Other D ______,______I! セA@ (Specify) Entered in This Action on MMMGOセ、セセlmmmmmmmm
United States of America v. Hage (Ghailani) Doc. 1 Case 1:98-cr-01023-LAK Document 1094 Filed 01/25/11 Page 1 of 1 USDCSDNY Criminal Notice of Appeal セ@セ@ Form A DOCUMENT ELECTRONICALLY FILED NOTICE OF APPEAL エセイ@ DOC#: 0 Ii 1 United States District Court DATE PILED:l%FILED:l% JM Caption: Docket No. MMMRMセ]MセcZZェヲャ、NNN[スMサオカI@ 1\\ '\ )j£JLL___ ゥNセF@ ___ /r2!.E'LL3 /V' (District Court Judt) エィセェKュMBL、MMMMイイィ。@ Hスᆪエ}セjlNᄋ@Hスᆪエ}セjlNᄋ@ Notice is hereby given tha:fi}+Pl.Ld____ /(ha@,@, r1 ___ appeals to the United .states Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit from the judgment . other D ______________________________ ,______________ _ I! セA@ (specify) entered in this action on MMMGOセ、セセlMMMMMMMM This appeal concerns: Conviction only 0 Sentence only 0 Conviction & Sentence セ@セ@ Other 0 Defendant found guilty by plea 0 trial C8l N/A D. Offense occurred after November 1, 1987? Yes セ@ No 0 N/A 0 Date of sentence: ェィIOセ@ N/AoD 0 Bail/Jail Disposition: Committed Not committed N/A Appellant is represented by counsel? Yes セ@セ@ No D If yes, provide the following information: Defendant's Counsel: TETEr<, r;/'!tfj41J£ GurS:ANO ESQ ...... - L) '" counsel's Address: 3"51 -P,91::K, AVENLiE ,';i,II?TH) *70} N'::IA) iC)![K) N Y foe> I c:, Counsel's Phone: (:{(;q l:>{;1a セ@ {J r;, Ia r:, Assistant U,S, Attorney: AU SA's Address: AU SA's Phone: Dockets.Justia.com Case: 1:98-cr-01023-LAK As of: 01/28/2011 02:32 PM EST 1 of 233 APPEAL, ECF, PRIOR U.S.
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