Established 1914

Volume XIII, Number 170 1st Waxing of Thadingyut 1367 ME Monday, 3 October, 2005 Four political objectives * Stability of the State, community peace True patriotism and tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * It is very important for everyone of the nation wherever he * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Con- lives to cultivate and possess strong Union Spirit. stitution * Building of a new modern developed na- * Only Union Spirit is the true patriotism all the nationalities tion in accord with the new State Consti- will have to uphold and safeguard. tution Four economic objectives * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of Senior General Than Shwe the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system felicitates Korean President * Development of the economy inviting par- ticipation in terms of technical know-how YANGON, 3 Oct— On the occasion of the National Foundation Day of the Republic and investments from sources inside the of Korea, which falls on 3 October 2005, Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the country and abroad State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of * The initiative to shape the national economy felicitations to HE Mr Roh Moo-hyun, President of the Republic of Korea. —MNA must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples Four social objectives Senior General Than Shwe sends * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integrity felicitations to Germany and preservation and safeguarding of YANGON, 3 Oct— Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and cultural heritage and national charac- Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to ter His Excellency Mr Horst Kohler, President of the Federal Republic of Germany, on the * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit occasion of the National Day of the Federal Republic of Germany, which falls on * Uplift of health, fitness and education 3 October 2005. —MNA standards of the entire nation Development infrastructures in Taninthayi Division inspected Gifts presented to older persons in Kawthoung

YANGON, 2 October— Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by officials, yester- day morning left here for Myeik by air. They were welcomed there by Chairman of Tanithayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Maj-Gen Maung Maung Swe, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Hon Ngai and officials. Lt-Gen Maung Bo together with the com- mander, Patron of Taninthayi Division Women’s Affairs Organization Chairperson of Taninthayi Di- vision Maternal and Child Welfare Association Su- pervisory Committee wife of the commander Daw Tin Tin Nwe and officials proceeded to Kawthoung. They were welcomed there by Col Kyaw Phyo of Khamaukkyi Station, Col Myint Tun of Kawthoung Station, senior military officers and officials. Lt-Gen Maung Bo attended the ceremony to mark the International Day of Older Persons held in the precinct of Pyidaw Aye Pagoda and presented gifts to older persons. The commander, wife of the commander and officials also presented gifts to older persons. Afterwards, Lt-Gen Maung Bo and party paid respects to older persons. Lt-Gen Maung Bo views free medical treatment given at Pulon-tone-tone Village in Kawthoung.—MNA (See page 8) Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 October, 2005 PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire Monday, 3 October, 2005 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation Towards industrial * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy development In its drive to fulfill the need of the na- Appointment of Ambassador Foreign Minister sends tion, the State Peace and Development Council agreed on felicitations to ROK has been making arrangements to build mod- YANGON, 3 Oct— On the occasion of the Na- ern factories requiring heavy investment across YANGON, 3 Oct — The Government of the tional Foundation Day of the Republic of Korea, the nation and, at the same time, it has been Union of Myanmar has agreed to the appointment of which falls on 3 October 2005, HE U Nyan Win, establishing the industrial zones in the regions Mr Guan Mu as Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- of states and divisions that have favorable con- potentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of ditions for growth of the industry. Union of Myanmar in succession to His Excellency Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to HE There are altogether 18 industrial zones Mr Li Jinjun. Mr Ban Ki-moon, Minister for Foreign Affairs and throughout the country including Pakokku and Mr Guan Mu was born in October 1952 in Trade of the Republic of Korea. Yenangyoung industrial zones in Magway Divi- Jilin Province. After graduation from university, since MNA sion, and emphasis is being placed on develop- 1974 he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ment of the private industrial sector. He also served as Third Secretary, Second Foreign Minister sends Magway Division plays an important role Secretary as well as Counsellor at the Chinese Em- to a certain degree in endeavours for industrial bassy in Thailand and Singapore. felicitations to Germany development of the State. Crops such as cotton, Mr Guan Mu last served as Deputy Director- YANGON, 3 Oct— U Nyan Win, Minister for edible oil crops and beans and pulses are thriv- General of the Department of Asian Affairs, Minis- Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent ing well in the division. As it produces an in- try of Foreign Affairs before being nominated as a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr dustrial crop, cotton, the State has opened a Ambassador to the Union of Myanmar. Joseph “Joschka” Fischer, Vice-Chancellor and modern textile factory in Pakokku region. He is married and has one son. — MNA Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal In his address delivered at the inaugura- Energy Minister leaves Republic of Germany, on the occasion of the Na- tion of Textile Factory (Pakokku) on 1 Octo- tional Day of the Federal Republic of Germany, ber, Chairman of Industrial Development Com- for India which falls on 3 October 2005. mittee Prime Minister General Soe Win said YANGON, 2 Oct — The Myanmar delegation led MNA that The government has to invest heavily in by Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi left here the factories as such huge investments are not by air for India this morning to attend the Energy NPED Minister arrives within the reach of private entrepreneurs and Ministers’ Meeting of BIMSTEC to be held in New back from Lao PDR textile industry contributes much towards the Delhi, Republic of India and to discuss the work State and that the factories were built at sites programmes on exploration of oil and gas with YANGON, 2 Oct — Vientiane, LPDR, from where raw materials are in abundance for the Goldpetrol Oil Co of Singapore. Minister for National 26 to 30 September. factories. They were seen off at Yangon International Planning and Economic Minister U Soe The government has built such textile Airport by Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Development U Soe Tha Tha was welcomed back factories with the aim of fulfilling the nation’s Lwin, Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, arrived back here by air at Yangon International requirements, producing import-substitute Deputy Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Than Htay, from Lao People’s Airport by Minister for items, developing the region with high stand- Indian Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Bhaskar Kumar Democratic Republic yes- Rail Transportation Maj- ard of living, creating job opportunities of lo- Mitra and officials of the Ministry of Energy.—MNA terday evening after at- Gen Aung Min, Minister cals and disseminating technologies. tending the 37th ASEAN for Education Dr Chan So far, there are five textile factories Two medical students make Economic Ministers’ Nyein and departmental across the nation. Another textile factory is Meeting held in officials. —MNA under construction in Salingyi Township, study tour of 3 ASEAN Sagaing Division. Moreover, cement plant, iron countries Myanmar delegation leaves mill, sugar mill, soap factory, pharmaceutical for LPDR factory, machine tools factory, pulp factory and YANGON, 2 Oct — for the Philippines, Viet- paper mill have been built in the respective Under the exchange of nam and Cambodia to YANGON, 2 Oct — The Myanmar delegation regions of the country. excursion programme make a study tour until led by Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Maung At a time when the Government is en- section-1 of the students, 20 October 2005. Myint left here by air this morning to attend the deavouring not only for the equitable develop- which includes in press The two students Fifth Meeting of the Myanmar-Lao Border Authori- ment of all regions in the country but also for works on ASEAN Uni- were seen off at Yangon ties at Central Level to be held in Vientiane, Lao handing down good heritage to posterity, we versity and College, Ma International Airport by People’s Democratic Republic from 3 to 6 October would like to urge State service personnel and Khine Zin Oo, a third Director (Admin) U 2005. industrialists who are engaged in the industrial year student, and Ma Su Phone Myint of Myanma The delegation was seen off at Yangon Inter- sector to strive for industrial development that Win Htaik, a first year Radio and Television, de- national Airport by Directors-General and officials will surely contribute to national development. student of Yangon Insti- partmental officials and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Charge d’Affaires tute of Medicine-1 left their families. of the Embassy of the Lao People’s Democratic Re- here by air this morning MNA public Mr Kobkeo Luangkhot. The Deputy Minister was accompanied by Acting Director-General of the Ministry of Trans- port U Soe Myint, Directors-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs U Phae Thann Oo and U Than Tun, Deputy Director-General of the Ministry of Immigration and Population U Khin Maung Myint, Chairman of the Tachilek District Peace and Deve- lopment Council Lt-Col Zaw Moe Aye, Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Lynn, Superintending Engineer (Road) U Khin Maung of the Ministry of Construction and Maj Kan Aung of the Ministry of Defence. MNA All this needs to be known

Two students of the Yangon Institute of Medicine-1 * Do not be frightened whenever intimidated seen at the airport before departure for the * Do not be bolstered whenever flattered * Do not be softened whenever appeased Philippines. — MNA

