Proofware: Proof of Useful Work Consensus Protocol for Decentralized Applications

Zhongli Dong Young Choon Lee Albert Y. Zomaya School of Computer Science Department of Computing School of Computer Science The University of Sydney Macquarie University The University of Sydney Sydney NSW 2006, Australia Sydney NSW 2109, Australia Sydney NSW 2006, Australia Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Abstract—In a blockchain system, consensus protocol as an I.INTRODUCTION incentive and security mechanism, is to ensure the participants to build the block honestly and effectively. There are different With proper consensus protocol, P2P network and decen- consensus protocols for blockchain, like (PoW), tralised applications(dApps), we could connect all worldwide (PoS), Proof of Space (PoSpace), Proof of Activities etc. But most of these consensus protocols are not designed computing resources together to build a crowd based large for doing some useful jobs for society because of too much scale computing system. The computing resource here does competition and scalability limitation. Massive electric power and not only refer to CPU, storage or network, also includes other computing resources, including CPU, RAM, storage and sensors input or output devices, like sensors, camera, GPS, etc. from have been wasted to run blockchain network based on these massive personal mobile devices as well. A developer may consensus protocols. Current frameworks and middleware for building decentralised applications (dApps) are largely limited to want to build a reliable large distributed storage system in simple and less useful jobs. Current blockchain frameworks, such very short time with very limited cost. In the traditional way, as , are difficult to support diversity of decentralised they may need to buy storage server from server vendors applications due primarily to redundantly performing ‘hashing’. and build their storage system. More conveniently, they could In this paper, we present Proofware which is designed for get these storage and computing resources from cloud service developers to build their dApps easily with existing public/crowd- providers, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft based computing resources. Under Proofware, developers can Azure and Google Cloud Platform. In none of these ways, develop and test their own Proof of Useful Work (PoUW) consensus protocols. Also, rather than depending on a centralised users requirements can be met as they either cost too high or accounting system, each dApp has an embedded currency system need long time to build. A new way to build such system is to to keep the whole incentive system decentralised, fair, transpar- leverage spare storage spaces and computing resources which ent, stable and sustainable. Based on Proofware, we have built are distributed on worldwide personal systems, like home PC, a crowd based video sharing application, called OurTube, as a or commercial system, like unused enterprise storage. Another case study. By the OurTube example, it has shown Proofware significantly improves the productivity to build crowd-based scenario is that a mobile developer wants to build a mobile computing system with the features of cost-effectiveness, anti- application to scan the bar code of product in the shop and censorship, elasticity and financial sustainability. upload the price to run a price comparison with other prices Comparing with running the similar video application on provided by other users. Amazon EC2, the cost running on Proofware is only about 5.4% To build such system, the developer needs to design a of the cost running on Amazon EC2. As there is no centralised good incentive mechanism and credit system to implement the server or payment system, no one can stop the servers of OurTube application. Without a proper framework, it takes months to arXiv:1903.09276v1 [cs.DC] 22 Mar 2019 or remove the contents from OurTube. In the experiment, by increasing the offer price, OurTube can attract unlimited build such an application. In this paper, we present Proofware participants to contribute their computing resources and also as a novel framework for dApp development. It is designed on encourage content providers to share their video contents. As the basis of Proof of Useful Work (PoUW). Proofware consists all the computing resource providers and content providers get of: (1) A decentralised independent application currency and proper payment, it keeps the system financial sustainability. More autonomous price adjustment design which can provide more importantly, as we are using a decentralised price model, it shows the system can prevent market manipulation and control the effective, transparent and stable financial incentive system stability of computing resource price and the supply volume cross all applications, (2) A decentralised service contract to of computing resource which can support the elasticity and define the requirement and quality of the service (QoS), and scalability of OurTube application. The experiment also showed (3) A flexible architecture can support different characteristic the low and controllable transaction cost in our decentralised decentralised applications. credit exchange model. The first issue we need to resolve is to find an effective incentive and pricing mechanise. We need to find an effective Index Terms—Blockchain, , Crowd Computing, way to ensure the public participant to contribute their devices Decentralised System, Large Scale Computing to the network continuously. [1] is the most famous and successful blockchain project. Even some people think of autonomous credit swapping and application credit price Bitcoin is dangerous speculative bubble, financial discovery which support our financial incentive mechanism, incentive really works well. In , all