrastructure of the House of create a single United States Supplement to Guard’s traveling inspector staff; and Representatives a briefing on the reliability rules of such organizations for classification (2) other options available to the Coast of self-locating datum marker buoys and of vessels; and Guard to enhance and maintain marine safe- other similar technology used during Coast (2) by not later than 1 year after the date ty knowledge, including discussion of in- Guard search-and-rescue operations. The of the enactment of this Act, provide to the creased reliance on— briefing shall include a description of reason- Committee on Commerce, Science, and (A) civilian marine inspectors; able steps the Commandant could take to in- Transportation of the Senate and the Com- (B) experienced licensed mariners; crease the reliability of such buoys, includ- mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure (C) retired members of the Coast Guard; ing the potential to leverage technology used of the House of Representatives a briefing on (D) arranging for Coast Guard inspectors by the Navy, and how protocols could be de- whether it is necessary to revise part 8 of to ride onboard commercial oceangoing ves- veloped to conduct testing of such buoys be- title 46, Code of Federal Regulations, to au- sels documented under chapter 121 of title 46, fore using them for operations. thorize only one United States Supplement United States Code, to gain experience and (d) CORRECTION.— to such rules. insight; and (1) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any SEC. 214. MARINE SAFETY STRATEGY. (E) extending tour-lengths for Coast Guard other provision of law, the Secretary of Section 2116 of title 46, United States Code, marine safety officers assigned to inspection Transportation, for purposes of section is amended— billets. 502(f)(4) of the Railroad Revitalization and (1) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘each year (e) AUDITS; COAST GUARD ATTENDANCE AND Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 (45 U.S.C. of an annual’’ and inserting ‘‘of a triennial’’; PERFORMANCE.—Not later than 180 days after 822(f)(4)) (as in effect on the day before the (2) in subsection (b)— the date of the enactment of this Act, the amendments made by section 11607 of Public (A) in the subsection heading, by striking Commandant shall— Law 114–94 (129 Stat. 1698) took effect)— ‘‘ANNUAL’’ and inserting ‘‘TRIENNIAL’’; and (1) update Coast Guard policy to utilize (A) not later than 30 days after the date of (B) by striking ‘‘annual’’ each place it ap- risk analysis to target the attendance of enactment of this Act, and in consultation pears and inserting ‘‘triennial’’; Coast Guard personnel during external safe- with the Director of the Office of Manage- (3) in subsection (c)— ty management certificate and document of ment and Budget, shall define the term ‘‘co- (A) by striking ‘‘fiscal year 2011 and each compliance audits; and horts of loans’’; fiscal year’’ and inserting ‘‘fiscal year 2020 (2) perform a quality assurance audit of (B) before the deadline described in para- and triennially’’; and recognized organization representation and graph (2), shall return to the original source, (B) by striking ‘‘annual plan’’ and insert- performance regarding United States-flagged on a pro rata basis, the credit risk premiums ing ‘‘triennial plan’’; and vessels. paid for the loans in the cohort of loans, (4) in subsection (d)(2), by striking ‘‘annu- SEC. 211. MAJOR MARINE CASUALTY PROPERTY with interest accrued thereon, that were not ally’’ and inserting ‘‘triennially’’. DAMAGE THRESHOLD. used to mitigate losses; and SEC. 215. RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATIONS; OVER- Section 6101(i)(3) of title 46, United States (C) shall not treat the repayment of a loan SIGHT. Code, is amended by striking ‘‘$500,000’’ and after the date of enactment of Public Law (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 3316 of title 46, inserting ‘‘$2,000,000’’. 114–94 as precluding, limiting, or negatively United States Code, is amended by redesig- SEC. 212. REVIEWS, BRIEFINGS, REPORTS, AND affecting the satisfaction of the obligation of nating subsection (g) as subsection (h), and TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS. its cohort prior to the enactment of Public by inserting after subsection (f) the fol- (a) MAJOR CONVERSION DETERMINATIONS.— Law 114–94. lowing:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.022 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9138 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 ‘‘(g)(1) There shall be within the Coast procedures to ensure those delegated au- (i) maritime domain awareness, includ- Guard an office that conducts comprehensive thorities are being conducted in a manner to ing— and targeted oversight of all recognized or- ensure safe maritime transportation. (I) surveillance and monitoring; ganizations that act on behalf of the Coast (b) BRIEFING.—Not later than 1 year after (II) observation, measurement, and mod- Guard. the date of the enactment of this Act, the eling: or ‘‘(2) The staff of the office shall include Commandant shall provide to the Committee (III) information technology and commu- subject matter experts, including inspectors, on Commerce, Science, and Transportation nications; investigators, and auditors, who possess the of the Senate and the Committee on Trans- (ii) search and rescue; capability and authority to audit all aspects portation and Infrastructure of the House of (iii) emergency response; of such recognized organizations. Representatives a briefing on the implemen- (iv) maritime law enforcement; ‘‘(3) In this subsection the term ‘recognized tation of subsection (a). (v) marine inspections and investigations; organization’ has the meaning given that TITLE III—CENTER OF EXPERTISE or term in section 2.45–1 of title 46, Code of Fed- (vi) protection and conservation of the ma- SEC. 301. SHORT TITLE. eral Regulations, as in effect on the date of rine environment. This title may be cited as the ‘‘Coast the enactment of the Hamm Alert Maritime Guard Blue Technology Center of Expertise The bill was ordered to be read a Safety Act of 2018.’’. Act’’. third time, was read the third time, (b) DEADLINE FOR ESTABLISHMENT.—The and passed, and a motion to reconsider Commandant of the Coast Guard shall estab- SEC. 302. COAST GUARD BLUE TECHNOLOGY CEN- TER OF EXPERTISE. was laid on the table. lish the office required by the amendment (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—Not later than 1 year made by subsection (a) by not later than 2 f after the date of the enactment of this Act years after the date of the enactment of this and subject to the availability of appropria- REQUIRING FEDERAL RAILROAD Act. tions, the Commandant may establish under ADMINISTRATION TO PROVIDE SEC. 216. TIMELY WEATHER FORECASTS AND section 58 of title 14, United States Code, a HAZARD ADVISORIES FOR MER- CONGRESSIONAL NOTICE OF CHANT MARINERS. Blue Technology center of expertise. SAFETY ASSESSMENTS (b) MISSIONS.—In addition to the missions Not later than 1 year after the date of en- listed in section 58(b) of title 14, United Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I ask actment of this Act, the Commandant shall States Code, the Center may— unanimous consent to take from the seek to enter into negotiations through the (1) promote awareness within the Coast Speaker’s table the bill (H.R. 1093) to International Maritime Organization to Guard of the range and diversity of Blue require the Federal Railroad Adminis- amend the International Convention for the Technologies and their potential to enhance Safety of Life at Sea to require that vessels tration and the Federal Transit Au- Coast Guard mission readiness, operational subject to the requirements of such Conven- thority to provide appropriate Congres- performance, and regulation of such tech- tion receive— sional notice of safety audits con- nologies; (1) timely synoptic and graphical chart ducted with respect to railroads and (2) function as an interactive conduit to weather forecasts; and rail transit agencies, and ask for its enable the sharing and dissemination of Blue (2) where available, timely hazard Technology information between the Coast immediate consideration in the House. advisories for merchant mariners, including Guard and representatives from the private The Clerk read the title of the bill. broadcasts of tropical cyclone forecasts and sector, academia, nonprofit organizations, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there advisories, intermediate public advisories, and other Federal agencies; objection to the request of the gen- and tropical cyclone updates to mariners via (3) increase awareness among Blue Tech- tleman from California? appropriate technologies. nology manufacturers, entrepreneurs, and There was no objection. SEC. 217. ANONYMOUS SAFETY ALERT SYSTEM. vendors of Coast Guard acquisition policies, The text of the bill is as follows: (a) PILOT PROGRAM.—Not later than 1 year procedures, and business practices; H.R. 1093 after the date of enactment of this Act, the (4) provide technical support, coordination, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Commandant shall establish an anonymous and assistance to Coast Guard districts and resentatives of the United States of America in safety alert pilot program. the Coast Guard Research and Development Congress assembled, (b) REQUIREMENTS.—The pilot program es- Center, as appropriate; and SECTION 1. NOTICE OF SAFETY AUDITS. tablished under subsection (a) shall provide (5) subject to the requirements of the Coast (a) INITIAL NOTICE.—Not later than 10 days an anonymous reporting mechanism to allow Guard Academy, coordinate with the Acad- after beginning a safety audit of a railroad crew members to communicate urgent and emy to develop appropriate curricula regard- or rail transit agency, the Federal Railroad dire safety concerns directly and in a timely ing Blue Technology to be offered in profes- Administration or the Federal Transit Au- manner with the Coast Guard. sional courses of study to give Coast Guard thority shall notify the Committee on Trans- SEC. 218. MARINE SAFETY IMPLEMENTATION cadets and officer candidates a greater back- portation and Infrastructure of the House of STATUS. ground and understanding of Blue Tech- Representatives and the Committee on Com- (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than December nologies. merce, Science, and Transportation of the 19 of 2018, and of each of the 2 subsequent (c) BLUE TECHNOLOGY EXPOSITION; BRIEF- Senate, and each member of Congress rep- years thereafter, the Commandant shall pro- ING.—Not later than 6 months after the date resenting a State through which the railroad vide to the Committee on Commerce, of the enactment of this Act, the Com- or transit agency operates service, of the be- Science, and Transportation of the Senate mandant shall provide to the Committee on ginning of that audit. and the Committee on Transportation and Transportation and Infrastructure of the (b) REPORT.—Not later than 90 days after Infrastructure of the House of Representa- House of Representatives and the Committee completion of a safety audit described in tives a briefing on the status of implementa- on Commerce, Science, and Transportation subsection (a), the Federal Railroad Admin- tion of each action outlined in the Com- of the Senate a briefing on the costs and ben- istration or the Federal Transit Authority mandant’s final action memo dated Decem- efits of hosting a biennial Coast Guard Blue shall transmit to the Committee on Trans- ber 19, 2017, regarding the sinking and loss of Technology exposition to further inter- portation and Infrastructure of the House of the vessel El Faro. actions between representatives from the Representatives and the Committee on Com- (b) REPORT.—Not later than 2 years after private sector, academia, and nonprofit orga- merce, Science, and Transportation of the the date of enactment of this Act, the De- nizations, and the Coast Guard and examine Senate, and to each member of Congress rep- partment of Homeland Security Inspector emerging technologies and Coast Guard mis- resenting a State through which the railroad General shall report to the Committee on sion demands. or transit agency operates service, a report describing the results of that audit. Commerce, Science, and Transportation of (d) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: the Senate and the Committee on Transpor- (1) CENTER.—The term ‘‘Center’’ means the COMMITTEE AMENDMENT IN THE NATURE OF A tation and Infrastructure of the House of Blue Technology center of expertise estab- SUBSTITUTE Representatives on the status of the Coast lished under this section. Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I have an Guard’s implementation of each action out- (2) COMMANDANT.—The term ‘‘Com- amendment at the desk. lined in the Commandant’s final action mandant’’ means the Commandant of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The memo dated December 19, 2017, regarding the Coast Guard. Clerk will report the committee sinking and loss of the vessel El Faro. (3) BLUE TECHNOLOGY.—The term ‘‘Blue amendment. SEC. 219. DELEGATED AUTHORITIES. Technology’’ means any technology, system, The Clerk read as follows: (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year or platform that— Strike out all after the enacting clause and after the date of the enactment of this Act, (A) is designed for use or application insert the following: the Commandant shall review the authori- above, on, or below the sea surface or that is SECTION 1. NOTICE OF COMPREHENSIVE SAFETY ties that have been delegated to recognized otherwise applicable to Coast Guard oper- ASSESSMENTS. organizations for the alternative compliance ational needs, including such a technology, (a) INITIAL NOTICE.—Not later than 10 busi- program as described in subpart D of part 8 system, or platform that provides contin- ness days after the Federal Railroad Adminis- of title 46, Code of Federal Regulations, and, uous or persistent coverage; and tration initiates a comprehensive safety assess- if necessary, revise or establish policies and (B) supports or facilitates— ment of an entity providing regularly scheduled

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.022 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9139 intercity or commuter rail passenger transpor- An Army Ranger, Captain Bednarzyk crucial role in keeping American peo- tation, the Federal Railroad Administration was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 75th ple healthy. shall notify in electronic format the Committee Ranger Regiment, at Fort Benning. In Across our country, there are around on Transportation and Infrastructure of the his time in the Army, he was awarded 67,000 pharmacies that fill an average House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the the Ranger Tab, the Air Assault Badge, of 12.2 million prescriptions every day. Senate, and each member of Congress rep- the Army Parachutist Badge, and the Further, pharmacists are consist- resenting a State in which the service that is the Expert Infantryman’s Badge. ently ranked among the most trusted subject of the assessment being conducted is lo- He previously deployed to Kosovo, healthcare providers, an important sta- cated, of the initiation of that assessment. where he conducted training exercises tistic because of the responsibility the (b) FINDINGS.—Not later than 90 days after and led U.S. troops on a peacekeeping profession carries. completion of a comprehensive safety assessment mission with NATO forces and local With the current opioid epidemic, described in subsection (a), the Federal Railroad military. pharmacists are possibly more impor- Administration shall transmit in electronic for- tant than ever before because of their mat to the Committee on Transportation and In- Captain Bednarzyk is an American frastructure of the House of Representatives and hero. While his life was tragically cut position on the frontlines of patients’ the Committee on Commerce, Science, and short, his service to our community access to prescription drugs. Transportation of the Senate, and to each mem- and to our Nation will forever live on. As the only pharmacist currently ber of Congress representing a State in which His courage and his determination to serving in Congress, I am glad to see the service that is the subject of the assessment succeed are truly inspirational. the growing number of young people being conducted is located, its findings of that We send our deepest condolences to entering the pharmacy profession, assessment, including identified defects and any Captain Bednarzyk’s parents, Casey working to make people healthier recommendations. and Ruth, along with his brother Kevin every day. (c) DEFINITION.—For purpose of this section, Thank you to all our pharmacists the term ‘‘comprehensive safety assessment’’ and grandfather Francis. means a focused review of the safety-related Thank you for sharing his life with across the country. processes and procedures, compliance with safe- us. f ty regulations and requirements, and overall Rangers lead the way. Connor b 1630 safety culture of an entity providing regularly Bednarzyk led the way. scheduled intercity or commuter rail passenger I now ask my colleagues to join me NATIONAL CYBERSECURITY transportation. in a moment of silence for an American AWARENESS MONTH Mr. DENHAM (during the reading). hero, Connor Bednarzyk. (Mr. LANGEVIN asked and was given Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent f permission to address the House for 1 to dispense with the reading. minute and to revise and extend his re- HONORING MS. LAURA WOOTEN The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there marks.) objection to the request of the gen- (Mr. PAYNE asked and was given Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise tleman from California? permission to address the House for 1 to commemorate National Cybersecu- There was no objection. minute and to revise and extend his re- rity Awareness Month, which begins The committee amendment was marks.) October 1. As the cofounder and co- agreed to. Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise chair of the Congressional Cybersecu- The bill was ordered to be engrossed today to honor Ms. Laura Wooten for rity Caucus with my good friend Chair- and read a third time, was read the her dedication and service to America’s man MIKE MCCAUL, I firmly believe third time, and passed. voters. that cybersecurity is the national and The title of the bill was amended so Ms. Wooten has been a poll worker in economic security challenge of the 21st as to read: ‘‘A bill to require the Fed- New Jersey for 79 consecutive years. century. I also believe that each of us eral Railroad Administration to pro- She has dedicated her life to helping has a role to play in staying safe on- vide appropriate congressional notice people vote, regardless of their party or line. of comprehensive safety assessments position. During each of the 4 themed weeks of conducted with respect to intercity or Ms. Wooten is the longest serving Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the commuter rail passenger transpor- poll worker in New Jersey. She is like- Department of Homeland Security and tation.’’. ly the longest serving poll worker in its partners across the government and A motion to reconsider was laid on our Nation. In fact, she has helped ad- the private sector will highlight dif- the table. minister elections through the admin- ferent aspects of cybersecurity, from f istration of 14 Presidents, from Frank- the challenges faced by our critical in- lin Delano Roosevelt to Donald J. MOMENT OF SILENCE IN REMEM- frastructure to the steps individuals Trump. BRANCE OF CAPTAIN CONNOR can take to make their homes a safe Ms. Wooten is 97 years old, and she BEDNARZYK haven for online safety. will once again perform her duties as a I encourage all my colleagues to take (Mr. FITZPATRICK asked and was poll worker in New Jersey in November the opportunity to bring these mes- given permission to address the House with her characteristic pride, grace, sages back to their home districts. for 1 minute.) and smile. From senior centers to local chambers Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, it Ms. Wooten is a role model for all of commerce, the cybersecurity aware- is with profound sadness that I rise people and a reminder that every vote ness events that I hold with our State today with my colleagues to honor the counts. And, as she likes to say, voting cybersecurity officer, Mike Steinmetz, life and the memory of Connor is important. and the great team at the Rhode Island Bednarzyk, who tragically passed away Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to Joint Cyber Task Force have helped on September 7 in an armored vehicle join me in honoring Ms. Laura Wooten people across the Ocean State better accident near Fort Benning, Georgia. by reminding all Americans, regardless protect themselves online. Connor was 25 years old. of party or position, to just vote. I look forward to another successful Captain Bednarzyk grew up in f Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Doylestown, Pennsylvania, where, even f at a young age, he demonstrated su- WORLD PHARMACISTS DAY perb leadership. A 2011 graduate of Cen- (Mr. CARTER of Georgia asked and TAX REFORM PACKAGE tral Bucks East High School, where he was given permission to address the (Mr. WILLIAMS asked and was given lettered in football, baseball, and wres- House for 1 minute and to revise and permission to address the House for 1 tling, he went on to attend Penn State extend his remarks.) minute.) University on an ROTC scholarship. He Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I take graduated with a degree in security er, I rise today to celebrate September this time to speak about a piece of leg- risk analysis, graduating in the top 10 25 as World Pharmacists Day 2018. islation on the floor tomorrow, H.R. percent of ROTC graduates in the en- I am glad we have a day to recognize 6760, the Protecting Family and Small tire United States. the pharmacy profession, which plays a Business Tax Cuts Act of 2018.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.024 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 This is the third and final bill of the Rest in peace, Airman Naglak. lives and strong futures for everybody. tax reform 2.0 package that Repub- f Congratulations and happy birthday, licans have been working so hard on. FRCC. NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION As the constituents of Texas’ 25th Dis- MONTH f trict know, I have been fighting for a RECOGNIZING CREWMEMBERS OF commonsense business owners’ perspec- (Mr. PAULSEN asked and was given NAVY FLETCHER CLASS DE- tive on tax reform since day one. permission to address the House for 1 Less than a year ago, we passed the minute and to revise and extend his re- STROYER COMMISSIONED 1942– Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Since then, marks.) 1969 there are more jobs; Americans are see- Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, Sep- (Mr. YOHO asked and was given per- ing higher wages; and Main Street can tember is National Suicide Prevention mission to address the House for 1 finally breathe again. Month, reminding us that we lose too minute and to revise and extend his re- While all this is great, there has al- many to suicide each and every day. marks.) ways been the uncertainty of knowing Unfortunately, suicide is all too com- Mr. YOHO. Mr. Speaker, it is my that these cuts would expire in 2025, mon among the men and women who honor and privilege to recognize the something I have been fighting to have served our Nation in uniform, a crewmembers of the USS Cony, a Navy change. population that is particularly at risk Fletcher Class destroyer that was com- I am happy to report that with tax of suicide. missioned from 1942 to 1969. I would reform 2.0, tax cuts will be made per- In fact, the VA estimates that 20 vet- like to welcome the esteemed ship- manent for families, workers, and erans and servicemembers lose their mates and their families to Wash- small-business owners across this coun- lives each and every day, and veterans ington, D.C., as they celebrate their try. are 22 percent more likely to commit 36th annual reunion. Regrettably, Mr. Speaker, I will be suicide than nonvets. Among female During World War II and the Korean unable to cast my vote in favor for tax veterans, the risk of suicide is a stag- war, the USS Cony protected and trans- reform 2.0 tomorrow. My youngest gering 250 percent higher. ported goods throughout Asia and the daughter, Sabrina, is getting married. Veterans are just 10 percent of the Pacific. The USS Cony received 13 bat- While I have a duty as a United States U.S. population but constitute 20 per- tle stars for its service and outstanding Congressman, I first have a duty as a cent of suicides. Measures like the Clay achievement that deserves recognition father and would not miss her wedding Hunt Suicide Prevention Act, which we today. day for anything in the world. I hope have already passed into law, are al- The Cony and its crewmembers also everyone understands my decision back ready making a difference, but even played a crucial role in defending the home and here. one veteran suicide is too many. U.S. during the Cuban Missile Crisis, This vote is historic, and I am ex- We should always remind our vet- and I commend the valiant efforts of cited to watch this economy flourish to erans, Mr. Speaker, and those who are the men and women who served this grow because of it. in need, that there are always ways to country while aboard the USS Cony. In God we trust. get help. Veterans can always call the Although the Cony was decommis- f VA’s crisis hotline 24 hours a day, 7 sioned long ago, her legacy lives on days a week. today. Thank you to all the members, HONORING AIRMAN APPRENTICE f past and present, of the United States JOSEPH NAGLAK military for your service and sacrifice. 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF FRONT (Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN asked and f was given permission to address the RANGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE House for 1 minute.) (Mr. POLIS asked and was given per- WORK HIGHLIGHTS Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. Mr. mission to address the House for 1 (Mrs. BEATTY asked and was given Speaker, I rise today to pay respect to minute and to revise and extend his re- permission to address the House for 1 the remarkable life of Airman Appren- marks.) minute.) tice Joseph Min Naglak of Navy Sta- Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in rec- Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, I stand tion Norfolk. ognition of the 50th anniversary of with Democrats for the people. Airman Apprentice Naglak was born Front Range Community College in Republicans want to repeal the Af- in South Korea and adopted by Ken- Colorado, which I am proud to rep- fordable Care Act, risking healthcare neth M. and Jeanne Rand Naglak of resent. for 24 million newly enrolled Ameri- West Windsor, New Jersey. He grad- The college first opened in 1968 with cans and 129 million with preexisting uated from West Windsor Plainsboro only 2,000 students enrolled in a few conditions. I stand with the people. High School in 2015 where he lettered programs. Today, they have campuses That is why I held a healthcare in varsity football and took time to in Fort Collins, Westminster, roundtable listening session where 53 learn automotive restoration. Longmont, and Brighton—28,000 stu- healthcare administrators attended, Airman Apprentice Naglak studied dents, over 160 degree and certificate talking about strengthening the ACA, homeland security at Monmouth Uni- programs. improving the delivery and access to versity before enlisting in April of 2017. Over the years, FRCC has seen con- healthcare, and addressing social det- He lived with his fiancee, Nicole Weber, tinual enrollment increases, serving riments. and was an active and energetic volun- even more students. Go, Wolves. Making homeownership a reality for teer with the Special Olympics. During my time in Congress, I have Americans, I stand with the people. His life was cut short in an accident worked with FRCC to reduce the cost Democrats on the Financial Services last week aboard the USS George H.W. of textbooks, expand access to dual and Committee want to expand affordable Bush. In speaking of his courage and concurrent enrollment programs with housing and provide more homeowner- patriotism, his sister said: ‘‘He wanted our school districts, support career and ship opportunities to people like Mrs. to join the Navy to give back to a technical education, and ensure stu- Joyce Mayne, who, at 75 years of age a country who gave him so much. He was dents who have obtained credits are few weeks ago, purchased her first everything that I hoped to be one day, able to get their associate’s degree. home on her birthday. Happy birthday, and he should always be remembered as We recognize the hard work and per- Mrs. Mayne. It was with the help of a a hero with a big heart.’’ severance of the students and the staff nonprofit, Homeport, and the low-in- I send my condolences to the family at Front Range Community College as come housing tax credit. and the friends of Airman Apprentice we celebrate the 50th birthday of Front We are working to fix our broken im- Naglak. I express my sincere gratitude Range Community College and how it migration system. Right now, Mr. for his service and his sacrifice, and I has helped transform people’s lives and Speaker, families in my district are ask that my colleagues join me in a communities across Colorado. being ripped apart, like Edith Espinal moment of silence recognizing his her- For 50 years, Front Range Commu- and members of the Mauritanian, So- oism and his sacrifice to our country. nity College has fostered successful mali, Latin American, and Central

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.068 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9141 American communities. In the nearly for your valiant and selfless service to the words of Paul Kennedy, and the 365 days, Edith has been in sanctuary, our Nation. words of your local fifth grade elemen- my staff and I have met with her fam- f tary school teacher, what you would ily, legal representatives, advocates, find is an amazing correlation between and community stakeholders. PAKISTAN IS STILL HARBORING all four of them. TERRORISTS f It was Erskine Bowles, who was, I (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was guess, former President Clinton’s #KEEPINGTHECRUMBS given permission to address the House former Chief of Staff who said that we (Mr. OLSON asked and was given per- for 1 minute and to revise and extend are walking toward the most predict- mission to address the House for 1 his remarks.) able financial crisis in the history of minute and to revise and extend his re- Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, the man. marks.) State Department has released its an- As we remember, they put together Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, like every nual country report on terrorism. the Bowles-Simpson Commission of American, every Member of Congress Terrorist attacks are down world- 2010. That ultimately led to the seques- has a lower tax rate because of the Tax wide, but there are still frustrating de- tration that we are in the process of Cuts and Jobs Act. Every Democrat tails that we must expose. The biggest getting rid of, but it was a ‘‘nuclear voted against this law. It was mocked frustration is that Pakistan, a so- weapon’’ that said we have got to do as mere crumbs. called major non-NATO ally, continues something, yet we haven’t. Well, folks back home have a ques- to harbor terrorist groups that target If you look at the words of Sir Alex tion for House Democrats: the United States and its allies. Fraser Tytler, he was a Scottish histo- #keepingthecrumbs? The report says that the Taliban, the rian who lived in the 1800s, and his The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ended the Haqqani Network, LeT, and JeM, all words, after looking at world history death tax. The junior Senator from terrorist groups, they all still operate over the whole of his life, were that a California said repealing the death tax in safe havens in Pakistan. Some are democracy cannot exist as a permanent is ‘‘a giveaway to those at the top, not able to raise money, recruit, and train form of government. It can only exist something that will create jobs.’’ in Pakistan. until the voters discover that they can Here is a response from a friend back vote for themselves largesse from the home in Fort Bend County, Dan For too long, I, as well as others, have come to this floor to point out public treasury, with the result that a McDonald. Dan says, ‘‘E-I-E-I-O.’’ democracy always fails under loose fis- Dan’s comments are echoed by those of Pakistan’s duplicitous behavior. When will we stop appeasing Pakistan and cal policy and is generally followed by Rosenberg Tractor’s Gary Allred. Gary a dictatorship. says, ‘‘Getting rid of the death tax sending billions in American money to these fake friends, money that ends up The average age of the world’s great keeps jobs right now and adds jobs in civilizations has been 200 years. These the future because Texans can keep in the hands of terrorists who make war on America? nations have progressed through this their lands, pass them on to their kids, sequence: from bondage to spiritual grandkids, and great-grandkids for all We must designate Pakistan as a state sponsor of terrorism, then revoke faith, spiritual faith to great courage, eternity. great courage to liberty, liberty to Let’s step up and pass version 2 and their major non-NATO ally status. abundance, abundance to selfishness, get #keepingthecrumbs. Then we must go after these terrorist groups. selfishness to complacency, compla- f And that is just the way it is. cency to apathy, apathy to depend- HONORING WARREN G. GOSS ency, and dependency back again into f (Mr. ROTHFUS asked and was given bondage. permission to address the House for 1 b 1645 And indeed, if you look at the timeline of civilizations across the an- minute and to revise and extend his re- THE TRAJECTORY OF nals of history, what you see is that up marks.) GOVERNMENT SPENDING Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to and down of the way that civilizations The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under recognize U.S. Army Private First have come and gone. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- Class Warren Goss. And it was Paul Kennedy, in his book A western Pennsylvania native, War- uary 3, 2017, the gentleman from South ‘‘The Rise and Fall of the Great Pow- ren answered the call to defend his Carolina (Mr. SANFORD) is recognized ers,’’ who talked about how, tradition- country and joined the U.S. Army in for 60 minutes as the designee of the ally, open political systems have basi- July of 1943 at the age of 18. He was de- majority leader. cally spent their way into oblivion and ployed to the European theater where Mr. SANFORD. Mr. Speaker, with that the largest thing that you used to he underwent training for the D-day in- due respect to my colleague from Okla- be able to buy was a standing army— vasions as a rifleman. homa who has been kind enough to nowadays, the largest thing that you Under heavy enemy fire and without yield me a bit of time, what I am going can buy is entitlement spending—but air support, Warren and his fellow com- to do is yield to him, ultimately, and that in every instance, a civilization rades were some of the first soldiers to he will take the bulk of this time. came to a tipping point wherein they bravely storm the beaches of Nor- I just was thinking the other night had to decide: Do we go back to what mandy, succeeding in their mission to about the larger issue of government made us competitive and, perhaps, a secure a German communications spending, and I would just like to walk world power in the first place or not? tower. through a couple of numbers here in a And that dovetails, actually, with Afterward, Warren was transferred to few minutes on its importance, because another book that was written, enti- the 70th Division’s 274th K Company, we have a big tax vote tomorrow. We tled, ‘‘This Time It’s Different,’’ by where he continued to fight in France had one today, and we had a vote be- professors from Harvard and University and across Europe until the end of the fore that, I guess the day before that, of Maryland. They looked at the last war. tied to spending and what the trajec- 800 years of financial history and they Upon returning home, Warren met tory looks like on that front here at found, in every instance, civilizations his wife, Mary, and fathered two the Federal level. got to this same point, which brings daughters, Rhonda and Paula. But I want us to step back for one me back to the local fifth grade math For his heroic actions to liberate second and look at the bigger picture teacher. France, Warren was recently made a on why containing spending is so im- One plus one equals two, period. Chevalier of the National Order of the portant and why it is not so important Numbers always work. Can they be ma- Legion of Honour, France’s highest in our kids’ or grandkids’ time, but nipulated? Yes. But at the end of the order of merit for military and civil why it is so important right now. day, in the same way that gravity merits. I think it is interesting, if you were works, numbers work. Congratulations, Warren, on receiv- to look at the words of Erskine Bowles, So I think that we just need to ac- ing this distinct honor, and thank you the words of Sir Alex Fraser Tytler, knowledge that we are living in a weird

