. y . V . - . v.-,.. s - - -V ■, ‘ *

THUEiDAT, APRIL 14, IMO ^AGE tW E N ’lT-FOTJR Jianrt;^^r Ewttitig ^walh Avenge Da|ly Net Precs For the Week Ended rerecM t at 0. S. Wertiisg'Befiilf Offlesni and boaMI msnbara vriU AprO t. I960 Tba Ointsr Ohurch M othin n u fan ou i fUm, "King of Tenebrae Service be aleetad. Motorcade to Tell OOSHCTIOS Ch«> wtU matt Wbdntaday at 8 n n g i,” will bo ahown at the Dramatie .raadlnga will ba pra- night. Law aeM UA Melingear. eea- About Toivu pjn. in tha Federation idoon. New Churribi M the Naaerene tomorrow aented by Mra. Howard Loekward. Of Pancake Event 1 3 ,0 9 5 stderable elewdhiees, w ant, im t- » *‘ HV' at 7:30 pht. The film ehowlng At North Church offloere will be elected. The Bov. Reservationa for the luncheon and t ______EASTER aim Mewheg at the Audit teced shewire Uhety. MMk hi l i k Zip«r will hold-a Mt- Laurence Vincent will show the will be open to the public. meeting should be made by tomor­ BarcM e< drenlatton ' p*rty In th« clubrooms Sat- A Tenebrae Communion service A motorcade will be held 10:80 ARTHUR'S M anckesler^A CHy of^ViUage Chmrnt film. "Christian Higher KducaUon row with Mrs. John Boland, 119 a.m. April 28 to remind townspeo­ night at 8 o'clock. The pub- Fund.” A oocial period will follow. Mise Nancy Davie, daughter of will be conducted at the North Henry St. ple of the Second Congregational ; is Invited. . Dr. and Mra. Eugene M. Davie, Methodist Church at 7:30 tonight Mra. Charles Hamilton and Mrs. Eight laymeh will assist the min­ (Clhaslfled Advertlsbig ea PRICE PIVB CENTS Susan Ellonraryk, 10-year-old 348 Porter St... is home for Easter George LaBonne, co-chairmen of Church'S Pancake Festival that VOL. L X m , NO. 167 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1960 ,, w — Loonore lABarbera, daugh- daughter of Atty. and Mrs. An­ vacation from Wheelock College, ister, the Rev. H. Osgood Bennett, iter of Mr. and Mra. Leonard La- In serving Communion, and In the the program committee, will be day. thony Gryk,' has won a 17-lnch Boston, where she is a freshman. assisted by Mra. Winfield Moyer, ^Barbera, 18 f^oley S t, will attend readings from the Scriptures, . The. feativel committee com­ portable television set Susan, a Mra. Jack Hui\ter, and Mrs. Mar­ SHERWIN-WILLIAMS the Eaatem Cbllegea’ Science Con­ portraying the last' events in the pleted plans for the event at a fifth grade pupil at S t James’ tin Erickson. ^ ference to be held at Hunter Col­ The Polish NaUonal Alliance, life of Jesus. meeting last night with Quaker PAINT School, submitted, in verse, an ad­ Mrs. Thomas Johnson, presi­ Oats Company representatives. W. H. EagUuid Lomber do. lege, City, during spring vertisement for a cereal. She was Group 1088, will omit its meeting As each reading Is finished, a vacation. Miss LaBarbera Is a Satu^ay because f 6t the Easter dent of the Hospital Auxiliary, *nckets may be obtained from 540 Middle Tompltw, East New Fight one of 100 second place winners candle is extinguished until the extends to prospective members Mrs. CUvln Taggart, Louis Stol- MI 9-5M1 aenlor and a psychology major at In the nation. holidays. The neXt meeting will room is In complete darkness, S t Joaeph College. West Hartford. an Invitation to attend the meet­ tenberg, Ray COlpltts, Mrs. Don­ Opea All Pay gaimrday be May 21 signifying the death of Christ, the ald Wells, Mrs. Russell Romeyn, She la president of the Psychology Manchester Barracks, Veterans ing. Club, and a member of the Men- Light of the World. end Russell Stokes, or from any Flares on of WoWd War 1, smd auxiliary, Mrs. Francesia KenjT of >Chicago, dellan Club and the Functional Music for the service will be church organization or at the meet Sunday at 3 p.m. at the VFW is visiting her son-in-law and provided by James W. McKay, or­ church office. Service Board. Home. Plans will be. made for the daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John P. ganist, and, Quentin G. Mangun, Grass, Oil Stove visitation of the national auxiliary Wlet, 52 Park S t, for the Easter president, Mrs. Olive Morton, April holidays. Mrs. Wlet Is the former Fires Squelchec) WINDOW SHADES Nike-JZeus 10 to 21 In Hartford. Mary Frances Kelly. Latest Gar Case / Guest Speaker Grtwwi WUtWi Eern Washington, April 15 (fl*)— Maj. B. Walter Lamie will con­ MMH Women Pick . Town fiiemen answered two fire Miss Shirley Beaupre, 14-year- Mrs. Gladys Starratt Romeyn calls yesterday afternoon. On Hollister/ Wotliobla ITie Army atill sayi its Nike- duct a midweek service at the Sal­ Melrose, Mass., will be guest vation Army church building to­ old daughter of Mr. and Mrso How­ . Companies 1 and 4 responded to Zeus antimissile missile could speaker at a meeting of the Bap­ Officers Monday The latest in a s e ^ ear HOLLAND NNISH night at 7:30. ard Beaupre, 74 Mountain R d „ a call from the property of H. G. protect the United States All your favorites are Glastonbury, will be home from tist Women's Mission Society Gustafson, 424 Hackmatack St., tampering has been/feported to Spring will be the decorative 3 0 Made to Otdar against intercontinental at­ here; reasonably pric­ the Newington Home and Hos­ Tuesday at 8 p.m. In Fellowship at 2:38, where about a half sin police by Nino Ojieila, 4 Village ed, too! , pital for Crippled Children for the hall of Community Baptist theme for the annual meeting and acre of grass had burned over. with ro a r Bellen tack. But the Defense De­ luncheon of Women's Aux­ St., who said hjs car windshield Chou Asks m ^ p e r s Easter weekend and will be hap­ Church. At 3:48, Companies 3 and 4 went r P I X LINE o r OUSTOM partment ia still doubtful. Choose From: py to have friends visit her. iliary of the Manchester Memorial was cracked apfi an attempt made ,The long dispute over the Nlke- Her topic will be "Royal Man' to the home of William A. May- to remove tM bubekps last night p - 1#,:- eUUea ner^for Those Who Serve the Hoepital Monday at the Manches­ cock, at 107 Eldridge St., where a VENETIAN BLINDS Seus broKe out again In closed a Tulips ter Country Club. faulty oil stove had blown con­ between 7:15 sind 7:45 o'clock on door testimony before a House Ap­ Friendship e Hyaclnttis FOOD SALE Reid Murphy, assistant State's King.” Mrs. Romeyn, a clergy­ H u n t e d i n man's widow. Is a lecturer and A buffet luncheon will be served siderable smoke and soot around Hollister/St., near Bond. propriations subcommittee. The o Hydrangeas, etc. attbmey of Connecticut, will be HolljSter St, along with Sum­ former professional singer. at '12:30, after which Mrs. Thom­ the house. Firemen reported no E. A. JOHNSON transcript of last month's hearings, SALVATION guest speaker at a meeting of the as Johnson, president, will preside fire outside the stove, but said mit, Brookfield, and Delmont, — Also — BJwanis Club of Manchester Tues­ Devotions will be led by Mrs; heavily censored in spotA, was In Burma ■ - m r Oltta and at the business meeting. Report^ there would have to be a big clean­ m ^e up 'the area In which over made public tod^y. ARMY day at noon at the Manchester Raymond Ruddell, assisted by sy dozen car tamperings were re- PAINT €0. P a r i s A r ^ Oreetlng Cards will be given on the progress of up Job to rid the house of all the The Nike-Zsue''sy*tem, still be­ Country Club. Mrs. Robert Johns as vocal solo the auxiliary during tiie past year. soot and smoke. 'ported last weekend. 722 Maia S t. Tcl. MI 9-4S01 Rangoon, Burma, April 15 Sat, April 16 1st. A brief business meeting will ing developed, wauld combine be conducted by Mrs. John Ruff, radar to spot an snehiy Intercon­ (IP)— Premier Chou-en Lai of Paris, ApnT15 (^P)—French _ LEE'S 9:80 AJd. A rummage sale will be held at North Methodist Church Wednes­ president. Members of the Marcia tinental missile and a WUer weap­ Communist China arrived police today intensified a na­ Herist and Gift Shop Sponsored By day at 9:30 a.m. Donations may be Neubert Circle will serve refresh­ on to erase It-wltht a imelear here today proclaiming peace tionwide,manhunt for the kid­ Bonte 44A, Bolton . The Senior Choir left at the church Tuesday evening ments. blast high in the sir. and friendship between Pei- napers (>f Eric Peugeot and Phone MI 8-8089 | or at the home of Mrs. Robert L. Lt, Gen. Arthur G. Trudeau, the labeled a hoax one published (Open Daily Egoept Snnday Army's chief of research, told the I ping and neutralist nations. Arendt, 88 Phelps Rd. The regular meeting o f the subcommittee be is confident the ! Holiday-minded Burmese, cel­ report that the abductors had . French Club has been postponed been captured. because of Good Friday to April'22 Zeus "can and will be successful­ ebrating their annual water in and shop ly developed to meet and mataer festival, literally drenched F'our-year-old Eric was horns at 8 p.m. in Orange Hall. « the ballistic missile threat of the safe and sound, though "stiU up­ him ,in a friendly welcome. set.” His abductors freed Win on The Zlpser Club will sponsor a Soviet Unioti." The reception, with Chou dress-; PINCHURST 15 OPEN FRIDAY But Herbert F. York, research a Paris sidewalk esriy today— setback party Saturday at 8 p.m. ed in Burmese native costume, j presumably after pajrment o f ran­ In the clubhouse, Bndnard PI. director for the Defense Depart­ j augured well for his fence-mend- | ALL D A Y from 8 oab. tM 9 pjii. ment. which has the last word, told I ing tour pf Burma, India and Ne- | som. CHOICEST HEATS IN TOWN. ■. the same group "I think fallout The Frenph News Agency •wetav.*?*—- ■ *■*¥•*•. • 1 OFEPTTHURjSGAY Y IU 7HK1- shelters- arer-a wore-effect! vo-way- The "Hlpp: Qf saving Uvea In a ballistic mis. rlbd away that even the chief of ers Had been captured and .even NOTE: W rU . BE CLOSED EASTER SUNOAY SATURDAY 8 A.M. T1U 4 FA4. rils attack than Zeus." military security joined in shower­ gave the names of two men and a ■r, woman. Later, however, the , For Upsala Title They testified at different hear­ ing water on Chou and his party. ings. Told of York's expressed Dripping wet, the usually sober- agency aald it had Iieen "taken in by false information.” < Carolyn R. Johnson of 43 Holl Hop right into Pinshunt for your Eastor shopping. opinion, Trudeau said it would be sided Communist leader eagerly St., Manchester, Is one of 10 final­ ! O ia i "completely .wrong” to consider shook hands with local celebrators. Eric was questioned by In- ists for the Spring Queen title at Get everything you need to make your holiday meal a abetters the only answer. Tile visit—his first to a non- spectora this afternoon after a EASTER Upsala College, East Orange; NJ.. "You need a passive defense In (Sommunist country in more than good sleep but indicationa were Chosen by vote of the student super special one . . . tasty Morrell hams, tender three years—opened a 3-nation that the boy was imable to fur­ this country'and you need an ac­ South Asian tour to bolster Com­ nish much information. FIRM, GOLDEN, RIPE body, the finalists will take part small Buttarball turkeys, and plenty of fresh fruits Mnd tive defense," Trudeau said. "Nike- "1 am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk In darkness, but shall have the munist prestige damaged by Red In the college’s Spring Week fes­ vegetables. Zeus la the only thing that has light of life” (John 8:1?). That ia the promise symbolized by the lorte candle aglow after 12 can­ Erie’s father, wealthy Roland BANANAS tivities, May 9-13. TTie Queen will dles have been extinguished in the Tenebrae Service, an ancient rite reenacted in many Manchester i China’s- bloody suppression of the Peugeot of the French automobile be elected May 9 and preside at ot a chance of doing It before i j Tibetan revolt and border disputes ■M'' HAMS f970." I churches during Holy Week. Christians here and around the world attended solemn Good Friday manufacturing family, waa quot­ coronation ceremonies the next Be a bunny and start your Easter feast at Pinehurst ; with some of her southern neigh- 2 L.. 25c The Defense Department turned! services today in remembrance of the day that Jesus of Nazareth was nailed to the crt»s. (Herald ed by the newspaper France-Solr MomN E>Z cut day. '^Grocery . . . 302 Main St. . . . ! bors. j aa saying the kidnapers “ask me INDIAN RIVEB I Hie daughter of Mrs. Helen M. down last year the Army's pleas. Photo by Ofiara >. - I The g ov er^ en t made a security hams and Swift PINK SEEDLESS for money to move toward produc-1 . ______' *>------to deUver the ransom to a spe- Johnson, Carolyn la a junior study­ sweep before the visit. Thirteen eifle place” and that he had done ing to be a teacher. She is a mem­ tion of Niks-Zeus. It did authorize Premium fully FRESH WASHED ' anti-Communist CJhinese were ar- ao. QRAPEFRUIT ber of the Tau Beta Sigma Soror­ Swift Premium continued research and testing. In Ancient LanKuases i rested last night at the request of ooelicd hams. ity and Jimlor Caass Treasurer. Trudeau told the committee that I StateNews , tho Red Chinese embassy and a He refused to say exactly how ^ 4 For 25c "major elements of the eystem' .number, of Indians holding Bur­ much was paid, or where. The NABISCO PREUPUM CRACKERS ...... lb. 29c BUTTERBALL TURKEYS have been eucceasfuUy tested,” in­ mese ctizenshlp were detained to ransom aaked by the kidnapers cluding test vehicles actually [ : avoid possible incidents. waa $100,000 in french francs. OPEN These plump, freshly frozen oven ready small family SpiRach flown, and that the Army will have I ' Unlike past state visits, there Peugeot elaborated in a Trans­ more extensive tests at White Story of Crucifixion atlantic telephone interview with size turkeys will average in price $2.98, $3.65 and $4.55 PACKAGE wefre no arches erected over Chou’s 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sands and off Kwajaleln Island in Hartford, April 15 ((P)—Appoint­ route. Oovenunent offieialt said Mrs.. Colette Peugeot holds her 4-year-oId son, Eric, at their the New York Post. each. We have plenty in the 5 Vi to 6% lb. class, with a tha Pacific. Rangoon already was sufficently Paris home today after the boy’a release by kidnapers. (AP) “I had no chotee,” he s*id^ "X HIGHLAND PARK MARKET SUNDAY, 8 A .M .-8 ^ Make a good meal better. Non-fattening, nutritious. ment of Richard M. Stelnert, aa- had t9 my the nnjom. limited supply weighing from 7 lbs. to just under 8 In talking about Uw Umitatlona decorated for, (h f wfiter felUVal Pbotofaxvig radio from Paris). , . I,ow in calories per cup. slatant superiJiURident at Uu» In­ a pmional agfisemtet 317 H IG H LA N D ST., M ANCHESTER M l 3-4278 PINE PHARMAjC^Y lbs. each. o f the Zeus, especially Uw haffUng Recited Oiice Again and the befUulttc nf Burmese diana State Farm, , as a deputy and J am the only one. to jenow 864 CENTER In 11 and 12 lb. turkeys we offer Norbest U.S.D.A. “ A” proMem of dletlngulstiing between new year tomorrow. Tbouaands of aia eoooming hostile weapon and warden at Connecticut State Burmese already were caught up what happened. grade. PINEHURST 3 IN 1 BLEND decoys that might be launched in holiday festlviUei before Chou’s “No poUce were In the way. X By T h e a s s o c ia t e d pitifcss ' lamp belonging to Arinenians a ! Prison, was announced today by GROUND BEEF, PORK, VEAL. 1 with It, York gave' some hlnta of Warden Mark S. Richmond and arrival, gaily drenching each other asked the police to stay out — It The story of the crucifixion was near riot will follow. \ ‘ West Lacking Ideas was for nie the only way. more advanced defenses stlU in the with paiu of water and UBUnipg to FARM FRESH CONNECTICUT GOVT. recited beside an empty tomb in If S>Tians trespass on Ettnopian the prison directors. dream or early research stagee. Stelnert wl.ll be in charge of traveling truckloads of musicians. "In my c^tinlon, of course, ft got Chuck Plnehnrat Jerusalem. Jordan Section, this "territory.” police may to good results." INSPECTED GRADE A Scientists are studying the treatment and training, taking a A crowd of 4,(X)0 was at the Ground Hnmburg Good Friday in the babel of an­ come in to settle the'dispute. ' airport, and about 10,000 lined the atrange region where the upper The feeling is so strong on these post formerly held by Deputy atmoepbere meeta ^ a c e — and cient and long-dead languages 12-mIle route as Chou snd Pre­ To Lead at Summit (OMthmed ees Page Ten) widely spoken at the ' time of points that the various rights have Warden Alvin C. Gillette, who re­ FRESH CAPONS PINEHURST SEASONED Where intercontinental mlaailes been written into international signed several months ago because mier U Nu rode Into Rangoon. fly—for hlnta on better tracing Christ. 3'/} Ib. Roasters and Fryers; Fresh Chicken Breasts; Each of the old liturgical lan- treaUe.s. One such dispute in of 111 health, Washington, April 15 ((P) — The4' their proceedings. They also ar­ methods, he said- They are looking Frederick E. Adams of Bristol, (Continued on Page Ten) Selected Large Chicken; Chicken Legs lb. 50c; Wings LAMB PATTIES for ways to track missiles through guages represents a Christian com -: Bethlehem was a contributing stage was set' today for western ranged to contact the RuBsiana lb munity with jealously guarded cause to the outbreak of the a former guard captain, is the advance of procedural matters, in­ MORIARTY BROS. Ih. 20c; Fresh Chicken Livers lb. 69c (S LBS. 81.08) "electromagnetic emissions, ultra­ other deputy warden, in charge of unity on basic Issues at the outset Bulletins trkdiUonal rights in the Church of 1 Crimean War. cluding a western decision to take violet, visible light, infrared and operation.*!. He succeeded Deputy of next month’s summit meeting ndcrowave radiations, and from the Holy sepulchre. i _The first language used In the with the Russians. up disarmament as the No. 1 sum­ 3M.S1S CENTSR ST- MANCHESTM Warden Fred G. Smith In an act­ Castro Combs from the AP Wires Tender Lamb Legs FROGGY the wave and trails resulting from Normally oriental and western Church of the Holy Sepulchre But the western camp lacked mit discussion topic. the missile.” churches have Easter at different Good Friday rooming, was the ing capacity When the later re­ The ministers reached speedy Pinehurst Tendercure MORRELL IC E CREAM signed last Janusu-y to return to any spectacular new idea with "WHERE VOLUME MEANS VALUE" Advanced radar ideas, such as a times because of Calendar dif­ Latin torigue "spoken by a Roman which to seize the bargaining ini­ accord on tho two major Cold War 10 ON BOAT SAFE centurion who stood beside the his home state of Ohio. Mountains for AXV CORNED BEEF detector steered by electronic ferences but this year they cele­ tiative from Russia’s agile Premier issues headed for siunmit discus­ Palm Beadi. Fla^ ApcD IS (ft) E-Z-CUT l/. Gal. 7 9 c brate Easter together. crass and declared "Surely this A native of eastern Pennsyl­ sion—Germany-Berlin and dis­ means, are being Investigated, he vania, Stelnert was graduated Nikita Khrushchev. —A laakfng oabln cruiser with Choice Grade said. Much more study is required This means there must be care­ was the son of God,” Roman armament. Basically, they re­ EQUALITY AND SERVICE PREVAIL" frdm Franklin and Marshall Col­ Rebel Leader The three days of foreign min­ 10 pereoae aboard, iwimHwg RIB OVEN ROAST before a defenM beyond Nike- ful planning and split-second tim­ Catholics gathered in the church adopted their previous stand on women and ohildrtn, waa saved ing of services inf the church to to hold an early service. lege in 1949 and received a mas­ isters talks which ended yester­ these issues with few modifica­ SEALTESrS Zeus can be planned, he went on, day completed the major home­ from stalking today by Coaat HAM but "pe'rtiap# a system might be avoid friction. By 9:30 a.m. the Latins had to ters' degree in clinical psychology Las Mercedes, Cuba, April 15 tions, even though the Reds have SWORD FISH FLAVOR OF THE MONTH ((P)—An Insurgent former officer work on strategy for the summit Guard planes that dropped achievable in the late 1960s.” If an-.Qrihodox' priest .lights a ! niake way for the Greek Ortho- at DePauw University in 1950. rejected the western projiosala be­ pumps to the distressed veMSI CHECK the PRICES! CHECK the HADDOCK FILLETS ALREADY BAKED WHEN WESTERN i dbx. . 'whose liturgy embodies After teaching and doing o< Fidel Caatro’a army today con­ gathering starting In Paris May 16. fore. tinued to elude crack government That meeting will bring together SO mOea east of .here In the At­ BONELESS SHAD YOU BUY IT I I Greek spoken by the Apostle Paul psychological research, he Joined On Germany, the ministers lantic. After the pumps were CARAMEL i and most educated persons in New the staff of the Indiana State mountain troops in a chase over President Eisenhower, British OYSTERS Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, stood by their long term goal of a put Into action, the eidpper o f ALMOND I Testament tlmos. Farm in July, 1954. He served M the soggy pinnacles of East Cuba’s reunified, democratic Germany, in­ the 42-foot cruiser Erabar re­ 1954 FORD 1958 HAT SCALLOPS French President Charjes de Gaul­ 1957 MERCURY ICE Q Q In the' afternoon the language classification ■ director there' be­ Sierra Maeatra. cluding German-wide elections. ported that she waa out o f Im­ M oater^ 4-door sedan, v-8 convertible. Standard Multiple bus staUoB wag­ CREAM !4 Gal. T T V i of . Pharaohs and—the. .MPgungo fore becoming asslatant superin­ The bearded prime minlater is le and Khrushchev. m ediate clanger and asked fbc.A _ on, 2-tone green. Heater NEED CASH?? Theje agreed again that flie .fe t-tene blue. Mercomatic, transmission, radio, heat­ spoken by Christ mingled when tendent. directing 6p««Qdna in'~fll*Tfl«th^ 'Sie western foreii^ affairs sue of s. Communist-surrounded tow. and defroster, folding day of an "Intensive manhunt for radio, heater, power er. Jet black. New top. ! the 'Syrians and Egyptians both Stelnert has planned and per­ chiefs referred unfinished odds and Berlin should be solved by the re­ steering, power brakes, Would make a nice grad­ seats. Make us an oiler Pinehurst offers you the finest ham you can buy*. . , held a burial service at the Holy sonally supervised. many of the ex-Capt. Manuel Beaton and his ends to , Inter-allled specialist and you ean own this unification of Germany, althou^ POUCE. STUDENTS CLAEH wUtcAirall tiree. WIWQC uation C 7 0 E and in Morrell’s {five's you a choice of the blue •wrapper A delicious brand iww Seal- I Sepulchre almost simultaneously. programs for inmate treatment band of armed guerrillas, believed groups in'^aris. London and Wash­ if this is impossible, they may Tokyo, April IS (fifl-^bont^ Bmnaciilate! present! 9 s 0 9 oiie! PAYMENTS test Ice Cream with ■ that Faces South Africa In their lilurgy, the Syrian' to number about 50 men. Fidel’s ington. The ministers themselves ON im p o r t e d seek some kind of Interim accord 1,000' left-wing nnlveralty stii> E-Z hut ham which is hockless, shankless, with little brother Raul, the armed forces l e a n Western fiavor . . . laced I Orthodox Christian's use the' (Continued on Page blfteen) will have another pre-sumnilt under which Allied rights to the deata opposing the U.S.-Japaa fat, or the Morrell Pride tender cooked ham which has with creamy caraiViel and { Aramaic language spoken b y ! (^ief, and other top commanders gathering in Istanbul May 1. The city would remain unimpaired. secnrlty treaty and a like nanr-' 1958 CHEVROLET 1758 PONTIAC 1954 BUICK TOO HIGH?? the shank on for those who like to make pea soup and loaded with plump Toasted Johannesburg, South Afrlca.f’ed assassination against hini last Christ and most of his disciples, i also are in the field. W'cstem government chiefs will Chieftain Catalina 2-door 4-deor hardtop. 2-tone DANISH HAMS Saturday.” ' , On disarmament the foreign her of policemen clashed In Bel Air 4-door hardtop. Almonds. April 15 (P) — South Africa’s gov i It wap the tongue in which , A cloak of official silence hung assemble In Paris May 15 for a ministers renewed their support of front of the Rarllameat building V-8, Z-tone. Power Glide, hardtop. Hydramatic, ra­ gray, Dynaflow,. radio, i n CANS is not so closely trimmed for those who like a little He gave the instrucUona to his over the military movements ii) heater, power steering, amment braced today to meet the, Jesus cried' from the cross “ My I final strategy session before the the western proposals set forth today. Two polieemen and three radio, heater, power dio, heater, 2-tone. One more fat. The Pride ham is not quite as dry a cure as threat of another crippling Negro privaU secretary, Fred Bernard. God, 'My. God', why hast Thou for­ News Tidbits the densely forested steep Sierra big conference opens the following eieeriag, power brakes, owner, low .. € 1 7 0 8 power brakes. C 11Q K 'The bulletin did not indicate their last month at the now deadlocked demonstrators were aU^tly in­ -HAFNIA HAMS the easy cut, • work boycott protesting the white saken Me.” .! overlooking the Caribbesin along day.. Geneva disarmament parley. jured In the scuffling. Another wtaltewaU tlrea. ( ‘fO B A mileage. 9 1 s 9 9 An exeenesit ear! 9 1 1 9 9 Trade Down! nature. M Culled from AP Wires ROYAL regime’s stem racial policies. Egyptian Coptic Ohristians use | Cuba’s southeast coast. The western fbreign ministers They d'^ded to reoffer at the two demonstrators were held Extaanloe! 910911 *2 Lb. Cun Police kicked off a ne^ aeries of •The husky, 58-year-old prime The only official word late last We will pay off your car and ICE CREA M minister, uhcoropronUsing cham­ the ancient Egyptkm language ! 'made elaborate plans to keep for disorderly conduct. The dem­ MORRELL’S raids against ‘'inciters and sigdta- night was that Beaton had not ■mall-power allies informed on (Continued on Page Ten) onstration tied up tralflo for 1954 PLYMOUTH 1957 FOR^ give you a less expensive car. In 14 Different Flavors pion of racial segregation, remains current, in Egypt 'at the time of i New Hampshire rorgives John L. been caught. tors," rounding up 1(K) persons In Christ and spoken as far back as more than two hours. 1754 FORD Custom V-8 suburban Couatry sedan. station 4 Lb. Cun ^ 2 . 2 9 Whipple, Templeton, Mass., .for an (There were unconfirmed re­ We will also buy your car for the African settlement of Orlando, the Pharaohs. The .Coptics form | admitted boyhood Crime, and paves Onstomllne V-8 2-door se- station wagon, 4-door, 2- wagon, j^ne and white. J/, Gal. 9 9 c (Continued on Page Eight) ports in Havana that 1,000 regu­ V-8 engine, 6-passenger. E-Z CUT HAM on the outskirts of Johannesburg. the -biggest the way for his return to the job BOMABG-B SBOT FAILS dM. Standard tranamis- tone. Autonuktlo tians- TWELLO BRAND The outlawed African National lars of Castro’s army had ringed missioni radio, heater. Fordomatic, radio, heater. this Easter. he loves .-, that of a small town Still Silent on Nixon Cape Canaveral, Fla.. April aloa, radio, heater. Sharp. IMPORTED HAMS HOCKLESS . ... WHOLE Congreas’ Emergency Committee 6,560-foot Pico Turquino'— CXite’a 15 (?F) — The 'A ir Force hilled Ready COOK Excellent condi- # 1 0 0 8 Don’t wait €1008 CASH! ! Many Coptic peasants are spend- police , chief . . ; Eric H. Kenning-, 11 to 12 LBS. BUTT HALF eli'cul'ated pamphlets through Or­ j ing life sa'vings on this trip which ton, 72, artist And, sculptor and highest mountain — in ' the belief again, today to launch a ' to.go! O W B tion throughout. 9 1 * 9 9 on this one! 9 1 * 9 9 Negro Students they had trapped the bulk of the 12 Lb. Can' Lb. 89c lando and other Johannesburg j is as important to - tliem a.s the longtime friend of Lawrence of Bomarc-B \lnterceptor nriaslle Round almost boneless half H iIb same ham 8 to 10 lbs. Negro settlementa yesterday call­ . pilgrimage to Mecca ia to their;Arabia, dies in Reading, England. rebels. Official sources refused to over a, full-range course. It waa of the completely boneless Q Q ^ ing fof a one-week work boycott ! Moslem compatriots. | Crippled Air Force C47 landed comment on this and another re­ .sij the eighth unsuccessful Bomaro- URRE ASSORTMENT OF IMPORTS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES Plan Further port of fighting in the area of Rocky Showing Again \ve remind you E-Z cuts L b .'O T r C In gold wrapper. Lb. w w C beginning Monday. While these ancient tongues .sa:irely by pilot, and co-pilot after B (light In as many tilea frem Deputy police commissioner- C. 'were used ih .liturgies, modern its 10 passengers‘ ball out and land Palma Soriano, along the eastern this missile test center. An an^ INSPECT OOR LARGE USED ENGUSH FORD D IS P U Y ---A U STYLES that Pinehurst has the J. Leromer warned that "the hun­ Counter Sit-ins i languages like German. English, safely jn wooded area near Atlanta, Bounoement half an hour after low price on tha Hood's dreds of thousands of law abiding Spanisli and I^Iian were used in Ga. ./. . Robert C. Clark, Raytown, (Continued on Page Nine) He Wants Nomination launch reported that "preHm- fresh- milk you like . . , Africans must not stay away from sermons 'and' prayer as pilgrims Mo., a 55-year-old engineer, ar­ Inary telemetry data .indloatea work." >, By THE .ASSOCIATED PRESS carried heavy crosses along the rested by FBI agents after he tells that all test objectlvea were not AHII III 9 C19C' ^ courteous sales representative will Gallons 68c Morrell's Pride 'They must ignore the pamph­ More than 200 Negro college Way of the Cross. They carried airline clerk at Midway Airport he By THE .\SSOCI.\TED PRESS '|> In Johnstowm, l^Y., Itockefellw met.” There waa no takUcattoo lets if they have received them. students Ttom eight southern states crosses from the place of Christ’s had a bomb in a paper bag . . . 9,000 in March Nelson kockefeller. who ruled still refused to discuas why he.will what went wrong. not endorse Nixon. Qts. 2 for 4I^e They must not allow themselves to are expected in Raleigh, N.C., to­ Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson of T ^ a s h'imself out of the ,race for the Re­ v H L L Ifll gladly ,arrange demonstrations and be intimidated,’; Lemmer declared, day to plan further action in the (Continued on Page Fifteen) picks up his first full state dele­ “Do you have any doubt that BELGIAN PRINCE TENDER COOKED publican presidential nomination Vj Gallons 38c > adding that “pofice will,be on ^uty lunch counter sitdown demonstra­ gation, in Tennessee, for the Demo­ For Bomb Ran the Republican cou)?