Movieland-Another Letter by James Street Movie and Radio Guide M

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Movieland-Another Letter by James Street Movie and Radio Guide M Listings of All War News Broadcasts A Connecticut Yankee in Movieland-Another Letter by James Street Movie and Radio Guide M. L. ANNENBERG, PublisheJ CONTENTS NEXT WEEK Movies THIS WEEK History Goes Haywire. ........ M ARRIED., yeor, Bo!Irbor<!l Stllnwyck Charles Ruggles as Uncle Sam, Elsa Maxwell T HIS is o!I seoson of progro!lm cho!lnges. end Bob Toyler olre<!l"dy must be as Ben;amin Franklin in "Public Deb No. J" and fons who hO\le grown accustomed listed omong the most hoppily morried That Doggon e Doghouse ....... By Kay Proctor 2 to finding their fo!lvorite progroms o!It cer­ -end most likely to stoy thot woy­ Hollywood Stars Have Their Family and toin spots on the dial o!It certo!lio times Friend Troubles. Too couples in Hollywood. While 0 yeM is " Vacation Gu ide to Hollywood................ 4 ore apt to find their potience tried lit comporotively short Splln in which to Map oj the Behind-the- Scenes Film Capital sudden changes which co!luse them to poss judgment upon such <'I thing os <'I A Connecticut Yankee In Movieland. ..By miss fo!l\lorite shows. For eXo!Imple, the Hollywood morrioge, Jomes Street, ofter James Street .. 6 Burns ond Allen show is not only under· A Famous Author Tells on Holtl/wood in a meeting lind visiting with the TI) ylors in Letter to His Son. Age Fourteen qoing o!I time chonge, it's being switched their rented .,nd Love You Again... ....... ... i from one network to modesl Holl ywood The New Wilii-am Powell-Myrna LOll Film o!Inother; even more home, hos decided A ll This. and Heaven Too!. 8 important. tho!lt tem Bette Davis and Charles Boyer Star in MOVIE their morrillge is os AND RADIO GUIDE'S Picture oj the Week pero!lmento!ll mo!lestro firmly founded 6S This Week In Hollywood .... ...... .. 10 Artie Show, takes the Rock of Gibr" l­ Latest News from the Film Capital over the bo!lton for This Week on the Screen. .•.. .. .. .... 12 it. This is Artie's first !or-ond more so in Reviewina the New Pictures these doys of (opid commercio!ll show world chMges. In <'I since his o!Ippeor· Wi:Jy, Mr. Street Radi o once with Bob Artie Mr. ilnd Mrs. found their wedding Coming Rad io Events.. 13 Benchley. The one Robert Taylor WlIS o n oll-Americon The March of Music .... By Leonard Liebling 14 woy, of course, to Shaw off"ir, uniting the On Short Waves ...... By Charles A. Morrison 15 keep up with the woy ot life of our proiries, whence Mr. This Week's Programs.. .16-32 radio times and miss nothing worth heo!lr­ This Week AlonQ. th e Airialtos. .. By T .!Iylor h"ils. <'Ind th o!l t of Brooklyn. where Wilson Brown. Evans Plummer. Don Moore 33 ing is to use your Movie o!Ind Rodio Borbofo!l wos born ond reored lind where, On the Bandwagon. ... .. .. By Mel Adam s 36 Guide complete program section, where she lIdmih, she lelIrned the fine Mt of Band oj the Week: Gray Gordon thiS--o!lnd other changes-are duly lellse-brellking. In " Cupid's Chosen Peo­ Men Behind the Dial-VI . .. By brought to your ottention. The progro!lm Leith Stevens as told to Kate Ho lliday. 37 ple, " beginning next week. Mr. Street Confessions of a Gagman's Wife. ... By section is 0 regulo!lr weekly feo!lture. Spe· hlls compounded another revMling study Jeanette Connor . 