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.069 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9142 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 time. Debt, deficit, and government cent of the gross product of everything about that. Think about the wealth ef- spending are not things that are talked that we do in this country has gone off fect that comes with that and, again, about in Washington, D.C., as they to the Federal Government, and we the multiplier effect that that has in a should be, and what we are doing is we have been consistently spending a lit- consumer-driven economy, which is are hoping that things will get better. tle bit more than that 20 percent here what we have in this country. We have We are hoping that economic growth over the last 50 years. Those numbers had quite the run on that front. will take care of the problem. really begin to grow as we have the And not only has there been dura- Well, it might, but it was Gordon baby boomers retiring. tion, there has been levity, if you want Sullivan, former Chief of Staff of the So what we have is a math and demo- to call it that, not in terms of humor, United States Army, who wrote a book graphic trap that, unless we get ahead but we have seen the numbers really entitled, ‘‘Hope Is Not a Method.’’ of it, is going to, again, have profound rise. We are now, in terms of PE, our Hope, indeed, is not a method. It may problems and implications in terms of price-to-earnings multiples, up around work out that way, but it may not, the value of the currency, in terms of, where we were at the time in 1928 of and, therefore, we have got to be really ultimately, the future inflation, in Black Tuesday, at about 32 times in prudent with the way that we budget terms of the value of everything that terms of the average market pricing. and spend going forward, given the im- you or I may have saved to date. This chart, I think, is really inter- plications of what history has said will We have been on a spending binge esting. What it shows is that there come our way if we don’t get the num- and a debt binge not just as a country, have only been two other occasions in bers right. but around the world. So if you look at the history of our Republic over the So that leads me to a few numbers I the numbers that we were all troubled last 70 years when we have had the would just like to share with you, and by back in 2007, the spike that we saw kind of wealth effect that we have these numbers are interesting in what in 2008, 2009 with the financial crisis, right now. One occurred—and this is, they point to. They point to the fact which was the worst crisis that we again, household net worth as a per- that this is not a problem for our have seen since the Great Depression, centage of disposable income in our grandchildren or for our children. This we thought that there would be a country. Once it occurred just prior to is a problem that is coming down the deleveraging after that, but, in fact, the tech bubble bursting. The other pike really fast. the reverse has occurred. time it occurred was just prior to the There is $68 trillion worth of new If you look at the Congressional real estate boom bursting in 2008. Budget Office numbers over the next 10 debt around the globe, and so we have Now we are at a level that is, again, years, what they show is that we are seen roughly 300 percent increases in more than 600 percent of household net running trillion-plus deficits on a year- China. We have seen that, more than worth as a percentage of disposable in- that in the United States. We have ly basis and that there is going to be a come, again, the highest level that we seen that in Spain. We have seen well snowballing effect with regard to debt have ever seen over the last 70 years more than that in Japan. Debt has to GDP, that we are going to get to and a number that has only been gone up, not down. In other words, we spaces that we have never been to be- prefaced twice: once, just prior to the are more susceptible to a financial fore in peaceful times. That is what tech bubble bursting, and the other storm than we were at the time of the this chart refers to right here. time, just prior to the real estate bub- A lot of people say we don’t really financial crisis back in the mid-2000s. Add to that, if you look at what is ble of 2008 bursting. need to do something that much be- happening in most of the developed Now, what does that mean? cause we got into a real problem—if I I don’t know exactly what it means, world, they are actually doing a bit of pull that chart over this way—back at but if I am looking at any kind of trend deleveraging. America is outside of the time of World War II. We were over that norm on that front. line, you would say: I don’t know that 100 percent debt to GDP, and we are But here is the part that I want to it is good. It says the obvious. just not that far right now, 79 percent. get to, and there are a lot of other When I drive to Hilton Head Island, But that doesn’t include the social charts on a different night that I would South Carolina, and I go into Sea safety net promises that are built into like to walk through. But if you look Pines, the mansions of the 1970s are the budget. If you include those off-bal- at, again, the numbers, those CBO being torn down to make way for big ance sheet promises that are real-world numbers basically anticipate that we houses now. The mansion of the 1970s is promises and that do have to be paid, are not in for a recession right now. If no longer a mansion; it is a little house we are actually up around 107 percent, the recession comes soon, our numbers that is a tear-down. People are wealthi- which is not that far from the 106 per- balloon in terms of debt and deficits er than they have ever been. cent or 119 percent that we saw in the going forward, so that makes it that But what comes up oftentimes goes wake of exhausting ourselves after much more relevant if you look at the down, and I want to go into some of the World War II as we fought against the history of recessions. wealth effect that has taken place Japanese and Nazi Germany for our The average recession, basically over here, which is what you have seen with very survival. the last 50 years—excuse me—the aver- this number right here. If you do an apples-to-apples com- age economic expansion has been about The Fed balance sheet has exploded, parison and include, again, the social 58 months before a recession came from about $800 billion in size to over safety net payments that weren’t in along. We are now in the second long- $4 trillion in size. As we go on the op- place at the time of World War II, we est economic recovery in American his- posite side of the curve, deleveraging, are eerily close to that all-time high tory. it is going to have an impact on inter- that we saw in the wake of World War Now, when it ends, I don’t know. But est rates, which, again, is going to im- II. That is just sort of a little bit what I do know is that trees don’t grow pact this debt and deficit number. longer perspective. to the sky, and when you begin to go to This is yield curve flattening. In Going back to the CBO numbers that the point where you are, in essence, every instance over the last 70 years, I was just referring to, again, we are double the average that we have seen within 10 months of the yield curve going to be hitting the trillion-dollar since World War II, you know that we flattening, there has been a recession. mark year in and year out, year in and have to be not too far from the next re- Ours happens to be flattening right year out, and that is without a reces- cession, which, again, will have incred- now. sion, which is really the point of what ible implications in terms of debt and Finally, I would make this point in I wanted to get to. deficit going forward. these couple of slides that I wanted to Well, before I get to it, actually, let Let me give you a few other indica- show, which is that the unemployment me take one last snapshot. tors that say that that recession and, rates are bottoming out right now. In If you look at sort of blood and tur- again, the spiking of deficits and the every instance over the last, again, 70 nips, you can only squeeze so much spiking of debt that will come with it years, when that has occurred, there blood out of a turnip is the saying. If is not too far. has been a recession within 9 months. you look at the long run, we have We are now in the longest bull mar- There are a lot of other indicators for taken about 171⁄2, a little shy of 20 per- ket in American history. Again, think a different night that I would like to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.071 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9143 walk through in terms of walking Washington made a vital observation own lawmakers by caning and shoot- through why, again, the economic chal- while trying to give future Americans ing—sometimes by our own selves; a lenges that are before us are, again, a heads-up. Here it is: Liberty does not preference for conflict over Constitu- not in our grandkids’ time, not in our secure independence. tion, and a division so great that we kids’ time, but in our time, which Washington knew a fallen mankind ended up destroying each other on makes spending restraint that much would flourish in liberty, and as such, America’s fields and farms from Get- more important. Americans would be enticed to reduce tysburg to Vicksburg. I have taken up more than my share and erode our independence for tem- Washington’s warnings went of time for my dear colleague from porary gain or perceived future benefit. unheeded a mere 100 years after he Oklahoma, and I don’t want to burn Instead of liberty, he identified unity gave them. We self-corrected, but only through the entirety of his time, so I as the essential factor to retain Amer- after great harm to ourselves. It has thank the gentleman from Oklahoma ican independence. been 150 years since we nearly de- profusely for allowing me to walk At first ponder, this seems counter- stroyed each other. Are we on any through a couple of slides this evening. intuitive. After all, unified efforts re- more secure a path? It would appear Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance quire a certain accommodation to one from our treatment of each other and of my time. another for greater good, necessitating our view of our own Nation’s future f an occasional deferential voluntary re- that we are tempted to walk an old duction in one’s personal liberty. path. If that be the case, then taking UNIFYING AMERICA Unity achieves result without reduc- counsel from George Washington might The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under ing liberty through power, pen, stat- be a timely exercise. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- ute, or sword. For these reasons, Wash- With regard to unity, we must realize uary 3, 2017, the gentleman from Okla- ington told America that unity was we are all in the ship of state together. homa (Mr. RUSSELL) is recognized for the, ‘‘main pillar in the edifice of your Crashing it on the rocks as we fight the remainder of the hour as the des- real independence, the support of your each other for control of the helm will ignee of the majority leader. tranquility at home, your peace deny any safe harbor we wish to obtain. Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, he was a abroad, of your safety, of your pros- Washington believed that we must view soldier who had given 45 years of serv- perity, of that very liberty which you our unity as a sacred tie that links to- ice to his country. 222 years ago, this so highly prize.’’ gether the various parts. month, he crafted a farewell address to Even after 242 years as a Republic, we ‘‘Citizens by birth or choice of a com- the Nation. In it, he made no attempt still embody this idea in our national mon country, that country has a right to recount his time as a businessman, motto: e pluribus unum, a Latin phrase to concentrate your affections. The warrior, lawmaker, founder, Framer, meaning, out of many—one. name ‘American,’ which belongs to you battlefield commander, or President of We see it in our pledge, with terms in your national capacity, must always a United States that he, more than any like ‘‘one Nation,’’ ‘‘indivisible,’’ but exalt the just pride of patriotism more other, helped to create. what of our behavior today? We still, than any appellation derived from on occasion, employ the words, but we b 1700 local discriminations. With slight deploy actions that could better be de- shades of difference you have the same Instead, George Washington, chose to scribed as e pluribus pluribus. One hy- religion, manners, habits, and political offer ‘‘disinterested warnings of a part- phenated nation and divisible. principles. You have a common cause ing friend,’’ which he felt were, impor- Washington warned of it: ‘‘But as it fought in triumph together; the inde- tant to the permanency of our felicity is easy to foresee that, from different pendence and liberty you possess are as a people. causes and from different quarters, the work of joint counsels and joint ef- Leaders today departing public serv- much pains will be taken, many arti- forts of common dangers, sufferings ice might recount their personal jour- fices employed to weaken in your and successes. . . . your union ought to ney and thank those who shared some minds the conviction of this truth . . . be considered as a main prop to your of their path. Washington’s final words that you should properly estimate the liberty, and that the love of one ought were nothing of the sort. He chose, in- immense value of your national union to endear you to the preservation of stead, to look far into the future and to your collective and individual happi- the other.’’ address all of us, the future. None of us ness; that you should cherish a cordial, If the unity of our people be the main can know it. We get occasional glimps- habitual, and immovable attachment prop of our liberty, what was it that es of it by talking to older people, to it; accustoming yourselves to think George Washington believed would those a little further down the road. . . . of it as . . . your political safety knock out that prop? From them, we gain wisdom and and prosperity; watching for its preser- Warning number one and number two counsel. Yet, sadly, each generation vation with jealous anxiety; from George Washington, Geographical imagines that it faces unprecedented discountenancing whatever may sug- and Party Disunion: Washington be- problems only to dismiss the counsels gest even a suspicion that it can in any lieved, ‘‘a government for the whole is of the generation or two before them. event be abandoned; and indignantly indispensable.’’ When various parts of We find it tough to absorb the Wisdom frowning upon the first dawning of the country come to feel that they are of Solomon when he stated, ‘‘There is every attempt to alienate any portion more important than the others, they nothing new under the Sun.’’ Another of our country from the rest, or to en- will ‘‘acquire influence within par- way to put it is this: Times change, feeble the sacred ties which now link ticular districts to misrepresent the people don’t. together the various parts.’’ opinions and aims of other districts.’’ Taking this truth, what would Washington’s words today read like Disregarding government for some George Washington say to us if he were stinging rebuke to all Americans. In- regional or geographical preference to here today? What counsels would he stead of guarding our institutions jeal- suit our own interest is a sure way to give our Nation? What relevance would ously with cordial, habitual, and im- erode our unity. Washington’s view of it have? Fortunately, in this gleaming movable attachment, we in these au- our government was to show ‘‘Respect alabaster city that bears his name, we gust Chambers across every aisle allow for its authority, compliance with its have rich archives to continue to hear disruption to displace discourse, polar- laws, acquiescence in its measures, are from George Washington. Whether we ization to pass for politics, and resist- duties enjoined by the fundamental are wise enough to heed Washington, is ance to replace result. maxims of true liberty.’’ another matter altogether. Mr. Speaker, we stand condemned, Washington believed that the Con- Surprisingly, he gave no rec- but not irredeemable. Like any first stitution and its authentic amending ommendation for us to love liberty, as step, admitting the problem is the path was an act by the people upon them- liberty is in the very fiber of the to recovery. How did we allow these selves, and that every American would human race, and was certainly height- congressional Chambers to suffer such naturally have an obligation to obey ened among the early Americans whose infiltration? Our own history contains the established government for the ex- efforts had recently secured it. Instead, sharp lessons of discord, the loss of our periment even to work.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.073 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9144 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 ‘‘All obstructions to the execution of deep conviction with the spirit of party necessary that public opinion should the laws . . . designs to direct, control, and urgency. Admitting that there cooperate. To facilitate to them the counteract, or awe the regular con- would be some indulgence for this, if performance of their duty, it is essen- stituted authorities, are destructive of not favor, he warned that such a spirit tial that you should practically bear in this fundamental principle and a fatal was not to be encouraged. mind that towards the payment of tendency. They serve to organize fac- He called upon all Americans to not debts, there must be revenue; that to tion, to give it an artificial and ex- fan these embers as they were ‘‘a fire have revenue, there must be taxes; that traordinary force; to put, in the place not to be quenched, it demands a uni- no taxes can be devised which are not of the delegated will of the Nation the form vigilance to prevent its bursting more or less inconvenient and unpleas- will of a party, often a small but artful into flame, lest, instead of warming, it ant.’’ and enterprising minority of the com- should consume.’’ For these reasons, Washington munity; and, according to the alter- Warning number three, The En- warned that our motives must be deci- nate triumphs of different parties, to croachment of National Leaders: Wash- sive in the expense of government and make the public administration the ington warned that national leaders to choose wisely the objects that we mirror of the ill-concerted and incon- ‘‘to confine themselves within their re- should fund. To ignore this would gruous projects of faction, rather than spective constitutional spheres, avoid- weaken our Nation as a whole. the organ of consistent and wholesome ing in the exercise of the powers of one Warning number six, Entangling and plans digested by common counsels and department to encroach upon another Favored Alliances: Washington’s view modified by mutual interests.’’ . . . The spirit of encroachment tends of foreign policy was to: ‘‘Observe good Washington foresaw that geo- to consolidate the powers of all the de- faith and justice towards all nations; graphical interests could coalesce partments in one, and thus to create, cultivate peace and harmony with all. around party preferences, with urban whatever the form of government, a Religion and morality enjoin this con- and rural, coastal and inland, northern real despotism . . . If, in the opinion of duct; and can it be, that good policy and southern, eastern and western, the people, the distribution or modi- does not equally enjoin it? It will be forming the basis by which we would fication of the constitutional powers be worthy of a free, enlightened nation, try to empower ourselves with party in any particular wrong, let it be cor- and at no distant period, a great na- faction to obtain the interests of one rected by an amendment in the way tion, to give mankind the magnani- rather than the interests of all. which the Constitution designates. But mous and too novel example of a people For our government to work for the let there be no change by usurpation; always guided by an exalted justice and whole Nation, he encouraged us to ‘‘re- for though this, in one instance, may benevolence.’’ member that time and habit are at be the instrument of good, it is the cus- Washington believed good morality would naturally create good foreign least as necessary to fix the true char- tomary weapon by which free govern- policy, fairness, and impartiality. He acter of governments as of other ments are destroyed.’’ Warning number four, Religious urged to treat all nations equally, ini- human institutions.’’ For example, we understand that it Abandonment: For all of Washington’s tially. He warned that adverse rela- takes time for a child to become an warnings about political and party fac- tions with nations would result in poor adult, or that an adult, in time, must tion, his remedy was very clear. So policy and unnecessary conflict. Un- master his or her skills and experience clear, in fact, that its absence, he said, necessary favor to particular nations might pull us into conflict with some to succeed in work or creativity. Yet, would guarantee that our Nation would other where we may have had no quar- somehow, we imagine that the difficult lack human rights. ‘‘Of all the dispositions and habits rel at all. things of government can be solved in which lead to political prosperity, reli- Washington was passionate here: months, when in the natural flow of gion and morality are dispensable sup- ‘‘Against the insidious wiles of foreign life, it takes years and decades to se- ports. . . . Let it simply be asked: influence, I conjure you to believe me, cure true accomplishment. Where is the security for property, for fellow-citizens, the jealousy of a free Even if we were able to accept this reputation, for life, if the sense of reli- people ought to be constantly awake, wisdom, we find ourselves provoked to gious obligation desert the oaths which since history and experience prove that what Washington called, ‘‘the spirit of are the instruments of investigation in foreign influence is one of the most revenge’’ among parties as one faction courts of justice? And let us with cau- baneful foes of republican government. would alternate domination over the tion indulge the supposition that mo- But that jealousy to be useful must be other. Washington warned that it was, rality can be maintained without reli- impartial.’’ ‘‘natural to party dissension, which in gion. Whatever may be conceded to the His final warning, warning number different ages and countries has perpet- influence of refined education on minds seven, Partiality in Commerce: Wash- uated the most horrid enormities, is of peculiar structure, reason and expe- ington instructed: ‘‘The great rule of itself a frightful despotism. But this rience both forbid us to expect that na- conduct for us in regard to foreign na- leads at length to a more formal and tional morality can prevail in exclu- tions is in extending our commercial permanent despotism. The disorders sion of religious principle. . . . virtue relations, to have with them as little and miseries which result gradually in- or morality is a necessary spring of political connection as possible.’’ cline the minds of men to seek security popular government. Who . . . can look Washington believed strong relations and repose in the absolute power of an with indifference upon attempts to could be built upon commerce, keeping individual; and sooner or later the shake the foundation of the fabric?’’ us in a fair and neutral position, pre- chief of some prevailing faction, more venting entanglement in disputes be- able or more fortunate than his com- b 1715 tween other nations. He urged to steer petitors, turns this disposition to the Warning number five, Public Debt clear of permanent alliances, but, rath- purposes of his own elevation, on the and Weakened Defense: Washington er, that ‘‘we may safely trust to tem- ruins of public liberty.’’ had much to say about public credit. porary alliances for extraordinary Washington warned that party fac- He believed it should be used as spar- emergencies.’’ tion would always distract public co- ingly as possible. He also believed one Washington argued commerce should operation, weakening our government’s sure way to preserve the national be equal and impartial, neither seeking ability to function. Loyalty to party treasury would be to promote peace, nor granting exclusive favors; to con- over the Nation would, in his phrases, but also to fund the government on sult the natural course of things; to agitate communities, kindle animos- time. Proper funding would secure the handle gently the natural streams of ity, foment occasional riot and insur- Nation, preventing greater cost to commerce; to force nothing; to define rection, and open the door for foreign repel danger and burden the Nation the rights of our merchants; to enter influence and corruption to weaken the with debt. Toward all national debts, upon agreements in a temporary fash- Nation. Washington reminded all Americans ion, recognizing that from time to time He also warned of those using patri- that it took revenue to pay them. such commerce could be abandoned or otism and liberty as their justification ‘‘The execution of these maxims be- modified as needs and circumstances to stress the Nation, rising in their longs to your representatives, but it is might dictate.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.075 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9145 Washington foresaw that, if we ex- selves that rudeness is now a form of sion to think that the circumstances pected disinterested favors from other representation. may change. nations without an equal benefit, there If we cannot respect these hallowed We have pledged long-term favored would be an accounting. He warned: institutions that we ourselves, as status by treaty as opposed to short- ‘‘There can be no greater error than to Americans, control, how can we pos- term agreements and objectives. We expect or calculate upon real favors sibly receive respect in return from our have a moral obligation to honor the from nation to nation.’’ fellow citizens as we look to lead gov- agreements we have enjoined, but we George Washington had no illusions ernment? would do well to heed Washington’s that his warnings would endure to con- If we spent as much effort to watch counsel to approach foreign relations trol the Nation’s passions. He did hope, our own lanes and make government commercially and have as little polit- however, they ‘‘may be productive of business efficient rather than inflam- ical connection to them as possible. some partial benefit, some occasional matory, we might just restore some re- Mr. Speaker, George Washington’s good; that they may now and then spect to the greatest constitutional re- counsel is sorely needed today. We recur to moderate the fury of party public that has ever existed. And, Mr. stand guilty in all seven of his warn- spirit, to warn against the mischiefs of Speaker, it starts with us. ings. We are guilty but not irredeem- foreign intrigue, to guard against the And how about Washington’s warning able. Americans have a history of self- impostures of pretended patriotism.’’ on expecting morality without reli- correction. Unfortunately, it often So where do we stand, Mr. Speaker, gion? comes with some great distress or dis- as a nation in these areas of warning? We have traded accommodation for aster. We can and must heed Washing- How are we doing on geographical castigation, abandoning the very reli- ton’s warnings now and correct by and party disunion? gious principles adorning all 13 of our choice rather than by circumstance. We stand guilty of it. The average original State constitutions, our own As a combat infantryman, a warrior, American citizen has only been to 8 of Declaration of Independence, Constitu- returning home from more than two her 50 States, and our national leaders tion, and Bill of Rights. decades of personal service, who now and our own people disrespect our Na- Every Chamber, hall, ceiling, nook, has a political life, I have asked myself tion’s Capitol as a swamp. and corner of our Capitol is adorned this question: We see coastal cities referring to in- with these foundational beliefs. In this How did we as Americans allow our terior rural towns as ‘‘flyover coun- very Chamber, ‘‘In God We Trust’’ is voice to be co-opted by self-proclaimed try,’’ not realizing that nearly all of over the Speaker’s podium, and 97 per- cynics and critics on both sides of the their food comes from it, while rural cent of the Members of Congress claim political spectrum who have divided areas declaring coastal regions would these principles in their personal be- our great Nation? not be missed if they simply fell into liefs. Why then have we become silent When did American zeal for innova- the ocean, not realizing that these on free exercise of religion guaranteed tion, sweat, and determination become areas represent the bulk of national in our Constitution? replaced with intimidation, threat, and trade and economy. We have imagined that we can show extermination of meaningful dialogue We see Americans electing the most respect without being respectful. by pathetic keyboard commandos eat- polarized to the left or to the right, We have encouraged and exchanged ing their bags of Cheese Puffs while sending them to work in Washington, truth for a lie and now wonder why sunken into their couches? D.C., wondering why they can’t get people are so uncivil to one another, America has never been built on the along to get things done when they get and why we have faded hope, unclear labor and counsel of cynics and critics. here. vision, purpose, or reason to be a force Americans, we need to wake up. It is We see elected leaders calling for dis- for good in the world as a United time to rekindle that spirit that united ruption and resistance rather than dis- States. our country, ended enslavement, en- course and result. Contrary to Washington’s warning, riched our land, advanced our arts and We see chairs thrown through cam- we imagine we can have morality with- sciences, granted women’s suffrage, pus windows because we cannot abide out the free exercise of religion. We protested inequality, and protected the free speech. foolishly believe we can fix moral prob- defenseless. Americans know the difference be- We see history expunged because we lems with political solutions. I am of tween what is evil and what is good. cannot abide free thought. the belief we need to ask God’s forgive- We have abandoned accommodation, ness. b 1730 bypassed toleration, encouraged isola- What of Washington’s warning on The question we must now ask is tion, organized intimidation, and are public debt, $20 trillion and counting? whether we will unite and continue to set to pursue a path to castigation. We demand thrift from each other live free or continue to attack our- What is next? Elimination of our Re- but not from ourselves in our personal selves, give way to cynicism, and public? pocketbooks. The problem is so great watch America’s liberty and place in We must get reacquainted as Ameri- today, but not greater than our people the world die. cans with unity, with the idea that the if we lead by our individual examples. Thank God America is still full of Nation comes before region, before We, the nationally elected leaders, men and women who know it is not the party, before self. A republic is a mu- are a reflection of America as a whole. cynic and critic who dig the ditch, tual enterprise. We must relearn how Until Americans demand fiscal dis- teach the child, inspire the solutions, to keep it. cipline in themselves, it will be a long or create the future. How are we doing on Washington’s wait to expect it from those whom we It is time for Americans to put Amer- warning of national leaders encroach- elect. ica before self again, to inspire, to lead, ing on each other’s branch of govern- We, the people, have put ourselves to unify, and to sacrifice. It starts with ment or each other’s business? into this situation by making demands each of us sacrificing a few things, sac- We complain of judges legislating of government to pay for all of our rifice doubt, sacrifice anxiety, sacrifice from benches while we judge from our shortcomings. At some point, that pay- cynicism. legislatures. ment becomes due. We must ask less America cannot allow warriors like We see executive branches move by from the government and more from me to come home from a decade of power of decree rather than by power ourselves, solving our problems locally, fighting and war to see our Republic of consent. together, without an invitation for overcome by the self-indulgent, the di- We see people ignore Federal author- government control. visive, and the visionless. ity while demanding Federal aid. What of Washington’s warning on al- As visionary as we Americans and We have eroded respected institu- liances and trade? lovers of liberty claim to be, we will tions as elected leaders abandon civil Rather than a fair and bilateral ap- make little headway if our only an- conduct in hearings, confusing disrup- proach to nations, we have entangled swers to our friends and neighbors are tion, disrespect, and division somehow ourselves in multinational permanent mere sideline snipes about what is with democracy. We have deluded our- agreements on trade, without the vi- wrong with this country.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.076 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9146 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 Are we so shortsighted that we can- for 60 or so years. That happened to be utterly disclaimed all ability of his not accommodate dialogue, exchange the old House Chamber down the hall. own for this arduous conflict.’’ ideas, and show some deference and re- We had that last night led by Pastor We are talking about George Wash- spect to one another and rebuild our Dan Cummins; his wife, JoAnne; and ington, 6 foot 4, even though Chernow’s Nation? an incredible singer, Steve Amerson. book said he was a little shorter than 6 It is time for the American people to I told people about the story of Isaac foot 2. That was one of the numerous embrace what is right about our won- Potts. The big Potts family had land in mistakes in Chernow’s book. There is derful country, not what is wrong with Pennsylvania where Washington no question at all. It is indisputable it. Let us heed Washington’s warnings wintered his Army at Valley Forge. that when Washington in 1799 was flat and get to work. That was mainly on Potts land. Isaac on a slab, he was 6 foot 31⁄2. Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- Potts himself was a Quaker. He didn’t But, in any event, this big, athletic, ance of my time. believe Christians should ever fight. courageous man of faith, according to f He was out in the woods. A painting Potts, ‘‘wept at the thought of that ir- that depicted that scene was painted retrievable ruin which his mistakes GEORGE WASHINGTON by Friberg. I am advised that there had might bring on his country.’’ Potts The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. CHE- been more prints made of that painting said: ‘‘And with the patriot’s pathos NEY). Under the Speaker’s announced than any other American painting in spreading the interests of unborn mil- policy of January 3, 2017, the Chair rec- history. It was Washington down on lions before the eye of Eternal Mercy, ognizes the gentleman from Texas (Mr. one knee beside his big, gray horse. He he implored the aid of that arm which GOHMERT) for 30 minutes. was praying to God. guides the starry host.’’ Mr. GOHMERT. Madam Speaker, I He had made mistakes as Commander Now, that is an incredible human appreciated so much hearing the fan- of the United States, the Revolution. being. His biographers, as the director tastic presentation about George Wash- Potts heard him pray. He prayed out of the Society of the Cincinnati had ington. It was interesting in the last loud. In the painting he is seen with pointed out, say that there has never several months to hear a presentation eyes closed basically looking down. My been anybody like him. by a biographer of Benjamin Franklin understanding is normally he looked When I was on islands south of India over at the Library of Congress. up and spoke out in prayer. some years back on a trip where we He was asked: Do you see anybody in Alexander Hamilton found him on his had gone to check on our Special America today, in politics, that re- knees praying in his tent many times Forces, I had a leader there tell me: minds you of Benjamin Franklin? early in the morning when he had to We are a new democracy, and we are al- He said: interrupt him for something impor- ways hearing about a potential military Well, I see, basically, a lot of different peo- tant. coup to overthrow our elected government. ple with different parts of Franklin. He was He paused. He looked at me, and he brilliant, genius, funny, and clever. But there he was, out in the snow. But it is not like he was George Wash- Potts listened to him. When Wash- said: ington. There was only one of those. ington got on his big, gray horse and We never had a George Washington to set We heard from the director of the So- rode back into Valley Forge, Potts hur- the proper example here, so we are always worried about a coup. ciety of the Cincinnati, which has been ried home. around since the Revolution and is First, he told his wife and told oth- He was an incredible man. Potts said: ‘‘I have seen this day dedicated to the study of the Revolu- ers. This was something that was what I shall never forget. Till now, I tion. It is particularly named for the passed from Potts and his wife. They have thought that a Christian and a Roman General Cincinnatus who had told it, and they retold it. soldier were characters incompatible; come from the farm, won a great cam- It had an incredible impact on this but if George Washington be not a man paign, and went back to the farm. strong, Christian Quaker, because he George Washington, it is very clear, was totally against the Revolution. He of God, I am mistaken, and still more could have been emperor or czar, what- thought it was a disastrous mistake. shall I be disappointed if God do not ever title he wanted. There were at He felt like no one who was a Christian through him perform some great thing least a couple efforts to have a mili- could participate in a revolution, in for this country.’’ So Isaac Potts was talking about a tary coup when the government was any kind of military operation. man known since 1755 in the French falling apart. But there was fake news back in and Indian War for his relentless cour- Washington replied to one effort. those days, too. There was a biographer age, his leadership, and his faith. As he They told him he didn’t even have to in the early 1800s who was trying to said of a battle of the French and In- participate in the coup. They would disprove that George Washington was a dian War: even agree, when he didn’t want to man of faith, a Christian. serve or passed away, that they would Peter Lillback in his big, wonderful That night when I took off my coat, I had book regarding George Washington bullet holes through and through my coat, honor whomever he chose as his subor- but I had not a scratch on me. I took off my dinate. Basically, his response was: If takes on all of that fake news back in hat, and it had bullet holes through it. the day. That includes the early biog- you have any regard for me or this Na- But he shook out his hair. Fragments rapher’s account that everyone had tion, you will never mention such a no- flew everywhere. tion to anyone again. heard the story about Isaac Potts. But He said: Truly, I was protected by di- What an incredible man George he said that, in essence, he had talked vine providence. Washington was. He was a man of to witnesses or people who thought it And he truly was. honor and a man of integrity. His word actually may not have ever happened. Indians referred to him from that was his bond. Kind of like news today, you don’t battle as the man God would not let That is why, for example, when he talk to the people who were actual wit- die. found out about Benedict Arnold, a nesses. You talk to people who don’t He was such a man of honor and in- man who was really the hero of the know firsthand anything. All they tegrity that set this country on a path Battle of Saratoga—it wasn’t General know is hearsay, and they just happen to freedom and into being a light on Gates; it was really Benedict Arnold— to support your particular position. the hilltop. he couldn’t believe it. It just crushed By the way, ‘‘George Washington’s As a former President of the Czech him to his soul that this great leader, Sacred Fire’’ is the name of Peter Republic told me last night here, he Benedict Arnold, had turned on him Lillback’s book. said: America has always been seen, and was ready to surrender him to the That night, Potts came back. We even when we disagreed with it, as that enemy. He just couldn’t believe, as know what was said because it was re- light on the hilltop. It was a beacon. It such an incredible person of honor, peated over and over again by Isaac was showing the way for truth. that somebody he trusted would be Potts and by his wife. His grand- He said: You don’t have that light on such a traitor. daughter reduced it to writing. He said the hill here anymore. We had a service in what was the that Washington prayed out loud, and We can get it back. But Washington, largest Christian church in Washington in his prayer, and this is quoting, ‘‘He of course, in his ‘‘Farewell Address’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.078 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9147 warned about the dangers of political I said some months back—and was sider confirming the Supreme Court parties. He encouraged us not to use actually accurately quoted—when I nomination of a lame-duck President them and not to have them. But we said the only thing Orwell appears to . . . in an election year. have. have gotten wrong was the date. It ‘‘Rejecting Kavanaugh proved a hard task, given that he had a long record of b 1745 wasn’t 1984. Instead of the eye in our homes watching for the government, judicial opinions and writings—and As I think about things that I was they do it through our phones; they do there was nothing much in them that told by Africans in West Africa, what it through our computers. They can do would indicate anything but a sharp the former President of the Czech Re- it through listening devices. mind, much less any ideological, ra- public said last night, and so many Of course, what did we do on the cial, or sexual intolerance. His personal comments in so many parts of the House floor yesterday? We voted to life was impeccable, his family admi- world about even when they disagreed given more power to the Federal Gov- rable. with this, they knew America wanted ernment to get our bank records. With- ‘‘Kavanaugh was no combative Rob- to do what was right. They wanted to out the need of honoring the Fourth ert Bork, but congenial, and he pa- create fairness in the world. Yet, they Amendment, honoring the doctrine, tiently answered all the questions provided hope for people around the the requirement of probable cause, asked of him, despite constant dem- world, like Natan Sharansky talked without a warrant, the government can onstrations and pre-planned street the- about in the Soviet Gulag when he get your bank records. ater interruptions from the Senate gal- heard the courageous comments of It won’t be too difficult to do, as if lery and often obnoxious grandstanding President Reagan. by ‘I am Spartacus’ Democratic Sen- But when political parties, political we needed to add more power to the Patriot Act at a time when we have ators. operatives have more of the character- ‘‘So Kavanaugh was going to be con- istics of the former hero of the Battle seen how weaponized the Department of Justice, the FBI, and, to a lesser ex- firmed unless a bombshell revelation of Saratoga when he became a traitor, derailed the vote. And so we got a more desirous of their own political tent, some of our intel has been weaponized. bombshell.’’ gain, their own personal gain, their He goes on to talk about what has own political power, than just doing They need more power to just dis- regard warrants? Really? happened to Judge Brett Kavanaugh. what is right, this country as we have He, in part, basically has indicated Hanson says: known it as a light on the hill, as so today, still showing class and respect, ‘‘Truth, due process, evidence, rights many countries around the world have that he doesn’t doubt the allegations of the accused: All are swept aside in known us for so long, it won’t be there. by Ms. Ford, but it certainly was not I deeply regret when I hear how some pursuit of the progressive agenda. ‘‘George Orwell’s 1949 dystopian him. of our children have been educated, and But if you look at her testimony, she novel ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ is no you talk to some young people who has no hesitation in pulling out what longer fiction. We are living it right think that socialism is a better way to she claims was an incident 35 years go. They have never been taught that now. ago, maybe it was 34, maybe it was 36. ‘‘Google techies planned to massage socialism, though it sounds lovely, has Maybe it was at a home, maybe it Internet searches to emphasize correct never worked. wasn’t. The only way you can have a social- thinking. A member of the so-called Yet, she regales us with statements ist country is if the government has all deep state, in an anonymous op-ed, like she will never forget these details. the power; the individual has no rights brags that its ‘resistance’ is under- Basically, they have haunted her whole against the government; and the gov- mining an elected President. The FBI, life, even though we had been led to be- ernment takes all, provides all, has CIA, DOJ, and NSC were all weaponized lieve this was some type of repressed complete discretion in what it thinks in 2016 to ensure that the proper Presi- memory that didn’t come out until she is fair and what is not fair. Individual dent would be elected—the choice adju- needed marital counseling and she was rights, as we have been afforded in our dicated by properly progressive ide- trying to save her marriage. Bill of Rights and our Constitution, ology. Wearing a wire is now redefined But there was a time in America have to go, in order to have a socialist as simply flipping on an iPhone and re- when someone who was shown to be a country. cording your boss, boy- or girlfriend, or class person, a true, iconic judge, a It is heartbreaking to hear even peo- coworkers. Justice, would have hesitation by any- ple on this House floor talk about how ‘‘But never has the reality that we one wanting to destroy or assassinate important it is to move on to being a are living in a surreal age been clearer their character. In America, if you are progressive—meaning a socialist, com- than during the strange cycles of going to destroy the reputation of munist country—which basically is a Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations someone who spent a life building an denial of the rights and the limited against Supreme Court nominee Brett excellent reputation as demonstrated power in the Constitution. It is actu- Kavanaugh. by all those who knew him well, then ally a breach of our oath to our Con- ‘‘In Orwell’s world of 1984 Oceania, you would be reluctant to come for- stitution to be pushing such an idea as there is no longer a sense of due proc- ward with a very hazy memory that socialism, communism, or progres- ess, free inquiry, rules of evidence and had all kinds of holes in it. You would sivism, because you can’t have the cross-examination, much less a pre- be reluctant to call names and name rights under our Bill of Rights and sumption of innocence until proven names that you haven’t named for 36 have socialism, progressivism, com- guilty. Instead, regimented ideology— years. munism. the supremacy of state power to con- There was a time when character Back around 1960, 1961, Khrushchev trol all aspects of one’s life to enforce mattered so much. For someone who appointed a committee to come up a fossilized idea of mandated quality— felt an injustice, a terrible thing, had with a plan of how the Soviet Union warps everything from the use of lan- been done to them, they would care so would conveniently move to that nir- guage to private life. deeply and have such sympathy for vana type of state where there was no ‘‘Senator DIANNE FEINSTEIN and the others, wanting to avoid the kind of more government and everyone shared other Democrats on the Senate Judici- heartache they say they had experi- and shared alike. But he eventually re- ary Committee had long sought to de- enced, that they would never want to alized you can never have socialism or stroy the Brett Kavanaugh nomina- falsely accuse anyone with a very communism without a totalitarian tion. Much of their paradoxical furor faulty memory of something decades government that does not afford its over his nomination arises from the before. citizens rights that Americans have boomeranging of their own past polit- That was back, though, at a time had in our history. ical blunders, such as when Democrats when America was that light on the Victor Davis Hanson has a great arti- ended the filibuster on judicial nomi- hill that other national statesmen cle from September 25, entitled: ‘‘We nations in 2013. They also canonized from other countries had seen the Are Living Orwell’s 1984.’’ It is well the so-called 1992 Biden Rule, which United States as being. That was a written, well reasoned. holds that the Senate should not con- time when character mattered.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.079 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9148 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 That was a time when people felt EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, 6369. A letter from the Director, Regu- that our Founders had the right idea. ETC. latory Management Division, Environmental We are not going to be like England Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive cy’s final rule — Air Quality State Imple- and say you are guilty until you can communications were taken from the mentation Plans; Approvals and Promulga- prove yourself innocent. We were not Speaker’s table and referred as follows: tions: Infrastructure Monitoring Require- going to take up such Orwellian stand- 6362. A letter from the Director, Regu- ments for the 2008 Pb, 2010 SO2, 2010 NO2 and ards. latory Management Division, Environmental 2012 PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Under the Founders’ principles, they Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Standards; Utah [EPA-R08-OAR-2018-0388- felt it would be better to let somebody cy’s final rule — National Oil and Hazardous 0001; FRL-9983-73-Region 8] received Sep- guilty go free than to imprison an in- Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; Na- tember 20, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 nocent person. tional Priorities List: Deletion of the White- house Oil Pits Superfund Site [EPA-HQ- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and But things have changed. I think the Commerce. SFUND-1983-0002; FRL-9984-02-Region 4] re- light on the hill is still there. It is 6370. A letter from the Director, Regu- ceived September 20, 2018, pursuant to 5 flickering. It may go out soon. But God latory Management Division, Environmental U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. has given us a chance to rekindle the Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; TN: Re- fire. ergy and Commerce. It won’t be rekindled, and it will be visions to New Source Review [EPA-R04- 6363. A letter from the Director, Regu- OAR-2017-0050; FRL-9984-10-Region 4] re- snuffed out for good if people in this latory Management Division, Environmental ceived September 20, 2018, pursuant to 5 building continue to put partisan poli- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. tics ahead of truth, honor, justice, and cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- decency. of Air Quality Implementation Plans; West ergy and Commerce. Virginia; Regional Haze Plan and Visibility 6371. A letter from the Director, Regu- b 1800 Requirements for the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide and latory Management Division, Environmental the 2012 Fine Particulate Matter Standards Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- So what happens from here is up to [EPA-R03-OAR-2018-0217; EPA-R03-OAR-2014- cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation us. Those of us who are elected to serve 0299; EPA-R03-OAR-2016-0373; FRL-9984-30-Re- of Implementation Plans; Arkansas; Inter- in this government, we can follow the gion 3] received September 20, 2018, pursuant state Transport Requirements for the 2012 track that has been laid in recent days, to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, PM2.5 NAAQS and Definition Update [EPA- or we can say we are going to get back Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on R06-OAR-2017-0435; FRL-9983-35-Region 6] re- to where character matters, people are Energy and Commerce. ceived September 20, 2018, pursuant to 5 6364. A letter from the Director, Regu- innocent until proven guilty, and we U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. latory Management Division, Environmental 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- don’t assassinate characters simply be- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- ergy and Commerce. cause we disagree with them politi- cy’s withdrawal of direct final rule — Re- 6372. A letter from the Director, Regu- cally, so any allegation we make, as moval of EPA Mentor Protege Program latory Management Division, Environmental Ted Kennedy once did of Robert Bork, [EPA-HQ-OARM-2018-0165; FRL-9984-39- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- as Harry Reid did of Mitt Romney—it OARM] received September 20, 2018, pursuant cy’s final rule — Approval of Missouri Air is okay to lie about people if you are to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Quality Implementation Plans; Redesigna- able to prevent them from serving hon- Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on tion of the Missouri Portion of the St. Louis- Energy and Commerce. St. Charles-Farmington, MO-IL 2008 Ozone orably in government. 6365. A letter from the Director, Regu- Area to Attainment [EPA-R07-OAR-2017-0349; We are at a crossroads, and I hope latory Management Division, Environmental FRL-9983-68-Region 7] received September 20, and pray—as Robert Frost was able to Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public say—we can say someday, ‘‘. . . and I cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the took the road less traveled by. And of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Wyo- Committee on Energy and Commerce. that has made all the difference.’’ ming; Incorporation by Reference Updates 6373. A letter from the Director, Regu- [EPA-R08-OAR-2018-0389; FRL-9983-50-Region latory Management Division, Environmental Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- of my time. 8] received September 20, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; Idaho; f 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- Interstate Transport Requirements for the ergy and Commerce. 2012 PM2.5 NAAQS [EPA-R10-OAR-2018-0509; ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED 6366. A letter from the Director, Regu- FRL-9984-29-Region 10] received September 20, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House, latory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to reported and found truly enrolled bills cy’s final rule — Beauveria bassiana strain the Committee on Energy and Commerce. 6374. A letter from the Director, Regu- of the House of the following titles, PPRI 5339; Exemption from the Requirement latory Management Division, Environmental which were thereupon signed by the of a Tolerance [EPA-HQ-OPP-2016-0608; FRL- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Speaker: 9983-67] received September 20, 2018, pursuant cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; Mis- to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, H.R. 46. An act to authorize the Secretary souri; Regional Haze Plan and Prong 4 (Visi- Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on of the Interior to conduct a special resource bility) for the 2012 PM2.5, 2010 NO2, 2010 SO2, Energy and Commerce. study of Fort Ontario in the State of New and 2008 Ozone NAAQS [EPA-R07-OAR-2018- 6367. A letter from the Director, Regu- York. 0211; FRL-9984-22-Region 7] received Sep- latory Management Division, Environmental H.R. 1551. An act to modernize copyright tember 20, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- law, and for other purposes. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 H.R. 2259. An act to amend the Peace Corps cy’s final rule — National Oil and Hazardous Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Act to expand services and benefits for vol- Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; Na- Commerce. unteers, and for other purposes. tional Priorities List: Deletion of the Dorney 6375. A letter from the Director, Regu- H.R. 4958. An act to increase, effective as of Road Landfill Superfund Site [EPA-HQ- latory Management Division, Environmental December 1, 2018, the rates of compensation SFUND-2005-0011; FRL-9984-24-Region 3] re- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- for veterans with service-connected disabil- ceived September 20, 2018, pursuant to 5 cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; North ities and the rates of dependency and indem- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Carolina; Inspection and Maintenance Pro- nity compensation for the survivors of cer- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- gram [EPA-R04-OAR-2018-0020; FRL-9984-23- tain disabled veterans, and for other pur- ergy and Commerce. Region 4] received September 20, 2018, pursu- poses. 6368. A letter from the Director, Regu- ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- latory Management Division, Environmental 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee f Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- on Energy and Commerce. cy’s final rule — National Oil and Hazardous 6376. A letter from the Director, Regu- ADJOURNMENT Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; Na- latory Management Division, Environmental Mr. GOHMERT. Madam Speaker, I tional Priorities List: Deletion of the Union Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- move that the House do now adjourn. Chemical Co., Inc. Superfund Site [EPA-HQ- cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; SC and SFUND-1989-0011; FRL-9983-87-Region 1] re- TN; Regional Haze Plans and Prong 4 (Visi- The motion was agreed to; accord- ceived September 20, 2018, pursuant to 5 bility) for the 2012 PM2.5, 2010 NO2, 2010 SO2, ingly (at 6 o’clock and 1 minute p.m.), U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. and 2008 Ozone NAAQS [EPA-R04-OAR-2018- the House adjourned until tomorrow, 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- 0073; EPA-R04-OAR-2018-0187; FRL-9984-20-Re- Friday, September 28, 2018, at 9 a.m. ergy and Commerce. gion 4] received September 20, 2018, pursuant

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.081 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9149 to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law By Ms. SA´ NCHEZ (for herself, Mr. Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- POCAN, Mr. ELLISON, Mr. TAKANO, Energy and Commerce. mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN, Mr. GRI- 6377. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- ture. JALVA, Mrs. LAWRENCE, Ms. SCHA- ment of the Treasury, transmitting a semi- 6387. A letter from the Management and KOWSKY, Mr. VEASEY, Mrs. NAPOLI- annual report detailing telecommunications- Program Analyst, FAA, Department of TANO, Ms. PINGREE, Mr. CAPUANO, Mr. related payments made to Cuba pursuant to Transportation, transmitting the Depart- ESPAILLAT, Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Department of the Treasury licenses during ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- Mrs. TORRES, Mr. MCNERNEY, Ms. the period from January 1 through June 30, tives; The Boeing Company Airplanes [Dock- NORTON, Mr. NADLER, Mr. TED LIEU of 2018, pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 6004(e)(6); Public et No.: FAA-2018-0273; Product Identifier California, Ms. LEE, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. Law 102-484, Sec. 1705(e)(6) (as amended by 2018-NM-017-AD; Amendment 39-19382; AD COHEN, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, Mr. SMITH of Public Law 104-114, Sec. 102)(g)); (110 Stat. 2018-18-03] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received Sep- Washington, Mr. NOLAN, Mr. LYNCH, 794); to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. tember 24, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Ms. MOORE, Ms. 6378. A letter from the Director, Defense 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Security Cooperation Agency, Department of Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transpor- and Mr. SCOTT of Virginia): Defense, transmitting Transmittal No. 18-34, tation and Infrastructure. H.R. 6929. A bill to improve the retirement pursuant to the reporting requirements of 6388. A letter from the Chief, Publications security of American families by strength- Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue ening Social Security; to the Committee on Act, as amended; to the Committee on For- Service, transmitting the Service’s IRB only Ways and Means, and in addition to the Com- eign Affairs. rule — Safe Harbor Explanations--Eligible mittee on Education and the Workforce, for 6379. A letter from the Director, Defense Rollover Distributions (Notice 2018-74) re- a period to be subsequently determined by Security Cooperation Agency, Department of ceived September 18, 2018, pursuant to 5 the Speaker, in each case for consideration Defense, transmitting Transmittal No. 18-35, U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- pursuant to the reporting requirements of 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on tion of the committee concerned. Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Ways and Means. By Ms. STEFANIK (for herself, Mr. Act, as amended; to the Committee on For- 6389. A letter from the Principal Deputy ZELDIN, Mr. KING of New York, Mr. eign Affairs. Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legis- SUOZZI, Miss RICE of New York, Mr. 6380. A letter from the Director, Defense lative Affairs, Department of Justice, trans- MEEKS, Ms. MENG, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Security Cooperation Agency, Department of mitting the Department’s initial report in Mr. JEFFRIES, Ms. CLARKE of New Defense, transmitting Transmittal No. 18-37, accordance with the Social Security Number York, Mr. NADLER, Mr. DONOVAN, pursuant to the reporting requirements of Fraud Prevention Act of 2017, Public Law Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control 115-59 (Sept. 15, 2017); jointly to the Commit- York, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Mr. CROWLEY, Act, as amended; to the Committee on For- tees on Oversight and Government Reform Mr. SERRANO, Mr. ENGEL, Mrs. eign Affairs. and Ways and Means. LOWEY, Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY 6381. A letter from the Director, Defense 6390. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- of New York, Mr. FASO, Mr. TONKO, Security Cooperation Agency, Department of ment of Veterans Affairs, transmitting a Ms. TENNEY, Mr. REED, Mr. KATKO, Defense, transmitting Transmittal No. 18-36, draft of a bill to authorize a major medical Mr. HIGGINS of New York, and Mr. pursuant to the reporting requirements of facility project for the Department of Vet- COLLINS of New York): Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control erans Affairs for Fiscal Year 2019, and for H.R. 6930. A bill to designate the facility of Act, as amended; to the Committee on For- major facility leases, pursuant to 38 U.S.C. the United States Postal Service located at eign Affairs. 8104(a)(2); jointly to the Committees on Vet- 10 Miller Street in Plattsburgh, New York, 6382. A letter from the Director, Defense erans’ Affairs and Appropriations. as the ‘‘Ross Bouyea Post Office Building’’; Security Cooperation Agency, Department of 6391. A letter from the Board Members, to the Committee on Oversight and Govern- Defense, transmitting Transmittal No. 18-38, Railroad Retirement Board, transmitting ment Reform. pursuant to the reporting requirements of the Board’s budget requests for Fiscal Year By Ms. MOORE (for herself, Mr. COLE, Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control 2020, pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1115(b); Public Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER, Ms. CLARKE Act, as amended; to the Committee on For- Law 111-352, Sec. 3; (124 Stat. 3867) and 45 of New York, Ms. NORTON, Mr. eign Affairs. U.S.C. 231f(f); Aug. 29, 1935, ch. 812, Sec. 7(f) 6383. A letter from the Acting Assistant PAYNE, Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Mr. GRI- (as amended by Public Law 93-445, Sec. 416); Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Department JALVA, Ms. JACKSON LEE, Ms. (97 Stat. 436); jointly to the Committees on of State, transmitting notification that the DELAURO, Mr. KHANNA, Mr. BRADY of Appropriations, Transportation and Infra- Department of State authorized danger pay Pennsylvania, Mrs. WATSON COLE- structure, and Ways and Means. for U.S. Government civilian employees in MAN, and Mr. KING of New York): Managua and Pyongyang, pursuant to 5 f H.R. 6931. A bill to amend the Public U.S.C. 5928 and Sec. 131 of the Department of Health Service Act to improve the health of State Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1984 PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS children and help better understand and en- and 1985 (Public Law 98-164); to the Com- Under clause 2 of rule XII, public hance awareness about unexpected sudden mittee on Foreign Affairs. death in early life; to the Committee on En- bills and resolutions of the following ergy and Commerce. 6384. A letter from the Management and titles were introduced and severally re- Program Analyst, FAA, Department of By Mr. ABRAHAM (for himself, Mr. Transportation, transmitting the Depart- ferred, as follows: DESJARLAIS, Mr. BUCHANAN, Ms. SE- ment’s final rule — Establishment of Class E By Mr. COFFMAN: WELL of Alabama, and Mr. GRAVES of Airspace; Washington Island, WI [Docket H.R. 6926. A bill to provide deferment to Louisiana): No.: FAA-2018-0018; Airspace Docket No.: 17- certain Federal student loan borrowers who H.R. 6932. A bill to amend title XVIII of the AGL-20] (RIN: 2120-AA66) received September are accruing aeronautical experience re- Social Security Act to improve home health 24, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); quired for airline transport pilot certifi- payment reforms under the Medicare pro- Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to cation; to the Committee on Education and gram; to the Committee on Ways and Means, the Committee on Transportation and Infra- the Workforce. and in addition to the Committee on Energy structure. By Mr. BUCK (for himself and Mr. and Commerce, for a period to be subse- 6385. A letter from the Management and COSTA): quently determined by the Speaker, in each Program Analyst, FAA, Department of H.R. 6927. A bill to extend the jurisdiction case for consideration of such provisions as Transportation, transmitting the Depart- of the Commodity Futures Trading Commis- fall within the jurisdiction of the committee ment’s final rule — Establishment of Class E sion to include the setting of reference prices concerned. Airspace; Los Angeles, CA [Docket No.: FAA- for aluminum premiums, and for other pur- By Mr. BRADY of Texas (for himself 2017-1202; Airspace Docket No.: 17-AWP-31] poses; to the Committee on Agriculture. and Mr. NEAL): (RIN: 2120-AA66) received September 24, 2018, By Mr. MCNERNEY: H.R. 6933. A bill to amend title II of the So- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law H.R. 6928. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- cial Security Act to replace the windfall 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- enue Code of 1986 to impose a tax on fossil elimination provision with a formula equal- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- fuels and to use the revenues for economic izing benefits for certain individuals with ture. benefit; to the Committee on Ways and non-covered employment, and for other pur- 6386. A letter from the Management and Means, and in addition to the Committees on poses; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Education and the Workforce, Energy and By Mr. BERA: Transportation, transmitting the Depart- Commerce, Science, Space, and Technology, H.R. 6934. A bill to amend the Richard B. ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- and Transportation and Infrastructure, for a Russell National School Lunch Act to pro- tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: period to be subsequently determined by the vide additional reimbursement to schools FAA-2018-0390; Product Identifier 2017-NM- Speaker, in each case for consideration of with a breakfast after the bell program, and 130-AD; Amendment 39-19397; AD 2018-18-18] such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- for other purposes; to the Committee on (RIN: 2120-AA64) received September 24, 2018, tion of the committee concerned. Education and the Workforce.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L27SE7.000 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9150 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018