«ntion will BrUaaria, Belgium, ApcK IS (/Pi tions. ^ last December, is showing distinct nominate Mr. Nixon 7 ”• newsmen —A aalvo 6f 101 rounds told lha 12 IB . In full force and will be able to cratic presidential nomination. inspection at your convenience at your home or business. No Deposit On provide all the protection needed.’,’. The students may recommend John T. Keen, owner of a car in signs of sdging back in. asked the GQP governor last Belgians today that a new petawe Priest Raps Tests Aldermastbn, England, April 15 . Item: Next week he’ll start a night. Qts. or ■/; Gallons The minister o f ' African educa­ that Negroes begip a campaign of which wild-driving gunman Emmet (iPi—Jazz bands biased, bagpipes is now second In line for the tion. C.'W . Maree, warned Negro selective buying from approved Spencer crashed into a roadblock series .of out-of-state tours, speak­ "I don’t want to discuss It.’’ he throne. ItaUan-bom Prinoeea wailed, a-baby howled—and about answered. ' teachers and pupils to show up for merpharits throughout the South. Of Madonna Tears at Leesburg, Fla., found beaten to 9,000 demohstrstoi^ set oft today ing for Republican candidates and Paola, wife of Prinee Albeet ed I I A T T 1 1 WE ARE A MULTIPLE UNE NEW GAR DEALER HANDUNG 3 The Rev. Martin Luther King displaying his smiling personality Although Rockefeller still ia be­ Uege. gave birth to a blue-eyaih And you buy cIgarettM too HAMS schppl next week. Otherwise, he death in his home at Key West.. . on a ban-the-bomb pilgrimage to .tbmatehed. “ the department ipay Jr., Atlanta pastor who led the suc­ Movie star Gary Cooper, 58, who London. again among Republican jfoli- ing mentioned as a possible. GOP blond son this morning at Belva- A U I L I ; MAKES OF NEW CARS, HENCE OUR USED GAR STOCK IS at Conneoticut’z lowest price Hempstead, N.Y., April 15 (/Pi— presidential nominee, he steadfast­ dero Palace, their heme on the have to consider the permanent cessful Negro bus boycott in Mont'- A Greek Orthodox priest challeng­ underwent prostate, gland surgery . Britain’s nuclear weapons arse­ Ucians In many parts of the coun­ . . . when you shop Pipe- ly insists he Is not and will not bo outaklTis of.Bmsaele. 'nielhnby closing down of such (Negro) gomery, Ala., several years ago, es a laboratory report that tears yesterday, reported In good'' con­ nal here was the starting point for try? ‘ hurst. Regulsrs su ck ' ss Item: He still refuses to endorse a candidate for the nomination. weighed 7 pounds 8 ouncee. An GONTINUAUY CHANOINU/ THIS GIVES YOU, THE PUBUG, A MORE DIVERSIFIED Camels and Luckies, $2.16 schools.’’ will address the Easter weekend said to have been shed by a plc-,^ dition today at Massachusetts Gen­ the 54-mile protest march this PILLSBURY FLOUR The government, pf 'wounded. Conference Saturday night. eral Hospital . . ’. African-Aslan Easter weeliend by a diversified Vice President Richard M. Nixon In New York City,.Gov.. Cecil H. announcement said the 22-ycar carton, 22 each. All Filters, ture o f the Madonna were' differ­ bid prlnoess and her baby were SaEGTION. WE HAVE A UNIQUE REGMDITIONING SYSTEM AND WILL BE HAPPY and Kings $2Ji9 eartpn, 2Se 5 Lbs. 49c Prime Minister H^drtk F. Vef- The meeting was called amid bloc fails in bid for special session band, young and old, gay and for the (30F nomination.. Underwood of West Virginia, a ent from human tears? . Item; He has not ruled out a Republican, said either R(>ckefel- doing well. He wUl be christened each. woerd clearly’ planned to take all growing tension in-the South. Sit- The Rev. George Papadeas, pas­ of U.N. General Assembly to pro­ grim. con-vention draft. He says he ler or Nixon would make “a very' la the Bomaa Catholic faith. TO SHOW YOU ACTUAL RECONDITIONINO REPAIR ORDERS PERFORMED IN OUR xMceasary meissures to prevent a, downs against segregated lunch tor' of St. Paul’s Church here, said test French nuclear testing in Sa­ Organizsrs said the straggling, Go? alLYYhit* Con- repetition of the no-work cam­ counters spread to another Ten­ hara. doesn’t expect one, but will “ cross strong candidate” for the pres­ yesterday the. analysis of moisture banner-waving proceasiop—swell­ idency. But, he added, Nixon ap­ SENTENCED FOB UFB paign—-a potent economic -weapon nessee city yesterday, and advisory from the Icon picture was “Inade- William Cardinal Godfrey, rank­ ed by a sizable group of Commu­ that bridge, if, it comes." The kind SERVICE DEPARTMENT. ALL CARS HONESTLY AND FAIRLY REPRESENTED. EITHER HALF iMcricut frMh t 9 9 $ peared to be "the strongest candi­ Washington. April IS (P) — CHARCOAL in this country where three mil-. committees at Raleigh and Savan­ ‘qiiate and proved nothing.” ing Roman f Catholics in Britain, nists—^wlll develop Into "as big a of straw in i the wind that cheers Lb. 43e for ElcHlar of’ PIm * Ubn Whitee lean heavily on - the nah, Ga., reported they were un­ calls for iprayer "that there will be Rockefeller’s ardent admirers date we. have at present. Preeideat Elsenhower baa com­ CNid The priest'asked; demonstration as Britain has ever muted the death sentenee of for­ labor o f, 10 m illion Negtoes. able to agree on any solution to (he a radical change In the thinking of' seen.” came Wednesday from Denvsr, Underwood, who is seeking to un­ BRIQUETS hunt.', "Who is to say .that the tears seat Sen. Jennings Randolph a mer M. Sgt. Maurice SeWek. Verwoerd has resumed Issqing protests. *' shed by the 'Virgin Mary would re­ those In power” in South Aftic®- • • They expect 6,000 noore to join when the Post said, editorially orden about government, affairs, Uranium promoter John M. Addi­ before the marchers wind up at a Rockefeller appears to be "the Democrat, In the November elec­ who was coBYlcted of straagHag BUY 'WITH O 'The South' Carolina Advisory semble, human tears?” and drowning tho daughter of a medical buUetin uisclosed today. Commission on Civil Rights re­ The teat was niade' by> the New son running for governor of Tqxas mass rally In Trafalgar Square most, attractive Republican candi­ tion, was asked at a news con­ AT 302 M A IN ST. Verwoerd is recovering so rap­ as standard bearer of "The Clean Monday. date that could be offered...” ference whether he thouglit Rocke­ an Afm y officer in Japan mom ceived notarized statementa, from York Testing Labp^tories Inc. fpr than olx yenre ago. Tho WhMa PARKING idly from an attempt on his life, 13 young NegroCa describing how the New York World-Telegfam ft ’Em Out Right Party ."...One-leg­ Hundreds of banners proclaim­ Nixon’s own Ue-low-after-the- feller could be drafted. DRIVE 'WITH^ SATISFACTION it was announced at Pretoria Gen- ged Negro. Sle Dawson, held for ed: want to live—Disarm convention policy,,, iii the mean­ "I doi .not foresee any change In Hooeo acted Blareh 2S ta r tear gas and fire hoses were used to Sun, which printed the laboratory the sentonee o f the C aral Hospi^d, that he was able break up a demonstration” at report .yesterday'. ' investigation in Chattahoochee, now—H-bombs mean deStb—No time, got a nod from 'Senate GOP the national picture,” lie replied. pik, aoUler to Bte In : to issue Ian nigfat "his first im- Orangjsburg. ^ Father Papadeas said feportefs Fla., after white woman and,her Hiroshima her'e.” Leader Everett M. Dirkaen U H- Underwood aald he would like ■ortOBt bMtruotiona in regard to 3-year-old son fonqd dubbed to HnoU’. Said Dirkaan, ”I think his preaea^ taohniqua la pretty good.” •flain e i state stoos tho attampt- (OoBttmMd M Y«>). (Contlaaed oa F aj| « Blev«|) . ' In atattoa wsfon. - ' v * * " * * “ " ^ 1 t i\ . ■

\ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1960 PAGE THREE MANCHESTER E^^NlNG HERALD, MANCHESTER,’ COjm., FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1980 PAGE TWO a mambsrship card In th* Cent4^ turned with parent’s sigmature will ago, _,by Coimty Conuniiwioner put him into office. The Flaherty Coventry organization. enable the pupils jo borrow books RockvUfe-V ernon Cart DsBoar of Manofield. DeBoer element In our committse, along JAckflon 8J)611 Hebron A n d o v e r t h e R e d e m b S » r e s t a u r a o t Health Norsee Set Danbe at the school* or at the library. is loyal to the Mansfield “ Old with others In towns throughout h a p p y EASTER. >!IWOY YOUR H Q I^AY WITH YOCTl The local PubUe Health Nursing The library officials are supply­ Guard.” the county, have'form ed an Antl- Stamps, Families Await Sheinwold on Bridge FAMILY AND LEAYE vT**® DISHES TO US. Scouts’ Drive Assn, will have a danea the evening ing books f 6r circulation at the Shea Attacks Shsa further stated; '"Clearly, 'Ribicotr organization through New Zone Rules o f April 23 at the l^heU Chateau schools. the people have spoken and all which they are attempting to un- OUR SPECIAL . \. Chlldrsn in WUllmantic. Tiqketa are avail­ Reiads Coffee' Fnrtles have mad* their -choice.' Yet, the demlne the effective operation of Approval'Granted Bv M)UIS M.\NDEI.L Easter Services Flaherty forces ' continue to ■the local, county and state organi­ Where You Can Select able at the ThrlfLtind Gift Shop at Mrs. Robert S. Bowsn has been Flaherty for , MAKE OPPONENT < South dealer BAKED VIRGINIA HAM ^ Undw I t Nears Finish threaten ‘a primary In Vernon and zations of thp party.” m e BETRAY hlMSELF ■- thej Helms building on Main St. named chairman of the local an­ Two worship , services will be North-South vulnerabio in every other town In Tolland Propoied chansM In sonlnR and TAX' TURKEY COMPLETE WNNlt Ed Lyman’s^-biishesfra will play nual coffee parties-for the benefit The "Old Guard" claimed It o f­ The Pieces You'Like Bestl held at the First Congregational ■By Alfred Hhelnwold NORTH with Shrimp Cocktail A , % 2 M H w local Boy Scout fund drive for dancing.^ ^Rule or Ruin' County, if necessart^.” ’ fered to give Flaherty a chance to CPC . plannlnp miMiviainn regulations, R e t u r n ‘There wasn't anything to it,” A 4 2 , of the -Women’s Auxiliary to Church Easter Sunday. The serv­ Call M I 9-4445 For Beservattonsy^ * * • for tfa* Ea«tem Connecticut Boy E voita Planned She$ claimed the Flaherty doc­ compromise and place some of his aired at a hearing earlier this South said after playing the hand V A J 10 8 3 Windham Community Memorial ices will be at d;30 and 11 a.m. n e R e The .’(Women’s Auxiliary to th* trine of "RulF or Ruin" .1* los­ candidates on the delegation. ahowq today. “ The plSyer at rtiy, ♦ 7 6 3 Scout Council ki being eomiileted Hospital. Vernon Democtatic Town Choir SK'fcek have been un‘sApril 30 and May 1. Anvway, the new lU-cent dummy. I f West had only tmall ard Oahill, Mrs. Raymond Caouette rehotsky, Jean A highlight ^ tbi* year’s con­ mitteewoman Mrs. Martia Mer­ other items, including a budget for ; trumps, he would probably ruff to rick—were named in caucuses and how it’s done! the lP6n-61 fiscal year stamp will help Santa Fe open its ahd Mrs. Anton M. Loseen. Parry, Patricia vention will be banquet at 7 350th anniversary celebration. Soviet, Jap Autos prevent dummy from discarding. To Visit Exhibit , Harley, Maridell pjn. on- April 30. ' town oommittae meetings. To Sponsor Ymlihs When West refused to ruff, it I Macneil, Carol H0I6 5 Delegates The Congregational Men's Fel­ Pictured on the stamp is the VILLA MARIA Intermediate Girl Scout Troop Manchester lodge member* ex­ ThaTs a 6303 medium-duty Cheo- famed Palace of the’ Governors, Due for U.S. Sale seemed clear that he had a trump 28 with Mrs. George Medvetz, lead­ Catherine Wan­ pects about 200 to attend. In Vernon last Friday, the "Old lowship Is planning' to sponsor two trick to protect. South therefore rdlet powered by a 283-cu.-in. V8. young people at a summer confer­ built in 1610. It is now a' shrine er, will visit the exhibition at agel. The convention was last held Guard” gained Vernon’s five dele­ and memorial of Spanish culture led the Jack of clubs through'West. Pratt-Whltney Aircraft tomorrow KAlso, juniors, Robert Chalecki, here in the raid-1930’s. gates. A fter the election was held,. B u t th ere’s sure nothing m ed iu m - ence. Any adult willing to serve a.s New York. April 15 m — The and its contributions to the rich This strange trump finesse cleared morning. The group will meet at Patricia Crocker, Carol Mahr, Les­ Flaherty angrily announced , he duty about the load, Mr. J. E. counselor for a week is asked ;to first volume shipment of Russian- up the trumps without loss. HOTEL Amston' historical background of the the Robertson School by 8:45 a wolild force a primary. contact P. John Perham built aut'omobilea will arrive in the lie Murray, Sharon Proulx and Blankiruhip, Arkansas logging Southwest. 5 Daily Question Scouts not' wearing uniforms have Nancy Szeluga; sophomores, Gary Nadler Back in TV postmaster. United States next month. Im­ Partner opens' with one club, " I t is inconceivable to'the,” Shea contractor, says both of his Cha.ses On Visit The Palace also ivas featured on flas., "IH l ABABTAN NIGHTS” been asked to wear their scout pins. Menard, Virginia Bay, Joan Dia­ said, "that the action of the town porter Robert J. Castle of Syra­ and the next player passes. You •TLYINa rONTAINKS” EASTER St. Louis, April 15 (F)—Teddy an earlier U.S. commemorative— Assisting With transportation will mond, Judith Fardal. Cathy La- committee should so enrage Mr. torsion-spring 63(Kfs “move along Professor and Mrs. Eugene P. tile 3-cent brow’n violet of 1946 ia- cuse. N. Y „ aai(i today. hold: Spades— 9 8 7 6 3; Hearts— SITNDAY be Mrs. Dexter C. M^eelock, Mrs. Nadler, who won $264,000 on tele­ Chase of Easton. Pa , are spend­ The car l i the 4-cyllnder Moak- OPEN AT NOON brie, and Cheryl Little; freshmen. Flaherty, particularly since the at 40 to SO miles per hour with •sued to mark the centenary of the £SUMM&SiaaSSIa 9 7 5; Diamonds—A 6 4; Clubs— Lionel Jean and George Medvetz. vision quiz shows, is back in the ing a week with their son-in-law vich, which will carry a New York David 'Foster, Thomas Haddad, revealing disclosure of the clandes­ Stephen Watts Kearny expedi­ l 6 5. 'What do you say? Beach Group FIobs Dance industry—selling T V sets. 55,000 pounds gross weight and and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.' John Robert Macneil, 'Thomas Welles, tine meetings of him and his sub­ tion's entry into Santa Fe. The port of entry price of $1,500. De­ Answer: Pass. In general, you The Waterfrbnt'Manor Develop­ Nadler, who flunked a census maintain a S-trip-a-day schedule P, Slbun, at Shadowsmark. Hebron. SOUTH GLASTONIURY Daniel Wenner, Gall Cai^o, Vir­ versive counterpart* at the Tol­ earlier stamp shows a view from livered In New’ York, the car will ment Beach-Combers Women's taker’s e^am hut .month, got a -- -Jttsit. EXS.SJ1-OJ-.. Chaae.-Xit.-,iViire,. poab -about $4,420,llncIwl^hg,^t,«K|u«. ginia Couch. Barbara Doggart, land Jail and in other sections of with no trouble at aH" Figure th# 'tTiT^olKer WdT' of H ie' ^ a T l«? r ^ 4EHSTUIOOD• lAMHTUtlOWO ONE M ILE OFF NEW IXINDON Tl'R.NPIKE Club will sponsor a dance for job with a St. Louis store. He sold ..w J s r 'im a f« « ff'’ ciiiagi> « It Is allghtVv larger than most Eu­ Linda Gronback and Norman the county. I, personally, applaud money you when yotivd'gpt porch of the Palace. adults only at 8 p.m. April 23 at his' first set yesterday. New Haven, and Mr. and Mrs. ropean imports but a shade small­ FOR RESERVA'nONS CALL MEdford 8-9681 Hedman. the action o f the town committee Incidental notes on Kearny Crease Fashion The Grc«|pt( L ov« HUry «C tkem All the private development clubhouse Nadler said he is working on a (S medium-duty truck that can Arthur Chase and children of Shef­ er than domestic compacts. BUHiNSIl)!:; A t ‘Swap*. SeaslOB both in ita selection of delegates (1794-18481-: He was a brigadier Tickets are available from Mrs salary-commisaion basis. He didn’t cover 30,000 back-country mOes a field, Mass, will h-sve Easter din­ The Moskvich is one of the 311 hlll-A' .Ll *VI I A' KA-'I . SOLOMON A SHEBA Three directreasee of the Porter say how much the sa lu y Is. and in its refusal to endorse the general in command of the 'U.S. London — Britain ia celebrating Lionel Bernard or Mr*. Ernest ner with Prof, and Mrs.'Eugene P. models from 86 manufacturers C«l«r - Techaaramir Library recently attended a dis­ " I took the job partly because it aspirations of Mr. Flaherty’s year with a high-tonnage load! Arm y of the West in the Mexican Hamblett. Proceeds will be for the Chase and Mr. ahd Mrs. John P. which, w’ill be displayed at the In­ the centenary of creases in men’s m w ! THRU TUBS. fVIth Yal BPyaaar-Glaa LallobrlgMa trict library "swap” meeting at means getting out and seeing peo­ chosen candidate for State Cen­ War. He conquered the area now' 1;M - 9:H beach and clubhouse maintenaru* We’ve never seen anything like dm Slbun, on Sunday. ternational Auto Show opening pants, which originated in ^ n - • YI'l k , 7cuFF MKrtOS and improvement. Andover. Mrs. Russell Karker, ple and partly because I can use tral committeewoman, Mrs. Pfau. known as New Mexico. In 1847. here tomorrow. Its styling Is some­ • LOi'.C-*.'.- • Pla* chairman, Mrs. Harold Bumpus , Shea alluded to the .meeting of amount of praise truck ow aas are don in 1860 quite by adcident. •oia seal* Fraak Slaatra - Tony Carllt • On May 6, the club will show a the monev,” he said. Manchester Esenlng Herald He­ with Robert Stockton, he occupied what similar to the Fords of the and Mrs. Joseph Motycka selected He said he stiU has some quiz 255 members of the insurgent heaping on Chevy’s tankm Los Angeles and rnade that area The Prince of Wales, later King "SOLOMON / b a t t le Natatio Wood In film on the mouth-to-mouth res­ bron correepondent Mis* Susan B. earl.v 50s and the show models **KINGR GO FORTH" piration program. The public la hi' and brought back to the local li­ show money left but "not enough group whb were “discovered” aafe for MGM. Bldward VII, found that a new WALNUT RESTAURANT spring suspensiao. Owners Hke the Pendleton, telephone A C a d e lit y come complete' with the Russian and SHEBA" S;&^7:00 vited to the program at 8 p.m. at brary a total of 30 books. These tOL, last me forever.” holding a strategy meeting at 8-S454. suit just arrived from his tailor faot the tme^ handles a ndide lot red star as a radiator ornament. ICMUISM Noto: On« romplolo »how aarli TEL. MI 9-5070 the clubhouse. There will be' no will be on loan for three months. Tolland County "Jail two weeks ‘Gravy’ on Stainp* "I had quite an argument with had acquired iR transit a h a r 7 WALM'T STREET Library officials have visited GUNS THIEF HELD easier, can move faster off the road creases running the length of the Kvonlnf. c ^ rg e . Hans Hansen, local Red The P.O. nins In the red on most the Russians to persuade them to 8:00 6:85-10:15 Doom Op#n R:$A*Porfnrmaaro 7:A0 Cross instructor, will show the the Coventry Grammar School Groton. April 15 (/P)—A 14-year- without beating the driver to death of its services, as you probably take the red star off the models trouser legs. and the Reynolds' School to en­ old boy has been charged with Civitaiis Backing SATI'BDAY 8HOWTIMR Easter Sunday Menu film and demonstrate the method and shaking loose all dw sheet metaL have heard, but it lias one sure­ they ship me for sale.” Castle said. This unusual look appealed to “ Solomon” Teen Dance Tomorrow roll children in the library read­ taking six antique pistols valued fire profitable ^ item^—the com­ ” T finally tfild tljem we didn't put the prince, who considered that "Coral .Sr*" .1:S0-S:2» Read Herald Advs. A ppetizern: There will be a dance for local ing program. Mrs. Walter'S. Ha­ at $3,000 from a state exhibition ARTHURS FOR They like the idta of extra thousands Contest on Truth the creases gave him a slim and memorative postage'Stamp. an American fla^ on our Fords.” Fresh- Shrimp Corktsil. Freeh Fruit Cup — Sherbet. Anti­ teenagers at 8 p.m- tomorrow at ven, librarian, Mrs. Motycka and ak Fitch High School here. Police of milet before trade-in! . . . Drive ^>.'1 dashing appearance. Thereafter he New South Wales Issued the Another new foreign car was pasto, Iced Tomato Juice, Cherr>'stqne Clams. the Nathan Hale Community Cen Mrs. George Jacquemln distribut­ saic^^5^esteixlay that the boy, whose EASTER RIFTS a ’BO Chevy just once. It’s a whole The Manchester Cu'ftan Club, first stamp designated commem- introduced here yesterday, the had them pressed Into all his ter. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Tarhell ed application cards at Coventry name was not disclosed, took the along with all C I v 11 a n Clubs morative in. 1888 for ita centenary Toyopet Tiara from Japan. Toyo- trousers, and a fashion w m and members of the Center’s dance Grammar School and Mrs. Bum- pistols from a locked display case FREE RIFT WRAP new experience. pet has been In the American launched. Relish Tray and Garden Salad throughout the country, is spon„ year. Other, countries adopted the I BENEHT SHOW FOR CAN CER FUND committee w ilFbe chaperons. Ad pus distributed similar cards at Wednesda^night. A tip led to his JChsof aiiddUtostgAf sesraget 200 mffet market for tw'o years with a soring a Truth Message Contest for idea and the U.S. Issued its first mission will be by presentation of the Reynolds School. Cards re­ arrest. \ ^of back Toadi * (MV dogging timher out larger car but the- Tiara is sized Soups: .special stamps tn this field in 1893 of the woods sad d^iosris%g U to A s Radio Free Europe. and .priced with Volkswagen and Minestrone, Onion Soup Cruton, Consomme Celeetine. io honor the Chicago World Fair. mill Crosssit, Arkansas. The contest is open to anyone' ReViault. St This 16-stamp series from 1-cent STANLEY WARNER "As Time Goes By" Interested, regardless of-age, with to $.5 charted the life of Colimi- Howard Lane, eastern distrlbu- Entrees: „ the eventual winner receiving a bus and his discovery of America. tor\for Toyopet. said volume ship­ DIRECTED BY JOSEPH MACAIONE Baked Honey Cured Hsin, Raigjn Saure ...... 2.90 free trip to Europe. A person mu.st And since that date, the U.S. has ments of the Tiara will begin in. Veal Cutlet "Parmlgiaria ...... 3.00 complete the following 'statement is.sued about 400 romniemoraliyes August. MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Veal Srallopinl, Mushroom S au ce...... 2.95 WORTH MORE BECAUSE1HEY WORK MORE! GHEVROIE SIURDI BliJTRUGKS in 26 words or leas: “ I believe the rOMORROW 2 P.M. Broiled Chicken ...... '.'T.... 2.95 and they're coming faster and most important thing people be­ DOORS OPEN 1:80. Roast Turkey, Giblet Gravy ...... 2.95 •faster. I..ast year. 20 specials were FRIDAY. APRIL 22.SATURDAY, APRIL 23. 8 P.M. hind the Iron Curtain should know RFD Sy»tem I ast Boneless Sirioln Steak ...... 4.00 issued. So far this year there were Is. . .'' ’ A L L PROCEEDS TO AMERICAN CANCER SOI'IETY Fillet Mignon, Fresh Mushroom Saute, Italian Style . . . 4.00 .seven—for a fast start. Washington— When the rural See pour local authorized Chevrolet d ea ler Application blanks ran he secur­ Lobster Saule en Casserole ...... 3.00 o d t i d u / Where'.s the profit for the P.O. ? free delivery system was started DONA-nON 82.09—FOR ilCKETS PHONE M l 9-5519 Broiled Lob.sler ...... ; ...... 3.75 ed at W. G. GIcnney Co., W. T. Collectoi'.s buy the coininems by in 1896, postal service was ex­ Grant Co. at the Parkade. 'Man- the millions and salt them away in tended to more than 22.000 fami­ Plumbing Supply Co., the Hobby albums. Since -the P.O. does not lies living in sparsely settled Potatoes: Shoppe, Uie Music Shop, or from areas. A t present, 9,189,000 fam­ n rr Candied Sweet, Mashed, French Fries. l4l)S¥Elt SUNDJKV have to lug letters with these Jim Herdic at the Recreation De­ stamps, this “ gravy" now runs at ilies are receiving rural service. partment, 22.School St. aii estimated 530 million a year. Vegetables: All entries are mailed directt>' to Buttered Asparagus, Parsley Carrots. Onions. Peas and L. Rohe Walter, Summerfield's EAST rsh CARTER CHEVROLET COMPANY, Crusade For Freedom Box iOC. sjiecial aide, recently told the Mushrooms. Mt. Vernon 10, N.Y. House Appropriations Committee that the 20 commems of IP.IO were W inds$%^ Desserts: Ml 9-5238 MINUTE* BOOM 1229 MAIN STREET MANCHESTMt, CONN. produced at a cost of $850,000. E4^T HANTBOaD Pecan Pie, Apple Pie, Cream Pies, Spumoni, Tortonl, Peach A tip tot last And first day sales alone totaled WESTERN ACTION Shortcake. $1*2 million. TOMTK! AND THRILLS Milk Tea Coffee W aller estimates theye are about ALL COLOR TONIGHT—SATURDAY—SUNDAY PINE 15 million American stamp col­ After Dinner Mints minute shoppers tor ^ Sophia Lorrn-Anthony Quinn lectors. "HELLKR'In PINK TIGHTH” LOVB ABB MUBPMUJ- Children $1.80 PHARMACY “There are more stamp collec­ aUo Alan Ladd In “MUSTANG” IW IpillH .MAKE RE.SERVATIONS NOW—41A14- .MI 9-8070 tors than'.dog owners in the na­ *(it *\8 of th^ TlMRCRLANn* ★ PLUS ★ 664 CENTER STREET r x t r a : s a t . n i t e o n l y 6Unn* DEIIIE men's and boys' tion. Stamp collecting is recognized ‘*l«adle» H>ar An COR. OF ADAMS GIANT COLOR Q FORD^REVnOLOS as the No, 1 hobby in the^United Orchid for K ailcr" ■ Ml tern rmHfm ^ TE L. Ml 9-9814 State," Walter told the commit­ FREP: a Rcantirnl Baby CARTOONS JT V •» Hawaiian Orchid 9 tee. needsSHOP A U . CHDLDREN 25c GAZEBO Yet. the P.O. insists this.coun­ IHl BESI AHEAD OE EHE RES.E Prescription try issues new.stamps primarily to OMUntMCmiEaai’ BCWMIlflW meet mailing needs and not pri­ (A T 10:10) (A T 8:80) T( SjK^ialist _■ marily for collectors, as is. the case with -som* foreign, countries. .... BONUS FEATURE EVERY FRIDAY With $30 million "gravy” 'every tH3©Y YOtIR Tell Your Doctor To vear! TONIOHY— Glenn Ford “ BIG H E AT” (at 6:40) Phone Us We Will Deliver Expciitiona Set Easter Sunday Dinner EASIER DINNER HERE You will still USE THE CONN. BANK, Ventura, Califr, April 16 iX’i A A T t h e OCXXX)C -c- THE WORKSHOP HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Bnbert 8ta*k in‘THE LAST VOYAGE"- . ENJOY OUR DELICIOUS COCKTAILS -■) IK WEST CENTER 8 T. PLUS—“A TOUCH o r I.ARCrJ4Y« < Dtoner lUam'ygGoaa Oaa RArxIami^^ ------^ ------— ------■ -.t. if.. /

•\ : ■ • ■ ■ X' MANCHESTER ^ N I N G HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., FRmAT, APRIL 18, IMO PAGE FIVE X MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1960 Keeney PTA Set ] are not definite yet, said Dr. Hor­ Officer Election witz. The team of pianist Eugene Sorvo P«rb*s F t m Ii BUILDINfl MATERIAL OUTLET Two Charged {Concert Series Qhf List and violinist Carroll Oleim For Your ioilor will probably be the third ooncert Officers will be elected at a RetailWholesale TV-Radio Tonight All of the concerta will be either meeting of the Keeney St. PTA With Slashing on Saturday night or Sunday. Tuesday at 8 p.ra. at the school. Memberships Open FRUiTandl VEGETABL The Round Table Singers, under HUNDREDS OF ITEMS. INCLUDINO . Seedless O r a p e s, Bober* Bslthim Endlvs, Bsst Gn*n» the direction of G. Albert Pearson, LUMBER, h a r d w a r e . fAINT, ' Bags of Feed Grapes. Bmperbr GrM***> Green Beans, Aspangw, Spin will present a program after the MASON and ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, Csnitaloapes, Tempi* Boh, Pess, Boston Lettace, Rc business meeting. Television Manchester will have a< concert^ national apotlight with their re- ,Onion*, Desk*) Com, RrOoeol ORANGEBURG PIPE, Etc. Stephen R. Pearl, 16, of 114 serles next year. cording of “Good Night, Irene. Oranges, Nectarines, Bose The PTA will honor the fifth r.OO Btf * Theater (to hrogreMl Mho From Black Hawk 5. 40. and D’Aajpu Pears, Plnesp- Yellow Squash, Cucumber -'grade at the April' meeting. Re­ snenca notion Theater _ Woodland St., and a 14-year-old Directors of the Community They followed this with ,"On TIME TO UME nret Show (in nroirreaa) The Je rry LOwlk Show 10. 30. Sles, Itogerlnes aad Indian Chinese Cabbage add Can’ freshments will be served. early Show (to precreM) boy, have been charged by police Concerts voted last night to have of Old Smoky.” Both records^ ispld AND flower. Tirilmhi Thaater (tn wo«r*M) Oe Men ot Annapolla . , the series, ending a month-long more than a million aopeS." ilver Seedless Grapefruit. Cannon Ball Deeilu Playhouea - 3. with breaking Into a railroad car Cartoon Playhouea 77 Suneel Strip ■ *■1'! period of doubt. Their most recent hjtjwui “Kiss­ ;30 MaaqueVade Parly (Cl , 33. There are still problems facing FERTIUZE Sheena The Way ot the, Droea and alaahing over 100 baga of es Sweeter ThanX^^ne.” 1.35 W eather. Newi k Sporta. Ufe of hiiey chicken feed; the organization, said its presi­ The sboond—ctdicert will be the WE HAVE A FINE |;30 White Hunter . _ ^ ^ 10.00 Cavalcade (if Sporla dent, Dr. Melvin Horwitz, this MdNTOSH and SELECTION OF FRESH CEMENT gporta.wewa k W eather Pearl Is charged with breaking Indianapolis Symphony. A date The Detective morning. has not been teed for this one. 80 lbs. Lime lALDWIN Am is EASTH( W. H. Phigland Liunber Co. ^ M I I I 4. tUMLV c a l ‘ RolPle lacoba Uluh Houat TwiltRht Zone and entering a railfoad car. with While ' the organization has klovie at Ten criminal intent. He was released The third and fourth concerts 640 Middle Turnpike, East 1:45 IXiur A- 10:30 Black Saddle enough memberships to finance Direct From Our Cooler* FLOWERS \ Ml 6-5201 BOLl’ON NOTCH—MI 8-2141 Huntlev-Brinkley 10. , Peraon to Pereon 3. 12 under $500 bond. the concerts, said Dr. Melvin'Hor- John Daly 10.45 Soorte Camera t- Open All Day Saturday It Surely Pays Te Drive Away* I 5h Burke-Barenu Time Out for Stiorti Police said thrir Investigation witz^ there should be a bigger flight Grass Fire Plagues Rockville Firemen I;00 Uoctcun 11:00 Big Newe J first led them to the juvenile, audience, to assure the artist of I OPF-N naif.V AND AS USCAL, ALL DAY SUNDAY property. , He urges residenw wanting to burn over their land to contact him first. Herald Plavhouie NeFWa.' Snorla. weather. 3.- 13. who,, after questioning, implicated good rapport. BOVAL ICE CREAM CO. Rockville firemen-were called out Just after 8 o’clock last night to fight this Movie at teved Awatht Theater 26 Warren St.—Ml S-6950 spectacular grass fire on Fox' HUl in Rockville that burned over about an acre of This is the'busy season for firemen In Manchester and area towns. The law req'ui'rba Dial 99» ^ Piaynouie Pearl. As a result, the organization ' that a permit be secured before burning, and in some towns, firemen will bum grass Newe k Weather J3. Barrv Barenta Under more questioning,. police will continue to accept member­ Serve ICE CREAM For 65 dry grass. Fire Chief Jethn F. Ashe termed this and other carelessly lighted fire* —ALSO— and brush upon request. Most departments will accept donations for the job. iHer- T:15 Dour «Mwarde 11:16 Jack P a a r Show 13. say, the boys told them that they ships through the summer. Your Easter Dessert . . . as “heartaches." His department fought another fire like it today at Dailey Circle. -— HunOey-Brlnkley — NiRht Spot On Monday, the chief said, city firemen will begin systematic burning of city-owned ald Photo by Satemis i. West Maea HlRhllRMa StarltKht Movie had entered the railroad car when There are now about 600 adult ^ Serve! delicious Ice Cepam^ LITTLE & * COLD CUTS T;50 Wait Diiney Preeenla J WorliTa Beat Moviei it was parked at a North End members, and 103 students. In Cake and stencil shoes of'lc Rawhide * 12 11:30 Jack P aar Show siding on Sunday, breaking the addition, 75 memberships were (lo- kcream. What a treat! GeQ s DAIRY PRODUCTS bride, wore white embroidered or­ try public schools. Mr. Schmidt, a master’s and doctor's degrees at ' music director at the E. O. Smith TEA 12:30 Almanac MeKINEY, Ins. Northwestern University. He is a : School______in Mansfield._ ^ Grand Jury 12-60 N'ewa k W eather seal on the door at the time. noted for use by high school mu­ 'some soon at your nearest^ PERCrS ganza over periwinkle blue taf­ Fiilbrlght scholar in Germany, rec. 1 00I Trouble SliooKri " 3*. 