38 ciol this week, however. is on insight into of Hollywood mllrrillge lIround the TlIy­ The Story Behind YOllr Favorite Radio how go!lgmen-those odd fellows who Comedians' Gags Ion. For fllcts, figures and informlltion, Words-Within.Words Contest; Starlight on write rodio comedio!lns' iines---opero!lte this story is something to reo!ld. Your Dressing- Table. .... By Fiametta 40 in " Confessions of o!I Go!Igmon's Wife: Radio Stars Turn Pirates. .......... 41 When Radio Goes to War Crossword Puzzle; Birthdays; Bulls and Boners 42 The Girl on the Covel Voice of the Listener; Mr. Fairfax . 43 Who! hoppens to rodio when Wllr Brain. Busters 44 Not only the youngest stor in motion comes? In post weeks, more American You Asked for Them and Here They Are . pictures but one of motion pictures' eors hllve been glued to loudspeokers .......................... .... Fac ing Page 44 most bewitching persono!llities is B<'Iby when wor news and diplomotic maneu­ Sondy. At o!I period when rtros-t bo!lbies verings filled t he air with more dromatic Programs o!Ire occupied with teething-rings lind events tho!ln ro!ldio enterto!l iners have been toy ro!lHles, Baby Sondy hos stepped out Saturday, June 29 in the cinemo!l world and, in thrlile pic­ o!Ib le to coolt up. But if wor should come Sunday, June 30 "18 to Americo!l , what would ho!lppen to Monday. July 1 20 tures, succeeded in co!lpturing the heo!lrts rodio? What would listeners demand of Tu esday, July 2 23 of the no!ltion. Although the sex of this the broodCo!lsters? Wednesday, July 3 25 beguiling youngster Thursday, July 4 2S War news? Music? Friday. July 5 .. 30 Wo!lS permitted, Light comedy? How through three films, heo!lvy would the Curtis MilchelJ. Edilol to remain 0 moot hand of the censor Vol. 9. No. 38. June 29-July 5, 1940 question. in her bear down upon our 731 Plymouth Cou rt. Chicago, III. latest, Universol'~ listening life? For a ASSOCIATE EDITOR, Martin Lewis; M.ANAGI NG EDITOR, "Sandy Is o!I Lady." quick look 01 what Ruth Bizzell: DEPARTM.ENT,o,L ~:DITORS: Gordon the truth is let out has happened in 11 Swarthout. Movies; Wilson Brown, New York; of the bo!lg. Her reol western hemisphere Ev,ms Plummer. Hollywood; Don Moore. Midwest; no!lme is So!Indr o Leonard Liebling. Music; Richard Kunstman. Pro­ Bab) Bob nation o!It war , we grams: James Hanlon, Education: Charles A. Mor­ Henville Md she is Bowman toke you to C o!I nado rison. Short Waves; Mel Adams. Bands and Or­ the do!lughter of Mr. Sandy to see who!lt hos ho!lp­ chestras' EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Jo Brooks. John ond Mrs. Roy Hen· pef'ed to rodlo there where Bob Bow­ Carlson: Francis Chase. Jr .. Raymond Ilanlon. Viva ville. Mr. Henville ho!lppened to be thoa Liebling. Charles Locigno. Arthur Miller. Clarence mo!ln. CBC oce o!Innouncer, covers the Reuter. Melvin Spiegel. milkmo!ln on the route of a Universo!l l wo!lr from England. It's o!IlI in "It Could executive when he leorned by the bo!lck· Th. f. II,,..,., II . , <h. , IOU "" 0/ ",,,",,, """" , ",," 'n II,,, ,u u" ,' ..., Ho!Ippen Here!" 0 feo!lture of next week's _ 1""" ""b'n : I· ••• 2- 11",.. 11: ,' ••• 3 jaM< Albl.: I'u. , 4- ~ -""''''': door·gossip route tho!lt Univers,,1 Wo!lS ,'. .. r _n ..... .. ""II: I· ... ,t-I<,...,. " . 110' ·: 1'01' II - II",,.. 1<. 11'1 : issue. Also in tho!lt So!Ime big issue you 'll I' ••• I I \\"1111.0. " \'. .. H-Oen. L ..... .. :-;II\,: I'.,. H _ R., I". seo!lrching for a bo!lby to plo!ly with Bing J"_",,, ; I'... 