Our Choices for 2 Freeholder, Sheriff Posts: See Editorial, Page 6

Weather Distribution 7 ».m. temperature 43. Partly THEBMLY Today cloudy today, tonight, tomorrow and Friday. High today and to- 25,700 morrow in the low Ms, Low to- } RedBankAreTf night In'the 40f. See weather, V Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965. page 2. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS

VOT R8 NO fifi UIUII) dtllr, Uond«jr tiiroum WrUty. Second CMm Ponuf ftli u Red Btnk ud u AiWUlonil Malltai Olflcu. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Count 101 Viet Gong Dead After Attack

By EDWIN Q. WHITE attack by an estimated two bat- camp at Due Lap last June and high Viet Cong casualties to fire power. Division met no resistance as nist fire when it began moving Communists" main observation SAIGON, South Viet Nam talions of Viet Cong on a Viet- again last month. The attack co-ordination of ground and air At Plei Me, airborne Ameri- they pushed through the jungle south of the camp. posts. The enemy had pulled out (AP)—While U.S. troops fanned namese ranger battalion early today followed the same can cavalrymen landed and 210 miles northeast of Saigon. On one ridge the U.S. troops so fast they left behind ammuni- camped at Due Lap. pattern — a barrage by mortars tion, equipment and clothing. out around Plei Me in mop-up Killed in Action swept south to clear out the last The decision to send out the found an abandoned Viet Cong and small arms and then an Communist strongpoint threat- outpost overlooking the camp Until Tuesday afternoon the operations, a toll of 101 Viet Government casualties were WASHINGTON (AP) — The American troops apparently assault on the camp. ening the Special Forces camp. and the body of one North Viet- South Vietnamese had turned Cong dead was claimed today termed moderate. American Defense Department today iden- was made after a South Viet- The rangers fought back, and Light mortar and recoilless lamese regular soldier. The down offers by U.S. forces to In fighting only 20 miles north- advisers with the rangers suf- tified as killed in action in artillery and air assaults were rifle fire fell during the night namese column of infantry and area had been heavily bombed join in the battle. At that point, west of Saigon. fered light casualties, but all Viet Nam, Army Capt. WUliam made quickly on the attackers. near the camp which had been armored vehicles which had by U.S. planes during the siege. the government • troops were A U.S. military spokesman returned to duty after treat- L. Johnson, husband of Mrs. The spokesman credited the under siege for a week. But Che relieved the post Monday was confident that they had chased reported the heavy Communist ment, the spokesman said. Caroline C. Johnson, «8 Coun- Atop one hill the advancing repulse of the attack and the troops of the U.S. 1st Cavalry hurled back by heavy Commu- the Communists away. casualties were suffered in an The Viet Cong hit the ranger try Club Rd., Eatontown, N. J. Americans found one of the Laud River Plaza Man in Viet Nam 6A Tale of Fantastic RIVER PLAZA — The Anthony talion In the Mekong Delta and ers, the only one of three Ameri- Lucas' dispatch told of the con- •* Citarella family of 9 Foster St. regain the initiative they'd lost in cans who were with him the! cern and regard each man had is brimming with pride. December. night of Oct. 13. His captain,, for the other, and how Devlin, One of the reasons for it is a Lt. Walsh was presented the Jerry Devlin of Waltham, Mass.,1 though severely wounded, had front page story in yesterday's Purple Heart by Gen. William C. and his sergeant, Ben Barnes of rescued Walsh from drowning. New York World-Telegram and Westmoreland when he visited Pensacola, Fla., have been flown Quoting Walsh, Lucas wrote: Sun by Jim G. Lucas from Can the hospital in Saigon where home for further hospitalization "Then Jerry came after me. Tho, South Viet Nam, with a Walsh was a patient. Accom- and surgery. The fourth, Sgt. Wounded as he was, out. of his headline: "In Viet Nam, a Tale panying the general was Mary David Halbauer of St. Pat)!, head, he came down into the of Fantastic Bravery." Martin, star of the "Hello Dolly" Minn., was killed in the battle. water and got me. He brought The story^ describes the heroics cast which toured Viet Nam. In describing Walsh and Dev- me back onto the bank. We lay of Lt. Robert E. Walsh, 27, hus- Mrs. Walsh last night said her lin, Lucas wrote: "This is the there face to face for I don't band of the former Miss Ann husband is even more elated by story of two young Americans know how long." Toni Citarella, in a decisive bat- having been awarded the Combat who have endured the unendur- Walsh also told the correspon- ' tle Oct. 13 in which the Viet Cong Infantryman's Badge by the gen- able," and said they "are two of] dent how close his captain was » failed in its attempt to wipe out eral. The lieutenant Is back on the bravest soldiers and finest to death and how it had taken tJ the 44th Vietnamese Ranger Bat- duty with his Vietnamese Rang-1 men I have ever known." ' (See BRAVERY, Page 3) !" Howard Stresses Sea Wall Need By JACQUELINE ALBAN Mr. Snyder's talks were a fol- storm and hurricane damage at In: 1962, an 800 to 900-foot east IN VIET NAM — Army Ranger Lt. Robert E.Walsh, second from left, poses with oth- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - low-up of a meeting early this the harbor, originally designated wall was planned at an estimated "This is a good time to discuss a year between Rep, Howard and a port of refuge when, it was cost of $200,000 to $250,000. •r, unidentified, advism In Viet Nam in recent photo. The picture was furnished by seawall." members of the' Harbor Commis- constructed. "The cost of construction will his wife, who is living in Alexandria, Va., and transmitted to The Register via. AP Wire- That was the statement yester- sion and Borough Council, after Not Difficult be much higher with today's photo. day by Rep. James J. Howard being assured by Mr. Bowtell Indicating that a sea wall study prices," predicted Mr. Snyder. (D-3d) after a-tour of the munici- and other officials that they would not be ','as difficult a en- "But It won't be comings out of] pal harbor requested by Demo- would welcome his help. gineering problem as the inlet," taxpayers' pockets,- but out of Lt Robert WaUh cratic council candidate James The borough has been pushing the freshman congressman .pre- federal and itate funds!" R. Snyder ind the Harbor Com- for'federal aid for the sea wall dicted that its construction could since 1959, but all previous ef- probably start before the inlet,' What will come out of the tax- mission. ' payers' pockets will be "every forts have failed. Mr. Bowtell and Mr. Snyder Pmmises, The two were accompanied by nickel of wave damage at the Official Sewer Plan During, yesterday's inspection told The Register that plans pro- Republicans Harvey H. Bowtell harbor if disaster strikes," de- tour, Rep. Howard said he had posed in 1962, also calling for commission chairman, and Bor- clared Mr. Bowtell and Mr. Sny- Delivers already discussed the proposal raising the present 4,000-foot, ough Council President John J der, the reason being that in the with Col. Crawford Young ol the {960,000 stone breakwater built Koidk, Jr., and Democratic last three years, the borough has U.S. Army's Corps of,,Engtyieers, in 1938, have been abandoned in mayoralty candidate Jay M been without wave damage in- after meeting 'ree&itjy! WithMr. favor of concentrating on the 1,- osition Kellers. ; .MONM&UTH BEACH — May: The congressman, stating that Snyder and studying .photos t>( 400-fobt east sea wall- (See SEA WALL, Page 3) r or Sidney B. Johnson is a mm • HOLMDEL — Township Committeeman more expensive than the proposal now before With the recent approval of of his word. •.-..• Vincent J. Maneri last night became the the committee. Sandy Hook inlet, an east sea . "Short meeting tonight," he second member ot the governing body to voice "Both a package plant and a franchise wall here is "more of a neces commented, striding briskly in- opposition to the proposed sewer plan for the system would cost the people even more," he sity than ever before to insure to the meeting room at 8:30 Old Manor and Newstead developments. contends. protection of the harbor," made Grand Jury Hit by Irwin p.m., • ••. • . •.. -. •.' Mr, Maneri, at the public hearing held At the Ndv. 15 Indian Hill School hearing, commitment to ask the con- • Thirty second* later the roll on the proposal last Monday, made it clear the committee will present complete cost gressional Public Works Commit- had been called anil reading of that he favors general taxation as the best breakdowns, to the township and to the resi- tee for an Army Corps of Engi- the ,minutw -dispensed with. way of financing the plan. dent, of every possible financing method, Mr. neers study of the proposal. On One Phase of Report By 8:J1'A, the. borough's mis "I'm hoping that we'll come up with a Maneri noted. had been read «nd approved Board Project solution in which the township as a whole will His decision to join Mayor Alfred C. Poole for payment. •, , Earlier this month, the pre By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON Meanwhile, Sheriff Joseph A. to get its proposed (new) jail participate in paying for the project," he re- in opposing the proposal as it stands has in- dominantly Republican Harbor FREEHOLD - Freeholder Di- Shafto and Warden Earl A. off the planning board to the Mayor Johnson asked for re- iterated. creased the likelihood that the ordinance will Commission, In a 5-2 vote, with rector Joseph C. Irwin had some Smith, the two officers most di- site It has chosen (in Freehold ports from CommUsipners Ray- Mr. Maneri asserted, "In its present form, not be adopted. members Dominick A\ Caruso criticism yesterday for the Mon- rectly responsible for administra- Township)." mond M. Tierney and Harold I won't vote for it." He asserted that some plan must be fi- and A. Ernest Schickedanz dis mouth County Grand Jury which tion, planned statements for to- Old Bill W; Peterson. There were none. He explained that with rapidly-rising in- nalized due to the serious health hazard that ;enting, agreed to work with Mr. on Monday had returned a crit- day. The warden has called a The jury also referred to a "I have no report myself," dustrial ratables, combined with a general could, if conditions continue to worsen, result Snyder to gain Rep. Howard's ical presentment of county jail press conference for 10 a.m. The Jan. 2, 1958 presentment urging he slated. "Anyone want \o growth trend in the township, the general in widespread disease. support for the sea waif project, administration and facilities. sheriff is working on a prepared that the freeholders "provide bring anything up?'* He peered taxpayer will pay no more than $6 to $7 a Norman Schantz, Zoning Board of Adjust- when. informed by Mr. Bowtell But Mr. Irwin took issue with statement. proper jail facilities immediate- around the room year for this program. ment member and a supporter of Mayor Poole that the Democratic council can- only one phase of the sweeping Noting overcrowding in the ly." Mr. Irwirt is the only mem- "There being iio business'be- Mr. Maneri criticized alternate plans sug- in this campaign, declared: "If you put such didate had conferred with the Grand Jury denunciation, making 69-year-old lookup here, the jury ber of the presentboard who was fore the commission, a motion gested by committee candidate William H. a project out as a franchise, you lay yourself congressman on the subject sev- no comment on others, dealing had said the freeholders "should a freeholder in 1958. - : to adjourn.' U .in order," the 1 Menges, a leader ol the Young GOP, as being (See SEWERS, Page 3). feral times this year. with freeholder responsibility. proceed with all .deliberate speed "It is unfortunate that the pres- mayor announced ." ' ent Grand Jury did not comment The' motion'was'carried just on the .steps taken by this board as the minute hand of the elec- Sidewalk Construction Is Speeded to provide further jail facilities tric clock on'the wail touched even prior to the recommenda- 8:32 p.m. tions -made by the. Grand Jury in 1958," Mr. Irwin said. : He said he deemed it his duty Asks Delay Township Rejects Horse Control Code "to amplify for the public, com- ments made by the Grand Jury pertaining to the proposed jail MIDDLETOWN - In a five- another control ordinance, with Foulks were inconsistent in that $11,500 contract to local attorney Zoning Board of, Adjustment. Township Committee candidate, On library and other activities of the board ffercd tomorrow at 9 a.m. in Services will be Friday at 2 Mr. and Mrs. L. Kucher, Ell a.m. in the St. George's by- Immaculate Conception Church, p.m. in the Worden Funeral Engllshtown, daughter, yester- Ithe-River Episcopal Church, Rum- Elizabeth. Burial will bo In Home, willi Rev, Stunrt F. Gait, day. MOUNT ENGLISH SALES COMPANY ion, with Rev. Mellick Belshaw Mount Olivet Cemetery, Eliza- rector of St. John's Episcopal Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gamble, fcafficlatlng. Burial will be private icth, under the direction of the Church, Little Silver, officiating. [nee Velma Jordon), 27 York- 90 MONMOUTH STREET RED BANK 741-tOOO •under Hie direction of Scott Fu- amen J. Hipgini and Son Moriu- Interment will be in Fair View town Dr., Englishtown, daugh- gatnl Home, Balford. ry, Elizabeth. Cemetery, Middletown. Ur, yeitercUy. t TOE DAILY REGISTER Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1065—3 Middletown (Continued) J. Roth asked it the claim could be confirmed. Eyery member ot the commit- tee, including the (hree Republi- cans, said they knew of no such offer. Mr. Roth pointed out that May- or Kavaiek has been a member of the committee for five years, $130,000 Sale Price The governing body then voted unanimously to accept a four- month option from Matthew J. Gill, owner of the plant, for township purchase of the sewer system for $130,000. Before the purchase Is made, the committee will obtain an of- ficial appraisal Irom its sewer engineer, Charles J. Kupper, to determine plant vajue. The sug- gestion for the appraisal was made by Mr. Roth. BIPARTISAN EFFORT — Republican officials and Democratic candidates met yesterday at Atlantic Highlands As a result of many protests municipal harbor with Rep. James J. Howard, (D-3d) to discuss proposed east sea wall. Shown, from left fo right, from spectators about new speed •r» Republican Harv«y H. Bowtell, chairman of Harbor Commission; Jay M. Killers, Democratic mayoral candi- limits on a number of streets — the speed is decided by the state data; Rep. Howard; James R. Snyder, Democratic council candidate, and Republican Borough Council President Division of Motor Vehicles — the John J. Koiak, Jr. committee voted to meet with the FUND DRIVE PLANNERS — Rev. Frederick Valentino, second from left, assistant Division in a pressure move to pastor of St. Ann'* Catholic Church, Keansburg, sparks drive for parish's $166,000 lower the limits. Sea Wall The body will also seek the share of Trenton Diocese campaign to raisa $ 16.5 million for seminary and high school Oceanport Completes, Subdivision help of stats assemblymen and construction. Pictured also are, from left, Edward Quigley, drive co-chairmanr Mrs. (Continued) county freeholders in the mat- lurance because of the "prohib ter. Anthony Luminoso, St. Ann's School Parent-Teacher Association historian, Mrs. Car- Uve price." Plans Still In' another unanimous move, men Falco, drive executive secretary, and Mrs. Mary Scherzinger, a volunteer secretary. Rate Hiked Outlines Master Plan the committee voted to ask the "After the last hurricane," sa OCEANPORT - The borough um density uses west of Branch- Held Back county to establish speed limits Mr. Bowtell, "the rates wer master plan, three years in the on all county roads. Although por..t Ave.. , and eliminatio„ n. of.. a' OCEANPORT - The Planning Fined #35, raited from $2,500 to 19,000. Wii making, was adopted unanimous the Board of Freeholders has this planned park on the north -side B^rf an east sea wall, we'd be abl( ly by the Planning Board at las Of Branchport Ave. again last night held for power, it has, in the past, let Matawan Library Losses license to get better protection, and a study a plan to split a four-acre night's session. John de Groor, local engineer, the state set speed limits on the same time lower insurant Gooseneck Point tract into eight RED BANK-Wayne J. Ben- Revisions to the original plan, and Richard Considine, president county roads. rates." homesites. nett, 18, of 49 John St., last night which was aired publicly June of the Oceanport Taxpayers' As- A 50-person delegation from Cost Division Set was fined $35 and lost Ms driver's He agreed with Mr. Snyde Chester Apy, a Red Bank at- 15, were explained to a war sociation, told the board there are the Bayshore area attended the license for eight months forpos- that harbor funds would be bet torney, appeared for 39 objectors MATAWAN - Vincent C. De- Should agreement still not be capacity audience in the new bf*€ h-W-MPost J. Allen Mohn Elected Thirty-five yean: Mrs. Thomas Boynton, Red Branch, Georje W. Blake, Lit **•M * VI tC llCi/f UllVI 9 Mn. S, Herbert Anderson, As- Bank; Philip W. DeAngelis, Free tie Silver; James J. Brunner bury Park; and Dr. J. Stuart hold; Mrs. J. E Dederick, Sea Hailet; HsrUon A. Cook, Allen- Goes to Koehler By County Red Cross Wlckenj, Spring Lake. Girt; MM. Richard Doelger, hurst; Mrs. Herman Danker, In New Headquarters MATAWAN — Henry B. Koeh- SHREWSBURY - J. Allen of Fair Haven, Mr. Rudloff, Pau Thirty years; Shrewsbury; Mrs. C. Frank, Man- Neptune; S. Leonard Davidson, RED JBANK - Local Air Force ler, 24 Doerlng Way, Cnntord, Mohn of Elberon Park has been A. Huntsman of Bumson and Mrs Richard Steadman, Deal. asquan; Mrs. Alexander Phillips, Fair Haven; Mrs. E. I. Davis, recruiter T. Sgt. Donald Minor has been appointed equipment Red Bank; Mrs. William C. Rue, elected i chairman of the county A. C. Norwine of Holmdel, vice Twenty-five years: Spring Lake Heights; Mrs. Charles has announced the opening of the product manager for the Hanson- Fair Haven; Mrs. Barney Ruder Jled Cross chapter by the organi- chairmen; Mrs, Bernard B Mrs. L. A. Allen, Sea Girl; Dickey, West Deal; Mrs. Ben|a new Air Fores recruiting office man, Neptune City; Mrs. Roger tr.ln Dube, Asbury Park; James Van Winkle-Munnlng Division of zation's board of directors. White, here, Clarence E. Unter- Harry C. Barnard, Red Bank; J. Froelioh, New Monmouth; here. The modern facility Is it 88 A. Seaman, Beimar; Mrs. Mary Monmouth. St, directly acrois M&T Chemicals, Inc., here. Everett Rudloff, chapter chair- berg of New Shrewsbury, and Mrs. Charles Brown, Sea Girt; Mrs. Patrick J. Harkins, Red H. Smith, Little Silver; D. Ran- from police headquarters. Mr. Koehler Joined the com- man since 1959, was awarded a Anthony, L. McKim of Fair Ha- Mrs. Adolph Merkt, Sea Girt; Bank; Mrs. Carl Hartdegen, Sea dolph Thomas, Red Bank; Mrs. pany In 1938 and was promoted certificate of recognition from ven, honorary vice chairmen, and Frank A. Wells, Monmouth Girt; William E. Havens, Union Grand opening ceremonies will Philip Thomas, Little Silver; to electrical equipment sales Red Crosj national headquarters Mrs. John C. Ellis of Middle- Beach. Beach; Miss Sara Hayes, Man- be held Friday. Attending the Miss Ruth T. Zindler, Red Bank; manager in 1960. tor long and devoted service. town, secretary; A. Alvin Whit Twenty years: Arnold Truex, Mrs. Louis Ne*ly, Allenhurst; asquan; Frank Hlltbrunner, opening ceremony will be Capt. He holds a BS In engineering Other officers elected were ing of Red Bank, treasurer, and New Monmouth; and Arthur Wef- Mrs. Joseph Olivier, Shrewsbury; Rumson; Miss Florence Klein, Gordon E. Welling, commander from Rutgers University, H« is a John T. Lawley of Middletown, Harry C. Barnard of Red Bank, elmeyer, Keansburg. Sea Girt; Edwin LeRoy, Nep- Howard R. Richmond, Oakhurst; of DeUohment 215, U. S. Air member of the Institute of Elec- first vice chairman; Monroe Eis- assistant treasurer. Fifteen years: Mrs. John Vogel, Manasquan; tune; Allen L. Martlneau, M Force Recruiting Service. trical and Electronic Engineers ner of Red Bank, second vice The following volunteers and Mrs. Ernest Anderson, Mana- Daniel W. Hepburn, Asbury wan; John P, Matthews, Asbury Sgt. Minor also announced that and the American Electroplaters chairman; S. Leonard Davidson staff members were recognized squan; Warren C. Buckland, Park; Edward W. Jenkins, Mid- Park; Mrs. Wayne D, McMurray, a new Air Force recruiter will be Society, He is former treasurer of Morganville; Frank J. Callahan, dletown; Mrs. Katherine John- Asbury Park; Mrs. Robert Na- assigned to the Red Bank office. the Newark branch of the Amer- Oceanport; Mrs. Rosine 0. Car- son, East Keansburg; John gle, Rumson; Mrs. James B. Nor- He Is T. Sgt. Milton G. Batrouny ican Material Handling Society. otenuto, R. N., Hew Monmouth; Kames Ocean Township, Miss mington, Little Silver; and Mrs, who recently completed the spe- Mr. Koehler (s married and has Albert W. Cosentino, Oceanport; H. Keil, Sea Girt; Mrs. John C. Margaret Patterson, Middletown. cial recruiter course at Lackland four children. Mrs, Eva Dehnz, Sea Bright; McCormack, Eltwron; Kenneth A. AFB, Texas. Mrs, J. H. Doorbar, Spring Thompson, Port Monmouth; Mrs. PARADE SLATTED FRIDAY Sgt. Batrouny, whose previous RUMMAGE SALE Lake; Mrs. A. M. Ferguson, Ses Arthur Wade, Little Silver; Mrs. RARITAN TOWNSHIP - The assignment w« at McGuire Air KEYPORT - The Sisters of Girt; Lawrence G. Flannagan, George Wade, Sea Girt; Miss annual Halloween Parade, spon- Force Base, will be an official the Good Shepherd of Collier's Llncroft; Kenneth K. Huhn, Lit- Mae Wentz, Bradley Beach; Mrs. sored by the Recreation Commis- Air Force recruiter at Red Bank. School, Wickatunck, will hold a tle Silver; Mrs. Helen E. Kames, G. L. Weston, Middletown; Mrs. sion, will be held Friday at 7 p.m.He was selected for the special Milton G. Batrouny rummage sale tomorrow and' Fri- Ocean Township; Dr. Otto Leh- H. C Woolley, Sea Girt; Mrs. The line of march will begin at assignment as a volunteer with day from- 9 a.m, to-S p.m. in mann. Long Brench; Cornelius Marlon P. Wishart, Wanamassa; ;esting procedures and commun- Lomax, Manasquan; Mrs. Ruth Airport Plaza and end at the old an outstanding military record, the annex of St. Mary's Episco- Mrs. A. Schaller, Spring Lake; ty relations to broaden his quali- Loudon, Freehold; Anthony L. town hall, Middle Rd., Hazlet. according to Sgt. Minor. >al Church, M Weat Front St. J. Kridel's Corner has the most marvelous Alfred G. Schibell, Eatontown; The Police Athletic Band will fications for presenting the facts MaKim, Fair Haven; Mrs. H. and Mrs. John Tack, Red Bank. The sergeant was trained in 11 slacks that need no zipper. They just pull on. Steele, Sea Girt; and Mrs. Lil- lead the parade. Prizes will be areas of study, including the Air of Air Force career opportunities Sell Fasti The Daily Register lian Turner, Sea Girt. Five years: awarded for the beat costumes. Force job classification system, to young men and women. Classified. 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Shop at Sears and Save 1500 HIGHWAY 35 Open Mon. thru Sat. IIW-B/M flitfifaetion Guaranteed or Your Money Back Phone 671-3800 / •re wrt growth storfes—which yw tl«? We ut a mi/Mte-igw! ow- Wednesday, Oct. 27, IMS—5 should have—but *re sound tnd "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean pie, well-fixed finincillly and inBeth Shalom THE DAILY REGISTER,- are rather good income pro- no need of high-dividend in- ducers, except Food Giant which come." P. R. nwrsday, October 2S pays no cash dividends. I believe tion over wine, will be chanted Vji A) The predominant asset of Fanuly Night Successful that to offset inflation, you should a graduate of Beth Shalom Re- Present—For You and Yowv • • Get together hold only shares which have Beneficial Corp. is shares of ligious School, Harold Breslo^. with co-workers and friends and plan an old-fash- grown consistently in earnings, Beneficial Finance. As a result, Is Scheduled Rabbi Henry Lieberman will ioned Halloween party for the weekend. It will bring dividends and price over a period Eeneficial Corp. moves more or RED BANK - Special Friday speak on the subject "You Must back, many happy memories of past yean. Youi of years, and seem likely to con- ess in line with the market ac- Night Family Services will be Gamble" efforts on the job are under observation, so do your Investing tinue this trend. tion of this investment. If my conducted by the children of Beth best to make « good impression. Advancement and Why not start all over again, only personal holding was Bene- Shalom Religious School Friday AT CONFERENCE prestige are denoted now. [Roger E. Spear By ROGER E. SPEARf since you don't need income? I ficial Corp., I'd gradually switch at 8 p.m. The following students SHREWSBURY - Mr. ari Q) "I am 21 years old and my savings from inflation. I suggest you switch your present some shares into other good stocks will take an active part in the Mrs. J. Reid Harrison recently service: Harold Breslow, Carol The Day Under Your Sign have been working since gradu- bought Atohison, Topefca & San-holdings into Texaco; General in order to achieve diversifica attended a four-day Diamond An- Foods; Texas Utilities and Hon- Cohen, Susan Curtis, Warren Gor- niversary Business Conference of ation from high school. I have ta Fe; American Crystal Sugar; tion. However, if this issue made Ata.l*m Mtr.214o Apr. If Llkra.Stpr. 3) to Oct. » been putting my savings into a Kaiser Cement & Gypsum and eywell. Over a perid, I believe don, Susan Hyman, Barry Hy- Sun Life Insurance Company of TO. ua b. « Um I,j if Don't let a jeraos (alls you up only part of my portfolio, I'd Toil ItUx and tnjor tie am- into burtaf something 70a real- bank and U. S. savings bonds. Food Giant Markets." B, P. you will be very much pleased man, Douglas Graham. Alan America at the Plaza Hotel 1B PMT of coo wlo dura rair hold it because I think Beneficial Kampf, Judy Peck, Robert Peck, New York City. Mr. Harrison; •nterots. ly don't want. Since I have no financial re- that you did. Scorpio. OCT. 2] lo No*. 21 A) I congratulate you on' the Finance has good prospects and Ljnda Piniak, Richard Piniak, Al a veteran in the insurance busi- Tom. April 20 <• Miy 30 Don't -luaVe halt? moves or de- sponsibilities, I have now Invest- prudent handling of your affairs. Q) "If you owned a large block Aik qucllou, n yoa'U mri cisions. -Get competent advice ed a portion of my money in the Beneficial Corp. should fully par- vin Rodack and Barbara Stein. ness maintains a general agency •II the lieu If jou «e. la before proceeding. I should like to point out, howo-f Beneficial Corp., would >wu at 417 Shrewsbury Ave. , •in your point stock market, hoping to protect ticipate in any future gains made. The "Kiddusth," the sanctifica G.mW. M.yJlt».W2l SacjiHsriui. NoV.il to DK.2I ever, that the stocks you bought hold or switch to other securi- Work tint bit uaimuUted Get ' acquainted wiln new "Ml tab« iH neighbors.. It's your doty to Pilch in! calf on Ibeir. C.n«r. JuM22toJu!r2l Capricorn. D7 luddtnlf utci fire •(tin. lessness, of a friend. But cWl show your dismay. Aouuiiu. Jan. 21 to Fab. 1° Creative cmkavor* we •„ Sell seasonal dothinf whltl czccllmt ttjh vilh fintncUl you can no tourer use. I*ur- rewards. diase new hems. Gigantic o. riKM. Fob. 20 to March 20 TIM li • ..U A new idea coold nin .wide Ttuo—lodiilr jaltuunt rccofnition, m doti't Kattate to tlridr : it. J9&, PuUiiLen flflr*x*per Syndicate Prices Stage Stock Market Yesterdays closing stocks: ACP Ind % Int Ttl 4 Tel Clearance Sale Rebound On Adam* Ex 30 *i I-T-TC Ckt Brk 4 DAYS ONLY Atr Prod 68 \l Johns Man 53 Air Reduc 6»K Jones A Li 67>,i Allen Cp Joy M[( Stock Market Allejf I..id i Killer Al 37 4 Sale Ends October 30th Allpg Pw 28 U Kennecott 124 V, NEW YORK (AP) - The stock Allied Ch Kuppera 67 V. Kenmore Automatic AIMS ChnI •19 Kresge 88 71 market yesterday rebounded Alcoa 38 U sharply from a session of profit Am Airlln L«ti Port C 17 Brk 8h L»h Val Ind 8'i taking and made new highs in Am Can LOF Glass Cyan I.II. Me N«I •11 popular averages as blue Am M Fdy us LUK A: My 79 chips and more volatile issues Am Mot U".4 Lllton Ind 115H Am Smelt U li l.ucktns Stl 33 moved up together. Am fltd KM. Mack Trk The sharpness ol the rise, how- Am Tel Tel MSKnsvox Am Tol> • Hi M.ralh Oil Amp Inc Martin M WASHER ever, was not matched by vol- W* Anaconda S<11 Masonlta ume which fell off to 6.76 million Armco Stl 6911 Mtrck (hares from 7.09 million Monday. Armour 39 MOM Armstk Ck C2S Minn M*M Brokers said that the cut-down Aihl Oil 4". M[» Pac A In market participation was dueAlrhinon 32S Mont Ward Atl Refin HOI. Nat Bisc Sears to caution among many inves- Avco Corp •a N Csah Tits Babcock W Nat Dairy S 40 H tors who saw some of the big-Bayuk Clg Nat Distill J214 gest gainers of the year take Bel * How 12 Nat Gypa 39 Bendlx Nat Steel M'i Price dramatic losses yesterday and Beth Steel NY Central «S!i Boeing 113 Nil M Pw 287. Friday. While many buyers who Bonlen No >n Av 66S had sold and taken profits re- Boris Warn Nor Pnc Brunswk Nivat Airlln mained in the sidelines in a Bucy Eri* Norwich Ph wait-and-see attitude, however, Bulovn. Outb Mar Burl Iiid Owens III No Trade-in Required professionals stepped In and C*w Jl 21 Pan Am picked up many recent high fly- Cat IT Trac 49'« Param Plct 65 li Penney JC 61». • 2-cycle timer handles Normal and Delicate fabrics safely ers at drastically reduced prices. Chea & Oh 77 >i P« P»-*U 35 Chrysler Pa RR Te Dow Jones Industrial Av- CIMti Sv Pepsi Co • 2 speeds — normal speed for vigorous washing of regular fabrics; Coca Cola Perkin £lm 70 erage spurted 8.18 to a new clos- Coljt Pal 5* Plller 65»i or switch to slow speed for gentle agitation for getting dirt out of ing peak of 956.32, topping the Colum Gaa Phil El Coml Srtlv Phil] Put your fragile fabrics previous high ot 952.42 made on Con Edla i Pit Stettl Friday. Cont Can 60S Put) • Safety lid switch stops spin action when lid is lifted Co-Op Bf» «•£ Pub Sv E (II-H The recovery . of television, Corn Pd Pullman 53H Corning a RCA 45 % • Lint filter works full time — traps lint and threads other electronics, office equip- Cm Zell Reading Co JOS' Cmc Stl Repub Stl 42>i ments, photography, airline, aero- Curllii Wr Revlon (2» •pace and other groups regarded Of ere Reyn Met Del A Hud Rey Tob 4 Dent Sup 47 \ nowadays as "glamour" issues Rob Controls MM, set the tone for a resumption of DOUR Alrc St Jos Lead 46-k Dress Ind &H4 Bt He; Pap 15 the advance. Du Pont 213 flears Roeb OH Duq LI 32 S Shell oil Of 1,405 issues traded, 634 rose But Kot! 108H Sinclair End John Smith AO and 432 fell. New highs for theErie Lack I'i Socony year totaled 53 and new lows 14. Fin-atom Sou pac FMC Cp <1S Sou Ry 56 The Associated Press average Ford Mot Sperry ltd 16 Qen Accept Std Brand of 60 stocks rose 2.1 to a new O>n Cigar Sta OIKCaJ high of 352.5 with industrials up Gen Pyn&m 8td. Oil NJ 1314 •en Elec SttidebaJier 3.9 to a record high, rails up .8 Cl en Fdf Texaco 13' and utilities up .6. It was theGen Motor* Tex o Bui 6S' Oen Put Ut Textron 72-1 largest gain since Sept. 27 when (i Tel A El Tldewit Oil Oen Tire Transamer Dryers the average gained 2.9. 18' Gillette Un Carblda 72" Standard & Poor's 500-stock in- nien Aid Un Pac Ooodrlch 12-H tin Tank C dex advanced .53 to a record Goodyenr Unit Alrc » 92.20. Grace Co United Cp Sears Low Price Gt AAP US Lines 31 Greyhound ; U8 Plywd Curtis Publishing was the most 23 Si 48 Oulf Oil US Rub 69 active stock, up *A at 10% onHamm Pap 58 >4 US Smelt 48% 35 234,200 shares following a report Here Pdr US Steel 5011 111 Cent Ind Vuco Met 43 Ml Ing Rnnd i Walworth that the company has agreed in 5214 7'I Int Bui Men Warn B Pic 14>i principle with Texas Gulf Sul- Int Harv .VI Wn Un Tel 3S>4 40H Int Kick Weals; El M . phur to a $24 million sale of Int Paper 81H White Mot 36 >4 Curtis land holdings In Canada WoolWn 2»'4 and Pennsylvania. Xerox Cp 1TS14 Yntst ShsT 41 Prices generally were higher en the American Stock Ex change. Volume was 2.31 million Bowling Brunch •hares compared with 2.62 mil- lion yesterday. Corporate bonds Slated Nov. 21 Electric Model were slightly higher. U. S. Trea- MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - The No Trade-in Required sury bonds were mostly un- Men's Club of Temple Beth Ahm changed. is sponsoring a bowling brunch "Heat" plus "Air Only Beltings on Sunday, Nov. 21, at 1 p.m. in the Stratiimore Lanes, Rt. 34. fluff sweaters, dry plastics School Board Planned are two bowling Automatic timer gives you com* games and brunch. It is open to plete control of drying time Functions Told the entire community. HAZLET — The Importance Gary Schwartz, 23 Orchard Load-A-Door makes a handy shelf and function of the school board Ave. West, Hazlet, is the chair- Lint screen slips out to dean In local government has been ex- man. Trophies and door prizes plained by Robert Corbliss, for- will be awarded. Tumbling stops if door is opened mer president of the Raritan Township Board of Education, at Tax Assessment Law I civics class of seventh grade No Payments 'til Feb. 1st, 1966 pupils in the Sycamore Drive Due for Discussion School. ATLANTIC CITY - Effects of 1 Mr. Corbliss spoke on'the line the state's controversial tax as and staff organization of the sessment law, passed in 1965 after school system, how budgets are years of haggling, will be an- prepared, and the responsibili- alyzed at the 50th Annual Con- ties of the school board and edu- ference of the New Jersey State cators to the educational pro- League of Municipalities here gram and community. An Infor- Nov. 16 through 19. mal question and answer period Mayors and municipal officials followed the talk. from most New Jersey communi- The program was arranged ties will hear appraisals of tax «nd coordinated by Walter J. shifts from speakers representing ' Lidman, seventh grade teacher commerce, industry and all levels at the school. of government.