By Mr. BERA: H.R. 6946. A bill to establish an Early of New York, Mr. COHEN, Ms. H.R. 6935. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- Learning Challenge Fund to support States DELAURO, Mrs. DINGELL, Mr. cation Act of 1965 to provide for job training in building and strengthening systems of ESPAILLAT, Ms. FRANKEL of Florida, Federal Pell Grants and to increase support high-quality early learning and development Mr. GALLEGO, Mr. GOMEZ, Mr. GRI- for working students; to the Committee on programs, and for other purposes; to the JALVA, Mr. HASTINGS, Ms. JACKSON Education and the Workforce. Committee on Education and the Workforce. LEE, Ms. JAYAPAL, Mr. JOHNSON of By Mr. BERA (for himself, Ms. KUSTER By Mr. HIMES: Georgia, Mr. KHANNA, Ms. KUSTER of of New Hampshire, Mr. CARBAJAL, H.R. 6947. A bill to provide for higher edu- New Hampshire, Mrs. LAWRENCE, Mr. Mr. KILMER, and Mr. MOULTON): cation reform; to the Committee on Edu- LAWSON of Florida, Ms. LEE, Ms. LOF- H.R. 6936. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- cation and the Workforce. GREN, Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of enue Code of 1986 to allows a deduction for By Mr. HOLDING (for himself and Mr. New York, Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALO- health insurance costs of eligible retirees; to MOULTON): NEY of New York, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mr. the Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 6948. A bill to amend title XVIII of the MCGOVERN, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. NADLER, By Mr. BERA (for himself and Ms. Social Security Act to ensure equitable pay- Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Ms. NORTON, Mr. KUSTER of New Hampshire): ment for, and preserve Medicare beneficiary PAYNE, Mr. QUIGLEY, Mr. RASKIN, Mr. H.R. 6937. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- access to, diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals RICHMOND, Mr. RUSH, Mr. RYAN of enue Code of 1986 to improve health savings under the Medicare hospital outpatient pro- Ohio, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. SERRANO, accounts, and for other purposes; to the spective payment system; to the Committee Ms. SEWELL of Alabama, Mr. SIRES, Committee on Ways and Means, and in addi- on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to Mr. SOTO, Ms. TITUS, Mr. TONKO, Mrs. tion to the Committee on Energy and Com- the Committee on Ways and Means, for a pe- TORRES, Mr. VEASEY, Mr. VELA, Ms. merce, for a period to be subsequently deter- riod to be subsequently determined by the VELA´ ZQUEZ, Ms. WASSERMAN mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- Speaker, in each case for consideration of SCHULTZ, Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN, Ms. sideration of such provisions as fall within such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- WILSON of Florida, and Ms. MOORE): the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. tion of the committee concerned. H.R. 6953. A bill to amend subpart 1 of part By Mr. BISHOP of Michigan: By Mr. KINZINGER (for himself, Mr. A of title IV of the Elementary and Sec- H.R. 6938. A bill to reduce the size of the WELCH, Mr. MCKINLEY, and Mr. ondary Education Act of 1965 to provide Federal workforce through attrition, and for TONKO): States with the option of using grant funds H.R. 6949. A bill to amend the Energy Pol- other purposes; to the Committee on Over- to supply menstrual hygiene products to stu- icy and Conservation Act to establish the sight and Government Reform. dents; to the Committee on Education and CHP Technical Assistance Partnership Pro- By Ms. CHENEY: the Workforce. gram, and for other purposes; to the Com- H.R. 6939. A bill to protect and ensure mul- By Mr. NEAL: tiple use and public access to public lands in mittee on Energy and Commerce, and in ad- H.R. 6954. A bill to provide for the carriage Wyoming per the request of the respective dition to the Committee on Science, Space, of certain television broadcast stations, and counties, and for other purposes; to the Com- and Technology, for a period to be subse- for other purposes; to the Committee on En- mittee on Natural Resources. quently determined by the Speaker, in each ergy and Commerce. By Mr. COOK (for himself and Ms. JUDY case for consideration of such provisions as By Mr. PANETTA: CHU of California): fall within the jurisdiction of the committee H.R. 6940. A bill to provide access to and concerned. H.R. 6955. A bill to establish a procedure to manage the distribution of excess or surplus By Mr. LANGEVIN (for himself, Mr. revoke the security clearance of a special counsel appointed by the Attorney General, property to veteran-owned small businesses; COURTNEY, and Mr. CICILLINE): to the Committee on Small Business. H.R. 6950. A bill to amend the Wild and and for other purposes; to the Committee on By Mr. CRIST (for himself and Mr. Scenic Rivers Act to designate certain river Oversight and Government Reform, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, MULLIN): segments within the Wood-Pawcatuck water- H.R. 6941. A bill to extend the authority of shed as components of the National Wild and for a period to be subsequently determined the Secretary of Veterans Affairs regarding Scenic Rivers System, and for other pur- by the Speaker, in each case for consider- presumptions of service connection for dis- poses; to the Committee on Natural Re- ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- eases associated with exposure to herbicide sources. risdiction of the committee concerned. agents, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Mrs. LAWRENCE (for herself, Mr. By Mr. PETERS (for himself, Mr. mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. QUIGLEY, Ms. MOORE, Ms. JACKSON BACON, Mr. VALADAO, Mr. KILMER, ELCH RIST ANETTA By Ms. DELAURO: LEE, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mrs. WATSON Mr. W , Mr. C , Mr. P , H.R. 6942. A bill to authorize the Attorney COLEMAN, Ms. NORTON, Mrs. BUSTOS, Ms. BONAMICI, Mr. AGUILAR, Mr. General to make grants to States to provide Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania, Ms. LEE, SCOTT of Virginia, Mr. EVANS, Ms. the right to counsel in civil actions related Ms. JAYAPAL, Ms. WASSERMAN TSONGAS, Mr. BEYER, Mr. LAWSON of to eviction, and for other purposes; to the SCHULTZ, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, Mr. Florida, Mr. VEASEY, Mr. DEUTCH, Committee on the Judiciary. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsylvania, and Mr. KHANNA): By Mrs. DINGELL: Ms. CASTOR of Florida, Mr. MOULTON, H.R. 6956. A bill to permit the office of a H.R. 6943. A bill to permit the Federal Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. JEFFRIES, Mrs. Member of the House of Representatives to Trade Commission to implement and enforce BEATTY, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON employ up to 4 paid interns under the office’s the Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and of Texas, Mr. RUSH, Mr. JOHNSON of Members’ Representational Allowance with- Abuse Prevention Act with respect to cer- Georgia, Mr. PAYNE, Mrs. DEMINGS, out affecting the number of other employees tain common carriers, and for other pur- Ms. SEWELL of Alabama, Mr. DANNY whom the office may employ under such Al- poses; to the Committee on Energy and Com- K. DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. lowance; to the Committee on House Admin- merce. BUTTERFIELD, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. HAS- istration. By Mr. HECK (for himself, Mr. KILMER, TINGS, Mr. LAWSON of Florida, Ms. By Mr. ROKITA (for himself, Mr. LIPIN- Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. PETERS, Mr. KELLY of Illinois, Mr. VEASEY, Mr. AL SKI, Mr. PETERSON, Mr. RUSSELL, and SMITH of Washington, Ms. MOORE, Mr. GREEN of Texas, Ms. MAXINE WATERS Mr. ABRAHAM): BLUMENAUER, Mr. POCAN, and Mr. of California, Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, H.R. 6957. A bill to address the need for CARTWRIGHT): Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Mr. THOMPSON pilot development and encourage more indi- H.R. 6944. A bill to establish centers of ex- of Mississippi, Mr. CLAY, Ms. ADAMS, viduals to enter the field of aviation, and for cellence for innovative stormwater control Ms. FUDGE, Ms. CLARKE of New York, other purposes; to the Committee on Trans- infrastructure, and for other purposes; to the Ms. BASS, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Ms. portation and Infrastructure, and in addition Committee on Transportation and Infra- HANABUSA, Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Ms. to the Committee on Natural Resources, for structure, and in addition to the Committee ROYBAL-ALLARD, and Ms. LOFGREN): a period to be subsequently determined by on Science, Space, and Technology, for a pe- H.R. 6951. A bill to amend the Safe Drink- the Speaker, in each case for consideration riod to be subsequently determined by the ing Water Act to address lead contamination of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- Speaker, in each case for consideration of in school drinking water; to the Committee tion of the committee concerned. such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- on Energy and Commerce. By Mr. FRANCIS ROONEY of Florida tion of the committee concerned. By Mrs. LOWEY: (for himself and Mr. WELCH): By Mr. HIMES (for himself, Ms. ESTY H.R. 6952. A bill to amend title II of the So- H.R. 6958. A bill to provide for a study and of Connecticut, and Mr. LARSON of cial Security Act to credit prospectively in- report on the feasibility of basing reimburse- Connecticut): dividuals serving as caregivers of dependent ment rates for Medicare part B drugs and H.R. 6945. A bill to establish a competitive relatives with deemed wages for up to five covered part D drugs on the average prices grant program assisting the development of years of such service; to the Committee on for such drugs in the member-states of the innovative early learning curricula for low- Ways and Means. Organization for Economic Cooperation and income children; to the Committee on Edu- By Ms. MENG (for herself, Ms. ADAMS, Development; to the Committee on Energy cation and the Workforce. Ms. BASS, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Ms. JUDY and Commerce, and in addition to the Com- By Mr. HIMES (for himself, Mr. CON- CHU of California, Mr. CICILLINE, Ms. mittee on Ways and Means, for a period to be NOLLY, and Mr. POLIS): CLARK of Massachusetts, Ms. CLARKE subsequently determined by the Speaker, in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L27SE7.100 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9151 each case for consideration of such provi- tenced to seven years imprisonment after in- H. Res. 1097. A resolution supporting re- sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the vestigating attacks against civilians by Bur- sponsible middle class tax cuts; to the Com- committee concerned. ma’s military and security forces, and for mittee on Ways and Means, and in addition By Mr. RUIZ (for himself and Mr. other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, WENSTRUP): Affairs. for a period to be subsequently determined H.R. 6959. A bill to direct the Secretary of By Mr. BURGESS (for himself, Mr. by the Speaker, in each case for consider- Veterans Affairs to take actions necessary to MCCLINTOCK, Mr. WEBER of Texas, ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- ensure that certain individuals may update Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana, and Mr. risdiction of the committee concerned. the burn pit registry with a registered indi- KING of Iowa): By Mr. RUSH (for himself, Mr. vidual’s cause of death, and for other pur- H. Res. 1092. A resolution expressing the GUTIE´ RREZ, Mr. SHIMKUS, Mr. ROS- poses; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- sense of the House of Representatives that KAM, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, fairs. the President should redirect and target for- Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. LIPINSKI, Mr. By Mr. SCHIFF (for himself, Mrs. eign assistance provided to El Salvador, Gua- QUIGLEY, Mr. FOSTER, Mr. HULTGREN, NAPOLITANO, Mrs. TORRES, Ms. JACK- temala, and Honduras in a manner that ad- Mr. KINZINGER, Mrs. BUSTOS, Mr. dresses the driving causes of illegal immigra- SON LEE, Ms. CLARKE of New York, RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois, Ms. KELLY tion into the United States from such coun- Mr. PAYNE, Mr. VELA, Ms. HANABUSA, of Illinois, Mr. BOST, Mr. LAHOOD, tries, and for other purposes; to the Com- Ms. LOFGREN, and Mr. GRIJALVA): Mr. SCHNEIDER, and Mr. mittee on Foreign Affairs. H.R. 6960. A bill to provide for a grant pro- KRISHNAMOORTHI): gram to support access to free eye care serv- By Ms. BASS (for herself, Mr. MARINO, H. Res. 1098. A resolution recognizing and ices for students attending public elemen- Mr. LANGEVIN, Mrs. BLACK, Mrs. LAW- commemorating the bicentennial of the tary schools and secondary schools; to the RENCE, Mr. BACON, Mr. MITCHELL, Mr. State of Illinois; to the Committee on Over- Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, Ms. sight and Government Reform. ADAMS, Mrs. BEATTY, Mr. BISHOP of addition to the Committee on Education and f the Workforce, for a period to be subse- Georgia, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, Ms. quently determined by the Speaker, in each JUDY CHU of California, Ms. CLARK of CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY case for consideration of such provisions as Massachusetts, Ms. CLARKE of New STATEMENT York, Mr. CORREA, Ms. DELAURO, Mr. fall within the jurisdiction of the committee Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of concerned. ENGEL, Ms. FUDGE, Mrs. HARTZLER, By Ms. SINEMA (for herself, Mr. Mr. HASTINGS, Ms. NORTON, Ms. JACK- the Rules of the House of Representa- SON LEE, Ms. JAYAPAL, Mr. JEFFRIES, GOSAR, and Mr. GRIJALVA): tives, the following statements are sub- H.R. 6961. A bill to direct the Secretary of Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. mitted regarding the specific powers Agriculture to carry out a grant program to KEATING, Ms. LEE, Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. granted to Congress in the Constitu- LOWENTHAL, Ms. MOORE, Mr. RUSH, award grants to qualified partnerships to re- tion to enact the accompanying bill or Mr. TAKANO, Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN, move non-native plant species that con- joint resolution. tribute to drought conditions, and for other Ms. WILSON of Florida, Mr. CRIST, Ms. ´ purposes; to the Committee on Agriculture. MATSUI, Ms. BARRAGAN, Mr. MCGOV- By Mr. COFFMAN: ERN, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Ms. EDDIE H.R. 6926. By Mr. SMITH of Washington: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6962. A bill to amend title II of the So- BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. STIV- ERS, Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER, Ms. lation pursuant to the following: cial Security Act to expand the exception to Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 the windfall elimination provision based on WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mr. RICHMOND, Mr. CLEAVER, Ms. BORDALLO, and Ms. By Mr. BUCK: years of coverage; to the Committee on Ways H.R. 6927. and Means. HANABUSA): H. Res. 1093. A resolution expressing sup- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. TIPTON: port for the designation of September 2018 as lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6963. A bill to amend title 38, United Article I, Section VIII of the United States States Code, to expand the eligibility of low- ‘‘National Kinship Care Month’’; to the Com- mittee on Ways and Means. Constitution. income veterans to receive dental care; to By Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania (for By Mr. MCNERNEY: the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. himself, Mr. GALLEGO, and Mr. YOUNG H.R. 6928. By Mr. SESSIONS (for himself, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- of Alaska): ASO, Mr. COLE, Mr. BACON, Ms. F H. Res. 1094. A resolution commemorating lation pursuant to the following: GRANGER, Mr. HILL, Mr. AMODEI, Mr. the 100th anniversary of the Armistice Article I, section 8 of the Constitution of BYRNE, Mr. GIANFORTE, Mr. LANCE, Agreement, the 100th anniversary of the re- the United States grants Congress the au- Mr. MITCHELL, Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, thority to enact this bill. turn of the Unknown Soldier, and the 100th ´ Mr. POE of Texas, Mr. BISHOP of anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown By Ms. SANCHEZ: Michigan, Ms. TENNEY, Mr. OLSON, Soldier; to the Committee on Armed Serv- H.R. 6929. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. BUCK, Mr. MEADOWS, and Mr. ices. lation pursuant to the following: CRAMER): By Ms. DELAURO (for herself, Mr. H. Res. 1089. A resolution expressing the Under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitu- DUFFY, Mrs. DINGELL, Ms. sense of the House of Representatives that a tion, Congress has the power ‘‘to make all WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mrs. COMSTOCK, replacement for the Patient Protection and Laws which shall be necessary and proper for Mr. LARSON of Connecticut, Mr. Affordable Care Act should have certain fea- carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- VELA, Mrs. MIMI WALTERS of Cali- tures; to the Committee on Energy and Com- ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- fornia, Ms. BASS, Mr. MEEKS, Ms. merce. stitution in the Government of the United BORDALLO, Mrs. LAWRENCE, Ms. By Mr. REED (for himself, Mr. States, or any Department or Officer there- MENG, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. CARBAJAL, GOTTHEIMER, Mr. BERA, Mr. COFFMAN, of’’. Mr. FITZPATRICK, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mr. Mr. CURBELO of Florida, Ms. ESTY of By Ms. STEFANIK: AL GREEN of Texas, Mrs. BUSTOS, Mr. Connecticut, Mr. FASO, Mr. H.R. 6930. COHEN, Ms. MOORE, Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. GALLAGHER, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- GRIJALVA, Mr. LIPINSKI, Mr. RASKIN, GONZALEZ of Texas, Mr. KILMER, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: Mr. HASTINGS, Ms. CASTOR of Florida, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7: To establish LANCE, Mr. LIPINSKI, Mrs. MURPHY of and Mr. RENACCI): Post Offices and post Roads Florida, Mr. PETERS, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. H. Res. 1095. A resolution expressing sup- By Ms. MOORE: SCHRADER, Ms. SINEMA, Mr. TROTT, port for the designation of September 2018 as H.R. 6931. Mr. UPTON, Mr. BISHOP of Michigan, National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month; Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. SUOZZI, Mr. WELCH, Mr. NOLAN, to the Committee on Oversight and Govern- lation pursuant to the following: Mr. SMUCKER, Mr. CARBAJAL, Mr. ment Reform. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution COOPER, Mr. O’HALLERAN, Mr. HIMES, By Mr. GROTHMAN: By Mr. ABRAHAM: and Mr. SOTO): H. Res. 1096. A resolution expressing the H.R. 6932. H. Res. 1090. A resolution expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Congress has the power to enact this legis- sense of the House of Representatives to en- the integrity of Medicare should be pre- lation pursuant to the following: courage consensus and increase account- served by maintaining the current eligibility Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution of ability and transparency, and for other pur- age of 65; to the Committee on Ways and the United States. poses; to the Committee on Rules. Means, and in addition to the Committee on By Mr. BRADY of Texas: By Mr. CHABOT (for himself, Mr. Energy and Commerce, for a period to be H.R. 6933. ENGEL, Mr. ROYCE of California, Mr. subsequently determined by the Speaker, in Congress has the power to enact this legis- SCHIFF, Mr. YOHO, Mr. SHERMAN, Mrs. each case for consideration of such provi- lation pursuant to the following: COMSTOCK, and Mr. CROWLEY): sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the Clause 1 of section 8 of article I of the Con- H. Res. 1091. A resolution calling on the committee concerned. stitution, to ‘‘provide for the common de- Government of Burma to release Burmese By Ms. ROSEN (for herself, Mr. POLIS, fense and general welfare of the United journalists and sen- and Ms. SHEA-PORTER): States.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L27SE7.100 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9152 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 By Mr. BERA: By Mr. HOLDING: Article I, Section 8 H.R. 6934. H.R. 6948. By Mr. SMITH of Washington: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6962. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8 Article 1, Section 8 lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. BERA: By Mr. KINZINGER: Article I Section 8 of the Constitution H.R. 6935. H.R. 6949. By Mr. TIPTON: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6963. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8 Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the Con- lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. BERA: stitution section 8 of article I of the Constitution H.R. 6936. By Mr. LANGEVIN: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6950. f lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article 1, Section 8 lation pursuant to the following: ADDITIONAL SPONSORS By Mr. BERA: Article I, section 8, Clause 1 and Article Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 6937. IV, section 3 were added to public bills and resolu- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mrs. LAWRENCE: tions, as follows: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6951. Article 1, Section 8 Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 334: Mr. HUFFMAN. By Mr. BISHOP of Michigan: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 947: Mr. RICHMOND. H.R. 6938. Article I, Section 8, Clause 18: To make all H.R. 1006: Mr. BLUMENAUER. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Laws which shall be necessary and proper for H.R. 1268: Mr. FORTENBERRY. lation pursuant to the following: carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- H.R. 1270: Mr. KIND, Ms. CLARK of Massa- Article I, Section VIII & Article I, Section ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- chusetts, and Mr. CALVERT. IX stitution in the Government of the United H.R. 1291: Mr. HECK. By Ms. CHENEY: States, or in any Department or Officer H.R. 1298: Mr. TIPTON. H.R. 6939. thereof. H.R. 1300: Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mrs. LOWEY: H.R. 1456: Mr. PASCRELL. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6952. H.R. 2044: Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2 of the U.S. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2051: Mr. BERA. Constitution lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2070: Mr. VELA. By Mr. COOK: Article 1. H.R. 2077: Mr. DONOVAN, Ms. HANABUSA, and H.R. 6940. By Ms. MENG: Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of New Mex- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6953. ico. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2315: Ms. DELBENE, Mr. THOMPSON of Article I, Section 8 lation pursuant to the following: Pennsylvania, Mr. REED, and Mr. MITCHELL. By Mr. CRIST: Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- H.R. 2358: Ms. PELOSI and Mr. VISCLOSKY. H.R. 6941. tion H.R. 2417: Mr. DESAULNIER. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. NEAL: H.R. 2472: Mr. LANCE. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6954. H.R. 2587: Ms. SHEA-PORTER and Mr. TIP- The constitutional authority of Congress Congress has the power to enact this legis- TON. to enact this legislation is provided by Arti- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2651: Ms. CASTOR of Florida. cle I, Section 8 of the United States Con- The constitutional authority on which this H.R. 2735: Ms. DELBENE. stitution. bill rests is in the power of Congress to make H.R. 2754: Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of New Mex- By Ms. DELAURO: all laws necessary and proper for carrying ico. H.R. 6942. into Execution of foregoing Powers as enu- H.R. 2777: Mr. VELA. Congress has the power to enact this legis- merated in Article I, Section 8. H.R. 2790: Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. PANETTA: H.R. 2820: Mr. CASTRO of Texas and Mr. This bill is enacted pursuant to the power H.R. 6955. WENSTRUP. granted to Congress under Article I of the Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2902: Ms. ESHOO. United States Constitution and its subse- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2953: Mr. DUFFY and Mr. SCHIFF. quent amendments, and further clarified and Article I, Section 8, clause 18 H.R. 3124: Mr. YODER. interpreted by the Supreme Court of the By Mr. PETERS: H.R. 3145: Mr. SOTO. United States. H.R. 6956. H.R. 3239: Mr. UPTON. By Mrs. DINGELL: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3325: Mr. LAHOOD, Mr. LAMALFA, and H.R. 6943. lation pursuant to the following: Mr. LOBIONDO. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8. H.R. 3520: Mr. DEFAZIO and Mr. LAWSON of lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. ROKITA: Florida. Article 1 section 8 H.R. 6957. H.R. 3773: Mr. VELA. By Mr. HECK: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3981: Mr. KENNEDY. H.R. 6944. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4094: Mr. MCEACHIN. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 3. lation pursuant to the following: ‘‘The Congress shall have power to regu- H.R. 4099: Mr. CURTIS. Article I, Section VIII late Commerce.’’ H.R. 4107: Mr. BACON, Ms. MOORE, Mr. By Mr. HIMES: By Mr. FRANCIS ROONEY of Florida: KINZINGER, Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania, Mr. H.R. 6945. H.R. 6958. MARINO, Mr. JEFFRIES, Mrs. MURPHY of Flor- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- ida, Mr. CHABOT, Mr. PEARCE, Mr. LEWIS of lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: Minnesota, Mr. COOPER, Mr. STEWART, Mrs. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United Article 1 Section 8 HARTZLER, Mr. MEADOWS, Mrs. BLACK, Mr. States Constitution, as this legislation pro- By Mr. RUIZ: KIHUEN, Mr. LAHOOD, Mr. PETERSON, Mr. vides for the general welfare of the United H.R. 6959. DUNN, and Mr. LOBIONDO. States. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4122: Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. By Mr. HIMES: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4250: Mr. KILMER. H.R. 6946. Article I, section 8, Clauses 1 and 18 of the H.R. 4518: Mr. LIPINSKI. Congress has the power to enact this legis- United States Constitution, to provide for H.R. 4556: Mr. KHANNA and Mr. GRIJALVA. lation pursuant to the following: the general welfare and make all laws nec- H.R. 4591: Mr. PERRY. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United essary and proper to carry out the powers of H.R. 4691: Mr. HUFFMAN, Ms. SHEA-PORTER, States Constitution, as this legislation pro- Congress. Ms. STEFANIK, Mr. SCHNEIDER, Ms. TITUS, Mr. vides for the general welfare of the United By Mr. SCHIFF: KATKO, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, Ms. MENG, Mr. States. H.R. 6960. SOTO, Mr. NORCROSS, and Ms. CLARKE of New By Mr. HIMES: Congress has the power to enact this legis- York. H.R. 6947. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4775: Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 5115: Ms. BASS and Ms. HERRERA lation pursuant to the following: Constitution. BEUTLER. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United By Ms. SINEMA: H.R. 5132: Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia and States Constitution, as this legislation pro- H.R. 6961. Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. vides for the general welfare of the United Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 5282: Ms. SHEA-PORTER. States. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 5306: Mr. TIPTON and Mr. BURGESS.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:24 Dec 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD18\SEPTEMBER\H27SE8.REC H27SE8 abonner on DSKBCJ7HB2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9153

H.R. 5308: Mr. SCHNEIDER and Mr. H.R. 6224: Mr. GALLEGO. H.R. 6901: Mrs. LAWRENCE. HULTGREN. H.R. 6251: Mr. KIND. H.R. 6910: Mr. BRADY of Texas, Mr. OLSON, H.R. 5358: Mrs. HANDEL, Mr. UPTON, and Mr. H.R. 6269: Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI. and Mr. WEBER of Texas. RUTHERFORD. H.R. 6272: Mr. GIANFORTE. H.J. Res. 140: Mrs. NAPOLITANO and Mr. H.R. 6288: Mr. LIPINSKI. H.R. 5374: Mr. CORREA. HUFFMAN. H.R. 5409: Mr. SARBANES. H.R. 6406: Mr. KATKO. H. Con. Res. 138: Mr. PALLONE, Mr. H.R. 5476: Mr. O’ROURKE. H.R. 6417: Mr. FLORES. GARAMENDI, Ms. SPEIER, and Ms. LOFGREN. H.R. 5499: Mr. SCHNEIDER, Mr. THOMAS J. H.R. 6421: Mr. BISHOP of Michigan. ROONEY of Florida, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. BABIN, H.R. 6469: Mr. DELANEY. H. Con. Res. 140: Mr. MAST, Mr. COOK, and Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mr. MCCAUL, Ms. H.R. 6503: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. STIVERS. HERRERA BEUTLER, Mr. HIGGINS of Louisiana, H.R. 6505: Ms. MATSUI and Mrs. WATSON H. Res. 199: Mr. TROTT. Mr. SIMPSON, Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. HARPER, COLEMAN. H. Res. 910: Mr. COOK, Ms. LEE, and Mr. and Mr. SMITH of Washington. H.R. 6510: Mr. THOMPSON of California, Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. H.R. 5533: Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Penn- KEATING, Mr. CLEAVER, and Mr. BISHOP of H. Res. 931: Mr. PERRY. sylvania, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, Mr. KILDEE, Mr. Michigan. H. Res. 932: Mr. WOODALL. PRICE of North Carolina, Mr. H.R. 6517: Mr. BERA. H. Res. 993: Mr. TURNER, Ms. ROS- KRISHNAMOORTHI, Mr. VARGAS, Ms. CLARK of H.R. 6614: Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. LEHTINEN, Mrs. LOVE, and Mr. SHIMKUS. Massachusetts, Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, H.R. 6639: Mrs. WALORSKI. H. Res. 1006: Mr. TED LIEU of California, Mr. MEEKS, Ms. TITUS, Mr. MICHAEL F. H.R. 6651: Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. REICHERT, Mr. Mr. PERRY, and Mr. GARRETT. DOYLE of Pennsylvania, Mr. AGUILAR, Mrs. CICILLINE, and Mr. MCCAUL. H. Res. 1034: Mr. SHIMKUS, Mr. WITTMAN, DINGELL, Mrs. DEMINGS, Mr. EVANS, Ms. H.R. 6653: Mr. MESSER. Mr. BUDD, Ms. HANABUSA, Mr. LANCE, Ms. FUDGE, Ms. KAPTUR, Mr. THOMPSON of Mis- H.R. 6664: Mr. BARTON. JENKINS of Kansas, Mr. LEWIS of Minnesota, sissippi, and Mr. LANGEVIN. H.R. 6713: Mr. SOTO and Mr. KNIGHT. H.R. 5588: Mr. COSTA, Mr. KHANNA, Mr. H.R. 6734: Mr. STIVERS, Mr. GARAMENDI, and Mrs. LESKO. VARGAS, Mr. TED LIEU of California, Ms. and Mr. BACON. H. Res. 1035: Mr. OLSON, Mr. GENE GREEN of BARRAGA´ N, Mr. MCNERNEY, Mr. SCHIFF, Mrs. H.R. 6747: Mr. RENACCI and Mr. MAC- Texas, and Mr. LOBIONDO. TORRES, and Mr. GOMEZ. ARTHUR. H. Res. 1052: Mr. TED LIEU of California. H.R. 5621: Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of H.R. 6774: Mrs. HARTZLER. H. Res. 1057: Ms. MCCOLLUM. H.R. 6775: Ms. LOFGREN. New Mexico and Mr. OLSON. H. Res. 1058: Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. LARSON of H.R. 6793: Mr. ROSKAM, Mr. BOST, Mr. H.R. 5690: Mr. PETERS. Connecticut, Ms. CASTOR of Florida, Mr. ´ ´ KINZINGER, and Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. H.R. 5706: Miss GONZALEZ-COLON of Puerto SWALWELL of California, Mr. RASKIN, Mr. H.R. 6824: Mr. BANKS of Indiana. Rico. DOGGETT, Ms. GABBARD, Mr. PERLMUTTER, H.R. 6855: Mr. CICILLINE and Ms. BLUNT H.R. 5858: Mr. WITTMAN. Ms. HANABUSA, Miss RICE of New York, Ms. ROCHESTER. H.R. 5881: Mr. MCKINLEY. MAXINE WATERS of California, and Mr. HECK. H.R. 5965: Ms. LOFGREN and Mr. NADLER. H.R. 6869: Ms. STEFANIK, Mr. KIND, and Mr. H. Res. 1062: Mr. MCGOVERN and Mr. TED H.R. 6033: Mr. VELA, Mr. CAPUANO, Mrs. DEFAZIO. LIEU of California. BUSTOS, Mr. CORREA, Mr. VEASEY, Ms. WIL- H.R. 6873: Mr. POCAN. SON of Florida, Ms. MOORE, and Mr. H.R. 6876: Mr. BROWN of Maryland, Mr. H. Res. 1068: Mr. HECK, Ms. JAYAPAL, Ms. KRISHNAMOORTHI. GONZALEZ of Texas, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. MAXINE WATERS of California, Mr. H.R. 6080: Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. ESPAILLAT, and Mr. DESAULNIER. GARAMENDI, Mr. PERLMUTTER, Ms. BROWNLEY H.R. 6114: Mr. VELA, Mr. KHANNA, Mr. H.R. 6886: Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. of California, Mr. CRIST, Ms. CLARKE of New AGUILAR, Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois, Mrs. H.R. 6893: Mr. CUMMINGS. York, Mr. ELLISON, and Mrs. LAWRENCE. LOWEY, and Mr. KATKO. H.R. 6898: Mr. FITZPATRICK and Ms. H. Res. 1073: Mr. KENNEDY. H.R. 6207: Ms. MCCOLLUM. STEFANIK. H. Res. 1075: Mr. MACARTHUR.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.027 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2018 No. 160 Senate The Senate met at 12 noon and was Mrs. FISCHER thereupon assumed The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. called to order by the Honorable DEB the Chair as Acting President pro tem- YOUNG). Are there any other Senators FISCHER, a Senator from the State of pore. in the Chamber desiring to vote? Nebraska. f The result was announced—yeas 98, nays 1, as follows: f RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME PRAYER [Rollcall Vote No. 218 Ex.] The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- YEAS—98 The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- pore. Alexander Gardner Murphy fered the following prayer: Under the previous order, the leader- Baldwin Gillibrand Murray Let us pray. ship time is reserved. Barrasso Graham Nelson Sovereign Lord, through all the gen- Bennet Grassley f Perdue erations, You have been our refuge and Blumenthal Harris Peters strength. You are without beginning or CONCLUSION OF MORNING Blunt Hassan Portman Booker Hatch end. BUSINESS Reed Boozman Heinrich Risch Lord, how fleeting are life’s seasons. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Brown Heitkamp Roberts We disappear like grass that springs up pore. Morning business is closed. Burr Heller Rounds in the morning but by evening has Cantwell Hirono Rubio Capito Hoeven f Sanders begun to wither. Guide our lawmakers Cardin Hyde-Smith Sasse as they seek to confront the problems EXECUTIVE SESSION Carper Inhofe Schatz Casey Isakson of our time with Your solutions. Give Schumer Cassidy Johnson them stability and serenity as they Scott EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Collins Jones strive to accomplish Your purposes. Coons Kaine Shaheen Help them to see their legislative work The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Corker Kennedy Shelby Cornyn King Smith as a divine calling and mission. pore. Under the previous order, the Stabenow We pray in Your sacred Name. Amen. Cortez Masto Klobuchar Senate will proceed to executive ses- Cotton Kyl Tester f sion for consideration of the following Crapo Lankford Thune Cruz Leahy Tillis PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE nomination which the clerk will re- port. Daines Lee Toomey The Presiding Officer led the Pledge Donnelly Manchin Udall The senior assistant legislative clerk Duckworth Markey Van Hollen of Allegiance, as follows: read the nomination of Lisa Porter, of Durbin McCaskill Warner I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Virginia, to be a Deputy Under Sec- Enzi McConnell Warren United States of America, and to the Repub- retary of Defense. Ernst Menendez Whitehouse lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Feinstein Merkley Wicker indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Fischer Moran Wyden pore. Under the previous order, the Flake Murkowski Young f time until 12:40 p.m. will be equally di- NAYS—1 APPOINTMENT OF ACTING vided in the usual form. Paul PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Under the previous order, all time is The PRESIDING OFFICER. The expired. NOT VOTING—1 clerk will please read a communication The question is, Will the Senate ad- Sullivan to the Senate from the President pro vise and consent to the Porter nomina- The nomination was confirmed. tempore (Mr. HATCH). tion? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under The senior assistant legislative clerk Mrs. ERNST. I ask for the yeas and the previous order, the motion to re- read the following letter: nays. consider is considered made and laid U.S. SENATE, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- upon the table, and the President will PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, pore. Is there a sufficient second? be immediately notified of the Senate’s Washington, DC, September 27, 2018. There appears to be a sufficient sec- action. To the Senate: ond. The Senator from Oklahoma. Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, The clerk will call the roll. f of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby The senior assistant legislative clerk appoint the Honorable DEB FISCHER, a Sen- called the roll. UNANIMOUS CONSENT ator from the State of Nebraska, to perform AGREEMENT the duties of the Chair. Mr. CORNYN. The following Senator ORRIN G. HATCH, is necessarily absent: the Senator from Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, I ask President pro tempore. Alaska (Mr. SULLIVAN). unanimous consent that the Senate

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:41 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE6.000 S27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S6352 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 27, 2018 stand in recess until 4 p.m. this after- portance and responsibility under title 10, CHAEL J. TROFINOFF, which nominations noon. U.S.C., section 601: were received by the Senate and appeared in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without To be lieutenant general the Congressional Record of September 6, 2018. objection, it is so ordered. Maj. Gen. James E. Rainey PN2486 ARMY nomination of Christopher f IN THE AIR FORCE G. Hossfeld, which was received by the Sen- The following named officer for appoint- ate and appeared in the Congressional RECESS ment in the United States Air Force to the Record of September 6, 2018. Thereupon, the Senate, at 1:13 p.m., grade indicated while assigned to a position PN2487 ARMY nomination of Dejuan E. Giblert, which was received by the Senate recessed until 4 p.m. and reassembled of importance and responsibility under title 10, U.S.C., section 601: and appeared in the Congressional Record of when called to order by the Presiding To be lieutenant general September 6, 2018. Officer (Mr. PERDUE). PN2488 ARMY nominations (41) beginning The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. CAS- Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Sharpy JOHN H. BARKEMEYER, and ending SIDY). The Senator from Georgia. The following named officer for appoint- D014328, which nominations were received by ment in the Reserve of the Air Force to the the Senate and appeared in the Congres- f grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section sional Record of September 6, 2018. PN2489 ARMY nomination of John T. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR 12203: To be brigadier general Winkler, which was received by the Senate Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I ask and appeared in the Congressional Record of Col. David P. Garfield unanimous consent that the Senate September 6, 2018. The following named officer for appoint- proceed to the consideration of Execu- PN2490 ARMY nominations (14) beginning ment in the United States Air Force to the PEDRO O. AGAPAY, III, and ending MARK tive Calendar Nos. 1113 through 1122 grade indicated while assigned to a position A. WHITE, which nominations were received and all nominations placed on the Sec- of importance and responsibility under title by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- retary’s desk in the Air Force, Army, 10, U.S.C., section 601: sional Record of September 6, 2018. Marine Corps, and Navy; that the To be lieutenant general PN2491 ARMY nomination of Jaime D. Bir- mingham, which was received by the Senate nominations be confirmed; that the Maj. Gen. Timothy G. Fay motions to reconsider be considered and appeared in the Congressional Record of IN THE MARINE CORPS September 6, 2018. made and laid upon the table with no The following named officer for appoint- PN2492 ARMY nominations (7) beginning intervening action or debate; that no ment in the United States Marine Corps to JEFF A. BLACKARD, and ending MAT- further motions be in order; that any the grade indicated while assigned to a posi- THEW J. SONGE, which nominations were statements related to the nominations tion of importance and responsibility under received by the Senate and appeared in the be printed in the RECORD; and that the title 10, U.S.C., section 601: Congressional Record of September 6, 2018. President be immediately notified of To be lieutenant general PN2493 ARMY nominations (2) beginning the Senate’s action and the Senate BRIAN J. BURTON, and ending CHRIS- Maj. Gen. George W. Smith, Jr. TOPHER S. WOOTEN, which nominations then resume legislative session. NOMINATIONS PLACED ON THE SECRETARY’S were received by the Senate and appeared in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without DESK the Congressional Record of September 6, objection, it is so ordered. IN THE AIR FORCE 2018. PN2494 ARMY nominations (2) beginning The nominations considered and con- PN1887 AIR FORCE nomination of Ryan J. HUGO I. EHUAN, and ending MICHAEL K. firmed are as follows: Garlow, which was received by the Senate FLURY, which nominations were received by and appeared in the Congressional Record of IN THE AIR FORCE the Senate and appeared in the Congres- April 26, 2018. The following named officers for appoint- sional Record of September 6, 2018. ment in the United States Air Force to the PN2483 AIR FORCE nomination of Thomas PN2515 ARMY nomination of Kurt J. Cyr, grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section T. Swaim, which was received by the Senate which was received by the Senate and ap- 624: and appeared in the Congressional Record of peared in the Congressional Record of Sep- September 6, 2018. To be brigadier general tember 12, 2018. PN2520 AIR FORCE nominations (2) begin- PN2516 ARMY nomination of Brian D. Col. Jeffrey H. Hurlbert ning DANN S. CARLSON, and ending JOSE McManus, which was received by the Senate IN THE NAVY I. RUIZ QUINONES, which nominations were and appeared in the Congressional Record of The following named officer for appoint- received by the Senate and appeared in the September 12, 2018. ment in the United States Navy Reserve to Congressional Record of September 17, 2018. PN2517 ARMY nomination of Edward J. the grade indicated while assigned to a posi- IN THE ARMY Maloney, which was received by the Senate tion of importance and responsibility under PN2036 ARMY nomination of Mac B. Car- and appeared in the Congressional Record of title 10, U.S.C., section 601: ter, which was received by the Senate and September 12, 2018. PN2518 ARMY nomination of Craig S. To be vice admiral appeared in the Congressional Record of May 24, 2018. Gatzemeyer, which was received by the Sen- Rear Adm. Michael J. Dumont PN2200 ARMY nominations (189) beginning ate and appeared in the Congressional The following named officer for appoint- MICHAEL T. ANDERS, and ending D014641, Record of September 12, 2018. PN2521 ARMY nomination of Michael A. ment in the United States Navy to the grade which nominations were received by the Sen- Collins, which was received by the Senate indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: ate and appeared in the Congressional and appeared in the Congressional Record of To be rear admiral (lower half) Record of June 20, 2018. September 17, 2018. Capt. Robert D. Katz PN2201 ARMY nominations (149) beginning PN2522 ARMY nomination of Robert J. MICHAEL J. ADAMSKI, and ending G010241, IN THE AIR FORCE Bernard, which was received by the Senate which nominations were received by the Sen- and appeared in the Congressional Record of The following named officer for appoint- ate and appeared in the Congressional ment in the United States Air Force to the September 17, 2018. Record of June 20, 2018. PN2523 ARMY nominations (31) beginning grade indicated while assigned to a position PN2202 ARMY nominations (119) beginning DEXTER M. BERRY, and ending AGNITA M. of importance and responsibility under title COURTNEY L. ABRAHAM, and ending WILLIAMS, which nominations were re- 10, U.S.C., section 601: D014311, which nominations were received by ceived by the Senate and appeared in the To be lieutenant general the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Congressional Record of September 17, 2018. sional Record of June 20, 2018. Maj. Gen. Michael T. Plehn IN THE MARINE CORPS PN2442 ARMY nomination of Timothy D. IN THE NAVY Vincent, which was received by the Senate PN2463 MARINE CORPS nomination of The following named officer for appoint- and appeared in the Congressional Record of Shawn A. Rickrode, which was received by ment in the United States Navy to the grade August 21, 2018. the Senate and appeared in the Congres- indicated while assigned to a position of im- PN2443 ARMY nomination of Mark J. sional Record of August 27, 2018. portance and responsibility under title 10, Stanalajczo, which was received by the Sen- IN THE NAVY U.S.C., section 601: ate and appeared in the Congressional PN2368 NAVY nominations (5) beginning To be vice admiral Record of August 21, 2018. JAMES K. SHORT, and ending NICHOLAS A. PN2484 ARMY nomination of Eric D. Rear Adm. Timothy G. Szymanski MIDZAK, which nominations were received Barger, winch was received by the Senate by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- IN THE ARMY and appeared in the Congressional Record of sional Record of July 31, 2018. The following named officer for appoint- September 6, 2018. PN2453 NAVY nominations (37) beginning ment in the United States Army to the grade PN2485 ARMY nominations (2) beginning ANDREW P. BESSETTE, and ending STAN- indicated while assigned to a position of im- JOSEPH V. DERMENJIAN, and ending MI- LEY R. WORTHINGTON, which nominations

