‘SERVING THE REGIMENT’ Bulletin of The Royal Australian Regiment Foundation ABN 31 055 902 433 GPO Box 3112 CANBERRA ACT 2601 TEL: 02 6265 9842 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.rarfoundation.org.au Issue No 34 – October 2016 5 RAR Soldier during live fire exercise 2016 1 PLEASE JOIN US…. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN INFANTRY CORPS (ACT) 2016 ANNUAL DINNER THURSDAY 24 NOVEMBER 2016 1. The RAR Foundation and the RAR Association (ACT) have joined together to host the Royal Australian Infantry Corps (ACT) Annual Dinner which will be held to celebrate the 69th Birthday of the Royal Australian Regiment. The Dinner will be held at the Canberra Institute of Technology Restaurant (1st Floor, Building K, Constitution Avenue, Reid). 2. The Hassett Trophy for the “Best Junior Leader in the Regiment” will also be presented at the Dinner. 3. The Dinner is open to all Infantry soldiers and officers in the ACT Region, serving or retired, ARA or ARES, including Allied Infantry personnel serving in Canberra. 4. Dress will be lounge suit, no medals. Timings are 1830 for 1900 hours. Cost is $90.00 per head. 5. To secure your place, please book and pay no later than Thursday 17 November 2016 by: * advising us by mail or e-mail of your acceptance
[email protected] making your payment; and advising us if you have any special dietary requirements. 6. Payment should be made by cheque to the “RAR Foundation” or by direct deposit to: * Account Name: RAR Foundation * BSB: 112 908 * Account Number: 043 368 817 * Description: Surname/Dinner 7.