
New Musician

Volume 20 | Number 2 Article 1

1-1-1973 Musician Vol 20 No 2 (January 1973)

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J J m Tbuv T lflsxkD The new officers for 197.3-7.5 of th New Me.xico Music Educators As.se W j L L & id a n ciation will assume office immediatel OFFICIAL PUBLICATION NMMEA DISTRICT after the All-State Festival. They are,| of the PRESIDENTS Don Beene, Los Alamos - Presiden) New Mexico Music Educators Association GREGG RANDALL __ ....Las Cruces affiliated with Southwest NMMEA Ross Ram.sey, Las Cruces - Band Vies New Mexico Education Association JOHN O. WALKER Roswell Southwestern Music Educators Southeast NMMEA President; John O. Walker, Roswell I Conference MIKE McNALLEN Bloomfield Choral Vice-President and Harrig Music Educators National Conference Northwest NMMEA a division of the ALBERT ORTEGA Taos Heltman, Santa Fe - Elementary-Junic National Education Association Northccntral NMMEA High Vice-President. DENNIS SCHNEIDER ...... Cimarron Northeast NMMEA NMMEA OFFICERS MICHAEL D. HIGGINS Moriarty Nancy Adkins who had been electej President. HAROLD VANWINKLE Central NMMEA to the office of Orchestra Vice-Pre.s: 2309 Arroya Ln. BOB BAILEY .... Albuquerque dent has submitted her formal resigns Alamogordo 88310 Albuquerque NMMEA tion. She will not be teaching in Ne\ Vice-President, Band ...... WIN CHRISTIAN NEW MEXICO MUSIC Mexico for the 1973-74 school yeai 1404 Silver, SW., Apt, 11 INDUSTRY COUNCIL Her replacement for Orchestra Vic« For information, contact Rollie Heltman Albuquerque 87104 President will be chosen during th Vice-President, EDITOR 1973 All-State Festival. Chorus DON G. TH O RP MELVIN .A. HILL Department of Music, NMHU 2613 19th Street The April issue of THE NEW MEJi Alamogordo 88310 Las Vegas 87701 ICO M USICIA N will include, in add Vice-President, El. and Circulation Manager Jr. High HARRIET HELTMAN DUANE J. BOWEN tion to the usual columns by each c 11 50 Don Caspar School of Music, ENMU, Portalcs the officers, a feature article concen Santa Fe 87501 Printer ing the backgrounds and accomplisl Vice-President. Bishop Printing £< Litho Co. ments of each of our new officers. W Orchestra DON BEENE Portalcs, N.M. 88130 1500 44th hope all the members of the NMME^ Los Alamos 87544 Published by the New Mexico Music will become acquainted with these off Educators Association. Three issues per Secretary-Treasurer ROLLIE HELTMAN year: October, January, and April, Sub- cials during the coming year and wi 1 1 50 Don Caspar •scription $1.50 per year, 50c per copy. Santa Fc 87501 lend them the support they deserve an Direct subscription requests, advertising need. This support is necessar>' in ordt Past-President .... ROBERT LANE rate requests, and all copy and other 933 Highland Drive material to Melvin A. Hill, Department of lor the NM M EA to retain its positio Hobbs 88240 Music, NMHU, Las Vegas 87701. as one of the. we think, best state a ganizations in the nation. This Tw'enty-Ninth Annual New' Pur tPire0*tor o i Fiu0> A rts Says., Mexico Music Educators A.ssociation attention to the many outstanding ses­ All-St.ite Music Festival and Cainferenec sions designed to provide teehniques for portends to be the gre.itest festival to the improvement of instruection in date. All who read this should make music education. their plans immediately to attend. Much is being said and written about You will also note the many musi- accountability at the state and national eians who are giving ot their tadents and levels concerning the education pro­ efforts to bring to each participating grams of the nation's schixil system. student and music teacher the best pos­ Much is alst) being written about t h c sible information for music instruction crisis in the .schixils of America. In the materials and techniques of perform­ great discussion of what is wrong in ance. I urge each of you to avail your­ education, battle lines have been draw'n self ol this fine opportunity to find ans­ l.irgcly based upon the financial well­ wers to your problems in your own being of the school district. The great music education situation. competition for the t.ix dollars for edu­ Mr. Administrator, you are cordially cation is being fought on all fronts. invited to be a guest of the N M M EA Te.ichers must have greater incomes, during their All-State Music Festival less duties, more equipment, more ma­ and Conference to attend any of the terial, more say .so in the running of ROLLIE HELTMAN sessions, workshops or concerts. Please the program, but what .ibout the wel­ write me a note saying you would like fare. growth and development of t h e As yi.'U review tlic All'St.ite program a guest ticket and I shall be happy to student'.’ jni.lined in this magazine, I eall your send you one. (Continued, next page)

IN MEMORIAM B.S. and M.A. degrees from Northeast the publication one of the lu'ttcr such Missouri State Teachers Q allege in publications in the . He Kirksville and an Ed.D. from the Uni­ liad been li-ted in W ho's W hat and versity of Kansas. Additional graduate Why in Missouri, in the publication work was at indi.ina University in Presidents and Deans of American Col Bloomington, Ind. leges and Lhiivcr'ities, and W'ho's W ho In Mi.s.'Xiuri, Strub served as Lincoln in America. (.anility music supervisor, director of Strub served on accredit.ition teams bands and choirs in Fulton, and direc­ for the North Central Assoei.ition and tor of bands .it McBride Higih Schtxil the National Council for the Accredita­ in St. Louis. Fie was director of bands tion of Teacher Education. A pa.st pres­ •ind a music education professor at ident of the Portales Kiwanis Club, he Northeast Missouri State from 1947 un­ had been pn'sident of St. Helen's Parish til his appointment at Eastern in 1962. Council. At the time of death, Strub Strub w.is a member of various pro- W .IS president of the Roosevelt Chamber fession.il music organizations iiiicluding of (Commerce and district three lieu- a life member of Music Educators Na­ ten.int governor of Kiwanis. tional Contcrencc, New' Mexico Music On campus. Strub served on several Educators Assix:iation. Masie Teachers University committees including student N.itional Assix'iation, New' M exico Edu­ loan and memorial fund, graduate eoun cation Ass

— 3— HELTMAN (cont.) SOME (Save our Music Education) .imple, there is increasing evidence If tlie arts arc ever tu be recognized Chuck Suber, E.xecutive Secret.iry music study has .i strong positive as important to the growtli and develop­ 222 W. Adams Street feet on reading ability. Calilor ment of children, then the arts a n d Chicago, Illinois 6)0606 Riverside County Schixil System is more specifically, the music program gaged in .i half million dollar fede must provide components of experience “Muse Belongs” funded project “Pro Lexia" whic to enhance a child's life in such a way 301 Pennin.sula Boulevard delivering satur.ition doses of music, as to be considered a necessity. Hempstead, New York 11.5.30 thematics and language study to Administrators faced with the ter­ dren in grides one through three. T rible problem of fitting all the worth­ 1 recommend you read the November is already .strong evidence that this while educational programs into th e issue of the CO N N CH O RD Magazine, proach raises the level of reading at constantly limited financial support publi.shed by the Conn Corporation. lor all children involved." must kxilc critically at every program Music educators take heed, y i .seeking funds as a part of the school Dr. Charles L. Gary, E.xecutive Sec­ future career is on the line. Make ■ community. retary' of M EN C told the Chicago instructional program relevant Board of Education, “we are on the necessary to the total educational I read and hear about music pro­ threshold of important discoveries about gram in your .school. grams being reduced or cut at various the value of music in relation to other See you at All-State. January- 21 levels across the country. I wonder why? aspects of instruction" - - - “for ex- 1973 in Albuquerque! On investigation, I find the music pro­ gram was operating in a vacuum: that is the mu.sic teacher became so intently involved in his performance group and P resid en t's M essagt^ the quality of its performance, that the .students, other academic faculty mem­ A special tlxinks to the present bers, and parents are turned off by the ccutive board Don Beene, ’ demands and imbalance of the program. Chri.stian, Harriet Heltman, The program becomes vital, t(x> often, Thorp, Bob Lane Mel Hill and R. to only a few .select students. Adminis­ Heltman. Wkirking with these pts trators, taxpayers and legi.slators get the has Ix-en a pleasant, educational, word that the music program is not rewarding experience. I hope that serving the people. Then you aa» in will take time to thank them forj trouble! exccllenc.’ in which they serve our i There are a number ol concerned ciation. organizations of national scope that I owe thanks to the many men have recognized some of the problems of N M M EA for their willing of the general concept that music is a tance in helping with the All-State “ frill" and will not be missed if deleted lerence. the .luditions, and the nt from the schixils. Each of the follow­ ous committees required to run the ing organizations have or are develop­ incss ol our .issixriation. W e can ing programs for the support and up­ .say that to Iv a member of N M M l grading of mu.sic education in the public to be active in the music education .sch(x>l sy.stem of America. I urge each fe.ssii m. of you to write and ask for their ma­ HAROLD VANWINKLE W e have .ill lost a friend witl terials: death of Dr. Paul Strub. Dr. i My term as president of the New .served his profession, his country, The National As.slans for the 197.i All-State Orches- U.N.M ., coached by Dr. Felberg. The ist in the Los Alamos Schools, ; ;ind related business are on sched- clinics will be conducted by Dr. Fel­ Dr. Frederick and Dr. Lantz have If you have suggestions for future berg, Dr. Levinson. Dr. Lantz. and cted exciting and demanding pro­ conductors of our All-State groups, Mrs. Betty Whiton. On Friday at 1 :00 ms and 1 liopc that every director please contact Dale Kempter. Dale is you will have an opportunity to visit CHiraged his out.standing students to chairman of the committee responsible with Dr. Lantz. The general topic is: ition for the orchestras. At the time for a sl.'ite of conductors to be presented “Developing String Programs." At ,i:0t) thii article, it appears th:it the num- at the orchestra business section. Jim Dr. Frederick will meet us. His topic is: of students auditioning was more Bunnell has agreed to again chair the "Developing Quality String Players.” n in previous years. Only the bass committee designed to determine study Don Robertson, owner of The ' ions will be smaller than anticipated, materials (etudes), solos, scales, All- Shop, will give an in.strument repair want to expre.ss my appreciation to State excerpt, etc. t\)r the All-State au­ clinic in his shop on Friday evening at people who agreed to help with the ditions for each string instrument. If 1 :}(). Please plan to attend. ;cmbcr string auditions and the Jan- either of these men contact you to See you at the convention!

— 5— t.inee, so please be in attendance. W e EL. and JR. HIGH V.P. CHORAL VEEP will select future clinicians and di.seu,-;s COLUMN All-State auditions. Let me know of other business matters that need to he brought before our members. All directors should make eertain their students have memorized their All- St.ite music prior to the memoriz.ition .Hid til n on the fir>t day of the clinic Any student that does not know his or her music W'ill not he .illowed to sing with the All-State groups. I fondly remember how you director^ were .in.xious to help in any possible way last year. Whth that in mind. I'm looking forward to a highly pleasant, •uccessful. cooperative, and inspirational clinic-convention. See you thcR*.