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:41 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27SE6.003 S27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6353 were received by the Senate and appeared in PN2503 NAVY nominations (25) beginning threw himself headlong into the com- the Congressional Record of August 27, 2018. RACHEL M. ALTHOUSE, and ending JASON plex challenges facing communities in PN2454 NAVY nominations (116) beginning P. TABANAN, which nominations were re- and well beyond his home in Roseburg, MARK A. A. ABADILLA, and ending JOHN ceived by the Senate and appeared in the OR. His abiding love for nature and S. YOHANNAN, which nominations were re- Congressional Record of September 6, 2018. ceived by the Senate and appeared in the PN2504 NAVY nominations (8) beginning healthy watersheds always went hand- Congressional Record of August 27, 2018. SEAN A. BROPHY, and ending JESUS A. in-hand with his deep concern for the PN2455 NAVY nominations (46) beginning URANGA, JR., which nominations were re- well-being of our communities. Jim al- ADAM C. ALIANO, and ending SHARLENA ceived by the Senate and appeared in the ways believed and worked to prove that Y. WILLIAMS, which nominations were re- Congressional Record of September 6, 2018. community health, ecology, and econ- ceived by the Senate and appeared in the PN2505 NAVY nominations (145) beginning omy are inseparable and that, to- Congressional Record of August 27, 2018. CHRISTOPHER M. ANDREWS, and ending PN2456 NAVY nominations (170) beginning gether, we can strengthen all three. JACOB W. ZERCHER, which nominations Jim’s notable success in business WILLIAM A. AGBO, and ending GREGORY were received by the Senate and appeared in A. WOLFLEY, which nominations were re- served merely as a means to an end the Congressional Record of September 6, much bigger than himself. Those that ceived by the Senate and appeared in the 2018. Congressional Record of August 27, 2018. PN2506 NAVY nominations (87) beginning knew him well would agree that he saw PN2457 NAVY nominations (59) beginning EMILY L. ADAMS, and ending JACOB C. his good fortune as a blessing allowing BENJAMIN P. ARCHER, and ending MI- WILLE, which nominations were received by him to expand his ability to do good in CHAEL K. YANG, which nominations were the Senate and appeared in the Congres- the world. Always with humility, al- received by the Senate and appeared in the sional Record of September 6, 2018. ways with deference, always true to his Congressional Record of August 27, 2018. PN2458 NAVY nominations (243) beginning f core values, Jim taught us once again JACOB A. ADAMS, and ending KENNETH E. how to lead by example. ZITNIK, which nominations were received by LEGISLATIVE SESSION Jim and Jane moved to Oregon, to the Senate and appeared in the Congres- the beauty of Crane Creek Ranch, and sional Record of August 27, 2018. exercised their good fortune to make PN2459 NAVY nominations (3) beginning MORNING BUSINESS the world a better place. Through his ALBETRO ALSHABAZZ, and ending BRIAN Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I ask work with the Oregon Community M. WOOD, which nominations were received unanimous consent that the Senate Foundation and service on boards by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- sional Record of August 27, 2018. proceed to a period of morning busi- across the Pacific Northwest—includ- PN2460 NAVY nominations (55) beginning ness, with Senators permitted to speak ing Pacific Rivers Council, Wild Salm- NICHOLAS L. ALANDER, and ending PAT- therein for up to 10 minutes each. on Center, the North Umpqua Founda- RICK D. WILLIAMS, which nominations The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tion, Oregon Public Broadcasting, and were received by the Senate and appeared in objection, it is so ordered. Mercy Medical Center—Jim was tire- the Congressional Record of August 27, 2018. f less in his efforts to maintain healthy PN2461 NAVY nominations (75) beginning forests and rivers and to elevate the MARK ADJEI, and ending DARIAN J. WILD- 107TH NATIONAL DAY FOR THE lives of those around him. ER, which nominations were received by the REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON TAIWAN Senate and appeared in the Congressional Jim’s great love of his family and the Record of August 27, 2018. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, land stood as an inspiration to every- PN2462 NAVY nomination of Julio L. today I wish to honor the people and one around him. While, yes, a giant has Mattos, Jr., which was received by the Sen- leaders of Taiwan on their National fallen, a forest will rise in his place, ate and appeared in the Congressional Day to take place on October 10. The growing from all those whose lives he Record of August 27, 2018. United States and Taiwan have a long has touched with his love, friendship, PN2495 NAVY nominations (39) beginning generosity, wisdom, and lifelong com- DARIN M. ANDREWS, and ending RYAN D. history of friendship that has promoted ZACHAR, which nominations were received prosperity and security on both sides of mitment to building a better future. by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- the Pacific. The U.S.-Taiwan bilateral f sional Record of September 6, 2018. relationship continues to grow based PN2496 NAVY nominations (6) beginning 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE WILD on our shared democratic values and AND SCENIC RIVERS ACT FRANCIS G. COYLE, and ending CHRIS- common strategic interests. I urge my TOPHER J. WRIGHT, which nominations Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, this year colleagues to join me in congratulating were received by the Senate and appeared in marks the 50th anniversary of the Wild the people of Taiwan. the Congressional Record of September 6, and Scenic Rivers Act. Throughout its 2018. f half century, this landmark conserva- PN2497 NAVY nominations (19) beginning RICHARD E. ARTHUR, II, and ending REMEMBERING JAMES WILLIAM tion law has played a critical role in BARRY J. WUTZKE, which nominations RATZLAFF maintaining the natural, free-flowing qualities that make the country’s wild were received by the Senate and appeared in Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, another the Congressional Record of September 6, and scenic rivers so special. 2018. giant has fallen. I rise today to recog- The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, PN2498 NAVY nominations (27) beginning nize the passing of James William signed October 2, 1968, by President CLAUDIA I. ALDAY, and ending TOSHI L. Ratzlaff. Lyndon B. Johnson, has protected riv- WILLIAMS, which nominations were re- As a conservationist, an avid out- ers across the United States for recre- ceived by the Senate and appeared in the doorsman, a philanthropist, and, most ation, salmon and fish habitat, impor- Congressional Record of September 6, 2018. of all, a dear friend, Jim was one of Or- PN2499 NAVY nominations (879) beginning tant geology and cultural values, and KYLE J. ABNER, and ending THOMAS W. egon’s great civic leaders. He passed countless other important benefits. ZIMMERMAN, which nominations were re- away on August 26 at home on his be- This bedrock environmental law is es- ceived by the Senate and appeared in the loved ranch surrounded by love. Jim is pecially important for Oregon where, Congressional Record of September 6, 2018. survived by Jane, his loving wife of 54 in 1968, the remarkable wild Rogue PN2500 NAVY nominations (64) beginning years, and their children, Jim, Jr., and River received protection as part of the SCOTT B. AARON, and ending SHANNON M. Susan, as well as Jim, Jr.’s wife first eight rivers protected by the Act. ZOCH, which nominations were received by Leinani and her sons, Lowell and the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Since then, Congress extended Wild sional Record of September 6, 2018. Larkin, and Susan’s son, Marcus and Scenic designations to many of Or- PN2501 NAVY nominations (54) beginning James. egon’s most iconic rivers, including im- JESSICA L. ALEXANDER, and ending SENG For decades, Jim and Jane have ex- portant segments of the Chetco, the F. YEE, which nominations were received by emplified and renewed our sense of Deschutes, the Elk, the John Day, the the Senate and appeared in the Congres- what it means to be outstanding com- Lostine, the Owyhee, and over 50 other sional Record of September 6, 2018. munity leaders: patiently listening and rivers and streams in every corner of PN2502 NAVY nominations (19) beginning learning, actively seeking equitable so- MICHAEL K. BEALL, and ending WILLIAM my State. In total, Oregon has more N. ZINICOLALAPIN, which nominations lutions, and, above all, leading by ex- river segments designated than any were received by the Senate and appeared in ample. other State in the Union, with over the Congressional Record of September 6, Jim’s legacy of good deeds extends 1,900 miles in the National Wild and 2018. far beyond mere philanthropy. He Scenic Rivers System.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:49 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE6.022 S27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S6354 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 27, 2018 A free-flowing, unencumbered river is years, where he has been recognized for to make Maine a better place to live truly a sight to behold, which is why I his research on mountain goats and and to engage in public service in new am working now to add even more helped the park achieve designation as ways. miles to Oregon’s already impressive an International Transboundary Dark MDF also provides support and staff- list of Wild and Scenic rivers through Sky Park. ing for the Maine Economic Growth passage of the Oregon Wildlands Act. He has also pioneered a wildlife shep- Council, a legislatively chartered The Oregon Wildlands Act adds a total herding program with his dog Gracie. group that annually prepares the Meas- of nearly 200 miles, including many of Gracie, known as the bark ranger, has ures of Growth report. This snapshot of the important tributaries to the Rogue been trained to move bighorn sheep the Maine economy over a range of sec- River and the Elk River—home to one and mountain goats out of areas of tors is instructive to policymakers of North America’s healthiest salmon, high visitor traffic, such as visitor cen- finding the intersection of economy, steelhead, and cutthroat trout popu- ters and parking lots. The program has community, and environment in secur- lations along the Pacific Coast—and helped make the park safer for both ing a high quality of life for Mainers. the Molalla River, to name a few. humans and animals while also pro- MDF played a critical role in the Over the last 50 years, Congress des- viding an excellent tool for educating work and success to date of the Eco- ignated 209 units of the National Wild park visitors on the importance of nomic Development Assessment Team, and Scenic Rivers System, totaling avoiding human-wildlife conflicts. EDAT, a Federal effort funded by the nearly 12,600 miles of Wild and Scenic Earlier this month, in recognition of Economic Development Administra- rivers and streams in 40 States and his work at Glacier, Mark won the Na- tion to support job growth and eco- Puerto Rico to protect and provide re- tional Park Service Director’s Award nomic development in Maine’s rural markable habitat for endangered salm- for Professional Excellence in Natural communities. Under MDF’s guidance, on and steelhead, drinking water for Resource Stewardship. He was selected the EDAT helped fund and establish millions of Americans, and recreation over six other nominees, one from each the Forest Opportunity Roadmap opportunities for countless recreation National Park Service region. Maine Initiative, a unique collabora- enthusiasts who come from all over the I congratulate Mark on such a tre- tion between industry, communities, world. mendous achievement and thank him government, education, and nonprofit This is precisely what makes the for his dedicated service to Glacier Na- organizations, working together to Wild and Scenic Rivers Act so impor- tional Park and our entire National strengthen Maine’s forest economy. tant after all these years as a tool to Park System.∑ With MDF’s leadership, FOR/Maine de- protect, for this and future genera- f veloped a comprehensive action plan tions, the very qualities that make 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE and strategy to support a thriving, in- America’s and Oregon’s natural treas- MAINE DEVELOPMENT FOUNDA- novative, and diverse industry that ures so unique and wonderful. TION provides good jobs in vibrant rural As Henry David Thoreau noted in his communities for generations to come. ∑ book, ‘‘A Week on the Concord and Mr. KING. Mr. President, today I I am proud to recognize the great Merrimack Rivers,’’ ‘‘He who hears the wish to recognize Maine Development work of Maine Development Founda- rippling of rivers in these degenerate Foundation, which is celebrating its tion over the last 40 years, and I look days will not utterly despair.’’ Fifty 40th anniversary. MDF is a nonpartisan forward to what the future holds. I years ago, the Wild and Scenic Rivers membership organization that ad- want to thank them for all their work Act started as a novel idea to protect vances sustainable, long-term eco- to improve their community and the and enhance the Nation’s waterways nomic growth for the State of Maine. State of Maine—your work makes from pollution, dams, and construction MDF works to empower leaders, Maine such a special place to call that could interrupt their free-flowing strengthen communities, and shape home.∑ condition. By 2018, it has become a re- public policy through trusted economic f markable success story deserving of research. celebration and commemoration. MDF was created by State statute in MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE As climate change and other environ- 1978 and now operates statewide across RECEIVED DURING ADJOURNMENT mental factors continue to threaten all economic sectors. MDF’s 250 mem- ENROLLED BILL SIGNED the health of America’s rivers, it is im- bers represent private companies, edu- Under the authority of the order of portant to build on the successes of the cational institutions, municipalities, the Senate of January 3, 2017, the Sec- Wild and Scenic Rivers Act and con- government agencies, and nonprofit or- retary of the Senate, on September 26, tinue to protect rivers across the coun- ganizations. The MDF board of direc- 2018, during the adjournment of the ty. It is in our best interest to do so, tors is made up of no less than 15 mem- Senate, received a message from the and I remain committed to continuing bers who are elected each year. MDF House of Representatives announcing the legacy of the Wild and Scenic Riv- operates a number of programs, aimed that the Speaker had signed the fol- ers Act and to work to further its pro- at increasing economic opportunities lowing enrolled bill: tections throughout the Nation. in Maine, including Leadership Maine, FOR/MAINE, Maine Downtown Center, H.R. 6157. An act making consolidated ap- f the Maine Economic Growth Council, propriations for the Departments of Defense, ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS the Policy Leaders Academy, and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Edu- more. cation, and Related Agencies for the fiscal Leadership Maine, a cornerstone pro- year ending September 30, 2019, and for other purposes. TRIBUTE TO MARK BIEL gram of MDF, is a yearlong experience ∑ Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, this that prepares leaders across the State Under the authority of the order of week I have the honor of recognizing to help shape Maine’s changing econ- the Senate of January 3, 2017, the en- Mark Biel of Flathead County, natural omy. This program has been operating rolled bill was signed on September 27, resources program manager at Glacier for 25 years and now boasts over 1,000 2018, during the adjournment of the National Park, for his outstanding alumni. These leaders are each cre- Senate, by the Acting President pro work bringing new programs and re- ating an economy driven by educated, tempore (Mr. MCCONNELL). search to the Crown of the Continent. innovative, and engaged individuals. f Growing up hiking and camping, Participants learn firsthand about im- Mark fostered a love of the outdoors, portant issues facing the State through MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE particularly national parks and public an intensive program that gives exclu- At 12:26 p.m., a message from the lands. He has had a long and distin- sive access to key community and busi- House of Representatives, delivered by guished career with the National Park ness leaders. Each class is comprised of Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, Service and served at multiple national 35–45 leaders from across the State, announced that the House has passed parks across the West. Mark has been from a cross section of the economy. the following bills, in which it requests at Glacier National Park for the last 8 All participants share a commitment the concurrence of the Senate:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:49 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE6.004 S27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6355

H.R. 754. An act to award the Congres- ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED H.R. 5420. An act to authorize the acquisi- sional Gold Medal to in rec- The message further announced that tion of land for addition to the Home of ognition of his heroic achievements and cou- the Speaker of the House has signed Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site rageous contributions to peace in the Middle the following enrolled bills: in the State of New York, and for other pur- East. poses; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- H.R. 3383. An act to designate the flood H.R. 46. An act to authorize the Secretary ural Resources. control project in Sedgwick County, Kansas, of the Interior to conduct a special resource H.R. 5896. An act to amend title 5, United commonly known as the Wichita-Valley Cen- study of Fort Ontario in the State of New States Code, to modify the authority for pay ter Flood Control Project, as the ‘‘M.S. York. and work schedules of border patrol agents, ’Mitch’ Mitchell Floodway’’. H.R. 2259. An act to amend the Peace Corps and for other purposes; to the Committee on H.R. 3398. An act to amend the Real ID Act Act to expand services and benefits for vol- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- of 2005 to permit Freely Associated States to unteers, and for other purposes. fairs. meet identification requirements under such H.R. 4958. An act to increase, effective as of H.R. 6332. An act to require the Director of Act, and for other purposes. December 1, 2018, the rates of compensation the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network H.R. 3834. An act to provide that members for veterans with service-connected disabil- to submit a report to Congress on the way in of public safety agencies who died of 9/11-re- ities and the rates of dependency and indem- which data collected pursuant to title 31 is lated health conditions are eligible for the nity compensation for the survivors of cer- being used, and for other purposes; to the Presidential 9/11 Heroes Medal of Valor, and tain disabled veterans, and for other pur- Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban for other purposes. poses. H.R. 4431. An act to amend title 5, United Affairs. ENROLLED BILL SIGNED States Code, to provide for interest pay- H.R. 6729. An act to allow nonprofit organi- ments by agencies in the case of administra- At 2:15 p.m., a message from the zations to register with the Secretary of the tive error in processing certain annuity de- House of Representatives, delivered by Treasury and share information on activities posits for prior military service or certain Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- that may involve human trafficking or volunteer service, and for other purposes. nounced that the Speaker has signed money laundering with financial institutions H.R. 4753. An act to amend the Federal Re- the following bill: and regulatory authorities, under a safe har- serve Act to require the Vice Chairman for bor that offers protections from liability, in H.R. 1551. An act to modernize copyright Supervision of the Board of Governors of the order to better identify and report potential law, and for other purposes. Federal Reserve System to provide a written human trafficking or money laundering ac- report, and for other purposes. f tivities; to the Committee on Banking, Hous- ing, and Urban Affairs. H.R. 4809. An act to increase access to MEASURES REFERRED agency guidance documents. H.R. 6751. An act to increase transparency H.R. 4887. An act to modernize Federal The following bills were read the first with respect to financial services benefitting grant reporting, and for other purposes. and the second times by unanimous state sponsors of terrorism, human rights H.R. 4917. An act to amend the Inspector consent, and referred as indicated: abusers, and corrupt officials, and for other General Act of 1978 to provide testimonial purposes; to the Committee on Banking, H.R. 3383. An act to designate the flood subpoena authority, and for other purposes. Housing, and Urban Affairs. control project in Sedgwick County, Kansas, H.R. 5036. An act to establish an Inde- H.R. 6846. An act to require the United commonly known as the Wichita-Valley Cen- pendent Financial Technology Task Force, States Postal Service to establish new ZIP ter Flood Control Project, as the ‘‘M.S. to provide rewards for information leading to codes, and for other purposes; to the Com- ‘Mitch’ Mitchell Floodway’’; to the Com- convictions related to terrorist use of digital mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- mittee on Environment and Public Works. currencies, to establish a FinTech Leader- mental Affairs. ship in Innovation Program to encourage the H.R. 3398. An act to amend the Real ID Act development of tools and programs to com- of 2005 to permit Freely Associated States to f meet identification requirements under such bat terrorist and illicit use of digital cur- MEASURES PLACED ON THE rencies, and for other purposes. Act, and for other purposes; to the Com- H.R. 5420. An act to authorize the acquisi- mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- CALENDAR tion of land for addition to the Home of mental Affairs. The following bill was read the sec- Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site H.R. 3834. An act to provide that members ond time, and placed on the calendar: in the State of New York, and for other pur- of public safety agencies who died of 9/11-re- H.R. 6287. An act to provide competitive poses. lated health conditions are eligible for the H.R. 5896. An act to amend title 5, United Presidential 9/11 Heroes Medal of Valor, and grants for the operation, security, and main- States Code, to modify the authority for pay for other purposes; to the Committee on tenance of certain memorials to victims of and work schedules of border patrol agents, Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. and for other purposes. H.R. 4431. An act to amend title 5, United The following bills were read the first H.R. 6332. An act to require the Director of States Code, to provide for interest pay- and second times by unanimous con- the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network ments by agencies in the case of administra- sent, and placed on the calendar: to submit a report to Congress on the way in tive error in processing certain annuity de- H.R. 754. An act to award the Congres- which data collected pursuant to title 31 is posits for prior military service or certain sional Gold Medal to Anwar Sadat in rec- being used, and for other purposes. volunteer service, and for other purposes; to ognition of his heroic achievements and cou- H.R. 6729. An act to allow nonprofit organi- the Committee on Homeland Security and rageous contributions to peace in the Middle zations to register with the Secretary of the Governmental Affairs. East. Treasury and share information on activities H.R. 4753. An act to amend the Federal Re- H.R. 4809. An act to increase access to that may involve human trafficking or serve Act to require the Vice Chairman for agency guidance documents . money laundering with financial institutions Supervision of the Board of Governors of the and regulatory authorities, under a safe har- Federal Reserve System to provide a written f bor that offers protections from liability, in report, and for other purposes; to the Com- order to better identify and report potential mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND human trafficking or money laundering ac- fairs. JOINT RESOLUTIONS tivities. H.R. 4887. An act to modernize Federal H.R. 6737. An act to amend the Economic The following bills and joint resolu- grant reporting, and for other purposes; to tions were introduced, read the first Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer the Committee on Homeland Security and Protection Act to clarify seasoning require- Governmental Affairs. and second times by unanimous con- ments for certain refinanced mortgage loans, H.R. 4917. An act to amend the Inspector sent, and referred as indicated: and for other purposes. General Act of 1978 to provide testimonial By Mr. PETERS (for himself and Mr. H.R. 6751. An act to increase transparency subpoena authority, and for other purposes; KENNEDY): with respect to financial services benefitting to the Committee on Homeland Security and S. 3518. A bill to amend the Securities Ex- state sponsors of terrorism, human rights change Act of 1934 to exempt from registra- abusers, and corrupt officials, and for other Governmental Affairs. H.R. 5036. An act to establish an Inde- tion brokers performing services in connec- purposes. H.R. 6846. An act to require the United pendent Financial Technology Task Force, tion with the transfer of ownership of small- States Postal Service to establish new ZIP to provide rewards for information leading to er privately held companies; to the Com- codes, and for other purposes. convictions related to terrorist use of digital mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- currencies, to establish a FinTech Leader- fairs. The message also announced that the ship in Innovation Program to encourage the By Mr. HATCH (for himself and Mr. House has passed the following bill, development of tools and programs to com- BENNET): without amendment: bat terrorist and illicit use of digital cur- S. 3519. A bill to establish a process for the S. 1668. An act to rename a waterway in rencies, and for other purposes; to the Com- Food and Drug Administration to determine the State of New York as the ‘‘Joseph San- mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- whether to modify the labeling of drugs ford Jr. Channel’’. fairs. whose labeling may be outdated, including

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drugs with accepted uses that are not re- S. 2918 DNA, and other information relevant to flected in the approved labeling; to the Com- At the request of Ms. HARRIS, the criminal cases; and mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and name of the Senator from Minnesota (2) Federal, State, and local agencies to en- Pensions. sure public safety; (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- By Ms. SMITH: Whereas forensic science service providers S. 3520. A bill to provide grants to States, sponsor of S. 2918, a bill to amend the serve a vital role in the criminal justice sys- Indian Tribes, and Tribal organizations for Religious Freedom Restoration Act of tem by providing scientific information to activities to increase the availability of 1993 to protect civil rights and other- investigators and officers of the court; and child care options and to support the child wise prevent meaningful harm to third Whereas the third week in September is care workforce, and for other purposes; to parties, and for other purposes. recognized as ‘‘National Forensic Science the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, S. 2961 Week’’: Now, therefore, be it and Pensions. Resolved, That— At the request of Mr. BLUNT, the By Mr. CASEY (for himself, Mr. ISAK- (1) it is the sense of the Senate that Na- name of the Senator from Michigan SON, and Mr. BROWN): tional Forensic Science Week provides a spe- S. 3521. A bill to amend the Public Health (Mr. PETERS) was added as a cosponsor cial opportunity for— Service Act to improve the health of chil- of S. 2961, a bill to reauthorize subtitle (A) forensic service providers to— dren and help better understand and enhance A of the Victims of Child Abuse Act of (i) recognize the contributions of forensic awareness about unexpected sudden death in 1990. scientists in the laboratories in which those early life; to the Committee on Health, Edu- S. 3137 individuals work; cation, Labor, and Pensions. (ii) organize community events to encour- At the request of Mr. JOHNSON, the By Mr. CASEY (for himself and Mr. age a better understanding of forensic name of the Senator from North Da- MORAN): science; S. 3522. A bill to establish a Senior Scams kota (Ms. HEITKAMP) was added as a co- (iii) provide tours to Federal, State, and Prevention Advisory Council; to the Com- sponsor of S. 3137, a bill to provide for local policymakers to assist those individ- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- reforming agencies of the Federal Gov- uals in gaining better insight into the cur- tation. ernment to improve efficiency and ef- rent capabilities of forensic service providers By Mr. COTTON: fectiveness. and future demands that forensic service S. 3523. A bill to amend title 10, United providers will face; and S. 3143 States Code, to require a full military honors (iv) contact local media outlets and invite ceremony for certain deceased veterans, and At the request of Mr. THUNE, the those groups to cover events hosted during for other purposes; to the Committee on Vet- names of the Senator from Montana National Forensic Science Week; erans’ Affairs. (Mr. DAINES) and the Senator from (B) local policymakers to— By Mr. MARKEY (for himself and Ms. Florida (Mr. RUBIO) were added as co- (i) recognize, through formal commenda- WARREN): sponsors of S. 3143, a bill to provide for tion or resolution, the contributions of local S. 3524. A bill to provide for the carriage of a coordinated Federal program to ac- forensic science laboratories to the commu- certain television broadcast stations, and for celerate quantum research and devel- nities of those policymakers; other purposes; to the Committee on Com- opment for the economic and national (ii) formally declare the third week of Sep- merce, Science, and Transportation. tember to be ‘‘Forensic Science Week’’ by security of the United States. f proclamation; S. 3363 (iii) visit local forensic science labora- SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND At the request of Ms. HARRIS, the tories to gain an understanding of the capa- SENATE RESOLUTIONS name of the Senator from Virginia (Mr. bilities and needs of those laboratories; and The following concurrent resolutions KAINE) was added as a cosponsor of S. (iv) discuss the operational needs of State and Senate resolutions were read, and 3363, a bill to support States in their and local forensic science laboratories; work to end preventable morbidity and (C) members of communities in the United referred (or acted upon), as indicated: States, including members of the media, to— By Mr. CRAPO (for himself, Mrs. FEIN- mortality in maternity care by using (i) attend community events sponsored by STEIN, and Mr. ISAKSON): evidence-based quality improvement to local forensic science laboratories; S. Res. 656. A resolution recognizing and protect the health of mothers during (ii) take tours of local forensic science lab- supporting the goals and ideals of National pregnancy, childbirth, and in the oratories; and Forensic Science Week; considered and postpartum period and to reduce neo- (iii) ask local forensic science laboratories agreed to. natal and infant mortality, to elimi- about the operational and legislative needs By Mrs. MURRAY (for herself, Mr. nate racial disparities in maternal of those laboratories; ALEXANDER, Mr. DONNELLY, Ms. COL- health outcomes, and for other pur- (D) members of the media to highlight LINS, Mr. REED, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. local news stories that focus on the work of MURPHY, and Ms. KLOBUCHAR): poses. local forensic science laboratories in the S. Res. 657. A resolution designating the f communities that those laboratories serve; week of September 23 through 29, 2018, as SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS and ‘‘National Adult Education and Family Lit- (E) public safety officers, law enforcement eracy Week’’; considered and agreed to. officers, and officers of the court to— By Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself, Mr. SENATE RESOLUTION 656—RECOG- (i) attend community events sponsored by CORNYN, and Ms. HASSAN): local forensic science laboratories; S. Res. 658. A resolution designating the NIZING AND SUPPORTING THE (ii) take tours of local forensic science lab- week of September 30 through October 6, GOALS AND IDEALS OF NA- oratories; 2018, as ‘‘National Community Policing TIONAL FORENSIC SCIENCE (iii) discuss the operational needs of State Week’’; considered and agreed to. WEEK and local forensic science laboratories; and By Ms. STABENOW (for herself, Mr. (iv) engage local forensic science labora- Mr. CRAPO (for himself, Mrs. FEIN- MENENDEZ, Mr. KING, Mr. BROWN, Mr. tories regarding working together more ef- VAN HOLLEN, Mr. PETERS, and Mr. STEIN, and Mr. ISAKSON) submitted the fectively; and BLUMENTHAL): following resolution; which was consid- (2) the Senate supports the goals and ideals S. Res. 659. A resolution designating Sep- ered and agreed to: of National Forensic Science Week. tember 2018 as ‘‘National Ovarian Cancer S. RES. 656 Awareness Month’’; to the Committee on the Whereas the Senate is committed to the f Judiciary. use of forensic science in the investigation of f crimes, the prosecution and conviction of the SENATE RESOLUTION 657—DESIG- ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS correct perpetrators of crimes, and the exon- NATING THE WEEK OF SEP- eration of innocent individuals falsely ac- S. 439 cused of crimes in the United States; TEMBER 23 THROUGH 29, 2018, AS At the request of Mr. BLUNT, the Whereas forensic science service providers ‘‘NATIONAL ADULT EDUCATION name of the Senator from Illinois (Ms. address critical criminal and civil questions AND FAMILY LITERACY WEEK’’ DUCKWORTH) was added as a cosponsor in the United States, including by providing Mrs. MURRAY (for herself, Mr. ALEX- scientific conclusions relating to forensic of S. 439, a bill to amend part B of title ANDER, Mr. DONNELLY, Ms. COLLINS, evidence; IV of the Social Security Act to ensure Whereas forensic science service providers Mr. REED, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. MURPHY, that mental health screenings and as- partner with— and Ms. KLOBUCHAR) submitted the fol- sessments are provided to children and (1) Federal agencies to build and maintain lowing resolution; which was consid- youth upon entry into foster care. criminal databases relating to latent prints, ered and agreed to:

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S. RES. 657 uals in need of adult education, workforce more than 1⁄2 will die within 5 years of that Whereas the Organisation for Economic skills, and family literacy programs; diagnosis; Co-operation and Development reports that (3) recognizes the importance of adult edu- Whereas, while the mammogram can de- approximately 36,000,000 adults in the United cation, workforce skills, and family literacy tect breast cancer and the Pap smear can de- States lack the basic literacy and numeracy programs; and tect cervical cancer, there is no reliable necessary to succeed at home, in the work- (4) calls on public, private, and nonprofit early detection test for ovarian cancer; place, and in society; entities to support increased access to adult Whereas the lack of an early detection test Whereas the literacy of the people of the education and family literacy programs to means that approximately 80 percent of United States is essential for the economic ensure a literate society. cases of ovarian cancer are detected at an advanced stage; and societal well-being of the United States; f Whereas the United States reaps the eco- Whereas all women are at risk for ovarian nomic benefits of individuals who improve SENATE RESOLUTION 658—DESIG- cancer, but approximately 20 percent of their literacy, numeracy, and English-lan- NATING THE WEEK OF SEP- women who are diagnosed with ovarian can- guage skills; TEMBER 30 THROUGH OCTOBER 6, cer have a hereditary predisposition to ovar- ian cancer, which places them at even higher Whereas literacy and educational skills are 2018, AS ‘‘NATIONAL COMMUNITY necessary for individuals to fully benefit risk; from the range of opportunities available in POLICING WEEK’’ Whereas scientists and physicians have un- the United States; Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself, Mr. COR- covered changes in the BRCA genes that Whereas the economy and position of the NYN, and Ms. HASSAN) submitted the some women inherit from their parents, United States in the world marketplace de- following resolution; which was consid- which may make those women 30 times more pend on having a literate, skilled population; likely to develop ovarian cancer; Whereas the unemployment rate in the ered and agreed to: Whereas the family history of a woman has United States is highest among those with- S. RES. 658 been found to play an important role in ac- out a high school diploma or an equivalent Whereas police officers are indispensable curately assessing the risk of that woman of credential, demonstrating that education is members of the community who put their developing ovarian cancer and medical ex- important to economic recovery; lives on the line to protect others; perts believe that family history should be Whereas the educational skills of the par- Whereas promoting strong relationships taken into consideration during the annual ents of a child and the practice of reading to founded in trust and mutual respect between well-woman visit of any woman; a child have a direct impact on the edu- law enforcement officers and the commu- Whereas many experts in health preven- cational success of the child; nities they serve helps ensure the safe and tion now recommend genetic testing for Whereas parental involvement in the edu- effective execution of the law; young women with a family history of breast cation of a child is a key predictor of the Whereas law enforcement officers and com- and ovarian cancer; success of a child, and the level of parental munities that work together to address pub- Whereas women who know that they are at involvement in the education of a child in- lic safety concerns can create lasting solu- high risk of breast and ovarian cancer may creases as the educational level of the parent tions to difficult challenges; undertake prophylactic measures to help re- increases; Whereas a long-term commitment to com- duce the risk of developing those diseases; Whereas parents who participate in family munity policing is necessary to eliminate Whereas, as of 2018, the Society of literacy programs become more involved in the underlying causes of crime; Gynecologic Oncology recommends that all the education of their children and gain the Whereas the advancement of community women who are diagnosed with ovarian can- tools necessary to obtain a job or find better policing should be supported to ensure that cer receive counseling and genetic testing; employment; State and local law enforcement agencies Whereas many people are unaware that the Whereas, as a result of family literacy pro- have necessary resources; and symptoms of ovarian cancer often include grams, the lives of children become more Whereas community policing has been rec- bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, difficulty stable, and the success of children in the ognized as an important tool for improving eating or feeling full quickly, urinary symp- classroom and in future endeavors becomes the relationship between law enforcement of- toms, and several other symptoms that are more likely; ficers and the communities they serve: Now, easily confused with other diseases; Whereas adults need to be part of a long- therefore, be it Whereas awareness of the symptoms of term solution to the educational challenges Resolved, That the Senate— ovarian cancer by women and health care faced by the people of the United States; (1) designates the week of September 30 providers can lead to a quicker diagnosis; Whereas many older people in the United through October 6, 2018, as ‘‘National Com- Whereas, in June 2007, the first national States lack the reading, math, or English- munity Policing Week’’; and consensus statement on ovarian cancer language skills necessary to read a prescrip- (2) supports community policing and en- symptoms was developed to provide consist- tion and follow medical instructions, which courages the people of the United States, law ency in describing symptoms to make it endangers the lives of the older people and enforcement agencies, and elected officials easier for women to learn and remember the lives of their loved ones; to identify ways in which communities can those symptoms; and Whereas many individuals who are unem- improve public safety, strengthen relation- Whereas, each year during the month of ployed, underemployed, or receive public as- ships, and build trust. September, the Ovarian Cancer Research sistance lack the literacy skills necessary to Fund Alliance and community partners hold obtain and keep a job, to continue their edu- f a number of events to increase public aware- cation, or to participate in job training pro- ness of ovarian cancer: Now, therefore, be it grams; SENATE RESOLUTION 659—DESIG- Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas many high school dropouts do not NATING SEPTEMBER 2018 AS (1) designates September 2018 as ‘‘National have the literacy skills necessary to com- ‘‘NATIONAL OVARIAN CANCER Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month’’; and plete their education, transition to postsec- AWARENESS MONTH’’ (2) supports the goals and ideals of Na- ondary education or career and technical tional Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. training, or obtain a job; Ms. STABENOW (for herself, Mr. Whereas a large portion of individuals in MENENDEZ, Mr. KING, Mr. BROWN, Mr. prison have low educational skills and pris- VAN HOLLEN, Mr. PETERS, and Mr. f oners without educational skills are more BLUMENTHAL) submitted the following likely to return to prison once released; resolution; which was referred to the AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND Whereas many immigrants in the United Committee on the Judiciary: PROPOSED States do not have the literacy skills nec- essary to succeed in the United States; and S. RES. 659 SA 4023. Mr. PERDUE (for Mr. GRASSLEY) Whereas National Adult Education and Whereas ovarian cancer is the deadliest of proposed an amendment to the bill S. 3170, to Family Literacy Week highlights the need to all gynecologic cancers; amend title 18, United States Code, to make ensure that each individual in the United Whereas ovarian cancer is the fifth leading certain changes to the reporting requirement States has the literacy skills necessary to cause of cancer deaths among women in the of certain service providers regarding child succeed at home, at work, and in society: United States; sexual exploitation visual depictions, and for Now, therefore, be it Whereas, in 2018 in the United States, ap- other purposes. Resolved, That the Senate— proximately 22,240 new cases of ovarian can- SA 4024. Mr. PERDUE (for Mr. GRASSLEY) (1) designates the week of September 23 cer will be diagnosed and 14,070 women will proposed an amendment to the bill S. 3354, to through 29, 2018, as ‘‘National Adult Edu- die of ovarian cancer; amend the Missing Children’s Assistance cation and Family Literacy Week’’ to raise Whereas the mortality rate for ovarian Act, and for other purposes. public awareness about the importance of cancer has not significantly decreased since SA 4025. Mr. PERDUE (for Mrs. FEINSTEIN) adult education, workforce skills, and family the ‘‘War on Cancer’’ was declared more than proposed an amendment to the bill S. 1768, to literacy; 40 years ago; reauthorize and amend the National Earth- (2) encourages people across the United Whereas 1⁄4 of women will die within 1 year quake Hazards Reduction Program, and for States to support programs to assist individ- of being diagnosed with ovarian cancer and other purposes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:55 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE6.015 S27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S6358 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 27, 2018 TEXT OF AMENDMENTS (ii) by inserting ‘‘payment information (ex- (F) by amending paragraph (5), as so redes- cluding personally identifiable informa- ignated, to read as follows: SA 4023. Mr. PERDUE (for Mr. tion),’’ after ‘‘uniform resource locator,’’; ‘‘(5) NOTIFICATION TO PROVIDERS.— GRASSLEY) proposed an amendment to (C) in paragraph (2)— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—NCMEC may notify a the bill S. 3170, to amend title 18, (i) by striking ‘‘an electronic communica- provider of the information described in sub- United States Code, to make certain tion service or a remote computing service’’ paragraph (B), if— changes to the reporting requirement and inserting ‘‘a provider’’; ‘‘(i) a provider notifies NCMEC that the of certain service providers regarding (ii) by striking ‘‘apparent child pornog- provider is making a report under this sec- child sexual exploitation visual depic- raphy’’ each place it appears and inserting tion as the result of a request by a foreign ‘‘content relating to the report’’; and law enforcement agency; and tions, and for other purposes; as fol- (iii) by striking ‘‘the electronic commu- lows: ‘‘(ii) NCMEC forwards the report described nication service provider or remote com- in clause (i) to— puting service provider’’ and inserting ‘‘the Strike all after the enacting clause and in- ‘‘(I) the requesting foreign law enforce- provider’’; sert the following: ment agency; or (D) by amending paragraph (3) to read as SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ‘‘(II) another agency in the same country follows: This Act may be cited as the designated by the Attorney General under ‘‘(3) GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION INFORMATION.— ‘‘CyberTipline Modernization Act of 2018’’. Information relating to the geographic loca- paragraph (3) or that has an established rela- SEC. 2. ALTERATIONS TO REPORTING REQUIRE- tion of the involved individual or website, tionship with the Federal Bureau of Inves- MENTS FOR ELECTRONIC SERVICE which may include the Internet Protocol ad- tigation, U.S. Immigration and Customs En- PROVIDERS AND REMOTE COM- forcement, or INTERPOL and is involved in PUTING SERVICE PROVIDERS. dress or verified address, or, if not reason- ably available, at least one form of geo- the investigation of child sexual exploi- Section 2258A of title 18, United States graphic identifying information, including tation, kidnapping, or enticement crimes. Code, is amended— area code or zip code, provided by the cus- ‘‘(B) INFORMATION DESCRIBED.—The infor- (1) in the heading, by striking ‘‘ electronic tomer or subscriber, or stored or obtained by mation described in this subparagraph is— communication service providers and remote the provider.’’; ‘‘(i) the identity of the foreign law enforce- computing service providers’’ and inserting (E) in paragraph (4)— ment agency to which the report was for- ‘‘ ’’; providers (i) in the heading by striking ‘‘IMAGES’’ warded; and (2) in subsection (a)— and inserting ‘‘VISUAL DEPICTIONS’’; ‘‘(ii) the date on which the report was for- (A) by amending paragraph (1) to read as (ii) by striking ‘‘image’’ and inserting ‘‘vis- warded. follows: ual depiction’’; and ‘‘(C) NOTIFICATION OF INABILITY TO FORWARD ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.— (iii) by inserting ‘‘or other content’’ after REPORT.—If a provider notifies NCMEC that ‘‘(A) DUTY.—In order to reduce the pro- ‘‘apparent child pornography’’; and the provider is making a report under this liferation of online child sexual exploitation (F) in paragraph (5)— section as the result of a request by a foreign and to prevent the online sexual exploitation (i) by striking ‘‘image’’ and inserting ‘‘vis- law enforcement agency and NCMEC is un- of children, a provider— ual depiction’’; able to forward the report as described in ‘‘(i) shall, as soon as reasonably possible (ii) by inserting ‘‘or other content’’ after subparagraph (A)(ii), NCMEC shall notify the after obtaining actual knowledge of any ‘‘apparent child pornography’’; and provider that NCMEC was unable to forward facts or circumstances described in para- (iii) by striking ‘‘images’’ and inserting the report.’’; graph (2)(A), take the actions described in ‘‘visual depictions’’; (6) in subsection (e), by striking ‘‘An elec- subparagraph (B); and (4) by amending subsection (c) to read as tronic communication service provider or re- ‘‘(ii) may, after obtaining actual knowl- follows: mote computing service provider’’ and in- edge of any facts or circumstances described ‘‘(c) FORWARDING OF REPORT TO LAW EN- serting ‘‘A provider’’; in paragraph (2)(B), take the actions de- FORCEMENT.—Pursuant to its clearinghouse (7) in subsection (f)— scribed in subparagraph (B). role as a private, nonprofit organization, and (A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), ‘‘(B) ACTIONS DESCRIBED.—The actions de- at the conclusion of its review in furtherance by striking ‘‘an electronic communication scribed in this subparagraph are— of its nonprofit mission, NCMEC shall make service provider or a remote computing serv- ‘‘(i) providing to the CyberTipline of available each report made under subsection ice provider’’ and inserting ‘‘a provider’’; and NCMEC, or any successor to the (a)(1) to one or more of the following law en- (B) in paragraph (3), by striking ‘‘seek’’ CyberTipline operated by NCMEC, the mail- forcement agencies: and inserting ‘‘search, screen, or scan for’’; ing address, telephone number, facsimile ‘‘(1) Any Federal law enforcement agency (8) in subsection (g)— number, electronic mailing address of, and that is involved in the investigation of child (A) in paragraph (2)— individual point of contact for, such pro- sexual exploitation, kidnapping, or entice- vider; and ment crimes. (i) in subparagraph (A)(vi), by striking ‘‘an ‘‘(ii) making a report of such facts or cir- ‘‘(2) Any State or local law enforcement electronic communication service provider cumstances to the CyberTipline, or any suc- agency that is involved in the investigation or remote computing service provider’’ and cessor to the CyberTipline operated by of child sexual exploitation. inserting ‘‘a provider’’; and NCMEC.’’; and ‘‘(3) A foreign law enforcement agency des- (ii) by amending subparagraph (B) to read (B) by amending paragraph (2) to read as ignated by the Attorney General under sub- as follows: follows: section (d)(3) or a foreign law enforcement ‘‘(B) LIMITATION.—Nothing in subparagraph ‘‘(2) FACTS OR CIRCUMSTANCES.— agency that has an established relationship (A)(vi) authorizes a law enforcement agency ‘‘(A) APPARENT VIOLATIONS.—The facts or with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, to provide visual depictions of apparent child circumstances described in this subpara- Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or pornography to a provider.’’; graph are any facts or circumstances from INTERPOL, and is involved in the investiga- (B) in paragraph (3)— which there is an apparent violation of sec- tion of child sexual exploitation, kidnapping, (i) in the paragraph heading, by striking tion 2251, 2251A, 2252, 2252A, 2252B, or 2260 or enticement crimes.’’; ‘‘THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR MISSING AND EX- that involves child pornography. (5) in subsection (d)— PLOITED CHILDREN’’ and inserting ‘‘NCMEC’’; ‘‘(B) IMMINENT VIOLATIONS.—The facts or (A) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘shall des- (ii) in the matter preceding subparagraph circumstances described in this subpara- ignate promptly the’’ and inserting ‘‘may (A)— graph are any facts or circumstances which designate a’’; (I) by striking ‘‘The National Center for indicate a violation of any of the sections de- (B) in paragraph (3)— Missing and Exploited Children’’ and insert- scribed in subparagraph (A) involving child (i) in the matter preceding subparagraph ing ‘‘NCMEC’’; pornography may be planned or imminent.’’; (A), by striking ‘‘shall promptly’’ and insert- (II) by inserting after ‘‘may disclose’’ the (3) in subsection (b)— ing ‘‘may’’; and following: ‘‘by mail, electronic transmission, (A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1)— (ii) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘des- or other reasonable means,’’; and (i) by striking ‘‘To the extent’’ and insert- ignate the’’ and inserting ‘‘designate’’; (III) by striking ‘‘only’’ and inserting ing ‘‘In an effort to prevent the future sexual (C) in paragraph (4)— ‘‘only to’’; victimization of children, and to the extent’’; (i) by striking ‘‘shall’’ and inserting (iii) in subparagraph (A)— (ii) by striking ‘‘an electronic communica- ‘‘may’’; (I) by striking ‘‘to any Federal law enforce- tion service provider or a remote computing (ii) by striking ‘‘the National Center for ment agency’’ and inserting ‘‘any Federal service provider’’ and inserting ‘‘a provider’’; Missing and Exploited Children’’ and insert- law enforcement agency’’; and and ing ‘‘NCMEC’’; and (II) by inserting before the semicolon at (iii) by striking ‘‘may include’’ and insert- (iii) by striking ‘‘electronic communica- the end the following: ‘‘or that is involved in ing ‘‘may, at the sole discretion of the pro- tion service providers, remote computing the investigation of child sexual exploi- vider, include’’; service providers’’ and inserting ‘‘providers’’; tation, kidnapping, or enticement crimes’’; (B) in paragraph (1)— (D) by striking paragraph (5); (iv) in subparagraph (B)— (i) by inserting ‘‘or plans to violate’’ after (E) by redesignating paragraph (6) as para- (I) by striking ‘‘to any State’’ and insert- ‘‘who appears to have violated’’; and graph (5); and ing ‘‘any State’’; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:55 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE6.020 S27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6359 (II) by striking ‘‘child pornography, child service provider,’’ and inserting ‘‘a pro- (C) by striking ‘‘further transmission of exploitation’’ and inserting ‘‘child sexual ex- vider’’; and the images’’ and inserting ‘‘online sexual ex- ploitation’’; (B) by striking ‘‘such electronic commu- ploitation of children’’; (v) in subparagraph (C)— nication service provider, remote computing (5) in subsection (d)— (I) by striking ‘‘to any foreign law enforce- service provider,’’ each place it appears and (A) by striking ‘‘The National Center for ment agency’’ and inserting ‘‘any foreign law inserting ‘‘such provider’’; Missing and Exploited Children shall’’ and enforcement agency’’; and (3) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘elec- inserting ‘‘NCMEC may’’; (II) by striking ‘‘; and’’ and inserting ‘‘or tronic communication service provider, re- (B) by inserting after ‘‘local law enforce- that has an established relationship with the mote computing service provider,’’ each ment’’ the following: ‘‘, and to foreign law Federal Bureau of Investigation, Immigra- place it appears and inserting ‘‘provider’’; enforcement agencies described in section tion and Customs Enforcement, or and 2258A(c)(3),’’; INTERPOL, and is involved in the investiga- (4) in subsection (c)— (C) by striking ‘‘investigation of child por- tion of child sexual exploitation, kidnapping, (A) by striking ‘‘image’’ each place it ap- nography’’ and inserting ‘‘investigation of or enticement crimes;’’; pears and inserting ‘‘visual depiction’’; and child sexual exploitation’’; (vi) in subparagraph (D)— (B) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), (D) by striking ‘‘image of an identified (I) by striking ‘‘to an electronic commu- by striking ‘‘An electronic communication child’’ and inserting ‘‘visual depiction’’; and nication service provider or remote com- service provider, a remote computing service (E) by striking ‘‘reported to the National puting service provider’’ and inserting ‘‘a provider,’’ and inserting ‘‘A provider’’. Center for Missing and Exploited Children’’ provider’’; and SEC. 4. USE TO COMBAT CHILD PORNOGRAPHY and inserting ‘‘reported to the (II) by striking the period at the end and OF TECHNICAL ELEMENTS RELAT- CyberTipline’’; and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and ING TO REPORTS MADE TO (6) in subsection (e)— (vii) by adding after subparagraph (D) the CYBERTIPLINE. (A) by inserting before ‘‘Federal’’ the fol- following: Section 2258C of title 18, United States lowing: ‘‘foreign,’’; ‘‘(E) respond to legal process, as nec- Code, is amended— (B) by striking ‘‘image of an identified essary.’’; and (1) in the heading, by striking ‘‘to images child from the National Center for Missing (C) by adding at the end the following: reported to’’ and inserting ‘‘to reports made and Exploited Children under section (d)’’ ‘‘(4) PERMITTED DISCLOSURE BY A PRO- to’’; and inserting ‘‘visual depiction from NCMEC VIDER.—A provider that submits a report (2) in subsection (a)— under subsection (d)’’; under subsection (a)(1) may disclose by mail, (A) in paragraph (1)— (C) by striking ‘‘child pornography crimes’’ electronic transmission, or other reasonable (i) by striking ‘‘The National Center for and inserting ‘‘child sexual exploitation means, information, including visual depic- Missing and Exploited Children’’ and insert- crimes,’’; and tions contained in the report, in a manner ing ‘‘NCMEC’’; (D) by inserting before the period at the consistent with permitted disclosures under (ii) by striking ‘‘apparent child pornog- end the following: ‘‘and prevent future sex- paragraphs (3) through (8) of section 2702(b) raphy image of an identified child’’ and in- ual victimization of children’’. only to a law enforcement agency described serting ‘‘CyberTipline report’’; SEC. 5. LIMITED LIABILITY FOR NCMEC. in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of paragraph (iii) by striking ‘‘an electronic communica- Section 2258D of title 18, United States (3), to NCMEC, or as necessary to respond to tion service provider or a remote computing legal process.’’; and Code, is amended— service provider’’ and inserting ‘‘a provider’’; (1) in the heading, by striking ‘‘the Na- (9) in subsection (h)— (iv) by striking ‘‘that electronic commu- (A) in paragraph (1)— tional Center for Missing and Exploited Chil- nication service provider or remote com- dren’’ and inserting ‘‘NCMEC’’; (i) by striking ‘‘the notification to an elec- puting service provider’’ and inserting ‘‘that tronic communication service provider or a (2) in subsection (a)— provider’’; and (A) by striking ‘‘Except as provided’’ and remote computing service provider by the (v) by striking ‘‘further transmission of CyberTipline of receipt of a report’’ and in- inserting ‘‘Pursuant to its clearinghouse role images’’ and inserting ‘‘online sexual exploi- as a private, nonprofit organization and its serting ‘‘a completed submission by a pro- tation of children’’; vider of a report to the CyberTipline’’; and mission to help find missing children, reduce (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘specific online sexual exploitation of children and (ii) by striking ‘‘, as if such request was image, Internet location of images, and made pursuant to section 2703(f)’’ and insert- prevent future victimization, and except as other technological elements that can be provided’’; ing ‘‘the contents provided in the report for used to identify and stop the transmission of 90 days after the submission to the (B) by striking ‘‘the National Center for child pornography’’ and inserting ‘‘specific Missing and Exploited Children’’ and insert- CyberTipline’’; visual depiction, including an Internet loca- (B) by striking paragraph (2); ing ‘‘NCMEC’’; tion and any other elements provided in a (C) by striking ‘‘(42 U.S.C. 5773)’’ and in- (C) by redesignating paragraphs (3) CyberTipline report that can be used to iden- through (5) as paragraphs (2) through (4), re- serting ‘‘(34 U.S.C. 11293)’’; tify, prevent, curtail, or stop the trans- (D) by striking ‘‘such center’’ each place it spectively; mission of child pornography and prevent (D) in paragraph (2), as so redesignated— appears and inserting ‘‘NCMEC’’; and the online sexual exploitation of children’’; (E) by striking ‘‘from the effort’’ and in- (i) in the heading, by striking ‘‘IMAGES’’ and serting ‘‘from the efforts’’; and inserting ‘‘CONTENT’’; (C) in paragraph (3), by striking ‘‘actual (3) in subsection (b)— (ii) by striking ‘‘an electronic communica- images’’ and inserting ‘‘actual visual depic- tion service provider or a remote computing (A) by striking ‘‘the National Center for tions of apparent child pornography’’; Missing and Exploited Children’’ and insert- service’’ and inserting ‘‘a provider’’; (3) in subsection (b)— (iii) by striking ‘‘images’’ and inserting ing ‘‘NCMEC’’; (A) in the heading, by striking ‘‘ELEC- (B) by striking ‘‘such center’’ and inserting ‘‘visual depictions’’; and TRONIC COMMUNICATION SERVICE PROVIDERS (iv) by striking ‘‘commingled or inter- ‘‘NCMEC’’; and AND REMOTE COMPUTING SERVICE PROVIDERS’’ (C) by striking ‘‘(42 U.S.C. 5773)’’ and in- spersed among the images of apparent child and inserting ‘‘PROVIDERS’’; pornography within a particular communica- serting ‘‘(34 U.S.C. 11293)’’; and (B) by striking ‘‘electronic communication (4) in subsection (d)— tion or user created folder or directory’’ and service provider or remote computing service inserting ‘‘reasonably accessible and may (A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), provider’’ each place it appears and inserting by striking ‘‘The National Center for Missing provide context or additional information ‘‘provider’’; about the reported material or person’’; and and Exploited Children’’ and inserting (C) by striking ‘‘apparent child pornog- ‘‘NCMEC’’; and (E) in paragraph (3), as so redesignated, by raphy image of an identified child from the striking ‘‘An electronic communication serv- (B) by striking ‘‘image’’ each place it ap- National Center for Missing and Exploited pears and inserting ‘‘visual depiction’’. ice or remote computing service’’ and insert- Children’’ and inserting ‘‘CyberTipline re- ing ‘‘A provider’’. port from NCMEC’’; SEC. 6. DEFINITIONS. SEC. 3. LIMITED LIABILITY FOR PROVIDERS OR (D) by striking ‘‘shall not relieve that’’ and Section 2258E of title 18, United States DOMAIN NAME REGISTRARS. inserting ‘‘shall not relieve the’’; and Code, is amended— Section 2258B of title 18, United States (E) by striking ‘‘its reporting obligations’’ (1) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), Code, is amended— and inserting ‘‘reporting’’; by striking ‘‘2258D’’ and inserting ‘‘2258E’’; (1) in the heading— (4) in subsection (c)— (2) in paragraph (5), by striking ‘‘and’’ at (A) by striking ‘‘electronic communication (A) by striking ‘‘electronic communication the end; service providers, remote computing service service providers or remote computing serv- (3) by redesignating paragraph (6) as para- providers,’’ and inserting ‘‘providers’’; and ice providers’’ and inserting ‘‘providers’’; graph (8); and (B) by striking ‘‘registrar’’ and inserting (B) by striking ‘‘apparent child pornog- (4) by inserting after paragraph (5) the fol- ‘‘registrars’’; raphy image of an identified child from the lowing: (2) in subsection (a)— National Center for Missing and Exploited ‘‘(6) the term ‘provider’ means an elec- (A) by striking ‘‘an electronic communica- Children’’ and inserting ‘‘CyberTipline re- tronic communication service provider or re- tion service provider, a remote computing port from NCMEC’’; and mote computing service;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:55 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE6.020 S27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S6360 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 27, 2018 ‘‘(7) the term ‘NCMEC’ means the National (1) by striking paragraph (1) and inserting and, in cooperation with the Department of Center for Missing & Exploited Children; the following: State, internationally; and’’. ‘‘(1) the term ‘missing child’ means any in- ‘‘(G) provide support and technical assist- SEC. 7. TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMEND- dividual less than 18 years of age whose ance to child-serving professionals involved MENT. whereabouts are unknown to such individ- in helping to recover missing and exploited The table of sections for chapter 110 of ual’s parent;’’; children by searching public records data- title 18, United States Code, is amended by (2) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘and’’ at bases to help in the identification, location, striking the items relating to sections 2258A, the end; and recovery of such children, and help in 2258B, 2258C, and 2258D and inserting the fol- (3) in paragraph (3), by striking the period the location and identification of potential lowing: at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and abductors and offenders; ‘‘2258A. Reporting requirements of providers. (4) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(H) provide forensic and direct on-site ‘‘2258B. Limited liability for providers or do- ‘‘(4) the term ‘parent’ includes a legal technical assistance and consultation to main name registrars. guardian or other individual who may law- families, law enforcement agencies, child- ‘‘2258C. Use to combat child pornography of fully exercise parental rights with respect to serving professionals, and nongovernmental technical elements relating to the child.’’. organizations in child abduction and exploi- reports made to the (c) DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE ADMINIS- tation cases, including facial reconstruction CyberTipline. TRATOR.—Section 404 of the Missing Chil- of skeletal remains and similar techniques ‘‘2258D. Limited liability for NCMEC.’’. dren’s Assistance Act (34 U.S.C. 11293) is amended— to assist in the identification of unidentified SA 4024. Mr. PERDUE (for Mr. (1) in subsection (a)— deceased children;’’; GRASSLEY) proposed an amendment to (A) in paragraph (3), by striking ‘‘tele- (J) by amending subparagraph (I), as so re- the bill S. 3354, to amend the Missing phone line’’ and inserting ‘‘hotline’’; and designated, to read as follows: Children’s Assistance Act, and for (B) in paragraph (6)(E)— ‘‘(I) provide training, technical assistance, and information to nongovernmental organi- other purposes; as follows: (i) by striking ‘‘telephone line’’ and insert- ing ‘‘hotline’’; zations relating to non-compliant sex offend- Strike all after the enacting clause and in- (ii) by striking ‘‘(b)(1)(A) and’’ and insert- ers and to law enforcement agencies in iden- sert the following: ing ‘‘(b)(1)(A),’’; and tifying and locating such individuals;’’; SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (iii) by inserting ‘‘, and the number and (K) by amending subparagraph (K), as so This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Missing types of reports to the tipline established redesignated, to read as follows: Children’s Assistance Act of 2018’’. under subsection (b)(1)(K)(i)’’ before the ‘‘(K) work with families, law enforcement SEC. 2. IMPROVING SUPPORT FOR MISSING AND semicolon at the end; agencies, electronic service providers, elec- EXPLOITED CHILDREN. (2) in subsection (b)(1)— tronic payment service providers, tech- (a) FINDINGS.—Section 402 of the Missing (A) in subparagraph (A)— nology companies, nongovernmental organi- Children’s Assistance Act (34 U.S.C. 11291) is (i) by striking ‘‘telephone line’’ each place zations, and others on methods to reduce the amended— existence and distribution of online images (1) by amending paragraph (1) to read as it appears and inserting ‘‘hotline’’; and (ii) by striking ‘‘legal custodian’’ and in- and videos of sexually exploited children— follows: ‘‘(i) by operating a tipline to— ‘‘(1) each year tens of thousands of children serting ‘‘parent’’; (B) in subparagraph (C)— ‘‘(I) provide to individuals and electronic run away, or are abducted or removed, from service providers an effective means of re- the control of a parent having legal custody (i) in clause (i)— (I) by striking ‘‘restaurant’’ and inserting porting internet-related and other instances without the consent of that parent, under of child sexual exploitation in the areas of— circumstances which immediately place the ‘‘food’’; and ‘‘(aa) possession, manufacture, and dis- child in grave danger;’’; (II) by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end; tribution of child pornography; (2) by striking paragraphs (4), (5), and (9); (ii) in clause (ii) by adding ‘‘and’’ at the ‘‘(bb) online enticement of children for sex- (3) by redesignating paragraphs (6), (7), (8), end; and ual acts; and (10) as paragraphs (4), (5), (6), and (7), re- (iii) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(cc) child sex trafficking; spectively; ‘‘(iii) innovative and model programs, serv- ‘‘(dd) sex tourism involving children; (4) in paragraph (4), as so redesignated, by ices, and legislation that benefit missing and ‘‘(ee) extra-familial child sexual molesta- inserting ‘‘, including child sex trafficking exploited children;’’; tion; and sextortion’’ after ‘‘exploitation’’; (C) by striking subparagraphs (E), (F), (G), ‘‘(ff) unsolicited obscene material sent to a (5) in paragraph (6), as so redesignated, by (L), (M), (P) and (R); adding ‘‘and’’ at the end; and (D) by redesignating subparagraphs (H) child; (6) by amending paragraph (7), as so redes- through (K) as subparagraphs (E) through ‘‘(gg) misleading domain names; and ignated, to read as follows: (H), respectively; ‘‘(hh) misleading words or digital images ‘‘(7) the Office of Juvenile Justice and De- (E) by redesignating subparagraphs (N) and on the internet; and linquency Prevention administers programs (O) as subparagraphs (I) and (J), respectively; ‘‘(II) make reports received through the under this title, including programs that (F) by redesignating subparagraph (Q) as tipline available to the appropriate law en- prevent and address offenses committed subparagraph (K); forcement agency for its review and poten- against vulnerable children and support (G) by redesignating subparagraphs (S) tial investigation; missing children’s organizations, including through (V) as subparagraphs (L) through ‘‘(ii) by operating a child victim identifica- the National Center for Missing and Ex- (O), respectively; tion program to assist law enforcement ploited Children that— (H) by amending subparagraph (E), as so agencies in identifying victims of child por- ‘‘(A) serves as a nonprofit, national re- redesignated, to read as follows: nography and other sexual crimes to support source center and clearinghouse to provide ‘‘(E) provide technical assistance and the recovery of children from sexually ex- assistance to victims, families, child-serving training to families, law enforcement agen- ploitative situations; and professionals, and the general public; cies, State and local governments, elements ‘‘(iii) by utilizing emerging technologies to ‘‘(B) works with the Department of Jus- of the criminal justice system, nongovern- provide additional outreach and educational tice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, mental agencies, local educational agencies, materials to parents and families;’’; and the United States Marshals Service, the De- and the general public— (L) by amending subparagraphs (L) and partment of the Treasury, the Department of ‘‘(i) in the prevention, investigation, pros- (M), as so redesignated, to read as follows: State, U.S. Immigration and Customs En- ecution, and treatment of cases involving ‘‘(L) develop and disseminate programs and forcement, the United States Secret Service, missing and exploited children; information to families, child-serving profes- the United States Postal Inspection Service, ‘‘(ii) to respond to foster children missing sionals, law enforcement agencies, State and other agencies, and nongovernmental organi- from the State child welfare system in co- local governments, nongovernmental organi- zations in the effort to find missing children ordination with child welfare agencies and zations, schools, local educational agencies, and to prevent child victimization; and courts handling juvenile justice and depend- child-serving organizations, and the general ‘‘(C) coordinates with each of the missing ency matters; and public on— children clearinghouses operated by the 50 ‘‘(iii) in the identification, location, and ‘‘(i) the prevention of child abduction and States, the District of Columbia, Puerto recovery of victims of, and children at risk sexual exploitation; Rico, and international organizations to for, child sex trafficking;’’; ‘‘(ii) internet safety, including tips for so- transmit images and information regarding (I) by amending subparagraphs (F), (G), cial media and cyberbullying; and missing and exploited children to law en- and (H), as so redesignated, to read as fol- ‘‘(iii) sexting and sextortion; forcement agencies, nongovernmental orga- lows: ‘‘(M) provide technical assistance and nizations, and corporate partners across the ‘‘(F) provide assistance to families, law en- training to local educational agencies, United States and around the world in- forcement agencies, State and local govern- schools, State and local law enforcement stantly.’’. ments, nongovernmental agencies, child- agencies, individuals, and other nongovern- (b) DEFINITIONS.—Section 403 of the Miss- serving professionals, and other individuals mental organizations that assist with find- ing Children’s Assistance Act (34 U.S.C. involved in the location and recovery of ing missing and abducted children in identi- 11292) is amended— missing and abducted children nationally fying and recovering such children;’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:55 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE6.020 S27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6361