1:00 Neva sic students and teachers. ““IS WOODBRIDOE ST. * SODA, BREAD, Etc. ceived hia B. M. Ed, degree ajt teacher of music, education at the I After a tri'p South, they will re-1 no Newe Prayer Of the S40 baga of feed, close Royal Ice Cream dealer’s 276 OAKLAND STREET Wedding feta, a tiara of atephanotis. She ISO'») noiciHotel DeJ-'c Paree w w...., ...... The first concert will feature ),8tore, or at the plant. MI 3-8020 carried a nosegay of atephanotis Chicago Muaical CoUege< and hia University of Connecticut and also ; side at Knollwood Acres, Storra. TONIGHT at 9 P.A\. SEE BATUBJBArft TV' WEEK FOR COMPLETC U8TIN6 to one-third were slashed. liach full bag was worth 55, while the the Weavers on Saturday, Nov. 5. wdth a cluster of pink sweetheart The Weavers first entered the empty sacks cost 13 cents each. Schmidt-Iioyziin rosebuds. The freight car contained three Miss Marilj-n J. Ixiyzim, daugh­ Kenneth Holton of West H art­ Radio y kinds of ^feed destined .for Arbor ford w'as best man. Ushers Were Acres Farms, Inc., in Glastonbury. ter of Lt. Col. and' Mrs. Stephen Taylor L. Booth of Manafield and (Thla Uatliif iBcludM only thoaa nawa hroadcasta of 10 or IB-rainuta Some of it was salvaged, accord­ Loyaim, Merrow Rd., Coventry, John Waggoner of Mansfield. .1 length. Soma aUtlona carry othar abort newacaatal. ing to an official of Arbor Acres, became the bride of Lloyd J. A reception was held at Alt- 5'.- WINF « w n o —lOM I 6:iai Newa. W eather. Sperta except where two types ran to­ Schmidt of Storra last Saturday navelgh in Mansfield after the cere­ .6.00 Newa. Zamian 6:30 Slippertime Serenade gether. afternoon in the Second Congrega­ mony. BtlB Art Johnson 6:45 Three Star BatrS The vandalism was discovered 6:46 Lowell Tbomaa 7:00 Dick Bertel tional Church. Coventry. Mrs. Schmidt is a graduate cum ■" 7:00 Amoa N' Andy 7:.3(1 Newe Tuesday morning when the car COME SATURDAY •nie bridegroom la the son ’of laude of Hartt College, and la 7:30 Newa. Comedy Tuna 7:45 Radio Moecow was opened at the loading plat­ . 7:45 Bob and Ray 6.no Groucho Marx , Mr. and- Mrs. ErWin Schmidt of supervisor of music in the Coven­ PRESENTS . 5:00 World Tontfht 6:30 People Are Funrty form at the old South Manchester Appleton. Wls. 'The Rev. Frank J. -. . 8:16 Hualc nil Ooa #;(X) Monitor Station on EUm St. VanCleef Jr. of Tolland performed • 13:00 n tw t 10:00 Cavalcade of Sports Det. Sgt. Joseph Sartor and Det.‘ - 13:10 Muaks nil On# 11:00 Newa the double ring ceremony. Dr. Wal­ - 1:00 Ktwa Stim Off 11:16 Sporla Final Thpmas Graham made the arrests. ter Ihrke of Storra W'aa organist. ' ' WBAE~«1*. 11:30 Hid-eiite Moods Spring The bride, given in marriage by : IN THE NOR’TH FJCD BERLIOZ 6:00 Big Show 13:65 Newa. Sign Oft b a b y O H 4 » ia TO DEATH HYACINTHS 8:30 John O alr WWF—ItM her father, wore a gown of lace 6:40 Big Show 6:(X) Financial Nawa Bridgeport, April 16 (d*)—The Planting appUqued allk'organza over taf- 7:00 E(f P. Morgan ? ;16 Rhowcaaa and News infant son of State Attorney Gen­ fete. Her gown wa.s fashioned in KEITH'S 7:16 Big Show :0U Fulton Lewla DAFFODILS 11:30 PuBlle Attain 7:15 iCvening Devotions eral and Mrs. Albert L. Colea princess style, with cap sleeves, a 13:03 Sign Off 7:30 Showcase and Newa cpqked to death at their home scoop neck and bouffant skirt, 7:36 The Reviewing Stand VARIETY WFOP—14U 8:06 World Today here yesterday. A medical exam­ EASTER LILIES terminating in a chapel train. Her ' ) tiewa. W eather 8:61 Shnwcaaa and Nawa iner said 3H-month-old Brendon fingertip veil was held in place bs^’’' BY THE > Conn. Ballroom 9:00 Take Five—U.8. Marine Corps I Ray Semen 9:06 Showcase and News Coles choked on his own vomit. I News 11:06 Mualc Beyond the S ta n Mrs. Coles attempted to revive HYDRANDEAS and she'carried a bouquet of ) Ray Soman 13:06 Newa BoundUD him by artificial respiration. ttephahotls. -* ) Del Rayoee 13:16 Sign Off Has a lorgt sdRCtion HARTFORD SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Mrs. Taylor L. Booth. Man.sfield. % TUUPS sister of the bride, was matron of of Rowtrin^ E a s t • r CANNAS honor. Bndesmaid.v were Miss \ CONDUCTED BY FRITZ MAHLER .lean L, Kingsbury of poventry. plants at rtosbnobl* IKE SNYDERS SELF SERVICE CAUDIUMS DAHLIAS cousin of the bride; lind Mias M>Tna K. Gruhn of Storra. They DWARF DAHLIAS wore gowns of periwinkle blue silk pricos. AZALEAS organza over taffeta- with match­ TKis program is baing pra- OUDIOLI ing picture hats, and carried bou­ Open Every Night to 8 THE SLACK! UCKY quets of pink aiveetheart rosebuds santad at a public larviea AFRICAN DWARF DLADIOLI and stephanotls. Open Esater Sunday ADY The flower girl. Miss Launn* J 12:30 p.m. by W INF VIOLETS UUES Booth of Mansfield, niece of the "THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LAUNHERETTE TN AMIWICA" r 9 MAFLE ST., Oppositt R nt NoHonol Sferts Pariiiiig Lot AJtAGUS ROOTS THE ANNOUNCER and NARRATOR WILL BE: RHURARI « CLEMATIS VINCS GREETINGS s MYRTLE PETER KREICER f UP AND \ i PACHYSANDRA WISTBUA GOOD WISHES DIAL 1230 WINF M T. L A U R E L Just Arrived Ag we celebrate a grlorious Easter, we take this opportunity to srreet you and j’our family with Superb fitting slack.s in a choice of *3.50 WMt« Rod every good wish for happiness at this Holy season. chino nr cotton cord. Proportioned for extra fit. Sizes 8 to 18 in regular, $^.95 18/24” $ ^ .5 0 15/18’ short or talU Natural, black, willow WHITE DOGWOOD ‘3.99 and taupe. WHITE CANADIAN -A (Buddnl) $1 « d/ld’ PINE HEMLOCK S A V I N G S $ 2 .9 5 3/4’ $ 2 - 9 5 15/18’* a ? i c / L O A N A S ,S O < ■ I A T I O .V o<« /Afst/trso sd v/A/sf______d w a r f p e a c h TAXUS TAXUS BROWNI nawcMtaTZi-a a tB itT rc a w e i-a t iwaTiTUTcii" HOLLORAN M)OZ *A£cu/$ S .n «ot, GoMen Jubilee Elberta *3.95 OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY $ ^ .9 5 12/15” $ y ,9 5 18/24” Wa hova an axeapHonoNy^flna salactien fWs Eoitar! Ham's a partial Htfiiiq FRUIT TREES Lawn Care Time THE SKIRT! of Hmi voriofiM wa hova on bond: LiKos, Pansy and Mortho Woshlngflon p e a c h ----- CHERHY------PLUM Goraniunu. TiiHps, DoffodHs, Hyacinths. Pottod Ro^os, Axaltas, African LAW t^ond AGRICO Violafs. Cinnorarias, Hydranigoot, GloxinicM, GardofiicM,'Mums, ate. ^ V GOLF ^ FOR I-AWNS ^FERTILTBIR 10-6-4 $ ^ .9 5 $ 2 * 9 9 50 Lbs. Proportioned Easter SEE US FOR 50 Lbs. JL STRAWBERRIES Special! • BIRD Premier — Robinson — Oatoklll' and , ^ PRESENTS s c o n TURF- PATCO BATHS BUILDER LAWN FOOD 25 For 9Uc Permanently Pleated / V $ ^ ( 5 0 Crawl or toddle, • LAWN ' i' TULIPS AND Covers AOOO sq. ft. step^or scamp... i in w ashable A rn el J* GRAPES DARDEN Potted Caeo, Concord, Frrdenla, Niagara AGRICO Is the /lAziit $1.29 FOR GARDENS ORNAMENTS POT Only 2 f . * 1 . 2 9 .75 50 Lbs. Baby Boot champ! . R««*oniU>ly Prleedt^ St Matthewf Passion 69e ^ 2

, 6:30 A.M. to I A.M. • P«mUZERS • LAWN SEED 0:06 RASPBERRIES DLIMBIND RED BUZE ROSES latham , Indian .Summer, a Regular or short lengths, 8 to 18 • TREES -SHRUBS EVEI^EENS Cumberland NARRATIONS BY JOHN F. tRUBER 3 f„*2.89 • White, blue, green, taupe NORWAY HEMLOCKS YEWS a Solids, checks, plaids ' MAPLES ro(»t High 5 F . r * 1 2 9 SAVE $2.36 ON THIS SALE! 8’-8’ Whip# $ 1 . 6 5 ' ' ASSISTED BY REV. PAUL C. PROKCIPY $ 1 . 6 5 $ 1 . 8 5 Special Sale! PLANT NOW FOR BIpST BLOOMS 8PE<’IAI.!. PRIVET HEDGE Thi$ U th« first time in broadcast AZALEAS Arbnrvlta'e uid history that the entire St, Met- FAMOUS MAKERS CLEARANCE! Hardy Red One. Golden Cyprea* n ,’-2’ ^thew Passion has been aired«com- CALIFORNIA PRIVET In BIpom pletely. $ 1 . 0 0 $ 1 . 0 0 1 2 r . , $ L 0 0 \ $ 1 . 9 8 BY BURR Which of these 4 key walking stages ia ypur baby In? Don't guess! See iis now for famous Yankee This 3'A hour program if aoRaiouacLiMBza* a HvamoTZA* # floribunda* Lbs. Only being presenteia as a pub-’ for ^AVOSITtS • NEW IffTlIODUCTIONS • PRIZE .WINNCRS fit vv^ith }U3f the right amount of grow-room,. LIME 49c lie service, by WINF. SEE OUR BIG DISPLAY support and firmness ... subtly, expertly in­ creased for each new step-forward stage! I YOUR headquarters FOR HART'S LAWN PRODUCTS |

FOR THE BEST IN MUSiC EASTER SUNDAY COMING NEXT WEEKB4D! N-ANTLAND WHERE ALL GARDENfNf NEEDS, ARE SATISFIED OUR ANNUAL ROSE PesnVAL p 'V\Tiile they last . . . cottons and ny­ I \\Tiile they la s t. gird,les and panty lons in regular and strapless .. Regu­ styles, pull on and, zipper . . . Regu­ 6 A R 0 E N DIAL 1230 ViaHibig e«p.rt. « i *11 pk**.* k t gmrdeaikC— OPEN SeVBI DAYS A^WKK ■p.el.1 priee*. Tam y ride, n r tfie ekUdna. Charv--" .» ^ lar to $6.96. . lar to $12.50. 312 OAKLAND ST. MANCHESTER Ml 9-940* ra te * and aurpriaea. ^ i:HE gQpp SOUND STATION WlfsJF n till- I' .1 / It 1215 TC ^N O TURNPIKt-MI 9-2508

i- t. -r* ' r” ■ * f I 1 h ... ■ - . V ,


coinia. Bvan w , way up h«r« in the entire trip across the Atlantic.' th* Wright Brothers’ initial suc­ IHanrl^pstpr Connecticut, arc beiftnnlnc to feel Seasick alj the. way."- H a. pauaes, A Thought for Todoy , Deaths Last ^ight cess at Kitty HEwk, N. O. Ha also alams jhls flit on the newspaper Bpmwired by tlM MaiMh**t«r R o c k v ille a little- adrty and aympathetlc for RockvUle-V ernon'* ■ was credited with more than 300 HARrS MASS Sito and aoimds the challenge. "Let’a Couaeil •( CkarebM A L A - Inventions in aviation and other :^opttitt$ Ifprald him. Bveryfeody ■ la macnlfylAg Here *n There get him!” By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS W. H. Enghuid’ Lmnhw (Vl Edster fielde. - > 540 saddle Totaplks, East r PUBLaUHiO} Bi mu. Kennedy'a difficulUes; nobody dl- Later Uiat night, Algy stands City Seeking New York—Dr. Willla,m Whit: GJenvllle, W. Va.—John H. > fncwAi^n printing CO., in c Hearing Ends 5 0 94R»1 mtniahieg them. Thua, among alt tha *»y • before e meeting in the hall Of the "'When they ■war* come to the AT ney Christmas, 94, credited with Schurman, 46, president - o f the ' IS BIH6II Strt*t Daughters of the Mayflower In .Open All Day Saturday “ M»nctieit*r Conn CRlcuIUtlona of the damage hia ri^- place called Caivary, there they being the third man to fly an air­ Schurman Construction Co. of tauMAS r FfiBGUSON Sachemtown and rips up a speech KR Property plane, died Thursday. Christmas WALTER E. TEDFORO cracifled Him.” Luka 23: 83. In Zone Case Hunting;ton, W. Va., was killed “ WALTER R PEROOSON Itglon may do to him In thia par­ prepared before he read the on March 8, 1908, fliew a powered, Thursday In the craah of hia plane. Z P u b l u h t n OODNTT EDltOR “’Dmes” article. There were many who wltneased *' Ptnjnded Octobor 1. IMl ticular atate, we have noted only A new attempt Is being made by heavier-thah-air machine, In Fair­ Schurman. who was 'alone tn the one Matial mention of the fact “I want the record to show that the great event on the -fitat “Good Tournttud fax County, 'Va., five yeani after plane^ was bom In Huntington. Read Herald Advs. ETC17 Bvenmt BzecpI Before Court Rockville officials to acquire Ihi’ee VI uid RoMdayi Unt*re4 At tni that, way back In 1928. one A1 I am unalterably devoted to truth. Friday,” some mocking, some Jeer­ FoSoirtco At ■*— MAnchoitfr ------Conn. In any ejection year, office 8e,eH,er«TOn bgth sides o^ the My opponent has seen fit to pieces of New , Haven Railroad Smith carried thia aaine Weat Vir­ ing, some weeping; but, for the fol­ nd Clu> U«ll Uatl«r political fence state their deteirninalion' early in the cam­ launch' an unwarranted attack GREENHOUSE Common Plea* Court Judge Wll- property located within the city ginia prlmarj- agalnat the Igte Sen­ lowers of the Christ, thU death BUBSCRIPTION RATES paign to stick to the issues. More often than not, however, upon iriy ancestry., As youAan see Ham P. Barber reeerved decision limits. FayahU tn Advance ator Reed. for yourself bn this plaque upon meant victory, and was the defeat All diamonds d«tcrlb«d at the issues, go by the wayside and the campaigns degenerate of tall sin and the barrier stand­ 'yo*terday after hearing evidence Harry W. Flamm, chairman of ta a Year ...... US The'atate'a own leading Demo­ the wall, the name o f . Loudly UUES-TULIPS-HYAOINTHS Hx Uonthe ...... 2 into personal attacics and counter ifttacks. This year may be stands higher on the list of May­ ing between God and man because in a clvU suit brought by the Zon- the Redevelopment Agency George TREASURE CHEST DIAM ONDS art Three Honlha ...... 3.BU crat* call on everybody who la for of disobedience to the divine Will. One MonUi ...... l-JJj no different than any other year flower passengers than the name li^; Commiaalon of' the Vernon Bennett, executive secretary of ef oxcoptionally fine quality anybody elae to unite behind of Foghorn. This is proof that There is now forgiveness here for HYDRANOEAS, fie. -- Single Copy ...... i* Let’s take a look at two purelyf' Fir* Dietrict against Anton the Rockville Area Chamber of Humphrey In order to take this Imaginary politicians battling each there was a Loudly on that glori­ the darkest sin, balm far the 'deap- MEMBER OF large crowd in the town hall at eat wound, hopa for the deapondant Broyrn Jr., devfloper, for using a Commerce, and C. W. Peach, real laat chance of atopplng Kennedy. other In a hypothetical race for ous ship that brought our ances­ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Millville, Phineas departs from his tors to their new haven of free­ heart, and peace for the troubled 131 lAKE sntEET .mom MI3-7M2 model house as an office. estate agent for the railroad, dis­ The Aeeoclated Preei t» excluel»ely The ganging up proceaa la open Congress from the Seventh Con- prepared text,' arid raises the first soul. cussed several possibilities yes­ •aUUeo to the use ol republlcaOon of gre.aslonal District In Connecticut. dom. Now, fori'my opponent, all I C)iarl^ Brown, chairman of the all newe dlepatchee credited to It or and advertiaed..^ personal attack, albeit a mild one. can say is thia: Hi.s record in "He died that we might be for­ terday. not otherwlee ' credited in thle paper Phineaa .Foghorn >and Algernon Warming up to his audience which Zonihg Cotmhlsslon, testified that and alto the local newe rnhllehed here And. if the proceaa of having all Congress has shown he is solidly given, ' Vemwood. Farms, the defendant's Flamm said perhaps the most Loudly don't differ very much In has loudly applauded his references He died to make us good, All rtfhte of repiihtleatlon of epeclal the politiciana gartg up on Kent the political outlook. Both are against motherhood and the sym­ development. Is in a residential A feasible plan discussed was for the dlepatchee herein ere alee reeerved to the departure of industry from bols of our.national heritage. . .’’ . That we might go at last to nedy ian't enough to begin to atlr member* of, staid old Connecticut zone that does not permit eom- city to provide a freight yard near Millville, Phineas says: "As you heaven, West St. in exchange for the one .X Pull eernce client of N. E. A. Serr- aympathy for him, there la tha families, arts fairly well off, and all know, the name of Foghorn has 'phineas has a spy In the audl- ihereial operations, except those lee, InC; ■ enbe and the next day he launches Saved by His precious blood. of artists or engineers. in the redevelopment area on Mar­ Publleher* Repreeentetlyee: The additional fact that John L. Lewie don’t-really need the money a Con­ stood for the progress of - New Jullue Mafhewe Special Agenov — New a fresh attack 'against Alg>’. And O dearly, dearly has He loved, Building Inspector Arthur F, ket St. Previous attempts to ac­ f i r s t i n gressman gets. Their main dif­ England since my great-grea> And we must love Him too; York, Chlcaito Detroit and Boelon. has begun passing tha word ference is: Phineas is running for so it goes, right up to election H i^lngton testified that the dS' quire the Market St. property mbIm b e r a u d it b u r e a u of greatrgreat-grandfsther J-q,(ii'*.h And trust in His redeeming against Kennedy among his min­ a second term, and Algernon is out day, and when the polls close and v e n ^ r la iiaing five rooms of t failed when the railroad asked CIRCULATIONS Foghorn stepped off th^, May- the vote is counted, the Seventh blood. Plan to have your ers. to get his job. ‘flower. Now I don’t mean td belittle model house sa an office for him­ what the city considered to.be an O ^ A ^ f i O N D The Jlerald Printing Company. Inc., Congressional District has itself a And tr.v His works to do.” "exorbitant" price. aaaumee.no financial reaponeibllltv for In other words, all the atmos­ TOe campaign star,ts in earnest my worthy opponent, bUt I ques­ self and hia staff of five persona. A congressman. The State Register .Submitted by Rev. radlp communications system The two other railroad proper­ typcgrapKlral errore appearing In ad- soon after the summer conventions. tion seriously whether or not there C. Henry Anderson, pastor be- wertuiementa and other reading matter phere of struggle against odds and Manual will tell which of the twMm the office and two staff ties, both unused,, might be in­ Phineas begins stumping around was a Loudly on the Mayflower two won that race. Emanuel Lutheran (Jhurch V A V - L J t Display advertising closing hours: which Kennedy would have liked In his districC sipping coffee at when it arrived in this fair land.” ca n ia alao baaed at the model cluded in a "package deal," Flamm te Th» Manchester Erentng Herald. Wisconsin is being created for him Grange halls and ' private homes, home, Huntington said. said. A strip of railroad projiert.v ' 1l For Monday—1 p.m Prldav. Well now. there it is. The cam­ For Tueaday—1 p m ..Monday. in Weat Virginia, with a ven­ making si>cct.'hes about the *‘ridi- paign h » begun to take on a dif­ The developer admitted using on the curve of E. Main St. op­ For Wednesday—I prn Tu-sd^. culous farm policies of the present Dinner the home‘ for an office, but con* posite Amerbelle Corp. may he geance. How can he possibly win, ferent .hue. 'The weekly ’’Millville For Thursdav—1 p.ih Wednesday administration... lack of foresight needed for a proposed State high­ For Fridav—1 p.m/ Thursday. with everybody plotting against Tinge*" gives this story the first 3- at tended it was not in violation of in the field of foreign policy, fed­ column headline bn its front page \\ the regulations. He stated that the way through the center of the city. *'ciius*lfl^*'dsi^dune: m's" a.m each ^ him? In this aituation, he can even eral aid to education, and national since the' sinking of the Maine. mcidel home made a much better Ahoth'er strip of rallrosd prop- day of puhllcallon except Sshirdsv— 1 without being totally de­ defense.". , .and other timely sub­ Algy’a campaign manager picks up VIC’S SODA SHOP appearance '- as hlNidquartera for et*ty Is located along Hale St. near * am ______/ stroyed. While, if he wins, the mo- jects. the story and immediately confers the construction work than a con< the Grove Hill Cemetery. No fig­ Friday, April l.*> menttim value of hia victory is Algernon begins his campaign a with his boss. 153 MIDDLE TPKE. WEST — MANCHESTER ■tnictlon shack would, and also ures were quoted ll% the discussion little more slowly. He doesn't real­ • "Whafll we do, Algy 7 Ignore (open Easter Sunday at noon) provided better sanitary facilities. last night. Clfieed Free Trade : double what It might otherwise ize it but he's under a handicap It?" (He's new at this sort of • ■•elal >v OHlt4le#M Construction of between l.fiO A series of emoUoni were depicted on the faces of principals at yesterday’s outdoor hearing In con­ _ , . have been. right off. Unknown to Algernon and 200 homes in the area off Rt. Some time, aooner or later, we ^ atmosphere, at thing, too.) We Wish All Our Customers Wethersfield, C^onn.— Rt. 15 trast to the rather unemoUonal object of the controversy (extreme right). William Maguire shakw (call me "A lgy"), Phineas has * Algy’s eyes flash’ in anger as ^0 ia expected to tske about two a finger in the face of an amused Atty. Keith while Andnilot folds his arms In a wait-and-see atti­ ^ to -have to '; ,„ t . Now all he need. 1. the votea. ghost writer. Algy fails miserably they scan the “Times" headline: JAckson 9-5779 .vepn, the developer testified. The tude and Mordavsky walks disconsolately toward that tree. (Herald Photo by Ofiara). • Treasure Cheat litlcallv what kind of a world this ■ in the first few da.vs. realizing his "Foghorn Blasts Loudly, Doubts A Happy Easter devsioper alao questioned the va- EASTER Marqulae, 14K gold has become. At least we can’t go .speeches sound pretty dull. He Mai^ower Ancestry." Hdliy of the zoning regulations a* would take the preeent case to with bagmettea, cen­ n on pretending It Is one world one' * 10 in * nlOOIlneS also suffers insomnia from drlnk- "Ignore It, my boy? Ab.solutely a whole. court If the tree is condemned. BUNMES ter diamond, 47A00 moment, and acting as if it wore . The British decisioh to abandon m8 too much coffee. But the ad- not. My great-great-great-great­ CLOSED A U DAY EASTER SUNDAY Rf»e« Wi to LAbor Group “■Why," said Maguire, "I didn’t ct. grandfather Jonathan Lolidly had a dozen worlds the next. At least ; development of the one long range dition of an ex-public relations ex Majmr Lao B. Flaherty Jr. think of it." ARTHUR DRUG S54S pert to his staff and a rule about to nurse Josiah Foghorn during spoke at a labor institute in Bria- Tree Gets Reprieve, Manchester Tree Warden Horace we ere going to have to give up missile Britain had selected for Its drinking only caffein-free coffee Utl lest nMit on state aid to edu- M u r p h e y condemned the tree the Blckly fiction that the way to own national weapon is basically quickly gets - Algy-back In thw SfJD.CT* ' • eatlon. April 1 after Mordavsky requested Treasure Cheat start with a one world principle a decision to abandon the symbdl- race.' ~ The bietitute -ie-held- ennually condemnation from the. town. The Oval Diamond,. 14K,, -I' is' to create some special sectional Ism of being a great power In the Algy stumps, right behind for labor leaders in the Bristol -At Least for Month tree "stwidi partly on town land gold setting, diafr area, with talks on subjects of and partly on Mordavaky’a land. " enclave, vtitiiin the world, to give missile and space age. If the aym- Phineas from, town to town at mond w e 1 g h a Interest to iatnr. Maguire appealed Murphey’s rul­ MANCHESTER the principle a special lest run.-. first, but, realizing the position of The Oak St. mapl^\accused o ffe r sign the agreement, he said, 45/100 e t bolism had been all important, and pure defense it puts him in, re­ ' Flaherty Is a strong advocate of ' ' irdaisA 44 ing and the case was taken to the It doesn’t work. as important as some glum mem­ just take It home. State Park and Forest Commis­ AND BELMONT $385 vises his ■ schedule to get into more state eld to towns to lessen blocking a driveway stood un­ "I planted those trees In 1919 W'e began the post-war era with bers of the govAmment party them­ towu.x in which Phineas hasn't yet ths burden on property owners moved yesterday during a hearing sion, the court Of last resort. and 1920,” said Maguire. "They’re Some of Mordavsky’s fellow a concept of a Europe which rnight selves still consider it to be, Brit­ spoken. for the cost of education. He Is RUG GLEANING CO. conducted by the State Park and the onl.v memorial or monument members of the Town Fire De­ Round-cut soUtaire, be united, economlcallS' "t least. ain would have stuck-to Us own .Speaking at the home of a serving on a subcommittee of a I’ll probably ever have. I raised YOUR CHOIG6 OF TWO NSW-8ITB cnmmlaslon named by Governor Forest Commission which will partment were on hand for the 15 HANNAWAY ST. 14K yellow gold, Perhaps we will he able to look , rnisslle program, no matter what prominent party leader in TCast these things from pups, you might diamond walgha Quadunk, Algj' professes to wotl^ Rlbipoff to study the matter. eventually decide Its fate. hearing as was Frank Steele 'from ^ d C O n , W AeONS-AMERICA’S say.” 54/100,e t back at that idea and see that it | the waste involved, and have for peace and prosperity. He also Junior Women Klect State Forester W. Foster Maguire said the man who will the Town Engineering Depart­ For those teho care ment and Deputy Tree Warden was doomed from the start, any-j thrown iaddltlonal millions after mentions something unintelliirible LOWE8T-PRICEO - Mr*. Jo-Ann Brouwer of Brent Schreeder, who ^(conducted Eie be the sorriest once the tree is cut for their rugs. $320 way, by the fact that it even he- the two hundred million already about federsl money for East Dr.. Vemori was tdeeted presidMit doifiTi Is Mordavsky. "Think' of all William Andrulot. hearing, said he will submit his re­ According to Andrulot, the tree, gan by diacardlng the eastern spent, just so that thece could have Q\iadunk's lagging rabbit indus­ 6-^AS8EN6ER COMPACT WA90NI ef the Vernon Area Junior Wom­ port to the six State commlsaion- the beautiful shade you'll have,” * TEL Ml 3.0012 try,. en’s Chib 'Tuesday. She is a teach- Maguire suggested. He said the lot a silver maple, will fall down by Treasure Chest half of Europe. And even if it had j been something distinctly British ers whose decision will be flnsl. He itself In two years. This is how the campaign goes. sr at Lake Street School. said their decision will probably had already Increased In value hy PICK UP AND DELIVERY Diamond, platinum been a plan for all Europe. It might | in the missile and apace field. Both aides stating the Issues in a Other officers elected are: Mrs several thousand dollars because of "It's split." he said. "Any strong 80% CASH AND CARRY with baguettes, ■till have been doomed, hecauae It be made within a month. wind’ll flatten It." This verj- symbolism the British gentlemanly manner. ' Helen Green, vice president; Mrs. The hearing was held beneath the tree. center diamond, ■heuld have been for all the world, have decided to be not worth the But . . . Audrey Golemba, recording i the tree’s spreading branches, be­ "All right,” barked Mordavsky. 51/100 c t If It was to mean anything, if It candle is, by contrast, so highly At a roffee hour before a rather retary; Mrs'. Sylvia Osgood, cor­ ginning to show the first signs of ."give me twenty-five thousand and SS50 • Longabt loadapac* of any responding eeoretary: Mr*. Nancy its yours." was to have any real chance to j prized across the Channel that de budding. It stands before a house compact wagon— ovor 7 fast with Kunz. treasurer; 'Mrs. Pauline Other Trees Gone work. ' I Gaulle's France Is spending all being built at 361 Oak St. by John Keith and Mordavsky pointed ONE-HALF* th« tallgato upl Komich, historian; and Miss F^- Mordavsky of 17 Clinton St. Treasure Chest 5- What we have, hnwevet, is what j kinds of . money inventing the tricla Oedor, nominating clzair- out that a few other trees had been Mordavsky, chief witness against taken down fronting other build­ Dlamond n-eddlng has become of the idea of economic i atomic bombs of yesterday. | man. ring, platinum, to­ • Boat gas miloaga of any The officers will be Installed at the tree, says the tree stands at a ing lots. Maguire said they were FAIRWAY’S unity for Western Europe. This | Instead of trying to have its own point where the drive from his tal diamond weight wagon built in Amarica— , the May meeting. Plans are being ones which had been mutilated hy ■upposed creation of a vast free patent in the missile and space age j garage will enter the street. He utility company linemen trimming 55/100 ct. WATKINS- up to 30 rnllaa par gallon made for a food sale to be held b ’ade area Ineritabl.v became more Britain, by this decision, relaxes Mav 4 at Hartmann’s Supermar­ wants it removed for the reason the trees to allow wires to pass be­ $350 fascinated with the idea of an en­ to lake a free ride with whatever ‘1 k et and because it presents a hazard, tween the branches. he mys, in that children standing closure than with that of free the United Statba accompliahea. i WEST • Moat alagant compact Rchnot LUnch Menns ^'Why didn’t you take them to Easter Specials! CARAT or playing behind It would he hid­ court?” asked Keith, harking back trade, and soon we had six of the . W'e can have the glory, and. the wagon— that claan Maple Street; Monday, ravioli, Treasure Chest den from a driver’s view until, to a warning by Maguire that he ESnerald-cut 14K countries Inyolved deciding that a expenditure, and, if there are bene- Funeral Serviet green beans, cole slaw;' Tuesday, Ford look- pork with gravy, choice of buttered perhaps, too late. white gold, ba­ ■maller enclosure, which, included ] fliz, Britain wDl still share them, ORMAND j . w e s t ,. Director luxurious interiors or mashed potatoes, carrots, Cluunpions Tree guettes, center dia­ Supporting the tree— figurative­ mond, 46/100 e t just the six; could be piade to yield j in the abandoned alterriative', there 142 EAST CENTER ST. spinach.; Wednesday, scalloped ,Uiem a higher economic benefit might have been merely lenieless potatoes with ham, com, pickled ly not literally—is William Ma­ Mitchell •-71N aAm arIca's lowaat-priced guire. owner of much of the land RUG and $40S than they could gain by remaining dupllcattor o f effort. | N»w Tiitlor tad Fnrdnr WtDOPf beets; Thursday, Hamburg with 6'paaasngar gravy, mashed poatoes, peaa, in the area, who claims’ Mordav­ Tonite till 9 In the whole originall.v designed etrry 9 If p*«|, buHt-Aor-880el« DIAMOND It takes courage as well as com­ compact wagons ,.. tossed salad; Frida.v, macaroni and sky is violating a gentleman’s UPHOLSTERY free trade area. They sought to mon sense' to be able to give up i agreement In seeking the tree's Round-cut eolitalre, . Alancheeteris Oldest up to 8154 laaa*' These, wax beans, cole slaw; des­ make the. free trade in question the symbolic trappings of national sert. sandwiches and milk served destruction. Mordavsky bought the AND ALL DAY SATURDAY 14K white gold, dia­ with F l ^ t FacUltlee. mond weighs 53/100 more profitable by ilinlttng it to with every meal. . buildihg lot from ^Maguire. power, parttcularls' when Britain, Off-Street Parking CLEANING c t ■ amaller area. as a nation, lived ao long with such Eatabllshed 18T4 Northeast School: Monday, Atty. W. David Keith, repreaent- spaghetti, tossed salad, buttered ing Mordavsky, said the agreement n ils la, of course, the queer $285 symbols—its fleet for so many green beans; Tuesday, pork and la not binding and has no legal TEL Ml 9.1752 REDUCED! prostitution of an ideal which can | renluries, its Spitflrei for the Bat gravy, boiled rice, buttered car­ stature, 'or c-S" take place in human affaire-the , tie of Britain. Perhaps, in the de-i Come to rots; Wednesday, beef stew, aS' RINGS Maguire waved a copy of the Man's 14K yellow free trade slogan. In this inatance. j ejaion to relax and become a sec-! sorted sandwiches, cheese sticks; agreement before several of yes­ Ml 3.5747 Thursday, roast turkey, gravy, gold diamond ring, being almost immediately cpn-1 ond rate mllitarj- power, there are j terday’s bystanders and said other '-Slamond w a 1 g h a m dressing, mashed potatoes, peas, buyers of biiilding lots from him EASTER verted Into closed trsde practice, i other mixed motlvea. Perhaps B rit-! 42/100 e t '.cranberry sauce; Friday, macaroni accepted aimilar agreements. One Instead-of one-Europe, of one'gin not onl.v senses Ita own In- land cheese, coleslaw, buttered of the articles of the agreement, he Gamer's \ $290 Wesierri Europe, we now have I eap,.clty to. lead In the mlaaila- NORTH END NEWS Wagon Wonderland b^ts, cheese stick; milk, dessert said, is that the buyer will ndl cut 8 SUMMER ST. Weetem Europe dirided Into two ' *p«re race, but alao the dead end and sandwiches served with all down any trees on the lot. We Give Green Stamps BUNNIES meaes. trade areas. I nature of the race even for those Ril>hl off the He did not require that the buy- ARE Treasure Chest 8- It's your wietest choice . ^. from America’s Wagon Speciaiists Rubbish Collection Monday Diamond rlngK 14K And now this perversion of an powerful and rich enough to try to Rubbish will be picked up Mon^ REG. $2.99 yellow gold, wtal Idea begins to have ita significance lead In IL ' ' i ra rLcr llnrr<‘l day on the fbljowing streets; Belle­ REG. $1.99 diamond w a 1 g for us, in this country. We origi- Amrrica’i "wsgon bos«” hsi done it again! Eord’i load.«pace it almoit 9 feet long with the tailgate down. Amerira’s lowest price tags for compact wagom, hiH* vue Ave., B e i^ r Rd., Bqrke Rd. 39/100 c t naUv ,backel«a w a g ^ mors than them has been progre'ss j jjy j, guns in tlie field against i tulips, sweet-scented gar­ BUNNIES and CHICKS MICHAELS IS NEVER -UNDERSOLD toward world law and order in the i {.he dictatorship of the Commu- denias and many,'many oth­ E c o n o m y \ procets of setting up an endless i vi’e have to handle the dlc- ers. "You won’t . ^ able .to re­ PfJUN AND DECORATED sist them. seriea of regional allianrea "'iih ; President Rhee with ■* ★ •*■, f . EASY PAYMENTS INVITED tha preposterous explanation that j gr„ves, n i* easy to be clear I’m goirig to by-pass the CHOGOUTE BUNMES they ere eupposed to bolster the j courageous alxnil the princi-. .Usual newsy personal’ North ALL SEVEN WASON WONDERS tdeala aeid prestige of the United pi^g (,f democracy when they ifre End News in order to tell you DFJJCIOUS, a s s o r t e d Nations. f Threatened hy a power politics | about a few other gifts that AT YOUR FORD DIALER'S Surprise the kids this Easter .with this colorful you might be interested in as ' enemy. We never know quite what ] far as Easter gift suggestiona T.V. playmate. His pluih body is soft and cuddly Each Underdog At I-bkL GREAM EGGS to do, or how much we dare do, | go, Keith’* Variety has some Tha Country Sguira-tha Thundarblrd of wagons FORD WAGON WONDERLAND Senator Kennedy aimed at the when the principles of democracy eye-catching Venetian type ...makes a comfort- " •' "'Sf.ECIAL L row- . . FALCON- .THUMEUilD-w sentimental underdog role in Wis-. are beln^ abused by an ‘illy. vases in gorgeous colors. Do a cM poriiM •/ monu/ocfurvri' luppciftd rtla// d»l