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 October, 2005 3

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ASEAN, Japan to pursue

¢¡ ¥§ ¨¢¡   comprehensive economic partnership ¡ VIENTIANE, 30 Sept — Members of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Japan will accelerate both regional and bilateral negotiations so as to realize the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP), Japanese Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and indus- try said here on Thursday. "The ministers reaf- pan put forth a new initia- US dollars in 2004. Mean- firmed their commitment tive, under which the coun- while, Japanese foreign di- to implement the measures try will assist ASEAN in rect investment increased by for the realization of cooperation towards intra 9.5 per cent to 254 billion AJCEP, including ele- ASEAN/ASEAN-Japan US dollars. ments of a possible free economic integration, pro- AJCEP, signed in 2003, trade area," Vice-Minister motion of investment in aims to strengthen eco- Hachiro Okonogi said at a Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar nomic integration between Press conference about the and Vietnam, and enhance- ASEAN and Japan, pro- 12th consultation between ment of financial manage- gressively liberalize and fa- ASEAN economic minis- ment capacity of small and cilitate trade in goods and Travellers pass through ters and the Japanese Min- medium enterprises in the services, as well as create a Beijing Railway Station on istry of Economy, Trade block.The trade between transparent and liberal in- the eve of the country's 26 killed in Bali blasts vestment regime. National Day, on 30 Sep- and Industry. ASEAN and Japan rose by BALI, (Indonesia) 2 Oct— Suicide bombers At the consultation, Ja- 19.9 per cent to 135.9 billion MNA/Xinhua tember, 2005. —INTERNET were behind the three attacks in Bali which killed as many as 26 people and wounded 122, the is- US generals say Iraq land's police chief said on Sunday. Investigators released the latest of a series of chilling footage captured bomb blasts in Indonesia ‘hard struggle’; senators worry on amateur video of a in recent years. Several WASHINGTON, 30 Sept — Senior US generals said on Thursday that cutting the number of US troops man in a black shirt and have been against West- in Iraq in 2006 would depend on political events there in the next 2-1/2 months, while senators worried jeans, with what looks ern targets, hurting tour- about slow progress training Iraqi security forces. like a hump on his back, ism and raising fears At a hearing of the Sen- to 30,000. Casey told the the 2-1/2-year war has "And there is no reason strolling into a restaurant among investors about ate Armed Services Com- committee that the possi- dropped in opinion polls, that we should believe that among diners on the re- security in the world's mittee, Republican Sena- bility for troops cuts in which has contributed to the insurgency in Iraq will sort island and then ex- most populous Muslim tor John McCain of Ari- 2006 still exists. falling support for US take any less time to deal ploding. nation. zona pointedly told Air But Casey said "the President George W Bush. with," Casey said, although Three separate The nearly simulta- Force General Richard next 75 days are going to Some US lawmakers are he did not say US forces bombs tore through res- neous explosions came Myers, chairman of the be critical" in deciding on questioning how long would be there the entire taurants packed with almost three years after Joint Chiefs of Staff, the such cuts. Iraqis vote on a troops will stay and Thurs- time. McCain and other Saturday evening diners, al Qaeda-linked Jemaah war had not gone as well as draft Constitution in an 15 day's hearing took place senators speaking on many of them foreign Islamiah (JI) militants the Pentagon said it would October referendum and, less than a week after an Thursday worried about tourists. Two were at bombed nightclubs in go. if they endorse it, elect a anti-war protest in Wash- the capabilities of US- outdoor seafood eateries Bali, killing 202 people, "I don't think this com- new government on 15 ington last weekend drew trained Iraqi security forces on Jimbaran Beach and mostly foreign tourists. mittee or the American December. at least 100,000 people. — who Washington has one at a steak bar at Kuta There were no imme- public has ever heard me The document largely Casey said the average said must be built up be- Beach, an area sur- diate claims of responsi- say that things are going reflects the views of the 20th century counterinsur- fore American troops can rounded by popular bility. very well in Iraq," said Shiite Muslim majority gency lasted nine years. withdraw.—MNA/Reuters shops. The attacks were Internet Myers, speaking a day be- and the Kurds leading the fore he retires from his post. US-backed Iraqi Govern- “Longwang” "This is a hard struggle." ment rather than the mi- Two-day death toll tops 110 General George Casey, nority Sunni Arabs who the top US commander in controlled Iraq under de- likely to affect Iraq, predicted in March posed president Saddam in Iraqi violence and July "fairly substan- Hussein. Iraq's insurgency BAGHDAD, 30 Sept — lim day of worship, in new guerilla strategy. China in Oct tial" reductions in US draws the bulk of its sup- Sunni-led guerillas the second blast against Sunni militants have BEIJING, 30 Sept — troops next spring and sum- port from the Sunni Arab killed at least 10 people Shiite civilians in as launched a bloody new China Meteorological mer that Pentagon officials community. with a car bomb in a many days, police said. surge of violence to Administration (CMA) said meant perhaps 20,000 US public support for crowded vegetable mar- The death toll rose to wreck an 15 Oct refer- said Thursday that Ty- ket on Friday, the Mus- 102 from the previous endum on a new consti- phoon Longwang might day's attacks in another tution — targeting the affect southern China in Shiite town. Shiite majority, which early October. Elsewhere, in the now dominates Iraq's Typhoon Longwang southern city of Basra, a government. At least which means Dragon police convoy was am- 198 people, including King, the God of Rain in bushed late Thursday, 13 US service members, Chinese mythology, is killing four policemen have been killed in the moving towards southern and wounding one, said past five days. China, and it is expected Capt Mushtaq Khazim. Al-Qaida in Iraq, the to affect southern China Iraqi security forces country's most feared from Sunday to Tuesday, also captured a woman guerillas group, has de- said a senior CMA meteo- wearing explosives hid- clared "all-out war" on rologist Gao Shuanzhu. den under her clothes Shiites. But the style of The typhoon might af- headed for a crowded Thursday and Friday's fect Taiwan, Fujian, weekly flea market in attacks indicated some Guangdong and Zhejiang Baghdad on Friday, an other group may have provinces and Guangxi Iraqi general said. carried them out. No- Zhuang Autonomous Re- The discovery came body immediately gion. two days after the first claimed responsibility Taiwan Province would A destroyed vehicle sits near a market after a car bomb exploded in the south- known blast by a female for either, and both ex- be affected most possibly, ern Iraq town of Hilla, 100 km (62 miles) south of Baghdad, on 30 September, suicide attacker in Iraq, plosions included parked Gao said. 2005. —INTERNET which raised fears of a car bombs.—Internet MNA/Xinhua 4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 October, 2005 Sino-ASEAN commercial park built in Nanning city NANNING, 30 Sept — As a part of the China-Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Exposition, the first phase of the Sino-ASEAN commercial park was completed Thursday in Nanning, capital of southwest China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It covers 170 hectares of land, tries, Japan, South Korea, and Hong 110 hectares of which are for inter- Kong and Macao Special Administra- national business affairs — the rest tion Regions have set bases here. for ASEAN bases. In the park, 16 roads will be built With the Sino-ASEAN Expo in in two phases. In the first phase, six Nanning, the city has played key roads, a total length of 7.84 kilome- roles in pushing forward exchanges tres, have been built, with an invest- between China and ASEAN coun- ment of 334 million yuan (about 40.7 tries. million US dollars). Besides the ten ASEAN coun- MNA/Xinhua A municipal council worker dispenses insecticide using a fogging machine at a residential suburb in Shah Alam, near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Venezuela condemns US ruling against on 30 September, 2005. —INTERNET extradition of wanted exile Malaysia aims to reach for CARACAS, 30 Sept — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Wednesday condemned a US court ruling that the Cuban-born exile Luis Posada Carriles wanted in a 1976 airliner bombing might not be the stars in two years extradited to Caracas. Chavez said Posada is a from a Venezuelan prison and expressed his satisfac- showed the double standard KUALA LUMPUR, 30 Sept— Malaysia’s budding space programme started with a sales pitch: buy terrorist, and the case could in 1985, while he awaited tion over the US ruling on of US President George W one, get one free. harm ties with the United retrial of the bombing of a Tuesday, which he said Bush in the so-called war The developing South- erate popular support for a States if the anti-Castro Cuban passenger plane, could turn down the extra- on terror. Caracas insisted east Asian country seized its more serious ambition to militant is not extradited which killed all 73 people dition request filed by Ven- that the United States be still chance to reach for the stars crack into knowledge- to Venezuela. on board in 1976. ezuela on 15 June. bound by international law two years ago when it spent based industries like aero- Now the US Govern- Posada has denied he The Venezuelan Em- to deport Posada, the em- 900 million US dollars on space. ment has taken a decision was the mastermind be- bassy in Washington said bassy said in statement. Russian-made fighter The prospect of a in favour of Posada ...that’s hind the 1976 bombing, the decision of Judge Abbott MNA/Xinhua planes. As part of the deal, Malaysian astronaut has what I call imperialistic the Russians threw in a free excited the country, but has cynicism,” said Chavez. trip into space, aboard a also caused some chuckling. The US troops are tor- Soyuz spacecraft. Malaysia’s space agency has turing people in So thanks to some crea- set rules for space travel: Guantanamo Bay. they are tive bargaining, hundreds of astronauts can wear batik killing, assassinating and people are now competing clothes and eat roti canai (a bombing people,” the Ven- to hitch a ride to the Interna- local breakfast dish) but ezuelan President said. tional Space Station in 2007 durian, Southeast Asia’s At a hearing in the US and become the first popular but pungent fruit, is city of El Paso, Texas, on Malaysian in space. definitely out. Monday, Judge William Malaysia hopes to gen- MNA/Reuters Abbott postponed the handover of Posada, a Ven- Over 55 people suspected of ezuelan citizen, to the South American country on the having bird flu in Indonesia ground of the International Covenant for the Protec- JAKARTA, 30 Sept — At least 55 people in Indonesia have been suspected of contracting bird tion Against Torture. flu disease that has killed six people, and two others Posada, an alleged Cen- who had had the disease were recovered, health tral Intelligence Agency A British soldier from the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) officials said here Thursday. (CIA) agent, was arrested mans a machine gun atop a military vehicle in Kabul “There are 55 people hospital after tests give them in May for illegally enter- on 30 September, 2005. —INTERNET suspected of having the dis- a clean bill of health. ing the United States. The ease nationwide” spokes- Indonesia already re- 77-year-old exile escaped man for the Indonesian ceived some of the 10,000 “NY Times” reporter breaks Health Ministry Sumardi tablets of Tamiflu recom- Traffic accident told Xinhua. mended by the World silence in CIA probe case Santoso Suroso, head Health Organization, the kills five, injures WASHINGTON,1 Oct — Ending her standoff with federal prosecutors after of the Jakarta-designed bird only treatment so far proven nearly three months in jail, New York Times reporter Judith Miller appeared flu disease hospital of effective against bird flu in 60 in Panama before a federal grand jury on Friday investigating who leaked a covert CIA Sulianti Saroso, said that humans, according to the PANAMA CITY, 30 operative's identity. two patients had been cured organization spokeswoman Sept — Five people were Miller agreed to break ministration leaked CIA House, already reeling from the H5N1 virus. Sari Setiogi. killed and nearly 60 her silence and testify af- operative Valerie Plame's from criticism over its re- “Two people, with ini- WHO fears the virus others were injured on ter receiving what she de- identity and whether any sponse to Hurricane tial ‘MG’ of seven years will mutate, acquiring genes Wednesday when two scribed as a voluntary and laws were violated. Katrina and Wednesday's and ‘F’ of nine years, have from the human influenza buses crashed on a rural- personal waiver of confi- With Miller's testi- indictment of House Re- been recovered, both of virus that will make it highly zone road of the northern dentiality from her source, mony, lawyers said, publican leader Tom them having been con- infectious and lethal to mil- Province of Colon, identified as Vice-Presi- Fitzgerald could move DeLay. firmed of having the dis- lions of people in a global Panama, officials said on dent Dick Cheney's Chief quickly to bring indict- The leak investigation ease by laboratory tests pandemic. Wednesday. of Staff, Lewis Libby. ments in the case. Or he has ensnarled President here, and F also by a Hong But, the organization The buses crashed Lawyers close to the may conclude that no George W Bush's top po- Kong laboratory,” he told has asked for calm, as there near the community of case said Miller's testi- crime was committed and litical adviser, Karl Rove, Xinhua. is no evidence through in- Quebrada Bonita, and that mony appeared to clear end his investigation and as well as Libby. The Santoso said that in the vestigation in Indonesia that the injured were taken to the way for prosecutor possibly issue a report on White House had long next few days two of the 21 the virus can easily spread the Manuel Amador Patrick Fitzgerald to wrap his findings. maintained that they had suspected bird flu patients from human to human. Guerrero Hospital Com- up his 2-year-old inquiry The outcome could nothing to do with the leak. will be discharged from MNA/Xinhua plex.