BAND VEEP COLUMN HARRIET HELTMAN Now that vve are back to seb after a gre.it holiday season. I'm s DON THORP you are planning new and c.xciting f grams for the mid-winter and sj-ii As you rcjid this article, my term as concerts. your Choral Vice-President will be M i . Melvin Hill, our New- Me> drawing to a close. It seems a very Musician editor, h.is rceiucstcd that short time ago that 1 stepped into the .ill contribute to our magazine. Sc shoes of Warren Dennis to fill the suggestions: do you have clai vacancy created hy his une.Kpectcd this year'.’ How are they organiz resignation. Two things stand out in my What gr.ides .ire included? Great mind as 1 recall the past year and a half, ideas you use in teaching! Guest art (1) how much I've learned hy serving th.it may have visited your classes! S as Choral Vice-President, and (2) what dent compositions or arrangements y a solid organizational structure we have m.iy have used for programs! What Iv in N M M EA . A problem that lias come you done? Do let Mr. Hill hear fr to my attention and concerns me a great you! deal, is the lack of communication be­ L.fur annu.il music meeting timef tween choral directors in New Mexico. .ilmost here. The program for the i I'm afraid we are at a disadvantage in mentary-junior high .school section^ this problem liecausc of our sparse, WIN CHRISTIAN going to be great! Louis Ballard \ scattered population and what appears I hope you will all look over the 197.t pre.scnt .i workshop on Indian M u to be a high rate oi director turnover. 1 A llstate schedule very carefully so Lucille WiKid W 'ill present Bowmar r hope as the population grows, there will terials .ind Jeanne H(X)k will present be less turnover in choral directing posi- you will not miss any of the unusually Advanced Orff-Kodaly session. litms. Pcrhajis John Walker, our Choral large number of opportunities to learn complete schedule for section meetin Vice-President Elect, will be able to things about mu.sic. It iinaks like a great meeting. rehearsal times and concerts is in t help us move toward the .solution of this issue. problem. Since wc were forced to delete the As each new year .irrives I'm si All-State Stage Band from the January The accompanist for our Mi.xed that we all find -

— 7— TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL Sustaining NMMEA CONFERENCE Members AND A llyn & Bacon, Inc. 8301 Ambassador Row ALL-STATE MUSIC FESTIVAL Dallas, Texas 75247 Shawnee Press, Inc. P. O . Box 708 FINE ARTS CENTER, UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO Chalsworth, Colifornia 91311 The Music Mart 2)0 Yale Boulevard. S.E. JANUARY 25, 26, 27, 1973 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106 Bowmor January 24, Wednesday 7:30 P.M. NMMKA Board of Directors Meeting, Ha 622 Rodier Drive Van Winkle, President, Green Room, Fine Arts Center Glendale, Colifornia 91201 Keynote Music Service January 25, Thursday 833 South Olive Street 7:30 A .M . Chair Placement Audition Team ami Monitors OrganizatL Los Angeles, California M eetings: Feoron Publishers/Lear Siegler, Inc. Band—Win Christian, Vice-President, Band Room E 6 Davis Drive Chorus—Don Thorp, Vice President, Chorus Room Belmont, California 94002 Silver Burdetf/General Learning Corp. Orchestra—Don Beene. Viee-f'resident, Orchestra Room 8301 Ambossodor Row 7:.30 IHiGISTI^ATlON: Directors must register all student particip Dallas, Texas 75247 by mail prior to January 19, 1973. All directors pick up progt May's Music Company — New Mexico Student Union Ballroom Foyer. 514 Centfol Avenue, 5.W. 8:00 VISIT THK KXHIBITS Albuquerque, New Mexico 87101 STUDENTS ARE TO BRING MUSK AND STANDS TM f G. Leblanc Corporation SESSIONS. NO STANDS WILL BE PROVIDED! 7019-30th Avenue Symphonic Band audition in rooms indicated beicnv: Large ins Kenosha. Wisconsin 5314 1 8:00- <):.3() Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. ment cases lor Symphonic Band may he left in BIOS. 1408 Marron Circle, N.E. Double Reeds t i l l FAC First Floor Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112 1st Bh & Eh C’larinets B130 FAC Ground Flo« Taylor Music, Inc. 2nd Bh Clarinets 231 A B NMU Ground I'loi 513 South Mnin 3rd Bh Clarinets B126 FA(' Ground Flo« Aberdeen, South Dokota 57401 Alto. Bass & Contra Bass Edward B. Marks Music Corporation Clarinets 2224 k'AC 136 West 52nd Street Second Floe New York, New York 10019 F'lutes BO 15 FAC Ground Flot World's Finest Chocolate Inc. B203 FAC Ground Floi P. O . Box 3682 Cornets & 'rrumpets 1117 FA(.’ First Floor Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110 Horns 1106 FAC! 1st Floor Sol Frank Uniforms, Inc. Trom bones 1108 FAC 1st Floor 70 2 S. Santo Roso Baritones B133 FAC Ground Flin San Antonio, Texos 78207 Ba.sses (Brass) B223 FAC Ground Flot Ludwig Industries 1728 North Domen Avenue Basses (String) B223 FAC Ground FI Ronald E. Jones Instrument Insurance WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THEIR DIRECT P. O. Box 9884 .Students should arrive early to find rooms tor anrlitioning. Houston, Texos 77015 Sclmcr Division of the Mognovox Co. audition rooms in FAC!. P O Box .110 Mixed Chorus: Elkhart, Indtona 46514 So|>rano Mrs. Rowan Keith B20() Bob Foricy Music Center •Soiirano Mr. Sheldon Kalherg B 2 II 2312 Wisconsin NE So|)rano Mr. Marvin Wadley Albuquerque, N.M. 87110 B 2 I5 Yomoho Internotionol Corporation Alto Mrs. Olga Carbajal B 2 I8 8751 Mays Ave. Alto Mr. Jerry Luck B219 Garden Grove, Col. 92640 Alto Mrs. Mary Linda Gutierrez B223 Conn>Artley*Roth T en or Mr. Charle.i Rives B224 616 Enterprise Drive T enor Mr, Richard Hugo B225 Oakbrook, III. 6052) Tenor Mr. Duane Harris B226 CCM O stw old, Inr. B.1SS Mr. Don Moore B227 630 Franklin Boulevard Bass Mr. Kent Northup Somerset. New Jersey 08873 B229 Bass Mr. Pat Robinson B231

— 8— 0-10:30 Girls Chorus: Soprano Mrs, Lois Carbajal B233 r PROFESSIONAL QUALITY Soprano Mr. A. V. Wall B235 Soprano Mr. Bill Simmons B237 Altx) M r. Boh Sheets B239 Alto .Ms. Trudie Anderson B240 Alto Mr. Lvnn Loomis B242 Records 0- 0:30 Symphony Orchestra Strings Chair Placement audition. BRING MUSIC AND STANDS. NO STANDS WILL BE p r o v i d e d : I 250 AB 2nd Floor New Mexico Union irom your tapes Violins II 250 DE 2nd Floor New Mexico Union Viola 253 2nd Floor New Mexico LInion AS EASY AS Cellos 250 C 2nd Floor New Mexico Union String Bas.ses 231 DE 2nd Floor New Mexico llnion 0- 9:30 Symphony Orchestra Woorlwinds, Bra.sses and Percussion Chair Placement audition aiul rehearsal Popejoy Hall Stage. BRING MUSIC AND STANDS. NO STANDS WILI BE PROVIDED! RPC Dr. Kurt F'rederick, Guest Conductor Assistants: H. T. Pavne. Ted Hush 10- 9:30 String Orchestra organization and rehearsal, Johnson 184. BRING MUSIC AND STANDS. NO STANDS WILL BE PRO­ VIDED! Guest Conductor: Dr. Harry Lantz Chairman: Niincy Adkins Assistant: Mary Helen Fierro 50-11:30 Symphonic Band rehearsal. FAC BI20 BRING MUSIC AND STANDS. NO STANDS WILL BE PRO­ VIDED! Guest Conductor: Col. Arnald Gabriel ('h.iirman: Win Christian Assistants: Albert Ortega, Jerry Barnes, Tom Kelly :00-11:30 Concert Band Chair I’lacemeiit audition—schedule of rooms for ,Symphoni<- Band. BRING .MUSIC AND STANDS, NO STANDS WILL BE PROVIDED! ; 0 0 l 1:30 Siring Orchestra aialitions—see schedule of rooms lor Symphony Orchestra. BRING MUSIC AND MUSIC STANDS. NO STANDS WILL BE PROVIDED! 1:00-12:00 •Symphony Orchedra rehearsal, Poi>eJoy Hall Stage. Guest Conductor: Dr. Kurt Frederick Chairman: Don Beene Assi.stant: Tom Weber, William Cramer BRING MUSIC AND MUSIC .STANDS. NO STANDS WILL BE PROVIDED! ►:-l')-12:00 .Mixed Chorus rehearsal. Keller Hall Guest Conductor: Paul .Sal.imunovich .Accompanist: .lanet .lacoh ('hairman: Don Thorp Your own programs . . . failh- Assistants: John Walker. Jerry Luck lully reproduced on Ihc finest ipialily records or cassettes. In 12:00 Girls Chorus rehearsal, B1I7 Guest ( ’(jnductor: Dr. George Umherson a huge selection of exclusive Accompanist: Carol Brashear Kl’G album cover designs, con­ Chairm.-m: Gary Storey temporary or traditional, with Assistants: A. V. Wall, Marvin Wadley personalized imprinting both front and rear, anti shrink- p:00 Noon Luncheon, .A.SBDA., Room 253, New Mexico Union Bob Bouma. (’hairman packaged for the List word in sales appeal. 1:00- 3:(K) DIRECTORS VISIT THE EXHIBITS Simply semi your own recorded (No students allowerl at exhibits at this time) tapes directly to Kl’G and its 1:00- 5:00 Concert Band rehearsal. South Ballroom, New Mexico Union skilled sound enginiters. Your 1:00- 5:00 Symphonic Band rehearsal B120, FAC completed rei:ords will he 1:00- 5:00 String Orchestra rehearsal Johnson 184 shipiied to you in just 14 days. 1:00- 5:00 .Symphony Orchestra rehearsal Popejoy .Stage 1:00- 5:00 Mixed Chorus rehear.sal Keller Hall You gel the highest professional 1:00- 5:00 Girls Chorus rehearsal B II7. FAC (|ualily, the fastest delivery, and 1:(X)- 2:30 Audition Materials Committee meetings: the lowest possible cost when Band: 'Fed Rush. Chairman 2224 you dttal direi:tly with KI’G Chorus: Ben Canfield, Chiiirinan 2114 the oldest and most experiimced Orchestra: James E. Bunnell. Chairman 2113 i:omiiany of its kind, serving 2:00- 4:00 Elementary-Junior High School session 250 ABCDE. NMU more than 10,000 schools and American Indian Music in the .School Classroom performing groups since 1948. Mr. Louis Ballartl. Supervisor of Music Education. BIA Schools Send for free "how to" literature Harriet Heltman, presirling 2:00- 3:30 Percussion Clinic for directors and university students—Johnson 127 John K. Gahn. University of Colorado, (’linician Win Christian, Chairman RPC {’linician, courte.sy of Luchetti Drum & Guitar Center RECORDED PUBLICATIONS CO. (fkmtinuiHl, next page) l.'iSH I’icrce .Avenue Camden. N l- OHIO.''. • (009) 90:1-3000 — 9— NMMEA FESTIVAL (cont.) 3:30- .1:30 NMMEA Section meetings: Band: Win Christian. Chairman 2118 Chorus: Don Thorp, C3iairman 2100 Orchestra: Don Beene, Chairman 1111 3:.30 Student MENC meeting Conlerence Room. N Spon.sor: Dr. Harold Popp 5:00 Student Dinner time .5:00 N AJE Dinner—Hoyt's Dinner Bell, 3900 Central, SE Clark Pontsler, Chairman