’ f . . V ■■ T' »*' -.-il :x: . V I-——


I'V largely unfilled and their lot has the New Fire, the Peschsl Candle er VigU wUl begin nt 10:80 pm., MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. M ANQ^STER. CONN., FRIDAY, AJPRlL Ig, I960 oonbludliig with nrfdnoght M b m . Easter Egg Hunt Slated changed. little, if at all. and Baptisinal W ater will he held SHERWIN-WILUAMS BIGHT r.>.' Castro Combs Churches Set at 7 a.m. tomorrow. Following the Fanlanie Tries At Play Area Tomorrow Castro in. 1956 launched sue- ceesfiil revolution against dicta­ oeremortiea, the Rev. Walter Hye- PSNe kept vitation of pariahionera.. condition* “beesus*. of the eloae The Bolton Homemakers has row at 8 pjh. thi o^ Roms, April 15 (P)—Leaders of 5^ j • i ' • been donated for, the an­ Rebel Leader ily until it drove Batista into ex­ In all Catholic and in aome Protes; aeeociaUon of the pencil to the scheduled a session on the ckfe of The Rev. TbeodofO ^9/Chaadler flie Christian Democratic party to­ The solemn ceremonies and Project Planned nual Easter Egg Hunt ile. Although sorfie of the campe- men and women who keep indus­ i floors and cabinets-for its-meethig 3r. will preach a sermon tatttled day gave former Premier Amtn- tant churchae tomorrow night. The Mass of the Easter Vigil will Be­ sponsored by the Junior (CMittoued from Page One) sinoe liken Caetrq'e increasingly try on the move.” ' - . Wednesday fyom 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. l& e e RtaimSdUohs"^ a t tore Fanfanl a green light in his Blessing of the New Fire, the gin at 7:30 p^m. at St. Jamee’ Read Herald Adra. Faces South Africa Children of Grades 4 tad 8 at embarrassing position to that of at the Community Hall. . efforts to form a new Italian gov­ Chamber of Commerce and C3»urch. Holy Communion may be Day e te y tM at., Bedton fringe « f the Sierra MaeaU-a, in Batiets during the revolution, they Paschal candle and Baptismal the BolUm school wUl participate ernment. received at the Vigil Mass. The Board of Education w ill hold leth M eTM u K h . Hbura PC Parent Teachers Associa­ are- not inclined to gri've Beaton W ater will also take place in its adjourned meeting Monday at President Giovanni Grortchi ask­ which it waa aaid 12 government .fnnn P a (* One) Including three poUcemen, were in a fire prevention project next Will h e ^ a t a . t a i 10:80 tions to be held at 10 much of a chance o f success. Catholic churches tomorrow. Confessions will be heard In St; « killed from March 21 to April 9. 8 p.m. at the school. ed yesterday to try to pull Italy aoldiera were killed.) Holy Saturday services sched. Bartholomew’s chapel tomorrow week. out of Its current political crisis, a.m. tomorrow at Center They say Castro may find It dif­ ;aotlv9 bead of the government The figure Includes the 89 vic- Easter Servtoea Cpban newsmen reported they ficult to stamp out the rebels— (lied in Protestant churchea in­ from 10:30 a.m. to noon, and from Ums of poUce bnllete at Sharpe- Under the co-sponsorship of the Easter vigil will begin at,•-fit ■ ,,.i„ BNrcidh# litasM iM * now In its 52nd day. Springs Park. clude the lighting o f the Paschal 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. The Blessing of Fanfanl started his work by go­ saw Castro In . the hills but he especially If the peasants fall to ■deeptte b e i^ laid up with ,head vUle. A total of 391 Africans and Bolton Volunteer Flw Department Maurice Church to m o tr ^ . at ton eisrreapehd»Bt, Dbrialf, The eggs, donated by the Fire and Holy Baptism at 4 p^m., the New Fire, Paschal Can(ne and ing before the general directorate ordered them to get out. cooperate— but the odds favor 'Wouoda from two buUeta l lr ^ In; 62 whites were wovmded In the and the Hartford Fire Insurance '10:30 p.m. Ooncludlng ymtt cele­ esIepMiw BHtebeil «- and Evening Prayer at 7 p.m. at Baptismal Water will take place at of hla Christian Democratic party. PTA groups, will be hidden From other sources in the gen­ the revolutionary government WARDS •Ua face by a white aaaaeain. His same period. (3o. Group, the youn^tefs„w lll dls- bration o f Mass a t rnldnight. 5M8. St.: Mary’s Episcopal (Thurch, and Buckley School auditorium at 6:30 t f J V Vv A f i'j A communique said the directorate in the vicinity of that town eral area of thif tiny village at forces in view of their first-hand The white courts continued Masses on Easter will be cflaorat- knowledge of the mountains. an all night vigil in the sanctuary, p.ni. foUowed by Holy Mass and !cabinet failed to agree on naming bttiite door ta^ listing five tips expressed to Fanfanl "its full soil recreation area, and the the foothills of th6 Sierras this 'an acting prime minister during handing out-harsh sentences to al­ for. making Jiomes fire safe. ed-ht 7, 8:30 and 10 a.m. There TOftON COUDEFB t o MBEF darity and its fervent hope for thj There are also auggestlons that under the chairmanship of Mrs. Holy Communion at 7:30 pm. leged agitators. will be ho concessions haard be-, ALL reaso n ably PRICED hUht is expected to last much was learned: the peasant! don't regard Beaton John White, 5 p.m., at Talcott- The Easter Vigil will begin at 'his oontmleacence. The project is part of the Junior . N«w Ltaddn, April 16 — success of his. mission." It did nol Castro has thrown thousands of V. Commissioner R. L. 'Van Wesel fore Maas .Easter day. Oonfpa- with the same fervor they held for ville Congregational Church. 10:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart The African Congress demanded Fire Warshal program and la in­ Laadsrt o f 96,6o9 union mtakbOTs say what kind of government Fsn- about 26 minutes. men into the drive from three di­ 824-828 M A IN STREET, -»n end to the passes which all Ne­ in Johannesburg sentenced 142 sions will be heard Saturday tti&m in southeastern OMneotieut and Castro in his revolt. Beaton is ac­ Concordia Lutheran (Jhiirch will Church. Vernon. troduced by the current quarterly fani hoped to form. Always a favorite holi­ rections — east, north and west— groes must carry in white-settled ■Negroes ' to pay fines of 300 10 to 11 a.m., 3:30 to 6 and 7 to in Rhode Island meet here tomor­ cused of killing Francisco Tama­ remain open ail day tomorrow for Confeasions ‘will be heard at St. issue of the Junior Fire Marshal Constdenng his past record and day attraction here in past on Beaton's suspected center of !areas, freedom for the oiganiza- pounds ($840) each or serve three magazine distributed to the 8:80 p.m. row to hear reports cm.the fegiem’s tils known views, it was taken for yo, a well-liked man in hla 60s who meditation and prayer. Maurice's Church. Bolton, tomor­ 'Uon'B Jailed leaders, lifting o f the ■years in prison for participating .^Easter eervices at United Meth- econctny. Rep. Cheater BOwles (D- years, it is intended for all operations. fought with Castro during the A t St. John's Polish National row from 10 to 11 a.m., 3:30 to 5 youngsters. Robert MortCnsen la GARDENIAS granted that he would try to give There is a poaslblllty that one or EASTER FASHIOHS Igovemment baa agialhst the Oon- in the anti-pass campaign. ^ I s t Church ■will begin at 6 aJU. Oonn) end State Labor COnuttie- EASTER HUES revolution and returned to farm­ Catholic Church, the bleasing of p.m., and 7 to 8:30 p.m. The East­ chairman o f the F ire Department Italy a Leftist coalition of his children of second grade two more rebel bands operating ■gresa, and an end to the current fire prevention committee. a t the home o f Mr. and M ra Ed­ sioner Renato K. Rtocluti are ex­ Christian Democrat party, the and younger. ing after victory. When Beaton :atete of emergency imposed by the pected to deliver speechae. T er­ Independently of each other are fled to the hills, Cgstro reportedly Fond Drives Progress, ward J. Thoms on Vernon Rd. Democratic Socialists -and the Re­ hiding out in th6 mountains. These 'government. Two Grass Fires Charles MlUer w ill be the preacher rance Hogan, preetdCnt o f ths New Golden eggs will be the summoned Tamayo back to duty, Mrs. Richard C. Olmsted, chair­ publicans. bands are reportedly led by men "Because o f demanding and man of the Bolton cs^algn for at the sunrise service. London Central Labor CuuneU, HYDRANGEAS MUMS The Democratic Socialista and most sought after of all .the and he met his death leading an (MIST SO LIU LE ■ speaking for our rights, hundreds identified only as "El Mexicano" untrained militia unit into the Put Out Thursday funds' to support th*' Manchester The 8:30 and 9:45 a.m. service ■Bid yeaterday that about 806 lead- tjje Republicans slready hsve eald eggs, as finders of these :of our leaders are today in prison," era ace expeoted to atttad the 10 and "Lagruya,"_,-both described as mountains. In that action. Beaton Chapter o f Bed Cco8s, reports $711 at the church will- be fam ily serv­ they were ready to consider join­ will receive special prizes. former Castro men. the pamphlets declared. aJm meeting. ing him. . . and his band reportedly disarmed Town Hose Co. 1 respotaed to collected to datef Grateful for the ices. The Rev. Carlton T. Daley Leonard, A. Johnson is There was no wa,v to confirm 50 of the militia. "For fighting for freedom and two grass fires around tnldday town's generosity, Mrs. Olmsted will preach a youth sermon, "Good GINNERARIAS SEE THEM ALU The Christian Democrats are A T W A R D ’ S Justice our organisation has been chairman of the Easter previous reports that some of THE PERPECTT yesterday. also cited the . thorough and Morning, Life." Wesley chbir will 26 short of a majority in the .’►96- Beaton’s rebels had been captured. 'outlawed. For protesting against The first call was to the prop­ prom pt^ork of the volunteer can member ohaipber of deputies. The Hunt for the Jaycees, with .the pass laws many o f our men, sing. A t the same time there are no erty of Earl A. Roberts, 26 Pack-- vassers who solicited the dona- A t 11 am., the sermon topic Democratic Socialists have 17 assistance from other signs to bfck up rumors that the Vandals Splatter, IN-BETWEEN women and children have been ard St., and the second was on seats, the Republicans 6. The ad­ .killed, wounded and tluoiTO into tiprfs. will be “Jesus* GlfU to His Dis­ WALKERS TU LIPS ...... 26c per blosBom Chamber members: Rick Insurgent captain is picking up Carol I>r. ' Mrs. Jack Himter, chairman of ciples: the Assnrance.” Senior ditional three votes would have support from other military dis­ Slash Parked Car • prison." Both were routine grass flr«^ ...... 50c per blossom to come from Independents, Morrison, Jim Plessinger, • The initial boycott foUowed vio- the Easter. Seals sale for the ConTt choir w ill Sing SAd Mrs. Susie HYACINTHS ... sidents. and there waS no damage. - .' Otherwise Fanfani would have Don Genovese, Tom Derby • lent racial strife that was set off necOcut Society for Crippled Daley w ill be soloist. The Meth­ ...... $2 per pot and up THSVe are some indications, how­ The interior of a car owned by A fire caused by an overhjSated DAFFODILS ... to accept indirect support from N bw pretty ;by mass demonstrations against Children and Adults, notes ^that odist 'Sbuth FeUchvshlp w ill pres­ and Carl Anderson. ever, that Catsro may not be able John Anagnoe. 482 W. Middle brake drum on a tractOT'^trailer CORSAGES $1.00 and up Pietro Nennl's leftwing Socialist • the hated passes that Negroes although the campaigpi officially ent the church with two copies of ORCHIDS $3.00 to count on moutnain campesinos 7'pke,. was splattered with beer truck on Rtl l6 near the Howard closes Easter . day, contributions the Revised. Standard Version erf party, and that might be too (peasants) — as he often said he [must carry i t all times. Johnson Restaurant at 12:32 this BOUQUETS ...... $1.00 and up and lU front seat was slashed last ■will be welcome after that date. the Bible at this service. One wUl much for the Christian Democrat­ could — to track down his foes. In automatic During the peak of the cam- morning sent 8th District firemen night while the vehicle was park­ About $170 has been ^received so be for use in Epworth House and ic right wing. Cole, West Hartford: Vincent Mala, this area, at least, the peasants ed outside the Parkade apart­ - ! ...... 'palgn, in the last week of March, to the scene. testa. Ellington: Jeffrey Fayle, 680 far in the mall appeal. the other in the worship center appeared to view the hunt as some­ ‘^ousands of Negroes stayed The fire in the out-of-State W. Middle Tpke.: Debra Rioux, El­ ments, police aaid. Sontebody Gaafed o f the church school.'A picture Of thing which does not concern them. The complaint this morning wash 'n wear !home, bringing industrial and truck was^ulckly brought imder lington; Mra. Barbara Raymond, Many are openly disgruntled that from Anagnos, of 482 W. Middle •business activity nearly to a halt control, vvlth little damage result­ The strident sotii'ding of L flre^ tba head o f Christ wlU- also be 48 Woodland St.; Mrs. Joyce Kob- McCONVILLE'S after more than a year of the re­ Tpke., waa the lateat in a recent 'in the major urban centers of Jo- ing. sh-ens at 3:25 p.ni. yesterday was pi'csented for,'use,at Epworth Hospital Notes lect. 107 High St.. Rockville. ;hannesburg, Chpe 'Town tad Ditf- all a big mistake. Td.ephone crews' House. BnK»43reen o f the M Y F ADMITTED TODAY: Mra. Flor­ volutionary regime, promises of outbreak of vandalism involving Cotton !ban. MAN DIES AFTER FAIX working at the Rainbow Club re­ will make the presentation. FOR SALE . greenhouses Visiting hours: Adults 2 to' N ence Blckley, 41 Duval St.; John land and a ^ tte r life remain ears. f Police finally smashed the boy- New Haven, April 15 '(JP)—A l­ modeling project Inadvertently A t 7 p.m. Easter, the M Y F will p.m. Maternity 2 to 4 and *:.V> to Hayes, 122 Lake St. B O N E bjr ‘cott last Week through widespread fred BlgUeri, a 62-year-old iron­ tripped the sirens. Unaware of hold a special worship service de­ OR RENT 802 Woodbridge. St,— M I 9-5947 I p.m. Children's Ward 2 to 7, BIRTHS YE STE R D AY: A daugh­ what happened, the crew did not 'raids on Negro settlements. They worker, died last night of injuries picting the Resurrection in drama. ter to Mr. and Mra. Thomas Al­ Brentshires Immediately catch the mistake re­ 'clubbed and rridpped Negroes re- he received in a 24-foot fall from a Holy Communlcm wlU be cele­ OPEN EVENINGS ’ Patients Today: 215 berti 64 Birch St.; a daughter to CENTER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH sulting in several minute? sounding mCDICflL : fusing to work and roimded up railroad bridge. Bigllerl, an em­ brated at St. George's Episcopal ADkUTTED YESTERDAY: Mrs. Mr. and Mra. Jdhn Gilmour, 211 of the false alarm. Open All Day Ea$ter Si^^ay hundreds they accused of Intlm ploye of ilallend Construction Co. Church at 10 am . E asterday. A PHflRmflCY Elizabeth McManus, 252 School St.-} Union Bt;: ‘ a daughter^ to Mr,- and blossom forth ^ Idating N ^ jo e s into ohServlng the News Notes ’f . wfis woHdng bn ‘ the side of the children's service at 3 p.m. 'will in­ JOHN8.r»MW(.8.8. jjli.««414t Tami PaloziJ, 283 Spencer St. : Mrs. Mra. Brian Wilson, 17J Garden Dr.; EASTER SUNDAY bridge when He Slipped. He lived ,The Bolton Cooperative Kinder­ boycott. clude the annual mite box presen­ Sarah Banavige, .18 Hudson St.; a daughter to Mr. and Mra. Joseph j The Gk>vemment Information in North Haven with his ■wife and garten and Nursery is planning a Rickard Landry. 10 Depot St.; Jo­ tation and the ceremony ^pt filling Smith, 272 Vernon St. WORSHtP SERVICES *11.95 «,»13.*95 for EasteQ ■Office disclosed that 88 Africans, their four children. field trip for its kindergarten class. seph Scats, East Hartford; Michael BIRTH TO D AY: A son to Mr. and Esada. 1108 Tolland Tpke.; Dian'e Mrs. James Kennedy, Hebron. 7:45-9 ;15-ll :00 A.M. Macintosh. Ellington: Mrs. Mary DISCHARGED 'YESTEaiDAY^ Lane, 73 Union St., Rockville: Mrs. Miss CTaudette Lejeuneise. Wap­ The color that goes Ann Smith. 48 Jensen SI.: David ping; Burton Hagenow, 28 West Wiley. 79 Niles Dr.; David Castag- St.; Mrs. Maude Woodward. Lau­ everywhere in a Staring na, 892 W. Middle Tpke.; Mrs. rel Manor Convalescent Home; S«rmon fepie: Oressa Barter. Wapping; Thomas Mrs. Florence Bickley, 41 Duval of classic neutrals— St.; Mrs. Doris Hunt. 10 Hemlock BcmebyNaturalBridge, Legal Notice S t ; Frank Daigle, East Hampton; "Why w«R|>*st William Turull, 312 Oakland SL; in the fresh styling OBOKR OK NOTICE STATE OF OONNECTirfT. ,DI»trlrt Anthony Carablno, 12 Glenwood thou? Chriit i« and finer fit you love. ThoM Brenhhir* rtf Andovpr, Prohatp Court. Town of St.; Francis Fallon, 20 Bank St.; AnHovpr. April 11. 1960. Susan Strange, 19 Brian Rd.; '’ bieenM” ore dream E*tAtp of Kfirl H Falk. U!p of Cohim- rifMir* o f ongcKc white hla. in Raid Distrirt dPceaMPd. Sharon Mackeen, Kelley Rd.. Ver­ Th# #x#riitriic on #ald #i«tat# havlnc • non; Mrs, Marlon Franklin. 38 SHOE DEFT. frtoting I A breeze of #xhlbtt#d h#r final account with Rain Phoenix St.. Vernon; Lynn Chea- eoty-core... wath #Mtat# to this Court for arrcpianco and ! Main Floor, Rear allowanr#. It ia sey, Weat Willlngton; Mrs. Judith The Rev. Clifford O. them any way, dry, ORDERJCD: That th# IRih day of Estrella and daughter. Coventry; Simpeen, April. A.D. I960, at two o'rlf»ck In th# Mrs. Aldea Savva and daughter. 21 wear wMh no fuu, VIUNER'S GARDEN CENTER art#rnoon at th# Probat# Offic# in An­ Aaslated By The Rev. no ironing I 32-38. dover. in said District, b#, and th# nam# St. John St.; Mrs. Suzanne Lojzim 1# a#9lan#d for a h#arinic on tb# arc#pt- and daughter, Tolland; Mrs. Jerey- Leurenee J. Vbieent Choir boy, dainty cope ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ m lncotvonttedm ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ anc# and allowanc# of aaid account Ivn'Jewett and daughter, CSiarest with Raid ##tat#. and thl# Court dIrcetR deevee— snowflake- that All perRona known to b# intcr#Rt#d •lYailer Paik. W mon. FREE PURNELL PARKING! iced whit*. Utd* girl 1 IMAND TOWN LINE—Ml 9-2623 In Raid #Rtat# b# cU#d to anp#ar at DISCRfARGED TODAY; Infant Raid tirn# and riac# bv publistiinit a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Den­ Music: HolMujah Chonis Come Into. Morinw’a Thru Onr Rear Entrance cellar, I oc* looping— copy of thiR order In aom# n#wipap#r white, blue, pewter havinir a circulation in said DlRtrica. nis, 8 HackmaUck St.; Mrs. Cath­ PARADE OF and hv noitinr a copy of thia ord#r on erine Tracy, 468 Parker St.: Rich- S«nior. Youth ond Pilgrim Choira green, beige. th# ptiUlc Rlinipo.Rt In th# Town of aitJ Girard, 8 Angel St.; Charle»M Columbia wh#r# d#c#aa#d laM dw#lt. and bv R#ndinr a conv. c#rtlfl#d mall, Woodbury. 38 Server St.; Mrs. ' Shop for iastor and WE GREEN STAMPS poRtair# prepaid, to Klixab#th C. Falk, Edith Taylor. 92 Laurel S t; Mrs. Robort Vutor, Director of Music Columbia Conhecticut. and B#ltv-Ann Winifred Olmsted, 174 Henry St.; all year wMi Falk, Columbia-. Connectftut. afl af Martha Whit*. Diroctor of Youth Choirs feaet fl%*# daya before the date a#l for Jeffrey Isch, 8 Belleview Ave., MA W a^s cradit plane. aald hearinr-* Rockville: Mrs. Hilda Campbell. 94 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER—MI 9-5221 CHART.Efl H. NICHOIJ50N. Jiidre. Ferguson Rd.; Joseph Scata, East Jomos Smith, Organist. ORi>FR o r N’OTirr Hartford; Mrs. Joyce Koblect, 107 8TATK OF CONNECTICUT Dlatrict High St., r.ockvllle; Llzabeth Sul­ rtf Andover Frohal# Court. Town of livan. Stafford Springs; Miss Mil­ Andov#r. Abril 13 196^ E.atate of Normand D. Biaaon Jr., of dred Lawton. 21 Laurel St., Rock­ Columbia. In #aid Dlatricl. a minor. ville; Doris Martin, 21 Laurel St., t^pon thri application of Benjamin RabinovUx. puardlan of the .eetate of Rockville; John Weerden. 169 Raid minor pray.lnc for authority to Main St.: Mrs. Rose Madore, 57 compmmU# and aatl»f.v a certain claim Mather St.; Mrs. Elizabeth Wood of aald minor airainRt Borneo DeVeau and Alice DeVegii both of th# Town of and son. 24 Walker St.; Mrs. Bev- Marlborough, a# per Raid application on erlj< Gebhardt and son, Ellington; EACH Ble more fully appearR. It Is hereby ORDKRFD. That Raid apnilcation he heard and determined at th# Probate IvtW DAT PI.ANNBD Office in Andover, in DiRtrlrt. on Hartford, April 15 (Ah—Attor­ APRIL SALE-SPECIAL OFFER CLIMBERS th# 2^>th dav of April. A.P. 1960. at 1:00 ney Leo Nevas of Westport is rt'rlock In the afternoon, and that notice rtf the time and place aet for Raid hear­ hMding a committee that is de­ HYBRID TEA ing be riven to all peraona lnter#Rted veloping plans for the State Bar hv rauRing a true ronv of thiR order AT ROY MOTORS trt be pubtlRhed oncWiMn Rome n#wa- Association s third annual Law Bashed to «s hresh from leading growers FLORIBUNOA paper having a circulation In Raid DIr- Day May 1. Nevaa' appointoent thnmghent New England. trlct anA poRted on th# nubile aim post was announced yesterday *by J. 1958 1957 PLYMOUTH 19S6BUIGK In the Town of Columbia wh#re Raid Also Largo Soloctioii I960 SlMGft minor re.Rldeg. and Rent by certified Kenneth Bradley of Bridgtaort, 2 And Up STUDEBAKER mall poRtage prepaid* to Beniamin bar president. Bradley said the day ’60 MERCURY Of Patented Roses LILIES 4-door sedan, V-8, auto­ "Super Riviera Hardtop.” Rablnovit* guardian of the eatate of will be marked by special obser-- "Scotsman" Station Wag­ 4-door sedan. Less than matic transmission, radio, Immaculate and fiuly Raid,minor. I l l Pearl Street. Hartford. e ct iou^ - leaftl—fi^^-.-daya—ba?--. =vancea -in achoola,—churchea.^and ..Tna_JHaH Never Buy .a.Ai»allty-..(EM:.; on. Very clean. Economl- 1,6


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY,‘ APRIL 16, i960 a Scottish lament marched Canon PAGE TEN oratory. He said t)ia oily matter Priest Raps Tests inigHt have come from any one of 9,000 in March John Cblllns of St. Paul’s Cath- Ity,” Kllbom told a reporter, “You Still" Silent on Nixon several sources, including the fin­ sdral. Prof. Uockwood Negro Students know, the student senate of 14 Of Madonna Tears gertips of persona who had han­ dolllns is a member of the members.approved the Idea by Ghou Asks West Lacking Ideas dled the aample. For Bomb Ban Campaign for Nuclear Dlaarma- Father Pays Ransom, Of Trinity Dies only one ' vote. -Fatller Papadeas aaid: ment, which organised the march. Plan Further “ A lot of people think this Is Rocky Showing Signs (ConHmieff from Page due) "Oil always has had a soothing That organization, which pro­ mob action. Also, there Is a large Friendship and therapeutic value In the tra­ (Continued from Page One) moted similar marches in 1968 and Hartford, April 15 (B— Harold southern segment at Trinity and for the newspaper got only "a mi­ dition of the Old and New Testa­ 1959, wants Britain to abandon To Lead at Summit Jazz-happy juveniles set a car­ Son Returned Unhurt John Lockwood, 6P, Hallden profes­ only four Negroes." j nute amount of tha tears” by rub­ nuclear weapons whether any oth­ Counter Sit-ins ments. I would not expect the nival mood for the procession, sor of engineering at Trinity Ck>l- He Wants Nomination bing a tample of liquid off the pic­ Holy Mother’s tearo to be like er nationVjd^ or not. In B urm a ture with cotton Wednesday; stretching about three milea along ' (Omtlnaed from Pace One) ther, he aAJed, T am very happy lege, died today In the Hariford (Oonttnned fn m F»g« <>■•) A Franeh Idea for joint East* ours.” ^ "I think about 1,000 Oommunista (Continued fi‘om Page One) (Contlnned from Page One) The priest had cooperated with quiet country roads. ■ ■■ • —■ > Hospital after a heart attack eev- West enonomlc aid to African against Kennedy, has shifted are marching,” aaid a party of­ now.” ■ - the reportera In getting the aample. DRIVER K»UOA'nON GRANT Bearded Bffatnlka and black- KarUer, another report that the '’I’m afraid. I’m all alone,” Erie eral aaye ago. He was bom In New Dart, Wilkie (Conttnaed from f ’mge Ono)' summit some apadfle parts of countries ran Into auggeatlMS that about half of hia Waahlngton stockinged girls jived to four ficial, William Laughlan. ” Wa Some of the young people It would not be an effective method to see Rockefeller aa the OOP He sajd then that he and heads of Hartford, April OP)—'The State didn’t enter the last two «years Wdnapera had been found awept told liucien Bonnet, an employe in Rochelle, N.Y, and lived at 623 claimed they, needed medical at­ their plan on which apaady acrae- headquarters staff to that State. Dixieland bands. Dozens of chil­ Park Rd., West Hartford. They rode In a closed sedan, ap­ mant might be poadble without of getting aid projects accomplish­ c^dldate for Vice President. That galre rise to some • talk the church "welcome any effort" Department of Education says becauss ws waren’t allowsd to through Paris after a police road­ a district tax ofllce who happened tention after the incident last to determine scientifically the na­ dren marched with their parentS' by and found the child' on the Prof. Lockwood was named to Dairies Merge parently to keep from getting requiring strong policing that the ed overseas. "But at the same time 1 can that he is short > of campaign state grants for local driver edu­ fow infanta made tha trip in carry (Tommunist banners. This block near Senlla, Juat north of month, which resulted In the ar­ ture of the manifestation. cation programs this year will to­ A sidewalk. Trinity In, 1943, as chairman of the friendly baths from the crowd. Soviets object to. Lloyd reiiortsdly did not even ad­ money and might be prevented isaby carriagee. , year they’re letting us do so.” •, Paria, opened fire .on a speeding engineering department. He was a rests of 388 Negroes on charges vance a British idea for getting underitand why he does not want Archbishop lakovos, head of tal about 5140,000. Frahklyn E. Persona from 26 foreign na­ Bonnet took the lad Into a bar of breach of the peace. Edward M. Saari, owner of the Thare was less harmony at tha from carrying out his West Vir­ ' One group sang tq tb* tuna of graduate of Lafayette College and In an ilrport exchange of gr««t- M o m o w to subscribe to an inter­ to be,” Underwood said. "I doubt the Greek Orthodox Church In Learned said yesterday that about tions mingled with Britons. car. The car was a black aedaii 20 yards down the street. The The bl-racial advisory group Wilkie Dairy at 18 Walker 8t., has Ings, U Nu wrelcomed Chou as "an minlstem’ final session yastardsy ginia campaign as planned. An John Brown’s Body: like the one used In the kidnaping. held a master of science in me­ national code of ethics. U.S. of- that he would accept." the Western Hemlshphere, assailed 14,000 high school students will haif-dosen late customers took a