1;._6,s: I'... U _ Hu",lI; I'ou 41 _ 10<11 ""~'n: t· ..,"" find 0 preview of bosebo!lll's biggest 1' ••• 14 W. II ...:0 •• 1: ~,,~ Crosby in "Eo!Ist Side of Heo!lven." Next event-the mo!ljof leo!lgues' AIl-StM gome ~I .. '- '~ A~" 1'-'"'0 (1['11., ,T.. d< M . .. ]'uh...... U, S. I'at. mil,.. \. I'.,u,", do!ly milkmon Henville left a note in the IX. ~"m"" 18, Wool< 0( Jun. U·'.I, ~. IIU. l'uhlhl><d " ...... ,. b, th~ -written for the ro!ldio-bosebo!lll fan by (·.... 11 . '"m" . "~. ;31 l'I...... 'h ('''''T!. t:h\<. _o. 1111""' 0, t;n''' .... .. _~. executive's milk-bottle. It reo!ld: "I ho!lve " .,. mo .... at U.. I·.... ' om ... 01.... , 11 11",,10, F.h",..,. !l. ItU. und., Bob Elson, MBS world series announcer u" .... of M. "", 3. lilt. Au,h. ,I"" by I',,", om ... !).~.ttm.n',.O!"~·., iust the b"by you're looking for." Boby '·,n.<Io . .. .....,..d-<Io .. mal,,' c"".,m". 1' 1' . by tho ('_UI ( .... ".n' and boseblll1 o!Iuthority. In the Sllme All "" ·t, ' ''''TO.I, M. 1._ AM.ntte'., 1',.. 1<1<0",: M""l~ " "'.. 1\0< .., ... , Sandy got the p/lft, won sto!lrdom <'IS <'I "_I< J ,.-... ". H ....' . I ~Un ...'. t:..t Zot._ '·'""I. U ... ~ I . n ....'. U,.. "'I<<<I result. Sondy works only two hours" issue, cro!lm-po!lded with ro!ldio lore and "'0"""" '"" ,t.o.ld '" ."""".,nl.d b. ".""ood . .. If·.dU, .._ 0"'0101<. fo< ",um, T." <'ffito " " "',0< 'n 'ho rnlL«I Stat... ~"~ ..""ll .. n' •• In the sort of stories, informotion o!Ind pic­ , ... U. ~. and ""'.. .. ,0fI . .... rotln"'" <If tho l'.n· ... m.'I.. n 1'01101 \In,OtI' do!lY, o!Idmih she hos o!I "wh"le of " lot of ,I .......11,.. U . U: ora YO". '1. tt ~"b ", 'I"tI .. , .... In I."'.n «!Un,,"O: fun." No!Ituro!ll color photogr"ph of Boby tures ro!ldio listeners want, is 0 full-page .1. _th• • tJ, U : 0<1< , .. ... Ie,". 1I,,~lt by _,. , mono. oro., ......... ........ ...,." .' _ d ..~" ,. ordo, ~ ~" .. t •• ~" Ih",O (It''nR_ OJ,.. ..., picture of the "Mo Perkins" serio!ll family. .,n' .. '"b.... ,,,.'·. "lk. ~~t~UD 'N u.•.•. Son.dy is by Jock Albin .
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    , Dicit: Powell, m. c. of "Tuesday Night Party," CBS , . I,U P • RADIO GUIDE • A weekl y pe riodical of program s, pictures a nd personalities • Nelson Eddy IS El ected Star of Stars by Listeners IN WHAT is probably Paderewsld's De bt: The tour recently made by Marie Dressler Cot­ the greatest national Ignace Paderewski was marred by illness. At the last, tage: The benefits from poll of radio favorites a heart attack forced him radio are sometimes un· ever conducted, the radio to cancel what was to expected. Who. for in· listeners 01 America have have been a triumphant stance, would have just elected Nelson Eddy farewen performance in thought that the idea as their Star of Stars, New York. Nevertheless, born in the minds of two making him the most he is reported to have Hollywood humanitarians popular entertainer on made enough money to some years ago would the air during the radio keep him in comfort to have given both good season of 1938-1939. In the end of his life. Before entertainment to a nation II surprisingly dose fin- he came to America this of radio listeners as well Edgar Bergen ish, Jessica Dragonette last time, he was penni· as 5220.000 in cash to Marie Dressler look second place, Edgar less. Worse, he was told needy folk in the screen Bergen took third, and Jack Benny placed fourth. that he owed the United capital? On June 4. the Screen Actors Guild show We congratulate them all on their splendid talents States goverOlment about completed its 1939 season.
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