(d) GRANTS.—Section 405 of the Missing SEC. 2. MODIFICATION OF FINDINGS AND PUR- quake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977 (42 Children’s Assistance Act (34 U.S.C. 11294) is POSE. U.S.C. 7704) is amended— amended— (a) FINDINGS.—Section 2 of the Earthquake (1) in subparagraph (B)— (1) in subsection (a)— Hazards Reduction Act of 1977 (42 U.S.C. 7701) (A) in clause (iii), by inserting ‘‘, commu- (A) in paragraph (7), by striking ‘‘(as de- is amended— nity resilience,’’ after ‘‘seismic risk’’; and fined in section 403(1)(A))’’; and (1) in paragraph (1)— (B) by adding at the end the following: (B) in paragraph (8)— (A) by inserting ‘‘, and the Commonwealth ‘‘(iv) publishing a systematic set of maps (i) by striking ‘‘legal custodians’’ and in- of Puerto Rico,’’ after ‘‘States’’; of active faults and folds, liquefaction sus- serting ‘‘parents’’; and (B) by inserting ‘‘Oregon,’’ after ‘‘New ceptibility, susceptibility for earthquake in- (ii) by striking ‘‘custodians’ ’’ and inserting York,’’; and duced landslides, and other seismically in- ‘‘parents’ ’’; and (C) by inserting ‘‘Tennessee,’’ after ‘‘South duced hazards; and’’; and (2) in subsection (b)(1)(A), by striking Carolina’’; (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking ‘‘de- ‘‘legal custodians’’ and inserting ‘‘parents’’. (2) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘prediction velop, operate’’ and all that follows through (e) REPORTING.—The Missing Children’s As- techniques and’’; ‘‘7708),’’ and inserting ‘‘continue the develop- sistance Act (34 U.S.C. 11291 et seq.) is (3) by striking paragraph (4) and inserting ment of the Advanced National Seismic Sys- amended— the following: tem, including earthquake early warning ca- (1) by redesignating sections 407 and 408 as ‘‘(4) A well-funded seismological research pabilities’’. sections 408 and 409, respectively; and program could provide the scientific under- (b) AMENDMENTS RELATING TO INTERAGENCY (2) by inserting after section 406 (34 U.S.C. standing needed to fully implement an effec- COORDINATING COMMITTEE ON EARTHQUAKE 11295) the following: tive earthquake early warning system.’’; HAZARDS REDUCTION.— ‘‘SEC. 407. REPORTING. (4) in paragraphs (6) and (7), by striking (1) CLARIFICATION REGARDING MEMBER- ‘‘lifelines’’ each place it appears and insert- ‘‘(a) REQUIRED REPORTING.—As a condition SHIP.—Subparagraph (B) of subsection (a)(3) of receiving funds under section 404(b), the ing ‘‘lifeline infrastructure’’; and of such section is amended, in the matter grant recipient shall, based solely on reports (5) by adding at the end the following: preceding clause (i), by striking ‘‘The com- received by the grantee and not involving ‘‘(12) The built environment has generally mittee’’ and inserting ‘‘In addition to the Di- any data collection by the grantee other been constructed and maintained to meet rector, the committee’’. than those reports, annually provide to the the needs of the users under normal condi- (2) REDUCTION IN MINIMUM FREQUENCY OF Administrator and make available to the tions. When earthquakes occur, the built en- MEETINGS OF INTERAGENCY COORDINATING COM- general public, as appropriate— vironment is generally designed to prevent MITTEE ON EARTHQUAKE HAZARDS REDUC- ‘‘(1) the number of children nationwide severe injuries or loss of human life and is TION.—Subparagraph (C) of such subsection who are reported to the grantee as missing; not expected to remain operational or able is amended by striking ‘‘not less than 3 ‘‘(2) the number of children nationwide to recover under any specified schedule. times a year’’ and inserting ‘‘not less fre- who are reported to the grantee as victims of ‘‘(13) The National Research Council pub- quently than once each year’’. non-family abductions; lished a study on reducing hazards and risks (3) EXPANSION OF DUTIES.—Subparagraph ‘‘(3) the number of children nationwide associated with earthquakes based on the (D) of such subsection is amended to read as who are reported to the grantee as victims of goals and objectives for achieving national follows: family abductions; and earthquake resilience described in the stra- ‘‘(D) DUTIES.— ‘‘(4) the number of missing children recov- tegic plan entitled ‘Strategic Plan for the ‘‘(i) GENERAL DUTY.—The Interagency Co- ered nationwide whose recovery was reported National Earthquake Hazards Reduction ordinating Committee shall oversee the to the grantee. Program’. The study and an accompanying planning, management, and coordination of report called for work in 18 tasks focused on ‘‘(b) INCIDENCE OF ATTEMPTED CHILD AB- the Program. research, preparedness, and mitigation and DUCTIONS.—As a condition of receiving funds ‘‘(ii) SPECIFIC DUTIES.—The duties of the annual funding of approximately $300,000,000 under section 404(b), the grant recipient Interagency Coordinating Committee in- per year for 20 years.’’. shall— clude the following: ‘‘(1) track the incidence of attempted child (b) PURPOSE.—Section 3 of such Act (42 ‘‘(I) Developing, not later than 6 months abductions in order to identify links and pat- U.S.C. 7702) is amended— after the date of the enactment of the Na- terns; (1) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), tional Earthquake Hazards Reduction Pro- ‘‘(2) provide such information to law en- in the first sentence, by inserting ‘‘and in- gram Reauthorization Act of 2004 and updat- forcement agencies; and crease the resilience of communities’’ after ing periodically— ‘‘(3) make such information available to ‘‘future earthquakes’’; ‘‘(aa) a strategic plan that establishes the general public, as appropriate.’’. (2) in paragraph (1), by inserting ‘‘to indi- goals and priorities for the Program activi- viduals and the communities’’ after ‘‘an ties described under subsection (a)(2); and SEC. 3. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS; earthquake’’; AUDIT REQUIREMENT. ‘‘(bb) a detailed management plan to im- (3) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘in time of (a) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— plement such strategic plan. disaster’’ and inserting ‘‘to facilitate com- ‘‘(II) Developing a coordinated interagency Section 409(a) of the Missing Children’s As- munity-wide post-earthquake recovery and sistance Act, as so redesignated by section 2, budget for the Program that will ensure ap- in times of disaster’’; propriate balance among the Program activi- is amended by striking ‘‘2018’’ and inserting (4) in paragraph (3), by striking ‘‘for pre- ‘‘2023’’. ties described under subsection (a)(2), and, in dicting damaging earthquakes and’’; accordance with the plans developed under (b) AUDIT REQUIREMENT.—Section 408(1) of (5) in paragraph (4), by inserting ‘‘and plan- the Missing Children’s Assistance Act, as so subclause (I), submitting such budget to the ning’’ after ‘‘model building’’; and Director of the Office of Management and redesignated by section 2, is amended by (6) in paragraph (5), by striking ‘‘recon- striking ‘‘2018’’ and inserting ‘‘2023’’. Budget at the time designated by the Direc- struction’’ and inserting ‘‘re-occupancy, re- tor for agencies to submit biennial budgets. SEC. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE; APPLICATION OF covery, reconstruction,’’. ‘‘(III) Developing interagency memoran- AMENDMENTS. (c) DEFINITIONS.— dums of understanding with any relevant (a) EFFECTIVE DATE.—Except as provided in (1) LIFELINE INFRASTRUCTURE.— Federal agencies on data sharing and re- subsection (b), this Act and the amendments (A) IN GENERAL.—Section 4(6) of such Act source commitment in the event of an earth- made by this Act shall take effect on the (42 U.S.C. 7703(6)) is amended by striking quake disaster. date of the enactment of this Act. ‘‘lifelines’’ and inserting ‘‘lifeline infrastruc- ‘‘(IV) Coordinating with the Interagency (b) APPLICATION OF AMENDMENTS.—The ture’’. Coordinating Committee on Windstorm Im- amendments made by section 2 shall apply (B) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Such Act (42 pact Reduction and other natural hazards co- with respect to fiscal years that begin after U.S.C. 7701 et seq.) is amended by striking ordination committees as the Director deter- September 30, 2018. ‘‘lifelines’’ each place it appears and insert- mines appropriate to share data and best ing ‘‘lifeline infrastructure’’. practices. SA 4025. Mr. PERDUE (for Mrs. FEIN- (2) COMMUNITY RESILIENCE.—Section 4 of ‘‘(V) Coordinating with the Administrator STEIN) proposed an amendment to the such Act (42 U.S.C. 7703) is amended by add- of the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- bill S. 1768, to reauthorize and amend ing at the end the following: ministration and the Administrator of the the National Earthquake Hazards Re- ‘‘(10) The term ‘community resilience’ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- duction Program, and for other pur- means the ability of a community to prepare tration on data sharing and resource alloca- poses; as follows: and plan for, absorb, recover from, and more tion to ensure judicious use of Government successfully adapt to adverse seismic resources and the free-flowing exchange of Strike all after the enacting clause and in- events.’’. information related to earthquakes. sert the following: SEC. 3. MODIFICATION OF NATIONAL EARTH- ‘‘(VI) Coordinating with the Secretary of SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. QUAKE HAZARDS REDUCTION PRO- Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior This Act may be cited as the ‘‘National GRAM. on the use of public lands for earthquake Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Re- (a) MODIFICATION OF PROGRAM ACTIVITIES.— monitoring and research stations, and re- authorization Act of 2018’’. Subsection (a)(2) of section 5 of the Earth- lated data collection.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:55 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE6.023 S27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S6362 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 27, 2018

‘‘(VII) Coordinating with the Secretary of ‘‘(A) PROGRAM RESPONSIBILITIES.—The Ad- and Technology, and State and local offi- Transportation and the Secretary of Housing ministrator of the Federal Emergency Man- cials, an alert and an earthquake warning;’’; and Urban Development on the effects of agement Agency— (4) in subparagraph (E), in the matter pre- earthquakes on transportation and housing ‘‘(i) shall operate a program of grants and ceding clause (i), by striking ‘‘using’’ and in- stocks. assistance to enable States to develop miti- serting ‘‘including’’; ‘‘(iii) ASSISTANCE FROM SECRETARY OF AGRI- gation, preparedness, and response plans, (5) in subparagraph (I), by striking ‘‘; and’’ CULTURE AND SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR.— purchase necessary instrumentation, prepare and inserting a semicolon; To the extent practicable, the Secretary of inventories and conduct seismic safety in- (6) in subparagraph (J)— Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior spections of critical structures and lifeline (A) by inserting ‘‘and data’’ after ‘‘hazard shall expedite any request for a permit to infrastructure, update building, land use maps’’; and use public land under clause (ii)(VI).’’. planning, and zoning codes and ordinances to (B) by striking the period at the end and (4) REDUCTION IN FREQUENCY OF REPORTING enhance seismic safety, increase earthquake inserting ‘‘; and’’; and BY INTERAGENCY COORDINATING COMMITTEE ON awareness and education, and provide assist- (7) by adding at the end the following: EARTHQUAKE HAZARDS REDUCTION.— ance to multi-State groups for such pur- ‘‘(K) support the Director of the National (A) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (a)(4) of such poses; Institute of Standards and Technology in the section is amended— ‘‘(ii) shall support the implementation of a completion of programmatic goals.’’. (i) in the paragraph heading, by striking comprehensive earthquake education, out- (f) MODIFICATION OF RESPONSIBILITIES OF ‘‘ANNUAL’’ and inserting ‘‘BIENNIAL’’; reach, and public awareness program, includ- NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION.—Subsection (ii) by redesignating subparagraphs (A) ing development of materials and their wide (b)(4) of such section is amended— through (F) as clauses (i) through (vi), re- dissemination to all appropriate audiences (1) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ‘‘, spectively, and adjusting the indentation of and support public access to locality-specific State agencies, State geological surveys,’’ the margin of such clauses, as so redesig- information that may assist the public in after ‘‘consortia’’; nated, two ems to the right; preparing for, mitigating against, responding (iii) in clause (v), as so redesignated, by to and recovering from earthquakes and re- (2) in subparagraph (C), by inserting ‘‘to striking ‘‘; and’’ and inserting a semicolon; lated disasters; support applied science in the production of (iv) in clause (vi), as so redesignated, by ‘‘(iii) shall, in conjunction with the Direc- a systematic series of earthquake-related striking the period at the end and inserting tor of the National Institute of Standards geologic hazard maps, and’’ after ‘‘Survey’’; ‘‘; and’’; and Technology, other Federal agencies, and (3) in subparagraph (D), by striking ‘‘large- (v) by inserting after clause (vi), as so re- private sector groups, use research results to scale experimental and computational facili- designated, the following: support the preparation, maintenance, and ties of the George E. Brown Jr. Network for ‘‘(vii) a statement regarding whether the wide dissemination of seismic resistant de- Earthquake Engineering Simulation and Administrator of the Federal Emergency sign guidance and related information on other institutions engaged in research and Management Agency has lowered or waived building codes, standards, and practices for the implementation of the National Earth- the cost share requirement for assistance new and existing buildings, structures, and quake Hazards Reduction Program’’ and in- provided under subsection (b)(2)(A)(i).’’; lifeline infrastructure, aid in the develop- serting ‘‘experimental and computational fa- (vi) in the matter preceding clause (i), as ment of performance-based design guidelines cilities’’; so redesignated, by striking ‘‘The Inter- and methodologies, and support model codes (4) in subparagraph (G), by striking ‘‘; and’’ agency’’ and all that follows through ‘‘Sen- that are cost effective and affordable in and inserting a semicolon; ate’’ and inserting the following: order to promote better practices within the (5) in subparagraph (H), by striking the pe- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Not less frequently than design and construction industry and reduce riod at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; once every two years, the Interagency Co- losses from earthquakes; (6) by adding at the end the following: ordinating Committee shall submit to the ‘‘(iv) shall enter into cooperative agree- ‘‘(I) support the Director of the National Committee on Commerce, Science, and ments or contracts with States and local ju- Institute of Standards and Technology in the Transportation, the Committee on Energy risdictions and other Federal agencies to es- completion of programmatic goals.’’; and Natural Resources, and the Committee tablish demonstration projects on earth- (7) by redesignating subparagraphs (A) on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- quake hazard mitigation, to link earthquake through (I) as clauses (i) through (ix), respec- fairs of the Senate and the Committee on research and mitigation efforts with emer- tively, and indenting such clauses accord- Science, Space, and Technology, the Com- gency management programs, or to prepare ingly; mittee on Energy and Commerce, the Com- educational materials for national distribu- (8) in the matter before clause (i), as redes- mittee on Natural Resources, and the Com- tion; and ignated by paragraph (7), in the first sen- mittee on Homeland Security of the House of ‘‘(v) shall support the Director of the Na- tence, by striking ‘‘The National Science Representatives a report on the Program’’; tional Institute of Standards and Technology Foundation’’ and inserting the following: and in the completion of programmatic goals. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The National Science (vii) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(B) STATE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM CRI- Foundation’’; and ‘‘(B) SUPPORT FOR PREPARATION OF RE- TERIA.—In order to qualify for assistance (9) by adding at the end the following: PORT.—Each head of a Program agency shall under subparagraph (A)(i), a State must— ‘‘(B) IDENTIFICATION OF FUNDING.—The Na- submit to the Director of the National Insti- ‘‘(i) demonstrate that the assistance will tional Science Foundation shall— tute of Standards and Technology such infor- result in enhanced seismic safety in the ‘‘(i) to the extent practicable, note in any mation as the Director may request for the State; notice of Program funding or other funding preparation of a report under subparagraph ‘‘(ii) provide 25 percent of the costs of the possibilities under the Program that the (A) not later than 90 days after the date on activities for which assistance is being funds are part of the Program; which the Director requests such informa- given, except that the Administrator may ‘‘(ii) to the extent practicable, track the tion.’’. lower or waive the cost-share requirement awarding of Federal funds through the Pro- (B) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments for these activities for a small impoverished gram; and made by subparagraph (A) shall take effect community, as defined in section 203 of the ‘‘(iii) not less frequently than once every 2 on the first day of the first fiscal year begin- Disaster Relief Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5133(a)); years, submit to the director of the Program ning after the date of the enactment of this and a report specifying the amount of Federal Act. ‘‘(iii) meet such other requirements as the funds awarded to conduct research that en- (c) MODIFICATION OF RESPONSIBILITIES OF Administrator shall prescribe.’’. hances the understanding of earthquake NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND (e) MODIFICATION OF RESPONSIBILITIES OF science.’’. UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.—Sub- TECHNOLOGY.—Subsection (b) of such section SEC. 4. REVIEW OF THE NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE is amended— section (b)(3) of such section is amended— HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAM. (1) in paragraph (1)— (1) in the matter preceding subparagraph (a) IN GENERAL.—As soon as practicable, (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘and (A), in the first sentence— but not later than such date as is necessary constructing,’’ and inserting ‘‘constructing, (A) by inserting ‘‘report on significant do- for the Comptroller General of the United evaluating, and retrofitting’’; and mestic and international earthquakes and’’ States to submit the report required by sub- (B) in subparagraph (D), by inserting ‘‘pro- after ‘‘Survey shall’’; and section (c) in accordance with such sub- vide new and’’ after ‘‘research to’’; and (B) by striking ‘‘predictions.’’ and insert- section, the Comptroller General shall com- (2) in paragraph (5), in the matter pre- ing ‘‘forecasts.’’; plete a review of Federal earthquake hazard ceding subparagraph (A), in the first sen- (2) in subparagraph (C), by striking ‘‘pre- risk reduction efforts. tence, by inserting ‘‘community resilience dictions, including aftershock advisories’’ through’’ after ‘‘improve’’. and inserting ‘‘alerts and early warnings’’; (b) ELEMENTS.—The review conducted (d) MODIFICATION OF RESPONSIBILITIES OF (3) by striking subparagraph (D) and in- under subsection (a) shall include the fol- FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGEN- serting the following: lowing: CY.—Paragraph (2) of subsection (b) of such ‘‘(D) issue when necessary and feasible, and (1) A comprehensive assessment of— section is amended to read as follows: notify the Administrator of the Federal (A) the extent to which the United States ‘‘(2) DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; Emergency Management Agency, the Direc- Geological Survey has identified the risks FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY.— tor of the National Institute of Standards and hazards to the United States posed by

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:55 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE6.024 S27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6363 earthquakes, including risks and hazards re- in terms of post-earthquake reoccupancy and ‘‘(F) $54,000,000 for fiscal year 2019, sulting from tsunamis and landslides that functional recovery time.’’. ‘‘(G) $54,000,000 for fiscal year 2020, are generated by earthquakes; SEC. 6. MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ADVANCED NA- ‘‘(H) $54,000,000 for fiscal year 2021, (B) the efforts of the Federal Emergency TIONAL SEISMIC SYSTEM. ‘‘(I) $54,000,000 for fiscal year 2022, and Management Agency and the National Insti- (a) PLAN REQUIRED.—Not later than 1 year ‘‘(J) $54,000,000 for fiscal year 2023.’’; and tute of Standards and Technology to im- after the date of the enactment of this Act, (4) in subsection (d)(2)— prove the resilience of the United States to the United States Geological Survey shall (A) in subparagraph (D), by striking ‘‘and’’ earthquakes and to identify important gaps submit to Congress a 5-year management at the end; and in the resilience of the United States to plan for the continued operation of the Ad- (B) by inserting before the language fol- earthquakes; vanced National Seismic System. lowing subparagraph (E) the following: (C) the progress made by the National In- (b) ELEMENTS.—The plan required by sub- ‘‘(F) $5,900,000 for fiscal year 2019, stitute of Standards and Technology and the section (a) shall include the following: ‘‘(G) $5,900,000 for fiscal year 2020, Interagency Coordinating Committee (as de- (1) Strategies to continue the development ‘‘(H) $5,900,000 for fiscal year 2021, fined in section 4 the Earthquake Hazards of an earthquake early warning system. ‘‘(I) $5,900,000 for fiscal year 2022, and Reduction Act of 1977 of the Earthquake Haz- (2) A mechanism for securing the participa- ‘‘(J) $5,900,000 for fiscal year 2023.’’. ards Reduction Act of 1977 (42 U.S.C. 7703)) to tion of State and regional level earthquake SEC. 8. TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS. coordinate effectively the budget and activi- monitoring entities, including those (a) CORRECTION OF TITLE OF ADMINISTRATOR ties of the Program agencies (as defined in defunded by the Advanced National Seismic OF THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT such section 4) in advancing the plans and System in the last five years. AGENCY.—The Earthquake Hazards Reduc- goals of the Program (as defined in such sec- (3) A plan to encourage and support the in- tion Act of 1977 (42 U.S.C. 7701 et seq.) is tion 4) and how coordination among the Pro- tegration of geodetic and geospatial data amended— gram agencies may be improved; products into earthquake monitoring in re- (1) in section 5 (42 U.S.C. 7704)— (D) the extent to which the results of re- gions experiencing large earthquakes. (A) in subsection (a)(3)(B), as amended by search in earthquake risk and hazards reduc- (4) A plan to identify and evaluate existing section 3(b)(1) of this Act— tion supported by the National Science data sets available across commercial, civil, (i) in the matter preceding clause (i), by Foundation during the 40 years of the Pro- and defense entities to determine if there are striking ‘‘the directors of’’; gram has been effectively disseminated to additional data sources to inform the devel- (ii) in clause (i), by inserting ‘‘the Admin- Federal, State, local, and private sector opment and deployment of the Advanced Na- istrator of’’ before ‘‘the’’; and stakeholders; and tional Seismic System and an earthquake (iii) in clauses (ii) through (v), by inserting (E) the extent to which the research done early warning system. ‘‘the Director of’’ before ‘‘the’’ each place it during the 40 years of the Program has been (5) A plan to ensure that there is an active, appears; and applied to both public and private earth- geographically diverse, management and ad- (B) in subsection (b)(3)(C), as amended by quake risk and hazards reduction. visory structure for the Advanced National section 3(e), by striking ‘‘Director of the (2) Recommendations to improve the Pro- Seismic System. Federal’’ and inserting ‘‘Administrator of gram and the resiliency of the United States SEC. 7. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. the Federal’’; and to earthquake risks. Section 12 of the Earthquake Hazards Re- (2) in section 9 (42 U.S.C. 7705c), by striking (c) REPORT.—As soon as practicable, but duction Act of 1977 (42 U.S.C. 7706) is amend- ‘‘Director of the Agency’’ and inserting ‘‘Ad- not later than 3 years after the date of the ed— ministrator of the Federal Emergency Man- enactment of this Act, the Comptroller Gen- (1) in subsection (a)(8)— agement Agency’’ each place it appears. eral shall submit to the Committee on Com- (A) in subparagraph (D), by striking ‘‘and’’ (b) REFERENCES TO THE ADVANCED NA- merce, Science, and Transportation, the at the end; and TIONAL SEISMIC SYSTEM.—Such Act is amend- Committee on Energy and Natural Re- (B) by inserting before the language fol- ed— sources, and the Committee on Homeland Se- lowing subparagraph (E) the following: (1) in section 13 (42 U.S.C. 7707), in the sec- curity and Governmental Affairs of the Sen- ‘‘(F) $8,758,000 for fiscal year 2019, tion heading, by striking ‘‘ADVANCED NA- ate and the Committee on Science, Space, ‘‘(G) $8,758,000 for fiscal year 2020, TIONAL SEISMIC RESEARCH AND MONITORING SYS- and Technology, the Committee on Natural ‘‘(H) $8,758,000 for fiscal year 2021, TEM’’ and inserting ‘‘ADVANCED NATIONAL SEIS- Resources, and the Committee on Homeland ‘‘(I) $8,758,000 for fiscal year 2022, and MIC SYSTEM’’; and Security of the House of Representatives a ‘‘(J) $8,758,000 for fiscal year 2023,’’; (2) by striking ‘‘Advanced National Seis- report on the findings of the Comptroller (2) in subsection (b)(2)— mic Research and Monitoring System’’ each General with respect to the review com- (A) in subparagraph (D), by striking ‘‘; place it appears and inserting ‘‘Advanced Na- pleted under subsection (a). and’’ and inserting a semicolon; tional Seismic System’’. (c) INCORRECT CROSS-REFERENCES.—Para- SEC. 5. SEISMIC STANDARDS. (B) in subparagraph (E), by striking the pe- graph (4) of section 5(a) of such Act (42 U.S.C. Section 8 of the Earthquake Hazards Re- riod at the end and inserting a semicolon; 7704(a)), as amended by section 3(b)(4)(A) of duction Act of 1977 (42 U.S.C. 7705b) is and this Act, is amended— amended to read as follows: (C) by adding at the end the following: (1) in clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph ‘‘SEC. 8. SEISMIC STANDARDS. ‘‘(F) $83,403,000 for fiscal year 2019, of which (A), as redesignated by such section ‘‘(a) ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS.— not less than $30,000,000 shall be made avail- 3(b)(4)(A), by striking ‘‘subparagraph (3)(A)’’ Not later than December 1, 2019, the Director able for completion of the Advanced Na- both places it appears and inserting ‘‘para- of the National Institute of Standards and tional Seismic System established under sec- graph (3)(D)(i)(I)’’; and Technology and the Administrator of the tion 7707 of this title; (2) in clause (iii), as so redesignated, by Federal Emergency Management Agency ‘‘(G) $83,403,000 for fiscal year 2020, of which striking ‘‘under (3)(A)’’ and inserting ‘‘under shall jointly convene a committee of experts not less than $30,000,000 shall be made avail- paragraph (3)(D)(i)(I)’’. from Federal agencies, nongovernmental or- able for completion of the Advanced Na- ganizations, private sector entities, disaster tional Seismic System established under sec- f management professional associations, engi- tion 7707 of this title; AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO neering professional associations, and profes- ‘‘(H) $83,403,000 for fiscal year 2021, of which MEET sional construction and homebuilding indus- not less than $30,000,000 shall be made avail- try associations, to assess and recommend able for completion of the Advanced Na- Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, I options for improving the built environment tional Seismic System established under sec- have 4 requests for committees to meet and critical infrastructure to reflect per- tion 7707 of this title; during today’s session of the Senate. formance goals stated in terms of post-earth- ‘‘(I) $83,403,000 for fiscal year 2022, of which They have the approval of the Majority quake reoccupancy and functional recovery not less than $30,000,000 shall be made avail- and Minority leaders. time. able for completion of the Advanced Na- Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph ‘‘(b) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Not later than tional Seismic System established under sec- June 30, 2020, the committee convened under tion 7707 of this title; and 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- paragraph (1) shall submit to the Committee ‘‘(J) $83,403,000 for fiscal year 2023, of which ate, the following committees are au- on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, not less than $30,000,000 shall be made avail- thorized to meet during today’s session the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- able for completion of the Advanced Na- of the Senate: sources, and the Committee on Homeland Se- tional Seismic System established under sec- COMMITTEE ON FINANCE curity and Governmental Affairs of the Sen- tion 7707 of this title.’’; The Committee on Finance is author- ate and the Committee on Science, Space, (3) in subsection (c)(2)— ized to meet during the session of the and Technology, the Committee on Natural (A) in subparagraph (D), by striking ‘‘and’’ Senate on Thursday, September 27, Resources, and the Committee on Homeland at the end; Security of the House of Representatives a (B) in subparagraph (E), by striking the pe- 2018, at 10 a.m., to conduct a hearing on report on recommended options for improv- riod at the end and inserting a semicolon; the following nominations: Gordon ing the built environment and critical infra- and Hartogensis, of Connecticut, to be Di- structure to reflect performance goals stated (C) by adding at the end the following: rector of the Pension Benefit Guaranty

