The Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), from Java
Components Containers and Layout Menus Dialog Windows Event Handling The Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), from Java : Abstract Window Toolkit Interface to the GUI Interface to platform's components: Layout: Placing GUI event keyboard, window system Buttons, text components handling mouse, … (Win, Mac, …) fields, … Uses operating system components Don't use these! . Looks like a native application . One must sometimes be aware of differences between operating systems… . Small set of components . , … – no table, no color chooser, … The Java Foundation Classes, from Java : Java Foundation Classes (JFC) Java : AWT, Swing More advanced Abstract Window Toolkit graphics classes Components based on pure Java "Painting on the screen" . Won't always look "native”, . The basis of Swing but works identically on all platforms components – and your own . Replaces AWT components, adds more . Discussed next lecture . We still use many other parts of AWT Components: JTable, JButton, … extending JComponent Containers: JFrame – a top level window; JPanel – a part of a window, grouping some components together Layout Managers: Decide how to place components inside containers Swing: Can replace the look and feel dynamically . Nimbus (current Java standard) . Metal (earlier Java standard) . Windows classic Running example: A very simple word processor Ordinary window in Swing: JFrame . A top-level container: Not contained in anything else ▪ AWT Base class for all Swing components Common implementation details Has two states, on/off Radio buttons: Only one per Standard button active at a time Checkbox, on / off Editing styled text: Abstract base class, HTML, RTF, common functionality custom formats A single line of text Multi-line text area Special formatting for Passwords are not shown dates, currency, … as they are entered .
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