The Terrestrial Ecosystems at Forsmark and Laxemar-Simpevarp
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The terrestrial ecosystems at Forsmark and Laxemar-Simpevarp – Site descriptive modelling SDM terrestrial ecosystems at Forsmark The site R-08-01 The terrestrial ecosystems at Forsmark and Laxemar-Simpevarp Site descriptive modelling SDM site Löfgren, Anders (Editor) EcoAnalytica December 2008 Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co Box 250, SE-101 24 Stockholm Phone +46 8 459 84 00 R-08-01 CM Gruppen AB, Bromma, 2009 ISSN 1402-3091 Tänd ett lager: SKB Rapport R-08-01 P, R eller TR. The terrestrial ecosystems at Forsmark and Laxemar-Simpevarp Site descriptive modelling SDM site Löfgren, Anders (Editor) EcoAnalytica December 2008 Keywords: Ecosystem, Ecology, Ecosystem modelling, Mass balances, Vegetation, Fauna, Land use This report concerns a study which was conducted for SKB. The conclusions and viewpoints presented in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily coincide with those of the client. A pdf version of this document can be downloaded from Preface The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) is undertaking site characterization at two different locations, the Forsmark and Laxemar-Simpevarp areas, with the objective of siting a geological repository for spent nuclear fuel. The site investigations started in 2002 and were completed in 2007. The analysis and modelling of data from the site investigations provide a foundation for the development of an integrated, multidisciplinary Site Descriptive Model (SDM) for each of the two sites. A site descriptive model constitutes a description of the site and its regional setting, covering the current state of the geosphere and the biosphere, as well as those natural processes that affect or have affected their long-term development. The site descriptions should serve the needs of both Repository Engineering and Safety Assessment with respect to repository layout and construction, and its long-term performance. They should also provide a basis for the Environmental Impact Assessment. The surface system consists of a number of disciplines that have worked together within the project group SurfaceNet. The disciplines involved in the description are: • hydrogeology, surface hydrology and oceanography, • bedrock and Quaternary geology and soil science, • hydrogeochemistry and surface water chemistry, • systems and landscape ecology, • physical and human geography. The focus of the description, besides a general description of site conditions, has been to support and answer a few general questions, such as: • What types of ecosystems are present and how do they function in terms of transport and accumulation of matter at a local and regional scale? • How has the site evolved over time? • Can we find evidence for deep groundwater discharge and describe the processes involved? Previous versions of these site descriptions have been published for both Forsmark and Laxemar-Simpevarp. The latest version of the overall concluding site description, SDM-Site, is found in the SDM reports, Site description of Forsmark at completion of the site investigation phase. SDM-Site Forsmark. SKB TR-08-05; Site description of Laxemar at completion of the site investigation phase. SDM-Site Laxemar. SKB TR-09-01. Further, a more comprehensive overall surface system description of the Forsmark and Laxemar-Simpevarp areas can be found in the two Surface system reports Lindborg T (ed.) 2008. Surface System Forsmark, Site descriptive modelling, SDM-Site Forsmark, SKB R-08-11. Söderbäck B, Lindborg T (ed.) 2009. Surface System Laxemar-Simpevarp, Site descriptive modelling, SDM-Site Laxemar- Simpevarp, SKB R-09-01. The present report comprises an integrated description of the terrestrial ecosystem and will provide the necessary information to evaluate the two sites from an ecosystem perspective. Tobias Lindborg Project leader, SurfaceNet 3 Summary Generally, elements are transported and accumulated in ecosystems to a different extent, depending on the properties of the element and the context it is exposed to. This report describes the terrestrial ecosystems in the Forsmark and Laxemar-Simpevarp areas by summarizing ecological data and data from disciplines such as hydrology, quaternary geology and chemistry. The description therefore includes a number of different processes that drive element fluxes in the ecosystems, such as net primary production, heterotrophic respiration, transpiration, and horizontal transport from land to streams and lakes. Moreover, the human appropriation of the landscape is described with regard to land use and potential and actual utilization of food resources both today and in a historical perspective. Wetlands occur frequently in Forsmark and cover 10–20% of the area, whereas wetlands are less frequent in the Laxemar-Simpevarp area, covering only approximately 3% of the main catchment. The main portion consists of open wetlands. A major difference between the sites is the great calcareous influence on the wetlands in Forsmark, resulting in a rich fen vegetation