3471 6460 Self-Cleaning Lint Filter! Kenmore 3-Water Temperature Kenmore 5-Temperature Automatic Washers Automatic Washers Tax Guide for Investors Automatic Washers » Check Seari Low Price Check Sean Low Price It's a Big Help! No Tridcla Required 137 No Trade-in Required 178 It can't eliminate the tax bite...but It may ease your 198 Automatically fills, washes, rinses and tax problems. Contains helpful features and pertinent 2 speeds, 3 cycles and 5 wash arid rinse temper- 5 water temperatures, 3 cycles, 2 speeds insure all- regulations. Get your copy today at our nearest office! spin dries. 3 water temperatures; cold, fabric safety! 3 water levels; off-balance switch with tures for all kinds of clothes. Automatic bleach warm and hot. Porcelain-finish wash buzzer; built-in filter. Super Roto-Swirl agitator. Por- THOMSON & M?KINNON dispenser. basket. Safety lid switch. celain-finish top, lid, wash basket MtmbanN.Y.SWetEichsnts>o(hsi|>>te«lunoilll>Bchang« 9 Memorial Parkway, Long Branch • CA 2-4310 1500 HIGHWAY 35 2 Broadway, New YorM • HA 2-5100 Shop at Sears and Save Open Mon. thru Sat. liSMstk) 20 EMt4«h StTMt. YU &O400 • 625 MKHwn Avmue, PL 1-3800 Satbfodtlon GmumtasA «r Your Money Back SEARS - Middletown Phone 671-3800 "To Go Along With The Roadside Beautif.cation Idea, Jim Bishop: Reporter The Register's Opinion We've Designed An Entirely New Can* Thousands Sleep Monmouth Must Move Forward The hills are green with growing things, even in the autumn. The crosses in the fields have grown whiter In This is the election year that pre- time in recognizing the need for a re- 50 years, but they carry their own peace. In the morning, a train races across the valley, out of Ypres bound for Ghent, sents an opportunity to get Monmouth gional sewer program. Mr. Campi re- and it leaves a peek-ajboo smudge behind the hills and the County moving again. ceives our support. Belgian farmers stand in their hayricks to look. The Board of Freeholders has not One of the first steps that should The village is small and neat and old. met the challenge of running one of It is called Passchendaele, and the only be taken by the reorganized Board of road leads to another nonentity named the fastest-growing counties in the Freeholders is consideration for hiring Zonnebeke. There Is a steeple, some cobbled state. Planning has been slow — and a paid county administrator. This is roads, a few old ladies with canes who sit so has progress. near the Hotel de Ville, a street full of what we meant earlier in citing the shops, and some school children. Sometimes The freeholders only now are em- need for a new dimension on the board. a fresh wind comes in from the North Sea barking on programs that should have The county must have one executive and, at night, it splits on the branches of fruit trees and moans piously for the dead. been completed and implemented years who can give fulltime efforts to di- Many dead. The blood and bones of the ago. Monmouth will continue to grow recting operations. Fortunately, there British have enriched the farms, and mad* — but how it grows will depend large- is such a man already available in BISHOP the bluebells more buoyant. Passchendale— ly on what our county officials do to County Planning Director Charles M. forgotten and serene in its anonymity—may have been the high spot of man's individual gallantry in the face of death. plan for the future. Pike. He has a tremendous grasp of General Alderson of the First Canadian Division could hard- Sewer system planning was too the county's problems and planning ly decorate a man without decorating all — the dead as well long in forthcoming. The county road efforts. He is what the freeholders and as the living. In the winter of 19M, the German High Command decided program remains a maze of incon- the county need. that their huge gate, hinged on Strasbourg and swinging sistencies. County airport action has The race for sheriff was lowered through Belgium, Holland and the north of France, would bogged down. The anti-poverty pro- into a political morass with the county not slam in Paris on time. Secretly, they took some of their best divisions and transported them across Europe to fight gram was handled poorly. There will jail as the center of controversy. Russia. For the moment, all was quiet on the western front be two county libraries and this is fine. Charges by Democratic Freehold- Duke Albrecht of Wurttemberg complained. He com- But it was political expediency, and not er Eugene J. Bedell resulted in a coun- manded the Fourth German Army, which was charged with holding the British along a line from Ypres to Nieuport, on careful thought, that is bringing them ty Grand Jury investigation. A present- the coast. The British, under General Sir John French, had about. There has been no effort to ment was handed up Monday listing dented the Duke's line at Ypres. It was a four-mile dimple. establish an official county liaison with recommendations for improvements at Berlin forbade him from starting a spring 1915 offensive, but promised a new secret weapon which might straighten area military installations. We do not the jail. the line. In April, the first freight cars, loaded with cylinder! have a single public golf course. We We go along with many of the of chlorine gas, arrived. It was a new and terrifying weapon. could go on —• the list is long. findings of the Grand Jury — and feel The French had two divisions on the left. The Canadians had the center, facing Passchendaele. The British 28th, under The point now is that with two that efforts must be made by the coun- General Bulfin, held the right. The Germans placed the gas freeholder vacancies to be filled, this ty to improve conditions at the jail. cylinders in their trenches and waited tor the right kind of is the time to begin insuring that a new But it must be emphasized that many breeze. It came at 5 p.m., on April 22, 1915. dimension is added to the county of the problems at the jail go back The French 45th division, busy bailing spring rain out of moldy trenches, saw the yellow cloud and stopped work board. many years. They are not new. Chang- to watch it. No one knew what it was. When the breeze Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin ing sheriffs will not correct these prob- curled it over the French breastworks, men breathed and be- of Red Bank, a Republican, has been lems automatically. Sylvia Porter: Your Money's Worth gan to scream and tear at their eyes, their throats, and fell coughing and dying to the silent enemy. in politics and government for many It is true that it is the sheriff who Those who could still run, ran from the trenches back years. He has been a freeholder since is responsible for jail operations. And into the yellow cloud, floating rearward. Batteries of artillery 1939. But he has not provided the it is also true that incumbent Repub- Switch Income, Save on Taxes saw it coming and fled. General officers fought with the en- listed men to escape. Darkness came and the Duke ol Wurt- leadership, the imagination, and the in- lican Sheriff Joseph A. Shafto of Nep- How do you switch your income and 1966. And you might prepay in 1965 interest temberg wondered if the gas had done any damage. dependence necessary for his impor- tune Township, despite personnel and expenses between 1965 and 1986? The vast and state and local taxes for 1966, if possible. At night, the French tried to reorganize, among scream- tant job. Much of the blame for pro- physical facility difficulties, has been majority of us, who are "cash basis" tax- Your prepayment of 1966 interest in 1965 In ing men and horses. General Putz informed the British he payers, generally owe tax on income in the order to deduct this on your 1965 return de- castination must be placed on him. working diligently to make improve- would counter-attack the Germans at 4:30 a.m. The attack year in which we are paid. For instance, if pends on whether your lender will, or Is never came off. The French had no heart for fighting * ytllow We cannot support him in this election. ments. His program must continue. you do a job for which you required, to accept your prepayment in 1965. cloud. The Canadians attacked. But we can endorse his GOP run- Mr. Shafto has given a new sense are paid in 1965, you re- Similarly, prepayment of 1966 state and local The following day, before dawn, the wind was right again port that income on your taxes in 1965 depends on whether your taxing ning mate, incumbent Benjamin H. of dignity to the sheriff's office. The and the Germans released their gas against the Canadian!. 1965 return. If you don't get authorities will accept such prepayments. These men had no masks, no protection except huidker- Danskin of Wall Township. He is a sheriff must be an honest man whose paid for the work until 1966, Caution: The Treasury will allow 1965 chiefs and bandoliers dipped in water, and they breathed freeholder with ability and energy — integrity is above question. Mr. Shafto this income is taxed in your deductions for 1955 prepayments of 1966 in- through these and hoped to God they could resist the impulse 1966, not your 1965, return terest and taxes, but generally not for any to run. one who has managed, despite road- is that. other types of prepaid 1966 expenses (such —except that you still would The Canadians held. But the Germans drove a deep as prepayment in 1965 for a dental or medi- blocks, to bring about accomplishment. The sheriff's office can be misused be taxed in 1965 if you were wedge between the French and the British, and the Canadians cal expense to be incurred in 1966.) The county park program that has de- by someone who does not have great entitled to payment in 1965 retreated through St. Julien. On their right, they stared ahead If you are a business or professional man veloped can be attributed directly to responsibility. Mr. Shafto, in three but asked your employer at the misty outlines of Passchendaele, and the Allied High not to pay you until 1966. and are planning to buy equipment or ma- Command committed them to take the village. him. Mr. Danskin also has recorded chinery in the near future, try to buy and years, has demonstrated that he has. PORTER So one way to shift in- The action was but a small part of the Battle of Ypres. put the equipment or machinery into use by achievement as a Wall Township com- And to his great credit has been the come from 1965 to 1966 is to postpone year- The cream of the youth of Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, the end of 1965—instead of delaying until end jobs, if possible, until the start of 1966. Calgary and Edmonton stood on the firing steps as their mitteeman and mayor. It is significant program he helped organize to combat 1966. By doing this in 1965, you will be .able Another way is to hold off billing for yearend lives ticked away on a lieutenant's watch, and climbed.over that he has a deep, realistic concern to cut your 1965 tax bills with important tax the growing narcotics menace. work until it is so late your client or customer the top and through the barbed wire. They waved their bay- benefits, but if you delay your purchase until for the county's problems and needs. can't pay you until 1966. oneted rifles and yelled "Come on!" and each front wave We like the idea of the county January or later, you will hold off your tax was mowed down as though a reaper stood In the field with He is sincerely trying to do a good job. sheriff and the county prosecutor If you sell property in the remaining benefits for a full year. The two breaks you an invisible scythe. Still they ran forward, husky young men weeks of 1965 at a profit, ma» 1. My William F. HMlHtori writers association, doing about the fate of board and declared insane. Like Valery agencies, and certain state authorities. Knecullvd TAHat Aijoclatt Ktlltor Frank W. llarliour (liarln \. Johnaton some of his fellow artists and intellectual! Tarsis, the author of that first-person narra- MldrilBlown JlurMu Msr. —Grand jury proceedings are a certainty Freehold Bnri>au MRr. in Moscow and Peking? Did he have any- tive about life in a Soviet mental hospital, on 8 number of charges, foremost among Membrr of the Aiflwlaled Frr-ia Tim Antedated Pr«a In •milled Mcltulvely to iht IIM thing to say when Mao Tse-tung, after invit- "Ward Seven," Zhenya Belov was bundled them tax evasion, misappropriation of funds, for repuiHiuatfon of ail Ilia local newa printed In Ulla ing "a hundred flowers to bloom" In Red off to an asylum. His father, mother and embezzlement. ntwipaper •• wilMujill AP newa mapttchu. China, suddenly retracted the invitation and Mrmtwr of Amrrirjtn Nmvsfiaprr rubilfiurnt Aa»oe. young brother have been taken away from —Also in the works is legislation that will Member Audit tlurcau of rirculatlMi killed or Imprisoned thousands of the Intel- their home by the police. be vigorously pressed in the session of Con- Th",, ',W nnl* R««'«l", 'no,, ~a"aiiiniei no financial lectual and middle classes? gress that convenes Jan. 10. This has nlready rc>pnnillillltl» for typographical trrora In adverll«em«nli, This Is what is done to writers under the hut will roprlnt.wllh.nul .rhnrs*, Unit |urt ol an adver- Well, It could be said that Mao's treat- sort of government that the Communists hope been discussed with members of the Un- tlirmrnt In which Uia tynojrniihlcal error occum. Adverllaera American Activities Committee. win (ilcain notify (ho nuniftment Immoduijly of any ment of his Intellectuals is an old story. One to Impose on South Viet Nam. Yet Arthur error which may occur. . cannot easily bring people back from the Miller, the head of the P.E.N., tees off on BACKSTAGE DRAMA-Rlght up to the ThU newai)npe7~aiiiiirin»i"nir'r»apoij«li)llitl»i (or alalt- grave who have been dead for five years. a U.S. foreign policy that would prevent a moment that Joseph DuBoii, klabee (treasur- manta ol opinion In lnl«r« from lit reHilnra. But something might be done, by a president Communist take-over |n Southeast Asia and "Who cores obout dumb college kids? er) of the Goldtboro, N. C, Klavorn, took ., . Subscription Price! In Advan'ca remain! silent at a mummy about the fate tin witness stand and renounced his KKK k of Intellectuals. Even as Mr. Miller was join- Novy Mir. >, 0 f> I' TffE DAILY REGISTER Wednesdty, Oct. 27, 1965-7 HITS PAWED CAT teuton Avrr Monday nlfht tt 7 after reeeivlnj nUOm tottfa* mMt m&m gun registra- 741-5292 542-0743 741-5350 well as its newly initiated pro KEYPORT — In the ipring of tion law is not moving fast enough for htm. He now begins the last school year, the varsity a series of witch hunting attacks on right wing extremist gram in rehabilitation education U.S. CHOICE—MORRELmncfaiL* PRIDE—AGEriuvB—HWEDV ANHnDu SEASONE»fuwiwwD on the local level. and junior varsity cheerieading groups, whom he alleges are secretly arming themselves. squads were chose at Keyport Mr. Sills would do well to direct his. attentions to the real In addition to tfis services of High School. .enemy, socialism and communism. Lest anyone forget, we • trained rehabilitation educator, SIRLOIN Varsity cd-captalns are Donna are at war, in a life and death struggle, with world com- the Foundation offers profession- Wilson and Susan Baldassi. Var- munism. al planning advice to communi- Ib sity regulars are Nancy Silcox, Marxist professors teach in our colleges, pacifists burn ties wishing to improve their re Nancy Batters, Barbara Gevas, T-BONE their draft cards, and student demonstrations against our habitation facilities. Charlene Saurman, Geneann Di- policy in Viet Nam are commonplace. But the only thing that STEAKS "The goal of the Foundation,' Giambattlsttl and Jancie Lawlor. Mr. Sills can find to criticize are right wing extremists. Is it Fresh Killed—3 - 4 Ib. size—Split, quartered or cut up f± g* (aid Mr. McGann, "is to make The girls wear the traditional red too late in our history to hope for a return to constitutional quality rehabilitation services and white gabardine uniforms. government and to call a halt to the creeping socialism which available to the greatest number Junior varsity co-captains are now infects all levels of our society? I sincerely hope not. G of people, At the present time, Betty Jean Mahowage and Sincerely, " the lad: of trained personnel in Gladys Jardot. The regulars are Fred J. Becker ib all phases of rehabilitation is ap- Marty Dorl, Joan Swartr, Patri- Frying CHICKENS 33 cia Rosato, Gina Eastmond, Sharon Creed and Florence Gal- Boneless, Choice Lean -Rib Side PAN READY RATH'S lo. Adviser to the cheerleaders Why He Demonstrates is Miss Linda Schriehoffer and 28 Hudson Ave. 5-6 Ib. Size BUCK HAWK the manager is Karen Kelaney. Red Bank, N. J. To the Editor: EYE LOIN As one of the anti-war demonstrators and also one of Five Fined the "many adults who have helped organize them," I would like to comment on your editorial of Oct. 21 entitled "The ROUND PORK BACON Viet Nam Demonstrations." FOWL By Red Bank Your editorial, although somewhat more moderate and less vitriolic in tone than most of the recent outpourings, expresses bewilderment that so many young Americans oppose the war. c Magistrate Is this really so strange? Who in his right mind wants to have LITTLE SILVER — Robert his education or employment interrupted and his family life ! Ib disrupted to be sent thousands of miles away to kill Vietnamese 99 59 79! Wright, West Bergen PI., Red 39! Bank, was fined $105 by Magis peasants (or be killed by them)? . .*, trate Richard D. Porter In mu- If we had really wanted democracy in Viet Nanv, we nicipal court here Monday night would never have put in power the infamous Commander on a drunk and disorderly charge. Ky . . . We talk of self-determination, but we are raining AMERICA'S Magistrate Porter imposed fines bombs on Ho Chi Minn, who is the most popular figure in Viet ranging from $30 to $100 on three Nam . . . drivers charged with violations of When the Nazis were conducting their sadistic aggres- Most Famous sion (which they, too, labeled an "anti-Communist crusade"), LIQUIDATORS the motor vehicle laws, Don A, Hahnhold, 20 Carolina the entire world would have been thankful for peace demon- ENTIRE STORE BUYERS BRANDS at Ave., Newark, was lined J55 for strations in Germany, but there were none . . . driving a vehicle with fictitious Allen Strasburger GIVE-AWAY license plates, $39 for failure to 69 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. I OPEN 3 DAYS ONLY have a driver's license or auto About Aid and Schools PRICES! vehicle registration in his pos A copy of the following letter has been received by The I ». is. s^w.1,^ *. *.<• u* u* ITHURS., FRI. 10-9 • SATURDAY 10-6 session, and $15 for driving an Register for publication: NIW «OODS ADDID unregistered "vehicle. 4 Hazel PI. Entire Stock or Parts Wanted - Call 747-9813 or 354-5350 Watch Thomas C. Rockhill, 568 Broad Hazlet, N. J. FRIDAY ami SATURDAY way, Long Branch, was fined $55 An Open Letter To: or driving a vehicle with ficti- Senator Clifford P. Casa ious license pfates and $30 for c/o Red Bank Register Repair driving an unregistered vehicle. Red Bank, New Jersey Joseph M. McGeary, 408 Union Dear Senator Case: ' St., Jersey City, charged with So you feel that education needs more federal funds and driving an unregistered vehicle that these funds will not increase federal control of our schools. Special and driving with fictitious license Well let us see if this is true. THURSDAY 10: A.M... plates was fined $15 on each As late 'as Thursday 10/21/65 Senator Ribicoff reported to Wed., Oct. »th thru charge. Congress that there are, "42 federal departments, agencies Sat., Oct. 30th Thomas McNair, 8 Winding and bureaus involved in some aspect ot education for which OVER 1,500 JUST BROUGHT IN FRESH OVER 1,000 JUST BROUGHT IN FRESH Way, this place, was fined $10 for the current federal budget includes more than HI billion." LADIES' SIZES — JUNIOR PETIT — 3 TO 15 only permitting a dog to run at large. Is this economy and the spending of our, the taxpayers SIZES — 8 TO 24 — 3 TO IS money wisely? Why is such a federal role in education so necessary if not for a better control of said education . . . • LADIES' • MISSES' • JUNIORS • PETITS Corps Seeking On Wednesday, Oct. 20, I read that Commissioner Francis 788 Keppel is eager to force schools, by threat of withholding INDIA MADRAS RIOT New Uniforms federal funds, to live up to his ideas of-what the new civil 1- & 2-PIECE EATONTOWN - liew dress pa- rights laws call for. But of course this is not control and the • 100% COTTON YOUR CHOICE ffl rade uniforms are the goal of a federal government would not do such a thing . . . €»MPLETE WATCH fund-raising campaign planned by In 1962, this same Office of Education stated its long range • GUARANTEED TO BLEED the New Jersey Rangers Drum objective for American education. "Our fundamental goal is OVERHAUL AND and Bugle Corps. a progressive nation in a peaceful world . . . Achieving this • IMPORTED $0-50 CLEANING A tag day has been set for Sat- goal, or objective, demands ... the proposition that educa- • Dress urday,, Nov. 13, at Monmouth tion is a primary instrument of social advancement and $400 Shopping Center, human welfare." Whatever happened to the basic ideas of • Your watch ultrasonlcally The corps will lead the march scholarship, learning, initiative and discipline? The federal DRESSES 2 chased by silent sooad TO • Cocktail in Friday's 1 Halloween pajade, government can only obtain money to subsidize our school 4 sponsored by the Recreation systems by taking it from us, the taxpayer, and believe me TO • Worn Inside parts replaced, Commission, at 6:30 p.m. In the the carrying charge is high on this round trip to Washington SICIRTS • Evening even miimprings where shopping center malls. and back. needed $/|.00 00 May I also ask you where in our Constitution is the fed- • Sport • Cases poBshed, movements WINS FIRM HONORS eral government given the power to meddle in the individual JACKETS electronically timed and LITH/E SILVER - Sumner school systems? They have thrived on good solid rivalry be- ngnltted- 4 Rulon-Miller, Jr.t of Little Silver tween the individual school systems. • Others 13 New Htflhr • W«tch repair guarantee Point Rd., Mutual of New York I feel that when you nationalize the educational system NONE HIGHER good nationwide insurance underwriter, has won it is one more step toward international control . . . NATIONALLY ADVERTISED UP TO $15 NATIONALLY ADVERTISED UP TO 49.95 company honors for outstanding For the sake of brevity, I must close but I for one op- automatics, poeket- , mar movtrawiu ind J*tr- sales and service. pose federal aid and intervention in my school system and not Included. Mr. Rulon-Miller achieved feel there is already too much control over our lives today, Seaw—Middletown membership in the 1965 Field the "Great Society" not withstanding. OVER 1,000 JUST BROUGHT IN FRESH Club, comprised of the top 25 per Very truly yours, OVER 1,000 PAIR JUST BROUGHT IN FRESH ISM HIGHWAY 15 cent of MONY underwriters. Douglas Powell Open Mon. thru Sat. SPECIAL PURCHASE LADIES' FLATS and DRESS HI*HEELS fcM '01 fctO House Hunting! It's open sea- son in the Daily Register Classi- Eatoiitowu Pilot Gted fied now. BIG SPRING, Tex — Second sity with a B, A. degree in eco- MEN'S iS? DRESS SHIRT RIOT! Lt. Clinton L. Stcneham, son of r.omics, received his commission SHOES $0.50 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stoneham, there through the Air Force Re-1 • VAN HEUSEN 28 Reynolds Dr., Eatontown, serve Officer Training Corps pro|| $0.50 EARLY SEASON N. J., has been awarded U. Sgram. . • mmm YOUR Air Force silver pilot wings upon graduation from flying training UNBELIEVABLE school at Webb APB, Tex. Fairview •ENRO 2 CHOICE NONE Lt. Stoneham is remaining a Miss Susan Mott celebrated herII HIGHER Webb as an, instructor pilot. He 14th birthday at a ppartyy in her -ALL SIZES— is a member cf the Air Train- NATIONALLY ADVERTISED UP TO 14.95 home. ShS e is thhe daughter off MMr. NATIONALLY ADVERTISED UP TO 6.95 ing Command which conducts the Mrs, George Mott, Andover I educational programs necessary gt# SALE to provide skilled fliers and tech- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klotzen, ... ON ALCOA nicians for the aerospace force JUST S00 TO CHOOSE FROM OVER 10,000 TO CHOOSE FROM The lieutenant is a graduate of Tarpon Springs, Fla., are visiting relatives and friends in this area. Long Branch (N. J.) High School FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY ALUMINUM Lieutenant Stoneham, who was Ttiey are former residents of LADIES' WINTER graduated Irom Rutgers Univer- Commonwealth Ave. Combination Storm & Screen Mr. and Mrs. William Dowd, • HATS CYO Group Jacksonville, Fla., are visiting COATS & $C-00 • BOYS' JACKETS WINDOWS Mr. Dowd's sister, Mrs. Mary lorcoran. Harvard St. AT A PRICE YOU CAN'T BEAT ... BUT COUNT Meets Tonight • BOYS' SUITS THE NUMBER OF WINDOWS YOU NEED AND HAZLET - The first meeting Mr. and Mrs, G, Gibson Makely • UDIES SLAX STOP IN FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION. of the St. 'Benedict's Catholic have moved from Stephenville JACKETS To • TRIPLE TRACK Youth Organization, will be held Blvd. to Fair Haven, • UDIES' TURTLE tonight at 6:15 p.m., immedi- • FUR TRIMMED NECK TOPS • FULLY ately following Confraternity Sea Bright Plans $1/1.00 Classes, in the school cafeteria. • UNTRIMMED WEATHERSTRIPPED • GIRLS' AND BOYS' In commemoration of Catholic Code for Ordinances Fr«« maturing Youth Week, the first activity of SEA BRIGHT — A move to|| WINTER OUTERWEAR TO • CLEANS FROM INSIDE urvlc*. Inil. opr., 14 this group will be to attend the ALL SIZES — NAT. ADV. UP TO S9.95 JJ.M to. for III codify local ordinances was Ini- • MEN'S SOX MINIMUM 5 WINDOWS or 2nd floor. 9:45 Mass on Sunday, October 31', and receive Holy Communion in tiated Monday right by Boroughj| AT THIS LOW PRICI • GIRLS' DRESSES Council. a body. SPECIAL PURCHASE SPECIAL PURCHASE At a meeting of the Adult Ad- Borough Attorney Joseph Mat-|| • BRAS GUTTER TROUBLE visory Committee, n calendar of tice will secure a study cost fig-1 events was prepared. It will be ure and present it to the govern-1 GIRLS' & LADIES' LADIES' BETTER • GIRDLES CALLUS — 741-7500 discussed by the group. Ing body at next council session.II • MEN'S SWEATERS FOR LQW PRICE ESTIMATES ON PAJAMAS RIOT!! BLOUSE RIOT!! ALUMINUM GUTTERS 2 LITTLE words MUCH slioppina pleasure! • BOYS' SWEATERS $0.00 • AND MANY MORE • WDMI AIMS • nn NUVUY NONE Mty a* Safer** • K.U.AM Ml. , ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS 2 TO MENTION HIGHER Nan* Hlgh*r HONI HlttHIR ALL SIZES tin* JO to 40 Not adv.. up to S.« Adv. a|i to S7.M NATIONALLY ADVERTISED UP TO 24.98 WEDACMUHI, ifw wv«f llm mid tttwt NEWDEKKI 3 || t i 32 MOAD ST. 74J-7500 RED RANK DOWNTOWN HO IANK Of«a VIM, «4 M. I* 'HI » AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMPORT — FREE PARKING IN REAR feest ehtnce to collect two (rides ENDORSE CANDIDATE A town h*U rail/ fet- on the run. HOLMDEL — Township com- tured speeches on local' taiuei Bridge Column ' DAILY QUESTION ' mittee candidate Pat P. Posada, arid on the resurgence of -the As dealer, you hold: Spades— Jr. recently received endorsement pemocratic party in the county "The bi« problem is how much age of your opponents.) K Q 10 5. Hearts- 9 3. Dia-from Democratic candidates John and townsnip. to tell you," my 14-year-old son, Reilly,, Patrick J. McGann, Jr., John, said to me the other day. hearts from the West hand. Benedict R. Nicosia, Samuel Sa- Need Money? Sell those things I had the same problem with When your opponent bids Answer: Bid we diamond. You you really don't need with a my own parents," I admitted. slam by leaps and' bounds it's a "They sometimes figured out ex-aood rule to lead a suit headed :he diamonds are longer than the Daily Register Classified Ad. ictly what I was trying to hide." by the ace or lane. This is your method of bidding indicates that spades. Call now. We were talking about the bridge hand shown today. John, my partner, held the North cards and wondered whether to tell me about his hand or tell me only what he thought I ought to know. The informative method is to bid three diamonds and later bid clubs to show control of the suit. If I co-operated by bidding hearts, he could bid six or seven dia- monds without fear. If I failed to co-operate, he could stop at five diamonds. The trouble with any such method is that it draws a blue- print (or the opponents ss well as the partner. If you bid three suits but stop short of. slam, the opponents know that you're both VOTE OF CONFIDENCE — It's all for one, one (or all at these top Republicans clasp afraid of the fourth suit. hands at dinner in Buck Smith's, East Keansburg, last night. Left to right are Charles Bold Bid Works Gee, OOP committee chairman, Keansburg; Assemblyman William T. Hiering (R- The advantage of bidding the Ocean), candidate for the Senate; Sen. Richard R. Stout (R-Monmouth) seeking re- slam without further investiga- tion is that you tell the oppo- election; Joseph Azzolina, Middletown, Assembly candidate, and Ira Werley, com- nents nothing. You often make the mittee chairman, Union Beach. slam when it is theoretically un-! makable as well as when it can ARCHITECT NAMED Jersey Society of Architects, AIA,| complishment for the architect be made. RUMSON — Architect Thomas according to Robert R. Cueman, whose dedication to his calling when John jumped to six dia- Gerard Smith, 64 West River Rd., President. has led him to serve not just his monds, West led the three of Rumson, has been elected to cor- Membership in The Institute own practice, but all architec spades, and die slam was then porate membership in the Newrepresents the highest level of ac- ture and society. unbeatable. If West had led I hearts, the slam would have gone | down. John was just lucky that hell "All I said was: wasn't playing against somebody experienced with the 14-year-old [ Show me a filter that delivers the taste and I'll eat my hat." mind. (This kind of experience will see you through most bridge games, regardless of the actual The Hand, South dealer EMPHASIS North-South vulnerable STRIPES NORTH 4 AKQ105 V 93 0 A 109852 • None WEST EAST AJ9632 74 •PA1O74 <9 KQJ6 0 6 0 4 *Q83 852 OKQJ73 • AKJ9 Sooth West North Etst 1 0 Pus 2 * Pass \JWrnVH LUCKY STRIKE FILTERS 2 NT Pass 6 0 All Pus Opening lead — • 3

You Can Count on I's . . . Quulitv Co«->t*> >'o Mni-c at

:M lav Sale stripes are

ng Machines Sears Premiere Dress Shirts No Trade-In Required Sew the latest fashions... • SewZig-Zag, straight stitch Sears Price 98 • Sew on buttons, darn, mend 4 • Sew buttonholes with ease : • Sew many decorative stitehes Everything about a Premiere Shirt belies the modett price. Taka • All-hardwood sewing console tailoring. Seams arc flat, neat, smooth. Sleevei arc gmtroudy ahaped to do away with binding. The yoke Is curved for oomplet* NO MONET DOWN freedom of movement The (alls are extra long to really keep the No Payments Until Feb. 1,1W8 shirt In place, even on days when you're very active. on Sean Easy Payment Plan

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Sears Premiere Collection Gold Bond Dress Shoes 95 Sears Price 25 Long wing tip brogue has storm welt all around. Double leathar oak bond tolet and heeli. Fully leather lined. Padded tongue, Inner arch sup- port. AIM availible la plain and moc tM styling.

Phone Sears for this Sewing Machine 671-3800

•hop at Bear, and Save n . 1500 HIGHWAY 35 Shop at Bean and Says 1500 HIGHWAY 35 Opts Mon.. tat. 1:11 -HM "-*"-*- SEARS-Middletown $MUMilm SEARS* Middletown ^ Phone 671.380ft Miltoo Csflya tad Imiif, W- THE PAJLY ffl&WE* Eatontown ' Fashion Show Gucrci Baptism and Mrs. Angelo J. Bufeato £ Wednesday, Oct. 27. Wtt EATONTOWN - Debra Fran- family, Miss Kathy Sabo, Charles Mr. and Mrs. Richtrd Paw- In Rumson cis Guerd, daughter of Mr. and Stoneham, and Mr. and Mr*. Pe- more, Windsor, Conn., will spend NEW PRINCIPAL RUMSON - River Home Inn Mrs, Carlo P. Guerci, 3S Reyn- ter Guerci, grandparents, all of bis weekend in the home of Mra, PORT MONMOtfTH - Ken- will be the setting for the Rum- olds Dr., was christened Oct. 17 Eatontown. Passmore's parents, Mr. and Mri. son Woman's Club's showing of in St. Dorothea's Catholic Church. Also, Mr, and Mrs. Louis La- neth Noland, new principal of Clifford Cadman, Elizabeth Pkwy. fall fashions for women and chil- Port Monmouth School, invit- The godparents were Miss Mary butti, grandparents, West End, dren Saturday at 12:30 p.m. ed parents attending the first Ann Rosa, Brooklyn, and Robert and Mrs. Charles Labutti, An- Mrs. Herbert E. Werner, Tin- Club members and their children meeting of the PTA to con- ton Ave., has returned home af- W. Hayes, Eatontown. . thony Labutti, Mrs. Rose Rosa will model clothes from The verse together and get ac- ter spending a week in Florida Guests attending the party and Miss Rosemary Rosa, all of China and Glass Shop, Red quainted with the children'* visiting relatives. Bank, and Segall's Boutique, which followed in the Guerci Brooklyn. Long Branch. home were Mr. and Mrs, Robert problems. C. Hayes, Charles Hayes, Mr. The aim of the PTA for the Mr. and Mrs. Leslie D. Seely, Mrs. Raymond Annicone is Need Money? Sell those things year is the completion of » South St., spent three days last chairman of fashions, Mrs. Eu- and Mrs. Jack De Marco and you really don't need with a proposed physical fitness play- week in Massachusetts visiting gene Weaver, tickets, and Mn. family, Mr. and Mrs. Nunzio Ca Daily Register Classified Ad. their granddaughter, Kathy Harry Rubley, gifts. Use and family, Mr. and Mrs. Call now. ground on the school grounds. __ Urion, who attends Dean Junior College. Equil parts of commercial sour cream and mayonnaise seasoned Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zador- with minohed fresh herbs make ozny. Rose Ct., and Mr. and Mrs. Time's Up Folks- an excellent salad dressing for Herbert Scott, Clinton Ave.. spent sliced ripe tomatoes served on last weekend in Atlantic City at lettuce tending the First Aid Convention. LAST PAYMENT NOTICE Richard Keevil, son of Mr. »nd SHKFIFF'fl SAME Mrs. Ralph T. Keevil, Broad St., SCFERIOK COURT or NEW JEB8EV ON YOUR 1965 GOP HOPEFULS — Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Kaufmann, left, and Councilman and Mrs. celebrated his 17th birthday Oct CHANCERY DIVISION 1 MONMOUTH COUNTY Robert B. Dixon enjoy Eatontown Republican Club's annual dinnsr-dance Friday at 23 at a family dinner party held Docket No. r UTt-tl in the home of his grandparents The Monmouth County National Bank, Crystal Brook Inn, Rt. 35. Mr. Kaufmann, chairman of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, Red Bank. Plalntllr vi: Gertrude Ham- Christmas Mr. and Mrs. John F. Balcom, mond. Robert E. Hammond, ft ala., seeks hit first term on Borough Council. Mr. Dixon, twice appointed to the governing Broad St. Defendants. By virtue or a writ at execution In body to fill vacancies, is running for his firsf elected term. The two Republicans were the Above, stated action to m» directed, I ihall <*PDM lor ••!• at public Club Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Bur- vendue, at thi Court Houie In the I imported at the affair by state and county GOP candidates. kett have moved from their Broad Borough of Freehold, County ot Mon- mouth, New Jersey, on Monday We St. home to Harrisburg, Pa. 15th day ot NovemDer, IMS, at 3 o'clock, P.M. Prevafllnr Time. DUE FRIDAY All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and belnc In the- Town- Werner Endorses Candidates ACCENT ON ACTIVITIES ship of Middletown, In the County of Monmouth, In the State ot New J«r> OCTOBER 29 EATONTOWN - Mayor Her- Jr., council president, Mayor Inn, Rt. 35, but praised both PORT MONMOUTH, N, J.- known »nJ deilrnaled •• bert E, Werner has endorsed Re- Werner expressed his regrets candidates and called them Members of the Thorne school Lot No, DO, on a map entitled "Map publican Borough Council candi- PTA, meeting last week In the of Section Two, Llnhaven Manor, Mid- that a previous commitment pre- "worthy candidates for munici- dletown Township. Monmouth County, dates Robert B. Dixon and Dan- vented him from attending Fri- pal office." all-purpose room, heard Prin- New Jersey, scale l" — 100', Crair cipal Lawrence Sternfeld report Flnnegan, Engineer and Surveyor, Bel- 1966 Club lel H. Kaufmann. day's Republican Club annual He Etated that "it would be ex- ford, N.J.", dated November 23, IMS. In a letter to Leon B. Smock, dinner-dance at Crystal Brook ceedingly pleasant to be with you that "Studies reveal there are filed May 10, 19M In Case M. Section comparatively few dropouts 10, and mort particularly described folks at CBI and to say a word aa follows: In behalf of Bob Dixon and Don from the ranks of students ac- BEOINN1NO at a point In the eaater- tive in extra curricular ac- ljr.llne of Coral Place, distant thereon Kaufmann." 26o feet southerly from the corner tivities. formed by the Intersection of the aalA Last November, Mayor Werner Una of Coral Place and the southerly attempted to appoint Democrat "We find such activities pay lint of Roberta Drive, If laid llnei were extended to Intersect, and thence Melvin J. Kohn, running this dividends," he continued, "and running; (1) south T3 degreel 66 mlnutea SABATOS ea»t, 175 tent: thence (3) south U year against Mr. Dixon, to the that's why we place such degrees 04 mlnutea west, 136.07 feet; Prime Meats - Homemade Bolognas governing body to fill the vacan emphasis on them." thence (3) north 73 desreei 66 mlnutei west, 175 feet to a point In the aela cy caused by the death of Coun Mr. Sternfeld made his ob- line of Coral Place: thence (t) alont DIVIDENDS S25.00 $21.25 i 506 MAIN ST. .COP,.,,,^*^ BELFORD cllman Ralph L. Lewis, a Repub- servation during a PTA pro- the aald Una of Coral Place, north lS PAID lican, degreea M minutes east, B.7O feet: 50.00 S0.50 , gram devoted to an exploration thence (5) si til alonr the said line of en elubi with 10! .00 FREE DELIVERY—787-9119 He expressed disappointment Coral Place, on th" arc of a cif~\ 100.40 of the special services and op- havlnr a radlui of 60 feet, In • north- II payment* madt 1SO.00 111.10 ! when council refused to endorse portunities offered to Thorne easterly direction 1S.M ftet; thence FANCY. YOUNG. LEAN. WHOLE or RIB HALF 46) still along the said line of Cor&l by JUM 10 2(0.00 HMD , Mr. Kohn's appointment, and School students. Panelists Mrs. Place, on the arc of a curve, having 100.00 101.00 ' only then proposed Mr. Dixon a radiui ot to feet, in % northwesterly Robert McTague, a member of direction an are distance of 17.4& feet: for the post. the Middletown Township spe- and thence (7) still aloor the said line Mr. Dixon, who' lost last No- of Coral Placs north IS degrees M PORK LOINS CCc cial psychological "team," and minutes east. 37.05 feet to the point and vember's election by only- two Thorne faculty members Mn. place of Beglnnlnf, Have If cut Info roosts TM« description wat prepared In ac- Ib votes to Democrat Councilman Lois Carlson, Mrs. John Cor- cordance with a eurvey madi by Craig and chops — No charge ! Bruce J. Mangan, is now serving Flnnegan, Engineer and Surveyor, 65 coran, and Robert Barry, out- dated June J«, UM and January H, his second appointed term. lined special services and ex- 1M>7, HOMEMADE — ALL MEAT — PIECE or SLICE Mr. Kohn's running mate this Tne above described premises are tra-curricular programs avail- also known a* S Coral Place, LJnhavsn, year Is Mrs. Jean T. Irwin. able at Thorne. Middletown, Monmouln County. New Jersey. The approximate amount of the Three Couples Tie Judgment to be satisfied by aald eale 600 Broadway, at Norwood Avenue, Long Branch BOLOGNA Add grated lemon or orange Is the sum of 118,00000 together with For First Place the costa of this *ale, "Try something different rind to creamstyle cottige cheese JOSEPH A. BHAKTO, Nitrlft. • Oakhurst • Heimdel • Keyport • Mfddfttown Ib RIVER PLAZA - In the week- to serve with a summery fresh Dated Oct. 5. IMS for a change I" fruit salad, Crowell 4 CrowiU, Attye. 69 ly game played in the fire house Oct. 20. 27, Nov. 3. 10 SR.H by members of the Red Bank Duplicate Bridge Club, three cou- FREEZER ORDERS '9* ples tied for first place. They We have a selection of 15 different orders, freez- were Dr. Robert Isaacson, West er wrapped and marked. All meat* are the highest Long Branch, paired with Rex quality obtainable. Trimmed, so you can prepare Thomas, Middletown, and Mrs. your meals instantly. "You Must Be Satisfied!" John T. Lovett, Jr., Little Silver, Where Santa with Mrs. Edward Salmeri, both and Sean — EXAMPLE — FREEZER ORDER #1 of Little Silver, and John Weber, 3Vj.|b. Roasting Chicken. 3-lb. Roast Beef, 1 Vi- Middletown, with Merwln Pick- Plan ChrUtma* le. Chuck Chopped, Mb. Center Cut P.#rk over, Ocean Township. Chops, Mb. Cube Steak, Mb. Homemade In second place were Mrs. Btagttfor Frankfurters, Mb. Homemade Bacon, Mb. Charles Kaplan, New Shrews- Children Homemade Italian Sausage. Substitute can be bury, with Mrs. Chester Marr, made In any order 1 Little Silver, and placing third, Mrs. Charles Stine, Asbury Park, with Stanley Strauss, Middletown, Ordtra niiir b* placed In advmc* (or sptcial wrapping Games are held every Wednes- mat dtllmy- Slop In for tomplsrs) Hit of order*. day evening at 8 p.m. in the fire house under the direction of Mr, Strauss. SAVE 3.07! When the storm destroyed the Shore... Pikes Peak Road Race Set Reg. 24.95 21 All UM excitement and thrills at a real race! Easy to assemble set comes complete with transformer. Assembles in sectioni. Com* ID today and fee it at Sears.

Peaches and Cream LAY-AWAY Senator Wayne Dumont voted "NO" to rebuild the Shore YOUR ARTIFICIAL DOLLS CHRISTMAS TREE Choose now from • tremendous assort- Dy Dee Baby ment. A small deposit will hold your selec- 4" tion. Here's • cut* and cuddly assortment of dolls to choose from. Dolls are attractively outfitted In several styles that are sure to please. Amplifier

Now it looks like this...because Governor Hughes cares! 'Wing-Ding' GUITARS to REG. Rugged Red Trikes BECAUSE YOU CARE 11.95 10' of Tubular Steel 3.99 Almost a yard long, the "Wing-Ding" looks big, Sears Price , 7.99 Fischer Price Assortment plays big, makes a big hit with the crowd. Has Re-elect Governor Hughes Fluted fender. 10-ln wheel, Cut* action pull toya that miki appropriate sounds when precision-action, gear-type tuning, three nylon pulled. Dog, Teddy Bear, Train and others (o choose and three metal-wound nylon strings, instruc- : AND GIVE HIM THE MEN TO FINISH THE JOBI metal huh caps, nylon wheel bearings, adjustable seat. from. tions. '

