Cadet Harsh Singh


Ncc 31 Bengal battalion

Kol b

West Bengal and Sikkim Directorate


Kargil is a city in and a joint capital of the union territory of . The kargil was also known as the kargil conflict, was an armed conflict fought between and Pakistan from may to july 1999 in the kargil district of Kashmir and elsewhere. Among all the brave soldiers who faught the war, Captain Manoj Pandey (PVC) is my Hero. Captain Manoj Pandey (PVC) was a man of honour and possessed all the qualities required to a perfect army officer, he had an amazing sense of responsibility that even after being hit a burst in his head his last word to his comrades were “Nah Choro''.

If death strikes before I prove my blood, I promise I will kill my death” were some of his great quotes during the war. He was a man of vision since... his childhood be was a patriot (He was the best NCC cadet Medal in ). He was also an NDA graduate and after finishing his training from IMA he was commissioned into 1/11 Gorkha Regiment. His love for the country can be known by the fact that prior to his selection during his Service Selection Beard (SSB)interview, the interviewer asked him -Why do you want to join the Army?” He immediately replied. I want to win the Param Captain did win the countings highest gallantry honour but posthumously. Captain Manaj Pandey was so dedicated to serving his mother nation that he always played the game that who does the toughest duty, even in the places like Sinchen Glacier he used to request for the toughest post for his duty. Captain Manoj Pandey was highly motivated by his commanding officer .

Captain’s battalion after one-and-a-half year tenure in the Sachen Glacier were asked to move to the Betalik sector in Kargil. It was among the first units to be inducted into this sector. The unit was assigned responsibility of the Jubar Kukarthaam and Khalubar area. Captain, as part of the battalion was involved in a series of boldy led attacks. He also took part in a series of action which led to the capture of Jubar Top Khalubar post and Jubar Top, where Captain Manoj Pandey achieved Martyrdom after which he received Peram Vir Chakra for his exemplariness act of bravery. Captain Manoj Pandey was such ab selfless and bold man that when his mother, being helpless out of son’s love said to send his juniors to the front and asked Captain to stay safe, Captain replied-‘’Just like you can’t see your son in danger, just like that being their senior I can’t send them ahead of me, as they are like my own family. Even after so many years of his death, his bravery is not forgotten many places like laxmibai school has been named after him. Chief of Army Staff M.N.Narvane inaugurated a statue of Captain Manoj Pandey in his village. Remembering his great sacrifice and adding honour to the village. Kargil was a war that took many brave soldier away from india as a price to maintain pride of mother India. Captain Manoj Pandey was one of the many brave hearts that showed extra-ordinary bravery in the times of difficulties by establishing the consequences one has to face after taking front against India and setting a sense of pride and responsibility among it’s fellow citizens and motivating youth to join the forces to serve the nation by their sacrifices. Their sacrifices has motivated upcoming generation after 1999 to know what it feels to serve the nation and to get an idea how glorious it is for one to serve it’s nation.

Certificate of originality

This article is completely based on my work of creativity and not copied from anywhere if found guilty I’m ready to face the consequences.