partic- the core of Proofware. We present experimental results in ipants, aka “miners” have incentive to composite the block Section V and our conclusion in Section VI. honestly with most power efficiency mining device. However, the Bitcoin’s incentive system cannot cross the multiple ap- II.BACKGROUNDAND RELATED WORK plications. We need a decentralised incentive system which To reach consensus among each peers, typical pub- can support multiple applications independently and exchange- lic Blockchain consensus algorithms include Proof-of-Work able. The incentive system in our Proofware, learned from (PoW) [3] used in Bitcoin and Ethereum, Proof-of-Stake Bitcoin, adding the autonomous credit swapping feature and (PoS) [4] used in and Delegated Proof-of-Stake price discovery feature, use blockchain based credit system (DPoS) [5] used in EOS. In this section, we begin by describ- to reward all devices owners and incentive them to contribute ing key indicators that we think are essential for the success of their devices honestly to the network. public computing platform in comparison with existing other For the service contract, traditional cloud service providers systems(Table I). We then discuss related technologies in define a list of services, list the price and define term and relation with Proofware. condition about their quality of service. But all these contracts are static, inflexible and difficult to audit. The service providers A. Key indicators for the platform to build public large scale totally own these contracts. The traditional contract life cycle computing platform needs human involvement which is easy to make a mistake and • Censorship Resistance and Self-regulation: The system get disputed. In the Proofware system, the service providers should not be able to stopped by a centralised agency; are crowd-based, decentralised and dynamically, the traditional The content of transported or stored cannot be removed service contract cannot support such multi service providers or altered. Same time, the whole system should maintain and dynamic model effectively. We introduce decentralised all records transparently. Audit and validation could be service smart contract [2], running on blockchain, is a list done by public, not only by centralised authority. of business rules to define the crowed decentralised service • Decentralisation: The credit system, clients and the con- requirement details. The smart contract is decentralised, per- tent should be decentralised. There is no centre controller manent and transparent which meet the decentralised service and no single point failure. contract requirement. In our system, a decentralised service • Elasticity: The computing resource should be used as smart contract template will be provided so the developer can utility, on demand, rather than one-time purchase. define these services easily. • Autonomous: The system could be run with further Proofware needs to support various applications which may reconfiguration or interruption. need to invoke different devices. We use a ‘device adaptor’ • Throughput: The system can process the high volume of model to make our architecture flexible to support more types information with a liner scalability. of computing devices and sensors without rewriting whole • Reliability: The system has low failure rate. business logic code. Also, the component-based software • Cost Effective: Both the setup cost and running cost engineering (CBSE) design principle makes each component should be lower comparing with centralised system. could be replaced without involving much changing on other • Extensibility: The system would be able to extend to the connecting components. Specific contributions of this paper different scenario of requirement. are as follows: Based on the above system characteristics, we have com- • We design a framework to support developing and run- pared our framework with the following existing computing ning dApps on a crowd-based large scale computing paradigms: system • Cloud Services: Cloud service is a centralised service • We design an autonomous credit swapping and decen- to provide elastic computing resource in an utility mode tralised pricing mechanism to support more effective with a low initial cost. financial incentive for resource providers and more cost- • Bitcoin Network: Bitcoin network provides decentralised controllable for dApp developers open service. Also, there are other blockchain • We verify the effectiveness of our credit exchange and networks which are not only play a ledger rule, but pricing adjusting in a simulated environment also run as decentralised general applications for other • We build OurTube as a demo dApp to show the cost- purpose. effectiveness and reliability of our Proofware system • Grid Computing: Grid computing [6] uses a distributed The rest of this paper is organised as follows. In Section task scheduler to split the tasks, distribute the tasks II, we give background and review related work on the ex- to the volunteer computers and merge the submitted isting consensus protocol, blockchain credit system and cross result. Without an effective financial incentive and credit chain protocols. In Section III, we describe the architecture exchange, the participant rate of grid computing increases of Proofware. In Section IV, we present the algorithms slowly. • Crowdware [7]: Similar with grid computing, but it TRON [11], have adapted DPoS for their consensus protocol. added financial incentive mechanise to attract participants Comparing with PoS, the little volume token holders can and auction mechanise to implement elastic price and vote their preferred node to express these opinion. In DPoS resource matching. network, only a few nodes (usually an odd number) are par- • Proofware: the Proofware, we leverage blockchain