— MNA/Xinhua into who in the Bush Ad- shake up the Bush White MNA/Reuters THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 October, 2005 5 China to push for new world of peace, amity Four newer ASEAN and harmony members, Japan to forge BEIJING, 1 Oct — Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said here on Friday that China will work for building “a new world of peace, amity and harmony” together with the people throughout the world. industrial cooperation Wen made the remarks deal with the financial cri- Asian Nations. developing countries and VIENTIANE, 1 Oct — Four newer members of at a reception marking the sis in 1997 and offered the All the facts proved provided them with assist- the Association of South-East Asian Nations 56th anniversary of the country’s largest-ever aid that China is a good neigh- ance within its ability. (ASEAN), Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Viet- founding of the People’s to the tsunami-hit coun- bour, good friend and good Besides, China has ac- nam (CLMV), and Japan would step up their Republic of China held in tries in January this year. partner of its neighbouring tively taken part in the industrial cooperation, Japanese Vice-Minister the Great Hall of the Peo- China also initiated the countries, Li said. On the United Nations affairs and of Economy, Trade and Industry said here on ple in downtown Beijing. Shanghai Cooperation Or- international arena, China carried out international Thursday. About 1,000 Chinese ganization for regional se- has pushed for South- cooperation on anti-terror- During the 1st con- Vice-Minister, said af- and foreign diplomats, curity and economic coop- South cooperation and ism, arms control, peace- sultation between ter the meeting. scholars and people from eration and promoted co- North-South cooperation, keeping, development, CLMV economic min- The delegates ex- all walks of life were operation between China, explored new areas and human rights, law enforce- isters and the Japanese plored the possibility of present at the reception. Japan, South Korea and the channels of mutually ment and environmental Ministry of Economy, establishing distribution In fact, Chinese lead- Association of South-East beneficial cooperation with protection.MNA/Xinhua Trade and Industry, the networks linking indus- ers and senior officials over delegates focused their trial clusters and pro- the past few months have discussions on future moting investment in kept highlighting the new directions of industrial special economic zones feature of the country’s cooperation between in CLMV, he said, not- foreign policy: “peace, de- the two sides, including ing that priority sectors velopment and coopera- enhanced linkage in the zones include la- tion”. among regional indus- bour-intensive indus- In an article issued in tries and distribution tries, garment, and agri- August, Chinese Foreign systems, promotion of cultural and food Minister Li Zhaoxing said promising industries, processing. that seeking peace, amity improvement of inter- The two-way trade and harmony among all national business skills, between ASEAN and Ja- countries is a key compo- acceleration of foreign pan rose by 19.9 per cent nent of Chinese traditional investment in the four to 135.9 billion US dol- culture. Under the banner countries, and enhance- lars in 2004. Meanwhile, of peace, development and ment of business envi- Japanese foreign direct cooperation, the country’s ronment via capacity investment increased by diplomacy has kept forg- building, Hachiro 9.5 per cent to 254 billion ing ahead and contributed Okonogi, the Japanese dollars.—MNA/Xinhua to safeguarding world peace and promoting com- Chinese people gather at Tiananmen Square to mon development. celebrate the 56th anniversary of the founding of the British oil worker kidnapped In Asia, China helped People’s Republic of China in Beijing on 1 Oct, its surrounding countries 2005. —INTERNET in Nigeria WARRI (Nigeria), 1 Oct — A British oil worker was kidnapped in Nigeria’s Iran warns UN watchdog over southern delta on Wednesday night, police and diplomatic sources said on Thursday. Security Council referral Another foreign oil worker was also hostage was a US citizen, but an oil indus- TEHERAN,1 Oct — Iran reiterated on Thursday that it would start uranium abducted along with the Briton, but his try source said he was Venezuelan. Nei- enrichment and stop allowing UN snap inspections of its atomic facilities if its nationality was not immediately known, ther embassy could immediately confirm nuclear programme is reported to the UN Security Council in November. the sources said. the nationality of the second hostage. Gholamreza Ag- resuming work at its Natanz Aghazadeh said. A police source said the kidnappers The two men were taken from the hazadeh, head of Iran’s uranium enrichment facil- Teheran says its nuclear had demanded 50-million-naira beer parlour in a bus to a riverside jetty Atomic Energy Organiza- ity. Work had been sus- programme is purely for (385,000-US-dollar) ransom. where they were transferred to a boat. tion, said there was no legal pended under a November generating electricity, but “Two white men were taken from a Police then shot the driver of the bus basis for reporting Iran to deal with the EU. the United States and the beer parlour in Warri last night,” one dead after he failed to stop at a check- the UN Security Council. “If they refer our case to European Union suspect police source said. One of the hostages point and arrested two passengers of the The 35-nation govern- the Council, we will imme- Iran of trying to develop is a Briton, diplomatic and police sources bus who are now in the custody of the ing board of the UN nuclear diately resume activities in nuclear weapons. said. military in Warri, the source said. watchdog, the International the Natanz facility,” MNA/Reuters The police source said the second MNA/Reuters Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), meets in Novem- ber to discuss Iran and the Roadside bomb wounds four EU and the United States want it to report Teheran to US troops in Afghanistan the Security Council. KABUL, 1 Oct — Four US troops were wounded “We will immediately on Friday when their armoured vehicle was hit lift the suspension of ura- by a roadside bomb blast in the eastern Afghan nium enrichment and will Province of Kunar, the US military said. halt implementation of the The wounded soldiers, from a unit that had re- Additional Protocol,” turned from defusing a similar bomb in the area, were Aghazadeh said. in a stable condition, a statement said. The Additional Proto- Insurgent violence has picked up in Afghanistan col to the nuclear Non-Pro- since the Taleban guerillas and their Islamic militant liferation Treaty (NPT) al- allies failed to derail legislative elections held on lows short-notice checks of 18 September. A US soldier and a US Marine were atomic facilities by UN killed in militant attacks on Monday, a day after a US weapons inspectors. helicopter crashed on an anti-militant operation Iran broke UN seals at killing all five crewmen. Monday’s deaths brought a uranium conversion plant US combat fatalities in Afghanistan this year to more at Isfahan last month, but it than 50, making it the bloodiest so far for US forces A damaged Danish Army patrol car is towed from a bridge in Basra, Iraq, has so far refrained from in the country. — MNA/Reuters on 1 Oct, 2005. —INTERNET 6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 October, 2005 US Senate Vietnam receives more confirms John foreign arrivals in 9 Roberts as months this year Chief˚˚Justice HANOI, 1 Oct — Vietnam welcomed some 2.6 million international arrivals in the first nine WASHINGTON, 30 months of this year, posting a year-on-year rise Sept— The US Senate ap- of 23.3 per cent. proved on Thursday John Among the arrivals, hotels in Vietnam is pre- Roberts to become the 17th the numbers of visitors dicted to stand at more Chief Justice of the US from South Korea, the than 65 per cent this year, Supreme Court by a vote Association of South- the VNAT said. The of 78-22. Roberts, 50, East Asian Nations country, as of June, had would become the young- (ASEAN), Belgium and 2,572 hotels with nearly est chief justice in more France surged most, by 72,100 rooms, it added. 57 per cent, 50 per cent, than 200 years, to succeed According to the Pa- Citizens of Shanghai crowded˚in the waterfronts of the Huangpu River on˚eve of the 30 per cent and 26 per the late Chief Justice cific Asia Travel Asso- National Day on 30 September, 2005. China celebrates its 56th anniversary of the cent, respectively, ac- William H Rehnquist, who ciation, Vietnam will re- founding of the People’s Republic of China on 1 October, 2005. —INTERNET cording to the Vietnam ceive 3.36 million foreign died on 3 September. National Administration arrivals in 2005, 3.64 Roberts was born in of Tourism (VNAT) on Dozens missing Malaysia to launch million in 2006 and 3.89 Buffalo, New York, in Friday. 1955 and was raised in In- in 2007, accounting for in Amazon registration for prepaid “This year, Vietnam 5.87 per cent, 5.80 per diana. He got his under- is expected to host 3.4 cent and 5.75 per cent, re- River collision handphone users graduate degree from million international ar- spectively, of the total Harvard in 1976 and gra- rivals, up 17.2 per cent. visitors to the 10- mem- SAO PAULO (Brazil), 1 KUALA LUMPUR, 1 Oct — Malaysia will start its duated from Harvard Law It will also receive some ber ASEAN. Oct— Three people were pilot programme to register prepaid handphone School in 1979. 16 million local visitors, killed and dozens were service users in Malacca and Penang beginning Vietnam, in the next He was first nominated up 17.6 per cent,” the missing after a passenger from Saturday. three years, will rank fifth VNAT said, adding that boat and a convoy of rafts in July by President George in attracting foreign visi- All new prepaid ernment has decided to the country is likely to W. Bush to succeed retir- tors among ASEAN collided in Brazil’s Ama- users will be required to make it compulsory for earn around 33 trillion ing Justice Sandra Day members, after Malaysia, zon River, rescue officials register themselves when telecommunication com- Vietnamese dong (nearly O’Connor in July, but was Thailand, Singapore and said on Friday. buying a start-up pack in panies to register all pre- 2.1 billion US dollars) renominated earlier this Indonesia, the association The accident took the two states. The regis- paid mobile phone users from tourism services in month to be chief justice predicted. place on Thursday night tration work will be gradu- by the end of the year 2005, 2005. after Rehnquist’s death. MNA/Xinhua between the river towns ally extended to other Minister of Energy, Wa- MNA/Xinhua Occupancy rates of of Urucurituba and states in the country. ter and Communications Itacoatiara, about 120 Deputy Minister of Lim Keng Yaik said on miles from Manaus, capi- Energy, Water and Com- 14 August. tal of Amazonas state. munications Shaziman This requirement The boat was carry- Abu Mansor will launch aims to assist the authori- ing about 70 passengers. the programme in Penang, ties in tracing culprits re- A rescue official said a statement jointly issued sponsible for abusive calls about 25 survivors had by the three Malaysian and to curb the abuse of been accounted for and telecommunication com- short message service, three people found dead. panies said. Lim said. MNA/Reuters The Malaysian Gov- MNA/Xinhua More evidence links SARS to bats WASHINGTON, 30 Sept — Many species of bats found across China are infected with viruses similar to the SARS virus, an international team of researchers reported on Thursday. Zhengli Shi of the SARS-like viruses. true reservoir of the Chinese Academy of Sci- This would support SARS virus. ences in Beijing and col- the idea that bats are the Earlier this month a leagues sampled more reservoir — the natural team of Hong Kong re- than 400 bats of various host — of the virus. Ani- searchers reported that Nissan Motor’s concept car ‘Pivo’, featuring an egg-shaped cabin atop a species across China and mals that act as reservoirs bats found in Hong Kong wheeled platform that can swivel around 360 degrees, is unveiled in Tokyo on found up to 70 per cent of carry and spread a virus carried a virus very simi- 30 September, 2005 during a press preview for the upcoming Tokyo Motor some species showed evi- without themselves be- lar to the SARS virus. Show 2005.—Internet dence of infection with coming ill. They said the horse- Severe acute respira- shoe bats, used both as Nissan’s new concept car a rotating egg on wheels tory syndrome or SARS food and in Chinese medi- TOKYO, 1 Oct — Tired of all those three-point Pivo at the Tokyo Motor Show, which opens to the first emerged in China in cine, should be handled turns? Nissan Motor Co could have a solution. public on 22 October. 2002 and in 2003 spread with great care. Japan’s second-biggest auto maker has devel- At the preview this week in Zama City, near around the world via jet, Shi, Wendong Li and oped a concept car featuring an egg-shaped cabin Tokyo, a driver slid the 2.7-metre (8-foot) long Pivo killing more than 700 peo- colleagues studied other atop a wheeled platform that can swivel around 360 into a tight imaginary parking spot, then rotated the ple and infecting about bats found in four differ- degrees, doing away with the need to reverse when cabin with the push of a button to face “backwards” 8,000. Strict quarantines ent parts of China. They emerging from narrow spaces. to come out of the space in one motion. and other measures found that anywhere “With this feature, parking in tight spots is a “With the Pivo concept, we want to demonstrate stopped its spread. between 28 per cent and cinch,” chief designer Masato Inoue told reporters at the myriad possibilities that drive-by-wire could It is caused by a new 71 per cent of the bats, a sneak preview of the bubble-shaped, three-seater achieve,” Inoue said. virus called SARS depending on the electric car this week. Shiro Nakamura, Nissan’s celebrity design chief, coronavirus. Coronavi- species and location, had The car, named Pivo after the word “pivot”, said on Friday the real-world application of the con- ruses are common in peo- evidence of infection operates on an experimental system called drive-by- cept could be but a decade away.“Who knows, in 10 ple and animals and usu- with a SARS-like wire, which eliminates the mechanical linkages be- years our March (or Micra, subcompact car) could ally cause nothing more coronavirus. tween cabin and chassis to enable steering, braking look like this,” he said at a media event at Nissan’s serious than a cold. Theirs was different and shifting through electronic signals. showroom in Tokyo’s Ginza shopping district, where Animals such as from the virus found by The system is the car’s version of fly-by-wire the car was being prepared for display to the palm civets were found the Hong Kong research- technology, which has controlled commercial jets public. to be infected but study ers, they said. for more than a decade. Nissan will showcase the MNA/Reuters showed they were not the MNA/Reuters THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 October, 2005 7 Towards a society for all ages