Shop at Bear* and Save 1500 HIGHWAY 35 Opca Men. thro Sat titMiW VOTE DEMOCRATIC-NOV. 2 SEARS-Middletown Phone &71-3«)Q Businessmen (or Hughes . Military Pstk Holtl, Ne*srl< . Francis C. Brown, Chsliman , Oct 27,1965 THE DAILY REGISTER •«•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• YOU JUST CANT BEAT . . FINAST MEATS Ask Keyport's Approval \ Plan Teenagers9 Club CHUCK CROSS RIB KEYPORT — Borough Council The proposal met with approvi was presented informal plans for from Councilwoman Katherim a t*enage night club Monday E. Boggs. "Anything like this t night. keep teenagers out of trouble an YOU DO STEAKS ROAST Proposed by Raymond Tousig- off the streets is good," she notec nant, South Amboy, the club Councilman Joseph F. McQua: 1st CUTS-USDA CHOICE BONELESS-USDA CHOICE would be located at 118 Front rie contended that Mr. Tousi] BETTER St. if approval is granted. nant's proposal will result in vii Mr. Tousignant explained the lations of a borough ordinam club will be for teenagers only. regarding the 10, p.m. curfew. at Finast Key points in his proposal in- The proposal was held for stud; clude: by the police committee. C C — No drinking. — An admission fee will be charged. ib. — Youths will be issued identi- Mayors Set fication cards. — Dancing will be to live mu- Forum On MORE LOW sic. 37 PRICES, —The club will be open Friday GOVERNMENT GRADE A; SHENANDOAH and Saturday nijjhtj as well as Tax Problen QUALITY, Sunday afternoons. NEW BRUNSWICK — Stres: VARIETY. The purpose of ID cards will be ing the problem of taxes at ever to make control possible, Mr. level of government, membei Tousignant explained that any of the New Jersey Conferen CORNISH HENS youty, caught drinking or in anyof Mayors at their fall forum an trouble will lose his ID card. luncheon at Rutgers on Dec. He proposes to employ one will discuss "What Lies Aheai BEEF FLANKEN ».55c SHOULDER STEAKS •**-ncw« «. 99e sepcial officer for every 150-200 After Election?" teenagers. More than 350 mayors and the! FINAST SKINLESS FRANKS - 69« LONDON BROIL Shoulder Cut H.99C Control will rest with the police guests .from all the state's com For Meat loaf or department. He noted that local ties will take part in the se: FINAST SLICED BOLOGNA »«p* SB* GROUND CHUCK Hamburger b 69c police will stipulate how long a sion. It will highlight a para FOR GREATEST violator is to be barred from the discussion of the state's prob POLISH SAUSAGE * 69c STEWING BEEF Borel.it-U.S. Choice club. lems, headed by Dr. Ernest C OVER ALL Reock, Jr., director of the B VALUE reau of Government Research FEATURING YOUR HALLOW BEN FAVORITES Rutgers; Dr. Stanley Kelly, J Nicosia Asks chairman of the politics depai ment at Princeton University Gun Issue and Prof. John E. Bebout, diret Cortland Mclntosh Delicious tor of the urban study center an< professor of political science U. S. No. 1-214" & up Repudiation Rutgers; State Treasurer Joh U.S. Ho. I-21/4" & up U. S. No. 1-21/4" & up RED BANK - Mayor Bene- Kervick; Assemblyman Alfre APPLE dict R. Nicosia has asked his N. Beadleston of Monmouth; re] GOP rivals to repudiate their resentatives of the state boarc gubernatorial candidate's stand of freeholders, and the membei of the N. J. congressional del IVEEK 3 25 3 29 on the sale of firearms. 3 35< The Hughes administration fa- gation. vors a measure prohibiting the Dr. Mason Gross, president sale of guns to undesirable per- Rutgers, will address the sessk Fresh Florida sons. at the opening luncheon in Ne: ORANGES 10 49c JUICY BOSC PEARS 2 39c The mayor who is the Demo- son Dining Hall. The mayo C cratic candidate for the Assem- will honor at the session 94-yea SUPERMARKETS DIAMOND WALNUTS X.47« PEANUTS **—«• kg 29 bly, says he is "surprised at theold Paul C. Taylor, former ma; stand taken by gubernatorial or of Belmar, believed to be tt candidate Wayne Dumont state's oldest living ex-mayo on the bill against the sale of Mayors in office for more tha BREAKSTONE FkOlEH FOOD BUYS 25 years will also be honorec 8 or. guns to narcotics users; crimuv SALT or SWEET els; mentally unbalanced persons They include Mayor Sanfor Flint of Interlaken. Whipped Butter 42 and subversives." HAWAIIAN PUNCH 'Transcends Politics' "This is an issue that tran- GROTH PROMOTED A DELICIOUS 1 (H.1 AA scends political considerations OMAHA, Neb. — Harry WHITE or COLORS PARTY DRINK V csns |«VV but Mr. Dumont insists on matGroth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ha: Scottissue ing it a political issue. Now this ry A. Groth ol 23 Monmouth Ave same candidate comes out foFreeholdr , N. J., has been pi legislation to make murder of amoted to airman first class COFFEE 11b. the U. S. Air Force. CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS policeman performing his duties tin punishable by death, the mayor Airman Groth is an admini REG. or DRIP 79 said, adding: trative specialist at Offutt AE Maxwell House "But he doesn't say anything Neb. He is a member of tr FLUFFY LIGHT J pkgs. |»VV about the criminal who fired the Strategic Air Command. gun that killed the rookie police- He is a graduate of Freeho: man in Newark. Regional High School. 4 89< "How the Republicans' candi- Finast Apple Juice -LEGAL NOTICE PINEAPPLE-ORANGE date for governor can argue that NOTICE this legislation would disarm STATK OF NEW JKRSF.Y DEPARTMENT OF STATE good citizens and place them CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION DOLE'S even more at the mercy of crim- To all to whom these presents mt came. Greeting: JUICE 5 c 89^ inals is something I cannot Whereas, It appears to my satiflfa Quaker Quick Oats 2'4S tlon, by duly authentlcal record or ti fathom. ' proceedings Tor the voluntary dlsso! "The members of rifle clubs tion by the unanimous consent of the stockholders, deposited In my sportsmen and others who use[Ice, that ROSENBERG FUNITURE, guns should study the proINC- . a. corporation or this State, whi STRAWBERRIES principal ollice Is situated at No. visions of this bill more careful- Broad Btreet, in the Boroufih of R Comstock Pie Filling 2 69 Bank County of Monmouth State ly. They will learn that good citi- New Jeruey (Milton M. Abramoff zens need have no fear that they Inn the asent therein and in Chan i ib thereof, upon whom process may would be disarmed by this legis- served), has complied with the GARDEN P lation. (tulrements of Title H, CorporaUoni General, ot Revised Statutes ol Ne' "To prove the bill is noJerseyt , preliminary to the Issuing Pride of the Farm ss 3 79 A REGULAR $1.98 VALUE this Certificate of Dissolution. a iined at sportsmen, GOT. Now therefore, I, the Secretary COPPER TINT Hughes asked his Republican ri- State of the State of New Jersey, Hereby CerUy that the said corporat DME val to write into the measure did, on the 13th day of October, 196 $ anything he wants to further pro- file in my orrlce a duly executed ai attested consent in writing to the d Mixing Bowls °" 1 tect the sportsmen, but the sen-solution of said corporation, executed all the stockholders thereof, which SB Bumble Bee Tuna ° 2 69 ator from Warren County won't consent and the record of the procei do it. Ings aforesaid are now on Ille In l said office as provided liy law. "It seems that some people In Testimony Whereof. I ha DILI SPECIALS hereto set my hand and affix never learn the lessons of his-SEAL my official seal, at Trenti 4. OFF LABEL tory. It was two years ago next this 13th day of October A. one thousand nine hundred ai month that a great President •lity-flve. GENOA or HARD SALAMI «- 59*Log Cabin 55 was shot down by a fanatic with ROBERT M. FALCBY Acting Secretary of State. b murder in his heart. And there Oct. H>, 27, Nov. 3 132.. SMOKED WHITEFISH """ 99< J have been many more cases of 4-371 innocent people being shot SHERIFF'S BALE SUFER1OK COURT OP NEW JERSE V or maimed by guns in the hands CHANCERY DIVISION Skippy Peanut of the enemies of society. MONMOIJTII COUNTY COLESLAW — b 23c Docket No. F 4837-64 45 The Lincoln Savings Bank, el Plaintiff vs: Joseph V. Doffont, et CREAMY FRESH lb et nl. Defendants WHITE mm Subdivision By virtue of a writ of execution COTTAGE CHEESE 25< M. Plip- JJ M the above stated action lo me dirt °ml ed, I shall expose for sale at pub! vendue. at the Court House In t Request Stalled Borough of Freehold, County of Mi FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - The mouth, New Jersey, on Monday til BAKERY SPECIALS _9 •• 1st day of November, 1965, at 2 o'cloc Township Committee Monday P. M. prevailing Time. ENRICHED All tho following tract or par night tabled a request for final ap- of land and the premises herelnafti 7c OFF LABEL proval of Woodcrest, Sections 3 particularly described, situate, Iy!i FINAST PUMPKIN PIE 39c rlliUST FlOIIF 540 and being in the Township of Rarlta and 4, following Mayor Norman In the County of Monmouth and Sta1 R. Wagner's announcement that of New Jersey: oned BEGINNING at a point In the east no 1965 taxes had been paid on ly slda line of Birch Avenue distai FINAST DONUTS "&ZS <™ 27* • the property. therein 402.01 feet northeasterly alor GOLDEN ROSE the same from the northerly end 11 p d Township ordinances calls for the curve connecting the easterly sic line of Birch Avenue and the nortl WHITE BREAD •*""-- 2 1 r, 49c • GO 100 73 payment of all taxes due before easterly side line of Spruce Btree 0 said connecting curve having a radii final approval is granted. of 20.00 feet, an arc dlstancB of 31.- The two sections, containing 70 feet and; thence 1. along the easier side line of Birch Avenue North FINAST ANGEL CAKE »-**& * *-• WVII lots, are being developed by thedegrees 30 minutes East 70.00 feel North Dover Development Corp., thence 2. South 81 degrees 30 minuu 1 !f Bast 100.00 feet; thence 3. South S d K ™" - Krees 30 minutes West 70.00 feet; then. 44 Toms River, on the former Karl FINAST OATMEAL BREAD 29c 4. North 81 degrees 30 minutes Wi Smith property on Stillwell's 100.00 feet to the easterly side II Corner Rd. Birch Avenue, ths point of B. QINNINO. The committee granted a sketch Being commonly known and deal plat approval for the six lot, 6.69nated as No. 21 Birch Avenue, Hazl< New Jersey. This week redeem 5th week coupons Campbell Soup = 6 $1 acre Dennis Court Homes subdivi- The approximately amount of t idgment to he satisfied by said is sion on Robertsville Rd. the sum of $17,000.00 together wl :he costs of this sale. from booklet received in mail .. . This subdivision is being de- JOSEPH A. SHAPTO, Bherlfr. veloped by the Del Duca Realty IlatH Stpt. 23, 1M5 Co., Inc., Fairview. Charles L. nudd, AUy. Oct. 8, 13, 20, 27 S49.61 ?4 Karat Gold Plated Libby's Tomato Juice 3 95< PEARL GRAMAN'S FREE BRACELET Good to Saturday/ Oct. 30th EM JP2S2KZ Good to Saturday, Oct. 30th VACUUM and APPLIANCE PARTS CO. with coupon and purchase of any Charm for 50c 156 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK, N. J. and $5 In purchases. BONUS SAVINGS BONUS SAVINGS PHONE 747 • 5623 U. S. No. 1 SIZE A AUTHORIZED ALSO: 20 «. 1 T Exciting weekly coupon savor en Blue c Eureka and Hoover Sales and Service TIDE DETERGENT pkg. l# NEW and REBUILT CLEANERS Heaven Dinnerware; 4-set Crystal POTATOES 10;: 39 • REPAIR5 ON • Glasses and 24 Karat Gold Plated Charm WITH THII COUPON WITH THIS COUPON GE - HOOVER • ELECTROLUX, etc. of your choice. See display at store. limit 1 Coup.n For Adult Fmast Limit 1 Coupon Per Adult Finast Ooed at rinnit Iup»rmark«t -g^ Oo*d at rinait luswrntarlctt IRONS—VACUUMS—TOASTERS PERCOLATORS—MIXERS, etc. PARTS FOR VACUUMS, WASHERS, DRYERS, IRONS, RANGES, TOASTERS, MIXERS, LAMPS, etc. 362 BROAD RED BANK, ST. 5 ; ••••• •;• i • ••• •-• V THE DAILY REGISTER W«fc«d»7, Oet 27,1965-11 "bmrnercial Vehicle Parking Rule Stated UNION BEACH — Borough be ticketed. Warnings already Council announced Monday that have been issued. irucks and commercial vehicles At the same time, the borough marked on residential streets will will get after commercial vehi- cles parked on private residen- tial property. This is to be the responsibility of the Zoning Conservatives Board of Adjustment. Both types of parking violate Ask Probe sections of a borough ordinance that are for the first time being strictly enforced. Of Genovese The announcement was met RED BANK — Meeting Thurs- with bitter protests from resi- day at the Old Union House on dents at the meeting that had GET EXTRA Wharf Ave., liie Conservative been parking commercial vehi- Club of Monmouth County adopted cles by their houses for years new constitution to provide for CHRISTMAS GIFTS WITH and considered the move a hard- iffiliation with conservative clubs SUPERMARKETS ship. One citizen told council he be established in area cw would put his house up for sale. munities. Resurfacing Starts Members also adopted a resol ition urging the state legislature Council announced that resur- :o investigate and make public facing Work has begun on Park detailed report on the April 23 Ave. and Morningside Ave. speech of Dr. Eugene Genovese Victor J. Buccino was te-ap- st Rutgers University, in which pointed temporary building in- le predicted and welcomed a Viet spector and zoning officer pend- ;ong political victory in South ing a civil service examination. /let Nam. Francis A. O'Neil, 24 Burling- Peter Morgenthal of New ton Ave., Leonardo, protested Shrewsbury, a Monmouth Region- the sale Sept. 27 of municipally- al High School senior, told the owned property at 306 Park Ave. group of a petition being circul- to Fred G. Sommer, 220 Central ated by young people supporting Ave., for $2,750. He claims to U.S. policies in Viet Nam. The have offered $3,000 for the prop- petition, addressed to Gen. Wil- erty earlier, and last night he iam Westmoreland, commander increased his bid to $3,750. Coun- jf U.S. forces in Viet Nam, will cil voted to refer the matter to be distributed to servicemen the state Division of Local Gov- there. . ernment. Howard, 200 Diners, Fete P. Paul Cdmpi LONG BRANCH - More than to get busy and improve on It." 100 guests, candidates and offi- Congressman Howard revealed ials Monday night attended a that Rep. John Blatnik, of Minne- dinner honoring Democratic coun- sota, who then shook hands with ty chairman P. Paul Campl, of the President and told him how Little Silver. well he looked, today is in Mayo The affair, held in the Hi-Henry clinic, awaiting a serious emer- Inn, was tendered by telephone gency operation. company's Friends of Campi Chairman Campi Urged all who is a candidate for freehold' Democrats to get out and vote :r. next Tuesday and predicted the A surprise speaker was Rep. whole ticket would be elected, ames J. Howard, D-3d Dist., including, of course, Gov. Hughes. N.J., who praised Mr. Campl, Fred W. Seidenzahl, Little Sil- and also told how he had spoken ver, candidate for coroner, was o President Johnson in the toastmaster and among those White House only two days f present were the other borough ter he had left Bathesda Naval nominees including Eleanor D. Hospital, Md., following surgery. Ingram, for mayor; Gordon Lit- "He came bristling into the win, for council and Raymond J. Nothing to Buy-Nothing to Write East Room where our commit- Florian, for council. tee waited, looking fit and said. Mayor John J. Rellly, Ocean "That was good work you -did Township, candidate for Senate, NOW on the highway beautification welcomed the diners. illl, but, next year, we'll have GOING ON —: LEGAL NOTICE 4-371 Rule Against South 3K degrees 57 minutes RT. 36 * 1st AVE. Vest 150 feet to a monument [rt 1, and the banquet is Dec. 2. All he northerly line ot Willow Street, hence (I) North 54 degrees 3 mln. sessions will be in the Shelbume tea West and along the northerly Ins of Willow Street SO feet to the hotel. olnt or place of Beginning. Co-chairmen of the symposium The above description In accord- ince with a survey by Frederick committee are Milton Tenzer and loiter, Surveyor, Lie. #5610, At- title Highlands, N. J. Datsd Jack Spergel, both of the Elec- '18/81. tronic Components Laboratory of Commonly known as No. 37 WIN iw street, Port Monmouth, Middle- the Command. iwn Township, N.J. The approximate amount of the dgment to be satlnfled by said Need Money? Sell those things lale Is the sum of S9.000.00 logelh- ir with the crnts of thle sale. 'ou really don't need with a JOSEPH A. SIIAFTO, Sheriff DOUBLE SAVINGS Date Bept. 29. 1085 Daily Register Classified Ad. Meyers and Lesser, Attyi. )ct. 13, 90, 27, Nov. 3 135.30 Call now. GET OUR L0W# LOW, PRICES

IS OUR PLUS S&H GREEN STAMPS! VM "Driw-lo Window" SUPERMARKETS BUSINESS dally t A. M. to 1 P. M.I 4% ANNUAL DIVIDEND COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY RED BANK, 362 BROAD ST MARINE VIEW S88BT #71.1400 | 291-0100 ^ ttsflcw. To MJeve that evtryiewinie! in t wwrty. procwdiflg.jti'Jerly «lwtfM U mtAt torn i«- There Is a Difference^mia i« entitled to the right otiTo believe th»t betlth'ear* lor tbe'.eeMible." Says Candidate O'Hern FAIR HAVEN — There is a gree, but "Still I think that the difference between the major po- wo parties differ. I believe that litical parties at the local level, he Democratic party is dedicated according to Daniel J- O'Hern, to the proposition that govern- Democratic candidate for re-elec- ment can help men to improve tion to the Red Bank Borough their lives. We do not believe APPLES Council. :hat government is hostile to : Councilman O'Hern spoke at ree society. To be a Democrat is the Red Bank Democratic Club's o believe in the principles of our annual dance in the Willowbrook iate President John F. Kennedy Restaurant Sunday night. nd in the programs which he instituted and which nurtured to He pointed to issues "on which 'ruition under President Johnson. reasonable men should agree," and some philosophical differ- "It is to believe in the Civil ences affecting men of opposing Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965. parlies in a municipal eleclion. To believe that every man called OTHER VARIETIES: Referring to the Republican to answer in a court of law shall members of the Red Bank Coun- iave his fair day in court without Red Delicious • Goldtn Delicious cil, he said, "They joined with our •egard to his economic circuit!' Jonathan • Mclntosh party in adopting the master AT PARTY DANCE — Red Bank Democratic leaders at trie head -table discuss their plan. They joined with our party Macoun • Greening* campaign at the annual dance of the Democratic Club Sunday night. From left are in providing low cost housing for Start Your Child Councilman Daniel J. O'Hern, Ma/or Benedict R. Nicosia, Joseph McFadden and the elderly. Mr. (Councilman Harold E.) Williams and Mr. Councilman Theodore J. Labrecque, Jr. Councilmen O'Hern and Labrecque are seek- (Councilman Thomas F.) Oakley RENT A PIANO COLD, FRESH PRESSED ing ra-election. The mayor is funding for Assembly. joined with us in creating the Grade $10 per month STAYMAN Public Works Department to co- ordinate the borough's utilities. FIM dtllvery. Fret funlng WINESAP APPLE CIDER Mr. Williams joined with us in Full Allowonct If You Buy Pius XII Institute Starts Year passing the central purchasing from a blend of apple varieties. system." THE TUSTING RED BANK - Pius XII Insti- retary; Mrs. Mary E. Held, Mid- nas Library at 41 East Front No preservatives added. tute elected officers at the start dletown, treasurer, and Patrick St., and conducts an annual lec- Councilman O'Hern observed PIANO COMPANY of the year's activities. McGann, Jr., Lincroft, corres- ture series at Christian Brothers the GOP candidates, Joseph J. Bangs & Bond, Asbury Pork Elected were Alan E. Donald- ponding secretary. Academy, Lincroft. Falvo and William S. Anderson, 775-0464 son, Little Silver, president; The institute, organized six Mrs. Clayton Ke'id, chief librar- had shown no preference for any Richard H. Considine, Oceanport, years ago by local Catholic lay- ian, has announced that the lio-f those programs. He added: vice president; Mrs. Barbara men as a center of information brary is available for meetings, "We will not wait, however, Doyle, Red Ban!;, recording sec- and education, sponsors to Catholic groups and alumnae for the message that may never organizations. Those wishing to come. In the meantime we go DELICIOUS ORCHARDS join the volunteer library group before the public and present our program for the borough of Red should contact her, she said. SCOBEYVILLE, N. J. New Trinity Church Plans Bank. We intend to move ahead Your Child The library will co-sponsor a with the implementation of the Coirs Ntck-Tinron Falls lecture in January with Catholic master plan ind the renovation County Rd. S37 Are Detailed at Matawan Family Apostolate. St. James DESERVES of the railroad station. We are Salesroom open Daily 9-6 MATAWAN - Plans for thesenior warden, and chairman of Parish. Mary Reed Newland, a convinced that the tax base of the advantages new Trinity Episcopal Church, the planning committee; William thor and lecturer, will speak. the borough must be strengthened Sunday 1 to 6 here, were unveiled Sunday af- Kitchen, chairman of the cam-, A series of lectures on "Cath- or else we face financial distress ternoon by Rev. Carroll B. Hal!paig, n committee; and Noboru olics and Colleges" has been an- with the continued rise in cost of rector, in the auditorium of theKobayashi, senior partner of thenounced by Richard Considine, salaries and local services." Matawan Regional High School, architectural firm of Kobayashi,|Iocture series chairman, to be- ANDERSON MUSIC before the parish family, invited Bostrom and Kaplan, Red Bank, gin in February. Mr. O'Hern called those issues 30 BROAD ST. RED BANK guests representing Matawan Bor- on which both parlies should ough and Matawan Township, and businessmen of the Matawan area. You Can Count on I s.. .Quality Costs No .Moir ai. Soar The Rev. Hall explained the first stage, which calls for the construction of a large building, a. rectory, and a paved parking area on four-acres-plus on Ryers La. and West Park Dr. off Rt. 79, in the Freneau portion of the borough. Around Part of the large building will "v | provide quarters for the nursery Recreation school arid the Sunday school. The remainder of the building •will he used for church services WINNERS or- as an auditorium and meet- ing place. The present church, built in Sears, Roebuck and Co. 1850 on Main and North Sts., seats 70 parishioners. The.popu- lation explosion has resulted in 7-Foot Pool Tables extremely cramped quarters. Be-' cause of the lack of space, it has fceen neces$fc|$ ;to conduct iout TREASURE :V'H Full Size Ready to Play, Complete with Accessories Sunday school' classes in the Ma- tawan Hook and Ladder fire house, Broad St., Matawan. The new building will contain eight classrooms, each accommo- HUNT' 88 dating a minimum of 15 children plus a nursery and kindergarten accommodating EC children, or a Reg. (78 total of 170 children. That portion, of the building devoted to church G9 services Will have a seating ca- SALE pacity of 350. Leg levelerg and multi-point The ultimate goal for the The following are the winners in the Sears bed leveling system , church', according to Father Hall, Treasure Hunt Sale held from Oct. 20th will be six buildings. The addi- Gum rubber cushions assure tional buildings will include a thru Oct. 25th. straight and true rebounds. church, a small chapel, a parish Complete with 2 cues, balls, hall and a nursery school build- Mrs. E. Agrifolio, Middletown - Dryer ing. The present large building triangle and accessories will become the educational build- Mrs. M. Hott, Belford - Mink Trimmed Coat ing. The estimated cost of the first Dot IYIelo, Cliff wood Beach - Rug Shampoo Now you can turn any room into a mage is $248,000. The capital Helen Hoffman, Rumson - Sabre Saw year around game room for the en- funds campaign ivill be held dur- tire family! Steel-braced bed is ing November. Phases of the program were Mrs. William Marino, Old Bridge - Bike covered with fine cotton duvetyn. also discussed by John Bland, Charles Parkinson, Red Bank - Snow Tires Teachers Say Mrs. Charles Wilson, New Monmouth-Refrigerator Matchless Furniture Styling Mrs. A. J. Todd, Lincroft - Wrench Set 8-Ft. Pool Tables Progress Made Ann V. Dudick, Middletown - Toaster In Summer Robert J. DeGray, Middletown - House Plant Mrs. Vernon Patterson, Red Bank - Thermometer Sears Low Price RUMSON — Four teachers who participated in Rumson-Fair Mrs. Beesley, Keansburg - Jewel Case Beautiful walnut grain finish. Gold Haven Regional High School's pi- wool covered %-in. composition lot program of working fellow-i J. R. Gibbens, Little Silver - Anti Freeze COMPARE: bed, quiet fully lined ball returns. •hips last summer, reported Complete with cues, balls, acces- their accomplishments to the Marie Elwood, Keyport - TV Set • Sears Price Includes Delivery sories. board Jast night. Mrs. Frank Cassone, Atlantic Highlands • Skirt Mrs. Catherine Stockham, Right to Your Game Room guidance, Alan Lyster, English, Mrs. Fred Thompson, Hazlet - Battery Charger Joseph Kemprecos, languages Perfect for Your Game Room and Floyd DeNicola, history, all Timothy Hussey, Matawan - Screwdriver Set • Trained Service Men and Factory prpised the board's progressive attitude in providing $8,400 for C. £. Ziegler, Red Bank - Dress Shirt Parts are Available 8-Ft. Pool Tables their projects. The teachers completed proj- Mrs. James Triggs, Keyport - Camera Kit Anywhere in the U.S.A. ects aimed at simultaneous self- A. F. Meyer, Lincroft - Lamp Sears Low Price Improvement and enhancement of 175 the school's offerings. Mrs. Gail Lanza, Neptune - Portable TV NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Plan Distinctive teak wood finish. Bed is Stockham distributed copies of J^-in. thick composition covered the school's first guidance hand- Warren Miller, Neptune City • Sabre Saw with royal blue billiard cloth. In- book and a manual for parents. Mr. Lyster reviewed course out- Charles Wood, Neptune - Toaster cludes balls, 2 cues, triangle, rule' lines he completed and said the book. fellowship "was the best thing Sidney Cower, Brielle - Power Tooth Brush I've ever experienced as a teach- Full Table Tennis Size er." Joseph Johnson, South Belmar - Electric Shaver Mr. Kemprecos showed tapes J. P. Moran, Asbury Park - Rug 5x9-ft. Utility Tables and curricula material designed to improve the quality of his de- Roy Hartley, Point Pleasant - Centerpiece partment's offerings, especially with respect to use of the lan- John Klein, Neptune - Bedspread Check Sears guage laboratory. Low price Mr. DeNicola called his oppor- Alberta Savage, Neptune - Handbag tunity to revise courses of study "The most significant thing I've James Williams, Neptune - Sewing Bench Thick, !4-ln (ops 32 leen a board of education do 'n Rose Patwich, Bradley Beach - Train Case my 18 years of teaching." W. C. Lee, Neptune - Camera Actually two 4%x5-ft. tables that ALUMNI ATTEND DINNER lock together. Convenient for storage ELIZABETH — The annual || W. R. Stevenson, Wanamassa - Sabre Saw dinner of the Pingry Alumni As- and ideal for hundreds of round-the- New Non-Warp Bed 8-ft. Pool Tables sociation in the Elizabeth Town I Wayne Miller, Neptune - Clock Radio house uses. Non-glare green finish top, tubular steel legs. Stands 30-in. Bed resists warping as the honey- Sean Pr'ct and Country Club was attended l| Mrs. Arthur Beaman, Bricktown - Gown by local ajumni Richard R. Gall- high. combed core can't absorb moisture. agher, Atlantic Highlands; I Mrs. G. W. Howlett, Neptune City - Kitchen Stool Cushions, pockets, bed cloth of fin- Charles F. Wreaks, 3d, Sea Girt; est materials for professional play. Jay C. Harbeck, Shrewsbury; Jo-1 Lillian Garslde, Hazlet - Refrigerator aeph E. Irenai, Anbury Pirk, and I Snop at Seers and Save 1500 HIGHWAY 35 H Freterkte Gthriici?, bto A. M. Jennings, Bricktown - Electric Knife Open Mm. thro S»t. ttM-fctt wjuan. *lMlr SEARS-Middletown Plume 671-3800 THE, DAILY REGISTER We&u»lay? Oct Tt, Wft-tt

A&P SEUS (MY OVEH-READY no RIBS BEEF SHORTCUT Out From the Firtt 4 Ribs ONLY! mutter NONE PRICED HIGHER! 79 Ib. SHUCK tOHC-IN lONUIII CHUCK "SiMMIiffct" Quality LW CALIFORNIA CUT NO FAT ADDED INSTRUCTOR COMMINDRD — Arnold R. Hartman, 128 North Sunnycreit Dr., Little Silver, rtcelves th» Civilian uhomaknil. Welfare Council's certificate of accomplishment from Col. Edward E. Moran, director of tde Department of Spe- POT ROAST v: 59:69 eltliit Training, U. S. Army Signal School, Fort Mon- meuth. Mr. Hartman, an Instructor in Col. Moran's de- "Snpar-RKU" QoDlty FRESH ROASTING partment, received the award for faithful attendance at C work, /for having accumulated over the yaars a credit ifPP sflls it. If balance sf irior* than 1,000 hours of lick leave. CHICKENS NONE PRICE"*D HlflHER' ! 45ii. Frwllnilaa%lll%lmEHi)i slight FrtatP Oat s FnthlNONyE Sraain PRICEd ManD yNIBHER Tints DallyI ] ^*W Irwin Lauds Freeholders BriiketBtef •$• 79' Ground Chuck 65 For Water Supply Plans guaranties tt!WHITI MEAT-4-1 Ika. Uaar-HliM U.I. fav't. ImiHtid , FREEHOLD - Freeholder Di- "The mounting pressure of C rector • Joseph C. Irwin credits public opinion within the coun- Turkey Breasts 89 Frankfurters ! tie long range visioning of the ty finally forced the governor to Republican freeholders for giv- appoint a task force to study the For example. e ing Monmouth County an ample plan and recommend such a Fresh Chicken Livers ' 69 California Steak £ supply of water the past sum- highway for which the governor Your A&P may sell as many as six or seven different brands e B..f mer. " • •and our Democratic opponents Canadian SwLIVERWURSS T ttot*tt65) Ac Chuc«t*iar kLt** Fillef t IONELESS lb.70« Supar-Rlght Sliced pk«.*» »I»W SCOT CubaierStrlpi 'The freeholder! had the fore- now promise. to construct in of canned peas-national, regional and A*P's own brands. their efforts to woo the voters tlgnt.in 1953 to insist on water of the county In the coming elec- Pork Roll **«w "^1.19 Frankfurten Ss surveys and co-operated in a tion." It doesn't matter what company cans them... if A*P sells e program which made additional Fresh Cod Fillets ' 59 Soup Beef T water eources available," Mr. Irwin said. them... A*P guarantees them. • In explaining the program, the Flower Show "Super-IHa;hi» NtfSJf Vf41 SUM I - freeholder director stated: Unusual? "The conservation program in Board Change Leg of Ve«! 49 < Rump of Veal 55; which the' Monmouth Consoli- Not for A&P... because WE CARE... about your complete >0NELf5S C dated Water Co. and state au- Shoulder Roast "> 79 Rib Yeal Chops thorities co-operated, involved satisfaction. e the building of five bridges Stewing Veal IONEUSS i..69 Loin Veal Chops ib.89* •cross an enlarged reservoir in- Is this a good reason for shopping A&P? creasing the storage capacity of Veal Cubed Steak *•»<•» ">99* Veal Cutlets M.59 nature's most precious commod- ity- It's one of many! "Despite the sharp Increase in Good Buys on Fine Groceries our population the heavy Influx of summer visitors and the rela- COttMGHTe) UffcTHf QMKT ATLANTIC* PACIFIC Ttt CO. INC. f tively light rainfall this year^w* J V were not compelled to Impose UP-6MDEA ^ 1C ORANGE-APRICOT the sharp restrictions made ne- cessary by some of our northern fcresh Fruits & Vegetables! and western neighbors." Green Beans Juice Drink On Expressway Mr. Irwin, a candidate for re- UITHH-U4. Nt.1 MUDE election, emphasized: ( Four years ago' we "urged the Grapefruit Potatoes 20:,89 construction of an East-West Iv'shway from Trenton to the SwwWWf. chore area as essential to the Fktti OirrlMrt0.iallty DrukfM Bttttall eoonomic growth of the county HIVarnlVvllH • but Gov. Hughes and the state 5U9 PURE GOLDEN Ma»a»ljt» Pwtohlii Eastern * Ib. 4Qc INSTANT MFFES-Ma OFF UIEL highway commissioner declared nppW* MU4.N .l6f.d. * bajJir such a plan unfeasible. George C. White 8 C MVIR NEW YORK - George C, Washed Spinach :. 19'Honey »6E J39v Nescafe "1.27 White, 72 Hilltop Ter., Red Bank, hM<| e laaa t Baeoa IH/,, Cram ef Vertfibls 10% a. EIIHT O'OLOBK Halloween N. J., a member of the Interna- Sweet Potatoes Cauliflower mca> HIGHEW 35 tional Flower Show, Inc., Board IOSC t ANJOU .bt9« C C for 29 year* and chairman for Black Grapes Poors Smotliipa Campbell Soups 6 79 Coffeo3^1.99 69 Party to Be the past four years, has been OUR OWIHtitf Bniv At* DIUIRT T0MINMIX i«.p|,,. 4a.pig. named honorary chairman. He is e C In Holmdel succeeded by Dr. Albert J. Irving Tea Bags 48 45 HOLMDEL - Jay Demarest, of Browster and New York City. Smooth Whip 19^ 35 The 49th International Flower Pound Cake Pin.ippU-Snp.fmit UrdMotr—Fr.nchStyl. recreation director, has an- L 6 nounced details tor the commis- Show, with the theme "Planting TWIN PACK «ll-lb. 4 ox. a A* Doles Juice Drink 1: sion's Halloween costume party. Keeps America Beautiful" will be CI»le«IVert«««i* plgi. »•«'• Green Beans 2'~, 25« 2'1: 48 This event wilt be held in both held March 5 to 13 In the New SAVE Sc ''/>"• jjje Harvard Beets ^29* the Indian Hill School and Vil- York Coliseum. Fruit & Nut Ring Quaker Life Cereal lage School auditoriums on Satur- Mr, White, chairman of the fc l > CI day afternoon at 2 o'clock. All board and treasurer of the Bob- Pullman Broad "« "" ie.f -39' Del Monti Catsup 2 township pre-schoolers and chil- bink, Nurseries, Inc., Freehold, Tomato Juice »»" 2 c d dren in kindergarten through N. J., is a director of the Horti- Corn Muffins Hawaiian Punch *ffi- third grades have been Invited cultural Society of New York, Sliced PiiM»li to attend. past chairman of the board of White Tana Prizes will be awarded to the trustees of the New York Flo- HorUo : J^ Bumble Bee SSt Tuna first place winners In these cate- rists' Club, Inc., the show's co- DtMertMb , AiP Orange Juice 6 £ 97« 1 gories: Most original, most unusu- sponsor, as well as former presi- Whip NChill JtNttwt* S dent of Hie New Jersey Nursery- ^- STOUFKM ISCAUOKD al, funniest, prettiest and scari- t est. Cartoon movies will be men's Association and the New Chicken A Noodles ":;;-69 Kraft Parkiy Margarine J: Grape Jelly shown and candy and apples dis- Jersey Florist Association, 10 oi. tributed. SEAIROOK FARMS Welch's firaneladc Mr. Demarest stressed that all PILLSIUKYor j lot pre-school children must be ac- Creamed Spinach 3 .\" 1.00 Ceffee Mate companied by a parent or adult, Egg Market MIUDTS and all children entering the NEW YORK (AP) - (USDA)- Cheese Blintios 3 £ 1.00 NabisMSMlaJTMs 1)01 Kitty Oat Feed contest must have their name, Wholesale egg offerings ample gillonAQe age and grade pinned on their At* Crab A on large; adequate on balance Heinz TeinatoKetehnp Bemie Fluff pplaitie** costume for quick Identification. Demand quiet yesterday. 12 c, if • Broccoli Spoors 4 '^ Easy Off WINDOW CUANIR Noxon Polish The commission's Senior Citi- New York spot quotations fol- C zens* group attended a theater low: AtP French Fries 8 !:; 99 party as one of its monthly social Standards 35-36; checks 28-29. HE.light BIHN 7H0OW«tt VitellneHalrTonio activities. Further details con- cerning its next meeting Wednes- Whites •A6P Dairy Confer Values/ day, Nov. 3, may be obtained by Extra fancy heavy weight (47 lbs. min.) 40-42; fancy medium earfon contacting Mrs. David Carlson, e 7K| «2.Ja YUKON CLUI (41 lbs. average) 37-38^; fancy Wildmero large Eggs Idoi Candy Haii Oats chairman. heavy weight (47 lbs. mln.) 39- 57 I* MH CANNSD-JMIHiyoit 4O'/ : medium (40 lbs. average) CtiMM Spraad—Pairourlnri PIOMU Mild S win er Colored Amorlcan 2 Candy Oorn »)• loe Cream , gst eont. "• 36-37; smalls (36 lbs. average) Kraft Velveeta MAI.O.BII CHEUE SLICES l2 USY Group Harvest Mix •kg. Browns n lb e Mott't Older Sharp Cheddar ^r.» 69 Jiu P«rk*r Extra fancy heavy weight (47 Sliced Swiss..-"SZ* Potato Chits Donuts Wffl Select lbs. mln.) 46^48; fancy medium (41 lbs. average) 37-38^; fancy Its Delegates heavy weight (47 lbs. mln.) 44'/r MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — The45'/2; smalls (36 lbs. Average) Good Luck Nestle's Morsels Imperial Corn Oil Swift's Spry Baggies Matawan Chapter of United Syna- 30i/2-31'/2. S»ml-5we»t Margarine Chocolate gogue Youth, affiliated with Tem- Margarine Meats for Babies Food Wrap Bags ple Beth. Ahm, will meet tomor- In '/< Ib. l-lb.^ Summer Festival i-ib. 2lb.l0oi.pfl( row at 8 p.m. in the First Aid Prlnh pig. 41" 99' Squad building, Church St. Committee Eleects UK 07 Miss Barbara Rappaport, the LONG BRANCH - Howard K. president, said that the group will Hayden was elected chairman of select delegates to attend the the Summer Festival Committee Cashmere Octagon Palmolive Vel Detergent Kirkman Red Heart USY convention to be held In last night. For Dliket t Rite Fobrlci Woodbrldge, Friday and Satim He replaces Frank DeSantis, White Bouquet Soap Gold Soap Powder Borax Soap Dog Food day, Nov. 5 and 6. Also under who was named finance direc- Etpoclallyler *) b.th ili. iQ discussion will be the Congrega- I COMIINAIION I A '•!• *>•« QAC c tor. th* bath L e.l.i "0 tional Dance scheduled for next I !• aHl 11 bibmdtm d 21.: 25« Charles Cocorra was elected April 3. vice chairman and Meivin Moss meets every other The USY was named liaison officer. Thursday and is open to any Lux Soap Lux Soap Colgate's Soaky youngster of the Hebrew faith CHAMBER TO MEET aged 13 through their senior year The Fun lath In high school. Miss Rappaport, LONG BRANCH-The Greater 3D Ardmore La., can be con- Long Branch Chamber of Com- lloipla.tle/flc tacted for further Information. merce will meet tomorrow at figure Save Plaid Stamps p.m. in the Lutheran Church of GRASS FIRE DOUSED he Reformation, Locust Ave., affactlv* thru Sat., Od. 30th In Sup«r Market* and Self-Service ttorca only 'IONG BRANCH - A gross West Long Branch, to decide on THE NO. 1 STAMP PLAN IN THE NEW YORK AREA fire at the rear of 183 Klngsley a successor to Elmer F. Law- In Northern New Jeriey, Orange and Rockland Counties. Et. was quickly extinguished by yer executive director, Who All Tobacco ProducU, Freah Milk and Alcoholic Bevetagei exempt from Plaid Stamp offer. the Phil Dally Hose Co. at 4:20 died In his office last Friday Am., yestenfJiy. morning. 1 )• Six ipp««If from Aabtrry Park SCO and buUdlnj, 113,388 to til,, Welcome Weekend: Hazlet •eceived reserved decisions boo. Firm Files 17 Appeals Vednesday. The Carlton House The 218 Second Avenue Sorpo. Mrs. William P. Titus Is company, 510 Deal take Dr., hadration, which owns the Will* FREEHOLD - The Jersey requested lowering of land from cuperating at her home, equated building assessments Apartments, requested lowering Shoppers to Get Red Carpet Holmdel Rd., after spending sev- Central Home and Development $4,450 to $3,000, and building, $18,- owered from $1,364,000 to $739,050. assessments from Corporation, Rt. 9, Morganville, 800 to $17,000. Bernice C. Person, of building eral days at Monmouth Medical Mildred and Charles Musto, for $128,100 to $78,600. Monday filed 17 tax appeals to- 91 Apple St., appealed land taxes Center, Long. Branch, after she >roperty at 601 Cookman Aye., The Slasan Corporation, for 204 taling $23,125 before the Mon- of $2,300 and requested $1,000, Treatment at Stores Nov. 22-23 fractured her left leg in a fall, lowered from Sixth Ave., requested building as- mouth County Board of Taxation and building, $11,900, requesting •equested land 1102,650 to $60,000, and building sessments lowered from $43,100 RED BANK — Shoppers will, ber will erect a courtesy and in-be a weekend for two in the Po- Miss Margaret E. Weigand, 718 for property off Rt. 9 in Marlboro. $8,000. get the red carpet treatment here formation booth on the sidewalk conos. rom $39,850 to $30,000. For their to $17,500, and for property at Holmdel Rd., and another nurse The board reserved decision in Three appeals were heard Friday and Saturday, Nov, 12 in front of its office at 5 Broad The Trade Board will serve >roperty at 619 Cookman Ave., 202 Sixth Ave., land lowered from friend recently motored to Mi all cases. Wednesday from Ocean Township. end 13. ,t. coffee throughout the business ami, Fla., where she is spending hey requested land assessment $15,150 to $12,500, and building, Woodside Stud., Inc.. Park Ave., $8,400 to $5,000. On that weekend, the Retail A full page of coupons will ap- district, and all sales personnel six weeks with friends. She also Belpark Realty Company, Rt. o be lowered from $22,700 to $18,- 9, appealed land assessment of requested lowering of livestock Trade Board will initiate a new pear in color in The Register, will wear fresh carnations sup- visited her brother, John F. Wei assessment from $217,284 to $155,- tales promotion event. Old Fash- plied by the board. $13,890 and requested taxes set and each store will have a cou- gand, Jr., and family in Delray 882. ioned Welcome Weekend. The merchants will also dis- Beach. at $8,000. Decision was reserved. The board, a division of the pon receptacle for the drawing. play "welcome" posters, flags Ezra W. Karkus, executor of The Peco Corporation, Sunset JUST RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC 1 Ave., requested assessments Community Chamber of Com- Each winner will get a 15-pound and "welcome to Red Bank" Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Frye the estate of Viola Chafer, Friday lowered on property from $50,000 merce, will supply the carpet, turkey, and the grand prize will badges for employees. have moved into their recently appealed building assessments for to $30,000, and building, $261,- which will be displayed in front purchased home on Beers St., six properties in Keansburg on NEW! - NEW! 259 to $200,000. of each participating store. which they have remodeled. Oceanview and Bayview Aves. William T. Henderson, Rt. 35, Since one of the purposes of the One land assessment HEARING DEVICE Repeats $50,000 Offer requested a reduction in land program will be to welcome new Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Pe appealed. The board reserved de- "SCIENTIFIC BRIAKTHROUGH assessment now at $107,650 be- shoppers to Red Bank, the cham- seux, HI Bethany Rd., have re- cision in all cases. cause the property is used for To Remodel Borough Hall turned from a three-week trip to The Harbor Light Beach Club, Boynton Beach, Fla., where they agriculture. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS by bonds at 3'/$ per cent for 20 Ocean Ave., Sea Bright, appealed joined their son, Ernest E. Pe- Three Monmouth Beach ap Dominick A. Caruso, president of years at a cost of $1,000 per $23,800 in property taxes and Halloween seux, Jr., of Los Angeles, who is cants Wednesday received re- Caruso Construction Co., has year to the taxpayer," he said. -30,000 in building assessments on a business trip to Florida. Friday. Decision was reserved, served decisions. Alfred J. Tocci, repeated his statement made As to a proposed municipal 29 Monmouth Pkwy., requested Proclaimed several months ago that his con- Three applicants from New complex behind First Ave., Mr. CITED AT FORT land down from $2,700 to $2,000, NEEDS V struction firm can remodel the Shrewsbury appeared Friday and Caruso reiterated that he opposes FORT MONMOUTH - A ci- and building, $28,500 to $23,000. present borough hall building for it. He added: "But most of all, received reserved decisions. Fritz TO BE \' For Saturday vilian cook employed at Fort E. and Eileen K. Froehlich, 38 Mr. and Mrs. Sal E. Tieri, 15 $50,756. we can't get a nickel from the Riverview Rd., to lower building RETURNED 't HOWELL TOWNSHIP -' Hal- Monmouth. John Ricks of Nep- Clearview Dr., asked to have Mr. Caruso added: federal government to help pay assessment from $8,600 to $7,300. loween will come one day tune, has received membership land assessments lowered from TO FACTORY\ for the $213,000 complex." Charles W. and Joan M. Kelly, earlier here-by virtue of a proc- "The alterations to borough hall to the 1,000-Hour Sick Leave Club. $4,900 to $4,000, and building, $23,- FOR SERVICE! '<• (Borough Council contends that 40 River Ave., to lower the build- lamation issued Monday night by can be accomplished for the fig- The citation issued by the CTS00 to $22,000. there is a good possibility that vilian Welfare Fund Council here, ing assessment from $20,400 to SCIENTIFIC Mayor Charles W. Patterson. ure quoted and bonds can be is- Joseph A. Key, 21 Laurel Ct. BREAKTHROUOH sued at 3l/ per cent for 20 years federal aid can be obtained. $16,070. . . . pwUcttd gfttr Mayor Patterson decided to 2 represents an accumulation of 1, All four Spring Lake Heights moitK mn «f «• call on township residents to at a cost of $2,900 a year to the 000 hours of unused sick leave to (torch. NOW unlntir- Badgley Re-elected applications were stipulated but celebrate Halloween Saturday taxpayers of Atlantic High- his credit. rupttd Htarlng Cor- figures were not released. Helen nctlon. A Radiator Instead of Sunday at the urging lands." GOP Charges Ricks is a cook and shift lead- By Rider College Yonadi, Allaire Rd., had request- ixcluilvt. of Committeemen Frank W. Mr. Caruso went on to say that er in the Patterson Army Hospi- TRENTON — Eugene D. Badg- ed land down from $551,600 to MAIL COUPON Vogel, Jr., and Lawrence Mich- the former gas company build- Demo failings tal dining hal] on the post. ley, Little Silver, was re-elected $465,750, and building, $24,000 to nevich. ing on First Ave. can be reno- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - At TODAY! vated at the quoted figure of NEW ASSIGNMENT to a one-year term as vice presi- $10,000, on one piece of property, FREE BOOKLET! "Sunday is not a proper day a recent Republican Club rally, $16,100 according to plans and SAN ANTONIO, Tex. - Air dent of the Rider College Alum- and on a second, she requested for Halloween," Mr. Vogel told GOP candidates made these assessments down for land from i™———-*- specifications submitted to coun man Stephen S. Moosick, son ofni Association at the annual busi- (he committee. charges: $27,000 to $20,000, and building, iRMlMor Corp. — Dipt. KM Rift cil. "The cost could be paid for Mr. and Mrs. Florence Black of ness meeting here Saturday. • ws Vainy Brook Rd. Mr. Miohnevich reminded res- Arthur P. Listahder, running for 76 Jackson St., Freehold, N.J., Mr. Badgley,, second vice pres- $76,630 to $65,000. • Cononsburg, Pa. idents that extra police on duty council, said that when the Demhas been assigned to L. G. Hans- ident of the Equitable Life Assur- Dram Realty, Allaire Rd., re- f Sir: PItoM iind your bwklit "Ntw conctpl." undentatf lti»r»j • li no mart* or obligation. throughout the weekend would Halloween Event ocrats were in control of council corn Field, Mass., after complet- ance Society of the United States, quested assessments on property Strictly enforce the township's they unnecessarily increased the ing Air Force basic training. has served three years on the lowered from $12,600 to $10,800, INAMI curfew. Under the curfew, no tax rate and put the Yacht Har- The airman, who attended Free- Alumni Board, two years as viceand Spring Lake Real Estate Held by GOP •ADDRESS person under the age of 17 is bor in a deplorable condition. hold Regional High School, will president and'one year as a di Company, Warren Ave., appealed permitted on the streets after 10 UNION BEACH - The Repub- He said that in 1961, harbor be trained on th« job as an ath-rector. land assessments to be lowered lican Halloween social held Satur- p.m. unless accompanied by an profits were $41,000 as compared letic recreation specialists with from $562,200 to $455,500, and day was termed a success by He is a,member of the Class of CUT OUT COUPON AND MAIL TODAY! adult. to $81,000 under the present Re- the Air Force Systems Command. buildine $143 Ml to $113 000 Charles A. Hart, Republican can- 1938. The committee authorized the publican administration. purchase of an International didate for mayor. Edward G. Walder, running for dump truck from Farry and Held at Pete's Hall, state Sen. mayor, claimed that "The Demo- Gravatt, Farmingdale, at a cost Richard R. Stout and Assembly crats have not taken a forthright of $7^995. The Farmingdale firm candidate James Coleman joined position on any issue in this cam- presented the sole bid. local candidates Hart, Henry T. paign." The resignation of Mrs. There- Dehler and Samuel R. Wilson for sa L. Stockwell Woodland Dr., the festivities. He said he is against sewer re- as secretary to the Civil De- It was announced that a final gionalization, and that if his team fense Unit was accepted with re- election rally will be held Monday is ejected it "would hold old- Meet the sassy one and save eight cents. grets. Mrs. Stockwell, in a letter at 8 p.m. at the American Legion fashioned town meetings in order to the committee, said she washall. Front St. to determine how the public feels resigning for personal reasons. Sen. Stout, senatorial candidate on important Issues." She had served"th in e position William T. Hiering, county and John Flitcroft, candidate for as- two years. It was indicated a local candidates are expected to sessor, said, "The Democrats replacement would be named at attend. have proved that they don't know the next' committee meeting. All residents have been invited, the value of the tax dollar." rBur price col Has everybody buzzing. Especially our employees. But they buzz anyway, they're bees. Their job is creating the three superb honeys that go into Golden Blossom. And believe them, there's nothing sweeter or purer. Better stock up now on this prime source of good-tasting quick'energy.