based ticipating in the election process, as the result, not every node credit system an self-controlled incentive, autonomous consider themselves as a potential block producer, instead, smart contract for service and dApp toolkit to achieve they will delegate their stake to other nodes which have higher all above key evaluation indicator. potential to be elected. Being benefited from a limited number of candidates, DPoS can reach a notable transaction per second B. Consensus Algorithm (TPS). But there is bribing issue for voting. The candidates 1) Proof of work(PoW): Proof of work (PoW) has been promise to share some portion of that as a bribe, equally used extensively to prevent the DDoS attacks or bots attacks. split among all of their voters. There is also bad incentive to When you do a web registration or a login, the web page forming Cartels using the existing voting award mechanism. always ask you to input a unrelated question or to do a job 4) Proof of Capacity: Proof of capacity, also called proof to verify you are a human, not a bot. In the blockchain area, of space [12] where miners must dedicate a significant amount we use a similar way to verify every node which participates of disk space as opposed to computation in PoW. A typical the block composition job is honesty each other, preventing implementation like Storj’s Metadisk [13], which is a decen- the marvellous nodes. In the PoW algorithm, the piece of tralised cloud storage platform. It combines existing BitTorrent target data is difficult to produce but easy for others to verify, Sync [14], Bitcoin and cryptography technologies. nodes in the network will compete against each other to solve a computational costed puzzle to generate the next block, C. Blockchain Interoperability and Multi-chains Technologies as so called mining. The first node who solved the puzzle One chain has limited performance and is not suitable for will broadcast its result in the network, then rewarded by the various business requirement. There are few blockchain inter- blockchain network if the result is verified by the majority operability solutions which try to connect multi to of the peers. All of these guess work happen in peer locally achieve high performance, different scenario and autonomous despite of the scale of the network. Communication happens inter-chain communication. only when the puzzle is solved, therefore it is easy to scale 1) Coco Framework: Coco framework ( out in a PoW-based blockchain network. Though PoW can Azure/coco-framework/), from Microsoft, is trying to build an solve the consensus and scalability problem, it costs a huge open and compatible framework with any blockchain protocol. amount of computational resources (electricity) to maintain the Coco framework introduced a trusted execution environment security of the network and the energy consumption cannot be (TEE) which is a trusted box on which users can trust to put applied business, science or any other field [8]. Besides, in the their blockchain code. For the perspective of pluggable con- centralised mining factory and (i.e., hashrate dis- sensus protocol design, it is most similar with the framework tribution amongst mining pools we have build. But it is literature only as we traced their github of such distribution, the owner of mining pools can start 51% and didn’t see any update after 16 August 2017. attack and can control the feature of future feature of Bitcoin 2) Cosmos: Cosmos ( is a network which may only benefit themselves. connecting many independent blockchains, called zones. The 2) Proof of Stake (PoS): Proof of Stake (PoS), a concept zones are powered by a main chain which is implemented by initially proposed by Peercoin, unlike PoW, there is no mining a Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) consensus en- process required for reaching consensus. PoS asks users to gine Tendermint Core [15]. Blockchains with other consensus prove holding the certain amount of of currency. Thus, PoW models, including PoW blockchains like Ethereum and Bitcoin eliminates the computing power usage of proofs of work. PoS can be connected to the Cosmos network using adapter zones. is designed to solve the disadvantage of PoW, in particular, The hub and zones of the Cosmos network communicate with high energy consumption. Instead of mining with costly energy each other via an inter-blockchain communication protocol. computation, each node deposit amount of Tokens can be transferred from one zone to another through as their stake, the network then randomly pick a node to the Cosmos Hub, which keeps track of the total amount of produce the next block regards the weight of each peers stake. tokens held by each zone. Cosmos also introduced “- However, PoS experience a huge drawback in scalability. As accountability”, where the processes or malicious actors that known, there is no centralised node for coordinating the stake caused the consensus to fail can be identified and punished among all the nodes, therefore, every node needs to participate according to the rules of the protocol. in the election process, communication messages will grow 3) Polkadot: Polkadot [16] connects permissioned up exponentially when the network scales out, which will blockchain, permissionless blockchain. It has introduced consequently slow down the performance of the network. the concept of parallelisable chains, or called “Parachains”. 3) Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS): To address the Parachains are simpler forms of permissioned blockchains scalability problem in PoS network with unlimited nodes, which gather and process transactions but without their own some blockchain systems like Steem [9], BitShares [10] and security protocols. These Parachains attach to a “relay chain” TABLE I: Comparison of Large Scale Computing Platform.