Ko Kway (Geology)

The burgeoning (g) Education ternational Business aged population of the Adhering to the Centre to commemorate world is posing a seri- suggestions, the UN the International Day of ous problem. The 37th member nations formed Older Persons, UN General Assembly work committees for wellwishers donated held in 1982 laid down holding workshops, col- cash and medicines International Plan of lecting data, and provid- worth about K 14.5 mil- Action on Aging ing care services for the lion in total. Some through resolution No elderly nation-wise and wellwishers felt charita- 37/51 with a view to region-wise. In order to ble at the ceremony and seeking better means for pay a greater attention to made donations more welfare of the aged. A the welfare of the aged, than intended. It was conference on the aged the UN General Assem- heartening to learn that was held in Vienna, bly passed a resolution. students from basic edu- Austria, the same year And under the recom- cation schools contrib- to implement the plan. mendation of the Com- Minister for SWRR Maj-Gen Sein Htwa accepts K 1 million from Thiri uted over K 1.9 million The conference adopted mission on Social Wel- Thudhamma Theingi Daw Aye Myat Nwe (Bagan Hotel) at a ceremony held to the donation. a work programme “Vi- fare, the UN Economic on 27-9-2005 hailing the International Day of lder Persons which falls on 1-10-2005. Now, a total of enna Plan” for enhanc- and Social Council 52 homes for the aged NGOs that are engaged ing the capabilities of passed resolution No Myanmar has been con- run-up to the 1st Octo- across the nation run by in the care of the aged. governments and inter- 1997/18 on 21 July 1997 stantly carrying out care ber, the department car- social organizations care Every year, the national organizations in to designate the year services for its senior ries out preliminary ac- for 2,196 senior citi- government spends about taking censuses of age- 1999 as International citizens especially in the tivities such as donating zens. There might be K 15 million on provid- ing populations in re- Year for Older Persons days designated in hon- cash and medicines to many older persons the ing cash and medicines spective nations and ful- and the 1st October as In- our of the older persons. homes for the aged, con- length and breadth of for the oldest in the na- filling requirements in ternational Day of Older It is a fine tradition of ducting talks on care of the nation who are in tion, the oldest man and the drive. Persons. Since 1999, Myanmar that people older persons, and ren- need. In line with the woman in each state and In the process, Myanmar, a member of pay respects to elderly dering assistance to motto “Towards a soci- suggestions were made the UN, has observed In- persons on the days of ety for all ages”, the to do research, collect ternational Day of Older religious significance At the seventh ceremony to entire national people of data and conduct a re- Persons through the and in the periods of re- present cash and medicines held on all ages do their bit in view of the following motto “Towards a soci- ligious festivals. The In- carrying out nation- work programmes. ety for all ages” yearly. ternational Day of Older 27 September 2005 at the Interna- building tasks in the (a) Health and Nutri- Myanmar com- Persons is commemo- tional Business Centre to commemo- drive for building a tion memorates the Interna- rated not only in Yangon peaceful, modern and rate the International Day of Older (b) Protection of Eld- tional Day of Older Per- but also in other States developed nation. Just erly Consumers sons annually in con- and Divisions. Persons, wellwishers donated cash observing the Interna- (c) Housing and En- formity with her own The Social Wel- and medicines worth about K 14.5 tional Day of Older Per- vironment culture and traditions, fare Department under sons that falls on the 1st (d) Family while taking measures to the Ministry of Social million in total. Some wellwishers felt October is not enough (e) Social Welfare implement the UN’s prin- Welfare, Relief and Re- charitable at the ceremony and made to fully honour the eld- (f) Income Security ciples on aging. Being a settlement is the focal erly persons. and Employment, nation where Theravada point in looking after the donations more than intended. Therefore the na- and Buddhism flourishes, aged. Yearly, during the tional people are urged division, and elderly per- to contribute towards Bwa Mya sons, who performed bril- the drive for welfare of Bo Kissana, Gyi, 113, liantly in the interests of the aged by caring for 104, the the oldest the State, on the Interna- nearby elderly persons oldest man woman in tional Day of Older Per- in need, participating in in Myanmar. sons, and providing cash the tasks of departments Myanmar. She lives to the homes for the aged and social organizations He lives in in Daung across the nation. that get involved in the Mintada Yway Wellwishers contribute care of the aged, and ward, village, cash and medicines to the making donations to Mogok Amarapura drive. them. Township, Township, At the seventh cer- (Translation: MS) Mandalay Mandalay emony to present cash Myanma Alin, Division. Division. and medicines held on 27 Kyemon: 2-10-2005 September 2005 at the In- ******** 8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 October, 2005 Development infrastrutures in Taninthayi Division… (from page 1) and presented mosquito An older person nets for local residents spoke words of thanks. through the chairman of Next, Lt-Gen Ward PDC. Maung Bo and party pro- Commander Maj- ceeded to construction Gen Maung Maung Swe site of Kawthoung Home presented books for the for the Aged inspected library in the ward the buildings of the through an official. home. Next, Daw Tin After hearing re- Tin Nwe presented jour- Lt-Gen Maung Bo meets local authorities, social organizations and townselders at the new school ports presented by an nals on health and io- building in Pulon-tone-tone Ward in Kawthoung.—MNA official on construction dized salt to officials of Maung Bo offered pro- for beautifying the beach Shwemintha and patients by the specialists tasks of the Home, Lt- Ward WAO and visions to the Sayadaw. and building of bunga- Shwenadi Services, Lt- and distribution of medi- Gen Maung Bo gave nec- MCWA. The commander lows. Gen Maung Bo left nec- cines to the children. essary instructions. After the cer- and wife, senior military In connection with essary instructions. At the briefing The construction emony, Lt-Gen Maung officers and departmen- the reports, Lt-Gen At Pulon-tone-tone hall of the local battal- ion, Lt-Gen Maung Bo held a meeting with mili- tary officers, other ranks and families. Next, Lt-Gen Maung Bo and Com- mander Maj-Gen Maung Maung Swe provided assistance to families of the station through Col Myint Tun of Kawthoung Station. On arrival at the local battalion hospital, Lt-Gen Maung Bo and party viewed round the hospital and presented Lt-Gen Maung Bo and party view Pulon-tone-tone Beach.—MNA cash assistance to the patients. of the home has com- Bo greeted those present. tal officials also offered Maung Bo made arrange- rural health centre, Lt- After the meeting pleted and it can accom- Next, Lt-Gen alms to members of the ments to fulfill the needs. Gen Maung Bo and party Lt-Gen Maung Bo left modate 40 older persons. Maung Bo attended the Sangha. After inspecting viewed free medical the hospital. At the hall of Ba- ceremony to offer alms Next, officials do- the bungalows built by treatment given to the MNA

Lt-Gen Maung Bo presents mosquito nets to chairman of Pulon-tone-tone Lt-Gen Maung Bo inspects Home for the Ward PDC U Hsar Dat.—MNA Aged in Kawthoung.—MNA sic Education Middle to members of the nated rice for members of School in Pulon-tone- Sangha held at the Sangha and books tone Ward-11, Lt-Gen Yangyiaung Monastery and stationery for stu- Maung Bo met with de- in conjunction with a dents. partmental officials, ceremony to donate Sayadaw Bhad- members of social or- books and stationery to danta Pannabhivamsa ganizations and locals. students attending the delivered a sermon. First, Chairman U No-1 Monastic Educa- After the cer- Hsar Dat of Ward PDC tion School. emony, Lt-Gen Maung reported to Lt-Gen The congregation Bo and party proceeded Maung Bo and party on led by Lt-Gen Maung Bo to Pulon-tone-tone matters relating to received the Five Pre- beach. economy, education, so- cepts from Presiding At the briefing cial affairs, agriculture, Abbot of Yangyiaung hall, Manager U Maung and livestock and fisher- Monastery Sayadaw Maung Than of Shwe ies of the ward. Bhaddanta Pan- Kawthoung Co reported Lt-Gen Maung Bo nabhivumsa. to Lt-Gen Maung Bo on Commander Maj-Gen Maung Maung Swe presents books to Incharge of fulfilled the requirements Next, Lt-Gen arrangements being made Pulon-tone-tone Library U Khin Myint.—MNA THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 October, 2005 9 Commander, Vice-Mayor Yangon Division MCWASC marks International inspects sanitation tasks in city Day of Older Persons

YANGON, 2 Oct— Accompanied by Vice-Chair- man of Yangon City Development Committee Vice- Mayor Col Maung Pa, Chairman of Yangon Divi- sion Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe inspected sanitation tasks here yesterday morning. The commander and the vice-mayor inspected tarring on Bayintnaung road in Hline Township, Natmauk road in Bahan Township and Parami road in South Okkalapa Township. They also inspected sanitation tasks carried out along Industry-1 road in Yankin Township and Dagon Myothit (North) Township. Sanitation tasks are also carried out by officers and other ranks of Yangon Station in the compound of Arzarni mauso- leum in Bahan Township, Myawady Yeiktha and Nawarat Yeiktha. The commander gave instructions on carrying out sanitation tasks for the pleasantness of the city. MNA

Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe accepts cash donation presented by a wellwisher for health care MWVCOC member services for older persons. — MNA inspects No 2 War YANGON, 2 Oct— A ceremony to provide Hninzigone Home for the Aged, wellwishers, older health care services to older persons to mark the persons and guests. Veteran Model Village International Day of Older Persons organized by In his address, the commander said that 1 Yangon Division Maternal and Child Welfare Asso- October was designated as International Day of Older YANGON, 2 Oct— ating of electricity ciation Supervisory Committee was held in conjunc- Persons in 1993 and this year’s motto was “Towards Member of Myanmar through wind power. tion with a ceremony to donate cash at Hninzingone a society of all ages”. Nowadays, the world’s popu- War Veterans Central No 2 War Veteran Home for the Aged on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, here, lation has exceeded six billion. In Myanmar, there Organizing Committee Model Village is situated yesterday. Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and were 2.6 million older persons over the age of sixty Minister for Industry-1 near The-pyu Village, Development Council Commander of Yangon Com- in 1990 and thus it constituted 6.4 per cent of the U Aung Thaung, accom- Hmawby Township, and mand Maj-Gen Myint Swe attended the ceremony population. panied by member Vice- altogether 100 low-cost and made a speech. Providing health care services to older per- Mayor of YCDC Col houses are under con- Also present were Chairperson of Yangon sons are included in health plans of the Ministry of Maung Pa and officials, struction there. Division MCWASC Daw Khin Thet Htay, officials, Health, the commander said. Myanmar Maternal and this morning inspected MNA members of Township MCWA, officials of Child Welfare Association has carried out the tasks No 2 War Veteran for providing health care services to older persons starting from 1998, he said. The commander thanked Model Village in The- wellwishers who provided assistance and specialists pyu Village, Hmawby who arranged treatments to be given to older per- Township. sons. The minister and Next, Daw Khin Thet Htay explained purpose party heard a report pre- of holding the ceremony. She handed over K 100000 sented by In Charge of donated by Yangon Division MCWASC to the com- the village Major Nwe mander. Soe (Retd) on construc- Afterwards, the commander, the chairperson tion of the village, the and officials accepted cash and medicines donated site chosen for construc- by wellwishers for older persons. tion of workshop and Next, Vice-Chairman of the Administrative land reclamation, and Board of Hninzigone Home for the Aged spoke words gave necessary instruc- of thanks. tions. After the ceremony, the commander and guests Next, the minister viewed health care services provided to older per- and party looked into the sons by specialists under the arrangement of Yangon sites for construction of Division Health Committee. low-cost houses and MNA Minister U Aung Thaung inspects War Veteran workshop for families of Model Village No 2 in Hmawby Township. war veterans and gener- MNA Designers leave for Malaysia YANGON, 2 Oct— Theingi Win of study tour there. A 12-member Profes- Myanmar Women En- The delegation sional Hair Designer trepreneurs Association was seen off at the air- Study Tour Group led left here for Malaysia port by officials of by Executive Daw this morning to make a MWEA.—MNA The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.

MWEA study tour group seen at the airport before their departure for KL, The second best time is now. Malaysia. — MWEA 10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 October, 2005 Coordination meeting of Work Committee for Upgrading Yangon Kandawgyi Gardens and Zoo held

YANGON, 2 Oct— The coordination meeting of Work Committee for Upgrading Yangon Kandawgyi Gardens and Zoo took place yesterday afternoon at Agricultural Museum of Myanma Ag- riculture Service in Education Zone of Kandawgyi Gardens with an address by Chairman of the com- mittee Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Com- mand Maj-Gen Myint Swe. Also present were Deputy Minister for En- ergy Brig-Gen Than Htay, Vice-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, departmental heads, military region com- manders, local authorities, officials and invited guests. In his address, the commander urged officials to finish the upgrading tasks and supervise main- Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe talks at the Work Committee for Upgrading Yangon Kandawgyi taining work. Gardens and Zoo . — MNA Next, Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa reported on Shwe on arrangements being made for the people for Deputy Chief Engineer U Tun Aye of Myanma construction of relaxation zone, building of Popa relaxation; Director U Kyaw Thein of Irrigation Electric Power Enterprise on supplying of electric- tower; Director-General U Soe Win Hlaing of Fo- Department on keeping water of Kandawgyi clean; ity. rest Department on planting of trees and erecting of General Manager U Yan Naing of the Ministry of Next, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Htay lamp post, tarring of roads in the zones and upgrad- Hotels and Tourism on building of restaurant; U Tin made a supplementary report. ing of the zoo; U Hla Win of Fisheries Department Htut Thet of Wood Land Co. Ltd on constructing of After the meeting, the commander and party under the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries on buildings in the compound of Kandawgyi swimming inspected construction of Club House, laying of collection of fish and building of aquarium mu- pool; Professor Daw Tin Tin Win of the Ministry of crazy pattern marble slabs on stairs of Popa tower seum; President of Hoteliers' Association Dr Khin Science and Technology on quality control; and and installing railings.—MNA A&I Minister arrives back from the Philippines Attended meeting of ASEAN A&F ministers, meeting of ASEAN A&F ministers+3

YANGON, 2 Oct— directors of departments After that, Leader The Myanmar delega- and enterprises under the of high-ranking officials tion led by Minister for ministry. under the Ministry of Ag- Agriculture and Irriga- The Myanmar del- riculture of the Philip- tion Maj-Gen Htay Oo egation attended the pines Dr Segfredo R yesterday evening ar- opening of the 27th Serrano spoke. rived back here by air ASEAN Agriculture and Next, Vice-Presi- after attending the 27th Forestry Ministers’ dent of the Philippines ASEAN Agriculture and Meeting held at Taal- Mr Nolide Castro for- Forestry Ministers’ Vista Hotel, Tagaytay on mally opened the meet- Meeting held in 29 September morning. ing. Tagaytay, the Republic On the occasion, Minister for Agri- of Philippines from 29 the Mayor of Tagaytay culture and Irrigation to 30 September 2005. extended greetings. Maj-Gen Htay Oo an- They were wel- Next, Minister of nounced the start of the comed back at Yangon Agriculture of the Phil- meeting and made an International Airport by ippines Mr Domingo F opening speech. Minister for Foreign Pan Ganiban made a The meeting Affairs U Nyan Win, speech. elected Minister of Agri- Minister for Health Dr Minister for Agri- culture of the Philippines Minister Maj-Gen Htay Oo poses for a documentary photo together with Kyaw Myint, Deputy culture and Irrigation of Mr Domingo F Pan ASEAN ministers on agriculture and forestry. — A&I Minister for Agriculture Myanmar Maj-Gen Htay Ganiban as the meeting Tan as the vice-meeting ministers from three Dia- Htay Oo met Deputy and Irrigation U Ohn Oo thanked the Philip- chairman and Minister of chairman. logue Partners—China, Minister of Agriculture Myint and directors- pines for hosting the National Development of Afterwards, Min- Japan and Korea pre- of Thailand Mr Charai general and managing meeting. Singapore Mr Mah Bow ister Maj-Gen Htay Oo sented matters on coop- Trinvuthipong and handed over the respon- eration between ASEAN Deputy Minister of Ag- sibility to Minister of Ag- nations and three dia- riculture, Forestry and riculture of the Philip- logue partners. Livestock of Japan Mr pines Mr Domingo F Pan This was followed Takayuri Tsuneda on 29 Ganiban who was to pre- by a general round of dis- and 30 September. They side over the meeting, cussions, and the meet- discussed matters on and the meeting ended at ing ended at 2 pm. extended cooperation 4.30 pm. A press release on between the two coun- On 30 September the 27th ASEAN Agri- tries. morning, the 5th ASEAN culture and Forestry Minister Maj-Gen and Three East Asian Ministers’ Meeting and Htay Oo on 1 October Dialogue Partners’ Meet- the 5th ASEAN and morning met heads of de- ing was held at Taal- Three East Asian Dia- partment of SEAMEO, Vista Hotel, Tagaytay. logue Partners’ Meeting SEARCA and IRRI in The Minister of took place at the hotel, Los Barnos and scholars Agriculture of the Phil- and those present met of the ministry, who are ippines made a speech local and foreign jour- pursuing education for Minister Maj-Gen Htay Oo chairs the 5th Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers on on the occasion. nalists. post-graduate there. Agriculture and Forestry+3. — A & I Next, the deputy Minister Maj-Gen MNA THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 October, 2005 11 MPF members urged to serve interests of people and nation 41st Anniversary of Myanmar Police Force observed

YANGON, 2 Oct— The ceremony to mark the 41st Anniversary of Myanmar Police Force was held at Drugs Elimi- nation Museum at the cor- ner of Kyundaw Street and Hanthawady Road in Kamayut Township here yesterday morning. Min- ister for Home Affairs Maj-Gen Maung Oo at- tended the ceremony and presented awards to out- standing members of MPF. Minister for Home Affairs delivers a speech at the 41st Anniversary of MPF. — MNA Also present were Chairman of Civil Serv- come an organization that law, there must be effi- the risk of their lives hand The minister ac- work hard and be loyal to ice Selection and Train- serves the interests of the cient Tatmadaw, efficient in hand with the knowledged that members the State and the people. ing Board Dr Than Nyun, people like the Tatmadaw. Police Force and efficient Tatmadaw. At such a time, of MPF have exposed Afterwards, Minis- Deputy Attorneys-Gen- The Head of State himself administrative body. they are to keep patriot- many cases in the country ter Maj-Gen Maung Oo eral Dr Tun Shin and U has given guidance that Only when these ism in the fore and be effi- and they also have pre- gave promotion to seven Myint Naing, member of MPF endowed with patri- three bodies discharge cient. Only with strong vented trans-border outstanding police officers. CSSTB U Nyunt Swe, otism should win the trust their duties in harmony patriotism can all safe- crimes. This is the result The ceremony to Director-General Brig- of the people. will they be able to reach guard Our Three Main of the cooperation of the present prizes of the 41st Gen Khin Yi of MPF, de- In paying tribute to the goal quickly, he said. National Causes. To serve people, the minister said. Anniversary of Myanmar partmental heads under goodwill of the Head of With the aim of the interest of the State, He continued to say that Police Force was held at the Ministry of Home Af- State, members of MPF enabling MPF to become the entire people need to with the concept that vic- noon. Director-General of fairs, police officers, rep- are to translate the four efficient one that win the be strong. Members of tory can be achieved MPF Brig-Gen Khin Yi resentatives form organi- objectives of MPF namely trust of the people and re- MPF, on their part, are to through the might of the made a speech and pre- zations and associations community peace and serve force of the national protect the people accord- people, MPF members are sented awards to police related to MPF, artistes, tranquillity, the rule of defence, six sub-commit- ing to the law. to organize the people to officer San Naing Tun of members of MPF and law, prevention of drug tees have been formed to Now is the time fully cooperate in the tasks Mandalay Division Police guests. menace and serveing the supervise the tasks. There- when efforts are being of MPF. Force and prizes to out- In his address, Min- interest of the people into fore, during the ten-year made to have good rela- Only when people standing members. ister Maj-Gen Maung Oo reality. In addition to these period, MPF has been tions with neighbouring are cooperating in the Deputy Director-General said that the State Peace tasks, MPF members are meeting with success in countries and ASEAN tasks, will the seven-point of MPF Police Brig-Gen and Development Coun- to discharge the duty of carrying out its duties and countries. Moreover, the policy programme of the Zaw Win and senior po- cil formed Committee for national security. it can be seen that it has seven-point policy pro- State be implemented and lice officers also presented Transforming Manage- On one occasion, been winning the trust of gramme of the State has the goal of discipline flour- prizes to outstanding MPF ment System of Myanmar the Head of State gave the people to some extent. been laid down and is be- ishing democratic nations members and Daw Khin Police Force on 28 Janu- guidance pointing out that In some fields, ing implemented with the which the people long for May Soe, wife of the di- ary 1994 and carried out for the sake of stability of members of MPF have aim of putting the nation be reached, he said. In rector-general of MPF to the tasks for MPF to be- the State and the rule of discharged their duties at on the right track to de- conclusion, the minister outstanding athletes and mocracy. urged MPF members to students.—MNA Pakistani police bust human trafficking gang