agreed to send the statements to merged his small dairy operation old friend whose great contribu­ whan they considered the catchall ,]aide scotched, the report, said "Ban, ban, ban the bloody H- From the United States, especi­ The car’s .Urea were punctured quick look at newspaper photo­ chanical eng^ineering from that col­ with Dart’s Dairy, 815 E. Center St. flcals had previoualy called thia Im­ Rockefeller has said oh numer­ ''^Humphrey will continue with his doubters —-.but did not mention take the complete program this ally for the demonstration, came the Federal Civil Rights Commls- tion toward Sino-Burmese friend­ agenda entitled "B3aat-West Re- year. Le.Trned's repoi^ was a pre­ Bomb and It stopped by the side of the graphs, and the chubby, shock- lege. Dartmouth College conferred The merger, according to Saari IflUons," although the talks were practical. ous occasions that he would not plans In West Virginia and else­ the laboratory report — when he Myra Jehlm, 20, New York City. upon him the honorary master of Sion in Washington.m. L ship is already a matter of re­ Instead, the British talked about view of the one he will deliver next "Or we’ll all be dead next road. Two young men clambered haired child confirmed their hope­ and George Dart, owner df the lat. reportedly atlll very cordial. accept a vice presidential nomina­ where. He added Uiat Humphrey spoke before hundreds of persons year.” She waa ona M about a dozen out and were arrested. Police at science degree in 1925. . John A. Hannah, chairman of . . corded history.” possible ways of getting the.Aua- at a special ceremony at S t Paul’s week at a national conference In ful suspicion. the Civil Rights Commission and Various secondary propoaala tion. . has made no aecret of hia financial Belilnd a kilted piper playing Americana. Senlia said the two youths appw- He taught at Lafayette College, TT«t non of each, at leaat for a time, in Chou In reply spoke of his "Dear siana to cut down on provocative Church yesterday. Wlneton-Salem, N. C. “My name is Eric Peugeot," he Easton, Pa., from* 1912-21 -and at that might be preeented were con Meanwhile, Rockefeller was problems but the campaign is sol­ antly had no connection with the pres dent of Michigan ^ a t e Uni- j j current milk price friends” and declarsd: actlvitiei abroad, Including inter­ Unwillingneaa ^ to accept such said. Dartmouth as professor of engi­ versity, told an NAACP canjpua "We Aslan countries which suf sldered, but were referred back to ready to leave the state next week vent. Peugeot' kidnaping but an inveaU- The people in the bar whooped the inter-aWed specialist working ference In the affairs of neutrals. on the first of a aeries of visits to msnifestationa aa the tears on sration was started to make sure. neering from 1921-32, when he be­ chapter meeting at East Ijinsihg "However," Dart said, " I ’ll be fered much from colonial aggres­ U.S. offictala favor a atepup in In Bscramento, Cilif., Oov. Ed­ with joy. groupe. Pennsylvania, Illinois and North mund O. Brown said it was "ab­ faith alone le a "lamentable thing,” Police questioned the Peugeot came consulting engineer for the that northern sympathy demon- out of business too. If the price sion and won independence not East-West cultur^ exchanges aa a Bonnet telephoned the neighbor­ State of New Hampshire. A French plan to get Russia to Dakota. solutely not true" that he has de­ he akld. family. . hood police station. Several police „ , __ -.stratlons are "a little unfair” and U a r doesn’t stop in another year. long ago are all in urgent need of means of easing Cold War ten­ In Pennsylvania, he will cam­ Blinking back tears, the boy s join in limitiiv arms shipments sions. But Informants said this, cided to support Kennedy. "I have Many in the church wept ae the Dairii cars screamed to a halt in front " ’ “ y cost Negroes friends in their The outlook is not very bright, and preserving Asian and world peace paign for Herman T. Schneebell, a father,. Roland, appeared to speak to baekwerd coimtries ran into idea waa dlqpusBed very little yes­ not committ^ myself to Ben. Ken­ archbishop enahriped the Icon. His of the bar almost before Hlric could I '*ve for equal rights. there are other Independent dealers and strengthening mutual friend­ opposition ' from the Americana former college roommate who la nedy In any way whatsoever, or to to hundreds of newsmen: ” ' Two Negro women staged the in the same position as I am.” ly cooperation . . . terday. suto had been followed by a 200- be served the hot digcolate he ask­ and the BritMi, running for Congress. anyone else," he added, denying a car motorcade as he cstried the "I am very happy. I hardly think ed for. He nodded his head af­ 10J. V,- w o. nonfo. I sit-ln at Columbia,’ in ihiddle Technically,. Saari is selling his "I believe that our continuing Queen Secretary of State Christian A. In June, the governor will cam­ published report. Brown will lead icon to the church from the home FORMAL WEAR there is anything more to say.’' firmatively when, asked if he had ’ .np’in w in .’ .» Tennessee, walking into a variety dairy operation and equipment to efforts to uphold the five princi­ London, April 15, (IP)—Foreign Herter was said to have mlsgiV' paign briefly for Republican Gov. the California Democratic Delega­ of Mr. and Mrs, Peter Kimilla, of ^ Then, he led his wife and two been well treated. Manhattan College N*^Y and the unsuccessful attempt the Dart Dairy. A notice of ples of coexistence will safeguard Secretary Selwyn Uoyd came sons, Eric and 7-year-old Jean- inga about any aoheme which home today from the western for­ John E. Davis of North Dakota, tion to the convention aa a favorite nearby Oeesnside. ’They are mem­ The police took the child to a vear Drior to hfs ’ appointment at obtain service. The counter shut to sell was filed ^ e beginning of peace.” would make the big powera ap­ who Is seeking electlort to the U.S. son candidate,- Philippe, before a of police station 300 yards away, and & v hi served M ?S~r^fror S down. Columbia Is about 40 miles the month. The preliminary wait ng eign ministers' meeting In Wash­ bers of the church. pear to be dictating to smaller Senate. Thb New York Herald Tribune FOR HIRE photographers for a few seconds. another car raced to the Peugeot K rep^lrs’ fr^e^ToSra^^^^^^^ of Nashville, scene of sev- Peri^ 1°^“ ’ ington with another ' plug for ' a The icon was placed In the same UtUe Eric snuggled , in his moth­ apartment on fashionable Avenue Corporation. sitdown demonstrations. claima ends today. . nations. Ho preferred that thp code of international behavior to Next month. Rockefeller will carried the Kennedy support story, sanctuary with another "Weeping er’s arms and appeared bemused. Victor Hugo. Roland Peugeot, a African countries themselves, for relax Cold War tenalona. address a convocation at the Uni­ Washington '^ p a tc h by Earl Madona," found last March in the He was a member of the Amer- At Raleigh, a bi-racial advisory Saari, former general manager Heliport Gets instance' take the initiative in The father read a brief statemnt director In several of the family’s lean Institute of Electrical Engi- committee named by Mayor W. G. of the Borden Co. lce cream plants He told reporters that the East- versity of Chicago. Mazo saying that Brown telephon­ Island Parte, N. Y., home of Mrs. self-control system of arms limi­ In the Democratic race Sen. ed Kennedy hie offer two days af­ ■aylng. network of automobile, bicycle and neers.r the American Society of Enloe reported it had been un- *0 Hartford and Sprlngfirid, is West summit conference opening Pa'gona Catsounls, sister of Mrs. tation. John Kennedy (D-Mm s ) was the ter the Wisconsin primary. *‘I acted absolutely eJone, with­ household appliance manufactur­ Mechanical Engineers and the able to reach a decision on how '''°*’***"B , State Approval in Parle May 16 might be able to Koulia. 'I’he picture from the out the aid of the police” in ob­ ing companies, rushed to the po­ Britain’s SSlwyn Lloyd, noted “ estabileh certain principles or leading candidate for the party’s In New York, a newly formed Koulie home is a lithograph of the Americari Society of Engineering to end Negro demonstrations | plans « an East-West arms control Stevenson for President Committee taining the release of Eric. lice station to reclaim his son. certain rules which would mean a nomination in the opinion of a other. Education as well as the Hart- against segregated lunch counters. ^ — scheme might place the West at said it will seek a million or more WEDDINGS Tears streamed down his face The State Aeronautics Commls- genuine coexistence." large majority of potential Penn­ He made no menUon of the ford En^neers Club and the Uni- Another bi-raclal conunittee ap-|M „„-~h*r l"967 H« employed one I , , , , j j Father Papedeas aaid further as he hugged the boy. Eric was a bigger disadvantage than the The British idea it to Title out sylvania convention delegates who signatures there urging that Adlal taeta may be made of it as tears AND A U OTHER FORMAL OCCASIONS ransom and answered, no questions versity Club of Hartford. He j pointed by Majmr W. .I^JMingle- yesterday approved, for Stevenson, >2-time party candidate, about it. Some Paris newspapers impassive and wide-eyed, bewild­ Soviets because the western de­ such features of the Cold War aa ..answered an Assdtlated Press were etUI flowing. ’Three reporters also served as a member of the dorff Jr. of Savannah, Ga„ nart-time basis The full-time em- u**- the heliport fense system* relies in part on propaganda attacks and aubver- questiohnalro. be nominated again. said it was believed the ransom ered by all the attention and New Eiigland Planning Commls- nounced it was becoming inactive continiUng with the Dart site off Manchester’s Broad St., for the World-Telegram and Sun was paid in gold, bUt made no photographer’s flashes. sending weapons to many Allies, sive' activities. •The AP asked t)^ delegate can­ At Nashville, Tenn., Gov. Bu aaid examination of the face, back WE HAVE IT IN STOCK! Sion and waa arbitrator on the | W ause jlt^rouW ^ o t ^ t [ organization, as is S a a r i_ The get aside by Green Maiior, Inc., last didates who they thought was the ford Ellington told the State mention of the sum. The kidnap­ Connecticut State Board of Media- tlon from either Negroes or white \yjutig Dairy bottled xnd sold In the and aidea of the picture failed to THERE’S NOTHING TO SEND AWAY FOB leading man, not neceosarlly their Democratic convention that under show any physical explanation for ers had demanded fl00,000 in tlon and Arbitration, Department per^ns in the community, 1 neighborhood of 550 quarts of milk y*®''- no circumstances would its delega­ Meanwhile, Sa-vannah retail ^ ja y Approval came at a commission own first choice. Thirty-four of 41 the flow. franCa of Labor, In 1947, tion walk out of the convention. • WHITE DINNER JACKETS The mystery surrounding the Tot’s Pants He leaves his wife, ESlizabeth merchants reported a 4-week Ne- gagVl said he was caught In the meeting yesterday at Bradley who replied said Kennedy. "Though laboratory testa made BE SURE TO READ THIS STORY OF Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D- We are not boltere In Tennessee,' at the request of the World-Tele­ ransom led to speculation the Campen Lockwood, two sons, gro boycott was having conald- cost-price squeeze resulting from FleW. Ellington said. "Our loyalty to the • CUTAWAYS • STROLLERS father had promised the kidnapers ______erable effect during the Easter jj,e current price war The war is Non-commercial use does not Minn),' concentrating on what may gram and Sun ahowed that the Theodore D. of Lexington, Mass., party is o etrong today oa it was fluid waa unlike human tears," one to keep the details secret. na­ Catch Fire^ assistant professor at M.I.T., and eeason. The NAACP aald essentially a competition between mean that the heliport will not one CAPTAIN JENSEN and HIS be a crucial test for him In the EVERYTHING IN STOCK—^INCLUDING May 10 West Virginia primary in the daye of Andrew Jackson. reporter said, "our examination in­ tionwide television^appear two John A... Lockwood, professor at ' would cash-and-carry and retail credit, CABIN BOY NELSON ’I^ u g h the delegation will be dicated in every other respect that CORRECT FORMAL ACCESSORIES nights ago he protfifsed to abide Burns Legs the University of New Hampshire, continue. But the l;700-member symbols of the pries war, [according to Donald Lynch, aulst- unlnatructed, Ellington made It the picture ^ as weeping.” by InstrucUons if he got his son at Durham, serving this year on a SavanMh Negro Citizens ^ o te c- Dart said, are the gallon and half aeronautics commissioner. clear It will be behind Texas Sen. There waa no immediate com­ back and also promised he would National Science Foundation grant roted to fight sit- ggnon bottles, which were pro- Green Manor made its application Some years ago, the captain of the steamer "Maxwell,” an route from Liverpool to Valparaiso, lay in his cabin, stricken Lyndon Johnson’s bid for the nom' ment from the World-Telegam not press charges if the boy was A 4-year-old boy was burned in Stockholm, Sweden. id o w ^ and boycotts, charging ®ounced as legal containers last U«>r approval in the non-commercial Ination. and Sun on;the remarks by Arch­ The younf-et-heert e » never too old to havo seriously this morning when his such activities had been fomented y^aj. catego^ of use. with a malignant disease. His end Was drawing nigh, and he safely returned. Funeral services will be held in I called the first mate. "My end is at hand,’’ he said. "I will not bishop lakovoa and Father Papa- Nb . . . rod "fun” is Deiiy Queen's middle Police Inspector Albert Gillet pants caught fire from a grass fire. the Trinity College Cha^I, Sat­ ‘"^y " « ^ “ ™®rs ” The cost-price squeeze is de- Should the company later apply dees. name! It’e ahrtya a pleasuie to dip into a rich, John Hayes, 122 Lake St, was Five Negro atud^ta ware given Lcribed as the narrowing gap be- U°r full commercial approval of live to see the harbor of Valparaiso. But how will I enter the Fire Fatalities Drop bossing detectives investigating urday at 4:30 p.m. other>harbor—above? Can you not help me? I am in great dls- Death Notice The newspaper’s story on the enamy-roiooth sundae, nudt, shake or tobt ■the case, toid newsmen, ”We can watching his father burn grass toes of 536 or jail aentr, assisted by Dr. Larry Funerali JoMK Christ €» Your Only Sovjor and Rost Friond! A voice v e lov^d is stlllen, civil rights” and "We have come buginefl* now. ^ passenger, Charles Stolls, 19, A place Is vacant In our lives deliver the ransom to a specific Andrus, membership: Leonard 460 miles to demonstrate our Daitt has scheduled a meeting of 33 Hyde St., Buffered minor inits Which never can be filled. lace. I did It. ’Then there was noth Swadash, membership retention; John L. WIntertwttom I agreement with southqrti sit-ins.” with employes next week to dls- on his head when it struck the ig to do but wait. ’The last hours Husband, daughter, sons. Douglas Baskin, indoctrination; Funeral services for John L. President Eisenhower was in ouss the 'Situation.. A representa- windshield, knocking it out He ## gby the telephone were the most Seymour Kudlow, prograqi; Isaac Daughter>ln‘law and grandchildren cruel." Wlnterhottom of St.Petersburg, 1 .A-ugusta, Ga., on his annual spring tive from the Internation Brother- | refused to be taken- to the hos- ZION SAYS"..: AGAIN Snyder, assisted by Samuel Blon- ’ ’ golfing vacation. hood of Teamsters, the union rep- pital. In Memoriam WHAT’S .Eric was examined by a doctor stein, publicity. Fla., and formerly of Manchester, . . . To all residents, all U. 8. service men. guests and friends of Slid pronounced in good health. were held yesterday afternoon at Peter Gilbert, a 21-year-old Am- 1 resenting Dart employes, has been The accident is still being In-] Manchester and vicinity: Best wishes in prayer for a ' In loving memory of my molhar. Also, Barney Moses, finance; Dr. vestigated by Patrolman Richard Kllxahath Warnock. who paaaad away Questioned closely, he said: ”I the Watkins-West Funeral Home, herst senior from Brooklyn, N.Y., | invited J B less^ Easter Season! April 16, 1936. Robert Laurie, fund raising; Dr. said the students droVe to Wash' Lorber. UNDER didn’t know the two men who Robert Karns, adult Jewish educa­ 142 E. Center St. The Rev. Law­ . , . Come see Zion’s Ldnten and Easter setting, illuminated at | It’a only a grava I give tandar rara. tobQc me away In a car. ’They rence F. Almond of South Method­ ington yesterday in private cars 1 night. ^ tion; Ronald Jacobs, citizenship and ’ planned to continue their | For my daar Molhar ta reating thare. didn’t take me far. It was in a and civic affairs; Harry Kowalsky, ist Church officiated. Frederick . . . Come hear the Meesage, centering in Chnet crucified, evety Othera forget and paaa It by. grmuid floor apartment. They had Werner was organist. picketing through the day. School Budget individual’s, and the world’s, comfort and hope. But 1 never will until I. die; OUR Israel; Alfred P. Werbner, ADL; Gil^rt, president of Students j a television s e t ...’They didn't Martin Helfgott, Hlllel; David Burial waa in East Cemetery. 1 have not loat the one 1 love, SOFT, i m hurt me.” Bearers were Paul Carter, Erling for HTiman Dignity, said "Our I did not aay goodbye. Kahn, vocational services; Dr. Her­ purpose in coming to WaMiingtoa For we will meet once again. a . , ® . Then, snuggling up to his fa­ bert Snyder. UN Keyman. Inrsen, John Munsie, and Charles Talks Monday! AND NOW-WINF- Beyond eome aunaet aky. Trotter, all members of Manches­ is to express our sympathy with Also, Cantor George his­ the Negro students of the South Daughter. Myrtle. ter Lodge of Masons. MANCHESTER’S OWN RADIO STATION CUDDLY, torian: Kurt Joseph, sicx visita­ and to d'emonqtrate our support I The Board of Education budget. . . . An unusual business, musical and culturar asset (with FM Popular Pair tion; Jerome Brett, Investigating of their actions In sit-ins at lunch subject of controversy over the and other expansion planned) for the growing "City of Village Card of Thanks -and-Alex^hoag.-alhleties. _ -We wleh to-thank our frienda, rela- oounters and - chain-^stores.’- — - past few_ateks, „wiLl..be jMscuaa^ ^ a f » !U a n d ^.aniTO,imdJngAca^igqj^^^ *"V* Hartford Ne said the demonstration in by the Board of Directors ahTlhe ] aectioB on present band).' pathy and Idndness and fof (he uBB“or- BLUSH iSussdorf Co, front of the White House was In- B^ard of Education Monday, Ihelr cars during our recent bereave­ ment in the loss of beloved hufr | The Fisherboy! tended to "show our concern for [ The latest protest against cut- CONTINUING THIS SUNDAY, APRIL 17 band and father. We would also like to the hypocrisy implicit in a partial ting the school budget has come Easter Sunday afternoon, 1:80, and thereafter regularly, Sun­ thank the Manchester Police for their Interested'in acceptance ot the American Ne- from the Bowers PTA, which has day afternoons at this time. assistance. gro.” » petitioned the Directors request- The family of Charles J. Minicuccl. Power Plant Asked by a reporter whether Ing the school budget not be "aacri- A tremendous assortment of the reference to hypocrisy was in ficed.” “V'c- Broadeasting ' beautiful -Easter, Baskets in any way directed at President The School Board asked 53,971,- BONNET '8267 The Nussdorf Sand and Stone EJisenlhower, Gilbert replied! 348. General Manager Richard] Woffling dishes THE INTERNATIONAL LUTHERAN HOUR A T YO U R various sizes find shapes. . . "No. We’re asking him to take Martin’s recommendation is for 10-20 Co. is reportedly negotiating for THE WOBUPS MOST WIDE-SPREAD RADIO PROGRAM filled with delightful surprises the purchase, fronj the Hartford- a more positive ifiand on civil 53,466,545. is sosy today... , , , over },000 Stattons-(Mutual, NBC, Independent).. . . SERVICE! Electric Light Co. of an abandoned rights. That’s all.” Monday evening’s discussion In in 60 Languages and 115 Lands. and delicious candies. powerhouse on N. Main St. . ------Interviews------with----- the — editors------of — , the Municipal . Building _ is the , third “ BBINGINO CHRIST TO THE NATIONS" « # « REG. $1.12 Abe, Nnssdorf, head of the firm, the student newi^apera at Am- in a series o f workshop-sessions by Ziwi, together with 5,000 affiliated churches of the Lutheran I'm Movie declined to comment today on the heref. and Trinity indicated a the Directors,iln their deliberations (Jhurch— Synod—is happy to offer this outstanding ra-<| possibility of buying the building strong-difference of opinion among on Martin’s ^7,121,500 recommen- dio program as a public service. Another unique such service Is: . m dA t 4 8 mm. Colored V. > . and land surrounding it. stildents regarding Negro rights Nation for the fiscal year loginning "This Is this Life,” TV, "The Most Widely Televised Program In FLASH BULBS i The power house is not Included at the two schools. the World Today,” over 290 channels.—Sunday Mornings, Area Big ones. . . smalt'ones. . . fat ones. . . tall ones in Union pond property , the town Harold Varnius, ®a junior at A fourth one will be held Tues- CSiannels; Eight, at 8:30; Thirty, at 9:30; and’ Forty, at 10. Press No. 5 or No. M may buy from'HELCO, an official Amherst from Freeport, L.i;,'^ and day- — all importecl straight from Bunnyland just in of the.utility firm explained today, editor of the Amherst Student, [■ So far, Directors have given no time for Easter gift givin'. Of softest plush, they're .Sleeve. Of 8 • Different Properties ■ said he thinks "at least 4 to 1” of clear indications of wljere they will When questioned about reports] the 1,000-man student body favor cut if they are to reduce MarUn’a ZION EVANGELICAL tlie most cuddly, colorful group you ever did see FIIAI Gu*ronui^ To that the Nusedorf firm was also in- [ rights for Negroes ’ recommendaiton by about 5250,000. •..'.feept "Floppy” Lam b...she’s pure white Go Off terested in HELCO property in the] p . ° thin-* he said all hut « Mayor Eugene Kelly has hinted REG. S2A0 area, the o ffic e said that different of the 13 fraternities’ at Am- “ >ey would like do ^ LUTHERAN CHURCH with little red f » t and ears. . . the way a lamb properties are involved. | w . 1 Martin’* recommendation. how- COOPER and HIGH STS., MANCHESTER. CONN. 79 The offer to the toWn include. P ® «t I evir^includes more th«i 5100.000] THE REV. PAUL O. PBOKOPY, PASTOR should be).' STECIAL the pond Itself the gatehouse at the Lh *®*' t^ash collection, sb*L home heotino damVwd the W n St. frontage at S - T . ' f , 'i; fui *"d so far little enthusiasm has| SUNDAY SCHOOL, 9 A.M. CAMERA the gatehouse. 'Ihe purchase would I"/ V** been expressed for providing such Gunnuiteed Freeh REG. 50c FILM also Include flowage rights over Tripod, estimated . that perhaps g, service. our way I Free bus transportation for children whose parents Aannot some pondside properties. ®- bare majority of the nearly'1,- Last Tuesday, the Directors bring or send them, or live at a distance. For information, kpidly - If the town t|ld ^ y the piMid, pre- 000 students there • are sympa- skipped-'over., .without comment, an You get premium quality dial Mitchell 9-0408 or MI 9-4328. - GADGET ‘Bumably for recreation, it would thetic to the Negro cause. agenda Item under which Martin MobOheat with RT-98 , . . the have access’ to It from two other ’’There Is a great deal of synic-j asked authorization - to take bids | most completely effective fuel s SUNDAY DIVINE WORSHIP. 10 A.M. points beside the Union St. front- ism about this (picketing) at Trin- for periodic refuse collection. oil additive in use today. And This church especially invites those without a church home, BROWNIE HAWKEYE BAG «g*. The town owns land across you gat premium aenriee. Au- and all' interested, for this season, ,an8 throughout, the year, to attend- Bible-based, Christ-centered services. FLASH OUTFIT ------8chooI St; . from Robertson Park tomatie ddiveriea . . . a bal­ IKE SNYDER, Prop. PRICE and the town’s gravel bank proper anced payment Nan and many 5231 ty on Tolland Tpke. abuts the pond. other extras designed to mein TONIGHT . . . GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE, 7 :30 REG. $4.98 8268 Checking Title V W t onr rorvloe dep»rtoieB*i 3-8 yre. home heating r e t M f . '«osf. tiw Assistant Town Counsel Richard EASTER SUNDAY. APRIL 17 for: | | 9 9 Law is checking to see how clear a NOTICE Freeh u a spring bouquet and , Sunrise Service on "Zion-Heights," 6:00 a.m. WASH-DRY-FOLD BEBVIOE title HELCO can convey to the M obithoot'i;!tg Regular Festival Service, 10:00 B.m„ with Holy Communion. twice as pretty, this popular pair Cunning little fisherboys are ap- SHIRTS FINISHED FRESH FILld^ la a m o to r’s delight. Make one, property. He' is scheduled to go to EailthrEvening. Service, 7:00, for Sunday School Includes; Camera with pliqued to solid-color blocks to ere the utility firm's real estate offlees Flushing of the water mains of lfc«'doaA*ocNoii and Congregation. d r y c l e a n in g •GUARANTEED ^ H u ndjuerobln ehouMer end the other makes Itself. ate thia eye-catching~quilt or crib w 'Rashguard, 8 Fla$h- 1 2 7 strap, zlppered Ud opm - No, 8267 with Patt^O-Raraa is Tuesday to view deeds. 1 ^ 1 (No Sunday School .session Easter morning). SAME DA* - 2 YEARS cover. The youngsters will I«ke us­ ■ The pond, a Cheney Bros, hold­ the Town of Manchester, Water DELIVERY SERVICE ^ bulbs, Batteries and Ing, front pocket, vlajrl III sizes ilO, 12, 14, 16.' 18. ?0. Bust • WILL TAKE GOOD “ <*If." * ing It! ing, was Durbhased by the Con­ ^ "MAGNIHCENT WORSHIP SERVIjCE" COTTON RUGS 1 Rolls ot Filin. 120 t l to 46. Size 12. '32, bust, 5H Pattern No. 5231 has tracing necticut Power Co. which later Department will begin April 12, PICTURES ON yards o f 35-(iich. WEGIVE't^.W: Bach’s St. Matthew’s Passion, as Mr. John Deme, owper-man-' Up 'Po 9 X 12, Takes 12 pictures pattern for ap'pllque and pieces merged with HELCO. ' ager of. Manchester's WINF, called It, will be heard in Zlon’e as­ IVoshed and Dried CLOUDY DAY OR No. 8268 with Patt-O-Rania is material requiremeffta: full direc­ g r e e n s t a m p s jo ll. SUNNY DAY In aiz^es 3,, 4, 6, 6, 7 and 8 yearS' I 9 6 0 . sembly, room, over radio while Ih the church auditorium Easter 6 2 0 tions. seirvioee udil be going on^ WINE'S radio presentation of Bach’s REG. 15.95 Size 4 years, '2 H- yards 35,-inch; To ordqr, send ^5c in coina to:— Sh^d Threiatened masterpiece, " S t Matthew’s Passion” radio broadcast begins at risro patterns. Anne Cabot, The Manchester Eve FLUSHING WILL CONTINUE TUESDAYS 6:30 ajn., Elaater morning, and will continue for about S6, N By Grass Fire > THROUGH FRIDAYS UNTIL COMPLETED l a u n d r y Manchester Evening Herald 1150 Y* ■ AU Welcome to All Services 48 PURNELL PLAOl? RIDE ON THE FLYING HORSE AVE. o r AfiOSBICAS, NEW For lat-claop mailing add lOe for Eighth District flrejnen at noon BROTHERS Come see Zlon'aLenteA and Easter setting, Mnmlnated at night (Slgck of BnrtoP’s) WITH EACH $1.00 PURCHASE OF EASTR GIFTS ,TOBK SO. N.Y.. each pattern. Pzlnt>Name, Addpess today saved a shed,..threatened by TOWN OF MANCHESTER WATER DEPARTMENT OPEN ALL DAT SUNDAY FREE F or let-class maUlng add -10c with Zone and Pattern Number. a grass flra 0 0 the property of M l 3-5135 This aniioimeeraeBt fa ^nasoced by Zion’s L. L. L. Open Dally 8 AuM, to • PJL ior each pattern, print Name, Ad- Have you th e' ’60 Album, con­ WllUam Andrews, 328 Oaldiuid S t AdTt. No. MW Men’s Obib nod the 0imectlcut Concert Band, when past several years. They say It Is tht entire .Church School will Avery 8t„ and Pleasant Valley fllin!: onto tho ,NfHS Rymnamum in had to touch the gym ceiling be­ Pitkin, Anne Dalton, Judy tend the annual conference of It gave three performances In the gather for breakfast on Eastei rhvthm. BRilo. finiPflevil turnblers; Flster, Carol Dabrowskl, and because ^ e town, tike the girl in Schools for next week: Monday fore sliding down the rope. Win­ tht Junior Classical League of Con- MiHS auditorium Monday morning Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel, morning at 8:16 a.m.’ in the down- an'fi ainrdy ropo rlimhcrs. in .tne_ Diane Smachettl. sUlrs hall. All pupUs are Invited to frankfurt on roll, whole kernel Fifth Annual Physical Education ners were Tim Simon, Ed Pouech, necticut. Sponsored by the "Hart­ April 11. ^ . "Uncle^Tom’e Cabin.” has Just corn, wedge of, lettuce and dress'- A«scmblv held last Friday. April S. Rene GIrardin, and Ron Andraah. ford Courant,” the program in­ Under the very able direction of "grow ^.” attend church at either the 9:30 or Ing, fruit; ‘Tuesday, pork and With backgrmind music by Mike cluded dramatizations of selections Mr." Allan Gillespie, the band be­ Those who have eavesdropped 11 a.m. service with" their parents helped prove that a well-rounded as there will hot be any -Sunday gravy, mashed potatoes, buttered education mii.st inoludp the ancient Gesmiindo. and Bob Demers’ dance Qub Promotes from Vergil’s "Aeneld,” Plautus’ gan Its concert with "Heat Ught- on the ladles claim the bonnets peas, wheat bread and butter, pud­ roman requirement. "Mens aana band, including a combo of Don "Menaechml,” and Sophocles nlng,” by R. Bowles; followed by will be as fascinating and varied School classes. ding; Wednesday, soup and crack­ Seipel at the piano and .Tim Cole “Antigone;” an interpretive dance “ Ballet Song.” composed by J. All children in kindergarten or in copore sapo" (a .sound mind in n s those seen In previous Easter under will be cared for In the Wol ers, lunchoen meat sandvVlch, cake: a .soiuid hodyi. on the baas, the boys performed Safe Driving based upon the Muses, presented by Cacavas. Next, the group played parades, and also Just as puz- Thursday, chicken chow mein on After a snort speech by Principal breath-taking tumbling feats. Modern Dance Club of Windsor a heavier number, "Cffiester Over- .zleing and Incomprehensible to cott building at both hours,. fried noodles, buttered spinach, Single and double forward and High; and various exhibits of Ro- ture,” written by W. Sebum an. Appeal Granted Edson M. Bailey. explaininR the High interest among students mere men. To the latU r they of­ carrot sticks, rolls and butter, necessity for keepinR up second backward rolls were followed by man homes, weapons, and dresf. Switching to the Latin-Ameri- fer the comforting thought that The Zoning Board of Appeals cookies; Friday, tuna fish salad on semester cr.odes. Master of Cere- hair-raising forward flips, hand­ has prompted the commencement John Spaeth Jr. of Wesleyan oan beat, the next song was "Ha­ some