Name Censorship Resistance Decentralisation Elasticity Autonomous Throughput Reliability Cost Effective Extensibility Karma Low Low Medium Low Medium Medium High Medium Cloud Services Low Low Medium Low Medium Medium High Medium Bitcoin Network High Medium Medium Medium Low High Low Low Grid Computing Low Medium High Low Low Medium High Low Crowdware Medium Medium High Low High Medium High High Proofware High High High High High High High High which coordinates consensus and transaction delivery between chains. It also has “Bridges” link to blockchains with their own consensus such as Ethereum. how to prevent “Tragedy of the commons”. 4) Dfinity: Dfinity [17] is working on decentralised cloud computing. Its ambition is to build a blockchain supercom- puter, called cloud 3.0, designed to host the new decentralised of software and services. But Dinity only supports one quorum selections based consensus algorithm. Such single consensus is difficult to support different cloud computing requirement, like IoT cloud. All these blockchain interoperable technologies just focus on to support existing consensus protocols. They do not provide a way for developer to define their own consensus protocols, the protocol for some proof of useful contribution. Fig. 1: The overview of Proofware. It also cannot provide the cross application credit system to support transfer the award between the different applications. in smart contract which persistent the status to the blockchain permanently. III.ARCHITECTURE • Elastic: The applications running on the Proofware should In this section, we begin with the description of overall can consistently acquire enough computing nodes or Proofware design. We then give the general blockchain frame- power via autonomous price system. work stack. Finally, we introduce main roles and participants • Low coupling and plug-able: The applications inter- of Proofware platform. act with the Proofware using gRPC protocol and each Proofware component can be replaced without involving A. Overall changing on other components. As shown in Figure 1, the Proofware platform provides cloud-like computing resources, storage, IoT devices, human C. General Blockchain Framework Stack input to help third-party DApp developers to operate their • Consensus protocols and algorithms: The consensus pro- application on truly decentralised environment. At the same tocol or algorithm defines the way how the distributed time, the Proofware platform also encourages third parties nodes to achieve permanent and unanimous consistent. developers to develop a public service to connect all existing • Software tokens and global addresses: Blockchain is a peer-to-peer source to a more friendly API so the dApp public open ledger, like a public account book. To transfer developer can leverage these public resources easily without the value on the blockchain, we need use token and losing the decentralised characteristic. dApps developers not address to represent the ownership of the value. only can use the public service infrastructure that Proofware • Peer-to-peer based communication and storage: To keep platform already provides, but also can leverage these third- decentralisation and robustness, the blockchain system party public API services to accelerate their development should keep on the peer-to-peer network without cen- process and reduce the operational cost. tralised controller and without a single point of failure. • API and Programming language support: Blockchain sys- B. Design Principle tem also needs to provide programming language support • Decentralised: In the design, we not only decentralise the so the user can put their business logic on the script and computing node to implement a robust computing system, these scripts can be interpreted and run on the blockchain we also decentralise the financial system to achieve a system using the computing power of peer-to-peer nodes. stable incentive system for all participants. The API is running above the blockchain layer and pro- • Algorithmic Transparency: To build a crowed based viding functions to interact with the blockchain network. trusted computing system, we put all algorithm logic It is designed to response requests from the official clients, performs as a bridge between the clients and the incentives for dApp promotion and sustainable operation. blockchain. It receives requests from the client side and dApp developers can build their own computing networks, response back after updating or querying the Blockchain. sub-chains, and consensus networks based on their business To achieve totally decentralisation, it could be run by any characteristics, and build their own incentive system based on party in the ecosystem, either publicly or privately. Proofware’s credit system. • Development tools Kit: Similar to the API, the developer tools are designed to interact with the consensus nodes E. Proofware Platform Infrastructure with various methods. There are no official clients built 1) Template system: on top of the developer tools. Developers can use the • Business process template: Provide several typical busi- tools to configure and test their consensus nodes and ness process templates for dApp developers to reuse. develop their own dApps via public resources and their • Credit system template: It is convenient for dApp devel- own consensus protocol. opers to create their own credit unit and implement the • Transparent decentralised ledger and application credit core of the decentralised business. system: We use public blockchain as transparent de- • Service Smart Contract Template: dApp developers can centralised ledger. It is a distributed infrastructure that use the Proofware platform and third-party smart contract keeps immutable ledgers or footsteps in the network and templates to define computing resource requirements, enables other applications and tools to update and query prices, quality of service and payment agreements. against it. An unlimited number of nodes that run in any 2) SDK: vendors are connected to each other via the Internet with • Proofware main network SDK: detect the status of the a consensus algorithm running on it, which keeps the main network, query transactions, initiate transactions. records consistent and immutable. • Third-party public services for interactive SDK: mainly D. Main Roles and Participants of Proofware Platform used for convenient information exchange with third- 1) Public Service Developers: Public service developers, party public service networks. dApp developers call other using the provision of development frameworks and SDKs public resource implementations to implement dApp provided by the Proofware platform to provide public informa- functionality tion services, using public service nodes or their own private • Cross-chain SDK. Used by dApp developers to complete resources to complete the development of public functions. cross-chain transactions and cross-chain resource calls. 2) Public Service Node Provider (miner): Public service 3) Blockchain-based Credit Incentive System: nodes can be from cloud servers, PCs, mobile devices, IoT • Accept and send Proofware credit and credits on other devices, and so on. The nodes could be classified into: dApp subnets. It also provides the credit transfer and • Consensus nodes: Responsible for the consensus of the trading function crossing the applications. public ledger, support the embedding and customisation of the consensus mechanism, and provide popular consen- IV. ALGORITHMS sus mechanisms such as PoW, PoS, and DPoS by default. In this section, we present our main contribution on the two • Information collection nodes: responsible for information algorithms to construct the decentralised credit system for our collection, such as event result collection, public opinion Proofware platform. One algorithm is for autonomous credit and voting information collection. swapping system and another one is for decentralised credit • Computing nodes: Provides a decentralised high perfor- price discovery. mance computing: e.g real time order matching system. A. Autonomous Credit Swapping Algorithm • Storage nodes and artificial intelligence (AI) analysis nodes: The storage node is responsible for a large amount The Proofware credit, as incentives in decentralised appli- of business data and other large file storage. Based on cations, can be used to attract public service providers, access a large amount of data, these nodes also provide data to services and as proof of contribution some useful jobs to analysis and AI functions. the system. Proofware credit has been issued by the dApp • IoT nodes: Provides IoT information collection service. developer via a smart contract. For example, integrated crowd-based smart city sensors An atomic swap ( to predict traffic conditions, forecast and manage major cross-chain trading)could be powered by a serial of smart events. contracts, was used in trading between two peers who • Arbitration nodes: used to verify the relevant results and exchange different digital assets each other directly without adjust when disputes occur. depending on a third party or an escrow agency, more • Customised nodes. Based on business needs and scenar- importantly, there is no default risk on two side peers. ios, developers can define their own business nodes based The main target for this algorithms as below on the template of the Proofware framework. • Instance: The credit should be swapping instantly to the 3) dApp Developer: dApp developers use the public service user’s own wallet without waiting for withdrawal from a interface. They can take advantage of Proofware’s existing centralised trading platform. • Let CEa denote coefficient of supply of application credit unit • Let Ta application tokens have been paid • Let Sa application tokens supplied T a Wa CEa = (1 + ) − 1 (4) Ba