7:30- 9:30 Elementary-Junior High School Session 2.50 ABCDE, b American Indian Music in the School Classroom Mr. Louis Ballard Harriet Heltman, presiding 7:30- 8:00 Demonstration concerLs: All students and directors are to ati Do not bring instruments. Strings: University of New Mexico Student Keller String Quartet Don Beene, Chairman Percussion: New Mexico Highlands University 1 Percussion Ensemble Melvin Hill, Director Woodwinds: Albuquerque Solo Group 1 HARRY LANTZ Frank Bowen, Harry Lantz, internationally known Darrel Randall, Oboe Conductor, Cellist, and Instrumental Floyd Williams, Clarinet Lois McLeod, Piano Music Educator, is Professor of Music Artemus Edwards, Bassoon and Director and Coordinator of the Music Depart­ Bob Bouma, Chairman ment of the University of Wisconsin- Brasses: New Mexico State University Faculty Parksidc. Kenosha, Wisconsin. Bra.ss Trio Prior to joining the University of .Sam Trimble, Warner Hutchison, Horn W'isconsin-Parksidc Music Faculty, Pro­ Ron Thielman, Trombone fessor Lantz was Supcrvist)r of Music Ron Lipka, Chairman for the Houston Public Schools and 7:.30- 8:00 Choirs: Eastern New Mexico University Central Ur Conductor of the Houston All-City Mixed Quartet Methorlist Church Sanct Symphony Orchestra. He has also taught Ron Shirey Pine & Copi>er, j Don Thorp, Chairman at the University of Houston and was 8:15- 9:15 Clinics Conductor of the University Symphony. Students and directors are to attend. Instrumentalist do not t In his role as Conductor. Professor instruments. Lantz has toured and conducted through­ Sopranos: Merrily Culwell, Clinician Central LInited Methi Richard Hugo, Chairman out Europe, Great Britain, Wales, Mex­ Church .Sancti Altos: Dr. Anne Swenson, Clinician Central Methi ico, and Canada. As a performing Don Moore, Chairman Fellowship artist he has played with major Ameri­ Tenors: Ronald Griffith, Clinician Central Methi can symphonies under such noted con­ Sheldon Kalberg, Chairman Fellowship Hall, ductors as Leopold Stokowski, Leonard Basses: Dr. Donald V. Paschke, Clinician Central Methi Bill Simmons, Chairman Ch Bcrn.stein, Bruno W alter, Sir Thomas Violins: Dr. I.«onard Felberg, Clinici:in Keller Bcecham. Eugene Ormandy, and Dimi­ Thomas Weber, Chairman tri Mitropolus. His professional affilia­ Violas: Dr. Herbert Levinson, Clinician Little Theatre, N tions include Ix'ing a past member of Worjdrow Wilson, Chairman Celli: Dr. Harry Lantz, Clinician the Editorial Staff of the Music Edu­ South Balli Dale Kempter, Chairman cators j^lational Jouruai, a past-president String Bas.ses: Mrs. Betty Whiton, Clinician 231 DE, N of the Texas Music Educators Associa­ Harry Hansen, Chairman tion, a past-president of the American : Frank Bowen, Clinician 2100 ; String Teachers Association, and a mem­ Bob Lane, Chairman Clarinets: Floren Thompson, Clinician B117 ; ber of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. Norvil Howell, Chairman Professor Lantz serves frequently as .Alto, Bass and Contra Bass Clarinets: B 132: guest conductor, adjudicator, and clini­ William F.. Rhoads. Clinician cian at secondary schools and universi­ Tom Martin, Chairman Saxophones: Dr. Richard Boland, Clinician ties throughout the country. In the con­ Johnson: Gregg Randall, Chairman ductor's role he has appeared as guest Bassoons: Artemus Edwards, Clinician B015 conductor of many all-state orchestras Mike Shaver, Chairman and of university summer camp clinics. Oboes: Darrell Randall, Clinician 1100 Dr. Lantz is the guest conductor of John Walker, Chairman : Bob Farley, Clinician 2118 the 197.1 All-State String Orchestra, Bob Bailey, Chairman the fir.st such organization for the NM- Horns: Warner Hutchison, Chairman 1108 M EA Aiinual Music Festival. H. T. Payne, Chairman J:15- 9:15 Trombones: Ron Thielnian, Clinician 1111 FAC Wallv C'levelanfl, ('hairman Baritones; Fred Uart, Clinician 1117 FAC Jack Reynolds, Chairman : John Hull, Bob Farley Music Center, Clinician B133 FAC Fred Gray, CJiairman Percussion: John K. Galm, University of Colorado B120 FAC Courtesy of Luchetti Drum & Guitar Center Kenneth Holloway, Chairman inuary 26, Friday DIRKCTORS SCHEDULE 1:00 A.M. VISIT THE EXHIBITS, North Ballroom, NMU 1:30 Elementary-Junior High School session: 250 ABCDE, NMU Making Effective Use of Bowmar Materials Lucille Wood, Author, Composer and Consultant, Bowmar Courtesy of May’s Mu.sic Company and Bowmar Mary Kaye Murphy, Chairman 1:30 College-University Music Faculty 1108 FAC Music Education Major: Musician First, or Teacher First Guest Panelists: Dr. Harold Popp, Eastern New Mexico University Leonard Felberg, University of New Mexico Littleton Scott, Highlands University Daniel Stern. Chairman GEORGE L UMBERSON 1:00-10:00 Clinic session for directors and college students South Ballroom Improving double reed instruction in the class or Dr. George Umberstin assumed the sectional situation Ralph Levy, Clinician Chairm.mship ot the Department of Ross Ramsey. Chairman Music at West Te.xas State University :.30 Ge?ieral membership meeting, NMMEA NMII Little Theater in Augu.st of 1070. Pritir to that time Membership cards will be checketl. he served as Cliairman of the Vocal Prc*sident Harold Van Winkle, presitling Department at Ea.stern New Mexico ';00 Noon PHI BETA MU Luncheon 253 NMU Bob Bouma, President University for ten years. Dr. Umherson has enjoyed great suc­ :00 P.M. VISIT THE EXHIBITS : 00- 2:00 Clinic Keller Hall cess in eltoral music at the higli school Paul Salamunovich, Clinician .md university level. While at Eastern John O. Walker. Chairman New Mexico LIniversity, his choir was JOO- 2:00 Clinic: Developing String Programs John.son 184 selected to perform for the New Mex­ Dr. Harry Lantz Nancy Adkins, ('hairman ico Music Educators Convention, the :30 Elementary-Junior High School 250 ABCDE, NMU Southwestern Divisional Convention of Making Effective Use of Bowmar Materials the Music Educators National Confer­ I .iicille Wood, Bowmar ence, and the National Convention ol Loui.se Driik, Chairman the American Choral Directors Asso­ [too- 3:00 Clinic for band directors and college students BI20 Col. Arnald Gabriel, Clinician ciation in Seattle, Washington. Win (Jiristian, ('hairman He is widely known as a clinician, ad­ ^00- 4:00 Clinic B117 Dr. George (Imberson, (Jinician judicator and speaker, having been in­ Gary Storey, Chairman vited to serve in one of these capacities fOO- 4:00 Clinic: Developing Quality String Players Johnson MA in 16 states. Ur. Kurt Fretlerick, Clinician Don Beene, ('hairman For four years Dr. Umberson served i;00- 4:00 ('linic: Jazz Rhythm Section, Johnson 182 as Pre.sident of the Southwestern Divi­ Nick Luchetti & ('ompapny sion of the American Choral Directors Clark Pontsler, ('hairman too- 5:00 Busine.js .Meeting Concerning Future of All-State Johnson 182 A.ssociation and w;is a nominee for N a­ Jazz Band tional President of this organization. ('lark Pontsler. Chairman poo MENC Student meeting NMU Conference Since moving to Texas he has been Dr. Harold Popp, Sponsor named Chairman of a .statewide com­ :15 NMMEA Executive (kimmittee Meeting Green Room, FAC mittee to study Teacher Education (retiring anti new officers) Training in Texas. This committee is 30 P .M . Instrument repair clinics for directors anti college students sponsored by the Texas Music Eduai- Bantl: Jerry Baum. Clinician(Baum's Music Co., Alb.) 231A NMLl tors Association. He is active as an insti­ Ernest Sanchez, Chairman tutional representative of the Texas As­ Strings: Don Robertson, (Jinician (The Violin Shop Violin Shop sociation of Music Schools and the Na­ 3003 Monte Vista, NE, Albuquerque) 30 Barber Shop (-Juartet Workshop Keller Hall tional As.sociation of Schixils of Music. Robert D. Johnson. Clinician, SPEBS()SA Don Thorp, Chairman Dr. Umberson is the guest conductor (Ckmtinued, next page) Icir the 197.S All-State Girls Chorus,

— I I — ALL-STATE SYMPHONY NMMEA FESTIVAL (cont.) 7:30 Elementary-Junior High School 2.50 AHC:DE. N^ Advanced Te<'hniques in Orff-Kodaly Jeanne Hook, Clinician. Albuquerque Public Schools Virginia Ebinger, Chairman

.Januarv 2(i. Friday STUDENTS SCHEDULE Concert Band 8:00- 9:00 Popejoy Stage 10:00-12:00 South Ballroom 1:.30- 4:.30 South Ballroom Symphonic Band 8:30-11:30 B120, FAC 1:00- 2:00 Po(3ejoy Stage 3:00- 4:00 B120, FAC Girls Chorus 8:30-11:00 B117, FAC 11:45-12:45 Popejoy Stage 1:30- 3:00 B117, FAC 4:00- 5:00 B117, FAC Mixed Chorus 8:30-12:00 Keller Hall 2:15- 3:15 Popejoy Stage 3:30- 5:00 Keller Hall String Orchestra 9:1.5-10:15 Poijejoy Stage 10:30-12:00 Johnson 184 2:30- 5:00 Johnson 184 Symphony Orchestra 8:30-12:00 Johnson Main Are: KURT FREDERICK 1:00- 3:00 Johnson Main Are: 4:00- 5:00 Popejoy Stage Kurt Frederick graduated with high­ .STUDENT CONCERT 7:30 P.M. (NOT est distinction from the State Academy OPEN TO PUBLIC) Po[jejoy Hall and State College of Music in Vienna, SYMPHONY ORCHE.STRA—MIXED CHORUS—SYMPHONIC RAND Austri.i. He received a Ph.D. from the (All students are required to attend.) University of Rochester, with a major January 27, .Saturday in Music Theory and minors in Compo­ DIRECTORS AND STUDENTS .SCHEDULE sition ,ind Musicology'. 8:30- 9:30 A.M. Concert Band rehearsal South Ballroi Symphonic Rand rehearsal After coming to this country he was b ; Girls Chorus rehearsal B1 first violist of the New Friends of Mixed Chorus rehearsal Keller H Music Orchestra in New York and String Orchestra rehearsal Po|i^ violist of the Koli.sch Quartet. Frederick taught at the UNM for MIXED CHORUS CONDUCTOR thirty years. During this time he or­ ,St. Mary's College and the Dircctonsl ganized the UNM Symphony Orchestra, of Choral Music at Loyola Univer^ UNM Chamber Orehe.stra, New Mex­ of Los Angeles. For twenty-three ye| ico Chamber Orchestra, Albuquerque he has been organist and choirmasterj Youth Symphony Orchestra, Albuquer­ St. Charles Borromeo Church in Noi que Choral Association, and others. He Hollywrx)d and also for the p.ast fc conducted for some 12 years the UNM y'cars at St. Basil’s Church on Wil.sh (^pera Work.shop. Boulevard in Los Angeles. In 1969 i W ith the various UNM Ensembles was knighted by Pope Paul VI for he presented concerts and opera per­ contributions to liturgical music. formances in various communities of New Mexico, and directed UNM in­ Mr. Salamunovich’s profe.ssional sii strumental groups at divisional and na­ ing c;ircer, commencing in a Bo tional M EN C conventions in Denver Choir, has long been asstxriated with I ,ind Colorado Springs, Colorado; Dallas, Los Angeles Master and the Roj Texas; St. Diuis, Missouri; and Chicago, Wagner Chora le.s of which he has Illinois. seventeen years been Assistant Condi Frederick has conducted the All- tor. In addition to his regular condu State Orchestra of Wyoming (twice) ing aetivitics he has presented or and Florida, and the regional All-State rected, in twenty-five States and Orchestra of the North West. He will PAUL SALAMUNOVICH Canada, over one hundred and severlj conduct in this year the All-State Or­ Paul Salamunovich holds an Assis- five workshops, summer music earaj chestra of Tennessee and the Honors hint Professorship of Music at Mount Orchestra at the Tri-State Music Festi­ and choral festiv.ils, including seventt val in Oklahoma for the third time. He AssiK'iated Musicians of Greater New All-State Festivals. is a member of Kathali, Blue Key and York (DKal 802 of A.F. of M.) Mr. Salamunovich is the guest q Phi Kappa Phi, an honorory member of Dr. Kurt Frederick will be guest con­ the Anton Bruckner Society in New ductor of the 197 SNMMEA All-State duetor for the 197.i All-State Mi; York and an honorary member of the Symphony Orchestra. Chorus.

— 12— 1:30- 9:30 A.M. Symphony Orchestra rehearsal Johnson MA NMMEA CONFERENCE i:00 All-State Music Festival Public (,'oncert Popejoy Hall Slrinj; Orchestra—Girls Chorus—Concert Banrl COLLEGE SESSION Registration tags admit participants by Dan Stern, Chairman Tickets sold to the puhlic:adults $2.00, students $1.00 :00 VM. All-State Music Festival Public Concert Po|)ejoy Hall Tilt; Music Eduauiiin Major: Musi- Symphony Orchestra—Mixed Chorus—Symphonic Band ciitn First or Teacher First’ will be the Registration tags admit participants topic for the college session of t h e Tickets sold to the public: adults .$2.00. students $1.00 NMMEA conference in Albuquerque, LEASE NOTE: BE SURE TO PICK HP ALL INDIVIDUAL AND SCHOOL Friday, January 26, 1973, ;it 8:.30 A.M. OWNED EQUIPMENT FROM BOTH THE FINE ARTS CEN­ TER AND NEW MEXICO UNION. AS BUILDING WILL NOT H.irold Popp of ENM U, Leonard Feb BE OPEN SUNDAY. Ix'rg of UNM, and Littleton Scott of PARKING: NMHLJ, will lead the discussion. Parking of cars anti bu.se.s during All-State on the UNM Campus In our student days. I'm sure most this year, will 1k^ very difficult, since the University will be in ot us were, in one way or .another, ex­ sessit)n. posed to the demands of the “ Music The following plan has been established as a partial solution to Educ:ition " department ,ind the “ Per- the problem: 1. The parking areas on the curb next to the front entrance of the tormance " department, each of which Fine Arts (.'enter will l>e blocked off for loading and unloading •It times acted as if the other didn't of school buses and or cars, exi

1973--MAY'S 59th YEAR SERVING NEW MEXICO SCHOOLS Our Display at ALL-STATE will feature The excitinq World of 'Elementary Music Classroom Teaching Tools and Materials"

Kitchinq Orff Insiruments — Aufohnrps — Tone Eduroror Bells Flutophones • Sonq Flutes • Toneites — Ukeleles nnd Guitors Rhythm Band Instruments — Recorders Melodicos & Hormonicos Authentic Tons Indian Drums


You are invited to attend the Lucille Wood Workshops

FRIDAY, JANUARY 26th, N.M. Union Rms. 250 ABCDE

8:30 A.M.— A review of Bowmor Moteriols on Textbook List and introducing new Bowmor items.