DAHARKI (Pakistan), 2 Oct — Pakistani police have rescued 10 women from a gang involved in trafficking women for the sex trade, police said on Saturday. The women were re- cases against the arrested They used to torture covered this week from men for kidnapping and us and use some of the private jails in two places human trafficking,” the women for sexual pur- near the town of Daharki, officer said. poses,” she told reporters 550 kilometres (350 The US State Depart- on Friday. miles) northeast of the city ment said in a report on Iqbal Haider, who of Karachi. human trafficking in June heads the Human Rights “These women were that Pakistan had not com- Commission of Pakistan, brought from the North- plied with minimum said human trafficking in West Frontier Province standards for the elimina- Pakistan also involved and the Punjab for traf- tion of trafficking, al- children. An outstanding police officer is promoted by Minister Maj-Gen Maung Oo at ficking purposes,” said a though it was making sig- “It is a major prob- 41st Anniversary of MPF. — MNA senior police official, who nificant efforts to do so. lem and more efforts are declined to be identified. Girls and women needed to combat it,” he Provisions donated… donations were 77 bags of Three people were from rural areas are traf- said. rice, 9 viss and 60 ticals of arrested during the raids, ficked to cities for com- Some of the rescued (from page 16) Next, the officials edible oil, 17 viss of gram, he said.“We fear, from the mercial sexual exploita- women had been sent and Marine Chemicals of Muslim Home for Aged 105 viss of iodized salt, statements of the arrested tion and involuntary do- home and others had been Enterprise, traditional accepted others’ dona- 19 tubes of toothpaste, 265 men, that this gang is in- mestic servitude, the State taken to a shelter, he said. medicines of the Tradi- tions. After donations, Col tube of traditional medi- volved in the trafficking Department said. In 2004, 479 trafficking- tional Medicines De- General Staff(Air) Col cines, 1,080 packets of of some 100 women.” One of the recovered related cases were regis- partment under the Min- Nay Win explained the chilli powder, 50 litres of Police said traf- women, Nasreen, said that tered, 289 individuals ar- istry of Health and, ed- purpose of the donations fish sauce, 48 viss of dry ficked women were forced she was kept in a house rested and 72 of them con- ible oil and soaps of and an official of the home fish and totalling cash K into the sex trade and also with 20 other women who victed, the US State De- Myanma Economic spoke words of thanks. 8,664,050. made to work on farms. had been taken away be- partment said. Holdings Ltd. Altogether today’s MNA “We have lodged fore the police raid. MNA/Reuters 12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 October, 2005 Heavy flood A D V E R T I S E M E N T S kills nine in northern Thailand BANGKOK, 1 Oct— Death toll from tropical de- pression Damrey has risen to nine in Thailand as heavy flood continued to plague the country’s North and Northeast region. Samart Chokkhana- pitak, chief of the Irrigation Department, said the con- ditions were more worri- some in Lampang since Residents stand amidst dense smoke as they wait to return to their neighbour- water levels at the major hoods following wildfires in the Bell Canyon and Woolsey Canyon areas, dam the Kiew Lom had on 30 September, 2005, in Los Angeles.—INTERNET reached the peak. Flood- water overflowed from sev- Typhoon “Damrey” toll hits 120, eral rivers in Lampang in- undated downtown area and several other districts. The Vietnam suffers most water level at Chaomae HANOI, 1 Oct — The death toll from Typhoon Damrey and the flash floods Suchada bridge was ex- it spawned in several Asian countries rose to at least 120 on Friday. pected to rise to five metres The official Vietnam miles) northwest of Ha- try on Hainan and dam- Thursday night, the worst News Agency said all 51 noi, had died although a aged the power grid and in the past 10 years, he was people swept away by provincial disaster official rubber plantations there, quoted by Bangkok Post as flash floods in the north- told Reuters only 33 bo- Xinhua quoted the offi- saying. ern province of Yen Bai, dies had been found. cial as saying. MNA/Xinhua 180 kilometres (110 China, where Damrey About 330,000 people caused huge damage on were evacuated in advance 12 killed in Encephalitis deaths in the southern island of of the typhoon’s arrival. Hainan, raised its toll from More than 10,400 Polish school northern India state 16 to 25 and Thailand said homes and schools in Vi- two more people had been etnam were destroyed or bus crash mount to 950 killed in flash floods in damaged. Damrey also WARSAW, 1 Oct — A NEW DELHI, 1 Oct —With eight more people the north, taking its total shattered nearly 120 kilo- bus carrying schoolchil- succumbing to Japanese encephalitis in northern to nine. While Damrey — metres (75 miles) of dykes dren on a pilgrimage col- Indian state Uttar Pradesh, the death toll from the Khmer for elephant — built to protect rice fields lided with a truck in east- brain-infecting illness in the state mounted to 950 killed only five people as from the sea, the govern- ern Poland on Friday, kill- on Friday. it roared ashore in north- ment’s Committee for ing 12 people and injuring The eastern region of medical college and hos- ern Vietnam on Tuesday, Flood and Storm Preven- dozens, the fire brigade the state, where the disease pitals of adjacent districts 65 people were killed by tion said. said. had taken an epidemic pro- since the outbreak of the flash floods as it also Power supplies and The bus, carrying portion, has witnessed 793 disease in August this year. lashed parts of Laos and telecommunications were high-school students to deaths, the Press Trust of Meanwhile, aware- northern Thailand with hit when the typhoon Czestochowa shrine, span India (PTI) reported. ness campaign in affected torrential rain. landed blowing at more across the road and caught Eight people died of areas by the government, The Philippines re- than 130 kph (80 mph) fire after the collision, said encephalitis, and as many media and several volun- ported 16 deaths in and a preliminary govern- Jacek Dobrzynski, a as 29 patients were admit- tary organizations is con- Damrey’s rampage across ment estimate put losses spokesman for the fire bri- ted Friday to a medical tinuing in full swing. its main island of Luzon at 699 billion dong (44 gade in the eastern city of college and seven other A specific type of while the official Xinhua million US dollars). Bialystok. hospitals of the region, PTI mosquito, Culex trita news agency quoted a State television said “The bus was com- quoted Uttar Pradesh eniorhynchus, says health Chinese official as saying salt farmers on the north- pletely burned and people additional director experts, is responsible for it caused economic losses ern coast, where the ty- were running away in (health), C B M Tripathi as transmitting the disease to of 11.6 billion yuan (1.5 phoon struck, were with- flames,” he said by tel- saying. humans from pigs, which billion dollars). out food and local authori- ephone from the site of According to Triptahi, is the primary host of the Damrey nearly wiped ties had run out of stocks of the accident. a total of 3,393 patients encephalitis virus. out the aquaculture indus- noodles.—MNA/Reuters MNA/Reuters have been admitted to the MNA/Xinhua Bangladesh seizes Police rescue 19 women from Birmingham brothel explosives from

LONDON, 1 Oct— British police rescued 19 women they believe were being forced into prostitution by a human trafficking gang, West Midlands Police said on Friday. militant hideout DHAKA, 1 Oct— Security forces in Bangladesh The women came Hadley Road, Birming- their will on false pre- shown on BBC TV. have seized two 10-kilo bombs during a raid on a from a number of coun- ham, two other men and a tences and have been Police and immigra- jungle hideout of suspected militants linked to last tries including Greece, 40-year-old local woman brought to these tion officers were continu- month’s wave of bombings across the country, Turkey, Poland, Latvia, were all arrested for premises,” Detective ing to interview the police said on Friday. Italy, Japan and Hong managing a brothel. Chief Inspector Mark women on Friday. “During the raid on Thursday, one man was Kong. Police detained three Nevitt told reporters after Police also seized a arrested from the hideout believed to be used by They were found customers during the ope- the raid outside the build- Mercedes 4x4 vehicle be- militants of Jamaat-ul-Mujahedin,” a senior official of after a team of 25 women ration and also found a ing. longing to the parlour’s the elite Rapid Action Battalion told Reuters. police officers raided a sawn-off shotgun and four “We believe they may owner. Jamaat-ul-Mujahedin is blamed for the 17 August massage parlour in Bir- telescopic batons in the have been subject to vio- The raid was part of a blasts that killed two people and wounded about 100. mingham, central Eng- building. lent attacks, sexual attacks local police operation tar- The official said nearly 100 kilos in explosives land, at 7 pm on Thurs- “Intelligence suggests and as a result are now geting robbery and violent were found at the forest hideout near Ramu, 250 miles day. The male owner of that young ladies are be- being forced into prosti- crime. from the capital Dhaka. —MNA/Reuters the Cuddles Parlour in ing brought here against tution,” he said in footage MNA/Reuters