Ta = Sa × CEa (5)

• Let P aida denote paid out of application credit unit • Let CEp denote coefficient of application credit paid out Fig. 2: Autonomous Decentralised Credit Trading. • Let P aida denote application credit paid out r Wa DEm CEp = 1 + − 1 (6) • Minimum Transaction Fee: As there is no middle man Ba during the credit swapping, it is no fee to pay for the P aida = Ba × CEp (7) transaction. But there is some transaction fee from the underlying blockchain. Based on above formula, we leverage main credit as a As showed transaction sequence in Figure 2, Alice and media which provide continuous liquidity by incorporating Bob completed there application credit swapping without any an autonomous application credit market making functionality third-party agency. All the transaction process has been done directly into their smart contracts. Main credit use application on the blockchain with their own signed transaction details. credit’s balance and formula to offer to trade application credits at a predictable prices. B. Decentralised Price Discovery Algorithm V. EXPERIMENTSAND RESULTS Decentralised price discovery [18] refers to the act of In this section, we first present our experimental setup determining the proper price of service by calculating market and then we show our framework’s price discovery API and supply and demand without centralised broker service. Dis- and smart contract API; then we implemented a decentralised continued the market liquidity from the trade value. The Users application to share the video between peers via public storage can always exchange their earned credit units to the different facility, called OurTube. Preliminary experiment has been credit units via smart contracts even when there are only few OurTube on system with 40 virtual PCs connected. We also or no other buyers or sellers in the market. run the same video playing workload on a centralised 4 nodes We formulate the problem as the following: Amazon EC2 cluster. Then we compare the cost and reliability Main Credit Unit between OurTube and centralised solution. Main credit unit is a token which is directly ex- changeable with other token. A. Experimental Setup Application Credit Unit Table II shows our experimental hardware configuration Application credit unit is a token issued by the and software configuration on our local hardware to simulate application developer for the DApp. crowd-based hardware and on Amazon EC2 instances to show Credit Adaptor to performance and cost of centralised cloud environment. Credit adaptor holds a balance of another credit to B. Price Discovery API Implementation which it is connected. 1) Price Discovery: • Let Wa denote the weight of a credit adaptor • URL: https://localhost/1.0/price • Let Ba denote the application credit adaptor’s balance • Request: • Let Tm denote the total value of total main credit units { "MainAppCredit":"proofware", Ba Wa = (1) "fromAppCreditId":"91f33e6a-b7bc-11e8-96f8 Tm -529269fb1459", "toAppCreditId": "1f8d70bf-96d4-4996-ac19-2 • Let Pm denote the main credit price e154cd2531f", • Let Nm denote the number of total main credit units "amount":"500", }