1:30 P.M.— Moking effective use of Bowmar s RHYTHMS TO READING ond MOTHER GOOSE AND CHILDRENS SONGS Senes. /^^ks Orlh^^'ons (Music, Special Ed., Kindergarten. Social Studies, Eorly Childhood Reading Teachers welcome)


Come In — Write — Or Call


514 Central Ave. W — Phone 243-4458— Albuquerque, N. Mex. 87101



Jeanne Hook, Assistant Coordinator D)uis W . Ballard, a Santa Fe music Lucille Wood is the chief architet of Music Education, Albuquerque educator and composer, who holds the ,ind contributor of music publicatior Public Schools, received a Master of position of Progr.im Director in Music, for BOWMAR. The BOWMAR OP Music Education degree from the Uni- Central Office of Education, Depart­ CHESTRIAL LIBRARY. MEET TH; versity of New Mexico. A member of ment of the Interior, will be guest lec­ INSTRUMENTS. THE SMALL ML Mu Phi Epsilon, accompanist and as­ turer-clinician at the NM M EA All- SICIAN S E R1 E S. SYMPHONIl sistant director of French's Boychoir of State Music Fe.stival and Conference. FA N TA SIES, and the new RH YTH M Albuquerque, she has served as organist Mr. Ballard's presentations will be TO REA DIN G progr.im con.stitut of First United Methodist Church, Al­ made January 25, 197.i, 2:00 to 4:00 only :i p:irtial li.sting of the titles sh buquerque; Elementary - Junior High P.M. and 7;.50 to 9 :.'0 P.M in Rm h.is developed. Vice President of New Mexico Music 250 A-E in the New Mexieo Union. Mr<. Wood's material appeal to ch^ Educators As.sociation; taught vocal and Mr. Ballard's topic and presentation dren ,ind elicit genuine musical Icarr instrumental music, K through 12 in will be “American Indian Music in the ing from them. She has :i unique talen Ohio; junior high vocal music in Okla­ Sch(K>ls.'' He will demonstrate the use for writing succinct, practical teachin homa and at the university level in of American Indian music elements and suggestions th.it music teachers a n Arizona. materials in contemporary music educa­ classroom teachers arc eager to u,se. Th tion. Mr. Ballard has conducted work- In Albuquerque, she pioneered and .success of the.se materials results frot .shops on Indian music at leading uni­ taught elementary music on KNME- many years of experience in the ele versities and colleges in the LInited T V , Channel .i for seven years. Later, mentary cl:i.s.snK)m. Her contribution States, such as: UCLA, San Francisa) while serving as an elementary music to the. field of music education ;ir State, S:in Fern.indo State, University consultant, she conducted a three year most signific;int and far-reaching, boC of Colorado, Denver University, Texas Orft-Kodaly pilot program at John :is editor, iiuthor and composer f oj Tech, Southern Methodist, TuLsa Uni­ Marshall EL'mcntary School in Albu­ Bf^W M AR. :ind as AsstHriate Profe.'sq versity, University of Oklahoma, Syr.t- querque and since then has worked of Music. C:tliforni;i State College a cuse University, William Jewell Col­ with many elementary and junior high Los Angeles. lege, Southern Colorado College, . students using this approach to music She has created over one luindro College of Liberal Arts, Chickasha, learning. She has worked in O rff- and fifty multi-media aids to educatio: Oklahoma, University of New Mexico, Kodaly with B.irbara Grenoble, Denver which have been ;idoptcd as b;isic ma University of Northern Arizona. Uni­ ,ind Grace Nash, Scottsdale. terials in .s c Ik h i I s throughout the Unitei versity of Minnesota, L.imars College. State.s. C.inada :ind a number of foreig: Mrs. Hook has presented workshops Iowa. etc. In conjunction with his ap­ countries. The Ixxik C R A F T Oi for New Mexico Music Education As­ pearance ;it these universities and col­ M USIC TEA C H IN G , published b- sociation Ivith in elementary music via leges, his music compositions have been Silver Burdett Co., is used as a text fa T V ,ind in Orff-Kodaly. presented in ;ill-B;illard concerts. mu.sic education courses in colleges :in This year's Orff-Kodaly workshop Mr. B:dlard w(>n the National Edu­ universities. The .songbook SINGINl will be more advanced than those pre­ cational Press award for :in article en­ FUN. published by McGraw-Hill, It; viously presented and is based on the titled “Put American Indian Music in been the highest selling songbook fc (Hook, cont., page 18) (Ballard, cont., page 18) (Wood, r-ont., page 18) Bob Farley ~ music center

2312 Wisconsin NE • Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110

phone (505) 298-7474

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Specializing in SERVICE to the school and professional musician

Offering a full and complete stock of the finest in instruments and accessories




Offering o complete and modern instrument repair shop now doing repairs and maintenance for schools and colleges throughout the Southwest.

Stop by and visit us at the exhibit during All-State

- 1 5 - 210 Yale Blvd., S.E. • 265-7721 THE MUSIC MART 210 Yale Blvd., S.E. • 265-7721 | Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106 SPRING 1973 RECOMMENDED LISTINGS >M THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN AREA CHORAL MUSIC SACRED and SECULAR EXAM COPIES ON REQUES'

Title Composer Price Title Composer Pri SATB— Socred & Secular SATB— Sacred & Secular—~cont'd e Ah, Lord Who Hasr Created All Schutz .35 Poem of Creation Ledo Lewis Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed Mortin .25 Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above Pfoutsch .3 All the Way from Nazareth Von Hulse .35 Praise Ye the Lord Wilkinson .3 A llelu ia for Christ the Lord ts Risen Boch .40 Prelude and Dance for Am erica, There's So Much to Soy arr. Johnny Monn .45 Voices ond Hands pfoutsch 3 Ayre for Eventide Stuart .30 The Prophecy of Joel Butler ,2 Begin My Tongue Some Put on the Whole Armour of God Newbury Heovenly Theme Young .30 Rain orr. Lojeski 4 Beulah Lond Sweeney. Ferguson .35 Recuerdo House 3 Black and White orr. Coates .35 Reflections on a Reflection Ledo Lewis ,5 Blessed Be the Father Christionsen .30 Ring Out Your Bells Voughon Williams 3 Blessed Jesus Crom .25 Round After Round Berger 3 Bosom of Abrohom orr. Joyce .45 Solve Regina Desenclos 4 Break Forth Into Johnson .30 Simple Song of Freedom orr. Lojeski 4 Canticle of Celebration Since By Mon Come Deoih Handel 3 (w opt, brass) Young .35 Sing Ye Wienhorst 4 Christ Indeed is Risen Today orr. Ehret .30 Stand Up and Cheer Johnny Mann 4 Christ is Risen, Risen Indeed Wetzler .40 Suovecito arr. Lojeski 4 Christus Foetus Est Anerio .25 The Summer Knows orr. Slater 4 Cloister Hymn {Requiem Aeternam) Schumann .30 This IS Whot We Are Kimmell 3 C ru c ifix u s Boch .30 Three Adoromus Te Settings Perti Berger 3 Crucifixus Lotti .30 Vincent orr. Metis 4 Ooy by Day {from GodspelT | arr. Leyden .40 The W ay of Love Dievol 4 Dogs, Coffee and Allegators M atthews .35 Weep You No More, Dona Nobis Pacem Sod Fountains Lekberg 3 (from ‘Harmoniemesse ■) Haydn .45 Where is the Love Baumann 4 Easter Song Owen .30 Worthy is the Lomb Handel 3 Everybody Hears a Different The Young New Mexican Drummer Ledo Lewis .50 Puppeteer orr. HoywOfd 4 Family of Man ConradM des .35 SSA— Sacred & Secular J Fanfare for Easter Morsholl .30 Bless the Beosts and Children orr. Cossey 4 From All Thy Saints on Warfare Voughan Williams .25 A Farewell in the Evening Roin John Duke 4 Glory and Honor Giorgi .35 1 Close My Eyes |SSAA) Trock 2 "Godspell’’ Selections orr. Leyden 1.25 1 Feel the Earth Move orr. Cossey 4 G lory to God in the Highest Thompson .40 If 1 Could Write a Song arr. Boyd .5 A Great Light Oe Pue .40 It W as a Lover and His Loss Wormer 3 Gypsys, Tromps and Thieves O ff. Lojeski .45 Lord Shine! Moore .2 The Hallelujah Mass Gravitt .60 On That Night Cook House 3 inst. parts each .50 On the River Chou John Duke 4 Hallelujah Sing Wilkinson .25 Proise to the Lord, the Almighty Kropf 3 A Holy Festivol Beck .50 Sometimes 1 Feel Like a The House of the Lord Young .40 Moanin Dove (SSAA) G illiam .3 How Excellent Thy Name Burroughs .35 The Summer Knows (theme from 1 I Did Not Lose My Heart Kennedy .35 Summer of 42 ") arr. Slater 4 I Long for Thy Salvotion Newbury .30 Take Those Lips Aw oy Wormer 3 If I Could Write a Song orr. Boyd .50 Vincent arr. Metis .4 I'm Gonna Lay my Burden Down Johnson .30 The Way of Love Dievol I Must be Married a Sunday Sitton .35 When That 1 Was a Tiny 1 It is o Great Day of Jo y Vic .50 Little Boy Wormer .3 It Soon W ill Be Evening arr. Track .35 When You Soy Love {HML| orr. Oliver 4 I Will Not Leave You Comfoitless Newbury .35 The Wind and the Willow John Duke 4 I Will Sing of Mercy UNISON, 2 PART. SAB, TTBB— Sacred & Secular and Judgment Diemer .40 All Glory Laud ond Honor Teschner SAB .2 Let if Be Me orr. Kerr .35 Amazing Grace arr. Stonton SAB ,3 Let The World Rejoice Carlson .25 Bachelor s Dance arr. Hobash TTBB .5 The Lord is My Stregnth Contemus Domino Bruneiti SAB .3 and My Song Newbury .30 Come With Rejoicing Leof Uni .3 The Low-Ground of Sorrow Grender .30 The Courting of the M arlboro Rood Ledo-^Lewis .50 Deaf Woman art. Ahrold SAB .3 Moy we Be Worthy of Thy Trust Delmonte .35 Feed My Lombs (w/2 flutes) Sleeth Uni .3 M ethinks I Heor the Full In That Greot Gettin 1 Celestial Choir Crotch .35 Up Morning Heath HBB A Morning Hos Broken Stevens/Simeone .35 The King of Love My i Music from Across the Woy arr. Cossey .40 Shep-ierd Is Shelley SAB .3 My Old Ford (w/inst.) Ringwold .35 Let Us Break Bread Together Rogers SAB .3 Nos Autem Desenclos .45 Lord, I'm Lost Johnson TB .4 Now Songs for the Church Year A People Colled Christians McKoy 2pt .3 (Collection w guitor & boss) Newbury 1.00 Proise the Lord Hafso SAB .3 O Clap for Joy Burroughs .35 She Walks in Beauty Lekberg SAB .3 O God, Thy Name is Holy Matthews .30 Sing Gloria Hunnicutt 2pt .2 O Lord, Give Ear Beethoven 'Goldman .30 This is All 1 Ask arr. Simon TTBB .4 O Love That W ilt Not Let Me Go Wilkinson .35 Three Simple Melodies Zimmerman Uni