NET WEIGHT ONE POUND >* '-. GOLDEN BLOSSOM HONEY Take q sip and you'll flip for Wink's tangy grapefruit taste. Buy a 6-pack or 2 family-size bottles during this sale. Save 8* with this coupon.

SOLF. oismiujToRS Olfir good In Ocwn mi 630 FIFTH AVI., NT.W YORK. Maumwtn Counnn only. m

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Offer ewlru Novimbtr M. MS. , r Nete to Dealen Your Canada Dry Salevnon will redeem this coupon for 8 cenh plus 2 ceftls han- dling choroe, providing, you and yovr customer (rave compiled wild terms of offer.lnvalces proving JMrchase ol svlllclent slock for coupwi presented lor redemption muM be shows on request.


*• 146-or. RIB VEAL CHOPS.. .*78 17e CHUCK ROAST»«=„ 21c cans LOIN VEAL CHOPS. 17c BEEF CUBE STEAK..-98 27c RIB ROAST LAMB CHOPS smm lie SHOULDER STEAKS 98 21c REG. ' STYLE lie SLICED BACON *, .78 lie RIB ROAST BEEFFUNKENWN 10c GROUND BEEF lie %5~T Pantry KISS-ME-SWEET 100°o Florida Pride




WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO THIS COUPON WORTH f A< THIS COUPON WORTH f Ac 1 THIS COUPON WORTH toward your purchase I W toward your purchate I V toward your purchaw 10 ; toward^ your purchase of 3-lb. bag of yellow oi two 1-lb. bags of of 3 or morf KMKIUH oi any 10 or 20-lb. bag CARROTS GRAPEFRUIT POTATOES • with your purchase pf any fr«h fruit or with your purchase of any fresh fruit or ^ with your purchase of any fresh fruit or with your purchase of any fresh fruit or * v*9.tobl.s amounting to $2.00 or riior.. , vegetables amounting to $2.00 or more. ' vegetables amounting to $2.00 or more vegetable! amounting to $2.00 or man. e Offer expires Oct. 30. 1965^ • e OHer expires Oct. 30, 1965 Offer eipirei Oct. 30, 1965 ' . Offer expires Oct. 30.1965, ' e On. coupon per family e One coupon per family 1 e One coupon per family mm On* coupon p*r family LARGE SEEDLESS U.S. #1, A-SIIE m YELLOW GLOBE TENDER WESTERN FLORIDA PINK m ONIONS CARROTS Grapefruit Potatoes •mt. ilk i, Ac m bag ^^m bag, s ^^mO< 1039 m lb. pap. 3I9« . pap.bg. ^j^r JmW 3with coupon 2 with coupon with coupon DISCOUNT SPECTACULAR! REDEEM ANY ONE OR ALL 4 with your produce purchase of $2.00 or more.

CHIQUITA Ww LARGE SLICING MC INTOSH GOLDEN RIPE ICEBERG Tomatoes APPLES BANANAS LETTUCE • *x U. S. FANCY 1 large large i lb. head mm ctn 19 ill, - 19 3 29 10

JUICY SUNKI5T (2 Doi. 89c) ORANGES 45' ACME lOW'PRICED ^ Sweet Potatoes.... 3 «*29' BEEI SALE! STEAK SALE! U. S..FANCY CORTLAND t Ib il II b Apples.. •# °s47 LANCASTER BRAND . ,ANCASTER BRANO PUIE Orange Juice "i* CHUCK ROAST STEAKS... Ib. 37 Cranberries box BONELESS nDi LANCASTER BRAND CALIFORNIA FRESH ; BbNE-IN LANCASTER BRAND ": RIB Pitted Dates...... p£ Chuck Roast ib 37* HALLOWEEN SPECIAL! «* jk J11AIV e . e . • . . * . e * ID. 79' C LANCASTER BRAND BONE-IN Roasted Peanuts .... , 39 Cross Rib Roast....ib 69* LANCASTER BRAND J CLUB LANCASTER BRAND VACUUM PACKED 1ANCASTER BRAND ROAST ft _ LUNCH MEATS Boneless Cross Rib. ib 89' .pi EAI%. ••••••*... Ib. Slktd Bologna, Plain or Olive LANCASTER BRAND BONE-IN VIENNA SLICED Loof, Or Pkkfe 4 Pimento Loof {cVoi, Ptcgt.) or Beef Arm Roast... ib. 69* Corned Beef .£5* Swiss, Pimtnfo or American FRESH VIENNA SLICED .CHEESE SLICES (8-oz.) MIX OR MATCH SALE! 3 Ground Chuck ib 67* Pastrami. •• •••»•••••• LANCASTER BRAND _ft LEO'S CHICKEN OR ^ IDEAL SLICED Lean Beef Cubes... ib. 69C Turkey Slices...... 2 SharpCheese.. FRESH REGULAR CUBED IDEAL 1-lb. .. . . ee.Plig. »g Ground Beef ...3ibs M.39 • Veol Steaks.... 89< Cream Cheese • Lesser amounts Ib. 47

IMPORTED ITALIAN PEELED WHITENS & CLEANS '200,000.00 m PROGRESSO CLOROX m CIVE-A-WAY ICE CREAM m • • W:¥? m . ENTER CONTESf NO. 5 TOMATOES TH. ipnk w«h &*f llonk from your «T.. A-Wa, booU.1 CAL. c FARMDALE erunhoidV blank bdowl JUG 49 All Flavors! HALF GAL '200,000 Give-A-Way IDEAL SAVE ON C Name Tomatoes 5»« Speed-Up Bleach. 43 8 Address II City State Telephone : : : OLD DUTCH K::: brtry lla* Na. S mint be aepeiiled Oil. IS le Oil. 30,196S KRAFT Better Check Acme for all your MAYONNAISE HALLOWEEN PARTY NEEDS! 7' OFF LABEL OFF LABEL CANNED SODAS VIRGINIA LEE llfllil fA FORD HARDTOP Mi WIN ID MUSTANGS m Qt. Jar BALA-CLUB DONUTS m HilWin! 20l GEI ColoVr TV'sON 2E EAC EACHH WEE WEEK K WZ PLAIN, SUGAR OR CINNAMON

Win! 200 Serving Sets 20 EACH WEEK 59 1 IDEAL VACUUM PACKED CAN BEVERAGES Win! 300 Portable Radios 30 EACH WEEK Mayonnaise '^ 49 Acme Coffee .. E h .2* 49* Win! 400 Camera Outfits Kodak '°w ££ 1$ SEALTEST VIRGINIA IEE Contest #3 NEW FORD :w ADAMfE HllfE 0, rci Danish Twist ».55C ctns. aJJ rKlr)l_c;>, SUPREME ITALIAN SLICED OR _ j,g MUSTANG ^AnnStiefel i UKANllE JUIIE 2 PRINCESS iinuuMi ( 491 William St. Paper Napkins 4 0*2501 Rye Bread TS,l i.. •. 410™ 1

WINNER East Orange. NJ. ALL FLAVORS NO DEPOSIT! 11 FLAVORS! m tm varM\k\es FLEISCHMAN'S •* m mm a m m ^ 28-oz S V VIRQINIA LEE ^^ ^ CORN-OIL Bala-Club Sodas... O * 1 Bar-B-Que Rolls... 5% 35* LANCASTER BRAND FROZEN ^ SI 40 VIRGINIA LEE HALLOWEEN g%tl VIRGINIA LEE STICKY _ -. Breaded Veal Steaks.... 2 p^ I FRUIT DRINKS Layer Cake ». 99( Cinnamon Buns i . 49 CREAM STYIE FROZEN , •'o'.^fcJk MARGARIME P a C IDEAL ' -^ Ideal Spinach 4 99 Mayonnaise £'49* REPP-U-TATION MINUTE AMID FROZEN _ g%^ Mb. PARTV JELLIES OR PATTIES • • ' ^^ _ Orange Juice 5 <- "J Pkg. 39 Richardson Candies 25C ODER IWAl FROZEN _ A ~ _ - VIRGINIA IEE POPCORN OR rt.A Orange Juice.... 6 95 Fruit Drinks.. 3 ,: 89' IN QUARTERS! PRINCESS Caramel Corn...... 29C Half frici .f/eetiwOcf. 27 thru 30,1963. QuanWy Right burnt). iii>ju«niEiii>irmrn.c3a . <»^k SAVE BIG WITH ' J& «ft e& Gal. Margarine 5 89( Glenside Catsup.. 2 r 33C 39* fAfR HAVCH-576 Rfyer Rd LfHOWFT-Hewman Springs Rd. at Hurfey La. tptfunore Shopping Cenfer, Rt. 361 Cambridge Dr. WEST LONG BtUNOMt. i ^ : : 'it • * III This Section: Sports, Women's News, Amusements, jpiassified

For Quick Results HOME DELIVERY Use Our Want Ads RAIN OR SHINE D|a| 741-0010 DAY 741-0010 741-11.10 NIGHT Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965.

SECTION TWO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1965 7c PER COPY Urge Negro Fight on Ghettos By DORIS KULMAN Mr. Rigby, a member and past the second Negro family in the "We talk to each other about tate transactions. RED BANK — Prospective Ne- president of the Red-Bank Mul- Storyland development, said that many things, but we don't have Mr. Aaron pointed out that at gro homeowners were urged last tiple Listing Service, said that in many Negroes have resigned a direct involvement about hous- a meeting with representatives night to combat the threat of new the Red Bank area only three themselves to the fact that open ing," he said. "If we could com- of three Neptune Township home- ghettos in Monmouth County with previously all-white communities occupancy housing doesn't exist municate with each other a lot owners associations last June, the a willingness to pioneer in previ- had been "slightly integrated" as for them. of the problems confronting us county Board of Realtors agreed ously all-white areas. a result of efforts during the past "Negroes say 'well, you just would be alleviated." to undertake such a program, The urging came from a three- three years. have to go where they let you Mr. Aaron called "or a strong and to send informative material man panel addressing the meet- "In some communities that is go,' " Mr. Davis declared. educational program to help the to local newspapers on a regu- ing of the Shore Citizens for Bet- because property is so expen- He called for better communi- public understand the state laws lar basis. ter Human Relations, Inc., in sive," he pointed out. cation between Negroes and against discrimination in housing "But nothing is being done," A.M.E. Zion Church, here. Mr. Davis, who said his was whites, who believe in integration. and spot irregularities in real es- he said. Panelists included J*. Lester Rigby, New Shrewsbury, a lead- ing Red Bank area realtor; D. For Monmouth County School Districts James Aaron, Trident Blvd., Nep- tune, president of the Sea Hills Homeowners Association, and Henry P. Davis, Sunnyfield Ter., Neptune. Mr. Aaron expressed fear the $1.5 Million Aid Available development In which he lives is irrevocably en route to becom- TRENTON — Monmouth Coun- mentary and Secondary Education Park, $154,543; and Middletown, a Title I allotment. ing a Negro ghetto. He said 27 ty school districts are eligible for Act of 1965. $144,758, according to figures re- The smallest allocation, $863 is FOR GUIDANCE — Officers of ths Monmoufh County Guidance Association were , per cent of the homes there now The three largest allotments for leased by the State Department for Sea Bright. are owned by Negroes. more than $1.5 million in federal county schools, and the only ones' of Education. The Age Group initallsd last night in Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School. Left to right are Residents of the development funds for projects which win ap- which exceed JICO.OOO, are for Allenhurst is the only county District allotments are based on Aubray C. Dell'Omo, Rumson-Fair Haven, president; Howell George, also Rumson-Fair had filed charges of. block-bust- proval under Title I of the Ele-Long Branch, $167,782; Asbury district which is not eligible for the number of children in the dis- ing against a real estate firm Haven, treasurer, and Barbara Aaron, Eatontown school system, secretary. Also in- trict ages 5 to 17 from low in- with the state Real Estate Com- come families, as shown on the stalled was Frank Mclaughlin, Shore Regional, a% vice president. Dr. Stanley Lofchie mission, but the charge later was I960 census. of Children's Psychiatric Center, Eatontown, was guest speaker. dropped. AH Is Lost Handzo School Planning A low income family is one "It is the opinion of the people with an annual income under $2,- in our development that all is 000 or a family which received lost and that it is merely a mat- assistance under the program of ter of time," Mr. Aaron said. aid to families with dependent Marxists Teach in State Criticism Hit by Board Men children (AFDC) under. Title IV "The majority of real estate agents bring only Negro fami- of the Social Security Act. COLTS NECK - Township Drive. The vote was 334 to produced by a pre-school round- lies to look at homes for sale," Committeeman George Handzo The committeeman told up, trends in previous years' In order to receive the allotted he said. "Very few whites, if was accused by one Board of Edu- records, reports of the county funds, a district must win State any, are being brought into the Planning Board that the school Colleges, Hiering Says superintendent, projections at approval for Its Title I project. cation member last night of using neighborhood." board did not do adequate re- school children for political search on township growth fig- Earle Naval Depot, and existing Only public school districts we moved the governor out of EAST KEANSBURG - As- the campaign, but it Is, and a Mr. Rigby said prospective Ne- props and was cautioned by ures prior to a public, hearing approvals of subdivision plans. may submit projects. Grants will office," he asserted. semblyman William T. Hiering, big one. gro home buyers gravitate to other not to mix schools in on the referendum. He main- "There are now on file 477 be made only to public school dis- R-Ocean, aaid last night he has "A Marxist who welcomes a Sen. Stout said he called the areas where there are other Ne- partisan political campaign. tained that plans for a third approved lots in subdivisions tricts. Viet Cong victory in Viet Nam- strategy meeting so that Hiering Information that many Marxists groes "because it is easier for Thomas J. Smith, Jr., assailed school will', not have to be com Based on a conservative estimate Provision Made well, that is seditious and the could get better acquainted in ire teaching in our state col- them." He said Negro buyers the Republican who is running pleted by 1966 to avoid future of two-.children per home, con- man is a traitor. the area. . The public schools, however, leges. were reluctant to examine prop- for re-election Nov. 2 for remarks double sessions. struction on these lots will re- "If this man had his way the "Because of time and condi- must provide for the partfeipa- The candidate who is now run- erties in surrounding communi- he made at a Planning Board Said Mr. Smith: quire an additional 35 Communists would rule the tions, Bill Hiering, my running class- tfon of educationally deprived chil- ning for the Senate in Ocean and ties but eager to see propertief, meeting last week. Mr. Smith "I resent Mr. Handzo's state- world. I'm concerned why Rut- mate, hasn't been able to spend dren from the district who at- Monmouth, spoke at a dinner in New Shrewsbury because it is said Mr. Handzo's statement ments, made as they are during The board's policy is to main- gers hired such a man who was too much time here. Many peo- tend private or parochial schools. meeting attended by GOP coun- well integrated. critical of school board planning a political campaign for the tain a classroom capacity of 25 kicked out of the Communist ple told me they wanted to meet The federal government sug- cilmen, election workers, com- 'I have watched one section of for new construction were obvious purpose of appealing to to 30. By this standard, we are party and the Army." him, He's done a job for me gests that these children may be mittee members and leaders New Shrewsbury and seen it odds with past statements. the 194 residents who voted now four classrooms short of Assemblyman Hiering contin- in Ocean and I'm trying to recip- included in the projects through from; Union Beach and Keans- grow and I am fearful we will against the Cedar Drive School our needs. SurgJ ued: rocate In Monmouth." have the same situation there as Lee S. Tuomenoska, board the use of such techniques as ed- president, asked for comment, addition. . . ; "Mr. Handzo obviously has The affair, held in Buck "Drew University took action Asks Big Vote Mr, Aaron speaks of," Mr. Rigby ucational television, dual enroll- said he would defer a direct re- "His comments are contra- not done his homework very Smith's, was arranged so that and fired the professor who re- Sen. Stout said: "We canceled said. ment and mobile educational ser- ply until after, election ..but dictory of his,views at the.publk well, ^eyen for his very critical Hiering could meet for the first peated Genovese's remarks. everything tonight to get here. I 'Each'oue of these situations vices... . •'"1t!'"''.' added: hearing before,, the;-pgjdggg$#P statement. time the people who are ex- About those demonstrations want to urge you to get out a big ftfretbHtfAfa,Rgy..Rigby said. , John Flyjin,'Koinson, a field ' I don't: think that the Board when he endorsed' flie proposed "He says that our enrollment pected to get out the Bayshore around the country, I think we vote next Tuesday. Use your "Voui'-must have the courage supervisor with, the State De- of Education should be brought addition • ' has gone up from 339 to 622 at area vote for him Nov. 2. have had enough of them. I'm cars and persuasion to get the to broaden your thinking, to ex- partment of Education, said proj- into a political campaign, and I "His remarks about inadequate the present time. He's more than "I cannot reveal the source of not a witch hunter. I believe in people to the polls to vote Re- plore, to insist you want to go ects must be aimed at the prime academic freedom, but a line publican." say that both for the best in research are in ill grace. The 10O pupils off. As of the last educational need of the children my Information on these teach- into uncaptured areas," Mr. Rig- terests of the schools and. of board has determined a rate of should be drawn." Assembly candidate Joseph Az- meeting, the enrollment was 773. from low income (arniliej. ing Marxist* at the present time by told the Negroes in the audi- Mr. Handzo himself. school population growth of 1% Other Iisuei zolina rapped his opponents and ence,. "I don't think too many "He indicates a plan to con- but my information comes from "I don't want to say anything per cent a year and this is based Participation in the project may Hiering also spoke about nar- said he knew the problems of realtors will refuse to take you." trol future construction by limit- a reliable source," the assem- in reply to his statements now, an exhaustive study of figures be opened to other children how- cotics, highways, election polls housewives because he is in the "J have no liking for a com- ing the number of certificates of blyman stated. but,I will have a full statement ever. and other issues, grocery mf^'ket business. munity that boasts it has no in .occupancy to be allowed to any He added: after election. I want to avoid one builder to 10 or IS a year. he U. S. Office of Education, "Gov. Hughes is a nice guy The Keansburg Republicans tegration," Mr. • Rigby added, Rutgers Problem doing what I say he shouldn't "Bearing in mind that the cer- said that projects to encour- and a pretty good politician but were led by Committee Chiirman "and I don't think I'm the only RFHR Board "There seems to be a teach- do." tificates of occupancy are the age drop outs to return to school he's done nothing in his four Charles Gee. Ira Werley headed realtor.to feel this way. This is ing problem at Rutgers and some Rebuttal Asked last approvals obtained, after the would be eligible for approval. iay it shouldn't be an issue in years in office. It's high time the Union Beach delegation. a great moral issue." School board representatives To Outline houses are built, and based on a Adults may participate in proj- recent New York court decision, ects designed for the benefit of were asked for rebuttal to Mr. e u Handzo's observations concerning New Budget I doubt that the courts would 4 <*tt°naUy-depfivei!t 'children a school addition now under way uphold such a policy. and carried out at the elemen- Little SilVer Republicans and planning for 1968 construc- RUMSON-The public has been "It would seem likely that our tary or secondary school level. tion of a third township school. invited to hear the Rumson-Fair courts would say it would be A publication from the U. S. Mr. Handzo had said: Haven Regional High School discriminatory and order the Office of Education encourages lo- "They' re ignorant of the facts Board of Education sketch out township to issue certificates for cal educational agencies to "em- and are spending about a half its preliminary budget for 1965-66 whatever number of houses had ploy imaginative thinking and Running on Their Record been built in accordance . with new approaches in their plan- million dollars of township funds Thursday, Nov. 4 at 8 p.m. without adequate preparation." After outlining its initial as- municipal requirements. ning or the needs of the educa- and a director of the Lony. Branch LITTLE SILVER - The Re- development and beautification The board received approval of sessment of next year's needs, "Mr. Handzo seems desperate tionally deprived childresn,." Chamber of Commerce. publican candidates for borough of our business area. The active voters Oct. 5 to spend $365,000 for which will include five new teach- to be re-elected. But to use Special Service* Shade Tree Commission has done Mr. McCabe is seeking his sec- office — three of them incum- a 13-room addition to the dis- ers, the board will answer ques- school children to get something The government suggests pos- a wonderful job with plantings in ond three-year council term. He bents — are running on the rec- trict's second school on Cedar tions from the floor. Dolitidal is most Unfair." sible special educational services ord of the present GOP mayor various areas of the borough. has been a member of the govern- which a district could provide for and borough council. 'The Recreation Committee ing body since 1961, when he was the educationally deprived chil- "The fact remains that the may- has done an outstanding job work- appointed to a vacated seat and dren. The suggestions include or and council have provided the ing closely with the mayor and then elected to an unexpired Democrats Open Sea Bright Officeschool breakfasts, broadened necessary facilities Without in council. The summer program term. He was re-elected to his health services and guidance and creasing the borough portion ol was a great success and an ex- first full term in 1962. He is SEA BRIGHT - Local and borough fire committee chairman Mr. Saharic has been a bor- counseling services. currently chairman of the coun- the tax rate," the GOP candi- cellent winter program is now county Democratic candidates has served 41 years as superin- ough resident 23 years. He is Funds may not be used for a cil's fire, first aid and civil de- dates said yesterday, adding: underway. Currently, both groups took part in the opening cere- tendent of the Peninsula House, the borough's fire chief and sec- general increase In teachers' sal- fense committee.. "Ttiis !s fiscal responsibility." are wording on obtaining river- mony at Democratic campaign Ocean Ave. He and his wife, retary of the Fire Relief Asso- aries, although they may be used front property for the launching He Is a member of the North- GOP Mayor Charles W^ headquarters here last night. Mrs. Nancy: Johnson, are parents ciation. An employee of the Jer- for salaries for new positions re- of small boats by the residents east Monmouth County Regional Stephens :s seeking re-election to Mayor Charles W. Stephens Local candidates are Walter of two daughters. sey Central Power and Light Co., lated to the project. • of Little Silver. Our budget ap- Sewerage Authority. his third two-year term as the Johnson who wit] vie for the Mr. Stout last year won a one- he is a lieutenant of the First The total Title I funds avail- propriation for recreation this Mr. McCabe is manager of the borough's chief executive. Seek- mayoralty post; Joseph Stout, in- year council term and seeks re- Aid Squad and a Pop Warner able for New Jersey through June year is $7,400 — exactly what the Production Growth Division of ing council seats are Council iumbent council candidate, and election. He has resided here 26 Football League coach. He and 30,1966, is $24.56 million, of which committee requested. the Equitable Life Assurance So- Alexis Saharic, seeking a first years. He is manager of Chris' his wife, Mrs. Hazel Saharic, are Monmouth County has' been al- man Robert W. McCabe and ciety of the United States. He is OK Hedge "The library was founded In term at the council table. Landing, a family enterprise. iarents of five children. lotted about six per cent. Thomas Judge. Calvin A. Rowe is a member of the advisory board 1926 at the request of a group of Mr. Johnson has served three The street committee chairman The Democrats are opposed by •coking re-election to the tax col- of the New York State Insurance ladies 'for space and shelving in Control Code terms as a councilman here. He is a member of the Sea Bright incumbent Republican Mayor lector's post. Department. Care In Spending the Borough Hall.' The library is a lifelong local resident and Fire Department. He and his Frank H. Van Duzer and GOP Born In Monmouth County, he has served 12 years oh the Sea wife, Mrs. Hilde Stout, are par- council -candidates Miss Charlotte 4 Ordinances "It must be kept in mind that has evolved into a separate, ground-level, attractive Colonial- is a' graduate of Middletown In Raritan Bright Board of Education. The ents of a son and daughter. > White and Douglas K. Adalr. the new Borough Hall will in- Township High School and at- crease oi:r tax rate four cents style building with- roo.n for ex- RARITAN TOWNSHIP - The Are Adopted pansion. The new building cost tended Champlain College, Platls- Township Committee 1 last night per $10(1," the candidates said burg, NY. He is a Navy veteran ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — $25,000, and is paid for in full adopted an ordinance [which will "The new sewer facility will cost of World War II. Borough Council last night adopt- by the borough at no increase give it the powar to force prop- each ho.nr.e owner $80 per year. Mr. McCabe has been t bor- ed 'four ordinances after public in the municipal tax rate. Our erty owners to remove hedges and We must be very careful of our ough resident for the past nine hearings. In which no comment* library Is a 'county library sta other such obstructions near expenditures until the impact of years. He resides at 26 Laurie were made from the audience.' these two items is felt by our tlon" and does not qualify for roadways. federal aid. La. with his wife and four chil- Three of the measures provide taxpayers.'' dren. The ordinance stipulates that for appropriations from tha Is Mllilni 7:10; In other cases, Paul Oatman, 13—SInBt Children, Sing 5—Chuck McConn—Chlldrf 9—Waller Klernan of Film. (Premiere). "Tol'able David," a lion Laughs." O.K. outing. For the second 54 Sherwood Rd., Red Bank, was 1:15 7—Youna Marrleds—Serial <:20 North of Bed Bank 5—Newi 9—World Adventures 7—Local News—Bill Seulel silent film classic produced in 1921 starring time in this short season, our heroes are found guilty of leaving the scene 1:10 U—9aio—Children 9—Sports—Mosher Richard Barthelmess and Ernest Torrance, assigned to protect a man they despise. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS of an accident. He was fined $55 J-As Ttie World Tumi 13—Negro In America is the first of the monthly full length fea- 4-Let's Make A Deal 4:00 11—Wtatlier—Vlvlon' Forror In this one, the man is involved in bringing ITLANTIC- and his license was revoked (or S-RIm—Who Is Hope Schuyler- 2—Secret Storm—Serial tures Channel 13 is planning for its movie inferior medicine from the United States into T»« CotUctor 7:00; 9:00. 60 days. Jossph Allen, Jr.—1 hr., 25 mln. 4-Match Game 2—News—-fm Jensen fans. All of the films to be shown in the 11—Film—Strange Illusion- 7—Never Too Young—Serlo! 9—Let's Go-Co—variety Hong Kong, and our government intends to MIDDLETOWN John Minor, 76 Monmouth James Lydon—90 mln. 9-Wtilrlyblrds-Adventure 11—Superman—Adventure series are part of the Film Library Collec- bring him home to testify against his bosses. TOWN- Ave., Leonardo, waj fined $25 11—Working Witt) Science 11—Eighth Mar—Cartoons 13—Portrait In Ttioughl tion of the Museum of Modern Art. Mtrrlua on thi Rocks 1:19; 7;15: • 1:50 13—Negro People 1:40 Thanks to attempts on the man's life by every »:JO. for passing a school bus. 13—Hablo Espanol—Language 4:25 7—Weather-Ken Robot 94:30 (2) — Green Acres. Simple, corny member of the cast, there's enough ifction HAZLET Charged with careless driving 1:55 4—News—Nancy Dickerson 4:4! humor prevails, accompanied by jaunty in the tale, and Jeanette Nolan is a lot 4-News-Flovii Kalber 4:» 7—News—Peter Jennings X)EWS DRIVE-1N- and fined $20 was Herbert 1:00 2—Sea Hunt—Adventure background music and laugh tracks. Earth . of fun as the American agent who gives 4:50 MaTritge on thi Rocki 1:71; 11:11); Moore, 41 South Bay Ave., High- 2—Sports—Frank GHford lover Eddie Albert continues to be a sucker our heroes their orders. (Color). Murleta 8:31. <:SS lands. 2—Editorial—Michael Keating for inferior farm equipment, but his faith LAZA- 7:00 in the nobility of farmers is restored when 11:15-11:4! (7) — Gemini 6 Space Flight. Bunny Lake If Mlislnj 7:18; 9:30. A $15 fine was levied against 2—News—Woller Cronklte neighbors come to plow Eddie's fields. Best ABC has sceduled a half hour recap of the EAST BRUNSWICK Stanislau Majskl, 54 Johnstone HOLIDAY INN 4—News—Huntlev, Brlnkley Gemini Space Flight at this time. 5—Soupy Sales—Comedy scene-has Albert repairing a porch railing TURNP1KE- St., Perth Amboy, for speeding. OF WEST LONG BRANCH 7—Passport 7—Travel with the finesse of a ten year old boy. 11:30-12 (i) — NBC has tentatively sched- INDOOn.-M«rrl«ge on the RockJ Donald Rossbach, 48 Portland 9—Marshall Dillon—Western 7:30; 11:20; Muriell 9:25. (Color). OUTDOOR— Murriace on the Rockl Rd., Highlands, was charged with 11—Peler Potomus uled a half hour special at this hour. 7:00/ 10:50: Murleta 0:00. 13—Koltanowskl On Chess abandoning an auto and fined $5. Businessmen's Luncheon from 1.15 7:1) MENU) PARK 2—Lost In Space 4—News—Bob Teague 2—Dennis The Menace 4—Concentration—Gome CINEMA- 4—Virginian—Western II—Passing Parade—Nesbltt 4-Blrthday Houie-Ctilldren 11—Cartoons—Children Sell Fast! The Daily Register l:ll 7—Girl Talk-Panel 10:41 Mirrlngfi on the Rocks 2:00; 3:45: Dinners from 2.95 *£»£? 5—Zorro—Adven hj re J:00: 7:50; 10:00. Classified. 7—Ozile and Harriet J-News 9—Changing Earth—Science 13—Wonder Of Words •—Film—The Entertainers— II—Jack Le Lanne—Exirclst 11:00 PERTH AMBOY Cary Grant—2 hrt. 1:15 »:» 2—Andy Griffith—comedy II—Lloyd Thaxton—Variety 2—Film—Happy Landing— 2—Leave It To Beaver 4—Womlng Star 13—Dateline: UN-Report Scnila Henls—2 hrs. $—Topper—Conndy 7—Young Set— Discussion atty Duke—Comedy J-Mlk» Douglas—Variety 1J—Parlons Francois III <> Weddings • Receptions, etc. 13-4=rench Chef 7—Film—Pawnee- II—Best Of Groucho—Qull 11:11 .,-> George Montgomery—1 hr., 35 mln. 13—Sing, Children, Sing 11-Mack and Myer-Comedy - • fS^^^^^&W 2—Beverly Hillbillies 1:3* »:« 11:28 Rtsirvattons mod* for 7-Gldget-Comedy 7—News and Weather 13—Exploring Our Longuagt 1J—Tlmt Now For Music ony Holiday inn in the 11—Film—Dungeons of Horror— 3:1! 11:1) Cocktail Lounge United stotis aid In- Russ Harvey—90 mln. J—Film-Florida Special- 4-Mews—Bob Wilson 5-Newt ternationally. 13—A Million And One Nights rt Film Jack Ookle-W mln. 10:0* 11:11 Walter Reade-Steriing VM 4:J5 2—1 Lav. Lucv-Com«dy 2—Dick Van Dyke—Comedy Clark Chamber), Mgr. (formerly with Berkeley-Corteret Hotel) 2—Green Acres—Comedy J—Film—Crutches— 4—Fractured Phrases—Game 4—Paradise Bay 4—Bob Hope—Drama Lynn Roberts—1 hr., 5 mjn. J-Fllm—15 Maiden Lane. 5—Romper Room—Children Broadway & Mon. Pkwy. (near Acme Mkr.) 229-9000 5—Film—Blossoms In ttie Dust- THURSDAY Clalrt Trevor—9S mln. 9—Memory Lone—Joe Franklin -THEATRE Waller PlaTjeon—I Irs.. 5 mln. MORNINO) 11—Campaign Issues 11—Carol Corbelt West Long Branch 7—Big Volley-Western f.V) 10:10 11:40 t:30 4—Education Exchange 13-Porlons Francois II 13—Planet Earth—Geography NOW AT 3 THEATRES 2—Dick Von Dyke—Comedy 1«:N I . 9-Pro Basketball-Detroit vs. Baltimore 7-Newi 7—News—Bill Owen 10.00 10:11 Barbershop Quartet 2—Danny Koye—Variety 2—Surprise Semester 4—News—Edwin Newman rantDN 4—1 Spy—Dramo 4—Bwano Don In Jungle-La 7—S»no of India. RED BANK VOTE] Everyone Loves 7—Amos Burke—Adventure 7—Proled Know—Ejection Sabu—40 mln. 'Convention' Nov. 13 U RED BAM 11—Zone Grey—Western 7:M 13—Momematlct 5—Education 13—Who Speaks For N.Y.? 1—News—Hyoms, Penia 10:30 MIDDLETOWN - The Raritan Marina* at 2 2—McCoys—Comedy 10:30 4-Todoy Bay-Middletown Chapter of th Ivtnlno.1 7 * »:J0 Our Platform • •. 11—Ore Step Beyond—Dramo 7—Ann Sothern-Coraedy 11:00 Society for the Preservation and 2—News—Jim Jensen 5-News Commuter Airlines Encouragement of Barber Shop 4— News—Frank McGee 7:21 Good Food 7—News—Beutel, Martin I-Edltorlal-Mlchael Keating Organization Forms ' Quartet Singing In America will Il-Merv GrlHIn—Variety 7:10 present a "Barbershop Conven- B 11:05 2-News-Mlke Waltoce NEW SHREWSBURY - Air at S-Newi 5-Survey 01 The Arts tion" Saturday, Nov. 13, at 8:30 ASBURYPARK 11:10 7—Gale Storm—Comtdy Taxi Co., Red Bank Airport, is p.m. in the high school. 4—Weather—Tex Antolne one of nine community airlines Tonlt* 7 ond 9:20 11:1! 2-News The program will feature thi Reasonable Prices serving the metropolitan New 4— Local News—Jim Harti "Townsmen," 1964 mid-Atlanti- 5—Film—The Conspirators— 2—Captain Kangoroo York area which have organized Hedy Lamarr—1 hr., 55 mln. S-7—Cartoons—Children district champions, and the Rari 11:20 11—Fair Adventure the Commuter Airlines of New tan Bay-Middletown "Town Crie 2—Sports—Frank Gilford 1:15 York. 11:15 5— King And Odle— Cartoons Chorus," under the direction o: 1:30 Formed as an educational and John Breickner, 3d. Michael Redgrave—1 hr./ 50 mln. S—Sandy Becker—Children promotional group. OANY mem- RESTAURANT 11:30 7—Little Rascals—Comedy Also participating will be the 4—Jofinny Carson 11—Popeye—Cartoons bers operate between New York "Diamond Statesmen," Wilming- 7—Film—Woman's World— 1:41 airports and 13 key cities in Con- Monmouth Shopping Center Clifton Webb-1 hr., 50 mln. 11—Kukla And Ollle—Puppets ton, Del.; the "Boardwalkers," 9—Film—Monkey on My Back— •:!0 necticut, New Jersey, New York, Atlantic City, and the "Magi Poul Richards—2 hrs. 9—Farm Report and the District of Columbia. 542-2744 12:30 Harmonizers," the "Lyrics" and 11—Campaign Issues 9—News And WeothT the "Oceanics," all here. 1:00 NAMED INSTRUCTOR JERSEY CITY - Peter K. Mills, 69 Northland La., Mata- wan, has been appointed an ad- ATLANTITHEATRE C junct instructor in English at St. Hislil.lii.l-— IV Peter's College. NOW—EVENINGS 7 & 9 Mr. Mills is an alumnus of the alnau nenka liberal arts college, having been UN OTTO PPEMMGB? FILM awarded an A. B. in English at NOTRECOMMENOtO St. Peter's in 1957. He also re- W/LUAM fOR CHILDREN UNDER 1Z. ceived a master's degree in Edu WYLER'S VICTORY MARKET cation in 19&4. STARRING He is married to the former LAURENCE OLIVIER 31 W. FRONT ST., RED BANK TELEPHONE 747-0508, 747-1339 Carolyn Baker. They have four CAROL LYNLEY Store Open 8 A.M. • 6 P.M.; Friday 8 A.M. - 8 P.M.-Free Delivery children. TXCXNlCOtjOR* Need Money? Sell those things FRIDAY NITE 7 f First Show) TOP QUALITY USDA GRADE A FANCY you really don't need with a Sat. and Sun Matinee at 2 THITO RATHER SWITCH THAN HHHTl Daily Register Classified Ad. Call now.