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:55 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE6.024 S27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S6364 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 27, 2018 Corporation, and Gail S. Ennis, of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Maryland, to be Inspector General, So- objection, it is so ordered. objection, it is so ordered. cial Security Administration. The amendment (No. 4023) in the na- The committee-reported substitute COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY ture of a substitute was agreed to. amendment was withdrawn. The Committee on the Judiciary is (The amendment is printed in today’s The amendment (No. 4025) was agreed authorized to meet during the session RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) to. of the Senate on Thursday, September The bill (S. 3170), as amended, was or- (The amendment is printed in today’s 27, 2018, at 10 a.m., to conduct a hearing dered to be engrossed for a third read- RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) on the nomination of Honorable Brett ing, was read the third time, and The bill (S. 1768), as amended, was or- M. Kavanaugh. passed. dered to be engrossed for a third read- SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE f ing, was read the third time, and passed. The Select Committee on Intel- MISSING CHILDREN’S ASSISTANCE ligence is authorized to meet during ACT OF 2018 f the session of the Senate on Thursday, Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I ask WOMEN IN AEROSPACE September 27, 2018, at 2 p.m., to con- unanimous consent that the Senate EDUCATION ACT duct a closed hearing. proceed to the immediate consider- Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I ask SUBCOMMITTEE ON REGULATORY AFFAIRS AND ation of Calendar No. 583, S. 3354, sub- unanimous consent that the Senate FEDERAL MANAGEMENT mitted earlier today. proceed to the immediate consider- The Subcommittee on Regulatory Af- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ation of Calendar No. 557, H.R. 4254. fairs and Federal Management of the clerk will report the bill by title. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Committee on Homeland Security and The senior assistant legislative clerk clerk will report the bill by title. Governmental Affairs is authorized to read as follows: The senior assistant legislative clerk meet during the session of the Senate A bill (S. 3354) to amend the Missing Chil- read as follows: on Thursday, September 27, 2018, at 10 dren’s Assistance Act, and for other pur- a.m., to conduct a hearing entitled A bill (H.R. 4254) to amend the National poses. Science Foundation Authorization Act of ‘‘Examination of Regulatory Policy on There being no objection, the Senate 2002 to strengthen the aerospace workforce the Economy and Business Growth.’’ proceeded to consider the bill. pipeline by the promotion of Robert Noyce f Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I ask Teacher Scholarship Program and National unanimous consent that the Grassley Aeronautics and Space Administration in- MEASURE PLACED ON THE ternship and fellowship opportunities to CALENDAR—H.R. 6287 amendment at the desk be agreed to, women, and for other purposes. and that the bill, as amended, be con- Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I under- There being no objection, the Senate sidered read a third time and passed, stand that there is a bill at the desk proceeded to consider the bill, which and that the motions to reconsider be that is due for a second reading. had been reported from the Committee considered made and laid upon the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- table with no intervening action or de- clerk will read the title of the bill for tation, with an amendment to strike the second time. bate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without all after the enacting clause and insert The senior assistant legislative clerk in lieu thereof the following: read as follows: objection, it is so ordered. The amendment (No. 4024) was agreed SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. A bill (H.R. 6287) to provide competitive to. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Women in Aero- grants for the operation, security, and main- space Education Act’’. (The amendment is printed in today’s tenance of certain memorials to victims of SEC. 2. ROBERT NOYCE TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) PROGRAM FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNI- Mr. PERDUE. In order to place the The bill (S. 3354), as amended, was or- TIES. bill on the calendar under the provi- dered to be engrossed for a third read- (a) IN GENERAL.—The National Science Foun- sions of rule XIV, I would object to fur- ing, was read the third time, and dation Authorization Act of 2002 (Public Law passed. 107–368; 42 U.S.C. 1862n et seq.) is amended— ther proceedings. (1) in section 10(a)(3)(A)(iv), by inserting ‘‘, f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- including research experiences at national lab- tion having been heard, the bill will be NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE HAZARDS oratories and NASA centers’’ before the semi- placed on the calendar. REDUCTION PROGRAM REAU- colon; and f THORIZATION ACT OF 2017 (2) in section 10A(c)(4)— (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘and’’ at CYBERTIPLINE MODERNIZATION Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I ask the end; ACT OF 2018 unanimous consent that the Senate (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking the pe- Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I ask proceed to the immediate consider- riod at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and ation of Calendar No. 568, S. 1768. (C) by adding at the end the following: unanimous consent that the Senate ‘‘(C) providing internship opportunities for proceed to the immediate consider- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will report the bill by title. fellows, including research experiences at na- ation of Calendar No. 582, S. 3170. tional laboratories and NASA Centers.’’. The senior assistant legislative clerk The PRESIDING OFFICER. The (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made clerk will report the bill by title. read as follows: by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to The senior assistant legislative clerk A bill (S. 1768) to reauthorize and amend grants awarded on or after October 1, 2018. read as follows: the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction SEC. 3. NASA INTERNSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP OP- Program, and for other purposes. A bill (S. 3170) to amend title 18, United PORTUNITIES. States Code, to make certain changes to the There being no objection, the Senate Not later than October 1, 2018, the Adminis- reporting requirement of certain service pro- proceeded to consider the bill, which trator of the National Aeronautics and Space viders regarding child sexual exploitation had been reported from the Committee Administration (in this section referred to as visual depictions, and for other purposes. on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- ‘‘NASA’’) shall institute a process to encourage the recruitment of qualified candidates who are There being no objection, the Senate tation. women or individuals who are underrepresented proceeded to consider the bill, which Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I fur- in the fields of science, technology, engineering, had been reported from the Committee ther ask that the committee-reported and mathematics (STEM) and computer science on the Judiciary. substitute be withdrawn, the Feinstein for internships and fellowships at NASA with Mr. PERDUE. I ask unanimous con- substitute amendment at desk be con- relevance to the aerospace sector and related sent that the Grassley amendment at sidered and agreed to, the bill, as fields. the desk be agreed to; that the bill, as amended, be read a third time and Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I ask amended, be considered read a third passed, and the motions to reconsider unanimous consent that the com- time and passed; and that the motion be considered made and laid upon the mittee-reported amendment be agreed to reconsider be considered made and table with no intervening action or de- to, the bill, as amended, be considered laid upon the table. bate. read a third time and passed, and that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:24 Sep 29, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD18\SEPTEMBER\S27SE8.REC S27SE8 abonner on DSKBCJ7HB2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6365 the motion to reconsider be considered The preamble was agreed to. ate completes its business today, it ad- made and laid upon the table. (The resolution, with its preamble, is journ until 2 p.m., Friday, September The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- 28; further, that following the prayer objection, it is so ordered. mitted Resolutions.’’) and pledge, the morning hour be The committee-reported amendment f deemed expired, the Journal of pro- in the nature of a substitute was ceedings be approved to date, and the NATIONAL ADULT EDUCATION agreed to. time for the two leaders be reserved for AND FAMILY LITERACY WEEK The amendment was ordered to be their use later in the day; finally, that engrossed and the bill to be read a Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I ask following leader remarks, the Senate third time. unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to morning business, with Sen- The bill was read the third time. proceed to the immediate consider- ators permitted to speak therein for up The bill (H.R. 4254), as amended, was ation of S. Res. 657, submitted earlier to 10 minutes each. passed. today. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. The objection, it is so ordered. f clerk will report the resolution by f NATIONAL KINSHIP CARE MONTH title. The senior assistant legislative clerk Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I ask ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 2 P.M. read as follows: unanimous consent that the Com- TOMORROW mittee on the Judiciary be discharged A resolution (S. Res. 657) designating the Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, if there week of September 23 through 29, 2018, as from further consideration of S. Res. ‘‘National Adult Education and Family Lit- is no further business to come before 637 and the Senate proceed to its imme- eracy Week.’’ the Senate, I ask that it stand ad- diate consideration. There being no objection, the Senate journed under the previous order. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without proceeded to consider the resolution. There being no objection, the Senate, objection, it is so ordered. Mr. PERDUE. I further ask unani- at 4:22 p.m., adjourned until Friday, The clerk will report the resolution mous consent that the resolution be September 28, 2018, at 2 p.m. by title. agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, f The senior assistant legislative clerk and the motions to reconsider be con- CONFIRMATIONS read as follows: sidered made and laid upon the table A resolution (S. Res. 637) designating Sep- with no intervening action or debate. Executive nominations confirmed by tember 2018 as ‘‘National Kinship Care The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the Senate September 27, 2018: Month.’’ objection, it is so ordered. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to The resolution (S. Res. 657) was LISA PORTER, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE A DEPUTY UNDER consider the resolution. agreed to. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE. Mr. PERDUE. I further ask that the The preamble was agreed to. IN THE AIR FORCE resolution be agreed to, the preamble (The resolution, with its preamble, is THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT be agreed to, and the motions to recon- printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- CATED UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: sider be considered made and laid upon mitted Resolutions.’’) To be brigadier general the table with no intervening action or f debate. COL. JEFFREY H. HURLBERT The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without NATIONAL COMMUNITY POLICING IN THE NAVY WEEK objection, it is so ordered. THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY RESERVE TO THE GRADE The resolution (S. Res. 637) was Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I ask INDICATED WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPOR- agreed to. unanimous consent that the Senate TANCE AND RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., The preamble was agreed to. proceed to the immediate consider- SECTION 601: (The resolution, with its preamble, is ation of S. Res. 658, submitted earlier To be vice admiral printed in the RECORD of September 18, today. REAR ADM. MICHAEL J. DUMONT 2018, under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) The PRESIDING OFFICER. The THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT clerk will report the resolution by IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY TO THE GRADE INDICATED f UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: title. To be rear admiral (lower half) RECOGNIZING AND SUPPORTING The senior assistant legislative clerk CAPT. ROBERT D. KATZ THE GOALS AND IDEALS OF NA- read as follows: IN THE AIR FORCE TIONAL FORENSIC SCIENCE A resolution (S. Res. 658) designating the week of September 30 through October 6, THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT WEEK IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- 2018, as ‘‘National Community Policing CATED WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I ask Week.’’ AND RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION unanimous consent that the Senate 601: There being no objection, the Senate proceed to the consideration of S. Res. To be lieutenant general proceeded to consider the resolution. 656, submitted earlier today. Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I ask MAJ. GEN. MICHAEL T. PLEHN The PRESIDING OFFICER. The unanimous consent that the resolution IN THE NAVY clerk will report the resolution by be agreed to, the preamble be agreed THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT title. IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY TO THE GRADE INDICATED to, and the motions to reconsider be The senior assistant legislative clerk WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE AND considered made and laid upon the RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 601: read as follows: table with no intervening action or de- To be vice admiral A resolution (S. Res. 656) recognizing and bate. REAR ADM. TIMOTHY G. SZYMANSKI supporting the goals and ideals of National The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Forensic Science Week. IN THE ARMY objection, it is so ordered. There being no objection, the Senate THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT The resolution (S. Res. 658) was IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED proceeded to consider the resolution. agreed to. WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE AND Mr. PERDUE. I ask unanimous con- The preamble was agreed to. RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 601: sent that the resolution be agreed to, (The resolution, with its preamble, is To be lieutenant general the preamble be agreed to, and the mo- printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- MAJ. GEN. JAMES E. RAINEY tions to reconsider be considered made mitted Resolutions.’’) IN THE AIR FORCE and laid upon the table with no inter- f THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT vening action or debate. IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- ORDERS FOR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER CATED WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without AND RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION objection, it is so ordered. 28, 2018 601: The resolution (S. Res. 656) was Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I ask To be lieutenant general agreed to. unanimous consent that when the Sen- MAJ. GEN. THOMAS J. SHARPY

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VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:55 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\A27SE6.005 S27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1315 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

TRIBUTE TO REVEREND TROY HONORING NATHAN DAVIS AND nize the American families and over 125,000 PERRY CHILDREN’S CARDIOMYOPATHY individuals that grow, harvest, mill, and proc- AWARENESS MONTH ess this important crop. In my home state of Mississippi, 2,194 jobs HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF HON. TOM COLE are supported by these farmers, generating $110.9 million in total labor income. The rice OF CALIFORNIA OF OKLAHOMA production system, from start to finish, contrib- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES utes more than $302 million to the state’s eco- Thursday, September 27, 2018 nomic output. Thursday, September 27, 2018 Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Rice production in America has grown tre- mendously over its 300-year history; almost 85 Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor one of my constituents, Nathan Davis of percent of the rice consumed by Americans is recognize Reverend Troy D. Perry of Los An- Norman, Oklahoma, and in support of Chil- produced across these six states, and I am geles, California, founder of the Metropolitan dren’s Cardiomyopathy Awareness Month. proud Mississippi is among them. In Mis- Community Church (MCC) which this year As an infant, Nathan had a virus which caused his heart to develop dilated cardio- sissippi, rice farmers on average harvest over celebrates its 50th Anniversary. Today, we 150,000 acres, producing more than 1.25 bil- celebrate his commitment to MCC and the myopathy, a life-long and degenerative heart disease that thins the heart muscle. The heart lion pounds of rice each year. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Along with feeding American families and Queer (LGBTQ) Community. virus also caused Nathan to have a seizure that lasted three days. He survived against the exporting their crop to 120 countries, rice Rev. Troy Perry has been a force and pio- odds but was left with long-term effects of car- farmers are conservationists and stewards of neer for LGBTQ human rights, advocating for diomyopathy and his seizures. Nathan grew the land. While increasing their yields by over legal, spiritual, and social equality. As the up in a town that focused heavily on sports 50 percent, American rice farmers have signifi- founder of the Metropolitan Community but was never able to play. His seizures cantly reduced their energy, land, and water Church in 1968, he created the first church caused short-term memory loss, exacerbated use over the last 20 years. By using 35 per- designed to minister to the needs of its by his daily heart medications. These life chal- cent less land and 53 percent less water, rice LGBTQ members. What began as a small lenges have also caused Nathan to suffer farmers have cut costs, increased productivity, gathering in his apartment, blossomed into the from mental health illnesses. His daily prayer and created a more sustainable future for our flourishing organization of the MCC with is that with increased awareness and funding American farmlands. churches across the country. The MCC cre- for cardiomyopathy that eventually a cure can We take the time during the month of Sep- ated a safe space for members of the LGBTQ be found. tember to thank those farmers, millers, and community to congregate. September is Children’s Cardiomyopathy merchants, and the lives that they impact; Awareness month, which helps to raise the both as job creators, and as a group that Along with establishing the MCC, Rev. Perry feeds our families across the country and was one of the founders of the first gay pride profile and spread information about cardio- myopathy and the effects it can have on chil- around the world. event in Los Angeles in 1970. With the goal of f commemorating the Stonewall uprising of dren and their families. As in the case of Na- 1969, he collaborated with other community than, cardiomyopathy can lead to life-long dif- CELEBRATING CHILDREN’S CAR- ficulties, or, tragically, death. It is a leading leaders to create Christopher Street West, the DIOMYOPATHY AWARENESS cause of sudden cardiac arrest, particularly organization that held its first gay pride parade MONTH among young people, and is the leading on June 28, 1970. Because of his visionary cause of heart transplants for children over and inspiring actions, LA PRIDE continues HON. DAVID P. ROE one year of age. Because symptoms are not today under the auspices of Christopher Street OF TENNESSEE always obvious, cardiomyopathy can easily re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES West. Rev. Perry continued his advocacy for main undetected, with often fatal con- gender and sexual equity and became the first sequences. The mortality rate for pediatric car- Thursday, September 27, 2018 openly gay person to serve on the Los Ange- diomyopathy exceeds that of all childhood Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I rise les County Commission on Human Relations cancers combined, and yet there is a shocking today in support of Children’s Cardiomyopathy in 1973. In recognition of his vital work for lack of both awareness and research on this Awareness Month, and events such as AED LGBTQ rights, Rev. Perry was invited to the terrible disease. Hunt on the Hill which raise awareness on the White House by President to I urge my colleagues to join me in honoring lifesaving value of AEDs. discuss his civil rights work. Rev. Perry contin- Nathan Davis and his fight to raise awareness According to the American Red Cross Orga- ued his advocacy on the national stage, being for cardiomyopathy. nization, improved training and access to appointed as an official delegate to the White f AEDs could save as many as 50,000 lives House Conference on Hate Crimes and the each year, and all Americans should be within White House Conference on AIDS by Presi- RECOGNIZING THE MONTH OF SEP- 4 minutes of an AED and someone trained to dent . TEMBER AS NATIONAL RICE use it. With an average response time of 8– MONTH Rev. Troy Perry has been honored by many 12 minutes for first responders once 911 is esteemed institutions over the years for his called, it’s a responsibility for all of us to pre- work on behalf of the LGBTQ community. HON. GREGG HARPER pare to help in the event of a cardiac emer- Rev. Perry received the Humanitarian Award OF MISSISSIPPI gency. Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the from the American Civil Liberties Union, Les- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES leading causes of death in the U.S. and for each minute defibrillation is delayed, the bian and Gay Rights Chapter and has been Thursday, September 27, 2018 chance of survival is reduced by approxi- honored by the Gay Press Association for his Mr. HARPER. Mr. Speaker, today I rise in mately 10 percent. advocacy and work establishing progressive honor of the numerous rice farming-families As a doctor, I’ve seen the value of acces- and inclusive communities of faith. and industry stake-holders across Mississippi sible AEDs firsthand. Several years ago in I ask all Members to join me in congratu- and the five other major rice growing states. 2011, I was grabbing coffee on a layover in lating Reverend Troy Perry, a paramount The month of September does not only mark Charlotte Douglas International Airport on the voice for peace, tolerance, and understanding the beginning of harvest season across the way to Washington, D.C. when I heard some- for his lifetime of outstanding service to the hundreds of rice farms in my home state, but one call out for a doctor. At that point, an indi- LGBTQ community and to our nation. it also marks National Rice Month. We recog- vidual had collapsed to the ground and was

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K27SE8.001 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E1316 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 27, 2018 not exhibiting a pulse. For 3–4 minutes I community spirit present. That spirit is re- was in the United States Army for twenty worked with a woman on hand to perform flected in the service of citizens and elected years and served two tours of duty in Vietnam. CPR until emergency services could arrive on representatives like Jeff Greenfield. Although While in Congress, he was highly regarded for the scene with a portable defibrillator. he may be retired from the City Council, I am his service to veterans and leaves behind a September is Children’s Cardiomyopathy confident that he will continue to be involved legacy of commitment to those who have Awareness Month. Cardiomyopathy is a in those issues that are important to him and served in uniform. I succeeded him on the Ei- chronic disease of the heart muscle that can his family. I thank him for his service to our senhower Commission, where I was well in- present in a variety of forms and may, in se- community and thank his wife Lisa and daugh- formed of his great work and dedication. vere cases, lead to heart failure or sudden ter Alexandra for the sacrifices they have Mr. Boswell was committed to the principles death. It is the leading causes of sudden made. I ask my colleagues to please join me of fiscal responsibility and good governance. death in young people, and the primary cause in congratulating Jeff and his family and in He considered it his duty to ensure that future of heart transplants in children over the age of wishing them continued success. generations would not be burdened with enor- mous debt and underfunded social programs. one. Knowing your family’s history and heart f health, and discussing it with your doctor, can Not only was Mr. Boswell an outstanding help determine whether you or a family mem- REMEMBERING THE DESEGREGA- representative for his district, he was also one ber is at risk. TION OF STRATFORD HIGH of the nicest and most unassuming Members Once again, I applaud events like AED Hunt SCHOOL IN NASHVILLE, TEN- with whom I have had the pleasure of serving. on the Hill, and all efforts to raise awareness NESSEE f during Children’s Cardiomyopathy Awareness PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION Month. HON. JIM COOPER OF CONFERENCE REPORT ON f OF TENNESSEE H.R. 6157, DEPARTMENT OF DE- RECOGNIZING MR. JEFFREY C. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FENSE APPROPRIATIONS ACT, GREENFIELD Thursday, September 27, 2018 2019; PROVIDING FOR CONSIDER- ATION OF H. RES. 1071, RECOG- HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Mr. COOPER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to NIZING THAT ALLOWING ILLE- remember Stratford High School and the GAL IMMIRGRANTS THE RIGHT OF VIRGINIA Nashville community on the 55th anniversary IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO VOTE DIMINISHES THE VOT- of the school’s desegregation. On that remark- ING POWER OF UNITED STATES Thursday, September 27, 2018 able day, four twelve-year-old girls coura- CITIZENS; AND PROVIDING FOR Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- geously walked into Stratford High School pre- CONSIDERATION OF MOTIONS TO ognize Mr. Jeffrey C. ‘‘Jeff’’ Greenfield and to pared to change history and open the doors of SUSPEND THE RULES congratulate him on his recent retirement fol- opportunity for all. lowing 29 years of dedicated public service, The lessons of Nashville’s involvement in SPEECH OF including 24 years as an elected representa- the Civil Rights Movement are still teaching us how to build a more perfect union. In a 1960 HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE tive on the Fairfax City Council. OF TEXAS Jeff grew up in Fairfax City. He graduated speech in Nashville, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from Fairfax High School, and earned both his said, ‘‘I came to Nashville not to bring inspira- Bachelor of Arts in political science and Mas- tion, but to gain inspiration from the great Wednesday, September 26, 2018 ter of Public Administration degrees at our movement that has taken place in this com- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in very own George Mason University. He began munity.’’ Equal access to quality education, strong opposition to the rule governing debate his career in public service in 1989 when he like that provided at Stratford, is vital to grow- for H.R. 6157, the ‘‘DOD and Labor HHS Ap- was appointed to the Parks and Recreation ing leaders who will inspire generations to propriations Act for FY 2019.’’ Advisory Board. Five years later, Jeff was come. I must oppose this rule and urge the defeat elected to the City Council, a position that he In 1963, just a few days after Dr. King the previous question, not because we do not was re-elected to twelve times. By his own es- spoke of a dream from the Lincoln Memorial, support the troops or our children, but be- timates, he has attended more than 850 City Bernadine Price [Rabathaly], Beverly Page cause defeating the previous question will en- Council meetings and countless committee, [Ward], Brenda Harris [Haywood], and Pamela able this House to consider and pass H.R. neighborhood, and regional meetings. Franklin walked into school and trusted the 6545, the ‘‘Violence Against Women Reau- My own start in public service came as content of their character. With the help, en- thorization Act of 2018.’’ President of my local citizens association fol- couragement, and protection of the school’s This is an opportunity we do not want to lowed by 14 years on the Fairfax County Assistant Principal, Ronald Webb, the stu- squander. Board of Supervisors, the last 5 as Chair. My dents overcame obstacles that no students The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) term taught me many things, but one of the should face and helped change our nation for- is a landmark piece of legislation passed in enduring lessons I learned is that local gov- ever. 1994 following the Anita Hill moment that ernment is truly where the rubber meets the As we reflect on the past, let us remember opened our eyes to the then overwhelming road. It is the local governments that are often and thank these heroic individuals for their re- problems faced by victims of domestic vio- tasked with rolling up their sleeves and getting lentless efforts in making our community a lence, dating violence, sexual assault, and the problem solved. Partisan identification is ir- stronger place, and realize we still have a lot stalking. By passing the VAWA, we can stop the re- relevant. One of the uniquely rewarding as- of work to do. victimizing, re-traumatizing and stigmatizing of pects of local government is the ability to f sexual assault survivors. leave a physical legacy in your community. Enough is Enough. Whether it be a crosswalk that you had in- HONORING FORMER CONGRESS- MAN LEONARD BOSWELL Science tells us that trauma severely im- stalled, a traffic calming measure or perhaps pacts recall. So let us do our jobs and help even a new building, you can truly say that them. you made a difference in your community. HON. MIKE THOMPSON Women deserve to be respected, protected In addition to serving on the Fairfax City OF CALIFORNIA and NEVER neglected. Council, Jeff has also served as a member of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As we all know very clearly, VAWA is set to the Northern Virginia Transportation Commis- Thursday, September 27, 2018 expire this week and millions of innocent lives sion, the Local Emergency Planning Com- are counting on us to get this right and reau- mittee and the Board of Directors for the Met- Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, thorize VAWA now. ropolitan Washington Council of Governments I rise today to honor former Congressman Help women, men and children everywhere as well as its Policy and Human Service and Leonard Boswell. I was good friends with Mr. throughout our great country that have, are Public Safety Committees. In each of these Boswell, he was a fellow Blue Dog and we at- and will suffer at the hands of perpetrators roles, he has worked to improve the lives of tended many events together over the years. that commit these violent and abusive crimes. the residents of Fairfax City and Northern Vir- I had the opportunity to visit his district and Clearly these victims deserve more than a ginia. saw his passion for serving his constituents. mere 3 month expedient extension or piece- Mr. Speaker, this region is blessed to have Mr. Boswell was one of the most highly meal product to combat these challenges of a tremendous well of civic engagement and decorated combat veterans in Congress. He monumental proportion.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K27SE8.004 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1317 What will we say to them? It closes many of the loopholes found in dat- Patti J. Beattie Volunteer of the Year: Mar- The current climate of the MeToo movement ing violence. tha Kobliska. Martha has been a volunteer is a wakeup call to the Nation. Let’s not make And in response to the overwhelming vic- with LVA–PW for more than 11 years. She this a partisan issue, because crimes of vio- tims in the MeToo movement, it adds sexual serves as a tutor, fundraiser, and tutor trainer. lence against anyone must be addressed. harassment as part of the applicable crimes of As part of the tutor training team, she provides Therefore, when we ignore an extraordinary violence. professional level training and certifications to movement such as the MeToo movement by In short, the Reauthorization of the Violence all new tutors. This year alone, she has volun- not reauthorizing a strengthened and improved Against Women Act of 2018 is a narrow bill teered in excess of 325 hours to LVA–PW. VAWA that meets today’s challenges, then we with a wide impact. Martha demonstrates her compassion and have failed women. Let’s not play politics with people’s lives. commitment to helping others through her If we do not defeat this previous question Let’s not short-change them by slashing fund- positive spirit and willingness to serve when- we are telling all of our constituents that rely ing in half. Let’s not kick the can down the ever called upon. heavily on VAWA and all of those that care road while omitting funding. Let’s not dismiss Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me about protecting women, men and children’s their cries and pleas. And certainly, let’s not in congratulating each of the LVA–PW award rights against violence that we do not care. punish them mercifully because #THEY DID recipients and to thank them for their contribu- On July 26, 2018, I introduced H.R. 6545, NOT REPORT. tions to our community. VAWA 2018, which is a compromise version f with modest improvements, because I am f committed to passing a bipartisan Reauthor- RECOGNIZING THE RECIPIENTS OF ization of the Violence Against Women Act THE 2018 LITERACY VOLUNTEERS RECOGNIZING THE AMERICAN that is tailored to appeal to Members of Con- OF AMERICA—PRINCE WILLIAM, PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION gress across the political spectrum. INC. AWARDS BLACK CAUCUS OF HEALTH We should all be committed to do the same WORKERS in order to respond to the desperate pleas of our sisters and brothers in dire need of our HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY help. OF VIRGINIA HON. BRENDA L. LAWRENCE Colleagues, this is your moment to do the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MICHIGAN right thing for the right reasons and help bring Thursday, September 27, 2018 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H.R. 6545 to the floor for a vote. This has always been a bipartisan effort. Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Thursday, September 27, 2018 to recognize the recipients of the 2018 Lit- Let’s not let the current times and background Mrs. LAWRENCE. Mr. Speaker, today I rec- eracy Volunteers of America—Prince William noise sway us away from our pivotal duties. ognize the American Public Health Association Inc. awards. Literacy Volunteers of America— Let’s show the American people that we care (APHA) Black Caucus of Health Workers on Prince William Inc. (LVA–PW) is a local non- about victims of domestic violence, dating vio- the occasion of its 50th anniversary. This or- profit organization that has served Prince Wil- lence, stalking, sexual assault and sexual har- ganization, which is the first and oldest caucus liam County for more than 25 years. Its mis- assment, which I have added in VAWA 2018. of the APHA, was founded during the Associa- sion is to improve lives through adult literacy. H.R. 6545 has received the support of the tion’s 1968 annual meeting held in my home- It trains local volunteers to become tutors then National Task Force to End Sexual and Do- town of Detroit, Michigan. mestic Violence, which is a national collabora- pairs them with adults seeking to improve their For 50 years, the APHA Black Caucus of tion comprising a large and diverse group of literacy or English language skills. LVA–PW Health Workers has worked diligently to elimi- national, tribal, state, territorial and local orga- offers a range of literacy services including nate and reduce gaps in health and health nizations, advocates, and individuals that fo- GED classes, computer literacy, citizenship outcomes by improving the quality of life of cuses on the development, passage and im- preparedness, English as a second language people of African American descent through plementation of effective public policy to ad- classes, and more. advocacy, knowledge, practice and research. dress domestic violence, dating violence, sex- Every year LVA–PW hosts an annual meet- They perform valuable work in a field that has ual assault, and stalking (‘‘the four crimes’’). ing and award presentation to honor and an immeasurable impact on the lives of all These modest, yet vital updates we have share in the achievements of its adult learners Americans. made to the existing Violence Against Women and volunteers. I am proud to include in the Act (‘‘VAWA’’) are based on the needs identi- RECORD the names of the following LVA–PW In addition to raising the standard of care fied by direct service providers who work daily award recipients: across our nation, the Black Caucus of Health with victims and survivors of the four crimes. Student of the Year: Bismark Osei. Bismark Workers works to eliminate institutional racism H.R. 6545 makes the following improve- came to the U.S. from Ghana two years ago. in their industry, to ensure that minorities in ments and more: He is a devoted and hardworking family man the healthcare industry are receiving equal It makes important investments in preven- who came to LVA–PW seeking to better his treatment and a proper quality of life. They tion, a key priority identified not only by people life and further his education through earning also support the future of our workforce by who work with victims and survivors daily, but a GED certificate. He joined LVA–PW’s GED helping African American students complete also by our very own bipartisan Women’s program one year ago and started taking three their studies in public health programs. This Caucus. classes a week while also working full-time as essential work has developed a strong com- It provides resources to implement evi- a security guard. By August 7, 2018, through munity of African American employees in the dence-based prevention programming, which hard work and perseverance, he earned his healthcare industry. will make our communities safer and, ulti- GED certificate after only 10 months in the The Caucus continues to move our nation mately, saves taxpayers money. program. He plans to continue furthering his forward every day by improving healthcare de- It also safeguards important protections that education and career goals by enrolling in col- livery and fostering innovation. The Caucus ensure all victims and survivors have access lege. closely monitors developments in the field and to safety and justice and provides a mecha- Tutor of the Year: Eduardo Lopez. Eduardo provides a crucial forum for communication nism to hold predators who prey on Native has been a volunteer with LVA–PW for more among African American healthcare workers, women accountable. than two years. He serves as both a GED so that they can share ideas to improve their Moreover, it provides law enforcement with math tutor and basic computer literacy tutor. work and their entire industry. new tools to protect their communities. Since beginning at LVA–PW, he has provided On this momentous occasion, I want to con- It offers protections for survivors in federal over 350 volunteer hours while also working gratulate the visionary founders and members public, subsidized, and assisted housing. full-time. His passion, patience and encour- of the APHA Black Caucus of Health Workers, It supports victims and survivors who need agement inspires his students. This year as well as APHA’s current Executive Director, assistance rebuilding financially. alone, he has helped two students prepare for Dr. Georges Benjamin, and all the leaders of It addresses the needs of underserved com- and pass the GED test. Eduardo is a living ex- the APHA for their important work. I look for- munities, and improves the healthcare re- ample of the impact that a single individual ward to their continued work for the health of sponse to the four crimes. can have on a community. our nation.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.003 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E1318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 27, 2018 RECOGNIZING CHILDREN’S CAR- MARKING THE 60TH ANNIVERSARY sion of their Golden Anniversary. I have had DIOMYOPATHY AWARENESS OF THE COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN the great pleasure of personally knowing MONTH MARYLAND Lance and Karla for many years and consider them not only neighbors but wonderful friends. HON. STENY H. HOYER I can personally attest to their dedication to HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. OF MARYLAND their family and community. Lance Morrell and Karla Jane Brownmiller OF NEW JERSEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, September 27, 2018 met as students at the University of Rich- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mond. While attending the University of Rich- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to congratu- mond, Karla was Phi Beta Kappa and Lance Thursday, September 27, 2018 late the College of Southern Maryland on its was the senior class president. They married sixtieth anniversary. I join in thanking Presi- in Arlington, VA in 1968 and began their life Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to dent Maureen Murphy, faculty, staff, students, encourage my colleagues to join me in sup- journey together. and alumni on this milestone. Recognized by Lance served honorably in the United States porting the Cardiomyopathy Health Education, the 2019 Aspen Prize as one of the top 150 Army and Army Reserves for more than 20 Awareness, Risk Assessment and Training in community colleges in the nation, the College years, retiring as a Lt. Colonel. After his dis- the Schools (HEARTS) Act and in recognition of Southern Maryland provides thousands of charge he worked for 22 years with the World of Children’s Cardiomyopathy Awareness students with pathways to successful careers. Bank where he managed projects to reduce Month. Founded as the Charles County Community poverty, provide clean water, and strengthen Cardiomyopathy affects both children and College in 1958, its first classes met in the democratic governance in Southeast Asia and adults and is a chronic and potentially life- evenings at La Plata High School. A decade Africa. Lance spent years toiling in some of threatening heart condition that affects how later, the College’s La Plata campus opened the poorest parts of Africa to help those most its doors, and branches were launched to the heart pumps blood through the body. The in need of assistance and Karla often travelled serve St. Mary’s and Calvert Counties in the disease presents differently in individuals, and with him. He then founded FEI Consulting years that followed. Its name change to the it can be difficult to detect when there are no which allowed him to continue his efforts to College of Southern Maryland in 2000 re- improve living standards in the developing apparent symptoms. For those not diagnosed, flected a growing regional institution of higher the consequences can be devastating. Re- world. learning. Now, as it begins its seventh decade Karla focused her attention on the family, search has shown that cardiomyopathy is a serving the community, the College provides a leading cause of sudden cardiac arrest. especially their three sons. She and Lance broad range of associate degrees, certifi- have always been very involved in their chil- All too often, we hear of an adult or child cations, skills training courses, and wellness dren’s education and activities. She was an collapsing unexpectedly due to an programs. active member of countless PTA’s and volun- undiagnosed heart condition. The Cardio- Always adapting to meet the educational teered at the snack bar at school sporting myopathy HEARTS Act will help educate af- challenges of its day, the College continues to events for more than 15 years. Now, as a fected individuals and their families, as well as adopt new technologies to further its mission. grandmother of five, most of her days are school and health professionals about cardio- It now offers twelve fully online degree pro- spent watching at least one of her grand- myopathy and encourage families to evaluate grams and is committed to continued innova- children—a job that Karla adores. their family’s cardiac history, check for cardio- tion in the design and implementation of cur- Lance and Karla moved to Mantua in 1977 myopathy symptoms, and seek medical ricula. The College has stayed true to its and immediately plunged themselves into local screening if necessary. foundational principles of diversity, afford- community activities. In fact, Karla and I ability, accessibility, and forging innovative served together on the Mantua Citizens Asso- Despite the severity of the cardiomyopathy, partnerships that benefit students. More than little is known about the prevalence, causes, ciation for a number of years. sixty academic institutions have partnered with She was an irreplaceable ally during the pe- and reasons for its variability. The Cardio- the College of Southern Maryland to offer riod following a massive underground oil spill myopathy HEARTS Act also addresses this by guaranteed transfer admission to its graduates from a nearby tank farm into the neighbor- requesting the National Institutes of Health who complete their associate’s degrees and hood. Karla and I, along with many of our (NIH) to evaluate current research initiatives meet other criteria. neighbors, coordinated efforts between the on cardiomyopathy and direct the Centers for I’ve been proud over the years to support community, local, state, and federal agencies, Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to col- the work of the College of Southern Maryland, and the tank farm owners. Our efforts ensured lect and analyze national data to identify the including by securing $497,000 for its Nursing that the clean-up was done effectively, that the impact, prevalence, and natural history of car- and Allied Health Care Training and Tech- tank farm owners made necessary safety im- diomyopathy. nology program in 2008 and $468,000 for its provements and that they were held respon- STEM Workforce Initiative in 2009. I was I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- sible for the damage done. happy to be on hand when the clinical nursing porting this bill and helping the many families I had the great pleasure of working with lab was opened in 2010 as well as to help fa- Lance and Karla, along with other Northern and children who are touched by this under- cilitate a U.S. Department of Labor grant of recognized condition. Virginia neighbors, in the founding of the Cra- $1.5 million in 2012 for the College’s program dle of Love Foundation. This Foundation, And now is a great time to show our sup- to teach juvenile offenders in-demand job which operated from 2004 to 2008, was estab- port. September is Children’s Cardiomyopathy skills for success in the workforce after their lished to help provide financial support for an Awareness, to help raise the profile and release. For the past six decades, the College orphanage in the Philippines. spread information about this terrible disease. has lived up to its vision of ‘‘transforming lives I often encourage people to ‘‘bloom where By encouraging individuals to know one’s fam- through lifelong learning and service’’, and I you are planted.’’ This phrase, attributed to the ily’s history and heart health, and discussing it look forward to working with President Murphy Bishop of Geneva, Saint Francis de Sales, with their doctor, can help determine whether and the entire College of Southern Maryland can mean different things to different people. one’s child is at risk. community to ensure that it can continue to do To me it means that you should get involved so. The Children’s Cardiomyopathy Foundation, in your community and take advantage of the f based in my home state of New Jersey, is the opportunities to contribute that surround you. leading nonprofit in providing resources and RECOGNIZING THE GOLDEN ANNI- Whether it is volunteering, entering public support to families and children struggling with VERSARY OF LANCE AND KARLA service, coaching a youth sports team, or this terrible disease. They also work to raise MORRELL planting a tree, each of us has the ability and the responsibility to get involved. Lance and awareness, along with their grassroots net- Karla Morrell are living examples of this phi- work of families and advocate for research HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY losophy in action. OF VIRGINIA and policies to help those suffering from pedi- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES atric cardiomyopathy. in congratulating Lance and Karla Morrell on It is my pleasure to help raise awareness for Thursday, September 27, 2018 their 50th wedding anniversary and in thanking the Foundation and for pediatric cardio- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con- them for their many efforts to improve our myopathy. gratulate Lance and Karla Morrell on the occa- community and the lives of others. I wish

