ANNUAL REPORT 2014–2015 With ongoing funding from the Australian Government, Bundanon Trust supports arts practice and engagement with the arts through its residency, education, exhibition and performance programs. In preserving the natural and cultural heritage of its site Bundanon promotes the value of the landscape in all our lives. ISSN 1323-4358 BUNDANON TRUST PO Box 3343 North Nowra NSW 2541 T 61 2 4422 2100 F 61 2 4422 7190 CONTACT Deborah Ely — Chief Executive Officer
[email protected] Design: Boccalatte Print: Oxygen PHOTOS Cover and this page: Performance, Dance Integrated Australia, 2014. Image: Julie Ryan Black Nectar, Keith Armstrong and Laurence English, Siteworks, 2014 Image: Heidrun Löhr CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE 5 2014–2015 REVIEWED 6 RESIDENCIES 8 PUBLIC PROGRAMS 12 EDUCATION AND OUTREACH 20 COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITIONS 24 BUILT AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT 26 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 28 MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY 30 FINANCIAL REPORT 2014–2015 32 Bundanon Trust Annual Report 2014–2015 3 Francesco Celata, Roger Benedict and Umberto Clerici, Sydney Soloist concert, Riversdale, 2015 CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE e have had the Bundanon Local Committee, chaired by Fred Neville, includes opportunity once again Shoalhaven representatives Robbie Collins, Mark Graham, W this year to share our Roslyn Poole, and Gerry Moore and has provided dedicated unique collection with tens guidance for our arts and education initiatives in the region. of thousands of Australians The Living Landscape environmental initiative has been through our touring exhibition guided by a Steering Committee of experts led by John Kerin, Arthur Boyd: An Active Witness. along with representatives from partners Landcare Australia, Over the last three years the Local Land Services and Greening Australia.