MatlMt Today at 2 Ib Evtnlnu 7 and 9:30 UWEW.AIUIVE... HMMK HEN TURKEYS 137 OATCS OPEH»:30PM-IIIO«mATl:» PM |) IOTA CMTOONI Naver before s Th»y'd rather laritch thai shown inywhtral SAUSAGE MEAT Homemade 89' Ib. I CHOPPED BEEF L«gn • Fresh 3 lbs. l SHama Matin** 2:00 ITALIAN SAUSAGE J&* 79' Ib. I TENDER CUBED STEAKS 99' Ib. I Evtnlngt 7 and 9:30 WHOLE - CUT UP - SPLIT OR QUARTERED PDMMUNiity

Matin** 2:00 Evanlngi 7 and 9:38



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GOLD STAR-TOP QUALITY - "BIG W's" FAMOUS - FRESH - PLUMP - MEATY Yet — Pay Lett for "Country Freth" Dairy Foods! FRESH FOR SOUP OR STEW WHOLE BORDEN'S or PILLSBURY CUT-UP 9mi BISCUITS PLAIN OR 8 OZ. BUTTERMILK Gold Star - USDA Choice - "Big W's" Famous - Young Steer Gold Star Top Quality - Sno Whits • Milk Fed c fLAIN—VANIlLA-COFFEE-flUAUTY ROYAL DAIRY YOGURTS >p»10« "Big W" Young Veal Sale! Boneless Chuck Roast 68 A PARTY TREAT IDA MAE PIZZA PIE »-* 39c 3wcolal« Chip, 1* «.; Sugar, 18 si.; Fu


i.ib. CARROTS cello bag


SWEET POTATOES «*»-*»«*• ANJOU PEARS SWEET AND JUICY Yet — Pay Lett in Our "International Appetiser Department*! 25c OFF LABEL - NEW FROM COLGATE!. FOR HOT or COLD WATER ALL VARIETIES - LAYER CAKE LAUNDRY 18Vjto20oi. EXTRA LEAN-FRESHLY SLICED COLD POWER DETERGENT King size BETTY CROCKER MIXES pkg. IMPORTED REGAL PRINT WISK DETERGENT ENRICHED - SLICED VANITY FAIR TOWELS 2^ DANDEE WHITE BREAD lib. loaf 9 for Boiled Ham YES - PAY LESS LINDEN HOUSE PASTRAMI txt«A UAN-IY Tri! HK« »Jly «>.78$ C Ib. bag REGULAR or SUPER MODESS *» 59' uui LIQUID GRANULATED SUGAR CASE PORK ROLL HICI<0»y SMOM»-HBHIY SUCED ib. JJ^ Yes—Pay Lets for FRESH FROZEN FOODS! ICE,CREAM * FRESH KOSHER PICKLES Nrw-u.m am 31« 35* NOVA SCOTIA LOX ia»iue» *±sfc LINDEN FARMS-FRESH FROZEN f| g%0% SIM0NIZILOOR WAX LINDEN HOUSE SODA , FRESH ASSORTED COOKIES H0Me «*»'s™ *• 49* Ml FLAVO s l AlORIE ICUIKU DVE "' 'UMPHNICKtl-HOT MEAD u. *T. ORANGE JUICE O 99 CANNED SODA " ;rTNrHo°uV —7c 2o< on half JEWnit Kit DHIVKCD TWICE DAItY ™" i/€ HEINZ 6 i or e Yef-Pay Lett for FRESH FISH & SEAFOOD^! French Fried Potatoes 'Zl^'am:™ gallon 99 BABY* FOODS siraintd^O'^ZS j«"'« 6' 65 llrdi ty—Sabf or fordhotM, tttth froi*n Blrdi Ey»—Frtih Fro|*n BABY FOODS ,SS *-,*. 10^85* ^6»«75c JUMBO Lima Beans '• «• ^ 4'» 89c Tiny Toten '•"' «•• >*»-4'« M WHITE Ib. $108 PLEDGE SPRAY BUMBLE BEE TUNA FISH l°Zl^ SHRIMP 6 to 30 1 l»r QUALITY • SEAMU5S MISH • NUDI HEEL HELLMANN'S MAYONNAISE FRESH SLICED FLOUNDJER FILLET 6Bc Giant PERSONAL SIZE IVORY SOAP 4 - 19c FRESH PORGIES 38c Nylon Stockings 14 w. CM 99c CANDY BARS TvS" *-- 3 - 95c CHERRYSTONE CLAMS Yes-Pay Less For Brand Name Foods At "Big W"! Never Any Limits! Buy All You Want! 20—Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1(J65 THE DAILY REGISTER ers, so that nom of this ma-


FROM POPS TO GUM Halloween Extras Bagof32Re«dsPaloops luscious lollypops with safety stick 79c Bog oi SO pkgi. tandy cigar*ttes_ 69c Bag of 100 bubble gum trading cards 69c

Gerber:..of course! 1 LB. BAG GRANTOGS HALLOWE'EN CANDY COSTUMES tT '.".'.'.'*'I***V AtGerber.we cook every food accord ing to its individual needs...to nourish yourbaby better, and Favorite disguises for your increase his pleasure in eating. CORN little ones in flame retardant only Sweet potatoes, for instance, are more digestible fabrics with flame-proof when slow-cooked. Fruits, on the other hand, coloj bright masks. Cinda- are flash-cooked to keep their appealing flavors rella, witch, clown, astro- and colors. naut, others. Sizes S-M-L. Ib See our complete assortment of Pf ACHES | "Custom-cooking" brings out the best In weiy 27 1.37 masks arid faces for Halloween. Gerber Strained Food, and preserves the utmost in food values, But isn't that typical of the extra care you get..,from a company that specializes in •Charge-IP... No mon«x down.. .| W.T.GRANT CTX Charge It—No Moiwy Dawn good things for baby? up to 2 yeari to pay Up to 2 Yrart Is Pay Babies are our business...ouronJy business!* MIDDLETOWN LITTLE SILVER HAZLET OCfilUt'tAIV FOODS, fRCMONt, MICHIGAN SHOPPING CTR. 531 PROSPECT AVE. AIRPORT PLAZA Doctors Still Without THE DAILY BfvCfSTEE Wtinttdty, 0^ 27, 1965—21 f m$tttr wouid begin. few dotiari report 4IM*M* U> Ust /week be «aM, "W« h»ve the beard, as long as they do so no comment at this time as let- within a reasonable time After Letter From Society ters hive just been sent to all treating a patient. MIDDLETOWN - Ust week.tors had received cards 81 doctors." They can reply on any kind of The Register was told by Dr. which to report diseases to thi Wheti° Interviewed Friday, he paper, just as long as they re- Anthony L. Rifici, Monmouth Board of Health. said, "We are in the process of port, he added. County Medical- Society presi- In a spot check telephone sui accumulating material and have It is estimated by some board dent, that area physicians had vey of 10 Middletown physician members that 50 per cent of all been sent a letter from the so- selected at random, six reporte< not mailed any letters." ciety inquiring into their alleged they had not received 'eithei Dr. Krohn reiterated that cards communicable diseases in the failure to report communicable item. had been sent to all area doc- township go unreported. diseases. Of the other four, two wen tors. When told that six of the Dr. Krohn reported previously This newspaper was also told not available, one had beei 10 interviewed had not received that many doctors are lax as by Dr. Marc Krohn, township away to perform an operatio; cards, he noted, "They must far as reporting is concerned. have run out." kealth officer, that area doc and was still opening his mail He stated that a handful of doc- INCREASED CAPACITY — C. J. Corporation, recently in full production at its new plant at 54 Apple St., New and the last refused to divulgi WU1 See To It tors report the vast majority of any information over the tel He said he will see to It that such diseases. One, he noted, Shrewsbury, reports an increased capacity of more than 200 per cent. The company makes molds and other phone. cards are sent to all doctors. reported about 75 per cent of all special equipment for plastic bottle manufacturers. YOUR GARDEN The controversy began mori He also said he doesn't CJ ses of scarlet fever last year. THIS WEEK than a month ago when it wai claimed by board members thai By Garden Reporter many doctors are failing to College of Agriculture port diseases, as required b; Rutgers—The State Uni- state law. QUIT versity, New Brunswick State Code By failing to report, physician allegedly violate the state Sani Lots of gardeners have accept- SAVE o* FOOD tary Code. They also make ed my Invitation to quiz the ex- Impossible for the board to notif; perts about their problems in a other physicians to be on thi backward look at the past season lookout for signs of a particula PLUS YOUR MOST VALUABLE and in a spirit of "wait 'til next disease, board members havi year." claimed. TRADING STAMPS FREE... All have received personal re- The board adopted a resolutiot plies to their questions and bul- asking the society to requesl BONELESS STEAK SALE! letins that help fill in their gen- that all doctors comply with codi CHICKEN SALE! eral knowledge about the subject. provisions regarding reporting. Many questions are of general Dr. Rifici announced at thai FRESH LONDON BROIL t 98' interest and may help other time that an investigation intc ROUND ROAST gardners who don't like to write letters. BREAST <%A SWISS t98< Here's one, for example, about Aid Squad CROSSRIB or SHOULDER *98< dogwoods that may answer your QUARTERS JX question, top: CUBE UAHTENTC fc.98' •It's from Mrs. J. S. of Allen- Responds To LEG FRESH ^ #| BOTTOM ZSS town who has two pink dogwoods. FOR POT OR OVEN ( One has been in her yard four 1,073 Calls years, the other was planted QUARTERS J7 GROUND CHUCK *65 MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - ROAST-HI ROUND OR ROAST-TOtOVENORPOT sfA, last spring. They were in full EXTRA UAN Frank Bertulis, captain ' of the 3%-LB. AVERAGE ¥%#* NOFAT T bloom when they were trans- First Aid Squad announced thai SILVERTIP ADDED TOP ROUND !8& 79L planted, and the older one had a c GROUND ROUND the Squad answered 1,073 call: lew flowers. Since then, no flow- ROASTERS 39 during the first three-quarters oi MILK FED VEAL SALE! ers, but both trees are growing. this year. FRESH m -ffe CALIF. STYLE CHUCK » m SHORT CUT-WELL TRIMMED mm 4* Don't Worry r In September, they responded This experience ft typical. Don Ib. Lacey, extension Home horticul- to 103 calls of which 34 were LEGS JH. 49 POT ROAST 65 RIB STEAK 79 ture specialist, sayihe has seen emergency transports, 21 othe FRESH BMJ^ transports, six accidents, I1 C LEGS this happen time and again. fires and 12 community service SHORT RIBS ™ 49l PORK CHOPS *5l He says there's nothing to wor- calls. The squad's four ambit BREAST £.59 ry about as long as the trees lances travelled 2,336 miles and TWO GUVS keep growing. In a year or so, BEEI CUBES 79V LAMB CHOPS tb. MMtt SHIM. Ml ion members volunteered 443 mat FRANKS EWMEAYT they won't grow so fast and hours. C CHOPS OOPS CMK should begin to blossom. It's a Ralph Haspel, president, an FLANKEN 59 SPARE RIBS ^T 55 Ib.. case of letting the tree get used COLD CUTS WW ttuiAMiniiMia ITALIAN ,-_. £A to its new surroundings and sort nounced that the squad has com of balance things off. pleted its fund drive for thi; TWO GUYS 59169: SUCED 59* VEAL CUTLETS "J-. VI SAUSAGE &W2& 7R 59 "When is the best time to move year. BACON m • holly tree 13 feet tall?" asks At the last business meetin CVW of Spotswood. Mannas Miller, Charles Schnei Having his little joke, Mr. La- der and Harvey Zibulsky, wer APPLE CIDER cey says, "Ten years ago." That's voted to full membership in th APRICOT NECTAR his way of saying that a holly squad after completing si as large as that is pretty big to months o( training and probation HEART'S ,.„.. move. It would be a job for a 1 PURE -57* nurseryman with heavy equip- DELIGHT 'con ment. A smaller holly could be Lincroft transplanted in early October or HALOWEEN CANDIES Rioky Benson, son of Mr. am CHOOSE FROM THE LARGEST AND MOST early spring. Mrs. Paul Benson of Jumpinj Brook Rd., celebrated his sev- COMPLETE SELECTION IN THE STATE CHICAGO DISPLAY enth birthday with a luncheon GINGER APPIE HAWAIIAN PUNCH CHICAGO — Two new systems party, at his home Saturday. • CANDY CORK • 5c CHUNKY for scanning or multiplexing an Guests were Richard Thompson, • INDIAN CORN • 5c KIT MAT RED or i-qt •log signals with subsequent dig- Geoffrey Wiese, Doujglas Marvin, itizing,! and logging of the data • JUMBO INDIAN • 5c CHOCOLATE James Devereaux, Mark Jaku CORN YELLOW 'I™ on punched paper tape or hard boski, Michael Paradisio, San POLYNESIAN SPONCE copy are being displayed for the dra Benson, Beth Ghiloni, Lis • HARVEST • 5c PECAN first time in the Chicago area by Kuncle and Jill Beron. PRINCE FAMOUS CREAMS CHUNKY HAND TENDED COFFEE RED Electronic Associates, Inc. at the • BUTTER National Electronics Conference • 5c OLD NICK The Lincroft Women's First Ai< MACARONI % CREAM MARTINSONS 79' (NEC), ending here today. 19' Association will meet at the First POPE OR PROGRESSO ITALIAN I* YOUR CHOICE TWO GUYS Aid Building Wednesday, Nov. 3. PUMPKINS Hostesses will be Mrs. Thomas 1 Berhandahl and Mrs, Fran TOMATOES ^1^38' BOX OF COFFEE BRAND NEW con 65 Braun. FOR SALADS OR COOKING TWO GUYS WHOLE KERNEL _• A A i-pt. Ib. 24 12 CI ( Richard Burton, son of Mr. an 8-oz. 25 8* fiiDM VACUUM S - 'XQ WESSON OIL btl. 37' Mrs. Holmes Burton of Circle PI WHERE AVAILABLE I VIM PACKED J tan% 'If W STRONG-EFFICIENT •• celebrated his 13th birthday with m TWO GUYS ' - MA a family dinner Monday. SCOTTOWELS 315' APPETIZING DEPT. Gordon Vandermolen of Colo- APPLESAUCE 6^ 79' nial Way has return from TWO GUYS BATHROOM 4* m 4* W business trip to Columbus, Ohio, TISSUES 2^69' TURKEY ROIL COCKTAIL?" Lodge Arranges Trip PRODUCE DEPT. ALL WHITE By Air to San Juan MEAT Vi-lb. FROZEN FOOD DEPT. LONG BRANCH-A Seven-day 98 trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico LEAN CHUNK has been scheduled in con- T.V. DINNERS junction with the 25th anniver BANANAS sary of the Joseph Finkel Lodge Ib. 79' Bnai Erith. GOLDEN PASTRAMI SLICED TO ORDER ^ A FIRST MERCHANTS Heading the arrangements RIPE A committee is Tuly Reiter of 186 JO* Berger Ave., Oakhurst, who for- BANK LOAN IS BEST FRESH TENDCR BOILED HAM .98' mulated the trip. FARM FARE For Home Improvement* The group will leave Newark ft A V A VAEC REGULAR ANED 9 Airport Friday, Nov. 12, and will CARROTS 2:i 19 MONEY to finance all these return on Thursday, Nov. 18 COLD POTATOES CRINKLE CUT ox.' needed Fall home improve- The vacationers will stay at the . merits Is available at low San Jeronlmo Hilton Hotel in San DAIRY DEPT. bank rotes ot any First Juan. ORANGES Merchants Community Office. Get estimates . . . we'll ar- COLD WATER range a Home Improvement SELECT KiRCHNER NEW CROP Loan that permits you to SAN ANTONIO, Tex. - Air- FLORIDA JUICE 12 49 DETERCENT borrow up to $3,500.00, man Robert A. Kirchner, son of BISCUITS with up to 5 years to repay. Mr. and Mrs. Howard A.. Kirch- FANCY GOLDEN SWEET GIANT ner of 52 Lafayette St., Rumson SIZE SWEET & BUTTERMILK N. J., has been selected for train- 3.25 PILLSBURY-BORDEN'S 8 ing at Keesler AFB, Miss., as POTATOES an Air Force communications- BETTY CROCKER ox. electronics specialist. GIANT SIZE 7 Airman Kirchner, a graduate JOHNATHAN APPLES ROSE LOTION VEL 12c OFF 49 Aibury rir'c • Red Bank • Mana- of RumsoinFair Haven Regiona ROYAL DAIRY - FRESH - H*l uan • North Aabury Park • Fair U.S. FANCY KING SIZE AA( 8iren • Holmdel a brlalla • colu High School, recently completed FAB with BORAX 25c OFF Neck • Afon — Neptum city ALL PURPOSE Uember Federal Reserve/Federal basic training at Lackland AFB 4 39 ORANCE JUICE 4,U98' DepoiH Iniutance Corp. Tex. PALMOLIVE S0AP4PACKHI$3?OFF 53 TWO GUYS TRADING STAMP THE MART ONE BOOK SPECIAL PALMOLIVE WEEKLY SPECIAL FURNITURE GALLERlfiS rOUR BOOK Vf"V TOWARD THE SOAKY FUN BATH io. , WORTH 1:1'# PURCHASE OF 0 63' AI AY AU PURPOSE L 3 PIECE SET OF mm AJAA GIANT SIZ DELUXE'S CASHMERE BOUQUET STAINLESS STEEL LINO BLOCKS AJAX CLEANSER GIANT°SIZE 1, 2, and 3-Quart Sixt Bowls. Wondtrful raw conctpt In building 18' •block.. Unit! or* dnlgnwl to intM. lock with a poiitiva snap. Crtat lor AD LOW SUDS DETERGENT JUMBOISZE ' Reg. 3.49 playtime and hobbyists. 97 WITH A FOOD PIUS ONI IIUiD AJAXlUCKETOFPOWR ffff LIST 14.95 81* PURCHASE OF $2.00 WITH INTERIOR DECORATING IDEAS 99 TWO GUY1 REG. 10.99 HADING HAW C I Ot MOM. TOY DEPT. BACGIES FOOD WRAP 24/25 39 HOUSEWARES DEPT. 1'

Optn Dally 9:30 A.M. 'til 10 P.M. Sunday* 9:30 A.M. 'HI 6 P.M. MIDDLETOWN - ROUTE 35 *For Saki Allowtd by Law. ROUTE 31, MIDPUTOWN, K. J. OS I-MOO—Opin Ev.nlngi 'fll «.I0| StWiy 'fll i Wi NMTVI thi right to «mlt quantiti**. Not i h\m tttMtht thni Sat. OcL 31, IMS. 22—Wehaped skirt and detachable pane MADE IN HONG KONG croft Inn Dec. 12 at 4 p.m. Found- rain. A jeweled crown secured er members and past presidents er veil and she carried a bouquet For Prompt FREE DELIVERY and ASSORTED COLORS and PATTERNS will be invited to attend. of white Fuji chrysanthemums. Maid of honor was Madeline 24-Hour Prescription Service ane Fisk, Red Bank. She wore n Empire-styled gown of mint IAL: 741-5288 Elected reen chiffon, with matching PILE LINED FULL FASHION. ORLON hree-tier veil headpiece. She car- Miss Donna Mae Wenner •ied a colonial bouquet of yellow md rust pompon chrysanthe- Red Bank UTHLE SILVER - Mr. and Warden Broad ST. >& Bench Warmers Turtleneck I Mrs. Henrji E. Wenner, 3 Silver- ton Ave., announce the engage- MELTON ...... 13.00 ment of their daughter. Mis SWEATERS Donna Mae Wenner, to Richard sole to Speak CORDUROY 13.00 Paul Klein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Assorted *% 75 Morris H. Klein, 123 Severin Ct., o Trinity Club NEWMAM SPRINGS MARKET CASHMERE WOOL .15.00 Cranford. RED BANK — Richard C. Colors ^0 A Dec. 26 wedding is planned. :ole of Middletown, chief natu- 54 Newman Springs Rd., Red Bank 747-9310 WOOL TWEED 18.00 Miss Wenner is an alumna of list at Sandy Hook State Park, Across From,, Monmouth County National Bank Central Catholic High School, Al- ,ill give an. illustrated lecture at OPEN 7 DAYS — FRIDAY 'TIL 8 P.M. • lentown. Pa., and Monmouth meeting of the Triangle Ciub College, West Long Branch. A )f Trinity Episcopal Church Fri- POTATOES •:....! „„. 5 lbs./29e member of its Alumni Associa- lay at 8 p.m. in the parish CUBE STEAKS ..; 1~ 89c Ib. tion and a member of the Amer- ouse. WHOLE FRYERi S _... .—29c Ib. ican Association" of University The club will sponsor dinner BONELESS POT; ROAST 89c Ib. Women, sh« is an elementary t the annual Christmas Bazar Ski school art teacher in Middletown >f the Woman's Guild of the CENTER CUT P|3RK CHOPS 79e Ib. Township. :hurch Thursday, Dec. 2 in the HOMEMADE COUNTRY SAUSAGE 69c Ib. Mr. Klein, a graduate of Cran- larish house. On Saturday eve- lord High School, received a iing, Dec. 4, the annual holiday we feature FARMER BOY MEATS Jackets bachelor of arts degree in Eng- linner-dance of the club will be ASSORTED COLORS. lish from Monmouth College and ie!d in Willowbrook Inn, Fair Fruit Baskets for all Occasions — Made to Order is a member of its Alumni As laven, with Harold R. Kirchhof, FABRICS and STYLES. Frt* Refrlg»roted I lellvary 747-9310 Bociation. He is administration .ittle Silver, and Richard E. assistant in the operations depart rtosher, Colts Neck, as co-chair- Mrs. Arthur F. Kiger' ment at K-lR Services, Inc., New- nen. The annual Christmas EXCLUSIVE PURVEYOR FOR ALL THE Bridge Ave. and Front St. 747-0108 ark. ATLANTIC CITY - Mrs. Ar- larty will be held in the home :hur F. Kiger, Hope Rd., New Col. and Mrs. Raymond R. DOG HOUSE RESTAURANTS OPEN: Thursday and Saturday 10 to 6; Friday 10 to 8 SPEAKS ON NARCOTICS Shrewsbury, was elected warden 'ourtillot, 47 Laurel Dr., Little if the Rebekah Assembly of New ilver, on Thursday, Dec. 16. NEPTUNE — Col. Emmett 'Vi l' • '• Middletown, Raritan Are Champs

CHAMPS AGAIN — Middlefown Township's unbeaten cross country team won its second straight Shore Con- CLEAR-CUT CHAMPS IN '65 — Raritan Township's cross country squad, which tied for the B Division champion- ference A Division yesterday. Making up the championship squad, left to right, are John Carlson, Ken Jorgensen, ship in tfoei Shore Confererica meet last year, won ths 1965 title outright yesterday. The squad, left to right,, is com- Bill Such, coach Mike Seiser, record-setting individual winner Bill Carlson, Frank Ciser, Larry Fuller and Bill prised of 'individual winner Joe Page, Joe Carroll, Bob Lehanka, coach Bill Lenskold, Tom Carlson, Larry ButUr, Murray. Ladd Bluimberg and Ray Coleman. Lions, Victors With Lowest Total Ever (24), Are Headed by Bill Carlson's Record 11:49.2 LAKBWOOD — Middletown total of 24 points, lowest total in Bill Carrion clocked a brillant nior Bill Such in fifth and senior 14th; Larry Butler, 16th, and Joe in the A Division run. Brick Township, led by junior Bill Carl- the six-year history of the Shore II minute B, '19-2 seconds in win- Bill Murray In the 11th position. Carroll 18th for its 58-point total. romped to another JV title with son's record-shattering perform- Conference. Brick Township, win ning over Brick Township sopho- Joe Page, who carries the Bill Carlson, who'll be moving the first, second, third, fourth «nd ance, and Raritan Township, ner of tlie first Shore Conference more Russ Taintor, who was sec-nickname "Mickey," 'paced a along with his brother John and sixth place finishers for a near- which also produced an individu- meet in 1960, starling a four-year ond in Il\:.'i3, third fastest time parade of juniors across the fin- family to Illinois, near Chicago, perfect 16-point total. Middletown al winner, captured Shore Con- reign as league champion, was a ever run ion the park's 2.4-mile ish line in capturing the B Di- at the end of the school year, was second with 61 andMonmouth :erence cross country champion- distant second with 49. Freehold course. Ca r'lson's clocking snapped vision race in 12:20.5 over Gene took command early in the A Regional third en 182, ships yesterday at Ocean County Regional was third with 102. the old rri/irk of 11:52.4 set last Shirley (12:24) ol' Point Pleasant Division race and led all the way Park. Raritan, second to Monraouth year by /Utie S:nilh cf Henry Dead!, Henry Thomas (12:39) of to the finish for his second Others runners in the top 10 Middletown waltzed to its sec- Regional in 1353 and tied by Cen-Hudson Ri'gional in winning the Rumson-Fair Haven, Leo Bellar- straight victory over sophomore of the A Division race not from ond straight A Division crown tral Regional for the champion- B. Division race over Ed Shat- mino (12:40) of Central Regional ace Taintor, who was beaten by Middletown or Erick were Pot or coach Mike Seiser with a ship last year, won its first B Di- tuck of Central, who now shares and Bob Farell (12:51) of Jackson the Lion ace in a dual meet at Malley of Keyport, Tom Lenahan vision crown under coach Bill the third rji'st time for the course! Township. Bellarmino is the only Bodrhan Park, Middletown. of Freehold Regional and »opho- Lenskold by totaling 49 points to wilh TainSor. senior among the top five. Jorgensen, who finished third more Paul Decker of Red Bank, finish well ahead of Henry Hud- Middlcttnvn packed all' of its Shared Tide in '64 Colt Harriers as a sophomore in the 19G3 race seventh through ninth, respective- son Regional, second by a three- scorers intii the top 11 with senior Raritan, co-holder of the title and second last year, placed third ly. point margin, 93-96, over surpris- Ken "Berr1" Jorgensen running last year with Central when they in 12:09, a couple of steps ahead ing Jackson Township. Central third, soi)tt>more John Carlson, tied with 31 points, also had Ladd Capture All of teammate John Carlson. Such, How do new schools affect oth- was fourth this year with 107. Bill's brother, placing fourth, se- Blumberg 10th, Bob Lehanka, llth in 'S4 after a 19th place ers by taking students? Well, Three Meets finish in '63, romped home fifth Lakewood would have won the in 12:26. Murray, the fifth Lion "B" title by a ingle point if ELIZABETH — Christian Broth p ers Academy's cross countr\ scorer, staggered at the finish, there wasn't second-year school teams improved their records yes. weaving across the line in 12:44. Jackson Township High. Lake- terday by whipping Seton Hall His time would have been at least wood had the sixth and seventh Prep in varsity, jayvee and fresh five seconds faster had not com-spots while Jackson Town- man competition at Warinanco plete exhaustion struck near the ship fifth, eighth and 22d posi- Park. end. He was taken to Paul Kim- tions. ball Hospital and released after Don Rowe ran a sparkling 12:0G, Bill Carlson treatment. Looking ahead to next year's me of tlie fastest times ever run A Division Record Breaker meet, Raritan looks strong again m the course, to lead the varsity 2-U WEDNESDAY', OCTOBER 27, 1965 Following runner-up Taintor, to a 21-40 triumoh, its fifth win in Brick had junior Sean McGorty while Middletown loses almost eight meets. Bill Chandler (third), sixth, Dom Camero, 10th; Frank everybody,. Of Raritan's five scor- Lakers Edge Knicks; nat McDonough (fourth), Jim Dbuthit, 14th, and Ed Tompkins, ers, only Ladd Blumberg is a Ham (sixth and Maurice Maloney Cross Country Summaries 17th. Brick also had Ron Taintor, senior. With the Carlson brothers seventh) completed the scoring Russ' brother, win the • junior moving, Middletown has only tor the varsity Colts. varsity race in 12:57, a clocking Frank Ciser and Bruce Naidofl Baltimore Wins DIVISION Jell Alevmdrr ...53 Hob Kliln I that would have placed him 12threturning from the varsity squad. Danny Burns (13:37) and Bill M SCO U:—l. Mlrtilleluwn Tmvn Neptuni- I2U2) Ed Canty The Detroit Pistons, rocked by at the start of the third period Duffy ran 1-2, sparking the jay- nlilnlilpp, 21; ; 22.. RrkRrk'k TomnhliiToi, 4!);; 3 Dave Snillli ..._ _ IA-H I.a> ton FFn-rhnlu Ili'l'lunal. 1022 : 4. I/IIIII I:: IItranrh, Al Ilntrnsi , Minor Johnson early injuries to three key play- as the Bullets pulled away, Walt 'ees to a 15-50 rout. CBA's re- 112112 : ',' . AltAlonnlouth h ItctflimalItll . U2:: fifi. Ken Toraj, ..... —"* *; laekton Twp ers and then rattled by the dead- Kid lianU. i-l: ^. Neptune, M2: X. Knncli l'-'/l^n »" Bub Firrll - Bellamy and Bailey Howell erves are also 5-3 in the record Keyliort, 21(1: 9. Matauan Regional, Iloli Turner •••»! . •. .ik lilrlchelli) ly shooting of ex-teammate Don added 21 and 19 points, respec- department. 210; 111. Tom* River. !,-|l. KeylHirt (21OI (10) 111: 7. fj .kciviioll, MH: I',. I'-iht fleas. llini-l-* Hand Boston 2 1 .667 liu«( Talntur ant Born* IDS; I). Illinium -Fair Haven Ken Brwyer The Pistons missed Rod Thorn, honors in the varsitv race but Sean MKJorty '- Keclonal^ 191: III. Shn-r K'-:nnal, 2117 New York 2 2 .500 Top 20 Flnlahrrk I't. rirn*ant Doro out with an ankle ailment, and Essex Catholic of Newark' and Dirni Camero ...„ 10 lilcli dreeo Cincinnati 1 3 .250 Fmnk Dniitlilt 11 1. Jue r.-si'. rr-r., H:::i.5: •;. dene lloli Clirum got little help from player-coach Roselle Catholic are strong fa- Ed Tanipkins Shirley, ,PP nea.h, 12:21; 3. Henry lArry Hnl>liln» Dave Debusschere and big Ray WESTERN DIVISION Freehold Her. (Kill Thiima". lt-I'll, I2::m: 4. l^-» H-ihir- Illi-liant l'o • vorites to run 1-2 among the Tom Lrraltan 8 mlno, ('. ;i-:40: .1. nob Farell. J. 1!:.U: U'avnn /e\iek Scott, both nursing injuries, as San Francisco . 2 1 .667 •Ifle Abraham li. Tyro I f l'avnp, F,. IL!:.V1; 7. .llni \ team standings. St. Rose of Bel- Kdrlhau -«T, I,, 11:5(1: X. Frank KurOKon-Fnlr Haven Reg. (19t> they dropped into the Western Los Angeles 3 2 .600 mar, which yesterday won its •lohn .larksnn .. - - lie nry riin John Blieliuell 27' I'ete' JJnkiitii basement with a 1-3 mark. St. Louis 2 2 .500 llth strainht dual meet. 26-33 over Bob Wlllson 33 ""• 13: 11 i 10. Ladd IHimilierir, Kar., Hnii'e Kerr 2 3 Lou* Branch (112) IMJi H. M"'i El/ln. Illl. 13:OH: I!. i'n. 1-r n,,r,,, I3rio: 13. fienrje Hoy Mulforil 1 3 lloh Itar.ly -- Contu, fil ••, 1.1:11: II. 11,1, I.o-jnl-i. to a 14-point halftime lead with Detroit .250 V/2 Red Bank Catholic. M-l in dual Vollle MKch.ll Bar., 1,'irrj: 15. Barry Fllrrerald. SI'. Shore 10 points in the second period Tuesday's Results meets, are also entered. Bob By- (ieorit" IVMIlIe 1:1:1s: M.. LarrLurry Duller. Itar.liar.. 13:1(113:1(1; Henry \aeiarn n Hen Caiiraun 17. Eil Canls, Illl, 13:20; 1R. lop Car-(llenn la< olis and dropped in two quick baskets Los Angeles 10-1, New York 102 ron of the Cas ys is an individual Monnimith Ilri; (122) mil It , , 13213:222: MMll. HniH" V. n. c. John .fiporpe Santanplll _...... 13 ll. l>« Ijiylon, Illl, 13:27. Joe HlKRlns (It title challenger. John jlrndnn (J(J Today's Game Jaek Wny -.... 211 INDIVIDCM. TKAMS CKA (ill— s.'lnn Hull I'm* (III) 1 John Mien ..„ _.. J8 Itarltan Two. (nil) •IFN'IOH VAK.SITY Detroit at Baltimore 1. I Inn Rriwe ifHAI. rj:(l(5; I Hill lloh Shomo Alm»ln CPU,: :|. Bill Chniidlrr ICBM; I.KAD1M! 1IMWS—1. Brllll T(mn t'lllf Taylor ...3H Ladd Hiilulirri .11) ulllli. Ill: 2. Mlildlrtoivn Timnnliln. HI; World's Lamest and Finest Thursday's Games I. I'at McDraoiiRh n'lui; r,. Phil Rpd nunll (171) Joe "Mickey" Page N'pvln 1SII1; 6. Jim Ham K'BAt: 7 Boh Ixttr.nka ...14 I. Monmoulli Iteitlnnnl. 1B2; 1. Frrr- Boston at Cincinnati ; . Taut llerker _.. p. Larry Ri :tler ...... 1(1 liplil Keelonal, 211; 5. Orenn Tinvnnhlp. B Division Champ M.-mrIrr M.iliiiiov n to its slim lead on first place;Futerfas were the other Falcon in front of the goal to drill the •o going into the nets, but failed * Seals • Rings • Bands • Clutches cer League's Northern Division by routing Jackson Twp. (5-6) scorers. Bob Dugan, although not ball iriii the nels. to find the mark. • Gaskets • O-Rinesj • Lip Seals ;-0; race yeslerdav bv d".fcatin™ Red ;0 pplac e Neptunep (10-1) up to his usual high scoring Both teams took turns domi- • Thrust Washers Bank 3-1, while the Falcons were Harry Wolfersberper's three Price Includes OIL and LABOR kept within two points of Point tricks, played an outstanding nating action with Middletown downing Ocean Township, 6-1, in goals paced Point Boro to its 911 Day or 4000 mile Guarantee '•'wo bv blanking Brick Township, same for the winners as he was playinft a strong first half and EDCC Towing, Rood Tesl a non-conference match. 5-0; Freehold (5-4-2) and Lake- credited with three assists. Stu then ^'hpre took over most of the shutout of Jackson. The other • •»« Inspection The Branchcrs (7-1-1) arc in Ironclad Guarantee and Available wood (1-8-2) played to a 3-3 tie, Dangler got Ocean's only mark- action' \iir tlie second. Panther scorers were Ed Pol- first place wilh 15 points, while LIFETIME GUARANTEE find Toms River (4-(M) edged er with a 10-yard shot late in the Ito) Much For Hudson 'lemus, Jim Birdsall and Max' Monmoulh (5-0-3) is second with final stanza. Southern Freehold (0-1(1-1), 1-0. In The Cook brothers. Bill and Bendix. 13. Monmouth will have its op- non-conference tilts, Wall Town Kurt Weinheimer gave Middle- Barry, proved to be too much Brick held Neptune scoreless portunity Friday to move back ship (5-2-2) blanked Henry Hud town a 1-0 advantage against for HiMiry Hudson in its match for the into a tie for first with Long son Regional (-1-7-1), 2-0, and As first two periods, but Shore on a 10-yard scoring boot against-' Wall. After a scoreless AAMCO Branch, when it takes on Shore bury Park (2-8-1) tied Prince Raford Jackson tallied four times with four minutes left in the first lilalf, Bill booted in a 25- Regional (3-2-2) in conference ton, 3-3. and Bob Tiedeman once in the TRANSMISSIONS opening period. The Lions held yarder in tlie third period, while clash while the Branchers go out second half to make the Fliers DcSantis, Bulirmnn Score this lend until midway through Barry t allied from six yards away of the loop to take on Asbury Charles DcSantis and Bill Buhr- victory look easy. All of Jack- Open I a.m. la 5 p.m. Park (2-8-1). E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. nian tallied goals for Long Branch son's goals came from within 12 In tlie other Northern Division RED BANK-Cnll MI-25M in the first nnd fourth periods yards, Railroad Av«.. Albury Park match, Middletown Township (0- respectively. The Branchers got Soccer Results, Standings Pete Klefer's 12-yard boot in coii rtum 6-3) and Shore battled to a I-l another poal in (he second stanza the fourth period hit the upright when Al Valentino's throw in from ind bounced Into the goal to give YUNTWCIMV'H KKKIJI.TS IMHITIIKHN DIVISION •nit of bounds glanced off the head l.»nff ilranili 3, Iti-i! Iinnk 1 W h Toms River Its victory over Mlililletinvn I. Shore 1 (tie) n[ lln uicli (H I I) 1 I 24-HOUR of n Red Bank fullback into the Moiimoulli ii, Oi'rnn I ((77 0 I) Southern Freehold. lets. Tony Mellaci took a pass Wall 2, llcnrv lliKlNim I) Shore (l-l-:t) Ne|iliin« ». lltlrk (I HHenry JlUidnon (4 11) Larry Schlercck's goal from 'roin right winger Al Branwell I't. lluro 0, Jiichnon (1 llnl II Mill (oil) 3 10 two yards away with three min- TRUCK to score Ued Hunk's gonls from 10 TIHIIII nivrr 1, So. 1'rreholil I) Mlddlel uivn (OR I) Ota AlWiiiry rnrk :t, l'rlneeton :t (llr) HOIJTIIHIN DIVISION utes left In the game, earned Try new yards out nt the eight minute 1.alien I :i, FrerlioM I HIM W I.. TT Freehold Its tie with Lnkcwood. mark of the final session. IlllllAVS MATCIIK3 II. Ill ll> (110) ii n o SERVICE Hllorc at Moniuiiiilii NenUiiit (•<)•>> in The game was a seesnw affair l.onir llrancli nt .iNlinry l'ark IVerliiAl (ilS) Lucky Strike a Moninouth tallied n pair of goal, lli'.l l\a\k ill Henry lludion lad i, 11 loll) nun w'th ench club taking scoring Frank Porter's Uiill nl -Ulilillrliran Itrlck i I \-l) 'ii the second period nnd three I't. Hum Rt Hrlell tit turns. A penalty kick In the second Tumi HKIxer (I n I) 4 0 I Filters more in the third stanza to mako TOIIIH Itlvrr nt Neiitiine l.itlin' n ill II It 2) I II norlod hy Ben Dougherty and o I'riTliolil nl .III,I..i,ii No. i"n •'lioiil (i) In li 0 10 Red Bank Tire Co. its rout of Ocean complete. Tony Lnltewixiil nl Kn. Ocrluild (Illll 118 iiiccessfiil 15-yiml hoot In the l^inx llriinch .IV at (Iceaa lUrlli n (1-2) third stanza by Jim Leon, kept Znnetti pit two of the winners' Illdililoun at HI. Row oremii (M) © M. T. O* SHREWSBURY AVENUE 747.3404 ;oals In the third period, while HATIIBBAT'B MATCH Anniir; - Park (I-B-D Freehold on even terms wilh the Open Monday Dim Friday—8 to 6 p.m.; Sat. to 3 p.m. Doug Conklin, who also had scored Edlwn M Aalmry rark Wall 110-24) Piners throughout the contest. STAND1NOS at IHIM (»•» 1 • • •• : Jim Bradshaw-Defensive Player of-the-Week NEW YORK (AiP) - Jim 3 touchdown with the help of a he Cowboy seven, recovered backer Dick Butkus drew praise Dave Deacon Jones, defensive goal but tvaj caught by the offl- Bradshaw always has been "the key block by Ben McGee. . y Willie Davis, that led to the for their excellent play for the ;nd of the , clals in a face mask-grabbing in- other Bradshaw" with the Pitts- "I saw Tim Brown swing'"!' ;nly touchdown of the game. Chicago Bears in a 38-10 romp lid a fine job harassing John cident that stirred up a contro- burgh Steelers. the weak side so I figured the> The Packer defense, led by over Detroit. Butkus, a high- .Jnitas at Baltimore although versy between Coach Swede Charlie Bradshaw, no relation, would be looking for the fellow .he front four, has allowed 74 priced rookie, was given the John threw three TO passes in Svare and the officials. has been acclaimed for years as who leads the league in pass joints in six games while gener- game ball. a 35-20 victory. Jones got Unitas Joe Rutgens, defensive tackle top offensive tackle. Jim, a matching," Bradshaw told staffer ating, through fumbles and in- "Butkus ia a great player," twice for losses, blocked a field of the Washington Redskins, was third year man from Chattanoo- Ralph Bernstein. "I jumped in :erceptions, VI of the Packers' Coach George Halas told staffer a major factor in bottling up ga and a No. 18 draft pick was front of him and grabbed it." 155 points. Joe Mooshil. "And he gets St. Louis' ground game and rushing passer Buddy Humphrey an unsung sub in the defensive In the fourth period, after Con- End Doug Atkins and line- better every week." in the Skins' surprising 24-20 tri- Backfield until the Steelers cannon had replaced Hill, Brad- 3 Receive umph. switched Clendon Thomas to of- shaw made his third intercep- fense last year. tion, stalling an Eagle drive on Jim Houston, Cleveland left Jim, a 6-foot-2, 205-pounder, the Pittsburgh three. Obedience linebacker, made a key recov- ery of a fumble by Steve Thur- became the Associated Press' Green Bay's front four of Wil low of New York at a time when defensive 'Player of the Week in lie Davis, Ron Kostelnik, Hank the Giants led and appeared to the by J o r d a n and Lionel Aldridge Degrees be on the move for another intercepting three passes for the drew a unit citation from Coach touchdown. The Browns eventu- Steelers in their 20-14 upset of Vince Lombardi, who told RED BANK —Three mem- ally went in to score and eased the Philadelphia Eagles last staffer Ken Hartnett "make sure bers of the Baysfiore Companion home free, 38-14. Sunday. you give credit to our defensive Dog Club, Inc.. were awarded Passes Intercepted line." obedience degrees at the recent Bermuda Kennel Club's annual The entire Steeler ball club, Green Bay's front four of Wil obediencs trials held at the Bo- winless going into the Eagle lie Davis, Ron Kostelnik, Hank tanical Gardens, East Paget, U. S. Netters game, had intercepted only one Jordan and Lionel Aldridge drew Bermuda. pass prior to the game. They a unit citation from Ray graced four against Philadel- Nitschke, Packer lineback- Penelope Vanessa Cassandra, Split on Tour phia, two on and two er who said "make sure you owned and handled by Mrs. AUCKLAND, New Zealand (AP) on Jack Concannon. give credit to our defensive Oharles Vaux, 33 Buena Vista — The traveling U.S. tennis team Bradshaw nabbed the first line." Ave., Rumson, won her degree got off to an inauspicious start pass on his own 19 and returned The Packers' four dropped with a high score of 196. yesterday in a series of exhibition to the Steelers1 29. Craig Morton, the Dallas passer, John Keenan, 5 Beattie Park, matches in New Zealand. In the second period, with nine times for a total loss of 62 did double duty by handling both The Americans won two Philadelphia leading, 7-6, Brad- yards in a 13-3 Green Bay vic- of his two miniature schnauzers matches and lost two while the shaw picked off a Hill pass on tory. Kostelnik and Jordan also Puff" and "Cosmo" to their de- female member of the party, Mrs. his own 18 and ran 82 yards for .'orced Don Perkins' fumble on ;rees, with a high score of 196'/2 Carole Graebner of Shaker or "Puff" and 191'/j for "Cos- Heights, Ohio, retired with a mo." shoulder injury after splitting two Mrs. Mae Dell of Matawan, al- sets with Mrs. Ruia Davy. Pro Sam Penecale so a 'member of the Bayshore Victories were turned in by the club, previously was awarded secondary members of the team obedience degrees for two min- — Jim McManus of Berkeley, STRONG GRIDDER — Tom Gibb of Fair Haven, 17-year- Gets Ace in Pro-Am iature schnauzers, "Lucifer" Calif., who beat Richard Hawkes, and "Shane," from the Canadian old junior from Blair Academy, is playing great football 6-2, 3-6, 6-4, and Herb Fitzgibbon NORTHFIELD (AP) - Sinking Asked afterward about the shot Kennel Club. of Garden City, N.Y., who won at- Pin* Cretf Preparatory School, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. the first hole-in-one in his 30- Penecale said: over a New Zealand junior, Onny H» recently turned in a fine game for the school at its year career, White Marsh golf "I got a bigger charge out of GIBBS A GRID COACH Parun, 6-3, 6-4. pro Sam Penecale and amateur my 55-foot chip shot for a bird homecoming game. Gibb is a 160-pound tackle. OXFORD, Miss. (AP) - The Davis Cupper Clark Graebner Bill Robinson tied for first place on the 12th hole. University of Mississippi an- of Shaker Heights, Ohio, bowed yesterday in the Philadelphia "You can see the hole on a nounced Monday that it had to John Souter, 6-4, W, 6-2. The Section PGA Pro-Amateur Cham- chip shot and when you hit one hired New York Yankee reserve U.S. team of Arthur Ashe ot Bateman Meets An Ex-Helper pionships at' the Atlantic City perfectly that drops into the cup DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE WEEK — Defensive back catcher Jake Gibbs as an assis- Los Angeles and Marty Riessen of Country Club. it's a big thrill," said Penecale, Jim Bradshaw of the Pittsburgh Steelers was named by tant backfield coach. Evanston, 111., lost to Souter and The Philadelphia area pair card who attributed his hole-in-one to the Associated Press yesterday as defensive Player of Gibbs was an All-America Hawkes in doubles, 8-6, 6-3. In Boston U Tilt Saturday ed a four under-par 66 to put pure luck. for the Rebels in Ashe beat Riessen in an all-U.S. NEW BRUNSWICK - Football that Ws second season at Boston them in a deadlock with pro Stan Top Flnlthrra the Week in the National Football League for his fine 1960 before signing a bonus con- Stan Dutlas, Don Norbury, exhibition, 7-5, 9-7. •trategy will receive an interest- will bring improvement over last Dudas and amateur Don Norbury Atlantic City - 33-31—m play against the Philadelphia Eagles on Sunday, Brad- tract, estimated to be around Ing test when Rutgers visits Bos- Sam Penecale. William Rob- JIOO.OOO to play baseball for New year's 2-7 record. The Terriers of the host club. son, White Marsh 33-33—61 shaw intercepted three passes and returned one of them ton University Saturday, Rutgers have compiled a 2-2-1 record this One stroke off the winning pace Buzz Garvin, Larry Feld- York in 1961. coach John Bateman will be mn, Philmont 3^33—6' 82 yards for a touchdown as the Steelers won over the Goldsmith Wins year with victories over Temple were Buzz Garvin and Larry Fcld Bob Ross, Jim Vanderhoff, The spokesman also said that matching wits with his former: and Buffalo and a 7-7 deadlock man of Philmont C. C, and BobNorth Hill - .i 35-32—67 Eagles, 20-14. The Steelers say Bradshaw suffered a the reserve catcher for the Yanks •saistant. Terrier head coaoti| Henry Wllllama, Dick Hen- against Holy Cross. Boston has Ross and Jim Vanderhoff of North ry, BerMelgh _.._ 35-33—68 bruised hip in the game and may not be able to play would report to the team's Flori- Warren Schmakel. been beaten by Massachusetts Don Hayes, Robert Belrne, da spring training camp in Febru- Langhorne '250' Hills C. C. Ross teamed with Klverton 36-32—68 against Dallas Sunday. (AP Wirephotol LANGHORNE, Pa, (AP) - Last year, Rutgers won the and undefeated Maine. Ken Blear, William Hynd- ary. Ik# Turner of Kennett Square Paul Goldsmith of.Munster, Ind., first meeting of the two coaches, The game with Boston Univer- m«n 111, Huntingdon Valley .... 3<-3«—88 C. C. on Monday to win the Pro- George Griffin. Sam JRobln- driving a 1965 Plymouth, won 9-0. The victory gave Rutgers sity will be Rutgers' first road 8on, Green Valley 35-W—B9 Pro title. Don Slok and Billy Care, the 250-mile . National Unit- a 5-1 edge *n the series which appearance since its visit to Atlantic City _ 35-35—70 ed States Auto Club Champion- began in 1923. Rutgers won both Michie Stadium, West Point. The Penecale used a two-iron for his Tiny Pedone, Tony Alda- l-sll). JMgemont 35-35—70 ship for late model stock cars games since the rivalry was re- Scarlet Knights own 2-3 record first ace on the 207-yard 8th hole. Ted Blcke] Jr., John Mac- Sunday it the LangTiorne Speed- newed in 1963. with victories over Connecticut The shot hit the front of the green, Intyre, Spring Haven 36-34—70 Ike Turner and Wm. Me- way, setting a speed record for Schmakel, Rutgers line coach and Lehjgh and losses to Army, took two big hops and bounced Connell. Kennett Square 35-35—70 Bob Sctioener nnd Harvey the race. .'.-•• from 1960 to 1(63, is guaranteed Princeton and Columbia. neatly into the hole. Smllh, Oreen Pond 37-33—70 Goldsmith, who led tor 178 miles of the race, was clocked in two hours, 25 minutes, 43.31 seconds Over the course, averaging 102.947 miles per hour. Mays Is Slugger for 5th Time; He broke the old mark of 94.- 645 m.p.h. set by A.. J. Foyt of Houston, Tex., last year. Foyt did not compete yesterday. Goldsmith's victory brought him Blef ary 9th in American League to within 260 points of the USAC point leadership, hold by Norm NEW YORK (AP) - Willie paced the American League with Billy Williams of the Chicago trzemski with .512 marks. Then Nelson of Racine, Wis., who re- Mays of the San Francisco Giants a .536 average. Runner-up to Cubs was third with .552. He came Leon Wagner, Cleveland, tained that lead with a fifth place extended two National League Minnesota's Tony Oliva in the had 356 total bases, only four .435 and Oliva with .491. finish Sunday. batting competition, Yastrzemski less than Mays. Frank Robinson Tom Tresh of the New York records In winning the circuit's The point championship will be had 265 total bases, including 45 of Cincinnati finished fourth at Yankees, seventh in average decided in the last USAC race of slugging title tor the fifth time doubles, 3 triples and 20 homers. .540 followed by Willie MdCovey, with .478, compiled the highest the season, a 200-mile national in 1965, the final averages dis- He is the first Boston player to San Francisco .539 and Deron number of total bases, 288. championship to be held in Han- closed yesterday, lead the AL since Ted Williams Johnson, Cincinnati, .513. The major league record for ford, Calif., on Nov. 28. The win- in 1957. Slugging averages are comput- highest career slugging average ner of that race gets 400 points. The veteran outfielder slugged Hank Aaron of Milwaukee was ed by adding the total bases ac- is .692 set by Babe Ruth. Lou .645, his highest mark in 10 years, the runner-up to Mays in the cumulated on all hits and divid- Gehrig, for many years Ruth's Gilmer Benches Plum figures compiled by The Asso- National League The Brave's ing the figure by the number of teammate with the Yanks, hold; ciated Press showed. He led in DETROIT (AP) - Detroit outfielder had a .560 average on official times at bat. the big league standard for col Lions' Coach Harry Gilmer said 1964 with .607, 1954 with .667 319 total bases in 570 at bats. Tony Conigliaro of Boston, the lecting 300 or more total bases 1955 with .659 and 1957 with .626 yesterday, he was benching quar- His extra base hits included 40 ALhome run king with 32, and for the most consecutive yearns, terback Milt Plum for the Lions- The past season, Mays collect- doubles, tops in the league, one Norm Cash of Detroit tied for Gehrig did it for 13 straight sea- Los Angeles Roma football game ed 360 total bases in 658 times triple and 32 homers. second in slugging behind Yas- sons, one more than Mays. LAND WORKOUT — Members of Monmouth College's varsity swimming team are Sunday. at bat. Among his 177 hits were working out on the trampoline in preparation for the Hawks' initial season. Mon- Gilmer said six-year NFL vet- 31 doubles, 3 triples and a major eran George Ira. would assume league high of 52 home runs. It mouth will open the season with a meet against St. Peter's College Tuesday, Nov. 14, the starting quarterback duties. was the 12th straight season in at the college's new pool. Hawk divers Dave Matthews, left, Keyport, and Susie "I just decided to give Plum a which the Giant3' star compiled rest and see what Izo could do," at least 3C0 total bases, extend- Steadman, Deal, execute the tandem swan dive, while, left to right, Viido Polikarpus, ilmer said. ing his own league record. He Seaside Heights; Mike Groshin, Philadelphia, and Coleman Vickori, Long Branch, look Izo was obtained from the lifted his career slugging aver- on. At the right, is Monmouth coach Dick Steadman. Washington Redskins this year. age four points to .593, another NL mark. Carl Yastrzemski of Boston, Garden State Results H» Leader,: NATIONAL I.KACI i; 1ST—<;.; 2-y,; 0-f.; off 1:50; T-I:K% Boulder M fSrounsard) .... 3.80 3.20 PRE-WINTER Emerald Saint (M'naclU) 6.60 1,00 2.WMr. Inside (Brooka) 4.40 G AD TB Ave. Open Minded (Vasnuez) 4.CO 2.SG Alar>—Whirling Mom, S Port, Lost M«i, 81 .157 ESS 360 .641 1 Hlgft To Heaven (Iflc'C) 2.40 Lad. Palm Court, Blue Red White, Airan. SMI.' _....ISO 3W .119 .MO Also—Bold Pamitla, Aunt Sadie, Toms Story Hour, ffliltam,, (hi. _ 104 B« 368 .532 Grace, Happy Model, Phyls Destiny, KonlBlon, Cln. 1M ISKI .114 ..TO Undo- V, Best Flame, Neckienburg, 6TH—Alw.; 2-y.; 6-M off 4:00 T>1:11% TXJNEUPS MfCoVfy, Rf _....160 510 .530 Eden Bey. < Beaustone (Bernls) .... 1T,OO 5.20 3.60 Johnson, fin sfi Bin :HS .5i:t Fleet Admiral (Brussard) .... 2.80 2.40 2ND—C.; 4-up; 6-r.: off 2:00; T-l:i2%Rlvoll (Vasquez) _...' 4.00 Santo, Oil .161 MH 310 .510 Atomic Attack (Nolan) 18.60 9.80 4.CO Prices effective til Sat., Oct. SOth ralllaon, rhl .160 HID 314 .5117 Also—Ausdauer, Arctic Area, Mualc Sy-W (Block) 12.00 7.00Master, Rapture, Retreating Star. Sl«r«ell. nh 144 KB M7 .001 The Big Marino (Vasquez) 3,60 Allfn, PHI 101 ei3 307 .4«l Aiso—Legality, Stoned, Broadway II, 7TH—Alw.; 2-y.; 6-f,; olt 1:31 T-l;ll% Torrp, Mil. I4H 523 US .48!) Tuscan Spy, IadDnt, Prince Am, Killln Lucky Eagle (3'rntlno) 5.20 3.60 2.60 Hart, Sf. .160 501 288 .487 Time. Reel Irish (Sellera) 4.40 2.80 RoyalDne (Brousaard) 2.40 Look (Dally Double 3-3 Paid $!W.G0> Also—Unique Step, Value Me, Deep AMERICAN I.KACiUK Clover, Silver Chal, Jet Code. 3RD—C.; 4-up; Uf', otl 2:31; T-1:46H a At! Tfl Ave. Fiets Qfrl .53« B Nell (Vasquez) ..._ 3.60 2.80 Chllllcoot (Kallal) .... 8,40 4.50 4.20 ('ontgliaro, Bftn ..138 SI! 3(7 .512 Cape Ann (Sellers) 3.40 G!afl3Cl) B. (Brouasard) .... 11.10 7.20 Ca»h. Del ..143 467 239 .512 Also—-Babylon Newa, Cherry Veneer, Round Table Pet (St'n) 11.00 Wanner, Cle _ 144 517 1M .4115 Bit ,of War, so Farly. Also—Fair Scamp, Back To Rome, This Way Oliva, Mln .1411 571 283 .4111 4TH—C.J 3y.: 6-f.: Q(f 3:00; T-1:12'K Ooo Ov«r 309 brand I over the six furlongs in the swift There is one thing about the Cin- Six 88 Eight 88 time of 1:10-3/5 before a crowd Dave Whited brought the 6- $4.60 and Astrocite $3.20. cinnati Reds that new manager li totalled Debut a Shutout Cylinder Cylinder . SOO-mlli check of 22,562. It was Baeza's fourth year-old gelding home by a nose Don Heffner doesn't like—the uni- 4 6 illation available winner of the day. over One Mark. Sonny Fleet was Clique led all the way to de- MEDFORD, Mass. (AP)-Lar- forms. Ballet Rose returned J2.80, another head back . The time for feat Box Man by two lengths In ry Palmer, freshman soccer A Reds uniform was held up $2.40 and $2.20. Petticoat paid the G|/2 furlongs was 1:18-4/5. the opening day feature at coach, was in a bind when his CHARGE IT ... «n Sean Revolving Charge to him yesterday as his tvwyear $6.00 and $2.60. Churchill Downs. nnly goalie failed to show up for Been Taken Strong Salient paid $42.20, appointment as manager was showed for $2.80. Tufts' meeting with Medford SEAItS AUTOMOTIVE CENTER $18.20 and $8.60, One Mark paid The son of Round Table, rid- announced and he laughingly $10.80 and $4.80 and Sonny Fleet den by lonnie Hansman, ran six High School. cracked, "They make me look Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Lucky Eagle, ridden by Mike $4. furlongs in , 1:11-1/5 to best 11 Grabbing the only man avail- smaller than I really am." NO MONEY DOWN... Sorrentino, scored a 2>/4-length Tony Skoronskl, aboard One other 2-year-olds. able, Palmer dressed student UM HIGHWAY K victory in the six-furlong feature Mark, had four winners for the Clique paid $5.80, $4 and $3. manager Ken Shepardson of Dal- Heffner stands 5-11 and weighs Op«» Urn. thin Hoi, •:< IATONTOWN, N. J. at Garden State Park. day. Box Man returned $6.20 and las. Tex., to guard the goal and 135. and Save SEARS Phone I7MSM Opmr mrwy nlta 'HI 9:30! Established as the 8-5 favorite $3.80, while Mr. Cry Baby Shepardson responded by help- The Reds use a unllorm wliloh. by the crowd of 14,357, the filly Huh Day put on a strong showed (or $3.40, ' • ng to produce a 3-0 victory, has the vest-type outer shirt. , Oct. 27, 1%3 THE DAILY Pf/ilSTO Splits and BOWLING aseball Exploring Sites to House