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 October, 2005 13



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ASEAN urged to help raise funds to fight bird flu MANILA, 1 Oct — Animal health experts on Thursday urged Southeast Asian countries to help raise funds and endorse a global plan to curb avian flu, which has killed 66 people and led to an estimated 15 billion US dollars in losses for the poultry trade. The world animal health increasing human deaths countries and multilateral mal health trust fund. body OIE, the Food and in affected countries and agencies, said Subhash The ASEAN ministers Agriculture Organization is also a means to prevent Morzaria, chief technical are due to discuss the (FAO) and the World it from spreading in coun- adviser of the FAO in Asia measures with their coun- Health Organization tries that are still free and the Pacific. terparts from China, Ja- (WHO) plan to hold a bird from bird flu,” Morzaria Agriculture ministers pan and South Korea on flu conference in Decem- told reporters on the side- from the Association of Friday. ber to try to raise the 102 lines of the meeting. South-East Asian Nations On Monday through million US dollars they say The proposed pro- began meeting in the Phil- Wednesday, senior agri- is needed to contain the gramme needs the en- ippines on Thursday to culture and forestry offi- virus. dorsement of the 10-mem- discuss measures to curb cials from the delegations “This proposed global ber ASEAN bloc to give it bird flu, including the had held initial sessions. strategy was prompted by credibility among donor creation of a regional ani- Ronel Abila, regional coordinator of the OIE in Toyota, GM to jointly develop automated Southeast Asia, said the driving system money raised at the con- ference in December TOKYO,1 Oct — said. Toyota has been de- fixed destinations with- Toyota Motor Corp and veloping a system for ve- out drivers. Toyota and would be used to help af- General Motors Corp of hicles to use laser beams GM have also been con- fected countries and to the United States have to detect people and other ducting joint research on fund research, training of launched joint research on vehicles. These technolo- environmentally friendly personnel and other cam- A Russian Soyuz TMA-7 spacecraft, with the ISS an automated driving sys- gies are expected to al- fuel cell cars. paigns against bird flu. crew of US space tourist Gregory Olsen, astronaut tem that will help prevent low vehicles to go to pre- MNA/Xinhua MNA/Reuters William McArthur of the US and cosmonaut Valery vehicle collisions, the Tokarev of Russia, blasts off from the launching largest Japanese pad at Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan automaker said on Friday. on 1 October, 2005.—INTERNET The automated driving system is one of the intel- Exercise may prevent pain ligent transport systems that the auto industry has in older adults been developing to pre- NEW YORK, 1 Oct — Running and other forms of vent traffic congestion vigorous exercise may prevent some of the aches and and accidents. The joint pains that come with age, a new study suggests. research between the Researchers found that among nearly 900 adults age leading Japanese and US 50 and up, those who regularly exercised were less automakers is expected to likely to develop painful joints and muscles over the focus on technologies that next 14 years. Throughout the study period, active would allow vehicles to adults’ pain-rating scores were consistently 25 per cent identify their locations lower than their peers’. through wireless commu- This was despite the fact that active men and women nication and automati- Workers assemble motorcycles at a Honda plant in Cikarang, West Java, were more likely to have a history of bone fracture. cally control speed and On the other hand, their sedentary peers had a higher Indonesia, on 30 September, 2005. —INTERNET location, the company rate of arthritis, which may help explain the findings, according to lead study author Dr Bonnie Bruce of Samsung Electronics to Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. invest $33b in chip business It is also possible, she told Reuters Health, that active adults’ lower risk of pain reflected their greater SEOUL, 1 Oct — South Korean Samsung Electron- “musculoskeletal reserve” or the effects of endorphins, ics Co, the world’s second largest maker of memory natural pain-killing chemicals released by the brain chips, announced on Thursday a 33-billion-US dollar during prolonged exercise. plan to build a new production complex in Hwaseong, But the exact mechanism by which regular exercise a city near Seoul. may ward off chronic pain is not yet clear, Bruce and The company said in a statement it plans to build her colleagues report in the journal Arthritis Research eight chip fabrication lines and one research centre & Therapy. by 2012 to develop next-generation 50-nanometer Their study included 866 healthy adults who were at chip technology in Hwaseong, some 50 kilometres least 50 years old, more than half of whom were south of Seoul. members of a runners’ club. At the start of the study and This will bring the number of its production lines annually thereafter, all participants reported the amount to a total of 24. It is the biggest single investment of of time per week they devoted to vigorous exercise, Samsung Electronics since 1974 when the company such as running, swimming, brisk walking, biking and started semiconductor business. aerobics. They also used a pain-rating scale to describe The company also said it will invest 860 billion any pain or stiffness they had suffered during the past won (834.9 million dollars) and employ 5,000 re- week. searchers in the envisioned research centre. On average, participants’ exercise levels at the end The world’s largest computer chip maker on Thurs- of the 14-year study remained similar to what they day also laid the foundation stone of the second were at the outset. semiconductor complex next to its existing produc- Not surprisingly, runners’ club members spent more tion facility in Hwaseong. time sweating — logging an average of 5 hours of With the completion of the construction of the new exercise per week, versus 2 hours among the other complex, Samsung targets 61 billion dollars in earn- study participants. They also tended to be younger and Firework explodes over Victoria Harbour ings from total semiconductor sales in 2012, com- leaner, but even when the researchers factored in weight in Hong Kong on 1 October, 2005 as celebrating pared with 16.2 billion dollars in 2004, said the and other differences, greater activity was related to China National Day. —INTERNET statement.— MNA/Xinhua less pain over time. — MNA/Reuters 14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 October, 2005 Van Nistelrooy lifts United, Spurs S P O R T S stun Charlton LONDON, 2 Oct— Dutch striker Ruud van Nistelrooy breathed more life Ten-man PSG cut gap on leaders back into Manchester United on Saturday, scoring twice in a 3-2 triumph at Fulham. by beating Nantes The victory brought United to within tom three with five points. PARIS, 2 Oct— Second-placed Paris St. Germain moved within a point of Ligue seven points of runaway leaders Chel- Spurs left Charlton reeling with a 1 leaders Olympique Lyon on Saturday, beating Nantes 2-0 despite playing with sea but second-placed Charlton Ath- superb fightback at The Valley. 10 men for much of the second half. letic lost ground when they squandered Playing in front of England coach Nantes played the last two a two-goal lead in a 3-2 home defeat by Sven-Goran Eriksson, Darren Bent minutes with 10 men after Tottenham Hotspur, for whom Robbie scored twice to give Athletic a 2-0 lead defender David Leray re- Keane grabbed a late winner. after 48 minutes but the prospect of ceived a second caution. Spurs joined Charlton on 15 points, defeat merely spurred Tottenham into Girondins Bordeaux re- six behind champions Chelsea, while action. mained third, a point be- United moved up to fourth on 14 points, Ledley King quickly pulled one back hind PSG, with a 1-0 vic- the same as Bolton Wanderers who play and Egyptian striker Mido lashed in an tory at bottom club Metz. on Sunday. equalizer through goalkeeper Stephan Brazilian midfielder Blackburn Rovers beat struggling Andersen's legs after 64 minutes. Fernando scored the only West Bromwich Albion 2-0 while Port- Irish substitute striker Keane com- goal early in the second smouth and Newcastle United played pleted Tottenham's comeback 10 min- half. Metz had defender out a goalless draw at Fratton Park. utes from time with a neat finish after a Mehdi Meniri sent off in Sunderland held sixth-placed West Ham counter-attack by Martin Jol's improv- the 63rd minute for a United 1-1 at the Stadium of Light. ing team. second bookable offence. Chelsea face Liverpool for the sec- "We believed in it," said Jol. "I think ond time in four days when they visit we deserved it because we played brave, Paris St Germain's David Rozehnal (top) challenges Loic Perrin, Vincent Hognon and David Anfield on Sunday, the same day as we played all the strikers." for the ball with Nantes' Luigi Glombard during their Arsenal, on 10 points, host Birmingham Michael Owen was left out of New- French soccer match at the Parc des Princes Hellebuyck gave St Etienne a 3-0 home win over Le City. All the goals came in a frenetic castle's 0-0 draw at Portsmouth with a Stadium in Paris, on 1 October, 2005.—INTERNET Mans which lifted the 10- first half at Craven Cottage where re- dead leg but manager Graeme Souness PSG scored twice after box from which Portugal times champions up to called striker Collins John gave strug- said later he would be fit enough to join having midfielder Edouard striker doubled fourth. Late goals from gling Fulham a second-minute lead with England's squad for their final two World Cisse sent off for a second their advantage. PSG, who strikers Gaston Curbelo and a left-foot shot amid shaky United de- Cup qualifiers. booking in the 48th minute. welcomed back France Elie Kroupi earned Nancy fending. Blackburn's Finnish international The hosts went in front midfielder Jerome Rothen a 2-0 triumph at third from Alex Ferguson's side hit back hard, Shefki Kuqi struck in the 80th and 88th when defender after injury, showed more bottom Sochaux. however. Van Nistelrooy stroked a 17th- minutes at Ewood Park to deepen West Mario Yepes beat the off- initiative than the visitors Champions Lyon, chas- minute penalty into the corner of the net Brom's troubles.— MNA/Reuters side trap in the 67th minute. but created few clear scor- ing an unprecedented fifth after South Korean midfielder Park ji- Nantes goalkeeper ing opportunities in a dull successive title, will try to Sung was fouled in the area. Mickael Landreau then first half. extend their unbeaten run A minute later England striker Wayne handled a pass from one of The home team's best to 10 Ligue 1 games when Rooney rounded off a fluid attack with his defenders with 15 min- chance before the break they visit lowly Stade a clinical finish to give United the lead. utes to go, causing an indi- came when Pauleta hit the Rennes on Sunday. Fulham were level before the half- rect free kick inside the crossbar on 16 minutes. MNA/Reuters hour mark through Danish midfielder Claus Jensen but van Nistelrooy scored Contract rebel Iaquinta returns the winner before the end of a breathless half after being teed up by the excellent Udinese to winning ways Park. The win followed United's Cham- MILAN, 2 Oct— Udinese striker Vincenzo Iaquinta marked his return from a pions League victory over Benfica in contract dispute with a goal and an assist to guide coach Serse Cosmi's team to midweek, secured by a late van a 3-0 win over Lazio in on Saturday. Nistelrooy goal, and will help to further Iaquinta was dropped from the squad minutes after the restart he earned a pen- ease the pressure on Ferguson after his earlier this month after refusing to extend alty when he was brought down inside the team's disappointing September. his contract beyond 2007. But he agreed area under challenge from Lazio defend- The Scot was in good humour after a new deal on Friday. ers Sebastiano Siviglia and Luciano Zauri. the game. "I thought at halftime this The forward, who is part of Italy coach Iaquinta rose to take the penalty him- could have ended up 20-all," he told Sky Manchester United's Ji-Sung Park Marcello Lippi's plans for next year's self and blasted it past keeper Angelo Sports television. attacks the Fulham defence during their World Cup finals, received a warm wel- Peruzzi. "But in the second half common sense English Premiership League soccer come from the home crowd. Udinese had lost their last three Serie took over. Some of our football was match at Craven Cottage, London, on Three minutes before the break he had A games, two of them without their main scintillating in the first half." Saturday, 1 Oct, 2005. Manchester an effort disallowed for offside and seven striker.—MNA/Reuters The defeat put Fulham into the bot- United won the match 3-2.—INTERNET Answers to yesterday’s Barcelona fight back to draw with Zaragoza Crossword Puzzle MADRID, 2 Oct— Barcelona recovered from two goals behind to earn a 2-2 draw at home to Real Zaragoza in the Primera Liga on Saturday, with Cameroon striker Samuel Eto'o levelling the scores two minutes from time. 8GOONS8TRIKE8 Zaragoza's Argentine brothers Second-placed Getafe can go top if were at a premium. W8N8E8P8O8E8W Gabriel and Diego Milito stunned the they beat Valencia later on Saturday. Ronaldinho produced a moment OBSERVE8BOYNE home side with two quick goals at the League leaders Celta Vigo travel of sublime skill to tee up Eto'o after start of the second half. to Cadiz on Sunday when Real Ma- 20 minutes with a deft backheel in the R8E8V8A8I8N8B But Barca won a penalty with 13 drid host Real Mallorca. area but keeper Cesar Sanchez RATIO8CONSOLE minutes left when Paraguayan de- Barca coach Frank Rijkaard con- blocked the striker's shot with his Y888USED88T8R fender Delio Toledo brought down tinued his rotation policy, this time legs. Zaragoza took the lead three Dutchman Mark van Bommel in the leaving Spain midfielder Xavi out of minutes after the restart with their 8FEAST8IDLER8 area. the squad. first effort on goal. A8C88ERNE888E Toledo was sent off for collecting But for the first time in the league Brazilian forward Savio swung in GESTAPO8FORUM his second yellow of the game and this season he was able to include a free kick from wide on the right and A8T8S8O8I8E8B Brazilian forward Ronaldinho scored Argentine striker Lionel Messi, who the ball was flicked on to the far post from the spot. started on the bench, after the 18- where Milito powered a header past TRAMP8MACABRE Eto'o pounced to net his sixth goal year-old gained Spanish citizenship Victor Valdes. E8S8E8Y8I8E8R of the season in a frantic finish to the last Monday. Barca took the game to Barca were still reeling from that game, rescuing a point for the cham- Zaragoza with their trademark tight blow when Zaragoza struck again 8LYING8STILL8 pions. passing and swift attacks but chances five minutes later.—MNA/Reuters THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 October, 2005 15 Asleep in Jesus Cindy Kip Thein (a) Susan (7 years) Grade II, S.P.S (8), Insein The beloved daughter of U Myo Min Thein and Daw Hlawn Kip Thluai, beloved granddaughter of Prof. Rev: Edmund Za Bik-Daw Tial Tlem (Myanmar Insti- tute of Theology, Insein), Maj Aung Thein (Retd), Maj Daw Tin Tin Nyo-Deputy Director, Department of Health, Ministry of Health (Retd), and niece of: Daw Rosemary Hlawn Par-U Tha Kyaw Maung U Jimmy Lian UK-Daw Sui Len Tial, Ko Ca Lian Thang Daw Biak Hlei Sung-U Za Nawl Daw Myat Moe Thein-U Ko Ko Oo Daw Kyawt and family of No 51, Dagonthiri Street, U Kyaw Myo Thein-Daw Nan Nwe Ni Win Was asleep in Jesus on September 26, 2005 at the Kyauk Myaung Ward, Tarmway Township donate K Children Hospital, Yangon. Funeral Service will be held 110,000 to Joint-Treasurer U Maung Maung Gyi of at 1:00 pm on October 4, 2005 (Tuesday) at Hpu Tha the Administrative Board of Hninzigone Home for Phyu Hall, Seminary Hill, Insein. the Aged recently for the three-storey hospital.—H Bereaved family El Salvador volcano kills two, thousands flee PALO CAMPANA (El Salvador), 2 Oct— El Salvador’s largest volcano erupted for the first time in a century on Saturday, killing two people and forcing thousands to flee their homes. The Ilamatepec Vol- band,” said 73-year-old the first phase of this been burned, for sure,” cano, also known as Santa Rosa Flores, whose small emergency,” President said Sergio Gil, who leads Ana, hurled out hot rocks, home was set ablaze by a Tony Saca told reporters. the Procafe coffee insti- ash and boiling water on red-hot rock as she made Ilamatepec is the larg- tute. “It is a delicate situ- WEATHER Saturday morning and a breakfast. A 12-year-old est of El Salvador’s 23 ation, the ashes have massive plume of smoke boy, Fernando Gonzalez, volcanoes and stands reached as far as Apaneca, rose more than 10 miles was desperately looking 7,800 feet (2,380 metres) about 25 kilometres (15 into the air. Two people for his parents. “I’m above sea level in a major miles) from the crater.” Sunday, 2˚October, 2005 were killed under a land- scared. I saw big stones coffee-growing area about MNA/Reuters Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 slide caused by the volca- fall and one had smoke 40 miles west of the capi- hours MST: During the past 24 hours, weather has no’s eruption in the small coming from it.” tal. Its last eruption was in been partly cloudy in Kayah State, lower Sagaing, community of Palo El Salvador’s govern- 1904 but it has been in- Mandalay, Magway and Ayeyawady Divisions and Campana, near the crater, ment declared a red alert creasingly active since last rain or thundershowers have been isolated in Shan, the government said. and evacuated more than year. Homes and vehicles Rakhine and Kayin States, Bago, Yangon and A few homes were 4,000 people by late after- were covered in a thick Monday, 3˚Octobe Taninthayi Divisions and scattered in the remaining destroyed. “I have lost noon with 3,000 more layer of ash, and some of Tune in today: areas with isolated heavyfalls in Kachin State and everything. I have no expected to be moved out. the area’s coffee planta- 8.30 am Brief news upper Sagaing Division. The noteworthy amounts of money, nothing, just my “The important thing tions were damaged. 8.35 am Music: rainfall recorded were Machambaw (4.57) inches, children and my hus- is to save people, that is “Many trees have -Stay … Dream House Hkamti (4.30) inches, Kalay and Falam (1.73) inches 8.40 am Perspectives each. 8:30 am 5:45 pm 8.45 am Music: -Dodah … Maximum temperature on 1-10-2005 was 87°F. 9. International news 10. Musical programme From Dance Minimum temperature on 2-10-2005 was 70°F. Rela- 8:45 am (The Radio Myanmar Music 8.50 am National news tive humidity at 9:30 hrs MST on 2-10-2005 was 10.Grammar Made Easy Modern Music & Slogan 89%. Total sunshine hours on 1-10-2005 was (2.1) Troupe) 4:00 pm 9:00 am Music: hours approx. Rainfalls on 2-10-2005 were (0.04) 5:45 pm -Calcutta… (Dr 1. Martial song Bombay) inch at Mingaladon, (0.08) inch at Kaba-Aye and nil 4:15 pm 11. Industrial achieve- 9:05 am International at central Yangon. Total rainfalls since 1-1-2005 were Monday, 3˚October 2. Songs to uphold ment news View on today National Spirit 9:10 am Music: (93.78) inches at Mingaladon, (96.14) inches at Kaba-