— 16— CONCERT BAND NEW ORCHESTRA ntle Composer Grade Price Concert— Popular Title Composer Srade Price Cherubini Weatherly Mi Bobo Overture D 25.00 |S|— String Orchestra Set B MIegro artd Dance Mozart''Cacovas M 13.50 Butterfly karnum & Boiley s Fovorite King Bainum MD 17.00 orr. Moltby ME 12.00 (S) Canon & Fugue for Strings Riegger iless the Beasts and Children orr. Bullock M 10.00 D 12.00 The Childrens March (opr. chorus) 6 .5 0 Irian's Song Legrond Bullock M 10.00 Sanfilippo ME (S) Chorale for Strings he Bugler Rocks Ployhar ME 9.50 Hoffis (set) D 5 .0 0 Conversotion Piece for Trumpet parole King Portrait arr. Cacovas M 15.00 ond Orchestra ientennial Fanfare-March Nixon D 3 0.00 Klause ME 15.00 Csardas M 12.50 horale and Fugue Cossler ME 15.00 orr. Farago Decode Overture ^ Classical Overture Gfundman MD 2 1 .0 0 Wheor D 2 0 .0 0 (S) English Airs arr. Hunr (set) Ipncerto for Faculty and Bond Ployhor M 12.00 M 3 .0 0 Film Masterpiece Themes oncert Piece Blank D 2 0.00 orr. Muller M 10.00 Suite arr. Hostings bol Is the Volley Persichetti M 15.00 M 8 .0 0 Hummel Concertonte ount Down Feldsfein M 14.00 arr. Brown E 9 .0 0 Hurting Each Other Geld/Ployhar rystal Star Osterling M 10.50 M 12.00 Irving Berlin Symphonic Portrait once on Three Legs Hastings ME 8 .50 arr. Ades M 2 0 .0 0 Kabalevskiona txie Has Landed Feldstein M 10.00 orr. Hastings M 8 .00 (S) Lennon & McCartney Medley ntrota Festive Nystedf D 2 0 .0 0 arr. Muller M 15.00 Manfred Overture onfare. Air and Finale Frockenpohl MD 2 0.00 Schumann Muller M 14.00 Medley from ' Jesus Christ lershwin Medley iopt. chorus) arr. Bennett D 3 5 .0 0 Superstar ioober Peas arr. Bolent E 8 .00 orr. Mancini MD 2 5 .0 0 A Mighty Fortress ospel Rock Medley arr. Schoefer M 2 2 .0 0 Nelhybel MD 2 1 .5 0 No, No. Nonette Selections irant Them Rest Faure Buehiman M 11.00 Youmans Bennett MD 3 5 .0 0 Pixie Dance eovy Band Cacovas M 18.50 Langliiz E 9 .0 0 (S) Poem for Strings mperatrix Reed MD 2 4 .0 0 Frozeur MD 6 .5 0 Roiny Days and Mondoys he Incredible Flutist Piston Erickson D 2 0.00 arr. Schaefer M 12.00 The Sound of Norway rtterludium Cocovas M 10.50 Grieg Forsbiad & n the Groove Feldstein M 10.00 Livingston ME 10.00 Summer of 42 rving Berlin Syniphonic Portroit orr Ades M 2 8 .0 0 Legrand Muller M 12.50 |S| Ten Pieces for String a iz March Benrriscuttn M 17.00 Orchestra ateidoscope O 'Reilly M 12.00 Erronte E 15.00 Three Offerings (from Handel 0 Cucaracha orr. Lauder E 6 .00 Oratorios) Q Fiesta de lo Roca ZitO MD 18.50 Forsbiad & Livingston ME 12.00 Vistas Esponoios l\arch of the King's Trumpets Ployhar ME 9 .00 Hull M 13.00 Aofch Romame Gounod Cacovos M 15.00 iysterious Mountoin Hovhaness 'Erickson D 17.50 NEW TUNES FOR STRINGS letherlands Suite Lijnschooten MD 18.00 NEW STRING COLLECTION IN TWO VOLUMES tobies of the Mystic Shnne Souso Fennell MD 12.50 STANLEY FLETCHER & PAUL ROLAND orthern Song Osterling E 9 .00 Teachers Manual 3.50 Student Books 2.00 ne Tin Soldier arr. Moss MO 16.00 vorture Allegro Morrissey M 13.50 verture in Blue Kinyon E 6 .00 NEW! STAGE BAND verture: The Court of B

- 1 7 - PURPOSE OF WORKSHOP CLINICIANS ALL-STATE FESTIVAL ludging program also comes under his 1 jurisdiction. , . To pnwide the student with ui u.su:d talent an opportunity to pa Much of Johnson's time at present is ticipatc in fine musical organis spent making presentations to state tions, under the direction of recq groups of M EN C (Music Educators nized .specialists. National Council). He has been in the forefront of bringing barbershop har­ b. To provide the students motivatic mony to the high schools through the for greater ;ichievement in mus current fe.stival .system and is constant­ educ;ition. ly working with music educators to pro­ c. To provide the teacher an oppo mote more barbershop music in their tunity to ob.serve the speciali programs. demonstrate new techniques in tf Mr. Johnson will make his presenta­ field of music education. tion and workshop on January 26, 1973 d. To provide the teacher an op[X)! at 7:30 P.M. in Keller Hall, UNM tunity to hear new music literatur Fine Arts Center. review and examine materials - new instruments, textbixiks, etc.

HOOK (cont.) c. To provide the teachers the oppo philosophies of O rff and Kodaly as they tunity to hear fine musical grouj ROBERT D. JOHNSON which they might not otherwii contribute to total learning through hear during the year, which may it Robert D. Johnson is Director of music. The.se philosophies will be illus­ spire them to maintain high stanc Music Education and Services for the trated and discitsscd through listening, :irds of teaching in their own cdt Society for the Preservation and En­ movement, speech, singing, playing in­ cational .systems. couragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America. A former director struments. notation and creativity. of the Society's 1961 International This session is .scheduled for Friday. WOOD (cont.) Chorus champions, “Tlic Chorus of the January 26, 7 :3 0 - 9:30 P.M. in Rtx)m early childluxxl for the past ten yeaij ChesJipeakc” from the Dundalk, Mary­ Mrs. W(K)d has presented lecturj 2.i0 ABCDE. New Mexico Union. land Chapter, he left liis post as Chair­ demonstrations in many U. S. citid man of the Music Department of Pat­ and for national, divisional :ind stal terson High Sch(K)l in Baltimore in 1962 BALLARD (conL) music educators conferences in tk to as.sumc his new duties at Harmony U.S. and Ciinad.i. She has akso taugl Hall, International Headquarters of the Clas.srix)m" published in the M EN C summer se.ssions and seminars at a nun SPEBSQ SA in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Journal, March 1970. her of colleges and universities. Mrs. Woixl stresses in her workshoj Bob has studied all musical instru­ Mr. Ballard has used the resources of ments, plays the piano, and has done effective organization, timeliness c tribal music through relevant, yet inno­ some arranging and composing. A grad­ topic, colorful visual aids, and csthelj uate of State Teachers College, Indiana, vative teaching concepts in music, de­ experience. Pennsylvania, he holds a Bachelor of veloping a course of study and graded Science Degree in public schcx>l music. m:iterials :ipplicable to kindergarten He earned his Master's Degree in Edu­ through post-gradu.itc level. Mr. Bal­ cation at Allegheny College, Meadville, lard's philosophy of ethnic mu.sic edu­ Pennsylvania, and served as an Assis­ cation is being adopted by leading tant Professor of music at that college for five years. He received an honorary' music textbook publishers, for whom Doctor of Music degree in 1970 from he serves in the capacity of official con­ Dominican College, Racine, Wisconsin. sultant and writer. Did You See In his present position, he is respon­ One of Mr. Ballard's recent compo- sible for the Society's music education program which encompasses not only .sitions for young audiences “W hy the Your the preparation of singable arrangements Duck Has a Short Tail" received 17 for chapter quartets and choruses but performances :it the John F. Kennedy Music Dealer's Ad the scheduling and staffing of Harmony Center for the Performing Arts in 1972 Education schixds and seminars at key ;ind many of his chamlx'r works have In This geographic points in the Society a n d been performed at leading performing individual demonstrations at chapters Magazine? ? throughout the United States and :irts centers ;ind by leading profes.sional Canada. SPEBSQSA's Contest and musicians here :ind abroad.

— 18— CDLstadt PhsuddsmiA (RsifwAiA DISTRICT 2 vil Howell; Hobbs High - Bob Lane; some of the things for which we never C.irlsbad High - Pat Henr>'; Alamo­ have time. Plan to attend the meeting gordo High - Harold Van Winkle. in March. I would also like to thank Art W e are thankful for John Bealmear's Dempsey for running our District All- recovery from his heart attack and we State tryouts. There were 226 band pray for his continued recovery. students and 438 chorus students W e sincerely regret the passing of •luditioning. Dr. Strub and wish to pay tribute to There will be a music meeting .sched­ all his leadership in our district. W c uled at the District Teachers’ meeting will miss this great music educator. in Roswell at Goddard High School. Hope to see all of you at All-State. This may give us a chance to discuss (Continued, next page)

JOHN O. WALKER hope that all directors in District 2 having a successful year. I am sure hand directors are glad to catch a ith between marching season and the I of the year. The choral directors Ireeovering from the Christmas sea- <^a'V land are getting ready for the con- To and contest .season. \ o ^ L'e congratulate Carol Brashear and ILovington High School Chorus for .mo' aC''A Ig selected to sing at the M ENC ivention in W ichita, Kansas. W e

jsure Lovington will represent our at\c riet ,ind New Mexico in a fa.shion ava"' 1 will make us proud, hi behalf of District 2. I would like SO' h.ink Bill Dyer for his fine organi- fion'i !)n of the Marching Festival and the ,\ofe ^ss of that event. Seventeen bands i entered. Judges were Gregg Ran- >\op’m® and Ron Thiclman from Las de^® :e.s, and Harry Walden from Colo- \,e' The festival was held in the Bull- Bowl in Artesia. Bands receiving sion I rating.s, and their directors, as follows: ass CCC Marshall Jr. High, is - Charles Higdon; Yucca Jr. Clovis - Hunter Worthington; , , . c IS Jr. High. Clovis - Dick Echols, ass AA — Jal High - Dick Felts; imc.iri High - R. J. Murphy Jr. t«*a‘ ass A A A — Lovington High - J. ry; Artesia High - Bill Dyer; For- High - John Bcalmear. ;,d\00' ass A AA A Clovis High - Nor- ft''

— 19— DISTRICT PRESIDENTS' REPORTS (continued) DISTRICT 4 The clinic was a great success. The DISTRICT 5 music was challenging, the students worked hard, and the clinicians demon' strated great skill in working with young musicians. Unfortunately, the Saturday evening concert was cancelled because of a snow storm Friday night.

During the clinic, Mr. Douglas Corn' wall, well known musician in , was honored by the dis­ trict for his many years of service to the district. He was presented with a plaque at a banquet Friday evening. All the members pre.sent had a great time.

The following schools participated in the clinic; Taos Junior and Senior High, Mora High School, J.F.K. Junior High, Espanola Junior and Senior High, Pojoaque High, Young Junior High, Pecos High, W est Las Vegas, McCurdy ALBERT ORTEGA DENNIS SCHNEIDER High, Santa Fe High School Chorus. The North Central District held its iiikI Mesii Vista High School. DISTRICT 5 annual All-District Band and Choral Clinic in Taos, on November 17th and The Large Group Festival has been Officers for 1972-73 18th. Mr. Melvin Hill from Highlands moved from Robertson High School to University directed the high school Espanola. Mr. Robert Felix, director at President - Dennis Schneider, Cimarn band, Mr. Alex Chavez instructor at Espanola Junior High will be the new Vice-President ( i Choral Treasurer- the University of New Mexico conduct­ chairman. The Santa Fc Schools will David Riker, Raton ed the high school chorus, and Mr. hold their own all-city festival this Secretary ft* Band Treasurer - Win. Christian from West Mesa led year. The district festival will retain its Jerry Phillips, Clayton the junior high band. festival date of March 17. (Continued, next page)