of them creations will incor­ granted one application at a pub roll, potato chips, buttered green OniL Og^ Jh a tn . ______monids Bob Seelert. ’60, introduced springs, and individual stunts by of a new club. The Safe Driving University. President of the Con­ vana Terrace,” by F. Kepner. porate in - their decor reasonable 11c hearing Wednesday night a and yellow beans, and fruit. Milk la necticut Branch of the Cla-ssical "Sing. Sing. Sing,” the next piece, m senior Beth TanKamne, who in Rusty Meek, Jim ,Hickey, Jim Club, under the faculty adviser facsimiles of flowers or other the Town Hall. Clarence Shangle served with all lunches. Benson, Bob Coviello. Larry Bates, Association of New England, de- was part of the repertoire of the Anna E. Steger, and Dolores A. ttjim ‘prcjicnted the Girls' Leaders ship of Mr. Norman Wilcox, has llevered one of the main addresses. UConn. Marching Band last faH. growing things symbolic o'f spring , Marching Drill. and Dick Berube. and the Resurrection. Steger were given permission to Manchester Evening Herald Viewer's hearts caught in their recently been organized and mee^ Mr. Spaeth stressed the possibili­ but was repeated because of its erect display signs at the Pola South Windsor correspondent El­ S h a J d . £ s- ti. / The girls, dressed in red and SoBflae Service throats at the climax of the as­ every Thursday In'room 141. ties of employing Latin as an in­ r' popularity. The drum duet was Building on Rt. 5, formerly oc more Burnham, telephone Mitchell white uniforms, skillfully per- ternational language. . ‘ * played by Merrill Gerber .and The Easter Sunrise Service of /formed their intricate maneuvers sembly when tumblers flipped and The officers have been elected Oiir Savior Isitheran Church will copied by Food Services of Con 4-0674. swa'n-dived over hurdles of first The conference, which also In- Jerome Smith. necticut, Inc. They plan to operate /to the tune of "Colonel Bogey" as follows: president, Sheila Hill chided a brief business meeting not The score of Gershwin’s "Ainer- he held on the future church site on / from •"The Bridge on the River three, then four, five, six and '61: vice president. Carl ChitJian Graham Rd.. at 6 a.m. A cross wilt a restaurant on the premises. finally seven hunched boys. only provided the members of icah In Paris” was next, followed / Quay.” Their routine consisted of '61; secretary, Barbara Dunn, '60; Manchester’s JCL with many by a selection of Old American be erected; benches will be provid­ Fashion Show Ttfekets a variety of formations, including Dick Riker handled all arrange­ and treasurer. Bill Hazleton, 61. ed. Pastor Abel’s sermon theme for Tlcketa for the "Fashions for ments in the absence of Mr. Mat­ ideas for future projects and ’. outside after several weeks of run­ played whiat was, according to the The group doing ancient history Students in this fictitious class Girls’ Intramural’ basketball waa Arabia for her child’s schqol re­ Maryann Griffin, ’60, says, "1 consensus of both classes, a very a.s well as the audience learned of hair-do desired. decided April 11 when the so^ffio- ning in the MHS halls after school. worthwhile and thought-proVoking modeled three presentations. after port!!’' ' learned that there is more to be­ Small World.” The group pre­ the various aspects of Roman ' Several methods of decorating mores, under the captaincy of Also, when filling out overdue discussion. Jane Steiner Easter eggs were learned by the Sandy Malin, defeated the Juniors lead away put ahead of all competition. Get the ear now ing a librarian than Just stamping Mr. Phillip Hyde Is the new ten­ senting the modem history pre­ life from these ‘Romans’. Ken notices, a.s' she looked up the names and putting away books. I learned Woods, the father,, told of the atudents, including dying, painting, captained by Dawn Molumphy. corresponding with the card num­ nis coach for this year. He is quite tended to be reporting to the U.N. use of wax, sequins, artificial It was the final game In the that the luJrary has to have a a player in his own right, and was and dressed in the costumes of toga, the national garment of bers, Claire discovered that many complete record on each person Rome and the significance of flowers, felt, beads, and- all sorts round-robin tournament tjiat the that all America is buying, and get the deal that all of notices were being sent to her high a finalist in th* town tennis cham­ Junior Hi-Y Holds their country. Marge Koblinsky. In of "rick rack.” girls held. Each team played evfry haying a library card.” pionships last, year. the group doing the modem his­ their different hues In relation to school friends and even to herself. Lynne Harrison, ’62, fell that rank. Nancy Zimmerman, as the All who have seen them agree other team in Its class. The semi­ 4n M As a result of ■this program on Year’s Club Dance tory brought In a gown and some finals consisted of ,the beat,, teams .she profiled by participating in ____ j wood ^actually secured from Leb­ mother, then explained the house­ that all the "wee” patients at Man­ Manchester is talking about. New oijused pur deals w^^^^ library page. Kit Lang '61. has- The tennis and baseball teams wiferies of Roman women and the chester Memorial' Hospital are go­ of the classes playing each other. been offered a job at the Mary this program for" "I became mpre will, meet CCIL opponents only anon. Pn the final game the winners of familiar with the librarians, ref­ Hhey.. Could have danced , all ' Lynn Longfellow, 61 food they at*i while the others ela­ ing to be mighty happy this Eas­ Cheney Library beginning in Sep­ erence materials, and also the .con­ once this year. This la due to a night. That was the feeling 40 borated on recreatfon and sports. ie r;------~ the semi-flnals pla.yad and the. tember. new league ruling. The same- members of the Junior Hl-Y and Holly W. DavU. *63 victor reigns as . champion. Nancy Murcio '61 says that after tents of the library” while Bonnie FOB OIRI.B ONLY Harry Huntington, as the: son, never betteFTo'Trade now and slive. Moore, '61, states that she feels regulation Will apply to soccer their dales had after the annual stole the show with his childlike working at the West Side Branch next fall. club dance April, 2 in the high Girls’ night .will be held April as branch director.she realizes that that anyone who is given thia op­ 18, at 7:30 in the arena. ’Tickets, lisp, adding a great deal of hu­ portunity, and . wishes to go Into schoo-I arena. mor to It. Others In the play In­ a librarian must he a very respon­ Xhe golf team is playing Irian- Those who attended danced to ten cents for all girl atudents, will sible person. People looking for library w ork i^ould wortt for a be available at the door. The bas­ cluded Betty Britton, 'John Greene, Legion day. She says "It's ah experience gular meets for the first time this the music of popular records. Dur­ Jeaii MacKenzle, Cardie Moore, of Honor certain'hooks, material or pictures j*ear. The scoring system has also ing the affair requests and dedi­ ketball game between women depend , on the librarian's assist: which 1 wiM never forget.”. faculty members and senior girls Sue Plat, Phil Rider. Margaret Amy Raesler. ’62 been changed, and there will be no cations were received. Roberts, and Paula Wupperfeld, anre. Soda was served. promises to be full of surprises. No sport, pttobed enthueiastlcaUy In­ best-ball score. boys will be admitted. with Linda Foster as the slave to all four girls’ dubs, channelsld Bob Seelert, ’60 Peggy Beaucage, ’61 girl and Kath/ Ryan as.the teach­ her dramatic talents into Paint er. - and Powder, and her llnguistlfl Refreshments/wore sejwed after­ knack Into Latin Club, and solic.- Legion of Honor wards, and Included cakes made Ited SmifianhU "backing as an ac- by Phil Rider, Harry Huntington tice member of the Somanhis ad­ and Ken Woods. vertising staff. lerest in others liave won the. re­ Holly Davis, '63. Bev is an expert on methods of spect and liking of his classmates. enjoyment and relaxation. Ingredi­ That’s the man who swore he’d never do a thing to He was one;of the six boys ch'ojsen ents for the . ideal existence In­ Buy an O K Used Car . at Carter for Nutmeg Boys’ State during his clude: Lazy loiyng on the beach, the grass but mow it! First time he saw me walk­ .sophomore year and was recently Lecture Depicts preferably a summer at Cape Cod elected to ’ the Senior Banquet or a weekend on the Rhode Island Conrimittee." Nursing Career coast, whilS sewing, knitting,"’nr ing the Sebtte Spreader he laughed’^^ou know the 3 guarantees of satistaction. H.e plays an important role In doodling abstractly, swimming, or MHS extra-currinilar world, for Become a licensed Practical listening tp cool jazz while savor-i * way they do. But when he actually saw the way the this year he has given hts talents Nurae. Here is a life’s work that ing such delicacies as hot, Italian' to and taken. much satisfaction provid^a satisfaction in service, spaghetti (Raspberry ice cream? and enjoyment from writing for variety In occupation, more offers Taboo!). Beware of stirring any • grass got greener and thicker, and 1. Every OK used car is honestly described. the High School World, discussing of employment than you can ac­ insincere people into this pleasant "i> M an Curfenl Affairs, calculating in the cept.. a good salary arid condi­ scene. how easy it is to put TUKF BUILDBR* Math Club, and playing Intra­ tions' of employment to fit your Ot^ the classroom scene, versatile w ith mural sports. plan of life. This opening descrip­ Bev can be found absorbed in on, he took to it hinisdK l^ow you V a 2. Every OK used car is thoroughly, recoitditioned. Toni is a "ham”- a radio ham tion by Miss June-H. Long, super­ Beverly SteVeneon either of her favorite subjects, i P lan — and quite an enthusiastic and visor of the licensed . practical English or. Chemistry, or in Modern , should hear him bragaboiitth^ lawn! experienced one al that! He is nurse program at Hartford Hos­ The proud^t, bitterest-aweetest Problems, or Music Apgjc»clation. secT-elary of the Electronics Un­ pital, sounded ideal to the mem­ moment of a senior’s life occurs Her first sememater course. Child 3. Every OK used car is backed by the famous O K Uspd limited Club in' Bolton. -He has bers of the Future Nurses Club when slife marches slowly down Development, ties in with her Afore and mart feikt aneomlngtotu foradoiot already . received an award for at their meeting Friday, April 1 the aisle, solemnly capped and prospective career, teaching. In­ tatmt rtrough an taty-to-ftHoia SeMt Program. fSojaa in oiudfiM . talking,'with-people In six differ- Thd membere Indicated their In­ gowned, amid the blur of smiling stead of le'aring the classroom be­ W d ll An glad ta prtteribe tht correct Program for your lawn, Car warranty plus the more than 25 yMrs of fair deal- Tom Neisman I ent continents ’and one (or work- terest and enjoyment In her talk parents and swelling organ music, hind at graduation, she plans to 1 ing with one hundred Countries, by asking for additional informa­ to. receive his ticket to adulthood, obtain, a master's degree In pre­ Call anyone a "ham” and he'd ji "I've already made contacts with tion concerning registration. One his high school diploma—especial­ paration for atimulating and ing by (Jarter Chevrolet in Manchester;.- most likely be offended. But jtwl i people in 60 countries,” he say't, of the many auid varied fields of ly if that diploma Is marked, "with absorbing work in the elementary ask Tom Newman if he's a ham j "and. find it taacinating!” nursing available 'has recruited honor.” The “with honor” Indicat- schoolroom. This decision was con­ and he’d not only say yes but also Being in Electronics. Unlimited future members'for their .program iiYg ,scholastic excellence to be firmed beyond a doubt when she 1 is- more -than just a hobby for from MHS's Future Nurses stamped on Mias ^ v e rly Steven received thorough- enjoyment-Yronj begin' an enthusiastic discuasion i eon’s dlploAia is only one Indica­ with you about "hams.” Tom, for he plans to take up elec­ Club. Penny Golden, '6a teaching second grade at BoWers tronic engineering at ' either tion of the all-round high caliber School during the recent teacher Manche$Ur*» Leading AuthoriMed Scott Dealen But th jt couldn’t be, you think of this sweetest, friendliest and , to yourself. Along With his ver­ Worcester or Rensselaer’ Polytech *LE NEZ’ VIEWED recruitment plan. ■ - ■ satile abilities It Is Tom-s'calm, nic Institute. "Very satisfactory’' was the sincerest of .seniors. Bev's achievements and sweet Although he enjoys reading over-all opinion of .the recent show­ One evidence of Bev's ability personality - h tinkly laugh, a cut* yet determined personality .that Ihqught-provokii.g Russian novels and likeabyity was the seniors' has ie4 him in the direction of ing of "Cyrano de Bergerac” in smile,’ the friendliness and fun, ths BUSH HAiHIWARE^COa 793 m a i n s t . such .as "Crime and Punishment" the MHS auditorium. The movie, vote of confidence in her when gentle grace - combine harmoni­ honor and popularity. and "Pr. Zhivago,” Toth Isn’t al­ they elected her. to the Senior His keen deiire for kno'yledge. open to all Eingllsh atudents of the ously to draw lasting admiration, PH 0« B MI 6-4m FOR PROBIIT rkEB DEIjiVEBY ’ ways .all aerlquBneas. He shines at Sports’, Night Committee. Whn and success. « , an4 imderslandlng have always his favorite sports—tennis, swim high school and Barnard’s eighth but the most dependable of people placedvhlm a), the head of 1119 Col­ grade honor students, was at­ Bev lies, at 198 Hollister Street ming and bowling and can “kill' would be elected treasurer of tlje with .her fathar, Mr. Russell B. lege Prep claxaes. He waa elected a pizza of liaten to Dave Brubeck tended by a, near-capacity crowd of an estimated 600. The movie, ■ a ^ ^ Stevenson; har'alster; her brother; I^ARSEN’S HARDWARE COi^ In6» 94 npor so. iiANcmsiai Into ,tbe National Honor Society and Henry Mancinl at any time' her dog. Klnber; and a turtle whim- 1229 lAAIN ST. Y>FBI 9 AJ4. to 9 r.M. hia Junior /ear and ia graduating Tom ia the aon of Mr. and Mra. based on a play by Edmond Rost- Throwing hani¥f wholeheartsd- In the top four per cent qf hU Thomaa Newman of Box M l, Rt Both Romans and Americans celebrate the 27I2Ui birthday of R ^ e . and, starred j i e Ferrer. fly Into sdioirt actlvtUsa, Bsy has sleally named Oscar. . , * ” ^ o NE M l,t-5274 Fcm PROMPf FROT MSUVIiRY. ' ’ 44A la Coventry.’ GreenAmadTa to « t while Margtoet RoberU and Ken Wood* and Unda Foster look on. Mary Piarea, ’•». eotoeUed si every Intramural Mary Anhe Beach, '80- tDa foliteBai «nd feaulha la* , Koaniie Wlee (Henld Photo by Pinto). ; " f " ... ' "7 ' "i' V. . PAGE FirrEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1960 ■ I I II I I II II I iiiapaeM^i^W * MANCHESTER EVENING HERALP<, MANCHESTER. CONN^ FRIDAY. APRIL 18, I960 ioe for P rotestants was held yes­ PAG* POURTEEN Agriculture to feed and water the of $2,800, which Includes tuition, In Ancient Langd^ges terday in the American embassy anmlitli at SO/heure Intervale, In- boaril, room and vkHous hsalth and by Capt. Thome* L. McMlnn Jr. m u u i s DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE insurance charges, will b* increas­ OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HODPLE State News ■taad of the uaual 28 houre. of Odenton, Md., an Army chap­ CIT 'w a te r SUGGS BUNNY The govemeihnt charged yeeter- ed to $2,550. lain who la on a -week visit to 2 Byatem VAk:1I KNOWTH'U'L k WHAT A dey that the train wa* elpwed ■ r friends. He elao scheduled Good F ln en ertg REX EtMEK'S CUJCIi'BHOWei I'LU CpIKtCERDENCEl down, llret by a car Inepectlon, Slayer Wins Stay Story of Crucifixion Friday eervlcee end an thuiter BEIN'A , V" SURPRISE 'IMll NEEP ANY : Roundup then by etlcklng brakes. The pigs, ' •> ■* ■ ® senric* Sunday, at Spaao House, WISE SUV AN' HarObrA April .Con- ARTESIAN WELLS > BRUSHES. iMooLD H A /an eN i said the govemmerit, tnlesed their vl?ted slayer Benjamin Reid the reeidence of U.S. Ambaacador NOTANSWERIN ELMER! A niASPOUt SITTSW. ' Book Tolk feeding deadline by 8 hours and 45 Uewelljm Thompeon. 61S Main St„ Manchester POORBEULi wcir_Ti"i (Oim'tihticd ifnin. Pec* ihiej has won s' $-moi|th rejlrieve from AAV VW*0, mK», A^AaOB.YiOU'B* AtiMKtd mi ‘IllhJ minutes. ■ the electric cltair. . '' The Biehop of Fulham, England, MI 9-2680 — TR 5-7059 cm PBU A ''» t8R/ n ^ .^5 baluZ- kNuh:- mwi-Ji I The Department of Agriculture Recited Once Again ■nd traW njr a t the Indiana In- Gov. Abpaham Rlbicoff yesUr- the Rt. Rev. Rodertc Norman t AN ROUSS TO SUSOROlNAT» 1 ^ i v6/UNA“ 1 DIDNT WANT a o b o m •lBaap>maklng a CeatmUaed o Gonmieretal tad frame ititutldh during the paet eU year*. ia ssHihg. Tor a 8500 penalty day. granted the reprieve for the Coote, flew here to officiate at j t a l e n t s to a p a r r o t W O p u p j^ J LSA46 YOU OUT IN lOn* of Um against the rsilorsd for inconven­ alndlvldwtl Systems... Complete THE (SOLD^AR FRO/VL A KlNDSR:: Bteitiert wae a Jtidd Inetniclor Hartford, man. who wes scheduled Anglican Good Friday and Easter j InateUalton From Wen To Servle* TUB COLD ALONS ON ■XitUt DOWN with the Rangnre in World War iencing the hogs. Its charges were to die bn April 26. The "new date us. olic church for Rueeisna, Polleh- Indian • Aiaail . 25 Russikn city 45 Curvad topt woman believed to have been flret higher salary schedule for State Pilgrims dnd tourist from, many of commuhfsm this year. ANT 30 Those who 46 Styla co-ed at what ia now the Unlver- employed tdachera under ita wing Reid was convicted in June, The Eastern Orthodox Church's bom Father Brontnskl is holding 3 6 U B ra • Dwellari 1957, in the haRiroer-deatfijp4''Mrs. lands joineil today In mburnful BY V. T. HAMLIN lINonaanaa 10 Awry read 47 Ireland •tty o( Connecticut le dead. be placed into effect July 1 this observance of Elaster this year services. 11 Rip 28 Dravidian - 48 Otharwla* Mre. Ida l.e« Hale, 86, Glaeton- year, rather than a year Wter. Florine McCluney during an at­ Good Friday services commemorat­ falls o n ' the same day aa that in Orthodox churches in the So­ High compression ALLEY OOP ITGlrl’a 30 Prosecutea 80 Counsel The request comes from the Ed­ tempted-jobbery. He was original­ ing ChrUfs.desth on thei cross. viet capital are always thronged y e a h .~a n d Bteknamo 16 Hydrocarbon bury. .died yaeterday in a conval- the western world, and Russian tough cover for long, CH?M5U \**kWT 1 WIANTTO 30 British 31 Withered 51 Connectivaa Mcent home after a long lUnesa. ucation Council, Connecticut State ly seritchced .to die in December In St. Peter's Basilica and in churches in Moscow w.ill be crowd­ for Ehister with older .Russians A SW G OF MY S L D P i > M Auetlona S3 lateral part* 82 Musical Employes Assn., which took the 1957, ,but '.the execution has been MARNTOU ItPooroTr noblewomen Until ehe enrolled at Connecticut many of Rome's nearly 500 ed. The foreign colony ia attend­ still faithful to- their religion de­ true flight, durability, HEY f o u n ta in o f ABOUTTHAT 35 Suitcasa directlona action at its meeting Wednesday delayed by a series of appeals. MXJTH WtER, SlN aw atar S3 Weather Agricultural College, It waa all- churches solemn tenibrse — ing pervicea led by four clergymen spite the teaching of communism. 3 1 STUFF/ 40 Pardon 85"----- Joey* night at the State capitol. TOO? SI Maka lac* Indlcatora male. shadow* — se.rvices were held, re­ an almost unheard of number to The highlights will be great. can­ click, adslng ' Mre. Hale Ui eurvived by two The council members felt that Extended Forecast calling the death of Jesus on Cal­ be officiating at one time in Mos dlelight prooesaions in Balgove- 54 Mountain pai* r * r r 1 r r r r r •one,V,aurence N.. Hale of Brook­ there should be no delay arid that Windsor Locks, April 15 — vary. . cow. Chehsky . Cathedral, the seat of distance.' n lyn, wmn., and John S. Hale of to. follow the board's plan to ask The U.S. . Weather Bureau at Brad­ American. Roman Catholics at­ Metropolitan Nikolai, and at ST Spar IS r EriUiant spring weathbr brought ^D O lN ® 3* Church atrriot IT" Jackeonvllle, Fla.; two daughtere that the raises take place July 1. ley Field issued this 6-day fore­ hundreds of thousands of pilgrinis tended a midnight adoration of the Nonodevichi Monastery. SOM tl “ A. 1961, would add one year more of Eucharist in "Our Lady of Hope ’ SSAaeandad IT IT Mre. ABen El SU rr of Ekiet Hemp- cast for- Connecticut^ today; and tdoriaU to Rome. Thtoiighout In Taipei, Formosa, President ^ F F |4 Thoroughfare ton and Catherine N. Hale of financial hardship -to the teachers chapel,' which the Rev, Louis Dion FROM JL and other educational personnel TmperaturM, ..Saturday through the day they went* frpm church to maintaina in his Moscow apart- and Mme. Chiang Kai-shek de­ A COLD ‘S6 Go to bad n r H l l GMetonbury; a brother, Harry Wednesday, .will average 8 to 12 church, participating in' aervlces; livered Good Friday sermons to- 1 ST CoofliMP hired by the board. . . nrient. Father Dion, from Worcei- . , .. __ CLIMATE: Lee of Lac. Maae., and two eiatara However, even if the board up­ degrees above normal. In the Highlight of the tenebrae ritual ter, Maas., arrived here just a year I day In their private chapel. TheJ -t/.tkC-JBL. S8 Bnow'^hlCl* SI Mre. Edward A. Viera of Glaeton- Hartford area the normal mean o UQUID CENTER 55 Traval on -X, dates its pay raise recommenda­ In’St. Peter's Basilica was the slow ago as the American prieat the j sermons were broadcaet Over ail n bury and Mre. Helen Bldwell of tion, obaerL’eri aee the propbaal temperature Is 49 degrees rang­ extinguishing of 14 of 15 candles Soviet gove-nment permits to 1 naUonal radio hookup. The Preel- Win CHto ExhraTarde watar M V Petereboro, NJI. ing from an average high of 61 41 Conpaaa point facing a big hurdle ahead..That's until only the last — symbolic'of serve the American colony. ! dent spoke in Chinese and hit e enCH COMPRESSION 1.40 VAl. BY DICK TURNER BT Funeral seryloea will be held because funds were not provided to a'low of 36. In New Haven and Christ — remained lighted. Then A candlelight communion terv-1 wife in English. CARNIVAL 43 Cotdad faheie •aturday afternoon. COVER 448Uppad by the 19.58 Legislafure for such Bridgeport the range is 56 to 38. (his candle was momentarily hid­ That Win Not Cut ;0X OF 12 Wsrm Saturday, not so warm Sun­ den behind the altar, and a loud m ach n d h ood "T an increase during this 2-year fis­ day, warmer again Monday and / dlaaaa* o r II $6 0 0 ,0 0 0 Award cal period. noise was made by assistants to 41 Balia Tuesday than - turning - co o Le r remind wdrshipen* qf the conL-ul- X BY AL v I rMEER Bridgeport, April 15 ( f )—About In order to obtain such a- raise To ttum yon that theoo are the flneot quality halle mad»— PRISCILLA’S POP •S Tabla acrap IT 400 former Underwood Corpora next July 1 such a measure would Wednesday. sions of nature at the moment of AN O HOVY'S •4WhatBoma* tloa amployaa are acheduled to have to be^ ~approved ______by the______State Precipitation will average Christ's death. Wo will ropiaeo any hall that EB BE BOOMF»> TH E L IT T L E and Juliet m If recaiva approximately $800,000 in Personnel Board whlch’’consists of j around >ij inch occurring as show'- Pope Jdhn. meanwhile, was pre­ yon eat! r i \ K K DE PATIENT wanted paring .his Easter message to the BOOMP. severance pay under an Interim Governor Rlbicoff. Financb' Com- i era Saturday or Sunday and again Mannfaetarod expreoaly for LIOOETT DRTUG by a fameae MXxplr* H" — H ruling by arbitrator Theodore W. missloner George J. CoriWing and ^ about Tuesday. world to be delivered Sunday at ■TCoatinaat ropiHstblo mannfaetarer. IT IT ■ Keehl. it waa learned today. State Auditor Clarence F; i^ld- ______' M lealandie Keahl based bis ruling funda­ 0 aagatv win. , j ‘ ^______^______QUANrarV IJMTTED—RUT NOW! r B II mentally upon the fact the’Under- The State Board of Eddfcatton MTTpeanemrii n w o^ employes had lost their job •OGiea earlier this month moved td ask i WAYNE opportunities with the company in that the increases be' included In • Bridgeport. the Governor's recommended LIGGETT PARKADE DRUG The Underwood Corporation budget to the 1961 Legislature, i SHORT Hms , BY FRANK O’NEAL shut down Ita operations here Aug. Under the pay boosts wanted by ; WEST MIDDLE TPKf,— MI 9-2343 33; 1958. the board, minimum pay for cate-' , The srbitrstor's . ruling. .covered gortfes of- sta te teachers would -be j ■a wre xmrxMS akiTri.-!.-1 ismfe’ Wgard- bdaiSff h f Ing severance pay, there .was no maximums B somewhat propor­ YCHJ &ET VOOR MOHEV 9A:K?. decision on another point regard­ tional amount. ing ‘persons who claim severance These would involve personnel pay but have accepted pensions. A at teachers colleges, vocational- number of Underwood employes technical schools and certain per­ LONG SAM BY AL GAPP *nd BOB LUBBERS were pensioned by the company sonnel In the SUte Department of , CONDITIONING ahortly before the shutdown. Education'. . 1 MMUKEMCr FmeoMVNMneu TTie sfL'erance pay issue was FISHING (nWlYMTS* SOUWntKRMecVOMMir raised by Local 287, International som nm f MHD-rwupoNrcM* Union of Electrical Workers, at Yale to Hike Pay ANyHo«/.Mn/ rvntvMRr/iw- the time of the plant closing. The New Haven,. 'April 16 Yale • COMMERCIAL o m /M K f, (MSEWURLfiPr. union claimed that the contract University will make a simultan­ Headquarters 0M « lO rt V‘/r then.in effect provided severance eous-boom in tuition for students «T _ K“.’pay •— for -.-r--.. employes - whether------or not I and in salaries for instructors and j VO0R6 1VIEIR OISTOMER. A N P dE6.1 DIDN'T KNOW 1WAT! 4 -1 pensionspensions bad bad been been granted. granted. ,! asMstant professors in July 1961 Emmet Curley. International Spring Tune-Up Special! REFRIGERATION 1UE oxroMeR i^ always IN MV BUSINESS -TH E ■ Emmet Curley. International p,^n^HELPON M OF HER WITHOUT fVE GOT TO FIGURE OUT A' TH6A5stmmfr/... North Off WAY OF eeVTlllG Rib* of oou-PJBFF.-ajaef Plus Deposit SERVI^R «md SATISFACTION GUARANTEED THAT DR.ISOSERS./' .3 5 Delivered WoBt Coiitor St. t g x IncL. Plus Deposit H a r r y Stickles— Used Car Manager Shys— ^No reasonnble deal refused on any car in stock. We need room- n 836 NORTH MAIN STREETr-MI 9-525.1 Driy* out tbdayl Buy from the Volume Dealer known throughout New England for fair and honeat dealings-^ NEW HOURS: Opon Daily 7:30 A.M. Mdn, thru 8aL SMALL BOTTLES — CASE OF 30 Cam recwiditioned iii.one of t^e:m0st modern facilities on the East Coast. BU.Y and SAVE! Call or aee any one of Open Until 5 P.M.— Monday thru 'Thunday the following aalea couttselora; Tony Bho^ JirnGanier, Dick KeUy. Mert Gay, GaiTy Heintz, Murry Grouae, Frankie S t 5 0 Case Of 30 $3.75 DeKyered Friday Nighti Until 1:86— Baturday Until Neea . Ts* Incl. I 'tax Incl. Japton, Bobby Croteau. Plus Depomt Plus Deppait

