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=aiEi=+e==iiEgine±i±±EE±¥SlfflE====ftytra4± i-14i-I 1® - 2$ leer mun5BTzm.¥=.medusTan=onfEEEE=©TiRA"15F€tfuiEEEffiiii=ELL=Elr¥5± IT GET TESTED for HIV, at BESTD Clinic. It's free and it's fast, with no names and no needles. We also provide free STD testing exams, and treatment. Staffed totally by volunteers and supported by donations, BESTD has been doing HIV outreach since 1987. We're open: Mondays 6 PM|}:30 PM: Free HIV & STD testing 4irffigrAI, . Tuesdayvs 6 pMi:3o pM: All of above plus STD exams & treatme Some services only available men; see our web site for details Brady',Fast STD Clinic 1240 i; Bfady St.. Milwaukee.Wl 53202 4 14-272-2144 TOMMY BLOWS GAY WORK QUESTION, APOLOGIZES Second Gaffe In Less Than A Month ByM,.keF,.apatr,.ck Madison - The dark horse GOP presidendal tional steps to clarify his comments," Starkey candidacyofformerWisconsinGovemorTommy added. "A simple, single apology is not enough." Thompson may have darkened even further fol- Thompson's latest gaffe comes just about two lowing a May 4 flip-flop that likely soured his weeks after he offended another minority. On standing with both moderate independent voters April 18, while appearing before a Washington D. and his own party's religious extremist base. C. conference organized by the Religivus Action Pundits note the offensive slip-up and subsequent Center of Refom Judaism, Thompson made ref- mea culpa is the second in just over a month on erence to his luontive transition from public serv- Thompson's trail to the White House. ice to the private sector by saying "You know Thompson was asked during the first GOP presi- that's sort of part of the Jewish tradition and I do dential candidate's debate in Cmfinia May 4 if it not find anything wrong with that." would be acceptable for a private employer who After the conclusion of his address, Thompson finds homosexuatty inmoral to fire a gay worker. was reportedly pulled aside privately by the Thompson concluded by saying `lyes" to a condr- RAC's Rabbi David Saperstein, and then returned matory question fielded by John Harris. editor in to the podium to issue a clarification: "I just want'sco-prisors. to clarify something because I didn't ®y) any Thompson's origival answer to the question, sent means want to infer or imply anything about Jews via email, appeaed to follow a standard GOP "less and finances and things. What I was referring to, ladies and gentlemen, is the accomplishments of government regulation" approach: "I think that is left up to the individual business. I really sincerely Thompson continued by saying that he answered the Jewish religivn. You've been outstanding "yes" when he should have answered "no." He believe that that is an issue that business peo|)le business people and I complinent you for that." have got to make their own determination as to also claimed that he supported WLsoonsin's gay Thompson later blamed his origival gaffe and the whether or not they slrould be." However the can- rights bin 25 years ago. possit>ly even more insulting apology on fatigue didate claimed in the posteven media "spin room" However, Thompson was again caught in a lie and a persistent cold. immediately after the debate that he had missed when OutReach Director Steven Starkey pointed Thompson's gay worker coinments likely were hearing clearly the question 's exact wording: "If a out that then State Representative Thompson had notioed more prominently in Wisconsin because Of the recent introduction of the Einployee Non- private employer finds homosexuality immoral, voted against A870 in 1982. Despite Thompson's should he be allowed to fire a gay worker?" opposition, the bill passed the Assembly and later Discrimination Act (ENDA) by the state's openly- When the story broke big in the Badger State the became law when it was signed by cop gay Congressional Representative and lead co- next morning, minus the postrdebate spin, the Governor I+;e. Sheman neyfus. sponsor Tammy Ba]dwin (D-Madison). "I'mdisappointedthatourfomergovemorcndd Thompson campaign amnged a hasty telephone Baldwin's bill would replicate at the federal level interview with CNN. make such an egregivus error on national televi- the provisions Of wisconsin 's "first in the nation" "I made a mistake, I misinterpreted the ques- sion," Starkey said in a statement sent to Quest. gay nonrdiscrilnination act. •`I'm happy that he has retracted his comments so tion," Thompson told CNN's John Roberts. "I Nationally Thompson's remarks ware barely didn't hear the question properly and I apologize. quickly, but the damage has already been dolie." noticed in the minstream media, largely in part "AsapeTsonnmningforthehighestofficeinthis That is not my position. There should be no dis- because Thomspon is see with less than 1% sup- crimination in the workplace." country. Governor