Northern New Mexico Music

in - Conn - SeliiKT - Kin;$

P. O. Box 4131 — 557 W. Cordova — Santa Fe, N.M. 87501

Telephone 983-7931 or 983-7993

For immediate attention to your musical needs, telephone

and ask for either Linda Sanchez or George Chollonger

— 20— ISTUICT 5 (cont) people). The programs were directed March 17 - Webster Jr. High School, emaining district activities are as toward the goal of individual schools Grants. Large Group Festival. Hows: assisting each other in their own con­ Lester Coursey, Chairman. [arch 16 District Music Festival, cert. Good public relations between April 13 y 14 - - District Honor Band Clayton, Jerry Phillips, schools, a closer feeling toward neighbor­ and Chorus. Socorro High School. Chairman ing instrumentalists, and extended op­ Joe Arvizu, Chairman. phi 6 Jr. High District Band portunities to travel and perform seem­ A list of names was drawn up at the Clinic y Concert, Springer, ed to be the most promising results of meeting held October 8, 1972, in Bclen. Tom Morrison, Chairman these concerts. The judges for all district activities will District 5 would like to welcome three This year the bands of Wagon be chosen from the list by the local ;w directors to our area. Charlotte Mound, Roy, Springer, and Cimarron chairman for each event. The next rcathouse is the new director of music will present their first concert at scheduled meeting will be on February Roy. James W agner has moved from Springer on January 23. Mr. Tom Mor­ 3, during the Honor Band and Chorus !>lorado to be the new choral director rison, Springer, is overall chairman of Auditions. Clayton. Jerry Phillips has returned the concerts this year. On October 26th, the President and North-Eastern New Mexico as the There is a very strong possibility that Secretary met in Albuquerque to draw rector of bands at Clayton. All three the Lions Club in Springer may support up a list of suggestions and guidelines these people should prove to be an a marching band contest next April or for judges to use. This list was mailed >et to our district. May. The contest would offer both to all public school music educators in parade and field marching divisions for the district along with a ballot. As of The district choral clinic was held in any band wishing to participate. This December 13, 1972, all schools respond­ iton on November 14. One hundred event is being planned to assist partici­ ing voted affirmatively; therefore, the ,d twenty-one vocalists selected from pating bands in preparing for the busy President rules that as of December 13, e schools of Tucumcari, Clayton, Des fall sea.ni Thomas of Trinidad Jr. College Executive Secretary-Treasurer: [comprise this group. Phil Thomas I would like to share with the direc­ Shiprock High School ts of small bands an idea which is ither new nor especially innovative, The Eighth Annual Northwest Dis­ t has proven effective. Last year the trict Clinic was held Dec. 1st and 2nd Rectors of the smaller bands in our in Bkwmfield. Clinicians for the event itrict (Springer, Roy, and Cimarron) were Mel Kinney. Northern Arizona rcfully selected music which they University, Jim Whitlow, The Univer- w their students could program and ,sity of New Mexico, and Bob Farley, form well. Each band carefully re- MIKE HIGGINS from Albuquerque. W e feel the clinic frsed the music at home, and then President - Michael Dean Higgins was a success, in spite of several day of rchearstil was selected to put Moriarty Municipal Schools scheduling conflicts encountered dur­ bands together in order to form a Vice-President - Ray Willard ing the two day event. Many thanks to esive group. Each director chose the D)s Lunas High School the directors and clinicians for their ef­ ctions which he wished to conduct, Sccretar>'-Treasurer - Mrs. Rowan forts in making the clinic a musical the first concert was given that Keith - Socorro High School SUCCC.SS. Our next district event will be ning. After this concert, each dircc- The following dates and locations the District Festival, which is schedul­ chosc the date that the other bands were agreed upon for the 1972-73 school ed for March 16th and 17th in Gallup. uld come to his school and present year; Directors should be reminded that sitme concert. The purpose of this February 3 — Belen - District Honor vocal solos and ensembles will be held lining was to afford every member Band a n d Chorus Auditions. the same date as large group festival. each organization an opportunity to Barney Carbajal, Chairman. All instrumental solo and ensemble en­ rform mu.sic of quality in a band February 17 - - Los Lunas - Solo and trants are encouraged to participate at th proper instrumentation, different Ensemble Contest. Ray Willard the Durango Fine Arts Festival. ectors, and larger size (around 130 and Lois Carbajal, Co-Chairman. (District News, oont., page 22)

— 21- DISTRICT NEWS (cont.) School spon.si>rcd a trumpet clinic and DISTRICT 7 concert with gue.st trumpet artist Ed Lewis from Southern Colorado State Boll Biiiley, President College. PATRONIZE High Sehmil. The Albuquerque Youth Symphony Albuquerque has been honored with two invitations OUR Distriet 7 held the Fall Solo-Ensemble to perform: one at the M EN C South­ Festival for junior high students on west Division meeting in Wichita, ADVERTISERS Saturday. November 18. The festival Kansas, in M.irch; and another in was held at one seleetcd location in Europe this coming summer. each of the three Albuquerque Public All high seh(X)l bands in the distriet Seh(X)l Areas. The Section Vice-Presi­ have been engaged to participate in the dents were re.sponsible for entries and First World Hot Air BalltKin Cham­ obtaining adjudicators, with directors pionship Festivities to take place in at each host school administering the ALL-STATERS Albuquerque. February 11-17. 197.'. festival at their location. All First- Division recipients will be advanced to November .'0, 1972, was the annual Bring your own music the Spring Sido-Ensemble Festival at All-City Chorus Concert held at High­ UNM . which will include all high land High School. Gue.st clinician was 5ch(X>l participants. Mr. John Clark with the Albuquerque stand to Albuquerque On Tuesday and Wednesday. Dec­ Youth Symphony as.si.sting with ac­ ember 12 and 1.’ , Eldorado High companiments on selected numbers.

Q om ftbds. W .JU M JC


With The Finest Quality Band & String Lines

Le Blanc Normandy Signet Getzen Semeinhardt Ludwig Jenco Holton Martin Bundy Mirafone Meinl-Weston Buffet Olds Vito Selmer Bach Wm. Lewis & Son Besson Rogers Reynolds

* Expert Repair Service Available 1611 St. Michael's Dr. * Fast Mail Order Service Available Santa Fe, New Mexici * We Invite School Bids Phone 982-8561 * Professional Staff Available (.\cross from College * Free Statewide Delivery of Santa F e) FIRST IN MUSIC FIRST IN QUALITY FIRST IN SERVICE

— 22— NEW WENGER CATALOG AnyKxJy who has anything to do a customer's requirements. New is this with music education or designing fa­ year’s catalog is a series of “Quick C ld i) S ih ii 6J ih A cilities for this purpose will find some­ Quote and Qucr>' Cards.’’ Customers thing of interest in the new Wenger may use these cards to obtain quota­ Corporation catalog. Colorful pictures tions on requirements, for planning present a comprehen.sive array of pro­ assi.stance, and to receive answers to Qncbix ducts ranging from portable choral specific questions. risers to sound pr(X)f, self-contained A free copy of Wenger’s colorful, Allyii Bacon. Inc. page 19 movable practice nxims. informative new 1972-73 catalog may The catalog’s theme is that Wenger be yours by writing directly to: W en ­ Bclwin-Mills Pub. equipment can solve every staging need. ger Corporation. 2.3 PL Wenger Build­ Corp. page 23 Special emphasis is placed on custom ing. Owatonn.i. Minnesota .^5060. Or de.signing of installations to exactly fit call: (.307) 4.31-3010 Bub Farley Music Center page 15

Zlornwall Music Co. page 27

.uclietti Drum and Guitar, Inc. page 32 tday’s page 13 A Brand New Series of “Pop Style” Chorals — S. A.T.B. with Piano Accompaniment — vlcLendon-Steed Optional Drums, Guitar and Bass Harpsicliords page 30 dusic M.irt pages 16 ■i 17 Arranged by JOHN CACAVAS dusic Villa page 22 dvisic World page 2 LOVE ONE ANOTHER (formerly Rodgers) Words and music by TONY HILLER & PETER SIMONS 35^ orthern New Mexico SING A SONG Mu.sic page 20 Words and music by HENRY BUCKLE/VAL AVON & HAROLD SPIRO 40

enger S Corporation P-i.sjes 31 b 23 •MiltsI T’ublishing Corp. MELVILLE, N.Y.1174S

— 23— SYMPHONIC BAND efforts of individuals who have made Merit, one of the nation'' highest peaj outstanding eontrihutions toward the time awards. It was presented while development of the musical and eduGi- was conductor of tlv United States ^ tional significance of hands and band Force Eurojx' Rand, “for improving : music." ternational relations, through music,i (')n October 1. 1970. he was pro­ 24 countries in Europe. North A fr moted to the rank of Colonel, and be­ and the Middle East. " came the youngest musician in the mili­ On August 29th, 1968, Coloi tary service to attain that grade. Gabriel was awarded the First Q Since assuming his present position Leaf Cluster to tlie Legion of Merit as Commander and Conductor of the a a’sult of the outstanding suec^ premiere musical organization of the achieved on The U. S. Air Force Ban- U.S. Air Force in 1964. Colonel Gabriel 1968 month-long gixidwill concert tc instituted a new tour concept for The of Latin America, plus his tremende U. S. Air Force Rand and the Singing contribution to music education throuj Sergeants which presents concerts as a out America. public service without admission charge. Colonel Gabriel continually receil Tours under his concept have been invitations from throughout the nad overwhelming successes. to appear as guest conductor at leadi Additionally, Colonel Gabriel revi- state, regional .and university music f t.ilized The Band's mission as America's tivals, as well as conducting outstandi COLONEL ARNALD D. GABRIEL International Musical Ambassiidors by schixil. college and municipal bands. J CONDUCTOR conceiving and successfully implement­ numerous appearances in this capac THE U.S. AIR FO RCE BAND ing two of the mo.st outstanding foreign have acquainted thou.'ands of music si Washington, D.C. tours in the organization's hi.story. First dents and educators with the outstat Colonel Arnald D. G.ihriel, dynamic he led the Band and the Singing Ser­ ing quality of the U.S, Air Force mt] youn^i conductor of The United States geants through an exhausting 26-conccrt program. Air Force Band, Symphony Orchestra tour of Latin America, which was ap­ While .stationed in Europe, Colm and the Sini'insj Sergeants in Washing­ plauded by over 170,000 people, early Gabriel's tame as a conductor bcc.i; ton. D. C.. has been acclaimed hy mu­ in 1968. widespread throughout the music woe sicians and critics throughout the world A j-car and a half later, the same In 19.i9-60 he assisted in the formati as one of our nation’s outstanding con­ two musical organizations, plus the U.S. ,ind tr,lining of the Danish Home Gus ductors. Air Force Pipe Band, were wildly ac­ Band of Copenhagen, for which ( In Augu.st. 1969. he was awarded claimed in Europe, including “first government of Denmark .iwarded h the first “Citation of E.\eellenec" ever ever" concerts for The Band in Portu- one of its highest award', the Cros^ presented hy the National Rand Asso­ g.il. Spain and Switzerland, St. George. In 19.i9 he conceived ^ ciation. This prestigious award was Colonel Gabriel is the only active Air formed a N A TO Band, which was eg created hy the NBA “to recognize the Force musician to hold the Legion of posed of military musicians represel ing th.' fifteen N A TO nations. ' In June. 1964. he assumed his prest •issignment as Commander and Coiui tor of The United States Air Ffi Band in W.ishington. D. C. I In addition to the Legion of M« with O.ik Leaf Cluster. Colonel Gabi holds the Combat Infantryman's Ba^ the Bronze Star with O.ik Leaf Clu.‘^ the Air F'oree Commendation Me^ the Presidential Unit Citition .ind Air Force Outstanding Unit Award, is i member of the American Bail ma ers As'oei.ition, National B.ind i soei.ition. National C.itholic Baj masters A.ssociation, .ind the Natio Association for American Compc^ ,ind Conductors. He is also a men^ of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Ka K.ippa Psi ,ind Phi Beta Mu Natf Music Fraternities. He also holds I membership in the American Lc; ,ind the Veterans of Foreign Wars^ Col. Gabriel is the guest condii for the 197.' All-St.ite Symphonic Bj

— 24— CONCERT BAND Besides The l.Iniversity of Northern band.s, including the band of the late Colorado, Profe.ssor Levy's teaching Glenn Miller. career has included tenua- as an or­ Mr. Levy continues to he in demand chestra director in the Portland, Oregon, as guest lecturer, guest conductor, clini­ Public Schools; supervisor of music and cian. adjudicator and .soloist. Amidst director ot bands in the public schools the demands of a heavy teaching and at W.ilscnburg, Colorado; and vast conducting .schedule he has found time studio teaching. During his military to accept invitations to the University career he w;is Director of Entertain­ of New Mexico; University of the ment for the 9th Air Force in Europe. Pacific; Eastern Oregon College; and Mr. Levy his been at Southern Colo­ various high schools and colleges in rado State College since 19.i7. Colorado. Wyoming, Ncbrask;i, Okla­ Hi.s performance credits include solo homa, California. New Mexico, Ari­ and membership performance with vari­ zona. Oregon. Texas and Mi.ssouri. ous symphony orchestras and "name" (Levy, continued page 30)


One ot the most respected Kind con- Jeturs in tlic Rocky Mountain rcitioii, ilph VV'. Levy is Director of Bands ^ Professor of Music at Southern plorado State College. Pueblo. Colo- |do. He holds undergraduate and ^iduatc degrees from The University [ Northern Colorado in Greeley where I also was a member of the music pulty. jriiroughout his teaching and per- I’ming career Mr, Levy has shown .1 irked interest in the various wood- nd instruments and in the general ta of music education, where he is th progressive and practical. His I . COVERAGE INCLUDING THEFT ichers include Frederick Baker, San pgo Sym|ihony (flute); Dr. William INSURES INSTRUMENTS FOR Gower. University of Southern Mis- i \ FULL VALUE lippi (oboe, Kissixjn, English horn); iston Hamelin, Con.servatorie Super- Ir National Dc Musique, Paris, 1 IMItU Li'M anec (clarinet); Willie Smith, studio Lsician. Hollywood and Las Vegas ixophone); Dr. J. Deforest Cline, FILL OUT AND MAIL TODAY! livcrsity of Northern Colorado (con- SUPPLY ORDER FORM D«pt SOO cting); and Maestro Domenico Fan­ il, Conductor, L;i Band;i dci Carabin- Ronald E.Jones Insurance i, Rome Italy (conducting.) P.O. Boa 9884, Houiton, Texot 77015 Recently Professor Levy made a study ir in Blind Performance and Peda- MUSIC INSTRUMENT PROTECTION POLICY >y throughout Europe. His survey in- (ded current practices at the Paris NAME ____ inservator>-; with the Paris Police MAILING ADDRESS _ C IT V . nd; the Guarde Rcpublicaine Band I EXPECT TO INSURE THE FOLLOWING NUMBER OF SCHOOL INSTRUMENTS . . _____ France; La Banda Municipal of 1 EXPECT TO INSURE THE FOLLOWING NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALLY OWNED INSTRUMENTS idrid, Spain; and the Caribinieri (Supplies Include Enrollment FormS/ Complete Instructions, Copy of Policy, Return Envelopes and Claim Forms) nd of Rome.