' all right, EVEriBOCY UMEUPyStAWD • , M .... - ■' ' HERE, MRS. ViAVUS. TUEWOMEU OM LIME y,UF NTTHNOU... MtM WWWD M / ' y MANCHESlb^ EVEKliTg HERALD, FltiDAV. A PR ^ IS, i960 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BJANCHESTER. CONN^ FRIDAY, APRIL IB, 1960 page s ix t e e n THt Has Stron Old Pros Snider and Ho Herald Angle Ss < School Planned WQiWilflNiG; EARL YOST HurUng Depth, Sperla B4M«r For Fly Casters F ly C h asers Slug Dodgers to Top Position How much interest In Man­ Sil k c m r h o t r o d e Nothing Slow About 'Volleyball chester Is there In learning the standings Believe it or not, there’8 nothing slow about volleyball, a Both Needed art of fly and plug casting? W. U PcL drew 32,038 in their home Karl Jones of 18 Alpine Si., .39 13 .752 N pw York* Anril 15 tinnlngB to the Philadelphia PhU^pen aca aUtua to tha minora byofour Cub pltchem. won it m opener—their largest crowd in two sport that has caught fire in Manchester in the past three Amateur acxniracy Tri-Power ... New I01K> AP™ J^Tii«i,Teft without a manager when arm trouble, got atarter Johnny of aUrter Seth Morehead. who oj years. In a test conducted at the University of Iowa, it was National Bearings...... 28 24 .588 Its early yet and it may not, g -Podres------out of a jam In the------eighth. gave ~ up a thlM» Giant ------homer-- to ears. By FRAnF CLINE champion- would like to find Tri-Carbs ...... 25 27 .481 mean a thing, but veterans Her in the day. The Pittsburgh Pi­ The 28-year-old righthander got Orlando Cepeda. found that the average spiked ball travels at a speed of 62 “The infield looks pretty out. , Strokers ---- ...... 28 29 .442 PIRATES IS, REDS 0—Law, A school lor fly and plug .385 Duke Snider and Gil Hodges rates , walloped Cincinnati, 13-0, Ken Boyer, who homered for the Pittsburgh'a lop winner last year, miles per hour. The fastest speed for a spike was 162 feet I ‘ "'f c ^ 7 u p ‘with Thunder-Jugs .....1 9 83 PHILR 5, BRAVES 4—The Phil­ casting will be sUged early In Injectors ...... 18 34 .84« and Ed Roebuck, a forgotten behind Vem I^w ’s seven-hit Cards' first run, on a double play didn’t walk a man and atruck out pe.r compare this with Bob * couple of oiitfieldera and June In Manchester if sufficient pitching. ball with one out and runners on lies, directed by Coach Andy^tohen two. The Bucs, drawing 34.064 for Feller’s baseball pitching speed of?ague for brevity of serv­ twice whining the Eastern Sea- GARDEN GRGVE GATEREM ic instruction books. Ten of these D'Angona, in his fourth year at boaril amateur accuracy title, Into a share of the National ter a leadoff single by pihch‘hlt- Kirkland and .Willie McCovey on Joe Koppe'a single. l In the American League, ■ atill books, which fsature leading ice in any season when he resigned Standings League lead with San Francisco’ ter Chuck Essegian. were beaten when. reliever Billy Hank/Aaron and Joe Adcock h it; playing exhibitions. Baltimore beat the helm for the Bangere, has three Middle Atlantic crowns W. U Pet. and the Chicago Cubs, who hand­ Snider, a risky 33 because of O’Dell, the young Wfty obtained homo/'runa for the Braves in a ! Kansas City, 3-0, Cleveland defeat- authorities^ js* consultants and rtelphla Phillies. Sawyer lasted but In the same category and nine Weddings ...... 38 14 .731 contain everything, from funda­ game before tossing in the rioiisly ^ ttmes has held the New Eng­ ed the Giants their first loss, 6-5, chronic knee trouble, hit his hom­ from Baltimore. wa|ked Bob Will three-run drat agsJnat left-hander I ed Boston, 5-1, Detroit smacked mentals to finer points, complete O utings ...... 26 26 , JSOO with a walk and wind-blown dou­ er in the seventh off starter,^n in the ninth and Thomas lofted a Curt Simmons, trying for a come- Washington, 8-3. snd the New iponge. ’’ I just didn’t want to man- iV l'tnfltld^id look good land State# honor. Clambakea ...... 25 27 .481 ble in the ninth. Kline, who had blanked the Dodg­ two-out fly ball. The ball dropped back with the Phillies. A1 Dark put,! York Yankees out-slugged their with pictures, diagrams and il­ It Is planned to hold a three- Receptions ...... 23 28 A42 'away the 2,000th hit of his career: Richmond Farm club in the Inter- lustrations, are now avsllable week course at a site In town The Milwaukee Braves blew a ers on two hits for six Innings. for a doiib’le behind short and WilL through the Wheattes Sports Li­ BuffeU ...... ,.'....22 30 .423 Then Roebuck, reduced from bull- was home. Don Elston, second of wlth an infleld single for the Phils, | national I.«agiie, 15-10. ’ to be announced. Prices will Banquets ...... 22 30 .428 three-run lead and lost 5-4 in 10 brary; one-time college^ | fh“e"^uad anchor the left aide of be awarded the top ranking One Wheatles box top and a want to continue.. .Sawyer’s suc­ entrants. nominal Sum will enable one to the infield.- Bill Brown, who hit It’s no contest for first 'I>tsce In cessor, Gene Mauch, at 34, is the a nifty .358 laat Spring, guarda this women’s loim mentor, Phyllis Tupper 111, Fran Osn- als at the club, now in its second year of operation, will be Wally Cichon, pro, a Wheatles box top snd tending The third baseman played with dall. Il2-ll4r-3d6, Barbara Doyon cause he was tired of managing or because he read the hand­ Pittsburgh 13, Cincinnati 0. the right coin along for two books anywhere. preeident of the Association of above on. the left, and Bob Rogers, assistant pro. The latter was formerly assistant Philadelphia 5. Milwaukee Eau a a lr. Wia., In the Northern First base w411 ba held down American College Baseball-|116. writing on the wall? Thi,s wa.s the question inquiring re- of his or her choice. Ivcague a year ago. pro at the Westover Air Force Base under Jimmy Nichols. Cichon reports the , porters tried to get answered last night before the Philadelphia (10). by two or three players during CoBchea said today that pressure . -ccutrse i5.„jn. excellent shape, thanks to Greenskeeper Mike Ovian. Tburney Chicago 6, San Francisco ,8. • • • the coming season. When he's not Canadiens Win Fifth in Row of administrative duties as ath­ KAOET 19 PINS under-.. aoUng..Manag«4^ r.Ii(S»LAHSeWs 3; •“ pRcSihfT Ruicua wHl probrtly get letic drrectBr~ iMky f6Ver-hlm'■to • SMi«iiii|r”“ " s& u i’erwilT be mnpufitershoi^yr crsude Vatb^ iis -clab> m a« ^, W M ffl ,r Arttdjk. Gohan,; raet^thE.- AMhiWkee -- .Th^-.-.fPfyd with which Quinn “Here jirid Tfiejre" GrAduatc Class ' Kelley swimming pool director. Last night Nichols appeared as guest speaker at • the assignment. On days the 6-1, quit aa baseball coach after 26 w. u Pet. Braves at Connie Mack Stadium. brought m't®iucir’'Soi5f 1 Kn«e>r, W. L Prt, G.B, ' Recuperating from a broken leg First LittleUttle League baseballosseoaii igo-pound mound see Is pHchlng, T oronto A oril 15 (/P)'__^TheTCanadiens have won .10 straighUOne of the four g o ^ , '^ e n i you years Man, Modes ...... 64 V4 81H ,678 the club’s Sports Night at the Rockville Elks Home. The unexpected resignation of apolis indicated the G.M. had been suffered in an auto accident last graduste pUyers of a decade L ithw Bob BHnn, a tnmsfer from lo ro n to , A p n i io v ri g ^ n d they have been win 4-0 and in four games and In’that time, Christy, also for-1 pagani’s Caterers ..56 40 .588 the 49-ycar-old Sauwer and im­ Chicago ...... 2' -.667 thinking- In terms of the Amencan Ix)s Angeles .. . 2 1 .667 —- fsH is Cliff (Pop) Gleason of Ver­ will be i^dufttini: from college in or Bill Jarvia, a boy out M o n tre a l C a n ^ ie n s w ere y,* poSt-season com- after four <3up tiUes . you don’.t mer footbaU. and.. .cqaohat 40 Vi .578 mediate appointment of Gene Assn, manager ss a possible re­ non, veteran bowler and baseball June. A partial list of the yoimg- ,,,^11 handle the hailed today as the greatest petition for 10 straight years. get too excited. Storrs, ■where he arrived In IvaJ, Stevenson Ins. ....54H 41V4 .588 Mauch aa his successor landed on San Francisco . 2 1 ,667 —• Hockey Playoffs Red Book Typo Hockey Playoff# placement for Sawyer. Q u ^ says Cincinnati .... . 1 1 ..vm >4 umpire. At one time Gleason waa sters who starred 1?<0 »nd their Another first all-around team in the history There were some experts who likes (Qfdd Nombers has won 228 ball games, lost 164. Home Specialties'.-.49- 47 - JHO the Philadelphia aports scene like be had several men in mind, but .500 eonstdered ths fastest softball colleges Includes Eddie Wojcik o ' c&ndidate is oophomore Ber- Montreal Coach Toe Blake waa and tied eight. In football his 16 Jack Lappen Ins. .49 47 JIIO a bombshell. Milwaukee .... . 1 1 >4 of professional hockey follow­ predicted' the reign of the Cana­ Thursday's Resulto BoaWn OP) — In tlw American Saturday’s Sohedule Mauch was the first he asked to Philadelphia .. . 1 1 .500 >4 pitcher in the sres and was tabbed IJptre Dame. Alan Cole of R i ^ - 1^^, Lozier who stm lacks experi- asked what next after his fifth year record of 66 victories. 51 de- 'Shea’s Nutmegs ...4 1 Vi 54V4 .627 American League Final ”I Just don’t care to manage Fireball. .Lao Cyr ia Manchester’s rpond, Ronnie Simmons of Center, I ing the winning of the Stan­ diens will go on-and-on. They have Nattonal League Final Leag^ia Red Bo<4t, pilitcher Don take the job. It was Quinn inci­ Pittsburgh .... . 1 1 .500 >4 ley Cup for an unprecedented fifth been the scourge of the other five straight title? feats and four ties is tops over Moriarty Bros...... 37V4 58V4 J91 Montreal 4. Toronto 0. (Mont­ Moasi of the Detroit ’Hgers la Hat­ Rochester at Springfield. a major league club, or any club,” dentally w'ho recommended Mauch St. Louis ...... 0 8 .000 2 only representative with the Cen­ Steve Cooper of 'Vermont w d Bum Rangers are two men deep "I like odd numbers," ho re- the years. Plllaramo■ Const. ..87 59 .385 (Springfield leads best-of-seven asserted Sawyer yesterday in giv­ for hta first managerial post at tral Conne(»tleut CUillege. baseball straight year. clubs in the league for years and real wins beat-of-seven serlee, ed aa h a v ^ pttohad three bhut- Today’s Games Keeney at the all-important catching de- The power-packed Canadiens have farm , clubs that regularly pbedo "After six comes seven. Top choice to succeed (Christy is Fogarty Bros...... 35 V4 80V4 .8T0 outa for "New Tortc” In 1069. Series, 1-0). ing up one of the 16 co\'eted ma­ Atlanta seven yev» Mauch team this spring. A shortstc^. Molumphy h u partment. Jim Menditto,. another Toronto Coach Punch Itblach, Larry Pftneiera, former Rhode Is- ...... 4-0). jor league managerships. No Games Scheduled. Qyr, a Junior, Is playing hla third wrapped up the National Hockey produce youngsters of big-league reported here today. alley manager the ol the five lettermen, and the above caliber. who before the final series startsd land star, who served as head Results: Home 4, lappen 0; Phillies’ owner Bob Carpenter Saturday’s Gamea saason with the varsity.-Oiarlie League’s post-season competition coach at KilUngly - High before Modes 3, Fogarty 1; Turcotte 8, New Timing Record CtndnnaU at Pittsburgh. bowUi^ianes InH ai^ord this «a-1 Bllnn will probably last night with a 4-0 victory over This year’s championship team was willing to wager all the mon­ and General Manager John Quimi Whether Sawyer left because he (Busal Keeney, another Silk Town son.. .The proposed ,pnt the job behind the plate with ey in New York that Montreal going to UConn as Freshman Shea 1; Fillofamo 3, Moriarty 1; said they were shocked over Saw­ Cincinnati at IPttaburgh. product at Central and w-ho the Tormito Maple Leafs. is studded with youth and experi­ was fed up with the game, oy ^rnem Manchester featuring VVUt jP^ expected to see some ence. Maurico (The Rocket) Rich­ wouldn’t take four straight, gave footbaU and baseball coach In Stevenson 2Vi. Pagan! 1 Vi. yer’s decision. St. Louis St Los AngelM. itched with tha varsity two years The triumph gave the league 1950, the year Christy became di- League secretary Hank Wlttks whether he decided not to wait Chicago at San Francisco. ^ m b e rla ln -reesdsy I*. Lervlce in the outfield. champions s sweep of the two ard, 38; and defenseman Doug the Canadiens due credit, "He'd still be managing if he around to be the goat for a last- ago, has decided to concentrate on George Mitchell. e^ow M handling among "But we had two sure goals in rector of aUileUca. In 1952, joined the "elite’’ with a 541 triple wanted to,’’ Quinn said, Huaday's GamM hla studies and. has passed up playoff aeries — a feat accomplish­ Harvey, 35, are the.bid men of the place club, is known only to the the promoUon. i^ d ^ e lettermen. is CspUin Frank ed only once before. That was by team. ., the second period and we goofed Panclera waa moved up to ■varsity Which Included 192-201 games. A new low priced i Interference Denied principles in the case. But one Milwaukee at Philadelphia. playing baseball., Keeney starred booking agent upped ^*1* **^^8 chaves. Ths latter, who led Cheney This could be the Rocket's last both times. How can you win on footbaU assistant and two years Other fine scores were by Lea 'Tm ' disappointed In Elddie,” Cincinnati at Pittsbursfh (2). with the. Central basketball squad Detroit in 1952. thing seenia sure. Sawyer set some ^ prica Tech in batting last season with s Three Sbutoute- year. But he was non-cohnnital that khid of luck? The breaks later he became assistant varsity 'Urbanettt 179-105—687, Walt i commented Carpenter «dio St. Louis at Los AngeiM. last winter. .What coach boasted Stuck, fine Msnehester Hlgb swlni* j i-.miy 445 ovotosto Ir & hainds- just didn’t .come our way tonight, baseball coach. Lawrence 189, A1 Kozikowskl 181, kind of record for liming. He is the Chicago at San Francisco, En route to the .finals, the last night as the Canadiens I brought Sawyer back In mid-eea- first manager to quit after only the best won and loss record at ; „,ing star, suffered a dUIocated f Selection Yor cenlerteld clomped into their dressing room, Didn’t In the whole series for that In 25 years of baseball, Christy’s John Sanaa 177, Dick Gaskel^82, son of 1958, for his second term aa ‘T' the University of Hartford, for- knee In gym this week Ja^ Canadle.ns eliminated the Chicago team won seven out of 12 Yankee Archie D’Amato 208, John FUlo- one game. j Anerican lassgna Black Hawks four games to none shouting congratulations. matter." manager. Carpenter at that time Season Opens Monday. marly Hlliyer College, in the past Crockett, Iwal ing outfield bertha are a quintet of "We’ll wait til summer and Jean Beliveau at 29 one CJonferenc* baseball titles and ramo 190-608, Joe Childs 189, Russ 1 expressed the hope Saiayer could Sawyer, who said he had been decade? Answer is (Jeorge Mitch­ with goalie Jacques Plante turning twice took the New England Priskwaldo 191-212—540, Joe Me- considering the move for a few • Masters Golf T o u rn ^ en t Iwt g<,pi,on,orej *enlor Bill Green, in two shutouts. Last night’s shut­ see," ha said. of the great stars of the power- m bre I take the youngsters budding In ell of Manchester, now on the staff weekend in AugiwU, Ga. “ The battling sophs are Dwain Glld- Actutdly, the Oanadien's vet­ packed club, was the leading scor­ cfttamplondhlp to qualify for the Carthy 185, Mike Reardon 184. NYUM weeks, wailed to talk matters over ; out was his only one in the four the Phillies’ farm system and de- SrholaBtie Baseball at Seaithington High. so happened that Crockett was at­ den a Rockville resident, Barry erans and. youngsters alUke, took er« In the final _ game.___- He— -scored____ .College at Omaha. Jim -nerney 191. F ^ k Tnw|^ I velop them Into a pennant winner with his wife . before telling the j THE STRATEGIST—The Baltimore Oriole.-i ran out of a • tending a special school in Augusta gomes with Toronto. club of his decision. He remarked | Blckmore, Tom Mikolcit, who can Counting the last two victories the victory in stride. the first and last goals. In between The Huekles won 17 straight in 184, Aldo D’Appollonlno 18^2OT— in the same manner he did m the petrol at the half way mark laat aeaaon, but Manager Nall 5. Buckeley 2. when the Masters was played. Harvey and Henri Richard tallied. New England last year and have 521, Jim McConvllle 178, o w also to one newsmen, ’’I am 49, | • « * also play the Infield, BUI Nagy and over Toronto a year ago, the "Well,” said Harvey who scared late 19408. Paul Richards eyes the first division with an improved Windsor 5, Rockville 8. Off the Cuff Albert Dupuis, a 6-2. 201-pounder ' extended the streak to 19 by beat- D’Alessandro 181-2^5m 8 < ^ by GOOD/lTEiUI Asked point blank If Sawyer and I want to live to be 50."’ Gsorge Krause, chief lifeguard Ing Rhode Island and AIC this Yaworskl 179-205-^24, Paul Dee- Milwaukee Manager Charley j club. New London 6, Fitch 4. End of the Line who looks big enough to tear the gave up the ghost because he was at Globa HoUo-w tor years, has cover off the ball with one swipe y6or. TJiGy play Yal® at New j jeunes 500, Duke L*a|^Mn 182. being told from the front office Dreaaen, who a few years ago baan offared and haa accepted a Channel 8 will again offer full Haven/' tomorrow. created quite a stir when he won of his bst. Wealherwise Derby whxwn to play. Quinn said, ’’I Uka post at the Glen Haven Boys weekend —Saturday and Sunday— Seek More Pitching HOMEMAKERS HOLIDAT the people who know never told a manager whom to a pennant with the Dodgers and Day Camp, operated by George coverage of New York ' Yankee then left when he couldn't get When Rukus is pitching, D’An- \£](Hatun€U play, and I never wHl. Mitchell and Art Quimby at Sper­ home baseball games starting with gona feels he has a chance against Hopeful After Win I UConn Nine Wins I Jm Pet.. "Sawryer had a free hand on the more than a one year contract, ry'a. .RoolovlUe High and EUling- the Saturday, April 23 -game I . _ I Hipsters ...... -....27 *■17 '614 made a rather wry observation; No Windup Pitch Said Harmful any team on the schedule. The field. Certainly we discussed the ton High, natural ^>orta rivals, against Baltimore. Forty seven lanky southpaw was unbeaten last N ew York, April 15 (P) — the most about merits of playens, their condition, "I’d never quit under those clr- | will start a home and home bas­ contests are listed from the House Weatherwlse, lightly campaigned Home Opener, 2-1 I Merry cumstancea (the Iffiillles). I don’t | spring notching five of his team’s No. 1— The Basic# ' " .477 etc., but I never interfered wdth ketball seriea next eeaaon, John that Ruth Built, Including the first seven ■victories without suffering Sail before going into 18, Hartford Tech, away; 20, Ly­ both sides of hia family. already put much more simply and Batting — GU Hodges, Dodgers, * . his full windup. ! emphatically. , T7 , The follawini: year Laraen com- man Memorial, home; 25, Elling­ j drove In tying run with ono-ont ton, borne; 27, Rocky Hill, away; Let the theorist thrqw Uie fun-_ I triplet -bis -eocond—hit,—and- -then__ Atlantic C ity^N. J , April 15 piiiwi a 1(^.4 ^-ecord wuth the New ' innis Team Tlafesntai eat of TiH^wlng. T fell Scored on a wild pitch In two-run (/P)—Alex Mltefl. the No, 8 h e a l^ York Yankees but epm^etetf only 31. "Eninglbn,“"S«'ay."' - ~ I June 3, Hartford Tech, home. AmericauXea^e you to take the same basic to the Black Night ninth inning that beat Cardinals, weight contender, faces unranked 4 of. 20 starts with his "new May Include 15-Year-Old G irl practice tee or the course and 8- 2. Don Warner of Philadelphia to­ found” no windup,motion. Spring Sfandingg work on it, • RODS Reg. $15.95 ^ . 9 5 Pitching — Vern Law, Pirates, night in a 10-round match at Con­ Yankee teammate Bob Turley Remember that the fundamen­ copied the idea and had a 13-6 sea­ Rockville Dowiied tals are so few. really, and so ut­ scattered seven hits, struck out vention Hal!. Miteff. a aturdy Orasnwieta, April 16 O^^^Teimia.bruIes to bar a girl from'playing on AMERICAN LEAGUE I two and. didn’t walk a man for Argentine la aubstltuting for Ed- son and fo)lowing that up with S' terly demand.ng, there isn’t much anyona? a varsity team. By Windsor, 5-3 StsndlngB to talk about, or much else you From * 18-0 victory over Reds, die Machen who withdrew because 1 great 21-7 record in 1958. J ^ t * Boys beUig boys, the newest Marianne ia ranked third in . ' W. L. • REELS 1.80 of his mother’s Illness. "eason Turley bad an 8-11 record ; aingleS in the Eastern Interecho- can afford time for. while completing only 7 of 22 member o f. the G r e e n w 1 c h Rockville—still looking for their Chicago ...... 16 13 To illustrate just how simple The'scrap gets the usual Friday High School varsity teiinla team lastic competitlbn, and first with Baltimore ...... 16 13 College Baseball stars. Nadine Netter of Scarsdale, N.Y., fiint win of the baseball season is golf Is, I'll take you hack to my night network (NBtp) radio and Now,, three years and.s winter ahmildn't have any trouble getting Coach Ronnie Koxuch’s Rockville Boston ...... 16 14 days as a caddy.- In those days as Pr6m ^ l e O O televislbri treatirient. starting at takeiY to this traditional invita­ in the doubles'. . ' In these, there werp the - usual Nothing fancy, about swing • LINES Waterbury UConn 6, Qulnniplac later even the major leaguers who Hela are some of her other tiUes: High Rams. The Windy City nine Cleveland : ...... 14 16 * 10 p.m (ESTl.The referee will be Tet position tion. . lost its second game of the caib- Kansas City ...... 14 16 awkward experiments. Then I 3. ^ Rba' is Marianne Tiindquiit, a She won the.Eastern Interecho- turned professional and went to (Connecticut 2,,AIC 1. the only official. are getting ready to discatd the. lastic -singles for girls under 15. palgn - and the week - yesterday Washington a a S • • 4 undersetand eacH„,and Its re-1 Despite his solid ranking, Miteff LArsenjipitch. Larsen, incidentally,, pretty 15-year-old sophomore and Detroit .... work, for Jack Burke Sr., at the , BOB TURLEY DON LARSEN tha first ^ rl to win a berth on a the Maine St^te doubles and in its home opener to Windsor, 5- River Oaks, (Country Club of Hous­ lationship .to the • other. If . you • NETS FtomH.OO had some tpoublea'in 1959 when he has completed'only 12 of 57 starts | singles, the New Jersey State 15- 3. The winners got two-hit pitch­ New .York . lived 100 years nothing you could lost three of six. In hia last two since he retired 27 straight Brook­ Greenwich High varsity squad. ton. Wheii I had a few minutes, Marianne ■ has been tentatively year-and-under doubles competi­ ing from Bni Twarklns, who also and he had, too, he’d help mei ap- do regarding the study of the starts last year he was stopped by lyn Dodgers, Oct. 8, 1956. tion on the mound. He couldn’t do tion, the Fairfield County Singles registered 17 strikeouts. It was a TlHirsday’s Results swing would take you' beyond | Billy Hunter and lost a decision ranked -third on thq team until . Baltimore 3, Kansas City 0. preoiaJe fundamentals. Using his pet pitch, Larsen fail­ ; i a thing right. playoffs are held after the Spring Open, the New England Grass Valley ^ Conference game at Those mosUy spontaneous get- basics. - Lures Of All Kinds to the same man. However, he hM ed as a front liner and has yet to The Record Court for girls' under 15, and the Henry Park. Cleveland 5, Boston 1. 't After you master the basics, you I won two fights-this year, both by Then, with leas than three vacation to determine the number Detroit 8, Washington 3. togethers constitute my .entire for­ pitch more than 140 Innings a i weeks of spring training left,. Tur- Orange Bowl (Florida) doubles Dave dander' worked the first will go as far In golf as desire wlU knockouts for a 21-5-1 lifetime 'This is how Don Larven and one team pla'Ver. But she may go New York 15, Richmond (11) mal education in the proper way to season. That is why the Yankees I ley went back to his full windup. even higher if hfr

'■ .'1 ‘ - ■ ■ • ’ ' i i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1960 PAGE NINETEEN lilANdHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1960 Houses for Sale 72 Housea for Side ,72 Houses for Sals 72 Houses for Sals . 72 BY PAGALY and SHORTBIN He^ Wmnted--Feiaale 8S Hs^ Wn^tsd-'llals Artieltti For Salt 45 ' Hoosshold Goods 51 Aparthi6nt»>-i'lat«— Houses for Sale 72 THERE OUGHTA BE .A LAW BOLTON— Oractou* custom built SIX ROOM Cape, park like setting, AtttomobUc LICBNSBD Accident and Health Ttnemsnta 63 TWO 6 ROOM capes available. Ex­ iT-rtOinCNTRY — Minimum down MANCHESTER Beautiful finished 8 lOUBEKEBPBR, Uva-ln. Manage l o a m —HAND—Stone — Gravel -r GRAY LAWSON love seat, foam t^HA. New 51,^ room ranch, built-in room cape with foundation 24x88, 6>i room home, baths, recrea­ hot water oil heat, close Center* CHRTBLBR IMIS Windsor, 4-door ’Amall home for couple. Refer- aalesman:-. Are you dIaaaMafltd cushions $40, gray and rose club cellent condition. Good financing. excellent neighborhood. Owner FtU tnd Amesltc. For prompt de- FOUR ROOMS, third floor, quiet 812,000. J. D. Realty, 470 Main St., G.E. BtoVa and oven, paneled fire­ spacious rooms, IH ceramic tile tion room, triple garage, 3*^ ■odan, radio, hoator, nutomntlc sneak. MI 8-7988. with your praasnt attuafion? Are ' livery call MI 8-6608, wUter P, chair 820, blue chair $10, ■ round location. Call MI, 9-2416 after 8 acres, landaca^d. Carlton W. must sell Immediately, 814,500. IRtHTSSnOMS^ you getting enough qualified MI 8-5129. place 'Wall basement garage, one baths, a "dreamed of" kitchen, drive, food condition. Ml M377. You PNB THAT mSMT Miller, Trucking. pine coffee table with lazy susan p.m. acrw'lot. Immediate occupancy. fireplace, ftiil cellar, breereway, Hutchins, MI 9-0132. Goodchlld-Bartlett Realty Com­ CLASSIFIED OrUFS SPACE SALESLADIES IsadaT If not, thia may ba the op­ $8. Cali MI 8-1733. pany, Realtors, BU 9-()080, . MI portunity you have been lo o U ^ UNFURNISHED three room apart­ $12,600—SIX room cape, full base­ 8 lA ^ . , R. F. Dimock Co. Ml ^ ra ge, amesite drive, all utiUtlea. A minimum ri ^.ooo yearly c e d a r CLOTHES tin* poles In- ment, combtnati windows and over 76 other listlnge available. FLORENCE ST.—7 room home, en­ 3-7925. Ante Accf«8orie»->T{re8 6 for. We run a qualified lead pro­ tsUed Wid reset. Decorative fire­ ment. Heat, gas, electricity and M245 or Barbara Woods, Ml 1 (commission, bonus, and company doora, amesite drive, shade trees, 2-7702. The Elsie Meyer Agency, Realtors, closed porch, aluminum storms, benefiU) can be earned by tales- gram which to aecond to non#. place wood. Also kitchen table, COLDSPOT refrigerator. 828..<3all refrigerator furnished, $77 a SIX ROOM overalMd cape, full advertising Our man are preaantly earning In 30 days occupancy. Marlon MI 0-5524, MI 3-6030.» garage, amesite drive, immediate MI 9-5068. month, third floor. Porter St. area. shed dortner, ceramic tile bath, SPECIAL PURCHASE I ladles, raprssentlng t ^ Merit to 9-1388. ______. Roberaon, Broker, MI 8-5963. m —MANCHESTER—New 8 room occupancy. Asking $12,500. ...Call I Ol the targ- exoaaa of $300 par waek. It you are Call m 8-6940. ranch. IVi baths, built-in oven and 86 FOOT RANCH. 4 large bed­ fully plastered, large kitchen with Amana Food Plan, one < h Sm E a n d -garden tool and HEAVY OAK dining room table Paul J. Correntl. Ml 3-6363,' Goodyear. Goodrich. Fireatone. I eet and oldest companies of iU kind a good Gloaar, it wlU pay you to SPLIT LEVEL — Manches' . range, fireplace, oversized garage. rooms. (irep "ice. garage. 2 wooded adjoining utility room, half acre CLASSIFIED ADVBBTISMENT DEPT. HOURS contact ua. Cau MI 8-3nt batween eqttipment rentals. Lawn and gar­ (will extend t o -14 ft.), antique THREE ROOM apartment. Woman U.8, Generali. Factory blenilabea. with.officsB throughout CWmecUcut 30x48. All plastered, 8 c lo s ^ , oak Over an acre oudolr NEW 6 ROOM ranch, built-in stove, COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CL^^NMED AD^^. chester office. For further Informa­ food wages. Ap r at Maneheator THREE R00M;S, all utiUties fur- tile baths Andersori/ windows. 9-7702. knotty pine laundry room, GARDNER STREET—Immaculate HALF PRICE tion and Interview call Mr. Smith and weekends. lamps, other articles. Reasonable fireplace, garage, cellar, 175 foot MOMDAX B ob FBIDAX 10:M AAL—SATDBDAX t AAI. Ihcchanfe and Tax Dry Cleaners, 9: Nena St. prices. MI 9-7388. niahed, stove included; also park­ 3-car garage, 2 separate cellar baths,’ bullt-lna, wall to wall car­ 4 year old 5t4 room ranch with I at MI 8-CW82. levels, solid ceday shingles, 8^” rV-WETHERELL Street—New 6 frontage, trees. Onlv $15,900. Carl­ peting, garage, combination win­ POWER LAWN MOWERS—Jacob­ ing apace. Call after I. MI 8-6286. ton W. Hutchins. MI 9-6132. enclosed sunporch and many LIVING ROOM suite. In good con­ on butt. All w l ^ lath ceilings, room cape, $15,900. Fully plastered dow* and doors, ameWle drive, COLE'S DISCOUNT [WANTED AT The Mansfield State PRODUCE CL^RK sen, Bffieito, Toro and A|1ens. Self- walls, ceramic tile bath; custom extras. In fine suburban area. PLEASE READ YOUR AD propelled, push or riding. 18 to 80 dition, $35; headboard for double A Opporttunltiea for advancement good condition. Reason for selling St.. MI/2-5129: 9-7702. large, full basement, hot water £ 2 ^ STiw^dwSwm eot Md thoo only to tho oitwit of n t»UMUt$,enUf (Connecticut registration required. ment. Vacations, hriidays, and In­ and power lawn mowers. Ml garage, IH baths, enclosed shower. surance benefits. Please apply In S-T988. CapUb] Equipment Co., 88 —need larger size. MI 8-7891. V—MANCHESTER—New 8H room High elevation with beautlfiil view oil heat, fireplace, full insulation Custom built—5 room ranch, **tnak» rood** ln«ertloit * which do not lej*eo ? PREPARE FOR drlver’a teat: Complete maintenance available Business Locations P O R ^ R STREET—Colonial Cape tile bath with vanity, combination A f ea 16 to 60. Driving and claaa person to Main St. ranch. buUt-ln G.E. oven and The Ijest of everything has gone attached garage,, living room with ^ ^ ^ rS £ e lll nt win « » t «to e®™**** hMortloB. at nominal cost. Come in for ap -r- 64 In,one of Manchester’s finest resi- into this'house. windows and doors, garage 2 5 9 room. Three inatruotora. No wait­ Interview or write for an applica­ for Rent Mntial areas that features a large range, fireplace 8 bedrooms, near fireplace, dining room, spacious FOOD KING SEE THE 1960 Wheel Horse riding Musical Instmnients 53 bus, school. Pri,..:d to sell at outside fireplace, shade trees, ing. Mancheater Driving Acade­ tion blank. tractor, A-P- Equipment, 946 Cen­ MAIN STREET—Building (or com /living room, family sjze kitchen, nicely landscaped, city water and bedrooms, finished rec room, plus my. P. 3-7249. Hartford Road and Pine St. SEE THE new Kinsman spinet ' formal dining room, foyer, two 815,600. Call Richard F, Dimock .1. D. REALTY TOUR OOOPERAPON WILL Q jr | | 3-2711 I EXPERIENCED reliable woman Mancbeater ■ ter St., MI 9-3082. Open eveqings. merclal business or office use. Co., Ml 9-5245 or Barbara Woods. sewer. 30 day* occupancy. Owner many extras and fine features. b k appreciated organ, two keyboards with Mreus- Will subdivide Ml 9-5229. 9'6. / king-sized bedrooms, screened 470 Main St. M l 8-6129 moving. LARSON’S, CciuMCtlcut’s first U- (or housework two days a week. KfCELLENT TOP soli, 814 per sion, $995. Dubaldo Music Center, porch and attached garage. Situ­ MI 9-7702. Must be seen. Call— censed drivta^ school .trained — Call Ml 9-9628 after 7 p.m. EXPERIENCED parachute worker in experimental department (or 6 yard load, in Manchester area. 186 W. Middle Tpke. MI 9-8205. LARGE STORE at 26 ated on a lovely landscaped lot one VI-MANCHESTER, Spring St.— TWO FAMIL’?^, 7-7. Oil steam heat, Certified and i^iproved is now of­ TR 6-8083 after 8 p.m. Apply Marlow’s, 867 block to all conveniences. A value EXECUTIVE 'TYPE, Automobiles for Sale fering classroom amt behind WOULD YOU like to be a model packing and drop testing. Apply Wh y b u y used 'Spinets — Check Drastically reduced large *lx room city sewerage and water. 3-car PAUL J. GORRENTI Lost and Found in person to Personnel Depart­ Near Main St. Parking. for only $19,800. McCarthy EntSr- garage, amesite drive, g o ^ con whed InstrucUon fOr teeuagera. for hair coloring and represent a DELCO CONDITIONED forced air new Spinet prices at Ray Beller’s prises. Realtors, MI 9-4578, > MI ranch, attached garage, beautiful SIX room ranch with baths, I960 PLYMOUTH. 3-door 6 cylta' Ml 94078. ^ nationally known firm In a style ment, Pioneer Parachute Com­ Music Shop, 1013 Main Street. TWO STORES (Or rent ,^2-84 Osk ly finished recreation room, one dltion. One tenement now vacant. MI 3-5363 der $20. 1988 CSievrolet clean, heating unit and oil tank, raps- 3-6472. fully plastered, completely air con I/JST — Lady'a Hamilton wrtat show to be held in Hartford? If pany, 168 Forest Street, Manches­ ble of neating 8 room house. Used Tremendous cash discounts. Street, heat .fur^lshya. Call Ml half acre of land, fireplace, 4’ 4% powerglide $800. 1986 Chevrolet MORTLOCK’S Manchester’s lead interested, idesse call MI 6-9474 ter, Conn. G.I. mortgage may be assumed ditloned, aluminum awnings and WELLS ROAD, VERNON—5 room TWO FAMILY—6-5 on ainton 8 t. watch. Reward. Call Ml 9-7981, very little. Call MI 3-2421.______9-1890. MANCHESTER — All thia for in excellent condition. Three-car W-6 standard shift, $680. 1987 Ford ing driving 'school. Three akiUed for an Interview April 14 between USED INSTRUMENTS—drum, $15: $22,500. Five room ranch, two Selling (or only $18,900. Call the combination windows, beautiful lO' ranch, full basement, tile bath 800 4-door, $980. Westcott’s on courteous mstructors. Class room MAN TO LEARN earpri laylnf trumpet, $45; flute. $45; clarinet, R. F, Dimock Co.. MI 9-.1245 or 'Tbmblnation windows and doors garage. For further Information Household Services Roofing—Siding 16 Painting—Papering 21 6-9 or April 16 from 9:80 to 8. ATTENTION fishermen — night years old. Many extras. Large cation, acre lot. Nicely landscaped call Philbrick Agency. MI 9-8484. h nnwancemonta_____ 2 Parker St. Inatructioiis for 16, 17 year olds. trade. Apply Watkins Bros., 9M crawlers, 20c a dozen at 59 Spruce $69. Largest selection of sheet Honsfy^or Rent 65 kitchen with corner china closet. Barbara Woods. MI 9-7702. v excellent condition throughout, DROP (XOTHS washed and TYPiBT-CIERK poeltlor avallaWe, Main St., Manebsster." ^ In the low 30s. Has to be seen to be Telephone Mr. Mortlock, Dirertor Offered 13-A COUGHLIN ROOFING Company, St. music in Eastern Connecticut. 