HARMONY 847 LKAGIK FRIENDLY NEIGHBORS LEAGUE Misses W L Moamouth lJUiti Sanfoni Auto Body 15 6 w i, Administrative Staff in One Spot By l Travel Service 15 6 AI Haditck (VoptTS Klerl 10 Camarraivt's Bdwy NEW YORK (AP) - Baseball This building, expected to be the presidents of the National the brain child of Ford Frick, Kilri.p's Bnri.pr Shop i» Howard Pelzer the retiring commissioner. PAUL A. ALBRECHT is quietly but determinedly go- located either in New York or and American Leagues. Udrninny Howl 9 Honey Bee Flowers ing about the business of explor- "More and more the need for Tcny's Bartier Shop . 8 HI Henry Inn Chicago, will house the next The first step in that direction Louie Giierrlcrl Const. 4 .*ray Rooting ing possible sites for a central- was taken a year ago when Phil centralization becomes appar- RlUenliousr Motors commissioner and his staff, the The Broadway Florist hasn't blossomed in the Perry's Thurs- HWtMUNY INDUSTRIAL Advance PhimlriK ly located building to house its Piton_ president of the National ent," said Frick. "Community Points Woodlnwn Trailer Pk head of the minor leagues and day 850 league, having won but four games in 18. On the other i! Pacific Elec. 19 I,ee'a Garapf entire administrative staff. Association of Minor Leagues, of interest between the major Cratrs BevrraKe • -- 17 George Laurie hand, Asbury Auto Sales is riding along, having lost six times. Margra r.ililnMs .. agreed to move his office into and minor leagues, necessitated Sri A. H. UMTKD MONDAY NIGHT Buy-Rite Linoleum has missed seven tiles. Cammaron's Bar and n Legion . Chftrlea Holierta the same New York building by increased subsidation and in- Dlshrow Bros LEAGUE Leo's Plumbing and Heating are half length back and a ful Honatu Construction .... A. II.B.C. with the commissioner's office. terlocking financial interest, Baron & Jarom Hawks Defeat Ousii-Hnteori Lamps W L length over the Friendly Cafe, making five of eight teams in a Way m* Cnttae High Tesm 3 Gam ps-Leo Bi7.r.a Rcultlirop AKency 15 6 It now is in Columbus, Ohio. The strongly points up the need for 2'/2 game spread. Rocky's Electric and the Electrician's Local Hurry's Uquor Agenr.y 2,45(1: Hl/rh Team Game Quality Cleinera _.„ H 1 move will come when the major closer liaison between the two Perkins P:inc-ike Hous ..._ ,15 Howard Pl sss ; Hlcch hidhid.. J nwl&ht'i Plumbing 13 S 516 are the other two teams in this loop. Harmony C&ffee Shop 13 — Ken White 6144 ; HHlgrh Ind. Detmar Party Boat 13 9 Bloomfield, 1-0 leagues request it. offices, as well as the office of Lou Calarco of Rocky's is the tops in the loop, having rapped Local 46* ..... 13 Game Harold Max son 256, Helen Siinrl*p Dairy _ 12 9 the league presidents." Oil! Travel Service .... 13 Coyne 206. Ha^as Ponliac ^...10 11 WEST LONG BRANCH - Mon- Inquiries Made Ihe pins at a 189 clip. Russell Bodine is the ace for Asbury Auto Sprcdee ,...13 Hi>npat Paul's Tavern Hi H mouth College posted its third Frick emphasized his advoca- Tea.ui 8 .....12 MONMOfTH < OINTY Hiinfk-ld Movers .10 1' While the building is not ex- with an 187 average. Russ is also tied with — Ed Edwards — for Amprican Lumber 12 TRI MAJORS Hach.ttadt'a Tavern a 12 victory, without a defeat in Cen- Lentz Auto Binly .....II pected to be ready in less than tion of housing the two league high individual game of 246. Russ then makes it almost a sweep strathniore I-ancs Manigrasso Const. Co 8 13 ral Atlantic College Conference Finast » Mkliltctown Grn. Tire 8 13 two years, a committee of club presidents in the same building with the high threesome of C30. Western Burgers ..... 8 W Team 4 11 Bunlge Movers ^ R J6 mccer competition yesterday by owners already has made pre- with the commissioner does not Asbury Auto Sales and Buy-Rite Linoleum hold their one-two 200 Cluh: r.pne V\r,ek 201 Fred Rosato Electric : ....11 600 Series: Joe Jtarchettl 1S1, lipping Blonmfield, 1-0. ptsinger 21W. Marshall Ranp 202, 5H; Team HI 104 201-C20. liminary inquiries regarding the mean that these offices will lose in the high team game and series races with 1007 and 2845 for Arman Cannamella 200. Skip Karlson Team 13 ,1(1 2fi0 Cluh: Henry H^lgklw 231. Rnlpl The Hawks are 4-3-1 over-all. cost, upkeep and location. Sites their identity. the Auto boys and 1004 and 2803 for Buy-Rite. 2OS, Mel ni Carol Cottone 201, Joe Angeloa Liquors ,. 9 DeLuca 211. Bob' Rollins 230, Vic Ron Ailyusti 200. John Semi 201!. Richard Airport Plaz-i Lanes & tlno 230, Don Merker 22H, Oil Pavl Hoomfield is 2-1 in the conference on Lincoln Square in New York "It does mean," he said, "that The Monmouth County Catholic loop, at Harmony Bowl, May 21.1, Jack Swick 203, 201; Geo. 223, George Gregpraen 221, Georg Sutntck 2(M), Bob Crawford 203. Team 5 9 ind 4-4 over-all. may belong lo St. Benedict 1. At this early stage of the sea- Wrodp House 8 Humphries 210. 2(11; Joe Hynes 2(!S and near Chicago's O'Hare Air- the; directing heads of all agen- Middletown Lanes Pro Shop .. 0 Jeff Thoraon 206, Bill Brsun 2(13, Roge Al Anderson got the game's port are among those currently cies will be in a position to meet son St. Benedict's shows a four-game lead over second place HOLMDKI, MEN'S LKAdUE Malawnn Hess fi'a McKenzle 201. Richie Staub 201, Char Icy Walling 200.^ _ mly score when he drilled the St. Benedict 3, both Hazlet. This came about last week when /VIrtiort Plaza Lanes Strathmore Lines _ S being explored. together regularly; that by joint Pnlnts 1111 H ft iall into the nets from three action it will be possible to solve these two teams faced each other and the No. 1 team took Airport P)ar.a Lanes _. . 20 Mimly'a Restaurant 8 *'Y" ROWIJXfl I-KAGUE At their meeting in Chicago Evtngton Tile Co. _..•: Jfiij Team 11 8 Monmouth Lanes 'ards away with 11 minutes gone little problems and irritations the odd game. Holmdel Jaycees .. ,_. 15 Team 12 7 A Division last week, a number of club John Stefura, Bayshore Catholic Men 3, had high game of "The Pacesetters" ...„ 144 Flamingo Bar _ 6 Point ; the first period. owners said they preferred the before they become too big and Tram ft _ 13 " bothersome; that the supervisors the night — 244. Other fine games were rolled by Larry Dixie Lee Bakery 11 Kroll Motors Monmouth dominated the game's headquarters to be lo- Hazlet Piiarmacy Ji KAKLY SUNWAY SITE MIXED Branch Fuel - of the game, including the um- Ferrone 230, Frank Estoch 223, Roy Compton and Bob Ross Holmdrl Auto Body ._. _ 9 _._ _. 90 ion throughout the contest as cated in New York, the hub of D0MIN1CK ACERRA Sugar Signs -..- -w*6*VH pires, can be brought together with 222s, Brian Hemhauser 215, Bill Boyle and Paul Wagner 200 dub: D. Hagen 214, M. Rehrie MARV OLSEN Top Hat Cleaners Sfl loomfield's goalie was forced to all communications media. 213, T. Uoxu 20ft, J. Llsotto 206, B, W Monmouth Petroleum -•• •"' and their procedures and ruling 210s. Thompson 201. make 21 saves while Mike GJen Having a building of its own '4" Nuts _ 20 Nat's Jewelers -73 standardized to the benefit of Rosing Atchely was happy last week in the Ladies Monday Brinks Fine Meats AS Guttcnplan's Bakery _ 38' and Roger Zeive, who shared the where baseball's officials would RED BANK FfRK I>EPARTMENT croft Es*o 10 200 Club: Bill Fromer 223. Marty the whole, operation." Nile Earlyblrds loop at Airport Plaza, as she knocked over LEAGUE Stronsheart - 1* Grossman 204, 234; Ken Brett 211, Sam ;oal tending duties for the win> have a headquarters with sup- Red Bank Ree. Pour.-,1 & Sincfus ~ )3 Joffe 221, Joe For man 218, Pave 811- lers, made only nine saves be- The commissioner added: 211 pins. Her nearest rival was Juanita Bachman with 179. TradewindH 13 berMpin 213, E. Mtchnnff 226. Garr> porting accountants, data pro _, . _ W L Grabelle 204, Csrl Cohen 20!), Al Rosina also topped the individual threesome action with 53D. T nlon 2 io 8 TNT _ 13 ween them. cessing equipment, attorneys, "Under this system, there will Lawrence Oil _ 13 Lamonea "J16, I>an Susser 212, Monty Wpstslde HOSP Co. _...io 8 Fisher 222. be a unanimity of action and Keyport Gulf heads this league with 13-5. Airport Liquors is Hnok & Ladtier The C's A L'a 13 committee and board rooms, 10 * B Gulf 12 D Division one length back, Harry's Liquors two, and the Wehrle-Birds 2>/2 :Ulfle I Sell Fast! The Daily Register and all of the facilities a mod- procedure utterly impossible un- t'niun 1 . .. - 8 Seals Eaaiern 11 off the pace. A tight race here. Circle Chevrolet ....- lil Irving Kay* Agency 113^ lassified. ern sport or business needs, is der existing conditions." Hook & Ladder Shore Building _.„ 100 Independent _ . 8 10 Mustangs 10 The Strathmore Classic loop is turning in some of the County's Patsy Perronls' 16 Club 9 Kelly's Clothes WV Fair Haven _. 7 11 51 Slate Exterminators _.. Si top scores. Last week 12 men had 222 or better, and five rolled 200 Club: Phil Delia Pietro 230, Phi! Carl Kill Insurance Agency 6 The Big Four 5 3! rnlnn Distributors „ _ 82', 600 sets. Henry Evers led the individual game parade with 255, llanrlnl 220. Alfx Rogel 214. 211; Har- . Phil's Mobil Service -63 ry . Hopkins 220. MKS «. A*'*iRerv«ll Paper _ - 67 yet was the lowest 600 man with 606. Frank Kolb had a torrid Ed Levy „ 1& Altberg Printers ,. night with a 651, yet his high game was only 225. The other two RED BANK HKC THURS. THREE- Bob Wilson -.18 MAN - LEAGUE Don McCue _ -...IS were 210 and 216. Joe Beninato totalled 627 with a 227 high, Jerry Red Bank Rec. Rom Accrra .... t3 RK» BANK HKCREATION TUESDAY w Manny Wiener „._ 18 NIGHT LEAGUE Ward 607 on a 238, Walt Salmon 605 on a 226. Employment Agency ....16 Joe sergewich - 18 W L K Amusement Co It 7 O*orgo DarTagrh ...„ -IS Potter'B Beauty Salon 11 7 Colts Neck Inn and Rex Diner are still tied for first place in Blzzarro's Bar .10'^ 1% Vincent's Beauty Salon ..._ H 7 Bob Frick _ _ 18 8 the Airport Plaza Commercial league, two lengths over Airport Rpn. Tnp House P'i $!£ Tony Cataldi _ 9 Rogel's Bar _ „ _...13 Aca Auto Spat Ooveri 9 9 Ray Carter —/IS Red Bank Registeg r 11 in Plaza Lanes and Harry's Liquors. From here the teams slowly "Vuliin AinusHTPnt Co S 10 Emil Trautmanr; —.18 oil Delivery Inc ii drop back to the 23rd and 24th teams - Dearborn Farms and Hill Sale? & Service 8 10 John Tanko ..._ 18 Newman Spring Market 12 Ru=y Corner 7 11 VolklaniTli' a TowinTi g Service „ 7 14 Ty Tyler „ ;_ 18 IS Magnolia Inn, both nine games off the pace. Red R.ink Rec _ G 12 Ken Hopwood - 15 MAM Ice Service fl There was not a single 600 set collected last week, but Bill h« DOR Hciisc R 13 Gene Tonzola _ ..38 200 Club: Ralph Ciambrone 20* 2(10 Cluh: John Merrill 202, 215; Link Al pound }8 Monte Geronl 20!. Harold Tliompsnt Cooley of Gill Travel Services did hit a neat 257 single effort. .Tnhrmon 223. Art Sims 202, 200; Ray Dayton wueon _ 18 30O, Al*lt Rogel 222, Tom Clark 20O Fryson 203. Tom Haraguchi 20), Rubin Frank Getx _ „ ..IB 215; Phil Newman 218. Sam Poland of Airport Liquors was next with 227, one pin Katz 212, 2H; Lee conlon ,302. Etl Hogosky 18 Team High Three Game—Roger better than Dick McKeen, Sr., of M. T. T. Mason. Howard Jackson 18 Rar 2.609: Tram High Gamp—Rngel' REI> BANK RBC. WKD. NITE Dale Manlgold 18 Bar 916; High Series — Tom Clart The Monmouth County Trl Majors, at Strathmore Lanes, 3IENS LEAGUE Tom Tyeryar 18 535; High Game — Charles MrocBkow has a new high team series and a new high individual game W L Bill Dunn - 18 ski 232. A. C. Radio & T.V. -H 7 Carl Hill 15 and series for the women. The Middletown Lanes Pro Shop *" rx Bros 13 8 Joe atndus _ :..18 ATL. IILDS. BAYSHORE TAVERN drilled the wood for a 1636 total. Joe Ugl had a 189 with wife jRlas Electric Co IS R Butch Christopher 18 I.EAC1F. Trezza's Floor Coverings 12 f> John LambeiTt ...- 15 All. Hld9. Itec. Center Barbara duplicating this twice. George Powelson had a pair Boynlon ft. Boynton Inc .11 10 Martin Griffin - : : 18 Perry's Trontiy Co. S1-. 12'i I^es MacPhPe - - 12 DeLucia Agency of 202s. McQueen's Floor Coverings fl'i H'i Bernle Olsen _.._ ;18 B. J. Mnrx Agency « 15 Homestead Inn .. -...22 Ann Fabishak, rolling for Wrode House, Is high game and Malcolm ArsDale ..._ 18 All. Hlds. Rec. .. 22 200 Cluh: Steve Creeley 20), Sam V!to • Lentlnl .•_ _.15 F->rrPll 203. Law ton Cox 200, pa! Izzo Paul's Tavern .. _...» series gal, with 237 and 567. This fine kegling led to two wins WOMEN O. Ave. Oaip's Tavern .. 19 20fi, Dftltf McCrnm 203, Anrlv DeNuccI Dot McCue —.38 over Team 8. For Team 8 Helen Carscadden had 216 and 536. 201. Rumson Yacht I ....17 Shirley Slnclus _ -.18 Square Bar 16 While all this was going on Team 4 was almost overlooked Gent Cataldl 18 Conner's Hotel 13 MIDDLETOWN WOMEN'S Dot Dunn _ 18 Bachstailt'a with a 602 game and a 1610 set. Eleanor Johnson sparked this EARLYBIBDS Adie Traulmann 18 Stowaway •. 12 >4 201 action with 188, 193 — 545. Other top scores were turned in by Middletown Lanea Carolyn Frick 9 Main St. Bar „ 11 21 W Jur.'e Geti ...18 Polka Dot LcurtRe 6>4 25 Virginia DiGiambattista — 183, Pat Magala — 189 and 529, Li K'nsbunt-Mld. Nat. Bk H Flo Tyler 18 YOUR CHOICE 600 Series: Kevin Harrlnfrton ^2, Waltsak — 179, Rose Beach 181, Ellen Kimble — 193 and 526 Jack'a Hardware ...... 12 Ann Carter .... 18 253. 182—667; "Toot" Aumack 201, 220. JAM Hardware ...- :- .1114 Flo Hopwood 15 221—«*2; Dick M.-icCiffcry 1f>5, " Nilda Viscusi — 179, Delia Webb — 213 and DotiCrossman — 189.C.entlle s Market _ 11 June Beebee .-..15 1(2 223—^32; Ron Carhart 201, 225. 200— Belford Gulf -..11 Ann Pound 18 HO 62S:: na- y• — • --- men were swept in each one. Strathmore Lanes wiked out the _ 18 13!> . ... 395 Miiirllelmvn Pharmacy 1O'4 Jane Tonzola (506;; Fritz Pavllck 135, VXi, 201 — In the Strathmore Friday Night loop in last week's action there H. Washerman ft Bon , 10 DoDt t HogoskHky 18 13S 605; Al Foliom 190. 198. 212-600. Rurk Smith'* ..._ ft lean Levy 1R 13fi 200 Club; Joe Marctiettl 2OS, 215 were two sweeps recorded rMid firemen were swept in each one, Middletown Lanes 8 Chris Jackson —- —18 133 Bill WallnK. 2H. Bill Braun 220. ocorci Strathmore Lanes wiped out the Cliffwood Fire Co. 2 team, thanks Kevport Hlear.'ers 8 Marie Tanko 18 133 Walling 213, Walt Johmon 203, 200 CLUB: Barbara Tillyer • 2U Jan Leonard .18 131 Gil Layton 212, Steve Horvath 24 to Dot Foundos firing a 216 and a 574 and Pat Magala 202 — 544 500 SERIES; Betty Frederick- n*e Lambert _ IB Carl SchneUir 20U. Ed Grrpley 183,170—537; Barbara Tillyer—214, Carrie Acerra. 18 in Wall's Tavern slowed the Matawan Township Fire Co. 2 team, 132 Koo Marchcttl 201, nuss McCua ANY SIZE 165—547. Etta Bergewich IB 132 Joe BalnKh 203. Fritr. Glll>ert 203. Fre despite a 202 by Richie Lewecki and a 200 by Bob Vena. For Walt's Millie MacPhee 12 132 Fread 203, Dick Fread 202, Jim Whit RE1> BASK RECREATION Mary Olsen ,....18 man 201, Tom Harrington 201, Ski 2 Whitewalls 130 PW1 Darragh ...._ _ ,~..1B Bob Bishop had 204 - 565 and Alex Montone 215 - 559. Lou rt , W.EDNESDAV COMMERCIAL 130 Belletza 201, Jim Rathburn 200. Auriemma of the Matawan Fire Co., saved face for the firemen in Bed Bank 'Recreation Grace Chasey „ _ ,—.18 130 or Blaokwalla W L Ann Hill ..„". 15 130 Shirley Mani&old - IS UMON BEACH Flue tax and this loop by rolling the night's high individual game — 228. DonMainstay Savings & Loan ....11 4 129 J1IXED LEAOUE I. O. O. F. 39 10 5 Dottle Lentini —.18 12S FOR. 2 trade-in. Patterson of Keyport Atlantic had the high individual series — 591 Mllims Nauvoo Marina 9 6 MrKla ChrlHtopher - 18 128 Airport rl&za Lanes tires of same size There should be some fine kegling on TV this season. One Oakland Elr-ctrlc Shop _... 9 6 Betty Griffin IB 126 w off your oar. Bond Electric Co 7 8 Jo Tyeryar _ 18 121 Perry's Trophies .15 of the most exciting events will be the National Championships Better Houspkeeping _ 7 S Lil Wiener "...." -...18 118 Airport Plaxi Lanes"~Z 13 Capco Air Condition ing . 6 9 SUBSTITUTES I Lennen TilirR 13 by the Professional Bowlers Association (PBA). This will be Acme Amu.ioment Co 6 9 Jules Moura 3 183 > Nancy Blovens 13 aired on NBC-TV right after the Army-Navy game. Henderson Monuments 6 9 Tom Tyler «... 3 163 j Harold _Pticlan _ _....-. 12 Biiltercru.it Bakery t 11 Bud Cooney 3 Joan's Pizzi ...„ _ ^...12 The tournament season is not too far off. Remember, the 200 Club — Jack ThillipB 209, Carl Jack fiknn 6 Blanche Boyle _ 9 state tournament will be hosted by Monmouth County this sea- Boeker 216, Jim Sfcillano 213, Jnhn Ruth Cooney _ -. 3 Tom Gsrrity 8 Grotto Ml, Wllber Springsteen 212, Bllzabtth Gltnn 3 Ann Ryan son, at Strathmore Lanes and Airport Plaza Lanes. Now is the Don Thome 225, Jim Edelen 231. Gloria PlersorJ 3 105 Charles Franklin .._ time to make your plans by saving money, a little each week. The National ABC tournament is not too far away, either. It will be held in Rochester, N. Y., starting March 19. There is "Early Bird" Special still time to enter. Final entry closing date is Feb. 17. Hef f ner Gets Manager's tyfg DELUXE CHAMPION Little League Benefit Fri. WINTER TREADS »** NEW TREADS LINCROFT - The Lincroft music ol the MelTones Orches RETREADS ON SOUND TIRE BODIES OR ON YOUR OWN TIRES Little League will hold its fourth tra, provides funds for the bene- Post With Cincinnati annual fund raising dance Fri- fit of over 300 Middletown youths CINCINNATI (AP) - Don Heff- us again," said Dewitt. "We have Before joining the Mets he ha< Same tread quality as NEW Firestone tires at about day in the River Plaza Fire who are members of Little ner was named manager of the looked over the field of available served two other hitches as House. League competition. Cincinnati Reds yesterday by the managers and those who have rnajor league coach t- with th HALF THE COST! Limited time only...BUY NOW! The affair will raise money Further information and nine man who gave him a job applied and believe he is the Kansas City Athletics from 195 toward the purchase and main- tickets may be obtained from as a minor league boss in 1947. best man for our club." through 1950 and with Detroit Ii tenance of a Little League Sta- Bill Dewitt, president of the 1S61. Donald Smith, 18 Majestic Dr. Heffner, a native of Rouzerville, CHAROE PAT ONLY dium in the Lincroft area of Mid- Reds, made the announcement Pa., but who now resides in Ar- He sat out most of the 1944 and Richard Kelly, 19 Majestic NO NATIONWIDE GUARANTEE dletown Township. that the 54-year-old Heffner had cadia, Calif., started his playing season and all of the 1945-46 sea- (50.00 SBPerMo. Our retreads, identified by medallion and shop tntrk in punntttd This affair, featuring the Dr. been picked to succeed Dick Sis- career in 1929 with Augusta, Ga. sons after being released to Lo MONET 75.00 7 Per Mo. •gainst defect* in materials and workmanship for the lift of th* 95.00 9 Per Mo. tread... against all normal road hazardi encountered in everyday ler for the next two seasons. In the majors, he played with Angeles of the Pacific Coas passenger tire UM far 12 months. RepIacemenU pro-rated on trad Financial terms were not dis- the New York Yankees, the old League. DOWN WMI and based on current Firestone retail price at time of adjucttiMit. closed. St. Louis Browns, Philadelphia Hefner wil Ibe thoroughly fa Priced oi shown at FtrtitonI* Slortij compttlllvtly priced at Firtston* Deafen and at al! wrvlc* ilatlcm displaying thl flreitonf sign, Take the Wobble The announcement was no sur- Athletics and Detroit, winding miliar with several of the present prise, however. Heffner generally up in 1944. Cincinnati players. He had them and Vibration Out had been tabbed as the new when he was managing San Die His first managerial job was FIRESTONE'S manager ever since Sisler was with Aberdeen of the Northern o. FRONT FLOOR MAT of Driving released on Oct. 4 alter the high- They include young pitchers League and he promptly pro- Prices effective til Sat., Oct. 30th ly-rated Reds folded in the clos- Sammy Ellis, Jim Maloney and ing week of the season and ended duced a pennant winner in 1947. Billy McCool along with outfield- CHRISTMAS in fourth place. On Oct. 3, the He subsequently won pennants er Tommy Harper and infielders Associated Press disclosed Sisler directing Miami-Globe, Ariz, and Tommy Helms and Deron John RECORD would be released and replaced San Diego. son. by Heffner. ONLY . . . Was With Mets S-Q-114 For the last two seasons, Heff- 49 ner, a former major league sec- DOOR-TO-DOOR $100 ond baseman, had been a coach with the -New York Mets. For • Heavy-duty rubber each two years before that he managi d • Fits most can 1 • Black, white/ blui, grain, r«d i.i mil the Reds' San Diego farm clt two pir 3.98 to 4.98 value of the 'Pacific Coast League. Additional matt 12.50 each customer Heffner, calling the appointment one of the biggest thrills of my Prlcid at ihown oi Flrtlleni Storei; tompitlllvely prlctd at Flrulona DBoltn and ol all itrvlct ilalloni Don't put up with it any longer. Let Sears life, said the Reds may go in dliplaying Ihe Flreitona tlgn. correct that dangerous vibration and wheel more next year for speed — an item that figured prominently In fight. It'll stop the Mpur and tear on you :he Los Angeles Dodgers' Na- Daily and tional League and World Series Open Wed. and Fri. Evenings 'til 9 p.m. Sat. 'HI 6 and your car . . . tires last longer, too. victories. He said the Reds have good speed and he added; "I like to Balance AH FOUR Wheels use speed." He also called the team "one SEE US of the best, not only in the Na- FOR TIRES Reg. NOW tional League, but in all base- ball." He referred to pitching on troubles which plagued the Reds where your dollar buys MILES more throughout 1965 and said he Front Wheels Aligned thought the team "had a pretty good pitching staff and those who had trouble this year can STORES Reg. 8.88 NOW 8ft come baok in 1966." Maple Ave. ar White St. "1 DOWN Dewitt disclosed that he talked '1 A WEEK 4 with about six other applicants Red Bank—747-5700 Alr-Condltlonlng and Torsion Bar Can Slightly Higher for the managerial position. He 1000 Asbury Ave. Asbury Park and Heffner also said decision 775-8700 will be made later on coaches. Sears Automotive Center NEW MANAGER OF THE REDS — Don Heffner, a coach Pitching coach Jim Turner and Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back first base coach Reggie Otero for the N«w York M»ts for th« last -two yean, wa$ named 1500 HIGHWAY 35 already have been released. That yesterday at the 1966 manager of the Cincinnati Reds. ALSO AVAILABLE AT YOUR TEXACO, •-"--SEARS Open Moo. Ihru Sal. Si leaves Frank Occak and Ray He succeed. Dick Sisler, who was -fired Oct. 4 after and Save Phone 871-9800 Shore from the 1965 staff Happy With Don managing th» Reds to « fourth-place finish this year. SHELL AND CROWN SERVICE STATIONS "I'm very happy Don is with -: .••••'V. ' (AP NfVlr.photo) AHHOUHCIMIHTJ AUTOS FOB IALE AUKM FOR MIX WDJ WAK1TO fCKAIE y,Oa,n, LOST AMD FOUND MW PLYMOUTH gK>Rt TUP.lt - FFOCNO D — tUt »yc«mort uuoldtd n cwnmdcwnmandoo . "J»3,J»3," llou t on in; ; Ave.A , ttinwerbut noor. M SCHWARtT * SQM8. Ml B mCLUDBt mt mm wmjm ftl-1971 W, from It, Rml Bank, 7!r-Oi«t. Ttnk Tistlnt — Check Wtter Pum» HEU» WANTED FEM/UE 1961 f«HM4H — TIM. Radio and 1D61 CHEVROLET tMPALA - Two- IH4 F &9 FORII — One ton racK. Flush Motor — Chech clutch Attractive poilllon available for LC*» — SMALL OOLD TirfAN* door he>rdlop. V-5. 283 standard eMIt, heutr. WMlewelui >nd inow Itrte. BOATS AND ACCSSSORiE! Check Utvtlor, — Cneck Unkxe •tsntary hiring about tnree-flt>* KEYPUKOH OPkRAT»A" — WATCH. »»r China Mid Gliuu, Ren Cl 7II8I dual whleli, Radio and hiattr, 14,000 (sir* expeH«nce In Mil Ing and Barill Sat. Generous reward. Senti- Bxcellcnt condition 291-SKM. After 6, mllei. Perfect shape. »1TO5. Call tat' Check Carburator — Checji Propeller 21I1-1WU, (l.OW Of best offer, MUST 8KLL Lub Motor ~ Check Forwatil fcntt pnpanng advertltlnt copy. Earn adftltlonal Income m your Spars mental valun. Plea«» call 147-K47. 2222. If) a.m. * 2 p.m. 1961 30' LUHRS typing and steno«rar>hlc Iklll time. Two ot titree' kveninn Mr,w«ktt 11151 COUPS DE VII.U& CADILLAC 1965 PONTIAR — Catallna. Only 8.0M neverse miles. Call 787-6810. 194S DODaE PICKL'P TRUCK — $1*1 Complete 1'iternal 'ruit prootlnl" BIBalsOo euentlaleetentiai. Thlinia luai irepm vAcepiiuii between •:» inn «:ro itaTe Mueation Transportation >t«r. Make otfer—jfiinl SPORT FISHERMAN MARINE SUPPUJSS and experience fully. Writ* "I.S" TRAVEL - TRANSPORTATION fJIMSftt) MERCEDES BBNS 1959 — 22DS. Btck- or np*rp»t o/fe-r, Wells Nurae-ry, Ifut- •1 optrorttmltv. Main oJflce location Box 520, RWIfiank. swamp Rd.. Mlddletown. 741-0180. Ply bridge, dual controls, Marine Gra Veryttiinf for the Bostmin, Ne» Jer- Aerviclng our Corporatlon'S- 11)63 CHEVROLET — SU[>?r Sport. A-l er radio leather bucket ieala. Very li ^y't largest marine supply house, F.IDB WANTED — Monmouih Mttllcnl ! cotidllloli. SB25. 691-8608, 1WV1 HALF-TON JEBP — Tlckup truck, 188 I).P. l --l reduction. Many extra MAHKETINOTRAININO MQR. doXwitt oimiWASfiD rot Cenlor area. To E.A.I, mornings. Will- condition, orfc OWIHV Call •Iflce. Make olftr. Call 222-1718. fcvlnmde fiales end Bprvlce full nr pan-lllne work, stf-afly work 787-SK3 .Wll FORD Galaxle 600, Red, white S150. Very good condition. Call 264- THE BOATMAJTB SHOP ie to pay. 22B-4730, evenings. i)76H after 4 p.m. :< Wharf Ave. 711-5T8O Red B»nk We offer modern office facilities, for both day and night-lint* hours. 1M3 CORVETTE — Be* convertible. top In Brood condition. Call after 7 IOCS 28' REVEL CRAFT CABIN CRUIS. company cafeteria, excellent tin- Call ZJB-tlK. Four speed. 341) li.p., 4W rtitf. Clean. p.m. 7S7-S2M, 1M1 CHEVROLET PANEL TRUCK - ployet benefits tnd attractive start- CAI1 WASHERS — MXL TIMB ONLY New rmjr.',, |ood mechanically. $flM t:p, 210 Chryiler enelne. Sleep! four ing aklary. AUTOMOTIVE 52500. Call B21-2M2. 195H CHEVRLBT — Two-door, six Ill 284.M«7. Head. Galley Many extras. In ver: BUSINESS Nonces Girls. 18 to 25, ror detailing cars, clean- HJtjO oLtiflMOHILE WAGON — Dynam- cylinder automatic. Radio, heater. $250. good condition. Call 301-31U after Call VA 6-1000. Mr. Wafntr ing !n. 1991 WJICK ELEOTRA—i25, two-iloor 812-1909 19SU PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE — 5 p.m. 6J1-OS40. HESS OIL & 35. NldillHown. hardtop. Power tloerlng, power braKea, 1!XH HAMnLER - One owner excel, Now lop, new Bi-flt'COvera good tires. CARRTt CRAFT 8AVAG "ontraclor. Call 117-Un. One owner. Must sell. $7S. 747-4719. 1DS3 FORD Boat fraUefi OCJBAN CELLARS. IAKO*. OAJtAQC* BBCRBTAFtY — Legal experience. tinted windshield, wlmlow-wasliera, lent condition, Klnnndr.te available. 91 ton lilck-up 156 ». rront St., S«t-04» CHEMICAL CORPORATION Permanent poslllnn. New billlfllrfc, three new tires, 43 rpm record player. Call MM-171I) \VU IJODGK CONVERTIBLE — Good - Have truck. LUtll hlullni. GUI alltt Immaculate condltloiv Only 12,851). Call Call 21)1 J1S5 Slat. Street Perth Amuoy, N.J, pleannt BUrroundlnSB. 7IT-ilTil. B3M311, after t> p.m. SP1UTK — Perfect condldon, ati&pe. Uooil top {power), (ivl food FOR BALK — 38' Elco cabin cn Art equnt opportunity employer Muat tee to appreolate. LlKht blue, tires. 871-266I), 4-7 p.m. tlowl hull. Btotor in excellent condition * BONB, OENEHAL CON- H1OH SCHOOL ORADUATB — Clerk- Ki'NAlil/l" I'EtlOSOT JM.U. rlllfjr-. saw call 7I7-43J7. 11157 FOKI> HARDTOP — Excellent MOTORCYCLES A steal »t $500. CHI after « p.m — AlteratlonB, additions, typUt and booitkeeptnr Experience rot wood, block and atone. FlaMerlng, required. J5-hnur week, vacation and AUBTIN HRALEy SPRITE ll»j OLhsMOKII.R on - Luxury oondillon. Call after 7. palclilng, ehtel rock, Upln«. wood WOMCN AND GIRLS MCJNMOUTH MOTORS ilan. Radio, luultr, full poww. Call 7U-7JJ3 HOUSE Or YAMAHA - 247-O3B4. New mneling acouitlc celliMl. Call e,tier sick leave. Reference and perior^I In- Hwy. 35 5V2-2IH Bntontnwn Jersey's laraest cycle showroom. Rt. SAIL BOAT SALES AND RENTALB «:3l) ' ll.M PBR HOUR terview required. Write "A.M." Box 711-58(11. 11*63 OI.DSMOMILB BTARKIRE—White 1 opposite Edison Lanes, Bee Bill Petry HONMOUTII MARINA Work in pleasant mirroundinga In Lnn M0, Bed Bank. 35M5-I cITEVROUST^ cnvertible. Excellent common. $1,MQ or Ed Davis. UMW Vespa, Yamaha Honmoum Beach, N. J. J2J-34 2B1-V116 OnNVKRTIHl.K. Exi-tllent cimdltliin. nUlCIC UlVIERA -- 11)01. One owner. fl71-wio after e p.m. Branch ofrice. handling telephone. Ag EXPERIENCED HOt'SEKIEBPER — All thick Interior will) bucket Beats. Low mileage. Mim sell. $2)011. Call 8R1C« ami Service. ODD JOBS CLEAN ATTICS CEUAItB no harrier. High school and college Live tn or nut. Cnml pay, references 741-5013. 1908 FORD STATION WAOON — Auto- 1964 HONDA — B0 ec, low tnlluie. 10(11 CHRIS CRAFT — 27', 1W h.p YARDS student* accepted. Hours, 1:30-4:30 required. Call 741-5(65. CHEVROLET - 18(59. Impala hartltop. matic. Asking $75. Call Excellent comlltlon, $lso or best olfer, Sleeps 4, dinette, slandup head, bllK< can siro-i p.m. Mi-Bsst 5-1:30 P.m. Call Mr. Addlson, l.KGM. BECRETAKY l'.Mil 1MPALA coiivertlbtt; - 4 - sliced, M2-1M4 7U-03S2 before l'i noon. pump, retrlieralor, depth tinder, lul 229-47IT. .1(1!) h ji New tlrca. Mimy extrtii Ablolutely r,"one o( yol*r own cafin canvas, winter cover, sMchor, pilot »m ATTICS. CBbUABB CLEANED — LHU Experience prelerred Dnya 019-31)80. Mr. Hoffmann. nciM-sHary down, Rank will finance 1961 FORD WAOON — Excellent ap- TIUUMPH MofoRCYCLET— 1MWM co-pilot Boats, radio ground plates, era hauling Fret estimate!, Oall after I HAIR STYLISTS Call IM-2S0O 800ft at S9.3H weekly. Call ovllect PA i«arance and mechanical condition, 4 cc. *[)() miles. $8SI) or tteat nffer Days die, 4 life jackets, Only used 12 noun p.m., all day Saturday. Sunday. 1II-300S. YOUNO LADY — Intere.tlns; position 1OTI COKVAIR — Automatic, Asking 1-7100, OASH 1IOT0B8, «t. 8, Btyte rwiK.ile Ltnc, Matann. DM-4181. 3Z2fl?67 After 7.'30 p.m., 741-1863. Cost over $8000 tvlll dacriflce. 771-2381 COUTURimB—HKUBNE Part-or tull time. Experience necessary. now 'open for young lady wltti aome 11325, Cull Mile. 946S21M ?4r34?D experience In general office work. Five CT1-1M9. 1930 MKRCURlf - fa.tr condition, Orens HeslRtieri " Bpeclalistl In tit' VALIANT -- lMt Coufo. Blue. Wr.lt" $50. Call COR3AIRB BLOOP — 18'. Trail nsa. 'J47-5B8T. I.EOAI, BECRBWARY — *«parl»nceit. day week. Paid vacation. Company 1M',| VOLKSWAnEN—MlCltonilfl walla Itndlo, healer. Excellent con:l MOBILE HOMES betfcfita. Apply fllnger Go. 66 BrOifl 741-1061 motor. RefinlshlnB completed. We: 'ROTECT CAR FROM WINTBK MA«5' Beautiful new office. Bs.la.ry t»d, com- R«d Bank. Station wagon. Excellent condition. Hon. »15D5. 6MK»00, equipped for cruising ami racing Ooo> mensural* with taperience. ACE EM 11.11111/ Call 261-MB I. DOME DART - 1B65. 270 model. 1BK2 WES1TVOOI) OOLO SEAIj—10XW. racing record. $2,300. Call 842-1999. ARD8 — simonite — Speoia.1 — 111 CADILLAC — 3043 convertUe. Like Automatic jlx cylinder, radio, heater. (wo bedrooms, excellent corAHtlon. Sao- T4I-4359 after 5 PLOYMBNT AOBNCY. M Wl>«e »t KXPERIENCED WAITRESSES — Ap- 1W4 COMET - White. EXMlTSrcmnT new. %imi liwi convertible. $3950, OneBrat offer. 5(2-1102. "ce at $351X1. Call 5(2-fii!8. Bhrewahury. t47-34»4. ply tn penou at the BHORE POINT tion. KKHJ nnd tftlle over payment*. iwner. &31-0IH)0. 18' CATA.MAKAN — Flb«r«lu ovM 'Hfc WHAT - NOT ANTICJUB BI1OP L P N. AND NURSES AIDES INN Rt 38 HaMet. JIuit sell. Being transferred. 741-OtfK. I960 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE—Kept MOBILE HOME FOR SALE — 105nlywooi8 f aluminum rudrler and center- A'lll do antiquing: reflnlfthlng anrl re- Full and part-time. For modern nui 195!) CADILLAC — Two-door coupe. out of weatlier lor five years. Conditlot Zlmmgr. ms'. Or.>e herlrontn. Fur- board Daoron sails. Lnrgt cockpit. Ar pairing furniture by experts, % Center Ing- horn*. Oall 9 a.m. . t P-l MOTHERS — Barn «tra money lor 1057 HAHPTOI' CONVERTIBLE — AirFactory alr-condltlonltig, all power, like new. Blx-cyllnder, lutomatlo. U39. nished, wall-to-wall carpeting. Excel- ins $«78. OH 7741078. Ave., Alls title i{i«tiiati(is, PA 14300 Chrlatmaa. Ps:rt-tlme work- available conditioned. All power. Just pisnod In- tltotrlc »eatand window*. Low mill- ,11 515!I35II. lent condition. Must sell. $1205. Call Cill »l-J(tlS for tree estimate locally. Flexible hours without neglect- spection. Excellent condition. J485, Al»o me. Call 741-4201. 512-3577. SECRETARY — Downtown Red HI ing your family. Writ* "A.O." Box 19IB La Satlr- tranamlniilon. Excellent tost T-Binn 1!SI GP.ADY WHITE 16' WPSTRAK. l«w office, Legtl etptrfence prtferrefl, 52«. rted Batik. Condition. 1D34 I)OI)GE eonvr-rtllile 1081 l'LVMOUTlL— Six cylinder «ulo clterry condition. TRAVEL TRAILER — 106S Shasta, New navy mn. full CHI/VRR. Carry Crnf EMPLOYMENT slate ealiry r«qulremetit«, tamll/ feltua jooa body. Need« motor work. $30. 741- mnllo. I''«ur-door (edan. Allilr.'« $100. 13'V. Kitcellent condition. Fteanonahle. trailer. Contiition very good. Both $490 tion and eipMUnw. Write "A.R." Bo>STEN0aRAPIIKR8-(«evefi). On« y»f null 717-0747. Call a-fter » p.m., 747-3720. Call 741-5500 Bvenlnm 642-2174. HELP WANTED FEMALE experience. |T2.o0 to staft, plus benefits. CHEVROLET 1S3J coupe 5M R«l Bank. Triple AiA-A company. Vm JIAMBLEIl STATION WAOON VOLKBWAaKN 1W2 — Siin-ri>of, «eat- BODV GOOD MOBILE HOMB — 48x10, Iwo-bedroom. END OF SEASON BARGAIN — 2 OOCUPAT10NAI. THERAPIST SHORELINB PER8ONNEL MRVICE, belta. Kt.ttoo mileR. Excellent Condi, 741-3028 V-R. dill power, Nt'f-dit trMismlKl tion. $8t>0. CiUl OII-J277. Pallo, awnlnn, TV, air condltlonfnir.. caMn cruiser. With IM3-HsrnelU me For mtxl»rrJ nuriinjt home. Fulltlmi 77 Sroid Bt Red Bank 141-3555 work. (150. Call M2-D197 after 5. CHEVROLET — 1989. Impala convert' Completely furnlehefl. Located In beau- tor. Stand-up head. Bunks. Galley am emBtoyrnent. Oall f n.m. - » ».mWOMAN — between &0-55 to take care OHEVY 11 STATION WAOON — 1K)3Ihle. . EIRlu-cyllnder. White with red tiful park. $3,BM. 2r,l-8MP. winter cover. $090. 741.2296. OPERATORS PA 1-R20D. 1M0 T-Blrto — Palm luncli pink. Full Automatic nine paaiengcr. Sxcelunt Single needle eewlng machine operators of home. Will receive room and board power, whltewalls. J7D5. Call Interior, New top. Well cared (or, onMOBILe E HOME — Excellent condition. 1 LEGAL, BECIUBTARY TRAINES-blL plus tlO per wetk. Call 2«4-«7U condition. SUW. Cull 741-O5IW. owner. A real buy al $450. Call 741-7J72 to work on IndleR coals and Cat coats. 717-iiin 10x42' One bedroom plun. Located in SHORE COAT CO., INC., 2'i Brlrlgj taphone, JBM electric typewriter. Sorrti 11)59 KOiil) — V-J Mlclc. Clean. B«Oli Nights M1-3K rjuih office. Khowlttue of typlr Full time doctor's office, Bxprntnce 74I-B600 Above averue lMelllg«nce. ACB El-MsentiaJ. Write "A.W." Box 550. Red PLOYMBNT AOKNCY, 23 White It, Bunk, KEolBTBItKI) NimsB - Pull tlmi, Bhrewabury. T47-34M. AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE good aaJary, may live In, Ocean Orove DRUO OLKRK — Part-time days. Av- tuning Home, 6i Clark Ave., oceah REOISTERBI) tJORSK — J p.m, ..»1» In peraon f«!4«loi«4 Pt>l»- Orove. 1L p.m. Ftv« layt, paid holidays rnacy, 134. Broad Bt.. Red Bank. Write "B.J," Bon W, Red Bant. C11ODL DAYS—Uaan added expense! BBCRJETARY TO MANAOER — Oood Turn your spare hours into profitable PART-TIME OR FULL TIME CASH- •kills. W5. FBE PAID. on« with AVON'S help. Cuatomsra' IBB - Apply in person, Y« Cottage SHORELIKB PERSONNEL BBRVICB, aecofKanci highest In hlttory Call HI-"nil. 14» W. Front St., Keypnrt tt Broad 81. Red Bank m-M55 4313 or wrlta IIn Margaret aulotta, HOTHEl'.'B HELPER — BLESP IK. O. Bo« BBS, Red Bank. 1 4JUAI4TY OONTrWL TESTER - B* RBfERENOES. pALL ONE STOP SHOPPING Calient i»y, co-mpany beneiita, B to 4:30, 8I1M1J MURBBB' AIDK8 - Apply In person. (lvt days a week. Must pus arith- Icc&ii Urova Nurelnt Home, tS Ci^tk metic tent to rjualify. Apply In h«~-- WOMAN, CLBAtttNO — » to 1, Wed. Ave., Ocean Orove. Itolacu Wire, Rl. 517, Bcobeyvlllt. or Thura. TranaporUtlon raquirta. Re- tllltl, FRIDAY — Excellent t/pi«. APPLICATIONS NOW BEINO AC- f««nce, Call «fl-M78. . Credit background neslraMe 9laH at CEPTED — For tull ann part-time PERSONNEL INTERVIBWIKO — Jn- 33S a monlh. ACE EMPLOYMENT work. Apply Ladle* De.pt., AtlarAlc dustrlal experience preferred. Abu to AGENCY, 23 WMte St., Shrewsbury, Buperame. In New Shrewsbury, work under preiattre. 8 days. NO FBE 74T-34S4. alRL — 18 years or over. Single, 1ACRES OP CARS ACRES OF CARS •iperlence not necessary: Apply In BHORB&?rji PERBONNBt. .PPLICATI0M8 BEtHO TAKEN for counter and aiaemttly work, Full and person between Ft a.m. • 10 p.m. any71 Broad «t. Red Batik • .•* v •;• * t • ; Mtt-tlme. Apply In nerton, UORBY nay. OB3 Super Market, M Main St., RBHP0N81BLI! WOMAN - OOOd ttle- A RUE. Rt. 39. BatDmown. Keanshurg. l*on» toiicitor wltli «n •vemual up- iradtnt to a lupeivMory ctpuity. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS SARN CHRISTMAS MONEY MOW Salary plus bonus, Long Brtnch a«». Batontown Dr.M Ufg. Pul-tlme. Ba«» work. No Investment. Phone 542-3553. Ko deliveries. Call DeMse, 747-M75, Call 23B-J333. 13 r«»H to > pm SWlTCHBOAaD OPBRATORB — FulRELUBLK WOMAN -To take Care WA1TRB8* — No ejpirleKce anuury r part-llms. Oi'l tor interview. or children dally in my home. Call (ll4?»> VISIT OUR ONE STOP SHOPPING CIRCLE— No long«ra n««d to drive many mile, to compare- ! AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE HELP WAOTED-MALE ENGINEERING lesaling direct to retail buy«ri! hundredf «p«n hundrad* o? N«w inef Uied Can ami Truck*. \ EVERYBODY IS COMIN© TO DRAFTSMAN MonmoUtti County Arts Company representative wilt Interview Thursday, Oct. U. 1:10 p.m, at the H.J, teats Implement dtvlct II I. rront tt, Red Bank, N.J. No fes Ctiaritd will;THAOE MANAGER In many instance! we Will pay off e artd iow«^ your paymenti or refund cailn MIN'8 WBAR DSPT. Excellent opportunities an(| bsnsfiu. Ap- t J.M. FIBL.DB, 3110 Hwy. is, Klz- ' N.J. JIAN WANTDD — fof tutl-llroe jtMlly position wiih beneflti uid opportunity. Sipineno not neceuary. wlllngniss to work essenlisj. Call 319I4U.