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.006 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1319 Lance, Karla, and their entire family continued Jon Lavin is a leader, innovator, advocate, the Phyllis Pinkerton Award for Leadership in success, health and happiness. and a mentor who has trained many advo- Advocacy and Make Medicare Work Coalition f cates to fight for the needs of seniors, includ- recognized him at their April Summit for his ing Kris Sadur and Maribeth Stein who went dedicated service. In May, Metropolitan Asian HONORING TANNER LEE JAMESON on to work in my district office helping con- Family Services presented him with its 2018 stituents. As the former executive director of Community Service Award for his ‘‘dedicated, HON. JOHN J. DUNCAN, JR. the Illinois State Council of Senior Citizens continued support and advocacy on behalf of OF TENNESSEE and as a member of Congress, I am one of the ethnic elderly population through various IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many who have learned from Jon. He is my public benefit programs.’’ Thursday, September 27, 2018 friend, and I will miss working with him as he I invite my colleagues to join me in honoring Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, steps down from his current role. Jon Lavin for the work he has done for the Jon combines serious policy knowledge with this past June marked the nine-year anniver- older adults of suburban Cook County. I am a commitment to service and making real im- sary since Tanner Lee Jameson collapsed at confident that Jon will continue to put his pas- provements in people’s lives. Jon earned a a school basketball game. Tanner was in car- sion and his experience to use in advocating master’s Degree in Public Administration and diac arrest and needed an automated external for older Americans and their families. I thank a bachelor’s Degree in Government from the defibrillator or AED. But the school’s him for his invaluable service and wish him American University in Washington, D.C. After defibrillator was inaccessible, and Tanner did the best of everything in his future endeavors. working for the City of Chicago Department on not survive. f Aging for five years, he went on to spend the Seconds count for those suffering from sud- H.R. 1551, THE ORRIN G. HATCH- den cardiac arrest. Chance of survival de- next 40 years shaping AgeOptions to be what it is today; one of the most respected Area BOB GOODLATTE MUSIC MOD- creases 7–10 percent for every minute without ERNIZATION ACT OF 2018 CPR and a defibrillator. A defibrillator is easy Agencies on Aging in the country. His over- to operate and highly effective in restoring the sight of a staff of 40 and coordination of heart’s normal rhythm. Schools with AED pro- grants and contracts to more than 45 different HON. BOB GOODLATTE grams have survival rates of over 70 percent, community agencies, have enabled OF VIRGINIA as compared to only 10 percent for children in AgeOptions to serve 523,000 older adults liv- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES schools without AEDs. ing in more than 130 communities. Thursday, September 27, 2018 In Illinois, Jon Lavin is the go-to person Because of this, I am proud to have intro- when it comes to identifying the needs of sen- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, earlier this duced House Resolution 35 to encourage pub- iors and then working to meet them. Some of week, the House of Representatives voted to lic schools with AEDs to hold annual training the positions he has held are: Vice President send legislation to the President to bring early in their schools on how to use their AEDs. My and Legislative Committee Chair for the Illinois 20th Century music laws for the analog era resolution has the support of the American Association of Area Agencies on Aging, past into the 21st Century digital era. This legisla- Heart Association, American Ambulance Asso- Board Director of the National Association of tion is the culmination of years of effort by in- ciation, the American College of Cardiology, Area Agencies on Aging, and Co-Chairman of dustry stakeholders, Members of the House National Association of School Nurses, and the 2015 and 2017 American Society on Aging and Senate, public interest groups, and oth- many others. Annual Conference in Chicago. He was a del- ers. My constituent and Tanner’s mother, Several years ago, I launched a comprehen- Rhonda Harrill, has been a dedicated advo- egate to the 1995 and 2005 White House Conferences on Aging, former member of the sive review of our nation’s copyright laws. The cate for increased AED presence and aware- House Judiciary Committee held dozens of ness. Thanks to her efforts, Tennessee has National Council on Aging Board of Directors, and former President of the Illinois Coalition hearings, heard from over a hundred wit- passed two laws increasing the number of nesses, and traveled to multiple cities across schools with AEDs, especially in readily-ac- on Aging. In his mission to continually advocate for the the country to hear directly from stakeholders cessible locations. who use these laws. This review provided the I am honored to represent constituents such most vulnerable older adults in the region, he has pioneered many innovative programs. foundation upon which several bills to reform as Rhonda, who has celebrated her son Tan- our copyrights laws were constructed. During ner’s life by advocating for the lives of others’ Those include the care coordination units to assure appropriate care planning for the the course of this review, we learned that our children. music licensing laws were broken. The laws Today, I am pleased to join my colleagues frailest older adults, one of the original dem- were no longer working as intended for song- in participating in the AED Hunt on the Hill, an onstration programs to protect older adults writers, artists and creators, or for the compa- annual event hosted by the Children’s Cardio- from abuse and neglect, the Senior Medicare nies that deliver the music in innovative ways myopathy Foundation. Cardiomyopathy affects Patrol (SMP) program created to protect Medi- to consumers. how the heart pumps blood through the body care beneficiaries against fraud and abuse, After this review, I challenged the industry to and is the most common cause of sudden car- and the development of the first long-term put their differences aside and to come to- diac arrest in the young. This condition does care ombudsman program in the region. gether to create a unified reform bill, and to not have obvious symptoms, so it is often not As a true advocate, Jon has promoted the their credit, they delivered. This legislation has detected until tragedy strikes. need for public and provider educational out- the support of songwriters, musical works It is my pleasure to have the opportunity to reach and greater access to state and federal copyright owners, digital music providers, indi- remember Tanner Jameson’s life and partici- benefit programs. His administration of pro- vidual artists, sound recording copyright own- pate in this year’s AED Hunt on the Hill. We grams like the Red Tape Cutters Program and ers, artist guilds, and performing rights organi- can all help save lives by increasing aware- BenefitsCheckUp have provided millions of zations. ness about the importance of having acces- dollars in program benefits for eligible older The reasons for such widespread support sible AEDs. adults and persons with disabilities. AgeOptions also leads the renowned Make are clear. This legislation boosts payments for f Medicare Work Coalition (MMW), which works copyright owners and artists while reducing liti- HONORING JONATHAN LAVIN with partner agencies to educate and explain gation costs for all parties; streamlines rights the intricacies of health insurance and Medi- clearance for music delivery services; allows HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY care, as well as Medicaid’s critical health and songwriters to help determine how their royal- OF ILLINOIS long-term care benefits for seniors. ties are collected and allocated; protects the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jon’s commitment to providing support for works of recording artists who created pre- caregivers led to the creation of the National 1972 recordings; ensures sound engineers, Thursday, September 27, 2018 Family Caregiver Support program in the mixers, and producers get paid; and gives the Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr Speaker, I rise Older Americans Act to ensure that family public more access to more music. This legis- today to honor the distinguished career of Jon- support givers were recognized and funded. lation will truly usher in a new era for music athan Lavin. After 45 years of dedicated serv- The talent of Jon Lavin has not gone unno- creators, distributors and consumers. ice in the field of aging, Jon will be retiring as ticed. He received the National Association of However, today, I want to take a minute to President and CEO of AgeOptions, the subur- Area Agencies on Aging’s Excellence in Lead- thank and highlight the work of several of my ban Cook County Area Agency on Aging, on ership Award in 2017 and Distinguished Direc- colleagues who were indispensable leaders in October 31st. tor Award in 1992. He is the 1994 recipient of making this new era possible. Big pieces of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K27SE8.007 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E1320 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 27, 2018 legislation can come together only through the has given him the distinction of being one of zations that strongly meet the ‘‘kids first’’ ap- efforts of many who are willing to invest their the longest-serving local government adminis- proach, evidenced by their implementation of time to make change happen. trators in the D.C. region. best practices and policies that protect kids First, I want to thank Representatives DOUG Bob began his career in local government in and promote safety. The award, sponsored by COLLINS and HAKEEM JEFFRIES. They were the 1974 as an administrative assistant to the city AIG, is presented to the organization that the leaders who took a very fractured music com- manager of Overland Park, Oklahoma. He voters feel most exhibits heartfelt passion and munity, got their hands dirty, and forged the would go on to be assistant city manager in shows a committed spirit to helping kids suc- consensus and framework for reforming the two additional communities in Oklahoma, Nor- ceed in sports, while maintaining a commit- Section 115 mechanical license for musical man and Stillwater, before becoming the city ment to safety procedures. This year, Triangle works. For a hundred years, our mechanical li- manager of Grandview, Missouri, a suburban Volleyball Club was selected from four other censing laws were based on the technology of community of 28,000 located in the Kansas excellent finalists: Baltimore SquashWise of the piano roll. Through the diligent work of City metropolitan area. Bob served as Grand- Baltimore, Maryland; O’Fallon Little Panthers these Members, it will now reflect the digital view city manager for four years before being of O’Fallon, Illinois; Police Athletic League of realities of the 21st Century. selected in a nationwide search to take the Buffalo, New York; and Snider Youth Hockey In addition, I would like to thank IP Sub- helm of the City of Fairfax. of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. committee Chairman DARRELL ISSA and Full Under Bob’s leadership, the City of Fairfax Comprised of the who’s who in the youth Committee Ranking Member JERRY NADLER has received numerous accolades, including sports industry, NCYS was founded in 1979, for their leadership on behalf of sound record- being consistently ranked among the Top 10 and its membership represents more than 200 ing artists to secure protection for artists who places in the country in which to live, reaching organizations and corporations serving over recorded works before 1972. For decades, as high as No. 3 in Forbes Magazine in 2009. 60 million registered participants in organized some artists could receive compensation for Most recently, U.S. News and World Report youth sports programs. NCYS is the largest their recordings while others could not, based rated the City of Fairfax the sixth-healthiest known organization in America representing solely on an arbitrary date. That was not fair. community in the nation. Criteria for this rating the youth sports industry, and its members in- We have now fixed that thanks to the leader- included such categories as residents’ income, clude organizations such as Little League ship of these Members. education, life span, access to critical services Baseball, American Youth Soccer Organiza- I would also like to thank Representatives and proximity to parks. tion, Jewish Community Centers Association I was proud to work with Bob on many JOE CROWLEY and TOM ROONEY for their lead- of North America, YMCA of America, Pop major projects in the region, including the con- ership on behalf of producers, mixers, and Warner, and Special Olympics North America. struction of the City of Fairfax Regional Library sound engineers. Thanks to their hard work, Triangle Volleyball Club is being recognized and the relocation of the Lamb Center for these technical artists will also receive com- for how it places the health and safety of their homeless individuals. As someone who also pensation for their contributions to musical athletes as their top priority while also com- began their public service career in local gov- works. peting at the very highest level of girls’ junior I would like to thank Ranking Member Con- ernment, I have always held a special appre- club volleyball. Furthermore, Triangle yers for his leadership on these issues over ciation for those who choose to dedicate their Volleyball Club deserves this distinction for its many years, and for his willingness to partner life to public service at the local level. I have commitment to educate the whole person with me in orchestrating the Committee’s often said that local government is where the through excellence in the sport of volleyball multi-year Copyright Review. And I want to rubber meets the road: accountability is abso- and the inclusion of service projects working lute and everyone knows where you live and thank Ranking Member NADLER for his work with the disabled (veterans and young people) on all of these issues and for his willingness has your phone number. At the local level, the through sitting volleyball and leadership in to partner with me in combining all of these citizens we serve aren’t concerned with polit- adaptive sitting volleyball development and important pieces—and others—together into a ical ideologies or scoring points for your re- outreach. comprehensive and consensus music licens- spective party. They expect you to deliver con- Triangle Volleyball Club is just one example ing reform package that is now awaiting the crete results and will hold you to account of many great youth sports organizations in President’s signature. should you fail to do so. The pothole was ei- this country, and we likewise commend all Additionally, I would like to thank Senate Ju- ther fixed or it wasn’t—and if it wasn’t, the those that work and volunteer to allow the community will know who didn’t get the job diciary Committee Chairman CHUCK GRASS- youth this Nation to gain the benefits of youth done. LEY, Ranking Member DIANNE FEINSTEIN, and sports participation and helping to prepare our Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Senator ORRIN HATCH for shepherding the leg- next generation of leaders. in congratulating Bob Sisson on his retirement islation through the Senate. I appreciate their We commend Triangle Volleyball Club for and in thanking him for his many decades of leadership and willingness to work across this wonderful achievement, and the great service to his communities, both in Northern chambers and across party lines. work they are doing. Virginia and throughout the United States. Of course, I, and all the Members who led f Though he may be officially retiring from pub- this effort, owe a debt of gratitude to our lic service, I have no doubt that he will con- HONORING LIEUTENANT COM- staffs. The staff of the House Judiciary Com- tinue to stay involved on the issues that are MANDER JERRY MCNEW, U.S. mittee, both Majority and Minority, and the important to him. I wish him all of the best in NAVY personal staffs of the Members, worked over- his future endeavors. time for days, weeks, months and years to f HON. STEVEN M. PALAZZO help us achieve this victory. We could not OF MISSISSIPPI have done this without them. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF YOUTH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The result of all this work by Members, staff, SPORTS 2018 STRIVE AWARD Thursday, September 27, 2018 and stakeholders from every corner is nothing WINNER RECOGNITION less than a new era for music. One that con- Mr. PALAZZO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tinues our nation’s long commitment to HON. MARC A. VEASEY honor the outstanding work of Lieutenant Commander Jerry McNew. incentivize creators and distributors to bring us OF TEXAS McNew joined the United States Navy in the sound tracks of our lives. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f 1989, entering Basic Training at the Naval Thursday, September 27, 2018 Station in Chicago, Illinois. He later attended RECOGNIZING ROBERT SISSON Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Speaker, my colleagues, Tactical Training Center Atlantic, located in Representatives KIND, DAVIS, H. JOHNSON, Dam Neck, Virginia, graduating with honors as HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, and I, as co-chairs and an Operations Specialist Seaman. OF VIRGINIA members of the Congressional Caucus on Spanning three decades, McNew’s career IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Youth Sports, would like to honor Triangle has taken him on eighteen deployments, thir- Volleyball Club of Morrisville, North Carolina teen of those in combat missions. His dossier Thursday, September 27, 2018 for being the winner of the 2018 S.T.R.I.V.E. reads like something out of a Tom Clancy Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- (Sports Teach Respect, Initiative, Values and novel. From weapons tactics to Naval Gunfire ognize Mr. Robert ‘‘Bob’’ Sisson on his retire- Excellence) Organization of the Year Award. Liaison Officer, to Civil Affairs, Command ment. Since 1991, Bob Sisson has served as Each year, the National Council of Youth Staff, Air Intercept Controller Supervisor, Bat- the City Manager for the City of Fairfax. This Sports (NCYS) recognizes five finalist organi- tle Watch Captain, Surface Warfare Officer,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.010 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1321 Fleet Marine Force Combat Officer, and many a war hero for a country that he wasn’t even 105,000 jobs in Tysons, but only 17,000 resi- more titles, it is safe to say, LCDR McNew is yet a citizen of. Thankfully, that didn’t last dents. an expert in Naval combat operations, quite long. In October of 1946, he earned U.S. citi- Recognizing the tremendous growth that possibly all over the world. zenship for his exemplary service to his new was underway and the challenges it created, It is no surprise that McNew advanced country—his new home. I convened a task force as Chairman of the ranks from E–1 to E–8 to 0–4 between 1989 In 1960, he and his wife Micki moved to Board of Supervisors to develop a plan to har- and 2015. He took part in 27 Operations, in- Southern California, before relocating to North ness that transformative energy and direct it cluding Hurricanes Andrew and Katrina, San Juan in 1983 to be closer to their children towards the creation of a new, transit-oriented Desert Fox, Desert Shield, and Desert Storm, and grandchildren. development and thriving urban community. Operations Enduring Freedom, and Iraqi Free- Like any true American, Michael was im- The Comprehensive Plan that we developed dom, as well as the Piracy Patrols in Somalia, mensely proud to be here and ready to fight calls for 200,000 jobs and 100,000 permanent among many others. for his country without hesitation. Many people residents and a key element of this plan was His exemplary leadership, throughout the today could learn a lot from a guy like Mi- the creation of the Silver Line, which would fi- nearly 30 years of Naval service, has contrib- chael. Before he died, he asked to see his nally deliver a permanent rail link between our uted greatly to the security of the United Certificate of Naturalization, which brought a area’s major international airport and down- States, and our global community, as well as proud smile to his face. town Washington, D.C. Phase 1 of this project his fellow military brothers and sisters. It is an The simple fact is, Michael was as Amer- was completed in 2014 and the ribbon-cutting honor to recognize Lieutenant Commander ican as any among us, and all who knew him ceremony was held at the new Metro station Jerry McNew upon the occasion of his U.S. were better off for it. He truly lived a life worth for Tysons Corner Center. Navy retirement. living and he made his family and his country Another focus of the Tysons plan, in addi- f proud. May he rest in peace. God Bless. tion to encouraging transit-oriented develop- f ment, was a renewed focus on public art in HONORING MICHAEL CIAFARDONI this urban space. I am therefore very pleased OF THE 803RD TANK DESTROYER RECOGNIZING THE 50TH ANNIVER- that Tysons Corner Center has elected to in- BATTALION SARY OF TYSONS CORNER CEN- stall an art exhibit featuring local artists to cel- TER ebrate this golden anniversary. The work HON. DOUG LaMALFA begun by Tysons Corner Center fifty years OF CALIFORNIA HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY ago continues to this day and I trust that this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF VIRGINIA location will remain a fixture of Fairfax County Thursday, September 27, 2018 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and of Northern Virginia for another half-cen- Thursday, September 27, 2018 tury. Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me honor the passing of a great man from Califor- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- in once again congratulating Tysons Corner nia’s first district, Michael Ciafardoni, Sr., who ognize the 50th anniversary of Tysons Corner Center on its 50th anniversary and in extend- died at the age of 94. Born in Nepezzano, Center and to celebrate the opening of a new ing my thanks to those visionaries, devel- Italy, Michael immigrated to America in 1939 art exhibit which will showcase the journey this opers, planners, and their partners in the pub- and was soon called upon just a few years location has experienced over the last half- lic and private sectors who have worked so later to serve his new country in the Second century. Truly, no area in the 11th Congres- diligently to make the success of the last fifty World War. sional District or in the Commonwealth of Vir- years possible. I also wish to thank the Although he was not yet a United States cit- ginia has had a more transformative impact on Macerich Corporation and the Lerner Group, izen, he fulfilled his civic duty nonetheless and the regional or statewide economy than who have been steadfast and invaluable part- served in the U.S. Army in WWII as a member Tysons. ners throughout the development process. I of the 803rd Tank Destroyer Battalion, Recon In the 1950’s, Tysons Corner consisted of a thank them for their immense contributions to Company, as a heavy machine gunner. He single intersection and was surrounded by a our community and wish them continued was the last surviving member of his com- few small stores and a fruit stand operated by success. William Tyson, for whom the area is named. It pany. Along the way, Michael experienced all f that the European Theatre had to offer. He was a rural area; in fact, Fairfax County was earned five bronze battle stars for fighting in considered the dairy capital of the Common- IN RECOGNITION OF ACI some of the most consequential battles of the wealth of Virginia. However, this bucolic life SOLUTIONS war, including the Normandy Invasion and the was soon to be transformed when in 1962, the Battle of the Bulge. Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN Despite this impressive record, Michael in- the construction of a new shopping center OF VIRGINIA sisted his proudest wartime experience was originally called Tysons Corner Shopping Cen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES not any of those major engagements, but rath- ter. At the time of its opening, Tysons Corner er, the liberation of a small town in Czecho- Center was the largest enclosed mall in the Thursday, September 27, 2018 slovakia near the end of the war. Jewish pris- world, and to this day, remains the largest Mr. WITTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in oners were being held in the town of Volary, shopping mall in Virginia and in the Baltimore- commendation of ACI Solutions on their rec- where they awaited transfer to a Nazi con- Washington area. Today, Tysons Corner Cen- ognition as a 2018 Top 100 Minority Business centration camp. Fortunately, Michael and his ter is one of the 10 largest malls in the United Enterprise by the Capital Region Minority Sup- company got there first—and they liberated States and consists of more than 2.1 million plier Development Council. ACI Solutions is a them. To the people of Volary, these men square feet, 16 movie screens, and more than managed IT services provider and network se- were heroes. 300 retail stores, eateries, and restaurants. curity firm with a US headquarters based in When the 803rd was leaving town a few Even the most optimistic among us could not Arlington, Virginia. days later, they were ambushed by German have foreseen what that decision would bring The Top 100 MBE awards recognize the ac- soldiers. Private Charles Havlat, riding in the to Tysons, to Fairfax County and to Northern complishments of minority entrepreneurs in tank directly in front of Michael, was caught in Virginia as a whole. It was the beginning of the Capital Region that energize the region’s the crossfire. The Germans unconditionally Tysons’ transformation into the thriving urban economy through innovation and commitment. surrendered merely hours later. Charles was center that it is today. Tysons has grown to I am pleased to congratulate ACI Solutions the last soldier killed in Europe. To this day, become the economic engine of Fairfax Coun- CEO Nasra Abdi and her team on their receipt the town holds an annual celebration to pay ty and by extension, of the entire state. of this award and applaud them in their efforts tribute to the American soldiers who risked This transformation continues through to as leaders in cyber security services, business their lives to free them, and to Charles Havlat, today and will continue for decades into the IT support, managed services and unified who made the ultimate sacrifice. future. Following the success of Tysons Cor- communications. I’m told that Michael’s one wish was to be ner Center, the area surrounding the mall This award demonstrates ACI Solutions’ honored for his wartime service in Europe. began attracting large businesses and employ- dedication to excellence in IT services, and That is a wish that I could not be happier to ers. Sadly, the infrastructure and overall plan- also recognizes the efforts of the ACI team in fulfill right here on the House floor in the ning to manage this unprecedented growth pursuing the American dream. They have United States Capitol. Amazingly, Michael was lagged far behind. In 2011, there were worked hard, overcome obstacles and stand

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.012 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E1322 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 27, 2018 today as fixtures in the Capital Area for mak- rich history with the development of a thriving tended family, were always his most faithful ing important contributions to commerce and community, always taking into consideration cheerleaders. Guido’s example inspired many serving their clients well. environmental preservation and enhanced to take up the sport of fishing, including his Mr. Speaker, I ask you to join me in recog- amenities for Burke Centre residents. As son Dion, who won the Bassmasters Classic nizing ACI Solutions’ dedicated efforts as a someone who got his start in public service as in 1997. This made the pair the only father Minority Business Enterprise, and their excel- president of a local civic association, I can at- and son to win this tournament and earned lence in their field. An admirable example of test to the importance of getting involved and them the title, ‘‘The First Family of Bass Fish- leadership and devotion, and an outstanding also to the responsibility that is borne by the ing.’’ cornerstone of our community, I commend ACI association’s leadership to guide the commu- In 2001, Guido was inducted into the Bass Solutions on their accomplishments and wish nity and ensure that all decisions are in the Fishing Hall of Fame, a fitting honor to a tre- them further success as they continue to best interest of those affected and the commu- mendous man. His passion for fishing and serve our area. On behalf of America’s First nity as a whole. I commend the Burke Centre being on the water never faded, even after an District, we say congratulations. Conservancy Board of Trustees for carrying illness forced him into retirement in 2015. f out their mission with integrity and trans- Guido exemplified the finest qualities that a parency. person could possess. His hard work and RECOGNIZING STATE I am honored to include in the RECORD the dedication to everything he held dear, and his REPRESENTATIVE TIM BROWN names of the Executive Director of the Burke treatment of others was indeed commendable. Centre Conservancy and the members of the His daughter Dotty said it best, ‘‘To say that HON. LUKE MESSER Board of Trustees who will preside over this he was a kind and generous man would be an OF INDIANA historic meeting: understatement. He was humble and gentle IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Conservancy Executive Director: Patrick with all, but still very stern and deep in treating Gloyd; President: Marc Flaster (Commons people with dignity and respect. No matter Thursday, September 27, 2018 Trustee); Vice-President: Brian Engler (At- who you were or where you came from, he Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today on Large Trustee); Secretary: Lee Schmidt gave you his time and attention.’’ behalf of a good friend, and tremendous public (Ponds Trustee); Treasurer: Brenda Trask Mr. Speaker, I am honored to have known servant, State Representative Tim Brown, who (Woods Trustee); John Mills-Hearne (Landings Guido as a friend and fellow angler. I join his was severely injured in a recent motorcycle Trustee); Karen Anthony (Oaks Trustee); Phil family, friends and the entire bass fishing com- crash. Pool (At-Large Trustee). munity in grieving his loss and honoring his I had the pleasure of getting to know Doc In Fairfax County and in Northern Virginia lifetime of accomplishments and service to Brown, a retired emergency room physician, as a whole, we are fortunate to have a strong bass fishermen everywhere. during our time in the Indiana General Assem- tradition of civic engagement. The member- f bly. ship of the Burke Centre Conservancy Board I know firsthand that Doc Brown is a wise of Trustees is a shining example of that tradi- TRIBUTE TO ROBERT B. PRESLEY and humble man with a great sense of humor tion. They are also proof that this tradition is and the common sense to never take himself, especially strong in Burke Centre. HON. KEN CALVERT or his important work, too seriously. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me OF CALIFORNIA He’s represented Hoosiers in the House in congratulating the Burke Centre Conser- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES since 1994 and, as Chairman of the Ways and vancy Board of Trustees for their ongoing Thursday, September 27, 2018 Means Committee, he is a big reason why our dedication to the betterment of their commu- state’s fiscal health has become a model for nity. This milestone being celebrated is a di- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the rest of the country. rect result of that dedication and I have no honor and pay tribute to former California But more than that, Doc Brown is good man doubt that this commitment will continue. I State Senator and Riverside County icon Rob- who has dedicated his life to serving his fellow thank them for their service to their community ert B. Presley, who passed away on Saturday, Hoosiers with kindness and compassion. and wish them and Burke Centre continued September 22, 2018. Bob served the people My family and I, along with all Hoosiers, success. of California and Riverside County in many ways throughout his life and he will be deeply continue to keep Doc Brown in our prayers f and wish him a safe and speedy recovery. missed. f RECOGNIZING THE LIFE AND Bob was born in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, to ACHIEVEMENTS OF GUIDO HIBDON Doyle and Ann Presley, on December 4, 1924. RECOGNIZING THE BURKE CENTRE He joined the U.S. Army at the age of 18 and CONSERVANCY BOARD OF HON. BILLY LONG was awarded the Bronze Star for heroic TRUSTEES 500TH MEETING OF MISSOURI achievement in action while serving with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fifth Army in Italy during World War II. After HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY attending college at Riverside Community Col- Thursday, September 27, 2018 OF VIRGINIA lege and the University of California, River- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to side, Bob joined the Riverside County Sheriff’s honor the magnificent life of Guido Hibdon, Department, where he would have a 24-year Thursday, September 27, 2018 who was a resident of Sunrise Beach, Mis- career. Early in his career at the Sheriff’s De- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- souri, legendary fisherman and a great friend partment, Presley was known as Riverside ognize the Burke Centre Conservancy Board to many. County’s top homicide investigator. In the sec- of Trustees on the occasion of their 500th Guido was born a third-generation angler on ond half of his career with the department, meeting. Incorporated in June 1976, the Burke July 10, 1946. He loved fishing so much that Bob served as Riverside County Undersheriff Centre Conservancy manages this planned at the age of 13 he began guiding on the Lake to long-time Sheriff Ben Clark. community of 5,862 residences divided into of the Ozarks in Missouri. His storied career Following his law enforcement career, Bob five neighborhoods of 65 clusters. All told, began when a Bassmasters tournament was entered the world of politics and was elected Burke Centre sits on approximately 1,700 scheduled to be held on the Lake of the to the State Senate in 1974, where he served acres and includes more than 30 miles of Ozarks in 1980. His family and friends con- as a Democrat representing both Riverside paths, 6 ponds and one lake, 6 community vinced Guido to take a shot at testing his skills and San Bernardino Counties until 1994. Over centers, 5 pools, tennis courts, and a baseball against the tournament professionals, includ- the years, Bob worked on many different field. There is truly something for everyone at ing legends Roland Martin, Jimmy Houston pieces of legislation and helped fund a num- Burke Centre. I always look forward to attend- and Rick Clunn. This led to the start of friend- ber of important programs and projects as the ing the premier Burke Centre event—the an- ships with all these men, and a career of tour- Chairman of the California Senate Appropria- nual Burke Centre Festival—which is hosted nament fishing that lasted over three decades, tions Committee. Bob was an especially by the Conservancy and celebrated its 40th which included winning numerous champion- impactful advocate for the environment, prison anniversary last year. ships. expansion and reform, and victims of domestic The history of Burke Centre can be traced Guido valued his family above all else. His violence. Thanks to Bob’s efforts, the state es- back to the 1700’s. It has fallen to the leader- wife Stella, daughter Dotty and two sons, tablished the first shelters to protect battered ship of the Board of Trustees to balance this Chuck and Dion, along with the whole ex- women and children. After retiring from the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.014 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1323 legislature, Bob was appointed to serve as premieres, and service to civic, academic and have lost their hair due to chemotherapy treat- Chair of the State Parole Board by Republican national events, all combined with a commit- ments. Governor Pete Wilson and, later, to serve as ment to music as a social force. Yale Bands The activities, amenities and health services Secretary of Youth and Adult Corrections by have produced benefit concerts to raise relief provided by Westminster at Lake Ridge are Democratic Governor Gray Davis. money in response to natural disasters, have guided by its mission: to provide a continuum Senator Presley was predeceased by his performed in a Syrian refugee camp in Ath- of care to older adults that fosters independ- first wife, Ahni Ratliff Presley. He is survived ens, Greece, and regularly directs the talents ence, dignity, and self-determination. These by his second wife, Susan Foreman Presley; of its members in performances that support core values have been central to every expan- his three adult children; Robert Presley, Jr., philanthropic, educational, and social pro- sion of activities and health care services in- Donna Danielson, and Marilyn Raphael; and grams. cluding the Memory Support Neighborhoods numerous grandchildren and great grand- For its formative place in the development for those who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease children. I want to extend my heartfelt condo- of the 20th-century American Wind Band, for or other forms of dementia. To ensure the lences to the Presley family, his friends, and its pioneering work with the commissioning of safety of those suffering from debilitating everyone who had the pleasure of knowing new band works from important composers, memory issues, Westminster at Lake Ridge him. Although Bob may be gone, the many for its long-standing commitment to music as has partnered with the Prince William County life-changing contributions he made in River- a social force and its impact on the local New Sheriff’s Office on Project Lifesaver—a GPS side County will have a lasting impact. Haven community and those around the world, program that can instantly locate a partici- f I am proud to stand today to extend my heart- pating resident who may have wandered into HONORING THE YALE UNIVERSITY felt congratulations to the Yale University an unsafe environment. BANDS ON ITS CENTENNIAL AN- Bands as it celebrates its 100th anniversary. I In 2015, in recognition of its exceptional NIVERSARY wish them all the best for another century of care and opportunities for older adults, West- fine performances, artistic leadership, and minster at Lake Ridge was fully accredited by HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO service through music. the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabili- f tation Facilities—Continuing Care Accrediting OF CONNECTICUT Commission (CARF–CCAC.) In the United IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RECOGNIZING WESTMINSTER AT States, fewer than 10 percent of all continuing Thursday, September 27, 2018 LAKE RIDGE ON ITS 25TH ANNI- care retirement communities have received VERSARY Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, It gives me this accreditation, which is granted only after great pleasure to rise today to extend my sin- successfully completing an in-depth, multi-day cere congratulations to the Yale University HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY audit by CARF–CCAC. In addition, West- Bands—the first American University Band to OF VIRGINIA minster at Lake Ridge has received the high- present a concert tour abroad in 1959—as it IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES est rating possible, a 5-star overall rating from celebrates its centennial anniversary. Thursday, September 27, 2018 Medicare. The activities that led to the birth of the Yale Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to represent this University Band were organized by Joseph R. Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con- extraordinary facility. Westminster at Lake Ellis in 1918 when he was a lieutenant in the gratulate Westminster at Lake Ridge on its Ridge provides an exceptional quality of life United States Army assigned to the Yale Stu- 25th anniversary and to commend the staff, for active retirees, as well as more intensive dent Army Training Corps. Prior to being sta- residents, and volunteers for their commitment compassionate care when needed. I thank the tioned in New Haven, he had been posted in to the community and their dedication to the staff and volunteers for their dedication to their Washington, D.C. where his work was to se- well-being of all who call Westminster home. mission and commend them as well as the cure players and leaders for bands throughout Although we are celebrating Westminster at hundreds of residents for their service. I ask the training camps of the country. Upon his ar- Lake Ridge’s Silver Anniversary, the origins of my colleagues to join me in congratulating rival at Yale, he started planning the formation this exceptional community date back more Westminster at Lake Ridge on its 25th anni- of a band. Finding no funds available, Lieuten- than 40 years to 1977, when the late Myles versary and in wishing all who live and work ant Ellis took up a collection from the military Golbranson began his efforts to establish a in this vibrant community continued success. Presbyterian-sponsored life-care retirement units which were then in training. He secured f the services of a professional coach, Charles community in Northern Virginia. For the next 8 F. Smith, a New Haven musician who had years, he led an Ad Hoc Committee to assist IN CELEBRATION OF TAIWAN’S considerable band experience, a few instru- with exploring options. In 1985, it appeared NATIONAL DAY ments were purchased, and musical talent that the unwavering efforts to establish a re- was recruited from the S.A.T.C. (Student Army tirement community were within reach when HON. LOIS FRANKEL Training Corps). This first Yale band provided Mr. S. Parker Oliphant offered to donate a 37- OF FLORIDA music for military formations until the Corps acre parcel of land located in Centreville, VA. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Project design and site-analysis began, as did was demobilized in December 1918, after the Thursday, September 27, 2018 Armistice. The instruments were turned over fundraising efforts for pre-construction ex- to the University with the hope that they would penses. In 1988, the project was suddenly de- Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I provide the nucleus for a student band in the railed due to water management and zoning rise today to wish all people celebrating Tai- future. complications. Later that year, an alternate 62- wan’s National Day, a Happy Double Ten Day. Lieutenant Ellis remained at Yale and went acre site was identified in Lake Ridge, VA. In The United States and Taiwan are united in on to become Registrar of Freshmen. On Oc- 1993, Westminster at Lake Ridge opened its common interests and commitment to freedom tober 1, 1919, he and Charles Smith suc- doors, finally fulfilling Myles Golbranson’s and democracy. The Taiwanese people share ceeded in persuading twenty students to form dream. our values of human rights, adherence to the the Yale Band which played at some of the In the last 25 years, Westminster at Lake rule of law, and freedom of speech. Taiwan is minor football games that fall. It was from Ridge has grown significantly and is now a shining example of democracy, exemplified those twenty students a century ago that the home to approximately 400 residents. Amen- by multiple peaceful transfers of power fol- Yale Bands have expanded to include the ities and services are available to suit the in- lowing free elections. Yale Jazz Ensemble, the Yale Precision terests of the residents—whether it is joining a In addition to our close cultural and political Marching Band, and the Yale Concert Band— book club, participating in fitness classes, fish- partnership, the United States and Taiwan producing a combined thirty national and inter- ing in one of the two ponds, or strolling also share a booming economic partnership. national concert tours. through the wooded trails to the Occoquan Bilateral trade between our countries sur- In its one hundred years, the Yale Bands River. Residents are also actively engaged in passed $86 billion in 2017, making Taiwan the has been served by just six directors: Charles the community—volunteering with local United States’ 11th largest trading partner. Smith, Alvin Etler, Keith L. Wilson, Keith Brion, schools, hospitals, and at civic and cultural Taiwan is also a partner with the United Richard Thurston, and today’s director, Thom- events. The Flying Fingers, a group of resi- States in our resolute efforts to combat global as C. Duffy who has held the position for thir- dents who knit and crochet items, has created terrorism. For example, its contribution to the ty-seven years. countless articles of clothing and blankets for Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS will assist refu- The Yale Bands have amassed an impres- many charities including Ellie’s Hats, which gees as they return to their homes and begin sive record of musical commissions, world provides the handmade caps to children who rebuilding their communities.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.018 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E1324 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 27, 2018 I ask my colleagues to join me in recommit- the Rodeo. Thanks to the work of the Vet- CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 6157, ting ourselves to the U.S.-Taiwan relationship, eran’s Committee, veterans are picked up DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AP- and in wishing Taiwan a Happy Double Ten from the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical PROPRIATIONS ACT, 2019 Day. Center in Houston and provided a police es- SPEECH OF f cort to the rodeo grounds. At the rodeo vet- erans receive: a barbeque dinner, special tour IN MEMORY OF KYLE ALAN HON. PETER A. DeFAZIO of the agricultural barn, recognition during the OF OREGON ZIEGLER rodeo performance, and VIP seating. Active IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Duty military personnel are also recognized on HON. JOE WILSON Military Appreciation Night. Wednesday, September 26, 2018 OF SOUTH CAROLINA In 2014, the Rodeo and Veteran’s Com- Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I will vote in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mittee started a new tradition when Army re- support of the Conference Report for H.R. Thursday, September 27, 2018 cruits received their Oath of Enlistment on the 6157, the Department of Defense and Labor, arena floor in front of the rodeo audience. This Health and Human Services, and Education Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- event has grown into a joint branch swearing Appropriations Act of 2019 and Continuing Ap- er, the following thoughtful obituary was pub- in ceremony. Members of the Veteran’s Com- propriations Act of 2019. lished on September 26, 2018: mittee and Active Duty military personnel join The legislation includes several provisions Kyle Alan Ziegler, age 59, went home to be the recruits on the floor establishing a past, that I strongly support, including giving serv- with his Lord and Savior on Sept. 26th 2018 present, and future military presence during icemen and women a well-deserved raise of after a recent diagnosis of brain cancer. He the ceremony. 2.6 percent. Those who serve in uniform have was born in Oberlin on Sept. 18, 1959 to Lyle and Dorothy (Upton) Ziegler and was a life- Mr. Speaker, as a former guardsman and made extraordinary sacrifices for our country long resident of Wellington. Air Force officer, and as the father of a highly- and have earned and deserve a pay raise. Kyle graduated from Wellington High decorated Navy SEAL, it is a tremendous The legislation also prohibits the use of funds School in 1978 and attended Geneva College honor and privilege to be asked to administer in Syria and Iraq in contravention of the War in Pennsylvania. He was a self-employed the Oath of Enlistment to these young men Powers Resolution. As a co-equal branch of businessman, operating Ziegler Lawn Care, and women on Saturday, September 29th. the federal government, the president must which he began as a teenager until his diag- This year the Rodeo is honoring heroes who come to Congress to seek authorization for nosis. He also had other business ventures were declared Missing in Action (M.I.A.). including a partnership in Wellington Self the use of military force. It also includes fund- Storage and remodeling houses with his son America must never forget these service ing for Ukraine and Eastern Europe security Josh. members and their families. initiatives to counter Russia’s heightened mili- On Dec. 4 1982 Kyle married Jean Liles at May God richly bless our Nation’s veterans tary provocations and annexation of Crimea. Church of the Open Door in Elyria, Ohio. To- for their sacrifice. May He continue to protect Despite these vital provisions, I have con- gether they raised their children. He was a those who are serving and those who will be cerns with a number of provisions included in faithful and loving husband, father, grand- serving. My prayers are also with the families the Conference Report. This legislation author- father, and a good friend to many. Kyle en- of those who lost love ones and those who izes more than $606.5 billion for the Depart- joyed traveling, especially hiking and ex- are Missing in Action. ment of Defense, including $67.8 billion to the ploring in the western United States. He served God in many area churches over the f Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) fund, an account which is not counted in the years, and spent his last days sharing Jesus INNOVATIONS IN MENTORING, budget and is not paid for. It adds to the def- out on the porch with every visitor. TRAINING, AND APPRENTICE- He is survived by his loving wife of 35 icit and is used as a slush fund by the Pen- SHIPS ACT years, Jean; son Daniel Ziegler (Rae-Lynn); tagon. son Joshua Ziegler; daughter Kylee Bogner SPEECH OF Unlike every other federal agency, the De- (Kenneth); grandson Emmerich Bogner; partment of Defense (DOD) has yet to com- granddaughter due in November; brother HON. ROGER W. MARSHALL plete a financial audit; taxpayers deserve to Mark Ziegler (Joyce); sister Marlene Ham- OF KANSAS ilton (David) and several nieces & nephews. know how the biggest bureaucracy in the fed- Preceded in death by his father Lyle Zie- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eral government spends their money. gler, mother Dorothy Upton Ziegler Tuesday, September 25, 2018 Additionally, the bill prohibits the closing of Tegtmeyer, and grandson Daniel Alan Zie- Guantanamo Bay, which costs more than gler Jr. Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in $100 million each year to house 41 prisoners f support of H.R. 5509, Innovations in Men- and has been used as a top recruiting tool by toring, Training and Apprenticeships Act, terrorists. The bottom line is that the prison RECOGNIZING THE PASADENA sponsored by my friend, Leader KEVIN has been a black eye for the United States, LIVESTOCK SHOW AND RODEO MCCARTHY. With the creation of three competi- has eroded relationships with our allies, under- VETERAN’S COMMITTEE tive STEM grants under the National Science mined U.S. missions abroad, and put U.S. citi- Foundation, this bipartisan bill will help meet zens and our troops at risk of retaliation. the future workforce demands in STEM occu- HON. BRIAN BABIN f OF TEXAS pations and encourage innovative partnerships IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES between academic institutions and local STEM RECOGNIZING THE NORTHERN VIR- employers. GINIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Thursday, September 27, 2018 In February, Dr. John Bardo, President of 2018 DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Mr. BABIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Wichita State University, testified at a Science, AWARD RECIPIENTS ognize the Pasadena Livestock Show and Space and Technology hearing on STEM edu- Rodeo Veteran’s Committee in celebration of cation and careers. His testimony and exam- HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Military Appreciation Night. ples of Wichita State’s applied learning oppor- OF VIRGINIA The Pasadena Livestock show and rodeo, tunities helped develop the grant program for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES located in Pasadena, Texas has been enter- undergraduate STEM students at 4-year uni- taining the citizens of Pasadena and sur- versities. These opportunities provide students Thursday, September 27, 2018 rounding cities since 1949 with Professional a chance to work for employers in their areas Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, l rise to rec- Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) rodeo of interest and allow students to gain skills ognize the recipients of the 3rd Annual Distin- action; livestock and home economics com- that better prepare them to make substantial guished Service Awards and to commend the petitions; and concerts. One of the main goals contributions to their employers when they Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce for of the Rodeo is awarding scholarships to stu- graduate. continuing to sponsor these awards. Cele- dents from Pasadena, Deer Park, La Porte, We have an opportunity to pave a path to brating the achievements of our veterans is and Clear Creek school districts. success and meet the needs of our growing important because our veterans in Northern Since its inception in 2012, the Veteran’s technical workforce in order to stay globally Virginia and throughout our country have sac- Committee has continually recognized local competitive. This bill is a great step in that di- rificed so much for our community and our na- veterans and provided veterans and their fami- rection. I’m proud to support this legislation tion. It is our duty to support those who have lies an opportunity to become more involved in and urge my colleagues to do the same. served in uniform and to honor and uphold the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.020 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1325 sacred agreement between our society and ing rise in prescription drug costs in this coun- cate healthcare professionals to identify and our veterans. I am honored to include in the try. treat for malnutrition earlier. It seeks to edu- RECORD the following names of the 2018 Dis- Earlier this year, the President claimed that cate consumers and patients to discuss their tinguished Service award recipients: drug companies would be announcing ‘‘mas- nutrition status with health care professionals Veteran Business Mentorship Award: Arca- sive’’ voluntary drug price cuts. and increase awareness of nutrition’s role on dia Center for Sustainable Food and Agri- In fact, an Associated Press analysis of patient recovery. culture: Arcadia Center for Sustainable Food & brand-name prescription drug prices shows it’s Every 60 seconds, 10 hospitalized patients Agriculture demonstrates the importance of been business as usual for drugmakers, with with malnutrition go undiagnosed, and many of creating more equitable and sustainable local far more price hikes than cuts. The AP found these patients are older adults. Yet, there are food systems for our community. Since 2010, that over the first seven months of the year, common-sense solutions that can close this Arcadia has provided underserved commu- there were 96 price hikes for every price cut. care gap. nities with access to healthy, affordable food As the AP said in its story, drug pricing is We cannot solve what we do not first meas- regardless of where they live or how much far from transparent. Manufacturers typically ure. Unfortunately, we do not truly know the they earn. In particular I would like to com- set high list prices but then negotiate rebates full extent of the malnutrition problem plaguing mend the Veteran’s Farmer Program which and discounts with prescription benefit man- our senior population. This is because screen- gives our nation’s heroes the opportunity to agers, to get preferential insurance coverage ing measures for malnutrition are not a part of seek meaningful careers after they complete for their products. our national health surveys and malnutrition is their service. With their Veteran Farmer Re- Many consumers never see the list price, not included in the national health indicators serve Program, the Fellowship Program, and though rising drug prices generally put pres- and goals for older Americans that help shape Veteran Farmer Land Access, Arcadia not sure on insurers to raise rates. Patients with public health programs and guide healthcare only supports our nation’s veterans but also high deductible or no insurance often get professionals. I therefore call on the U.S. De- reinvigorates the farm sector with skilled new stuck being charged the full list price. partment of Health and Human Services to growers, eager to begin their next phase in In addition, the Republican tax bill is being routinely include malnutrition screening meas- life. used by the big pharmaceutical companies to ures in national health surveys of older adults Meritorious Veteran Owned Business buy back shares in its companies to increase and include malnutrition among national key (Emerging): Honor Brewing Company: Honor its stock prices. The tax bill is increasing our health indicators and Healthy People 2030 Brewing Company commits itself to honoring government debt, taking money from all Amer- goals for older adults. our nation’s heroes accompanied with the sim- icans in order to enrich hedge funds, other We cannot expect older adults and their ple enjoyment of fine craft beer. Along with Wall Street investors and top drug company families to take steps to address malnutrition their wonderful selection such as Honor War- executives, but not helping the patients that if we do not give guidance on identification of rior IPA, Cherry Wheat, and the Maple Porter, depend on those drugs. and interventions for the problem. The U.S. Honor Brewing Company is committed to giv- We need to implement changes that will Department of Health and Human Services ing back to our veterans, those who have bring down drug prices. and U.S. Department of Agriculture develop been wounded, and their families not only fi- One way is that prescription drugs that meet new national dietary guidelines every five nancially but with their personal time as well. a test for an unconscionable price increase years, but the guidelines have never ad- Their belief of listening and honoring the sto- will be subject to new investigative and en- dressed the issue of older adult malnutrition. I ries of our nation’s heroes who have made the forcement action by a new ‘‘price gouging’’ en- therefore urge HHS and USDA to include die- ultimate sacrifice stands as evidence of their forcer. tary guidance for the prevention and treatment commitment to America’s finest. National spending on prescription drugs is of older adult malnutrition and the closely Meritorious Veteran Owned Business (Es- on the rise. Prescription drug prices increased aligned problem of age-related sarcopenia, the tablished): ThunderCat Technology: an average of 12.6 percent in 2014 and 10 loss of strength and muscle, in the 2020 Die- ThunderCat Technology provides federal and percent in 2015. In 2015, 16.7 percent of tary Guidelines for Americans. commercial customers with strategies for data health care spending in the U.S. went to pre- We cannot advance malnutrition care and storage, networking and security applications. scription drugs. promote improved patient recovery if we do With their vision of being a premier trusted The government needs to be given the au- not align the identification of and interventions provider of Information Technology products, thority to negotiate drug prices. Medicare is for malnutrition with health care quality incen- along with their special approach of evaluating not allowed to negotiate with drug companies tive programs. Malnutrition can lead to greater consumers specific and unique needs, about their product. The government is the risk of chronic disease, frailty, disability, and ThunderCat Technology is a confirmation that largest buyer of most products and the Gen- increases in healthcare costs, yet nutrition sta- veteran owned businesses are trusted sources eral Services Administration currently nego- tus is rarely evaluated and managed as indi- of quality service. ThunderCat Technology’s tiates whenever the government is buying a viduals transition across care settings. I there- steadfast involvement in philanthropic organi- product and puts it on the schedule for all gov- fore call on the Centers for Medicare and zations that support both wounded warriors ernment procurement officers to use. But not Medicaid Services to include malnutrition re- and other veteran owned small businesses prescription drugs. This is a huge giveaway for lated quality measures in Traditional Medicare speaks volumes of their commitment to our the drug industry and that needs to end. quality programs as well as include measures community’s veterans. Now is not the time to line the pockets of related to malnutrition in care transition pro- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me pharmaceutical CEOs while Americans are grams. in thanking these incredible organizations and suffering from high prescription drug costs. It in congratulating them on being honored as a f is time to be innovative with our health care 2018 Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce and support the working men and women who COMMEMORATING ROBERT MAR- Distinguished Service Award recipient. Civic need the help to live a healthy life. TINEZ, 14TH PRESIDENT OF THE engagement is the foundation of a healthy f INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION community, and Fairfax County residents OF MACHINIST AND AEROSPACE enjoy an exceptional quality of life due in part MALNUTRITION AWARENESS WEEK WORKERS to the efforts of these individuals. The con- RECOGNITION tributions and leadership of these honorees have been a great benefit to our community HON. MARC A. VEASEY HON. LYNN JENKINS OF TEXAS and truly merit our highest praise. OF KANSAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, September 27, 2018 RISING DRUG PRICES Thursday, September 27, 2018 Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON Ms. JENKINS of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, I rise honor Robert Martinez, 14th President of the today in recognition of this week as Malnutri- International Association of Machinist and OF TEXAS tion Awareness Week. Aerospace Workers. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Malnutrition Awareness Week is a multi-or- Robert Martinez is a fighter for the working Thursday, September 27, 2018 ganizational, multi-pronged campaign created man. His current role as President of the IAM Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. by the American Society for Parenteral and is just one of many titles he has carried over Mr. Speaker, I rise today regarding the alarm- Enteral Nutrition. This campaign seeks to edu- 36 years of fighting for union workers.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.025 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E1326 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 27, 2018 After serving his country in the Navy, he public safety. Every year, the Fairfax County and wellbeing of others is truly worthy of our began his IAM career as a member of Local Fire and Rescue Department selects an offi- highest praise. I wish them and all the men 776A in Fort Worth, TX after being hired as an cer, a firefighter and a civilian from their ranks and women of the Fairfax County Fire and Aircraft Assembler at Lockheed Martin. who have gone above and beyond the call in Rescue Department great success in all their At the IAM, Mr. Martinez has actively re- the performance of their duties. In Fairfax future endeavors. Stay safe. cruited and made a point to reach new gen- County, our first responders are among the erations of workers while protecting its nearly best in the country. Our Urban Search and f 600,000 active and retired members. Through- Rescue Team is deployed constantly across out his career, Bob has held positions at the the country and the world when disaster RECOGNIZING SHERIFF JIM local level and worked his way up to become strikes, most recently to Texas, Florida and KAELIN’S SERVICE TO THE NA- the General Vice President of the office of Puerto Rico in support of relief efforts after TION AND HIS COMMUNITY Southern Territory, where he oversaw training Hurricanes Harvey and Maria. and education for 14 southern states. To be selected to receive special recogni- He also served as General Vice President tion, these individuals truly represent the best HON. MICHAEL CLOUD of IAM Headquarters where he was respon- of the best in their respective divisions. It is OF TEXAS sible for the William H. Winpisinger Education my honor to include in the RECORD the recipi- and Technology Center, and IAM’s Govern- ents of the 2018 Firefighter of the Year IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment Employees and Aerospace sectors. Awards: Bob has been a vocal activist for labor CAREER OFFICER OF THE YEAR: DEPUTY CHIEF JASON R. Thursday, September 27, 2018 JENKINS rights in the Latino community. Mr. CLOUD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Jason R. Jenkins holds the rank of Deputy He recently received the Cesar Chavez recognize and honor the service of a truly ex- Award for his distinguished work on behalf of Fire Chief with the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department (FRD), Emergency Med- traordinary individual that ensured the safety Latino working women and men. He currently of his community through years of dedication serves as the Vice President on the Executive ical Services (EMS) Division. Jenkins has 25 to the people: Sheriff Jim Kaelin. Board of the Labor Council for Latin American years of paid and volunteer experience in Fire Advancement. and EMS and served as the Executive Officer Sheriff Kaelin, of Corpus Christi Texas, has I honor Robert Martinez for his 36 years of to the Fire Chief from 2011 through 2016. He dedicated his life law enforcement, and has service to union workers. also served in a variety of state, local and re- served his Nation and community for more f gional capacities, including plans manager for than 50 years. Sheriff Kaelin is a Vietnam USA–1/VATF–1 Urban Search and Rescue combat veteran who served with the 9th Infan- RECOGNIZING GABRIEL ‘‘GIB’’ Team, Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance try Division in the Mekong Delta in 1968. He SWAN OF GREAT FALLS and Federal Emergency Management Agency; was elected Sheriff of Nueces County in 2006, appointee to Governor Ralph Northam’s EMS 2008, 2012, and again in 2016. Sheriff Kaelin HON. GREG GIANFORTE Advisory Board; and past chair of the Metro- holds a Master Peace Officer license and is a OF MONTANA politan Washington Council of Governments Certified Law Enforcement Instructor and a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fire Chief’s EMS subcommittee. Certified Firearms Instructor. Sheriff Kaelin CAREER FIREFIGHTER OF THE YEAR: MASTER Thursday, September 27, 2018 holds an Associate of Arts Degree in Police TECHNICIAN JOEL J. KOBERSTEEN Science from Del Mar College in addition to Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Joel Kobersteen has served as Fill the Boot having graduated from Northwestern Univer- to honor Gabriel ‘‘Gib’’ Swan who, for over a Campaign coordinator since 2003, a role that sity’s prestigious School of Police Staff and decade, knits winter hats and donates them to l have been proud to collaborate with him on Command. Before his election as Sheriff, he cancer patients, children, the less fortunate, every year. The Fill the Boot Campaign is a served with the Texas Department of Public and many others. partnership between the Fairfax County Fire Safety for 29 years, retiring in 2001. He also and Rescue Department and the Greater A Montana native and a graduate of St. served as a deputy sheriff for two years, then Mary’s High in Great Falls, Gib started knitting Washington Muscular Dystrophy Association. a deputy constable. At his retirement from the hats as a hobby more than 12 years ago Due in no small part to Joel’s leadership, the DPS, he was the Region 3 Safety Education when his wife, Roberta, gave him a kit and Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department Service Commander and holds the rank of taught him. has held the distinction of being the number Eagle Scout. Now 85, Gib has produced more than 1,000 one organization in the United States and hand-knitted hats that have been donated to Canada for funds raised for the last three His community involvement includes Past homeless shelters, non-profit assistance pro- years, including the campaign just completed Potentate Al Amin Shriners, former Board viders, cancer centers, and local schools. over Labor Day weekend 2018, where an in- Member for Shriners Hospitals for Children, Gib, known throughout the community as credible $603,676.05 was collected for re- Emeritus Board Member Goodwill Industries, the ‘‘Mad Hatter,’’ knits hats of all sizes and search towards a cure for muscular dystrophy. Past President of Southside Rotary Club, Past colors and never accepts payment for his CIVILIAN OF THE YEAR: MS. REENA M. THOMSON, President Coastal Bend Council on Alcohol work. Nearly everyone at his senior living FINANCIAL SPECIALIST IV and Drug Abuse, former Board Member Amer- community has one of Gib’s hand-knitted Ms. Thomson has been assigned to the ican Diabetes Association, and a member of stocking caps. Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department the CC Mustangs. In 2010, Sheriff Kaelin was Mr. Speaker, for his kindness and steadfast Urban Search and Rescue Team since 2011. honored as one of Del Mar College’s 75 Dis- generosity in giving of his time and talents to In her role she not only manages the program tinguished Graduates in recognition of the Col- provide comfort to others, I recognize Gib office, but also manages the program’s budget lege’s 75th anniversary. Swan for his spirit of Montana. as well. Ms. Thomson played a critical role in Sheriff Kaelin has been married to his ‘‘part- f the planning and execution of multiple ner in crime,’’ the former Sharon Bryzelak, for taskings of the Urban Search and Rescue RECOGNIZING THE 2018 FAIRFAX 42 years, and together they have five children, Team including: Annual Team Full Scale Exer- nine grandchildren and one great grand- COUNTY FIRE AND RESCUE DE- cise, Los Angeles (2017), Hurricane Harvey daughter. Currently, their two sons serve in PARTMENT FIREFIGHTERS OF Texas Deployment (2017), Hurricane Irma law enforcement. Jerry, a retired DPS officer, THE YEAR Florida Deployment (2017), Hurricane Irma is now a Detective Investigator with the Crock- Puerto Rico Deployment (2017) and Annual ett County Sheriffs Office, and Jim Jr., a re- Full-Scale Exercise, Fairfax (2018). The team HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY tired Texas Ranger, is now serving as the Di- also conducted an Administrative Review OF VIRGINIA rector of Public Safety with the Lavaca Evaluation in 2017 which resulted in VA–TF l IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Navidad River Authority. receiving numerous Best Practices recogni- Thursday, September 27, 2018 tions. It is an honor to recognize such a remark- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join able individual. I urge my fellow members of ognize those members of the Fairfax County me in congratulating this year’s awardees and Congress to applaud Sheriff Kaelin for his Fire and Rescue Department who are being in thanking them for their continued service to dedication to serving our communities and en- honored for their tremendous dedication to our community. Their dedication to the safety forcing the law.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.028 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1327 HONORING RED ARNDT FOR When he is not dedicating his time to Lewis degrees, and 37 are working in the health YEARS OF SERVICE & Clark, Red is a proud father of three boys care field. (all sharing his red hair) and grandfather of The BHLI is uniquely tailored for under- HON. KRISTI L. NOEM three red-headed little girls. His family is his graduates primarily from Historically Black Col- OF SOUTH DAKOTA pride and joy. You will often find Red wearing leges and Universities who aspire to lead IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a pin honoring his son who served in the health care organizations. The first phase of the program lasts for two weeks and provides Thursday, September 27, 2018 United States Air Force. As a dessert-first type of guy, Red lives life the scholars with experiential and didactic Mrs. NOEM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to to the fullest, enjoying travel, fishing and nu- training in Kansas City, featuring a cadre of recognize Red Arndt for his many years of merous other outdoor activities in his free nationally-recognized health care practitioners service to the Lewis & Clark Regional Water time, as well as hanging out in his ‘‘man and policy experts. After successful comple- System, as well as his lifetime commitment to cave.’’ I am grateful for his commitment to tion of Phase I, the scholars are placed in paid bringing safe and reliable water to the rural public service, his hard work on behalf of internships across the nation where they delve corners of this country. Lewis & Clark, and, more importantly, I am more deeply into health care operations and Born Lennis Arndt on May 1, 1948, he proud to call him a friend. policy. earned the nickname, Red, while in grade Mr. Speaker, I commend Red Arndt for his This summer, 14 Scholars successfully school from his full head of red hair. The many great contributions and wish him the completed Phase I of the program: Chayse name stuck, and most people only know him best as he continues to make the most out of Bryant, Jasmine Thomas, and Jehnae Thomas today as Red Arndt. the life God has given. of Florida A&M University; Elijah Evans, Red grew up in Springfield, Minnesota, Nassir Holden, Alexandria Stanton, and Sikilae f about 90 minutes from his current hometown, White of North Carolina A&T State University; Luverne where he first started working in 1989 IN HONOR OF THE TALLADEGA Myles Harris of Fisk University; Antonio as their public utilities director. Shortly after HALL OF HEROES MUSEUM Zamudio-Moore of Rockhurst University; Mi- beginning his new position, Red heard about randa Merritt and Joy Milner of Spelman Col- a proposal to bring water from the Missouri HON. MIKE ROGERS lege and Camila Aponte, Dominique Paje, and River in South Dakota to the surrounding Kyle Liggins of the University of Missouri-Kan- OF ALABAMA states. A major undertaking with more people sas City. Two scholars have just completed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES doubting the idea than supporting, Red saw Phase II—internships here in Washington, the opportunity and potential, recommending Thursday, September 27, 2018 D.C. Madison Blagrove of Florida A&M Univer- to the mayor and city council that Luverne join Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I sity interned at the Polsinelli law firm’s Public and become one of the first members of the rise to recognize the Talladega Hall of Heroes Policy division. Madison is a pharmacy major corporation that would later become the Lewis who plans to practice clinical pharmacy upon & Clark Regional Water System. Museum. The Talladega Hall of Heroes Museum is lo- the completion of her doctoral degree. Seeing Lewis & Clark develop from concep- Vanessa Mendoza of the University of Mis- tion to construction was a labor of love for cated in downtown Talladega in the old 1870’s Wood-Weaver Shoes building donated by the souri-Kansas City interned at America’s Es- Red, and a mission he fought hard to achieve. sential Hospitals (AEH). Vanessa is a Health Red, one of only two original directors from late Robert Weaver to be used for this mu- seum. Sciences major who plans to pursue a mas- 1990 still on the board, held a shovel when ter’s degree in health policy and law, and then the ground was first broke in 2003. He has The building houses a collection of Veterans memorabilia as well as an exhibit for First Re- advocate for increased access to health care made over 60 trips to Washington, D.C.; many coverage and preventive services for under- more to the state capitals; and has attended sponders, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. served communities. countless county, city and community meet- The Talladega Hall of Heroes Museum also provides several community education and Mr. Speaker, I wish to congratulate all the ings. scholars for their hard work this summer and Fighting to get Lewis & Clark off the ground outreach programs. to commend Mr. Bluford for his strong commit- was just a starting point for Red. He has The vision for the Hall of Heroes began in ment to developing and nurturing the nation’s worked tirelessly on behalf of the project, serv- 2004 and was housed at the Armstrong- future health care leaders. ing as the vice-chairman of the board begin- Osborne Public Library. ning in 1994 until becoming the board chair- Mr. Speaker, please join me in recognizing f man in 2006, a position he still holds. Lewis & the Talladega Hall of Heroes Museum. DISAPPEARANCES AND DAMS IN Clark has experienced ups and downs during f SINDH those years, yet under Red’s leadership, over IN RECOGNITION OF THE BLUFORD 200 miles of pipeline have been laid in the HEALTHCARE LEADERSHIP IN- HON. BRAD SHERMAN ground—currently delivering much needed STITUTE OF CALIFORNIA water to 14 member communities and reach- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing over 300,000 people across South Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa. He has seen over $470 HON. EMANUEL CLEAVER Thursday, September 27, 2018 million in funding to Lewis & Clark, including OF MISSOURI Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, as the Rank- $57 million in advance funding from the three IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing Member of the Asia and the Pacific Sub- committee and the founder and chair of the states. Thursday, September 27, 2018 Red’s indisputable dedication was dem- Sindh Congressional Caucus, I have long fo- onstrated when he participated in the ribbon Mr. CLEAVER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cused on the human rights conditions in Paki- cutting ceremony for the water treatment plant recognize and commend the Bluford stan. I have long urged Pakistan’s government in August 2012, a mere two weeks after hav- Healthcare Leadership Institute (BHLI) for its to ensure the human rights of its citizens and ing open heart surgery. His fellow directors remarkable work in training the next genera- uphold the rule of law. This is especially true surprised him at the ceremony by presenting tion of health care leaders. in Sindh province. Today, I wish to discuss him with the Lewis & Clark Trailblazer Award, The BHLI is a non-profit professional devel- two issues currently confronting the Sindhi which is the organization’s highest honor. opment program based in Kansas City, Mis- community: enforced disappearances and the In May 2016, Luverne was finally able to souri. Currently in its sixth year, BHLI is led by construction of dams along the Indus River. celebrate their connection to Lewis & Clark, its founder, John W. Bluford, III, President The most egregious problem in Sindh is en- with Red reveling in taking the first swig of Emeritus of Truman Medical Centers and forced disappearances. The United Nations water. It was at this ceremony that the meter former Chairman of the American Hospital As- defines enforced disappearances as ‘‘the ar- building in Luverne was dedicated in Red’s sociation and the Greater Kansas City Cham- rest, detention, abduction or any other form of honor. Red will be the first to acknowledge ber of Commerce. The BHLI is developing a deprivation of liberty by agents of the State or that this endeavor, benefiting generations to pipeline of talented minority leaders that will by persons or groups of persons acting with come in the tristate area, has been a true diversify the ranks of health care leadership the authorization, support or acquiescence of team effort. But, there is no question Red’s vi- and work toward eradicating health care dis- the State, followed by a refusal to acknowl- sion for the future, dogged dedication and parities. To date, 87 scholars—as participating edge the deprivation of liberty or by conceal- strong leadership have been a driving force students are called—have completed the pro- ment of the fate or whereabouts of the dis- through the years. gram; 42 have received their undergraduate appeared person.’’ Hidyat Lohar (Loohaar),