Tm = Pm × Nm (2) – MainAppCredit: Proofware credit – fromAppCreditId: A unique application credit type • Let W denote the weight of adaptor A i i ID that will indicate the application credit type the • Let O denote outstanding supply of main credit units. m user would like to convert from. • Let P denote the price of application credit unit. – toAppCreditId: A unique application credit type ID that will indicate the application credit type the user Ba P = (3) would like to convert to. Om × Wa – amount: the smallest application credit unit you TABLE II: Experiential Environment would like to convert. Server 2 X HP Z420 Hexa-Core Workstations • Response: Storage 10 X Seagate Backup Plus Desk Hub 8TB RAM 128 GB DDR3 1333MHz {"price":"68"} Virtualisation Xen 4.10.1 Virtual Machines 40 X Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Desktops on local HP – price: the amount of application credit unit (toApp- server CreditId) the user could receive for one application Amazon EC2 4 X Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Desktops, Instance Type: credit unit (fromAppCreditId). t3.large Main Blockchain based on go-ethereum Swarming (v1.8.13) 2) Transaction: Applications Smart Contracts in Go Language • URL: https://localhost/1.0/swap Blockchains Experimental OurTube, A decentralised video sharing system • Request: Application based on Proofware framework { "blockchainType":"proofware", "fromAppCreditId":"91f33e6a-b7bc-11e8-96f8 -529269fb1459", "toAppCreditId": "1f8d70bf-96d4-4996-ac19-2 e154cd2531f", "amount":"500", "ownerAddress":"0 x0788a4c4Ff559eCe29C0a670E0eD76cB3e626511" }