—25— MENC Southwestern Convention - Wichita ACCOUNTABILITY AND Classroom;" “Development of a Nation­ Council will sponsor “Music Showcase," INNOVATION TO al Bibliography in Mu.sic Eduction;" a .series of programs demonstrating in-l HIGHLIGHT WICHITA “An Introduction to Multi-Media Per­ novative materi.ils and equipment for CONVENTION formance and Its Implications for New music education. Directions in the Structure of the Sec­ General chairman for the convention ondary School;" “Costing out the IS Dr. Alvin E. Morris, superintendent Music Program;" “Individualized In­ of Wichita Schotils; vice-chairman is struction in the Open Classroom;" Dr. E. Page Bailey, director of music;! “Crisis Intervention;" “Curricular Hap­ chairman, committee on l(Kal arrange-: penings in Early Childhood;" “Con­ ments, Kenneth B. Thompstin, super­ temporary Keyboard Materials for Chil­ visor of instrumental music. dren : Reading and Improvising;" “Jazz Performing groups ajipcaring on the- Education in General Education;" program will be: Ada (Oklahoma) High "PPSB: A Model to Consider for School Choraleers; Albucjuercjite (T^ew. Music Education Programs." Mexico) Youth Symphony; Amarillo, Also “An Involvement Session with (Texas) Symphony Wcxidwind Quin­ Children in Special Education;" “Cross­ tet; Arkansas City (Kansas) Junior' ing Curricular Boundaries;" “Electronic High Schexd Mi.xed Choir; Baylor Uni­ Compositions;" “Why Johnny Can't versity (Texas) Concert Band, and Read, Mu.sic;" “Ghanian Drumming, WiHidwiiul Ensemble; Boulder (Colo-l Chanting and Dance;" Relationship rado) High School Show Choir; Brotjk- of Business and Industry to the Pro­ ridge Grade Scluxil Boys' Choir. Shaw­ fession of Music Education;" “Federal nee Mission. Kansas; Kashmere High Income Tax Preparation for the Music School Stage Band. Houston. Texas; Teacher;" “Choral and Jazz Improvisa­ Central Junior High School Band, MRS. JO ANN C. BAIRD tions;" “Music Teacher Evaluation: Hutchinson, Kan.sas; Central Mis.souri| MENC Southwestern Division President How Are We Doing It?" “Student State University Madrigal Singers; Tlu' MENC Southwc.^tcrn Divi.sion MENC Polylogue Ses.sions;" “Javanese Cloud Community College. “The Great convviuion to he licld March 22-24 in Angklung Instruments and How to Play Society;" Golorado Stite Universityl Wichita, Kansas, will he programmed Them;" “Body Awareness and Musical Choir; University of Mi.ssouri-Kansasl around the theme of “Innovation and Awareness through Movement;" and City Percussion En.scmble; Eastwood] Pluralism in Music Education accord­ “Performance Practices and Problems in (Texas) High School Band; Friends| ing to Mrs. Jo Ann C. Baird, president Small Vocal Ensembles." University Concert Band, Wichita, of the Soutliwcstern Division. Over A n.itional “first" will be the first K.tnsas; Gregory-Portland (Te.xas) High] 1,000 music educators from the seven amateur production in the United States Schixil Chor.iliers and Chordsmen;; state.s in the Division are c.vpected to of Leonard Bernstein's "Mass" on Sat Henderson State College Jazz Ensem­ attend the .sessions scheduled in the urday evening. Featured will be the ble. Arkadelphia, Arkansas; Kansas) Centur>- II Civic and Cultural Center. Concert Choir, Jazz Arts Ensemble State-Wide Festival Band, Choir, a n d Highlights of the meeting will include Symphonic Orchestra, Percussion En Orchestra; Kansas State Teacher's Col­ a single-focus meeting on “educational semble and Opera Workshop of Wichi lege Suzuki Project, and Symphonic| accountahility in aesthetic education t.i State University's Department of Band, Emporia; Kan.sas State Universi­ projecting into problems of the 1980 s. Fine Arts-College of Music, Charles ty Mixed Choir, and “New Arts Con­ Dr. Kenneth Hansen, newly appointed Spnhn, clean. “Mass" was originally sort Ensemble,” Manhattan; Las Cruces' commissioner of education lor the state commis-sioned for the opening of t h e {js le w Mexico) High School Singers; of Nevada, will deliver the keynote John F. Kennedy Center for the Per­ Lawrence (Kans

— 2m that music language is something! Music is valuable in our field of Rollie ports, too. Fixithall would not be the Music Dealer's jme without the marching hand. All f the color and formations, and fine uisie played by the hands, are an im- ort.mt part of the game to many fans Heltman Ad ?hi> look forward to the extra enter- jinment at halftime. Another use for music in .sports can for being nominated as c in the locker room. P.syehologieally mi can't h.'at music for making a fcx>t- one of the candidates In This all or h.iskethall player forget his ehes and pain.-=. A.s a former high for President of the thool coach. I have .sent the depart- icnt tape recorder home with one of SW Division of MENC Magazine? be players, or perhaps a manager, to ipe his favorite tunes. Ft is important bat the player record his favorite ues hecause the music generation gap ctates that only teenage type music S u.sed in the locker room. AND

HAT h a p p e n s :’ The player ■ulgcs into the locker nvrni after a rd pr.ictice, tired, hrui.sed, maybe a CORNWALL MUSIC CO. di>wn-in-the-mouth hecause of a wling out by the coach into a CLAYTON, N.M. 88415 :ker r;K>m jumping just a little to a id heat, perhaps his favorite tune. He Box 399 374-9612 n't help hut perk up and start tap- ng his toot to the wonder rythm. AND even the hard-boiled coach ay .get into the mood at hand; AND Sales—Service—Rentals—Repair ,ve that dressing down he had in mind itil tomorrow; AND tomorrow is riother day. Conn — Selmer — Beng — Olds — King AIRD (eont.) 'exas; United States Air Force Acad- Wurlitzer — Baldwin — Hammond — Storey & Clark ny F;ilconecrs; University of Arkansas fass Choir; University of Colorado n.ss Quintet; University of Denver "We bring the music store to your school. ymphonic Rand; University of Kansas icllo Choir; University of Kansas Per- ission Ensemble; University of North- Coll Us When We Are Needed." Ti Colorado Concert Choir; University Texas A Cappella Choir, and Faculty :ring Quartet; Wichita State Universi- ELOY GONZALES — Owner ’ Brass Ensemble, Student Woodwind uintet. and Symphonic Band; and fill Rogers High School Harp En- mble, Tul.sa, Oklahoma. — 2 7 — SCHOOL REPORTS RATON NEWS meritorious music.al .iccomplishmi^ Editor's note: In d^ovanber a letter Mr. David Riker. director of t h e they .ire the only New Mexico H wtis sent to over fifty teachers asking Raton Junior High bands and choir, Schcxil B.ind that has presented twi for programs and activities that might and the Raton High School Choir, re­ vit.itional concerts for the Music b e int'litdc’d in the pages of TOUR ports the following about the activities eators N.itional Conference: in Wic m a g a z in e. V\'e thanl^ John Damgaard, of his groups: t.i, K.insas in 1959, :ind in Clklahtj David Rik.er, and Gregg Randall for The Junior High Band marched in City. Oklahom.i in 1965. their contributions. the homecoming pande October 6. and They have played in over twej was ;iw;irdcd the first place trophy. The towns and cities in New Mexico in SANTA FE Concert Band and Choir presented the dition to performances in Wiclv ELEMENTARY BAND NEWS Thanksgiving Assembly at the Raton K.insas: Enid and Okl.iluim.i City, ('ll! Junior High. This was also the first hom.r. P.imp i, Amarillo. Alice, Becvi Mr. John Damgaard, Elementary ;ippe;ir:ince of the Stage Band, which Sonora. Corpus Christi. Arlington, f B.ind Director, reports the following later participated in the contest in El Paso. Texas; Douglas. Benson, T activities of elementary band students Santa Fe. At the Thanksgiving As.sem- son, Yuma. S.ifford, .ind Tempe, / in Santa Fe: bly the Concert Rand and the Stage zona; Indio, Los Angeles, the Univo The Sheridan Wind Ensemble, in­ Band used, for the first time, the new ty of C.ilifornia .it Los Angeles, i cluding outstanding students on their electric piano which was recently pur­ Disneyland in California; Pueblo, C< instruments, from elementary, junior chased for the Raton Music Depart­ nido Springs. Boulder, and Greeley high, mid'high, and high schools in the ment. Colorado. Santa Fe area, performed three concerts Activities of the R.iton High School Both the Univer.sity iif New Mex this semester Clioir includes performance at the High .ind New Mexico St.ite Univers The first concert was presented on School Th;inksgiving Assembly. Twenty- sponsored them in invitational h; Sunday, October 8ih, at 2:00 p.m. in two members of the Choir planned to time perform.inces .it fixitball gart the DeVargas Jr. High Schtxd Gym. participate in All-State tryouts. The The Kiw.'inis Cdiibs i>f Tucson p This program included concert selec­ Choir is also phinning a tour through their expenses lor parade ind hall-ti tions from the First Division Band the state of New Mexico in April. The pcrform;inces for their All Amerit Course and popular selections like itinerary- is yet to be finalized, The tour Bowl Came in 1961. Their half-ti “Superstar" and "Rainy Days and will be a climax which st;irts in March 'how w.is seen on nation,il televis Mondays." with "The Follies," a huge variety show from the Los Angeles Coliseum in 19 The second concert also included the which will be presented by the High They have m.irchcd in the New Mex string department under the dircetion School Choir in the Shuler Theatre in St.ite F.iir P.ir.ide and in over twe) of Kurt Rochm. This program was pre­ R:it< >n. Sun Carnival Parades in El P.iso. T1 sented Novcmlx'r 12. A new folk-rock group m:ide up of h:ive m.irchcd in every .school, cP The third concert was the Christmas ten selected voices from the Raton High t.iir. .ind University par.ide in program. Two hundred students par­ Sch(X)l Choir will be performing in .sev­ (2ruces ,ind never received less th.it ticipated in this presentation in Sween­ eral Uxrations this year. They are nam­ First Divisii n R;iting in .my New M ey Gym, December 17. Organizations ed "The Hole-In-The-Wall Gang." ico St.ite University M.irching Cont involved were The Sheridan Wind En­ The L;is Cruces High School bs semble, The Elementary Beginning PERFORMANCE RECORD will m.irch in the Sun Carnival Par Band, and The Elementary Advanced L.C.H.S. BAND in El Paso. January 1. 1979. The bj Band. The beginning group performed GREGG RANDALL is also on.’ of the three New Me> nine concert selections and three Christ­ The Las Cruces High Schexal Band bands being considered for the In mas selections from memory. The ad­ has a long record of outstanding ser­ gur:il P:irade in Wa.shington, D.C., j vanced band selections included Pre­ vice to the school and to the city of u;iry 20. The other two bands mier M.irch - Scbe.sky, and Regency Las Cruces. They have won consecutive Clovis ,ind Alamogordo. Grand March - Ployhar. Elementary First Division Ratings for the past .students were from the following nineteen years. No other band in New The Las Cruces H.S. Symphe schools: Agua Fria, Chaparr.d. Kaune, Mexico has a comparable record of per- B.ind prc.'cnted a concert December Kearney, Nava, and Salaziir. form;ince with distinction for this 1972. Eciitua'd on the program w During the ftxitball season the 68 length of time. They were First Divi­ numbers by trumpet soloist, John piece Elementary Fixitball Band played sion winners at the Southwest Regional Schutz, ;ind trombone soloist, Ralph during the hdf-time of the Santa Fe Contc.st in Tucson, Arizona in 1957 Montes. Mr. Schutz is band dircctoi Demons vs. Santa Fe Horseman foot­ :ind 1958. The years 1961 and 1969 Lynn Junior High in Las Cruces ; ball game and received standing ova­ saw them win First Division Ratings at Mr. Montes is band director at tions from Ixith sides of the field. The the Buccaneer Mu.sic Festival in Corpus Junior High in Las Cruces. Elementary Fixitball Band was invited Christi, Te.xas. They received First Divi­ Gregg Rand:ill, band director at by the Young American Football League sion Ratings at the Six Flags Over Cruces High, has this to say about to play at half-time of a play-off game Texas Contc.st at Arlington in 1967. In performance record of the Las Cn that was taken on color film. :iddition to First Division, they were High School Rand. “All our trips| The 112 piece Elementary Parade- cho.sen as Outst;tnding in their elass at the past 19 years have been paid Band lead the Santa Fe Demon home­ the Arizona St;itc Invitational Contest money raised by the kids and ont coming parade. in Tempe in 1970. As evidence of their the best b:ind p:irent clubs in existen