SAVE SAVE WH0LB8ALB CLERK - Qood hand- writint, upstate simple ealeulstor. ACRES OF ACRES OF \ surt a* «S. . ACE EMPLOYMENT AOJINOr U While ««t,t , «lir.w power brakei, whlUwalli, Conv. Coupe V-8. Ing, power brakes, wtiltewalls. DeVllle. Two-dmr Hardtop 0A I 7 7 Radio, heater, standard, whltswolls, heater, automatic, power st (Mot* Ciuttfltd Ads V-8) radio, hnter, automatic, power •64 CHEVROLET C1CQQ bucket seats, leather upholstery. '60 PONTIAC Hardtop, Radio, htaler, automatic, •6) TEMPEST tJjQO '64 LINCOLN . S34.B0 •52 FORD IS. 10 V6* powir steering and brakes^ elec- 2 door Kdan, Radio, w i77 '59 PONTIAC $2.60 1966 CAR radio* ntatah automatic, pawtr ilter- power steering, whltewallB. TRUCKS Conllnenlal Conv. Country Slllllrt 9 Pas- Ing, power brakes, whllewalls, tinted tric windows* whlttwalls. Radio, heolcr, 4 speed, bucket seals, Catallna Hordtop '64 FORD Factory Air. senger Station Wagon. '59 FORD $2.40 glass. • '64 VALIANT 741-1243 FORSAI-E I FOR SALE PITS ft LIVESTOCK 23—WtdWty, Oct 27, HEIJP WANTED MALE HELP VANTED~M*i« - FeauJe MHCMAHDISE I SAVING* W POLYETHYLENE THE DAILY REGISTER HOW ARE GUITAR INSTRUCTOR — In Keyport, FOR SALE DISCOKTCNL'ED U-NE KSSJ KJBrWEUS — Must be over 1? "-id willing to train. Stunnlwg three room outfit to be lold Ii a clear pliable sheet plaitlc .004 1&4). Will bo&rd stns.ll a World of Call T27-1122 or 222-0119. at fraction of original cost. Nine-piece thick and Is used ror all kinds of care tor the old. Call YOU FIXED living room with sleep two sofa eight- winter enclosure!!. (Porches, boat cov- ELECTRIC LUXURY HELP WANTED—MALE ATTRACTIVE POSITIONS — R*ady piece modern doubts dresser bedroom; ers, and large covering jobs). It camel COLLIE PUP — Three months, pick FOR A FUTURE? to accept position immediately. Good HAMMOND male, won both limes shown. $75. apvetipleoe dinette with chrome or in roll. S'ulOO' J2.96; 4'xlW: $3.OS; 4S2-0739 CANNON POINT Knowledge training and organized ef- nersonality. Arrange your work Bched- bronzetone finish extension table, ilx 6x100', *5.50; 8'xlOCI'; (7.25; 12'xlOO', fort makes the biK difference between ile to fit your needs Write "A.S." matching chairs. Only J2.50 weekly or 110.85: 14'KIOO1. $12.75: 16x100', J1I.95; PL'O PUPPY — ^Male. nine weeks. CLERK-TYPIST income and futures. If you have aver- iox 520 Red Bank. 20'xlOO', JI8.5O. Permanent shot. Gorgeous show pros VILLAGE a&p intelligence, a real dfsire to get LOOKING FOR A CAREER? Mature ORGAN FIELD FURNITURE, Tied. S125. Call 741-6655. • 239 SPRING ST. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED mywhere, and. common sense—we will men or women who ca,re about chi!- 711 E. FRONT ST. KEYO RED BANK LUMBER ive you the fcriowledRe, train you to OF ASBURY PARK STUDIO Good opportunity lor rfcrnt hlfh school 1ren for "living-in" child t-ar« prograil m "tii-SiD). Oren late Mon. and Frl. till Corner Pearl find Wall, Red Bank. erad with gome knowledge of mechani- SP It, and show you how to USB what In children's Institution. Four p(jaU >n» 9 Tuea,. Weds., Thura.. till 6. Bat, 741-5500 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT .•ou have to earn over $200 a week— low open. Orientation, lra.lnlnjPWtf THE LARGEST ORGAN AND PIANO 11 * ONE 4 TWO BEDROOM cal drafting he'plul. Varied and Inttresl- ihis security, tireatlge and advance- upervi.'ton while working. Telephone DISPLAY IN THE EHORE AREA I' Y Pi. WRITERS. AUOINO machine* APARTMENTS lnK dunes in small office of large, nent to management. ilra. Hood, 201-938-6611, Mon. through Ul maKcs new or used. Ouuanleed. APARTMENTS expanding Corp. •'r.. S a.m. to 5 p.m. Uae our rental-purchase jilan 3 for $34.99 jow ai 925. Serpico's 101 Monmoutb from A complete two week training pro- St Next to theater. 747-04815. SUPERINTENDENT — Couple only. for pianos and organs Completely Installed. Any slit alumi- TO $70 PLUS BENEFITS gram. FIREMAN'S MARRIAGE GOES UP IN Fully experienced to malnt&ln and as- From $12 per Montfi num combination window up to 101 GREEN GROVE jamdeu electric heating ttnd cooklnf, Pension Program, Hospital Szatiofl sist Ut rentals. New Garden Apart- united Inches. FREE MEASURING. SMOKE Call Mr. Armstrong lor appointment plan, fringe benefits. ents in Matawan area. Write P. O. Open daily til 9 p.m. Sit. til ft p.m. Lovely three room outfit returned to lenty of olf street parking, Box 664. Union, N. J., stating exp&rl- Corner of Main St. & Uattison Ave. PROWN'S he sold for unpaid balance of ?16B or 741-5588 9-12 A.M. 'ust hare a car, he bnndabte and ice. references, etc. All correspon- J1.75 weekly, InciutJes ID-piece aec- GARDENS MODEL PHONE 741-3953 lave good background. All details at ds confidential. USED ORGAN SPECIALS ;|2 Broad St. Ked Bank 711-7MK) tionFil living room with accessories; An Equal Opportunity Employer ntervicw. Bend a postal card with Silverlon Chord Organ _ J 14B piRiit-pirce double dresBer bedroom; BOLMDKL-KEYPORT AREA TATEWIDE MANAGEMENT our name, address and phone number FOR THE PERFECT WEDDING MALE HIGH SCHOOL — Graduate Thomas Spinet OrKan 295 GOWW-Bridesmaid dresses RH ipnt soon. Address inquiries to Richard stick-shift, 4 a.m. to U a,-ra. Girl ces«orifa with individual personal ser- Inp chairs, trade-in, plus guaranteed reen. 3«5 Common«'«al!fi Ave., Bos- Baldwin Spinet Orpan — 495 vice Call Dorothy Keith, Freehold. ply in person. Eaiontown Television. IS to 20 to work counter. Apply in Hammond Spinet Organ M-3 ~.. 7*5 4G2 777J. 60 Hwy 35. Eatonto^T. Ion. Mass. aerson, Kat 'N Ponuts, Hwy. 35, Ea- Hammond Spinel OrRan L102 745 FIELD FURNITURE 8WIM. CLUB FOB TENANTS SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT — LEHK —• P r wa phou Good at Hammond Spinet Organ Ii:i3 DRYER — Frlgidaire 220, five cycle, 7-11 S, FRONT ST KEYTOP-T FREE HEAT, COOKINO GAB, HOT WESTWOOD GARDENS Experience*! Full time, days, Prefera- n, DRAFTSMAN — Mechanical. Top Bal- Hammond Console Organ- two speed. Excellent condition. |100. '264.-3020. Opt*n iate Mon. atAl Fri. till nth & Wesiwood Ave. Long Branch Kurca Some lifting week. Leslie speaker .- 995 Call 741-7883. WATER AND AIR CONDITIONING bly married. For particulars, npp]y in HOREL1NE 'ERSONSEL 5ERVIOE a,ry to right man. Will go to H50. 0. Tuea., Weds., Thura., till 6, Sat.. and 2 Bedroornn $105 up perton Lir.troft EESO, Newman 7 Broad Si. Red Ha k 741-3553 SHORELINE PERSONNEL SERVICE. Hammond Spinet Organ Mini 1125 till 6. 7T Broad St. Red Bank 741-3555 Hammond Spinet Organ Mill . 3150 WHITE T.V. and phons outlets, 12 cu. It. re- Includes PART-TIME CARPENTER Baldwin Console Organ « 1195 UNPAINTED FURNITURE frigerator, parking and walk-In ttorage SHEET METAL WORKERS Good pay. your hours. Conn Theatre Organ (Console) ...- 3895 aluminum doors are thft moat beautiful facmtiea. Spacious rooms, large closets. • Hot watpr Oil T41-M!>5 SITUATIONS WANTED-Female Leslie 55C eneakcr _ 145 thing you have ever seen. S39.B5. Col- 1% OFF CASH CARRY DISCOUNT Wilk to ihopping plaza, buses, ichoola. • Air conditioning onial scallop doors $74.95 Installed. The kow Overhead Lumber Yard AND HELPERS E — Part-time or full time. Paint Leslie 314 speaker -... 295 DIRECTIONS: Garden State Exit 117 do handy work. Call WOMAN -— De^res Ironing, babysit- Leslie 122H speaker - 365 PROWN'S to 36, east on 36 to Airport Shopping 229-0471 264-4600 ting or cleaning on Saturday. 6 hrs. RED BANK LUMBER ALSO STOCKMAN All item* Bold with a guarantee — : Broad St. Rpd Bank 741-7500 PJ&za, turn left, then two blocki to .IAN — To assist in picture framing it Sl.M ppr hr. Call 7*1-8233. Corner Pearl and Wall Red Ban!modrl apartment. From 35, (J. M. Good opportunity. Steady worl*»*Call budget terms available. MODERN DINING ROOM SET — Like % turiio Woodworking, ability preferred. YOUNG MOTHER will care (or child WE BUY AND SELL FlPldi) to Hazlet Ave., turn left 1 on 222-4558 or 222-30:15. .11 747-3995. new. Refrigerator; automatic washing Middle Rd.. straight ahead. 2B4-184 " RED BANK'S FINEST of. working parents. Call achlne, 97 Park Ave,, Kranshurg. COMPLETE CONTENTS OP HOMES SUB—CONTRACTORS WANTED 264-30*8 PR 5-9J0O CLEAN USED KIJN1TURE. 36t-2562 THREE ROOMS—Upstairs, remodeled /ell-kept garden apartment, two bed- For re-roo/ing. VANTKD -- Parking attendant, full MAYTAG AUTOMATIC WASHER - nomn; ample Free parking; complett Call 787-152! ime Rivervicw Ho.sirftal Parking Lot. MOTHERS — Do you want your baby THE ATTIC — Buys ana sells any- MOVING, MUST SELL — Maple bed- completely redecorated. 10 Naveatnk titchen witii dinettes or dining room; ce Mr. Becker. Manager. cared lor in my home with affection thing o[ vaJue. Entire household con- Like new. S100. Call 5<2-<619 after room set che.it-on-cliest. rflght table, Ave., Fair Haven, 7-H-S2S1. WANTED — Santa Claus. Part-time, p.m. Moving, must sell. Us bath; spacious rooms and closets; PULL TIME — MALE H£iLF and personal attention while you work? tents purchased. S3 Tblrd AVP.. Long double bed. 150. 787-9225. RUM8DN — Thrw rnoma, batli. On 'xceptlonal vfilue; itnmedlatei or futurt apply In person 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. WANTED. Laird &. Co. Excellent references, EatontowrJ area. Branch. Cart 229-1148 mornings only. FADA 21" TV bus lire; near school, shopping iccupancy. 28:i Spring Bt. 741-5672. J.M. Fields, Hwy 35. Hazlet. Call 542-0259. CALL WE BUY AND SELL anything and M2-O31'.! DESKS ?15 up. FILES, tables, etiaira, everything. Give the highest prlcea. churchos. 65 &, River Rd.', Mr. Jultano. tVlN GABLKS - M Rivernde Ave., JXPER1ENCED, DEPENDABLE SEC- adding machines, typewriters, office 264-6711 Call William Left Furniture, Inc., Hwy22»'J40. 3 TRUCK DRIVERS BOTTLING LIN'E MECHANIC WANT- led Bank on river. 3Vi and fcjur.1 ED—Experienced. Prereramy labeling RETARY — Wants full or part-time equipment, etc., at bargain price*. Nftw 33, Mlddleton-n. 741-3213. Open •verdr THREE-ROOM furnished apartment — ooms unturnSshei, flvj-room off "*, Over-lhp-road truck drivers wim work In Mlddletown-Holmdel. Rt. 35 or used. AAC DESK OUTLET, Rte. SAVE 13 7. TO 26% til 9 p.m. 1-2399. minimum or five years dlesei ex- machines. Laird 4 Co. 542-0312. -. Call 7S7-1612. 35, Oakhurst. 531-3MK). Utilities supplied, Business couple pre- perience. Apply AAA Trucking Corp, fnder olhor first line painta. Cook * ferred. L>oca.t«d Ocean Blvd., Atlantic PAHTMBHT FOR RENT — Unfur- EXECUTIVE SALES HAMMOND ORGAN — Current Model Dunn Paints are your best het. And CHRISTMAS WREATHS Highlands. 291-0fiM>. 551 New York Ave., Trerton, N.J. Nationally known company interested your beat het Is to call Prown's for uliod. 165 Shrewsbury Ave,, Red Bank. In ambitious man desirous oi high pay- SITUATIONS WANTED - Male 102. with permission ami verberation. Wholesale. Double face balsam. itliD HANK - Urancn *nd Uadlno Itable for a. couple. Could be seen Can be uaeri for jiublic or home. Bar- free delivery and paint advice. Fine quality. Call 449-6612 •om 5 p.m. every day. Sat. and Sun. I'M LOOKING Ing career. Please submit re3ume to gain. Call after 5 p.m. 531-1578. A.ve., spacloui one and two-bedroom A.N." Box 520, lied Bar*. ODD JOBS — Will do anything toi PROWN'S DINING ROOM SET — Duncan Phyfe, garden apartment, starting at $110. Ap- II day. FORA PARTICULAR anyone. Easily adapted. In exchange ply apt. 24, Molly Pitcher Village Court BOY — Age 17 or 18, with car to do DON'T WALK BLOCKS 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 with table pads, ¥100. Call or call Mr. Sam Loroam>, 741-9115 iFFiniENCY AiPARTMENT _ On« light work. 3^ hours on Saturday. $7. for room, end/or board. Writ* "B.A." •741-2635 iort \Aoc\i. from businens district and TYPE MAN Box 520. Tied Bank. At a shopping center your car is parked GOING VICTORIAN? 18 lines BUSIIIPSS man or woraarJ. ""ll 671-5582. Visit the What-Not Antlime Shop BBAtUTIFUL MAHOGANY DINING RIVERFRONT — Furnished two-bod- This man will have neat appearance RETIRED GENTLEMAN — Wishes a block away, then what a waik to find room ground floor apaJtmpnt. Adults ill 747-4TO2 after 4 p.m. FACTORY WORKERS -- Day shift. what you want. Sfiop in 5 minutes. Call 4 Hwy. 36, Leonardo. 291-3408 HOOM SET — Leather top, mahogany Alt utilities included, $125. Yfiar round. ability to present a product lor sale clerical position. Payrolls. Bookkeeping. K room tables. 147-2736. EANSfU'RG — UnfurnfBlied. One four able to devote three hours an evening Openings in several departments for 741-1533 us on the phone. Order what you want, MOZART UPRIGHT OHJAND PIANO 842-0278. If no answer call alter 6. men and women. Incentive earnings, Get free delivery. You can't beat that. TRADE IN your oU furniture with no >om, JS5. One tliree-room, 880. Heat, five days & week. This man will tak< J125. 24" Magnavox TV, »60. Call FURNISHED — Two room*, utlltllei, iller eloctrlc supplied. House li being a personal Interest In his position. Apply Atlantic Tile Manufacturing Co. Get the habit and call 291-3408 down payment and get a new parlor Atlantic Ave, llatawan. or dining room set at aale prices, Wil- linens, parking. Reliahle adults, no pets alnteit. TR7.EH149. This man will he able to add JW a FINANCIAL PROWN'S 741-268B after 5 all day weekendn. week and! more to Ills present fncome. •RODUCTION CONTROL TJtAIJVEE — LOVE SEAT — Ofr-whlte. nylon tapes- liam Lefr Furniture Inc., Hwy 35, El > HANK — Twn-room furnlnhed 32 Broad St. Red Rank 7(!-75«l try. Custom-ma 5 ROOM — GMdn; »p»rt- Cross and Blue Shield. Reply "A.L. PART-TIME REPAIRMAN — STOCK Ter/t. Call 741-2233. BELL & HOWBLb MOVIE CAMERA- KEANSBURG — Park Ave. Modern tents. Reasonabltt rents. Call after I Box 520, Bed Bank, giving full partfcu Dln&tte, llfl Monmouth St., Rfcd Bank. 40" ELECTRIC RANGE — Double ]ara RTM past employment. Salary open MAN. High school junior or senior WORKING FOREMAN — On ladle*' 741-8835. With case Like new. $90. Portable 2*,$-room apartment. Large bedroom m. 774-1621. preferred. Must be mecharflcally In- coatfl, to go Into business with con- stereo good. Needs needle. $10. Glass oven. Rotlsserie. Excellent condition. tiled bath, air conditioning. Unlurnfshr< EXPERIENCED FRY COOK — Oi cluded. Pleasant working conditions. tractor who has good goitre* of steady GUNS — New and uaed. Buy, sell, ihower door, $10. 67141010 aTler 6 p.m. $50. 741-1153 after 6 p.m. "So per month. Call Mr. Cheaney 1IREE ROOMS — Furnished, utllttlii uhort order man. Steady employment Apply THE SINGER CO., Monmouth work. Write "A.P." Box 520. R«d or trade. Shotguns, rlflea, etc. Man- MAPLE DINETTE SET — $50. Fire- •87-2330. icluded. GALLAGHER AOffiNCY, 222- Apply in person. Ye Cottage Inn, 111Shopping Center, Eatontown. ny'B Sport Shop, Rt. 36. E. Keansburg. ffTOVE —- Chambers. Gas, with deep- 00. Bank. Call 787-0&OB. \vc\\ nnrt grlddlp. Also, Infant'* car place with hurricane lam pi, $35, Call BELFORD — Three rooms and bath. W. Front St., Keyport. OPERATOR — UOt. Experienced. To safety-harness, like new, and single 787-3727 Newly redecorated. Utilities Included, KANSHURG — Immaculate thre«- FIREMAN — Blue Seal. 4-12 p.m Ne1 $105. 4412 p.m. New Brunswick. ANTIQUE MART bed frame with lock wheels. 741-2474. THE GOLDEN DOOR. $85 per month. 7fl7-PS3? •oom furnished apartment. 190 plu* Brunswick area Top company an SHORELINE PERSONNEL SERVICE, MORTGAGES Moved to Broolulde and Monmouth Outgrown clothing, elegant junk, gift •lectrlc. Heal, hot water Included. AUo 77 Broad St. Red BaiJk 741-3555 Oakhurst. FOUR LARGE. BRIGHT - Modern our rooms furnished, SlOOplus electric. benefits. $113.80. BROKEN GLASS items. 771 River Rd., Fair Haven. 10 rornna, and bath. In two-family house. Lilultn only. CHATEAU REALTY, Real SHORELINE PERSONNEL SERVICE, FIRST AND SECONU UORTOAGE3 to 4 Tuesday Uiroufih Friday. Saturday Heal supplied, no children or pets 77 Broad St Red Bank 711-353! AVAILABLE - Edwin B. Stalk. Real RAN DOWN MY NECK! In your aluminum frames? We'll be 11 to 3. Estate, 215 Carr Ave., Keansurg. 187- HEtP WANTTED-MaJe - Female Estate A Mortgage ConfluU&nL 364-0333 Rlad to re-glaze them. Need your Reference required. 747-3633. BAKER WANTED — Benchman farnl WaJJc out your door when ft rains. Does blinds re-taped and re-corded? Would OLD FURNITURE — Antiques, china, liar with rolls, breads, etc. Day Job, the rafn leak through your gutters, Fill you like new window shades on your glasawartj, art objects and bric-a-brac, RUMSON — Modern ranch on 2'i 'OUR ROOMS AN/J BATJI — Un/Ur- good pay. Call 264-9712. your cellar. Run In your rooms, New rollers? Prawn's is the rlace to BO, immediate cash for anything and every- a ores. Towerlnj oaks. Unusual privacy Ishoil. ItrfrlBPrator, ranse. heat and HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS INSTRUCTION GUTTERS Installed by experienced Three bedrooms, two batlis, den. Twoill utilities furnished. Adults. No pcU PORTSR WANTED — For general Earn extra Christmas money by PROWN'S thing. Ruictira. 25 East Front St., T41-fireplaces. Large paneled family room. 25 Crescent St., Kpansurg. •tore work. Must have references. Ap- selling Chrlstmaa wreaths. 10M Two-car garage, linturnlshed. |275 a ply S. Yanko, 30 Broad St., Bed Bank. Call 681-6573 ENROLL NOW FOR PROWN'S 32 Braid St. Roil Bank 741-7J00 month. Immediate occupancy. WIL- 1EA RiiiRHT — Three room furnished , SHADE SALE LIAM HALL, 741-76MJ, partments, Ren sons bio yearly rtntftl* MUFFLER INSTALLER — Age 20 t( EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY lor ai 32 Broad SI. Iteii Bank 741-7500 JKONEK — Ironrftc automallc mangle. •nil 8*2-0012 brfore 10 a.m. 40 Full and part-time Previous ex- experienced Real Entate Salesman wit! FALL CLASSES IN Wilh knee action aJAl posture chair. Ex- Kord 3" Scallop antl fringe window PAIR HAVEN — Older home Con RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT — Tables, client condition. $40. CHI 291-0974. Bhadea on your ro»fr, rejular $3.75, FOUR ROOMS perience only. Good working corMUions, old established firm now expanding I chairr and booths. Very good to ex- venleni River Rd. -location. Living Excellent future Apply in person only this area. Profit sharing arrangement. now $2.75, to 36" wide. Room darken- room, dlrflng room, kitchen. Three sin Reasonale cellent condition. Personal interviews REFRIGER.ATOR — Automatic. Good ing shades, 2" acallop and fringe 7R7-M91 or 671-9811 MIDAS MUFFLER SHOP, 450 Hwy, only, no phone calls. HOWARD JOHN- condition. 12 cu. [t. Call Tie bedrooms, c&rnse nnd toolshtd 35, Mlddletown. IBM COMPUTER TO7-7579 $2.75. Both washable. Other nhadea .mmedlate occupancy. Unfurnished, J110 PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. SON RESTAURANT, Rt. 35, Middle- In stock from 98c to $16.50. per month. HALL BROS- ReaJtors IIIREWBHIIRY -- Two larg« roomi S2.50 PER HOUR 60 White St. Red Bank 741-7200 town. 813 River Rd., Fair Haven. 741-T686 ,nd bath. On bimUnr, Call 23" WALNUT ADMIRAL COLOR con- 747-02*7 PROGRAMMING REMODELING — Best offer, Kotpoint sole Moving. Sacrifice. $295. (New, PROWN'S Six men to start work Immediately. dishwasher. RCA 40" double-oven gas J375). 5 montha old. After 7 222-5200. RED BANK'S .ONT. BRANCH — Two-bedroom. Fur- No experience necesBary, W» will train MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST ranfte. sink, assorted kitchen cabinets. 456. Most beautiful ilshed' apartment. SS5 Includes aU utlll* you. Call 566-5564. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER — $25. deluxe, modnm twebpdroom npart IPS. Coll a-ltM- 6 p.m. 222^847. Hospital experience required. A.S.C.P. IBM KEYPUNCH Also two Schick electric sliavers nncl merit. Large rooms &nd closets, Free INVESTIGATOR lawrj mower. Curved glass china closet. AWNING WINDOWS Nations.! Cash Register, originally $1,500 registered or equivalent. Full or part- Call 741-1673. now 5300. 747-3550. parking. Finest irea. $140, [TRNISKED — Four roomi. private Experienced. For permanent, full tlnu time. Hours can be arranged. Contact Make a porch for all leasons. Mr. MADISON GARDENS rJtrancs. 15 Third Ave,, Atlantic High- position with reputable Middlesex Coun- Personnel Director. Rivervlew Hospital, AUTOMATION Howell will Hhow you the lovely area ELECTRIC FENDER BASS GUITAR 132 South St, 741-7633 inds. ty law office, engaged in negllgenct Red Bank. 741-2700. BUILDING MATERIALS you can make at a low price. WITH AMPLIFIER. TWO SPEAKERS, THREE-ROOM APARTM ENT-Kean.v JONO BRANCH — Three-room fur- litigation. Btate age, background, anci Roll roofing $1.50 per roll Asbestos did- $250. 7B7-6O72 shed apartmtnt*. AH utilities, by •xperience in detail. Salary open. Re TYPING ing fl .50 per bundle. Roof ahlng)ts PROWN'S hurs area. Modern kitchen with built- aponses positively confidential. Writ LUCE BOOKKEEPING ? We need MATTRESSES — Values lo $79. A1J in appliance* and refrigerator. CaJ! ninth or for winter. A6T0R GAR* steady, dependale person who is good $1.50 per bundle. 32 Broad St. Reel Bank 741-7500 sizes, factory rejects. Some extra long, nfter 4 p.m. 7S7-*17JO. )EN8, 31 Morris Ave. or call 222-1547 "A.J." Box 520, Red Bank. N.J. with figures, can type arAl has g»oeilroomfl. Karage. Centrally located. FOUR-POSTER BED — Painted ma- 122 Harding Rd., Red Bank. " 201-5457. hogany, $25. Four wicker and Iron WANTED — Cruiser or skirt app TBHRACE APARTMENTS-Four-roem Imately 30 ft. W trade for bright red WINTER RENTALS—Efficiency apart- bar stools. Five dlr.ing room chairs, merA: newly decorated, furnished. *T& tudio apartment. Immediate" SIS. Girl's winter clothes, sizes 8-12. Triumph (TR 4) 1965. 9,000 miles, :y. Win per month. Call T^M Brasa coal bucket. 7*1-4978. seven montha old, plus whatev«r cash Sea Bright, call 842-0005. too. Wrlto "A.T." Box 520, Red Bank" HIGHLANDS — Four room* and bath, [TNFURNISHED — Five rooms, bath. OE Television, 21", S60. Conn trumpet, giving location and complete descrip- Nice location Call Second floor. Furnish own heat Call JfiO. Weslinghouso sweeper, $25. Three- tion of boat and address of owner. *fter 3 p.m. 7il-m9. branch, brass candelahra, $10. Bro- 872-1346 caded sora and chair, $110. Brasa fire- 2',4-ROOM APARTMENT — Heat hot TWO APARTMENTS — 8 room! and place tools, $35. Mahogany bed, mat- water included. 19 Leroy PI., Red i rooms unfurnished. Convenient loca- tress and spring, $35. Wool hooked ruK, PETS AND LIVESTOCK Rank. 741-1063. Or R42-2110. Ion. Call 872-1805. 9x13. $6fl Matching etirnet wool rugfl. OOINO A1?AI1 TWO APARTMENTS — 3 and 4 romm iTLJiNTIC mail LANDS — 3W-room 9x12 and, 6x9', $100. Tapestry loveaeat, Boarding, bathing, grooming. SMS each, all ulillUea furnished. pdrtnicnt. Fine section. Quiet houf». S10O. Phone 741-2165. 1-9 p.m, BRIO03ON KENNELS. 741-3310. 9CHANCK AGENCY, Realtor, B Linde Third Ave. 291-9237. NOW IS THE TIME COLLIE PUP — Oenllc, child's p«t Pi. Red Bank. 747-O307. Has papers, and ahota THREE-ROOM APA'RTMBNT — jur (More Classified Ada to gel rid of thai old storm door In 7«-350O a month. Including all utilities. Half 1964 CHEVROLET Be! Air 1964 BUICK Special 1964 FALCON Deluxe front of your house. Beautify your block from buj]Jn» and alores. Cal entrance way with a WHITE ALUMI- GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES — 741-4578 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. On The Next Page) NUM COMBINATION SCREEN AND 8 weeks old. AKC registered. Call Station Wagon, 8-cylinder. Automatic 4-door, 6-cylinder, Automatic Tram., 4-door Station Wagon, 6-cylinJor, STORM DOOR . . . only $30.95. Installa- 7«-6204 FURNISHED OK UNFURNISHED tion optional. Call us today. APARTMENT. Onrden lype with pool Transmiislon, Powar Steering. Power Steering, Power Brakes. Automatic Trammiiiion, SPEAGLE PUPPIES — V*ry Cull, One-bedroom, 5324915 Afwr live, 512 healthy pups. Call 0536. COMMERCIAL RENTALS PROWN'S 2S1-MM3 32 Sroad St. Red Rank 741-7500 MINIATURE FRENCH POODLES — MATAWAN — TO aublet seven months. $1895. $1795. $1695. ELECTRIC STOVS and reErlgeirator. AKC reglitwccl. Call 741-5S7T from 10-8 Aberdeen East. 3H room downstairs Maple coffee table. Two end-tables 11 741-338S from 5-6:30. apartment. PeU allowed. |U1. 8697 White Naugahyde couch. 741-OJ46. evenings. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUP — Malt HOTPOINT — Electric stove. tw( AKC registered. Big honed, Excellent RED BANK — Threo rooms, furnished OFFICE ovens. $75. Kenmore portable 412 dtstv hrecd. Black and silver. 872-1M5. Heat, hoi water and cooking gas sup- 1964 COMET Deluxe 1964 FALCON 1964 VOLKSWAGEN Kombl washer. $75. Call 291-1738. plied. Tiled bathroom. 2nd floor. Near SMALL, BREED PUPPIE3 — », Uicrf transportation antl store*, Avalial SPACE TOP SOIL to children Call Nov. 1. 44 West St, 741-1607. Station Wagon, 6-cyllnder, 4-door Sedan, 6-cylinder, Standard Station Wagon, TEMPLE! LUMBER CO., KUMSON 7«-<857 CaJl B42-15OQ HIGHLANDS — Two-bedroom tpart- Modern Office* Just completed. Cen- Standard Transmission. Trailsmiuion, Radio and heater. Radio and Healer. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS — Seven Imnt S80, ill utilities. 13 Huddy tral Red Bank Business, Dlitrict weeks old, AKC registered, champion Ave. SHABBY bloodline. Reasonable. 797-2921, • Central Air Conditioning bllnda? Let UB re-tape and re-cord them. HIGHLANDS — Furnlahed. newly dec- • Self Service Elevator - $1695. $1195. Dozens or beautiful colors. Bring In IRISH SETTER PUPS - Mahogany orated. First floor, private entrance. • Private Parting Space $1095. your aluminum frames tor new glass red beauties, six reserved: only three S&0 plus utilities'. Cal} C71-2023. • Rent Reasonable or screens. Prompt service, available AKC registered. Champion TWO-ROOM FURNISHED APART- • Inspect and Compare •took. Ready Oct. 30. 36<-I317. Lakewood MENT - Private entrance. Al! utili- PROWN'S SHETLAND PONY ties Included. Two bloclu from shop- 1963 FORD Galaxie 500 1963 CHEVROLET Impala 1963 CHEVY II Station Wgn. 32 Broad St. Rod Bank 741-7500 Excellent with children. Reasonable to ping and transportation. Call 222-6319. OIL. HEATER WITH TANK — $40. good home. 542-4526. PORT MONMOUTH — Unfurnished 747-1100 Convertible, 8-cylinder, Automatic Super Sport, 2-door, Hardtop, FYlgldnlre, $35. Feddors nir conditioner. FOUR KITTENS — Mother part Per- three roomi. Complftleljr private. All 54 Broad St. ' Red Bank Station Wagon, A-cylinder, Aufomatle J<0. Mra. Wflftam Tansey 61 Second sian. Call after 6 p.m. utilities except electricity. fSO. Call Transmission, Power Stfering. 8-cylInder, Standard Trammhiion. Trantminion, Radio and Heater. St., Fair Haven. OT1-0338 787-7218. PIANOS — Save $100 or more on brand new console plano3. Come see and save. Lifetime warranty. Tenzer's Mu- $1495. $1495. $1295. Blc Store, 306 Main St., Lnkewood. WALLPAPER your room lor JI9.70, labor and materials complete. Price rovers » single rolls wallpaper and CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1963 FORD Galaxie paper hanger'q labor. Larger rooms 1962 FORD Galaxie 500 1962 FORD Ranch Wagon (lightly nlishter. KLARIN'B. 26 Mon- tnoulh St. RB'l Bank. 7*7-3838. A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS I 4-door, 8-cylindor, Automatic 2-door, hardtop, 8>cyl!nder, S'Cylinder,, AutomatiAutomatic TTransmissionn , LOWEST Transmission, Power Steering. Automatic Tramrmsiion, Power Steering. Power SfesringSfesring. prices on electrical appHancei. Sun- beam, Rival, Presto, Toastmaater, Adding Machines — Typewriter! General Contractor! Painting and Decorating Shetland, Farber ware. Waring, etc $1295. $1095. $1095. ADDING MACHINES — Typewriter! L. SMITH BUILDBRB — Patios, al- CARL B. JONEB - Painting and PROWN'S sold, rented, repaired. Serplco's, 101 terations, additions, taracoa. CaJt 201- wallpapering. Fully lnsursd. For tint ! Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 Monmouth EL, Ked Bank. 747-MSS. 1785 or 741-T3SO. estimate, call 747-3041. CLEANING OUT G-ARAGE — Apart- ment aiz« stove, needs cleaning. Btorm SLATE & BRYER 1962 RAMBLER wfnrtowa various tilr.es. Double fllnk. Air & Sea Travel Reservations Home Improvements Painting and Decoratlni 1962 FORD County Squire 1962 FORD Gafaxie 500 In good condition, Beit offer. Call 747- Fully Insured 741-4336 Wraia 16S1. Free Estimate 2-door, t-cylindgr, Standard Trensmission, THANKSGIVING—5-day weekend b|r HOUB OWNBR8—Contractor, altera- 8-cylinder, Automatic Tfanimiiiion, 4.door Sedan, 6-cylinder, Automatic WINCHESTER 30-30 air. Carillon Hotel, Miami Beach plug tions, additions, painting, masonry. Orange Bowi Game, $153 complete. Small loba too. 5S1-O7U. Bucket Seed. Power Steering. Transmission, Radio and Heater. Model 51. N»vcr tired. Peart and Bead Restrlnglng 741-OJ77 Peterien Travel Service 741-5550. Asphalt Paving Insulation & Siding Corp. Kxpertly on braided nylon, II,M a $695. $1295. BUSINESS NOTICE! strand. Sterling; clasps Irom 75c. $995. GENERAL ASPHALT FAV1NQ INC. IIHUSSILLE'S, 30 Broad St., Red All brands. Over 11,000 satlsllled cus- Hank. Blacktop driveways and parking lotl tomers. 10-30 year guarantees. 775- Call for (res estimate 222-8:89. 8107 or Ad«m Llntmayer 291-OJCM. Plumbing & Heating 1962 FALCON Station Bus 1962 FALCON Station Wgn. 1961 FORD Country Squire Auto Body Repair RENTAL Insurance PLUMBING — Heatln< and bathroom BXPBHT PAINTING and body re- remodeling. 6-cylinder, Standard Trarismiuion, 6-cylinder, Standard Tranimiisiont 9-pai.anger, 8-cylinder, Automatic pair. Moderate prlce». McCAItthy EQUIPMENT Cbayrolct, AManllc Highland* I91-030S. AIIII.ITY—8KHVICE — DBPendablllty Radio and Heater. Radio and Heater. Traiumiition, Power Steering. when you insure your HO&fJO, AUTO, CORRIGAN'S or other lines or Inmirance through 137 Oakland St. Red Bank 747-2706 AVAILABLE Auto and Truck Rental ARMSTRONO AGENCY. 741-1500. $895. $795. Roofing, Siding & Insulation $895. * Renovators AVIS Rent a new car or truck. Low -rates. Mnp)» Ave.. Jled Bank. 747- Nursing Home 0308. 77(-B2H, Dally 7 a.m.-10 p.m. OLSEN CO, INC. [tooling. Biding * * Pumps- IIOLMDBI, NURSINO HUMS - Ac- Insulation Installed and guaranteed oredlted (or skilled nuralng home lor la years. 778-0708, 2914540. * Generators Building Contractor care. Hwy. 34, HnlmdeL M9-42OO. SIDING — Alsco, Dupont Tedlar and Alcoa. Work guaranteed. * Chain Saws BUILDER — New homnl, room ad* dltloni, baiement and attlo roomi, Odd Job* PROWN'S Day or Week Rental kltcn«na, ffarare, repair! and altera* 3» Broad Bt. Red Bank 741-7600 tlonl. Herbert Elmnrauch. 7lns paneled rooms, 10 rate. Two baths, lull cellar, all utilities. t fireplace. BM A. KOZICKY Dishwasher, reirlferalor, waihsr and TINTON AVE. REAL ESTATE, Rt. 39, JBatontown dryer Included. IW0 down to qualified 042-2323. Evenings and hottjsya Ml buyer, 5H% 30-yetr mortsagf. No eloi- Says Persecution tV»A •vlmmlsf la Tour «WB prlvitt nrlm Carl Peterstn, 542-8637. ln( costs. Full price. 115,100. REtlRet? WHH MOJOK club rlibt on Uit iite. . . only mlnut •Wt UOVt OP AU.AWP •way from mu bittlnj, wnlte ian<: TWO BEDROOMS — Large livinliving rorooon Weisgold & Krupnick, Inc. A C3OUP WATCH t»&ch(a, boltlnf, ilihuig isd Monmout kitchen and dinettedinette . Tile bath NNeet Bhopplnr Center ... one block Itor utorei t^nd churches. 7S7-43D7, Brokers Made Jewish ths wot OaU of Fort Monmrjuth . . 2219 Hwy. 9 Ltkewood 393-3080 within walking dlitsnca of exprei EATONTOWN — Furntshsd. Four-b< buses to Newark and New York Cltj room house. Could bs shared. No pe1 • AU«—Eltotrlc kJtchenf wltn a Excellent location for Fort Monmoul $13,400 People Liberal ring*. OS refrigerator. QB AIR CO1 No lease required. |S49 a month. & Ranch with (fire* nlcf-iized bedrooms', DmONINO. Ample oil atreet U(hti itr>5. pirHn| arau living room, kitchen p&neUd In ma- LONG BRANCH — Two-bfcdroom bu hogany. Nicely treed 50x1001 lot. VET8 LONG BRANCH - Centuries •H-ROOM APARTMENTS calow for rent. Ur«urnlBh«d, $70 NO DOWN, NON-VETS **M DOWN. of persecution have made the (ONE-BEDROOM) montH without utilities. r^-OUl. Ci Approximate monthly payment 1107, •132 MONTH irter 6 p.m. Includes taxes and Insurance. Jewish people the most political- ly liberal group today, explained •tt-ROOll APARTMENT NEW HOME —• Bix rooms. Three be< CASEY'S AGENCY rooms, IVi baths, Walking; distance Realtor (TWO BEDKOOMB) school. North Long Branch. Call a,(ti 2M844L Rabbi Arthur Heruberg in the 1150 MONTH 6 p.m. 22fl-3SM. %UQ monthly. Multiple Listing Hwy. 35, Hazlet opening lecture of Congregation HEAT a HOT WATER UVE WELL WITH A VIEW — Ce Bnal Shalom's Institute of Adult irally located In Red Bank, this hou> JUST REDUCED , ANDY CAPP By REG SMYTHE Rentlni office on Preralsis. overlooks the Shrewsbury River. Qul Immaculate three-bedroom ranch on Studies Monday. irivale location. Three plctur* w dead-end street. Large living room, TEL! J4MM54 lows, or.'n window well-four bedroomi dining area, modern kitchen, screened- "We owe our liberation to AU. (JKJHT, I'LL Ol' YE« A DOLLAR. tlnrea baths, llvlnj room with flreplw In porch, garneroom, full basement, at- VER'VE GOT TO 'ANDJT1D DlRECTIONBi From Red Bank, Routl and dining area, kitchen. Light wo tuchtri garage, Fenceil-in yard. Walking revolutionaries," Rabbi Hertz- IP VER PROMISE NOT TO WALX THE LAD/-I DIDN'T SAY S3 to Tfnton Ave., turn right on Tln< paneling. Furnished or unfurnlshe tilaUnc* to school and MM )\ne. til.sm. 1 inn Av8., approximately 1.000 ft. to »20D monthly. Can be neen 8at-, O Call, let us show you thli lovely home berg, of Temple Emanu-El, En- STRAIGHT OVER TO THE PUB ANYTHIN RNNI Country Club Apartment! and Swim 30 or Bun., Oct. 31. Tot lafornxatloi today. HOUSTON WATERBURY, Real- glewood, said. "Jews were Club. call 741-9114. tor. 16 W. Front St.. Red Bank. T4T- • PROMISE? _ 3B00. emancipated throughout the ON PIUVATE ESTATE - Ohapel HK ' PROMISE COMMERCIAL RENTALS Ril., Mlddletown. About three mlf world by subversion ot the old Irom Red Bank ttatlon. Newly dec< HOLMDEL order," he added. PRESTIGE OKFICB SPACE — A ted. Wei) Insulated mod err/ houi Lovely home In better-than*new condi- •ervlcis. HOLIDAY OFFICE BUILD ft\i rooms, two balhi, porch, garag tion. Three bedroomi with i^ bathi, He pointed out that "Jews fa 1NO. Rt. 38. West Lons Brmch. CD electric lieat. Furnished or unfurnlahei plus largs paneled den. Excellent land- P. P. Paibjen Co., ft Beaver St. Phone -weekdaya New York, MU 1 scaping. And only a ihort walk to vor social change largely because Newark 3*40 or CI 6-085*. Wtekend* and «vi trade idhool. A pleasure to ihow. Price, nlngs 741-2933 or 74T-2643. $22,C00, Call Mr. Nelion. their enemies have always op- 623-8700 RENT WITH OPTION TO' BUY posed this change." IK YOU AHB JKTKRESTEB—III Three-ibedroom rancH In Mlfldietowi CROWELL AGENCY, Realtor brand new modem office apace, well Townnhlp. Call E. R 8NYDEJR A CO, He added that this attitude may, located In th» canter of Red Bank, con- Realtor, Aak tor Mri. Richmond, 2S: 63 Klvenlde Ave. 741-4030 Red Bank tact Uf /or further Information. THE 0000. A/ter 6 p.m., 787-170O. Opposite Molly Pitcher Inn be changing among many Jewish DOWBTKA AQENCY. 741-8700. CHAJRMIKO FUHNISHED CAKJUAQ, UNCHOFT 8PL1T — Living room, people "because now we'rt DESIRABLE RIVER FRONT suits- HOUSE — On Dmall river estate. Firor dining room, three bedrooms, IV, baths, On flrat floor In the Tuller BulWInf. Jan. 1 to Juna. Ther*aft«r Brom Be? game room, attached garage. Escellen among the haves, not the have Call MT-3440. ] to June, Id*al for orte or V condition. 118,000. nots." Mooo »a IT. UOHT nuuuuaciunni school teftchars, Conventtnt to bus a lotta (or leaae Can be leajed aspirate- •tores, No pet* or children. 747-2oi' SCHANCK AGENCY Rabbi Hertzberg told tha grou, MICKEY MOUSE By WALT DISNEY It, oorttalnlni about KM m. ft. par Rtallor that the Jewish people have al- floor. 74M105. WANTED TO RENT Linden PI. Red Bank BEAUTIFUL BROAD BT. - Atr joi 7474397 ways used their minds to circum- dltloned office. l.WO aq. It. to you vent their powerlessness becaus order. Red Bank. 7(7-5303. "TWO.F€R" they have always been outnunv WHAT ' DIGNIFIED professional offices, a] Tranaiatlon-Two home* for price of ISTHAT proxirnately 950 so.. It. 23 Reckless P one. Main house hw Jiving room, din bered. LEMONAPB HATPENEP??) next to Flrat Merchants Bank. 747-37; WANTED Ing room, den, three bedrooma, bath FUin 4',4-room cottage, now rented OFFICE AND 8TORAOE SPACE NICB lot. 121,500. A. FRED MAFFEO Auschwitz, he continued, coulc AVAILABLE — Excellent business 1. Furnished threa-bedroom AGENCY. Realtor, 569 River Rd,, Fair not have been imagined until cation. Call 74I-3M0. Haven. 141-933:*. was a reality. He related thai 16U0 BQ. FT. — Modern air cornl home or apartment tinned office apace on State Illgtiwa< OAK HILL previously the Jewish people had busy Interaeotlon, ample parkin*. 122 Recently relocated executi Very attractive three-lied room, two-bath hidden or bargained with Pog. per InoiUli. HAROLD L]NDEMAN!> needs furnished accomodation ranch. Paneled den, full baierifortt, two- Brolter. Eatorttown. M2-11O3. car garage which hacks up to a run- torn — organized massacre-mak WEST END — New atorei with park within commuting distance o ning brook with large trees. Wall-to- ers. This time, he added, th Int. 1,000 to 2290 eq. ft. Available. Lo Holmdel area. Must be fully fui wall carpeting throughout. Thf« hoiui cated at New York Olty - Newark, ar limit be sold. $32,00). Call 294-T2S0. technique did not work. local bua atop. Walking dlatance to nished and in good condition, an< immediately available. Please ca! USD BANK-HUM SON ana miiei thousand epaaimeMe and Monmou around, complete liatlnga, homes, He pointed out that onl OQI1*K», Fraternity houaca. Call aft 264-8700 and ask for Peter Hal [arms, businesses. Member multiple through a study of history ca 6 p.m. 229-382S. lock. listing servlca, Larg* private parluni BUILDINO — 30x40' In good condl it be discovered why the Jewis tlon. Uay be uied for storacfe of equlr people have not folded under 2t .ment boate, stc. Reasonable. Call li '*RAY STILLMAN, Realtor appointment A7M547. RETIRED GENTLEMAN — EMe 848 Hwy. 33 Sruewsbury 741-8800 centuries of persecution. references. Desires large room or twi MORE FOR THD MONX? STEVE ROPER By SAUNDERS and OVERGARD smsll rooms In private home witi Three-bedroom ranch on oirerralMd lot. Succeeding weekly lectures I HOUSES FOR RENT me&ls. Ne&r traniports-tlorJ. Wrl Large Mvlng room, dining room mod- "A.Z." Box 520, Red Bank. ern klldicn with wall-oven and counter- the Monday night series will be ™TSTO?Y RESTRAIN vow CURIOSTD; RENTALS top range, full basement' and 21' by Rabbi Albert L. Raab, who LET US IH QUICMY PRESTO/ ALl ABOUT, ) MY GOOD MAN/-JUST PERMIT FURNISHED ROOMS recreation room. Beautifully land- WE WVE BROUGHT HXI A FALCON ? / US TO UXX MRH0MAD IN r. A. OBULHAU3, REAL ZSTATX Heaped, Walk to trains, bus Shopping will examine the history of thi YCHJRB£PRO0M/"L0OKAf:TEK I 29KHM and stores Just as close. All rlrjtinclng HOUSE GUEST/-FOK WHOSE B1NQLE ROOMS — Clean, comlorl Jewish people through the stud HIM FOR A WHILE -WHEN HE *&& to I17S Per Month able reaaon&ble. Gentleman preterrec available with low immthlr payments. KEEP WE WILL PAY THK BBRO AOENCI 92 Wallace St., 741-5392. Oarage. Asking only J17.60O. WALKER 4 of important personalities from YOU HANDSOMELY./ COMES TO/ WALKER. Realtors. Mlddleto-wn-Holm- "THEWW6- JU. at Ulildlttom BOOM Fon BENT — »13 per weel rfol. Wuklpla Listings and Trade-ins, Abraham to Theodore Herzl, fa- •71-1000 llald airvlce, Atlantlo Hotel, Fair Hi Bend for catalog. 671.3311. ther of modern Zionism. WIDH BBlaCtmO.N «» RENTALS ven. 741-8778 EAHLY AMERICAN FANC1HR3 — Furclaned and untumlahed. Immedl FURNISHED ROOMS — Ointlemei ate occupancy. SAMUEL TEICHKI Will love the charm ot Ihltt quaint, AGENCY. Ocennport Ave.. Oceanporl Clean. Comfortable. Call but spacious three-bedroom Cape Cod »2V» 741-1823 Colonial, with Immense master eulte BOAHDINO HOME — Ocenn Orov on first floor. Two fireplaces. Full Students Push POUR-BEDROOM. 3H-lmth furnlanei 1st. 2nd. 3rd floors, single and doubl dining room. Paneled den connectlr/g horna la Red Bar*. Llvlna room, kite 3 meals and laundry. Plione 775-16" a real beauty of a kitchen. Two twin en and den. Garage. Largp lot. &00 •lie bedrooms and dill bath on the Stamp Drive month. ROMTON WATERBUFIY. Henl IIOOM FOR BU8INEESBAN — R second Door. Twxir attached garage. tor l« W. Front Bt., Red Bank. 7(1 frlgerator. SO Waverly PI,, Red Ban Hoel attractive rear yam with flag- KEVPORT - The Keyport am. Coll «l-2!n. atone patio. Won't lut at (2i,ew. THREE-ROOM FUI1N18HED —Winter RED BANK — Froot room, grouni ELWOOD A. ARMSTRONG AOENCY, High School Student Council I Ized cottage. $60 a month' plua gai floor. wlUi kitchen privileges, prltrat Realtor, !»5 Prospect Ave., Uttle Bit continuing Its green stamp drtv and electric. 291-3327. v«r. 741-4900. entrance. Inquire 43 Petera PI. In order to obtain a new electrl MODERNIZED COLONIAL FURNISHED ROOM — With kUCh< MIDDLETOWN—Eight spacious room In > fuolnatlnf aonfenreiment of split fotball Scoreboard. $200 per month. lil fiuitabl* for sinfl* oc coupli leve] convenience. Three bedrooms, XfntUiew J. Gill. Realtor. G7W3OO. arJrl a fouiih den or bedroom. 1H batns, NUBBIN By JIM BURNETT and GEORGE CRENSHAW AI'PLEBROOK RANCH — Newly de FURNISHED ROOM — Bustneni rentli oversized attached r&ra«e, l&rge dry The drive was started at thi orated. Three bedrooms, two Datha, man. Kitchen privileges. TV. 2T wave: basement, storm windows and doors end of the school year, but wai ly PI. Red Bank. Call T47-1209. family room. Large lot with trees dishwasher, treczer, washer, dryer, re discontinued during the summei Available Nov. 15. $211) per month UED BANK — Furnished room. K frlgerator, wall mounted air conditioner Unfurnished. One or two year leaa lius and «tatlon. B«pa.rate entranc In master bedroom. All centered on a vacation. Each student is re- BltOWN ASSOCIATES, INC. t Whll Bath, shower, lavatory. Refrigerator large, green. H acre with easy accesi Bt.. Red Bunk. 711-2525. Latge closets. Ideal for retired Iblllty to shopping, woralilp. uchoolL quested to bring in one book of RENTALS — SEASONAL — YEARL' lntas gentleman. 747-2406. etc. Corns see at flt.eoo. Call 671-3467. stamps to help meet the goal. ELLA WILTSHIRE. Realtors ROOM AND BOARD — For elder! RIVDR. OAKS — ImmaoWate home 1480 Ocean Ave.. Sea Brlsht. R42-O0OI, let among lowering trees. Fireplace In The drive will be carried oul person. Reasonable For deUita cai Ivlns room, WAnucottng , In clnlng ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Hill ae 747-3630. • room. kltcUen .with. -.breakfast trei, throughout the school year until tton. Cosiest lltle Iwo-bcdroom. tw FURNISHED ROOM — t»ady. Com three bwlroorris, paneled den, two bath cottage. With fireplace and ocean fortable. Convenient to trains and busbaths, full basement, two-car garage. there is enough stamps collected view. Nicely furnished. Immediate oc Red Bank. 741-833S. Immediate occupancy. (35,000. RED- to obtain the Scoreboard. cupancy until June 30. (123. F. A DEN AGENCY, Roaltor. 301 JIaple CEHLHAUS. Real EsUte. 291-0488. 24 LARGE — Light housekeeping room. Ave.. corner Bergen PI., Red Barft. hour telephone icrvlce. Hot and cold water In room. Appl> 741-9100. M1DDLETOWN — Three bedroom 21 Peters PI.. Red Bank. HOUSES FOR SALE Full baaement. Oarale. Near school KBANSBURO — Four rooms. Re TWO ACHES OP CHARM — Immense I12o per month. olrcular drlvsway leads you to this DO YOU HAVE A TtBN lor tall trees nonible. Buslrfrsa couple preferred. 78] spacious, well kept four-bedroom Colo- and a large lot? .Ther; this Is the house 53M or 671-B8U. nial, amidst stately, grsceful trees. tor you, Three bedroom*, fourth un- FAIR HAVEN — Two bedrooma, 1 Lovely HWng room with fireplace. finished. V.i baths. Large kitchen wltr bath. »125. Large, formal dining room. A Colonial dining area. 13x23 gameroom. 15x11 HOUSES FOR SALE sunparch oU kitchen IX rooms and screened porch. Quiet street. Asklni BEACH AGENCY. Broker. H00 Hwy, three baths In all. This Is the older 119 500 Call for appointment. HOLSTON 15. Mlddletown. 971-2727. Open dally home you've always dreamed of at a WATERBURY, Realtor, 18 W. Front »-8. Sal. Sun. 9 to I BEACH EXCLUSIVE prleo under J35.0OO. Many other lea; Bt.. Red Bin*. 74T-3W0. FOUR ROOMS AND BATH — Fu urcs. Call today for appointment. UTTLE SILVER, NEW 1JSTIN& - ntthed or unfurnished. Call after 4:31 VETS NO MONEY DOWN ELWOOD A. ARMSTRONG AGENCY, 6lx-n»m Cape Coa. Three bedrooms, p.m., 671-2717. Realtor. 555 Prospect Ave.. LUtle Sli- MARY WORTH By ALLEN SAUNDERS and KEN ERNST er. 741-4500. bath. Living room wllli fireplace, dlnlns KENT WITH OPTION — TwoAedrooi Stor* dreaming and hurry to see thl room and kitchen. Pull basemen borne on quiet, no traffic street li charming seven-year old Cape Coo MIDDLETOWN - BpauUful large brick Quiet dead-end. In best neighborhood. lllddlelown Twp. SOS per month. Th Three bedrooms, m baths, city sewer; barn with st&te roof. On a farzQ es- tow taies. *18,2O0, Pail 747-4934. BUT, UNTIL VOli AND SHE DO MEANWHILE, JENNIFER HAS JIKT taUGSU) McOOWAN AGENCY. T47-3OOO. Choice location. F.H.A. only isw (tow tate. The ultimate In country cluurm. DESIGNED FOR GRACIOUS LTVlNi HAVE AN UNDERSTANDING, CANT WE [IN A CALL THAT COULD WRECK VKKft fOTUK£-» Immediate possession on Title. Mlddl A wonderful opportunity to remode: Thin UvreeJbedroom. 2(4-batli. attractive IT 4OHAPPEN5 THERE IS (30 OH BEING GOOD FRIENOS.WOOW^ HATAWAN — Two-bedroom bungalow. town Area. U.to B. lovely home. For further Infor- I HAVE MR.FALMER Lake facilities. Near echoola and shop- mation, please call 671-5111 or If no inltt-levcl on a tree-shaded corner Ir AG1RI UKCVOU SPOKE I PROMISE YOU til BE. ping. Quiet r.^lKhborhood. ImmediiUi Oak Hill. Brick Iront. Two-car ga- r ONTHEUNdSIR! occupancy. Call 968-4842 a/ttr 5:30 p.m. $15,900 answer, 2f>l-333t>. race, dlshwaahor. Many extras. Priced ABOUT, VICKJ!-5HE 5 KIN itumnoi wrtH FRIENDSHIP WHY, not'. FAIR HAVEN — Ranch, foyer entrance lo sell. $31,900. MArTTMEW J. OttU EXCELLENT — Two-bedroom honv REALTOR. 671-3200. fMKALPMUO With living room, dining room anr 22' Mvlng room, with fireplace, dining NOW-BUT ittftWl MEAN eat-In kitchen. In fine, very Quiet BEACH AGENCY room, new eat-In kitchen, three double EATONTOWN — Four bedrooms, t.. neighborhood. Available at 1139 pel 1400 Hwy. 35 Mlddletw bedrooms, 1H baths, expandable atttc, baths large living room with tire TOWARK/HER! month. Call Patricia Sullivan at E. R 6714727 basement and attached garage. Excel- place! Excellent condition. In prim BNYDER * CO.. Realtora, 671-2590, Open riftlJy [o S Sat, Sun. to lent location, % aore abounding with area WalX to Ifart Monmoulh and net. Afte-r 6 p.m., 871-3090, All payments are approximate and au' shade trees. Block from river. Asking riubllc and parochial schools. Low taxes. ect to VA FHA approval. J28.90O. 747-9746. IIS 500. A. KOZICKY REAL ESTATE. FREEHOLD — Available Dec. 1. IMS. CHARMING COLONIAL HOME » Et 35 Eatorilown. 542-2223. Evemnca Three-bedroom ranch. All Improve. FAIR HAVEN — Large living room and Biitidays. call Carl Peterson, 542- menta including cerAral air-condition- B B B B with working fireplace. Formal dining 2827 Inf. Convenient to all atores and buses. FAIR HAVEN - Thl« Caps Cod hairoom. Separate television room. Large 1130 a month on lease. City water everymine, Living room with, [lreplice. eat-ln kitchen with breakfast rAx>K. LITTLE SILVER — Newly built. Three' and aewera paid by owner Call afte: paneled den wltli flagstone floor and Three large bedrooms. Bcreened.ln sum- bedroom ranch. Imnwllate occupancy. t p.m.. 462.O72J. Ireplnce. 12x22 master bedroom with mer porch. Two-car garage with over- »1S,™. Call 7(1-9136. batn. dining room and modern kltcher head storage. Practically new wall- on rirst floor. Two largo bedrooma to-wall c&rpeliw, akr-condltioner built LOTS AMD ACREAGE HOUSES FOR SALE and bath upstairs. Two-car attachei 'nto wall. Venetian blinds. Combina- garage. Flagstons patio, electric hot tion windows and awnings. Plua extras. TINTON FALLS — Wooded buliaing water baseboard 3-rono heat. Bcreen: Must he seen to be appreciated. Call site. Two aores. Price reduced. and atorms. Extras Include dlshwaahe 741-5383 for appointment. 671-2359 awnings, bunk beds, dining room carp RUMSON THE PHANTOM By LEE F4LK BANK FORECLOSURE and fenced rear yard and Itoade tree »00«DOWN CHOICE RIVERFRONT ACREAGE Near grade school. Lot (ZaliO. Prlci »88 PER MONTH 60O ft. on Ihe Bhrewsbury River. SPOTLESS RANCH S24.9OO. fo closing fees,' Redecorated alx-room Presently two bulloMng lota. Could be Colonial home. Two-car gairftge. Mid- ic larce beautiful lot. close to fl HE MOVES SILENTLY TO THE HOW'lL WE Y DOLT.' HC3W/WANY i. $15,500 PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. dletown Twp. Parochial schools. Call :re« For Information call 6T1-5111 GREAT PALACE WALLS— KNOWWHEM ) MASKED MEH ON , iwner. 5(2-8130. £10,900. If' no anawer. 291-3339. WE'RE TO WATCH \ FEW PAYS NO MONEY DOWN Real Estate for 71 years \NE SEE HUKll WHITE STALLIONS »lj 80 White St. Red Bank 1 NEW SHREWSBURY — Seven-room HAZLET — Approximately ?« »cre, FOR A MASKEP Thli new mree-bfdroom home In ex- ranch. Two baths, two cellaj*s, A-l MAM ON A WHITE EXPECT TO MIDULETOWN — HlsWy aeslranla I condition.- Lot 126x212. 741-1547. water and ewers. W mile from Air- SEE? i cellent condition li going under market cation. Custom-built ranch, finest con port PllM. 848-8265. 5TALLI0H?' value; for fha bank Is co-operatlna to structlon. Living room wltli bay win MIDDLETOWN — House, tour rooi NOW, SIR? their fullett. This home Is located on dow and tlrepla.ee. dlnJn« area, thra and tiled bath. Large lot. Many large a lovely landscaped lot on a dead end bedrooms, two full baths. Redwoot trees. 525-5458. REAL ESTATE WANTED street. Close to everything. Garage, psjielcd den with Andersen glltlln COLTS NBCK — Lovely three-bedroom HELP — ACTION! large laundry roomf and many extras. windows. lArgft eat-In kitchen wltl home. Best buy In area. Owner wants dishwasher, counter-lop r&rfee anr HEW us; our 13 aaleapeople nead a You must ses it. Call now. sale Immediately. Offered at t25.SK). listing on your home. Sub|ect to FHA, VA approval. wall oven laundry airea, two-zone ol! '. D. BOCHB, REALTOR. LONG isat, attached garage. Draperies In. IIRIDOB RD. C0LT8 NECK. 946-4955. ACTION Is our mouo-prolosslonsl »r- eluded. % nore corner lot. FHA nji Mess are just a phots call away. praised at (29,900. Offers Invited. Cai LARGE FAMtLY REQUIRED — To Trade-ins—Exchanges 6714813. property uee this old fashioned Fair Commercial and Investment propertle Haven Colonial. Four large bedrooms, Mumber Two Multiple Listing Bervlces RUMSON — Ranch house. On IVi aorei plug parlor and hobby room. Nlr.'e WALKER * WALKER ot beautifully lecluded land. The ultl large rooms in all. Bath plus lavatory. Realtora mate in privacy. There ar« four bet!' Bpaoloun grounds with plenty ot trees. Shrewsbury Mlddletown-Holmael rooms and four baths. Three fireplaces Excellent school situation. Fine neigh- Ltbrgtt patio with 8T#enhou«e, Pill; borhood. Asking »l»,500. nUSSELL M. 651 Broad Bt. 200 Hwy S5 separate cot la go with studio, Bkyllgin BORUS Realtors, 600 River Rd. Fslr 741-5212 671-331 separate cooking facilities and ful Haven. 747-4532. Member Multiple List. WE NEmo - *1v« or al*. M belroora bat).. Asking JQO.OOO. For information Ing Service. v- hM, furnlshtd or unhimlihtd, from call 871-5111 or If T*> Answer, 201-3330, BRITEl MIDDLETOWN — Nine-room, split, four to Kit P« month tor Incoming By GEORGE SIXTA RUMSON RANCH — FOiw bedroom bedrooms. 1H baths, attached garage, csriormi* THI BKRO AOINGT, 1U. RIVETS two batlis, dfr/lng room, icreened porch wall-to-wall carpeting, circle driveway, i5 Mlddletown. 671-1O0O REALTY, INC. 9 two-car garage. Lovely secluded pror beautifully decorated. 121,500, Owner. UBTINOB NBEDED! W» Mv« ellenu arty with many beautiful trees. Asl 871-0171. iixloul to settle in this vlclrtlty. Please JORACfjONI Jj Ing v JM.000. ItUSBKLL M. BOIUJ6, call us if your property Is lor rent or Licensed Real Estate Broker nealtora, 600 River Rd., Fair Haven, LINCROFT — Near parochial and pub-sue. BROOK AOBNCY, Bank Building 747-4G32. Membhr Multiple Listing Se lic schorifa stores churches ana Park- Atlantic Highlands. 21)1-1717. t69 Shrewsbury Ave., New Shrewsbury vice. way. Four-bedroom, split level. 2(4 542-2800 2644666 b"Uhs. Beautiful grounds. Excellent con- SEVEN GOOD REASONS lltlon. Call alter 2 p.m. 747.3524, Whv ws can sell your property HOUSES FOR SALE W« hiv» Ins sales force I Dally 9-1, Sot., Sunday 104 N RUMSOU — Klve-room bungalow. 25 Church St. Full cellar, garage, We have the advertising attic. New heating system and plumb- We hav» the experience ing. Tile bfUh, freshly painted. Private We have the "Hnow how parly. $14,500. 842-1116. ' We have Ihe prospects. We nave a trade-in program !USTOM BUILT RANCH — (fa % Wo work hard aral get results aore, T\vo bedrooms 14x20 family LETS TALK IT OVER TODAY1I room with fireplace. TWD-CHT garage. THE CBRTIN AGENCY,, AYERS-TRUFOLO E3xcellciit cnt.Mlllon. Not In a develop- Realtora ment. (17.0(10. MATTHEW J. OIIiL, 1 AGENCY lUBAiLTOrt 071-3200. Leonardo a" -""* 16 CHURCH ST. LITTLE SILVER HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 741-2838 Although citiei, raaching out for more rtvtnu*, had itartad liciruing rttl (itatf broken, there, w«n no chanctsr or tduca- MARK TRAIL By ED DODD NO MAINTENANCE • NO PAINTING tionul r*qulr


