Family History
SPENCER FAMILY HISTORY AND GENEALOGY collecting materials for a. biograph)" of Plutt R. Spencer, diRiculties encoun• Ntered in tracing his lineage and the interest n'hich they· ha t"e a wakened sug• gest these pages. designed to stimulate and assist inquiry regarding S~ncer fam ily history and genealogy, both in America and the Old World, respecting which correspondence is solicited by ROBERT C. ~.PEXCER, .\Jilwaukee, Wis., U. S. A. August 1, 1889. L.IST OF AMERICAN HISTORICAL. MAQAZINES. "English Historical Review." Quarterly; Sub. Price $5.00: London. New York Agency, Long man•, Green & Co., 15 E. 16th Street, New York City. ••Maga.zinc of American History," Est. 1883, Monthly: Sub. Price $5.00 Historical Pub. Co., 743 Broadway, New York. "New England Hist. _and Genealogical Register," Quarterly; Sub. Price $3.00. New England Historic-Gf!nealogical Society. 18 Somerset Strttt, Boston, Mass. "Rhode Island Historical ~lagazine." Est. 1880, Quarterly; Sub. Price $2.00. Newport, R. I. ":\lagazine of \\"estem History," Est. 1884, ~lonthly; Sub. Price $4".00. 145 St. Clair Street, Cleveland, Ohio. ":\Iaine Hist. and Genealogical Record," Est. 1884, Quarterly; Sub. Price $3.00. S. \V. \\·atson, Portland, ~laine. "Xe,v Amsterdam Gazette," Monthly; Illus. Sub. Price $1.50. Morris Coster, 17 and 19 Broadway, ·~ew York. "Xe,v ~Iagazine Magazine," Est. 1884-, Monthly; Sub. Price $3.00. :\. P. Dodge. Manager, 36 Bromfield Street, Boston, Mass. "lo\\·a Historical Record," Est. 1885, Quarterly; Sub. Price $1.00. Iown Historical Society, Iowa City, Ia. Joel .\fun:;e/f s Sons, Publisher~ and dealer~ in \Vorks on American History, Biography, Genealogy, ctc.t AlhnnY.
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