characteristic of this region. The Laxemar-Simpevarp wetlands have a lower pH and are often dominated by sphagnum species. The agriculture land is a major provider of food for humans and is less abundant in the Forsmark area (4%) compared with the Laxemar-Simpevarp area (8%). Production in both areas is dominated by fodder and grass for domestic animals and only around 10% of the agricultural land is used for crops. Clayey till dominates in Forsmark, whereas gyttja clay dominates in the Laxemar-Simpevarp area. At the latter site, arable land is situated in valleys that in many cases are former wetlands, which can be seen as a thin peat layer in many of the arable land areas. Forest land covers 73% and 86% of the area in Forsmark and Laxemar-Simpevarp, respectively, and consists mainly of coniferous forests. The forests feature moister conditions in Forsmark, whereas drier areas and outcrops are more abundant in the Laxemar-Simpevarp area. The calcareous soil provides nutrient-rich conditions, making herbs and broad-leaved grasses abundant in the field layer of the forests of Forsmark. The results of both modelling and the national forest inventory in the region suggest that a number of ecosys- tem properties are of a similar magnitude such as Net Primary Production (NPP), biomass etc. Generally, the higher latitude of Forsmark would suggest a lower NPP. However, these proper- ties are also dependent on factors such as nutrients, moisture and the age of the forest. The later factor is mainly affected by the forestry management practices applied in the two areas. Extensive inventories of mammals conclude that the moose populations are of similar size, while roe deer have higher densities in Forsmark. Lynx have recently become established in the Forsmark area, whereas red deer, fallow deer and wild boar have become established in the Laxemar-Simpevarp area. Domestic animals have a markedly higher biomass per unit area than free-living animals. However, their spatial distribution is very limited and concentrated to agricultural areas (area for seed production excluded), which are sparse in both the Forsmark and Laxemar-Simpevarp areas. The yields of six different species of berries and fungi (0.091 gC m–2 y–1) were estimated for both sites. Present-day picking and consumption of berries is less than 5% of the yield, but may vary depending on different circumstances. Hunting of moose and roe deer is on similar scale at both sites, approximately 0.5 and 2 individuals km–2 for roe deer and moose, respectively. A conceptual description of terrestrial ecosystems is presented. It consists primarily of descriptions of pools and fluxes of organic matter, but also serves as a conceptual approach for describing pools and fluxes of other elements present in the ecosystems, which are explored from a mass balance perspective. 4 Detailed descriptions of pools and fluxes of carbon for three localities at each site were undertaken with the aim of describing some dominant and poorly described ecosystems. The vegetation types were two Norway spruce forests of different ages, one alder swamp forest, one oak forest, one alder shore forest and one planted Norway spruce forest on previously drained wetland. Generally, the estimated pools and fluxes from the six localities in Forsmark and Simpevarp were in agreement with similar studies, where available. NPP was estimated to be between 360 and 736 gC m–2 y–1 for the different forest types at the two sites, where the alder shore forest in the Laxemar-Simpevarp area had the lowest NPP and the Norway spruce forest on drained organic soils in the Laxemar-Simpevarp area had the highest NPP. All sites seem to have been carbon sinks during the period of the measurements (142–311 Cm–2 y–1), except for the oak forest and the alder shore forest, which were close to zero. Nevertheless, the estimates presented here, both single estimates of pools and fluxes and ecosystem emergent properties, are well within expected ranges. A dynamic vegetation model, LPJ-GUESS, was used to estimate pools and fluxes of carbon for 12 different vegetations types at each site using the local climate as the driving variable. These results were compared with site estimates and literature data. Values were in the upper range of boreal forests but still not unrealistic in comparison with field data and literature values. The results from this model were also combined with remote sensing data in order to study the variation in NPP of the tree layer. Moreover, the temporal dynamics of a number of ecosystem properties were studied for a forest at both sites during a period of 400 years. Data were also extracted for a 100-year period in order to obtain the mean values of e.g. NPP, biomass and soil organic carbon accumulation, which would approximate a forest cycle under forestry manage- ment. Carbon pools and fluxes, which are used as a proxy for organic matter, were described on the scale of the catchment. The rationale for using the catchment scale is that transport of elements is mediated by water and the catchment will set the boundary for further transport and accumulation.