• Response: As we built our main blockchain component based on Ethereum [19], the transaction cost is counted by gas which is the execution fee for every operation made on Ethereum network. Gas price refers to the amount of Ethereum the submitter of transaction to pay for every unit of gas. The transaction cost equals to gas times gas price. { "data": [ { "from": "0 x0788a4c4Ff559eCe29C0a670E0eD76cB3e626511", "to": "0 Fig. 3: Decentralised OurTube Application Running on the x51250A16500C19c72828B21f15F42Ee52ca11d51", Proofware. "data": "0 xf0843ba90000000000000000000000000000000da4c7bd D. Experimental Application Choice 0f1de226d9e", "value": "0x500", One of the most exciting decentralised application is an "gasPrice": "0x28587600", decentralised on-line video sharing system with the financial "nonce": "0x118", "gasLimit": "0x8ab33" incentive. Unlike YouTube and Youku, the content has been } hosted by a centralised server by one organisation. In a ] decentralised video sharing system, the content is provided and } controlled by the crowd. Same time, the censorship policy and After receive the response, the node can send the composited rule can be defined by crowd via smart contracts. It’s also easy transaction to the main blockchain. to build-in autonomous financial incentive system and trusted review system. C. Decentralised Application Smart Contract API OurTube is an experimental live video sharing network Similar with Loom network (, We imple- protocol that is decentralised, elastic, autonomous and cheaper mented smart contract with plugin model in GO language. than using traditional centralised or cloud based live video Via implemented this interface, the dApp developer can easily sharing solutions. The basic feature of OurTube is as below: issue their own application credit and elastic service smart • Broadcast a live stream into the peer-to-peer network and contract. store the video to the crowd-based storage system. The import ( developer or consumer pay the fee and content providers proofware "./interface" and storage service providers will get reward. token "./token_template" • The content provider or consumer can request that the contract ./contract_template" ) video stream be encoded into multiple formats and size. • The customers consume live stream from the any peer TABLE III: OurTube and YouTube Feature Comparison 8 Feature OurTube CloudTube Weight of Adaptor = 1 7 Weight of Adaptor = 0.5 Censorship Yes No Weight of Adaptor = 0.8 Resistance 6 Decentralisation Yes No

Elasticity Yes Need Infrastructure [inMainCreditUnit] 5 support Autonomous Yes No 4

node and pay the expense via their application credit 3 wallet. 2 • High Scalability OurTube is based on a peer-to-peer network which allows develop to scale to any size without 1 a single point of failure. The peer nodes also can encode Trading price of OutTube Credit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 the video to the format which is best for the viewer’s Time [h] device. • Low Cost Comparing with centralised cloud solution, Fig. 4: Application Credit Swapping Price During 16 Hours. like AWS, OurTube aims to reduce the price of storage, transport, encoding and transcoding by leveraging the 136 millisecond delay, it is pretty good reslult for a crowd resource of crowd node with the blockchain based finical based solution. incentive mechanisms. • Decentralised No single organisation can control or run F. Simulated Application Credit Swapping Price Analysis the censorship for the content of video. All the credit During our experiments, to verify our algorithms for au- gained by content providers and reviewer can be traded tonomous credit swapping and the effectiveness of decen- freely global. Also, via our price decentralised price tralised credit price discovery, we launch a 500 trading bot to discovery algorithm, no market marker can manipulate swap OurTube credit during the 16 hours using Proofware’s the resource price. credit system in 3 rounds. Each round, we have set different E. Results weight of credit adaptor to 1, 0.5 and 0.8 respectively. We 1) Feature Comparison: As table III, we compare the found the price elasticity and the price curves are alignment feature of OurTube and CloudTube. It shows the advantages with the expectation of algorithms. During our testing, we have of from censorship resistance, elasticity and autonomous com- set any initial supply 500 and the start price as $1 for each paring with YouTube. OurTube credit. The result shows in figure 4: 2) Benchmark Comparison: Because of lack of YouTube • Set weight of credit adaptor to 1: OurTube’s credit unit’s platform’s running data, it is difficult to benchmark the feature price changes is very little with mail credit unit. The price from quantitative perspective. Based the Amazon EC2 plat- is effectively pegged to its credit adaptor’s balance. The form we build a centralised solution via NGINX web server mail credit plays a proxy for the value of OurTube’s credit and its RTMP module. We call this solution as CloudTube unit. because it is running on AWS cloud. • Set weight of credit adaptor to 0.5: The OurTube’s In this experiment, we ran 1000 viewer clients to view the 2 price moves linearly with the time and supply which weeks video stream same time to further verify the reliability is growing. The OurTube’s appliction credit unit price of OurTube in terms of failure rate of executions. We com- decreases when demand for it is low and increases when pare the performance of centralised CloudTube and crowed- demand for it is high. This relationship is matched with resource based OurTube from the following 3 perspectives: the law of demand states. • Reliability: OurTube achieved 99.5% reliability, compar- • Set weight of credit adaptor to 0.8: OurTube credit units ing with CloudTube’s 99.7% reliability which is running price reacts less and less to changes in supply in this case on Amazon EC2 instances. which is expected as the weight of credit adaptor is more • Cost: The OurTube uses about 5% cost of CloudTube than 50%. which is running on Amazon EC2 instances. AWS cloud’s Via above simulations, it shows our price discovery algorithm bill is about $128.5 Australian dollars. OurTube only and is consistently determine their own reliable and predictable costs about 7 Austrlian dollars under our simulated envi- prices, which is essential for the mass adoption of application ronment. credit unit and attracting more resource contributors to our • Latency: We found it is a noticeable delay during the ini- Proofware network. tial phase of connection for OurTube. But it will become normal after the node found more and more peer nodes G. Decentralised Credit Exchange Transaction Analysis in the peer-to-peer network. Overrall, OurTube achieved As shown in the Fig. 5, through 31 days simulation running, 240.5 millisecond delay, comparing with CloudTube’s the daily transaction volume is from 2000 to 8000, the daily hc eed ncmuigpwro teemnetwork, value Ethereum dynamic of is price power gas computing daily price, based on of gas calculated depends number and is used which the fee units of transaction gas trends the on as change Note which the ethereum transactions. 29 matched used,the to also 3 unit from gas is ranges and fee transaction transactions total of daily volume the the between nt fgsue sfrom is used gas of units hc smthdtecag rnso h ubro daily of number the of trends change the transactions. matched is which