— 28— [rtlicr explanation as to the success UNM HAPPENINGS The November 6 concert featured Dar­ (the Las Cruces prot'ram is given by rell Randall, olxie, and Lois McLeod, r. Randall when he adds. “We arc As the final event in the spring piano. There were three more concerts jelling .sixth grade band in seven of .series of concerts, the Department of in November and two in December. r elementary sch(x>ls and hope to in- Mu.sic and the Department of Theatre There will be one concert in January, jde band in all fifteen elementary' Arts of the University of New Mexico three in February, three in March and jools next year." will collaborate in a production of one in April. Leonard Bernstein’s MASS. The per- New faculty at UNM this year in­ formince dates are April 27, 28 and COMMUNICATE cludes John M. Clark, director of Someone has said that, generally 29 in Popejoy Hall. Negotiations are presently underway to .secure the ser­ choruses, Egon Fellig. viola, and Floyd taking, in all walks of life, com- Williams, clarinet. vices of Mr. David Cryer for the im­ inication is our number one problem, portant Celebrant part. Mr. Cryer is ir NMMEA officers apparently feel MUSIC FOR THE BLIND s applies to music teaching — Rollie the soloist who did the performance this past summer at the Metropolitan Opera iltman in his column emphasizes the Lukas Foss, in a recent letter, made House. In addition. Mr. Robert Hart- tiblem of communicating to the public the following comments: "Have you ung. Chairman of the Department of It music is not a frill. Don Thorp, ever .stopped to think of what it would Theatre Arts, will be in New York at loral Veep, laments the lack of conv be like if you were musically talented the end of December negotiating with inication between choral directors in •ind blind? The Louis Braille Founda­ Tom Pier.son who ctxardinated and pre- tw M-'xico, Harriet Heltman, in her tion is set up to help blind musicians p.ircd the musical production for the ^mn on page .six. expresses her sup- and music students get the special tr.iin- first performance at the Kennedy Cen­ rt to tlie concept of sharing ideas. ing and materials they need to make a ter in Washington, D. C. If you are proud of your students living in their chosen field. Won't you fomplishments, if you have an idea A new music concert series - the help the Louis Braille Foundation con­ It is unique to you or may be unique 1972-7.’> Keller Hall Concert Series — tinue its urgently needed work by mak­ jSiimeone el.se, if your programs are began November 6 at the University of ing .1 tax deductible contribution? A X'sworthy, or if you have a special New Mexico. This new series will fea­ contribution mailed today may help a thing problem, communicate with ture 14 programs by LINM Department t.dented blind perstm add his gifts to jr fellow New Mexico music teach- of Music faculty members and visiting our American musical heritage tomor­ through the pages of THE NEW .irtists- Prof. Don McRae, ass


rving MUSIC EDUCATION in NEW MEXICO through QUALITY and SERVICE— mplete, dependable, and prompt service in our- Offering Recognized NAME BRANDS * Sheet Music Department Selmer Steinway Pianos * instrumental Music Department Reynolds Wiirlltzer Pianos and Organs Band Roth Orchestra William Lewis * Piano and Organ Department * Service and Repair Department Ludwig * All Accessories Slingerland * Clinics and Workshops Available Rogers RIEDLING MUSIC CO 610 Central Ave., S.W. Two Locations 5314 Menaul N.E. Phone 243-5558 Albuquerque, N. M. Phone 265-5606

— 29— UNM SYMPHONY NMHU NEWS The University of New Mexico Sym­ HARPSICHORDS — Double manual. 3 chotrs. phony Orehestra, under the direction of 5 oefoves FF-g" , Flemish-Fronch, TVj ft long. The Las Vegas Community Concerti their new conductor. Max Madrid, has hand mode. McLcndort’Stccd Horpsichord A.-i.sociation. with the financial assis announced tliat the soloists for the third Makers, Ltd., 10 El Horris Rd., Fitzgerold, Go t:incc of the NMHl.l Student Senate symphony concert of the year will fea­ 31750 scheduled three concerts for the current ture French Hornists, Wayne Sharp, year. The Ballet Brio of New York instructor of horn at the University. ENMU NOTES City presented the first in the series Harold Burke, principal horn with the The E.N.M.U. Sctux)l of Music's on November 9, 1972. A dinner at the Albuquerque Symphony, and Universi­ Opera Workshop produced two major Snow Me.idows preceded the program ty students Steve Brincgar and Tad works during the '71. '72 season. "The •ind afterwards a reception w;is held at Shinnick, in a performance of the “Con- Con.sul", Gian Carlo Menotti's dramatic the home ol Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Stern. eertstuck” for Four French Horns and opera in three acts was presented Oc­ Approxim.itel) one thous.ind students Orchestra by Robert Schumann. The tober 28. 29. and November 1. Miss and townspeople attended the perform- opening work of the concert is yet to Sara McFarland, graduate student in ,incc. Student interest in the Ballet Brio was created through .i ballet lecture- be selected and it will feature a gradu­ applied voice sang the moving role of ate student conductor to be selected. Magda Sorel. dcmonstr.ition pre.sented b)' Mrs. Daniel! The final work of the evening will be The spring pnxJuction was Mozart's Stern to etich of the Music As An Art the Symphony No. 2 by Borodin. The "The Marriage of Figaro" in four acts. classes. Concert Date is March 6th at 8:15 The lead roles were performed by Rich­ The second in the series of Cornmuni-' p.m. in Popejoy Hall. ard Living.ston. as Figaro. Marsha Tab ty Concerts will be The Romeros, gui-! Under the direction of Max M:iddid, ley. IS Susanna, Joe Montgomery as t.ir qu.irtet. They .ire scheduled for the the orchestra program is gradually be­ Count AIm.iviva, Pat Downs, as the evening of January 18, 197.i. February ing developed in a manner that will be Countess, and Katie Gill as Chcrubino. l.L 197.1, the Paul Kuentz Chamber beneficial to the univcr.sity student as The director and designer for Ix'th pro­ Orchestra ol Paris will perform in L.isi .soloist, conductor, composer, and teach­ ductions was Ronald Griffith. Vegas. Guest soloist with the group is er. The orchestra this year has featured The Music Therapy department, in to he Adolf Scherbaum. trumpet. ten guest conductors, four composers, its third year with an enrollment of 51 The NMHU Highlanders. viKal en­ .ind six soloists in rehearstd or perform­ majors, will graduate its first six stu­ semble under the direction of Littleton ance which gives a varied outlet to the dents in May. 197.i. For the past two Scott, will tour the northeastern part many interests and t.ilents of the ytjung summers, students have licen securing ol New Mexico this spring. The Concert orchestra student at the University, not employment .it various ment.il health Band under the leadership of Dr. Rich- to mention a great amount of sight- and mental retardation facilities. This •ird Boland and “Los Mari.iches Revuel- reading, something which professor summer clinical training helps the .stu­ tos" .ire al.so pl.inning individual tours Madrid is most insistent upon. dents relate to the “real" situation out­ during the winter quarter. The University of New Mexico side the classroom as well as learning Chamber Orchestra has initiated a new the practical application of mu.sic in ORFF-SCHULWERK CONFERENCE project for the state of New Mexico. tlierapy. Other practical applic.itions of The Chamber Orchestra will visit vari­ music in therapy is experienced by .some The Fifth Annu:il Nation,il Con­ ous junior high school orchestra pro­ students who are working with emotion­ ference of the Americiin Orff-Schulwerk grams and perform for the students in ally disturbed children from the Por- Association will be held in Minneapolis, demon.str.ition concerts, followed by a tales community. Charles Seybold is Di­ Minnesota, April 5-8. 197.^. „t the chair situation where the Chamber or- rector of Music Therapy at ENMU. Radi.s,son Hotel. chestr.i joins the host school orchestra Interntitional Orff-Schulwerk head­ in sight reading, and in general becom­ LEVY (cont.) liner will be Joseph W uytack of Bel­ ing “mini clinicians” for the direction His profcssion:il affiliations include gium, who has directed training courses of the hour, according to Director Max the Music Educators National Confer­ in Canada. Rome. Li-sK-in. Athens, Hol­ Madrid, the program .seems to be doing ence; the Colorado Mu.sic Educators As­ land, Franee, A frica, Thail and. Switzer­ a go(xl job for the students of the Uni­ sociation of which he is President-elect; land. and Belgium, as w-ell as the U.S. versity, the visited school, and both di­ the College B.ind Directors National He will demonstrate with children who rectors. The Chamber Orchestra initiat­ Association, of which he is the Division­ have had no previous training in th e ed the chair for chair program with a al Vice-President; Phi Beta Mu Band- Orff-Schulwerk. vi.sit and performance at Sandia High ma.sters Fraternity, of which he is the Other experts from .iround the United ScIkxjI in Albuquerque. November 20 Past President; Phi Mu Alpha Sinfon- States will conduct sessions in move­ with the combined groups perform­ ia; Kappa Kappa Psi; National Band ment, a'corder, dance, vocal, creative ing under the direction of Mr, Ted AssiK'iation; the American As.sociation activities for children, etc. The Uni­ Rush, director of instrumental music at of Univcr.sity Profe.ssors; and various versity of Minnesota is performing Sandia and Max Madrid. councils and committees on music edu­ Orff's CARMINA BURANA as a For information related U) the New cation in the state of Colorado. Pro- special feature of the Conference. Chamber Orchc.str:i program, write fc.s.sor Levy is listed in Who's Who in Early registration is required. For Max Madrid, Director of Orchestras, the West. 1970 and 1971. registnition materitils. contact C.irol UNM. Department of Mu.sic. FAC Mr. Levy is the guest conductor for N o r d li, 1500 Toledo Ave. N.. Min- 1105. the 197.1 All-State Concert Band. nejipolis. M inn. 55422.

— 30— WNMU REPORT Tlic faculty solo ^roup Mrs. Jerry Parotti, pianist. Lewis Spencer, baritone, a and Herbert Levinson, violinist pre­ uihDsags sented a recital on campus November 18tli. This recital will Iv repeated dur­ ing the .spring semester at NMSLJ as WENGER GHRIR STGNilS part of an c.xcbange arrangement with a faculty trio from that institution. A tour of the state will be included dur­ ing the spring .semester. are INDI8PENSRBLE? The WNMU band, under the direc­ tion of Roger Brandt, participated in Thousands of instrupaentid musUT people making the Sun Bowl parade in El Paso Jan­ Wenger Chair-Stands stan& fd e'qiHp'mpAltin tlu _ nts. Do- uary 1st. The stage band has been most signed hy musicians to meet the needs of musicidnk. Wenger dhair- active, having performed for the alumni Stands feature comfort, versatility, rugged lifetime construction. dance during homecoming and at vari­ ous outlying communities. The stage band will also go on a statewide tour this year. The choir and choral cn.semble, di­ rected by Mr. Spencer, and the WNMU Community Orche.stra combin­ 1 5 6 . . ed in pre.senting a Chri.stmas concert on campus. Included in the event was a portion of the Swan Lake Ballet fea­ flU 1 turing the Diane Mazanck Ballet, Diane Standard Sout»aphunc Sirin)} Bush Chalr'Staml. Tubu Tumnr. Rein, director. A statewide tour is also Chatr-Sland. 1 scheduled for the choir. The musical show “CTklahom.i" will be produced in l a April. Mrs. Parotti and Paul Muench of Albuquereiuc presented a tW(r-piano re­ 1 1 cital in the Fine Arts Auditorium De­ cember 10th. which was enjoyed by all.

The second annu.d string workshop, *1 tT' ■ r _ ^ “Spotlight on Strings," will be present­ 1 1 F ed at the Music Building, Saturday, S: February 17th. John Tcllaisha, nation­ .Cymbal Stand. ally known clinician and conductor, will Slund. Stand. be on campus for this event. Herbert Wenger Chair-Stands—THl^NDISPF,Nai

(jCuclietii ^nc.

820 San Mateo, S, E. 268-4539

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108

•V ------





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