Thompson needs to take addi- port outside the Badger State. lobbied for the bfll's passage and `fa:tehed the debate BUSH VOWS TO VETO HOUSE- . "I'm so relieved. It's been a long tine," she said following PASSED HATE CRIMES BILL The House approved the bill 237 fo 180, with 25 Rapublicaus 212 Democrats in passing EL Wisconsin's representatives hristianist Commandments party lines with Democrats Baldyriir; Kagen, Kind, F8n6sjpgsTguFasssBa¥eakBS„oE voting in favor; and Ryan and opposed. IIowever, th ENysi;ilast-minute Lca,-¥,¥,#=?a,P;c= pressure from Chistianist ride a groiips, President George W. Bush has threatened to veto the Matthew Shepard # I]ate Crimes Bin passed May 3 by the U. S. House of Representatives. The White House called the bill linneces- sary and constifutfonany questionable," GOP leadership for nearly 8 decade, would expand the federal hate crine law to cover violent acts based on a vic- tim's gender, sexual orientation, gender idendty ility. ]t the fist major expansion of the hate crime statute since it was enacted iDY 1968. Senate approval is expected soon. :The €xpansion has¥ieceived its inpetus several high-profiile inciden g the 1998 Killing 6f Matthew Shapard. who was brutally bea and left to die ded to a fence Quest: llvisconsin LGBT News & Entereaiment - Top Stories Page 3 Joe Solmonese of the Human Rights be charged with a hate crime if one of his church SIX COUPLES CHALLENGE Campaign said he hoped President Bush would members commtted a hate cnme. Readily-avail- IOWA GAY MARRIAGE BAN sign the bill. "We are not going to stop work- able Judiciary Committee transcripts showed both ing on this president," Solmonese said. "There's groups had changed or created nonexistent quo- time before this goes to the president's desk. I tations, according to the gay blog Good As You. hope that we have an opportunity to engage The FBI received reports of 7,163 hate crines in a3ush) alrout the kind of legacy he wants to look 2005, the most recait year for whieh data were hack upon." available. Racial motivation accounted for about House approval of the hate crime bill came after 55%; Teligivus for 17%; sexual orientation, 14%; an emotional debate with openly gay and ethnicity/national origiv, about 13%. less Representative Baney Frank (D-Mass.) presiding than 1% of hate crimes were attributed to bias over the chamber during roll call. against an individual 's disabil]ty. Thirtyone state "Some people ask: Why is this lerislation even Attorneys General supported the passage of the necessary?" House Majority Leader Steny H. hate cines bill. Des Moines - Just a little more than a week Hoyer a}Md.) said. "Because bmtal hate crimes The lh/hite House statement claimed state and after Iowa moved to add sexual orientation to its motivated by race, Telicton, national oridn, gen- local laws already covered the violence addressed equal rights law, an attorney representing six gay der, sexual orientation and identity or disabhity in the legislation. `There has been no persuasive and lesbian couples argued that the state's ban on not only injure individual victims, but also terror- demonstration of any need to federalize such a gay marriage is uncoustitutional. The lawsuit, ize entire segments Of our population and tear at potentially large range of violent cnme enforce- ffled in originally in 2005, marks the first legal our nation's social fal>ric." ment," the administration said. proceeding on a constitutional ban to take place The Christianist groups - the Traditional Values PToponents of the legislation said it would offer between the coasts. "This is not a hypothetical issue - these are real Coalition and the Family Researeh Counch - fal- new proeectious in 19 states that don't have hate sified portions of the debate testimony in their crime laws c>overing sexual orientation or gender people," Des Moines attorney Dennis Johnson said. "These people are here because the state treats them attempts to engage their supporters to oppose the identity. The bill is supported by a range of civil bill. Tony Pendns of the FRC changed quctatious rights and law enforcement groups, including the like seoond{lass citizeus." Johnson represents the by Massachusetts Representative James lntemalional Association of Chiefs of Police and 12 Iowa clients and three Of their chfldren. Roger Kuhle, represendng Polk County Recorder MCGovem in "adion alerts" sent to FRC mem- attorneys general from 31 states. Trm Brien who refused to grant the couples mar- bers, to "document" the bill's potential for stifling Hate cnme legislation was a pnority of the riage licenses, called the case a "test lawsuit" set up relidous expression. The TVC sent a similar ainton administration. Though measures have "action memo," usmg conc>octed quotes from the by Lambda Legal, the onganization backmg the passed previously in the House or Senate, they plaintiffs.