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.032 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E1328 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 27, 2018 Khadim Arijo, and Aqib Chandio are just three tion was instrumental in developing the North knowledge that the TRA and the Six Assur- of the hundreds of people in Sindh who have Woodbridge Small Area Plan with Supervisor ances of 1982, which have served as the been forcefully disappeared. Often times, Frank Principi, advocated for and secured un- framework of US relations with Taiwan, have these people later turn up dead, and no justice derground utilities along a Route I widening stood the test of time. is ever served. To give just one example, Dr. project, and it is represented on the Executive While every national day is a celebrated oc- Anwar Laghari was murdered three years ago, Committee of the Prince William County Police casion, we must never forget that Taiwan is and no perpetrator has been brought to jus- Department’s Citizen Advisory Board. WPCCA situated in some of the world’s most contested tice. In fact, no one has even been charged. volunteers are engaged in every aspect of waters and is facing a People’s Republic of Another issue plaguing Sindh province is civic life in their community. China that has met President Tsai and her the construction of dams and canals along the The WPCCA also hosts several annual government with hostility from the moment she Indus River. Sindh province’s economic well- events to celebrate and inform the citizens of assumed her office. Mindful of those concerns, being depends on having sufficient access to Prince William County. The Woodbridge Dis- I’d like to take a moment to highlight critical the water supplied by the Indus River. For trict is a majority-minority community, and the Taiwan related provisions, enacted into law in decades, Sindh and Punjab provinces have WPCCA celebrates this diversity with an an- August of this year, in conjunction with the Na- shared this vital water supply. Recently, how- nual cultural festival that includes ethnic food, tional Defense Authorization Act for the fiscal ever, the Pakistani government has taken to music, and dance. The area is bordered by year 2019. This newly enacted law reiterates unilaterally constructing dams and canals two major waterways—the Potomac and that the TRA and the Six Assurances are the along the river without Sindh province’s con- Occoquan Rivers—and the WPCCA uses its cornerstones of our relations with Taiwan. In sent. This has increasingly choked off Sindh’s annual river boat cruise to highlight the envi- addition, it calls for the strengthening of de- water supply, threatening the province’s eco- ronmental issues impacting area creeks and fense cooperation with Taiwan to ensure they nomic viability. rivers. The annual legislative town hall hosted can maintain sufficient self-defense capability; These problems must be addressed. I urge by WPCCA provides citizens with updates for supporting Taiwan’s acquisition of defen- the Trump administration to raise these issues from elected officials on the most recent de- sive weapons; and for more predictability with with the new Pakistani government starting velopments from the United States Congress, respect to US arms sales to Taiwan. This in with Secretary of State Pompeo, who is meet- Virginia General Assembly, and the Prince my view was a critical and timely reaffirmation ing with the Pakistani Foreign Minister on Oc- William Board of County Supervisors. of our support for Taiwan’s security. tober 2. It is my honor to include in the RECORD the The 23 million people of Taiwan have cre- names of the members of the Board of Direc- f ated a vibrant democracy and society. The tors for the WPCCA on the occasion of its United States has and will stand by our friend RECOGNIZING THE 10TH ANNIVER- 10th anniversary: for many years to come, as we work together SARY OF THE WOODBRIDGE PO- Myma Lim Youngberg—Chair; Lynda for the peace, prosperity, and security of free- TOMAC COMMUNITIES CIVIC AS- Silverstrand—Vice Chair; Reuben Johnson— dom-loving people in Asia and across the SOCIATION Treasurer; Maureen Parlette—Programs and globe. I am proud to call myself a friend of Events Chair; Nader Abed—Website and Taiwan, and again wish the people of Taiwan HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Membership Chair. OF VIRGINIA Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join a Happy Double Ten Day. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES me in recognizing the Woodbridge Potomac f Thursday, September 27, 2018 Communities Civic Association and its mem- bers for the good work they do in Prince Wil- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today PERSONAL EXPLANATION liam County. Their efforts make Woodbridge a to recognize the 10th anniversary of the estab- better place to live, work, and raise a family. lishment of the Woodbridge Potomac Commu- We are all fortunate to have such dedicated HON. ANNA G. ESHOO nities Civic Association (WPCCA). volunteers in our community. In October 2008, civic-minded volunteers in OF CALIFORNIA the Woodbridge area of Prince William Coun- f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ty, Virginia founded the WPCCA in order to HAPPY DOUBLE TEN DAY Thursday, September 27, 2018 develop and implement a plan to improve their community. For a decade, the civic associa- HON. DENNIS A. ROSS Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I was unable to be present during roll call vote number 402, tion, its leadership, and its members have OF FLORIDA 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, and 408 on Sep- worked tirelessly on the issues of redevelop- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment, transportation, beautification, and land tember 26, 2018, due to recent surgery. Had use in order to improve the quality of life of Thursday, September 27, 2018 I been present, on roll call vote number 402, the 66,000 residents of the Woodbridge Mag- Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, both the people of I would have voted ‘‘no,’’ on roll call vote num- isterial District. Taiwan and people in communities here in the ber 403, I would have voted ‘‘no,’’ on roll call The members of the WPCCA get their United States will soon celebrate Double Ten vote number 404, I would have voted ‘‘yes,’’ hands dirty with the hard work of civic engage- Day, Taiwan’s national day. This year’s Dou- on roll call vote number 405, I would have ment. Volunteers organize clean-up efforts ble Ten Day is yet another cause for celebra- voted ‘‘yes,’’) on roll call vote number 406, I and maintain flower beds along Route I, host tion. Once again, we can celebrate the re- would have voted ‘‘present,’’ on roll call vote an annual Dumpster Day for area residents to markable transformation Taiwan has under- number 407, I would have voted ‘‘no’’, and on dispose of unwanted belongings, and clear gone in the years since the enactment of the roll call vote number 408, I would have voted local creeks of trash and debris. The organiza- Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) in 1979, and ac- ‘‘no.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.035 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS Thursday, September 27, 2018 Daily Digest Senate ‘‘National Kinship Care Month’’, and the resolution Chamber Action was then agreed to. Page S6365 Routine Proceedings, pages S6351–S6366 National Forensic Science Week: Senate agreed to Measures Introduced: Seven bills and four resolu- S. Res. 656, recognizing and supporting the goals tions were introduced, as follows: S. 3518–3524, and and ideals of National Forensic Science Week. S. Res. 656–659. Pages S6355–56 Page S6365 Measures Passed: National Adult Education and Family Literacy CyberTipline Modernization Act: Senate passed Week: Senate agreed to S. Res. 657, designating the S. 3170, to amend title 18, United States Code, to week of September 23 through 29, 2018, as ‘‘Na- make certain changes to the reporting requirement tional Adult Education and Family Literacy Week’’. of certain service providers regarding child sexual ex- Page S6365 ploitation visual depictions, after agreeing to the fol- National Community Policing Week: Senate lowing amendment proposed thereto: Page S6364 agreed to S. Res. 658, designating the week of Sep- Perdue (for Grassley) Amendment No. 4023, in tember 30 through October 6, 2018, as ‘‘National the nature of a substitute. Page S6364 Community Policing Week’’. Page S6365 Missing Children’s Assistance Act: Senate passed Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the fol- S. 3354, to amend the Missing Children’s Assistance lowing nominations: Act, after agreeing to the following amendment pro- By 98 yeas to 1 nay (Vote No. EX. 218), Lisa posed thereto: Page S6364 Porter, of Virginia, to be a Deputy Under Secretary Perdue (for Grassley) Amendment No. 4024, in of Defense. Pages S6351, S6365 the nature of a substitute. Page S6364 5 Air Force nominations in the rank of general. National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Pro- 1 Army nomination in the rank of general. gram Reauthorization Act: Senate passed S. 1768, 1 Marine Corps nomination in the rank of general. to reauthorize and amend the National Earthquake 3 Navy nominations in the rank of admiral. Hazards Reduction Program, after withdrawing the Routine lists in the Air Force, Army, Marine committee amendment in the nature of a substitute, Corps, and Navy. Pages S6352–53, S6365–66 and agreeing to the following amendment proposed Messages from the House: Pages S6354–55 thereto: Page S6364 Perdue (for Feinstein) Amendment No. 4025, in Measures Referred: Page S6355 the nature of substitute. Page S6364 Measures Placed on the Calendar: Women in Aerospace Education Act: Senate Pages S6355, S6364 passed H.R. 4254, to amend the National Science Additional Cosponsors: Page S6356 Foundation Authorization Act of 2002 to strengthen Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: the aerospace workforce pipeline by the promotion of Pages S6356–57 Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program and Na- Additional Statements: Page S6354 tional Aeronautics and Space Administration intern- ship and fellowship opportunities to women, after Amendments Submitted: Pages S6357–63 agreeing to the committee amendment in the nature Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S6363 of a substitute. Pages S6364–65 Record Votes: One record vote was taken today. National Kinship Care Month: Committee on (Total—218) Page S6351 the Judiciary was discharged from further consider- ation of S. Res. 637, designating September 2018 as D1070

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:23 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D27SE8.REC D27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with DIGEST September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D1071 Adjournment: Senate convened at 12 noon and ad- the effect of regulatory policy on the economy and journed at 4:22 p.m., until 2 p.m. on Friday, Sep- business growth, after receiving testimony from tember 28, 2018. (For Senate’s program, see the re- Howard Shelanski, Georgetown University Law Cen- marks of the Acting Majority Leader in today’s ter, and Maria Ghazal, Business Roundtable, both of Record on page S6365.) Washington, D.C.; Dustin Chambers, George Mason University Mercatus Center, Salisbury, Maryland; Committee Meetings and Karen Kerrigan, Small Business and Entrepre- neurship Council, Vienna, Virginia. (Committees not listed did not meet) NOMINATION NOMINATIONS Committee on the Judiciary: Committee concluded a Committee on Finance: Committee concluded a hearing hearing to examine the nomination of Brett M. to examine the nominations of Gordon Hartogensis, Kavanaugh, of Maryland, to be an Associate Justice of Connecticut, to be Director of the Pension Benefit of the Supreme Court of the United States, after re- Guaranty Corporation, and Gail S. Ennis, of Mary- ceiving testimony from Christine Blasey Ford, Palo land, to be Inspector General, Social Security Ad- Alto University, Palo Alto, California, and after the ministration, after the nominees testified and an- nominee testified and answered questions in his own swered questions in their own behalf. behalf. EFFECT OF REGULATORY POLICY ON THE INTELLIGENCE ECONOMY Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee held closed Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- hearings on intelligence matters, receiving testimony fairs: Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Fed- from officials of the intelligence community. eral Management concluded a hearing to examine Committee recessed subject to the call. h House of Representatives H. Res. 1084, the rule providing for consideration Chamber Action of the bills (H.R. 6756), (H.R. 6757), and (H.R. Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 28 pub- 6760) was agreed to by a recorded vote of 226 ayes lic bills, H.R. 6926–6953; and 10 resolutions, H. to 189 noes, Roll No. 410, after the previous ques- Res. 1089–1098 were introduced. Pages H9149–51 tion was ordered by a yea-and-nay vote of 227 yeas to 189 nays, Roll No. 409. Pages H9101–13 Additional Cosponsors: Pages H9152–53 Reports Filed: There were no reports filed today. American Innovation Act of 2018: The House passed H.R. 6756, to amend the Internal Revenue Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he Code of 1986 to promote new business innovation, appointed Representative Harper to act as Speaker by a yea-and-nay vote of 260 yeas to 156 nays, Roll pro tempore for today. Page H9093 No. 412. Pages H9113–18, H9134–35 Recess: The House recessed at 10:52 a.m. and re- Pursuant to the Rule, the amendment in the na- convened at 12 noon. Page H9099 ture of a substitute recommended by the Committee on Ways and Means now printed in the bill, modi- Family Savings Act of 2018: The House passed fied by the amendment printed in part A of H. H.R. 6757, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of Rept. 115–985, shall be considered as adopted. 1986 to encourage retirement and family savings, by Page H9113 a yea-and-nay vote of 240 yeas to 177 nays, Roll H. Res. 1084, the rule providing for consideration No. 411. Pages H9118–34 of the bills (H.R. 6756), (H.R. 6757), and (H.R. Pursuant to the Rule, the amendment in the na- 6760) was agreed to by a recorded vote of 226 ayes ture of a substitute recommended by the Committee to 189 noes, Roll No. 410, after the previous ques- on Ways and Means now printed in the bill, modi- tion was ordered by a yea-and-nay vote of 227 yeas fied by the amendment printed in part B of H. to 189 nays, Roll No. 409. Pages H9101–13 Rept. 115–985, shall be considered as adopted. Reauthorizing and amending the Marine Debris Page H9118 Act to promote international action to reduce

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:23 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D27SE8.REC D27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with DIGEST D1072 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST September 27, 2018 marine debris: The House agreed to take from the U.S.’’. Testimony was heard from Representative Speaker?s table and pass S. 3508, to reauthorize and Herrera Beutler and public witnesses. amend the Marine Debris Act to promote inter- national action to reduce marine debris. DOE MODERNIZATION: THE OFFICE OF Pages H9135–38 CYBERSECURITY, ENERGY SECURITY, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE Requiring the Federal Railroad Administration and the Federal Transit Authority to provide ap- Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on propriate Congressional notice of safety audits Energy held a hearing entitled ‘‘DOE Modernization: conducted with respect to railroads and rail The Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and transit agencies: The House agreed to take from the Emergency Response’’. Testimony was heard from Speaker’s table and pass H.R. 1093, to require the Karen Evans, Assistant Secretary, Office of Cyberse- Federal Railroad Administration and the Federal curity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response, Transit Authority to provide appropriate Congres- Department of Energy. sional notice of safety audits conducted with respect STATE OF THE MEDIA MARKETPLACE to railroads and rail transit agencies. Pages H9138–39 Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ‘‘To re- Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on quire the Federal Railroad Administration to provide Communications and Technology held a hearing en- appropriate congressional notice of comprehensive titled ‘‘State of the Media Marketplace’’. Testimony safety assessments conducted with respect to inter- was heard from public witnesses. city or commuter rail passenger transportation.’’. OVERSIGHT OF THE FEDERAL HOUSING Page H9139 FINANCE AGENCY’S ROLE AS Senate Referrals: S. 3508 was held at the desk. S. CONSERVATOR AND REGULATOR OF THE 3509 was held at the desk. GOVERNMENT SPONSORED ENTERPRISE Senate Message: Message received from the Senate Committee on Financial Services: Full Committee held by the Clerk and subsequently presented to the a hearing entitled ‘‘Oversight of the Federal Housing House today and appears on page H9101. Finance Agency’s Role as Conservator and Regulator Quorum Calls—Votes: Three yea-and-nay votes of the Government Sponsored Enterprises’’. Testi- and one recorded vote developed during the pro- mony was heard from Melvin Watt, Director, Fed- ceedings of today and appear on pages H9111–12, eral Housing Finance Agency; Laura Wertheimer, H9112–13, H9134, and H9134–35. There were no Inspector General, Federal Housing Finance Agency; quorum calls. and public witnesses. Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and ad- MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES journed at 6:01:23 p.m. Committee on Foreign Affairs: Full Committee held a markup on H. Res. 931, expressing the sense of the Committee Meetings House of Representatives that the 85th anniversary of the Ukrainian Famine of 1932–1933, known as UPDATE ON MILITARY REVIEW BOARD the Holodomor, should serve as a reminder of repres- AGENCIES sive Soviet policies against the people of Ukraine; H. Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Mili- Res. 1055, to affirm strong United States-Liberia tary Personnel held a hearing entitled ‘‘Update on ties and support for democratic principles, and call Military Review Board Agencies’’. Testimony was for full implementation of the Truth and Reconcili- heard from Francine Blackmon, Deputy Assistant ation Commission recommendations, including the Secretary of the Army (Review Boards), Department establishment of an Extraordinary Criminal Tribunal of the Army; John Fedrigo, Director, Air Force Re- for Liberia; H.R. 6651, the ‘‘PEPFAR Extension Act view Boards Agency; and Robert Woods, Principal of 2018’’; H. Res. 1006, condemning the deterio- Deputy Assistant Secretary (Manpower and Reserve rating situation in Venezuela and the regional hu- Affairs), Department of the Navy. manitarian crisis it has caused, affirming support for the legitimate National Assembly and the Supreme BETTER DATA AND BETTER OUTCOMES: Court, and urging further regional action in support REDUCING MATERNAL MORTALITY IN of democracy in Venezuela; H. Res. 1052, affirming THE U.S. United States-Australia cooperation on space re- Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on search, exploration, and utilization; H.R. 1567, the Health held a hearing entitled ‘‘Better Data and Bet- ‘‘United States-Mexico Economic Partnership Act’’; ter Outcomes: Reducing Maternal Mortality in the H.R. 4591, the ‘‘Preventing Iranian Destabilization

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:23 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D27SE8.REC D27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with DIGEST September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D1073 of Iraq Act of 2017’’; H.R. 5273, the ‘‘Global Fra- tion of Sports Betting in America’’. Testimony was gility and Violence Reduction Act of 2018’’; H.R. heard from public witnesses. 6018, the ‘‘Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partner- THE STATE OF INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM ship Act of 2018’’; and H.R. 6413, the ‘‘STOP IN AMERICA Organ Trafficking Act’’. H. Res. 931, H. Res. 1006, H. Res. 1052, H. Res. 1055, H.R. 1567, H.R. Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on the Con- 4591, H.R. 5273, H.R. 6018, H.R. 6413, and H.R. stitution and Civil Justice held a hearing entitled 6651 were ordered reported, as amended. ‘‘The State of Intellectual Freedom in America’’. Tes- timony was heard from public witnesses. U.S. POLICY TOWARD SYRIA: PART I LEGISLATIVE MEASURE Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa held a hearing enti- Committee on the Judiciary: Full Committee held a tled ‘‘U.S. Policy Toward Syria: Part I’’. Testimony hearing on H.R. 3945, the ‘‘Copyright Alternative was heard from public witnesses. in Small-Claims Enforcement Act of 2017’’. Testi- mony was heard from public witnesses. EUROPE AND EURASIA: ENSURING RESOURCES MATCH OBJECTIVES MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on Eu- Committee on Natural Resources: Full Committee held rope, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats held a hearing a markup on H. Res. 792, urging the Secretary of entitled ‘‘Europe and Eurasia: Ensuring Resources the Interior to recognize the historical significance of Match Objectives’’. Testimony was heard from Brock Roberto Clemente’s place of death near Piones in Bierman, Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Europe Loiza, Puerto Rico, by adding it to the National and Eurasia, U.S. Agency for International Develop- Register of Historic Places; H.R. 237, the ‘‘Inte- ment; Janine Wynne, Acting Coordinator, Office of grated Coastal and Ocean Observation System Act the Coordinator of U.S. Assistance to Europe and Amendments of 2017’’; H.R. 3608, the ‘‘Endangered Eurasia, Department of State; Emilia Puma, Acting Species Transparency and Reasonableness Act’’; H.R. Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of South and 6108, the ‘‘Preserving America’s Battlefields Act’’; Central Asian Affairs, Department of State; and Ann H.R. 6345, the ‘‘EMPOWERS Act of 2018’’; H.R. Marie Yastishock, Deputy Assistant Administrator, 6346, the ‘‘WHOLE Act of 2018’’; H.R. 6355, the Bureau for Asia, U.S. Agency for International De- ‘‘PETITION Act of 2018’’; H.R. 6365, the ‘‘Treaty velopment. of Guadalupe-Hidalgo Land Claims Act of 2018’’; H.R. 6434, to amend section 7 of Public Law CHINA’S WAR ON CHRISTIANITY AND 100–515 (16 U.S.C. 1244 note) to promote contin- OTHER RELIGIOUS FAITHS ued use of the James J. Howard Marine Sciences Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on Africa, Laboratory at Gateway National Recreation Area by Global Health, Global Human Rights, and Inter- the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- national Organizations held a hearing entitled ‘‘Chi- tion; and S. 607, the ‘‘Native American Business In- na’s War on Christianity and Other Religious cubators Program Act’’. H. Res. 792, H.R. 6434, S. Faiths’’. Testimony was heard from Tenzin Dorjee, 607, H.R. 3608, H.R. 6108, H.R. 6345, and H.R. Commissioner, U.S. Commission on International 6346 were ordered reported, without amendment. Religious Freedom; and public witnesses. H.R. 6355, H.R. 6365, and H.R. 237 were ordered reported, as amended. INSIDER THREATS TO AVIATION SECURITY: AIRLINE AND AIRPORT MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES PERSPECTIVES Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Full Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Committee held a markup on H.R. 5381, the Transportation and Protective Security held a hear- ‘‘GRATER Act of 2018’’; H.R. 6891, the ing entitled ‘‘Insider Threats to Aviation Security: ‘‘Antideficiency Reform and Enforcement Act of Airline and Airport Perspectives’’. Testimony was 2018’’; H.R. 6893, to amend the Overtime Pay for heard from Wendy Reiter, Director, Aviation Secu- Protective Services Act of 2016 to extend the Secret rity, Port of Seattle; and public witnesses. Service overtime pay exemption through 2019, and for other purposes; H.R. 6901, the ‘‘Federal CIO POST-PASPA: AN EXAMINATION OF Authorization Act of 201’’; H.R. 6777, the ‘‘Settle- SPORTS BETTING IN AMERICA ment Agreement Information Database Act of Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Crime, 2018’’; H.R. 3154, the ‘‘Inspector General Access Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations Act of 2017’’; H.R. 5759, the ‘‘21st Century Inte- held a hearing entitled ‘‘Post-PASPA: An Examina- grated Digital Experience Act’’; H.R. 1272, the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:23 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D27SE8.REC D27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with DIGEST D1074 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST September 27, 2018 ‘‘Cold Case Record Collections Act of 2017’’; H.R RESTORING BALANCE TO 5791, to designate the facility of the United States ENVIRONMENTAL LITIGATION Postal Service located at 9609 South University Bou- Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Sub- levard in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, as the ‘‘Dep- committee on the Interior, Energy, and Environment uty Sheriff Zackari Spurlock Parrish, III, Post Office held a hearing entitled ‘‘Restoring Balance to Envi- Building’’; H.R 5792, to designate the facility of the ronmental Litigation’’. Testimony was heard from United States Postal Service located at 90 North 4th Jonathan Brightbill, Deputy Assistant Attorney Avenue in Brighton, Colorado, as the ‘‘Deputy Sher- General, Environment and Natural Resources Divi- iff Heath McDonald Gumm Post Office’’; H.R 6216, sion, Department of Justice; and public witnesses. to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 3025 Woodgate Road in ADVANCING NUCLEAR ENERGY: Montrose, Colorado, as the ‘‘Sergeant David POWERING THE FUTURE Kinterknecht Post Office’’; H.R 6217, to designate Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: Sub- the facility of the United States Postal Service lo- committee on Energy held a hearing entitled ‘‘Ad- cated at 241 N 4th Street in Grand Junction, Colo- vancing Nuclear Energy: Powering the Future’’. Tes- rado, as the ‘‘Deputy Sheriff Derek Geer Post Office timony was heard from Edward McGinnis, Principal Building’’; H.R 6428, to designate the facility of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy, De- United States Postal Service located at 332 Ramapo partment of Energy; John Wagner, Associate Labora- Valley Road in Oakland, New Jersey, as the ‘‘Frank tory Director, Nuclear Science and Technology, Leone Post Office’’; H.R 6513, to designate the fa- Idaho National Laboratory; and public witnesses. cility of the United States Postal Service located at 1110 West Market Street in Athens, Alabama, as THE LOCAL IMPACT OF ECONOMIC the ‘‘Judge James E. Horton, Jr. Post Office Build- GROWTH ing’’; H.R 6591, to designate the facility of the Committee on Small Business: Subcommittee on Eco- United States Postal Service located at 501 South nomic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access held a hear- Kirkman Road in Orlando, Florida, as the ‘‘Napo- ing entitled ‘‘The Local Impact of Economic leon ‘Nap’ Ford Post Office Building’’; H.R 6621, Growth’’. Testimony was heard from public wit- to designate the facility of the United States Postal nesses. Service located at 530 East Main Street in Johnson City, Tennessee, as the ‘‘Major Homer L. Pease Post MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES Office’’; H.R 6628, to designate the facility of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Full United States Postal Service located at 4301 North- Committee held a markup on General Services Ad- east 4th Street in Renton, Washington, as the ministration Capital Investment and Leasing Pro- ‘‘James Marshall ‘Jimi’ Hendrix Post Office Build- gram Resolutions; H.R. 5158, to direct the Secretary ing’’; and H.R 6780, to designate the facility of the of Transportation to request nominations for and United States Postal Service located at 7521 Paula make determinations regarding roads to be des- Drive in Tampa, Florida, as the ‘‘Major Andreas ignated under the national scenic byways program, O’Keeffe Post Office Building’’. H.R 5792, H.R. and for other purposes; and H.R. 6622, to designate 5381, H.R. 6893, H.R. 5759, and H.R. 1272 were the Federal building located at 2110 First Street in ordered reported, as amended. H.R. 6891, H.R. Fort Myers, Florida, as the ‘‘George W. Whitehurst 6901, H.R. 6777, H.R. 3154, H.R. 5791, H.R. Federal Building’’. General Services Administration 6216, H.R. 6217, H.R. 6428, H.R. 6513, H.R. Capital Investment and Leasing Program Resolutions 6591, H.R. 6621, H.R. 6628, and H.R. 6780 were were adopted, without amendment. H.R. 6622 and ordered reported, without amendment. H.R. 5158 were ordered reported, as amended. THE BENEFITS OF A DEREGULATORY VETERAN SUICIDE PREVENTION: AGENDA: EXAMPLES FROM PIONEERING MAXIMIZING EFFECTIVENESS AND GOVERNMENTS INCREASING AWARENESS Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Sub- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Full Committee held a committee on Intergovernmental Affairs; and Sub- hearing entitled ‘‘Veteran Suicide Prevention: Maxi- committee on Healthcare, Benefits and Administra- mizing Effectiveness and Increasing Awareness’’. Tes- tive Rules held a joint hearing entitled ‘‘The Bene- timony was heard from Keita Franklin, National Di- fits of a Deregulatory Agenda: Examples from Pio- rector, Suicide Prevention, Office of Mental Health neering Governments’’. Testimony was heard from and Suicide Prevention, Veterans Health Administra- Scott Brinkman, Secretary of the Executive Cabinet, tion, Department of Veterans Affairs; and public Kentucky; and public witnesses. witnesses.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:23 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D27SE8.REC D27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with DIGEST September 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D1075 THE STATE OF SOCIAL SECURITY’S interfere in United States elections as inadmissible aliens, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY S. 3178, to amend title 18, United States Code, to speci- fy lynching as a deprivation of civil rights, and the nomi- Committee on Ways and Means: Subcommittee on So- nations of Brett M. Kavanaugh, of Maryland, to be an cial Security held a hearing entitled ‘‘The State of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Social Security’s Information Technology’’. Testi- States, Jonathan A. Kobes, of South Dakota, to be United mony was heard from Rajive Mathur, Deputy Com- States Circuit Judge for the Eighth Circuit, John M. missioner of Systems and Chief Information Officer, O’Connor, to be United States District Judge for the Social Security Administration; Gale Stallworth Northern, Eastern and Western Districts of Oklahoma, Stone, Acting Inspector General, Social Security Ad- Kenneth D. Bell, to be United States District Judge for ministration; and Carol C. Harris, Director, Informa- the Western District of North Carolina, Stephanie A. tion Technology Management Issues, Government Gallagher, to be United States District Judge for the Dis- Accountability Office. trict of Maryland, Mary S. McElroy, to be United States District Judge for the District of Rhode Island, Carl J. Nichols, to be United States District Judge for the Dis- Joint Meetings trict of Columbia, and Martha Maria Pacold, Mary M. JUDGE VENCKIENE EXTRADITION CASE Rowland, and Steven C. Seeger, each to be a United Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe: Com- States District Judge for the Northern District of Illinois, mission concluded a hearing to examine politically- 9:30 a.m., SD–226. motivated injustice, focusing on the extradition case House of Judge Venckiene, after receiving testimony from Vytautas Matulevicius, Member of Lithuanian Par- Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Seapower liament, Abbe Jolles, Global Legal, Mary G. Leary, and Projection Forces, hearing entitled ‘‘Contributing Factors to C–130 Mishaps and Other Intra-Theater Airlift Catholic University of America Columbus School of Challenges’’, 9 a.m., HVC–210. Law, and Karolis Venkus. Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Finan- f cial Institutions and Consumer Credit, hearing entitled ‘‘Examining Opportunities for Financial Markets in the COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR FRIDAY, Digital Era’’, 9 a.m., 2128 Rayburn. SEPTEMBER 28, 2018 Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on the Con- (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) stitution and Civil Justice, hearing entitled ‘‘Examining Sober Living Homes’’, 9 a.m., 2141 Rayburn. Senate Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Full Com- Committee on the Judiciary: business meeting to consider mittee, Business Meeting, 9 a.m., HVC–304. This hear- S. 2785, to designate foreign persons who improperly ing will be closed.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:23 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D27SE8.REC D27SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with DIGEST D1076 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST September 27, 2018

Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2 p.m., Friday, September 28 9 a.m., Friday, September 28

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Friday: Senate will be in a period of morn- Program for Friday: Consideration of H.R. 6760—Pro- ing business. tecting Family and Small Business Tax Cuts Act of 2018. Consideration of the following measure under suspension of the Rules: House Amendment to the Senate Amend- ment to H.R. 6—SUPPORT for Patients and Commu- nities Act.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Frankel, Lois, Fla., E1323 Palazzo, Steven M., Miss., E1320 Gianforte, Greg, Mont., E1326 Pallone, Frank, Jr., N.J., E1318 Babin, Brian, Tex., E1324 Goodlatte, Bob, Va., E1319 Roe, David P., Tenn., E1315 Calvert, Ken, Calif., E1322 Harper, Gregg, Miss., E1315 Rogers, Mike, Ala., E1327 Cleaver, Emanuel, Mo., E1327 Hoyer, Steny H., Md., E1318 Ross, Dennis A., Fla., E1328 Cloud, Michael, Tex., E1326 Jackson Lee, Sheila, Tex., E1316 Cole, Tom, Okla., E1315 Jenkins, Lynn, Kans., E1325 Schakowsky, Janice D., Ill., E1319 Connolly, Gerald E., Va., E1316, E1317, E1318, E1320, Johnson, Eddie Bernice, Tex., E1325 Schiff, Adam B., Calif., E1315 E1321, E1322, E1323, E1324, E1326, E1328 LaMalfa, Doug, Calif., E1321 Sherman, Brad, Calif., E1327 Cooper, Jim, Tenn., E1316 Lawrence, Brenda L., Mich., E1317 Thompson, Mike, Calif., E1316 DeFazio, Peter A., Ore., E1324 Long, Billy, Mo., E1322 Veasey, Marc A., Tex., E1320, E1325 DeLauro, Rosa L., Conn., E1323 Marshall, Roger W., Kans., E1324 Wilson, Joe, S.C., E1324 Duncan, John J., Jr., Tenn., E1319 Messer, Luke, Ind., E1322 Wittman, Robert J., Va., E1321 Eshoo, Anna G., Calif., E1328 Noem, Kristi L., S.Dak., E1327

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