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@@@@ @@@@@ 8. @ 10.00 pm PEL area for 3-10-2005: Partly cloudy.

*R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press, No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 296115, Manager 296864, Circulation 297093, Advertisement 296843, Accounts 296545, Administration 296161, Production 297032 (Office) /297028 (Press). 1st Waxing of Thadingyut 1367 ME Monday, 3 October, 2005 Prime Minister felicitates Prime Minister sends Korean counterpart felicitations to Germany YANGON, 3 Oct— On the occasion of the National Foundation Day of YANGON, 3 Oct—General Soe Win, Prime Minister of the Union of the Republic of Korea, which falls on 3 October 2005, General Soe Win, Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations Mr Gerhard Schroder, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, to HE Mr Lee Hae-chan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea. on the occasion of the National Day of the Federal Republic of Germany, MNA which falls on 3 October 2005. —MNA Provisions donated to deaf and blind schools, homes for the aged in Yangon

YANGON, 2 Oct — Township, Chief of Staff sions and cash to the Lit- Families of Tatmadaw (Navy) Commodore tle Sisters for the Poor in (Army, Navy, and Air) and Nyan Tun, Vice -Adju- Mingala Taungnyunt wellwishers today do- tant-General Maj-Gen Township was held at 2 nated provisions to deaf Hla Shwe and Colonel pm today. and blind schools in General Staff (Air) Col At the ceremony Dagon, Mayangon and Chan Maung presented held at Little Sisters for Kyimyindine townships in provisions including rice, the Poor, on behalf of the Yangon West District, and edible oil, gram, medicine families of the Tatmadaw homes for the aged in and foodstuff donated by (Army, Navy and Air), Mingala Taungnyunt and families of the Tatmadaw Commodore Nyan Tun, Thingangyun townships. (Army, Navy and Air) to Maj-Gen Hla Shwe and Chairman of Headmistress of Mary Colonel General Staff Yangon Division Peace Chapman’s School for the (Air) Col Nay Win handed and Development Coun- Dumb Daw Margret. over the provisions to a cil Commander of Yangon Today’s donations responsible person of the Command Maj-Gen were 100 bags of rice, 44 home for the poor. Next, Myint Swe attended the viss of edible oil, 80 viss Commander Maj-Gen donation ceremonies and of gram, 444 viss of io- Myint Swe presented cash Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe presents cash donated by wellwishers to Muslim Home for the Aged in Thingangyun. —MNA gram and cash to Mus- retary of Yangon City eral Staff (Air) Col Nay lim Home for the Aged Development Commit- Win and Commander in Thingangyun Town- tee, senior military of- Maj-Gen Myint Swe ac- ship at the same venue ficers, departmental cepted the donations of this afternoon, attended heads, Yangon East Dis- Yangon Division PDC, by Yangon Division trict PDC Chairman Lt- Deputy Minister Brig- Peace and Development Col Maung Maung Shein Gen Thura Aung Ko, do- Council Chairman and members, Township nations of Ministry of Yangon Command Com- PDC chairman and mem- Religious Affairs and the mander Maj-Gen Myint bers, social organiza- secretary YCDC, dona- Swe, Chief of Staff tions, officials of the tions of YCDC. (Navy) Commodore home for the aged and Afterwards, offi- Nyan Tun, Deputy Min- donors. cials accepted donations ister for Social Welfare, On behalf of fami- of Yangon East District Relief and Resettlement lies of Tatmadaw Army, PDC and Thingangyun Commodore Nyan Tun, Maj-Gen Hla Shwe and Col Nay Win presents foodstuff Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint, Navy and Air, and Township PDC, Yangon and cash to the Little Sisters for the Poor in Mingala Taungnyunt Deputy Minister for Re- wellwishers, Chief of East District Maternal and Township. — MNA ligious Affairs Brig-Gen Staff (Navy) Commodore Child Welfare Supervi- presented cash donated by dized salt, 89 tubes of tooth and bags of rice donated Thura Aung Ko, Vice Nyan Tun, Commander- sory Committee, the io- wellwishers. paste, 2,745 bottles of tra- by Yangon Division Peace Adjutant-General Maj- in-Chief (Navy) Commo- dized salt of Myanma Salt A ceremony to do- ditional medicine, 272 viss and Development Coun- Gen Hla Shwe, the sec- dore Nyan Tun, Col Gen- (See page 11) nate provisions to deaf and of dried fish, 1,080 pack- cil. blind schools in ets of chilli powder, 444 A total of 65 bags Mayangon and bars of soap, 444 cakes of of rice, 17 viss of edible Kyimyindine townships soap and over K 3.8 mil- oil, 30 viss of gram, 170 was held this afternoon at lion. viss of salt, 34 tubes of Mary Chapman’s School Similarly, a cer- tooth paste, 170 bars of for the Dumb in Dagon emony to donate provi- soap, 170 cakes of soap, 85 viss of dried fish, 1080 INSIDE packets of chilly powder, 2,190 boxes of traditional Every year, the government spends about medicine and cash over K K 15 million on providing cash and medicines 6.8 million were donated for the oldest in the nation, the oldest man and to Little Sisters for the women in each state and division, and elderly Poor. persons, who performed brilliantly in the inter- Similarly, families ests of the State, on the International Day of Older of Tatmadaw Army, Persons, and providing cash to the homes for the Navy and Air, and aged across the nation. Wellwishers contribute wellwishers held a cer- A wellwisher presents cash for Mary Chapman’s School for the Dumb Yangon cash and medicines to the drive. emony to donate rice, ed- West District through Headmistress of Mary Chapman’s School for the Dumb. PAGE 7 KO KWAY (GEOLOGY) ible oil, salt, medicines, — MNA