18-24-lb. AVERAGE STEAKS First Cut Center Cut

On 1*1 Jho. Stilus. Cut Lean for taw CttimMn CrMcWCu POTATOIS IU|.,TaUrTo«i BEEF CUBES ,77 Shw-Iiu or Morton Minn or .89' Ib. For Broiling or Potting 37: 47 POTATOES PUMPKIN PIE $|0» SHORT RIBS .47' DRESSILCAKE OtoKt and Lean .USDA Cut Short USDA MAS ftCARROTS BRIADED SHRIMP GROUND CHUCK .67' CHOICE CHOICE] ,BT9v Regular • FISHCAKES RIB 1099 GROUND BEEF ,47' LEAF SPINACH FISH CAKES CUBE STEAK *99« Sweet or Hot. 10", 99' Horn fcrioroar t fcmt ilVi-ot .»—. ••. STEAKS POTATOES 2 "ATWC % A.w«,Ta,tv ITAL. SAUSAGE ,69 End Cut Rib SHOUUMK WHY PAY MORE CAUF. ROAST ffflAK PORK CHOPS ,49 Ib. Boneless Cubed 77 YOGURTS CHUCK ROAST VEAL CUTLETS .99 FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLES AT SHOP-RITE!



Plastic King ,4c OH Bathroom, White or Assorted Colors ' > Imported CLOROX SOFT-WEVE ITALIAN V-. (hear Moyn Al Mm. Al IM( BLEACH TISSUE FRANKS *65c TOMATOES U«*.»iu TurV.r. Choppoa Horn. t-l. Comod IMI SUCED MEATS 3 £ 89c POPI-PUIN OBWITHBAm. FRANKFURTERS 59c

APPETIZER DEPT. (Sf here Available) 59* Shcp-RHt . 3 ,v;, 39 APPLE CIDER t 65- HEARTS DELIGHT Chicken Of The Sea SoKd Pack Meat 3c OH CHICKEN RICE ARONI OR BEEF WHITE TUNA 3^97* White Tuna SHOP-RITE CORN 6™ 95' BUMBLEBEE 2 r69< lOcOHShop-RHe SWISS CHEESE »79c HARD SALAMI 1:59c 100 •VMMl>*«l(S*ia4H«.«rHygroo> UikUuut CAMPBELLS SOUPS TEA BAGS COOKED SALAMI »69c KEILBASSI ,79c 20 Ib. i •V Comttock Cherry ROUND BREAD BROWNIES VAN CAMPS PORK & BEANS can Cotirmtt Suptr SlxUcn Your • %m I PIE FILLING $: Why Pay More? Choice • M DONUTS 16 „ »»c gallon f f 1 MAZOLAOIL . can . • SEAFOOD DEPARTMENT v1 Great for Cooking or Saladt THIS toward the purchase of ^ 39C SWOHDRSH LOBSTER ANY BRAND GALLON » I WESSON OIL or $: Coke Mi«« TAILS COUPON WORTH ANTI-FREEZE | DUNCAN HINES 3 Urse $ 49 ::•: Betty Crocker layer . ,;. Coupon Good At, . ,. • 2 •: ANY SHOP-RITE SUPERMARKET I CAKE MIXES Z *: PBhbury. Ptabi or Buttermilk ' " WHERE ITEM IS AVAILABLE .. i COUPON LIMIT: ONE PER FAMILY | PANCAKE SHAKERS 4 « M RBR Coupon Expiresi Saturday Nighli October 30, 1965 fr 7tO«.Kratt ' J •: ' Coupdn r«dnm*d orty en purthaw «l I

RIG. PRICE 29c SHREWSBURY AVE. at RT. 35 GttAnothwForie I LOCATID IN ATLANTIC SUPfRAMA 230 trim aff****** Unutk tMuraVr bleM. Octohtr 10. If tl. NM rH»MdMt*lw lynrfM-l •"•"• Wr rwm Uw rl|M *• fcnHeu«nlW« . I here'j a fthoji.Ktte near uou- Call «^ 5-73WJ3CH