ssoni h i.6 iia ihterelationship the with similar 6, Fig. the in shown As Transaction Fee in Ether [A] Gas Units Used [A] 1 2 10 20 30 . . i.6 rnato on n rnato Fee Transaction and Count Transaction 6: Fig. i.5 rnato on n a nt Used Units Gas and Count Transaction 5: Fig. 1 5 2 5 · 10

2,000 2,000 9

3,000 3,000 rnato Count Transaction rnato Count Transaction 0

4,000 . 30 4,000 ×

5,000 10 5,000 − 9 to

[V] 6,000

[V] 6,000 2 . 50

7,000 × 7,000 10 − 9

8,000 units 8,000 h rnato e n a nt sdhv itedifferent little have used units gas and distribution. fee transaction the lccani ulcsse.W lnt ute investigate further to plan We system. public a is blockchain system computing cloud scale a features. large good decentralised with a with with build comparison to claims in approach our efficiency computing cost verify and results crowd-profitability Our promotes computing. significantly blockchain Proofware based via contract, Together, smart manipulation. and price prevent and to im- autonomacy corruption to and transparency algorithm system’s swapping whole discovery prove credit price effective automatic an and devised mechanisms have computing we com- public resource, traditional with puting attract Comparing resources. to human template or incentive resource contract credit smart application via easily can and developer application scale dApp own large the their Proofware, autonomous build the elastic In an System. computing build to computing crowd such extract the us platform. The make blockchain credit. decentralised holder a dApp credit from different information of the address by The diagram, unique communities. groups modularity network exchange are the credit communities the From find platform. could we the in exchange transaction credit decentralised which predictable a is for cost system. condition actual transaction the necessary the than more means is is It miner gas. to usage paid gas capped The usage. nietepiaecmuigsse rvrulpiaecloud, private virtual or system computing private the Unlike harness efficiency to ability the provides Proofware Our exchange credit the of modularity the shows 8 Fig. The gas capped and usage gas actual daily the shows 7 Fig. The Gas Unit [A] i.7 culGsUaeadCpe a Usage Gas Capped and Usage Gas Actual 7: Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 · 10

0 9

5 I C VI. apdGsUsage Gas Capped

culGsUsage Gas Actual 10 ONCLUSION Date 15 [V]



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Fig. 8: Transaction Modularity how to protect privacy in the crowd based public decentralised computing system.


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