3 large bedrooms. I ’i baths, stall half acre land. Priced (or quick 6 ROOM RANCTH In Vernon. O ver f e d e r a l in c o m e taxea pre­ of Driver Education. -MI 9-7898. local insurance office. Hours 8:18- Vn-MANCHESTER-New listing appreciated. sale. Id E CORMIER MOTORS, Inc. Aluminum aiding, asphalt, dried. Same day service. Lpekyj AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC — Ex­ Ward MOsic Stores, 99 Summer FOR RENT Jn Coventry — Four shower, atpirway to attic storage. 1.600 square feet on one floor. Liv­ pared with y «ir » v l ^ to f l a t f in is h llriland window Lady Laundry, 43 Purnell Place. 4:18j five days weekly. Ehccellent w e s t e r n s t o c k saddle, bridles, St. Open till 9 p.m. Tuesday room bouse, hot water heat, one —6 room Colonial, 1% baths, fire asbestos roofing. Also aluminum, perienced all arotind mechanic. Book cased knotty pine wall In ing room 20x30 feet. Three huge Reaaonable ratiel. Call 9P 9-6240. SAYS, ataades made to measure. All galvanized or copper gutters and working conditions, attractive Navajo saddle blanket, woodwork­ through Friday* Saturday till 5. year’ s lease, lake privilege*. 888 place, city utilities, near school J. D. REALTY MANCHESTER— Split level Six Garage—Serrlee-^torage.lO metal veneUan blinds at a new Excellent working conditions with living room. I*arge recreation bedrooms, 1*4, bath*, modem leaders. Ml S-7707. EXTERIOR and interior painting. | starting salary. Please call MI ing lathe, saw, drill press, sander a month. Call. MI 8-5675 after 5 room with extra large fireplace bus and shopping, large lot, selling 470 MAIN 8T. . MI 8-5129 rooms, 1*^ baths, fireplace, ga low price. Keys made while you Ceilings rsfinlsbed. Papernai many fringe benefits. Apply In for $18,500. Call the R. F. Dlmock kitchen, t'wo-car garage, large lot. INCOME TAX r e ^ P” **"**,^ SBE^TO ^Sran^l^- 8-1124 for appointment for Inter­ and grinder, antique pistols, riflA p.m. \ In basement, plus finished den or rage, laundry roorn amesite $26,900. Philbrick Agency, Ml . former Internal .Revenue ,ag«t jn| MOOT, S^^U R S P ^G BP^ wait. Marlow’s. . Wallpaper books. Estimates l person to Service Manager, Wearing Apparel—Furs 57 Co,, Ml 9-6245, or Barbara Wood* Cm- RAY’S ROOFING CO., shingle and view. Evening Interviews by ap­ washing machine motor. MI office. Laundry in basement-. Com­ PORTER STREET— Garrison C3o drive, hot water oil heat, large 9-8464. your home or by appointmroL | BANK GARAGE FOR RENT. ■'89/ built-in roofs, gutter and conduc­ EVUy covered by Insurance. Callj pointment. Bourne Buick, 388 Main St., Man­ •-0882. COVENTRY—4 robins, newly re MI 9-7702. \ lonisl, 6 rooms and sunporch. IH lot. Owner transferred. Priced at MI COURSE." ter «* Ml 9-7177. / HAROLD A SONS, Rubbish remov­ BOY’S SIZE 15-16 clothing. Excel­ plete with coinbination window* Also small business services. tor work; roof, chimney repairs. Edward R. Price. Ml 9-lOOs. chester. decorated, completely furnished baths, large kitchen with pantry, only 819.500. Excellent condition MANI^HESTEH — Four bedroom al, ceUars and attics cleaned. WANTED—Hairdresser, good pay, EMPTY BURLAP potato bags, lent condition. Outgrown. Includes and doors. Also large bam and 3Vi V m —SANTINA Drive — Cuatom 9-8988. Ray Hagenow, MI 9-2214; Ray lake privilege*. IdesKfor newly acre* of land. Wonderful setting enclosed backyard with stone fire garrison colonial, aluminum sid­ 1958 Mercury 4 Door Sedan AsMhs, papers all rubbish. Harold EXTERIOR AND interior painting. pleasant conditions and' surround SERVICE STA’nO N part-time, ex­ slightly used. Ml 4-0304, Rockville- one gray pin stripe suit. MI 9-6115. weds or couple with smsll child built L shape 514 rMm ranch, Im SEVEN ROOM bungalow — tile PHILCO-BENDIX 16 lb. wash, 3Sc; An immaculate car, radio, heat- Business Seirlc^.Offered 13 Jackson. MI 3-8325. perienced. MI 9-8198 before 4:85 for a family wlth„chlldren. Good fi­ place, near school. Owner MI ing, fireplace, I’ i baths, lireeze- Hoar. MI 0-40^4. Now Is the time to plan your b i^ . Call MI 8-0109. South Windsor line. PriceiPto rent. Chll MI 4-1205. maculate condition^, fireplace, 9-0476. bath, glassed in porch, 3-car ga­ dry, 10c. Lucky Lady Lauder- [ er, and overdrive. Just traded 'on p.m. nancing. All this for only $22,500. way, 2-car garage, centrally lo­ CONNIE’S TV ah^ Radio Service, CONNECTICUT Valley (^nctruc- spring and summer painting. Rea­ combination alumlnum\doora and rage, city utilities, near bils and center. 9 Maple St., a o ^ from I the Fabulous New Rambler TV SERVICE — Potterton’s aU sonable prices with estimstea FKNCTE FOR children’s play yard. BOY’S SPRING coat and cap, aize (X)VENTOY —5 room aparhpAit Tongrfcn. Broker, MI 3-6321. Call windows beautiful location, large cated. Carlton W.- HutchinS/ MI available all hours. Satisfaction tlon—Roofing carpentry, gutters, CLERK BOLTON—Four room ranch with school. Priced at $15,800, 6-5132. First National Store. Open 24 Only $395 Down makes. Highest quaUty guaranteed cheerfully given. E\Uly Insured, DRIVER FOR established reute. 100 feet of 4 foot fence. .'M (eet of 5, like new. Call MI 3-4246. size single house in town, cl any time, wooded lot. Price $18,600, nR. F i guaranteed. A U MI 9-1816. all kinds of siding, specialize In Aj^Iy ip. person at Manchester ______i ------2- car garage, ecre of land. 811,900. hours. work and parts, over 47 years ex­ aluminum siding. Call Fred guaranteed workmanship, Thomas Interesting position for woman 3 foot fence. 14 8-foot cedar npsts, pletely furnished, including . Dimock Go., Ml 9-5245 or Ba^ara J. D. Realty, 470 Main St., MI perience. Famous for serrice since Dry Cleaners, 9$ Wells St. one cedar gate. 125, MT 9-3022. 262 PARKER STREET—Six room 1957 Ford 2 Door Fairlane COSMA APPLIANCE SERVICE Charest, Ml 3-7180: Harrison, MI 9-2497. with aptitude for figure work. Wanted—To^Buy 58 conditioner and all facilities. \Colohial (three bedroom*) fire Woods, MI 9-7702. '\ 3- 5129. CHARLES LESPERANCE Fully...equipped tacludliig_full RepalrauSU. .jnaka.. ratcigenton, 1981. Phone Ml 9-4887 for beat Large yard, garden, near lake Lots tor Sate 73 P ew onalT " -service:------^------— -COMPTOMETER HOLLYWOOOD b e d and head- , .nHniie ^ a ce. garage, top condition, floors I X - WBTHERELL Street - New I power. Low mUeage...... freezers, washing machines, dry- and stores. .fcall .PI 2-6649. tefiniished. 110 ft frontage; Large 1^0 FAMILY frame — oil heat, m 9.7620.—. - Help Wanted^ board. 615; maplelamp stand. S^ rpan ranch'. 815,990.dWeraKe'd’ (Hosed- in' sunporch, garage. In- Only $395 DoWn era, ranges, oil and gas buihera, A ll- MAKES of TV, radio and Roofing and Chimneys 16-A Conrses and Classes 27 OPERATOR cocktail table, *5: girl’* navy furniture, cHlha. irra«r tree'a. Price $15,200, Approximate­ THREE' B Z(JHE Ibu with city VACUUM-CLEANERS repaired in Male or Female 37 28x40. Fully plastered. IM baths, c o h » ^ one apartment $78, 83.300 water. Union St. Mancheeteri my own home shop. Forty years T" 9-0888. All work guaranteed. home electronic equipment ex­ *pring coat. *ize 12-14. almoat new, allver, picture frames and old ly $2,000 cash needed. Henry Es (ireplac'e. custom built kitchen, BOLTON AREA ROOFXNG — Specializing repairing ELECTRONICS offers well-paying Opening for skilled comptometer coins, old dolls and guns, hobby Apartment Buildings dowo. Schwartz Real Estate, MLiS $2,500 each. Ml 9-6495. facfjry experience. All makes, 1957 Rambler 4 Door Station pertly repaired with a 90-day positions to technicians and serv- WANTED—Sales promotional per­ -110; drapes, men's golf clubs. Call cott A^ncy, Owner. MI 9-7683/ large bedrooms. Minimum down FLOOR SANDING and reflnlshlng. roofs of aU kinds. New roofs gut­ . .operator doing interesting work, collection*, attic'Contents or whole for Sale 69 R e a lty MI 3-8454. AD 6-1241. $10,700—Andover Lake. 8 room lor/ rates, free estimates, free Wagon SpeclsUzlng in old floors. Ml guarantee. Call Mr. Britney at the ter work, chimneys cleaned re­ cemen. "Learn-by-dctiig’ — train company offers good wagss. excel sonnel. This podtion Involves MI 9-5100. FHA. R. F. Dlmock Co., Ml pickup and' delivery. Mr. Miller, Manchester TV. Ml 9-1046. estates. Furniture Repair Service. — 6 room Cape on $13.900—6 >pom cape, aluminum cape. Reduced for quick One owner. FHilly equipped in­ 9-5780, paired. Aluminum aiding. $0 now at Connecticut’s Oldest Elec- benefit program, modem at- making appointments for our rep­ TalcottvUle, Conn.. Tel. Ml 3-7449. 126-128 LYNESS STREET— Brand 9-5245 or Barbara Woods. MI FOUR BUILDING lota. For Infor­ resentatives. We are a laras weU NTPSIC PEAT HI.'MUS for top large lot WHh detached garage 9-7702, siding, (ireptece, hot water heatj sale. JA 8-8409. cluding full power and air condl- DICK’S WEATHEMTRIP Com­ years’ experience. Free esti­ ironic SchMi. Day and evening | new 4ti^room apartments with beautiful \ie^ many fruit trees, mation cal] MI 3-8163. CHAIN SAW work — Trees cut, mates. CaU Howley, MI 3-8361, MI classes. Evenln class starts known company. 81.28 per'nour to dressing your lawn. Improving MONEY FROM your spring clean­ dormers, gar^e,. trees, bu*. 4'/4% pany doors and windows, custom vour garden and *hnib)>ery plant­ year leases, moderate down pay city facilities, lUuminum stornfis X—BOLTON—4 room ranch, en­ $10,700—Coventry Lake. Large , 4 ELECTROLUX (R) Special Onlv M9K Down Reasonable rates. Call PI 2-7888 8-0763. April 4. Limited enrollment—free | Apply start. Full or part-time positions ing! Anything old In china, metal, ment. assumable mortgage. J. D. mortgage. Carlton W. Hutchins, TWO A-ZONE lots with city water World’s lightest weight heavy du^ U nly $396 D ow n work guaranteed. Call coUect Wil- ing. ’This wonderfil! natural soil and screens. $12,900. Louis Gold closed breezeway with jalousie room ranch. Steam heat, T.id sewer. Madeline Smith, Real­ between 1:80-4:80 or any time placement service—extended tui­ available. Applicant must be over wood, paper, jewelrv, etc. Replies Realty. 470 Main St., MI 8-5129. faro. Realtor. TR 5^095 M’ 9-5132. \ porch, garage, double lot. vacuum cleaner complete lACfT 1 TlAAr SftHftn Umantio HA 8-1196. First National Stores, Inc. 21 years of age. 'Experlenco h e ^ conditioner makes everj-thing windows, garage, awnings, com­ tor. M 9-1642. Saturday or Sunday. tion plan. Free catalog. New Eng­ Park and Oakland Ave. confidential. Articles will be sold ca n Electrolux. MI 8-6308 after *1 Heating and Plumbing 17 land Technical Institute, 56 Union fu) but no necessary as we wilt grow better. Our direct truck put of town. Tel. MI 9-1806. MAN(THESTER-81,40cationL^OpeB^10-8.datty^ =--$30;00O^r,^hUbriclk;^:WlgeBcw;:^'8& =m«ltately7=e=room= =eapef ■ 5-finished^ __ jCharmtng 5 room ranch A fine engine, with overdrive. and saws precision sharpened, and Saturday mornings. East Center Street—Desir­ 9-8464. rooms, full shed dormer, full base­ fireplace, ' ixillt-ins,' stain­ LAWltENCET T IS N T T --^ mbUsTRIAL LAND in Mancheater 1989 NASH Rambler, custom, 4- motors serviced. Empson H. bination windows and rm:cly less steel sink, ' complete Full price Only $195 able location. 6-room Colo­ . FTpwer*—Nursery Stock 50-B Apartmentti—Plats— ment. 2 fireplaces, ti)e bath, shrubbed lot. Only $14.20(r' ^ or East Hartford wanted. MI , door, standard. 6 cylinder, very Aborn, Maple St.. EUlngton. TR Roofing—Siding 16 nial. Suitable for rasidentlal COMFORT COUNTS breezeway, garage, amesite drive, ceramic bath,, combination Erokers ^11 3-2766 9-9468. Tenements 63 (h) Six room Colonial, e.xceltontty windows, fii acre lot. A nice dean, 81880. MI 9-0911. 1952 Rambler Station Wagon 8-7166. and business occupancy. DIG TOUR White Pine 50c up: combination windows and doors, maintained by original ROOFING, SIDING, painting. Car balsam, hemlocks, $l up. Week­ Lovely colonial with many plus home throughout. iVul P. Fiano ■MI 3-04581 1984 FORD VICTORIA, good condi­ A low dollar special. ’THREE OR FOUR room apart- large lot. Quick occupancy. enclosed porch, I’ -^ a lh s. at­ pentry. Alterations and additions. LOAM ends only. William Schmidt, For­ menta Including heat, hot water, features on Alexander Street. Six tion, radio heater, overdrive. Call Full price Only $195 Household Services Oillnra. .Workmanship guaran- STANLEarBRAY rooms, 2 lavatories and a full bath. tached garage, gjTfl beautifully $15,500 Bolton — 5 room ranch. like est Lane, East Glastonbury. gas (or cooking, electric refrigera­ CHARLES LESPERANCE hedged lot, We.'POO INVITATION MI 8-6000 after 7 p.m. Offered 13-A teed/A. A. Dion, Inc.. 299 Autumn MI 8-6278—R'EALTOR Beautiful rec room. Attached ga­ new inside and out, com­ 1955 Chevrolet 4 Door Sedan f OR Sale tor and gas atove. C811 Ml 9-773? MI 9-7620 (I) Price reduced to $19,900. 5'4 bination windows, fireplace, St MI 3-4860. from 5-7 p.ni. rage, 2 fireplaces. Carpeting, com­ INVITATION 1987 CHEVROLET 4^oor station Fully equipped. Very clean ■ WEAVING of Burns moth holes WILLIAM F. STEELE Household Goods 51 bination windows. Priced under room , (Tambolatti ranch In basement garage, high ele­ T O BIDDERS wagon V8 with powerglide, radio, ' Only $245 Down and torn clothing, hosiery runs, and SON $22,000 for quick sale. J JOIN THE spotless condition, Two fire- vation, wooded lot, near heater, power steering.'Priced at FOR RENT—Why look hirther? places, pine paneled recreation 1 Sealed proposals fpr Extra­ hr-dbaga repaired, zipper re­ We have new 8(4. room, heated -Mandhester line. T(T«IDDERS ordinary ' Repairs and Alterations. $1450 at Brunner’s In TalcottvUle, placement, umbrellas repaired Ml 9-7842 FOR SALE-Urad furniture. Tel THE JARVIS REALTY CO. ' EASTER PARADE room, attached garage, 'beau­ DE CORMIER MOTORS apartments in residential area of $18,900 Mancheater — Cusloip built 1. Sealed proposals for Extra­ to Barnard Junior High School, across from Vittner's Gardens. men’s shirt '•liar# reversed and BEST OFFER 3-7449. Realtor Insuror tifully landscaped lot. ordinary Repaira and Alterations 24 MAPLE iS’f., MANCHESTER Rockville Just 15 minute* from AT (j) Manchester—Six roqpi execu­ 6 room colonial ranch, com­ 1161 Main Street, for the Town of 1960 CHEVROLET Corvalr deluxe replaced, Marlow’* Little Mend « GETS OWNER MUST SELL Hartford by Wilbur Cross High­ 283 E. Center St. MI 3-4112 to Eight (8) tS(lder Elementary Manchester. Connecticut, In ac- Ing Shop!' RUGS NEVER used. 9x12, $30; MI 3-7847 *sr P,I 2-8311 WOODHILL HEIGHTS tive ranch in one of Manches-. plete built-ins. two fire­ 700 4-door sedan with back-up 1955 BUICK Roadmaater to settle 9x15, 835: also larger'ahd smaller way. Kitchen appliance* furnished. ten’s most desired nelghbnf- places, all ’ large tooma. Schools for the Tow’n of Manches-1 cordance with plans and speclflca- MI 9-4824, TR ter. Connecticut, accordance U|^ts, custom radio, automatic estate, power steering, power IMMEDIATELY sizes. ■ G.E. vacuum, $20. B y MANCHESTER—8 roonq Colonial For the finest in quality homes hoods. Three bedrooms, 1'4 Shown by - appointment tions prepared by Arnold Law­ drive, heater and defroster. It brakes, excellent condition, sacri­ 1951 CHEYROin ■ 9-6955. at a price you can attord, see the only. with plans and sped ^tcations pre- rence, Architect, and Jerorne F. BOLTON NOTCH ARCA ,ENTAL agency— We with buUt-ln oven and range, dish­ baths, lot professionally land­ Jerome F. c ^ over $2600 new and It’s just fice. Phone PI 2-8080. 10 minutes to Manchester. Ex­ washer, IH baths, ceramic tile, 6 room rancher, on Woodhill Road scaped. pared by the Office; Mueller. Consulting Engineer, will like new for $1950 at Briinner’s Invitation to Bid cellent old Colonial mansion. A Best Buy — By BefHore DOUBLE BED, rugs, curtains. rentals of all kinds Mueller. Consulting cincer, w;ill STATION WAGON lATge Cape Cod, full dormer. MI S-5129, evenings fireplace and paneled wall. Joseph in ■ Manch(jsler. Full basement, WARREN E. HOWLAND. $19,800 Porter Street -r Charming be received .until 11 A.M., D.8.T!, your LArk dealer' In TalcottvUle. 1957 CHEVROLET Nomad station Sealed bids will be received at Three large bedrooms ahd one. ‘ knick-knacks, glasses, etc. MI Roasetto. Builder Ml 9-0808. ceramic' tiled hath. G.E. oven and . colonial cape located In be received until 10 A.M.., D.S.T., Tuesday, May 10. 1960, in the of­ Tel. MI 8-8191. the Office of the General Manager, Power Glide—Good Wres 2Vj acres, beautiful trees, hli»' small. Playroom, dormitory, Homos many things to many people. Con-' 8-8658. Ml 8-1687. 470 Mai- Si. Realtor Ml 3-1108 ofie of Manchester's finest Tuesday. May 10, 1960, in\lhe o f­ fice of the (General Manage)*. 'Mu­ wagon Cheroke red with jet black. brook, I'/j baths, 24 ft. living range in birch cabineted kitchen. 575 Main St. , Powerglide. radio, heater, white- 41 Center St., Manchester, Conn, Most be sold this weekj den, modern kitchen, 82 ft. liv­ atructlon features are pa!rambunt to some people. RC)CKVILLE—8!famlly home. 6-6-7, Only $16,900. areas. It features a large fice of the General Managgr.xMunl- nicipal Building, 41 eJenter Street, 1968 BUICK SPECIAL hardtop wlUi room, fireplace, combination BTJIWISHED 8 room heated apart- , Manchester. Conn. •.... wail tires, ft’s a real doll. See It until April 22, 1960 at 3:00 P.M ing room, open! bemn, celling, Type of heating la very Important to others. Bed­ ment. ’Private entrance's. Parking. la,rge rtxims. Also store building ' living room, family size cipal Building, 41 Center ^reet. Manchester, ConheCtlcut. and at power steering, brakes, radio; storms. _ ^ dWDg room and pantry, lliree HOUSEHOLD furnltfire, nig* and Model Home Open Evenings kitchen, formal di n i n g Manchester, GonhecUcut. and/ at at Brunner’s In TalcottvlUe. Open for work at Verplsuick School 72 HUDSON ST. room space, would take precedence for still another Adults. Apply 269 Autumn before and nine garages. Owner can -live MT 9-98.58 MI 3-0527 MI, 4-11.39 that lime and place publicly opened heater, white tires, solid California eves, till 9. Swimming Pools as follows: beautiful fireplaces. All good family. There Is'one factor, however, that ranks high diihes. i t l 3-4661. 7 :30 p.m. ' rent free. Property to be sold at Daily 1-5 p.m. room, foyer, two king- that time and place publicly opl and read aloud. white. Only 14,000 mUes. Priced sized bedrooms, screened Electrical service and wiring for TOWN Ba n k r u p t c y s a l e maple floors, panel ceilings and (or tops) on EVERY list of requirements. This of ATJSERT’S TOPS ’EM ALL a sacrifice due to'illness. Call (or LOOK HERE! ed and read aloud. 2. Plans and specifications m af for a quick sale, only 81985. Drive equipment waUs, !■/] baths, excellent TWO ROOM furnished apartment. more details. Louis ' '- ’ dfarb. . porch, and attached ga­ be examined at the office of tha It at Bninner's In TalcottvlUe. ' course, is location. We get many requests for hous­ With Thl* Amazing. Saturday & Sunday 10-5 p.m. 2, Plans and speclficali-ons may 1963 WILLYS, 4-door sedan, good Addition to bath house heat. Located on approximate­ ing with a slightly rural atmosphere, yet still In geo- . 221 N. Main St. Very reasonable. Realtor, JR 5-7095. rage. One block to sH con­ he examined at the pffice of the rchitect, 571 Porter Street, Man- running condition. MI 3-8828, ThrM Mdroom ranch. Approxi­ U-N-T-O-U-C-H-A-B-L-E Directions: Middle Turnpike West If you have been' looking for s 1954 DODGE 4-door sedan, radio, Hot water heaters—oil fired mately one ' acre, well land­ ly li/i acres surrounded by graphical Manchester. We think this Rest Buy fits SUPER. DUPER, WUPER Retired people preferred. MI to Tower Rd. Tower Rd. to Brent ranch home in Manchester, with veniences. Engineer. 15 L^wls Sti'ect. Hart­ hester, Connecticut, and copies Bid forms and specifications are rustic stone walls. Beautifully 9-1109, Ml 9-5913. MANCHESTER—Special thia week. thereof obtained by General Ctoa- heater, automaUc drive. ’This car scaped. Full basement, garage, that description to a T. The location, take our word 8 ROOMS OF FURNITURE Beautiful 7 room Dutch Colonial, Rd. First left off Brent. Rd. at space lo spare, this is it.. 1330 $21,.500 South Windsor —New three ford. Conner4frut; and copies to just next to new. See it today at available at the ControUeria Office, large living room, fireplace. A landscaped. 5% mortgage— for It, is prime. - SENSA'nONAL VALUE Woexihill Road. square feet of living area in this 3 thereof obtained by General Con­ tractors on and after Wednesdajf, 66 Center Street, Mandiester, Copn- $8,(MM) cash. TWO. ’THREE and four room apart three car garage, excellent loca­ l.-xdroom split level paneled April 13, i960, by depo8ltli)g Fifty Bnmner’s. No money down. SEPTIC TANKS real buy! /vw- YOU GET — ments, furnished or unfurnished tion, large lot, full price $16,900. bedroom home, I’ i tiled ' baths, game room. I 'j baths, fire­ tractors on and after Wednesday, Invitation to Bid Town of Manchester, Conn. AND Howei^er, thiif home has much else to recommend le-PiECE b e d r o o m . JARVIS REALTY CO.’ 14x23 foot living room, full base­ April 13, 1960, by depositing Fifty Dollars ($50.00) in cash or check Richard Martin, General Adults. New Bolton Road. Tel. Ml " ^ o family duplex, centrally lo­ place. built-ins. over-sized Sealed bids will be received at S. J. PLOUFE it. Read on. Tmre Is a big, full shed dormer, mak­ 18-PlECE LIVING ROOM Realtor Insuror ment. Close to-Buckley School, Re­ garage. A fine family home. Dollars (850.00) In cash or check pa.yable to the Architect, which de­ 1968 FORD, 2-door, private owner. Manager S. J. PLOUFE 3-6389. cated.’ three car garage, sale price posit will be refunded upon return , the Office of the General Manager, PLUOOED SEWERS Builder — Real Estate ing for Ckulonial sized bedrooms. (One bedroom has 12-PIE6B KITCHEN $15,800. Ciiistom built three bed­ MI 3-4112 MI 9-1200 duced in price for quirk sale, payable |o the Engineer, which de­ MI 9-6802. 41 Ciinter St., Manchester, Conn., Advt. No. 529 ' Builder — RealEstate three beds in It—and It is not crowded)! The foim- — Plus — TWO FURNISHED light housekeep $18,500, $23,.500 Deming Street Beautiful posit will 'be refunded upon, re­ of the documents In good condition PI 2-6226 Anytime. ^ room ranch, full basement, many EIGHT ROOMS—Can be used as wltliln ten (10) days after the bid 1654 CHEVROLET convertible, until April 22, 1960 at 10 A M . for sc m PI 2-6226 Anytime. datlon Is larger than usual. There is a formal dining ELECTTRIC ing rooms fo~ working married .extras, '4 acre! lot. Full price 7 room split level home, turn of the documents In good .con­ one Sewe^ Cleaning Machine. M U Glsami room, living room with fireplace, nice big kitchen REFRIGERATOR couple. No children. MI 3-5259. one or two-family. New gas heat­ THE JARVIS REALTY GO. three spacious bedrooms, dition within‘ ten (10) days after opening. No deposit will be re- - standard shift Good condiUon. fieptio Tanks, Dry Wells. Sewer .$17,500, Short way out—Three bed­ er. storm windows, large lot. Call and one of the three bedrooms is d(fwnstairs. (Four - TV SET . . room split, only" $13,200.. Call the large living room, full din- the hid opening. No. depoisit will funded alter that date. .^ sL MI 9-6888.' Bid forms and specifications are iJiiee Installed—Cellar Water­ FOUR ROOM garden apartment, MI 3-6304. 3. Each bidder must deposit with available at the Controller’s Office, : bedrooms are possible). One and one-hslf baths, of and COMB RANGE Ellsworth Mitten Agency, Real­ Realtor Insuror ■ ing .room, lovely kitchen, be refunded after that date. - 1962 CHEVROLET, 2-door, black Mauriea J. IMuira proofing Dona All 100% Guaranteed clean, well maintained buildiiig, fireplace, built-in range and .3. Each biddrt must dehosit with his bid security in the amount of 65 Center Street, Manchester, course. Baseboard hot water oil heat. heat, hot water, stove, refrigera­ tors, MI 3-8930 or-MI 9-5524. ' ROCKLEDGE 283 E. Center St. 'MI 3-4112 deluxe; automatiO shift, good con­ Conn. ’ ONLY $433 oven. 2'i baths, redwood his bid security In the amount of ten per cent (10% ) of, his bid In dition. MI 9-2810. ■Dike 1, 2 or 3 Years To Pay tor and parking, 8115, Ml 3-1809 THREE BEDROOM ranch. Im­ , paneled foyer and recrea­ ten per cent (10% ) of his bid in the fori'n of a bid liond f romVa sure­ ’ Town of Manchester, X3onn. MtKINNEY BROS. This rraldence is barely'two years old. Condition AD 8-1269. Exclusive with Jack J. Lappen MI 3-7847 : Pi 2-8311 Real Estate Is like new. The lot Is extremely well shaded. -> Storage until wanted maculate. 1% baths. ,5(4% as­ Agency. tion room, oversized ga­ the form of a bid.bond from a sure­ ty company authorized to do busi­ Richard'Martin, General ness in the State of (Connecticut, Swwwrog* Disposal C o . ASPHALT PAVING Delivery SIX ROOM apartment with heat sumable mortgage with moderate COLONIAL—Bowers School area rage, amesite drive, and ty compan.v authorized to do busi­ Manager M I3.4444 An immediate sals is dssired. Gail (or further > . ^ Set-lTp By Our Own down payment; 30-day occupancy. This executive home suitable for cozy, economical. Aluminum sid many more cuatom fea­ ness in this State of ConnertWut, or a certified check payable to the Advt..No. 189 - and hot water. J. D. Realty, 470 Town o f Manchester, Connecticut, Invitation to Bid’ • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING AREAS particulars. Reliable Men Main Street, Ml 3-5129., Call J. D. Realty, 470 Main Street, a doctor, lawyer, ia in an exclusive ing and storms. G.E. hot water oil tures that go onlv wdth a or a certified check payable to the Rhone for appointment MI 3-5129., section of Manchester. 11 large heat, living room, dining room, McCarthy built home. Town of Man(fi)ester, Connecticut. 4. No bid may be withdrawn lor Notice to hereby-given that the • ROADS • GAS STATIONS SAMUEL ALBERT HARTFORD Eighth School A Utilities District FIVE ROOM 3rd floor, apartment rooms. 2 fireplaces, huge living kltchenv den with jalousie windows, 4. No bid may be withdrawn-foi’ a period.of sixty (60),day* after CH ’7-0358 . with large' privute porch. Heat TWO APAHIMENT house, three room, kitchen and dining area and two Itedropms and bath. Base­ McCa r t h y enterprises , a period ’of sixty (60) days after the date of opening of bids. will accept bids for the demolition • ROAD OIUNG OF A U TYPES YHE ‘ • , See It Day Or. Night and four room*. Priced for 5., TTie Owner reserve* the right dfsbrick walL to Install partition and hot Water furnished.. Rent $90. formal dining room. Finished refc ment garage, beautifully shrubbed, INC. , the date ’of opening of hidsr^ * SEPTIC TANKS TOLLAND, RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSmiAL If you have no means of trans- Adults only. Box T, Kerald. quick sa'ie. Centrally located/J. D room and bar in .cellar. 6 huge yard 5% mortgage 'pan be as­ ' 5, The Owner reserves the right to accept or .reject any or ail bids and finish walls. CLEANED and mSTALUED potation, I’ll send my auto, for Really, 470 Main St'., MI S-5129. Realtors c Spedficatibns may be obtained WEST SIDE WILLIAM E. BELFIDRE bedrooms. Priced in high $40s. Ap' sumed with substantial down-pay­ to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any informalitie* or lYf mUkjS from Parkway, • CRUSHED STONE (aN gilts) AOENCT you. No obligation, NEWLY FINISHED’S room apart­ point.ment only. ment. Owner MI 9-5051. MI 51-4576 arid to waive Any informalities or technical defect* In the .bidding if from the custodian at the firehquse, 6-room older house, moderii A—L—B—E—R—T— ’S ment, stoVe and refjJg|e,rator fur­ FOUR BEDROOM garrison colon' 82 Main St., Manchester, Conn. • SEWERS uew s-room raach, 2-ear ga.' ial, 2-car garage, aluminum sld techriical defects in the .tid in g if it be in the public interest'to do • MACHINE CUEANED kltcben and bath, near GRAVEL • SAND • LOAM 4l-f5 ALLYN STi, HARTFORD nished plus all utilities. Call MI JACK J. LAPPEN AGENCY STRONG STREET- 7 room co­ it he in, the public interest to (lo so. so. ■ ■ AU bide must be sent to Presi­ rage, high oa a hlU In Iwmi* school and church, shopping V. A* B o9gM V\f. E. Batfior* 9-3884 between 6-9 p.fn. ing, good location on quiet street lonial, 4 bedroom)). Fully insulat­ 'R ^ D • . Murdock dent David Marks, 444 Woodland Open Nights till 8 p.m. Priced right at |2i;700. Owner MI 6-4506 6. The successful bidder will be 6. The. Biieceasfui bidder will b* ■ ttful grove. Approxlinately center and bnses. In p ^ e c t EVe. MI 4-1894 J4I 4-0^9 ed. Steam heat. Fireplace. Garage MI 3-6472 required to fumlth •'PerfornMuic* S t, Mandieater, Conn., by 6 P.M. • INSTALLATION 35BM4iii » . Ml 3.5121 Sat.’s 6 p ui. 154 (30OPBR HILL Bt,. six room transferred. Early occupancy. Call required to furnish a Performance 8 acrea, overlooUag river. condition. CALL Ml 3-2427 mtd amesife drive. $18,300.. Earle Bond and fi Labor and Material Bond and a Labor and ^terteX Monday, April 18th; IMO. SPECIALIST . FURNXTVRE Suitable for t*ttage, duplex, excellent neighborhood, John H, Lappen, Inc.; Realtore, s. Rohan. Realtor. MI 3-7433, MANCHESTER - ’ Sturdy , new 6 The Board reserves the right to Very private aad eeeluded. Member*: Manchester Bomti « ( Beialtore MI 9-5361, MI 9-7445. Ask for Bob. SIX ROOM ranch, full baaeftanl Payment Bond in an ampunt not Payment Bond ih an amount hot . Including complete b^room set children,' 8105. Glastonbury MEd- with garage, custom cabinet kitch­ room Garrison Colonial. 1 4 bathi, lee*' than one hundred per ceni reject aay^ m i^ bids. 8H % mortgac®- For Appointment Mnachestor Multiple listin g Service ford S-M57 after 5:30. hot water hpat, full iniulaUofi, lu s than one hundred per cent NUSSDORF SAND m i STONE 01^ and mltcellaneous items. MI 3-6540 EIGHT ROOM older home, good en, formal dining room, fireplace, 813,900—MANC^HESTER Gr^en, (106% ) of the contract amount. (100% i''pf the contract amoont. EIGI SCHOOL « Towi Md OouRtry 887 N. MAIN ST.—MANCHESTER _ Manchester Chamber of Oommeree room home, garage, hot water oil plaatered wails, fireplace with U m riTBS , DISTRICT 1 J. PLOUFC CoM Ml 3{>BS95 after 6 p.m. I*ARGE 2>4 room (urnilhed Apert .eohditioh, large porch, steam 8 bedrooms. 14 ceramic baths, Richard Martiri, General Richard Martin, <3enenl alumteutn’ storm* and screen*. 8. heat, 3 bodrooms. aleo included panned wall, knotty pine cabl.-. Manager David J. Maries, President Boader — ReelEeU to ASPHALT PLANT • CRUSHED STONE PLANT f o r SALE-'-GlenWOOd g fi« h d , ment with stovp, refrigerator. Ap-. heat, garage, t(xti ehed, encloaed net*. Large ahade tree*. Owner I Manager Draiuge Go. backyard with garden A. Rfechler, Realtor, MI 8-6969 or are 8' extra lota. 8. A. Beechler, Mancheater, OMingrtq n t Mancheatari . J. A, Vote. Clerk PI AmrUam, NO 4QENT8 haatliig ■tove, habjf ci^ sga Mi L phr X. iwnow utter A p.p)-. -a« RMltor. MI 8-6969 « r 9-8953. . «nd balder. MI 84860. ' DatefiW Maiicheeter, Conn, this 1419^143 . bathlnette, baby ecale. MI 9-6680. n t ; gl4,80(), jkQ 8-6217^ U th aag ^ AptU, I960. ’3 '/ 'f- 11